#cole sprouse is the weakest
philcollinsenjoyer · 1 year
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just found thee weakest link ever. this person almost has me defending cole sprouse it's this dire
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preppymayhem · 3 years
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think any of the main cast members in Riverdale have chemistry. Betty/Jughead have really bad chemistry and that’s partly due to coles caring abilities, or lack there of. Cole can’t emote; he often has a blank expression and can’t bounce off Lily’s expressions. Veronica/Archie are two hot people that the writers decided to throw into a relationship but they little chemistry. Betty/Veronica don’t really have friendship chemistry. They are always standing too far apart, like they’re acquaintances. There is a scene where Veronica puts her head on Betty’s shoulder and Betty looks stiff and doesn’t lean into her. The cast doesn’t mesh too well.
In shows like Gossip Girl, Dawson’s Creek, and One Tree Hill, the characters have great on screen chemistry as a group and with individual characters. Even though GG is a crappy show, the cast meshes really well onscreen. Serena and Blair’s body language suggests they’re best friends. Same with Nate and Chuck, I buy them as best friends even though I don’t see what Chuck and Nate have in common or what they offer eachother. In OTH Hayley and Brooke have the kind of chemistry that Betty and Veronica should have.
Oh you and me are going to fight anon! (I kid, I kid)
I am going put it out there that I, personally, do not value chemistry as much as a lot of people do and to expand further that the concept of chemistry is actually more subjective and dependent on the individual viewer than what a lot of fandom (any fandom) believes.
To start, I disagree with a lot fandoms’ supposition that chemistry is something that solely comes from actors, and while they do have some play in it, I also think that the writing, cinematography, direction, editing and music/sound design have just as much if not more of an impact on chemistry than actors’ performances. Remember you have people who are not the actors choosing the shots they used and how they are cutting those shots together. Television is not live theater, it is closer to film and movies than that.
So to being it back to Riverdale, I actually argue that any chemistry issues on the show are more due to the writing then to the cast. Riverdale is and has never really been that good at writing relationships and I think that is what shows. Like I agree that I don’t think that either Bughead or Varchie has that much chemistry, but I see that more on the writing then on Reinhart/Sprouse/Mendes/Apa, the material they are given to work is not great (especially when it comes to Veronica and Archie). Like the reason I didn’t jump on the Bughead train wasn’t because they lacked chemistry but had everything to do with I didn’t read their relationship as romantic until they kissed in episode 6, and so for me the show didn’t earn their get together or establish why them being romantic w/ each other was a natural progression of their relationship. And post get together pretty much all their scenes have read to me like solely to be there for the fans of said ship and not things that play into any narrative or relationship arc. (Riverdale is generally terrible at character arcs and most any part of holistic cohesive story telling). And that’s not a chemistry issue that is a writing issue.
Same thing with Betty and Veronica, of course they aren’t going to have friendship chemistry, s sq of like the first few episodes they have not been on screen with each other or worked on the same plots together so there is nothing there. Like I think that they actually have wonderful chemistry at the beginning of s1, it is just that the writers chose not to go anywhere with it lpbecause they are idiots. I personally love their chemistry (whether you are seeing it platonically or romantically) but it remains to date one of RD’s biggest flaws and was ultimately one of the reasons why I stopped watching the show.
Which brings me to my final point, a lot of times “chemistry” is also something supplied by the audience. I see a lot of people in different fandoms talk about chemistry or lack thereof and it really corresponds to how they genuinely feel. If they like the ship they see chemistry, if they don’t like the ship it doesn’t have chemistry. I think a lot of people like to use chemistry as a reason when they can’t put into words why we do or don’t like a ship. We all seem to have a hard time just accepting that sometimes we just like a thing and sometimes we don’t. We all come into these things with our own experiences and world views and to think that those don’t color our feelings or how we see things then we are kidding ourselves. We all have biases and the more we can accept just how subjective and particular to us our opinions are the happier we’d all be I think.
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harris-coopers · 4 years
Lili Reinhart
With her 20 million followers on Instagram, her dream boyfriend and a filmography under construction, this pretty melancholy 23-year-old blonde is on her way to becoming the new little bride of America.
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This fall, she has managed to exist alongside the flamboyant lioness Jennifer Lopez in Queens, the choral film by director Lorene Scafaria. Lili plays there Annabelle, a stripper a bit naive, in search of a surrogate family, who vomits as soon as she worries. She quickly becomes the protégé of Ramona (a J-Lo who goes straight to the 2019 Oscars) and the youngest of her band of pole dancers who specialize - despite themselves - in the scam of traders who survived the crash of 2008. This group of women tries to survive in bikinis and platform heels against predators in three-piece suits. This is obviously a tender and cruel allegory of feminism and girlpower but also of America of 2019 where the power games continue to crush the weakest with a steamroller. The fairy tale is far away. Even if one might think that at least one good fairy has looked into Lili's career so that she finally finds her way in the middle of the Hollywood jungle. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, she developed a passion for performing at the age of 10 and began studying dance, acting and singing. On Twitter, she pays tribute to her father, her first fan: “My father coached most of my basketball and football teams when I was in college, he cheered me on even if I was a knockout. And he always brought me flowers after my appearances in theater performances, whether my role was small or large.
At 18, Lili Reinhart leaves to try her luck in Los Angeles and after five months of hardship, she decides to throw in the towel definitively and return with a heavy heart to dad-mom. Before leaving, she still sent a last minute video for an audition for the Riverdale series. And gets the coveted role of Betty Cooper, an intelligent, studious “girl next door”, in love with her best friend Archie and adorable with everyone (from homeless people to elderly characters to animals to adopt). Still in 2016, she starred in Miss Stevens, a small independent film, melancholic and generational, with another star in the making, Timothée Chalamet, then in Galveston (2018), the American thriller of Mélanie Laurent with Ben Foster and Elle Fanning. Since the smashing success of Riverdale, Lili has lived under the scrutiny of the media, especially since she announced her romance with one of her co-stars, actor and model Cole Sprouse. Child star of the Disney stable with his twin brother Dylan, this teen-idol also follows a particular path: at 27 years old, this graduate in archeology not devoid of humor is passionate about photography which he learns the tricks of on prestigious shootings . He is followed by 30 million fans on Instagram plus 5.7 million for his other account "dedicated to people who try to sneak a picture of me and who I manage to photograph first. May the fastest win ”. We are almost in the Lalaland candy pink chromo but the reality is more brutal than that. Lili candidly explains that she faced a serious depression when she started Riverdale, and has just taken the plunge by publishing a first collection of poetry, Swimming Lessons, about her first loves and her anxieties. She also embarks on production for the first time with Chemical Hearts, a new film for Amazon, where she also plays the main role. From a distance, we are already dreaming of its future trajectory in the film industry, like its tattoo created by Dr Woo, the master of dotted tattooing: a delicate arrow that aims well and quickly.
Jalouse Magazine on Lili
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charminglatina · 5 years
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Like I said in my previous Anti-Bughead post, there are so many more reasons to absolutely despise this couple. I could write a novel on why Bughead is literally the worst ship on television but it would be way too time consuming. There’s so many reasons that Bughead is an inferior ship. Such examples of Bughead being mediocre and terrible include them being a highly overrated couple, being a very boring, dull couple that takes up too much screen time even though they are so boring, being a seriously underdeveloped relationship as a result of happening way too quickly into the show, and Jughead and Betty bringing out the absolute worst in each other when they are in each other’s presence. But there are numerous reasons why I hate them and why I will never ship them. But because there are so many reasons to dislike this couple, I have to try and condense my reasons for hating this couple and explain why Bughead is the weakest part of the show. Here are another 5+ reasons why I despise Bughead.
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Bughead is EXTREMELY overrated: This ship is so fucking overrated and overhyped. It is one of the primary reasons why I hate Bughead. It doesn’t deserve the attention and popularity it receives. Bughead is just another boring, hetero White ship with no chemistry, no passion, no development, and is toxic as all hell. Why is this ship so well-liked and poplar by the fandom? I just don’t get it. They are fucking annoying and dull. They are, by far, the least exciting couple, canon and non-canon, in the entire show yet for some backward ass reason, the writers and RAS consistently force and shove this ship in our faces on a week-to-week basis. There are other interesting, exciting, and dynamic couples on this show that deserve more attention recognition and screen time than Bugcest does. Couples like Choni, Falice, Veggie, Barchie, Jeronica, the list goes on and on. Any other couple (canon and non-canon) deserves more attention than Bughead does. At this point, Bughead is probably the most overrated ship in television history. For such a ship that provides nothing to the show but fanservice and doesn’t bring anything exciting and nourishing to the series table, it’s so grandly overhyped. There are undoubtedly other couples in TV and film that deserve so much more attention, recognition, and kudos than Bughead. Why are they so overhyped and celebrated amongst the Riverdale fandom? Is it because Cole and Lili are a real life couple and are dating off screen? Is it because the Bughead fandom primarily consists of screaming teenaged girls who live through Betty and are living out their bad boy/good girl romance fantasies along with their Cole fantasies through Bughead? I don’t get the hype surrounding this mediocre couple. There are plenty of other couples in television and film that have or have had way more chemistry and proper development than Bughead. Another couple that I loathe is Delena from TVD, but even they had some spark, passion, and chemistry in the earlier seasons. At least they had some development and journey, despite how screwed up and toxic they were in season 4 onwards. At least the actors portraying the couple of Delena had some semblance of spark or romantic chemistry at the start. With Bughead, there is none of the above. No chemistry, no passion, no excitement, no development. Bughead is one of the worst written couples in recent years, but it gets so much attention from the fandom, the writers of Riverdale and the media. And I can’t seem to understand how such a mediocre couple with no chemistry, with bad writing, and a severe lack of development could garner so much attention and became the “face” of Riverdale. The only reason why Bughead is even that popular in the first place is because of Cole Sprouse. That’s the truth. And yet if the couple of Bughead has Cole Sprouse as half of the couple, it STILL doesn’t deserve the hype and attention that it receives.
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Bughead is boring: I’ve said it many times before and I will continue to repeat it. Bughead is the most boring couple in existence. They are so dull that every single time they are on my TV screen every Wednesday, I want to either fall asleep or skip through their scenes. The lack of chemistry, passion, and excitement in their relationship is what makes them the most boring couple ever. Even when they do so-called exciting stuff together or when they have drama, it’s still dull. Their investigative quests, fights, interactions, romantic bullshit, and drama is boring. As if Bughead wasn’t boring enough as it is in the previous seasons, they are even more boring in season 3. Bughead is so dull that they have become a ghost couple and non-existent. Bughead has so obviously overstayed its welcome, and their relationship has ceased to matter anymore. They served their purpose, and there’s nothing else to do with them, and the writers know it. Otherwise, why would the writers choose to separate them so much or have them interact so much less this season in comparison to last season? Even when Bughead is acting all lovey-dovey and couple-like, it comes across as incredibly forced. I see two friends trying to force a romantic connection that has ceased to exist. It’s time for the writers to cut the cord on this couple. When a couple on a show becomes boring, dull and tasteless and an increasing number of viewers and fans alike mention this, then it’s time to put an end to a couple.
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Bughead is underdeveloped: This couple can’t be understood as a romantic couple because they have a severe lack of development. And that is a result of the couple being seriously rushed as I mentioned in my previous post. Supposedly, Jughead and Betty have known each other since childhood, and they were friends since. But there are many plot holes and inconsistencies in their relationship. If Betty and Jughead had known each other since childhood, then how come Betty didn’t realize when Jughead’s birthday was? Why did Archie have to tell her that it was Jughead’s birthday? How come Betty had never met Jughead’s father before? It is what I don’t understand. I feel like the writers have tried to rewrite history and retcon Bughead’s relationship and because of that, it comes across as inconsistent with a lack of proper development. Another reason that Bughead lacks development is that the couple just happened way too fast into the series. Normally, a couple that happens in the very first few episodes of the series is considered to be a rushed couple. There is only one couple that can get away with arriving in the first couple of episodes, and that is Stelena from TVD. Stelena may have happened very fast and without tons of development in the beginning, but at least they had believable chemistry and were a love at first sight type of couple. Those kinds of pairings and couples are scarce on television, so I give Stelena and their relationship a pass. But Bughead is nowhere near Stelena’s level because they don’t have strong enough chemistry for me to believe that they all of a sudden like each other without actually seeing the development in their relationship. It's confirmed recently by a writer on Twitter that Jughead had liked Betty for a long time during their childhood. But didn’t make a move on her because Betty was in love with Archie and she was much closer to Archie that she was to him. Huh? That sounds so peculiar and doesn’t coincide with anything that happened in season 1. I feel like the writers are trying to retcon Bughead in many ways, starting with their childhood and their history. The lack of development in Bughead’s relationship is a huge reason why they don’t click as a couple. In most cases, people need to see the journey with a couple falling in love. We need to view it, not told how much two people love each other. I feel like Bughead is shallow in that sense; I and the audience are told that Bughead love each other, but it’s not shown. Bughead would have probably been better written if they didn’t happen so fast in season 1. If Bughead took time to develop into a relationship, like say developed throughout all of season 1 and earlier part of season 2, then I could at least understand their relationship a bit better. I still may not ship them, but I wouldn’t be complaining about the lack of development and plot holes and inconsistencies in their relationship. Another reason why Bughead comes across as underdeveloped to me is that I feel like the writers just threw Jughead and Betty together randomly without even thinking. It’s like they just tossed two random characters together and luckily, it managed to be reasonably well-received by the fandom (unsure if it’s necessarily well received by the general or casual audience, however), and now it’s sticking. Bughead is just really poorly written and not thought out very well. And now, because of the toxic, screaming loudmouth Bughead fans, the writers feel threatened if they ever think of breaking them up and exploring other relationships. The writers wrote themselves into a corner because of their shoddy and poor writing, and it’s destroying the show and the content of the show. Now, I’m not saying that any of the other couples are well developed either. Couples like Varchie didn’t have the best of development either, but at least I saw hints and glimpses throughout season 1 that Archie and Veronica had an attraction to each other. My biggest issue with Varchie isn’t necessarily the development, but the fact that it’s a shallow relationship and it’s toxic. Choni is also very rushed and underdeveloped as well but what saves them and makes them worthy of shipping is the chemistry between the two characters.  But this post isn’t to address my issues with Varchie and Choni. This post is to point out all the problems that I have with Bughead as a ship and a couple. And this is one of the reasons why I can’t ship this couple because of the severe lack of development and the inconsistencies in writing for them.
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Bughead bring out the WORST in each other: A huge reason why I hate this couple is because of how they bring out the very worst in each other. Their characters become extremely annoying and unlikeable whenever they are together. They don’t have a good influence on each other, and they act very stupidly and impulsively where the other is concerned. Jughead seems to have a habit of bringing out Betty’s dark side and making her intolerable. One of the biggest reasons why Betty has become so unlikeable throughout the series is because of her relationship with Jughead. Before she got with Jughead, I liked Betty and found her tolerable. As soon as she jumped into a rebound relationship with Jughead, I slowly but surely went from liking her, to being annoyed by her, to disliking her to downright hating and loathing her as of now. Jughead has a habit of bringing out betty’s darkness. Not only does he bring out her darkness but he enables her darkness. He seems to think that it’s okay that she relishes in her dark side. He’s been the one to see her dark side aside from Veronica yet he has done nothing about it. When Betty was dressing up in BDSM clothing and misbehaving, Jughead chose to relish in it and enjoy it. The only time that Jughead semi did something about Betty acting an inappropriate way was in 2x08 when he broke up with her after Betty stripped in front of him and an entire bar of Serpents. Jughead being a part of Betty’s life isn’t good for her mental health and her emotional state. Jughead’s life is consistently stressful with constant unpredictability and ups and downs. Does a girl like Betty who struggles with mental illness and emotional troubles need to be with a guy that has such a hard life? The answer is no. Betty is troubled enough as it is. Betty is a dark person as it is. She doesn’t need more darkness and trouble added to her already troubled dysfunctional life. She needs someone that will bring her out of her troubles and her darkness, someone that will encourage her to do the right thing and bring her to the light (that person is Archie by the way). Jughead also does a lot of stupid things in the name of Betty. He was perfectly okay with covering up the dead body of a man that Fake Chic had killed in the Cooper house simply because Betty is his girlfriend. He was okay with taking part in covering up murder evidence so that Betty, Alice, and Chic wouldn’t have to suffer the consequences of their actions. Jughead gets involved in numerous morally ambiguous situations because of Betty. He is always getting his nose stuck into criminal activity because Jughead and Betty are just itching to be that investigative duo that solves all the crime and mystery in the town. Also, Jughead found out that Betty was faking pill prescriptions and lying about a therapist. She was abusing Adderall, and he did nothing about it. Instead, he enabled her addiction and didn’t get her the help that he needed. Instead of encouraging her to get help for her mental health issues, he simply told her that everything was going to be okay and then placed his dirty, stinky beanie on top of her head and kissed her on the chin? What the fuck? What boyfriend does that? What good boyfriend brushes aside his girlfriend's mental health problems and acts like it’s nothing important? It’s the same thing that happened in season 1. Betty told Jughead that she was scared of herself because she has bubbling darkness inside of her that she can’t seem to control. She shows him her palms and how she cuts them by digging her nails so hard into them that they scar and bleed whenever she lets her emotions get out of control or when she gets enraged. That is a very troubling confession that Betty made to Jughead, yet he just sat there and did nothing about it. Instead, he chose to take her palms and kiss them. Um, hello? Your girlfriend just confessed to you that she’s mentally unstable and you don’t do anything about it except kiss her palms? Nah son. That’s now how it goes. Jughead makes Betty so annoying and intolerable, and he is the reason why she has become my least favorite character on the show. Betty also does stupid things in the name of Jughead. She threatened Cheryl, a girl who has gone through numerous trouble and trauma, with the video of her father killing her beloved twin brother simply because she was blackmailing Cheryl to lie for Jughead’s father about covering up Jason’s dead body. Betty was perfectly fine with blackmailing a girl who just lost her brother and is dealing with PTSD and depression to the extent that she almost killed herself at Sweetwater River all because she wanted to save her boyfriend’s guilty father? I mean, seriously? That was just a straight up sinister and evil move on Betty’s part. Betty also wanted to join Jughead’s world of gangs, violence and criminal activity. She wanted to be a Serpent so that she could be with Jughead and “watch out for him.” So what did Betty do so that she could become a part of Jughead’s world? She got up on a stage in a bar full of mostly adult Serpents (who are mostly older men) and stripped in front of them without any sense of shame whatsoever. Not only did she strip in front of older men that she didn't know, but she stripped in front of her boyfriend and his father! It’s just weird! She is an underaged teenage girl for God’s sake! Do you see what I mean by Jughead influencing Betty to act terribly? It is what makes Bughead incredibly problematic and toxic. Because of their relationship, Jughead and Betty as characters have grown stagnant. They haven’t experienced and character development or growth that is positive. They are indeed changing, but they are changing for the worst, not the better. Jughead and Betty’s relationship has caused them to have serious character derailment and regression. Jughead has become an egotistical, dictatorial, tyrannical leader of a gang. He has become obsessed with power and has let it get to his head. He’s been playing the dangerous game of G&G and is letting it influence him toxically. And Betty hasn’t been able to snap him out of these terrible moments. Betty tries to convince Jughead to stop playing G&G, but he continues to be more intrigued with it and continues playing the game despite Betty’s warnings about how dangerous it is. Betty tells Jughead to ease up on his subordinates as Serpent King? But instead, he acts even more tyrannical and dictatorial and letting the power consume him and get to his head. Betty has failed on numerous occasions in getting through to Jughead. She doesn’t temper his darkness and brings out the good side of him. She doesn’t healthily challenge him. She enables him and his bad decisions and poor behavior. The relationship has just managed to destroy and damage these two characters that I’m uncertain if they can even be repaired. The same is said for Jughead enabling Betty’s bad behavior and poor attitude. The way I see it, the only way for Jughead and Betty to show any character growth is for them to break up and explore other relationships and become better, stronger people on their own. The toxicity of their relationship is killing Jughead and Betty as characters, and they need to break up to rebuild themselves. Because right now, Jughead and Betty are shells of their former selves.
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Bughead are highly incompatible: They are much too different from each other to have a healthy romantic relationship. I’m all about opposites attract relationships as they can be, but Bughead is opposites attract relationship that is toxic and unhealthy. Sometimes being opposites can be a beneficial and good thing because it can teach you about different lifestyles, outlooks, points of view and perspectives. On the other hand, opposites attract couples that can cause tension, drama, pain and tons of unnecessary problems. Unfortunately, Bughead is the type of opposites attracts couple that is the latter. Betty is the epitome of a normal girl next door. She’s born into a regular everyday middle-class American family. She seemingly has everything going for her, but despite that, she does have personal troubles and family issues. Jughead, on the other hand, is from highly dysfunctional, broken and toxic family background and environment. He’s poor and doesn’t have much in the way of money and security. He has to resort to being a gang member to get by financially. The problem with Jughead and Betty is that they are too opposite. They come from vastly different worlds. Though Betty’s mother grew up on the Southside and was a Serpent back then, Alice outgrew her Serpent and Southside side back in high school. She is more of a Northsider than anything else and has been for a couple of decades. Alice doesn’t identify with the Southside anymore. So just because Alice was a Southsider doesn't make Betty a Southsider. Just because her mother was a Serpent doesn’t mean that Betty should be a Serpent. Betty just doesn’t fit into Jughead’s world at all. She is a Northsider through and through, and she always will be. I don’t care if Betty is currently a member of the Serpents or is their “Serpent Queen.” She is still from the Northside, and that’s never going to change. Do you ever wonder why the other Serpent members never pay attention to Betty or treat her as if she is the co-leader of their gang? Do you ever wonder why the other Serpents never turn to Betty for her opinion or input when they have Serpent meetings? It’s because they don’t respect her and they know that Betty doesn’t belong there or fit in their gang. She is not a part of their world because she grew up privileged and spoiled on the Northside. Betty tried to integrate herself into Jughead’s world throughout season 2, and it did nothing but cause trouble and tension in their relationship. Even though Betty became the Serpent Queen at the end of season 2, it still doesn’t change the fact that she doesn’t belong there. If you look at the way Betty is when she is around the Serpents in season 3, she seems uncomfortable and entirely out of place. Betty looks like a fish out of the water. The only reason that Betty is even a part of the Serpents right now is that she is Jughead’s girlfriend and he is the Serpent King. It means that Betty is Serpent Queen by default and by pure nepotism through being the love interest of the Serpent King. Betty didn’t earn the title of Serpent Queen through accomplishments or what she has done for the Serpents. If anyone is qualified to be the true Serpent Queen, it’s Toni Topaz. She is a Serpent by blood and was raised as a Serpent. Not to mention that her paternal grandfather Thomas Topaz is the founder of the Southside Serpents. It’s clear, and it’s evident that Betty does not and will never belong in Jughead’s world. She is just an outsider in the Serpent world, and even Sweet Pea criticized Betty for having input regarding Serpent matters. Other than that, Jughead and Betty’s personalities are much too different, but they are also too alike in regards to being too troubled and having too many issues. Their relationship is toxic because of how troubled both of them are. They are too different and too alike at the same time, and there’s no healthy balance in their relationship. A healthy relationship is all about balance and Bughead doesn’t have that. There’s either too much or too little and not enough middle ground, and that is why they aren’t compatible. Jughead is very intense, moody, brooding and impulsive. Betty is more cheery, positive, light-hearted and upbeat. On the surface, that looks all good and appealing enough to ship, but if you get down to the nitty-gritty reality of it, it’s a recipe for significant clashes and differences. The reason why Bughead fights so much and have so many arguments is because of the differences in their viewpoints, outlooks, backgrounds, and personalities. They have vastly different temperaments that deem them strongly incompatible. Some people would argue that Bughead being the opposite is a good thing because they would balance each other out or complement each other. But in Bughead’s case, they don’t. Bughead doesn’t make for a harmonious romantic relationship. They would be far better and more compatible as a friendship than anything else.
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Bughead has 0% passion: I know this appears to be a shallow reason to dislike Bughead but believe it or not, chemistry and passion are fundamental for me to like or support a fictional pairing. I don’t think that a couple should be all about passion, lust, and chemistry but I do believe that there should be some spark and heat in the relationship. And to be honest, Bughead doesn’t have any passion at all. Their relationship is devoid of any excitement, spark or passion. To be blunt, Bughead is just plain dull and boring. I’m not asking for Bughead to be filled with tons of passion or for their relationship to be merely defined by heat and passion. But those components are what makes a romance on television fun and exciting to watch. Without that heat, that chemistry, and that passion, romantic couples on television become a chore to watch. There’s nothing to pull the viewer in or make them interested enough to watch. As to why Bughead lack significant amounts of heat and passion? I have two reasons. 1.) They happened way too fast, and they were rushed. Because of how quickly they got together in the series, there was no build up to their relationship. Build up can equate to a couple having a certain degree of passion and excitement. When a couple is rushed and lacks development, the audience cannot see the passion and the spark and the chemistry unfold between the two. And that’s what happened to Bughead. The audience wasn’t able to see the buildup of chemistry and heat between Jughead and Betty. Because of how quick they arrived, they became stale quickly. In season 2, they were already dull and lacking chemistry and passion. Even when they became sexual with each other, it came off as forced and non-sexual. By the time Bughead has their first sex scene in 2x12, it wasn’t interesting or exciting. Their first time fell flat for me chemistry and passion-wise. 2.) The two actors lack chemistry in general. I know Cole and Lili are supposedly dating in real life, but for some strange reason, any supposed chemistry that they have isn’t translating on screen. One would expect a couple who are dating off screen to be able to play a romantic couple with ease while acting, but not the case with Bughead and Sprousehart. Like I said in my previous post, I made the argument that Bughead lacks on-screen chemistry because Sprousehart is a fake PR couple and they aren’t real. I made the comparison between them and Brangelina in Mr. & Mrs. Smith; how Brad and Angelina had so much on-screen chemistry that t was very apparent that the two were having a romantic and sexual affair off-screen and off-set. But Cole and Lili are the antheses of Brangelina when it comes to chemistry on screen. Though both couples were real life, Brangelina was able to convey and translate their off-screen romance and chemistry onscreen while they were playing a couple in their movie while Sprousehart consistently fails to carry any semblance of romantic and sexual chemistry on the screen when they are supposed to be a romantic couple as Bughead. Why is that? It leads one to question the nature of Sprousehart’s romance in the real world. Are they a real couple? Or are they a fake PR couple that is together for marketing purposes? Judging by the lack of chemistry and the forced nature of their on and off-screen relationship, I’m guessing it’s the latter. To sum it up, passion is essential in a romantic relationship especially one that’s fictional and being watched by viewers every week. It’s what keeps viewers intrigued with the romance, and unfortunately, Bughead doesn’t have an ounce of chemistry, spark or passion.
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Bughead fans are terrible and annoying: One of the primary reasons why I hate Bughead is because of their fans. A lot of their fans are downright awful and terrible. They are indeed the worst fans within the entire Riverdale fandom. They make the Riverdale fandom experience for everyone else who doesn’t ship Bughead a complete and total nightmare. Bughead fans are so loud, annoying and extremist that they come across as petty and childish bullies. If someone says that they don’t like or ship Bughead (add Sprousehart to the mix), then they have no issue with attacking and insulting people and bullying them if they don’t share their opinion. Going by the way that many Bughead fans act and how badly they treat other people who have a differing opinion to theirs, it’s apparent that the majority of the Bughead fanbase is filled with a bunch of teenage girls who lack maturity and don’t understand the meaning of true love and romance. They will do anything and say anything to get their way even if it means bullying the writers, actors, RAS and other fans of the show. Bughead fans are very insulting and hurtful in their words. They are downright bullies IMO. When Vanessa Morgan was cast and was stated to have been a possible obstacle to Bughead, the Bughead fans went on the attack and sent her death threats on Twitter because she was going to pose a threat to their ship. When Ethel Muggs kissed Jughead in a recent season 3 episode, Bughead fans attacked the real-life actress who plays Ethel Shannon Purser. They fat-shamed her and bullied her on her social media, and it was so bad that Shannon had to call people out on it. Not to mention that Lili Reinhart had to come on social media and denounce the attacks made towards Vanessa and Shannon that Bughead fans were making. It was that bad that Lili had to try and stop it. Bughead fans also somewhat attacked Camila Mendes after her character Veronica had kissed Jughead in 2x14, although not as severely as they struck Vanessa and Shannon. Camila even admitted that she was so scared and intimidated to go on her Twitter and Instagram accounts after the episode 2x14 aired out of fear that she would be bullied, insulted and attacked for her fictional character kissing another fictional character. It's bullying, plain and simple. For some reason the Bughead fans don’t care about the fact that they are hurting people all because of a fictional mediocre couple. The primary reason why Bughead fans resort to bullying anyone who poses a threat to their ship is because of one thing: they are insecure. They know that their couple is on borrowed time and that it’s a complete bore compared to other couples and potential couples on this show. When they see a couple that has more chemistry and excitement than Bughead, the Bughead fans lash out in anger and take it out on the writers, the actors, RAS, and other fans. Bughead’s bullying of the actors and other fans of other couples is based on pure insecurity and pettiness. I don’t mean to exaggerate, but I will argue that the Bughead fandom is one of the worst fandoms I have ever seen in the history of my experience in all TV and film fandoms and that is saying a lot.
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Barchie & Jeronica are superior to Bughead: I think that the pairings of Barchie and Jeronica have way more potential than Bughead (and Varchie). First, Barchie and Jeronica have tons more chemistry than Bughead and Varchie. I’ll be so honest as to claim that Barchie and Jeronica’s chemistry puts Bughead and Varchie’s chemistry to absolute shame which isn’t at all hard since both of those pairings don’t have an ounce of chemistry, to begin. Other than the chemistry factor, Barchie and Jeronica are vastly more interesting than Bughead. I think those two pairings will bring out the best in each other and they will positively challenge each other. Breaking up Bughead (and Varchie) will give the show a new and fresh direction instead of the same stale, stagnant path that it’s been on for three seasons now. Barchie is better than Bughead because not only is the chemistry so much better, but because they would be perfect for each other. Archie and Betty are so much more compatible than Jughead and Betty are. Archie and Betty come from similar words and backgrounds. They understand each other at a fundamentally more in-depth level. They have a bond and a connection that goes so deep, and that’s something that Bughead and Varchie can’t understand or comprehend. Archie and Betty’s relationship is more than just lust/sex (like Varchie) or escapism (like Bughead). It’s an emotional connection that is deep, eternal and transcendent. These two know each other better than anyone else does, and they understand each other better than anyone else. And that’s thanks to them knowing each for a long time since they were kids. Archie and Betty are soulmates IMO. They would bring out the best in each other. Archie and Betty would challenge each other for the positive, and they would keep each other’s dark sides under control. Archie would bring out the best in Betty. He would temper her darkness and bring her into the light. And Betty would stop Archie from making morally questionable decisions. She would pull him back when it’s needed. Let’s not forget that Barchie has been an iconic canon couple in the comics for almost 100 years. Nothing can compete with that, especially not a forced, rushed, fan serviced couple like Bughead, which doesn’t and never has existed in the comics in the first place. On the other hand, Jeronica would be way more exciting and dynamic to watch than Borehead. They have strong on-screen chemistry, and I could buy the two eventually becoming involved romantically because of said chemistry. I think that Jughead and Veronica are overall more compatible because they come from very similar backgrounds. Both of them come from families and environments of organized crime; Jughead comes from a gang family, and Veronica comes from a mob family. Jughead comes from a gang family; Veronica comes from a mob family. Both of them would be able to handle each other’s family backgrounds because both families are situated in organized crime. Jughead can stand up to and challenge someone like Hiram Lodge. And Veronica can handle the Serpent lifestyle because she understands where they are coming from. Other than the similarities in their backgrounds, they have a lot of personality traits in common. Both are intense, outspoken and passionate about things. Both of them are natural born leaders, come from dysfunctional families, have issues expressing vulnerability and their emotions, are afraid of commitment, have serious daddy and mommy issues, are intelligent and manipulative, and have a very nasty streak when angered or provoked. Both have a love and appreciation of literature, film and popular culture. In addition to the many things in common that they have, there’s also the fact that their journeys parallel in each other on the show. Jughead and Veronica are mirror images of each other. They have similar events that happen to both of them throughout the series. And finally, let’s not forget that great and robust chemistry that Jeronica has. It is some of the most robust on-screen chemistry on the show by far. Jeronica has more chemistry than Bughead and Varchie combined, and they hardly share scenes. I think that Jeronica has the potential to be something great if the writers choose to utilize their potential.
I might make a Part 3 Anti-Bughead post soon, but for now, these are another top 5 reasons why I hate Bughead and why I believe that this couple needs to crash and burn. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. ✌️
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lady-griffin · 6 years
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My Weakest MET GALA Looks May 7, 2018 II Least weak to weakest (I)
10. Sofia Coppola, Marc Jacob 9. Kim Kardashian, Versace 8. Emily Ratajkowski, Marc Jacobs 7. Cindy Crawford, Versace 6. Kendall Jenner, Off-White 5. Miley Cyrus, Stella McCartney 4. Amber Valletta and Anja Rubik, Saint Laurent 3. Lauren Santo Domingo in Calvin Klein and Sienna Miller in Louis Vuitton 2.  Kate Moss in Saint Laurent
1. All the men in generic black suits
              You are truly the weakest link and should be ashamed. These four weren’t the worse or anything, just prime examples of the weakness of the many men at the MET GALA. 
Some dresses were so similar in their blandness I couldn’t decide between them.
My Favorite Looks (I, II, III) 
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secretlypg95 · 7 years
Facade// Kim Namjoon Dabble//Imagine
AN/: okay so from a little advice from @rapmoniepapi for me to try to  doa dabble but idk if this is considered a dabble/imagine. But I will try my best as to write from my heart. Now just to warn you if you’ve read my Cole Sprouse Imagine// Why than you will see some similarities because of some personal situations + it fits with this storyline. Anyways I hope you enjoy my trash of a writing piece. Thank you!
Word Count: 1.3k
You had a long, exhausting day on set of a big movie which you’re the leading actress in. You had gotten off an hour early due to you doing about six long scenes. You’ve been with Kim Namjoon, from the biggest Kpop group in history for about two years now. You guys are one of the strongest power couple due to your careers. Him of course being who he is, and you starting out as a YouTuber, then working your way up as an Actress, and currently working on your songwriting as a singer/rapper. You both have hectic schedules which balances out your relationship. You both know what it’s like to live in the spotlight, not being home for weeks maybe even months, so it does make the relationship stronger in a way because you’re both so supportive in each other’s lives and careers.
You take a shower in your dressing room and change into some comfy clothes, deciding to go to the store for some groceries, since Joonie is back home and supposed to be taking a break before their next comeback. You want to surprise him with a home cooked meal and decide on how you want to make sure he is totally relaxed in every possible way. When you get home you could hear music blasting through the house and you smile to yourself knowing he’s in the mood for writing music which you love because he bounces his ideas with you and he just gets so excited and determined while in the process.
As you’re putting the groceries away you hear a loud scream from Joonie, thinking he broke something or hurt himself in some way, so you run upstairs. As you get closer to the door you can hear moans, which kind of freaked you out but, he does love his porn and since you didn’t tell him that you were coming home early he could just be getting himself off until tonight. But just as you were turning away while chuckling at the thought of him watching porn again you heard it.
“Ahhg Namjoon~” an unknown female’s voice is heard. “Faster!”
You turn around so fast that you storm into the room.
“The fuck are you doing fucking a random BITCH in OUR bed Kim Namjoon!!” you shout furiously, looking at a dumbfounded Namjoon. You say as you pick the female up by her hair making her scream in pain and terror.
You recognized the girl (some KPop idol you choose her to be). She tries to defend herself by trying to hit your hands off of her. But you simply throw her on the floor like a ragdoll. You were about to get in her face when Joonie grabbed you.
“What the hell are you doing ju....”
“What the am I doing, What the fuck are YOU doing, huh I come home early from a long ass day of shooting to surprise my boyfriend, whom I haven't seen in months on top of months because he’s been on tour, with dinner. So again, what the fuck are you doing Namjoon??” I shout hitting him anywhere I can to show how hurt and angry I am.
He looks down ashamed. “Y/N look I’m sorry, I know you wont believe me but I didn’t mean for this to happen, I was just so caught up. And she was there at that weak moment I was in...”
“ Please, weak moment. You didn’t say that two weeks ago did you.” (your Female Idol pick) says as she’s almost done dressing herself. As soon as the words left her dirty ass mouth you lost it and socked her so hard that she went down weeping. You turn around and looked at him so disgustingly.
“How long have you been fucking her Namjoon?” you ask with tears spilling down your cheeks. He tries to come towards you to wipe them away, but you smack his hand away and now he’s crying. “ANSWER ME, NOW.” you shout making both of the adulterers jump a little in their skin.
“Just since the tour started, I swear.” He says
“Eight in a half months, almost a fuc...” you say, whispering to yourself. “Did the guys know about this?” You ask him, not wanting the answer, you don’t know if you can handle another stab in both your heart and back.
“No, they didn’t. I made sure.”
“Of course you did.” You say a little relieved knowing you should call them to say you miss and love them because you know you can still count on them for trust.
“Please Y/N just let me explain, I can change I swear I can.” He says pleading on his knees full on crying.
“You would’ve pretended everything was okay, right?” You say above a whisper.
“What baby, what did you say?”
“If I have came home the time I told you, would you pretend that you still love me, that you haven’t been fucking some slutty tramp for almost a year behind my back, would you have slept with me tonight making me believe that I was you’re one & only?” You say to him.
He looks down sheepishly.
“That’s what I thought.” You say turning towards the door. “You can have him, apparently we were sharing and I just didn’t get the memo.” You say entering the hallway, down the stairs and into the kitchen to get your purse. Hearing Namjoon coming after you, still pleading and yelling for you not to go.
“Even when I went to visit you, after we ‘made love’ is what YOU called it that, you still chose to continue on fucking her? Wow, that’s just humiliating.”
“Just let me explain maybe you’ll see where I’m coming from. “ He says, pulling you towards him. You get out of his hold. “Just talk to me!!” he pleads as he blocks the door. Then literally 20 minutes pass as you’re staring him down, while he still begs you to stay and talk, 45 minutes still nothing, 1 hour 15 minutes pass. “Why aren’t you fighting me anymore, why aren’t you yelling, aren’t you going to fight for this relationship to even work Y/N!” he shouts at you, but his loudness doesn’t affect you.
“Why would fight for this relationship since you’ve proven you don’t respect me or this relationship.” You say fighting back the tears that are returning. “I told you this before, once I stop fighting back, once I shut down altogether, it means I am done. I am done with you.”  As soon as you say those words, he removes himself from the doorway, “I told you I will never forgive a person who will just cheat on me. And now you will understand why I’m known as a Cold-Hearted Bitch.” And when you’re finished saying all the things he thought you would never say to him, he looks you in the eyes and says.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I treated you as though you ....” You interrupt him by putting your hand up.
“I am done listening to your bullshit, I am done with you , Kim Namjoon. I wish nothing but the best for you and the guys.” You say, turning to leave. “Oh...” you say turning back to him, Namjoon with hopeful eyes, “Just let me know when you leave next month for promoting the comeback album so I can pick up my stuff.” you before you leave KIm Namjoon forever.
He slides down his living room wall and just lets all his frustration out; screams, curses, cries, praying for one last chance with you, or to just explain and hoping you’ll understand. Two hours pass and he’s still at it, when he hears her walking down the stairs and walks out, forgetting that his ‘mistress’ was still here. He wishes he’d never ran into her in his weakest moments.
AN: So what do you think I now I’m missing some info, but let me know if I should do a part two. Please let me know if you have a BTS imagine you’d want me to do for you. Anyways Thank You to whomever reads this trash of a story, love you & goodnight!!!
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lizacstuff · 7 years
Liza! I didn't know you watched Riverdale!! I have to admit, that's a show I never had any initial intentions to watch, but then my sister and I hung out and watched the pilot and kind of became obsessed with it. When you've got the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the characters and ships and all.
I typed out a long, involved response to this earlier and *poof* it disappeared. Argh!
Anyway, I do enjoy Riverdale. You can usually count on me to sample most new shows on the CW, Riverdale is one I stuck with.  I like the creepy atmosphere of the town and it’s seedy underbelly and the murder mystery kept me interested and engaged.
As for characters...
Jughead - Love him.  They’ve done a really nice job with this character, he could have been the stereotypical outcast, rebel-without-a-cause type, however Cole Sprouse plays him without affectation and with a very appealing earnestness.
Betty - Love her. In the Betty or Veronica sweepstakes, I definitely pick Betty. I like the twist they’ve done with the girl next door, and given her layers which when peeled back reveal a bit of darkness. I also like that she doesn’t let peer or parental pressure determine her course. Very appealing character.
Veronica - Like her. She’s fun on screen and is interesting because her inner rich bitch often shows through, but you can see her trying to change. (though some of the Rivervixen dance offs have made me cringe) 
Archie - Uh... not so much. I definitely think the actor is the weakest on the show (is it me or does he sound like he’s baby talking?)  and Archie’s major storylines were my least favorite.  From the creepy relationship with Grundy to the jock that just wants to make music... not great. I did enjoy his one truly heroic moment when he pulled Cheryl out of the ice.  That did a bit to raise the character’s esteem in my eyes so maybe I’ll like him better in S2.
Cheryl - Love her. Sometimes love to hate her, sometimes love to love her.  The actress is almost mesmerizingly beautiful, and has a great screen presence.
Adults - Like on most teen shows, I enjoy the parents’ storylines almost as much as the kids.  I liked the soap opera-y stuff they have going on with most of them, like Hermione and Fred, I think Mark Consuelos is great casting for Hermione’s husband. I’ve long enjoyed Skeet Ulrich so it’s nice to see him, and Madchen Amick is doing a great job weaving between reprehensible and sympathetic as Betty’s mom. (However, Molly Ringwald is embarrassing. How can someone who was a major movie star in her teens be this bad of an actress? Did we have that bad of taste in the 80s?)  I look forward to the season 2 stories involving the adults. 
Ships -  Bughead is great, they are super cute. I do no like Archie with ANYONE, they’re all too good for him. All the other relationships and potential relationships I’m open to. Nothing I have particularly strong feelings about yet. 
How about you?
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savetopnow · 6 years
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Kim Zolciak-Biermann Shares Photo of ''Crazy'' Heart Device 2 Years After Stroke
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Selena Gomez Rocks Sexy Low-Cut Look Confidently Stepping Out After Weeknd’s Diss Song
Kathy Griffin Impersonates Kellyanne Conway In 2nd TV Spot Since Trump Fake Beheading Pic
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stormtrxoper · 7 years
ngl cole sprouse really can’t act at all. weakest actor in the whole cast...
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stormtrxoper · 7 years
hemingfay replied to your post: ngl cole sprouse really can’t act at all. weakest...
HE’S SO AWKWRAD ODSdsafkl thank you
glad im not alone on this. i can barely watch the scenes with him. the monotone voice and face expressions kill me
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