#colter and reenie
sun-ni-day · 4 months
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Tracker 1x13 The Storm
@theresnosafeharbor4myships enjoy!
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justjensenanddean · 21 days
TRACKER's Justin Hartley & team talk Season 2, Jensen Ackles, twists & more | TV Insider
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marvelwitchergilmore · 3 months
Off Limits
Summary: Colter Shaw x Fe!Reader -> Four times Colter told people (mainly his brother) you were off limits, and the one time he proved why.
Disclaimer: Mostly fluff, a little hint of angst towards the end but happy ending. Not Proof Read.
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It was safe to say yourself and Colter Shaw had known each other for a long time. 
You had both met on a fishing trip. Well, he had been on a fishing trip. You had been looking for your idiot brother who had decided to just disappear. 
Colter helped you across the rocks to the creek and watched as you tried to find…something. That day he helped you and the rest was history. 
You kept in contact over the years, which meant it wouldn’t be totally uncommon if you ended up speaking to some of his other friends. Even maybe meeting some of them. 
However, it was a few years before you met his family. 
And it started with his brother, Russell. 
You were helping Colter on a case in South Dakota. 
A friend of a friend that you went to college with had gone missing. And, you knew just the man for the job. That man also happened to be lugging around another one of him who was just a little more…rough around the edges. 
“Do you just happen to be friends with all of the beautiful women, Colt?”
Colter got a little awkward. “Meet my brother, Russell.”
“Nice to finally meet you. Colter’s mentioned you a couple of times. Nice to put a face to the name.”
“I’d say the same but…Colter didn’t mention anything about you.”
As the day went on, you could feel Russell’s gaze drop to you often before he’d throw out a flirty line and a dashing smile. 
And Colter caught the whole lot of it. 
“Okay, so what about you and her?” Russell finally got to ask his brother when they were sat down eating and you had headed off to the bathroom. 
“What about me and her?” 
“Are you…is there something? Or do I have a shot?”
Colter sighed with a small smile. “No, we’re just friends.”
Russell went to stand but Colter grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back down. “But she’s off limits.”
“Okay, okay. Mind letting go?”
Colter let go quickly and moved back into his seat. “We’ve been friends for years. I’m doing her a service.”
“Colt, I’m your brother. Shouldn’t you be doing me the service?”
Colter just dead-eyed him. “I’m doing her a service.” And then he took a bite of his pie. 
Russell accepted it, but that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy rustling his brother’s feathers every now and then by turning the flirting scale up a tad every now and again. 
The second time Colter said you were off limits was at a charity auction. 
You had been invited per a family friend’s invitation and needed a date. And when you lightly threatened to call his brother instead, Colter agreed. He was already in the area, but at least it stopped him from leaving town so quickly. 
Whilst there, Colter was questioned three times by three different men; all asking if you were with Colter, or with Colter. To which, he answered truthfully, but also made sure that they knew you were off limits when it came to him and that night. 
“Tomorrow, you can ask her what you want, and she will give you an answer, but for tonight gentlemen, I am her date. Excuse me.”
Colter couldn’t help but hold you just a little tighter when on the dance floor, after the constant questions. 
The third time Colter told someone you were off limits was to his brother, again. 
It had been a birthday party for you, thrown together by one of your work colleagues and Reenie. Russell just so happened to be also looking for his brother. And he knew exactly where to find him. 
Like normal, Russell flirted with you. A little more so when Colter was within direct eye-line of you both. 
And you couldn’t help but smile. 
However, once the cake had been cut, Russell came back to his brother. They talked for a moment but when you came back into view, Russell put his cake down. 
“I think I’m gonna go and wish the birthday girl a happy birthday.”
However, Colter forced a small laugh and grabbed his brother by the back of his collar. 
“Okay, just because you’re as tall as me now, doesn’t mean I’m not stronger.”
“She’s off limits.”
From behind them both, Reenie appeared. 
It was the first time in a long time they’d both had the feeling of being caught doing something they shouldn’t. 
The fourth time Colter told someone you were off limits was, once again, to his brother. 
Teddi and Velma were throwing a small dinner party, and had invited you, Colter, Reenie and Bobby to join them. And, since Russell was close by, he was invited to. 
“My god, as I live and breathe.” 
You turned around, balancing the cake you brought on the flat of your palm. 
“Russell,” you smiled, softly. 
“You know, I’m starting to think it’s fate. The birthday party, now this?”
You hummed. “Oh, I’m sure. I’m also sure one of the fates is inside the house plotting your death.”
“Still off limits?”
You nodded. “Colter’s a man of his word.”
“So…you…made yourself off limits?”
“Relax, I like you, Russell. You’re a good man. You’re just not…my man.”
“Ah,” Russell nodded. 
He had an idea about what you meant when you said ‘my man’, but until he saw proof, he couldn’t be certain. 
So he still flirted. Maybe a little less, but he was a big brother after all. Wasn’t it his job to annoy his little brother?
However, the final time Colter told someone (Russell) you were off limits…he didn’t have to say it. Because the fearsome look in his eyes said it for him.
It wasn’t often he managed to get back to the States to see his brother, but when he did, he always made sure to stay close until Colter had left the state he saw him in. 
Only, he didn’t seem to leave as quickly as he had come. 
So, when he went to visit him one morning, he was also there to witness a call that changed everything. 
Reenie had also come to visit and was going to grab lunch with you, except you got called away for a meeting and suddenly everything shut down. Including the backup generators. And then the fire alarm went off. 
There was a fire and Reenie couldn’t get a hold of you. 
So, in a fit of panic after asking thirty different staff members if they had seen you, she called Colter. 
Russell watched as his brother’s heart seemed to stop. Tears of panic and fear grew behind the front he tried to put on. 
“What’s going on?”
“Y/n’s missing and there’s a fire at the school. Reenie’s still trying to find out what’s going on. I need to find her.”
“I’m coming with you.”
Colter might have broken four different road laws, but he couldn’t care. You were worth it. You were worth everything to him. 
By the time he pulled up outside of the school, he was pushing through waves of students and teachers to find Reenie. 
“Reenie, have you seen her?”
“No, not yet. But she’s still not answering her phone.”
“Why wasn’t she with you?”
“She got called away to a meeting. I was waiting for an hour or so in her office when everything shut down. They’re still trying to get the power back on, but…Colter, I don’t know where she is.”
“We’ll find her. She can’t have gone far, right? She knows these buildings like the back of her hand.”
Reenie nodded. “Only thing is, we don’t.”
“Call Bobby, maybe he can send us something. Anything.”
Russell nodded, pulling out his phone. “I’ll call him.”
“She’ll be okay, right? She’s okay.”
Reenie nodded. “She’s smart. And tough. Hopefully she’s just stuck on the other side of campus and can’t get reception.”
The longer time passed, the more worried Colter became. 
Bobby sent through the blueprints but without knowing where the meeting was, they had no idea where to start. 
“Did she mention what the meeting was about?”
Reenie shook her head. “No. Nothing.”
“What about her desk?” Russell asked. “A post-it, a diary, anything.”
“I-Maybe, I don’t know. Something about Kindred or Kinder or…something like that. I can’t really read her handwriting.”
“Kindrich.” Colter said out loud. 
“Maybe? Again, I don’t know.”
“If anyone pulled her in for an emergency meeting it would have been Kindrich. He runs the Life Sciences building. This way.”
Reenie and Russell hurried after Colter, almost losing him in the sea of students along the way. 
However, the closer they got to the life sciences building, the closer the smoke from the fire seemed to get. 
And when it came into clear sight, Colter started running. 
He was calling out your name.
“Reenie! Call her again!”
She was doing so just as Colter thought he heard someone call his name. 
He called out for you again. 
And then there you were. 
You ran towards him before crashing into him as you lifted your arms to hug him, and he did the same. 
“Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you? You’re warm. What- were you in the fire?”
“I’m okay. Everyone’s okay.”
Then he kissed you. 
Deeply. Passionately. Desperately. 
And then he hugged you again. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, breathing him in before you remembered;
“She’s okay. She’s with Russell.”
Looking around, you finally spotted her and ran towards her, too. 
“Are you okay?” you both asked as you hugged. 
“I was trying to call you but-”
“There’s no reception on this side of campus. And if there is, it’s spotty at best.”
“Next time I’m coming with you. What even happened? The power went down and then there were just fire alarms everywhere.”
“There was a fault with one of the machines in the building. Funnily enough, that was what the meeting was about. Finding something to replace the machines. And when the power went down, something in the labs went up in smoke.”
“But-but you’re okay? You’re not hurt?”
You shook your head. “The medics checked me over. I’m fine.”
“Medics?” Russell asked. 
You looked around nervously. “I might have ran back inside a couple of times to help get students out.”
“You’re not supposed to-”
“I know, I know, I know but they’re just kids. The important thing is no-one got hurt.”
“But you could have.”
“But I didn’t. Colter, look at me.” You took his face in your hands. “I’m okay. I promise.”
“Okay,” Colter finally accepted what you were saying, kissed you quickly before he hugged you again. 
Then Russell cleared his throat. “So, um, how long has this been going on?”
“No, no. I’m your big brother. I’ve got to look out for you. Did mom ever give you the talk?”
“Okay,” Reenie said, trying to move on. “How about we get some lunch, and maybe some wine?”
You nodded, walking towards her, allowing her to link her arm with yours as you left Colter to fend for himself with his brother. 
“Russell, please don’t.”
“You see, when two people love each other very much…”
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sgtbradfords · 3 months
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Colter Shaw & Reenie Greene in Tracker - 1x03
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iconsrequestsworld · 4 months
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fav or reblog if you save.
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sexyvixen7 · 5 months
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(Source: Fiona Rene on Instagram Stories)
Jensen, Fiona, and Justin
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deacons-cut · 2 months
i will forever love the fact that i watched Supernatural before Tracker, i get all excited whenever i see a small little spn call back, like seeing Baby, or the fact that Russell (Jensen Ackles) is shocked by how quick Colter got the info he needed, when it would take Dean and Sam days 😭😭 and we cant forget the Reenie saying "Balls" (i had to fix that) 😭
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diver5ion · 7 months
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winchestergirl2 · 5 months
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Jensen Ackles as Russell Shaw in Tracker
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devilzfruit · 4 months
the whole tag is russell now, where are my bobby gifs 😭
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thebiggerbear · 4 months
Off Limits
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Summary: When Reenie sends you to assist Colter with whatever he needs after getting arrested for breaking into a morgue in Virginia, you meet his older brother Russell for the first time. There's some flirting and definitely a mutual attraction there before you Colter sends you off. Little do you know at the time that Colter has warned Russell that you're off limits and that Russell has no intention of listening to said warning.
Pairing: Russell Shaw x Female!Reader; Russell Shaw x Female!PI!Reader
A/N: So I've had this idea in my head since I first saw the episode (and that whole food truck scene) and finally sat down to start writing it May 19th, the day we were all hoping Russell would return for 1x13 (no spoilers). I did change up the ending of 1x12 a little here. By the way, I love Colter and I'm only a few episodes into the season but he kind of gives a little fuckboi vibe to me (meant affectionately of course) so I decided to kind of play on that a little here. Not that Russell also doesn't seem to have that vibe here a little bit. (again, meant as affectionate) 😉 I may write a follow up to this to fill in/shade in more areas mentioned in here.
Anyways, this was a lot of fun to write and try to practice ratcheting up the UST a little between two characters. I'm not sure if I succeeded but it was still fun to try. 🥵
All unbeta'd.
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in any future Russell or Tracker works.
Song while writing: Coming For You - Nuela Charles (you can probably guess what scene I was envisioning/writing with this one 🤷‍♀️)
Warnings: sexual tension; flirting; a little smut; language
Word Count: 9357
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx
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You pulled up to the area where two food trucks sat and tables were scattered throughout the center of it all. You quickly recognized Colter sitting there, eating, talking to someone sitting across from him. You softly groaned at the incessant pounding in your head, tenderly rubbing your forehead. Why had Reenie charged you with this? True, you owed her a favor (or four) but still, getting on a plane with only thirty minutes notice, no time to pack an overnight bag, and her insistence that you go and assist Colter with whatever he needed was a bit much. Even for her. 
But here you were, dressed in yesterday’s clothes, your hair up in a messy ponytail after you quickly combed your fingers through it, and feeling scuzzy after a long night spent on planes. That’s right. Planes as in plural. Reenie hadn’t even sprung for a non-connecting flight, though she’d tried to chalk it up to none of those being available when she’d booked the trip for you ASAFP. You’d been stuck in coach the entire time, which was fine (you were more than used to it) but you’d had the middle seat and then the aisle seat — both seating arrangements were pure hell. Needless to say, you may have indulged at the airport bar in between flights and ordered drinks while on both, putting it on your business card that you immediately wrote off as travel expenses in your head. Especially when one of the guys you were sitting next to (who thought he was the next young Robert DeNiro apparently) was intent on making conversation, filling you in on his romantic and sexual history (relayed through a ton of bad implied jokes of course), as if he thought that would be a selling point for you to immediately want to induct him into the mile high club (there was no way he was a member despite his many stories hinting to the contrary). No thank you. Not ever.
Thankfully, you were able to pick up some essentials when you finally arrived at your destination and used the airport bathrooms for a little clean up before grabbing a rental car. You still felt gross and in need of a shower, but you’d manage until you did what you came here to do and then your time would be your own again. You were sure you’d get a shower and a change of clothes somewhere in between there. 
So while the alcohol helped to ease the tension your sudden trip created, you were badly hungover. Yep, sadly you were at that age where if you even looked at a drink, you’d get a headache the next day. So while you had maintained a nice buzz, you were now paying for it. You took a deep breath, slipped on your sunglasses, and got out of the car. 
Colter saw you coming, surprise fleeting across his expression, before turning his full attention on you when you sat down next to him. “Oof. Rough night?”
Your answer was to flip him the bird which made him chuckle. You then yanked out the folder of files Reenie had thrown into a travel case for you and slapped it all down next to him. “There. Directly from Reenie. With my compliments. Not that I don’t have my own cases to work,” you finished in a mumble. You snatched his coffee, ignoring his frown, and took a deep gulp. You made an immediate face. “Ugh. How do you still drink this shit?”
“It’s coffee,” he informed you as he began peeking at the files.
“I know. How do you not put anything in it? Do you like the taste of bitter ass first thing in the morning? Wait, don’t answer that.” You slipped out an airplane shot you had snuck into your jacket pocket that you swiped from the drink cart as it passed by during your aisle seat fun, beyond desperate to ignore the chatty Cathy next to you (her name had literally been Cathy as you’d found out against your will). You immediately lifted the lid and dumped in the contents, picking up a fry from Colter’s plate and using that to stir things around quickly before tossing it in the grass behind you. You ignored the “hey!” sounding not too far from where the fry had most likely landed and took a generous sip of the warm liquid, nearly heaving a sigh of satisfaction as it settled into your stomach. Not exactly the hair of the dog but it would do for now.
Colter was shaking his head, watching you, and you immaturely stuck your tongue out at him, about to tell him to blow you when you heard a chuckle across the table. You turned to see the guy Colter had been talking to grinning over at you, amusement clear as day on his face. You lowered your glasses slightly and took in his features, noting his obvious attractiveness, and you would be loathe to admit that you wouldn’t mind meeting him in an airplane bathroom had he been the one sitting next to you on that ghastly flight. Almost as if he knew what you were thinking, his smile grew and those green eyes lit up in a way that was all too familiar to you, and also had you wondering if there were any public bathrooms around here that you could slip away to for a bit. After the long night you’d had, an orgasm or two might just be what the doctor ordered. 
You pushed your glasses back into position and gave him a smile right back. “And who’s this?”
Before Colter could answer, the man stuck out a hand towards you. “Russell Shaw, Colter’s older brother.”
Your smile dropped as your hopes were immediately dashed. Fuck. Not only was he hot in a very rugged type of way (right up your alley actually not that you’d ever admit that out loud) but he seemed like he would’ve been game for what you were up for, too. Dammit. You forced yourself to shake his hand and not be rude, all the while trying your best not to think about what those hands could do or how that rough, warm skin would feel like against yours. “Y/N Y/L/N.”
The light in his eyes burned brighter. “Y/N. That is a beautiful name.” 
You couldn’t contain the eye roll at the obviously bad pickup line. Perhaps it was best that he was Colter’s brother. Not that you would’ve been doing much talking if he wasn’t, so his flirting skills wouldn’t have mattered. “So I’ve heard.” You cut that off at the knees. “Russell Shaw,” you drew out his name, remembering something Reenie had mentioned before you went through airport security. You yanked out another folder from your case, slapping it down in front of him. “Reenie insisted that I give you this and told me to tell you that you owe her quite a bit for taking care of those fines from Fish & Wildlife and something about a donkey in Tuscaloosa?” You glanced up at him in question. 
He chuckled, sounding nervous, and gave you a reassuring smile. “That’s not— The donkey thing was a misunderstanding.”
Right. “Oh, I’m sure.”
“No, really. We ran into a situation and we tried to free him when these cops saw us and—”
You held up a hand. “I really don’t need the details. It’s fine. But Reenie did say you should Venmo her.”
He pressed his lips together and dropped his gaze to the papers, nodding. “Sure. I’ll get right on that.” You studied him as he studied the paperwork and despite the suspicious donkey thing and your decision to already back off, you kind of wished he would get right on you. 
You heard a throat clearing next to you and turned to find Colter glancing between you, that frown on his face again. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes once more. Whatever, Colter had no business looking like that. He’d had his chance and he’d fucked it up, royally. Instead of giving that pretend jealousy shit the time of day, you snatched a few more fries off of his plate and glanced back and forth between the two men as you chewed. “You two look nothing alike, by the way.”
“He should be so lucky,” Russell teased his brother before turning that smile back on you. You almost wished you hadn’t indulged in an all night booze fest and had a fresh change of clothes. You must look like a wreck right now, more than what you’d seen in the rearview mirror earlier, and you probably smelled like one, too. Desperately trying to tamp down the images popping into your brain of this man underneath you and those hands of his gripping onto your hips, you stole more fries from the plate near you.
“Seriously, Y/N, why don’t you just go get your own food? The trucks are right there.” Colter hated it when you did this which is exactly why you did it. 
You arched a brow over at him as you chewed. “You buying?” When he didn’t answer fast enough, you snatched even more fries from him. “Didn’t think so.”
“I am,” Russell interjected, smirking over at you. “Just tell me what you’d like and I’d be more than happy to get it for you.”
His voice deepened on that last part and it made parts of you clench. You bet he would. Why the fuck did Colter have to have a brother? And why did it have to be this guy who was watching you like the Big Bad Wolf, looking like he would gobble you up the second you’d let him? Who had a roguish grin to match? Besides, based on what Reenie had said during your quick interlude at the airport, Colter’s brother had been hitting on her big time. She had warned you to tread carefully due to his connection to this case Colter was looking into. That his brother might try to charm his way into peeking at the files for his brother that you were carrying among other things, but this information was meant to go strictly into Colter’s hands. You were almost insulted at her implying that you weren’t a damn professional and that you were so easily led by your libido (it had been almost six months which was a damn drought for you). It was almost as if she knew you too well (she did).
Even though you didn’t plan on going there, at all, you couldn’t resist, lifting your sunglasses to your head, not caring how bloodshot or tired your eyes looked. “Anything I’d like?”
He leaned forward slightly. “Whatever you want,” he promised, the look in his gaze making the same vow but for something completely different.
You leaned forward, too. “Well, in that case…” When you noticed him moving an inch more towards you, hanging onto what you would say next, you grabbed his box of fries out from underneath him. You smirked triumphantly and plucked a fry in between your fingers, popping it into your mouth. 
Instead of getting annoyed like Colter had, he quietly laughed and seemed plenty entertained as he watched you pick up another fry that had red sauce partially covering it. “I should warn you. I’m a sriracha on fries kind of guy.”
You glanced at the fry and then back at him, shrugging. “Oh, I’ve had way hotter things in my mouth than this, trust me.” You never broke eye contact as you slipped the fry past your lips, not reacting in the slightest when the spicy taste came into contact with your tongue. Russell’s eyes darkened and you had the distinct feeling that if you weren’t in public right now and Colter wasn’t here, you’d be at serious risk of him testing that theory.
“Okay,” Colter interrupted. “Let’s focus on the case, please.” He almost sounded irritated which made you glance over to see him glaring in both yours and Russell’s direction. You laughed to yourself and continued eating your stolen fries and sipping your modified version of an Irish coffee. As much as Colter’s annoyance amused you, you were also grateful that he was reminding you why you were there. You needed to get your horny ass in check.
“So this is everything Reenie could find on them?” He asked.
You shrugged. Reenie hadn’t exactly given you all the particulars and you assumed that was purposeful on her part for whatever the reason. Not that it bothered you in the slightest; you had your own shit to worry about. Besides, she also implied Colter would fill you in on everything once you caught up with him.
He looked displeased and then shook his head at you. “Why did she even bother sending you?”
You got angry then. How dare he? It’s not like you wanted to be sent on this fun little errand at the whims of the lawyer who was hellbent on helping him at every turn. “Hey. I traveled on two annoying ass flights to get here, dealing with chatty old ladies and misogynistic perverts, to hand deliver you this shit and to assist wherever I can. Without any warning or time to even pack a toothbrush, I might add. All while I have my own caseload to work on, thank you very much. To help you out and fast. So how about a goddamn thank you instead of whatever this is?” You gestured towards him. He went to reply, but you cut him off. “And while you’re turning that ungrateful frown upside down, why don’t you tell me what exactly it is you’re working on?”
Russell spoke up then, prompting you to look over at him. “A buddy of mine went missing and we’re trying to track him down. His wife called me and asked me to look into it. Colter’s helping.”
That quelled your irritation slightly and you pressed your lips together. You could only imagine how sick with worry this guy’s wife must be; you knew that feeling all too well. “I’m sorry to hear it,” you offered, your tone as genuine and sympathetic as you could make it. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Colter watching you, his frown gone, now replaced by the same sympathy you were feeling. You hated it so you decided to ignore it. “How long ago did he go missing?”
“A few days back. He was returning home after a grocery store run but he disappeared from a gas station while filling up.”
Your brows furrowed. “Taken?”
Russell shook his head. “No. He ran off. It looked like someone may have been after him.” 
Colter slid over the file to you, nodding when you glanced at him questioningly. “Doug Thompson. Former military. Now working for these guys as a private contractor.” Well, now Reenie’s explicit instructions made more sense. 
You opened the file and skimmed the papers as quickly as you could. “Wow,” you murmured. “So these guys are no joke.”
“No, they’re not.” You glanced up to find Russell watching you, all traces of any flirtation and humor gone. “But I don’t think they have anything to do with it. I would’ve heard something if they did.”
Your brows arched in surprise, hearing what he wasn’t exactly saying. “You’re working with them, too?”
He gave you a nod. “I am. We do mostly private security, that kind of thing.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the disbelief in Colter’s expression. He wasn’t buying it either. “Which is code for black ops, am I right?”
Russell tensed. Bingo.
“Which means that whether or not they’re responsible, they’re most likely connected to what’s happening. If someone was really after your friend.”
His jaw tightened. “What makes you say that? It could be anyone.”
You shot him a look and shut the file. “Because I was engaged to someone who did this kind of thing and I know how these things work.”
You watched as his eyes widened slightly and he leaned forward, curious. “Was?”
Ignoring that question and no longer as curious about him, you tossed the file back over to Colter. “Bottom line is this firm is where you should be looking first. Carefully, though. We both know how they like to keep their secrets.” You gave him a thin-lipped smile and sipped your coffee, slipping your sunglasses back on and getting up to head over to the food truck behind him. On your way, you spied a young family nearby. The mother was feeding a baby, smiling as she watched her husband spin his kindergarten-age daughter in circles by the arms, making her giggle. You felt an all-too familiar lump forming in your throat but you forced it back down and continued your trek, coming to a stop at the back of a short line, intending on getting your own food. You weren’t really hungry but you needed a few minutes to regain your bearings before you could switch back into professional mode and be of any help to the brothers.
By the time you returned, Colter sent you a sympathetic glance which you promptly ignored and dug into the case as well as your meal. 
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Colter sighed when your car pulled away. He had insisted you go check into a room and clean up while he and Russell made some calls, did some digging, and he would call you if something turned up. You had been only too happy to agree.
Russell turned back to him, after watching you drive off. “Oh, I like her.”
“Of course you do,” Colter muttered.
“Alright, you already gave me the sit rep on you and the lawyer. Now I need one for you and her.” He gestured in the direction you had disappeared in with his thumb. “And don’t hold back because she is…” He gave his brother the perfection sign.
Colter shook his head and wiped his hands with a napkin. “There really isn’t anything to report there, either. We had a…weekend about a year back when I was working a case in her town. Then I got a new case in the next state over and we went our separate ways. Nothing ever came of it.”
Russell continued chewing his fries that you had returned before you left, thinking it over. “There seems to be quite a bit of hostility between you two for just a casual weekend.”
Colter folded his arms on the table. “We didn’t end on the best terms.”
His brother chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee. “Bit of an understatement.” He then wiped his hands clean, too. “So, she’s fair game then, I take it?”
Colter shot him a glare. “No, she’s not. She’s off limits, too.”
“Come on, bro. You already said the lawyer was off limits.” He gave Colter a look. “Are you telling me you’ve got a thing for both of them? Because if you do, I wouldn’t blame you. They’re both—”
“It’s not like that,” Colter interrupted. “With Y/N, it’s… She’s been through a lot.”
Russell nodded and glanced back down at his food. “Yeah, I caught that.”
“The last thing she needs right now is a reminder of any of it.” Russell glanced up to catch Colter eyeing him sharply.
Russell got the message. He hadn’t addressed it at the time but he hadn’t missed it when you claimed to know how companies like Horizon worked or that you had been engaged to someone who worked for one of them. There was obviously a story there. And that combined with your change in demeanor when he mentioned Doug’s disappearance, you referring to your engagement in the past tense, and Colter’s protectiveness of you — Russell had a pretty good idea of what probably happened. It didn’t mean he didn’t like you, though. If he wasn’t mistaken, he had gotten the impression that you had liked him, too. But in the same vein, until he knew what he was working with, he didn’t want to do anything that might cause you to relive anything that you’d rather forget.
“You don’t plan to call her to help with any of this, do you?”
Colter shook his head.
Russell studied his brother, determining if that was the best option here. You were a PI and a damned good one if Reenie Green had sent you to help. It was obvious from his short interactions with the woman that she didn’t suffer fools and there wasn’t a single thing she missed. So he knew you had to be good at your job. Doug was still missing, Tracy was still worried, and they still weren’t any closer to finding any answers. It might be helpful to include you in this. Another pair of discerning eyes was always a good thing. In the end, though, Russell decided against saying anything. Instead, he asked, “So, you sure she’s off limits?” His brother gave him a glare and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m just kidding. I got it. Off limits.” 
He also didn’t mention that he had discreetly entered your number into his phone when you inconspicuously slid your business card over to him. At the time, he had thought you were giving him a greenlight to contact you after this was over, but now he realized you probably had known what Colter was going to do all along.
Instead, Russell mentioned the autopsy report he had stolen from the morgue and handed a copy to Colter to peruse. While he studied the paper, Russell discreetly sent you a message so you also had his number and so he could shoot you a text when the time was right.
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You were in a store, grabbing some clothes to have for the next few days, not knowing how long you were going to be needed here, when your phone began to ring. One quick glance at the screen had you smirking. Russell Shaw. You had slyly given him your number earlier when Colter wasn’t looking, telling yourself you were making sure you were included in the case so you could do what you were sent here to do. But another smaller part of you had hoped the man would contact you for a whole other reason. You may not have been thrilled to learn what he did for a living but that little fact didn’t have to ruin any possible fun you two could have, right? 
Sure, you felt a little guilty because he was Colter’s brother but you were also a realist. There wasn’t anything happening with Colter and whatever had was never going anywhere. Plus that had been well over a year ago. In your mind, you were free as a bird. So, you made a move; now it was up to Russell to make the next one. And you were hoping this was it.
You slid the green button on your screen and put the phone up to your ear. “Russell Shaw,” you greeted, making sure your voice sounded something akin to warm honey slowly drizzling over some fruit. “I had a feeling you’d be calling me.”
“Could it have something to do with me texting you earlier that I’d call as soon as I had an update?”
“Tomato, tohmato.” Hearing his smooth chuckle come down the line, you continued to sift through a rack of shirts. “So, what can I do for you?”
“A lot it sounds like, if I’m being honest.” His voice had dipped in register much the same way it had in your presence before but the effect it had being spoken directly into your ear like this…well, it was a good thing you had already grabbed a half dozen pairs of panties to have on hand. While it took you a second to recover, you couldn’t help but smile. You had been right earlier; he was definitely interested.
A woman walked right past you and you lowered your voice further. “Do you plan to find out?”
“You bet your ass I will. As soon as I’m free to.”
Fuck. If you weren’t in the middle of a store right now, you may have just asked him to start talking dirty to you right there. You had only been on the phone with him for less than a minute and already you were digging your teeth into your lip to keep a guttural moan from escaping you. This man had you so turned on you were surprised that you could still see straight or that you hadn’t run to the dressing room to temporarily alleviate the fire he had started in your belly that was blazing a trail down in between your legs. That voice and the way he was using it right now…it was pure liquid sex being poured into your ear. Your irritation with Reenie had abated some when you met him, now it was all but gone as were any warnings she gave you about the man as well as the thought of his younger brother. “Good. I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Oh, I hope you do.” That didn’t make you clench down on nothing, not at all. If this continued, you would be in that dressing room in the next thirty seconds, guaranteed. You were already starting to get seriously aroused at the images playing in your head. 
“Trust me, there will definitely be some type of holding going on,” you promised. 
“Don’t I know it,” he nearly growled into your ear. Holy… That was it. You were on your way to the dressing room. The sign said only three items were allowed at a time but you didn’t give a fuck at the bulkload of items in your arm; this was an emergency.
But what he said next after quietly clearing his throat had you stopping in your tracks. “As much as I’d love to continue this conversation, I only have a limited window of time. But I promise, we will pick this up later.”
You nearly let out a whine of disappointment. You very much wanted to continue this conversation right now but it slowly was coming back to you that yes, there was currently a missing persons case that was supposed to be your first priority. His missing friend in fact. Your brain knew that was more important though your body was screaming for something else. He had promised though that you would continue this later, something you could keep in your mind’s eye at the end of this very long and fucked up rainbow. As long as he dove into your pot of gold at the end, you could hold out a few more hours. “You better,” you grumbled.
Another warm chuckle floated down the line.
You turned to another rack of shirts, aggressively working your way through it. “So you said something about an update?”
“Yeah.” You had to admire how quickly he switched gears. While you were still struggling to get your libido under control and you were irritated, he sounded completely professional and nonplussed, as if he hadn’t been just talking to you with that tone of voice or implying what he wanted later on. “I reached out to one of my contacts and we think Doug might be hiding out in a location outside of town. We’re on our way there now to check it out.”
Shame immediately filled you at the mention of his friend. Here you were, horny as hell, about to go take care of yourself in the dressing room a minute ago and possibly ask him to tell you in explicit detail what he’d like to be doing to you if he were there, and Doug was still missing. You were more professional than that — hell, you knew better than that. You shook off the remnants of the last few minutes and went right into work mode. “Alright, you want me to come along for backup?”
“I’d love to have you back us up, but, uh…” 
You frowned at the uncertainty suddenly coating his tone. He wasn’t one of those guys, was he? That would be severely disappointing if he was and quite the mood killer, not to mention his third strike against him. You needed to get laid but not that badly. Though you hadn’t gotten the impression that he was one of those misogynistic assholes who thought a woman didn’t know her way around the big scary noisemakers known as guns earlier. “But what?” You snapped.
“Colter thinks you should sit this one out.”
Your jaw tightened and you quickly moved away from the mother and daughter that had just moved near you, lowering your voice. “That motherf— I don’t give a flying fuck what Colter thinks. I am not being sidelined.” You fucking knew it. The minute you had heard what the actual case was, seeing Colter’s gaze of sympathy directed at you — you fucking knew he would try to pull this shit.
“I think he’s just worried about you. You know? After what you’ve been through…”
That pulled you up short. “Exactly what did he tell you?”
“Uh, not much. He just thought this kind of situation might hit a little too close to home.”
You muttered a curse under your breath and made your way to the cashier. Fucking Colter. You knew you should have never told him about what happened with your fiance. He was the type of guy who would keep that in mind every time something like this came up. Hell, you were pretty sure that was partially the reason he had bounced out of your apartment so fast at the end of the long weekend you’d spent together. Sure, he had snagged another case, but you would never forget the look in his eyes as he quickly dressed — the same look you had seen at lunch earlier. At that time, you had liked Colter and you didn’t think your past would be something that could be held against you. Even though your time together had been strictly casual, he had talked to you about his father a little bit and he had seen a picture of Nate in your living room. What were you supposed to do when he asked you about it? Lie? After he had just shared something so personal with you? After he had slept with you four times thus far? You weren’t ashamed of your time with Nate and you had loved the man, been ready to spend the rest of your life with him before he lost his. That was just a tragic fact in your life. Never in a million years did you imagine that not only would it kick someone out your door so fast but now it would prevent you from being able to do your job.   
“Is it?”
You had completely forgotten you were still on the phone, silently fuming about this sudden development. “Is it what?” You dumped your clothes on the counter and gave a nod to the cashier in return when she greeted you.
“Is it hitting a little too close?”
You decided to nip this shit right in the bud. “Okay, Shaw, you listen to me and you listen good. It doesn’t matter if it’s hitting too close as you put it, or not. I do my job and nothing gets in the way of that. Just because your asshat of a brother has apparently decided that I’m some fragile flower of a woman that needs protecting from my own feelings doesn’t mean shit. I’m damn good at what I do and I’m a fucking professional. You hear me?” You handed the woman your credit card, noticing she was giving you an approving nod. You had forgotten that she was hearing every word of this side of the conversation. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
That was all you wanted to hear. “Good. Now, when are you going to send me that location so I can meet you?” You took the bag from the cashier, quietly thanking her, and made your way out of the store. 
“Tell you what. We’re only about thirty minutes out. From where you are, it’s about an hour and a half drive. Why don’t you let us check it out first and if it’s no dice, you can meet us on the way back into town? We’ll regroup and work it together from there on out.”
You tossed your bag in the backseat of your car. “Shaw,” you growled. “What did I just say?”
“This isn't that,” he assured you. “It’s a matter of us working against the clock. We’ve got to get to Doug before the guys looking for him do. That’s all this is.” 
You placed a hand on your hip and unclenched your jaw. He had a point and you also heard what he wasn’t saying: you racing up there to meet them would only slow them down and Doug couldn’t afford that. “Alright, is there anything I can do to help from here?”
“Not at the moment but keep your phone on. Depending on how this goes, we may need to lock down an address and quickly. And for that, we’re going to need you. I’m assuming you have an FBI contact somewhere?”
You pressed your lips together and got into your car. “I know someone,” you confirmed. “He owes me a favor or two.”
“I really want to say something right now at the idea of you and favors and me being the one to close out that guy’s tab but I can’t. My window of time is closing in about fifteen seconds.”
You smirked, shaking your head. “Pretty sure you just did.”
He cleared his throat one more time, affecting an even more professional tone than you’d heard from him thus far. “Got to go. Keep your phone on. I’ll text you as soon as I know what the situation is.” 
“Okay, will do.” You briefly closed your eyes, deciding the hell with it. “And, Russell?”
“Be careful,” you quietly urged, digging your teeth into your bottom lip. Despite what you said to him before, hearing speak in a way that was similar to Nate had your nerves sitting a little bit on edge, now knowing what he and his friend Doug did for a living and what he and Colter could possibly be walking into. 
“Copy that,” he responded, making you realize that his limited window of time he mentioned had expired and he was no longer alone. Sure enough, you could hear the sounds of a car door shutting in the background.
“Keep me updated.”
“Will do. Talk soon.” Before you could say anything else, the line disconnected. Even though you’d heard the confirmation of why he had to go so quickly, a part of you irrationally worried for a second that you had probably scared him off. That your warning him to be careful only cemented whatever Colter had said about you to him and why the former wanted to keep you sidelined. You had meant what you said earlier; you were a professional and your personal tragedies would never get in the way of your job. But that didn’t mean that an age-old worry you’d had every time Nate had gone to work didn’t immediately resurface the minute you were faced with a similar situation. And even though you were pissed at Colter, you also didn’t want him to get hurt.
The moment you figured you had screwed yourself with Russell, and not in the good way, an alert sounded on your phone. You glanced at your screen and saw a new text message from the very man you had just been thinking about. 
“We’ve got this. I’ll text you the minute we’re done checking it out.”
A small smile formed on your face and you texted back a genuine “Thank you”. You forced yourself to take a deep breath and get your head back in the game. You still had to find a motel to check into and you also had to be ready in case they did end up needing that address Russell had mentioned. You quickly looked up motels on your phone, weeding out the ones with the worse reviews, and settling on a place. You fired up Google Maps and started the car, intent on getting a room and firing up your laptop to check on a few cases to keep you busy while you were waiting. That had always been the worst part for you: the waiting. Waiting for a phone call or text to let you know Nate was okay after a job even though he couldn’t tell you the details of said job. So you were determined to place your focus elsewhere but also be ready in case you were needed. 
You truly hoped the brothers found Doug alive at this location they were headed to and that the danger, if any, was minimal. That it was truly nothing the two couldn’t handle together.
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Russell quickly hung up with you the minute Colter hopped back into his truck. His brother had stopped to get some coffee at Russell’s insistence though Colter had kept repeating they shouldn’t be stopping. When the latter didn’t immediately get out to go get the beverages after they parked, Colter arched his brows expectantly. Russell had given him a wide smile. “Mind getting it quick?” He waved his phone at the man, indicating he needed to make a call.
Colter looked less than pleased but gave him a nod, most likely assuming it was a call to one of Russell’s contacts that should remain unknown as his older brother had intended, and left. Russell removed his sunglasses and immediately pressed the phone icon next to your name, calling you.
Now, he definitely knew three things: you had lost someone to this type of work, you were a little bit of a spitfire and he liked you even more now, and he was definitely going to pay you a visit after he closed up this whole thing with Doug and got the man back to his wife in one piece. 
Sure, when he’d first seen you, you had been somewhat hostile but entertaining and you’d been a hot mess. One hell of a hot mess in his opinion. Then you’d been flirty, checking him out, and you had even stolen his fries to use them for implications that definitely hadn’t been lost on him (or Colter for that matter, the glare his brother graced you with when you weren’t looking he hadn’t seen since they were kids). Though he’d clocked your change in demeanor when Doug’s situation was brought up and hadn’t missed your evading his question about your engagement status, he couldn’t resist eyeing you up as you walked over to the food truck behind him, nearly whistling at the perfection he was staring at. Not to mention, he liked your spunk and that only made him want you that much more. Then when you plopped back down with your food, completely in professional mode and talking over the case quickly before Colter sent you off, he was even more impressed and he just knew he had to take his shot with you. Under him, over him, to the side of him — whatever you wanted, he was game. No matter what Colter had to say on the matter. Unless his brother had feelings for you, he was going for it the first chance he got.
Colter handed him his coffee, nodding at Russell’s thanking him. “You get anything?”
“Nothing more than we already know.” He placed his sunglasses back on and sipped at his coffee, feeling slightly bad for lying to his brother. He knew Colter’s “off limits” was more about protecting you than it was anything else. But he also had just gotten his brother to start talking to him again, to work Doug’s disappearance with him, and he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Nothing within reason, anyway. So a little white lie needed to be told; he’d done it before and way worse. Besides, he also didn’t think it was fair that Colter didn’t allow you the decision of whether you wanted to be involved in this or not. While he could appreciate his little brother looking out for you like the good man he’d turned out to be, everyone deserved to make their own well-informed choices. Considering your ex had been former military turned private contractor, you more than knew what you were dealing with. You had made a good point earlier: your history shouldn’t impact the job you had come here to do. And far be it from Russell to be the one to stand in your way and keep you from doing just that. Plus, they could really use your help if this safehouse Ann had given them didn’t pan out. 
Colter nodded and backed out of the parking spot. “Onward to the safe house. No more stops, right?”
“Right,” Russell confirmed. While Colter was distracted, he discreetly adjusted himself. There had been a moment in your conversation there that he had been tempted to tell you just how hard your sexy-as-hell voice and heavy flirtation had gotten him. But he knew once he did that, there would be no going back and either he’d have to jerk off in his brother’s truck (which would just be awkward especially if Colter returned quickly) or he’d have to somehow sneak into the coffee shop and make his way to the bathrooms so he could rub one out in there. Though that might also prove to be awkward if anyone else walked in to overhear the absolutely filthy things he would be murmuring into your ear from a stall, all of the promises he’d make about what he wanted to do to that sweet body of yours as soon as he had the chance, the sounds of him whacking it echoing loudly in the small space along with his deep groans. There had even been once or twice he’d gently rubbed the bulge in his jeans as you talked, only backing off when it got to be too much and he was about to break, close to ordering you to go somewhere private where you could touch yourself as well while also making sure you could be loud enough so he could hear every amazing sound he knew you would make. Hell, when you’d laid down the law to him, he’d nearly unzipped his jeans and stuck his hand inside to get some relief right there. Not that he didn’t hear what you were saying, not that he didn’t respect it or you, but damn if that little bit of fire you’d thrown his way didn’t turn him on even more. When he had answered you with “Yes, ma’am” a part of him had definitely been saluting you, no doubt about it.
Then he heard someone talking to you in the background, presumably a store clerk since it sounded like you had been told an amount for whatever you were buying. He had the quick thought, or hope, that maybe you were in a Victoria’s Secret or one of those places, buying a little something for him to unwrap you out of later on. Realizing just how much lust had fogged up his brain during this conversation, he dropped his head back against the seat, shut his eyes, and compulsively swallowed. He was immediately determined to keep his cool for the rest of your chat, especially when he opened his eyes to see Colter holding the coffee shop door open for an elderly couple walking inside, coffee cups stacked in his other hand. From there, he’d kept things professional and brief, though he hadn’t been able to resist getting that one last tease in before Colter opened the door. 
And then he’d heard your warning, detecting a note of worry in it, so he’d done what he could to reassure you with the text message he just discreetly sent you. He appreciated the fact that while this case might be stirring up some feelings from the past, you still had gone ahead and told him to be safe. He knew it was meant for both him and Colter, you obviously knowing how dangerous the job could be, but he was still getting used to him being included in that group. It was a little strange for him if he was honest. Other than Tracy saying it when he would pick Doug up for a job and the occasional conversation with Dory where he mentioned he was about to go to work, there was no one else who told him to be careful, to be safe. He found he kind of liked the idea and that only increased his appreciation of your situation, especially now having an even better idea of what you might be currently experiencing. He was no stranger to trauma, that was for sure, and so he could only imagine the thoughts racing through your mind right now, you being pissed off at Colter or not, you having just met him or not. He didn’t intend to give you cause for any more worry. No, he intended to give you something else when all was said and done. He couldn’t help but smirk at the thought.    
But now — now, it was go time. He needed to clear his head and focus on the job. He needed to get Doug back to his wife alive. Colter had made Tracy a promise that both brothers were intent on keeping. And Russell had made you a promise, one he was determined as hell to see through. 
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You were just leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel, your hair damp and sitting on one shoulder after you just squeezed the water out of it, when you heard a knock on your motel room door. 
You frowned, wondering who it could be, thinking maybe it was Colter. He always had a way of finding you when that was the last thing you wanted him to do. Truthfully, you had bitched him out earlier when he called you to inform you that he had just successfully delivered Doug back home to his wife, alive and unharmed. He and Russell had found the man at the safehouse and he told them who he had been running from. While Colter didn’t share that information, you gathered from what he did share that it had something to do with a job he and Russell had done for Horizon in the past. You kept your mouth shut but you shook your head. You knew it. Doing that kind of work was always dangerous and always carried risks like that. 
They made the long drive back and now the case was closed. Something you already knew thanks to the text message Russell had sent you already confirming this but you didn’t let on to Colter that you knew. Instead, you proceeded to tell him to stop treating you like a fragile porcelain doll and from there it quickly became heated between you two. The conversation ended soon after with neither of you willing to budge and you let out an aggravated sigh when you hit the end call button. You were grateful he and Russell were okay, but the former could drive you up a wall sometimes. If you could go back in time, you would definitely have told him to get lost when he showed up on your doorstep that one Friday night.
That immediately made you think of Russell and you realized you hadn’t texted him back yet. Colter had called right after you received the text message, with you assuming they had just gotten back into an area with service, and he had told you they had Doug and he’d call again when they got him safely home. You had sat on pins and needles, trying to focus on your most prevalent case, but the worry gnawed at you. Colter’s tone had not been his usual calm, devil-may-care one. It was coated with concern, not something you heard from him too often. So you had been distracted until Colter called you again and then the rest was history.
You slid over to Russell’s name on your screen and tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. A different worry began to gnaw at you this time, the worry that you had indeed scared him off earlier. He had thought twice about it and decided you weren’t worth getting involved with, not even for the casual one night stand. The disappointment sat in your chest for a moment until you got angry. Between the argument with Colter and now Russell bailing on the plans he had implied to you that he wanted to keep, you were done. You hopped up and grabbed the bottle of whiskey you had purchased earlier, twisted off the cap, and took a swig. Well, it looked like it would be another dry night for you and your trip out here had been a complete waste. Colter hadn’t wanted your help and now you weren’t bumping pelvises with his hot older brother either so it was a lose-lose for you. As usual.
You swigged some more whiskey before deciding it was time for that shower you had been craving since this morning. Sure, you could take care of yourself in there and it might ease some of this angry tension in your body that Colter had helped to create, but you were too annoyed. You had angrily slammed your laptop shut and headed for the bathroom, intent on washing all of the bullshit from the last twenty four hours away.
And now, Colter had decided to show up. Of course he had. He might have a thing for Reenie that he refused to acknowledge (as did she), but he was angry (something not usual for him), worked up, and you were in town. Of course he’d show up wanting a repeat performance of the angry sex you’d had in the past. While you could really use the lay to get you out of this drought you found yourself in, you had no desire to go back there and you were definitely not in the mood.
That didn’t mean you wouldn’t give him a tease of what he couldn’t have, though. Not after that argument. Which is exactly why you decided to answer the door dressed (or underdressed) as you were. But when you angrily swung the door open, the person staring back at you in momentary shock was not Colter Shaw. You were shocked yourself; how the hell had he found you?   
Russell’s gaze darkened as he took all of you in. You noticed that he had changed his clothes and his hair looked slightly damp, as if he had recently taken a shower himself. “Hey,” he greeted, his voice dipping in register again. 
And just like that, as if a button had been pressed with that deep tone of his, you were back in the mood. You smirked and leaned against the door. “Hey,” you silkily replied. “Not the Shaw brother I was expecting.”
“But the one you were hoping for, right?” Russell’s wolfish grin was back, completely undeterred by your teasing.
You pretended to think it over for a moment. “Depends.” You grabbed at his jacket and yanked him in closer to you, making him chuckle as you swung the door shut behind him. “What does this brother plan to do?”
“Like I said,” He used that voice again, making goosebumps rise along your skin. “Whatever you want.”
“Exactly what I wanted to hear.” You lifted up and wrapped your arms around his neck, the movement forcing the towel to fall from your body, as you pushed your lips to his. You ran your fingers through his hair and greedily kissed him, nearly moaning into his mouth when his tongue delved into yours and his hands palmed at your ass. If he moved those fingers a little lower, he would find you already practically dripping for him. If you weren’t so busy trying to keep your balance as he proceeded to devour you, you might have marveled at the effect this man had on your body.  
A moment later, he gripped your ass tightly and picked you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist. You could feel the covered bulge against you and you couldn’t help trying to grind a little against it, trying to get some friction.
When you both needed air, you moved to his neck, yanking his head backwards and making him chuckle as you went to town on him. You could also hear him letting out tiny groans above you as he tried to catch his breath. It was one of the hottest fucking things you’d ever heard and you intended on hearing more before the night’s end. “I should tell you before we go any further,” he panted.
“Mmmm, the only thing I need to know is if you’re clean. Because I really want that in my mouth.” You reached below to squeeze his erection, making his breath catch that was then let out in a quiet hiss.
“I-I’m clean,” he assured you.
“Good, me too,” you murmured, nibbling on his ear. “You just need to make sure to pull out and we’re golden.” 
“Okay. I, uh, I also came packing.”
You moved your hand over him and squeezed once more, earning another drawn out hiss of “shit”. “You certainly did.”
He moved you back so he could look at you, his eyes the darkest you’d seen them yet. He cupped your cheek, gliding his thumb along your bottom lip before gently placing it inside your mouth against your tongue. You sucked the digit in further, moaning around it. His gaze was so transfixed on your mouth that you couldn’t help but snicker and release his thumb with a pop. “Russell.”
His gaze slowly trailed upwards to meet yours.
“Was there something you wanted to tell me?” You teased as you rubbed earnestly at his erection. 
“Uh,” You noticed his eyes close briefly when you rubbed near where the tip was located. You could feel a little wet spot forming on the denim underneath your ministrations and it made you grin. “Uh, Colter said you were off limits.”
Your hand immediately stopped its motion. Oh no, that motherfucker had not. He had no claim to you and whatever moment you two had back in the day had long since passed, along with the several women he’d bedded after you including Reenie. There was no way in hell he got to play the dibs card or tell you and Russell, two consenting adults, what to do. You planned to tell him that the next time you spoke with him, if you ever did again. For now, though, you only wanted to focus on the man whose fingers were hungrily roaming over your bare ass and lower, groaning when he found your own wet spot.
You cupped his chin, making sure he was looking straight at you as you stated in the sexiest voice you could manage, “I think you mean no limits. Right, Russell?”
He groaned and held you to him as he hurriedly walked you over to the bed. “Fuck, I knew I liked you.” You let out a giggle as he tossed you gently onto the bed that was quickly cut off by a moan when his body immediately covered yours and his tongue plundered your mouth.
A sudden thought occurred to you and you nearly chuckled against his lips. You had seen the way he had been eyeing you up earlier today and you realized you had the man completely pegged right then. Because just like the Big Bad Wolf, he proceeded to consume you completely, before the tables turned and you did some devouring of your own.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
banner by @cafekitsune
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sun-ni-day · 5 months
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Tracker 1x10 Into the Wild
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 months
He's My Man (Part 3)
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Summary: Russell's returned and it appears that the reader's past employment problems are behind her. But when a shirtless Russell invites her into his home and their flirting rises to new levels, the reader will have to grapple with a new reality she doesn't know how to deal with. Russell Shaw might just be the first good guy after all...
Pairing: Russell Shaw x reader
Word Count: 3,500ish
Warnings: language, gun shot injury mention, smidge of angst, fluff
A/N: That ending though 👀
The sun was shining high when you woke, streams of light filtering in through the large windows. You hummed as you sat up, Colter typing away at his laptop outside. There was no sign of Russell though, a frown forming on your face.
He hadn’t left already, had he? He’d promised to tell you what happened back home.
You quickly changed in Colter’s bedroom into your joggers and AC/DC shirt, deciding to try Russell’s gifts out. The bra felt amazing, especially after wearing the same dirty one for a few days in a row. Even the lilac underwear was softer than you expected. 
Outside you shrugged on one of Russell’s flannel’s, pouting when you saw his car was gone and yours was in it’s place.
“Morning,” said Colter, nodding towards where a cup of coffee laid waiting for you next to your chair.
“Hey,” you said, taking it without sitting. “I didn’t mean to sleep so late.”
“Not a problem. You haven’t been getting much lately.” You glanced around and noticed he was packed up for the most part, probably itching to get on the road. 
“You have a new case?” 
“Yeah. Oregon, not too far,” he said. He reached into his pocket, holding out your car keys. You wearily took them, Colter glancing over the top of your head. “I told him to stick around but he wanted to make sure it was ready for you.”
You raised an eyebrow, Colter shrugging.
“Apparently Russell has a place 45 minutes from here. Some cabin on a lake? I didn’t know he had a house. But uh, he hasn’t been there in awhile and he went on ahead to clean and stock up or something. He wants you to head up there so you can talk.”
“Oh. That’s…sweet.” You chugged back half your coffee, Colter eyeing you suspiciously. “What?”
“Nothing. Go have your talk.” You hummed, taking another sip. “You don’t owe him anything you know.”
“I know. We’re just friends.” Colter smirked. “You want to go down that road, Shaw? I can’t help but notice you and Reenie got that whole enemies to lovers vibe-”
“And that’s enough of that conversation,” he said, standing with a stretch. He reached into his pocket again, tossing you your phone. “Russell said it’s safe to carry again. Call if you ever need anything, Y/N.”
“Have I grown on you, Colter?” you teased. He rolled hie eyes as you handed him your empty mug. 
“Maybe. I’m working on the having friends thing.” 
“Well, you Shaw boys aren’t conventional but you’ve grown on me,” you said, opening your arms. “Come on. Let’s hug it out.”
“This is why I don’t do friends,” he half grumbled when he stepped into it, rubbing your back once more. “Hey and if you do think you want to try rewardist work, call me. We’ll talk, figure out a safe way for you to do this stuff.”
“What makes you think I won’t just go back home and do what I was before?” you asked. 
“Did you really want to do that crap again?” You frowned, shaking your head. He stepped back, pushing you towards the streamer. “That’s what I thought. Go pack. I’m sure Russell will be looking for you soon.”
One Hour Later
After leaving Colter with a promise to stay in touch, you arrived in a small town on the edges of a lake. It took a few minutes but your GPS eventually found the right road to head down. You had to question it when it told you that you’d arrived at your destination. The cabin Russell supposedly owned look more like a very expensive rustic mini-mansion some rich people would vacation to on the weekends.
Still, you pulled into the driveway and found Russell’s beat up car there. Cautiously you exited your car and went up the steps of the front porch, ringing the doorbell twice. A large wood door whipped open and you’d gotten your wish.
There was Russell before you. Damp hair slicked back, a few water droplets trailing down his broad chest and disappearing into the waist band of his navy sweatpants. You could see his tattoos scattered across his arm, a few on his wrist and thumbs and good god, how long had you been ogling his body?
Your head snapped up, Russell cockily leaning with one arm up against the doorframe wearing a satisfied smirk.
“Oh, please. Look all you want, babe.” You huffed and stormed past him, fighting the urge to turn around and see what his ass looked like in this skinny little joggers he had on. Nope. You had more self-control than that.
“You wish,” you said, surprised at the mixture of modern and rustic touches inside. “So you squatting here, Shaw?”
“I wish,” he chuckled, walking past you into the kitchen area, the smell of sandalwood and vanilla luring you to follow after. “I picked this place up after I got out of the military for cheap. Been renovating it room by room for the past decade.”
“Marble countertops?” you asked, rattling your knuckles against the white and silver veined surface. Russell leaned against the island, his biceps flexing with the movement. “I thought you said you aren’t made of money.”
“Maybe I want you to like me for me and not my wallet,” he said, looking at you through his eyelashes. “You know how much that visit to that little boutique set me back?”
“Oh, I think you can afford it,” you said, smiling as you slipped behind him, ruffling his damp strands. “Next time you want to buy me lingerie, just be a big boy and say so.”
“Here I was being thoughtful with no ulterior motives,” he said, standing and putting a hand to his chest. He frowned, closing his eyes in feigned pain. “I’m hurt, Y/N.”
“You can be thoughtful and at the same time admit you’d like to see what your choices look like.” He dropped his hand smiled.
“I really did buy them without expecting anything. I was there and thought a girl like you deserves something nice in her fucked up life.”
“I know, Russell,” you said quietly, offering him a smile. “I honestly do appreciate it.”
He nodded before going to his fridge and taking out a pair of waters, setting one on the counter near you. “You’re welcome. And if you were ever so inclined to want to show off my fashion choices, I suppose I could suffer through.”
“You’d really take that hit for the team wouldn’t you,” you teased. He hummed, crossing his arms.
“It’s a heavy burden but one I’m willing to bear.” You rolled your eyes and laughed quietly, slipping away before you got any closer to a half-naked Russell. 
You pretended to meander around the house, enjoying the openness compared to Colter’s airstreamer. A large fireplace sat in the corner and you could see through the glass doors to the back covered porch that another sat out there as well. 
“I made up the guest room.” You spun around, Russell pointing down a hallway. “Fresh sheets. Towels. I thought maybe you’d want to take a real shower and relax before you decide your next move.”
“Next move, huh.” You crossed your arms, looking out the back windows as dark clouds rolled in over the lake. “That your subtle way of saying I can’t go back home?”
Russell’s smile fell, quickly replaced with a neutral non-chalence you saw right through. He padded across the hardwoods over to your side, watching the clouds with you.
“I meant what I said last night. You’re safe. No one, and I mean no one, will ever come after you again. Go freshen up and we’ll talk after. I promise.”
“Fine. But only because Colter’s shower sucks.” You knew Russell was holding back something but you’d let it slide for the moment. A hot, long shower sounded amazing.
Forty minutes later you exited the guest suite with freshly washed hair, smooth legs and clean clothes. Alright, maybe they were Russell’s clothes he’d laid out on the bed for you but you weren’t complaining. 
“How was it?” he asked when you found him on the covered back porch, a hard rain coming down.
“I hate to sound like a girl but that was so much nicer than your brother’s tiny ass shower stall,” you said, enjoying the cool air on your flush skin. Russell refrained from saying anything about the black Stones shirt you had put on or the way you were drowning in his sweatpants. You ran your fingers through your hair, Russell watching you try to tame the mess it’d become. “You didn’t happen to pick up any hair ties or scrunchies when you clearly went to the store and got me stuff, did you?”
He reached into his pocket with a smile and a dark green scrunchie appeared on his wrist, your eyes wide. “Wait, really?”
“I’m smarter than I look,” he said. You nearly asked for it when you decided to turn around, presenting your back to him.
“Can you handle a messy bun?” you asked. A spark rang down your spine as he gathered up your hair on top of your head, gently pulling it together and securing it. You patted it when he finished, Russell taking a bow to an imaginary crowd. You put a hand on your hip, shaking your head. “Okay, how the hell do you know how to do that?”
“I could tell you but I’d have to kill you.” You rolled your eyes. “I learned it at special ops school.”
“Russ.” He laughed, taking a seat on the outdoor couch, arm over the back of it.
“I have a kid sister. I used to do her hair and shit when she was little.” You grinned, Russell holding up a finger.
“Don’t. Say-”
“Aw. What a good big brother you are,” you teased, sitting down next to him. Russell’s eyes glinted with a retort but he settled for letting his fingertips dance over your bare neck. Your breath hitched, Russell, cocking his head. “I can’t concentrate on what we need to talk about if you’re going to keep doing that.”
“Does that mean you don’t like it?” he asked, his body inviting you to tuck itself in right under that open arm. He grazed his fingers oh so lightly over your neck again and fuck, you wished he’d just grab hold and smash your lips to his already.
“You think just cause you’re sweet and thoughtful and hot and save a girl, you’ll win her over with your horrible flirting, just like that?” He leaned in close, so close you felt the heat radiating off his breath.
“I already won and she knows it. She just likes making me chase her.” You shivered when he thumbed over the back of your neck, a cocky smile on his face. “And she is a woman worth chasing so I will as long as she wants me to.”
You leaned in just when he pulled away and stood up, taking a seat in the chair opposite you with a big, stupid, cocky as fuck, smile on his face. 
“Fucker,” you growled. Russell only smiled harder. “You’re gonna pay for that.”
“Oh, I pray I do,” he said, putting his hands behind his head, licking his lips. Your eye twitched, Russell chuckling deeply. “That’s my little queen of darkness I adore.”
“We will continue this conversation later,” you said, cutting him off. Russell nodded, taking the zip up from nearby and unfortunately tugging it on over his bare chest.
“So,” he said, shoving his hands in the pockets, taking a deep breath. “You want to know what happened after you left.”
“That’d be nice, yes.” Russell pursed his lips, turning his head towards the downpour. “Russell. Come on.”
“I know you want details but I’m sorry, that’s not happening.” Your jaw dropped as he held up his hands. “You have had enough violence and death in your life. Now, I will answer your questions but I will use my discretion. You do not need…you don’t need that crap anymore. Please.”
Russell dropped his hand, leaning his elbows against his knees. When he looked up, his green eyes were somber and your heart did that flipping thing again.
“Are they all dead? The whole crew?” you asked quietly. He nodded. “That was like twenty five guys.”
“...Technically, they killed each other off. That’s why you didn’t hear about it in the news. Police are keeping it quiet.” 
“How…you tricked them?” you asked. He nodded again. “You’re sure all of them-”
“Every last one. Sides were drawn. Elpine and some of his crew got involved too, killed in the crossfire. There’s no mafia left there. No one will ever look for you again if you decide to go back.”
“If?” you asked. Russell shrugged.
“You were forced to do a job you didn’t want. You don’t want to patch up scummy guys off the street. You get to live the life you want to now. You can do that back in Virginia…or you can do a clean slate. Start over somewhere new.”
“You mean here. Stay here with you,” you said. You stood up, going to the railing, a cold breeze hitting you.
“This is a safe place and you can take as long as you need to figure out what you want to do.” You felt him behind you, his hands settling on your arms. “I have enough. I don’t want to be a private contractor forever. I am more than happy to walk away and start fresh myself.”
“Russell, you are asking a lot.”
“No I’m not.” You frowned, closing your eyes. “Despite…I’m not asking you to pick me. I’m not that crazy. I know we’re still figuring each other out. I’m asking you to pick yourself. I’m asking you to trust now that I am not like those people you worked with. You never have to pick me if that’s what you want and there are no stings attached. Ever. Just don’t go back there. Start over somewhere where life will be kind to you.”
He rubbed your arms once before you felt him move away. You glanced back over your shoulder, Russell going to the fireplace and squatting down in front of it. A moment later, flames appeared and he was tossing a few logs from nearby inside.
“Russell.” He hummed, adjusting a large log with a sharp poker. He kept his back to you for a long beat, slowly rising and setting the poker aside. When he finally looked at you, his face was neutral, void of any signs of how he actually felt. You fidgeted, tugging down the hem of your shirt awkwardly. “Put aside the flirting. You and me…it’s not going to work out.”
“You’re sure about that, are you?” You scoffed, Russell holding up his hands. 
You stormed over to him, stabbing a finger in his firm chest. “I am not whatever you think I am. I’m not a damsel looking for her white knight to come save her. I didn’t ask you to take care of my problem. You decided to do that, not me. I don’t owe you anything.”
He slowly blinked, staring down with the tiniest hint of a smirk. 
“Why are you always fucking smiling?” you growled. 
“Well if you’re going to be the grumpy then I got to be the sunshine.”
“We’re not a fucking trope! I-I don’t need you. I don’t need you to buy me things. Or do things for me. Or offer to let me stay in this beautiful house. I’ve spent my whole life alone. There is no such thing as a good guy. All you want is in my fucking pants so let’s just fuck and get this fucking thing over with so I can go the fuck home.”
Russell’s eyebrows raised. He nodded, crossing his arms. “I’m not fucking you.”
“What? That’s…you’ve been flirting the second we met!” 
“Oh, we’re past the hookup stage. We do this, it’s cause we’re the real deal.”
“Insufferable,” you muttered, going inside, pacing back and forth in the family room. To your extreme annoyance, Russell didn’t follow you. He just sat out there next to his fireplace, watching the rain come down. He really wasn’t going to talk to you about this? He was going to ignore you?
You huffed, wandering throughout the house and finding it frustratingly gorgeous. While it certainly leaned masculine as did most rustic style homes single men lived it, it felt…cozy. There was a warmth to it, even in the large expanses, that you hadn’t felt since you were a child. It was built almost like a retreat, Russell’s safe place away from the world.
You sat down on the top set of the stairs, frowning with your head in your hands.
Was there such a thing as a good guy? No, Russell wanted you for sex. A quick fuck. Maybe a fuck buddy at most but that was it. Right? He was a single man in his forties. Ex-military and he still did contracted black ops work. He was a trained killer. A deadly weapon hidden under a boyish smile and pretty face. There was no way he was a good guy that actually wanted a normal life.
“Do you always talk to yourself?” Your head snapped up, Russell giving you an awkward little wave from the landing a few feet away. You groaned, wiping your face off when you felt the trickle of tears on your cheeks. Russell stepped up and stopped, sitting down a few steps below you, close enough to reach out and grab your hand. 
“I should go,” you said. Russell simply held out his open palm, your own hands now held in your lap.
“Whether I’m good or bad, I’ll leave that up to somebody else to decide. I don’t live my life in the black and white. But I can tell you if I only wanted to screw you, I would never have invited you to my home.” You stared down at your lap, closing your eyes when his callused thumb wiped under your eye, pushing away a rogue tear. “You ain’t a damsel. You’re my queen of darkness, remember?”
Your lip twitched up briefly, Russell letting out some satisfied little sound.
“I meant what I said earlier. Stay. Rest. Figure out your next move on your own time. If me being here complicates that, I can duck out.”
“No.” You grasped his wrist, flicking open your eyes. His palm felt so hot to the touch, your heart skipping when he grazed your skin. “Stay here.”
“Okay then,” he said. He stood, leaning over and kissing your forehead. Then he was moving down the steps, whistling a peppy tune. “I’m going to make us some grilled cheese and tomato soup. Love me some grilled cheese.”
“Wait!” you called, following him down the stairs. Russell spun around at the bottom, smiling up at you. “Why…I…I-I don’t understand. You’re really just going to let me stay here? Without committing to anything?”
His face fell, brow furrowing. “You’re really starting to scare me, Y/N. When’s the last time there was someone decent in your life?”
“I’m not sure anymore,” you said quietly. “The idea of someone like you being so kind crosses a lot of wires in my head.”
“That’s why you keep freaking out when I’m not a dick and give you space.” You nodded, fidgeting with the bottom of your shirt again. He smiled, reaching up, offering his hand again. You let yours slip into it, Russell lacing your fingers together. “Well, I ain’t like other men, sweetheart. I promise you that.”
“Why me?” you asked, taking a step down, putting you at eye level with him. “I mean, why wouldn’t you want someone normal?”
“A normal girl sounds boring. Now queen of darkness? That sounds like a woman that’s badass enough to put up with me. Let’s stop freaking out, go make lunch, and let me try to help you what you want to do, okay?”
“Perfect.” He pecked a kiss on your cheek, pulling you along after him. “So. Has a man ever cooked for you?”
You shook your head, Russell frowning. You yelped when he picked you up and sat you on the kitchen counter, caging you in with his muscular arms on either side.
“Alright then Y/N Y/L/N. I’m about to make you the best goddamn lunch of your life.” Before he could move, you wrapped your legs tight around his waist, keeping him so, so close. Russell’s gaze turned heated, eyes darkening. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” you breathed out, Russell leaning in close.
“Don’t take me unless you plan on keeping me. Based on our previous conversation, we are not there.” Slowly, you unhooked your legs, Russell straightening, looking you up and down, eyes no less dark.
“Russ?” He stared at you, licking his lips.
“Fuck it.”
And then he slammed his lips to yours, stealing your breath away in the goddamn best kiss of your life.
A/N: Read Part 4 here!
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marvelwitchergilmore · 4 months
One Number Away
Summary: Colter Shaw x Fe!Reader -> Yourself and Colter have known each other for a long time, however when Colter says something he can't regret, you're both forced to live with the consequences.
Disclaimer: 18+ MDNI. This post contains Smut. Light swearing. Fluff. Angst. (I have not finished Tracker yet, but I wish to write a story for him) Not Proof Read.
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God, he was so stupid. 
“I could have told you that.” 
Colter turned his head and found;
She smiled at him, taking a seat beside him before ordering a cup of coffee, decaf. 
“How did you know where to find me?”
“Well, considering she’s probably at the only nice bar in town, you’d be in the place furthest from her because, like you said, you’re an idiot.”
“I said I was stupid.”
Reenie just gave him a look. 
“Okay, fair enough.”
“So, what did you do?”
“How do you know I did something?”
Reenie thanked the waitress before adding in her cream and sugar. “Because she called me and told me what happened.”
“So then why are you asking me?”
“Because I want to see if you know why you’re an idiot.”
Colter sighed. He should have known. 
It was a few hours ago, but it somehow felt like it was getting fresher and fresher inside of him. 
Colter had been working his case in town when he ran into you and asked for your help. Not that he needed much of it, but he enjoyed your company and two sets of eyes were better than one. 
It was at this time he came to find out what you had been doing since he last saw you. It wasn’t often you both got to meet up, but when you did it was like no time had passed. And yet, a lot of time had passed. 
You had been given a promotion at work, you had bought a home with a covered porch like you had always wanted, and you…were seeing someone. 
Over the course of the next few days, Colter had a few run ins with this certain someone and he couldn’t shake the odd feelings in his stomach. They were like a mixture of protection, jealousy, confusion, and a couple of others he couldn’t put a name to. 
If their first meeting had been icy, their second had been practically frozen in the Ice Age. Colter thought for a moment, stupidly, that you hadn’t noticed. However, the minute your…boyfriend? stood and kissed you goodbye, Colter felt his hand twitch and his back straighten, and walked out of the door, you turned towards him. 
“You can’t even pretend to like him?”
“I do like him!” Colter was lying through his teeth. 
Rick, your…boyfriend’s name, was a decent enough guy, but Colter couldn’t shake his feelings. The confusing pang of growing jealousy in his gut, and the knowledge that, from his point of view, you were way out of Rick’s league. 
And this all came to a head just a few hours earlier. 
“What?” Colter replied. 
“I can hear your judgement in the silence. What is it? Colter, if you have something you want to say, just come out and say it.”
“No, it’s nothing.”
“Did anyone ever tell you you’d be a scary teacher?”
“Yeah, you. All the damn time.” You laughed a little. “Colter, please. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
He knew that much was true. Ever since you first met he’d felt like he could tell you anything. Of course, he still kept some things secret, but if he was ever going to spill them to someone, it would be to you. Colter liked you, but above all, he trusted you. 
And that wasn’t something he admitted lightly. 
Which was why, considering you were one of the few people in this world who he could call his friend, he told you the truth. 
It just didn’t happen to come out the way he wanted it to. 
“He’s not good enough for you.”
Or maybe it did. He just didn’t want it to come out…all the way he wanted. 
“Excuse me?”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I just meant…” Colter sighed. “He’s good. He’s a decent guy, but he’s not…”
“Not…what?” You searched his face. “Not macho enough? Not smart enough? Not kind enough? Not able to quote some shitty movie off by heart? What? What is he not?”
“Forget I said anything.”
You hurried after him. “No, no. Go on, go ahead. What is it? Because I like him, shouldn’t that be enough.”
“You’re right. It is enough.”
“Not according to you.”
Colter said your name, but you wanted an answer. 
“No, come on. Tell me. What could possibly be wrong with him?”
Turning around quickly, Colter faced you. “You’re too good for him. I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but he’s not good enough for you. All your life, you said you wanted to laugh. You wanted someone who you could laugh with and be-be-be yourself with.” Colter said your name once more. “In the last few days, when you’re with him, you barely laugh. Sure you smile and you chuckle once in a while, but you don’t laugh. Does he even know you? Like actually know you?”
“What? Like you do?”
Colter couldn’t help it but he nodded. 
You laughed. But it wasn’t a happy one. 
“Colter. You can’t be serious.”
“What if I am?”
That was when you straightened and your gaze hardened as you looked at Colter. “There is more to life than just laughing. Rick, he makes me happy. You know nothing of my life, Colter. We see each other less than six times a year and you can’t just waltz in here-”
“Didn’t think I could waltz.”
“And act as if you know everything about me, because you don’t. Or you would see that Rick is more than just “a nice guy” or whatever you called him. So maybe we don’t laugh, but he does make me smile, and at least he’s here.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know what it means, Colter.”
“Do I?”
Somehow, your gaze hardened a little more and Colter took a small step back. He knew exactly what you meant. 
Nothing had ever actually happened between either of you, but you made a clear point to him. It was at the end of these meetings that he left. For the next state, the next job, the next adventure, the next trail. 
“You deserve better,” Colter told you. “Someone more than Rick.”
“Who? Like you?”
That struck Colter because…
He wanted to say…
You scoffed a little, crossing your arms and taking your gaze from his for a moment to look at your feet. “You are…unbelievable. You’re not my boyfriend, or partner, Colter. You don’t get a say in who I deserve.”
Colter was fixed on the spot. 
“Come and find me when you want to apologise.”
Walking past him, you unlocked your car and soon drove away, leaving him standing beside his truck in the car park. 
“Yep.” Reenie said, turning to bring her legs under the counter. “I’m on her side.”
“I’m on her side, too.”
“And you’re an idiot.”
“And I’m an idiot.”
Reenie took a sip of her coffee then placed the cup down. “So, what are you going to do?”
“She doesn’t want to see me.”
“Colter, you two have been friends for years. And knowing her, she won’t throw that friendship away over one stupid fight.”
“I don’t know, Reenie. Maybe there isn’t a way of coming back from this.”
“Of course there is. You apologise.” Reenie told him. “It’s that simple. Hell, she even told you so.”
“But what if I’m not sorry?” Colter asked. “I’m sorry that we had the fight, but I’m not sorry for what I said. She does deserve better.”
Then Reenie said something that shocked Colter. 
She agreed with him. 
“You do?”
“Of course I do. I like Rick, he’s a good guy. But she doesn’t…light up, the same way. She’s happy, but she’s not…her fully.”
“See, if we can see it, why can’t she?”
“Then show her.”
“I did.”
“No,” Reenie shook her head. “You told her. You told her that she’s not happy with him.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Maybe, but that isn’t what she heard. You told her she’s not laughing and that she’s not herself. Show her that she deserves butterflies and tell her the truth.”
Reenie nodded. “Butterflies.”
“No. No buts. I’ve had to watch this long enough. Colter, tell her how you feel. Before it’s too late. Don’t be an idiot.”
Colter didn’t have to be told twice. 
By the time he pulled up outside of your house, Colter was shocked. 
You were home. 
You were meant to be on a date.
But Rick’s car wasn’t parked outside. 
And from what he could see, you were home alone. 
So, before he began to border on ‘stalker’, Colter got out of his car and knocked on the door. 
When you heard the knock, you checked your doorbell camera. 
Colter called out your name. “I know you’re home! I-I just want to talk, please.”
Walking from your kitchen and through your living room, you looked at Colter through the small window pane of glass before unlocking the door. 
“Can we talk?”
You took a moment before opening up the door and letting him inside. He might have pissed you off, but there was no point in making him freeze himself outside whilst letting the heat out of your house to talk. 
“Thank you.”
“Okay. What?”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m glad you’re apologising.”
“But I’m not sorry for what I said.”
You scoffed. “Of course.”
Turning around, you walked back into your kitchen with Colter quickly following you. 
“I know you’re mad at me and maybe I shouldn’t have said what I did, but I am sorry that we had a fight over it. And I’m sorry that you’re mad at me and that I upset you. Believe me, I didn’t intend for it to come out like that but-”
“But you’re not sorry for what you said.”
“You deserve so much more.”
“Well, you’ll be pleased to know that he ended things with me, so it looks like I don’t even have that now.”
“Rick.” You told him. “He saw us, today, in the parking lot. And in some way or another, he took our fight as proof that you had feelings for me and that I reciprocated them. I did try to tell him the truth but it seemed that his mind was made up.”
“Oh, now he’s sorry.”
“I am. I might not have liked him but he’s an idiot for letting you go.”
“So are you,” you said. “An idiot, I mean.”
“No, you’re right.”
“You’re right. I am an idiot. I’m an idiot for letting you go.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Colter, whatever you’re getting at…don’t bother. Just…go home and get some sleep.”
“No, I need to tell you. I should have told you. Years ago, in fact.”
“I like you, y/n. Better yet, I trust you. Which is why I’m telling you the truth and if you want to never see me again after I tell you, then I will respect your decision. Hell, you can tell Reenie everything and give her permission to taunt me about it for the rest of my life.”
“Colter, go home.”
“I was an ass today.”
“Bit of an understatement.”
Colter chuckled. “I was a real ass today.”
“And I should have told you sooner. Rick is a good guy but the fact that he let you go without even so much as a fight makes him, possibly, a much bigger idiot than I am. But I don’t want to be like him. I don’t want to let you go. And if he knew what was good for him, he would be here saying the same thing.”
“But he’s not.”
“But he’s not.” Colter repeated. “One of the first things I noticed about you was your laugh. How, even at the smallest things, you could laugh and light up a whole room. All you had to do was smile at someone and anyone in a ten mile radius could see you had helped brighten their day. You are kind, and genuine and deserve so much more than just “a nice guy”. You deserve the world and you deserve someone who wants to see you and hear you laugh. You deserve someone who’s willing to fight for you and know that they’d be an idiot if they let you just walk away.”
“What are you saying, Colter?”
“I’m saying…I know I might not be everything. But I’m asking you to give me a chance. Let me fight for you. I’m willing to try and be everything that you want, as well as what you need.”
“All I’m asking for is a chance, because it has been killing me all week, watching you sit and smile and be happy when I have seen you light up at just seeing someone smile at someone else. It’s been killing me watching you hold his hand and let him kiss you and-”
Colter felt the air being kicked out of his lungs by his heart as your lips made contact with his. 
Pulling at his jacket, you wretched him in closer to you, feeling his body heat warm yours despite how warm your house already was. 
Colter whispered your name, your kiss like a drug pulling him back for more. 
“Wait, I-I need to know something first.”
“Would you have broken it off? Maybe not tonight, but would you have done?”
You answered truthfully. Despite how much Colter had pissed you off when he said what he did, it made you think. Which only annoyed you more considering the fact that he was right. With Rick…you didn’t laugh. Well, you did. But not like you did with your friends, or your family or even Colter. Your smile wasn’t as bright as it usually was, and in complete honesty, when you were with Rick, it felt like you had to remain on your best behaviour. But there was one difference. Rick was here. You had seen him more in the space of four months than you had done with Colter in almost six years. And despite that…he didn’t know you. You thought back to all the times when Rick had ordered you coffee, instead of tea. And when he bought Sour Cream and Onion chips when they were your least favourite and how, in spite of how wonderful he could be, he never thought to ask you where your favourite place was to eat.  
Maybe it was from his training, but half of these facts, you didn’t even have to tell Colter. He just seemed to know. He noticed you, in a way unlike anyone else ever had. And that’s what you liked about him. He was thoughtful and respectful and took time to notice what was around him, whether it was out of habit or not. Either way, he noticed. He saw what was right in front of him. 
And he saw you. 
And he saw his mistake. 
Hence why
He was right in front of you. 
“Maybe not tonight, but…yes. You made me think and you were right. We didn’t laugh. I didn’t laugh. What? What is it?”
“Am I dead or did you just say that I’m right?”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up.”
“No, no. I, please, repeat it.”
With a small groan, you did. “You were right.”
“Oh, I wished I had a camera.”
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
“I’d be an idiot not to.”
“Yes, you would.”
“And she agrees with me?” Colter fayned shock. 
You laughed. 
“Like music to my ears.”
Smiling, Colter brought his lips to yours in, what started out soft and sweet, turned hot and heavy. 
Your hands stripped of his jacket, he walked you backwards into the kitchen counter. Once you hit something solid, Colter finally leaned into you more, bringing one hand from your hip to jaw whilst he parted your legs easily with his knee. 
One of his hands pulled you flush against him and a small moan developed at the back of your throat which caused more than one thing to happen to Colter. 
“Which way is the-”
“That way.”
With one smooth move, you were in the air, shortly wrapping your legs around Colter, your hands by his neck. 
Though neither of you made it to the stairs before Colter had you pinned against a wall, his hands trailing down your body before bringing your wrists above your head. From there, with a wicked smile, his lips, teeth and tongue traced down your jaw and the column of your throat. 
With one hand locking your wrist above your head, his other hand came under your ass, kneading and grabbing just enough to border on desperate.
He whispered your name as his mouth left his marks across your collarbone. Some would be left deep enough that even in a week's time, you could still see the memory. 
“Colter?” You tried to get his attention, but even your whispered voice couldn’t break out of the dizziness that came with his kiss. 
“Bedroom. Now.”
Within what felt like an instant and a lifetime, Colter’s foot swung behind him, closing your bedroom door firmly with a small click before he lowered you onto the bed. 
Leaning over you, he made slow yet light work or trailing his mouth after his fingers as they worked down from your lips, to your jaw, neck and collar bone. 
Cupping around you, Colter’s hands met the zip of your top and began to pull it down and, as it came loose, so was he. 
Pulling your top from you, you did the same for him. Feeling his skin, warm and smooth, if a little grained by the multiple scars covered his back and part of his mid-drift. 
All the while, his hands slowly slid up your calf and down your thigh, hooking your skirt and dragging it down your body all the whilst his lips were getting closer and closer to your navel, giving your lungs a little breather for a short lived moment. 
His mouth was soon back on yours as his hands skimmed around your boob, cupping and swiping as you arched into him. 
Before long, his hand slowly trailed down your body leaving gooseflesh in its wake as hooked a single finger around the waistband of your underwear and began to trail his mouth back down your body, licking and teasing you all the way down. 
His mouth remained around one of your boobs, sucking and licking whilst his hand came back up a little to pull you against him at the waist. 
You moaned his name time and time again, as he did with you. 
Leaving his mark once again, just under your breast, his hand snaked down your back and over the curve of your ass, squeezing just as he pressed a kiss to your navel. 
He could feel the heat of you in his palm as he graced over you. Your back, with minimal contact, arched towards him. His mouth getting closer, made sure to leave a mark on either side of your hip bones, trailing to where your body was calling out for him the most. 
You swallowed thickly before Colter’s hand moved towards your core. He was yet to remove your underwear, using the friction of the fabric to be even more wicked. 
Three intricate swirls, a buck of your hips and one breathy laugh from Colter was almost enough to send you over the edge. 
“You’re dripping.”
With small kisses, Colter slowly made his way down, over the outside of your underwear before pushing them aside and taking you in. 
His tongue rough, he licked from your core with a groan before swirling around your clit, keeping his pace slow enough to both satisfy you and torture you. 
You moaned, and moaned again. His name comes from your lips time and time again. 
His tongue got deeper within your core whilst his hands trailed up your body and rolled and flicked at your nipple. 
With his other hand, and his mouth sucking on your clit, he eased one finger inside of you. Your walls pulsated around him enough to make his dick harder than it already was. 
Coaxing you, he soon curled and entered a second finger, however, in a moment they disappeared, as did his mouth. 
A slightly disappointed and confused noise made its way out of your throat but was quickly replaced with a moan of pleasure when Colter finally removed your soaked underwear and tossed it aside, allowing himself greater access to you. 
Two fingers entered inside of you at once, curling up. His thumb circled your clit for a short moment before it was replaced with his mouth, sucking and rolling and licking and swirling at you to your core. 
“Aahh, ahh, ahhh, C-colt-Colter. I think I’m gonna- Ohh, ohhhh, ohhh.”
Your hand shot from the gripped sheets beneath you to his hair, pulling him in slightly closer. He could feel your walls tightening against his fingers as your orgasm overtook you.
As you came down from your climax, Colter sat back for a moment, seemingly out of breath, before lazily kissing back up your body before he reached your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself for a short moment. 
It wasn’t long however before you were ready for more. 
Feeling him kiss back down your jaw, nipping behind your ear and allowing his hand to trail back down your body all the while your tired hands reached out to unbuckle his pants and strip him down to be as naked as you. 
His thumb began to rub slowly against your sensitive clit whilst your own hand ran up and down the length of him. 
His hand remained between you both, rubbing at your clit as slowly he entered you feeling you stretch around him, gloriously clenching at him. 
Your hands travelled up his back, pulling him closer to you and he hit your peak and allowed you a moment to get used to him before telling him to move. 
At first, he was slow, tantalising, before his pace sped up and he began to repetitively hit the one spot you were certain was lost on all men before Colter. 
He had you coming undone for the second time that night, and did the same for you the next morning, but not without you doing the same for him despite his small protest out of respect.
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sgtbradfords · 3 months
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Colter Shaw & Reenie Greene in Tracker - 1x04
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justjensenanddean · 2 days
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Tracker: Description for Jensen Ackles’ Return Episode
When Colter goes missing during his search for a missing father, Reenie recruits his brother, Russell (Jensen Ackles), for help on the CBS original series TRACKER, Sunday, Oct. 20 (8:30-9:30PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+*.
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