#code: antithese
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art-soboro · 1 year
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an old commission of Eve/Code: Antithese from Elsword
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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Code: Unknown
1/4 - Enter ‘Bethma Village’
When Eve wakes up, she realizes that the core is destroyed and despairs.
Perhaps she should have left a more detailed order and kept it in a safer place.
However, she can't just regret what has already happened.
Eve looks for code that has enough power to resolve the current situation she is in among the codes in her possession.
2/4 - Bethma - Clear ‘Bethma Lake’ [0/1]
Eve finds a mysterious code 'Unknown' deep within her code that was discarded due to being deemed too dangerous before.
The reason why the experiment was discarded was because this code held too much power. Though it may be dangerous to used this code that's been securely locked, the immense power this code has may be what's needed to change the current situation she is in.
Let's collect various data to remove the lock on the code.
3/4 - Enter ‘Bethma Village’
Eve manages to remove the lock on Code: Unknown after various trials. Eve feels immense power coursing through the circuits and is sure that she made the right choice.
But soon, Eve realizes that her aerial movement code has disappeared.
4/4 - Clear 'Dragon Nest' [0/1]
Many things have changed since the past. Eve decided on the choice that she believed was the best option despite the dangers she needed to risk.
She is the last remaining survivor, and the Queen of the Nasods. May there be perfection without mistake with this decision.
It's not a mistake. She did not make the wrong choice. Eve decides to pretend that the lost code never existed and use the immense power of Code: Unknown.
(recorded; 11/07/2021)
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Round 1: Match 25
"Two Sides of the Same Coin"- Two things that are regarded as part of the same thing. Even if they're very different, they have at least one common thread that helps them fit into this trope.
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Laios and Kabru:
"They're both so autistic-coded. Like, Laios's special interest is obviously monsters and Kabru's is humans. Kabru overthinks everything about Laios, he always is thinking "Man, there's gotta be some agenda about this guy." Meanwhile, Laios: Head empty, monsters tasty. The way they both react to things ooooo.... listen, they fit this category so well, they're so interesting, trust."
Dawn/The Liberator and Tsuki/The Worldkeeper:
"complete antitheses. always fighting. represent opposite ends of the protagonist's psyche. but both represent part of her all the same. no matter how much they might try to refute it they're both part of the same whole and need to be one despite their refusal to do so"
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blueisquitetired · 4 months
Questions from someone who (regrettably) hasn't heard of the No Man's Sky before Astral Shards :P
What is Atlas? Since they hide from it, is it like Giratina in this au? Or Arceus?
The Atlas is many things.
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The Korvax call it a god. An intelligence beyond comprehension and judgment. It created the world and all that reside in it, and the Korvax hope that by worshiping it, they too can obtain similar greatness.
The Vy'keen feel differently. The Atlas controls the sentinels, and the Vy'keen have been at war with them for generations. They do not trust something with that much power, and insist that if the Atlas is a god, then it must be insane.
The Gek are more neutral. They care little for things like higher powers and gods, and are much more concerned with their trades and profits. Still, even they acknowledge the power of the Atlas, of its ever present nature.
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(The Korvax, Vy'keen, and Gek are the three main races in No Man's Sky, each with their own language and history)
Adaman and Irida think differently. They call it a liar, a hypocrite, a false god. They have spent most of their lives avoiding its crimson gaze, slipping into the cracks between worlds and leaving its jurisdiction.
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The Atlas is all of these things and more. It is the beginning and the end, the creator of everything and the keeper of order. It made the galaxy and all its wonders- every galaxy in every universe. The infinite cosmos is it's garden, and the sentinels are it's gardeners, tending to it's creations and making sure everything is in proper order.
Yet what is the point of a garden without someone to visit? What is the purpose of art if there is no one to view it?
And there in lies the hypocrisy. Because the Atlas craves order, demands assimilation- yet it created the travelers, the antitheses to all that it is. The travelers are the outliers, the mistake, the glitch in the code, yet the Atlas adores them more then any of it's other creations.
The traveler is the observer, the aesthete. Their entire purpose is to behold what the Atlas has made, to revel in its glory.
Forever adrift and aimless, doomed to always move and never stay- no home to call their own.
Is it any surprise that some rebel against that fate?
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willowbilly · 3 months
for the ships ask!! hickeysir & goodstan 👀👀
Any ship with Goodsir or Silna is automatically a Very Serious Favorite of mine, what with Goodsir and Silna being my very favorite characters, and I happen to love both of these ships so incredibly much! Hickeysir in particular is my secondmost absolute favorite Terror ship after GoodSilna, with GoodStanley close on their heels (and excluding polyships). It goes: 
Any Goodsir or Silna ship (within my specifications), such as:  a.) Hickeysir. b.) GoodStanley, GoodSilzier, GoodSilCollins, etc. 
Other ships I like! 
Hickeysir and GoodStanley are among my preferred ships to go to for sources of angst and whump; I tend to extrapolate their antagonistic canon relationships into abusive or unhealthy ship dynamics in which Goodsir fights victimization. I’m keenly interested in the granular details of their incompatibility and the stark contrast existing between their characters. Goodsir’s personality is so different from either his captor’s or his direct superior’s, and I love how he does not meekly surrender to them in maintaining his rigid unto brittle code of manners and morality. They struggle to bend Goodsir to their will and they bring out another (worse) side of him, with these power struggles shining to me as some of the show’s most compelling scenes. Like, Stanley’s “I will do. You will not.” and Hickey’s “Don’t you also want to live?” drive me insane. “Has anyone ever invited you to a wedding, Dr. Stanley?” “Does that really work with anyone, Mr. Hickey?” There’s such an intense, prepossessing chemistry between them!!! 
I also adore pairing Goodsir with either Stanley or Hickey because they are excellent narrative foils with curious similarities, with Stanley’s murder-suicide paralleling Goodsir’s, and Hickey being in many ways Goodsir’s direct ideological inverse; they’re antitheses!!! With whom Goodsir is trapped!! Goodsir typically views others through a compassionate lens, so it’s especially alluring to turn that lens upon people like Stanley and Hickey whom he dislikes and even loathes. How might he wrestle with his own intermingled love of or attraction to them, or what resigns him to them, or how might he defy or escape them? What precisely might either do so as to keep him? To punish him? Why haven’t I written Hickeysir and GoodStanley atticwife AUs yet and why aren’t such AUs for them wildly popular? So many intriguing questions. Goodsir is basically Stanley’s wife anyway!! Not to mention that Hickey holds Goodsir captive and forces him to butcher his dear ex-partner’s body first out of all; it is in return that Goodsir uses the poison!!! Goodsir turns murderer because of Hickey!!! 
They have something special I tell you!!!
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
now for the chaos corner ( or part seven ) of the ask extravaganza, let's talk about my beloved little fennec fox felicity !! could i please ask after questions one, four, five, seven, and eight from that list of questions ?
can't wait to see the answers, and i hope you're doing well !! <3
Yeeessss, Lily, my sweet little baby!
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1. What's an animatic about your OC / OTP that you've been spinning around your brain?
So, for Lily, I actually don't think I have a specific song animatic in mind for her, just general vibes. I feel like it would probably be an angsty one about childhood innocence and her relationship with Sanji, generally pretty happy and adorable and all, but occasionally you'll get scenes of her crying and throwing tantrums in fear... Delicious angst. Specifically, the main angst potential comes from the Whole Cake Island Arc. I know you know basically nothing about it, Dolly, but all of my OCs (except for Lux) have a deep and profound trauma from that arc, some more than others. That's because that arc is peak Sanji angst. Anyways, for some happy moments, I could see little montages of them training together, cooking together, Lily showing off her ballet skills, general crew shenanigans... It's about the contrast!
4. Give a full breakdown of one song on your OC or OTP's playlist!
*checks my Felicity playlist* Well, well, well...
I could cheat and do an instrumental one. I can’t do ones that are just there based on vibes because they're... well... just there for vibes. Most of them are just there for vibes, actually. So, we'll do this one:
"Have you heard from the news? / Clouds are falling from the sky / And everything that's pink is now blue."
... is about the scary things in Lily's life and how her world is coming apart, first because of Buggy, then because of Kuro.
"Have you heard from my mind? / We gotta find a way to cope / Or else things might not turn out so fine"
... is Lily's escapism, the way her brain cooked up the automatic response of age regression as a way to cope and make things fine again.
"And I start / To give in / To the sin / To the sin"
Lily puts up no resistance against this sort of escape but it's a "sin" because devil fruits are, well, devil fruits, and she's already a non-human freak without it, but even more so when it keeps changing her appearance in tune with her mind.
"And I start / To realize / Lullabies / La, la..."
... is Lily really falling into Little Space, the last two syllables being a sort of reference to baby speech - listen to how they sound in the song!
The chorus is filled with antitheses between childish, happy things and scary things you might encounter in life and that's also the world that Lily lives in. Sort of a childish bubble she has built for herself and the harsh pirate's life of death and fighting outside of it. There's one line that's special though and that's:
"Lollipops and cigarettes"
Lily, being half mink, has heightened senses, and she's also very emotional, so a lot of times, things just become too much for her. That's when she asks her dad Sanji for a "smoke break" which is code for "mom come pick me up i'm scared". Sanji is a smoker, so he has an excuse to just remove himself from a situation and go outside for a while and Lily copied that for herself. I think the first time she pulls this trick, it's and accident. She probably mumbles to herself "I think I need a smoke break" (copying Sanji, most likely) and everyone just looks at her as if their souls had left their bodies. But then Sanji smiles and says "You know, me too" and they leave and then this becomes actual code speak for them. There's only one thing that's an issue: Lily feels left out if Sanji is smoking and she isn't. She keeps bugging him about how it isn't fair until he gets her lollipops as a comprimise. Also fake cigarettes made of chewing gum or chocolate.
"Losing innocence is easy / But growing up is hard to face. / Give me something to hold on to / Or I'll slip right into little space"
The "losing innocence is easy" part is a reference to Lily losing her parents, an event that she can barely remember and never understood. In her eyes, they just disappeared, and she doesn't know what really happened or never quite pieces it together - because she was young, still is young and her mind refuses to recall what happened. So she just unconsciously refuses to grow up. And she doesn't have to. She's still so young but also she'd rather be this little kid again when her parents were still by her side and she doesn't want to face things like losing her second set of parents - ie. Kaya's - or getting kidnapped by Buggy or the chaos caused by the Black Cat Pirates. She needs someone or something to hold on to or she gets scared and slips into little space, basically becoming a nonverbal ball of fear.
"Remember all the rounds / When we sneaked in just to have a kiss / But now we need to keep the noise down"
In the original interpretation of the song, this is more of an allusion to puppy love vs sexuality, but in Lily's version, the last line is more related to violence and screaming, maybe also her sensitivity to noise because of her gigantic ears that she maybe wasn't so accutely aware of when she was younger.
"Remember sleepy eyes / When we see each other every day / But now this is our final goodbye"
This part is about Kaya and Lily who grew up like siblings for a long time. Granted, they are quite a few years apart, but Lily has very fond memories of just napping with Kaya and seeing her every day because they lived together, but her going out with the Straw Hats means she might never see her again - or at least not for a very long time. The "final goodybe" is also a reference to Merry's death, who was another of Lily's father figures and who was also part mink.
Chorus time! The final lines function the same way, contrasting fun, childish things and scary, adult things.
So yeah, the whole song might as well be interpreted as a look into how Lily's mind works!
5. What would your OC's tumblr blog be like?
I haven't decided on whether I want Lily to be twelve or thirteen yet, but I'm currently gravitating towards twelve and... yeah, she's too young for Tumblr XD
But if she did have a blog, I imagine it would be very chaotic. Ballet stuff, Barbie movies, children's shows, aesthetics, slime videos, kidcore, pastel stuff, Disney...
7. What's your OC's ___-core aesthetic?
Probably a soft and childish balletcore, mixed in with some more pastel-y kidcore. Also fennec fox. You cannot do Lily without a cute little fennec fox.
8. What are some TV Tropes that apply to your OC or OTP?
Oh, a lot! Here's just a little list: The Cheerful Child, Curious as a Monkey, Parental Substitute on multiple occasions (first Kaya's parents, then Merry, then Sanji!) and her and Sanji get a "Like a Son Daughter to Me" moment. She's also somewhat of an Innocent Prodigy when it comes to fighting and ballet, and Cheer Them Up with Laughter is how to stop her tantrums and breakdowns. Finally, Cheery Pink. That's it.
Sorry that this took so long. I had very little free time since Christmas and I've just been working on this whenever I had the time and frame of mind. Thanks so much for your ask!
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄✼▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @supermarine-silvally - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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sageoffablesardowin · 8 months
Do any churches to a god require chastity/modesty from their followers? Are there any religious practices in Ardowin that reflect the practices of the “real world?”
Not exactly. There are some churches that encourage certain practices, but they tend to reflect moral ideologies of the corresponding deity. Pelor, for example, encourages his followers to carry an amount of candles, lanterns, or torches on their travels, so that they may give light to those in need of it. Mystra urges her followers to use their magic for the benefit of a local community at least once a lunar cycle. Even Bane directs followers of his with significant political influence to devote an amount of resources to struggling parts of their homelands, for “strong people make a strong country.”
It is more common for gods to prohibit actions that lead to direct harm or antitheses of their domains. Tempus forbids needless conflict with a weaker opponent, Shar abhores those who disturb long-past gravesites, Kelemvor forbids his followers to raise the dead, etc. Divine law also condemns personal atrocities such as rape and murder, and any gods who create pacts with mortals must include strict rules against such things in their codes.
Chastity may be a choice that certain individuals make, but such aspects of individuals’ personal lives are generally left to themselves. I imagine if Ardowin had a more conventional and influential god of romantic affection, those activities might be more customary to create guidelines around.
Ardowin’s religious system operates on a more personal level. The most notable “theocracies” have more to do with powerful individuals, spirits, or half-gods than with actual members of the Divine Court. And they tend not to last very long without facing sociopolitical backlash, as mortals are (by and large) reluctant to form societies around a divine being rather than a carefully written book of law since the events of the Great Catastrophe, in which the powerful theocratic countries led by the Dread Pantheon nearly uprooted all of creation.
The one that comes to mind is the yuan-ti empire in Southern Xeqash, led by Itzotzal, who claims to be the “Mouth of Dendar,” the Night Serpent, who is classified as an “Elder Entity” rather than a god. Itzotzal is a tyrant, and his followers are zealous, but it is important to note that many other yuan-ti cultures around Ardowin scold his practices.
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Loved the update. Enyo is the loudest and most cheerful assassin I've ever encountered. I love em!! Saves are Still broken with each update tho. It's fine for now. Bt might be a bit much the further along we go into he story 🙈
Sorry about the saves! From what I can tell, the saves will break any time I add in new variables into the code. I'm not sure about normal writing, though, so I'll have to test that. That being said, the saves won't be getting constantly broken for long since I do plan for the time between updates to be longer.
I do want to release a "tester" demo, though, for those interested in seeing all of the work in progress/those who want more "regular" updates. The saves will mainly be there to test variables/different choices rather than save progress for future updates, though, since that one will be constantly updated which means the saves will break at least once a week.
I'll let you guys know when the saves should be good vs when they'll get broken again once I separate the public demo progress from my tester demo. I also just have to stop messing the code once one scene is done skdjskksdk My "too much" gene gets in the way a lot skfjsjdjdk
Anyways, I'm glad you like Enyo!
I was playing with the idea of dichotomy a lot when making the characters. All of the ROs have at least 2 things about them that are meant to antithesize their "role"/personalities. Some, like Larisilla (knight vs lady) and Enyo (loud vs assassin) are obvious while some like Somnia's or Alceste's are better "hidden", so to speak! You guys can have fun speculating on those! I believe there are a few hints around the blog that might clue in some people as to what they are 👀
Anyways, thanks so much for reading! I appreciate it! ❤️
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elrios-trash · 2 years
Next Mobile Wallpaper!
This time I am gonna make the earlier 4th paths wallpaper--except Prophetess which I was very busy that time and have no time to make her android wallpaper. As like previous poll, the duration is one week too.
If you want to see the other outside from this voting list, feel free to visit my blog and search with tag :>
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mi6011ikepearson · 2 years
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as a species we’re constantly processing information; with our inputs being stimulated by a complex and vast array of moving images, flashing lights, sounds - both loud and quiet.
sometimes, as humans we can look beyond our basic audiovisual understanding of the world around us, and begin to pause, for a moment of our self-sustaining, busy schedules - to take a deeper look beyond what’s on the surface of something - and start pondering the big questions;
this is us: deconstructing image, in it’s most basic form.
Symbolism: “seeking to represent absolute truths symbolically through language and metaphorical images”
it’s important, especially as artists, to be able to express yourself, visually - in the place of using words; as it isn't simpler, necessarily -  instead; I would argue it gives more context in a shorter space of time, but allows for the creation of multiple interpretations amongst the audience;
for instance; here is an essay I looked at, and kept at the back of my mind, for this blog post - when I was looking to educate myself on the aspects of deconstructing and redesigning the human form : https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-62909-2_87
reading the essay took a lot of time - but it allowed me to learn the information, I needed to. if the information was presented visually then I couldn’t have gathered the specific information that I’ve learnt, and instead - it is more likely I would have gathered a rough understanding.
certain information needs to be presented as words, but there is a time and a place for visual language..
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it comes at the responsibility of the artist to know when to use it
DECONSTRUCING IMAGE IN PHOTOGRAPHY: http://www.creativesgo.com/deconstructing_photography_filmmaking_tips.html
Roland Barthes created a theory that categorises five individual kinds of semiotic elements that are common to all texts.
He gathers these signifiers into five codes, as follows:
“the deeper structural principle that organises semantic meanings, usually by way of antitheses or by way of mediations between antithetical terms.”
A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences
Semantic, (the hidden meanings you will add - this is the manifestation of backstory)
“points to any element in a text that suggests a particular, often additional meaning by way of connotation.”
one may say that it is an association made by the text-as-subject within its own system In other words, Barthes marks out those semantic connotations that have special meaning for the work at hand.
Proairetic, (Action)
we could think of this as posture, gesture and how this character would do normal things a certain way
The proairetic code applies to any action that implies a further narrative action.
For example, a gunslinger draws his gun on an adversary and we wonder what the resolution of this action will be. We wait to see if he kills his opponent or is wounded himself. Suspense is thus created by action rather than by a reader's or a viewer's wish to have mysteries explained.
Hermeneutic, (enigma)
refers to any element in a story that is not explained and, therefore, exists as an enigma for the reader, raising questions that demand explication.
Most stories hold back details in order to increase the effect of the final revelation of all diegetic truths.
We tend not to be satisfied by a narrative unless all "loose ends" are tied; however, narratives often frustrate the early revelation of truths, offering the reader what Barthes terms "snares" (deliberate evasions of the truth), "equivocations" (mixtures of truth and snare), "partial answers," "suspended answers," and "jammings" (acknowledgments of insolubility).
and finally Cultural.
designates any element in a narrative that refers "to a science or a body of knowledge"
In other words, the cultural codes tend to point to our shared knowledge about the way the world works, including properties that we can designate as "physical, physiological, medical, psychological, literary, historical, etc."
From words to pictures
“Language is essential to our perception of the world”
Our understanding of an apple is essential to being from our experiences eating apples, holding apples, Smelling apples, seeing apples -
The individual meaning of a word is defined by the culture and time within which it exists
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Elsword - Henir's Time and Space Challenge 7
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elsgraphics · 3 years
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⋆ eve icons code: antithese
300 x 300.
likes / reblogs appreciated!
request here.
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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Code: Antithese
5/5 -  Clear El Tower Defense 5 times [0/5]
'What does it mean to be right?'
The red messages hasn't shown in a while, but instead of relief, she felt anxiety.
How many codes did she lose up to this point? How many codes did she recreate? Among those codes, how many of them remained? Eve couldn't even begin to estimate.
Getting rid of failure because she didn't wish to fail, because mistakes were not acceptable, made it hard for her to trust the authenticity of her success. In addition to that, the overloading emotion core added to the chaos. Even though it was part of her programming, she was unable to control it, and it affects her in ways a perfect Nasod would not feel.
But even so, she could not give up.
If not for her who is Elrios would emember her brethren and live in their stead?
Who can save their poor lives? Console their loneliness?
'Is this your perfection?'
That's why she needed to be perfect. Because she could not afford to make any mistake, she chose to be perfect. But in order to be perfect she needed something 'wrong' that will be her opposite.
Eve smiled. She headed towards the sanctum with dance-like steps. She wanted to see the answer she was waiting for.
(recorded; 11/08/2021)
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kitsuneain · 2 years
Code Antithese
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axirokko · 3 years
Ok, it's been a long time since my last post :"D
I've decided to return to Tumblr bc why not. Of course a lot of things happened during this year, but something will be constant – me in Elsword fandom, phahahah (idk is this good or not but who cares)
So, here is some of my arts from this year (not all of them). I think I'll be posting the majority of things little by little, so yep
You can find all my arts and other stuff here
Inst: @axirokko
Twitter: @_axirokko_
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