Hoseok - We are the only true lovers♥ [Part 1]
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Member: BTS member Jung Hoseok / J-Hope
Pairing: ColorblindSoulmate!AU with Werewolf!Hoseok [colorblindSoulmate!Au with Supernatural!BTS]
Genre: Fluff + Some Angst
Words: 1,092
Summary: You live in a world were you are unable to see color until you meet the one person you were basically born for - but maybe they are not at all what you expected them to be.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
A/N I’M back! Well, at least somewhat. I have not been in the mood to write. The response from others motivates me a lot and unfortunately the Tumblr changes made my stuff not show up on ppls dashboards :(
You have always been aware of the fact that you are pretty. When you were a child, old women would walk up to you, complimenting how cute your cheeks were, how the color of your eyes stands out compared to your skin. But whenever you looked into the mirror, they were grey. Just like your hair, your clothes, your room, the sky.
Now you’re a young adult, the chubby cheeks are gone and you have to agree that you are not too bad looking. You have high cheekbones and healthy hair, but all of that doesn’t really help you since your world is still dull and colorless. You are now attending a university that is miles and miles away and you get along with most of the people in your courses. Except the “supernaturals” as people call them. They are not human. Shapeshifters, werewolfes, vampires and many other beings. Your parents told you that about 40 years ago the government allowed them to reveal themselves without punishment. They are still outcasts and many people are telling the government to lock them away, that they are too dangerous to the public. You think that they are dangerous and should have stricter laws applied to them. Your parents told you all those true stories of supernaturals killing or hurting innocent people because they could not control themselves. You were lucky enough to be able to avoid most of the supernaturals in your hometown and you parents made you attend a private school where all those “special members of society” are not allowed at. Now that you are attending university it is not possible anymore for your parents to keep you away from them, but you are trying to do your best to do that on your own – and you are quite successful! With one exception – Jung Hoseok. He’s part of most of your classes and for some reason you always end up sitting close to him, debating in class with him and today – “Y/N. You will do the presentation with Jung Hoseok.” You gasp lightly and look at your teacher in shock. You told her in the beginning that you would prefer it if she wouldn’t team you up with any of THEM. She said that she’d to her best and stayed true to that for most of the year. But now she’s teaming you up with them for your most important exam. “But Mrs. . .” She just motions for you to shut up and dismisses your protest. You look at the boy on the other side of the room and you have to admit that he, in fact, is handsome and the others are always talking about how nice and cheery he is. As far as you know, Hoseok is a werewolf – a handsome one – but he’s one of them. “Hey, Y/N?” Hoseok is reaching out to touch your shoulder but you flinch away, avoiding his touch successfully. “Yes?” You answer and look up at him. Class has ended without you noticing and you are now alone with him. “Where would you like to meet up? Somewhere public? A café? The library?” He doesn’t show you that your reaction hurt him quite a bit and keeps his smile up. “Library sounds good. Today at 6?” You pack your bags and he just mumbles “Yeah” and leaves you alone. You fall back into your chair, your hands shaking and your heart beating rapidly. “Oh god.” You mumble to yourself and leave the room.
Hoseok POV
“And then we take each other’s hands and bow.” I bow down and smile at her. She’s beautiful and probably really nice if she isn’t scared of the person in front of her. I can smell it. Her smell is usually light and rosy but whenever she’s close to me I can smell the fear. “Why do we have to make a presentation on human and supernatural soulmates?” She says disappointedly and I feel my heart sink. I’ve been crushing on her for a few weeks now but due to her dislike of supernatural people, I never dared to even look at her, meet her gaze. “I know you don’t like the situation, but we’ll have to go with it.  I really need the good grade.” I admit. I would like to become a therapist and need to get good results. She looks up in surprise, but doesn’t say anything about it. “I guess this presentation is really good. I’ll look over it once more, send you a mail and then we should meet up and practice once more – no touching hands for the bowing of course!” I quickly tell her and the look on her face almost resembles shame. “Okay. Have a good day. Bye” She leaves the library, leaving behind the numbing sent of fear.
~presentation day~
I look up at the teacher as she calls our names. “Y/N. Jung Hoseok.” We walk to the front of the room and I set everything up, avoiding Y/Ns gaze, trying to ignore her scent. We both dressed up for the presentation – instead of sweatpants I wear dark skinny jeans and a dress shirts, she’s dressed in black skinny jeans and a blazer. We are subconsciously matching and I think she notices the same because she’s blushing like a tomato. We start the presentation with smiles on our face. Instead of fear I can now feel determination radiate off her. “Now, that supernatural beings are allowed to go to public schools and work along with humans, it is way more common, that humans and supernaturals are each other’s soulmate and actually find each other.” Her voice calmly states and I jump in. “There are, however, still problems with families not accepting the soulmate of one of their family members. Many humans with supernatural soulmates report that they had to cut off the contact to their family because they were telling them to decide between their soulmates or their family.” I took a quick look at my cue cards. “5% of supernatural beings reportedly gave up their soulmate, because they didn’t want to make them choose between love and their family.”  I feel my heart ache because I’m scared that my soulmate might hate me and that I will need to take that step in the future. We finish our presentations, take each other’s hands and want to bow down when suddenly the entire room is colored in and I look over at her in shock and am met by her shocked gaze – apparently she sees the color as well.
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Yoongi - Through the infinite centuries and on♥ [Part 1]
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Member: BTS member Min Yoongi / Suga
Pairing: ColorblindSoulmate!AU with Vampire!Yoongi [colorblindSoulmate!Au with Supernatural!BTS]
Genre: Fluff + Some Angst
Words: 2,534
Summary: You live in a world were you are unable to see color until you meet the one person you were basically born for - but maybe they are not at all what you expected them to be.
You have always been dreaming about finding your soulmate. You dreamt of him as the tall, good looking guy. You dreamt that he would be intelligent and would care for you dearly. When you went to bed you would imagine him taking you out for dinner, movie dates or picnics. His warm hands on your skin. His soft lips on yours.
But tonight, something happened that made you believe, that you might never meet your soulmate. You are walking down the street, wearing ripped skinny jeans and a crop top – you were forced by your friend – and were on your way back from a party you actually didn’t want to attend. It’s 3 am and still dark outside. And cold. Your regret not bringing a jacket and trusting your friend that she would bring you home tonight instead of going home with a stranger – as always. You look at the grey streets, the black night sky and the white stars above you. You wish that your world was more than black and white as you walk past an alley where someone screams for help. Well, you can barely call it screaming. It’s more a desperate whisper. You turn towards the voice and see a man whose face is attached to a young girls neck; you immediately know that he’s a vampire. She sees you and whispers “Help me. . ” The vampire turns around and you guess that the black stain around his mouth is supposed to be the color of blood – red. He stands up and walks towards you; His steps not making a noise. You step back from him and quickly turn and run, screaming for your life, hoping that someone will save you. Your world is not only one where the dream of soulmates is still real, but also one where supernatural creatures of all kinds live among you. Most of them adjusted to the human way of living. Vampires go to feeding clinics, Werewolf’s don’t hunt on domestic animals and shapeshifter keep their secrets to themselves. This vampire? – Not so much. You run as fast as you can, the back of your mind telling you “You can’t outrun a vampire, stupid” and when he’s so close that “Tell my mum I love her.” You suddenly bump into a hard chest and the man I ran into should be falling onto his chest judging by statue but he doesn’t budge one bit. “We have to run!”you scream and he just looks at the vampire behind you. You don’t notice that his hair is blue and not grey, the only thing you notice are his sharp fangs. “Mr. Min.” The vampire behind you mumbles and you hear him fall to his knees. “You should leave her alone, you understand? Everyone should. Tell the others.” He wraps his arm around you and holds you upright as if you weigh nothing. When the vampire is gone you can feel the man – Mr. Min? – relax and look down at you. “Are you okay?” His voice is so soft; the complete opposite of what it just was like. You want to answer, tell him “Yes, I am.” but the adrenaline rush is leaving you behind helpless and shaky and you can barely catch your breath as tears start running down your cheeks. He looks at you in panic and you still don’t notice that his worried eyes are brown. “Calm down” he begs but your breaths are too quick and result in you fainting in his arms.
“I did nothing! I just saved her from another vampire. . . HE TRIED TO KILL HER I HAD TO DO SOMETHING! You know I’ve been watching her. I don’t know I just knew that it’s her and I was right.. . What if she doesn’t wake up” You guess that he’s either on the phone or talking to himself and notice that he is panicking about someone not waking up. Is he talking about you? You move in the bed and hear him stop talking “I think she’s waking up.” You open your eyes and are greeted by a bright light and a white ceiling. “Are you okay?” He’s suddenly right next to you; his steps not making any noise. You look over at him and finally notice that he’s not black and white. That his lips are a soft color that makes you stomach feel weird, his hair is another soft color that does not look natural but it looks so soft that you don’t care. His skin is pale and his eyes are a warm contrast to both his hair and skin. “Are you going to kill me?” You ask softly and your lower lip trembles. His hand brushes over your hair softly. “How could I kill my soulmate?” He responds and you swallow. His fangs are still sharp but just seem like human teeth. “So you’re. . .” The sentence hangs in the room and he nods, watching your face carefully. “Are you disappointed? You know. . . I’ve known it’s you for a while now. For years actually. I just somehow knew it was you. But I was so scared that you’d hate me for what I am that I just watched you for years. But last night I had to step in.” You swallow. “You knew?” he nods once more and looks at your hands. “I saw you with your mother in the mall. You were about 16 or 17. I’ve been watching you ever since. I just somehow knew. I wanted to see you so badly.” He smiles to himself. “You should have spoken to me.” You say thoughtfully and he nods. “Maybe. But I was terrified.” His explanation makes you look at him. “I’m Y/N by the way.” He looks at you and you are finally able to see his smile again. He has one of those cute smileys that allows you to see not only his teeth but also his gums. His eyes are all small and you want to pinch his cheeks. “I know, I’m Min Yoongi.” That explains the Mr. Min. “How did the other vampire know about you?” He looks at you in surprise and stands up quickly “That’s for another time. Uhm. Do you need anything? Food? Water? What else do humans need?” He looks at you. “I need a bath. And food would be nice as well. And I need to call my parents. You know what? It would be best if you would just bring me home. ” His face falls in disappointment. “You want to leave?” He can barely hide his disappointment. “I will be back. Don’t worry.” You stand up and the only noise in the room is your naked feet against the wooden floor. “You can bring me there and pick me up later tonight?”  You suggest and he nods. You keep your distance from him, still unsure of how this is supposed to work out. “Okay.” He says. His voice is now cold and you see your shoes on the floor next to the bed you were in and put them on again.
The drive to your house is short and quiet. Short because Yoongi drives like a maniac in his black sports car and quiet because the two of you don’t exchange a word. His car is clean and smells good and you think that he turned the heating on for you because it’s so warm that you would just like to go back to sleep. When you arrive at your house, the two of you agree for him to pick you up at around 7 pm and you go inside. You didn’t tell Yoongi that you parents actually do no care what you do – well your father doesn’t and he’s the person you are staying with. Your mother left the two of you because she found her soulmate and they couldn’t deal with you – the child of another man -  being there, so your mother left. Yoongi must know that she left, but he probably doesn’t know that your father doesn’t care. You go upstairs and take a long, hot shower. You told him to bring you back here because you needed some distance, but is disappointed face made your heart hurt, so you decided to return later. After the shower you dress yourself in comfortable clothes – he has probably seen you without make up a million times so it’s too late for a good, first impression. You pack your bag and sit down on your bed, thinking about what happened. You actually met your soulmate, but he’s a vampire. What if he doesn’t mean it and will kill you?  Time flies by and before you notice it he is actually in front of you house. You hear him honk and stand up.  “Who’s that asshole outside our house, honking” he started drinking when your mother left. “Just a friend. I’ll stay overnight. Bye!” You run to the door and throw it open.  Being with a vampire seems safer than being with your violent, drunk asshole of a father. He used to be a perfect dad. Would take you to all your sports events but when your mother left, he took a 180 and became another person. Your dad follows you, stumbling towards the car. “Please leave!” You say when you sit down in Yoongis car. He doesn’t wait for you to put the seatbelt on and just speeds off. “I know your mother left. Is your dad always like that?” It sounds as if he’s talking about today’s weather and you look over at him. “most of the time. He drinks too much. He’s sad that my mum left.” Yoongis jaw clenches and he grabs the wheel harder. “Does he . . . hit you?” You just look at him. “Sometimes.” He uses the hard shoulder and hits the breaks and you fly forwards. “Hey!” You look over at him and see him stare at the steering wheel. “Why did I not notice?”He mumbles to himself and you touch his shoulder. “Don’t.”You mumble. You would never admit it but he scares you. “I will take care that that never happens again.” You brush his shoulder and just nod as he starts driving again. You step outside and follow him to the apartment building. It’s brand new and you use the elevator to go to the penthouse. This time you take your time to look at the entrance. It’s white and there are pictures on the walls. They are colorful and you enjoy the vibrant colors on the walls. “Follow me.” Yoongis voice is calm but demanding, so you follow him to the huge living room and then up the stairs.  “My room is over there.” He points to the room on the right. “That is yours. It’s all white but you can tell me how you want it and I will change it.” He looks at you. His face expressionless and you miss the soft Yoongi you woke up to this morning. Nodding, you go over to the room and open the door. The room is all white, a wooden four-poster bed in the middle of the right wall. The room is cold, just like the rest of the house and you remember that Yoongi doesn’t actually need the warmth. You don’t turn on the heater, not wanting to make him pay the unnecessary costs for the heating. You would just wear thick clothing at night. “There is an en-suite bathroom over there. And you also have a huge walk in closet. There is no stuff in there, so put yours there.” He turns around and leaves you alone.
Yoongis POV
“She has a room and a bathroom. I bought food for her and bottled water. Is there anything else?” I whisper to myself as I walk towards the kitchen. I’ve been on this planet for almost 600 years and she is the first human being I want to spend time with. “I should call Jungkook” Out of my friends he’s the one that is most human. This morning I called Jin – A merman, currently in his human form – as he is really familiar with the human health and body. He would love to be a doctor but the moment he touches water he turns into his merman body. A doctor that can’t wash his hands? That would hardly be accepted. Since he doesn’t really need everything humans do I call the young shapeshifter. “Jungkook?” I ask when he picks up and I hear loud music in the background. He’s partying. “What do you need Yoongi?” He is screaming and I hear the music grow quieter. “I spoke to my soulmate and she is with me. And since she’s human and you’re one of the more human beings I wanted to ask you if she needs anything more than water and food.” I hear him hum in satisfaction. “Well it should be somewhat warm in your apartment. Whenever I’m at your place, I’m freezing my ass off. She also needs to sleep at night so you should probably use that time to feed.” He adds and I nod, walking over to the heater. “How warm should it be?” I ask, unsure of what would be too warm. “Since it’s autumn I would suggest something around 20 degrees at least. You should ask her about it.” I can hear a woman call for him and he mumbles an “I have to hang up.” and leaves me alone. I hear her walk through her room and open the bathroom door. “Wow. . .” She seems to enjoy it and I’m glad about it. I walk over to the kitchen and open one of the cooking books. “What do you want to eat?” I say a little louder and when I don’t hear her answer I remember that she can’t hear me. I go upstairs and forget that she doesn’t have superhuman speed, almost giving her a heart attack. “Oh my god do you want to kill me?!” She exclaims and I suppress a smile “I wanted to cook for you. What do you want to eat? Also you should turn on the heating if you’re cold. I really don’t feel anything. . So” She looks over. “Is it really fine for me to turn on the heating? I mean it will probably cost you money.” Hearing her say this almost breaks my heart. I knew, that due to her mother leaving she didn’t have too much money, but her worrying about me warms my heart and breaks it at the same time. “Turn it on. I don’t want you to become sick. What do you want to eat?” I ask again and she smiles at me shyly. “Lasagna? I could eat it tomorrow as well, since it’s too much for one person to eat at once.” I look at her blush and realize that I really should go to the feeding clinic tonight. Her smell drives me insane. I nod curtly and suppress the urge to touch her cheek and go downstairs in human speed in order not to scare her.
I really have to get used to this.
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G-Dragon - Vibrant colors ♥ [Part 2]
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Member: Big Bang’s G-Dragon
Pairing: Idol!GD & You [ColorblindSoulmate!AU]
Genre: Fluff probably. Some smut and angst later on
Warnings: This is really unrealistic, but i just saw him live and I want to write stuff with him ♥
Words: 2,089
Summary: Seeing your idol at the concert was more than amazing. Especially when it turns out he’s your soulmate.
Part 1, Part 2
“Where are you?”
His voice rings through the entire hall and you look at your best friend. “Y/N. Please” You sigh, remembering how someone pulled your hair when you first met him. “SHE’S HERE!” Your friend screams and you look at her angrily. The others are looking at you and you friend and Jiyong walks down the steps of the stage and into the security area. “Where?” You can’t see him anymore, but his voice rings through the arena thanks to the mic. “Here!”Your friend screams once more and suddenly, the red haired man is in front of you. “You told me you don’t have tickets.”
He’s out of breath and you smile at him. “I wanted to surprise you. Well not like that, but I wanted to surprise you when you would come down for Untitled.”You pout and he just wraps his arms around you, the two of you still separated by the metal. “God I missed you so much.” His voice is only a whisper, something you missed hearing. “Let me get you out of there.” He says, reaching for your hips and lifting you over the barricades. “Bring her backstage!” He instructs and you turn back to your best friend who waves you off, smiling. You stumble backstage, feeling all eyes on you until you disappear backstage. You watch the man, who colored your world in, perform on stage, engaging with the crowd, singing and rapping all those songs that you usually bob your head to in the car. When the first video starts – Jiyong talking about his new album and the progress of making it, he rushes backstage and presses you against the next best wall, his lips pressed onto yours – your first kiss much less romantic than you expected it to be, but still perfect  in its own way - , his hands touching the back of your thighs as he lifts you up. “I missed you so goddamn much. I couldn’t even remember the sound of your voice when it’s not through a telephone.” He whispers as he kisses your jawline, his lips soft and loving. It doesn’t feel rushed because you two are made for each other. Like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly into its counterpart. “I know, I did as well, but you need to change and go back up.” The video is already halfway through so you kiss him once more and push him back towards his changing room to change his costume. He kisses you one last time before going up on the stage again. He next performs R.O.D and then grabs the microphone for an unexpected talk. “I think all of you noticed that I took a girl out of the crowd at the beginning of this concert. I didn’t know that she would be here. She told me that she wouldn’t but I knew something was wrong when I felt something pull on my hair – well, not mine but hers. She’s the reason I can see your beautiful yellow lightsticks you all are holding and know that my hair is currently red and not a weird shade between grey and black. I guess all of you have realized by now that she is my soulmate.” He steps back, giving the crowd some time to react. Most people shout, happy for him, but you can hear some people booing. “I actually met her in this exact arena, one year ago. When I was walking past the crowd, touching people’s hands, taking selfies, I touched hers and suddenly my world lit up. We haven’t been able to meet each other ever since then.” He sighs and you hear people cheering and booing again. Jiyong is hesitant. “I can hear people booing here, unhappy with me having found my soulmate.” He swallows and looks over to you, smiling softly. “I can’t do anything against this and I don’t want to. I don’t want to lose her. I love her.” The crowd erupts in cheers and drowns the boos.
The rest of the concert goes smoothly and when it’s time for everyone to leave you make your way back to your friends and tell them to stay behind if they can. “I have a gift for you.” You previously agreed with Jiyong that your friends can stay behind and you can all just chat a bit and have a good evening. The crowd leaves and when it’s only you, your best friend and those 5 girls left, you tell them to follow you and you make your way backstage until you are stopped by one of the dancers that was there last year – Kim Jae Chung. “Y/N!” He’s one of the few dancers that are fluent in English and last year, he was with you backstage when GD wasn’t. The two of you had exchanged phone numbers and now he walks over and hugs you tightly. “How are you doing?!” He exclaims, ignoring your friends. “Good. I`m just on my way to Jiyong.” You smile and he hugs you once more, whispering in your ear. “That’s good. It’s time. He has been terribly annoying.” You smile and see Jiyong standing behind the half naked dancer. “Jae Chung, what are you doing?” Jiyong whispers deadly and you just walk over and put your hand on his chest, immediately drawing his attention on to you. “We were talking. He just said hi and bye.” You say and point to your friends. “You remember Michelle. And the others are the people I told you about.” He introduces himself personally to everyone and hugs Michelle before quickly walking back to your side, his arm wrapped around your waist. “Let’s get you guys to my changing room. It’s quite comfortable and we can get some food.” He looks at you in a way that says “I know you didn’t eat a lot today.” And you just follow him, sitting down on the couch with Anna to your right and Michelle to your left. Jiyong sits down in a chair across from you and checks his phone. “Does everyone like Pizza?” You all agree and tell him what kind of Pizza you want and then he orders it, saying that he’ll pay for it. You look at him in disagreement. “I can pay for my food. I don’t need you to do that.” He had been walking back and forth while talking to the restaurant and now crouches down in front of you to kiss you softly, making the girls squeal. “But I want to pay. I want to buy you dinner and breakfast and lunch and spoil you.” He smiles at you and your brush through his red mullet. “Take that thing off or I’ll cut it.” You say smiling and he laughs at your reaction since you sound affectionate but he knows that you mean it. He stands up and just removes the mullet – much to the surprise of everyone but you. “They are extensions. They weren’t in the beginning but Y/N said that she didn’t like it but said that I should keep it if I like it.  I cut it two days later and got extensions, since it suited the concept of the concert.” He explains and sits back down in the chair. The others start talking to him and you just lean back, watching him smile and laugh with you new found friends. When the pizza arrives you all dig in and feel his eyes on you, watching you eat, making sure you eat enough.  “And you haven’t seen Y/N ever since the last concert?” A friend asks and you watch Jiyong nod carefully. “Unfortunately, but I plan on changing that now.” He looks at you, a soft smile on his lips. The 8 of you chat for another two or three hours until your friends return to their hotel. “Is it okay for you if Y/N stays with me?” Jiyong looks at Michelle for approval and she smiles, nodding her head. “I expected that.” He hugs her once and promises to drop her off at her hotel, which the two of you do just a bit later. You go up to grab some clothes and your bag with your toothbrush. “Is it really okay?” You ask Michelle. “If not, I’ll stay. It’s fine.” She shakes her head. “It’s fine. Just remember that we need to go back tomorrow. The train leaves at 4 pm” You nod and hug her tight. “I love you and I don’t deserve you. I hope you know that.” She giggles. “I hope you remember that next time you want to take the last piece of pizza.” You nod and hug her once more, running down towards the black van and jumping into it, being greeted by a sleepy Jiyong. “Today was quite busy for you, wasn’t it?” He nods and pulls you into the place next to him. “Thank you for being there tonight.” He mumbles and leans onto you as you watch the city lights rush by your windows. When you arrive at the hotel, you wake him carefully and take the elevator up to a luxurious suite. “How long can you stay?” You look at him as he removes his shirt, blushing furiously, hiding your face. “The train leaves at 4pm at the main station.” You explain and he nods. “I’ll take the car back to your house. We’ll meet there, okay?” You heard his footsteps walking over to you he’s right in front of you in all of his shirtless glory, making you blush a deep shade of red. “Or do you want me to come next week as we said?” You shake your head and look up at his face. “Of course you can come tomorrow. It’s just. The apartment is a bit. . messy.” You had to leave in a rush for the concert and didn’t have time to clean up. He shrugs and hugs you tight. “As long as I’m with you.” He let’s go of you and offers you one of his t-shirts – saying peaceminusone on the chest – something you originally wanted to buy but then you saw the price of the items and quickly decided not to. You never told him and thankfully he never brought up the topic. “I can sleep in my clothes. I don’t think it’s. .  appropriate to sleep In that shirt.” You say, smiling until you see the hurt on his face. “Why?” You look at the piece of clothing in his hand. “Because it’s too expensive to sleep in it.” You explain matter-of-fact. He immediately understands and looks at the piece of clothing in his hand. “You never mentioned owning my stuff. Do you?” You shake your head, almost embarrassed “I didn’t want to ask you. I don’t want you to buy me stuff and make other think that I’m in it for money.” You blush and look down, feeling stupid tears in your eyes. “I don’t care what others think. I know you’re not.” He looks up and sees the tears in your eyes. “Don’t cry.” He pulls you in for a hug. “I just missed you so much and I’m scared of what others will think and what will happen between us. I don’t want this to hurt your career.” His eyes are soft now as he leans down to kiss you carefully. “it won’t. And to be honest I don’t even care if it does because I want to be with you. Now get ready for bed. The bathroom is over there.” He points at the room and you take the shirt he still offers you, leaving for the bathroom. After removing your makeup and brushing your teeth you change into the pricey piece of clothing that reaches down to just below the curve of your butt, making you self conscious. You look at yourself in a mirror, sighing carefully as you look at your legs, but deciding to leave since he will probably tear down the door if you don’t. You walk out and his eyes are immediately glued to the source of your self consciousness. “I don’t deserve you. You are so beautiful.” You blush once more as he hugs you high. He changed into a snug pair of boxer briefs – something you didn’t expect him to wear. “Let’s go to bed. I’m tired.” His voice is soft as he pulls you over and snuggles into the covers, pulling your body close to his, you both falling asleep lulled in to the warmth of each other.
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ColorblindSoulmate!AU BTS - Masterlist
Vampire!Yoongi [Through the infinite centuries and so on]
Part 1, Part 2
Angel!Jimin [All of this is not a coincidence]
Werewolf!Hoseok [We are the only true lovers]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Merman!Jin [We’re totally different baby. Cuz we’re the two who found the destiny]
IDK!Namjoon [You’re the source of my dream]
Shapeshifter!Jungkook [In the previous life and maybe the next one too]
SonOfAdonisDemigod!Taehyung [The DNA in my bloodvessels tells me, that it’s you I was looking all over for]
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Hoseok - We are the only true lovers♥ [Part 2]
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Member: BTS member Jung Hoseok / J-Hope
Pairing: ColorblindSoulmate!AU with Werewolf!Hoseok [colorblindSoulmate!Au with Supernatural!BTS]
Genre: Fluff + Some Angst
Words: 1,431
Summary: You live in a world were you are unable to see color until you meet the one person you were basically born for - but maybe they are not at all what you expected them to be.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
A/N: I love you guys. Thank you for staying with me although I’m a mess ♥
~ 2Weeks later ~
It’s been two weeks since you found out that Jung Hoseok is your soulmate and to say that those two weeks were interesting is an understatement. “Where are you?” His voice is clear through the speaker and you smile, because his voice just makes your inside flutter.  “I am just stopping by my dorm room to get my stuff.” You explain. Everything progressed so fast after we discovered that we are each other’s soulmates
. Hoseok wouldn’t let you hide and run away from this situation. He helped you face it directly and it only took you a few days to adjust to the idea. However, you are still really shy and unsure around other supernatural’s, including Hoseok’s friends. “Should I pick you up from there? We could go watch a movie?” You hear him start jogging and know that there is no way you’ll spend the afternoon alone. “You know I need to write my essay. ”You collect all you stuff and stuff it into a bag along with your laptop.  “Well, I am happy with you just staying over and us spending time together.” It’s so easy to make him happy and you have to admit that being with him does make you happy and make it easier for you to concentrate on your stuff. “I’m outside.”Your smile and open the door to be face to face with Hoseok. “Hi.”You hang up the phone and kiss him hello. “Hi babe.” He whispers and kisses you once more, holding your face between his hands. His lips are soft on yours and you rest your head in his hand. “Let’s go over to my place.” He takes your bag in his left and your hand in his right hand. “Is Jungkook there?” You close the door to your dorm room and follow Hoseok outside to his sleek, black motorcycle. He stuffs your bag into the compartment beneath the seat. “Careful! My laptop is in there!” You playfully scold him as he puts the helmet onto your head. “I am always careful.“ He lifts the shield and kisses your nose before he puts his own helmet on and helps you onto the bike “To answer your question. Jungkook won’t be there. He’s out.” You hold onto Hoseok as you start speeding down the streets towards his spacious apartment. You hold onto him tightly when he drives around the corner to avoid falling off. He takes off the helmet as soon as you arrive at the apartment and laughs at your cramped hands. “I would never endanger you babe.” Hoseok explains as you take off the helmet and hand it to him. “Still. It’s so creepy.” Your rub your arms to put some warmth in there and cuddle into his side as he wraps an arm around you. “Let’s get you inside.” You walk into the apartment and take your shoes off. “Let’s go to the gaming room.” He suggests and you walk up the stairs and into the room on the right. There is a huge screen on one wall of the room and a couch on the other side. You set your bag down on the couch and take out your laptop to rest it on the armrest to your side. Hoseok enters the room with a bowl of snacks and one with fruits and a few bottles of drinks. “Are we going to stay here all day?”You giggle as he puts the stuff down on the table and takes your bag off the couch. “I’m all for it.” He laughs and takes the PS4 controller, rests his head on your lap and starts playing  “The Last of Us” while you work on your essay. Every now and then you look at the screen and watch him play for a bit while massaging his scalp and earning soft hums from him. After 2 hours you give up and close the laptop and exchange it with the bowl of fruit, feeding both yourself and Hoseok while watching him play. “Are you blind?! There is a flame thrower on the floor!” You exclaim and try to grab the controller from him. Hoseok tries to avoid you and pauses the game as the two of you start fighting playfully on the couch until you’re trapped beneath him, both of you panting, his crotch pressed against you. “You drive me insane.” Hoseok says with a smile on his face as he holds onto your wrists and holds them into place next to your head. “Let’s not wait any longer” You plead and try to kiss him but are held into place by his hands on your wrists. ”I don’t want to push you.” He explains, but you see his resolve crumble and buckle your hips. “Y/N. . .” He loosens his hands and you quickly use the chance to kiss him passionately, throwing him off guard and sitting down in his lap. “Y/N.” he mumbles and tangles his hands through your hair, pressing his lips into yours. You start rubbing your core into his growing bulge and feel yourself become wet. You whimper into the kiss and take his right hand to press it onto your left boob, rubbing against him as you seek friction. “Sht” Hoseok mumbles as he raises your shirt over your head and throws it onto the floor next to you as he struggles with your bra. “Let me help you” you mumble, reach for your back and quickly open it throwing it on the floor next to your shirt. “God you’re so fucking beautiful” Hoseok mumbles and sucks one of your nipples into his mouth. It feels like there is a direct connection between him sucking onto your sensitive skin and your core. “Hoseok!” You gasp and fumble on his shirt, raising it above his head, making it join your clothes on the floor. “You pants need to go.” He mumbles and raises you off his lap, quickly opening your jeans and ripping them off you. “You’re so wet for me.” He mumbles and presses his hand onto your crotch, making you moan out loud. “Fuck” he mumbles and pushes your panties aside, inserting a long finger. “Hoseok. . .” You move your hips on his finger and he kisses you passionately. “Fuck this I need you!” You scream and open his pants with fumbling hands. After that everything happens quickly. You are pressed onto the couch and his member is aligned with your entrance. “It might hurt” He mumbles and you look at his member, realizing how big it is and swallowing. “I will be careful babe” He leans forward to kiss you and enters you at the same time, stretching you to your limits and making you wince. “I’m sorry babe” Hoseok’s voice is soft. “It’s not your fault your dick is so goddamn big” You mumble, trying to lighten the mood and succeeding. “Give me another two weeks and you’ll be begging for it.”He mumbles and carefully starts moving inside you, stretching you whenever he enters and making you feel empty whenever he isn’t buried inside you. With time, he increases the speed and starts moaning louder and louder, saying your name and making you grab into his hair. “I’m so close” you move against him and he focuses on you, hitting your spot, making you fall apart around him, moaning loudly, not caring if his neighbors hear. As you are still coming down from your high, Hoseok cums inside you and you feel his release inside yourself. He collapses on top of you and presses you against his body. “I love you” He mumbles, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around the two of you as your eyes flutter shut. “I want to nap” you mumble with a soft, almost childish voice and he presses you into his naked body. “Do that. We still have forever. ” He replies and you kiss his chin, falling asleep in his arms.
“DON’T TELL ME YOU FUCKED ON MY COUCH!” You hear Jungkook’s voice and wake up wrapped into Hoseok’s arms. “I swear to god you better leave or I’ll rip you into shreds” Hoseok grumbles and the entire situation makes you giggle. “At least someone thinks it’s funny. You’ll get me a new couch!” Jungkook slams the door shut and Hoseok curls into your body, kissing your cheek. “I really need to start locking the doors because this won’t be the last time” Hoseok starts kissing you more passionately, pulling the blanket over your heads, continuing where you left when you fell asleep.  
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Hoseok - We are the only true lovers♥ [Part 3]
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Member: BTS member Jung Hoseok / J-Hope
Pairing: ColorblindSoulmate!AU with Werewolf!Hoseok [colorblindSoulmate!Au with Supernatural!BTS]
Genre: Fluff + Some Angst
Words: 1, 551
Summary: You live in a world were you are unable to see color until you meet the one person you were basically born for - but maybe they are not at all what you expected them to be.
The past few weeks were somewhat peaceful until your parents called you one night. You are lying in bed with Hoseok, cuddled into his side, warming your freezing feet on his warm legs when your phone rings. You reach for it, not knowing what kind of wave this would start. “Mum, hi!” you say into the phone, lying back down, resting your head on Hoseok’s warm chest. “Y/N.” you almost forgot how arrogant your mother sounded. Now, it felt so weird to you.
“Y/N we heard something really scandalous and wanted to contact you previous to taking any action.” You sit up, your eyes watching the man next to you. “What did you hear, mum?” You can hear the nervousness in your voice. If they knew about Hoseok, you would be in big trouble. “Natalie’s parents told us that she saw you with one of THEM. She told them that you are dating that person. That he is your soulmate.” You were never good at lying. “Mum, I can explain-.” You were cut off by the breaking voice of your mother. “I am so disappointed in you. We thought you would be responsible enough to be left alone and not jump into the arms of one of those monsters as soon as you could.” You became angry and Hoseok immediately noticed your emotions change and sat up, taking your hand in his, mouthing ‘what’s wrong?’ “We will come pick you up next week. We already found a university that is exclusive to humans. We will ask your institution to speed up the transfer.” Her voice is now dead and you know for sure, that you are dead to her as well. “I won’t leave mum. I’m a grown up woman that can make her own choices. And they are not monsters. They are actually really nice and caring people.”Your mum scoffs and you can almost see her roll her eyes.  “You will transfer schools. I don’t really care what you want. I can’t believe you actually put us into this position. Are you aware how hard your father worked for his reputation? How dare you try to ruin it with a stupid fling.” You want to say something to her but realize that she already hung up. After that day, everything happened so fast but it felt like slow motion. You skipped classes, spent every second of your day with Hoseok, who was just as scared as you are. Then, 9 days later, your parents appeared on campus, in the middle of the night and started banging on your door. You wake up, wrapped up in Hoseok’s body and stare at him in panic. In order to not make your parents even angrier, he told you to go with them. He said that you would work it out, that you shouldn’t be scared, because you would meet again in no time, and when you sat on the plane, on your way to your new home, you still believed him.
~2 Month later – November 2017~
Hoseok’s POV
My heart is heavy and my mind slow. Everything circles around Y/N. Her parents took away her phone and changed her number. I’m not able to contact her. I don’t know where she is. Namjoon and Yoongi have been trying to help me to find her, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to get through the day. Jungkook tried to get me to leave my room, but the soft fabric reminds me so much of her that it is hard for me to leave it. Jin told me to see a doctor about it but I can’t even gather enough energy to get an appointment. Fortunately, they all make sure not to leave me alone and take care of me as best as they can. I just hope, they will find her soon.
~New Year’s Eve 2017~
Your POV
At first I was surprised to discover that I am not the only person separated from their soulmate. There is a special therapy group to “fix us”, but honestly, no one really cared about the therapy sessions. We were only glad to find people who share the same destiny. We are currently standing on a field, drinking alcohol, getting too drunk for our own good. You don’t remember the fireworks. You don’t remember asking for a stranger’s phone, because everyone you knew had their phones modified in a way that you could only call certain numbers. You don’t remember calling him because “If you contact your soulmate in any way, the two of you will suffer” And you don’t remember his panicked voice on the other side of the phone.
~Summer 2018~
You have been walking a dangerous tightrope. Lending phones from strangers for cash to call Hoseok back at home. Your mental and physical health improved drastically ever since New Year’s Eve and your therapists call you a success. You were now able to smile at others and take part in social events as more than just an empty case. The minutes you spent with him on the phone were precious to you and you made sure to contact him regularly, never giving him your location to make sure he doesn’t fly there.
~November 2018~
Hoseok’s POV
She hasn’t contacted me for the past 3 weeks and I’ve grown more and more worried. Her phone calls are what keeps me going and the last weeks have been a struggle. I could never imagine being apart from my soulmate so long but this month it’s almost one year and two months ago since I’ve last seen her. I go to my courses, study hard, barely go out. The boys are still looking after me and I don’t really know how to tell them thank you. How could I ever repay them for keeping me going. Namjoon and Yoongi have not been able to track her down yet since she always calls with a blocked number and the call are never long enough to track her down. They are too random. I am currently in class when I receive a call from an unknown number. I quickly excuse myself from class and leave the room. “Hello?” I am breathless, praying that it is her and that she forgot to block it. “Is this Hoseok?” I strange female voice is on the other side. “Why are you asking?” The person sighs. “Look, I don’t have much time. Is this Hoseok?” I hesitate but confirm my identity. “Y/N is in trouble. They found out that she has been calling you. The people here are seriously sick. I don’t think her parents know about it. Please help us.” The voice hangs up and I am shocked. My feet start moving my themselves and before I know, I am on my bike, driving towards her parents, confronting them about the situation, hoping, that they will get their daughter out of there.
~December 2018~
Your POV
They let you out after 5 days since you promised you wouldn’t call him again.  Your roommate has been taking care of you ever since, because doing stuff has been hard on you. Three days ago your parents called, telling be they’d be here in a few days to check on you. You don’t really know what they expect to see. You lost weight, your skin is ashy and your eyes look lifeless. When they call you go downstairs and see you, the shock is evident in their eyes. “Baby what happened to you?” You shrug “what happens to everyone who’s separated from their soulmate.” You explain nonchalantly, almost as if you don’t care because recently, it has been hard to do so.  “Honey, we actually got a visit from your soulmate.” Your blood freezes “He told us that one of your roommates called him because you were being locked away for contacting him. That they were hurting you. Why didn’t you tell us baby?” You shrug again. You know exactly why, because they wouldn’t have listened to you. “We will take you back home.” You head snaps up and you look at your mother. “And we also brought a present.” You sense his presence before you see him. Your eyes meet his beautiful brown ones and your knees collapse as soon as he wraps his arms around you and presses you to his chest, holding your sobbing form against him, protecting you from the world.
~5 Months later – April 2019~
You are wrapped up in Hoseok’s arms, his face buried in your neck. You gained back most of the weight you lost and look healthier altogether. Namjoon is sitting in front of you, telling you some weird story while Jungkook eats some of the food you prepared. Recently, life has been easier. You still suffer from the experience you went through, but being with Hoseok is helping you cope. Your parents are coming to terms with your boyfriend being a werewolf, since they discovered that he actually cares for you and that separating the two of you is no alternative. Your future is looking better than ever and you are definitely looking forward to sharing it with your soulmate, although he might not have been what you expected him to be at first. He now is more than you could have ever imagined him to be.
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Yoongi - Through the infinite centuries and on ♥ [Part 2]
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Member: BTS member Min Yoongi / Suga
Pairing: ColorblindSoulmate!AU with Vampire!Yoongi [colorblindSoulmate!Au with Supernatural!BTS]
Genre: Fluff + Some Angst
Words: 1,499
Summary: You live in a world were you are unable to see color until you meet the one person you were basically born for - but maybe they are not at all what you expected them to be.
Part 1, Part 2  [SupernaturalBTS Soulmate!Au Masterlist]
Over the next few weeks you spent more and more time at Yoongis place. Despite his grumpy and cold demeanor, he’s a real sweetheart inside. He would remember everything you like, would make sure that you feel safe in his presence and are comfortable in his home. You started warming up to the thought of your soulmate being a vampire and started seeking his presence – something your body craved a lot. “Yoongi?” You just woke up and the first thought that crosses your mind is the fact that Yoongi is no longer next to you. He was in your bed when you fell asleep last night but had already warned you that he needed to feed. In the blink of an eye he’s in front of you, his face soft because he loves it when you’re sleepy and cuddly.
“It’s still early. Why are you already up?” he crouches down in front of your face and you look at him. He dyed his hair blond a few weeks ago and you actually love the color a lot on him. “I just woke up and you were not next to me.” Your hand reaches out to touch his cold cheek and he smiles and leans into your soft skin. “I didn’t want to wake you up when I came back.” You put and look at his clothes. He’s still wearing jeans and a black shirt and you point at the rough fabric on his legs. “They need to go. And you need to come back to bed.” You mumble and rub your eyes. He laughs quietly and does just as you wished, his cold body now pressing against you, making you shiver. “Sorry.” he mumbles, not moving one bit. You press your back into his chest and close your eyes, falling back asleep. You wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs and stand up to make your way down to the kitchen. “Good morning.” Yoongi doesn’t need to turn around to know you’re there. You Press yourself into his back and yawn. “I need to go somewhere today. I know you have work from 2 pm to 10 pm. I’ll pick you up at the restaurant, okay?” His voice is quiet and you nod, taking the plate he’s offering you. He walks up the stairs and is back just a few seconds later, dressed in formal clothes. “See you later.” He kisses you on top of your hair and you look up, pout and point at your lips. He smiles and kisses you carefully, before leaving. Although you tried many times, Yoongi and you have not had sex yet. He always stops because he’s scared he’ll hurt you. You finish the food and get ready for work by taking a long shower, putting on make-up and drying your hair. You enter the store just 5 minutes before your shift and put your stuff back in the locker they assigned you. The day is pretty calm until you hear the small bell ring, signaling a customer. You immediately recognize the vampire that tried to kill you that one night.
He smiles directly at you and you realize that this is not a coincidence. That he planned that. Yoongi rarely left you alone the last few weeks, scared that someone would hurt you. The vampire is in front of you within seconds. “Hey sweetheart.” His voice is disgustingly sweet and you turn around to run to the staff only door, but he grabs your hair and drags you outside. The customers and other staff members just watch it happen as you scream for help. Scream for them to press the emergency button. You lose consciousness when your face hits the floor.
Yoongis POV                                                               ��      
I smell her before I see her. I smell her blood and look up at the council to see them smile. “What the fuck is this supposed to be?! What are you doing?!” I stand up and scream, their guards are immediately by my side. “Min Yoongi. You out of everyone should be aware that a relationship between a human being and a vampire is strictly forbidden. You should remember what happened 1548 when vampires suddenly started having children with humans. It was terrible.” I swallow. I remember but I can’t do anything against this. “She’s my soulmate! I didn’t choose this.” The door opens and there she is. Her head is bleeding and I swallow hard. “That’s too bad, Yoongi. But we can’t let this happen again.” I look at the guards. “Give her to me.” My voice is deadly and the council agrees. “Give her to him. He should be able to say goodbye.” They let me through and I take her out of this bastards arms. “What did they do to you?” I mumble, kissing her wound and therefore closing it. “I will eventually turn her. And until then I won’t sleep with her.” I plea and look at them. “That is no alternative, Min Yoongi. It is too dangerous.”  Anger fills my every cell and I hold her tight to my body. “Then kill me as well. You know that nothing will matter to me if she’s dead.” I look back down at the warm, soft bundle in my arms as they escort us to a cell that is filled with silver. The walls are full of silver, the metal bars are silver. I can see the street outside through the bars but touching them would burn my skin. She moves in my arms and I look down at her. “What happened?” she blinks a few times and I brush through her hair. “I’m sorry Y/N.”  she looks up at me and seeing her makes my heart hurt. “Am I going to die?” She asks and if I could cry, I probably would. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I’m your soulmate.” She is going to die because of me. “Don’t. It’s not your fault.” We sit there all night, pressed against each other, enjoying each other warmth before it is over. At about 3 am I decide that this I will do it; that this is the only way to save her. I let go of her and stand up, looking at her in wonder. The guards will switch positions in about 5 minutes and that gives me 1 minute of free time. She looks at my eyes and immediately knows what I am planning to do. “No.” Her answer is definite and I just signal her to be quiet. When they change positions I use the time to smash the walls of the cell, the silver burning the skin on my palms and leaving burnt skin on my arms behind. Before the guards can react I take her, press her against my body and run into the night, away from this place.
6 Weeks later
We’ve been running for six weeks now. For the last three days we’ve been staying in a luxurious hotel. Most of Yoongis injuries healed pretty fast, only his hands are really sensitive to touching. Today, you wake up to an empty bed. That means that he went out to get money and whenever he gets money it means that he thinks it’s time to leave again. You stand up and pack your bags. You always only bring what’s necessary. Thankfully, Yoongi bought a big truck, so you can keep stuff in there. “You always know when it’s time to leave.” He says when he enters the room. You stand up and smile at him. “Whenever you aren’t there in the morning.” He walks over to kiss you softly. “I’m sorry about everything.” He apologizes a lot about what happened. “I know. But you don’t need to. I  love you.” You whisper. He takes your hands in his and you look at them. His beautiful, slim hands are full of scars and you know that he’s ashamed of it. That he doesn’t like to show it to you. “Y/N.” He softly tries to pull his hands away. “When did you last feed?” You look at him. Usually you wouldn’t stand a chance against him, but whenever he’s too hungry he becomes weak. “I had some animal last week. . ” He looks at you and sighs when he sees you uncover your neck. “Just drink. I’ll rest throughout the drive.” His fangs extend as he moves closer to you and first kisses the skin of your neck. “Relax” He whispers and breaks your skin with his fangs. You close your eyes in pleasure and feel him stop what feels like seconds later. You look at him, your body exhausted from the blood loss and notice that he immediately looks healthier. “I’ll bring you to the car and pack the rest.” He kisses your soft, rosy lips and you sigh.
It wasn’t your dream to be on the run 24/07. To run from vampires in order to be with your soulmate. But it’s worth it.
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Masterlist ♥
If you’d like to know who I’m writing for press here!
If you’d like to know what I’m working on right now press here!
Backstage work ♥ [Fluff]
Tell me ♥ [Fluff]
Thunderstorms ♥ [Fluff]
Miles Away ♥ [Fluff]
Video Games ♥ [Fluff]
I’ll wait for you to come back. Forever ♥ [Slight angst & Fluff]
Sweet as honey ♥ [Fluff]
Home before midnight  ♥ [Slight angst & Fluff]
The one out of billions ♥ [Fluff, Soulmate!AU] - discontinued
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
ColorblindSoulmate!AU [Supernatural] Masterlist
Min Yoongi:
Naptime with Yoongi [Smut]
Save me ♥ [Angst]
Sometimes, even angels need guardians ♥ [Fluff and Angst in the future] - discontinued
Part 1
Kim Taehyung:
The usual [Fluff] - Your POV  -  His POV
Bang Yongguk:
Sick days ♥ [Fluff]
Drunken kisses ♥ [Fluff]
Mondays [Smut]
Hide & Seek [Mafia smut]
The reason I live is you [Smut]
A.D.T.O.Y [Smut]
Dangerously Innocent [Mafia!AU] - Completed
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Epilogue.
Honeymoon - Mafialeader Yongguk [Post epilogue]
Mafialeader!Yongguk Smut [Request]
Moon Jongup
Safely Hidden [Mafia!Au] - Working on it
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Big Bang
G-Dragon (Kwon Ji Yong):
Vibrant Colors [ColorblindSoulmate!AU] - Working on it
Part 1, Part 2
Wonho (Shin Hoseok):
Would you hit me if I kiss you know [Fluff]
We were just kids when we fell in love [Fluff] - Completed/Working on it?
Part  1,  Part 2
Idol Producer
BC221 / Oner
Yue Yue:
Never Alone [Fluff]
Putting yourself first (Mafialeader!YueYue) Part 1, Part 2  [fluff]
Banana Culture
Lin Yanjun:
Coffee and Muffins [Fluff]
Runaway Girl [Angst + Fluff] Part 1
Optional Bias:
Forever and always ♥ [Angst but happy ending]
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To-write list
These are the things I will write on in the future:
Song Drabble:
Xiumin [ Chivalry’s dead - Trevor Wesley ]
G Dragon [ Loser - Big  Bang ]
Leo [Take it out - My Teen ]
Yongguk [ Error - Vixx ]
Shownu [Do i wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys]
Yongguk [Rainbow - Sia]
Mafia!AU with Namjoon
Youngjae Angst/Fluff
Idol!GDragon + ColorblindSoulmate!Au
BTS ColorblindSoulmate!Au [Supernatural]
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