#coach!ari levinson x reader
imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Higher Love: Part 6
The early enough Saturday morning had bled into Saturday afternoon and it was a natural shift from the two of you enjoying coffee and breakfast together to the short time Ari had taken to grade some papers for his other class.
You had stretched out on his couch while he worked, tucked in against the cushions with a blanket covering you and tucked under your chin, your eyes growing heavier as he had read the papers one at a time before he typed back some replies.
When you woke again after falling back asleep Ari greeted you with another steaming cup, this time it was a chai latte, and an invitation to just stay another night.
You had eventually risen from the couch and had taken a shower while Ari ordered another bout of takeout after he had lent you some more clothes. After you had showered and gotten dressed again, you joined Ari for dinner on the couch, curling into his side while he kissed your temple and whispered soft nothing into your hair.
You had both settled upon a classic, and a favourite of yours, The Princess Bride, although you were far more invested in the way Ari had been drawing his fingers up and down your spine with gentle strokes that made you shiver and shudder against him.
You had turned into him, resting your head against his shoulder as he slowly pulled you into his lap and draped a blanket across you both. There was an underlying and soft flutter of your scents as they became intermixed and intertwined, the end of one and the beginning of another blurring until they were entirely synonymous with the other.
“You’re falling asleep.” Ari’s voice was soft and tender, it was muffled as he switched your positions until you were tucked completely against him with your head lolling on his shoulder. “You should go to bed.”
“I want to sleep with you.” Your fingers delved along the front of his soft cotton shirt, your fingers slipping beneath the neckline to graze along his firm chest and the lingering hair, something that was inherently attractive to you.
Everything about Ari was attractive to you, especially his chest hair and the trail that lead below his waist, although you had only seen it when he was helping you get undressed on Friday.
“I don’t want to sleep alone.” You looked at Ari through your eyelashes, catching and holding his soft gaze as he searched your face, his tongue darting across his bottom lip. There was a purr from his chest, the rumble that had come from a place of non-sexual pleasure and intimacy, a great lingering happiness that had passed between the two of you.
“Okay.” Ari’s head dipped his head and caught your lips with his, a kiss that made your heart thrash in your chest and your hands tightly against his chest. He swallowed your whimper, he swallowed your whines as his tongue brushed your own, and then he stood with you still secure in his arms.
The movie was forgotten, and the dialogue between the characters was still playing out on screen when Ari had begun carting you off to his room. He walked without hesitation, he hadn’t once pulled his lips off of yours as he made his way throughout his place, and he had only stopped to close the door with his foot and then his mouth was back on yours.
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“Thanks for letting me stay the weekend,” you spoke while tucking the end of his flannel into the waist of your borrowed sweats, drawing your attention away from him only to look back a moment later, “I had fun, it was nice being off of campus.”
“You can come here anytime you want.” Ari swiped his keys from the hook near the door, tucking them into his hands before he reached for the handle to open the door for you, waiting for you to slip on your shoes.
“Thank you,” you passed him on the way out and stood on the other side, rubbing your hands together while you wait for him to lock up, “I had fun…”
“This wasn’t a one-off for me.” Ari had slipped his keys into his pocket, and then he reached for your hand and clutched it with his own. “I want you to know that, and what you said about wanting the same thing-“
“I do, Ari.” You rushed to speak, almost as if you felt that you owed it to him. “Ari, I do want this-“
“I know, baby.” He cut you off with a soft kiss to your lips, heat rushing through you yet again. “I just want you to know how much I want you.”
“Ari,” you sucked in air as if you couldn’t dare get enough of it or enough of him, and the vibrant memory of the two of you last night had come to the forefront of your mind, “I know how much you want this. And me…I still feel-“
“Was it too much?” He questioned with a hum, bringing the back of your hand to his mouth so he could brush his plump lips against your knuckles. “Was I too much?”
“I’m just not used to…” you chewed the inside of your cheek and dropped your gaze to the focal point of your pleasured pain. “…anyone of that size. But it was good.”
“I want to make this official, I want to court you.” Ari’s whispered promises were dazzling and amazing, it was an endearing concept that he had told you about before, but now that you were together and had been together, it felt all-consuming in the best way possible.
“I already think of this as our first…official step.” You had felt bashful, you felt quiet and shy about claiming this as it was, and your bashfulness was met with the flutter of his lips against your forehead and the steady hand cupping your cheek.
“It was.” Ari had pulled away while keeping a hand on your cheek, lightly brushing his thumb across your cheek before he had ultimately pulled away and began the trek with you away from the front door of his apartment, walking toward his parked car outside. “It was an amazing first.”
There was comfortable silence as you walked with him, nothing that was lingering or awkward, no underlying tension that had caused a stalemate. It was as if you and Ari had known each other your entire lives as if you were always and would always be intertwined.
It was the first time you had ever felt so truly connected and bound to someone before. Ari Levinson was the alpha you couldn’t uproot from your brain, he was ever stuck in your mind with a permanent place in every corner. Your entire body seemed to react to the sound of his voice or the gentle touch of his hands, the addictiveness of his scent.
You were drawn to everything he was and had ever been, the man and the alpha who you had recognized as your mate in the basest manner. Even if everything about you had been stripped to the bones, you would recognize and want him. You would crave and desire Ari with everything you had, and you had known he would feel the same.
You knew he would have those same inescapable feelings as you had, he had told you so himself. It was his hopefulness that you two would become one solid unit, a mated pair, and that devotion was as visceral as it was overwhelming.
“I’ll drive you home,” Ari’s gentleness had been a constant no matter if it was through his physical, verbal or emotional, he had been nothing less than a place of absolute comfort, “you need to get ready for classes tomorrow.”
“My professor is a hard-ass.” You quipped and shifted in your seat after Ari had closed the passenger door, your hands and eyes settling upon a stack of papers sitting on the dashboard, the stack bound by a sleek silver staple.
You lifted the stack of papers from the dashboard and settled them in your lap, keeping your attention on the thick forms while Ari joined you in the vehicle and started the engine. You were reading and re-reading the words on the docket, your mind processing what it had meant word by word as Ari started to pull away from the curb.
It was the official start of a relationship and courtship, this would mean that Ari was yours as much as you were his. This would be the first stepping stone to becoming full-fledged mates, and it was a decision that shouldn’t have been made lightly. But you already knew what you were doing and you knew what you wanted, you knew from the depths of your heart and soul that he was what you wanted.
There was a lot stacked against you and this relationship, a lot of boundaries that would be set with the school even if you were two consenting adults, alpha and omega who were drawn to each other, this paperwork was meant to protect you as an omega. The moment you had signed it and it was accepted by the dean of the school, you would be required to drop any and all classes that you had with Ari, even as a guest professor.
You would have to keep your public displays of affection to a minimum when you were on campus, with the exceptions being at school events and his games. And if you had wanted to end the courtship for any reason, almost all favour within the eyes of the school administration would fall to you.
“is this-“ Ari had looked at you from the corner of his eyes, watching you intermittently while trying to pay attention to the road.
His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, a sharp take to his scent while he was anticipating whether or not you wanted this. It was the thrush of anxiousness, the stalemate between wishing you would sign and being as patient as possible for you to make the decision for yourself.
“I’m signing it.” You popped the glove compartment open and stole the pen from inside.
You twisted the end to push the ballpoint out, and then you put it to paper, scribbling and signing your name below Ari’s, even adding a small dot after the last letter to add emphasis and when you were done you had folded the papers back up and set them back.
“It’s official then,” Ari reached for your hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly, “we’re courting.”
“You’re mine.”
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Let Me Love You - 8 || End
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Character: college!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary: On a mysterious, rainy night, Bucky witnesses a distressing encounter involving his crush.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you once again.
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You only muttered a noncommittal "hmm" when you heard your father's words. Matthew, on the other side of the phone, could only sigh.
Before the divorce, you would chat with him, sharing your thoughts and feelings. But now, your responses were short and distant: "I'm fine," "Yeah," "No," and "Thanks."
"I'm sorry. It's all because of my mistakes," Matthew said, his voice heavy with regret.
'That's right,' you thought bitterly, your grip tightening around the phone.
Matthew's voice softened, filled with a sadness you couldn't ignore. "Don't think about it. Get some rest."
You nodded silently, even though he couldn't see you, feeling the emotional chasm between you both widen further.
After ending the call with your father, you felt lonely. Just then, your phone buzzed with a message from Bucky: "Good night."
Despite the earlier conversation, a small smile tugged at your lips, a warmth spreading through you. Bucky's simple message felt like a lifeline, a reminder that someone cared.
The next day, you felt a knot of nervousness in your stomach as you stepped onto the university campus. The thought of facing everyone, especially after the recent events, was daunting.
Bucky was beside you, his presence a comforting anchor in your anxiety. He glanced at you, noticing the tension in your expression.
"Hey," he said gently, "you've got this. I'm here with you."
You gave him a small, grateful smile, trying to draw strength from his support. "Thanks, Bucky. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He nodded, his eyes full of reassurance. "You don't have to worry about that. You're not alone in this."
While walking to class, you and Bucky noticed that nobody even glanced your way. It seemed like everyone was absorbed in their phones, gasping and starting animated discussions.
Suddenly, a cheering scream erupted from afar. You looked around, puzzled. "Something to celebrate?" you asked, glancing at Bucky.
Steve joined both of you, a wide grin on his face. "It's for the football team. Especially Ari." He held out his phone, showing you the photos.
You gasped, your eyes widening as you read the article.
"They chose Ari Levinson instead of Lloyd," said Steve. The headline and accompanying photos detailed the unexpected turn of events.
Bucky leaned in to get a better look, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Wow, that's a big change. I wonder what happened."
The campus football team had two standout players: Lloyd Hansen and Ari Levinson.
Lloyd was the main star, possessing a charisma that the camera loved. He thrived in the spotlight, his confident demeanor drawing attention on and off the field.
In contrast, Ari preferred quiet, shying away from the limelight. Despite his reserved nature, his skills on the field were undeniable.
But how did such a sudden change occur when everyone knew Lloyd was the chosen one?
You remembered what your father had said the previous night.
Reaching for your phone, you called him. "Dad?"
Matthew answered, his voice calm yet firm. "No one will underestimate you this time."
Unbeknownst to you, your father was at the campus, standing in the headmaster's office with the football coach and Lloyd. He looked out from behind the blinds, looking at you from afar.
Matthew ended the call and turned his attention to Lloyd, who sat with his head down, looking pale and defeated.
Matthew stepped closer, his voice low and stern. "Is this how you repay me? You promised to protect my daughter."
Lloyd clenched his fist, his knuckles white with tension. He knew Matthew's history as a former NFL player and the football coach at their previous high school. He had never anticipated that Matthew had the power to derail his path to the professional league.
Matthew's presence was imposing, a silent reminder of his authority.
It was Matthew who had trained Lloyd and provided the recommendation that helped him secure the scholarship. Some called him biased since Lloyd was dating his daughter, but as long as Lloyd made you happy and showed big potential, Matthew was willing to support him.
But now, this kid had cheated on his daughter. This sinful mistake reminded Matthew of his own past missteps.
He decided to teach Lloyd a valuable lesson. Not everything could go as he planned.
Matthew adjusted his jacket buttons and looked at Lloyd with a steely gaze. "You're good. Keep training. Perhaps another team will scout you."
With that, he turned and left the room, leaving Lloyd to ponder the gravity of his actions and the consequences they had brought upon him.
Lloyd clenched his fists, frustration boiling as he punched his knees in anger. His life felt crumbling before his eyes, all because of that woman.
Where the heck was she now?
Nicky stood in the bustling airport, a knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach. She had paid the hacker to erase her digital footprint, to free herself from the consequences of her actions. Yet, despite her efforts, an ominous sense of impending doom lingered in the air.
As she went to the priority lounge, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. With trembling hands, she answered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hi, Dad."
The voice on the other end was filled with disappointment and anger. "You still brave enough to talk? You idiot. I thought you had quit from those bullying things. Your mistakes will ruin the company."
Nicky gasped, feeling the weight of her father's words like a physical blow.
"I've received the files of your bad deeds," her father continued, accusing. "What the heck is wrong with you, Nicky?"
Desperation flooded Nicky's senses as she tried to find the right words to explain. "Dad... wait. I can explain—"
But her father's voice cut through her protestations. "You want to leave the country. Good. Don't ever come back."
The line went dead, leaving Nicky feeling as though her world had crumbled around her. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she struggled to process the magnitude of her father's words.
As if on cue, the cashier at the priority lounge interrupted her thoughts with a grim announcement. "Miss, your credit card has been declined."
Nicky's heart sank further, the realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. Everything she had planned, her escape from the consequences of her actions, was slipping through her fingers.
Nicky wondered who had orchestrated this downfall and who had made such an effort to help Y/N.
It was all because of Bucky.
He had chosen an investigation team to find out, just as he had predicted. And the culprit was none other than Nicky herself.
Instead of resorting to public humiliation, Bucky had chosen a different path—blackmail. He understood the power dynamics at play, knowing that hitting Nicky where it hurt the most—her privileged lifestyle and her father's reputation—would be the most effective form of punishment.
Nicky had always been a spoiled princess, shielded from the consequences of her actions by her doting father. But now, with her pillars of support crumbling around her, she was left vulnerable and exposed.
Bucky remained at the university, orchestrating events from behind the scenes. He calculated his moves carefully, knowing that Nicky's downfall would have far-reaching consequences.
As Nicky's world began to crumble, Bucky couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Justice had been served, and he had played a crucial role in ensuring that the truth came to light.
Karma has hit her like a ton of bricks.
After the aftermath, you resumed attending classes like usual. However, you couldn't help but notice Lloyd's somber demeanor as he walked through the halls like a mere shadow of his former self. It tugged at your heartstrings, prompting you to take action.
A few days later, as you and Bucky walked side by side, you unexpectedly crossed paths with Lloyd. This time, there was a subtle shift in his demeanor. As he drew closer, he whispered a heartfelt "Thank you."
A small smile graced your lips in response.
The reason behind Lloyd's gratitude stemmed from your intervention. You had reached out to your father, pleading for Lloyd to be given a second chance. Lloyd received an offer from another team.
You understood that everyone makes mistakes, especially in their youth, and you couldn't bear to see Lloyd lose his passion and purpose.
Having grown up alongside Lloyd, you knew that football was more than just a game to him—it was his life and his dreams. If it were taken away from him, he would be left adrift, without direction or purpose.
So, you did what you could to help him reclaim his footing and pursue his aspirations once more.
You couldn't bear the thought of being the one to crush his dreams, not after everything you and he had been through together.
It was the least you could do to offer him this final gift, a chance to reignite the fire within him and pursue his aspirations once more.
As time passed, graduation day finally arrived. The campus buzzed with excitement as every student donned their caps, gowns, and proudly held their diplomas.
Amidst the sea of graduates, you watched with pride as your boyfriend, Bucky, took the stage as the valedictorian to deliver his speech.
It was a moment of triumph, made even sweeter by the journey you both had taken together. Bucky's patience and unwavering support had finally won you over, and he now held a special place in your heart as your boyfriend.
Turning around, you spotted your parents sitting together in the crowd. Despite the awkwardness that lingered between them, you were grateful that they managed to put aside their differences for this important day.
Your gaze then shifted to Lloyd, who had undergone a noticeable transformation. Gone was his once-smug attitude, replaced by a newfound humility and maturity.
Though you only caught glimpses of him from afar, you couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for his growth, silently wishing him the best in his future endeavors.
And as for Nicky, rumors circulated that she was stuck in another country, working hard to find her way back home. While her fate remained uncertain, you couldn't help but hope that she would find redemption and a path forward.
As the ceremony drew close, you couldn't help but reflect on the tumultuous journey that had led you to this momentous day. From the heartbreak of discovering your first love's betrayal to the humiliation inflicted by his other girl, it had been a path fraught with pain and challenges.
Yet, amidst the darkness, there were glimmers of light—your father's unwavering support and the gentle presence of your new boyfriend, who was a beacon of sweetness and kindness in your life, like an angel sent from above.
Despite the trials and tribulations, you felt a sense of optimism. With the scars of the past serving as reminders of your strength and resilience, you looked towards the future with hope and determination.
Each step forward was a testament to your courage and resilience, and you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them head-on, guided by the love and support surrounding you.
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Thank you for everyone who reading this stories🩷💙🩷
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Author Note:
Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account. Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating. Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
I’d like to thank @junipermuses - @royalsweetteaa - @st3rgirl - @foreverenchantingchrisevans for all of their help with creating my first kinktober and their putting up with me annoying them with it💗 and an extra thanks to @foreverenchantingchrisevans for making my kinktober sign💗
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🌸𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 1🌸:
3rd 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓉
ft cop boyfriend steve rogers x girlfriend reader.
dry humping and praising
5th 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒷𝑒𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒹 
ft jock jake wyler x naive reader.
glory hole and corruption/innocence
7th 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒻𝒶𝓌𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 
ft roommate colin shea x roommate reader.
9th 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 
ft sheriff lee bodecker x criminal reader.
face-fucking and cum eating
🌷𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 2🌷:
10th 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒹𝒶𝓏𝑒𝒹 
ft tutor jake jensen x student reader.
cream pie and breeding kink
12th 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓉𝑒 
ft step-dad johnny storm x step-daughter reader.
14th 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓌 
ft neighbour lloyd hansen x neighbour reader.
16th 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 
ft boyfriend chris evans and his best friend sebastian stan x girlfriend reader.
sharing kink and cuckolding
🍄𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 3🍄:
17th 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓅𝑒𝓉𝒶𝓁 
ft camboy ransom drysdale x camgirl reader.
spanking and being recorded
19th 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝒾𝓇𝑒 
ft best friend’s brother curtis everett x inexperienced reader.
21st 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓈𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 
ft coach lance tucker x assistant coach reader.
overstimulation and semi-public sex
23rd 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 
ft doctor steve kemp x patient reader.
dacryphilia and knife kink
💗𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 4💗:
24th 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁 
ft boss bucky barnes x co-worker reader.
26th 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 
ft caregiver frank adler x babysitter reader.
28th 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓎 
ft lawyer andy barber x naive reader.
daddy kink and thigh riding
30th 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒶𝓁𝑒 
ft were-bear ari levinson x fairy reader.
monsterfucking, public sex and sex pollen
31st 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓌𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝓀𝒾𝓈𝓈 
ft daddies ari levinson, nomad steve rogers, curtis everett. their best friends bucky barnes and andy barber and reader’s teacher jake jensen x little student reader.
group sex, begging, voyeurism, degradation, praising, daddy kink, sir kink, semi-public sex, fingerfucking, facefucking, overstimulation, spanking, sharing kink, cum eating, breeding kink, dirty talk, oral sex, nipple play, spit kink, hair pulling, squirting, deep throating, cock and ball worship, cuckolding, aftercare, being recorded and teasing
this fic is dedicated to @junipermuses without her, it wouldn’t exist💗
31st 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 2 - 𝓁𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂
ft stepdad steve rogers, step-uncle bucky barnes, stepbrother jake jensen and his best friend johnny storm x naive reader.
voyeurism, degradation, praising, daddy kink, sharing kink, fingerfucking, facefucking, overstimulation, spanking, breeding kink, dirty talk, oral sex, hair pulling, deep throating, cock and ball worship, aftercare, exhibitionism and teasing
also this one @junipermuses 💗
31st 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 3 - 𝒶𝓅𝒽𝓇𝑜𝒹𝒾𝓉𝑒
ft stepdad steve rogers, step-uncle bucky barnes, stepbrother jake jensen, his best friend johnny storm, neighbours ari levinson, andy barber and their brothers curtis everett and frank adler x naive reader.
voyeurism, degradation, praising, daddy kink, sharing kink, cuckolding, fingerfucking, group sex, facefucking, overstimulation, spanking, breeding kink, dirty talk, oral sex, hair pulling, deep throating, cock and ball worship, cum eating, aftercare, teasing, spit kink, semi-public sex, begging and exhibitionism
and this being part 2 of lavender dreams, dedicated to @junipermuses 💗
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onsunnyside · 2 years
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𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲? 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲... 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲? 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 🍆💦
well hello friends !! To celebrate Mr. Chris DILF Evans’ birthday, the upcoming father’s day, and because I’m in the mood for DILF-themed things 💦 I’m throwing another party !! focused on dilf-things in terms of vibes/being an actual father, etc. so send asks/requests, besties, and I’ll pick a few !! PSA | Updates | PSA2
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬:
𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐅-𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 | June 13—14 (REQUESTS CLOSED but party will continue until all chosen requests are done !!)
˚*。:°ꨄ 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧: we can talk about anything and I’ll also be answering older asks !!
˚*。:°☾ 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬/𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: must be related to the party theme! these can be about any of my current works or fresh ideas/prompts | (˗ˏˋ𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ |  𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐬)
𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬: all things dilf-related: dad’s best friend, boyfriend’s dad, best friend’s dad, stepdad, dad!character x mom!reader, dilf/milf, age gap, silver fox, etc. open to soft dark/dark—send anything !!
Before sending a prompt, please check the list of completed drabbles in case it has already been sent. No requests are guaranteed.
all asks/drabbles/things related to my celebration will be tagged under: #daddy sorry daddy party & all drabbles will be reblogged onto my library: @onsunnysidelibrary
Reminder: my blog is 18+ — minors DNI. [time zone converter]
𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐠𝐬: all fics, drabbles, etc.
updated as they’re posted | [smut*]
trophy wife!reader x dilf!Ari Levinson | milf!reader
𝐒𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥; one shot: dark!bodyguard!Lloyd Hansen x reader*
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐁𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩; one shot: stepdad!Ari Levinson x innocent!reader x stepdad’s best friend!Lloyd Hansen*
stepdad!Lloyd Hansen got with your family for business but wants to knock you up*
christmas with stepdad!Ari Levinson*
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲; one shot: dark!dilf!Ari Levinson takes you to parent teacher night, innocent!babysitter!reader* (dark, vibrating panties)
dad’s best friend!Curtis Everett at his hunting lodge*
cruel: the lake house*
sick of sugarcoatin’: curtis comes over for father’s day*
boyfriend’s dad!Ari*
dad’s best friend!Chris Evans teaches you golf*
best friend’s dad!swim coach!andy is breath control training swimmer!reader by having the reader blow him underwater*
Chris finds out you’re pregnant
boyfriend’s dad!Andy finds out you’re pregnant (not set in Cruel)
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jamneuromain · 6 months
Obviously 🤤 + 😳 with Ari Levinson dear Jam.
HOE-KAY! So I'm picturing you and your friend thirsting over this hunk of a man...
Ari Levinson x Reader (You)
Warning: Diving Coach!Ari, Tourist!Reader, getting caught... sort of?), sentences in Italic is spoken in another language.
Summary: You are sure you can't be heard, or at least, understood when you thirst over a man in your native language.
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"I can't believe you decided to spend our vacation on another beach." Your friend Asteria sighs, lying back under the warm sunlight, "Still, this resort is not half bad, where did you find it?"
You push the sunglasses over your head, turning lazily in her direction, smirking, "Not many results left after I type in Egypt+beach," reaching a hand to the small table between the two chairs, you grab your drink and sip the cool coconut water, "Plus, you had your share of camels and pyramids and sand in the first three days."
Asteria is a huge fan of ancient history. She selected Latin and Culture and History of Ancient Egypt in her undergraduate years, even if her major was East Asia Studies. While you got bored of this elective focusing on pharaohs and zig-zaw drawings on ancient stones quickly, Asteria followed the whole course and took another elective on Mayan civilization.
This is why when you ought to settle on a destination for your vacation, Asteria booked the first three days of a trip in and out of the desert, when you booked the next three days of one Red Sea Diving Resort.
Which accidentally comes with the hottest diving instructor you have ever met in your entire life.
"Psst, incoming alert." Asteria clutches your arm and shakes so violently, that your drink almost spills from the glass, her eyes rounding like a light bulb, "Hot coach at ten o'clock."
Coming from one of the smallest countries on the planet, you know that your native language is spoken by a small number of people. And at special circumstances, for instance, this hot coach named Ari, you naturally speak your mother tongue so that you could thirst over him with the benefit of no one could ever find out - except for Asteria, who spent four years studying it.
Sharing the same awe-struck expression as Asteria, you lower your sunglasses to have a better look at this brunette Adonis out of the water. He pushes his hair back, with the water beads falling from his chiseled chin and his large hand, dripping wet, not to mention the chest peeking from his diving suit -
"Oh my fucking God, he's looking this way." You squeal so high that you are close to out of air. Even using your native language, you can feel the shyness and nervousness bubbling from your heart and surfacing on your skin. Your face aflame by a simple look he delivers in your direction.
"Oh my - holy fuck, he's coming this way!" Asteria raises her glass to her lips, just to cover the huge grin on her face, "He's so fucking hot. Coach BDE."
"Fuck me." You exclaim, blocking your sight with the local newspaper you took on the way to the beach, because you damn well know that your heart is practically jumping out of your throat if you spare one more glance at the sex god.
"You really should." Asteria tempts you like a rightful friend would, "And tell me if his dick is actually as big as we imagined."
You hiss at her, seeing Coach Ari approaching your direction, "You are a horrible influence - not that he looks unfuckable. Hell, he looks so fuckable with the broad shoulders and the long hair." You whine in the most pathetic voice as he walks past you, "Fuck, I think I'm more soaked than he is."
"Then go talk to him!"
"I can't!"
"Of course you can!" Asteria nudges you in a particularly ticklish spot on your waist, "Go before Coach BDE disappears!"
"What if he says no!"
"You don't know that!" Asteria turns to look at the hot coach, "Great. Now he's gone." As if he has just disappeared on plain sight.
The lingering feeling of your face heating reminds you of the fact that merely with Ari's presence, you are flushed from head to toe. You can't imagine talking to him without embarrassing yourself.
Asteria rolls her eyes and pokes the ticklish spot on your waist again, "I swear, if you don't fuck him, I will annoy you about this for the rest of our lives."
"It's not like I don't want to fuck him!" You huff out in annoyance. Although with Ari gone, for now, you are deep in your thoughts so that you are still talking in your native language, "You know I'm too scared to ask him. I can't exactly go and ask, ' Hi Ari, my friend Asteria said you could be great in bed. May I fuck you?' "
A shadow looms over you. By the looks and widening eyes of Asteria looking at someone behind you, her eyes nearly popping, and the faintest wiggle of her eyebrows, you turn your neck to see the hot coach TM standing behind you, getting a whiplash as a result.
"Yes, of course." Ari simply says. A small smile tugging the corner of his lips, making the fact that he has understood your thirsting conversation painfully obvious. Ari has changed into a blue shirt and shorts, leaving his veiny arm and thick thighs in plain sight. Even though he isn't dripping anymore, you sure as hell still do.
You stutter for a moment, before hastily apologizing, "I'm so sorry, my friends and I were just talking, we didn't mean-"
"Of course, she means that." Asteria doesn't even pretend that she wants to leave the place for you and Ari, "Oops, I've got something going on. Laters babe!" Blowing you a kiss, she snatches her purse and dashes out of sight.
There is nothing smug about Ari's posture as he sits down on Asteria's chair, watching you with his clear blue eyes as you nervously drape the thin bath towel over your bikini. "Sorry about barging in on your conversation. My apologies for eavesdropping." His sharp canines bite into his plump lower lip, those mesmerizing eyes search for any sign that you could've felt offended by his movements.
"No... I should be the one to say sorry." The blood rushes to your cheeks again, you could literally ignite a match with your burning face, "... about ... um, what I've said."
"Please. I'm flattered, if anything," Ari takes a deep breath. If you were looking closely enough, you would realize the tip of his ears is painted with a faint color of pink, "Have you had dinner yet? I know a great place that cooks squabs."
The refusal is almost on instinct, but you think of the encouragement (and the threat) Asteria made before her departure, and the words roll off your tongue, "I'd love to."
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Find Jammy's 500 Follower's Celebration here 👈
Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox 👂
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sage-writing · 2 years
Love In The Water
swimmer! Ari Levinson x female trainer! reader
Sport: competitive swimming
Decade: 1980s
Summary: Being Ari's swimming coach is more difficult than you thought. Until there is a little confession.
Word count: ~1.9k
Warnings: actually pretty fluff, minor smut, mention of pregnancy [still 18+, minors do not interact and please leave my blog]
A/N: Entry for @syntheticavenger In it to win it Challenge. Congratulations on your 11k🥳🎉This challenge was so much fun. Thank you for organizing this, helping me out and giving me the courage to post this after my long break here ❣️ I chose the song "Africa" to add a little spice to it.
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Annoyed, you took another look at your watch. Ari was never able to be on time. He was probably curing his hangover once again.
Frustrated, you sat down at the edge of the swimming area and put your feet into the cool clear water of the pool. For 2 months you had already been Ari Levinson's swim trainer and he was already getting on your last nerve.
It was relatively quiet here. Some other athletes were training alone. But yours didn't even manage to be on time for the guided workouts.
A few minutes later, Ari came sauntering out of the club house with one hand loosely in the pocket of his swim shorts and a cup of coffee in the other.
"You're late." You said angrily when he finally arrived at your place. If there was one thing you couldn't stand, it was Ari's outstanding ability to be inattentive and flippant in any situation. It was important to stick to the training schedule and there wasn't much time left until the next competition. Only hard work could still turn the situation around.
Ari sipped his coffee in a leisurely manner.
"It's only eleven minutes. Lighten up, it's a beautiful day, no need to stress."
Arguing wouldn't do any good, so you just decide to get on with it.
"You know you shouldn't wear those loose swimming shorts. They increase your resistance in the water and just make you slow."
"Yeah I know, but those Speedos are so tight down there." he whined like a little kid and didn't take you seriously.
Your patience was wearing thin. You snatched his coffee cup out of his hand. 
"Hands out of your pockets and into the water. 11 lanes. One for every minute late. And that's not counting as a warm-up yet. Move out."
Ari wanted to reach for the radio, because he loved to listen to music while swimming. You could not understand it, because through the water hardly any sounds came through to him, but he said he liked it especially when the sounds were slightly muffled. You took the radio out of his reach.
"If you'd been on time, you'd be listening to music now."
Finally, Ari obeyed and got into position on the starting block while you lined up at his level on the poolside.
"Front crawl, bilateral breathing, after every third stroke. On my signal.
3...2...1." Vigorously blowing the whistle, you started the stopwatch. Ari lunged forward and dove into the water like an arrow.
The training went sluggishly. Ari kept swimming his penalty laps and warm-up fast and technically clean.
Later, however, his technique became sloppy, arrhythmic and he made mistakes.
With another blow of the whistle you signaled Ari to stop after the current lane.
You just had to vent your frustration.
"Levinson, where are you with your thoughts?" Sighing, you pinched your bridge of your nose.
"Why so tense, coach?" 
"Tense?! That's an understatement. Practice with you is a disaster. You're always late, unfocused, and don't follow my instructions as a coach. You're only at the club parties in the evenings, constantly flirting with other women, probably still hooking up with them, and that's why you're not in shape in the morning. How are we ever going to make progress like that?" Your voice was getting steadily louder.
Ari only responded to your harsh criticism with a grin.
"Is someone jealous?"
"Pretty thin ice, Levinson. I wouldn't mind throwing my job out on the line." 
Only now did he seem to realize how serious you were. His grin disappeared, and with a flourish he pulled himself up on the edge of the pool and stood in front of you, dripping wet. The light was refracted in the many small drops of water so his skin glistened in the sun.
"You know what? We're going to stop the training here. If you can't take me seriously, there's no point. I want you to do your stamina training now and the weights training in the afternoon. Then, if we can work together like professionals again, I'll see you back here this evening."
You turned on your heel and even Ari calling your name couldn't bring you back.
You needed time to cool down and had been swimming in the sea yourself. Swimming against the waves and the surf was more to your liking. It was more natural, not like in a calm chlorine-rich pool. You let the setting sun dry your skin.
In the evening you entered the area of the swimming club. By now all the athletes and coaches had gone home. Only Ari was sitting on one of the starting blocks waiting for you. He looked as bad as you felt.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you or stopped the session. That was unprofessional."
For once, it was easy for you to apologize. Your mistake was clear to see. Even if you could never admit that Ari was right.
You were jealous. First and foremost, you couldn't understand how much focus and ambition he put into flirting. Something that didn't seem possible in training.
Maybe there was more, but you couldn't and didn't want to let it get closer to you. A liaison between coach and athlete was highly... problematic.
"It's okay." Ari brushed back his long hair. He looked nervous, too. "As for the other women, you may be wrong, but it's true that my concentration is slipping. I don't notice it until I'm already completely out of rhythm. Can you show me what I'm doing wrong as soon as the first mistake sneaks in?"
"Like in the water?"
"You've been training me for a while, but you haven't been in the pool with me once. You're not a non-swimmer, are you?" He provoked you teasingly.
"All right, but only if you behave yourself and at least try to carry out my instructions this time."
"I'm quite the perfect gentleman, and I swear it." Ari's reappearing smirk was a sign that the mood was tilting back to the positive. This time you even allowed him to turn on the radio.
You slipped out of your sweater and track pants. The high-leg-cut swimsuit you wore underneath was currently in fashion but not exactly the most professional attire for professional swimmers. But it had to do for today. Ari and you enter the water. You let him swim ahead and stopped him whenever you had to correct something. At first you felt his muscles tense up when you put your hand on his chest, arms and legs and showed him how to improve his posture and movements.
You couldn't deny that Ari's body was in great shape. His muscular system was dense and strong. Sometimes you felt his gaze on you as well and you wondered if he was listening to you at all. But indeed the exercises worked and you were sure that Ari's performance showed improvement.
He did a few more laps, which you watched partly from above the water surface or from below. You swam after him and you met at the end.
"It's all right Levinson. I don't mean to exaggerate, but I think that was the most productive coaching session so far."
"Did you just retroactively call me lazy?" asked Ari, offended.
Lunging with your arm, you splashed water in his face. He tried to avoid the attack by diving down and grabbing your foot underwater. You refrained from kicking him, because you didn't want to hurt him either.
Gently he pulled you to the edge of the pool until you felt the tiles in your back.
"You know, as for my morale in training. It's not because of other women, it's because of you. I can feel exactly how you're observing me. It's distracting to me."
You stiffened as you struggled to keep your head above water on your own in the confined space. He pressed even closer to you, his warm breath colliding with your cool skin, and you held on tighter to his shoulders.
"Relax, I've got you." Gently he guided your legs so they wrapped around his hips and he carried you.
"What...what are you trying to tell me?"
Your brain was so fogged by Ari's presence. You could barely hear Toto’s “Africa” warbling from the radio.
Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you
"You are strong, clever and passionate. You brighten every day for me. I think I'm in love with you." 
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
You saw his Adam's apple move heavily as he swallowed, as if he had just relieved himself of a great burden.
His honesty gave you the courage to say the following words.
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.
"You were right, Ari." 
"About what?" he asked curiously, his brows furrowed.
"I'm jealous."
You let your lips crash down on his. Almost greedily he returned the kiss and your body heated up in the fire of pleasure and desire. It was as if months of built-up tension were released with a loud boom, like a thunderstorm.
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
Hectically you tried to get your hand down Ari's waistband. You wanted to feel him. You needed to.
"Wait wait wait…” For a brief second you were confused that Ari stopped you. “I want you, but not here and not like this. Not with the risk of drowning or getting caught by the security. You deserve to be loved on the softest of beds. Ma-... May I take you home… with me?" he sounded like he was afraid you might refuse.
You kissed him again. Much slower but also more sensitive this time.
"If you promise to stay as focused as you were during today's training, you may take me anywhere in the world.”
You two laugh at this like little joking children.
Gently, Ari maneuvered you both to the nearest ladder and climbed out of the cold pool while you still clung to him. He let you go only to put a soft towel around you. Carefully he stroked your arms and back to dry you. Again he lifted you bridal style, the feeling of his thick arms was soothing. And just like that Ari carried you to his nearby home where he showed you detailedly what you secretly meant to him.
2 years later
"Remember, stay focused. When you change direction, push off hard, use the push you gain but don't get too close to the wall either. Understood?" You did not get any reaction.
"Ari? Are you actually listening to me?" You asked again, louder this time.
"Yeah yeah, concentration, Push off hard, use the push but not too close to the wall." he replied casually, as he put on his goggles causing an eye roll on your part. It was and always would be the same trouble with him.
Despite the everyday hassle you were so damn proud of him, even if he didn't like to hear it and always stressed that it was only because of his amazing coach. However, there was also a lot of pressure on both of you, more of on him. This competition was important. If Ari could at least make it to the top-3, it would make him the most successful swimmer of the year. 
The judges got into position and signaled the competitors to get on the starting blocks.
Ari gave you a quick kiss on the forehead, but before he could turn away, you stopped him.
"Make me proud, Ari. Make us proud." While you clasped his hand with yours, your other hand rested protectively on your lower abdomen.
Ari lowered himself to one knee and kissed the slight curve of your belly.
"I promise." 
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
September Update
Hey guys <3 First and foremost thank you to everyone for reading and following me. It's really cool that so many of you like my stories enough to follow me.
If anyone wants to be added to any tag lists, feel free to comment or let me know. I try to keep up on it if I see a comment, but you can always DM me.
Also, my requests are open. I have a few right now I am working on, but there's always room for more.
Stories finishing up this month
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2 chapters left in Two Sides of The Same Coin, Ari Levinson X Frank Adler.
2 chapters left in The Debauchery of Captain America, naive Steve Rogers X Reader
2 chapters left in Just Like You, cannibal reader X Steve Kemp
A handful of chapters left in Putting Baby In The Corner, Coach Lance Tucker X Gymnast reader
Works In Progress
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Teller Morrow Tragedy, Season 2, SOA characters
Heaven's Demons, assorted CEvans and SebStan biker series
His Sunshine, Lloyd Hansen soulmate AU
Bad Girl's Club, assorted CEvans and SebSan dilfs/brothers/teachers
New Stories
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Down The Rabbit Hole, Community characters
The Understudies, The Umbrella Academy characters
Hidden Sisters, Fated AU/ Sebstan Characters and Ari Levinson
SDAU, Raised By Bears, A/B/O Andy Barber X human reader
Into The Deep, The Boys/The Deep X supe reader
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cockslutpadalecki · 2 years
Body Talk
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Summary: The moment renowned life coach and author Ari Levinson steps foot into your studio to record an audio version of his new book, you’re instantly attracted to him but is adamant to maintain professional. Ari, on the other hand, doesn't have any qualms about mixing business with pleasure.
Characters: Life Coach!Ari Levinson x Producer!F!Reader.
Words: 2.3K.
Warnings: Ari being a charming motherfucker, explicit sexual content, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, 18+.
A/N: Thank you so much to my pre-reader @sweeterthanthis​ for your support and incoherent screaming. Beta: @whisperlullaby​ but all the general bullshit is entirely mine.
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“It sounds fantastic,” you say with a smile as Ari pulls off his headphones and hangs them up over the microphone. 
“You think?” He doesn’t look convinced, giving his beard a little scratch.
“Sure you’re not just saying that because you worked on it?” he counters, flashing you a playful smirk.
“Hm, it’s a definite possibility,” you return his smile coyly as you both struggle to tear your gazes away from each other.
The sexual chemistry has been palpable since the day renowned self-help guru and author Ari Levinson set foot in your studio. At first you brushed aside the butterflies in your stomach and dampness in your panties, putting them down to a simple crush. Ari has that effect on everyone he comes across, managing to charm them with just a glint of cerulean and a flash of pearly white teeth.  
You started noticing the looks he gave you and the way the corners of his lips would twitch with a smile when you’d stumble over your words, every moment you spent together just seemed to exacerbate the velocity of your feelings. A mutual understanding of not mixing business with pleasure has kept you from telling him how you feel, but the accidental caresses of skin and longing looks find a way to verbalise it without your lips even moving.
Ari knows exactly the effect he’s having on you and he loves it. 
He moves away from the glass that separates you, towards the back of the room where he left his water bottle before recording the section he’s now unhappy with. And this particular part of the chapter titled ‘Sex and A Healthy Mind’ happens to be the one he’s insistent on repeating. There’s only so many times you can hear him talk about the importance of regular orgasms to help de-stress, and why seeking out the kind of partner who can make your toes curl just by the way they look at you is paramount to great sex.
You can’t count how many times your own toes have scrunched inside the tips of your heels whenever Ari catches your eye over the microphone.
He keeps itching to go over the final quote, the closing sentence to the chapter and by the twelfth take, you’re squirming in your seat as his dulcet tones start to resonate somewhere a little lower than your ears.
“Bad sex does nothing to help the psyche. It just leaves you unsatisfied and in turn, causes you to constantly seek out better in places you shouldn’t.”
He often likes to stay behind to master the dialogue despite the fact that he’s just talking into a microphone, adamant that the tone of his voice has to come across in a specific way. He cares more about the book than most people give him credit for, however you sometimes wonder— hope—  whether your presence has anything to do with his dedication.  
Ari’s lips purse around the top of the bottle before gulping down the liquid hurriedly. You struggle to avert your eyes, his ability to make even the most mundane action unbelievably sexy is provoking. The prominent vein that resides in his neck is pleading to be caressed with your tongue, but your head rules your heart, deciding that this session should end soon before you say or do something that could put your job in jeopardy. 
You set about turning off the electrical equipment aside from the speaker that makes your voice resonate into the recording booth. “I think we’re about done.”
“I’m not too fond of that last section,” he admits. 
Not again.
You sigh internally before trying to sound as disenchanted as you can. “We can fix it tomorrow, my bed needs me.” 
“Okay,” comes his acquiesce reply. “I’m sure your boyfriend is eager to have you home after all these nights spent with me.”
You stop what you’re doing and turn back to face him, surprise clearly resonating across your face as the corner of his lips curl into a feeble yet noticeable smirk. “Husband?” he adds, curious. “Girlfriend?”
“And I’m sure my relationship status is none of your business,” you tease a little.
He discards the water bottle and slowly perches on the stool that sits in the middle of the small room and loosely crosses his arms. “It’s not, but I’ve spent every evening in this room with you for three weeks straight, and I don’t know anything about you.”
“You know my name,” you reply, “and my job.” 
“Now you’re just being pedantic,” Ari tuts but it’s not meant in frustration. 
You smirk at him, a little smug. “I’m sure you know just as little about Michelle.” 
Michelle. Your assistant. The beautiful twenty-something with a body you wish you still had. You try your hardest to mirror Ari’s laid back approach, but something in the air changes within this exchange of words. 
He’s testing you.
“True, but I have no interest in taking Michelle over that couch.” Your head lolls around to the tattered old three-seater behind you. You’re not sure whether it’s the image that you paint so vividly inside your head or the way Ari goads you, but your insides tighten promptly at his words. 
You attempt to busy yourself packing away your belongings but Ari’s voice cuts through the silence. “You didn’t answer my question.”
You stall, taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. “No, just me.”
“So you’re free to do what you want.” It’s not a question. 
“Not exactly what I want, no,” you respond and he motions with his hand for you to elaborate. “I’d get fired.” 
“Fired for having a little fun?”
He moves his hand down to the front of his slacks and starts to palm softly at his swelling bulge. You can’t stop yourself from ogling him. 
“Fired for fooling around with a client,” you clarify, finally airing your desires. He smirks at that, amused by your candor. All is quiet for a moment before his voice cuts through the silence.
“I have an idea,” he doesn’t wait for you to ask what it is, “I watch you while you watch me.”
He stands quickly, dragging the stool closer to the glass partition and settles on it again. His recent book tour around Europe has tanned his skin further, contrasting perfectly with the crystalline hue of his eyes. His hair is longer than when you first met him two months ago to go over the details of the sessions, and his beard seems fuller. You ache to feel it scratching across your skin.
All softness has left his expression, instead a possessive glance lingers that suggests danger which only fuels your need for him. 
“Strip,” he orders deeply. Your mouth drops open a little at his brash command. “Look, if you’re worried about getting fired, don’t be. If anyone finds out then, well… I can be very persuasive,” he laughs lightly, almost amused with himself about how much power he holds over people. “Now, strip.”
The way he snaps makes you quick to oblige, freeing your aching body from the material that has begun to feel too hot against your tingling skin. 
“Slow down, it’s not a race.”
He sounds like he’s narrating his book. You swallow a flower of apprehension that blossoms in your throat as you discard your blouse before playing with the hem of your skirt. You can feel the burn of his eyes on your flesh, the way he watches you with such intrigue and desire causes a wave of yearning to wash through you. After discarding your clothes— minus the silk hold ups that he specifically asks for you to leave on— you sit and recline in your producer's chair, as ordered.
“Open your legs as far as you can for me.” 
It’s clear that Ari likes the ritual of unveiling from the way he devours you with his stare. And after spending three weeks together, listening to him talk about extremely intimate subjects, you know that for Ari, being in control is absolutely vital. 
You spread your thighs a little, suddenly hesitant. What if he doesn’t like what he sees?
“C’mon princess, don’t go all shy on me now,” he tsks. “Wanna see that pretty pussy.”
You part your legs obscenely wide, showing yourself to him slowly before revealing where you long for him to be. This feels substantially more personal than fucking, his eyes fixing on your most intimate parts makes you visibly shudder. 
Your breath halts as he palms the front of his strained trousers, grasping at his hard cock for some sort of relief. His teeth lower against his bottom lip, unable to divert his eyes from your dripping centre. You feel completely vulnerable, being open to him like this but the pent up sexual frustration unleashes a side of you that you haven’t even realised exists. 
“You have no idea how much I wanna walk through that door and fuck you over that desk,” Ari grits out deeply.
“You have no idea how much I want you to,” you whisper before sweeping your hand across your stomach, awaiting your next instruction. 
You draw in a deep breath, inhaling the smell of your arousal laying potent in the air and you wish that somehow Ari could smell your need for him. You notice his cock swelling more beneath his slacks, and you pray that he’ll soon free himself so you finally see if he’s as big as you imagine when you masturbate with him in mind. 
Ari watches with impressive restraint, his hand still merely grazing over his aching cock.
“Show me how you please yourself,” he orders.
You place your right hand on your chest and run it between the slight valley that separates your breasts. Your left soon replaces your right and then you begin teasing your lips with the tip of your index finger, tracing their shape with the aid of your moisture. 
“Have you ever thought about me when touching yourself?” 
All the time. 
It’s ridiculous to be embarrassed as you’re laid bare in front of him, pleasing yourself as he instructs but you can’t bring yourself to meet his gaze. You shut your eyes, letting your lids flicker closed and instead nod slightly. 
“Tell me, I want to hear you say it.”
“C’mon, I’m waiting.”
“IthinkaboutyouwhenIfuckmyself,” you cry out too quickly. You think that’s all you’re going to say but the next words out of your mouth are slipping across your lips before you can stop yourself. “I li-listen to your recordings sometimes.” 
“Taking your work home now are we? Naughty girl,” he pauses. “What do you think about when you do?”
“I imagine you’re telling me what you’re gonna do to me, that you’re whispering in my ear while I come.”
“What am I saying?”
Just concentrating on his voice makes you desperate to close your legs, cunt clenching around nothing. “What a good girl I am for you, how well I take your cock…”
“Hm, good girl,” he patronises and you can detect the hint of a smile in his tone. “Now circle your clit.”
Opening your eyes, you brave a look at Ari as you move your fingers to your throbbing clit. He’s freed himself from the confines of his slacks, his hard flushed cock laying heavy in his palm, pre-cum dampening the tip. A guttural sound of pleasure passes your lips as you take in the sight of him, he’s just as thick and long as you had imagined and you can’t shake away the notion that you’ve turned him on like this. The sound acts like a trigger, his thumb instantaneously rubbing the pre-cum down the length of his shaft before enclosing his hand around the girth and pumping himself furiously. 
“Put two fingers inside your cunt, but don’t stop circling your clit,” he moans, his hips rocking along with the motion of his hands. 
He stands hastily, making his descent over to the glass that separates you and up close you notice the veins that course up and down the length of him, longing to feel him heavy on your tongue, to suck him hard and taste his hot, sticky release.
Keeping your index finger against your clit, you rub in clockwise circles that makes your body start to shake. With your free hand, you draw two fingers upwards moving over your damp lips before easing them inside your pussy causing a warmth to suffuse in your lower belly. You’re not going to last long.
Your breathing grows unsteady as you move your fingers in and out, never once breaking eye contact with Ari. With his forehead pressed against the glass, his heavy breathing causes condensation to fog up the translucent barrier between you. All coherency is now fleeting and you’re soon moaning something that’s entirely unintelligible and laced with your desperation to come.
“Wish I was deep inside that cunt, bet you’d be so tight around my cock,” Ari mutters, placing his spare hand against the glass and fucks himself harder into his palm. 
You continue your pace and eventually your legs start to feel heavy, their shaking unremitting. 
“Want to see you come.” 
You whimper with delight when you do, euphoria ripping through you so forcefully that your legs close as the cold air of the room is suddenly too sensitive against your centre. The buck of your hips is embarrassingly involuntary.
Ari’s eyes close as he leans further into the glass, chasing his own end as quickly as he can, his chest heaving as it tries to forcibly inhale some much needed air into his lungs. 
He grunts, his entire body spasming and you watch exhausted and mesmerised at the man standing before you unravel so exquisitely. Even in the midst of an orgasm, he’s still marvellous to look at, perhaps even more so in this temporary, vulnerable state. 
A lazy smirk expands over Ari’s face as he breathes heavily against the glass, trying to regain some composure. 
“Hm, maybe I should’ve included that in my book,” he laughs softly.
You can only return his smile while he straightens up and tucks himself away, zipping up his slacks before asking: “So, same time tomorrow?”
ALL CE: @broadwaybabe18​ @captain-asguard​ @chamberofsloths​ @cevansgurl​ @dreamlessinparis​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @hurricanerin​ @jewelswrites-ish​ @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay​ @la-cey​ @livstilinski​ @ladydmalfoy​ @mugi-chwan95​ @navybrat817​ @otomefromtheheart​ @oneoftheprettynerds​ @patzammit​ @river-soul​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @sammykb1994​ @smokeandnailz​ @syrenavenger​ @syntheticavenger​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @starlightcrystalline​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @sunwardsss​ @selfsun​ @threeminutesoflife​ @thanatosfic​ @vicmc624​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @xoxonotme​
Forever: @andreasworlsboring101​ @amandamdiehl​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @buttercandy16​ @crashdevlin​ @dangertoozmanykids101​ @daughterofthenight117​ @donnaintx​ @dandywinchesterbras​ @deangirl93​ @doozywoozy​ @foxyjwls007​ @geekofmanyforms​ @hoewkeyesblue​ @heyyouwiththeassbutt​ @ilovefanfic86​ @joseyrw​ @letsby​ @letsdisneythings​ @lassie-bird​ @mogaruke​ @maliburenee​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nik2write​ @obsessivelycapricious​ @patrick-hockslutter​ @pinkshenanigan​ @princessmisery666​ @phildunphyisadilf​ @rattwritesfics​ @roxyfan14-blog​ @sea040561​ @sweeterthanthis​ @slutformarvelmen​ @simpformarvelmenandwoman​ @stoneyggirl​ @stoneyggirl2​ @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91​ @thegirlnextdoorssister​ @unfortunate-brat​ @warriorqueen1991​ @xoxabs88xox​
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starryevermore · 3 years
let’s ride: the misunderstanding (2) ✧ ari levinson
let’s ride ✧ a biker!ari levinson series | ao3
pairing: biker!ari levinson x single mom!reader
summary: you make the mistake of listening to the council of moms about the bikers in town.
word count: 3,024
warnings?: moms gossiping, misunderstanding between reader and ari, pet name (sweetpea, momma), not proofread 
note: there is no set update schedule for this; new parts come whenever they come.
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It was odd, how Ari plagued your mind. Any time you let your mind wander, you thought of his twinkling blue eyes, his teasing smirk, the way his beard would feel—no. Stop that. You were a grown woman, not some high schooler who had a crush on the first guy who was nice to you. But, you weren’t sure...There was just something about him. You found yourself wanting to doodle his name in the margins of your gradebook, draw little hearts around his name, declare yourself Future Mrs. Whatever-His-Last-Name-Is. Shit, you really needed to figure out his full name if you were going to continue this fantasy. 
Some part of you wondered if he was doing the same. God, the high school crush phase of it all was really taking hold of you. The more rational part of you understood there was a significant chance that your previous interaction with Ari had been nothing more than a pretty man being kind with a dash of flirtation. He could’ve just been a flirty person. He could’ve not been flirting at all. He probably wasn’t even thinking of you at all. And why would he? Pretty men like him didn’t go after single mothers. And, besides, at the end of the day, you were in no place to be dating, anyways. Liam and his happiness was your top priority. You could think about love or crushes or whatever this was later. 
So, you pushed Ari and his pretty blue eyes to the farthest corner of your mind and focused on the important things. Like getting Liam to soccer practice. Because holy hell, you were already running late and you didn’t want to be establishing this kind of reputation during the first practice. Damn Judy for yapping your ear off during late duty. 
You parked your car in the gap between a red SUV and a black pick-up, jumping out, Liam following close behind. Thank god practice hadn’t started yet, and thank god you weren’t the last person to show up, as evidenced by the car pulling in behind you. At least you had that going for you.
The coaches and Liam’s teammates were on the side of the field, the kids goofing off, so you walked over with Liam. When you reached them, you said to the coach, “Hey, I just wanted to apologize for being late tonight. Things ran late at the high school, but I promise this won’t be a habit.”
The head coach waved you off. “It’s no problem. Honestly, most of the kids didn’t even show up until a few minutes before you.”
“Oh. Well, thank you for being understanding. And I’ll be sure to at least be one of the few who show up closer to the actual start of practice from here on out.”
He laughed, saying he’d appreciate that, and you left to join the other parents who were staying to watch the practice. As you walked away, you glanced around, trying to figure out where the hang out spot seemed to be. You didn’t have to search long, though, since all of the moms seemed to gather in a pack.
All of the moms sat in fold out camping chairs decorated in soccer balls. Shit, were you supposed to get one of those? Was this some secret Council of Moms thing that you were being excluded from? Why didn’t you think of bringing a chair? Fuck, now they were looking at you. Just sit on the ground. Don’t bring attention to you being an outsider. They’re already judging you, there’s nothing you can do now to change their minds about you. 
You plopped down in the grass, crossing your legs, and looked out at the field as the kids on the team dribbled soccer balls between orange plastic cones. Every now and again, a mom would shout out to their kid to “step up their game”. You inwardly cringed. Was this what you’d signed up for? Having to spend time with moms who seemed dead set on sending their seven year olds off to play professional soccer as soon as possible? You almost decided to just got sit in your car and wait for practice to end from there. 
But, then the conversation shifted, and it caught your interest. 
“So, who’s your new neighbor again?” Sherri, the head of the Council of Moms, asked...Which one was that? Charissa?
Regardless, the mom turned her nose up in the air, seeming indignant as she said, “One of those dirty biker guys.”
You looked over, your brows furrowing together. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry! That must be awful,” Terra said, reaching out and patting Charissa’s arm. 
“What’s wrong with living next to a biker?”
All heads whipped to you, the moms letting out an almost comical horrified gasp at the same time. Damn, you almost felt like you were in a movie. But, seriously, what was the issue? If the biker living next to Charissa was anything like Ari, you couldn’t see why it was a bad thing. Expect, maybe there was an issue with how like motorcycles can be, but even then? That’s not the worst thing in the world. 
“Oh, it’s the worst thing ever.” Phyllis leaned in, dropping her voice to a whisper. “All those bikers...They’re in a gang.”
A...gang? Seriously? Was this something they were blowing out of proportion or was it something that was actually serious?
“I heard a couple of ‘em ganged up on John Walker the other day,” Carrie said. “For no reason! He was just minding his business, about to go into the grocery store, and out of nowhere, they just jumped him!”
“What? For no reason?”
“Oh, there was a reason,” Sherri said. “Those...buffoons were jealous of him, I’m sure. He’s a respectable veteran who actually contributes to society.”
You looked away, tuning out the words that the Council of Moms were saying. Some part of you didn’t want to believe any of this to be true. Surely they couldn’t all be bad. Weren’t soccer moms notorious for blowing things out of proportion? Were the bikers really that bad? But still, you had one question you needed answered.
Deciding you had nothing to lose, you looked back up at them. “Hey, do any of you know if this guy, Ari, is part of the...gang?”
“He’s the one who moved next door to me!” Charissa said. “Why?”
“Oh, I just met him the other day and—”
“—and you’ll do good to never speak to him again! I swear, those bikers are just ruining our town!” Sherri declared. 
You gave a curt nod, wishing the conversation to be over now. Was Ari some awful man? Was he actually a part of some dangerous gang like these women insisted him to be? Or was he the kind man he presented himself as when you’d met him? Was that all just a clever ploy? What was the truth?
You were lost in your thoughts until practice ended, only snapping out of it as a small army of children came barrelling towards their parents.
“Did you see? Did you see?” Liam shouted as he ran over to you, jumping into your arms, knocking you back into the grass. “I scored a goal, Mom!”
“I did! You did so well!” you said, hugging him tight. “How about we go get some ice cream to celebrate?”
“Ooh yes! Can I get cookie dough?”
“You can get any flavor you want, hun.”
The two of you went down to a charming little ice cream parlor close to the soccer field. It was empty, except for you, Liam, and the workers. You walked up to the counter, looking over the menu board as Liam bounced on the balls of his feet. 
“What can I get for ya?” the woman taking your order asked. 
You nudged Liam, saying, “Go ahead and tell her what you want.”
“I want cookie dough ice cream!”
“Make that a small,” you said, knowing if you gave him any more, he’d be bouncing off the walls for the entire night. “And I’ll have a small peanut butter ice cream.”
“Sure thing!” She rung you up, and you paid the total. “Go ahead and take a seat wherever. I’ll bring it out to ya, soon as it’s ready.”
“Okay, thank you,” you said, turning around to find a seat as she went to get your ice cream. 
You froze as the little bell above the door rang, signalling that someone was coming in. Ari. He flashed a smile at you, and you cursed yourself as butterflies started fluttering around in your tummy.
“Hey, sweetpea. Fancy seeing you here.”
You pulled Liam against you as you looked over at Ari, giving him a tight-lipped smile. You knew you shouldn’t take those moms’ words to heart, but there was something that just unnerved you. You didn’t know Ari, and you didn’t know the company he kept. He could’ve just been nice for that moment you met him, but have a ton of skeletons in his closet. And you weren’t the type of person to risk it all, especially not when you had a kid to look after. 
“Everything alright, sweetpea?”
“You sure? Ain’t got as much of a bite as you did the other day.”
“Everything’s fine. You don’t need to worry ‘bout us.”
He stared at you, Liam starting to wriggle out of your arms, your son unceremoniously declaring his need to use the restroom. You let him go, not looking away from his retreating form until he reached the restroom. Then you looked back to Ari, who was asking, “Alright. Now, tell me the truth, sweetpea. What’s goin’ on?”
“I don’t want to expose my kid to the wrong sort of people.”
His jaw clenched as his pretty blue eyes hardened. “And you think I’m the wrong sort?”
“I-I don’t know,” you confessed. “You seemed good when I met you, but now...”
“But now what? Nothin’s changed since that day.”
“Except I know you’re in a biker gang.”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “And who told you that bullshit?”
“The, uh, the other moms. At soccer practice.”
It felt stupid now that you said it out loud. Why would you trust them to tell the truth? They’d decided they hated bikers, and they’d do anything to convince others to hate them, too. They probably didn’t even know Ari personally, save for the fact that he just so happened to move next door to Charissa. 
“Well, I can promise you, I’m not part of a gang.” He took a deep breath, as if trying to soothe the anger that had been stoked by your accusation. “It’s not a gang. And I’m fuckin’ sick of this town insisting we’re something we’re not.”
“Then, what is it?”
“It’s a club. Ain’t any different than a soccer team, you know? You wouldn’t call a soccer team a gang, would you?”
“Well...No,” you admitted. 
“Then you ain’t got anything to worry about.” His eyes met yours, searching, before he added, “I like that you’re concerned about who you let around your kid. And I like you, and I want you to be comfortable around me, sweetpea. You can ask me anything you want, and I’ll give you the honest truth. Cross my heart.”
“Okay. We can do that,” you agreed. “Do you wanna sit with me and Liam? And I ask you everything I wanna know?”
“You think your kid’s gonna let you get a word in?” he teased. “Pretty sure he’ll have questions of his own.”
“He’ll be too distracted by his ice cream to think about motorcycles,” you laughed. You looked over to the corner, eyeing the row of games on the far wall. “And if he starts to get antsy, just give him some quarters and tell him to come back with a prize from the claw machine.”
“Oh, so I gotta give up my quarters?”
“It’s the price you gotta pay if you wanna be around me. Liam’s happiness comes first, and everything else comes second.”
“You’re a good momma, you know.”
“I do know.” You finally moved, walking over to a booth by a large window. Ari followed after you, sliding into the seat across from you. “Alright, so it’s not a gang.”
“No. It’s a club, like I said. We pay dues, have rules, have a president and VP all that jazz,” he explained, his eyes leaving yours for a moment as Liam sat beside you. 
“You wash your hands, little man?” you asked Liam, who nodded. “Okay. You were saying?”
“We don’t do anything to hurt anyone, except when they hurt our own.”
The woman who took your order came over, placing a cup of cookie dough and a cup of peanut butter ice cream in front of you and Liam. You grabbed a wad of napkins from the dispenser, shoving them in the collar of Liam’s shirt, making a makeshift bib. You didn’t understand how, but he always managed to make a mess when he ate ice cream. Once you were content, you turned to your own ice cream, taking the plastic spoon and eating a bite before returning to the conversation.
“Okay, then what was the deal with John Walker? Why did he get jumped?” you asked, scooping up another spoonful of ice cream.
“Oh, is that the story he’s come up with?” Ari rolled his eyes. “Walker’s a—” He paused, glancing down at Liam, as if he just remembered that he shouldn’t swear in front of a child. “—a menace. He’s been stirring up trouble with us for a while now. He’s been threatening us for a while now, all ‘cause we won’t let him join. But he just doesn’t mesh well. He’s only in it to get Sam and Bucky out of the way and then take control. We’re not stupid so we stopped him from joining, and he got upset. It all escalated when he threatened Bucky’s girl, and no one can stop Buck when the people he loves get threatened.”
“So he did get hurt.”
“But only because he threatened to hurt Sarah. She’s a single mom, like you, you know.” He paused. “Well, I guess not exactly single, since she’s got Bucky to help out now. But her husband died, and it’s just her and her kids. I can’t blame Bucky for gettin’ upset. Honestly, I’d do the same if someone threatened you, sweetpea.”
“You’d beat someone up for me?”
“Without a second thought.” His blue eyes were filled with such passion that it made your heart skip a beat. “I know you’re unsure about all of this, but I want you to know that I’m here for you. You define the terms and I’m yours. However you want. Friend, protector, something more. Just say the word.”
“Why do you care so much? You don’t even know who I am.”
“I know you’re a smart, capable woman. I know you’re an amazing mother just by seeing how you act with Liam. I know you’re snarky, I know you build your walls up so you don’t get hurt. You’re used to it just being you and Liam, and you don’t want everything you’ve built up be ruined by someone who’s just come into your life.”
“You read me like a book, and yet I haven’t even begun the first chapter of your story.”
“Well, you’re not the only one who’s used to being alone.”
You grabbed another napkin, wiping at the ice cream around Liam’s mouth. “Well, you gotta let me know who you are before I let you be in my life. I mean, you’re right. I’m not gonna let someone who’s basically a stranger hurt me and my family.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Anything. Everything.”
He nodded, pausing for a moment to think of what to say. “My name’s Ari Levinson. I’ve been alone since I was eighteen. Left home, and never looked back. Did some traveling for a while, tried to find my place in the world. Nothing stuck, though, til I came down here. Met Bucky, who was just as lost as I was, but at least had some friends. Asked me to stick around for a bit, see if I could make a home here, that him and his friends would be by my side, and, uh, well I haven’t left since.”
“Wow, it’s almost like the start of a Hallmark movie,” you said. 
“That mean you’re gonna fall in love with me?”
“Maybe. But I won’t make it totally easy for you.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less.”
By then, you and Liam had both finished your ice creams. You stacked your cup in Liam’s and bunched up the dirty napkins on top. To Ari, you said, “Thank you, for clearing the air. I, uh, I’m glad you’re not a big scary biker.”
“It’s no problem, sweetpea.”
“We should probably head out. It’s gettin’ late, and it’s a school night.” Liam slid out of the booth and you followed, reaching into your purse and fishing out a couple of quarters. “Liam, why don’t you go get a bouncy ball from one of the machines over there?”
“Cool! I hope I get a red one!” he said, taking the quarters from your hand and sprinting over to the row of machines.
“I thought I was the one who’d be coughing up quarters,” Ari teased. 
“Figured I did enough to your pride by accusing you of things that weren’t true, didn’t wanna wound your wallet either.”
“How kind of you. Will I be seeing you again?”
“Maybe. We’ll just have to wait and see,” you said. 
“Well, you be care on your way home.”
“You too. Have a good night,” you said, feeling an odd surge of confidence as you wrapped your arms around him, giving him a parting hug.
“So, you’re like a sexy soccer momma now, huh?” Ari whispered in your ear as he squeezed you tight. “And to think I thought you couldn’t get any more attractive.”
“Sorry, can only tell the truth, sweetpea.” 
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Hungry Like The Wolf | soft!dark!Ari Levinson x reader
summary: when you need ari’s help for a secret mission with the CIA, he expects gratitude from you— and he wants a lot more than just a thank you card.
word count: nearly 6.5k
warnings: smut (dub con/coercion/sex as bartering tool), oral sex (f receiving) and vaginal sex, overstimulation, possessiveness/very very slight yandere vibes?, some violence and gun use, mentions of human trafficking/warfare, religious discussions and traditions but not particularly orthodox ones, vague discussions of sexism and misogyny with implied religious background, overall just lots of global politics and all that fun stuff
(a/n: I went ahead and wrote the hebrew and arabic in english lettering because tumblr doesn’t support right to left text so just a heads up.  my arabic is very weak so I apologize if there are any errors.)
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Taking a deep breath, you ran through your pitch in your head again.  Sure, you’d had plenty of time to go over it on the plane, but one last recitation couldn’t hurt, right?  Unable to stall any longer, you turned the knob and entered Ari Levinson’s office.
You’d heard he was good-looking but his appearance still surprised you; his long hair and thick beard made him look like he’d fit in with a rock band better than an intelligence agency, and his half-buttoned shirt put his Star of David necklace and muscled, hairy chest on display.
He must have caught your gaze trailing down because he smirked at you, making your cheeks feel a bit warm.
“Mr. Levinson,” you greeted as you looked up to his face again.
He greeted you as ‘Ms.’ instead of ‘Agent,’ but you let it slide since you were about to ask him for quite the favor.  When he motioned for you to take a seat across from him, you did so with a nod and a quick smoothing of your skirt.
“So, what can I help you with?” he prompted. 
This was the easy part; this was the part you’d rehearsed a thousand times.  “There is a group of trafficked women and girls who have been rescued from all over— Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait— and gathered in Riyadh.  We are working on a plan to move them to Cyprus and, eventually, Greece where they will be accepted into a camp there.  Maybe they’ll end up in the States at some point, if we can swing it, but… Cyprus is step one.”
Ari nodded, listening to your story with more patience than anyone else had so far.
“As you can imagine, it would be a lot easier to move through Jordan and Israel and use your ports, rather than go around through Egypt or Syria…”  He stared at you expectantly as you trailed off, and you cleared your throat before finishing:  "The CIA would greatly appreciate Mossad's cooperation in the movement of these refugees."
"How much would they appreciate it?"
You paused, unsure what he meant.  "Um, quite a lot, I'm sure…"
"I just mean that we have missions the CIA could be a useful assist for, too,” he clarified, interlacing his fingers and resting his hands on his lap.  “You guys have a lot more resources than we do.  If we help you out, is this going to be an allyship we can rely on?"
You swallowed dryly, pondering if there was a way to get out of this before you sighed and slumped down in your chair, leaning a little closer to him.  "Alright, I have to be honest with you: it's not really the CIA that's asking for your help."
"Then who is?"
"Me.  Just me.  I'm the only one who believes in this mission; I'm the only one fighting for these people.  The CIA won't help you because they won't even help me and I work for them."
He slumped his shoulders a little bit.  "Then I'm not sure if I can afford to say yes to you."
"Please," you implored, "I know I can't offer you as much as they can, but I'll do whatever I can to make this work.  Please," you repeated as you laid your hand over his, noticing the way his expression shifted a bit, "help me."
"I've been the one person fighting for a mission before," he remembered, voice a little softer.  "I know how hard it is to go it alone."
You smiled gently at him.
"And, I know how far I would've gone to get my people to safety." 
His hand flipped around suddenly and grabbed yours tightly, pulling you closer as you gasped.
"How far will you go?"
You shivered, the darkness in his eyes burning right through you even when you tried to look away.  "Mr. Levinson, I—"
"Call me Ari," he instructed gruffly, grip tightening around your wrist until you yelped softly.
"Ari," you corrected, "I have money—"
"Don't want it."
"I can offer you my assistance in—"
"Don't need it."
"Tell me what you need,” you requested softly.
"I need to know you're gonna show me this 'great appreciation' you promised,” he answered quickly.  “I need to know that if I take care of you, then you'll take care of me."
You gulped but nodded.  "O-of course…"
He released you from his grip and stood up, smiling at you like nothing had even happened.
"Pleasure doing business with you, madam."
You stood up and left his office in a haze, unsure if what had just happened was a dream or reality.  But, sure enough, he showed up the next day where you’d told him to meet you, and brought some money and fake passports that you desperately needed.  Frankly, just having a man around was going to make things smoother for you, even if it was a white man who didn’t exactly blend in by any stretch of the imagination.  Seeing him again the next day only reminded you how big he was, tall but moreso heavy with muscle; he looked pretty cramped in his tiny coach seat on the plane to Dubai (your connecting stop where you’d spend the night before flying out to Riyadh).
“Bloody mary, please,” he requested from the stewardess with a gentle nod, turning to you.
“Uh, just water, thanks,” you ordered quickly with a tilted smile.  You had brought a book to read, but Ari insisted on barraging you with personal questions about your job, your personal life, your favorite things— he seemed fascinated by the most mundane things, and disinterested in giving his own backstory.  
Of course you considered that it wasn’t a great idea to tell him so much about yourself, let him in your head and under your skin.  But then again, you’d put your trust in him enough for the mission, so you ought to trust him completely, right?  
So why did his stare send shivers up your spine?
There was room for you and Ari at a CIA safehouse outside Dubai; it wasn’t exactly luxurious or anything, but at least you weren’t going to have to share a room… or a bed.
Normally staying in a safehouse meant sharing common areas with a random assortment of other agents, but it being a Friday night in Dubai meant they were all out enjoying the local nightlife while you two stayed in.  Hoping to review a game plan for the mission with him, you found Ari’s door open, peeking around to see him on his knees on the floor, a candle burning before him, and his hands raised to cover his eyes and face.
“Shema Yisrael,” he sung to himself below his breath, “Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Ehad…”
He jumped a little when he uncovered and opened his eyes only to find you standing there.  “Shabbat Shalom,” you greeted.
“Shabbat Shalom,” he nodded back.  
“I’m sorry you’re forced to take your Shabbat alone,” you apologized, “and that there’s nobody other than me to appreciate your vocal chops.”
His cheeks tinged pink at that.  “It’s all part of the sacrifices we make for our missions, eh?”
“Then I suppose you don’t mind that you’ll be doing plenty of work tomorrow,” you presumed.
“You probably realized by now that I’m not actually so traditional,” he chuckled, extinguishing the candle and standing up.  “I work on the sabbath quite a lot.”
“I hear work is permitted if it is needed to save a life.”
He smiled, but he looked a little sad; maybe not sad, but tired.  “With me, it always is.”
The silence was thick as you tried to reconcile that this was the same man that had grabbed and threatened you— was it a threat?  You couldn’t even tell anymore.  Apparently he wasn’t going to take whatever it was that he wanted until you’d finished the mission, and that should’ve made it easier to procrastinate your worry, but the extra time to ponder what it was actually going to be only brought further anxiety.
Of course, you had an idea of what he was going to ask of you, but the fact that nothing too untoward had happened in his office when you first met him was throwing you off.  In that moment, you were just waiting for him to tell you to get on your knees and show him how bad you wanted these women rescued, but he didn’t.  Wouldn’t have been the first time somebody tried to bribe you into sex; it would’ve been the first time, however, that you actually considered doing it.
Now, the anticipation just made it worse; you were working with him every day and he always acted normal, as if there wasn’t this looming threat of whatever favor he was going to ask from you in return.
Once you actually got to work the next day, it was easier not to think about that.  You barely had any extra brainpower to think about anything except survival and extraction.  Still, each time you looked at him only to find him already looking at you, your hands shook a little.
“You’ve been driving for 10 hours, you’re sure you don’t want me to take the wheel?” you offered, watching him blink a few times to clear his vision.
“Not worth getting arrested,” he frowned.
“We’ll only get arrested if we get caught.”
“Not worth the risk of getting caught.  And I don’t know about you, but if I get arrested here, I’ll probably be killed, too.”
You chewed your lip as you appreciated that it was probably worth avoiding as much trouble as possible.  It’s not like the CIA was popular in these parts, either, and for good reason.
“What’s that up ahead?” he asked, leaning further forward against the steering wheel and squinting.
“Um,” you stalled as you unfolded the paper map in your lap, “I’m… not sure.”
“Looks like a barricade,” he announced, and it did; a gate with two guards and barbed wire on either side.
“There isn’t supposed to be a stop here,” you reminded him as you frantically shuffled around the map, making sure you were where you thought you were and that there wasn’t a mark indicating a vehicle stop on the road.
“What do we do?” he asked, looking around as if he was considering veering off the path even though that would be equally dangerous.
“There isn’t supposed to be a stop here,” you repeated, more anxiously.
“Well, there is,” he replied, his own agitation clearly increasing, “so we’ll have to go through it.”
“They’re going to pull us over.”
“Probably,” he admitted.
“And they will search the back of the truck.”
“I’d be surprised if they didn’t.  How well do you think they’re gonna take it when they see eighty-something women packed like sardines?”
You chuckled a little even though you were anything but amused.  “Um, not good.”
As the men at the stop waved to signal your car to slow down, Ari sighed a little.  "I'll ask once again: what do we do?"
"Act natural," you suggested quickly as you lifted the scarf draped around your head to cover your nose and mouth.
Ari slowed down to a stop, lowering the window to talk to the officer outside and putting on a fake English accent.  “How can I help you, sir?”
“Identification please,” he requested sternly.  Ari smiled as he grabbed his and your passports, handing them over through the window.  It was a long, awkward moment as he flipped through the thick papers slowly, his partner leaning down to look through your window but never taking his hands off his gun.  “What brings you out here?” the man finally asked.
“My wife and I operate a restaurant in Jordan, and we get most of our equipment here because the workmanship is better,” Ari explained.  “Just passing through with our new stoves and oven hood.”
The officer glanced back over your truck, his expression mostly unreadable but overall not necessarily friendly-looking.  “Could you step out of the vehicle please?”
“Hal hdha daruri?” you asked quickly; Is this necessary?
“Alsamt,” he replied in a hiss; Silence.
Ari looked around like he was thinking but nodded and reached for the handle to his door.  You did the same, the second guard stepping out of your way so you could swing open the rusted metal and step out.
The men guided for you to circle the car with them, stopping at the back and staring at the metal sliding door that was latched shut.
Turning to address Ari, the guard’s face dropped completely as he got a bit more serious.  “What am I going to find in your vehicle?”
“Kitchen supplies, like I said,” Ari insisted.
As the officer reached for the latch on the back of the truck, Ari shot you a wide-eyed look and you gave him a quick nod.  He lunged at the second guard, wrestling him for his gun while you went after the first, who was much easier to take down with him being distracted by trying to unlock the back of the truck.  Your CIA instincts told you to shoot him once you’d grabbed his weapon, but thankfully you knocked him out with the butt of it instead.
Loud pops of gunfire beside you made you fear the worst, but Ari had managed to push the gun toward the sky before pulling it out of the officer’s grasp, swinging it wildly until it made contact with his head and he fell to the ground.
Gun in hand and panting heavily, Ari looked back at you with a grin.  “That wasn’t so bad.”
“You almost got shot,” you reminded him.
“A little more than almost,” he corrected, showing you a gash where a bullet had grazed arm.
“Shit, Ari!” you yelped, running over to him and inspecting the wound.  The way he looked down at you as you clutched him made you sort of regret it, though.
“It’s fine,” he assured you, but he made no effort to push you away.
“I… should check on the girls,” you decided, a little bit distracted but making your way back to the truck to roll up the metal back and examine the women inside, who looked scared at first but relaxed when they saw you.
“Kli shay' ealaa ma yaram,” you assured them that everything was fine, “nahn taqribaan 'iilaa al'urduni, wasawf nasil 'iilaa alsafinat allaylat.”  We're almost to Jordan and will arrive at the ship tonight.
They relaxed a bit and smiled at you, a few muttered ‘shukraan jazilaan’s (meaning ‘thank you’) echoing from inside.  You hated to shut the back and plunge them into darkness again, but they had assured you before that they would brave any conditions for a chance at freedom.  You hoped they meant it.
“Please, let me drive, you’re injured,” you offered to Ari as he started to make his way toward the driver’s side door.
“It’s not even that bad, and we’ve had enough run-ins with the law today,” he dismissed.
“Then let me patch you up first, okay?  Is that so terrible?”
He smiled a little.  “No, I guess not.”
And that was how you ended up leaning on him in the passenger seat, supergluing his arm shut, trying not to think about how his bicep was probably bigger than your head.
“You’re a pretty good medic,” he observed, speaking quietly since you were so close.
“When you’re as clumsy as I am, you have to be,” you responded, sounding monotone due to focusing mostly on your work.  “It shouldn’t scar too—”
You stopped when you looked up at him, because the way he was staring back down at you made you completely devoid of the ability to speak or even conjure words in your mind.  You’d never seen him so close before and those piercing blue eyes made your head spin.
“What were you gonna say?” he asked softly, 
“It… shouldn’t scar too bad,” you finished, “as long as you keep it clean and dry.”
“I generally aim to keep my entire body clean and dry,” Ari chuckled.
“Right, yeah, well— keep up the good work, then,” you stammered as you wrapped some gauze around his arm and rolled his sleeve back down over it.
“Let’s hit the road before we waste any more time,” he suggested, and with a nod you leaned back into your seat.
The radio blasting was the only thing keeping both of you awake as you drove through the dark.  The border to Jordan was easy enough, and both of you sighed with relief as you crossed into Israel.  It was by far the biggest blockade you’d seen so far, but of course, Ari got you in faster than you’d moved through anything else.
“Good to be home?” you asked when you saw Ari smiling as he looked around at the streetlights through the windshield.
“You could say that,” he answered.  “Think we have time to stop for falafel before we get to the port?”
“Not unless you plan on buying for all your passengers,” you laughed, motioning toward the back.  “If they have to wait until we reach the ship, so do we.”
“Yeah, that’s fair,” he relented.  “Besides, probably better to be seen by as few people as possible.  Even if we’re in friendly territory, it’s still a covert operation and all.”
“Wow, so you do have some desire to play by the rules,” you gasped in faux shock.  He smiled and shrugged a bit.
“More like the rules and my desires occasionally overlap.”
It was past midnight when you pulled into the port, surrounded by ships so big that you couldn’t see the tops of them from inside the car.  A cargo ship was waiting for you, along with some Navy men who helped you escort the women onto the vessel.
Since it wasn’t meant to accommodate this many people, the refugees occupied extra crew space while you and Ari were given sleeping bags in an unused office; you were so tired, though, that it actually looked enticing.
As soon as you’d set your pack down and shut the door, you heard a distant horn and felt the ship begin to move.  You let out a long sigh as you leaned against the desk, watching Ari take a seat in the chair and start laughing exhaustedly.
“We did it,” you smiled, “we fucking did it.”
“We’ve still got a long boat ride ahead of us,” Ari mitigated, “but yeah… we should be in the clear, and tomorrow afternoon we’ll be in sunny Cyprus.”
You were so elated from the high of a successful mission that you forgot to worry about Ari’s vague request all those weeks ago; it was probably the first time you hadn’t thought about it since then, truthfully.  That changed when his smile fell as he looked up at you, eyes darkening a little and scanning your body.
“You’re a great agent,” he nodded slowly, “and an incredible woman.  You saved a lot of people tonight.”
You shifted nervously under the weight of his stare, but tried to hide your discomfort.  “I… couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I know,” he informed you coldly, standing up and approaching you.  “I think I’ve gone above and beyond on my end of our deal.”
A pit formed in your stomach, growing with each step he took towards you.  His eyes stayed trained on you except for when he glanced to the side to flip on the radio, American music suddenly piping through the speakers.
— discord and rhyme, I’m on the hunt, I’m after you…
You looked to the radio as well but his hand gently guided your jaw until you looked back at him; he was closer than ever, and you had to look up to meet his gaze, shivering as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip slowly.
“Are you good for your end of the deal?” he asked lowly.
And I’m hungry like the wolf…
You swallowed, hoping it would somehow ease the ache in your gut as you realized what was about to happen, before nodding meekly.
He smirked a little.  “Good girl,” he praised, only a bit louder than a whisper, as his hand moved to cradle your face.  “You want me, don’t you?”
Your brow furrowed as you tried to figure out how you were supposed to answer that.  “I want to repay you, for all you’ve done for me.”
“No, not just that,” he disagreed, “you want me.  I know you do.  You don’t need to hide it, we’re alone…”
Hesitant but catching on to his desires, you nodded a little.
“Say it.”
“I want you, Ari,” you whispered.  
It felt like forever waiting for him to kiss you as he leaned in slowly, eyes half-lidded and dark but never leaving you.  As his lips brushed against yours, you finally let your eyes flutter shut and reciprocated his kiss.  His hands felt especially big as one slipped behind your neck and the other rested on your waist; in fact, with the way you had to crane your head up to kiss him back, all of him felt big.  Including the part you were pretty sure just bumped against the inside of your thigh.
His kiss was soft and patient but determined, slow but somehow still moving faster than you were ready for.  You gingerly reached up and rested your hands on his shoulders; they were strong and warm beneath your touch, even through his shirt.  You couldn’t think of the last time you’d been kissed like this, or held so tenderly like this, but then again, you were also sure that nobody had scared you like this in a long time, either.  For a woman who always knew what to do in a dangerous situation, you couldn’t seem to get a read on Ari Levinson— mostly because you didn’t truly believe he was dangerous.  But maybe you should.
When his hands reached up to start unbuttoning your blouse, you pushed him back a little.
"N-not here," you protested, "someone could hear, or walk in."
"There's nowhere else to go, and I'm not waiting 'til Cyprus.  I need you now."
He kissed you again before you could respond, more forceful and desperate.  You let him work open your shirt this time, his fingers dancing over your skin as he pulled it off your shoulders and tossed it aside.  The feeling of him working your bra open made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but his tongue slipping into your mouth distracted you and before you knew it, it was gone as well.  Your nipples hardened in the cold air— or maybe they’d been that way already, for whatever reason— but they reacted even stronger to his thick fingers gently pinching them as his palms cupped your breasts.
You gasped against his mouth a bit, your breathing getting heavier as he moved his hands down to your trousers.  The idea of being naked when he was still fully-dressed scared you, but you didn’t have time to think about that anymore when he pulled back to drop to his knees, taking your pants and underwear to the floor with him.
He looked back up at you with a mischievous grin as you cautiously stepped out of them.  After guiding you to sit up on the table, neither of you stopping to consider how rude it was to put your bare ass on somebody’s desk in a borrowed ship, he slowly parted your legs.  As he kissed a trail inside your thigh, you felt your hands clutch the edge of the table tightly with anticipation.  You felt so exposed with his face right there, to the point that your cheeks were burning with embarrassment, and yet you couldn't manage to tear your eyes away from his as he leaned in to lick you teasingly with the tip of his tongue.
"Fuck," you shivered, feeling your inner walls quiver as he moved so delicately.  You kept waiting for him to really get into it but he was determined to stay gentle and slow, circling your bud for one glorious moment before stopping again.  "Ari, please," you whispered without even realizing you’d said it.
"What do you want, baby?" he asked darkly, his voice deep and gravelly as he ran his hands up the back of your legs.
Your begging whimper was so pathetic you could hardly believe you were hearing yourself.  "More, please…"
He dove right in after that, suddenly latching onto your clit and letting his tongue explore every fold, every wrinkle, every sensitive spot with thick, wide licks.  Your head fell back and your hands jumped to weave into his hair— that gorgeous fucking hair that had driven you halfway insane.  It was soft between your fingers, and in this light you could see the touches of red, blonde, and maybe even grey scattered into the brunette.  Better yet was the way he moaned against you when you accidentally pulled it, your hands clenching into fists against his scalp each time he sucked on your clit just right.
"Ari, baby, fuck," you groaned, feeling your hips shift a little as if to try to get more of yourself in his mouth.
Sensation was sparking under your skin faster than you knew what to do with it, faster than you had ever figured out on your own, and definitely faster than anybody else had ever managed.  You felt your body shaking and couldn’t suppress it at all, every part of you (inside and out) quivering uncontrollably.  It would’ve been embarrassing except that he seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit, egging you on with his tight grip on your thighs, and his deep moans that reverberated over your body, and the way his brow furrowed like it almost pained him to see you like this.  Your back arched so dramatically that he had to hold onto your hips tight to keep you in his mouth, but he managed to maintain what he'd been doing— in fact, he didn't stop even when you started to whine and cry, feet digging into his back as you tried not to explode from the overstimulation on your sensitive clit.  
"S-stop, s'too much, can't take it," you pleaded, looking down at him.
He looked back up at you with dark, dilated eyes that said 'you're gonna take it.'  His tongue lapped at you with renewed vigor, sending you tumbling over the edge again and again and again.
Tears were streaming down your face when he finally relented, standing up slowly and staring you down as he wiped his face with the back of his hand; your arousal had coated his mouth and most of his beard, too.  You bit down on your lip to stop it from shaking as he slotted himself between your legs again, slowly unbuttoning his shirt and smiling as he watched your gaze trail down every inch of newly-exposed skin.
You knew he was in good shape, because it was always obvious, but you still shivered a little when you were greeted with chiseled muscles, dusty-blonde hair, a few stray freckles and scars, and last but not least, the gauze wrapping on his arm where you’d patched him up before.  It was nice to see a piece of your handiwork on something so flawless, like how it must feel to design the frame that holds a Monet.  Your mouth was even watering as you followed the trail of hair down to where it was interrupted by his jeans, which were misshapen with the unmistakable outline of his neglected cock.  Either you could actually hear it throbbing, or that was just your heartbeat in your ears as he made a show of undoing his buckle and fly slowly.  
A breath caught in your throat as he slid the jeans down and kicked them off with his boots, his cock bouncing up against the bottom of his abs once he’d freed it.  You hoped to hide your intimidation, but you must have failed from the way he smirked and licked his lips as he stepped forward and pressed it against your stomach; you felt a little dizzy seeing the head of it reach past your bellybutton.  "That's how deep I'm gonna be in you, baby."
For all his delicacy and tenderness in everything before now, he must have had a change of heart; with a little growl, he pushed all the way into you with one brutal thrust, watching darkly as your head fell back in a choked scream.  He didn’t stop for very long, either, setting up a pace that was slow but unyielding, his length filling every part of you and then some with each slam of his hips into yours.
He grabbed your hair tightly and suddenly, pulling your head back to expose your neck to him.  He licked and sucked along your pulse until you were shaking against him, nails accidentally digging into his shoulders a little bit as you held onto him.
His lips trailed up to pull you into a frenzied, sloppy kiss, your mouth slack wide for him to explore however he wanted.
"Tell me how it feels," he growled against your lips.
It feels like my body is on fire but I like it.  It feels like you're shaping my insides to fit you exactly how you want.  It feels like you might split me in half before you're done with me, but if you stop now I'll fall apart even worse.
His grip on your hair tightened at your lack of response.  "Gettin' fucked too good to answer me, huh?  So full of my cock you can't even speak.  Is that right, pretty baby?"
You nodded as you buried your face in the crook of his neck, your hoarse moans and sobs muffled by his skin.  
"Aw, poor thing," he purred, wrapping his arms around your back.  His lips brushed against your ear as he spoke to you in a deep mumble, the bass of his voice sending shivers down your spine with each word.  "You don't have to tell me, I know how it feels… you're so wet that you're fucking dripping, your needy little pussy is clamping down on me like it's the end of the fucking world, and you're screaming for me so loud I bet half the ship can hear you.  I know how it feels, baby; it feels so good that you're already about to come for me."
You gasped as he pushed you to lay back on the table, hoisting your legs up over his shoulders; you felt a bit whorish seeing your legs up in the air like that, especially when he leaned to the side to plant a wet kiss on your calf.
Soon he was letting your legs slip back down to his hips, leaning over you and caging you in with his thick arms, watching your face as he started to fuck you harder.  His long hair was at risk of tickling you as it fell down beside your face, but it was that Star of David necklace that was dangling from his neck and swinging right in your face with every thrust.  Slightly annoyed by it hitting your face from time to time, you stuck out your tongue to catch it, holding it between your teeth and finding that biting down on it helped you cope with the slight pain of him so deep inside you anyways.
"Baby," he moaned, inspired by the sight to grab your hips even tighter and slam into you even harder.  "Fuck, I'm close," he hissed.  "Gonna fill you up so good, baby, gonna ruin you for anybody else, huh?"
"Yes, Ari," you whimpered.  "I'm close, too…"
"Go ahead, pretty girl, wanna feel how tight you get when you come— when I make you come."
Trying to hold it back only made it hit you harder, and as your moans grew louder and your body began to shake, you felt your walls flutter and flex intensely.  He pulled his necklace out of your mouth and kissed you suddenly; it kept you grounded as you feared that the rest of you would float away, lost in pleasure so thoroughly that you'd never come back to reality.  His moans mixed with yours as they moved between your tongues, and just when you thought you'd break into pieces if he didn't slow down, you felt his movements stutter and his cock pump inside you.  You couldn't feel the warmth of it because you were already so hot all over, but the way his cock swelled as he came was unmistakable and overwhelmingly erotic.
He broke the kiss but didn't pull away, catching his breath while he stayed inside you, resting his forehead against yours.  
After cooling off for a moment, he scooped your limp body into his arms and lifted you into his chest; you wrapped around him and let him carry you to the other side of the room where he set you down on the pallet sleeping bags and blankets.  You whimpered as he pulled out, his softening cock still big enough to make you wince.  The gush of warm, sticky come made your cheeks burn even if it also sent a dulled tingle of arousal up your spine.  He was gentlemanly enough to wipe you off with a towel, mumbling something about how pretty you looked stuffed with his come, but you couldn't really focus on any of that because you were still waiting for sensation to return to your numbed extremities— brain included.
He turned his head and laid it on your chest, and you found yourself absent-mindedly scratching his scalp with your nails.
"That's nice," he whispered, but you could tell that already by the way his skin was erupting into goosebumps, and the way he held you tighter.
You must've laid like that for hours, or maybe it was just a few minutes, but it was one of those moments that felt like a piece of forever.  He lifted his head to look up at you, pulling you down a bit so his face hovered over yours.
"What's next for you after you get these women to Greece?" he asked quietly.
You chewed your lip as you thought about that.  "Back to DC, I figure, and then wherever they send me next.  I hear they might want me undercover in Cuba or Russia…"
"How often do you end up in Jerusalem?"
You squirmed a little beneath him, but he slipped his arm under your neck and pulled you closer; how were you supposed to think with his bicep right by your face like that?  "Uh, not often, but if I'm in town I'll give you a call—"
"Come with me," he requested softly.  "Get to Cyprus, go to Greece, and then meet me in Tel Aviv."
"Ari, I can't—"
"Why not?"
You laughed a little, but he clearly wasn’t joking.  "Because I have a job?"
"You won't need a job," he shrugged, "I make good money and you can just live with me."
Your throat went dry as you stammered, trying to figure out if he had seriously just asked you to quit your job and move in with him.
"You'll like Israel.  You speak some Hebrew don't you?"
"Uhh, yeah but—"
"Then what's stopping you?"
You couldn't answer because you didn't even know where to start with all the things that were stopping you.  Your mouth opened and closed silently like a fish out of water, and he laughed at you lightly.  
"Just say yes," he encouraged gently, and your heart twisted as you wondered if this was part of the deal, if you needed to do everything he wanted to keep him on your side.  You were on an Israeli ship, sailing international waters; if he changed his mind now, he could still sell you out and have these people arrested or worse.  But he wouldn't do that, right?
Perhaps the more important question was not 'would he do that?' but rather 'are you willing to find out?'
"Yes," you heard yourself answer before you even realized you were considering it.  
He grinned, hugging you tightly.  He was already rambling about how great it was going to be and how he would spoil you all the time and maybe find a way to get you hired as a contractor at Mossad so he could bring you along on missions, but you couldn't hear it past the ringing in your ears. You desperately needed sleep, and his arms were warm and welcoming as you drifted off.  He kissed your forehead before letting his eyes fall shut as well, joining you in unconsciousness.  
The swaying of the ship was like being rocked to sleep, so much so that you slept for an uncharacteristically long time: you were just a few hours out from your destination when you awoke, in fact.
Instead of getting up and attempting to acquire some food, you laid there staring up at the ceiling as his heavy arm draped over your chest.   Even in his sleep he had power over you, refused to let you go.  You tried to remember how you'd ended up in this situation but instead you found yourself fantasizing about a chance at love.  After running around the world for so long, there weren't many good men left to settle down with.  And Ari was maybe not an entirely good man, but you believed him when he said he would treat you well.  You'd shacked up with a lot worse in your time, when you were young and reckless and thought the worst thing you could be was alone.  Still, a long-suppressed desire for companionship was awakening in your mind and you weren't going to swallow it back down this time.  Smiling, you lifted his hand to your lips and kissed his knuckles.  If what he wanted in exchange for his cooperation was your affection, you could do that.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
CC Day 9 screams to be Ari and his ice princess! Ari teaching ice princess how to skate with hockey skates? Or ice princess teaches him to do it with figure skates?
Christmas Countdown day 9 — Go ice skating
The arena was empty and quiet, the sponsors scrawled on the boards of the arena were momentarily drawing your attention before Ari had tapped his stick against the ice twice. He was standing opposite of you wearing borrowed gloves and a helmet while you wore his, even if they were a little big.
The two of you were the sole occupants of the arena, facing off against each other because you asked him to teach you how to play hockey. Ari had layered you up with a long sleeve shirt, a sweater and then one of his old jerseys, keeping you warm without all the extra padding.
“You look absolutely massive.” You shivered from the ice and the intensity in his eyes. “And you’re not even wearing your gear.”
“You’re so tiny,” he remarked in almost the same manner, grinning and winking at you when you preened, “so cute.”
“The face off,” you gripped your stick, eyeing the puck and then him, “right?”
“Mhmm.” Ari hummed and reacted quickly, snatching the puck before you even had a chance to try for it. “You gotta be faster than that.”
“Ari!” You squealed and turned sharply, trying to go after him as he sped down the ice toward the goal. “That’s not fair! You’re bigger and faster-“
He sipped around and raised his stick, hooking you around your back to bring you straight into his chest. His free arm wrapped around your waist to steady you as a soft and sweet melody fell from his lips.
“You wanna take a slap shot?” He let go of your waist and tipped your head back, tenderly tapping your bottom lip. “I’ll teach you.”
“You teach me how to slap shot and I’ll teach you my signature move.” You nudged him softly, letting him turn you toward the goal.
“You’ve got a deal, sunshine.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Higher Love: Part 8
The door shut with a soft click, the room was covered in darkness that came from the empty space and closed curtains. Though there were slivers of light coming from the slips between the cracks that hadn’t been pulled tight, the room-darkening curtains had effectively blocked out as much sunlight as possible.
Without turning on the light, you’d dropped your bag to the floor by your desk and stumbled forward, first sitting on the edge of the bed in order to kick off your shoes, and then your back met the mattress with a heavy thud. You lay still until you had the gumption to shift onto your side and curl in on yourself with your hand tucked under your chin.
There was nothing you’d have liked more than to sleep and sleep for days, however the weight of a few papers you’d have to write about the history of symbolism in fashion and fiction, the two topics integral. It was a pivotal portion of your degree that would aid you in creating your line of figure skating costumes, an attempt to make it easier for other skaters to find something that wouldn’t have cost thousands of dollars.
With the expectation that you would be tasked with handing in a paper you hadn’t started yet, you should have pulled yourself from bed and centred yourself in front of your desk to work. And yet the longer you’d laid in bed with your hands tucked under your chin and your legs pulled close to your chest, the last few tendrils of your motivation had dissipated like a slow rolling fog that had come and gone.
You lay there, in the silence of your darkened room, unmotivated and unwilling to task yourself with creating your paper. Rather, you had laid on your bed and let your mind escape you, your eyes fixated on your roommates bed and the fading scent of Johnny Storm that had once been clinging to the blankets. Even if you had wanted to pull yourself from the bed, even if you had all the motivation in the world to start typing away at your computer, you felt bogged down. It was as if there was a blanket weighted by heady lead draped over you, or if your muscle fibres were being replaced with solid steel and copper until your entire body had become artificial.
The feeling of being weighed down hadn’t just affected your physical being, but your mental state as well. Your mind was running on its own, only to return to you when you focused your thoughts on the practice you’d finished with Coach Tucker. It wasn’t the practice that had become a jumbled mess of thought and memories that betrayed you, it was as if time itself had betrayed you with an endless and dense haze that obstructed the minutes, hours and days of your week.
When was the party? When had you gotten drunk and had been taken home by Ari? How long had it been since you and Ari spent the weekend together? How much time had passed since you slept together that weekend? Had Ari already filed the necessary paperwork to cement your relationship together as alpha and omega?
Johnny and Lucas told you that he had, that it was official but could you even trust yourself? Could you trust what you’d been told or was it another quick ploy by your mind fabricating memories?
The door opened and shut quietly, the soft padding footsteps of your roommate had been the only indicator that you were still conscious and not in a state between. You had tilted your head and followed her with your eyes as she had sat on the bed opposite yours and raised her hands to her face, fingers slowly massaging her temples. She, like you, looked as if she was completely stripped of energy although there was a lingering and detectable scent masking hers that alluded to her energy being pulled for an entirely different reason.
“I don’t want to bother you, but…” her voice was soft, her hands trembling while she set them in her lap and turned her head, exposing the brand-new mark ensconced on her neck.
“Johnny?” You spoke his name, unable to even raise your voice above a whisper.
“We were both…drunk and it just…” She sighed and shifted the placement of her hands, covering her face and muffling her weary sigh. “Johnny and I are going to talk after his next class. I just came to gather some clothes.”
“I’ll have a room to myself.” You surmised what she was trying to say without fully explaining herself, and the only response you’d gotten from her was a small nod. “It’s okay. I don’t know how long I’ll be here either.”
Silence had fallen for a moment between the two of you, not awkward in the slightest but there was a lot to be said that couldn’t have been aired. Your roommate was fooling around with Johnny, they had an innate and deep bond that alluded to them being a good and perfect match. Like Ari and yourself, the connection was impossible to skip over and you were happy for her. Even if they had marked each other while they were drinking, they had recognized each other as a good match otherwise the bond wouldn’t have taken.
“You don’t deserve that,” your roommate broke the silence as she stood, wrapping her arms around her middle, “from that asshole Tucker. You should make a complaint to the athletic department about him, there’s gotta be some misconduct or something.”
Your reply to her was just as soft-spoken as before, just as pliantly lifeless and effortless. It was a single word, a single syllable and she didn’t find much value in your plain answer although she didn’t question it. Instead, your roommate had walked toward her dresser, grabbing a pair of sweats and a hoodie, tucking both under her arm.
You followed her with your eyes, watching her as she moved back toward the door. You studied her as she hesitated to open the door, your eyes meeting when she looked over her shoulder and spoke again. “You shouldn’t let that fucker walk all over you, at the very least you should tell Ari. He’s your alpha and the hockey coach, he’s got pull. You should rely on him.”
She had left as quickly as she had come, the door closing again with a soft click.
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Ari knew exactly what he was doing, he knew exactly what his rights and limitations were as an alpha, and even beyond that, as your alpha. There were safeguarding laws and regulations that were in place for situations just like this, in cases where omegas were being physically, mentally or emotionally attacked by an alpha.
While it could have been negated to some extent or made to be unfair by designation if some alphas took advantage of the safeguarding laws, Ari was going to use it to his and your benefit. But then, there were other omegas who were being put under the same rigorous scrutiny from an alpha who used his position to gain access to them in any way he wanted. By promising to make or break their potential career, Lance Tucker had taken full advantage of some omegas who were either too frightened or unwilling to come out and make complaints about him, or their complaints were swept under the rug to save face for the alpha.
It wasn’t just an attempt to save you that fuelled his motives to go after Lance Tucker in every possible way that he could. It was Ari being made aware of the treatment other girls had received from the alpha, and no punishment resulting from the accusations and the claims that had been acknowledged by the school. Whether the omegas had been paid off or they had gotten threatened with their scholarships or positions on teams, it hadn’t mattered or altered his decision. Ari was going to deal with it, and he had retained a lawyer to take on this matter for you, and for any other omegas who would want to press charges.
However before that had even taken place, Ari had to speak to the head of the athletics board and the association for the school. Ari would use his position as the hockey coach to try and handle this without physically threatening Lance Tucker under the protection of the safeguarding laws.
Ari couldn’t physically stomach the idea of being idle and not acting. He couldn’t take it. He wouldn’t take it. He had to do something, not just for you but for the other omegas who didn’t have someone willing to protect them.
There was no turning back, there was no other road he could have taken to avoid a confrontation like this. Since he was informed of the treatment you’d suffered through your coach in the name of succeeding at figure skating, it hadn’t taken Ari long to find other complaints.
Other skaters and dancers, gymnasts that Lance Tucker had targeted and screwed with. This had been unjustly swept under the rug to save face for Tucker, the accusations dropped in the name of keeping a successful but problematic coach.
Ari was beyond pissed. He was beyond pissed. Truly he was utterly enraged by the whole prospect of the university keeping everything hidden. Ari was formally recognized as your alpha through the university, and all the necessary paperwork had gone through and been processed. While had come certain rules about not being overly bold with your public displays of affection while on campus, there was nothing to bar the two of you as consenting and legal adults from pursuing a relationship.
Regardless of when the relationship was formally recognized in the school, or how much time had passed after it had been accepted, Ari was not going to back down from confronting parties responsible for putting you in danger.
He had documented the process with an email first sent to the head of the athletics association and the head of the board, as well as the dean. Ari had kept himself level-headed in the email, though he was not going to water down the accusations and the need to discuss how to deal with it. He had sent the email, he had started the process and then he went to talk face-to-face.
Though he was level-headed in the email, there was something about facing the man head-on that had negated his patience piece by little piece until he had been bordering on the edge of being completely in tune with his natural and predominantly primordial urge to protect you with everything he had.
It was a tactically sensitive conversation albeit one that would quickly become overshadowed by his anger and his disgust that this was going on, and for who knows how long, with nothing being done. Certainly, when Ari had first stepped into the office he had intended to try and maintain his composure despite how pissed off he was.
However, with the door still open behind him, all it took was one clear look at his old friend sitting behind his desk sipping on scotch for Ari to lose his composure. It came with the minimal force of a weak twig being snapped, and the even clink of his friends glass back against the desk for Ari to make the first move.
“Ari please-” The door slammed shut, the aggressive atmosphere had come entirely from Ari and his urgency to protect you and those other omegas. The force behind the door slamming shut had rattled the glass, the subtle shake a mere iota compared to the tension and the debilitating conversation that was going to happen one way or another.
“Don’t fuck with me, Ethan. I am not someone you want to fuck with, I’m allowing you to deal with it before I do.” He stalked toward the desk, every step producing a pounding beat in his ears until he stopped at the edge and glowered down at his friend.
“Ari you can’t do anything-” His hand slammed against the desk, his palm pressed flat against the expensive finish of the hard wood. He was not going to back down from this. He was not going to leave until it was necessary. Ari’s eyes were darkened and his teeth had been grinding egregiously, his aggression aimed entirely at the head of the sport’s association for the university. Ari had considered him a friend. Even now he considered him a friend. However, Ari was not willing to overlook these transgressions nor was he willing to turn a blind eye to what had been happening to these girls.
“Dammit, Ethan! I can do whatever it takes to handle this, to protect them!”
“Ari this takes time-“
“Time? This takes time? The university doesn’t give a shit about these girls, no one is giving a shit about these omegas and for what? To appease some half-assed one-time champion who fucked his way to the top? Dammit, Ethan! These girls need someone to stand up for them!” Ari hissed and leaned forward as a vow, not a promise, fell from his lips. He was willing to become a nightmare that wouldn’t go away, he was willing to throw it all away, everything he had accomplished, in order to protect you all. “Are you going to handle this or am I?”
Silence was what fell between them, and Ari had responded to the deafening line drawn in the sand by rising to his full height. He slipped one hand into his pocket and reached for his lawyer’s business card, the raised lettering promising hope and some kind of resolution. With a clear statement made by Ethan, Ari had pulled the card from his pocket and set it down upon the wood before sliding it forward.
“My lawyer will be contacting you.”
“Ari, please-” While Ethan protested, Ari had turned away from him and left the office with as much anger as he had when he entered.
It was up to Ari.
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Permanent Tags List: @jennmurawski13-writes @beardburnsupersoldiers @rebekahdawkins @supraveng @bookfrog242 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @loveitorleaveit20 @alexakeyloveloki @socalgem1124 @mogaruke @dreamlessinparis @frisky975 @dispatchvampire @hereforbuckyandsteve @jesgisborne @fairybnha3 @hallecarey1 @tang082646 @mrslokibarnesrogers @deputy-videogamer @posionivy0061 @loving-life-my-way @kaylamcd2000 @mercyy98 @rootcrop @whatinthestyles @slutforsteve @cornmousequeen @rededfoxy @yagurl-snow @glimmering-darling-dolly @patzammit @buckymydarlingangel @missusbarnes-rogers @andy-is-gay @nervousfandom @rileyloves5 @emi11ie @carelessreadersstuff @readingandwritingandreading @cynic-spirit @inkedaztec @gh0stgurl @cats-and-sheep @pono-pura-vida @seitmai @teambarnes72 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @miss-rebel-without-applause
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Higher Love: Part 7
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
The chill of the ice settled in your lungs, the sharp breath of air as you inhaled was as welcoming as it was exhilarating. The moment your skates touched the ice you felt as if you were at home, even if it had just been days since you’d seen the ice, you were where you belonged.
The weekend had come and gone, and the promise Ari made and the heat that was pulsating between you during the pivotal moment where you were joined in the basest and most intense way, had left your entire body feeling as if it was buzzing.
The formal paperwork had been signed, Ari said he was going to file it with the school and the two of you would and could, have your relationship recognized with the school board and the dean. There would be protections put in place for yourself and Ari, the two of you would be held to certain standards, and of course, you had to drop his class.
The two of you would have to avoid as many public displays of affection as you could while you were on school grounds and if the relationship had come to an end, there would be extended support for you as an omega.
It was the perfect end to the stay you had at his place, the acknowledgement of your relationship and the start of courting.
It was the perfect mood booster to skate to, and you’d all but embraced the intensity of the feelings as you warmed up on the ice. You’d secured your headphones beneath your black toque and loaded your favourite playlist onto your phone to fuel your practice time. You were supposed to finalize the steps of your routine for the upcoming competition with the skating club, and your coach had put emphasized pressure on you to soften your landings.
You had thought they were fine, your landings, but your coach had given you a different opinion. Just as he had brought up the topic of your newest weigh-in. He hadn’t been subtle with his disappointment, he hadn’t softened any potential blow when he told you that you needed to drop a few pounds or more in his words and had recommended daily workouts on top of any practices you’d been doing.
He had aimed most of his ire at you and another skater on the team, the two of you certainly skilled technically and theatrically on the ice however coach Tucker hadn’t let your skills as skaters overshadow his idea that you needed to work harder to fit his perceived image of a skater. He had been pushing the two of you for weeks to watch how often and how much you had eaten. It was a secret you hadn’t told anyone.
The comments stung deep, and it took all you had not to cry in front of the alpha who seemed to get a kick out of making omegas, like you, degrade themselves mentally. You wondered if he got some kind of sick pleasure from making omegas feel like shit, or having them bend over backwards to please the cocky, and young, coach.
“I can take you to the big fucking leagues, I’m the best damn coach on the east coast. You’d be smart to listen to me.” His voice had cut through your music choice, his egregious comment making you falter and slip onto the ice.
You caught yourself during one of your upright spins, just as you were starting to shift into another position. You had managed to stop yourself from smashing your head or face on the ice, though your ass would be sore from the fall.
“You’re not going to be good enough if you don’t break yourself.” His voice hit again, and you had pushed yourself to stand, skating a few feet in order to set up the jump that was pivotal to your routine.
As you skated toward the centre of the ice, you came to a stop when the squeak of the door cut through the music playing in your headphones. You had turned your head, an involuntary groan falling from your mouth when two of the more robust alphas and hockey players had come to hang out by the boards of the ice.
You lifted your hands and yanked your headphones out of your ears tucking them into the left breast pocket of your light jacket. You closed the zipper and skated toward them, coming to a sharp stop to send flakes of ice and snow toward Lee and Storm.
“Congratulations, Ice Princess.” Johnny had greet you with a sing-songy tone to his voice that matched the lightness in his eyes, and the smirk that tugged at his lips.
He had come to the edge of the boards wearing one of the teams hoodies and a matching hat that was worn backwards and tipped down. His sleek blonde hair was growing longer and had begun to curl around his ears which had drawn your attention to the sight of a hickey peeking out from the collar of his hoodie.
He was unabashedly standing there with Lee, the two players were still that much taller than you despite you wearing skates, and if it wasn’t the blonde who was snickering like he had a secret, then it was the raven-haired brute.
“What the hell are you talking about?” You rest your hands on the smooth edge of the boards, your narrowed eyes flickering between Lucas Lee and Johnny Storm, suspicions arising when Johnny’s smirk morphed into a full-bore grin.
He was looking at you proudly, amused by whatever secret of yours that they had both known. It was written on their faces, both of them not just Johnny, and you were still just as clueless now as you had been when they had first arrived at the rink. It had only been a few moments before, but every passing second was confusing.
“We were worried about the Ice Princess after her first time playing beer pong, thought you might have needed some help curing your hangover but your cute roommate said you never came home this weekend. Did you enjoy your sleepover with coach Levvy?” Johnny grinned and guffawed with Lee, the two of them and their amusement at your situation was teasing at its core, and you were undecided if you wanted to smack them for it or let it pass.
“Nothing happened.” You settled on the defence, neither willing nor wanting to give Storm more to tease you with. “I was hungover-“
“So you didn’t sleep together?” Lee started, elbowing Johnny.
“And you didn’t fill out whatever bullshit you needed to form an official relationship? You’re already dropped from Lev’s class-“
“How the hell do you know?” The tactic to be defensive had failed, and a sharp hiss had replaced every intent to keep a solid front. “Did Ari tell you?”
“Hardly,” Johnny rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath, “he gave Lee and me an extra two hours of training-“
“You deserve it,” you cocked your hip and leaned against the boards, exhaling in minute relief that was almost immediately squandered by the squeak of the door opening for a second time and your coaches’ raised voice.
“Don’t you have assholes have some other puck bunnies to fuck?” He was unabashed, uninhibited when he snarked at Johnny and Lee, approaching them and then looking at them as if they were dirt beneath his feet.
“This is a closed practice and if you’re looking to get some ass-”
“What the fuck is your problem?” Lucas had growled with a crass intensity that would’ve made anyone feel threatened and intimidated, and yet your coach had barely looked amused.
“You two should probably go…” You muttered quietly, neither wanting a fight nor willing to face the aftermath of your coach’s ire.
“Shouldn’t talk to your skaters that way, asshole.” Johnny had been spurned, and while Lee had started to walk away, he had continued to stand by the boards, almost as if he willed your coach to do something.
“I’ve heard words coming from your mouth, Storm. You hockey players are all the same, screw everything with a heartbeat on and off the ice.” Tension had bubbled, it had built to an entirely new level of toxicity making you fearful of repercussions until Johnny had conceded and began walking away.
The door slammed open and shut.
The heavy thrash of the metal tongue settling into the groove hadn’t eased the tension like you’d hoped, rather it had felt like a fire being fed oxygen and wood to the point where it damn near consumed you.
“My time is precious.” Your coach snarked, cocking a dark eyebrow. “Start skating.”
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Ari had been in the middle of grading papers that had come across his desk early, the margins on the paper were marked with notes, corrections and comments for each paper that he had graded. He was halfway through the assigned papers when a chime from his computer had drawn his attention to his campus email.
Ari had minimized one tab for the other, accessing the emails to read the result of the mandatory forms he had filed to give recognition to your courtship.
The approval that came through the email and the recognition that you and Ari could begin a courtship had created a surge of serotonin in the alpha. Despite having a past with other omegas and relationships that could have alluded to a good match, Ari had never really wanted or was willing to commit to mating.
There was always something that had come between him and the great plunge, something internal that prevented him from sinking his teeth into an omega and creating a lifelong bond. He had never felt the draw, the sweeping need to have that inescapable hold, and someone has it over him, on another person.
When he was younger her had focused on his hockey career, when he was done with hockey he focused on being a coach and professor. He was too focused on whipping his players into shape, on taking them to the semi-finals and then playoffs.
It might have been excuses, it might have been nothing more than self-fed lies that he was using as a means to avoid committing to someone he wasn’t drawn to on every level of his being as an alpha.
But now he was sure, now he was ready and he had found the perfect omega.
Ari was so irrevocably drawn to you and everything you were, there wasn’t a single part of him or his hindbrain that hadn’t been focused on you.
He wanted you; he wanted everything about you.
And now it was official.
Relief had swept over him, it settled deep into his bones and delivered the assuredness that he craved. He had never felt so drawn to someone before, he had never felt so sure of anything before.
This was the start of so much for him. Ari was determined to be the best alpha he could have been for you. He wanted to be your shoulder to cry on, he wanted to be the kind of alpha you wanted to turn to without any obligations. He wanted to be your greatest supporter and your strongest ally, doing everything he could to keep you safe and make you happy. That was his goal, that was all he wanted.
Ari re-read the email, his eyes hovered over every single word that had come across his screen and then he sat back against his office chair and raised a hand, shielding his bright grin in his palm. He felt like a young pup again, overeager and excited in an almost uncontrollable manner.
He wished he could have held onto that feeling of pure elation, he wished he could’ve heralded that overwhelming state of glee however it had been overshadowed by the sound of knocking on his door and the slow release of an alphas scent on the other side.
Ari had responded with a soft ‘come in’, and had furrowed his brows when Lucas Lee had crossed the threshold, his ocean blue eyes were darker and tainted with growing aggression.
“Lee-“ Ari spoke his name, his lips pursing as the young alpha had come to stand before his desk and slammed his hands upon the edge.
“That fucker, the coach for the figure skating team, he’s a fucking creep.” Lucas didn’t beat around the bush, he didn’t spare any consideration for Ari’s role as his coach and a professor when he cursed under his breath and nearly kicked the edge of the desk in.
“If I were you, I’d lose my fucking mind if he said that kind of shit to my omega-“
“Tucker?” Ari had already begun standing, he had already been afflicted by the first few draws of protective instincts without having to hear any more from Lee.
“The douche said the whole team fucked anything with a heartbeat, he accused Storm and I of wanting a piece of Princess’ ass-“
Ari had pushed his office chair back with the force of his anger, the quiet bang of the back hitting the wood had echoed in the office though neither Lucas nor Ari had paid it any mind. Lucas was still gritting his teeth, he was still cursing out the coach who hadn’t just fucked with you, his friend, but also the omega he was quickly becoming obsessed with.
Ari had left without notice. He had left Lucas Lee alone to deal with his anger on his own, barely catching the aggressive curses as his office door was slammed.
Ari had left Lucas to deal with your coach and had been once again grateful for the official confirmation of your relationship.
It gave him the right to defend you like he wanted.
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Permanent Tags List: @jennmurawski13-writes @beardburnsupersoldiers @daydreaminginthechaos @rebekahdawkins @supraveng @bookfrog242 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @loveitorleaveit20 @alexakeyloveloki @socalgem1124 @mogaruke @dreamlessinparis @frisky975 @dispatchvampire @hereforbuckyandsteve @jesgisborne @fairybnha3 @hallecarey1 @tang082646 @mrslokibarnesrogers @deputy-videogamer @posionivy0061 @loving-life-my-way @kaylamcd2000 @mercyy98 @undecidedsworld @rootcrop @whatinthestyles @slutforsteve @cornmousequeen @rededfoxy @yagurl-snow @glimmering-darling-dolly @patzammit @buckymydarlingangel @missusbarnes-rogers @andy-is-gay @nervousfandom @rileyloves5 @emi11ie @carelessreadersstuff @readingandwritingandreading @cynic-spirit @inkedaztec @gh0stgurl @cats-and-sheep @pono-pura-vida @seitmai @teambarnes72 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @miss-rebel-without-applause
119 notes · View notes
imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Higher love Ari taking his ice princess to buy new fabric for her costumes and then to a home decor shop for their home. However he’s feeling every comforter and pillow imaging them fucking on it.
He caught your scent before he saw you, he felt your hands upon his eyes before he felt the pressure of your chest against his back. He felt your lips graze his ear and the following oohs and awws of his hockey boys as they took in your presence.
“Keep distracting him, Ice Princess! We might get to go home early!” Johnny hollered from the ice, banging his stick against the boards.
“You earned another lap, Storm!” Ari yelled the order, then tilt his head and kissed the inside of your wrist, his teeth nipping your vein. “What’re you doing, baby?”
“Are you busy later?” You came to sit next to him on the bench, chirping when he draped his arm around your shoulders and tucked you into his side.
“Something you need?” Ari’s chest rumbled against your ear as he spoke, and his warmth staved the chill of the arena.
“I was going to choose some fabric for my costumes, and I’ve started selling designs-“
“You sold some?” A smile broke on his face, pride swelling in his chest.
“I sold four!” You beamed, chirping again as he kissed you, swept you into a hug.
“I’m so proud of you, Y/N!” His hand rubbed your back, softly caressing you. “Honey, you did so good!”
“Thank you!” You pulled away and exhaled short. “So…would you like to come with me? To pick out fabric and choose some blankets for our nest at home?”
“I’d love to, baby.”
“Levvy and Tinkerbell sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Johnny chanted again, raising his stick above his head like a trophy, skating around in circles as a mock pirouette.
“Can I kill him?”
“No,” Ari shook his head and squeezed your waist, “I don’t want you going to prison.”
“You take the fun out of it-
“-laxatives on the other hand…” Ari grinned and leaned in, bumping his nose against yours.
“I’ll see you later,” you kissed him quickly and rose to your feet, escaping the coaching bench before Johnny could say more.
** **
“See anything you like?” You spin halfway in the aisle, practicing a move without the ice, and stop when you notice Ari feeling a blanket between his thumb and forefinger, a heavy look of contemplation on his face.
“Ari? Everything okay?”
“Omega,” there’s a heaviness to his voice, a tone that makes you shiver, “I’m thinking…”
“Thinking…?” You saunter back to him, looking over his arm to the blanket he’s feeling. “Thinking about what?”
“About you,” Ari’s voice hitched, and you caught onto his desire, “and how this would feel against your bare skin as I fuck you.”
You squeaked in the middle of the aisle, the sound sharp and unhindered. Ari had snapped his head in your direction, an alpha on the predatory side of his senses. He had watched you with a heavy gaze, the corner of his lips twitching.
“Omega,” he repeated your designation, a lusty purr on his lips, “oh sweet girl…”
“This one,” he spoke of the one he was touching, “would be pleasant on your flesh. A little texture for rougher fucking.”
“Oh my-“
“But this…” Ari moved on to a softer blanket, humming. “This would the blanket I would use when I breed you.”
Your silence was telling, as was your heart thrashing.
“Oh yes, you need something soft to be bred on. It goes back to the instincts that first rose in alphas. The men who would skin animals to provide furs for their omegas…it was all about providing a warm nest for their omegas to be bred in.”
“Ari…” you whimpered, your legs shaking, “Ari, I can’t-“
“Both do you think? Or more? I think I need to buy one in every colour. To create a proper breeding den for you, sweet one.” He grabbed them all, one in every colour and dropped them into the cart, his intense gaze settling upon you.
“Now…we should head to the pillows, this breeding den has to be perfect.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Higher Love — update sneak peek
There was no turning back, there was no other road he could have taken to avoid a confrontation like this. Since he was informed of the treatment you’d suffered through your coach in the name of succeeding at figure skating, it hadn’t taken Ari long to find other complaints.
Other skaters and dancers, gymnasts that Lance Tucker had targeted and screwed with. This had been unjustly swept under the rug to save face for Tucker, the accusations dropped in the name of keeping a successful but problematic coach.
Ari was beyond pissed, truly he was utterly enraged by the whole prospect of the university keeping everything hidden. Ari trying to court and become your alpha, the threat he had made to quit if they hadn’t accepted the relationship was known to them.
Ari was given the relationship within hours or maybe days within the accusations and the allegations. Ari’s relationship with you was solidified with the university while they knew that Tucker was a bastard who mistreated the girls he worked with.
“Ari please-” the door slammed shut, the aggressive atmosphere had come entirely from Ari and his urgency to protect you.
“Don’t fuck with me, Ethan. I am not someone you want to fuck with, I’m giving you the opportunity to deal with before I do.”
“Ari you can’t do anything-” His hand slammed against the desk and he stood with enough strength to send the chair toppling to the ground. His eyes were darkened and his teeth had been grinding egregiously, his aggression aimed entirely on the head of the sport’s association for the school.
“Dammit, Ethan! I can do whatever it takes to handle this, to protect her!” Ari hissed and leaned forward as a vow, not a promise, fell from his lips. “Are you going to handle this or am I?”
“Ari, please-” He slammed his hand against the desk once more, the sound echoing in the office before he turned sharply on his heel and stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
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𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐱 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 ❤️‍🔥
Daddy’s finally home and we must celebrate the moustache revolution !! With the release of The Gray Man on Netflix, I’m throwing a party centred around Lloyd Hansen. This means anything Lloyd Hansen x reader, absolutely any au or trope, I’ve written many, so I’m always excited for ones !! Send whatever your slutty heart desires, friends 🥰 (the party name is a lie bc i love Lloyd the way he is 👹) | PSA | AU PSA
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬:
𝐋𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝-𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 | July 22–23 (REQUESTS CLOSED)
˚*。:°☾ 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬/𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: must be related to the party theme! these can be about any of my current works or fresh ideas/prompts | (˗ˏˋ𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ |  𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐬) (CLOSED)
𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬: all things Lloyd: any aus, TGM!Lloyd (the crime daddy, CIA assassin), dilf, DBF, BFD (best friend’s/boyfriend’s dad), professor, perv/sleazy!lloyd, pornstar au, hybrid!reader, innocent!reader, basement wife, pet play, soft dark/dark—send anything, I encourage the sluttiest behaviour possible !! | Before sending a prompt, please check the list below in case it has already been sent. No requests are guaranteed.
all asks/drabbles/things related to my celebration will be tagged under: #icfh party & all drabbles will be reblogged onto my library: @onsunnysidelibrary
PSA: since this party is centred around The Gray Man, everything to do with spoilers will be tagged with #the gray man spoilers. I already watched the movie, and online says it releases at 3am EST on Netflix.
Reminder: my blog is 18+ — minors DNI. [time zone converter]
𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐠𝐬: all fics, drabbles, etc.
updated as they’re posted | [smut*]
boyfriend’s stepdad!Lloyd Hansen (ft. boyfriend!Ransom Drysdale)*
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧; one shot: Lloyd Hansen x stripper!reader, possible dark undertones, gunplay*
Lloyd’s kinks (#kinky lloyd):
dacryphilia* | knife play* | gunplay* | exhibitionism* | mhm balls* | you’re needy*
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞; mini masterlist of limited Lloyd AUs for this party !!
Includes: 𝐂𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥 | 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝
#lloyd x bunny | #lloyd x brat | #lloyd x innocent!reader.
he corrupts you* | he takes you on vacation*
Prisoner!Lloyd (#prisoner!lloyd): concept | in his cell*
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲; one shot: Lloyd Hansen x cat hybrid!reader, dark undertones, exhibitionism, mean!daddy!lloyd*
Demon!Lloyd (#demon!lloyd): his forked tongue* | fic concept
pervy gymnast coach!Lloyd Hansen x innocent!reader alone at the gym* | through your leotard* | punishment: stationary bike*
professor!Lloyd Hansen & professor!Ari Levinson: good dom, bad dom*
The Hansen Twins (#hansen twins): Lloyd Hansen & Mr. Freezy
Bully!Lloyd x cute nerd!virgin!reader (#bully!lloyd)
by the Lloyd Hansen enthusiast anon: sneaking onto Lloyd’s private beach* | you fuck up a mission*
Lloyd Hansen x captive housewife!reader*
#petplay au
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