#collecting nicknames like pokemon these guys
critterbitter · 5 months
Do you think you'll draw the nimbasa trio catching their first Pokemon that's not their starter on their journey?
Definitely! It’s just a matter of getting there, haha. I am but one vaguely man shaped blob with a hyperfixation. Mortal needs like sleep and hand pains stop me from vomiting every brain idea I have.
I actually got this question multiple times, so to answer! I am not going to be drawing the nimbasa trio getting another pokemon until their late teens unless a brainworm strikes. (So no new pokemon during the current snapshot series haha.)
From a canon perspective, well:
Most npc trainers you meet on route have 2-4 pokemon, so I’m gonna try to keep within that amount until the trio settles in Nimbasa and have the revenue/space to upkeep a full pokemon team.
From a meta perspective, wellllll:
Another caught pokemon means character development, and I, ah... right now, I just wanna draw a candle, a zebra, and an eel. I love painting. But fitting seven or more characters on a canvas is, er… Make me draw more guys and I’ll melt like a vanniluxe on a summer day.
If people are curious for some pokemon headcannons though (note that this is not canon— pokemon gave me a puddle of information, so I’m taking the shovel to dig an ocean.)
- ingo saw a colony of dwebble collecting rocks while in the desert, and he’s been enamored ever since. He’s been trying to convince a dwebble to join his team for a while. Unfortunately, Ingo’s very excited and dwebble are naturally shy. (It doesn’t help that litwick can get mean when jealous.)
- emmet loves double battles and teams up with a lot of wild pokemon— but he doesn’t click with anybody until much further in the future. Me thinks his expectations are a tad too high from having such a good start with tynamo. He’s worked with multiple growlithes and thinks Helping Hand is the coolest shit ever.
- emmet’s first “caught” pokemon would be archen. More like “lab grown” and “lovingly hatched”, but it’s the thought that counts. Thinking once again about squab archen…
- elesa found her two emolga in the trash. She was going to release them after fostering, but got attached.
For future plans:
(The pokemon the twins live with and are officially part of the team (named at what stage the twins meet them! Note that everybody becomes fully evolved at somepoint.)
Ingo— litwick, dwebble, drillbur, and axew.
Emmet— tynamo, archen(lint roller), joltik, and durant.
They also have pokemon coworkers that don’t live with them, but agree to help in battles for exp and wages— kliklank twins, garbadore, shelmet and karablast, boldore (atlas), and gurdur)
And for our favorite electric gym leader:
Elesa— blitzle, the emolga twins (em and molga), stunfisk, mareep
(She has pokemon coworkers Eelektross (eela), zebrastrika (motorbreak), and Galvulanta (Lanta) who have a similar set up to the twins— the pokemon agree to work with Elesa for exp and wages, but otherwise have their own lives.)
(Fun headcanon: pokemon who are raised by humans tend to keep human nicknames. It’s not always the case, but it’s a common enough trend for research studies.)
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 3 months
Yet another Aenar headcanon - Aenar have a familistic system to describe people outside of their family unit and nicknames! In the conlang I made 'se' is a prefix that denotes 'non-family' but familial status.
These guys collect found family members like Pokemon cards- which frustrates and annoys the Andorians to no end as the Aenar 'clans' seemingly grow bigger every time they visit.
Basically, Hemmer gets on the Enterprise, takes one look at the team, and is like 'Get in losers I'm your Uncle now'. (save for Uhura, that's his kid)
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concept: to celebrate 100 we start an interactive nuzlocke (pokemon emerald version) where I name all the lil guys after stormlight characters
(more thorough explanation under the cut)
The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of self-imposed rules (and thus subject to variation) intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games.
My nuzlocke rules:
> The player may only catch the first wild Pokémon encountered in each area
> Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead and must be released.
> The player must nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.
It will all function via polls. Y'all will be able to decide:
> who will be my starter
> the name of said starter, as well as the rival and the player
> which stormlight characters will have the honor to get a pokemon named after them
(I will collect all of the above via asks and then make polls to see which one comes out victorious)
> the order in which the pokemon are named
(so the first pokemon I catch (besides the starter) will get the name with the most votes. The second pokemon will get the name with the second most votes. etc etc)
> more nuzlocke rules maybe? idk
> anything else y'all come up with. if you have any ideas let me know <3
will keep y'all updated on:
> any pokemon I catch (including their names of course)
> any pokemon deaths (like a memorial-type post thing)
> the gyms
> whenever one of the lil guys go through an evolution
> any other important milestones I (or y'all) deem important enough
im asking because while I personally find the idea very cute if y'all don't wanna participate it doesn't work :/
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The story thus far...
Megan (me) has been going through some kind of midlife crisis, but it's for the midlife of the Pokemon franchise. There's a long and convoluted gameplan that won't be explained here because parts of it are stupid. In this stupid part, I replayed Sapphire on an extra cartridge we had for reasons, MOSTLY to get a Latias, but also to refresh my memory on the events of 3rd gen. This was a relatively simple project, compared to the three separate playthroughs I just did for Leaf Green. I did not saddle myself with nickname theme gimmicks nor did I train any unevolved starters up to level 60. There was also no necromancy this time, and none of my Pokemon were burdened with the legacy of their forefathers. Pretty straightforward.
This post is to commemorate the brave and mighty Pokemon who fought for the championship in this playthrough, the
~~✨Second Sapphire Gijinka Journey✨~~
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Becky Fern is our valiant starter. She thought she could solo the entire game, and that was almost true. She kicked her way across Hoenn, stopping only to cower from Brendan's Swampert and various Psychic-types. As the starter, she was forced into a 'big sister' role for every Pokemon I caught, and she hated it. She thought level grinding with the Exp. Share was a waste of time. But although she'll never admit it, she needed these losers. And she's proud of them.
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Eryn Fern was the first Pokemon I caught after starting the journey with Becky. Shroomish are found in the Petalburg Woods, so Becky spent the first few routes and towns as the only Pokemon in my party. She was so mad when her 'only child' status was revoked. But I wanted a Breloom, they're neat!
So, Breloom's moveset options hinge on knowing Spore, and in order to learn it you have to leave a Shroomish unevolved until level 54. So Eryn spent the entire journey with an Everstone on, only to evolve right before the championship fight. The poor guy has no self confidence because he was stuck in baby mode for so long. But he's strong. And he's lucky; Dynamic Punch has 50% accuracy, but somehow in the Elite Four battles he managed to land his hits every single time.
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When I first caught Shina Nera Fern, I thought it would be cool to train a Shedinja. Unfortunately, either I'm managing her wrong or Nera just isn't very good at battling. But Shina, the Ninjask, has been a great fighter. Shina and Nera both are big fans of Becky, they're sort of like Becky's cheerleaders. But Shina considers herself a friendly rival to Becky, and aspires to become stronger than her hero. She did it too; I entered the Elite Four with everyone at level 55 and Shina was the first to level to 56, making her officially stronger than Becky.
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Ambience Fern was caught around the same time I got Shina, but I wasn't sure at first if she'd stay on the team. She's actually got decent stats and kept up with the rest of the team. Eventually I got her Ice Beam and that provided important coverage against Flying-types, which Becky, Eryn, and Shina are all weak to. I gave her Flamethrower in between attempts at the Elite Four, and I think that was the change that got us the win.
Ambi's appearance and personality was built around her Whismur form and she's kept a lot of those affectations. She's a shy little pastel-wearing princess, even if she's a giant shoutmonster who shoots three different types of mouth laser. She is soft and she cares about her friends a lot.
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Ponderous Fern was added to the team because I encountered a Spoink and thought, "oh neat, a Spoink." He beat Becky in that fight before I could capture him! He's a prodigy and Becky hates him. He and Eryn are buddies, they get to sit together at the scorned-by-Becky table. He's normally soft-spoken and agreeable but he'll be rude and sarcastic to Becky, usually because she instigates it.
Spoinks really like pearls, which they somehow steal from Clamperls despite the 0% overlap between those species' habitats. Even after evolving, Ponder keeps a collection of pearls that he can use as amplifiers for his psychic power. Over the course of our journey we were given the Blue Orb, a key item that awakens Kyogre. Ponder claimed it and he won't give it back. It's his favorite orb. It's a key item so he can't hold it (I checked), but he won't let it go.
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And finally, we have Hanna World, our world pillar. Now, every time I have to reset a cartridge I take every Pokemon out of it first, but you're required to have one Pokemon on the file. They get deleted when you make a new save file, so I commemorate them by catching a new version in the new file. The old file in this cart had an OT named Hanna, and I left behind a level 15 unnamed female Spinda. When I encountered a level 15 female Spinda in the new file, she gained the name Hanna. She's a clown, I guess.
Every 'world sacrifice' Pokemon gets a design theme that stands out from the others. Prometheus got a toga, Fujiko got a kimono, and Hanna is a clown. Or maybe, Spindas are just like this? She's dizzy and wobbly and giggly and says a lot of ominous shit. She's great in battle, although sadly her role in the Elite Four was mostly to stall while I healed someone else. She's always a sacrifice of some kind. Is it poetic? Maybe not.
Anyways they beat the game! Good job, kids!
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After their victory, we went after my original goal, the Latias that only appears in postgame. I Master Balled her the moment we got her to show up. To give the team a little more challenge and adventure, we went after the Regis and Rayquaza. With some vital assistance from Inari, Mola, and Dayo we got all our legendaries, and this cartridge is concluded.
My next playthrough is Alpha Sapphire, which I'm playing for the first time. The idea is that with regular Sapphire fresh in my memory I'll get the most out of the remake's changes. I've already started gijinka designs for that run! When the game is completed, that cartridge is the promised land for a bunch of my champions from various 3rd, 4th, and 5th gen games. But before their world gets overrun by level 100 turtles from beyond reality, the locals need to tell their story. It's coming, I'm up to Mossdeep and my main obstacle is getting sidetracked by Super Training and berry farming.
I made this post really big because I'mma blaze it! Hi, random tumblr users! Follow my sideblog Popkas for non-OC-focused Pokemon shitposts! Let's find out if there's a size limit for blazeable posts!!!
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parfaitfever · 10 months
headcanons for ssomega characters i have!!!!!!!!!
this will be mostly justt how i see the characters and sexuality hcs here and there and just lil ramble for each characters!!!!!!!!
Pegasus koga
hes a clueless little guy in s1 maybe the little brother for everyone
after training shaina would probably let him play pokemon on his gba
he would accidentally see yuna bleeding on the ass and asked what happened not knowing anything (neither does his other 3 friends)
ate dirt ONCE shaina n tatsumi scolded him and he never do it again
after ep18 he never ever wants to touch spicy food ever again
i mentioned this and i'll mention it again, i lovee aroace koga cus whn it comes to love the first think he thinks was family love and says it something like "i love you as much i love saori!"
Lionet soma
like hyoga did in the classic, would somehow be able to drive cars and we never knew wether he had a license or not
im still wondering who the hell are those bitches in ep18??????? are those girlies his BITHCES??? SOMA PULLED THEM??? IS THIS REAL???
i think he'd flirt w someone and just failed miserably
besties w yuna since he arrived in palaestra (ep69) and gave her a childhood nickname and grew further from her a little when he starts to open up to more people and probs only got closer again cus of koga and the saori situation
he is anything but straight (hes pan)
his birthday is 23th of july (younger me said so)
Aquila yuna
been a favorite since young literally my role model when im 7 yiu dont undrstand shes just such a girlboss 4 me my cringeass tomboy asskicker phase back in grade 4 was her influence
for me, even though she kinda became the mother of the group and just hates on everyone, she actually super cared for thm liek koga or soma but shes just scared to get attached to them and it ended up something like her family or pavlin or aria ... so shes just scared she'll get attached to people > lose them at some point so she also tries to kinda distant them to try and not get attach this is also probably why in ep54 her cloth wasnt able to change for the first time bcus she fear if she goes back in to fight she'd lose someone dear to her again (i guess .... im not sure if this is right im js rambling lols)
also notice how riene (yunas childhood friend in ep25) looks a bit like raki and I CANT EXPLAIN HOWMUCH I LOVE EXPLAINING HER YOU GET WHAT I MEAN DO YOU?!??@!? (im just projecting probably, plz help) YOU KNW WHAT I EAMN WHEN I SAY EP25 OKAY LIKE SHE DOESNF EVEN CARE THAT WAS AN ILLUSION SHE'LL SAVE IT TO SEE THE PEOPLE SHE CARES FOR AGAIN YOU KNW WHAT I MEAN
imagine her in her bday not doing anything after she goes out for a meal so when she casually goes back home the maincast gave her a bday surprise :3 (projectig
i did a little redesign of her but its just adding ribbons and glasses bcus i do
arne would introduce her to precure and she discovered who cure moonlight is and now its her fave cuz she looks liek pavlin :3
did i mention how much of a girlboss she is she just onehitko a gold saint (cancer schiller)
bicon ... #1
Dragon ryuho
i used to think hes good at everything BUT cooking
i think he does most of the house chores while shunrei takes care of shiryu like dish washing, sweeping the house very diligent lil boy :3
he loves talkking about his dads adventures or just his family in general uaghegdha *sobs on the flor* he loves his family somuc aughe *chokes
haruto once asked why ryuho never showed up in his concerts and ryuho sweats so much n claims that "he doesnt have enough money to buy the ticker but that doesnt mean he didnt want to support hes just" and harutoo cuts him off and gave him a free ticket
would have like a collection of antique dishes or teacups (its a gift from dohko i guess?? this is a random thought) and he once like broke one and mourns it in his room for 3 days
i used to think he suck at cooking in someway or another unless hes supervised or following a certain recipe (i MENTIONED ths but i didnt notice oh well)
he plays with harutos hair end of story
as a kid i use to htink hes a girl until i heard his voice
gay. end of story
Wolf haruto
i probably still think hes stuck in the school jail for 6 months
episode 22
look listen i feel like i shipped him w an mlp character but i forget whether it was rainbowdash or applejack
he learns those corny jokes froms soma (he fell for ut smh)
allergic to peanuts but he learned it the hard way. so like he got some food with peanuts in it and went to the palaestra infirmary for 2 weeks and when its eps22 harutos dad told ryuho hes allergic to peanuts but never got to tell him and then when ryuho told haruto about it hes liek ... "ah yeah right, thanks but i learned about it long time ago when i ate tofu and stayed in the infirmary for almost a month. "
he likes instant noodles
dyed his hair ends with black/red just bcuz (i kinda drew him like this sometimes hewlo)
Orion eden
hes like the silly dumb like koga but more ... quiet i guess??? like, someone would crack a dad joke to him like what do you call a fish with no eye? fsh. and hes like "i never knew thats how you call eyeless fishes" and took literally without him knowing
very very polite but if something just irritates/annoys him he wont hesitate to ZAP
looks at my old book ... *sighs* stso x mlp ships ... eden was one of the victims
i still dont completely understand why his hair turned grey i mean i dont mind the design doesnt rly affect much buut how I CANT REMEMBER was it cuz of aria or soemthig
foudn this in my school stso hcs notes, he secretly sneaks to arias room and plays piano for her but got caught by sonia and now hes forbidden to even touch the door w/o perms
bi :3
hes seatmates with haruto and so he needs to deal with haruto trying out his jokes he learned from soma and took most of them literally
soma fooled him with the "if you eat the watermelon seeds it'll grow in your stomach"
i keep crying whenever theres aria and eden scene and iys just very sad i just paused the video and cry first
favorite food bread
i cant believe i never drawed her as a kid 3:
saoris daughter...
look look look i have a buncha hcs for her but i literally cant remember
twins with koga...... fight mw right now
yuna actually tries to teach her how to cook basic recipes and they also sometimes cook together but aria doesnt rly understand and ended up messing stuff up and eventually yuna gives up n aria would ended up apologizing a lotta times ... but yuna said "its ok!!! ure aria i wont do anything"
she passed those jfashion shops and stared at the store for 15mins
she actually has struggles with talking to people so every so often eden or koga did the talking for her
only thing she can bake is simple bread with yuna
she wouuld like clean n neat stuff so she often broom the house here and there and somehow made koga actually wants to clean
the flower decos all around their house is white, blue or lilly of the valley bcus its her
equuleus subaru
ash ketchum
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spikemuth-post · 1 year
12 Baby Toxels: Late bloomer
This was sitting in my drafts and I thought it was cute so I decided to finish it and post it for you guys.
"It's alright, little one," Piers mumbled, snuggling up to the irritated little Toxel. Number 11 evolved today, leaving Groose the last baby in the bunch. The proud new owner of a full-grown Toxitricity was ecstatic, jumping up and down as she gave you a hug. "You'll evolve soon... surely."
"Would you like to give him a nickname?" You asked the trainer. She thought about it and quickly gave him one, putting her new Toxitricity in a Pokeball. It was bitter-sweet to lose all the Toxel's but they had to go some time. You weren't equipped to keep all of them forever.
When the trainer left it was you 3 left: You, piers, and little Groose. Piers kept snuggling with him but his mood was unyielding.
"...He ain't happy."
"He's just a little later than the others. I mean, there was always going to be one who evolved last."
"I know but... All his brothers and sisters are gone. He's jealous."
"He'll evolve... I have some candies for him in the drawer. Give him one, see if that helps." You offered. That made the Toxel perk up, squealing happily and gripping Pier's hair. Your boyfriend winced but walked just as calmly as ever to the kitchen drawer.
There were quite a few candies in there, which made the baby's eyes light up. Piers opened one, handing it to the little sticky fingers.
"There you go little one. Me and Mama have something to talk about." He sat the Toxel on the counter and it started munching away at the candy. Piers pulled you to the side, glancing every so often at the baby. "Babe... What if we keep him?"
"We have Toxitricities, Piers-"
"Come on, Babe. He's always been a little bit of a crybaby. He needs us."
"We are going to find him a trainer, Piers. End of discussion."
"Please?" He continued to plead, taking his eye off the baby. The baby looked down at the drawer of candies, his eyes sparkling as he threw himself right in. You continued your argument as the baby chowed down, unaware your collection of rare candies was dwindling. "He loves us. We raised him."
"He'll love his new trainer, too. Piers, that's final."
"Can we raise more?"
"Someone is forgetting how crazy our life has been for the past year." You chuckled, You turned back to the baby but your head was still facing piers as you went to pick him up... but not for long. "You have to let go. They couldn't stay foreve- Holy Shit!" You shrieked, seeing your candy drawer was full of wrappers with a happy Toxel cheering. He began to glow and you just threw your arms up. As you lamented the loss of your candy, Piers was tearing up.
"Look at him."
"I'm looking at an empty drawer."
"Aw, come on. Our little boy is growing up." As the light faded a fully grown toxel was sitting in a drawer, very confused and possibly stuck. He mewed happily and you sighed. "...I'm so proud of him."
"Piers, it took us a long time to accumulate that much Rare candy-"
"We'll figure it out... Why don't we take him out? Spend some quality time with him." Piers continued to beg, taking the Toxitricity's side and hugging him. The pokemon just smiled, still very confused. "Get some dinner, just be a family. THEN we can work on adoptin' him out... Please?"
"....Ugh, Fine." You threw your hands and the boys immediately celebrated. "Piers, I'm worried you're a little too attached to Groose-"
"Race ya to the front door." Piers pat the Toxitricity once and they were in a mad dash out of the room. The pokemon stumbled, falling out of the drawers and smacking his face on the floor. Not that he minded. He ran out anyway.
Shopping. Eating. Battling. It was a full day of fun. It ended at home with Piers strumming his guitar with both his Toxitricity and Groose lounging on the couch. You watched on in the door frame, hurt just from taking in the scene.
"...You can keep him." You relented, surprising your boyfriend. He stopped playing on a dime and his Toxitricity raise it's head when the music stopped, groggy and confused.
"...What brought this on?"
"I think it'll break your heart if we give him to anyone else... so... we can keep him." Piers couldn't help but be excited and though they didn't know what was going on both pokemon were also jazzed. "BUT... You are going to have to replace all the candy by yourself-"
"FUCKIN' DEAL! You hear that boys!?" It was adorable to see the man so excited. You shook your head and left the three of them to their bliss. This was fine.
You came home from an expedition match, calling to your boyfriend as you walked around the flat. Nothing. You raised a brow, eventually finding him in the living room, covering his mouth and staring at the couch. Before you could walk around to see what it was, he addressed you.
"Babe, you're home early."
"...No I'm not?"
"Oh... Musta... lost track of time."
"...Piers, are you okay?" You took one more step forward and Piers walked up, stopping you and trying to walk you out of the room. "What is going on?"
"Babe uh... so... Uh..." He couldn't find the words. He sighed. "...So Groose... was a girl."
"...Wait really? How did we fuck that up?" You asked, earning a shrug in return. "So you don't want him anymore... I mean, her?"
"Uh...No, that's not it...but her..." He lead you back to the front of the couch and finally it was revealed to you. Five Eggs. You were at a loss, no breath left in you. "...Her and my Toxitricity got it on-"
"Oh... fuck-"
"Yeah, that's what they did-"
"Right, Right!" He scratched the back of his head, trying so hard to take in a full breath. "Uh... We're parents again?"
"I want to strangle you right now, Piers, you have no idea." The inconvenience of doing this again was racing through your mind... though more pleasant memories did drown it out. Piers was trying to think of a way out, missing that you had formed a soft smile.
"...Okay... I'll uh... I get to the pokemon center in town and-"
"What do you say, Piers?" Your tone was more optimistic than it was a minute ago, confusing the man. You hugged him, a light blush taking over his face. "...Are you ready to do this again?"
"...We're keeping them?"
"Well... who's better at raising multiple Toxels at once besides us?" He seemed to like that and the two of you looked down at the clutch of eggs. With a deep, nearly synchronized breath, you and Piers joined hands. "...Well... Let's get the crib out of storage."
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eatingbugsanddirt · 1 year
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SPLAT OCS no way!!! I originally intended to fully color this sheet and all that, but after fighting tooth and nail with my art program to keep this file from corrupting, I’m just gonna save colors and whatnot ‘till the next time I draw them. One of em is filled with sodium and the other is a cowboy. Both of them reside in an apartment in Splatsville together, alongside a couple other roommates. They are in fish love!!!
Grit (Athirst Apotheosis, Hungering Teeth of the Great Steel Jaw) // She/her // Adult // Salmonling - Signature color is orange; she has silver and pink scales? Skin? Whatever it is it’s always at least a little grimy - Grew up near cephalopod society and in Splatlands sewers, hence mimicking their humanoid forms. Followed Curly back to Splatsville to become FRESH - Born in the maws ancestry to Gullet. Gullet’s a big ol dune-worm style king that swims beneath the map and swallows up large chunks of it as her main gimmick. Grit’s swim form shows off this heritage a lot better. Chomp - The salmonids’ race-wide death-food cult is more distant from her, but not entirely separated. She continues to cherish food and doesn’t mind participating in turf wars and such despite being shit and dying* constantly - Smells bad, dresses bad, literally eats garbage. Rabid - Fishnets lol. Always barefoot - Was nicknamed Grit by Curly after she held their hand and they went “ew this is gross why are you sticky” - HUGE casual. Never ever ever plays ranked, wouldn’t touch Grizzco with a ten foot pole. She plays turf whenever she feels like it, tableturf when she doesn’t, and otherwise just dicks around with the shell out machine and steals from the concessions. She has several pokemon-style binders for her tt card collection Curly J. Tucker // They/them // Adult // Octoling - Signature color is purple; they’re very dark skinned and plastered with the sort of web patterning you can find on coconut octopi - Can glow like coconut octopi!!! - Initially COULD NOT tolerate Grit. There’s a fish in their home taking all their money and food help. Fell in love slow-burn style, but Grit is a dumbass and eventually they just had to express their feelings explicitly - Continues to work at Grizzco after Grit. No Grit does not give a single shit - Coveredddd in scars from Grizzco, but it’s paid off; they have a max pay grade, they’re terrific at their job, and they have an apartment chock full of documents, trophies, and gear for work - Suuuper tired all the time thanks to both Grizzco and Alterna (Curly is my personal neo agent 3). Try to relax using ranked, but ends up getting even more exhausted and frustrated anyway. They recharge via Grit snuggles - Splatfest extraordinaire. Absolutely try hard bonkers for any big competition like this. Will come home miserable of their team doesn’t win - Always wears comfy clothes. Has the Texas curse of temperature confusion, hence the sweater and shorts - Bite mark on their hand is from Grit - The hat does NOT COME OFF. They originate from a distant Splatlands town notable for their skill ranching Zapfish and other silly goofy sea livestock, and they make it known 100% of the time Other notes * - In my personal canon getting splatted, falling in water, getting fucked up in ANY way in Splatoon is dying in a different sort of way. Getting your molecules dicked up or something, but not a permanent death, hence being able to revive. Maybe think the way immortal jellyfish are able to revert to earlier cell stages to escape death? - They both live in a big ol flat with another octoling gal owned by my friend @squidgobbler34 and a huge ribbon eel guy named Ruben. She is addicted to squid alt rock and he is long n fat and takes up so much space. He lines every wall of the apartment but its ok bc he’s good for snuggles
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ishibishie · 1 year
been 5 months since i've continued this series so welcome back to 47(!) MORE HEADCANONS ABOUT STEVEN
- steven has incredibly thin and soft hair, a trait he got from his mother. attempting to put anything in his hair (a hair tie, bobby pins, ect) is a lost cause as whatever he tries to put in his hair WILL end up on the floor five minutes later.
- he's never educated on the latest hip trends and sayings. by the time he finally gets to understanding some new lingo, that phrase is on the way out.
- in a huge contrast to his disdain of his female fans, steven is a lot more relaxed and down to earth with his younger male fans. he'll willingly take selfies and sign autographs for younger boys who give him the respect and patience he desires!
- he's the type to always have an extra blanket on hand every night. even in the dead heat of hoenn's summer. just in case the temperature somehow drops over sixty degrees.
- a part of him secretly enjoys doing boring pokemon league paperwork, only because it gives him an excuse to not be bothered by anyone or anything.
- steven is terrible at accepting praise involving his personal achievements. if you compliment him, he'll likely start a debate on how he's not THAT special and you're just being too kind. he's humble to an infuriating degree.
- due to being raised as a pretty sheltered and spoiled child, steven sometimes has moments where he loses touch with other people in a conversation and freely talk over them. he'll just keep rambling, not knowing that who he's talking to is upset or angry until he's told to shut up.
- he's the guy with the Infuriatingly Perfect Planner. despite having a planner, he tends to scribble important details given to him on his hand/wrist instead.
- after abandoning his sinnoh vacation home, steven instantly bought another vacation home in unova to fill the void and to be close to all the caves there. he's currently looking into available real estate in the paldea region as well.
- steven almost always stands up straight and proper. if he's slouching for any reason, there's probably something bothering him. most likely about his not-straightness.
- he never tends to stay up late into the night. literally incapable of pulling an all-nighter.
- steven loves to read! you would think he's a fan of nonfiction/informational books, but has a modest collection of various fantasy and fairytale books he inherited from his mother. he also does have a pair of reading glasses he uses every so often.
- whenever it rains, steven likes to sit by a window and simply watch the rain roll through. bonus if it's in the morning and he's just finished making his cup of tea!
- he's been added to an instant messaging group with all the regional champions. he never sends messages in the chat, and has only done so once: simply telling everyone "i am muting this conversation." mute it he did.
- rarely, on some warm evenings in mossdeep city, you may be able to hear steven sitting at the cliff's edge near his house and playing a medley of songs on a flute. once word gets out, he ends up drawing a small crowd for his solo concert.
- geologists lick rocks. steven stone licks rocks.
- steven owns a mudkip! he got him from wallace, who simply handed over a mudkip to him with no warning one day. this mudkip happens to be steven's only nicknamed pokemon as he seldom sees any battle and is more of a companion pokemon: steven named him olivine.
- while great at a lot of card games, steven's best game is blackjack. do not bet anything against him if he suggests you play blackjack with him. you ARE going to lose.
- if he's on a longer trip out of hoenn, you're pretty much guaranteed to see steven when it's evening and if the hotel he's staying at has a bar. especially if he's staying in galar.
- steven is ambidextrous! he simply grew up learning how to use both hands well. he tends to use his right hand for most tasks to the point of people assuming he's right handed, but particularly favors writing (and by extension other tasks with a pen) with his left.
- his house is a lowkey mess even if you don't take the scattered rock displays into account. since barely anybody comes over, steven is content with leaving various things in places they shouldn't be, not folding clothes, among other lazy homeowner things.
- one way to tell if steven is not in a perfect headspace is paying attention to his vocabulary. he'll instinctively start using galarian terms if something's on his mind.
- if he's around mainland hoenn and has free time, steven will visit his gym leaders! he enjoys trading friendly conversation with his fellow hoenn league members.
- due to living in mossdeep city, his most frequent gym leader visits are with tate and liza. he always enjoys saying hello to the twins and making their days: the number of times steven has taken the two out for ice cream per their begging is in the double digits.
- steven owns a LOT of hand-me-down clothes from wallace. since he's considerably smaller than his friend and their clashing styles, a lot of that clothing has the sole use of making him less recognizable when he's out in public and REALLY doesn't feel like being bothered.
- rarely, you'll be able to catch steven with perfectly painted nails. it's never his own idea, though: moreso an intervention from wallace after seeing steven bite his nails again.
- steven's favorite settlement in hoenn is lilycove city. there's a contest hall, a relaxing ocean view, and he's definitely biased due to him and wallace meeting in lilycove almost a decade ago.
- for his favorite galar city, wyndon city is his pick. the few years he was raised abroad by his mother, he stayed in wyndon city!
- behind his cutesy pretty boy personality and friendly charm, there's a surprising amount of hatred for the few people steven dislikes. if you've gotten yourself onto his list of enemies, he's more than willing to fuck your day up. out of pure, unfiltered spite.
- he's surprisingly good at math. to compensate, his skills with the deeper nuances of written language are his bane. he's extremely proficient with the task of writing itself, but he cannot tell you what a haiku is or what alliteration even means.
- he has no real preference when it comes to his favorite music genre, and he's very open to listening to new styles. but fitting for his name, he does somewhat enjoy more laid-back rock music if he needs to stay a bit more alert for whatever reason.
- in the event that his reign as hoenn's champion ever ended, steven has gone on the record with some news outlets and stated that he'd have no interest in becoming a gym leader. all because he knows the chairperson of the hoenn league would kick him out due to how much time he'd spend in caves instead of doing his job.
- steven doesn't really get along with the hoenn league chairperson. once he's dropped his "cutesy pretty prince" facade during business meetings, he always has to remind himself that he dislikes how pushy the chairperson can be, and how he's treated as a prodigy being one of the youngest regional champions.
- for similar reasons, he actively dislikes geeta. he simply doesn't think too fondly of people who go too far in pushing the best out of people. this is a quite rare change for steven, as he's known for getting along with pretty much every other regional champion.
- he doesn't like small children he doesn't know. if asked to watch a small child for any reason, steven will only look at said child in a "the hell am i supposed to do with this?" way and not concern himself with them. but if a kid starts acting nicely towards him, he can't help but return the sweetness. it might be his curiosity about what it would be like to have kids, as he's not interested in having any children of his own.
- he doesn't really do much in terms of celebrating holidays. it's mostly a "oh it's a holiday today, neat" thing. he actively dislikes ANY "holiday season" event, as his mother died very close to the december festivities.
- steven is an expert at ghosting people. he doesn't like replying to emails, mundane text messages, or any of the "fun facts" wallace finds from social media and sends him at two in the morning. he's not a good texting penpal if you dislike being left on read.
- he's VERY prone to jet lag. whenever steven has to attend a meeting in another region for any reason, he'll be asleep for half of it.
- steven has made a small secret base for himself in meteor falls! having a secret base in hoenn's largest cave system is a perfect excuse for him to go caving for literal days at a time.
- the record for the longest steven has ever caved in his life stands at three weeks and two days. he did this after almost accidentally outing himself during a sudden paparazzi "interview," hoping that if he just stayed away from the public they'd forget.
- steven never reads any mail he gets. he can't be bothered to sort through a mountain of fan letters from every girl in hoenn to find official newsletters and notices.
- he never opens fangirl letters anymore, either. his floors have seen enough glitter and confetti for a lifetime.
- he's almost accidentally set his entire kitchen on fire before: all because he tried to cook a cup of cheap macaroni and cheese and forgot to add the water. wallace actually gave steven the mudkip right after this, somewhat poking fun at steven's blunder.
- out of all the regional champions, steven is one of the youngest, and holds the title of the youngest adult to reign as champion. he's doted on fairly often by cynthia and lance specifically due to this. it does not help that he's also the shortest adult champion. (throwback to volume 2: he's 167cm tall)
- he's held his position as champion since he was eighteen years old. he has no plans to step down: he's vowed to only relinquish his title if someone can actually win a league conference, take down his elite four, and then himself. he's gone as far as to say that he'll die with the hoenn champion title if nobody can get to him before his demise.
- with paldea being a place on his radar, he's shown interest in being an adjunct professor at the academy for a semester and has written letters about these wishes to the academy's director. but like all his letters he sends to other region officials, nobody seems interested in replying.
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rainbowxocs · 8 months
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TW: Mentions of religious trauma and child abuse.
Notes by the greatest guy ever~ Me of course.
Name: Michael Elizabeth Ansley.
My parents thought I was going to be a girl- So they had to change my name at the last minute.
Alt Name: Michael Morningstar. Barf-
Special Titles: Crown Prince of Hell, Michael Morningstar. Also Barf. Dr. Michael Ansley.
Old Titles: “M”, “God”, “Lord of Darkness”. ALSO Barf-
Nicknames: Mikey, “Emo Boy”, Hero.
Age: 27.
Pronouns: He/They/Rot.
Sexuality: Gay.
Gender: Nonbinary, Gendervoid, HolyGoric. I would describe my gender as a rotting corpse to be honest-
Species: Hybrid (Antichrist.)
Disorders: Panic Disorder, CPTSD, Autism, Insomnia, Bipolar 2, ASPD, Anorexia, Checking OCD.
Physical Disabilities: Blind, Chronic Pain.
Recovering Addictions: LSD, Alcohol, Mushrooms, Self Harm, Nicotine (Vape).
Religion: Atheist. Religions are scams, which I of all people should know-
Job: None, At the moment. ……
Current Major: Pediatrics.
Degrees: Psychology Degree.
Lives in: WV, America, 2034. Country roads.. take me home..
Languages: English.
Height: 4’9” >:(
Race: White.
Ethnicity: Demonic.
Accent: Soft, Southern.
Monster Form: Sharp Claws, Sharp Teeth, Boney Elongated Form, Big Horns, Animalistic.
I don’t like this form..
Powers: Time Travel, Teleporting, Telekinesis, Fire Manipulation, Flight, Summoning, Sucking Life Force/Souls, Hypnosis, Possession, Strings, Necromancy, Omens, Shapeshifting, Mass Destruction.
If I wasn’t lazy I could probably take over the world.
Weapons: Knives.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Text Color: Pink, Red when Upset.
Main Animal: Dog.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Video Games, Fashion/Dressing Up, Crafting, Knitting, Needlefelting.
I like doing things hands on.. It gives me something to do.
Diet: Carnivorous, Raw Diet.
Whether I eat meat or raw meat is a different story- Strawberries are really tasty.
Favorite Drink: Strawberry Shortcake Coffee, Strawberry Chocolate Tea, Hwache, Strawberry Boba, Strawberry Monster Energy.
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon.
Favorite Meal: Pork Brains, Steak Tartar, Gumbo, Sushi, Spaghetti, Katsudon, Dinosaur Nuggets and Fries, Pancakes, Fruit Sandwiches, Sago Soup.
Favorite Candy: White Chocolate, Gummy Worms, Salt Water Taffy, Konpieto.
Favorite Dessert: Strawberry Shortcake, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Gingerbread Cookies, Strawberry Icecream, Dirt Cake, Pavlova.
Favorite Flower: Pink Forget Me Nots.
Scent: Rose Cologne, Barbie Detangler.
Why do you need to know this about me-
Birthday: December 25th 2007 (Capricorn)
My birthday is… kind of ironic…
Fun Facts: Wrote his very own Bible for his religion, has a stuffed animal collection, Has a magical girl collection.
Special Interests: Stardew, Minecraft, Slime Rancher, Animal Crossing, The Sims, Pokémon, Coraline, My Little Pony, Moomin Valley, Strawberry Shortcake, Fairy Princess Minky Momo, Sanrio. :)
Stims: Handflapping, Mouse Cheese, Sensory Cube, Pink Tangle, Pop it Game.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Comfort Objects: Cat Plush, Cow Pillow Pets, Pink Slime Plush, Pokémon plushies, Killer (Teddy Bear), Gloomy Bear, Bluey Plush.
My Pokémon Team!:
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Extra Pokemon: Zoroark.
In Games:
Lucifer Morningstar, Elijah Morningstar. (Fathers.) ……
Lilith Morningstar. (Stepmother)
Raven Ansley. (Mother.) :)
Ezequiel Ansley. (Stepfather)
Melanie Ansley (Aunt) …….
Lucy Ferr, Sin Morningstar. (Half Siblings.)
Alexander Leverett. (Adoptive Brother) (Strained.) …..
Immanuel Ansley. (Adoptive Sibling.)
Sam Coleman. (Adoptive Uncle.)
Micah Coleman. (Adoptive Uncle.)
Friends: None. ……..
Romance: None. …….
Danger (Tarantula)
Princess (Skeleton Cat)
Brief Personality: Mikey acts tough. For his entire life he has had to manipulate in order to survive. He can usually get what he wants with little effort. But he is, deeply troubled.. Usually he is incredibly chatty but lately he’s just been.. quiet.. He no longer seems to care about much, he’d rather just sit in the silence.
Brief Backstory:
Michael was born out of a prophecy. He was destined to destroy heaven and the earth. However for the time being he was born to his mother and “Father”..
Mikey had a pretty normal childhood for the most part. He was a good kid, he went to church, he played with his toys and didn’t make much of a fuss. However, as he grew older weird occurrences would happen around Michael.
His mother didn’t seem worried. But everyone else noticed the birds dying around him, the water becoming blood, bad omens seemed to follow the child. And it culminated in Michael’s house burning down with his mother and “Father” inside. He was the only survivor.
His aunt was given custody of him.. He didn’t know it at the time but he was not responsible for the fire. However everyone believed he was. He was forced to repent over and over and over and over to get rid of his “sins”, to get rid of the demons inside of him.
Michael felt hollow.. He felt the judging eyes of everyone on him. No matter how good of a kid he was he felt destined to be evil. It felt like the omens were getting worse and worse as he got older and older.
The church held an intervention for Michael. They told him that he wasn’t good enough, that God was disappointed in him. The demons were still inside him because he let them stay inside. He began to cry and say that wasn’t true and that he wanted to pure he wanted to be good.
The church members took him into the baptistery and forced him under the water, waterboarding him over and over again to try and get him to “repent for his sins” and that the holy water will cleanse him of his omens.
Over and over again he was forced underneath the water, he kept screaming but the water kept filling his lungs, when he finally was able to get some air. He felt this righteous anger fill his entire body, and he attacked the people who had forced him underneath the water.
He attacked the church leaders and in the struggle they gauged out his eyes. And stabbed him. Pushing him deep into the baptism water, as his blood filled the pool it turned a dark black color. And he ascended from the baptism a monster.
Michael killed everyone. The people in the church, his aunt, everyone. Everyone who had hurt him. Everyone who had forced him into bowing before a god who would never forgive him. This “awakened” something inside of him, a power he never knew he had. And he began to crave meat.
He became the monster the church thought he was. And he ran away. And he decided that he would become a god, if a god who watched him get tortured by the heads of his religion then he could easily become one.
He created a cult, Ascensionism. He being the god, and his subjects being his eyes. He saw through them, and when it was finally time they would ascend and become his food. Becoming one with their god.
After many years in the cult however he eventually feels.. empty inside.. He begins to question what the hell he is doing and disbands the cult. He goes on a long journey of soul searching, trying to figure out who he is, what he is, etc. and one could argue he is still on that journey now even tho he is much healthier than he was back then.
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Pokemon Oster Design Sketches
Here's a collection of behind the scenes design drawings I made while working with friends on designing our Pokémon trainers for our new campaign.
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From Left to Right: Darryl Fisher, Kendra Stoker, Cole Steelspike.
Darryl is my character, and the first I designed. He has a fishing vest and board-shorts because he is a water loving guy. Lives on the coast, goes swimming a lot. I'm actually holding myself to a rule to only ever catch Water types.
Kendra was pitched to me as girl Gladion (Sun/Moon character), but with a teal colourscheme. This was the result. Her trainer type is cheer leader, so while I wanted to make her goth-ish, I wanted to make her look quite happy too.
Cole was hilariously the only character pitched as a 10 year old on their first journey. The design notes was simply: school uniform, untidy red hair, freckles. And then also an idea to give them glasses like Clement (X/Y Gym Leader).
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From Left to Right: Morris Slater, Gus Drundridge, Sargent Stucko.
Morris is a Pokémon rider, so the first design idea pitched was an amalgam sports uniform of sorts. Spandex wrestling top, leather rugby helmet, combat boots. The player of the character also specified they envisioned him similar to the Hiker trainer character from Pokémon Sun/Moon, and a colour scheme similar to his starter, Cufant. He also pitched a fixation with strange, hyper specific tshirts.
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This exact wording was presented as a hypothetical example.
Gus was pitched to me simply as Russell Coight as a Pokémon trainer. Russell Coight is an Australian comedy character who gives bad survival advice, and Gus' player is role-playing him as such.
Sargent Stucko was pitched to me as a Lt Surge (Red/Blue Gym Leader) sort of guy, but with brown hair, and a bluish colourscheme. I based his uniform on a Sargent's.
A week or so earlier, after we did a Session Zero, I practice drawing Pokémon in preparation for this campaign. So here's the starters for all party members.
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Special Note: the player for Morris wants to use Race Horse style names for his Pokemon, so named his Starter Cufant "Locally Grown", but will nickname it "Cal".
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stormstruck-angel · 2 years
1, 6, 10, 16, 20, 26, 30, 36, 40, 46, 50.
For the OC ask game :)
Under the cut bc this got long!
1. Your first OC ever?
Oh, this is Hard, I barely remember my little self-insert OCs from way back when. I will hesitantly say my first OC ever was... a Pokemon trainer OC. Her name was Ari, she had a Celebi who she could talk to because I said so, and her love interest was the Aura guy who hangs out on Iron Island. Good times!
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
.....This feels like a callout. Hm. So, y'see, I have this thing where I'm uncreative and have a Type when it comes to character design, so... a lot of my OCs do tend to look alike superficially.
Technically Atlas (a dnd OC) and Aurelion (a dating sim OC) should be the poster children for this question, only because they were a case of not so much 'looking alike' as 'hey I'm stealing my own character design for a different setting because I like it and couldn't think of anything else.' Consequently, Atlas and Aurelion look more-or-less like twins despite not even belonging to the same universe(s). However, I do like to joke that they're somehow distantly related--given that one exists in a sort of medieval-fantasy-Ancient-Greece blend and the other in a futuristic space empire-- if only because the thought of Atlas having a far-off descendant who looks exactly like them makes me laugh.
Otherwise, I do have a lot of blonde OCs (fondly and only sort-of-jokingly nicknamed my Army of Blondes) who kind of vaguely look like they could be related but definitely aren't. The two OCs who /are/ related basically look nothing alike at all.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
Hmmmmm, "complicated" is a very subjective term... To me, none of my OCs designs are particularly complicated - they all have more complex bits, usually wardrobe related, and only because I can't resist a fun wardrobe, but by and large they're not all that complicated. I will, however, nominate Atlas for this one, because they wear armour almost All The Time, and it's kind of ornate and I hate drawing it, so.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Hmmmmm. Probably Castor (dnd Wizard). He's a nerd. <3 Oh, but also Dani! She's an OC for a different TTRPG (Masks, if anyone is curious!) and is kind of an over-achiever-needs-straight-A's kid, bless her heart.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Lyra and Nicky! Lyra is my beautiful, beautiful human bard, my first ever DND PC, and is a country singer. :,) I don't really have a headcanon for her voice, but her character playlist is mostly Dolly Parton with a little bit of Taylor Swift and Kacey Musgraves thrown in, so feel free to imagine something that suits. I imagine her belting Jolene a lot. <3
Nicky is my brandest newest baby boy, who I know very little about music-wise. He's in a band with some dudes about his age, ostensibly of the rock persuasion, but since I know very little about rock music, I mostly imagine him sounding like Charlie Gillespie, since Julie and the Phantoms is the only thing I really know that even vaguely fits the concept. 😂
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Thankfully, no! I've been very fortunate that all my dear friends who play Barbies with me are very accommodating of my little characters, so I've generally never really had to mess with them any more than I particularly wanted to.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Dani, one hundred percent, bless her. She already has one stuffed animal she doesn't keep secret - she's probably got a stash under her bed.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
In fairness, almost all of my OCs are part of a larger group made with (a) friend(s), so they tend to all have a friend or sibling or s/o who belongs to someone else, but I feel like most relevant would be my beloved Rose, whose boyfriend/soulmate/husband/etc. belongs to @ash-soka <3
Shout-out to my beloved friend C, too, who bequeathed me partial ownership of the book she may or may not someday write so my little character and hers could be dating-divorced-will-they-won't-they-maybe-in-another-life-or-maybe-in-this-one for my enjoyment. <3 Wyvern+Sera 4eva <3 <3 <3 And also Anna and Clara! Bestie supernatural room-mates!!
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
The act of creating all my OCs are always fond memories in themselves - good times where I was having fun with friends! There are too many good moments to remember and pick, honestly.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Luckily no lmao, I don't tend to brutalize them much (at least not out loud), so I generally never have cause to be accused of such.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
Hi, my name is Andy and I'm bad at blank space questions-- so here's an incomplete list of as many of my OCs/PCs as I can remember, grouped vaguely by what they're for--
Dani, Nicky, Atlas, Lyra, Castor, Althea, Bon, Zamir, Rory, Aurelion, Amaranth, Senna, Rose, Juliet, Sprinkles, Vee, Wren, Anna, Victoria, Minty, Niccolos, Penny, Maddy, Austin, Aiden, Ari, Kit, Caine,
(are you regretting giving me a free space yet--)
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trial-by-yuri · 8 months
the funny thing about being a weird little guy who collects names like pokemon cards is I made a secret roblox account so I could be cringe without being made fun of by the irl friends I friended on my main account (they aren't my best friends and therefore I do not trust them) and I picked a random username and nickname to go by and now I unironically love the name
0 notes
pofatrgwf · 1 year
Chapter 11
Axe woke up in his hotel room. He went downstairs, and walked outside. He rubbed his forehead in pain as he had a headache. He would always get headaches every other day, but there was nothing he could really do about it. He wasn't paying attention as he bumped into a Lucario.
Axe stepped back. "Agh, sorry, I wasn't looking."
"No worries," the Lucario replied. "Actually, can I ask you something?"
"Huh? …Sure?"
"Are you that Fraxure from the Human World?"
Axe groaned. 'Not again…' , he thought to himself. He nodded, anyway. "Unfortunately, yes. Why do you ask?"
"It's just that, well, there are now THREE Pokemon not from this world here, and now I'm just wondering… Why?"
Axe was confused. 'Three? Who are the other two?' , he thought. But he was also confused about the Lucario's question. "Why what?" 
"Why are so many people not from this world gathering in Treasure Town?
"How should I know?"
"Fair point, but… Do you think it would be a good idea if we gathered together to think about it?"
Axe tilted his head. " We? Are you one of the other two?"
"Oh, yeah, I should probably introduce myself, sorry."
The Lucario stuck out his hand for a handshake.
"My name is Sky, and I was also a human before coming to this world."
Sky also quietly whispered "Put a little asterisk on that, since I technically am from this world, but also not."
Axe's confusion kept growing with every sentence Sky has said. "Wait, so are you or are you not???"
" I… should explain later. Maybe we could meet up here later, along with the third? How's 3?"
"Wha- Uh. Sure?"
"See ya!", Sky said as he walked to Sharpedo Bluff.
Axe didn't really have anything to do, so he went back to his room to nap until 3:00. He went back downstairs to see Sky, along with eight other Pokemon.
Axe sat down at their table. "Which one's the third?"
Sky gestured to a Toxtricity and an Oshawott. "Turns out there's a fourth, which is even weirder."
Josh, the Oshawott, simply waved.
Axe: " …Wack ."
Kilo, the Toxtricity, was looking around, slightly uncomfortable. " So… um… Why… are we here?"
Axe: "Because we're all humans from the Human World, I assume?"
Sky: "Ok well, I'm not actually from the Human World, but-"
Kilo: "I may not be from this world, but I'm also not a human-"
Josh: "Yep, that's exactly it! I'm Josh! I live in the Mist Continent, but I decided to come here on vacation with my friends Johmathoscalomew and Hydreigon!"
Johmathoscalomew and Hydreigon silently waved.
Kilo looked nervous, but decided to introduce himself anyway. " I'm… "
Kilo sighed. "My name is Kilometers. Call me Kilo. I'm from another world, but no, I'm not a human. Never was."
Kilo motioned to a Zangoose, a Lairon, and a Swampert.
Kilo: "They're my teammates, but they're more like my family now, to be honest."
Uni shuffled his chair to the side. "Please don't include me in your family. I have better things to do."
Sky: "I'm Sky. This Luxray right here is my partner, Phos."
Everyone except Axe had introduced themselves. He was the only one left, which made him very nervous.
"I… I'm Axle. B- but lots of people just call me Axe. I'm fine with any nickname, to be honest."
Josh: "Hey Axolotl, do you have a partner? That seems to be a common thing among us."
Johmathoscalomew: (Axolotl? Really?)
Axe looked at his scarf. That scarf was originally his partner, who he considered to be his brother (As in, his brother turned into the scarf via an Itemizer Orb). He sighed.
"Not anymore."
Josh: "Oof. Yikes."
Johmathoscalomew smacked Josh on the head.
Axe wanted to change the subject from his dead brother, so he decided to ask the group a question.
Axe: "So. How did you guys die?"
This question received a collective "What?" from everyone in response.
Axe: "You said you're not from this world right? So you must've died to get here… right?"
Josh: "Uh, no? Who said anything about dying?"
Kilo: "I actually can't die."
Everyone looked at Kilo skeptically.
Sky: "No one here… died. I mean, how would we be here if we were dead, right?"
Axe: "Well, I'm here."
"Huh?" , everyone said in unison, again.
Axe: "Wait, am I the only one who died to get here??"
Uni: "Imagine dying. Can't relate."
Sky: "You died???"
Axe: "Yes???? I got shot in the head??" 
Axe pointed to a small mark on his head, which is a bullet wound scar.
Kilo: "Ah, I hate when that happens. Gives me a massive headache every time."
Kilo: "Oh, I get shot a lot. A shot to the head used to knock me out cold for like an hour, but now it's just a minute. Still a massive headache though-"
Kilo: "Like I said, I can't die."
Axe: "That's so unfair."
Kilo: "Sorry for literally being unable to die???"
Josh: "He's immortal?? Man, I wish that were me-"
Kilo, suddenly very loudly: "No you don't. Trust me."
Axe: "I'm… going to go outside for a bit."
Axe walked outside to take a break from what has now devolved into shouting. But he could still hear them.
"Stop fighting!"
Uni walked outside, and leaned against a wall, sighing.
Axe: "Are they always like this?"
Uni: "We all have literally only just met today."
Axe: "…Why are they fighting, then?"
Uni: "Who knows."
Johmathoscalomew came out, dragging Josh by the legs, and left. Hydreigon also came out, apologized to everyone for Josh's behavior, and followed the Snivy. Everyone else also came outside.
Sky: "We… We didn't even get to talk about… the whole point of this meeting…"
Kilo, catching his breath: "He… doesn't even… have claws… How… did he… scratch me… so… bad??"
Uni: "I'm going home."
Sky, exasperated: "Not you too!!"
Kilo: "I… think I'm… gonna pass out…"
And then he did, right before being picked up by Sierra.
Sierra: "I gotta go get a first aid kit from my house, bye!"
Sky: "nooo…"
Everyone except Sky, Phos, and Axe left.
Phos: "…Well that was a waste of time."
Sky: "Please stop talking."
Axe: "So… um… now what?"
Sky: "Man, I don't know anymore, go home or something. I'll try to get everyone to come back another day."
Axe: "Alright then, well, I'll be upstairs if you need me. Goodnight."
Phos: "The Sun is still out-"
Axe: "Goodnight."
Sky: "Goodnight."
Back in his room, Axe went back to sleep. Most nights, his dreams are simply his brain making him go through traumatic events all over again.
Axe was in a large gray hall that looked endless. 'Not this again…' , he thought to himself. He walked through the hall, knowing exactly what will happen and how he'll feel. But he knows he can't stop it, as he doesn't know how to wake himself up while dreaming. So he kept walking for what felt like hours, until he reached an altar.
"Yeah, yeah, I already know what's gonna happen. Just come out already so I can get on with my life."
A Nidorino came out from behind the altar. Axe started digging through his bag, looking for a specific item. At the same time, a portal behind the Nidorino was opening.
'What a pain.'
Axe pulled out an orb and held it up. The Nidorino fell down on the floor, and turned into a scarf.
'Do I really have to go through this every other night?'
Axe jumped into the newly formed portal.
"Hey! I'm back! My brain has nothing better to do than to make me kick your butt again, so here I am!"
Axe was in a different dimension now. The floor was crumbling, but floating, and gravity simply did not function normally. There was nothing but a vast blue void. The ground started shaking, as a large shadow started to form in front of Axe.
"Ugh, you're always so dramatic. Get on with it so I can beat you up, Tina."
From the large shadow rose Giratina. Axe pulled out an arsenal of orbs and seeds, and absolutely destroyed Giratina. And then he woke up.
'Yippee. Awesome. Incredible. I hate my life.'
Nero: “I feel like something important is happening right now…”
0 notes
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi Storm,
I’ve noticed that JiKook seem to have a lot of nicknames attached to them individually and separately. JungKook is bunny, baby star candy, JK, Koo etc. Jimin is Mochi, Chimchim, min min, Mangetok(?sp) etc. Together they’re the Busans, Sun and Moon and not sure what else. Are they the only ones in the group with all these cute nicknames? Are they all given to them by fans and what’s the origin? I thought of this ask after seeing JM referred to as puppy kitty by the editors which is so darn cute. What do JiKook call each other the most? Do they ever use any of these as endearments toward each other? It’s more like three asks in one but just really curious at the plethora of nicknames these two seem to have.
Lmao! Hi!! Welcome Back!
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Sooo, i have a whole small masterlist section about Nicknames that Jikook call each other, which you can find here:
And I have some of the Nicknames K Diamonds have given to some duos (jikook, vmin, namseok, yoonjin and taekook) here
If you are just wanting a list of all the Nicknames that BTS members have collected from ARMYs over the years per individual, well i can absolutely list those for you too! Lol it's a lot for them all.
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ChimChim (given during AHL by Tony Jones and it stuck)
Christian ChimChim (Jimin gave himself this name when asked what his English name would ever be)
Mochi/망개떡 (given because his cute cheeks make him look like a Mangae cake)
J.M (a legit Nickname shortened from his own name lol)
Diminie (during a fansign he was asked how he acts when very drunk, JM said he does lots of aeygo and once called himself Diminie instead of Jiminie)
Dooly (ARMY and the members say that when Jimin puffs his cheeks out he looks like the cute cartoon puppy Dooly, Jimin even referenced himself as Dooly on Taes first Instagram post)
Ddan-ji/장딴지 (basically just means Calves, in reference to Jimins insane leg muscles. Lol Tae called him this in his 2013 birthday letter to Jimin and K ARMY all called him this too lol especially whenever Jimin wore shorts on stages)
Be-i-geul-nam/베이글남 (a mash up of Korean words that basically means "man with a baby face and a hot body," lol given by K ARMY)
Mochi Sexy (coined by RM during Festa and by K ARMY during Sugas Honey FM)
Ddochi (Jimin said his Middle school friends would call him that because he looked like a puppy)
Little Prince (coined by ARMY and the members and picked up traction with Jimins first appearance with blond hair)
빡지민이/PPAK Jiminie (Suga's Nickname for Jimin often)
Puppy Kitty/강양이 (Jimin combined the name for Dog/Cat into 강양이 when asked which he likes best and ARMY decided that he WAS a puppy kitty and the name stayed)
Jimin-ssi (thanks to Jungkookie lol)
Angel/Fairy (coined by Tae in 2014, also later by RM and JK. ARMY jumped all over it. Jimin himself also confirmed many times)
Chanel Boy (comes from how often he wears the brand on his personal time)
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The Maknae (the youngest)
Golden Maknae (given by RM and adopted by the fandom since he is good at everything and is their golden youngest)
JayKay, JK, Kookie (shortened verisons of his name lol)
Muscle Pig/Muscle Bunny/근육돼지 (affectionately coined by the members for his insane muscles and love for working out)
Bunny/Kkooktokki (he looks like a bunny when he smiles or his name combined with bunny in Hangul)
Justin Seagull (JK was originally going to debut with a possible stage name of Seagull and when asked what his English name would be, he said Justin Seagull)
Nochu (given to him during AHL by Nate Walka and it stuck)
Jeon Cena (given by ARMY after his skills shown off during the wrestling portion of ISAC competitions)
Jeonrusali/전루살이 (a combination of Jeon and "short lived" given by K army because they joked that he is angling for his hyungs to smack him with how often he teases lol)
Mr. Spreading Legs and International Playboy (self appointed Nicknames from 2014 that have stuck around lol)
Baby Star Candy (given by staff and adopted by ARMY)
Puppy Prince (given by Jimin)
Little Prince (given by Suga)
Donggurami/동그라미/Boba Ball (동그라미 given by K army and Boba Ball by I army, basically for the same reason. JKs cute round head lol)
Guktiz/꾹티즈 (JKs name + Maltese dog, K army say that he looks like a Maltese puppy. K armys are spilt into 2 teams actually, team bunny and team Maltese lol)
아기장수 꾹투리/Baby Warrior Ggukturi (K army gave him this nickname because he is super strong like the Korean Folktale Baby Warrior Wootori)
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RM, Monie, Joon, Joonie, Namu (shortened verison of his name)
Namjoonie (what the hyungs often call him)
RapMon Hyung (what JK often calls him)
God Of Destruction (coined by the members because they said he can't do a day without breaking things)
Appa (coined by Jimin because he acts like a dad apparently lol)
President (given by ARMY for his leadership skills and want for him to lead a country lol)
Kim Leader/김리더 (coined by vmin)
NamuJoon/나무준 (basically a combination of his name and Tree because of his love for plants and he named it himself on weverse)
Natnu/낮누 (a typo made by a k army trying to type Kim NamJoon, but Namjoon saw it and thought it was cute so it stuck)
방탄의 남은 이성/The BTS's last string of reason (given by K army for his amazing leadership and the way he loves his members. They say "1 takes care of 6, and 6 takes care of 1")
Brain Mon/뇌몬 (given by k army for his 148 IQ and genius)
Moon child (given because of his song on his mixtape moonchild)
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Worldwide Handsome (given for his insanely good looks)
세계조각미남 1위/#1 Sculpted Face (feels self explanatory lol)
Car Door Guy (When Jin left the car first at MMA 2015, he attracted a lot of viral attention, people started searching for him with Car Door Guy trying to find who he was)
Third Guy from the Left (same as above but from BBMAS 2017)
오비남/Today's Visual Guy (from the picket he held in MMA 2016)
대문남/Entrance Door Guy (same as above but from opening the door at You Quiz)
줌인남/Zoom in Guy (given the nickname from how red carpet camera people always end up randomly zooming in on Jins face)
Quokka (a species of animal known as the happiest and sweetest animal and given to Jin by K army)
Shoulder Hyung (coined by JK)
어깨미남/Eo-kkae-mi-nam (combination of the words Shoulders and Handsome man given by karmy as well his descriptors basically lol)
BalSeokJin/발석진 (basically foot + his name for his talented toes, given as a name since run bts ep 5)
Matnae/맏내 (basically means fake maknae. Given by the members and k army for how Jin often acts as the true youngest of the group even though he is the oldest)
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Suga/AgustD/Min PD/Gloss (his musical alter egos and names lol)
Minstradamus (also comes from what yoongi wants yoongi gets, comes from his ability to speak goals into exisistence basically and predict BTS's future)
Lil Meow Meow (given because of his resemblance in looks and personality to a cute cat)
Hands of Midas (given by ARMY and the music industry, anything Suga touches turns to gold and breaks records)
Min Yoonji (his female alter ego nickname that comes from run bts episode 11)
민덩방아/Min DungBangah (min fell on my hips. Lol coined by RM after Yoongi fell out of his chair at his studio
Min Stone/민돌멩이 (given by ARMY after Suga said he wanted to be reborn as a stone in his next life)
Grumpy Marshmellow/심통난 마시멜로 (K army affectionately call him this because he looks like a cute grumpy marshmallow when he wakes up lol)
Black Suga/흑슈가 (given by K army whenever his hair is black)
SongWol/송월 (nickname from his father, which means "enjoy the art of music and beauty of nature")
Semo-Rami/세모라미 (means tri-circle. It was given by karmy for his soft rounded facial features and triangle eyes.)
민윤기천재짱짱맨뿡뿡/min-yoon-gi-chun-jae-jjang-jjang-men-bbung-bbung (lmfao basically translated as Min Yoongi is the best best man and then bbungbbung which is the cutest way to describe a fart sound affect. A fan wrote this line to him in a letter and Yoongi loved it an adopted it for himself. Lol you also see it pop up in Run ep 140)
Boiled Dumpling/물만두 (came from Suga saying that his mother once told him he looked like a boiled dumpling)
Axolotl (coined by RM I believe lol)
Min Grandpa (coined by K army saying he acts like the grandpa of the group)
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Hobi/Hope/Seokie (shortened nicknames)
Golden Hyung (JK is the youngest who is good at everything and Hobi is the hyung who is good at everything)
J-Dope (given by the members during Dope era)
J-Kill (given by the members during Run bts episode 32)
J-Hooooooppppppeeeee (lmao given by the members, in particular Suga, when they fanboy over Hobi)
HweeMangi/희망이/Hope (self explanatory lol but the Hangul nickname of Hope)
Cheon-sa/천사/Angel (Hobi used to introduce himself as I'm your Hope, Im Your Angel and the names both stuck)
Sunshine/햇살 (given by fans for his sunny personality)
Jay (often called this by the members, particularly Suga and the other hyungs or before he raps)
Smile Hoya (his underground dance crew name before BTS)
Captain Nemo (made by Hobi himself around the release of Hope World)
光州小漂亮/guāng zhōu xiǎo piào liang (Chinese phrase means 'Gwangju's little beauty' written in Mandarin)
Jung Team Manager/정팀장 (how the members often used to called him as he took good charge of their stage performances a lot, adopted by k army)
호도기/Hogogie (a very baby verison pronunciation of his name given by k army)
정다정/Jung Sweatheart (given by k army back in 2015 from how he would always comfort armys)
Prince of South America (given by ARMY and members about just how insanely loved Jhope is in South America and how he always says its his favorite place to go on tours lol)
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Tae/TaeTae/Taehyungie (natural nicknames)
Tae Hyung Hyungie (sometimes called this by JK and it's so cute)
Gucci Prince (given by ARMY for how often he would be wearing Gucci)
Baby Bear/Teddy Bear/Honey Bear (his family used to call him this and Jimin has before too)
CGV (given by ARMY because he is so handsome he could've been CGI lol)
Wind Prince (given by RM during the VR Games run bts episode)
Voo/Vu/Bu (given by Jin)
Jack (Tae said this would be his English name if he had to pick, inspired by the titanic "jack... come back....")
Good Boy (given by Tae himself from how he introduced himself once)
Baby Prince V (given recently by k media and ARMY loved it)
Vante (given by Tae himself as his art and photography tag name)
4D (given by ARMY for the way he stands out and is unique)
세계일위미남/World's Number 1 Handsome Guy (given by ARMY after he won most handsome face in the world and used often by both fans and the members sometimes too lol)
김스치면인연/Kim Friends at a Brush Through (basically means that he makes friends anywhere he goes and is very social. Given by k army)
뷔주얼/"V"isual (given by k army for how handsome he is)
MC Jadu (means plum cheeks to describe his cheeks when he smiles by k army)
Myung Dong Young (K army say “His face is a ‘Painting’ 명화, his personality is a ‘Children’s book’ 동화, his life is a ‘Movie‘영화." And the 3 words all rhyme in korean)
Kimchi Papa (given by k army after Tae said he would name his son KimChi is Delicious)
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They have so many that come and go and some that stick around for a while and some that become iconic. Lmfao I'm sure this isn't even all of them from across the decade. But it's most of them at least I think! Hope this helps!!
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chaos-is-my-jam · 3 years
More Viktor headcanons because I’m trash for this beautiful man:
There are some Vik/V too... Hope there aren't many errors... anyways. ENJOY.
We know this already but this guy is H U G E - 6'3, whoopin' healthy 219lbs and bUILD LIKE A TANK.
I think he's around 48-52 years old.
"I can't, I'm old."
Look I know what I said about socks but hear me out... Vik 100% has a collection of those silly ties with cartoon characters like pokemon etc... he likes that blue one with cats best...
He knew V was special when he finished installing their first implant after they first met and shot him with "So, do I get a lollipop for bein' a brave patient, doc?" with that cheeky smirk of theirs... even if just for shits and giggles Vik actually gave them their lollipop the next time they visited his clinic. "Fine, you my fave doc now, won't go anywhere else."
He has Hamsa and evil eye tattoo on his left pectoral, Misty told him that it meant protection from evil and he thought it fitting as a symbol of starting his career as a ripperdoc - he saves lives after all.
Viktor smokes. Not very often, sometimes he can go several days without cigarettes but if the day at clinic is hard or gods forbid he lost a patient... he smokes like a chimney. By some mysterious coincidence he started smoking even more when V came along. I wonder why?
He genuinely enjoys V's company. He LOVES when they just sit at the clinic and talk or even just sit in silence. Their presence is really refreshing for this old doc.
Once Viktor, Misty, Jackie and V went to actually eat IN the restaurant. Misty and Vik casually sat and talked but, of course, Jack and V had a sword fight with chopsticks and Vik asked the waiter for two regular menus and for two menus for kids. After V called him "dad", "pops" or... wait for it... "daddy" for the rest of the evening, Viktor never made the mistake of going out to eat with V. Both V and Jackie still bring it up sometimes much to doc's dismay. Takeout is much safer option now.
Guess who is the one to always pick up horrendously drunk merc duo at 4am in the middle of the week. Yup. It's Viktor. Usually they wait for him outside, sitting on the pavement, arms on each others shoulders, singing love songs. Sometimes they burst in tears when they see Vik "coz youre the best friend I've had Viky", "yea, doc, there no other like ya".
Dad jokes. That's it.
UNGODLY ALCOHOL TOLERANCE. THIS MAN CAN DRINK AND DRINK AND DRINK AND SAY HES JUST TIPSY. Jackie? Under the table. V? Babbling something about "hopin' there is real afterlife" while hugging toilet bowl. Viktor? Checking if Jack still breathes and holding V's hair if necessary. "Amateurs" he thinks.
One of his most beloved possessions is a teddy bear. A gift from V. A they had put it "for caring for people around you and so you don't feel too lonely here in clinic and, well, for being you". Little fluffy fella has a special place in Vik's heart as well as on his couch right beside the boxing gloves.
No one keeps secrets like he does.
He takes GREAT pride in being the only person who knows V's real name.
Also he's the person who saw V at their most vulnerable. Bleeding, bruised, beaten, drunk, crying.
As true to their promise as they are, he thinks V's loyalty is amusing and rather sweet but also dangerous bUT V JUST WON'T GO TO ANY OTHER RIPPER. Found some new chrome somewhere else? They bought it and had it delivered to Vik's. Small repairs? Go to Vik's. Bleeding out somewhere in Pacifica? Go to Vik's. He swears he will strangle them himself one day.
Nicknames. Doll, Sweetheart, Champ, Captain, Big Guy, Charmer, Knock Out, Honey, Sweet pea, Cupcake, Pumpkin... I COULD GO ON FOREVER.
Usually it's Misty to find him sleeping on his desk but when it's V and Jack... well... let's say sharpie can be pain in the ass to wash off from your face.
Jackie got him pink gauges with daisies. As a joke. HA! Jokes on you Jack. He wears them. P R O U D L Y.
My man loves whisky. Nothing like late friday evening and a glass of liquid gold with ice.
Once, when V was keeping him company at clinic after he closed, he tried to be smooth (we all know the way he moves with that chair on wheels of his)... long story short he misjudged the distance from chair and he fell on his ass with a loud *T H U D*. He sat like that for some time. "Oh my god! Vik, are you ok?" "Yeah, yeah, just... give me a moment..." And that was the end of "Smooth Vik".
Officially Misty is his emotional support spiritualist. Unofficially V is his emotional support idiot merc, but also, like, the cause of most of his frustrations. JESUS V TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF IS THAT YOUR ARM THAT YOURE CARRYING IS THAT ANOTHER BULLET WOUND FOR FUCKS SAKE HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE ILL KILL YOU MYSELF I SWEAR. Smeone just give him a hug please.
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viastro · 4 years
better with you | xu minghao
ミ★ synopsis: in which you only agreed to go to the fair if they didn’t force you to go on any scary rides, but jun knows minghao can change your mind. [day 29 of a tct summer collection]
ミ★ genre: summer fair!au, best friends to lovers, fluff, humor
ミ★ warnings: mentions of vomit
ミ★ word count: 3,117
ミ★ pairings: minghao x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys !! i hope you like this oneshot i wrote for the tct summer collection! make sure to check out all my friends works in the masterlist, everyone a part of tct is incredibly talented and all their content is epic !! so make sure to give them love too... or else. :D
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“I bet you can convince yn to go onto the ring of fire.” Jun whispers to Minghao as they wait for you and Mingyu to come back with the stack of fries you all ordered. Minghao scoffs, shaking his head when he remembers how adamant you were to not go on any of the rides that make you go upside down. It was one of the only reasons they were able to convince you to come with them to the fair.
“She only agreed to come if we didn’t force her to go on rides like that.” Jun chuckles, looking over to see you and Mingyu happy dancing as you wait for the food. “She’s literally in love with you, of course she’d agree if you asked her.” 
Minghao sputters at Jun’s statement, beginning to choke over air, causing Jun’s eyes to widen. “Hao! Are you okay?!” Minghao finally manages to take a deep inhale after Jun begins to panic over his best friend dying, running around the table to look for your bag to grab the water bottle. 
“I’m fine, I’m not dying. I just, what do you mean she’s in love with me?” Jun lets out a relieved sigh, patting Minghao’s back. 
“Just pay close attention to how she acts with you versus us. Then you’ll see your one-sided love is more mutual than you think.” 
“Fries time! Fries time!” You sing as you put the freshly fried potatoes onto the table, snapping the two out of their conversation. Mingyu places the second batch of fries on the table along with the napkins, sitting down beside you. “I hope these are as delicious as they say.” 
The four of you each take a couple, and taste it right away. Your eyes bulge out, as do the other guys who glance at each other. You immediately look towards Minghao, and he catches your eyes at the same time. You let out a small noise of approval, giving him an excited thumbs up before pushing more towards him.
“Why are you pushing it towards me? You’re the one most excited for the fries.” Minghao says with a giggle, and you scoff at him. 
“Just because I’m really excited doesn’t mean I shouldn’t share! I know you were excited for them too, so eat more mingming!” 
Minghao looks down with a small blush due to the nickname, taking a couple fries and shoving them into his mouth to look busy. Jun nudges him, mouthing the word, “see!” Mingyu chuckles at the interaction, nodding his head in agreement while you sit there, oblivious. Your focus is on the delicious fries that were absolutely worth the hype !! Until you notice you’re the only one devouring them, so you pause, and look up at the three guys who are looking at you with amused expressions on their faces.
“Are you guys gonna eat the fries or what?”
“Pretty sure you’re going to finish them all before we can even finish chewing.”
“... bitch.”
“Did he lie?” You turn towards Minghao to see if he’s on your side. The betrayal sinks in the moment he avoids your gaze and takes a large sip from his water bottle.
“Damn. It really be your own.”
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“I’ll wait for you guys here!” You say cheerfully, preparing to sit down on the bench once the boys get ready to line up for the ring of fire. “Oh no, you’re riding this with us.” Jun grabs your wrist, pulling you into the line. 
Your eyes widen, yanking your wrist out of his grasp and stepping back out of the line. You look up at the ride, grimacing at the people going upside down in the loop multiple times. Turning back towards Jun, you glare. “Absolutely not.”
Mingyu nudges Minghao, and he gives him a look. Minghao lets out a breath, slowly reaching his hand out towards yours. “This is the only scary ride we’ll ask you to go on.” Your heart beats a bit faster at his outstretched hand, looking up into his eyes, he can tell you’re still not fully convinced.
“I’ll hold your hand the whole time.” Minghao offers with a soft grin, and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop the whipped smile from breaking out onto your face. You let out a sigh, intertwining your fingers with his and he places you next to him in line. Jun and Mingyu squeal silently beside each other, hitting each other's arms at the view of you and Minghao’s connected hands.
“How many in your group?” Your heart sinks to your stomach when Minghao answers that there’s four of you guys. 
oh god why am i doing this
With your heart nervously beating against your chest, the employee scans your wristbands and leads you to the row of five. As soon as you get buckled in, Minghao finds your hand again and intertwines his fingers with yours. “Are you ready yn?” 
You don’t respond, nervously bouncing your leg as you stare down at the hot metal. Mingyu and Jun let out a small giggle at the sight, telling you that it’ll be okay. Minghao squeezes your hand, and you turn to glance at him. He gives you a smile, and you try your best to muster a smile. 
The ride jerks and your eyes widen, already opening your mouth to say I TAKE IT BACK as soon as it starts moving back and forth. “I’m absolutely going to shit myself.” Jun and Mingyu let out small squeals while Minghao keeps muttering that it’s going to be okay. 
You find yourself believing that it’ll be okay after the first few swings, deciding that it’s not that bad. 
until you begin going higher.
“I SWEAR TO GOD I’M GOING TO KILL YOU GUYS!!” You scream at the top of your lungs when you go upside down.
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“Maybe we shouldn’t have convinced you to ride it.” Jun states as they stare at you laying on the grass, trying to get rid of the nauseousness. Minghao runs his fingers through your hair in an attempt to try to comfort you, which Mingyu finds quite adorable as he is taking pictures of it at this very moment. 
“You think?” You mumble, opening your eyes to glare at Jun, only to let out a small groan from the brightness of the sun and shut them right away. It’s been about thirty minutes since the four of you got off the ring of fire, and you immediately threw up into a trash can. The three helped you over to an empty spot where you can lay down, and now you’re just laying here waiting for the nauseousness to go away. 
“Sorry yn.” 
“Sorry yn…” 
“Ugh, it’s fine. It’s my fault for even agreeing in the first place.” Minghao’s finger lightly brushes against your cheek as he runs his fingers through your hair, and you take a sharp inhale. Jun snickers behind the back of his hand, finding the interaction precious. 
“Do you think you’ll be alright to ride any of the safer rides today?” Mingyu asks, and you open your eyes slowly to adjust to the brightness. You sit up, Minghao helping you by placing his hand on your back. Letting out a sigh, you shake your head. “Probably not. I remember the last time I rode one of those rides. The rest of the night I was completely out.” 
“Oh no, what should we do then?” You wave Jun away with your hand, giving him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, I can just play the games here as I wait for you guys.” 
“By yourself?”
“No. I’ll stay with yn.” Minghao cuts off, and you turn to him with wide eyes. Mingyu nods his head in approval, sneaking a wink his way with your attention now diverted away from the two, to which Minghao scowls at him. 
“Minghao, I don’t wanna ruin your fun. It’s okay! I’ll do just fine alone.” You reassure him, and he just shakes his head stubbornly. “I’ll be staying with you the rest of the time at the fair. I prefer the games over the rides anyways.” 
now that’s a goddamn lie, Jun thinks to himself. 
“Well, we’ll see you guys later. Text us if you feel better yn, and we’ll all go on one of the baby rides together or something.” You raise your hand to slap Mingyu’s arm for the comment and he giggles, patting your head and walking away with Jun. 
“Wanna walk around and look at what games to play or do you wanna lay here for a little bit longer?” Minghao waits for your response, letting out a giggle when you shake your head and turn to look at him with a dazed expression on your face. “Huh? Did you say something?”
“You good yn?”
“Probably not.”
“That’s expected.”
“It truly is.” 
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, you debating on whether or not you wanna vomit again and Minghao taking note of how pretty you look when the sun hits your skin. He bites the inside of his cheek, looking out at the crowd when he remembers what Jun said. 
“She’s literally in love with you, of course she’d agree if you asked her.” 
“Mingming?” He immediately turns back towards you, letting out a small smile when he sees the glow coming back to your features. “Yeah yn?”
“Let’s go play the games, I wanna win the giant pikachu we saw earlier.” Minghao smiles at you, lifting his hand up and patting the top of your head softly. 
“Let’s do it.”
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“I hate it here.” You mumble as you don’t end up winning one of the plushies for the third time. You get up off the seat, cursing capitalism for making it so hard to win any of these games.
stupid capitalism. I hate it so bad yet i always fall for it.
“Yn!” You turn back towards Minghao to see a big smile on his face, and you realize he won the game. He waves you over and you walk up to his side. “What is it?”
“Which one do you want?” Your eyes widen, and he makes a gesture for you to choose so that the employee can take it off the rack. You glance at the plushies, letting out a small sound of awe at the sight of the pikachu.
“Are you sure?” You ask again, and Minghao nods his head with a smile. Tentatively, you point towards the pokemon, and the employee takes it off the rack, handing it to you with a smile. You hug it excitedly, Minghao hovering his hand over your back to lead you away from the game stand. 
“Thank you for giving it to me Mingming.” You turn your head and look up at him with a bright smile on your face, and Minghao’s eyes widen at the sight. He looks away, blush forming as he hopes for the night sky to hide it from view. 
“You looked really disappointed the last three times you’ve lost so I wanted to do something nice for you.” Minghao mumbles, and you nudge him with your shoulder, giggling. You coo at his shyness, feeling your own heart warm at him giving you the prize.
“Let’s play that game!” You squeal, taking Minghao’s hand into your own and running over to the game with the bottles. He lets out a small giggle as you both head towards the stand, feeling the warm air blow past the two of you.
“You guys wanna play?” Minghao nods for you, and the employee scans your guys’ wristbands. Minghao regretfully lets go of your hand as he gets handed the rings to throw onto the bottles. 
“If you get all three rings onto three bottles, you win one of the big plushies. If you get two, one of the medium sized ones. If you get one, then you get to choose from the small ones.” You nod your head, already eyeing the big plushies to choose from. 
“You wanna play? Or should I?” You wave Minghao away with your hand, already feeling confident in your ability to get all three rings onto one bottle. He smiles, stepping back with his hands raised in the air.
“I got this.” You state. Letting out a breath, you throw the ring, only to miss completely. 
Your throw is so poorly aimed, that it ends up hitting the wall behind the bottles. You stare at the bottles in silence, feeling embarrassment flood your body. Minghao snickers behind you, and you look down at the ground.
“Yeah… you really do got this.” The employee mutters, and you sigh in defeat. Turning around, you hand the last two rings for Minghao to throw for you. 
Once Minghao manages to win the medium sized panda plushie for you, the two of you walk away from the stand. Holding the two plushies to your chest as if they were your own children, while Minghao walks happily with both hands in his pockets. 
“Hey, yn.” 
“You want that appa plushie?” You look in the direction Minghao’s pointing in, and your mouth drops open at the sight of the giant flying bison you’ve always loved.
“Say less.” Minghao grasps your arm softly, pulling you towards the game stand. 
“Hi, how can I win appa?” The employee grins at him, quickly explaining the rules to him.
“Since appa is one of the special prizes, you have to pop all ten balloons with the ten darts I give you.” Minghao nods his head in understanding. 
“Are you sure you can do all of that Minghao?” He turns his head, giving you a smile, and you feel a blush take over your features at the blessed sight. 
The colorful lights of the game stands mirrors over his face, putting emphasis on his pretty eyes as he looks at you. His black hair looks soft to the touch, reflecting a dark shade of the different colors being shown onto him. 
ethereal. It’s the only word to describe him.
“I can do anything with you by my side, yn.” And with that, he throws the first dart.
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“Waa! You got appa!” Jun exclaims, reaching out to touch the giant flying bison. The fair is now closing, and the four of you are reunited once again. You grin, telling him that Minghao was the one that actually won the plushie for you. Mingyu and Jun both turn to Minghao, giving him a knowing smirk.
“Oh really now?” Minghao glares at the two, mouthing that he’s going to choke them if they keep teasing him. Mingyu winks in his direction at the threat, and Jun chuckles. 
Jun and Mingyu start walking faster, ending up far ahead, leaving you and Minghao alone. The two of you walk in a comfortable silence at first, taking in your surroundings as the fair unwinds. Minghao turns his head to look at you, smiling at the sight of you happily carrying appa as he holds your two other plushies in each hand. 
He remembers what Jun told him earlier once again, and he lets out a small sigh. 
“Do you love me yn?” You turn towards Minghao, giving him an incredulous look. “Of course I do.” 
Minghao sighs again once he realizes that you thought he was asking whether you loved him or not in a friend type way. He looks up towards the stars to gain courage, before glancing back down at you. 
“I meant as like, in an i want to date you and hold your hand non-platonically, type of way.” You let out a smile, nudging him with your shoulder.
“Been wondering when you’d notice.” Minghao’s eyes widen, ceasing his movement as he just stares at you in shock. You stop walking as well, turning so that you’re now facing him in front of the fair’s entrance. “What?”
“I’ve been making moves for like, a month, and you haven’t noticed. You’re lucky I don’t give up easily.” Minghao blinks, then blinks again. 
“Deadass! I don’t just share my fries with anyone, ya know?” Minghao finally lets out a smile, reaching his hand up and fondly patting your head with the pikachu plushie. He later decides that that’s not enough, and pulls you into a hug, appa being between you two as he happily holds you. 
“I never thought I was one to be oblivious, but jesus christ.” Minghao reflects, and you chuckle into his chest. You pull away slightly to look up into his eyes, and you take note of the happiness radiating from his gaze. 
“Are you going to tell me you love me too? Or are you going to leave me hanging?” He grins down at you, rolling his eyes.
“I love you too.” 
“In a friend way or a i want to date you and hold your hand non-platonically type of way?” Minghao chuckles at you quoting him, squeezing you slightly. 
“In an I want to date you and hold your hand non-platonically type of way.” You smile contentedly as he releases his hold from around you. Reaching out your hand so that he can intertwine his fingers with yours. Minghao laughs shyly, covering his face with the two plushies for a moment. 
“I can’t believe it’s happening.” He mumbles to himself, and you chuckle at the comment. He moves the pikachu plushie to his other arm, before finally intertwining his fingers with yours in a non-platonic way. A big smile immediately taking over his features once he does. 
“Hey lovebirds! You guys are slow!” Mingyu yells, and the two of you look up to see him and Jun already waiting by the car. You chuckle at the camera flash from them, knowing that they've been taking pictures the whole time even though they tried to act uninterested. 
You and Minghao start walking towards the car, connected hands swinging back and forth as you head over. You hold appa with your free arm, smile unable to leave your face as you walk. Minghao’s the same, sheepish smile continuing to make its way onto his features. 
“But wait…” You turn towards Minghao, and he’s staring at you with an amused expression on his face. “You said you don’t give up easily, right?” 
“Didn’t you give up right after you missed throwing the ring onto the bottle?” 
“...I will ignore that comment for the sake of our newfound relationship.” 
“That’s fair.”
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