#code lyoko day
parushontas · 1 year
Odd: Are you talking to yourself?
Jeremy: Yes. It's the only way I can have an intelligent conversation in this room.
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beebeedibapbeediboop · 4 months
Hello. You're french and have pink hair.
...did you. Did you see Code Lyoko as a kid. Did you like it.
I wanted to be aelita so bad so yeah 🙏🙏 my dream came true
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porcelaindragons · 1 year
Its because I'm not human. -Anonymous A.
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cloudy-whales · 3 months
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Found my playlist from when I was like 9-12 years old, it has unleashed the ability to draw whatever I want idk
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trashrattt · 1 month
Literally been searching for this episode since I took this screenshot
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Like where and when did I take it I've literally binged the entire series a bazillion times yet this tidbit is escaping me please help why is his tail like a firework literally ready to blow up and where is it
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seeksstaronmewni · 1 month
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Which Cartoon Network teacher is your A+? 💘🍎✏
Tweet version here.
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Good Evening, Today is a Sunday, May 19th
Have you ever given yourself the chance to mourn who you were? Or who you could have been?
~From Lyoko with Love, Aelita
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millimononym · 2 years
The french really decided to show up,make absolute bangers of cartoons that were dubbed to feed the balkan children having absolutely nothing to watch(me, and everyone else watching ultra tv as kids with no alternatives) and then left. Power move. They didn't have to go as hard as they did but did it anyway
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I'm sure there's more im forgetting, sally bollywood was also a good one from what i remember but that was more for little kids. These shows got fucking dark sometimes,man. especially kaeloo as a comedy compared to the rest which are story driven. I cannot name how many times this show has gotten vulgar, violent or gone into dark humor. I should really make a video with a counter for the first season alone lol. it's also what makes it really funny and still hold up, though. It was funny to kids and it's still funny to teens and adults. I hear the french have less restrictions when it comes to kids shows, and i could clearly see kaeloo was a lot more risque,even as a kid. I'm relieved my parents never walked in during the many times the characters pulled out a noose lmao. Shame only season 1 ever got dubbed in serbian,the OG voices were great
There's also some similarities between Baskup and Galactik Football I'll probably make another post about (it has to do with the rival teams) though perhaps it just comes with the territory of being a sports show. Idk, you'll see what i mean. Also Mamba and the white boy (i forgot his name) from the rival team in Baskup were my first childhood crushes/gay awakenings i think. I really need to rewatch that show(can't speak on the quality compared to the rest though, I haven't watched it in a while and everyone loves the other cartoons so)
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a-queenoffairys · 8 months
it's not about franz hopper, it's not about the men in black, it's not about carthage. all of that stuff is just set dressing to provide a basic explanation for why the supercomputer and xana are here in the first place. it's not about the past, it's about the present, it's about the five kids and their lives, their relationships, their struggles and their fight against xana. and I don't want a reboot that loses sight of that in favour of fleshing out a backstory with details that really don't matter.
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trash-rattt · 1 month
Trying to perfect the cl art style, yk balance that style to a tea, working on it rn
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Bonus for you
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Today's disabled character of the day is Herb Pichon from Code Lyoko, who has claustrophobia and kinemortophobia
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a boy with short black hair in an undercut and black eyes. He is wearing a green long sleeved shirt with a white collar and glasses. He has a light skin tone and acne.]
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parushontas · 1 year
I have a headcanon that Ulrich has a real motorcycle as soon as he is old enough to have licence, because it's very practical thing if you live in a big city and its vibe is really matching with him.
So he is used to pick up Yumi or Odd from school, gym or other places. With Yumi, they look like the members of local bike club, a badass powercouple with pitch black helmets, big boots and leather jackets (safety first!); so serious so stunning, you don't wanna mess with them. Pink Sakura flowers on Yumi's helmet and dark brown or green pieces that Ulrich wears are the only colouring that they have. Sometimes they carry Épée or Sabre with, fencing is a fun and different training way for them.
With Odd, it looks like he has the Rainbow as a passenger. Odd has a couple of neon coloured jackets; mostly purple, pink and yellow. His helmet has the drawing of Kiwi that he painted by himself, occasionally carries weird art class materials with him and dances when they stop for red lights to entertain people in traffic jam.
The gang also have a secondhand Vespa that used to belong one of Odd's sisters; Aelita, Yumi and Odd ride it, because sometimes Ulrich's bike is too much for them. Jeremy still prefers electrically powered scooter.
Ulrich also has extra jackets, in case Yumi forgets to bring hers. The one from Kadic football team has 'Stern' written on its back but on the other one's back, it says 'Ishiyama', because he isn't the fan of his own surname and when he joined the uni's team, he simply lied to them and had Yumi's surname written.
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A cursed theory that I must share.
Odd knows how to throw himeslf off a moving vehicle with minimal injuries.
And that got me thinking.
Why was he sent to Kadic? Why did his parents never question where kiwi is? They had to know about the no dogs thing. (Unless this was adressed between them off screen, in which case why was there no effort to visit and take Kiwi home?)
So a theory for you: Odd was a vigilante of some kind. (Boy had a tail on Lyoko and no balance problems. He clearly is trained in some way. Maybe a magical girl esc situation or something but still. That is not a normal reaction to suddenly having a new limb you can control. Unless it isn't new.)
Or maybe he is trying very hard to keep some powers a secret.
I mean. Aelita had a little elf toy and became an elf on lyoko. Yumi is Japanese and being geisha is a normal, respected job that many aspire to be. Ulrich is a samurai, and by golly aren't Samurai cool people who protect others and work under a lord (bit of a stretch but he's a teenager. With a dad like that I would not be surprised if there was a little escapism involved.) William just got a BFS and really. What teenager would not go wild for a cool sword (seriously the thing reminds me of final fantasy 7).
Then there's Odd. The purple I can get. But the cat never gets an explanation, given the scanner wasn't active while Kiwi was in there. Add in that weird purple no explanation given ever spot in his hair and something doesn't add up. (Yes Aelita's hair is pink but redheads exist so I can see the leap given nobody questions it. People question Odd's hair.)
So really. Something is up with this boy's history. I personally believe superhero of some kind (magical girl esc shenanigans included) or escaped experiment.
What do you think?
Sorry for the late response but anon, you could totally make an AU out of this haha (magical girl-verse or general superhero/escaped experiment tomfoolery). Honestly you could probably spin the magical girl AU quite a bit with Kiwi playing as the Familiar, or even play on the escaped experiment idea and twist it around a bit with series lore
Theory-wise can't be too crazily sold on it. Odd's parents aren't the most observant of their kids (and canon pretty much makes it seem like they're so busy they don't really keep an eye on what goes on in their kids lives) so I imagine what is happening with Kiwi slips under the rug. That and perhaps Odd's sisters don't want to admit they let their little brother sneak off with the family dog, either out of sibling comrodery or they don't want to get in trouble for this as well lol
I've seen some authors like to offer the headcanon that Odd likes to dye his hair (I'm one of those writers haha, Evolution may have been extremely shaky but there are some ideas that can certainly work etc etc Odd having brunet hair is one of them). The kid loves to dress up in flamboyant colors, bright pink, yellow, purple, you get the idea. Part of me likes to think it's to attract attention, he is just one of six kids after all (mind you the only boy and the youngest of the bunch too). I'm sorta headcanon-posting about Odd's parents being emotionally neglectful. I mean it's also kinda out there in the episode. Sure they "care" on the surface level but they don't really offer much structure? They let him loose, offer unconditional love without any set rules. Obviously there's a fine line given the other side of the spectrum is like, say, Ulrich's family (or father in particular) for example. But too much care without guidance can leave kids feeling in the dark and truly not cared for. Especially if they see other kids actually having that healthy relationship/boundaries taught to them (I hope I'm conveying this all right lmao)
Anyhow! Back to this and off the headcanon tangent, I imagine Lyoko grants some knowledge on how to use their abilities. Or at least, kinda like ingrained instincts already despite not having much experience with them just yet. I like to point out how easy it was for Yumi to wield her fans, or for Ulrich to instantly know how to use super sprint in the prequel, even the contested shield of Odd's just showed up out of nowhere there lol. The tail not causing balance issues is probably one of the instinctual things, just like how Odd can go back and forth from cat paws to human hands without batting an eye. This could also just thrive in your theory/AU either way haha
I've heard some suggestions that Kiwi shed some fur in the scanner Odd went in right before he was virtualized for the first time, so maybe that could lend some idea to his form? This one is the weakest out of the bunch though, especially given dog fur really doesn't equal cat. Cats are flexible and agile though (they love to sleep and eat, they're very playful despite not knowing when to hold back at times, I own two cats atm so this is my own observations leaking over haha), Odd fits the bill, and he's an animal lover (or a dog lover, I forget if the show has mentioned if he just doesn't like cats or whatnot it's been a while). I remember bits and pieces of cats having a sixth sense (not really but people like to say they do) so that can line up with Future Flash, Odd's a gamer which is my only decent excuse for laser arrow lmfao Thank you for your ask! Sorry about the bit of delay but it was very fun chatting and thinking about all of this :)
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nomattertheoceans · 9 months
Help I'm sick with COVID and getting the sudden urge to rewatch the entirety of Code Lyoko
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Jeremie was extra blushy around me today but would not tell me why. Then I logged in here and saw all the meme valentines day cards and understood.
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