#cms: underground logs
minseologs · 11 days
rinse, repeat.
A beam of the sunlight pierced through the curtains of my room as I prepared for it to hit my line of sight, though nothing happens. I gazed at the same ceiling I’ve looked at for the past few months since moving in my family home. It was the same as my parents have left it to be. The difference was me being the new occupant of the master’s bedroom they once shared. I still prefer my pent’s high ceilings, however.
“Miss Choi, are you awake?” the house caretaker asks with a soft knock. she’s been with us for a long time that my sleeping schedule is something she knew. It’s was endearing to think about. “I’ve prepared breakfast and your work items, so let me know if you need anything.”
“I'll be leaving at 6 am. Please prepare my ride to work.”
Ever since my name was transferred as the new head of the corporation, I’ve felt as though I’ve been treated like some kind of god. Worshipped for a bit of fortune and shunned at the thought of being controlled by parasocial faith once they haven’t received what’s needed from me. At least, those who have no choice but to do so. Some are waiting to see if I am worth the same ground my father had built for their own greed in exchange.
This house used to be lively, but not with a happiness you might think. I usually sat at the east of this dining table, my sister facing me, and my father on the north end to establish he is indeed the head of the house. I would assume my mother sat across my father, since I’ve never seen any occupy that space for as long as I remember. Now, I am where my father sat — just with emptiness. Suppose Bammie by my feet waiting for food to drop counts as company.
Back then, the only thing I worried about is not triggering anger in my father’s expense. I make sure my academic career didn’t have a major scratch, hid my personal ventures like dancing and ensuring no emotional feelings are attached to any person until graduating university. I had high hopes for myself because papa had promised I had a chance of surpassing Hyeseo as the true heiress. Before I knew it, after being constantly tested with people I held dear, I questioned if it was worth it.
The calendar was filled with underground assignments and office duties. I was confused, my brows furrow at the lack of personal schedule for the month. After the accident with Ryunosuke, it just feels like I’m in a cage. I call my secretary to confirm some plans with friends. “Hey— I just looked at my schedule for the month and most of my plans are for work—? Did you not write it?” I was tapping tabs on the screen, seeing perhaps it was in another file. “I was gonna go out to see Sen’s Pop-up—“
“Miss Choi, it’s adviced that you only keep your status to a minimum just until we figure out any threats.”
I paused. Threats, right. “I killed the threat,” I say it bluntly like it’s the norm. “Well, I had a bit of help, but it’s taken care of...” there was no response from the other end. I knew it wasn’t worth the fight now. I take a deep breath because I know I’d follow it for the better of everyone. “Fine.”
When I was around twelve, I was exposed to the underground world our family had long history with. On accident, it was a first I saw my father pulled a trigger over a man. Ever since then, I just kept running away from my fate. I remember my father having so many “threats” that it was around this time I only felt genuine love from him.
“He was a bad man, Minseo.” He cups my face along with gentle eyes. My face didn’t show it but I was scared. A tear falls from eyes. The blood was everywhere and pieces of this stranger’s head are still on my shoe. “One of these days you will take a role in something great.” Papa takes his pocket handkerchief and wipes my Lady Janes with care, readjusting the straps to fit me better. “And who knows? Maybe you will carry on our family legacy.”
You see, people with immense wealth find wrath and pleasure the same same category of emotion. Both emit satisfaction. I remember those words and thought if I’d be as cruel. On the surface, we were the poster family of abundance and good luck. Behind closed doors are horrors no man should ever know.
If I’m not in the office being bombarded with endless business and mathematics and the economy’s stand point about hotels, I’m at our hangar overlooking illegal weapons be shipped in or out of the country. Our family is known for this, among other things that involve supplying most notorious gangs and influential people of the East. This very same hangar were the days I disposed and cleaned up messes my father made if he made new enemies. I almost died here, too. Twice, actually. I stand in his shoes, because I’ve done the same today as the ‘leader’. These men simply see me as the heiress despite fearing what I can do.
"I heard you've purchased a new building, ma'am?" one of the harbor caretakers strike a conversation with me. Soft in his face, I did not match the same. But I think I looked friendlier than my father for him to come up such as. "Everyone's talking about it nowadays, maybe transferring some of us there?"
Sometimes the small talk makes me feel more human. What I mean is, it just feels like I'm a normal person. No titles, no expectations and responsibilities of my life. Unfortunately for me, I'd just have to rinse and repeat the blood and sin it took to stand on this very deck. Even now, I'm still wondering about what I could've been.
"It's true, on both counts. I may need some of you to maintain it, yes," I still smile gently so not to scare him away. I know this word of mouth will spread like wildfire so I didn't announce the business ventures I had with it. "It's going to be a merchant building, but I'm not quite sure if it would be an underground spot. We'll see."
The man, smiles back at me. I was surprised. He bows lower to what I had intended. It confused me as I see him return to the cases being brought out of the boat to the hangar. I was just thinking in my head, about everything that had come worst, I feel as though the bad things were the sacrifice that needed to be made in order for me to exist here today. And those before me, I think. It’s a never-ending cycle. Tomorrow, and the day after; there is no such thing as ‘leaving’ this life.
Believe me, I tried.
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magic-hcs · 5 months
✨✨400 followers event!✨✨
Thank you all for the 400 followers! I never expected to get so many of you who enjoy my blog it makes me so very happy! I decided to treat you all to an introductory sheets of my already existing AU Swapfell!
*Searching…..Searching…..Searching…..Sear-AU. Found…*
AU: AY978730800
Category: One of the main AU’s
Risk: Medium level threat
Name: Swapfell Gemini
Entry log:
Status is everything. Connections are everything. Power is everything. If you got none you’ll be fighting for your life on the street, or maybe even end up being thrown in the fighter pit used as entertainment for the highest bidders. There’s not really any solid rules in place, each area has its own Captain and Lieutenant - boss monsters who run the place their way - and its own rules. Each area, except the ruins.
No one goes there, in fear of facing the wrath of the previous King.
Snowdin, a peaceful area of respite compared to the other areas despite it being home to two of the most terrifying monsters of the underground: The Captain - also known as The apathetic Queen’s Martyr - and The LOVE crazed Hound. Don’t bother the youngest skeleton brother or you’ll have double the Bad Time.
Waterfall, a bazaar where everything is found and sold, station to the famous Waterfalls Lieutenant, Muffet. You pick or touch something from her store, you buy it. Don’t anger the water spider.
Hotland, any new invention made by the Royal scientist gets tested out here first. Careful of the stray lasers. If you are in any need for a hitman or to cover up your misdeeds? You go to the Captain - or as everyone calls him; the fire boss.
The Core, the entertainment district. Home to the secret fighter pit, television shows, gossip houses and more. The two stars of the Core are the one in charge. The boisterous Captain and the quiet Lieutenant. Keep a careful eye on the Lieutenant, he, despite his quiet behavior, is the scariest one of the two
New Home, the heart of the underground, the place where the Queen reigns. There’s not a single safe place where you’re hidden from the tyrannical Queen’s eyes.
There’s only one rule Queen Toriel is very draconian in nature with: No harm comes to those in stripes. Children are to be cared for, protected. A fate worse than death hangs above your head for those who commit that heinous crime. But how do you know who’s a child when they don’t wear the stripes?
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(Art done by @scrambledmeggys , check her out she’s so amazing and cool! I’m in love with her art!)
Inhabitant RW6370076 = Skeleton = S-1.O.3 = Sans = Razzle
3400 HP
Former Captain of the Snowdin area
Nicknamed The apathetic Queen’s martyr
Never worn stripes
The first experiment of [REDACTED]
Escaped the lab with [DATA LOST]
165 cm tall/5.5 feet
Purple color magic
Always wears gloves
A scar runs over his nose ridge
Sharp cheekbones
Unusually sharp claws
Cares only for a selective few
Made sure to protect Coal with everything he has, when Mastiff joined Razzle became protective of him too
Always speaks formally yet got a colorful mouth
Wants to be in control of things otherwise he gets stressed out
Clicks non-existent tongue when frustrated
Dubbed as ‘mom’ by his brothers to tease him
Has way too many hobbies
Got a backup plan for a backup plan
The more sincere he is, the worse and more awkward his apologies get
Is blunt and speaks his mind, also known as an ass, but can be very polite when needed
Errand boy (Previously, underground)
Deputy of the Royal guard (Previously, underground)
Right hand man and advisor of the Queen (Previously, underground)
Lawyer (Previously, post surfacing)
Prosecutor (Currently, post surfacing)
Inhabitant PS63811678 = Skeleton = P-1.O.4 = Papyrus = Coal
1865 HP
Lowest amount of LOVE out of the three brothers
Was forced by Razzle to wear stripes and for longer than necessary
Is the best at healing magic
Second experiment of [REDACTED]
Escaped the lab with [DATA LOST]
180 cm tall/5.10 feet
Golden yellow magic
Always has charcoal smudges staining his phalange tips and face
Two small golden fangs
Looks quite innocent for the world he grew up in
Wears hoodie jackets with graffiti prints
The most emotionally intelligent and available out of the three brothers
Understands Mastiff’s body language frighteningly well
Found the red scarf in the dumps and tried to sew it (messily) before gifting it to Razzle, Razzle always wears it
Always tried to bring home and take care of stray animals he found on the surface (Razzle always finds them eventually and forces Coal to give them to a new home or shelter)
Can forget stuff easily, to compensate he takes a little notepad with him
Used to have a tense relationship with Mastiff when he first joined the family, now they’re almost inseparable
Hates to be left in the dark
Loves memes
Enjoys cold syrup
Likes to sketch with charcoal
Composite sketch artist (Irregular, post surfacing)
Sketch commissions (Irregular, post surfacing)
Animal rescue farm worker (Currently, post surfacing)
Inhabitant PS63811679 = Skeleton = P-2.O.7 = Papyrus = Mastiff
4570 HP
Has the most LOVE out of the three brothers
Nicknamed: The LOVE crazed Hound
Never worn stripes
Second experiment of [REDACTED]
Escaped the lab alone after pushing [REDACTED] into [REDACTED]
A late bloomer due to malnutrition (heats are irregular and heavy when they hit)
Joined the family much later in life
197 cm tall/6.5 feet
Resting bitch face
Amber color magic
One golden tooth and one chipped tooth
Wears big furry hoodie jacket
Hates liars and people who keep secrets
Has trust issues
Bottles up his feelings
Used to hate Coal, now best brothers and friends
Insecurities about being a lesser copy of Coal
Doesn’t talk often and not a lot, he does it more often around people he trusts and likes
Likes warm syrup
Is a prankster and a tease
Likes to sculpt and woodcutting
Bountyhunter (previously, underground)
Vigilante (previously, post surfacing)
Private detective (currently, post surfacing)
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briansclub00 · 3 days
BriansClub cm Login: Navigating the Controversial Dark Web Market
In the shadowy realms of the internet, where anonymity and secrecy reign supreme, BriansClub cm stands out as one of the most notorious marketplaces. This underground website is infamous for its role in the buying and selling of stolen credit card data, and its login portal serves as the gateway to a world that most of us would prefer to avoid. Understanding briansclub cm login and its operations sheds light on the broader issues of cybercrime, digital security, and the ongoing battle between law enforcement and cybercriminals.
The Dark Web and BriansClub cm
The dark web is a part of the internet that is not indexed by traditional search engines. It requires specific software, such as Tor, to access. This hidden layer of the internet is a haven for illicit activities, from illegal drug trade to human trafficking, and, notably, cybercrime. BriansClub cm is one of many marketplaces operating in this obscure sector, specializing in the sale of compromised credit card information.
The Appeal of BriansClub cm
For cybercriminals, BriansClub cm represents a lucrative opportunity. The site offers a platform where stolen credit card data can be bought and sold with relative ease. The login process for BriansClub cm is designed to ensure that only those with legitimate credentials, typically other criminals, can access the site's offerings. Once inside, users can browse through a vast database of stolen credit card information, selecting data to purchase and use for fraudulent transactions.
The Impact of BriansClub cm
The activities on BriansClub cm have far-reaching consequences. Victims of credit card theft often face significant financial losses, damaged credit scores, and the stress of dealing with fraudulent charges. Businesses, too, suffer from the fallout as they grapple with chargebacks, fraud prevention costs, and reputational damage. The broader economy also feels the impact, as cybercrime contributes to billions of dollars in losses annually.
The Operation of BriansClub cm
BriansClub cm operates like a sophisticated e-commerce site, with features designed to streamline the buying process for its illicit goods. The login page, which requires a username and password, is fortified with multiple layers of security to deter law enforcement and prevent unauthorized access. Once logged in, users can filter search results based on criteria such as card type, issuing bank, and geographic location. Payments are typically made using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which offer a degree of anonymity that traditional payment methods cannot match.
Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity Measures
Efforts to dismantle sites like BriansClub cm are ongoing and multifaceted. Law enforcement agencies around the world are working together to track down and prosecute those involved in these illegal operations. A major breakthrough occurred when a massive data breach exposed BriansClub cm's own database of stolen credit cards, leading to significant disruptions in its operations and aiding law enforcement in their investigations.
Cybersecurity experts also play a crucial role in combating sites like BriansClub cm. By developing advanced security measures, monitoring dark web activity, and educating the public about online safety, they help to reduce the prevalence and impact of cybercrime. Consumers are advised to regularly monitor their credit reports, use strong, unique passwords for online accounts, and employ multi-factor authentication wherever possible.
For More Info:-
briansclub cm
briansclub review
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Snails in the Desert
Land snails are leaky bags of water that survive on dry land. Snails lose water through evaporation, and because mucus is more than 90% water, they must expend water just to move, gliding on their silvery slime trails. Most land snails occur in moist environments where they can readily replenish lost water. But some snails live in the desert or other arid areas! How is that even possible?
Several strategies help snails survive in arid situations. For example, some close their aperture with a door or with a mucus sheet, some have small apertures or modify their growth direction to make better seals, some have mucus that inhibits evaporation, and some manage moisture loss by choice of microhabitats.
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Fig. 1. Two Clydonopoma poloense snails from Dominican Republic showing their opercula. (Photo by S.P. Aiken with permission.)
An operculum, or door, closes the shell in some land snails (Fig. 1), although most land snails lack one. The operculum is attached to the rear of the snail’s tail; when the snail pulls into its shell, the tail withdraws last and positions the operculum to make a tight seal. In addition to protecting the snail from water loss, it also protects from predators.
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Fig. 2. Two Helix pomatia edible snails from Russia (CM154077) with apertures closed by an opaque epiphragm. (Photo by T.A. Pearce.)
Snails that don’t have an operculum can cover the aperture with a mucus sheet called an epiphragm. In most snails, the epiphragm is thin and clear, but in some species, the epiphragm can be thick and opaque (Fig. 2). During dry periods, snails can form an epiphragm over the aperture or they can make a tight mucus seal between the aperture edges and substrates such as a rock or plant. The seal helps to retard evaporative water loss. Some snails in the desert remain sealed under a rock for years before a rainstorm wakes them.
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Fig. 3. Coelocentrum gigas from Guatemala CM62.8574 (left); Achatina zebra from Africa CM62.6917 (right). Land snails in drier areas tend to have relatively smaller apertures like the shell on the left. Shells pictured are 8 and 8.5 cm tall, respectively. (Photo by T.A. Pearce.)
Snails of arid areas usually have a relatively small aperture (Fig. 3). The smaller surface-area-to-volume ratio reduces moisture loss through evaporation. Just like you would lose less heat (on a cold day) with your parka zipped up and your hood cinched around your face, the snail loses less water with less of its skin exposed, as in the case of a smaller aperture.
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Fig. 4. Ganesella fusca (left) from Japan (CM106167) and Zachrysia guanensis (right) from Cuba (CM152889). Land snails in drier areas tend to have greater change in direction of growth when reaching full size, allowing the plane of the aperture to make a closer seal with flat surfaces. (Photo by T.A. Pearce.)
As growing snails approach their final size, many dip the direction of shell growth toward the shell base (Fig. 4). This results in the plane of the aperture making a tighter seal on a flat surface. Snails of arid areas tend to have shells that make tighter seals on flat surfaces than snails of moister areas.
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Fig. 5. Urocyclid semi-slug from a dry area in N Kenya. (Photo by T.A. Pearce.)
The mucus of some species retards evaporation. Snails produce different kinds of mucus, for example, the mucus they glide upon to move, sticky or distasteful mucus when irritated, and mucus on their skin that can retard evaporation. One day when I was traveling in northern Kenya during the dry season after at least 6 months without rain, I was surprised to find a semi-slug (a gastropod whose shell is too small to fit the entire body) resting among some dry leaves and soil (Fig 5). It must have had special mucus covering the body that retarded water loss, allowing this species to survive many months of aridity.
Finally, snails influence their moisture loss by choosing their microhabitats. Some snails burrow underground during hot, dry weather to escape the heat. Other snails crawl under moist logs or descend deep into rock piles to avoid the harshest weather.
Why would snails even choose to live in the desert? I’m not sure anyone knows the answer for sure. My guess is that snails might live in a desert because it allows them to escape predators or competitors who can’t or don’t want to live there.
How do they do it? Snails survive in the desert by leaking water a bit more slowly than snails in moist areas.
Timothy A. Pearce, PhD, is the head of the mollusks section at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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namjoonchronicles · 5 years
lumière | nj
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↳ genre fluff, domestic au, namjoon being sweet 
↳ words 3.3k
↳ summary all of my ‘under 5 feet’ ladies, rejoice, in this fic, we are talking about major height differences in a couple and the shits we are going through that tall lads don’t, no shade, i love you tol, but sometimes we petites gotta remember to love ourselves, as we are 
↳ notes lumière [lymjɛʀ] french, meaning light or shine
↳ warning extreme self-roast *hi i’m 1.49cm tall*, loving a tol person despite all odds, terrible cuteness beyond imagination, heart fluttering-smile inducing-read, a piece written from self-induced depression to prove that bad things can be beautiful 
↳ namjoonchronicles’ honorary tag list @kai-tashi​ @septemberalien​ @joon94net​ @yourlocalalien​ @snugglemejeon​ @yoongiseesaw​ @majestikblue​ 
↳ special mentions @fangirlaholicxx​ this was a gift to you, and i guess, for us little people, to love someone as tall as namjoon is a far fetched dream *toss aside all our other tall biases* and you of all people know how much it bothers me, for the way i whine about the parking buttons being too high, and not able to reach the pedals without adjusting my car seat, or how things i wanted to purchase is always placed so high, complaining as to why namjoon isn’t here yet to help me; this is for you, in the midst of your exam week, thanks for being patient & being my friend :) 
↳ song ed sheeran ‘Tenerife Sea’ ; that sweet-sweet part where he sang ‘lumière, darling.’
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Everyone thinks having a major height different with your beau is the cutest thing in the world. Easy for you to say, if you're not the one going through it endlessly, day-by-day.
Standing at 181 cm, Namjoon is one lanky dude. That's what your cousin told you when she first met him. Several years later, he is still too tall and it's either you're getting shorter or he's getting taller. You swore by the stars in your eyes, that it's the latter.
Crumpled sheets, waking up next to him is not as romantic as the movies depicted. You'd wake up, hair frenzied, and slapping his bicep because he is hogging the blanket all over to his side. His limbs drape over you, and it feels like a tree log that falls over after a typhoon. Not to mention that it is incredibly impossible to wake up and not trip over those legs. You fall flat on your face and that's your version of a wake up call. He curls to his side and invade your side of the bed when you wake up. Almost everyday, you fall to your back on the floor at the side of the bed to give him more space.
Cute? The sore disagrees.
Not when your morning work up includes jumping in place to get that shower head down to your height and failing. Do you know how dangerous that is? Wet floor, wiggling fingers to grasp air and have it finally toppling over your head, eliciting a tiny 'Ow'.
Shoulder and neck gets treated with a warm run of the water from the shower head, tips to keep living with a long lamp post beau. It soothes the strains, those knotted capillaries relaxes at the contact of warm water. Stepping out of the shower, drying the tips of your hair that managed to get wet, only to huff tiredly at the sight of the hair dryer place on the top shelf every time Namjoon uses them. Shutting your eyes and sighing in agony, the morning workout is endless. You do what you usually do: climb over the sink counter and get the hair dryers. You walk outside, and see him seated on the bed, gathering the blankets around his waist, eyes still shut. Adorable. You pushed his bangs away and grant him a simple brush of lips on his forehead. When else can you do that if not now?
Namjoon is a makeshift ladder sometimes, for changing bulbs and cleaning ceiling fans. It is never not funny because he always hanging his mouth open to watch you clean and the dust gets eaten by him. He'll choke and stagger in his stance, then you'll drop on the couch as he gathers himself. However, the situation worsens from here on end. Because? Height difference are so much apparent in public settings.
While it is easy for other couples to take cute selfies by the park, standing up. It is almost impossible for you to be in the same frame as Namjoon is, because he was too tall.
Either you took a picture of his tummy next to your face, or he takes a picture of his face next to the top of your head, with your eyes and forehead nowhere to be seen. It's annoying when you see the pictures he had taken with that huge smile of his and the strand of your hair. One thing about being in a relationship with major height difference, is when you hold hands, to walk together but he ends up walking too fast anyways, even when he didn’t mean to. So you've given up.
There once or twice he’d lost you in the crowd, and having to result to drastic measures to find you. Because no height is too tall for you, you fit in almost any places. Namjoon had made it a rule for you to walk in front of him so it's easier and no one gets lost. What he didn't figure out is that, he'd be so endorsed to keeping you safe, that he doesn't see the tree branches you walked under to be in his exact height and slap him in the face. Smack!
Once or twice, or several times, he gets knocked over by certain ceilings that you walked under unscathed. In underground train station, he has to tip his head to the side going down the escalator because his height is above average and no one cares about him. Your warning comes in a single word: Head, and it is only declared when the ceilings are too low. Your warning often comes too late. Provided his long legs and your comfortable stroll. Even signboard are as tall as he is. Sitting by the bleachers to cater to him is common. You enjoy it sometimes, but when you see the look in his brimming eyes, your smile disappears and cooing begins. He might be a really big man, but to you, he’s just a big baby.
In the outsiders eyes, you two are quite a mismatched couple. And some call you two, adorable. There's nothing adorable having to tiptoe every time you wanted to kiss on the sidewalks. Craning your head back and puckering your lips, knowing fully well that he could just walk away in three long strides to the next block, leave you hanging. Surprise kisses are out of the window. There's no surprise kisses when he is standing. Watching yourself in the full length mirror is a pain because you look like his child. He ruffles your head with ease and his cap covers half of your face. There's nothing you can share with him, at least physically. All his clothes are yours, yes. But all your clothes, are his handkerchiefs. Literally.
Things gets worse when you both are fighting. For a couple who can only be eye-to-eye when seated or lying down, heated arguments are not welcomed.
It's easy for him to ignore you, he'll act as if you aren't there. Your height makes it impossible for him to keep a straight face. The weight of the discussion is dismissed almost every time. He'll just have to avert his eyes elsewhere when you're talking about something important to you. And it calls for drastic measures from your side. That include standing on the edge of the bed, or dragging the dining chair to where he is to get to his eye level. His jaws would twitch and his lips tug into a smile, and then your hell breaks loose.
It frustrates you to the point that you would stomp the floor, balling fists on your sides. And that leaves Namjoon no choice but to manhandle you out of arguments, against your will of course. If things took turn for the worst, like when you're sulking, or giving him the cold shoulder, he tightens all the jar overnight so you can't open them the next morning. All your mugs and cereals are magically placed on the top shelf. But you're a tough cookie, so climbing over kitchen top is your forte.
Still think it's cute? Not when you’re aging.
As a counter attack, you hide his charger in the smallest space you could find in your house and unplug his computer knowing he can't fit in the small desk without knocking everything down. It doesn't end there. You put pillow forts between him and you when you watch TV sitting on the couch, in the living room. All he have to do is swat his hand over the fragile fort to get you jumping over him and choking him. He stands up and drape his limb over your entire body, smothering you with kisses, holding you in place while you watch the program, defeated, confined in his body prison unable to do anything. Fighting over the last jelly is fruitless. Namjoon would just put them above your head and you're left hopping in place. A punch on his stomach will make him cower. It usually work, even for a kiss. The lines between pleasure and pain are a blur.
You can never reach the train handle, to fix that, Namjoon holds the train handle for you, and place your hand on his biceps. Or you could wrap your arm around his waist. His stroll at the park feels like a jog to you. To make things easier, he carries you on his back. Or get a tandem bicycle, the bicycle with two seats. He'll cycle, you'll just have to place your feet on the pedal without doing anything but eat ice cream. A lot of time the seat needed to be adjusted so you could climb on and off, with ease.
Taking pictures in standing booth is definitely a challenge. You'll get upset at the view of the screen where only half of your face is showing, so he bends his knees and carry you a bit. Your legs on each of his sides facing him, the camera captures you cupping his face as he gaze up to you with his dimple showing. You share lip lock in the fun moments and the photos printed out the sequences is almost always satisfying. Sitting on the bookstores floor, leaning your head on his as he reads to you something from Hamlet's screenplay. Turning the pages, and your head moves together, blurting out the sentence on the same page. Falling asleep on the two seats at the back of the bus, your head linking on each other.
He makes it easier. But both of you are homebodies for all the good reasons. Where you could be you, and he could be him.
Where reading books, laying your stomach over his thigh is your version of a date, too endorsed in the words to notice how uncomfortable the position is. Where working out together means you sitting on his back, counting him down with every push up and repeating certain numbers to get on his nerves. Where dancing in his t shirt and your hair down while he fake sings pretending a remote is a microphone is your kind of fun, with music blasting in the background. Prancing around, wiggling butts, making your own concert at home is your favorite past times. Napping in different positions, with the opal curtains down. Watching movies with you sitting between his legs, leaning your back on his hard chest. He passes a few kisses atop of your hair, answering your questions about the movie with muffled yeses. Feeding him cheeseballs; one for you, one for him. Him falling asleep midway through the movie, and watching him instead, until you yourself lay your head on his chest, your face in the crook of his neck and drifted as well.
It seems like the only time you can be a real couple is when one person is lying down, or at home. In the pool. Like your little secret universe. A best kept secret.
Pushing him into the pool. The first time he went to the pool with you when you started dating, he made sure the world knew he couldn’t swim when you bolted at him to fall in the pool, wailing, screaming his head off, literally crying. He only stopped when you told him to stand straight because the pool’s height was less than six feet. You checked. He was so embarrassed, he couldn’t look at you in the eye. While you float on your back in a relaxed manner. Then he got really comfortable. So comfortable with you.
Pushing you after you pushed him in the water, before joining you. Kissing underwater. Lots of kissing underwater.
Floating on the surface of the water in floats while he directs by guiding your float. Never able to sit on the float together because he is too heavy. So he takes out a larger one with a smug smile. Basking under the sun with colored sunglasses, on the floats. Him lifting you up by the waist so you could seat on the brims and hand him his drink while his face crumpled in disgust at the taste which was actually red ginseng that you put inside instead of the strawberry cordial he was asking for. Your pranks are endless. But hey, it was for his health. And stamina. He is going to need that, having a lover as small as you.
But one thing rings true: Slow-dancing is not romantic when you come at the eye level of his titties.
However it is cute when your chin touches his chest to look up at him, and he reaches down with his protruding lips before he even get there. House chores are always fun together. He takes on the outdoors, sweeping away the dried leaves and hosing down the entire balcony with water. You are vacuuming indoors, separated by only a sliding glass door. Mid way handling those tasks, Namjoon would bother you by knocking on the glass door to gain your attention. He waits for you to come near and place his large palm flat on the glass, for you to place yours. He gets contented by this. And you don’t mind playing along. It’s a form of intimacy. That most people out there don’t understand. Or care to understand. The smile he has on, right after, is always so rewarding.
Intimacy is expensive. It is priceless. It is when he thumbs your lips and pinches your chin so he could kiss you. It is when he trace his index finger on the outline of your face when you're sleeping. It is when he stares into your fluttering shut eyes, love in his heart--something he had trouble comprehending in the past. It is when he lays on his stomach, wondering what you're dreaming of and secretly hoping that it's him.
Motioning closer with his elbows digging the mattress, he presses his lips on the tip of your eyebrows and letting them linger, he prays that you know how much you meant to him. There’s so much meaning, silence could carry. And they are not always bad when you’re together. He could speak endlessly about his theories, his political views, what he thought about the galaxy, but when it comes to you, there are so little words. When words couldn’t compensate his emotions, actions takes place. More holding, more touching, more kissing. More. It baffles him how the feeling is like faith. Love, the only thing in the world science couldn’t explain. It just...exist.
He lived a life without you, and as the days goes by, he often wonder how he managed to go through that phase alone. After that glimmering, goosebump worthy moment of the first kiss you shared, Namjoon never want to go a day without it even if you’re fighting, and not speaking to each other. The little breath you took as if you’ve been waiting for him, the relief felt like the weight lift off his chest.
Kissing, touching, holding you becomes his favorite hobby.
So in love, to even realize the shortcomings you have. In the past, you begged him to leave you because you have brought so much difficulties in his life, your stern self loathe didn't scare him one bit. A full blown argument about this arises so many times than he care to count. Cornered with your own negative thoughts, hounded by the things you don't have rather than what you have. Shuddering in your sentences, and once it gets too much, he throws you over his shoulder and shut the bedroom door behind him. To simply talk. To simply sit you down in the middle of the bed while he knelt at the bed listening to you. Tears would spill mid sentence, the fragile strength is gone at the sight of Namjoon soft gaze. He thumbs your tears away, squeezing your cheeks between his hands till your lips look like a puffer fish, pulling you into a kiss. Action speaks louder than words.
Before parting to do his project, Namjoon always resorts to a sudden roll a few nights before. That involves bothering you while you work, read or in the midst of watching drama, telling you to hurry up because he is impatient and needed you there and then, in breathy voices and sloppily placed kisses. He becomes straightforward with what he wants and the reason behind that hurried lip lock is because he needed to be away in his studio, soon. That was the only way that works which guarantees that he won't be having you sulking because he got too busy. And it always gets super spicier when it has been awhile. Hungrier, wilder, sweatier.
Suddenly, height isn't such a major problem. Not when satisfaction is met. Must be your voice, or your touches, or the way you look at him; it has to be something unrelated to physical proportions because he swore on his ancestors graves that he has everything he needs in you.
In the morning when the parting comes, he made sure to whisper in your ear when he leaves. Peppering kisses down your cheek, jaws, neck and shoulder, then trailing down your arms in a hurry, promising that he won't be long as you moan tiredly in return. He says he'll call, he'll text. With the guarantee that you'll be at the receiving end because there's nothing he hates more than to be away from you and not hearing from you, as frequently as he needed to. It's not an exaggeration to say that his sanity depends on it.
One of his favorite thing to do when you're away, is to remember how he could feel your quickening pulse when his lips pressed on the skin next to your windpipe. It happens to be one of your sweet spot, as lucky as he was to find out about that. It becomes an indicator to you that he wants some time together when he kisses that area. In desperate, pressing moments, he'll add a swipe of his tongue, nibble and bite on them. Guaranteed to send you to an overdrive. He likes the thought of it and frequently imagines it when he can't be with you, due to work. It sends tingles down his spine, flutters on his lips and his brain spinning in a euphoric high that he will claim the moment he sets foot on the doorstep.
That emotional bond is so much stronger than the longest legs of the most gorgeous models on the runway he used to fantasize about. That spiritual linkage is the thing that lingers when you're not around, that keeps him wanting more. When you're not within his grasp, he gets uncomfortable and unspeakably lonely beyond words. That explains why he rushes his work so he could go home to you. To lean his back on the headboard, linking foreheads. To talk about his vulnerability without judgement in your eyes. To share a kiss that begins with a simple caress on one side of the face, to savor the taste of his lips with closed eyes and a small smile that grows long after the kiss ended for him to see just how much power you gave him.
He didn't come home to a girl his own height, didn't come home for a comfortable hug and shoulder-to-shoulder nudge; he comes home to the devotion he couldn't find anywhere else, to the small petite girl he'd give the world to, perhaps even the galaxy--if he could get his hands on them. All the songs are about you. Every words, every wild night, every touch and every tantalizing moment, are for you.
Crumpled sheets, lanky legs and bruised foreheads. Strained neck, shoulders and swollen Achilles tendons. Tummy selfies, and eyes peeping at the corner of the picture frames. Standing on chairs, and tightening jars. Cheek kisses, hand holding, gazing into each others eyes. Perhaps the only way to counter attack a major height difference, is to have major crush on each other. Constantly. Without fail.
copyright © 2019 namjoonchronicles do not repost, did you like it? did you realize that there is no dialogue at all? did you went to check again? that was all your imagination doing the story for you, all i did was spark it. have a great day love, just a nice comment is all i need in return x
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phinnsyreads · 5 years
Item #: SCP-015
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-015 is impossible to move, and is contained on-site. A gap of at least 2 m (6 ft) needs to be maintained around the entire structure containing SCP-015 at all times, and no structures of any kind are to make contact with SCP-015's current containment structure. Exploration is permissible, but only in teams of three (3) with full safety lines and GPS tracking. Any protrusions from SCP-015 must be capped and sealed immediately, with the new site recorded and logged.
No aggressive action is to be made within SCP-015. No hand or power tools are allowed anywhere inside SCP-015. No repairs or maintenance are to be made anywhere on SCP-015.
Description: SCP-015 is a mass of pipes, vents, boilers and other various plumbing apparatus completely filling a warehouse in ███████. The pipes appear to grow when not under observation, attempting to connect to nearby structures via sewer systems and underground plumbing. SCP-015 contains, at current estimate, over 190 kilometers (120 miles) of pipes, ranging in diameter from 2.5 cm to over 1 m. Some pipes appear new, while others are rusted and leaking. Pipes have been reported as being made of bone, wood, steel, pressed ash, human flesh, glass, and granite. No pipes composed of lead, PVC plastic, copper, or any other traditional material for the production of pipes have been found.
SCP-015 reacts to tools and aggression. Any personnel acting violently, carrying tools, or attempting to damage or repair SCP-015 in any way, will trigger a reaction. Any pipes near the subject will burst, spraying on the subject for several seconds before the flow suddenly stops. Pipes have been reported containing oil, mercury, rats, a species of insect not yet identified, ground glass, sea water, entrails, and molten iron. Pipes will continue to burst around the subject until death or retreat.
SCP-015 was cut back to its current structure after attaching to 11 other structures in the area. Currently, 11 personnel have been killed, and 20 more are still missing. Reports have been made of banging and screaming coming from within SCP-015.
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mtf-unit-epsilon11 · 4 years
Item #: SCP-015
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-015 is impossible to move, and is contained on-site. A gap of at least 2 m (6 ft) needs to be maintained around the entire structure containing SCP-015 at all times, and no structures of any kind are to make contact with SCP-015's current containment structure. Exploration is permissible, but only in teams of three (3) with full safety lines and GPS tracking. Any protrusions from SCP-015 must be capped and sealed immediately, with the new site recorded and logged.
No aggressive action is to be made within SCP-015. No hand or power tools are allowed anywhere inside SCP-015. No repairs or maintenance are to be made anywhere on SCP-015.
Description: SCP-015 is a mass of pipes, vents, boilers and other various plumbing apparatus completely filling a warehouse in ███████. The pipes appear to grow when not under observation, attempting to connect to nearby structures via sewer systems and underground plumbing. SCP-015 contains, at current estimate, over 190 kilometers (120 miles) of pipes, ranging in diameter from 2.5 cm to over 1 m. Some pipes appear new, while others are rusted and leaking. Pipes have been reported as being made of bone, wood, steel, pressed ash, human flesh, glass, and granite. No pipes composed of lead, PVC plastic, copper, or any other traditional material for the production of pipes have been found.
SCP-015 reacts to tools and aggression. Any personnel acting violently, carrying tools, or attempting to damage or repair SCP-015 in any way, will trigger a reaction. Any pipes near the subject will burst, spraying on the subject for several seconds before the flow suddenly stops. Pipes have been reported containing oil, mercury, rats, a species of insect not yet identified, ground glass, sea water, entrails, and molten iron. Pipes will continue to burst around the subject until death or retreat.
SCP-015 was cut back to its current structure after attaching to 11 other structures in the area. Currently, 11 personnel have been killed, and 20 more are still missing. Reports have been made of banging and screaming coming from within SCP-015.
0 notes
un-enfant-immature · 4 years
GE’s soft robot bores holes like a giant earthworm
A giant earthworm robot was not on the list of things I expected to see when I logged in this morning. But it’s here, and I’m here for it. Designed by a team at GE Research, the robot in question nabbed a $2.5 million award as part of DARPA’s Underminer. The program was created to foster rapid tunnel digging in military environments.
As is all the rage in robotics these days, the GE team turned to biological inspiration to execute the task. What they came up with is a large, segmented and soft robot that inches along like a giant mechanical earthworm.
The robot’s muscles are designed to mimic a “hydrostatic skeleton” — a fluid-filled structure found in invertebrates. In the case of the robot, it’s artificial muscles that the hard work of moving it forward, with a design that make it adaptable to different underground environments. The design offers a range of freedom of movement, along with the ability to squeeze into tight spaces.
Another key to success is building in the proper sensors that allow it to function autonomously underground. It can, after all, be difficult to remotely control a robot in such a scenario.
“Because these tunneling systems are underground, we need to be able to build in autonomous and sensing capabilities that enable our robot to move and tunnel in the right places,” project leader Deepak Trivedi said in a release. “Fortunately, we’re able to pull in controls, AI and sensing experts from across the Lab to help us integrate these new capabilities.”
The project is promising, but far from finished. The end goal is a robot that can dig a 500 meter tunnel and move at 10 cm/sec underground. The above lab video shot at GE’s Niskayuna, NY is sped up 4x.
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There is a world full of new experiences awaiting to be explore in South Australia. Experience a mesmerising holiday at one of the most beautiful destinations in Australia. Get closer to nature or relax at the beach or simply stroll through the busy CBD. In South Australia you can have a perfect Australian holiday. Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island lies off the territory of South Australia, southwest of Adelaide. Over 33% of the island is dense with all around wilderness. It is home to local untamed life like ocean lions, koalas and assorted winged creature species. In the west, Flinders Chase National Park is known for penguin provinces. South Australia's first pilgrim settlement, the island's fundamental town of Kingscote is currently a little vacationer focus. On the south drift of Kangaroo Island, Vivonne Bay is known for crazy angling as the water rises all of a sudden. Two rivers ie Harriet and Eleanor fall into it. There is settlement by the name Vivonne Bay on the coastline. The bay has 5 km curved sandy beach and close to it, there is Seal Bay Conservation Park. This park is home to a substantial state of Australian ocean lions. Additionally around the island are provinces of 33 cms. tall penguins. On the northwest tip, around 1858 Cape Borda Lighthouse has every day gun firings. Seaward, the Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park is home to jump destinations around wrecks. Back ashore, the Kelly Hill Conservation Park highlights sensational limestone caverns. From Cape Jervis, vehicle ships chug over the swells of the Backstairs Passage to Kangaroo Island. Long without vacationer trappings, the island nowadays is a blasting goal for wild and untamed life. It is a veritable zoo of seals, winged animals, dolphins, echidnas and kangaroos. In any case, the island remains rustically paced and immature. It is some sort of place where kids ride bicycles to class and ranchers publicize for spouses on notice boards. Island wine and its delivery is a feature. Barossa Valley With sweltering, dry summers and cool moderate winters, the Barossa is one of the world's incredible wine districts - a flat out must for anybody with even the scarcest enthusiasm for a decent drop. It is a minimal valley - simply 25km long - yet it figures out how to deliver 21% of Australia's wine and it makes a straightforward day trip from Adelaide, which is 65km southwest of the area. The physical remainders of colonization - Gothic church steeples and stone cabins - are all over. Social heritages of the good old days incorporate a questionable enthusiasm for oomph groups and a hunger for pretzels( a form of baked bread from dough) and sauerkraut ( a meat dish of roasting duck or pork after shredding, salting and fermentation). Coober Pedy Coober Pedy is a town in northern South Australia, 846 km north of Adelaide on the Stuart Highway. The town is some of the time alluded to as the "opal capital of the world" in view of the amount of valuable opals that are mined there. Coober Pedy is eminent for its subterranean living arrangements, called "burrows", which are worked on the ground to look like a tunnel or underground living cubicle form to escape searing daytime warm. The name "Coober Pedy" originates from the nearby Aboriginal term kupa-piti, which signifies "young men's waterhole". The principal opal was found in Coober Pedy on 1 February 1915 and from that point forward the town has been providing a large portion of the world's pearl quality opal. Coober Pedy today depends as much on the travel industry as the opal mining industry to furnish the network with business and supportability. Coober Pedy has more than 70 opal fields and is the biggest opal mining region on the planet. The opal gems mined here are of world class quality. Blue Lake Mount Gambier's first-class thing is the brilliant 75m-profound lake, which turns a crazy tone of blue amid summer. Astounded researchers think it has to do with calcite precious stones suspended in the water, which shape at a quicker rate amid the hotter months. Thus, in the event that you visit among April and November, the lake will look much like some other - a steely dark and on the off chance that you visit between December to March-it is shading will be Blue. Fleurieu Peninsula Designed with vineyards, olive forests and almond ranches running down to the ocean, the Fleurieu is Adelaide's weekend play area. The McLaren Vale wine area is blasting, delivering gutsy reds to match those from the Barossa Valley. Further east, the Fleurieu's Encounter Coast is a drawing in blend of surf shorelines, noteworthy towns and whales horsing around seaward. The Fleurieu Peninsula is to close Adelaide in South Australia. It's known for its wine locales, remarkably McLaren Vale. The town of Willunga offers neighbourhood of Willunga Farmers Market. Shorelines along the tough coastline incorporate Port Willunga with a 1800s wreck. In the south, whales, seals and dolphins can be seen in Encounter Bay which is close to the town of Victor Harbor. Explore South Australia with amazing vacation deals with Exotic Lifestyles. To know more call on 1300 20 88 55 or log on to www.exoticlifestyles.com.au
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minseologs · 1 year
Perspective Compliance pt.2
@051688 @shelikeswongkarwai
It was rather tense in the lift ride with Elena’s purse in Minseo’s hand. It took heavy convincing and negotiation for her not to call the cops. To explain everything to someone who had barely known her. The younger’s arm comfort her own self after witnessing the traumatic thing she’s seen, while Minseo was nonchalant about the situation, and even cleaning up her bloody self to the best of her abilities like it’s in the norm.
Elena follows her through the office, the grandeur was being experienced for the first time as it was her first ever being there in CRM’s grounds. It was quiet due to the late hours of the night, and she was already packing her questions to Minseo. They enter a wing with prepared items to clean up herself, including water bottles and sanitary wipes of all kinds. It appeared this wasn’t the first it’s happened. An internal monologue was running in her mind, she doesn’t even know where to begin. Am I gonna die? Who is she, really—? I should call the cops— wait what if I die before they get he—
“Sit.” She jolts, and sit’s to the closest couch by the door. the older notices this wile washing her hands in a makeshift sink with the trash bin. “I don’t mean to threaten you, but I’ll have people catch you if you try to run from me at this moment.”
“I won’t.” She assures. But she was still tense. The terror in her voice pipes from her through and she had trouble getting her words out. How does one react to that? “You’re gonna get arrested— you’re leaving evidence just like that?”
“I can’t be arrested if nothing is there. I already messaged my team, they’re taking care of it at this moment. I know because the garage has been closed. No one gets in, or gets out until it’s done.”
“—and what about the body?”
“They usually burn it.”
Elena’s face was stunned with the way Minseo just says it so casually. Her mind puts out questions after questions that Minseo probably has an answer to. She was unsure what’s gonna happen now, but her perception had changed. Seeing her as a comedic and soft relief has now shifted to someone headstrong and to be feared. Despite this, she felt as though she knows to lay everything out.
“I heard you know a little— from Bohyun. I could only assume not this much.” She speaks gently, for a moment there, the person she knew returns."
“Yeah— but— not like this,” her shoulder shrugs. She still felt uncomfortable. “I didn’t know about killing or whatever…” her eyes gaze cautiously. “Does Bohyun— do this, too?”
“No— his family just deals with the tech things and what not— nothing illegal. Nothing about killing. They operate overseas, our family acquainted with each other here in Korea. We’ve had a long history so…” she hands back her purse as some sort of peace offering. “I promise, Bohyun didn’t keep anything a secret from you. This— what I do, I told him a long time ago even before you were around. So it’s between us. At least, as far as I know.”
hm… Elena mutters in a weary tone, watching Minseo finish up her dues. It was weird. All to weird for her.
“Why were you here anyway…?”
“Have you lost your fucking mind—?” Bohyun storms in to the CRM office, with Minseo just as surprised they weren’t able to stop him. “Let’s talk, about what Elena saw—“
Her eyes look over at the apologetic guards bowing their heads, excusing them gently so not to make them feel even worse as they are left alone. “Goddamn you’re worst than Wenhan— he shows up undetected sometimes.” He huffs, pacing around her office floor. “You know you can’t just come in here and start screaming at me— let alone make the poor security chase after you.”
“How much did she see—“
“Everything, including the dead body. And my hand is injured aren’t you gonna ask about that?” She responds nonchalant, eyes still on her work. Bohyun wants to snap her hands in half, only to retract the thoughts after seeing it bandaged. “It’s been less than a week… it’ll take time to get used to— I told her what your family does as a pre-requisite, you know. Everything else that is your personal history with relationships, including that awful bitch you had previously, no. She told me she knew a little but not all of it. You should thank me, I made you look like a saint—“
“Fuck off, Minseo—“ she was about to say something sarcastic but was cut off by his frustration. “How would you like it if I told everything to Wenhan??”
She chuckles, amused at the thought. “He knows everything about me. Which reminds me, you should go before he gets here—“
“I don’t care, I have your time, he can wait.” Bohyun was stressed. He wasn’t sure how to come to terms with it all. “I just don’t understand how you’d be swayed so easily.“
“Excuse me, she’s the one who showed up unannounced and somehow got lost at a security area. Don’t blame me,” she rolls her eyes at the thought. Of course you’re going to choose someone you deeply care for. “It’s either I call the cops or kill her—“
“That’s not funny—“
“Yes but you know you would’ve done the same thing if our lives are breached by an outsider.”
“How long will you keep thinking she’s an outsider??” He argues, slamming a hand on her desk. Minseo doesn’t budge but she does stop her work to pay full attention. It’s rare to see Bohyun in such an agitated state. “Can’t you just trust her? I don’t understand why you’re adamant of our relationship. It’s not very nice.”
“You already know how I feel about Elena, that was never a secret between us.” She prompts a hand on her cheek, trying to be of comfort some way. “She’s a lovely girl. but you know she was going to find out one way or another and her curiosity got the best of her. Did you think I want that? Did you know why she was there in the first place? She wanted to surprise me and give a lunch box for the book party next week. In the right place at the wrong time, she … found out.”
Bohyun’s annoyance falls through, his palms cover his face and slides it down in annoyance. “I’m sorry for yelling.”
“You’re frustrated. I get it. I’m sorry you had to find out this way though.”
Minseo sits in silence with a thin-lipped smile, waiting for him to say something else. She lets him be for awhile before he decides to figure it out on his own. they escort each other to the lobby, with their stance holding power over each of their perspective specialties. Both were children of the rich and powerful.
“I can’t believe she saw you… Id feel less bad if it was me.” His hands dig in his pocket with a huff. “I’m still glad you’re both okay.”
“She won’t talk. I know that for a fact.” She looks up to him with a smile as they leave the elevator. “Can’t wait for next week though.”
Bohyun rolls his eyes, seeing how out of touch this reality was for someone not in their world. He was looking at his watch to kill time and finding ways to make amends with Elena. Minseo smiles for show again and himself— well— in a civil smile.
“I promise not to get Elena in any trouble. So long as she doesn’t do anything…” She holds out her pinky for him to take, and he links his with it. “I promise.”
“Yeah yeah, just— just at the party, please be nice… you can get a bit scary with that…”
“That— I can’t promise compliance.”
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magic-hcs · 2 years
✨✨100 followers event✨✨
I��ve found an amazing machine that will let us get a peek into all sorts of AU’S and maybe we’ll even find some new boys to add to the blog! Let’s see what will happen!
AU: 6007536B
Category: Alternative of the Main AU’s
Risk: Hazardous level threat
Name: Horrorfell
Entry log:
Be very quiet, you poor unfortunate soul. Do try to stay out of sight from those who inhabit these lands, for they are very hungry… I welcome you, to the Underground of Horrorfell. Your new forever home. Do spare your breath trying to find any civility around here. It’s been lost to the hunger, magic shortage and insanity long ago. Alliances for these monsters and whatever else lives here is seldom and far in-between, sanity remains to those unfortunate or filled with false hope of ever escaping this Hell. There’s only one law here in the Underground; everyone is either food or a threat you need to kill. Do try to survive in a land where beasts with no morals or sanity survive. The only advice I can give to you, poor unfortunate soul who fell down below, is to pray to whatever god or higher being you hope to reach…pray they hear your miserable pleas…pray that they may bless you a swift death.
Inhabitant 247462CE = Skeleton = Sans: Rust
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(Art done by ClanCapricorn, check her out on Twitter she’s amazing!)
195 cm tall
Magic rust color.
Sometimes it takes a moment to process stuff due to head injury
Due to [REDACTED] his magic has become stronger if not sometimes erratic.
Sometimes has a hard time controlling the amount of drool he produces.
Prioritizes survival above almost everything else
Nimble phalanges that he uses to fix his and someone else’s clothes.
Wanders out in the open looking for prey or checken traps. Sometimes been heard whistling tunes sounding like the wind.
Once prey has been found he stalks it in the shadows, waiting for the moment it is weakened or has left a gap in its defenses before it bulldozes through it and tearing it apart.
Builds and places traps which he checks daily.
Has not lost his sanity.
*bzzt---* the *---zzt* light wasn’t *bzzzt----bzzzt* his.
- Rust is a bit more straightforward with his feelings than Red
- Hes very careful with his claws, he would be devastated if he accidentally hurts his loved ones because he doesn’t know his own strength.
- Rust is quite a tease
- He likes to tinker with machines.
- He’s way more empathetic and understanding to his loved ones
- Rust uses his unnerving stature to his advantage against people he dislikes or distrusts
- Can only fall asleep when he feels safe.
- Doesn’t let Thatch grab the urns filled with dust from the basement when they run out of food.
Inhabitant 14367QR = Skelton = Papyrus: Thatch
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(Art done by ClanCapricorn check her out on Twitter she’s amazing!)
250 cm tall
Magic color appears to be mahogany,
Spine bones grew into unnatural sensitive spikes after the [REDACTED] between him and [REDACTED].
Right lower arm appears to be prosthetic.
Most often if not always found hiding in the trees. Blending into his surroundings, he seems almost invisible
Unnaturally athletic and fast, able to cover long distance in trees with incredible speed, accuracy and in frightening silence.
Snipes his prey down with bone like javelins (has a wide variety in his disposal) which he manifests from thin air after whistling a certain tune which sounds like the wind.
Seems to be far sighted.
On high alert of his surroundings, keeping an eye on everything his vicinity
Has an abnormally high magic level which will radiate off him in pulses some days.
Eyelights seem to change colors depending on his mood, current colors and meanings noted:
Shining bright/sharp: agitation
Dimmed to a brown: unknown
A bit dimmer then normal: unkown (often appears when missing his prey)
Mahogany color: appears neutral
Flaring: unknown
Shining a deep bright scarlet: Danger/rage
Has not lost his sanity.
Seems to have sometimes manifested mahogany colored appendages sticking out of his body.
- Thatch speaks in a hushed voice, which is written as normal speech
-Tenses involuntarily up at unexpected/sudden touches
- Very insecure about what he looks like, he often covers his face with the hood of his hoodie
- The hoodie used to be Rust’s
- Hates himself for using the dust in the urns he kept in the basement as food
- Is a wallflower
- Got a more subdued nature than Charon.
- Cares a lot.
- Rust made his prosthetic arm and hand
*loading images……loading images……load-*
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Overwintering for Amphibians and Reptiles
With Autumn upon us, temperatures are dropping, and it is getting colder out. Especially in the northern regions, amphibians and reptiles need to prepare for brumation (essentially, hibernation for ectotherms). Ectotherms like frogs, salamanders, snakes, and turtles are highly sensitive to changes in their environment and need to stay warm by actively moving in and out of areas with heat. When temperatures increase, ectotherm metabolism increases, and when temperatures go down, so does their metabolism. But how do they survive during winter, won’t they freeze? 
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Fig. 1. Eastern garter snake. Photo by A.K. Martin.
Many snakes, like eastern garter snakes (Fig. 1) find shelters called hibernacula and curl up inside, sometimes intermixed with other snake species. These hibernacula are often small mammal burrows, dens, or tunnels below the frost line. During winter, typically between October and March, several hundred individuals will gather in the same den, tightly coiling their bodies together to stay warm enough to survive. They stop eating during this period because it is too cold to properly digest food and will stay hydrated by absorbing moisture through their scaly skin. Even though snakes are awake and sluggishly active, they expend very little energy during this time and do not lose much weight.
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Fig. 2. Eastern box turtle. Photo by A.K. Martin.
Turtles, on the other hand, are a bit different. Aquatic turtles survive winter underwater, and the terrestrial eastern box turtle (Fig. 2) buries itself underground by digging into the soil. One extreme overwintering survivor is the painted turtle, which spends most of its time in ponds and slow-moving freshwater. When these ponds freeze, painted turtles bury themselves up to 45 cm (nearly 18 inches) in mud beneath the pond’s surface. Amazingly, these turtles can survive for months in low or no oxygen environments. During warmer months, they breathe air, but when submerged for overwintering they absorb oxygen through the thin skin of their cloaca, a phenomenon called cloacal respiration.
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Fig. 3. Wood frog. Photo by A.K. Martin.
Another amazing overwintering feat is the freeze tolerance of wood frogs (Fig. 3) which can become frogsicles! Wood frogs are unable to bury themselves completely, like turtles, so part of their body is often exposed when trying to stay underneath the mud. This is beneficial for obtaining oxygen through their skin. However, they still need to avoid freezing and will move around to warmer areas as needed. Many frogs stay in burrows or under leaf litter to escape the frost, but wood frogs will stay at shallower depths because they have high concentrations of glucose, which produces an “antifreeze” effect. This protects their organs when over two-thirds of their body freezes!
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Fig. 4. Red-backed Salamander. Photo by A.K. Martin.
Other amphibians, like salamanders, do not have freeze tolerance like the wood frog. Red-backed salamanders (Fig. 4) are one of the most abundant species in the eastern United States. They are typically found underneath logs and leaf litter at shallow depths, but during winter when temperatures drop below 30°F, they travel as much as 15 inches under the ground in animal burrows. Other species, like spotted salamanders, will also look for deep burrows that are below the frost line. 
In early spring when temperatures warm, amphibians and reptiles emerge from overwintering to look for basking sites, sunny spots to warm themselves. With warmer temperatures, the prey of many of these species also become more available. Garter snakes will look for slugs, earthworms, amphibians, minnows, and rodents, for example, and red-backed salamanders will eat a wide variety of invertebrates, such as spiders, worms, snails, and insects. The exact timing of emergence for amphibians and reptiles depends on a given year’s weather, resulting in variable emergence times from year to year that correspond to temperature. Not every individual makes it to the spring, but it is amazing that species that are so dependent on the temperature of their environment are capable of surviving up north!   
Written by Amanda Martin, Post-doctoral Researcher in the Section of Amphibians and Reptiles at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Edited by Jennifer Sheridan, Assistant Curator in the Section of Amphibians and Reptiles at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
GE’s soft robot bores holes like a giant earthworm – TechCrunch
A giant earthworm robot was not on the list of things I expected to see when I logged in this morning. But it’s here, and I’m here for it. Designed by a team at GE Research, the robot in question nabbed a $2.5 million award as part of DARPA’s Underminer. The program was created to foster rapid tunnel digging in military environments.
As is all the rage in robotics these days, the GE team turned to biological inspiration to execute the task. What they came up with is a large, segmented and soft robot that inches along like a giant mechanical earthworm.
The robot’s muscles are designed to mimic a “hydrostatic skeleton” — a fluid-filled structure found in invertebrates. In the case of the robot, it’s artificial muscles that the hard work of moving it forward, with a design that make it adaptable to different underground environments. The design offers a range of freedom of movement, along with the ability to squeeze into tight spaces.
Another key to success is building in the proper sensors that allow it to function autonomously underground. It can, after all, be difficult to remotely control a robot in such a scenario.
“Because these tunneling systems are underground, we need to be able to build in autonomous and sensing capabilities that enable our robot to move and tunnel in the right places,” project leader Deepak Trivedi said in a release. “Fortunately, we’re able to pull in controls, AI and sensing experts from across the Lab to help us integrate these new capabilities.”
The project is promising, but far from finished. The end goal is a robot that can dig a 500 meter tunnel and move at 10 cm/sec underground. The above lab video shot at GE’s Niskayuna, NY is sped up 4x.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/2Xg3Ybj
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cowboyschool · 4 years
All about termites and ways to combat them
Termites are an insect that lives in societies called colonies with an estimated number from 30,000 to 2.5 million individuals and feeds on cellulose available in many daily human uses (clothing - paper - carpets - carpets - mats - curtains - pillows and mattresses - wooden furniture). Termite colony cults: 1- The worker: It is responsible for all the damage caused by termite infections as it feeds and nurtures all colony colonies, and represents about 97% of the colony's population and its color is faded, sterile, and blind. 2- Soldiers: He is responsible for guarding and protecting the colony with strong and toothy jaws, and the head is dark in color and represents one third of the length of the body and the rest of the body is light faded color, and the number reaches from 1 - 3% of the colony population and the insect is sterile and blind. 3- Individual winged sexual fertile individuals: Two fertile, winged individuals appear in the fall and spring whose color is dark and have eyes to see and wings which are fertile and turn into queens and kings to create new colonies. 4- The Queen: It is the result of fertile sexual individuals. There is a single queen in the colony and works to link all members of the colony and produce eggs, where it lays about 6 eggs per minute, and only one king lives with it in the colony. Termite damage: Termites feed on cellulose, which is found in nature differently, for example. Houses and installations He attacks houses built of raw bricks, as well as cement. In the first, the underground termites extract parts of the figs from the inside of the bricks and work to separate them from the inside, which leads to the collapse of the building. It can also attack human property through walls such as cupboards, stored materials, fabrics, doors, wooden windows, etc. .
In the case of concrete buildings, he attacks wood, doors, windows, wood furniture, and parquet floors, by breaking through the concrete barriers. Shaun and silos It causes great losses in the loss of grains that are fed on it, as well as the containers containing it, and in the face, it attacks dates, corn, and crops that are spread on the ground for the purpose of drying in the sun or by the heat of the air. the trees It attacks palm trees and fruit trees of all kinds and causes drying and death of trees or obtaining a crop of low value and quantity. Crops It attacks all types of crops cultivated in termite-infected lands, and such infections are concentrated in the Upper Egypt regions such as sugar cane, corn, wheat and sesame. It also attacks stored crops such as rice, dates, wheat, etc. Other sources Such as books, papers, records, railroad flanges, telegraph columns, telephone, cardboard, clothing, and simplicity. . And others. Manifestations of termite infection Raw bricks have injuries and tunnels In houses built with raw bricks, the walls are destroyed, and they are deflated from the inside. The adherence of the mats and mats is adhered to the ground and when removed it tears and shows the effects of eating ants from the ants and the presence of parts of the soil where they erode. Eat adjacent wood such as cupboards, etc., windows, doors, and roofs made from tree logs. At night, he hears a crackling fire. The floors made of wood (parquet) are eroded and, when removed, see the soil where the food is eaten. Mud pipes, other than walls and windows, start from the ground and extend to the source of the injury.
Infected wood roof In the case of shaun and grain stores, it is possible to see the adhesion of the sachets and the sprouts to the floor and torn as a result of eating insects In the case of trees, tunnels and clay masses are seen on the trunks of trees, and the presence of clay layer on the lower part of the tree trunk with dryness and burning of the ends of branches and the appearance of a black color. In the case of crops, the dryness of crops and the appearance of wilt are observed, despite the availability of water in the soil and the presence of foci free of plants that gradually extend to the whole field and the death of plants.
The walls are demolished and deflated from the inside Termite Control: 1. In the affected lands designated for construction, the land is cleaned from the residues of cellulosic materials such as straw, husks, woods, and dry plants. A trench is made around the building with a width of 30 cm and a depth of 30 cm surrounding the area and adjacent to the walls and walls of the building. Construction should not be done on the entire treated area, but construction requires an area less than the treated area by at least half a meter from each side. Palm injury and the presence of clay soil 1. In concrete buildings, all the concrete columns are treated with abundant sprinkling from the bottom of the soil surface up to a distance of at least one meter, and wood windows and other wood parts are treated with the pesticide solution dissolved in kerosene before performing the different paints process. 2. The need for adequate ventilation holes and adequate lighting in the rooms. 3. Failure to treat wooden walls and ceilings with pesticides in homes even if they were infected. 4. In the case of shaun, a concrete base with a thickness of at least (5 cm) is made as a forging floor after performing the previous treatment in the municipal buildings (spraying the land on which the terrace is) or the treatment of pallet woods that the sacks are lined with after waxed bedding before sealing the sacks. Therapeutic control methods: 1. Pesticide solutions are made to treat infected buildings by treating all the wood in the building with the wood solution in the building with the pesticide solution dissolved in kerosene. Make a trench around the building adjacent 2. A trench is made around the building and affixed to the wall with a width of 30 x 30 cm depth and sprayed with a pesticide solution at a rate of 4 liters of solution per square meter then the soil is filled 3. Holes are made in the floors, whether tiles, soil, or parquet, at a per-square per square meter, and then treated by pushing the spray solution at a rate of 4 liters per per-hole. 4. In the case of affected trees, a trench is made around the tree 50 cm from the trunk (30 x 30). With tunnels and clay blocks broken, therapeutic traps are placed in the trench and the soil is quenched. The most important pesticides used: 1. Water emulsions: (Dorspan 4TC, 2% - Nurban 48% M (2%). 1. Dissolved solutions: (Drospan 4 TC at 6 cm3 / L - Purpan 48% M at 6 cm / L). Predicting infectious termitesPredicting infection in the field of pest control is important as it reduces injury and makes the damage worse or prevents it altogether before it occurs, which saves a lot of time, time and costs in the control work, in addition to protecting the environment from pollution as much as possible and the severity of the subterranean termite insects concentrate in not seeing the insect itself Immediately but only the effects of its attack and the damage it causes. One way to predict infection is the Sevenfold trap. Trap components and installation The trap consists mainly of the body of the trap made of corrugated board, length (15 cm) and diameter (5 - 7 cm). The body of the trap is covered with polyethylene (kesnylon) encapsulated from one end and the other end extends to about (2 cm) before the end of the trap and fixed with a connecting stick. The trap body made of corrugated cardboard works mainly as a cellulosic material that attracts the insect, in addition to the inserts on it working on the presence of industrial tunnels that entice the insect to be present internally for the longest time, in addition to the insect feeding on the trap itself and the polyethylene (nylon bag) keeps the trap moisture for the longest period A possible time to attract the insect. Thus, the insect has both food (cellulose), moisture (moistening the trap), and darkness (burial under the ground). At daytime, the temperature rises and the water evaporates from the trap, thus remaining valid for more than a month.This is done in three ways: 1. Corrosion of the carton. 2. The presence of insects in the wrinkles of the carton. 3. The presence of soil attached to the trap where the erosion. How to useThe trap is placed in water to the point of wetness and then buried on the ground surface and the nylon bag is on the ground. Traps are collected, inspected and changed monthly.The expected benefits of the trap: 1. One of the most important means of identifying the presence of an insect 2. It is used to estimate the efficacy and effectiveness of pesticides used in control. 3. When needed to protect economic places and predict an attack from an insect before damage occurs. 4. Used to conduct environmental studies on the insect. 5. They are used as poison baits, whether chemical or biological. Trap placement places 1. For places treated with pesticides where the treatment is evaluated and its duration. 2. About economically important places (paper mills, ammunition, timber, stores, etc.) 3. Where to set up new cities to predict whether or not they exist, as well as reclamation places in new lands. 4. When applying the control to know the places and number of colonies to reduce the amount of pesticides used and the costs of control in the case of limited injury, which is a flat injury case and its contents internally from furniture and parquet and any wooden products fumigation (smoking) by methyl bromide gas where the period of closing the treated place is three days and when ventilation by specialists The place is left for another two to three days, to not coexist in the treated place until the existing gas is sublimated and the ventilation done well in the event of unlimited injury, which is the injury of most apartments in the apartment building or termite injuries to the concrete blocks. The walls and insects have built external houses located on the surface of the walls, and so the building is completely evaporated so that all residents agree on that and with the place left for a period of no less than three days or 72 hours as a minimum and a period of two days ventilation places provided that the ventilation is done with the knowledge of specialists Notes: * Evaporation With methyl bromide, it eliminates the present from all insects and their insect phases and does not work as a protection against insects, as it is a gas that transcends ventilation * After the evaporation process, if it happens that the winged termite again attacked the building or apartment, it must be sprayed with any insecticide while it is in the winged insect, so it is easy to die It is not left to live long Other insects because they are insects coming from outside the building, and this happens in the migration season and starts from the end of March to October, and more in April, May, and September and October * Take into account the spraying of pesticides that contain an effective substance Chloro-levros in the ground before the construction of buildings with the paint of concrete and walls below Soil upon construction until the first floor with a layer of bitumen in order to reduce the injury from the subterranean termites as well as the partial infected in the Smouha region * termites may infect the leaves and feed on them such as erosion of some manuscripts one hundred years old in India manifestations of injury the appearance of winged individuals in the seasons of migration and is characterized by that i The wings are more than twice the length of the belly of insects, winged insects, external houses on the surface of the walls inside which white termites live, having what resembles sand with more roundness ... It is insect droppings that flow from some holes of infected wood and are known as digested woods. Yeast may be similar to imported beer. The presence of this insect In wood that has been hollowed out by the accumulation of broken wings, termite insect size A) Male termites are about 10 mm long. B) The termite queen is about 15 mm long and has a white stomach. C) Termites are about 7 mm long and have normal jaws. D) The termite solder is about 10 mm long and is characterized by strong jaws. And transferred from the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, the following termites turned into a problem that haunts the people of Alexandria and causes them great losses. Many areas of the governorate witnessed attacks of legions that exceeded their danger of damaging wooden furniture in homes to dig tunnels beneath the foundations of buildings and try to damage even concrete cement, which is what specialists warn of as It represents a danger to the housing units, and directly threatens their residents, which causes the families to submit thousands of reports to the officials in the area.  It is rude to work to end their suffering with termite armies, says Dr. Hussein Abdullah - Professor of Economic Insects, Executive Director of the Economic Insects Unit, for Control and Production at the Faculty of Agriculture - Termite is one of the most dangerous insect pests that affect wood and its products as well as grazing trees and crops, as it affects homes, manufactured wood and furniture And wooden floors .. The termite infection is spread in most parts of the country, especially adjacent to the sea and the Gulf, and causes huge losses estimated in millions, in addition to that the termites are a social insect living in large colonies consisting of a few p Of millions of individuals with white colors or yellowing, where inhabit the soil, timber and adapted to some serious these types of living inside homes, causing severe damage to everything inside wood homes in record time since the start of the injury. He adds that termites feed on wood and wood products that contain cellulose, as it can digest cellulose due to the presence of primary microorganisms within the gut that supply it with the enzymes needed for digestion, and although the termites have a loose body it is equipped with hard teeth that can cut wood and feed on it .. Also, termites can feed on paper products, floors, paints, wall papers, books, clothes, textiles, and furnishings inside homes, and about widespread termites and areas where they collect it says that there are several types of termites, including subterranean ants. P is one of the most dangerous types of ants, as the colony includes more than 7 million individuals. Members of this species live under the surface of the soil and feed on wood near the surface of the soil and buried in it or on the surface of the soil, which is the most important species that causes damage at the level of the world and lives in tunnels and consists of The soil is mixed with wood, waste, and insect secretions .. This type is mainly spread in agricultural areas and adapts to cities with concrete buildings and buildings built on agricultural land where it is attracted to the moisture generated in the walls from water leakage from pipes and water and sewage tanks and then builds its colonies under o The building is under or under floors, and it occupies wave voids in empty brick walls and extends its tunnels inside it to reach the doors and windows .. When the injury intensifies, tunnels can be seen on the walls of buildings from the outside and from the inside, and Dr. Mamdouh Idris, professor of economic insects at the Faculty of Agriculture - assures that This type of termite spreads to entire houses, buildings and areas, according to complaints received by the Economic Insects Unit at the Faculty of Agriculture and the symptoms of injury represented by the destruction of wooden and parquet floors and door and window frames, as ventilation tunnels appear inside the affected wood and The corridors within which the subterranean termites walk on the walls and walls and their sections with a question .. Why do the screams of citizens in the eastern region in particular, in particular, increase? He replied: The type of termites that appeared and spread in the eastern region is considered to be underground, because the eastern region was a past years ago an agricultural area rich in organic materials and the ground water level is high and also infected with termites under the ground and after the spread of construction and the increase in building and construction movement in that region the problem started As the soil has not been treated with the necessary pesticides and specialized to combat this type of termite, it was a fierce attack on wood in residential buildings, alongside that one of the most important problems in the eastern region is that a very large number of apartments are closed, thus being a fertile source of infection for the rest Residential apartments, it was helped by this that this species feeds on wood from the inside with distance from the surface layer of wood, so the infection is so widespread that Dr. Mamdouh Idris continues his speech by saying: The environmental conditions contribute greatly to the spread of this type of pest where moisture forms an environment Like me in order to generate this insect and this humidity resulting from water leakage from tanks and sewage pipes .. This is in addition to an important factor for the atmosphere is the nature of the eastern region climate, which is characterized by high humidity in general and this increases the possibility of the seriousness of this type of termite that spreads image Scary with blood Al-Khobar, Al-Qatif, Dhahran, Al-Azizia, Khozama, Al-Jisra, Al-Rakka, Green Belt, Golden Belt, Doha, Al-Dana, Saihat, Safwa, and Jubail. On the other types of termites that afflict most of the eastern regions, it says: There is a dry white ant that nourishes its members on dry timber .. Its colonies are complete inhabiting Dry wood on the surface of the earth, such as wood, furniture, bedrooms, salons, doors and windows. This type is characterized by the slow growth of its colonies due to the severity of the dryness of the woods in which it lives as well due to its minimal water needs. And for science, wood with this type drops small pellets, pellets that resemble sand grains, which are semi-digested wood that is produced by nymphs of termites .. and this type is spread in most of the eastern regions, it leads to the destruction of wooden furniture and furniture within a short time. At the time of migration, the colony is inside it and needs a high percentage of humidity. It often affects damaged wood, and in general it is considered of little economic importance. The control is costly. As for Dr. Maher Ibrahim - Professor of Pesticides and Executive Director of the Pest Control and Environmental Protection Unit - he believes that the spread of termites has become widespread in most of the eastern regions, and environmental conditions and the urban movement have contributed to the spread of termites besides the transported soil [backfill] from the affected place For another free from ants .. In this sense, it confirms a problem that is increasing in a big way, and now the losses have reached hundreds of thousands of riyals and if they do not combine
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شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالدمام
شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض
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jasonjdking · 6 years
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Ontario Species at Risk of the Day for January 14, 2018 Allegheny Mountain dusky salamander (Desmognathus ochrophaeus) ENDANGERED
The Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander is a small, slender salamander that reaches about 7 to 10 cm in total length. The adults usually have a light stripe down their entire back extending from the head to the tail.
The stripe ranges in colour from yellow to orange to brown depending on age and sex, and often includes a row of chevron-shaped dark spots down the middle.
The sides are speckled and the belly ranges in colour from dark brown to black.
Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamanders are found most often in or near forested small streams, springs, or seeps (areas where water in the ground oozes to the surface to form a pool).
They typically nest in underground cavities close to seeps, or in shallow depressions in moist soil beneath logs, stones, moss, leaf litter or stumps.
They are usually absent from larger streams where predatory fish occur. Other predators include watersnakes and birds.
The Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander is widely distributed in eastern North America. In Canada, it is found in two isolated locations: in southwestern Quebec and in the Niagara Gorge in southern Ontario.
The Niagara area of Ontario has undergone significant development since European settlement, resulting in a loss of habitat quantity and quality.
Activities that affect the quality and quantity of groundwater can result in a loss of high quality habitat that is essential to the survival of the Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander.
In addition, uncontrolled stormwater runoff has caused slope instabilities in adjacent areas, leaving these salamanders vulnerable to rock falls and mudslides.
Excessive human disturbances, i.e. trampling, is also a threat to this species.
Mating and egg-laying take place in the fall and spring and involve quite an elaborate courtship, including a characteristic ‘tail-straddle’ walk.
Photo Credit - David Huth
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scpzero · 7 years
SCP-015 - Pipe Nightmare
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Item #: SCP-015
Interior View of SCP-015
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-015 is impossible to move, and is contained on-site. A gap of at least 2 m (6 ft) needs to be maintained around the entire structure containing SCP-015 at all times, and no structures of any kind are to make contact with SCP-015's current containment structure. Exploration is permissible, but only in teams of three (3) with full safety lines and GPS tracking. Any protrusions from SCP-015 must be capped and sealed immediately, with the new site recorded and logged.
No aggressive action is to be made within SCP-015. No hand or power tools are allowed anywhere inside SCP-015. No repairs or maintenance are to be made anywhere on SCP-015.
Description: SCP-015 is a mass of pipes, vents, boilers and other various plumbing apparatus completely filling a warehouse in ███████. The pipes appear to grow when not under observation, attempting to connect to nearby structures via sewer systems and underground plumbing. SCP-015 contains, at current estimate, over 190 kilometers (120 miles) of pipes, ranging in diameter from 2.5 cm to over 1 m. Some pipes appear new, while others are rusted and leaking. Pipes have been reported as being made of bone, wood, steel, pressed ash, human flesh, glass, and granite. No pipes composed of lead, PVC plastic, copper, or any other traditional material for the production of pipes have been found.
SCP-015 reacts to tools and aggression. Any personnel acting violently, carrying tools, or attempting to damage or repair SCP-015 in any way, will trigger a reaction. Any pipes near the subject will burst, spraying on the subject for several seconds before the flow suddenly stops. Pipes have been reported containing oil, mercury, rats, a species of insect not yet identified, ground glass, sea water, entrails, and molten iron. Pipes will continue to burst around the subject until death or retreat.
SCP-015 was cut back to its current structure after attaching to 11 other structures in the area. Currently, 11 personnel have been killed, and 20 more are still missing. Reports have been made of banging and screaming coming from within SCP-015.
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