#co2 kits
backwateraquatics · 10 months
Co2 Kits | Backwateraquatics.com
Discover the perfect CO2 kits for your aquarium at Backwateraquatics.com! Our kits are designed to provide the best care for your fish and plants, making sure they stay healthy and happy. Shop now and give your aquarium the best!
co2 kits
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thebrewshop · 4 months
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isolatesystems · 1 year
Unlocking Excellence: Isolate Extraction Systems - Your Botanical Extraction Partner
https://isolatesystems.com/ - Immerse yourself in the world of superior botanical extraction, where innovation meets precision. Welcome to the story of Isolate Extraction Systems, your industry-leading partner since 2012. At Isolate Extraction Systems, we've been redefining extraction technology since day one. Our high-performance CO2 extraction equipment has set the industry standard for quality and efficiency. Our advanced closed-loop machines are designed to create the perfect conditions for extraction – whether it's in liquid form or under supercritical CO2 conditions. Quality is our signature. From adhering to industry standards to implementing the latest technologies, we leave no stone unturned to ensure exceptional results. What truly sets us apart is our Industry Leading Proprietary Software, a tool designed to maximize efficiency and results. Isolate Extraction Systems – Unleashing Excellence, One Extraction at a Time.
Contact Us: Isolate Extraction Systems 1733 Majestic Dr Suite 104, Lafayette, CO 80026 Phone Number: (720) 541-7301 Email: [email protected]
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abcplantsus · 2 years
Are you tired of the same old flowers and plants in your garden? Do you want to add some uniqueness and rarity to your collection? Look no further, as we have gathered a list of rare plants for sale that will make your backyard stand out among the rest. From exotic succulents to vibrant orchids, these plants are not only stunning but also a collector’s dream. So get ready to impress all your friends and neighbors with these one-of-a-kind treasures!
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gizantara · 4 months
Learn, Unlearn, Relearn
Waktu itu baca kutipan dari instagramnya (at)esslythe, katanya:
"Yang namanya pertumbuhan itu nggak peduli dengan perasaan. Fokusnya emang supaya kita bertumbuh."
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Nah dari kutipan itu aku kembangin jadi begini:
“Yang namanya pertumbuhan itu nggak peduli sama perasaan. Buktinya, untuk menghasilkan buah yang manis, pohon nggak perlu menuntut air hujan dulu supaya manis rasanya. Fokusnya memang supaya kita bertumbuh. Dan bukan untuk menjadi diri sendiri melainkan menjadi yang seharusnya: pribadi yang Dia inginkan.”
Terus doa yang diulang belakangan ini akhirnya bukan semoga orang lain sadar melainkan semoga aku yang sadar, barangkali ada bagian-bagian yang aku melakukan kekeliruan di dalamnya.
Ternyata emang lebih menenangkan fokus pada pertumbuhan diri daripada mempertanyakan pertumbuhan orang lain. Karena hidup kan sebenarnya perlombaan dengan diri kita yang hari sebelumnya. Setiap harinya kita akan meninjau sudah sejauh mana ∆ improvement yang kita hasilkan. Sudah seefisien apa sumber daya dan waktu teralokasikan. ∆ improvement-nya sudah sepadan belum dengan apa yang udah dikeluarkan? Kalau belum, evaluasinya apa? Intervensi apa yang sekiranya efektif (berpengaruh)?
Tentu selama masih diberi nafas, akan selalu ada input yang diproses sehingga menghasilkan output tertentu. Selain pada hal yang diinput, output juga akan bergantung pada sistem operasi internal dalam diri kita. Makanya yang terpenting bukan air hujannya manis apa enggak, tapi proses fotosintesisnya udah bener belum? Mataharinya terhalangi nggak? Klorofilnya memadai nggak? (Di samping air, CO2, dan zat haranya memadai atau nggak sebagai input).
Dalam hidup, "proses fotosintesis" ini akan analog dengan "cara memandang, cara berpikir, cara bersikap". Kita ingat, dalam reaksi terang, energi cahaya digunakan untuk memecah molekul air menjadi oksigen, proton, dan elektron. Sementara itu, cara kita memandang bisa saja justru "membelakangi" atau menutupi arah cahaya datang, sehingga input-input yang masuk lewat pendengaran dan penglihatan tidak dapat dipecah/dipilah berdasarkan relevansi/prioritas. Kalau dari cara memandangnya udah nggak bener, pengolahannya juga bakalan nggak terorganisir, dan pengambilan sikapnya bakal kontraproduktif.
Makanya yang bikin buah manis itu adalah proses fotosintesisnya serta proses pengangkutan glukosa oleh jaringan floem. Analog dengan hidup kita bahwa yang bikin hidup kita manis itu bukan dari kita mendengar dan melihat hal yang menyenangkan, melainkan dari kita memproses sesuatu dan mengambil sikap berdasarkan informasi yang diolah tersebut.
Kemudian hal itu jadi alasanku selalu bilang ke orang yang seneng sama tulisanku, "yang indah bukan tulisanku, tapi cara kamu membaca". Soalnya ya, bagus atau enggaknya tulisan mah relatif, tergantung kondisi dan relevansi yang baca. Tapi kan kalau orang udah punya cara pandang yang bagus, apapun tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah di hadapannya akan dia proses dengan cara yang indah dan menghasilkan output yang indah juga.
Terus gimana soal perasaan? Aku setuju bahwa tumbuh dewasa adalah membiasakan diri berhadapan dengan rasa sakit di waktu yang tepat dan menghindar pula di waktu yang tepat. Dan tiap-tiap orang bisa tersakiti di tempat-tempat yang berbeda dalam hatinya. Pertumbuhan memang nggak peduli perasaan. Tapi dalam prosesnya kita diuntungkan karena memperoleh kebijaksanaan dalam meregulasi perasaan. Kita jadi bisa nggak over reacting terhadap sesuatu, tapi juga nggak sampai nirempati. Soalnya maa khalaqta haadza bathilaa, kan? Nggak ada yang Allah ciptakan sia-sia, termasuk emosi.
Jadi sebenarnya kita disuruh mikir, bagaimana berperasaan pun dapat menjadi ladang kita bertumbuh menjadi pribadi yang Allah mau. Dan kita masih manusia. Selogis-logisnya orang juga Allah pasti kasih jatah di ujian emosional (emosi itu banyak macemnya yak: marah, suka, kecewa, takut, iri, cinta, benci, dll.). Seperasa-perasanya orang juga pasti Allah uji di ranah pemikiran/hal yang butuh logika.
Kita makhluk yang dinamis. Sebagai makhluk pembelajar, kita akan senantiasa mengalami pertukaran value. Nilai-nilai kehidupan yang relevan di satu masa, mungkin tak lagi berlaku di masa selanjutnya. Jadi dalam proses learn, unlearn, dan relearn ini semoga kita selalu punya kesiapan untuk ditunjukkan Allah saat kita salah (unlearn), bagaimanapun jalannya. Bahkan jika itu harus melalui kejadian yang kita nggak suka, atau melalui orang yang kita nggak dekat dengannya. Serta semoga kita diberikan kekuatan untuk memperbarui nilai-nilai yang kita anut menurut kacamata Ilahi (relearn).
Mudah-mudahan kita senantiasa diberkahi kerendahan dan kemurnian hati dalam proses learn, unlearn, dan relearn.
— Giza, tadinya tulisan ini direncanakan cuma bakal 3 paragraf kenapa jadi manjang gini yak wkwk
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"A new community housing development in the Bronx will feature a cool piece of kit: an on-site aerobic digester that can turn 1,100 pounds of food scraps into 220 pounds of high-quality fertilizer every single day.
Built by Harp Renewables, it’s basically a big stomach filled with bacteria that breaks down food scraps and wasted food into their component parts, and in the future could be a standard part of all apartment units as the amount of food waste in American reaches 30% of the total mass of all trash collection.
The Peninsula, organized by Gilbane Development Company, will feature 740 units of affordable housing, 50,000 square-foot light industrial space and equal sized green space, and 15,000 feet of commercial space, all of which will send their castaway comestibles right into the digester...
Fast Company reports that Christina Grace, founder of a zero-waste food management company, helped plan the design and implementation of the digester into The Peninsula, and helped organize a 40% grant from the city to pay the $50,000 upfront cost.
“The goal is for this material to work its way into the community garden network in the Bronx,” [Christina Grace, who helped plan the design] told the magazine, adding that she expects it to pay for itself over just a few years. “We see this as highly replicable in both commercial and residential venues. We know there’s a need for fertilizer.”
Producing fertilizer right there in the city reduces the need for it to be trucked in from afar, chipping away, even if just a bit, at NYC traffic.
Big problem solver
Perhaps uniquely beneficial to New York City compared to other spots in the U.S. is that the digester will have a significant impact on the Bronx’s share of the city’s rodent problem.
Those who’ve watched the Morgan Spurlock documentary Rats will understand why that’s significant—while those that haven’t will have to imagine what living in a megacity where rats outnumber people by around 8 or 10 to 1 looks like.
Another big problem the bio-digesters could potentially help is pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Fertilizer is a big emitter of all three of the most-targeted GHGs. Fertilizer, like quarry dust and ammonia is, like so many commodities, often imported from countries who specialize in its production, such as Norway, but also Russia and Ukraine, whose conflict has recently highlighted the fragility of the supply chain with sharp increases in prices...
Bio-digesters by design keep the CO2 and methane in the fertilizer produced, rather than it entering the atmosphere.
For these reasons and more, the aerobic bio-digester is slowly making its way into residential and industrial spaces around the country.
GNN reported on an enormous bio-digester at the heart of the D.C. advanced resource (sewage) recovery center outside the capital, and on the use of bio-digesters on Australian pig farms which are helping reduce the environmental and psychological impact of the effluent produced from such operations.
Harp Renewables tweeted how happy they were to have installed their bio-digester in the town of Cashel, Ireland.
Expect to see more stories like this pop up around the globe."
-via Good News Network, March 17, 2022
Note: Obviously gentrification bad and "affordable housing" is sometimes nowhere near as affordable as it should be, etc. etc. That said, this is such a fantastic use case that I felt I had to post it anyway.
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solarpunkbusiness · 4 months
Ukrainian-born serial entrepreneur Karolina launched WeDoSolar in February 2022, just days before Russia invaded her homeland.
‘It was a super hard time because I also have family and a lot of friends in Ukraine. I was going to the borders, picking people up, developing my product, raising my round with investors, and it was just a completely crazy time.’
The company offers lightweight super-thin photovoltaic panels that tenants can clip onto balcony railings by themselves, without needing an electrician. A smart 5G inverter, also developed by WeDoSolar, converts the solar power into grid power by simply being plugged into a normal power socket, and the company’s specially designed battery system allows users to choose if they want directly to power their household devices, or save the energy to use when it is needed most.
‘Our products are all designed with a DIY aspect in mind in order for anyone to be able to simply hang it on the balcony, plug it into a power socket, and that’s it,’ says Karolina, adding: ‘In an average apartment, our solution, working at full production capacity, can reduce electricity bills by up to 25% and save up to 600 kilograms of CO2 per year.’
An app tracks how much solar power has been produced and also shows consumers their CO2 savings in real time.
‘The spark for WeDoSolar was ignited by a personal desire to use solar energy in my own apartment,’ Karolina recalls.
With soaring energy prices, the first balcony solar kits sold out instantly. The start-up had expected it might have 3 000 customers within the first year, but saw nearly as much demand in the first month alone. WeDoSolar now supplies to 24 EU countries.
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ozonecologne · 7 months
hey, has anybody written the fic yet where dean and sam are a ghost hunting team
dean is a skeptic and sam is a believer?
so they go investigate claims from people that write into their blog and each one tries to present their case to the families so they can decide what truth they want to believe. dean brings in a CO2 detector and mold test kits, checks for doors that aren't installed properly and swing open on their own, or faulty wiring under electronics that makes them turn on by themselves; sam tries some psychic mumbo jumbo and light witchcraft, occasionally praying, reaching out, and picking up "energy" in the home, he's a lot more touchy-feely with the people being haunted and wants to believe them.
dean is very long-suffering about all this and loves proving sam wrong. sam gets very smug when he stumps dean with some twist of new knowledge. sometimes the two have to come together and wonder if, in some cases, it's better to just let people believe in ghosts.
idk i just think the skeptic/believer dynamic would be SO fun for a case fic!!!
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fishcommunity · 6 months
Do you have any good suggestions for a low tech co2 kit or something? My planted tank is looking so gangly. Nothing wants to carpet and it just looks gross. I was told it wouldn't get much better without co2 but I only have one tank and some of the sets I've found are crazy expensive. (Its a 20 gallon long if that helps)
I myself use an FZone 2.5L system. The upkeep (citric acid plus baking soda every 3 or 4 weeks) is about as inexpensive as it gets!
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tunersource · 2 years
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Another banger 💥 MANSORY presents an entirely newly developed add-on kit for the Ferrari SF90 (Coupé / Spider). Lightweight carbon fiber body components, a significant increase in performance, suspension and forged sports rims up to various interior. Power increase up to 1,100 HP and 980 Nm with a performance of Vmax 355 km/h and 0-100 km/h in 2.4s. CO2 emissions (combined): 228 g/km, fuel consumption (combined): 8.2 l/100km, power consumption: 9.3 kW/100km Contact us today for all your tuning needs!! #mansory #ferrari #sf90 #coupe #hybrid #supercar #carbon #customized #aero #forgedwheels #luxury #automotive #morethantradition #official #tunersource #allthebestbrands (at Miami Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7uVSfusID/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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novankenn · 1 year
Hunkering Down (2/3)
Inspired by:
(Hunkering Down 1/3)
Jaune: (Tossing the smoking metal to the floor) Shit!
Ren: That is not a normal reaction for grimm blood. It's almost like it's eating away... Jaune you sword!
Jaune: (Tosses Crocea Mors to the floor as he notices the blade is also smoking.) Fucking hell!
Nora, having found the bathroom, grabbed a small plastic waste bin and filled it with water. She quickly rushes back into the main room and douses both items with the water, diluting the black goo and stopping the acidic reaction.
Pyrrha: How did you know...
Nora: It was a guess.
Pyrrha: A guess?
Nora: Well, chemical spills on skin should be flushed with water, so I figured this was similar.
Loud thuds echoed through the room, causing them all to stop speaking. They just stood there waiting. Those with working weapons tightening their hold upon them. Unarmed, Jaune knew he couldn't do much if one of those things got through the pressure doors, so he moved past his teammates and took a seat at the security console.
As his teammates moved to take positions about the room's only door, Jaune started typing on the keyboard in front of him. He silently thanked Terra for her mentoring him, it was two years well spent. His fingers danced over the keys, as he not so much hacked, but nudged the security system back online. Which brought up all the cameras.
Jaune: Shit!
Pyrrha: Jaune? What is it?
Jaune: They are more than a few of those things out there... a lot more than a few.
Nora: Can you tell how many?
Jaune: No.
Ren: (Pulls his head back into the room.) That door is taking a beating. I’m not sure now much longer it can last.
Jaune: Okay, okay... let's see...
Pyrrha: Jaune?
Jaune: Where is it?
Nora: Fearless Leader?
Jaune: Got it!
Loud screeching could be heard from the fireside of the door as alarms and flashing lights went off in the room. Jaune paid none of it any attention as he continually kept typing in commands. After a few more keystrokes, the alarms were silenced.
Nora: What did you do?
Jaune: I tripped the fire suppression system, specifically in that corridor...
Ren: I don't hear them at the door anymore.
Pyrrha: How did that work? How did you know it would work?
Jaune: I didn't. We lucked out that they used an old CO2 system, over a more modern one.
Pyrrha: I don't...
Ren: CO2 replaces oxygen, and is freezing when released from under pressure. You drove them off.
Nora: I hate to be a bummer, but what now? We're still stuck in here, and I doubt that trick will work a second time.
Jaune: We take stock of what we have available to us, and we figure it from there.
Nora, Ren and Pyrrha all nodded and set about to check their individual kits, while Jaune turned his attention back to the monitors. His deep blue eyes scanned the screens looking for any sign of whatever these things were. It took the others only a few minutes to take stock.
Ren: Well, I have six mags, and three days of rations, plus a first air kit.
Pyrrha: Same on rations, also a first aid kit, and about eight magazines of ammo.
Nora: Same on the rations and kit, but only two mags.
Jaune: I have rations and a first aid kit, but no ammo. (Looks at the charred and pitted remains of his family's heirloom) I'm also basically unarmed.
Pyrrha: So how long before we can expect help?
Jaune: If we can't get a message out, five days.
Ren: As you said, we can stretch the rations out pretty far, but if we end up having to fight those things... we don't have enough ammo... and considering what happened to Crocea Mors, melee is ill-advised.
Nora: So what's the plan?
Jaune: You and Pyrrha are going to check the pressure doors, and then make sure there are no other ways they can get into that corridor. Ren take a look around, see if there is anything we can use.
Ren: This is a security room, so they should have a weapons locker. (Looks about and notices a door with a keypad) I think that might be it, but without a code.
Pyrrha: I think I can take care of the needing a code.
Jaune: Okay, sounds like we have the basics covered. Pyr if you please open that door for Ren and then you and Nora can make a quick check.
Nora: What are you going to do?
Jaune: I'm going to see if I can patch into the main communications array. Try and get a signal out.
With that, everyone went about their tasks, and Jaune put every bit of his training from Terra to work. The others had easily taken care of their objectives, while Jaune struggled to make the rather outdated system do what he wanted. He had almost given up when he finally was able to make his coding work. He smiled as he entered the last lines of code.
Jaune: We have a connection, and we are transmitting.
Nora: The door those things were banging against is okay shape, the other door is perfect.
Pyrrha: I did what I could with my semblance, but it wasn't much. I also crumpled any air vents I saw. Not enough to close them off, but enough that nothing our size could get through them.
Jaune: Ren?
Ren: (Tosses an automatic rifle on the desk Jaune was sitting at.) We have more weapons. There's half a dozen of these in that room, some grenades, and at least ten magazines for each, plus these.
Jaune stood up and with Nora and Pyrrha moved over to the large black case Ren pulled out of the small room. Laying it down, he popped the latches and lifted the top.
Jaune: I haven't seen one of these since I left Ansel.
Nora: It's a gun, right?
Jaune: It's a UA 571-C Automated Sentry gun.
Pyrrha: You know about these, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah, helped my dad do maintenance and reload runs on the ones around Ansel. We have them mounted on our walls at specific spots. These are in mint condition.
Ren: So you think they might be of any use?
Jaune: I do.
Nora: How?
Jaune: How many do we have?
Ren: Four.
Jaune: Good, then I think what we should do is set two up on the outside of each of the pressure doors. We arm them and then seal the doors. If anything comes towards them that isn't human... they'll go off.
Pyrrha: You sure about that, Jaune?
Jaune: You and Nora both said that door took a beating. We need to do something that will help us hold out. I've got an emergency transmission broadcasting... but we still need to hold out until we receive assistance.
Ren: You sure you know how to set these up?
Jaune: I do. Was there anything else of any use in that locker?
Ren: A few sets of clam-shell body armour.
Jaune: Okay, here's the plan. Everyone is going to get on a suit of body armour, and take one of those rifles. You're going to save your other arms for a last resort. We use up the supplies we found first.
The trio nodded.
Jaune: Then while Ren watches the monitors, Nora, Pyrrha and I will set up the sentry guns. Then we seal the doors and wait it out. With any luck we'll get a response, and be out of here in a few hours.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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Boeing accelerates sending 1,000 smart bombs to Israel after Hamas attacks
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/13/2023 - 09:00 in Military, War Zones
Boeing accelerated the delivery of 1,000 smart bombs to Israel as the country intensifies retaliation against Hamas after the devastating weekend attack that killed hundreds of people, industry and defense officials said.
The 250-pound small diameter bombs, part of a 2021 contract, were transported from a U.S. Air Force base by Israeli Air Force transport, according to an industry official who asked not to be identified when discussing the agreements.
A senior defense official who spoke to reporters on Monday said that the ammunition sent in a hurry to Israel was not part of a “foreign military sale” between governments, but rather part of a “direct commercial sale” between the contractor and Israel that was already underway.
A second defense officer said on Tuesday that the first officer was referring to accelerated transactions as part of a May 2021 direct commercial sale between Boeing and Israel, which the State Department estimated at $735 million over several years. It also includes kits to convert unguided bombs into GPS-guided Joint Direct Attack Ammunition. No JDAM kit has been sent yet, said one employee.
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The weapons, which can be launched by Israeli jets more than 64 kilometers away - each aimed at specific targets - "provide the means to accurately target terrorists in Gaza, while minimizing civilian casualties," said Brad Bowman, a military analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, which monitors military issues in the Middle East. He said this is an important capability, considering that Hamas holds Israeli hostages.
The May 2021 sale was controversial when Congress was notified by the Biden administration. Senator Bernie Sanders and some members of the House acted to block the proposal to sell in protest against the Israeli attacks in Gaza at the time, but the proposal was not voted on, according to the Congressional Investigation Service.
A Boeing spokesman did not want to comment. According to a U.S. Air Force information leaflet, the small size of the Small Diameter Pump (SDB) “inherently reduces the likelihood of collateral damage”.
Separately, the Biden administration is expected to announce new arms supplies to Israel, which receives more than $3 billion in U.S. military aid every year.
Source: Bloomberg
Tags: Military AviationBoeingIAF - Israeli Air Force/Israel Air ForceWar Zones - Middle East
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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abcplantsus · 2 years
Aquarium plants are an essential part of any fish tank, and choosing the right ones can be a challenge. In this article, we’re going to outline easy aquarium plants that you can start growing right away.
One of the best ways to make your tank look awesome is by adding easy aquarium plants. These plants can add life and color to your tank while also helping to keep your fish happy and healthy. Here are some easy aquarium plants that will make your tank look awesome:
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Using Rock Caves for Shelter:
Stone Caves can be great ready-made shelters when they are safe. Inspect before use. Check for existing critter inhabitants or signs of frequent visitors such as animal feces, hair/fur, bones, tracks and smells of urine. Keep in mind that, during hot weather, snakes seek cool shelter and they eat bats, and other rodents, which may inhabit the cave.
Look for signs of water leaks or wetness. High dampness or moisture content makes it miserable to sleep, leaves you cold most of the time, promotes bacteria and mold growth and weakens stone integrity.
Use a good light source to check for loose overhead rocks on the ceilings and walls and fissures or cracks in the stone that can be made worse by heat when building a fire. The lower the ceiling, the more the cave's structural integrity, and your safety, will be at risk; the higher the ceiling, the better as well as better ventilation.
Caves can contain Carbon Dioxide (CO2), especially in volcanic regions, and suffocate humans and animals in minutes. A lighted match or candle will not stay lit when CO2 is present.
[Cave Shelter Video 1]
[Cave Shelter Video 2]
[Cave Shelter Video 3]
[Cave Safety]
Thailand Cave Rescue Story
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f1 · 1 year
F1 expects to slash paddock carbon emissions by 90% in Austrian GP power supply trial | 2023 Austrian Grand Prix
Formula 1 will trial a new energy generation system for teams at this weekend’s Austrian Grand Prix which it expects will significantly reduce carbon emissions. Teams ordinarily handle their own energy generation needs in order to power their motorhomes, garages, pit walls and other facilities. They do this to avoid the risk of their performance being compromised by local power outages. However F1 has identified a significant opportunity to improve the efficiency of that power use by centralising it and supplying it to the teams. It will trial a new paddock power supply at the Red Bull Ring this weekend. F1 says its power supply will be produced by more sustainable sources, including a 600 square metre array of solar panels on the inside of the final corner and generators running on hydrotreated vegetable oil biofuel (HVO). The trial will allow F1 to assess how easily the concept could be rolled out to other circuits. It is part of a series of changes the world championship is making as it aims to reduce its carbon emissions to net zero by 2030. F1 teams will have their generators available as a back-up if needed this weekend, but if the paddock power supply concept proves successful the series hopes it will be able to phase old generators out. Ellen Jones, F1’s head of environment, social and governance, said cutting the teams’ dependence on their own power supplies will ultimately allow them to reduce the amount of equipment they take to races, delivering a further cut in F1’s emissions. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free “When you look at what does ‘net zero by 2030’ make up, it has three components, which is the energy from our factories, there is our travel and logistics, and then there’s our energy at events,” said Jones. “When we look at event energy, you’re actually hitting on two pillars. You’re not only hitting on how do we reduce our carbon emissions from hosting an event, but you’re also looking at how do we ship less? Because we don’t need those generators to ship in the first place and those duplicates. “So projects like this one are trialling new ways of working so that we can get our teams to collaborate and reduce carbon emissions, but have the potential to reduce not only energy at events, but also hit that critical travelling logistics piece of how do we use less kit, how do we make sure we’re doing it in a more efficient manner?” The first real-world test of the power supply will help the series judge how easily it could be introduced at more challenging venues, such as street circuits, where there is less room available to set up power generation equipment. “We have to look at every circuit individually but until we understand what that overall requirement is, it’s very difficult for us to look at that going forward in terms of scale,” said F1’s logistics director Ian Stone. “Obviously some places have got good space, some have got no space. Temporary circuits could obviously be more challenging. And I think one easy way to produce a more sustainable event is to work with the promoters and the circuits to have a sustainable power supply available that’s robust enough to support the pace and demands of F1 and the teams.” Stone indicated the emissions cut could be in excess of 90%. “Our estimation is 2022 there was around 200 tonnes of CO2 produced and we’re looking, again subject to receiving that data, to reduce that to around 10 tonnes of CO2.” Become a RaceFans Supporter RaceFans is run thanks in part to the generous support of its readers. By contributing £1 per month or £12 per year (or the same in whichever currency you use) you can help cover the costs of creating, hosting and developing RaceFans today and in the future. Become a RaceFans Supporter today and browse the site ad-free. Sign up or find out more via the links below: Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 Austrian Grand Prix Browse all 2023 Austrian Grand Prix articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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Do you think gabrily will have another son? As in co2 it was mentioned cecily blue eyed tall sons
Charlotte was preggos with twins by the end making sense the fairchild daughters…
Y'ALL DIDN'T I TELL YOU PEOPLE THAT CHARLOTTE AND HENRY WERE GOING TO HAVE TWINS?!!? DIDN'T I PREDICT IT IN COI WHEN WILL PULLED CHARLOTTE CLOSE TO HIM??? Someone please give me a recognition that I never lost hope that they would have twins, I need it hahah I screamed when I Charlotte said she was pregnant and screamed again when Matthew said they were twins, because I was praying that it would happen and my prayers have been answered and it's just so perfect ahhh
And to answer your other question, no, I don't think Gabrily will have another child. Cassie wrote the epilogue a decade before she even published chog. Ideas shift, characters change and we can't expect cassie to mold the story to what she wrote years ago (nor do I think it would be wise to do such a thing and it would be unfair to the tlh characters to force their story in a direction, just so that it fits into something written years ago). So I'm okay with the tid epilogue being a bit inaccurate. I feel like originally Cassie would have killed Anna and Christopher probably have blue eyes in her original planning (just as Anna had green eyes in her first drafts). I don't think she intended to kill Kit until after chain of gold, though I can't speak for her, I only suspect it because it doesn't make sense to almost kill Kit in the first book, only to actually kill him in Chot (I still can't believe he's dead, y'all, it hurts to write)
I think the Fairchild daughters was an easy fix and so, Cassie added it. But I don't think Gabriel and Cecily will have another child. I don't think their in the position to take care of another baby. I think Christopher will always be their child and death won't change that. I'd like to think that they wanted 3 kids, and they had 3 kids. Just because Kit died, I don't think they'd have another because it would feel like they were "replacing" him.
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