bluwrites · 9 months
Sweet Indulgence
Bg3 Half Elf Drow! Durge x Gortash (not smut, but still nsfw)
Durge has a described appearance but no name. Gif is not mine, the owner is @guccialli. I'll probably revisit this in the future and add to the gore factor of the projection and killing of the boy 🤷‍♂️ (on ao3)
AO3 link and tags for those I know might want to see this: @qiific3 @sycophantofbane
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Purple hands covered in red splendor, heavy breaths from the mouth of sharp teeth, and peppered hair full of knots atop their head. Orangey red eyes stared into the dark room in front of them and behind their back held in tight hands, a gift. He lay in bed without a hint of knowing what’s to come. His short dark hair splayed across the pillow, his breaths even and calm, a blanket protecting him from the shroud of evil at his door. Enver, a beauty to behold by their eyes, only them.
They stepped across the threshold and into his room, eyes never straying from their prey as they advanced. Skillfully they avoided the creaking floorboards as they stepped closer. The gift in their hands dripped with gore, the blood souring the rug on the floor. They could care no more for the rug, having told him many times to get rid of it before.
Standing in front of him in his bed they crouched to eye level, admiring the young man as he slept. All signs of his usual malice and neediness gone as his mind kept its comatose trance. They reached a bloody hand out to brush away his messy hair and hoped he would not stir. Before placing his gift upon his bedside table, they pressed a gentle kiss to his head, one light enough to not stir even the most skittish of mice.
Retreating to the doorway once more, they whispered a sweet nothing to him “When the sun rises I shall fall and you’ll wake to find my love for you, dear Enver. Goodnight.” The door then closed and enveloped the room in pure inky blackness and the sound of his breath. Swiftly they left the home and entered the streets of Baldur, hiding in the shadows as they hunted for their next meal.
There, a raven-haired teen with poise similar to Enver. Hungry and unresting they stalked after the boy with quiet footsteps. In their sharp grasp a knife is steadily held and ready for action. When the boy is caught alone in an ally on his way home the knife lands in his spine, instantly paralyzing the boy. A scream is caught in his throat at the excruciating pain. They meander over top of him, watching as he tries to crawl away and cry for help. A foot on his neck stops him from moving further.
“I wouldn't do that, if I were you, sweetness.” All they could imagine was Enver, sweet sweet Enver, as they delved into the innocent boy's flesh. Ripping his muscles from the bone and devouring his lovely inner spoils. The crunch and squelch of his guts in their mouth only brings to mind what they wish they could do to Enver. Their only desire, to fill their mouth with him, to eat him whole. So he will never part with them.
“It was a delight for you to indulge me like this, sweetness. Your shortcoming was pleasurable. Now I hope you don't mind as my feast must be cut short.” They couldn't stay outside much longer as the sun would come up soon, and they needed to get back home to the temple. “I hope you liked my gift, my dearly detested Enver.”
Just as quickly as the night had begun it was over. Back in their dark room with blood covered sheets and grotesque corpses strewn across the wall from their bed. The shroud of sleep once more overcame them as the sun began to rise above the city above. They dreamt of only the sweetest indulgences.
The childlike rage of their childlike loneliness was no more for this day. Tomorrow would come and it would return, only to be gnawed at and gutted once more.
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bluwrites · 8 months
"It's my book I can do what I want with it!!" I tell myself that as I dread the decision of changing what I originally planned for my fanfic in fear of what the readers will think. Nobody reads oc x canon. I don't even read oc x canon, but I write it because you can't understand the relationship I'm giving Durge and Gortash unless I personalize Durge!
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bluwrites · 2 months
Human Reader has been having nightmares pretty frequently about certain things, and this time, they aren’t alone for it. Headcanons for how Wheeljack, Mo, Swindle, & Thrash would react, and what they’d do to try and help/comfort the reader? (Platonic)
A/N: It's been a hot minute since I last posted/answered a request. It starts with general headcanons for all four (4), and then there's individual ones after that. Reader is reffered to as you in this scenario. All relationships are platonic (obviously lol).
Comfort from Mo, Wheeljack, Swindle, and Thrash After A Nightmare Headcanons
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-The dream is visceral, whether it is related to trauma or a horror movie you watched weeks ago.
-You wake up in a cold sweat, reaching for the closest available thing to hold close to you for comfort.
-If your preferred person is close by to hear you wake up all distressed they come to your side.
-They ask if you're alright, worried at various degrees.
-Mo is understanding of your situation, she's had some bad dreams before. Especially after Mandroid.
-Mo tells you to breath and helps you through it.
-She offers you a warm cup of milk and pulls up white noise on your phone to help you sleep.
-Mo will also stay up with you as long as you'd like if it will bring you comfort. She cares, and she will listen if you want to talk.
–Wheeljack will be concerned, and come to your aid, but he is gentle. He doesn't want to startle you.
–He lowers his voice so he can comfort you, hoping to sooth your anxious emotions with some calming words.
–He will try to crack a joke or two in hopes of helping, but it doesn't work well.
–To remedy this, Wheeljack will ask to hug you, and if you consent, he will gently rock you back and forth, like a mother might with her baby.
–At first Swindle is a bit confused and perturbed.
–Swindle will ask you what is wrong, so he can assess what to do.
–He will be uncharacteristically calm and understanding if you take the time to explain what happened.
–Swindle will revert to his normal demeanor once he's assessed that you are okay, and are able to go back to sleep.
–Thrash is curious to what has caused you to be so distressed. He'll kindly try to get it out of you, with innocent intent.
–If you tell him what transpired, or that you just had a nightmare, he will want to comfort you.
–Thrash will offer you close contact, like a hug, or to hold your hand as you fall asleep.
–He's too considerate, and will do everything and anything to help you get back to sleep comfortably.
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bluwrites · 9 months
Currently writing up a small storm for myself, or you guys, mainly myself. I've been consumed by the thoughts of younger Gortash and Durge. The redeemed Durge that is. Canabalism as a love language will be used. So will dead bodies (NOT necrophilia as Durge's Butler has mentioned, ew). Also lots of hinting towards my Durge's past nefarious actions or hindrances, not fun ones.
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bluwrites · 2 months
Alright, requests are open. I'll start replying to them once I post this next request. DJD and MTMTE only!
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bluwrites · 2 months
Working on my two current requests, then I might reopen for MTMTE only. I'm really in the mood for DJD stuff.
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bluwrites · 11 months
Erm, hi. *Shoves my voltron oc angst at you* This is them doing the BoM trials.
Lucky is human, but often mistaken for half galra, and she's a doctor/surgeon.
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I never had an opinion on the colour yellow, but when I saw those eyes above me on the floor, I knew I loved that colour.
I never cared for swords or knives until you told me I had to. Now they're my favorite weapon.
I never liked the quiet, but now that I have to be quiet, I do, just for you.
The sounds of my heart beating was all I could hear, staring at the roof above my broken body. My lungs felt like collapsing, the tumor attatched threatening to end my life. My body bruised from my fight for acceptance. Despite the misconception of who I am, I'm determined to show these people I can belong.
My sweat and blood have been put it into this, I can't back down now. I lift myself up, lungs threatening to fail and my body screaming at me to back down. But there's just one thing left to do. If I can get through that door, just get to it. On my feet again my throat burns and my vision threatens to blacken. "I'm not done yet." It's a whisper but it's heard, in my hand the dagger glistens in the light of the room. It's like I'm Jacky Chan suddenly and I'm up and kicking again.
They come at me again and again but I dodge and strike back. I can just feel my feet giving out, my breath leaving my body, and I slip, i'm falling, it's not stopping. I'm not in that room, but I didn't go through the door. I'm wondering what happens when it all gives out finally, my breath hitches and my knees buckle. I'm on the floor writhing in pain, throat spasms, I need air, but nothing is coming in and its killing me slowly. Then I see it, my end, this is where I go out. There's a bright light and I see myself. I'm younger, 19, I remember this. I'm sitting beside a hospital bed, and there's mom. She's got a tube in her throat, nothing attached. The monitor is flat-lined. She's dead. This was the last time I saw her. The last time I saw her gorgeous brown hair and aged skin.
She never gave up, she did everything she could to live another day, for me. But she still lost that battle. I couldn't do the same, I had to keep fighting like she did. There's no cure in space but if I can be out here with Aliens I can go home and get the treatment I need. The next thing I know I'm staring at a roof again, the same gray roof, in one of those rooms I had been fighting in. Did I pass the trials? My hand clutches the blade subconsciously, it feels different, and I can breath. I can breath!
Tears prick my eyes and I inhale deeply, raising my hand to look at the blade. It's different and longer, curved at the end like a curved back blade, a scalpel. How ironic. Then I hear those doors open and I know it's over. I passed the test.
When all of that is said and done I can feel someone's hands on my face, slapping my cheek. They're trying to keep me awake, but I can't hold on for a moment longer, my body quivers and I hack up my own blood. It's terrifying to see my blood on his hands after he wipes my lips clean. I hold on for one moment longer and I see those beautiful yellow eyes staring at me and yelling something in my face. Then it's nothing, and I assume I'm dead. I am floating in a pool of nothing. Only darkness is there and then a light at the end of a tunnel graces my sight.
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bluwrites · 2 years
Hey since you’re taking TFE requests, could I ask for some Bee x reader romantic headcanons? Human or cybertronian reader is fine, whichever you feel more inspired to write for ^^ thank you! ✨
A/n: Coming right up dear anon! I Decided to go with human, because why not :D
These are more like how the relationship started and small things like that, but I hope it's what you where looking for!
Definitely spoilers for episode 8 under the cut
Bumblebee Romantic S/O Headcanons
-Bee and you first met when he was speeding down the road one day
-Bee was in too much a hurry and almost missed you crossing the road infront of him
-He had to slam on his breaks and jump over you in his root mode to avoid crushing your body like a water bottle
-He had revealed himself to you and so of course he had to get you to calm down after your mini panic attack over the situation
-Once he explained that no he's not a Decepticon you had finally calmed down
-It took some convincing but he eventually took you to Optimus, Bee informing him of the fact he'd revealed himself to you
-Oppy wasn't upset, though very disappointed in Bee for speeding and almost hitting a pedestrian, resulting in this
-Though after time passed Bee and you grew close
-He'd bring you on late night drives if you couldn't sleep
-You'd offer to wash him every once in a while if he got dirty
-You two had started developing feelings for one another
-Bee confessed to you first, one night while you where out on a drive
-You had been too stunned to speak
-He took that as a rejection and drove you back home
-When he transformed in your drive way and leaned down to two you goodnight, you snuck in a small peck to his cheek
-Telling him that you reciprocate his feelings on the matter
-He would call you pet names like babe, or love
-He doesn't do any thing drastic when it comes to nicknames
-You however love to call him your personal "Love Bug" since his name is literally a bug
-He found it stupid in the beginning but it grew on him
-You still go on late night drives together, but this time they're more significant to you two
-When Dr. Meridian shows up as well as the Terrans, you two are called to "train" these Terrans
-You'd mainly deal with the kids while he delt with the Terrans
-In the episode Decoy, when you show up with Arcee and the kids to help them with the Soundwave situation he's especially worried about you
-He takes all the measures he can to make sure you and the kids don't get hurt
-At the end of the episode he's all over you, making sure you're alright, reassuring you he can talk with you if it's needed
-You assure him you're fine!
-There's nothing to worry about, but gosh this yellow bot can't stop the worry!
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bluwrites · 2 years
A/n: I accidentally deleted the post, and now I have to rewrite this whole request😭 It was a request by @cyber-streak-2 for headcanons of TFE Elita-1, Swindle, Wheeljack, and Megatron reacting to a human kid (around 10 years old) calling them dad/mom.
In the HC portion for Megs, you basically have two dads 🤭 just read
Spoilers maybe??
TFE Elita-1, Swindle, Wheeljack, and Megatron react to kid calling them dad/mom
-Your dad works for GHOST, and he has Elita-1 watch over you while he's on duty and she's available, sadly no mom in the picture
-It just, sort of slipped out of you one day
-You two had been enjoying your respective lunches together
-Elita-1 had a fresh Energon cube, and you a bowl of Mac n' Cheese
-You had finished your food before she could get half way into hers
-Wanting more of the delicious cheesey meal you asked her for more
-"Mom? Can I have more?"
-She was surprised, but didn't question it aloud
-Sure, the two of you had spent a lot of time together!
-She knows about your home situation, as your father of course has explained that
-But, you choosing her to be a mother figure?
-Was it really long enough for you to start calling for her by "mom"?
-It had to have been, if you were calling for her repeatedly to get her attention
-"Mom, mom, MOM!"
-"Sure, more Mac n' Cheese coming up!"
-Your parents don't do a good job of taking care of you, or even taking track of you for that
-So when you and this giant yellow and purple robot become friends, your parents are none the wiser
-You start to see him as more of a parent than your own ones
-He likes to drive around town with you in his back seats
-No seat belt no doubt
-When you start picking up on his criminal behaviors is when you start calling him dad
-It was one day where you had taken this doll from a classmate because you got jealous she had one and you didnt
-You snatched it from her backpack at the end of the day when she hadn't been paying attention
-You'd bring the doll to Swindle when you get to hang out with him next
-Talking about how you took it from her and everything
-"Dad? Are you listening?"
-He's literally tearing up
-This little kid, he only met four months ago, is already picking up on his behaviors!
-Better yet, you called him dad! It's like he'a got his own little "Mini me"
-No matter how out of character it is for him, he pats you on the head and tells you how much of a good job you did
-"That's great Kiddo, absolutely great!"
-Your mom works for GHOST, and with no one at home to watch over you, the company allows you to stay under the watch of Wheeljack when he's not in the field
-You like to tinker with things you find in his workshop, for instance some copper wire
-You had been inspired by a Rose painting in your art teachers class room, the colours reminded you of Wheeljack
-While Wheeljack worked on fixing on of his prototype drones, you started shaping the wire
-You got frustrated by it, a lot, but you eventually made what you went for, even if it was quiet mishaped
-Wheeljack was too busy with tinkering with his drone, to be bothered by you
-This made you upset, you spent all this time making this wire sculpture for him and he wouldn't listen to you
-Even if you're 10 years old you can still cry, your mom let's you know it's good to show your emotions
-When tears start welling in yours eyes you cry out
-"Dad, why won't you look at what I made"
-Hearing you cry he looks to see what's the matter, finally paying attention to you
-"What's wrong kiddo? Why are you cryin'?!"
-"You wouldn't pay attention to me when I showed you my Rose, dad"
-His optics widen, but a smile spreads on his faceplate, picking you up gently
-"Here, you can show me it now kid."
-Not everyone at GHOST agreed that it would be a good idea for you to be watches by Megatron while your dad (a GHOST agent) worked, but it happened anyways
-You'd find your ten year old self roaming the halls of GHOST, in search of him
-You had somehow convinced him to play hide and seek with you
-You hadn't managed to find him yet, wherever he's hiding you were sure to find him soon
-You're sure of it!
-Your flip flops patter against the floor as you round a corner, looking down it sneakily in hopes he'd be there
-But no, not there
-You sighed, maybe you could trick him into thinking you'd given up?
-That would be sure to work!
-"I give up! You win hide n' seek Dad!"
-Oh, had you really said that aloud?! Embarrassment waved over you
-"Sorry, I meant Megatron!" You called back out
-Megatron emerged from his hiding spot, that was actually a hall behind you
-You turn around when you hear him coming
-"I though I checked that way!!" You grumble, slapping your hands to your face in defeat
-He looks down at your little body, you calling him dad was unexpected, but it had a nice ring to it.
-"I guess I win, don't I y/n?" he laughs, crouching down to offer his hand to you
-"Yeah, I guess"
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bluwrites · 2 years
Headcanons for Earthspark megatron with a human s/o who’s an artist?
I’m so happy to find blogs writing for it already!
A/n: Coming right up! I'm assuming you mean artists as in drawings, not crafts or sculptures. If that's what you meant just let me know and I can make a different version for you.
No spoilers under cut
Megatron Artist S/O headcanons
-Megatron originally had no idea that you drew
-But when he found you one day doodling on a piece of paper he had asked you what you were doing
-You told him you were just doodling, and he wanted to know what you were doodling
-That's when he found out that you do art
-He takes joy in seeing your works
-Whether it be art of a character from a show or book, or it's a drawing of an item he still loves it
-You've drawn portraits of him before, from simple headshots to scenes of him in action
-He admires these pieces a lot
-If it's alright with you he likes to hang up your work in his room at GHOST headquarters
-It's like keeping a part of you with him, when he can't be around you
-He takes pride in knowing that his s/o makes these beautiful pieces of artwork
-Back on Cybertron there is art, but nothing in the same way that you make art
-He's captivated by it, and he takes up a hobby of watching artists on television make pieces because of his newfound fondness of your hobby
-If you've drawn anything suggestive he's always composed about it, but internally he's blushing like a schoolgirl
-Overall he takes pride in having such a special person with such a special talent in his life
-He wouldn't trade the universe for you
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bluwrites · 2 years
Rules and Requests
Number of requests: 1
Main acc: @swerveable
4 character limit for headcanons, 1 character limit (unless polyam) for oneshot and etc.
I ONLY WRITE YOUR REQUEST IF I WANT TO, DON’T FORCE ME. NOT ALL REQUESTS WILL BE DONE, OR DONE QUICKLY. Please don’t rush me, I have school, and a life outside of the internet.
I will write: Romantic, platonic, headcanons, oneshots, fluff, angst, drabbles, x reader, polyam, and disabilities (ex. deaf, narcoleptic, neurodivergent).
I won’t write: Rape, suicide, anything triggering (if I write it I’ll tag it as triggering), incest, illegal relationships, lemons/smut/valveplug, techno-organics (besides Terrans), character x character, and character x oc.
Master list
Characters I write for
Reader Guide
Ratchet, Drift + Rodimus "Karaoke Night"
Chromedome + Drift "Captured and Healing"
Bumblebee Romantic S/O headcanons
Megatron Artist S/O Headcanons
TFE Elita-1, Swindle, Wheeljack, and Megatron react to kid calling them dad/mom
Comfort from Mo, Wheeljack, Swindle, and Thrash After A Nightmare Headcanons
Oc BoM trials angst
Tag key
#coffeistwriter is my own posts, anything that’s not a reblog
#coffe does asks is my ask tag
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bluwrites · 2 years
Reader Guide
Human reader: Can be a GHOST agent, a Terran companion, a normal Civilian, or sucked into the show/show becomes reality au
Cybertronian reader: Can be an Autobot, Decepticon, Neutral, or GHOST allied.
Terran reader: Can be an Autobot, Decepticon, or Neutral. Will have my Terran companion OC as their companion, unless a character is specified to be their companion.
Human reader: Can be a liaison, normal civilian stow away, Autobot aligned, Decepticon aligned, or sucked into the show/show becomes reality au.
Cybertronian reader: Can be an Autobot, Decepticon, or Neutral.
Human reader: Human stuck in limbo, sucked into the game, game becomes reality, any au like that.
Robot reader: Prototype like V1 and V2, a swordsmachine/streetcleaner/mindflayer/etc, or any robotic being
Angel reader: Obviously any type of angel, or fallen angel, etc
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bluwrites · 2 years
Btw, I can't write for the life of me unless I have a prompt, that's why I open requests. If you're searching for something with a character, ASK!
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bluwrites · 2 years
I know I’ve barely been active on here, and I’m sorry about that, I do still have your requests. But I am just burnt out on writing things right now, so it will be a while till I start posting actual fanfic content.
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bluwrites · 2 years
Just a heads up, I am sorry if characters seem OOC, Earthspark is new to the whole entirety of this fandom. Most of the characters don't have much of a personality to play off of yet except for Bee, the Malto family and Dr. Mandroid/Meridian.
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bluwrites · 2 years
Characters I write for
Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus
The Scavengers + Nickel
Fortress Maximus
First Aid
Optimus Prime
Dot/Alex (only if it’s polyam or platonic)
Any Tarrons (only if it’s platonic, they’re kids bro)
Mo and Robby (only if platonic, they’re KIDS)
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