#columbus spun
nosoul88-100 · 1 year
where the fuck is every one lets high
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funnyjb · 4 months
Hey, I just graduated
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(May 20, 2019)
Today is the day I graduate! I am so excited! I’m graduating from Ohio State University. I loved my time here. I met someone great people, built the best relationships, and will have memories that will last a lifetime.
I put my dress and heels on, made sure my hair and makeup looked perfect then grabbed my cap and gown and closed my dorm room door. I headed to the courtyard where my fellow classmates will be waiting to make our way into the stadium where the ceremony was being held. My whole family was here! My parents, my brother and sister, The Burrows, and my grandparents. Joe couldn’t make it sadly because he had a special event for LSU that was mandatory or something. I’m not really sure but I’m definitely sad he’s not here to celebrate with me.
A couple minutes later we headed into the stadium. It was packed! I quickly noticed my family and the Burrows. They waved as I waved back.
The ceremony was only two hours long. I made my way up on the podium to get my diploma and quickly made my way back down to sit. After the ceremony was done I made my way to our big lawn we have where all the families will be waiting for there kids. I searched through the sea of people until I found my family.
“Mom!”- you
“Y/n! Omg I’m so proud of you!” -Your mom said pulling you into a hug
“Thanks mom.”- you smiled
“Hey sweetie!”- your dad
“Dad!”- you pulled him into a hug
“So proud of you, my sweet girl.”- your dad
“Thanks dad!” -You
I noticed the burrows out of the corner of my eye coming up to us.
“Robin!”- you
“Y/n! Omg so proud of you sweetheart!”- Robin pulled you into a hug
“Thank you!”- you
“Hey kiddo!”- Jimmy
“Hey,Jimmy!”- you pulled him into a hug
“Proud of you, y/n.”- Jimmy
“Thanks!”- you
Turns out joes brothers came to! Dan and Jamie have known me ever since I was a little girl. They are way older than Joe and I. I gave them a big hug and told them thanks for coming.
“Oh, we have a little surprise for you, You know as a graduation gift!”- Dan
“You guys didn’t have to get me anything.”- you chuckled
“It’s not what we got you it’s who we got you!”- Jamie
“What?”- you
Jamie stepped back to reveal someone I never expected to see. Joe. My boyfriend who I loved so deeply was right in front of me.
“JOEY?!”- you
“Hey, there champ!”- joe picked you up and spun you around
“Omg! I can’t believe you are here!”- you said as he put you down with his arms still around you
“Well, I might have lied about that whole mandatory thing so I could surprise you!”- joe
“What! You are such an ass sometimes, you know that?”- you laugh
“Oh cmon, don’t say it’s wasn’t the best surprise ever!”- joe
“It is pretty great, best surprise ever!”- you
“Good! Now let me kiss you.”- joe
Joe pulled me in for a passionate kiss. His hands on my waist as my hands were cupping his face. As I pulled away from him my smile got even bigger then it was two seconds ago.
“I love you, so much.”- you
“I love you more, baby.”- joe
We both laughed and turned around to talk to our families.
It was around 7pm and everyone was out for dinner to celebrate me graduating! We had dinner at this cute Italian place that has an amazing outdoor rooftop with beautiful views of Columbus.
I was talking to Robin when I noticed Joe left the table.
“Hey, where did Joe go?”- you
“Oh, I think he stepped outside. You know he doesn’t really like crowds.”- Robin
It was pretty loud and crowded for an Italian restaurant.
“Oh ok, let me go check on him.”- you
“Ok, sweetie!”- robin
I grabbed my champagne and joes too and headed outside to the rooftop. There were some people, not a lot. Joe was looking out and had his arms rest in the top of the shorten wall surrounding the roof. I think he heard my heels click clack on the floor because he turned around before I even said anything.
“Hey.”- you
“Hi.”- joe smiled
“This is for you, our favorite.”- you smiled
“Thanks!”- joe took the glass
“You didn’t have to come out. I want you to celebrate.”- joe
“It’s ok Joe, I wanted to come see if you were ok. I know crowds aren’t your favorite. And the only person I want to celebrate with is you.”- you
Joe took his left arm and wrapped it around my shoulder pulling me into him.
“I love you y/n, and you did awesome today! I’m so proud of you.”- joe kissed your head
I looked up at him
“Thank you Joey, I love you too.”- you kissed his lips
“I have a question for you.”- joe
“Okay, what is it?”- you
“Will you move in with me?”- joe
“Joe I wou-”- you
“I understand if you don’t, but I want to wake up next to you every morning and see your beautiful face and kiss you goodnight. I can’t even imagine not coming home and you not being there with me in Louisiana. And if I go to the bengals I want you there too. So I understand if you don’t want to but-”- joe
“JOE! I will move in with you!”- you
“You..you will?”- joe
“YES! I would love to wake up next to you and kiss you goodnight and come and be there for you after a long day of practice or a tiring game. I will be there.”- you smiled
“Yay!”- joe
Joe picked me up and spun me around then put me back down. His arms still around me.
“I can’t wait to see you up in the stands when I play.”- joe
“I can’t wait to see you on that field!”- you
I pulled him in for a kiss.
“Love ya, burrow.”- you
“Love you more.”- joe
“Not possible.”- you smiled
Authors note: sooo cute! In honor of graduation month lol.🩷
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nhlclover · 11 months
you're nineteen! sparks fly au
✭ — summary: sofia celebrates her nineteenth birthday
✭ — warnings: just mutual pining
✭ — a/n: sweetheart behaviour
✭ — word count: 0.86k
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“Happy Birthday!”
“You’re nineteen!”
When Sofia stepped into the kitchen, she was greeted with a myriad of cheers and birthday wishes. In the middle of an island was a chocolate cake adorned with several candles. “You guys!” Sofia gushed.
She stepped over, blowing out the candles. The boys cheered, each coming over to individually wish Sofia a happy birthday.
“Did you plan this?” Sofia asked Luca as he came over.
“Maybe…” Luca said. He wrapped an arm around his baby sister's shoulder, bringing her in for a hug.
“Hey Sof, want a slice?” Tyler asked, cutting into the cake.
“Did you guys make it?” Sofia asked. The boys shook their heads, with Mark telling her it was store-bought. “Then sure!”
Tyler handed her a plate and fork, sending her into the living room where they had ESPN on the TV, the preshow for the Columbus game showing. Adam, her twin brother, was currently warming up for his game against the New York Rangers.
Sofia had called Adam earlier in the afternoon, wishing her twin a happy birthday. This was the first birthday that the Fantilli twins had spent apart. It was a little hard for Sofia to be away from Adam this time of year, but Luca and the rest of the team were doing a great job making it a little easier.
Once all the others got a slice, they joined Sofia in the living room.
Once the game started, the room filled with shouting every time Adam touched the puck, with discourse about both teams arising.
The entire time, Rutger couldn’t help but sneak glances at Sofia. Every time the puck was on Adam’s stick, she was sat up, heavily focused on the screen. Whenever one of the boys made a joke, her smile would light up the room.
Sitting in Rutgers’ bag by the front door was Sofias’ birthday present. His gift to her was an antique copy of Little Women he had picked up from a used bookstore. He had been thinking of a good gift to get her for a while and when he passed by the shop and ventured in, finding the book, he knew it was the perfect gift.
The only thing to do now was to find the right moment to give her the gift. It felt weird to give her the book in front of all the boys, especially in front of Luca. Suddenly the night was coming to an end and Rutger still hadn’t given her the gift.
“Alright Sof, get back safely.” Luca said, pulling his sister in for a goodbye hug.
“Thanks, Luc. I had a lot of fun tonight.” She replied. Sofia shouted out to the rest of the boys. “Goodbye, everyone!”
“Bye Sofia!” They all shouted.
Once Sofia had left, Luca rejoined the boys in the kitchen as they cleaned and talked about Adams’ game. Rutger knew this was the last chance he would get to gift the book to her on her birthday. Rutger slipped out of the kitchen, pulling on a pair of trainers he isn’t sure are his but still running out the front door. Sofia had just reached the end of the walkway when Rutger called out to her.
“Sof!” He called.
She spun around, her hands shoved into the pockets of her oversized leather jacket. Rutger halted when he was a couple of feet from her. “Hey, wassup Rut?” Sofia asked.
“I uh… I just…” Rutger stammered, trying to catch his breath. “Happy birthday.”
Sofia chuckled. “Thanks, Rut.”
Rutger laughed at his own words. “I know I told you that already but I wanted to tell you again. But, uh… I got you something.”
Rutger handed Sofia the wrapped gift, scanning her confused face. “You got me a gift?” She asked.
“Well… yeah.” He said.
“Aw, you didn’t have to.” She said.
He simply shook his head. “Of course I did, friends get each other gifts on their birthdays, that’s how it works.”
Sofia ripped open the wrapping paper, pulling out the book inside. She scanned the cover, her eyes softening and jaw-dropping as she realized what the book was exactly.
“Rutger…” She gasped quietly. “You didn’t.”
Rutger just shrugged, watching as she opened the book, flipping through the pages. “Where did you even get this?” Sofia asked.
“I was out driving the other day and drove past this bookstore. I just decided to pop in and saw this on one of the shelves.” He explained.
“I can’t… I don’t have enough words. Thank you, Rutger.” Sofia said.
Sofia reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck. His arms found her waist, pulling her close. They stayed there for a few seconds, holding the hug for a few more seconds — a bit longer than the normal three-second hugging rule. The scent of her perfume, one Rutger had gotten familiar with as they spent more and more time together, washed over him.
Finally, Sofia unwrapped her arms from around him, Rutger clearing his throat. “Uhm, I hope you like the book. And I hope you had a good birthday.”
“Thank you, again.” Sofia said. “I’ll uh… I’ll see you in class.”
Sofia turned, walking down the sidewalk and off towards her dorm. Rutger sighed, letting out a loud groan.
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krispyweiss · 5 months
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Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band at Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio, April 21, 2024
As he led the E Street Band through “Twist and Shout,” Bruce Springsteen betrayed a roached voice much as John Lennon had when the Beatles cut their version 60 years earlier.
But, like Lennon’s, Springsteen’s voice benefitted from its battered state - conveying joy and conviction, not exhaustion.
The house lights were on and the heart-stoppin’, pants-droppin’, hard-rockin’, Earth-quakin’, booty-shakin’, love-makin’, Viagra-takin’, history-makin’ - legendary - E Street Band had already been on stage for three hours April 21 as it played its twice-postponed-in-2023 gig inside Columbus, Ohio’s, Nationwide Arena to close the U.S. leg of its 2024 spring tour. Springsteen, who at 74 retains the energy and voice - acrobatic with guttural growls and falsetto cries - of a much-younger man, was sweat-soaked, his tie tucked into his blue shirt, his vest now removed, returned alone to close the show with an acoustic version of “I’ll See You in My Dreams.”
Death is not the end, he sang, while proving the life-affirming nature of live music.
Though the band could’ve phoned it in, the expanded 18-piece - augmented with four-voice choir and five-piece horn section - instead brought a loud hailer, opening the 30-song, 185-minute set with a grimy version of “Youngstown,” the first of a handful of tour debuts that included “Streets of Fire” and “I’m Goin’ Down.” That some songs were slowed by a quarter-step seems to have been the only acknowledgement of age.
So, if these guys are actually taking Viagra, it isn’t because of on-stage impotence. The band is so hot that even relatively weak songs like “Bobby Jean” and “Dancing in the Dark” are splendid in the moment.
A few scattered empty seats did nothing to temper the raucous atmosphere inside the hockey arena. Fans hoisted signs - “I’m Mary, thanks for all the songs” was among the best - and Springsteen sung a line of “Thunder Road” to a woman who’d been dancing furiously in front of the stage all evening, causing her to light up like a strobe. Though there was no crowd surfing during “Hungry Heart” - dude is 74, remember - Springsteen did go into the audience during “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” as images of late E Streeters Clarence Clemons and Danny Federici shone on the house video screens.
Back on stage, the living celebrated being alive. Steven Van Zandt played a guitar emblazoned with the Ukraine flag during “No Surrender.” Fellow guitarist Nils Lofgren spun like the Tasmanian Devil as he unspooled his “Because the Night” solo. And Jake Clemons served as Springsteen’s saxophone-blowing foil and conjured Uncle Clarence’s spirit throughout the night, thus garnering some of the crowd’s loudest adulation.
One of those moments came during a religious-experience rendering of “Spirit in the Night,” when Clemons sat on the stage and Springsteen literally leaned on his bandmate. The music temporally settled before exploding like a supernova and the climax. This was the greatest E Street moment Sound Bites has witnessed since the Band reunited for the 1995 Concert for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
“Last Man Standing,” with Springsteen on acoustic accompanied by trombone, was a nod to his earliest bandmates, all gone now. “Trapped” was a singalong on the choruses. “She’s the One” borrowed the Bo Diddley beat. “Wrecking Ball” transformed the arena into the charismatic church of E Street. “Rosalita (Come out Tonight)” found the group mugging and celebrating with the faithful on a small chunk of stage that jutted into the general-admission pit. And the vaunted “Detroit Medley” once again demonstrated that if you have rock ’n’ roll in your life, your life has the potential to be heaven at any given moment.
Grade card: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band at Nationwide Arena - 4/21/24 - A
See more photos on Sound Bites’ Facebook page.
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wyattjohnston · 10 months
need a little company - nick blankenburg
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summary: morgan hasn't seen nick in years and her strongest memories of him are the crush he had on her in college. when he gets signed to columbus after years apart, morgan realises that maybe she should have given him a chance.
chapter word count: 700
n/a < table of contents > next
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Living and working in Downtown Columbus hadn’t been Morgan’s goal as a kid growing up in Commercial Point, Ohio. She didn’t think she ever had much of a goal besides ‘Get Out of Commercial Point’, so at least she could tick that off her list.
Deciding to go out for dinner was an unwise decision for her bank account but not for her mental well-being, so she detoured on the way home from work—so much later than she should have been finishing—to her favourite Italian restaurant.
It had been a long time since Morgan felt embarrassed about dining alone, and the restaurant had come to expect it of her. She sat at a private little table at the back of the restaurant, ordered crab linguini, put in her earphones and opened up TikTok. It was the same as any other time before.
Except for what happened when she was walking out of the restaurant, and a hand wrapped around her wrist as she passed a table. She flinched, pulling her arm back to herself as she spun around, taking out an earphone as did.
“Morgan. Hey,” the guy who grabbed her wrist said, looking at least a little apologetic for having caught her attention in the way he had.
Morgan nodded and greeted him as she had done for the two years they’d run in similar circles: “Freshman.”
The guy he was with snorted out a laugh and earned himself a glare.
“I graduate in a couple weeks, you know,” ‘Freshman’ retorted, amused but happy. “You can probably call me something else by now. Blanks. Nick.”
The other guy at the table, who Morgan knew as Kent Johnson only because she was into hockey, excused himself, telling Morgan she could have the seat for a minute if she wanted—she stayed standing even if it meant having to step closer to the table every so often so that somebody could pass.
“So,” she said slowly to Nick, “did you follow me or the sick looking kid to Columbus?”
He looked back towards where Kent had disappeared to and laughed, before saying, “Neither. I got scouted.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, lowered her head and her voice so she could say, “Sorry it was to the shithole that is Ohio.”
“It’s not that bad,” he said, an all too familiar quirk at the corner of his mouth.
Morgan straightened up, uncrossed her arms and shrugged, “I suppose it might be okay if you live in the rich parts.”
Nick’s brow pulled together in confusion, and he played with his hands on top of the table before gesturing vaguely out the door to say, “I’m staying in a hotel near the arena.”
She wasn’t all that surprised. He’d be in Columbus for about two minutes before the season ended.
Kent re-joined them, his eyes flickering between the two of them as if he hadn’t expected Morgan to still be standing at the table.
“It was good to see you again, Freshman,” Morgan said to Nick before speaking to Kent, “and actual freshman. Maybe we’ll run into each other again.”
She was halfway to putting her earphone back in her ear when she saw Nick’s mouth open, so she kept it out to wait for him to speak.
“Do you want—” he cleared his throat. “We can hang out?”
It was easy to wish he hadn’t said anything at all. The hopeful look on his face made it difficult to even think about what she would say next. She just knew she had to say it.
“I don’t think so.” When his hopeful expression immediately disappeared, she tacked on, “Sorry. It’s not personal. I just—I can’t—It’s not a good time to let new people into my life.”
“I’m not new,” he argued, his laugh much sadder than she’d been expecting.
“Fresh—Nick—not right now.”
He nodded silently. Morgan nearly changed her mind right then and there but she held strong, putting her earphone back in her ear and finally getting out of the restaurant. On her way out, she tried not to kick out the stiffness in her knee until she was well out the door.
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april-is · 1 year
April 2, 2023: The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On, Franny Choi
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On Franny Choi Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of boats: boats of prisoners, boats cracking under sky-iron, boats making corpses bloom like algae on the shore. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of the bombed mosque. There was the apocalypse of the taxi driver warped by flame. There was the apocalypse of the leaving, and the having left— of my mother unsticking herself from her mother’s grave as the plane barreled down the runway. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of planes. There was the apocalypse of pipelines legislating their way through sacred water, and the apocalypse of the dogs. Before which was the apocalypse of the dogs and the hoses. Before which, the apocalypse of dogs and slave catchers whose faces glowed by lantern-light. Before the apocalypse, the apocalypse of bees. The apocalypse of  buses. Border fence apocalypse. Coat hanger apocalypse. Apocalypse in the textbooks’ selective silences. There was the apocalypse of the settlement and the soda machine; the apocalypse of the settlement and the jars of scalps; there was the bedlam of the cannery; the radioactive rain; the chairless martyr demanding a name. I was born from an apocalypse and have come to tell you what I know—which is that the apocalypse began when Columbus praised God and lowered his anchor. It began when a continent was drawn into cutlets. It began when Kublai Khan told Marco, Begin at the beginning. By the time the apocalypse began, the world had already ended. It ended every day for a century or two. It ended, and another ending world spun in its place. It ended, and we woke up and ordered Greek coffees, drew the hot liquid through our teeth, as everywhere, the apocalypse rumbled, the apocalypse remembered, our dear, beloved apocalypse—it drifted slowly from the trees all around us, so loud we stopped hearing it.
2022: For the Journalists Who Write About Ukraine, Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach 2021: For My Friends, in Reply to a Question, Safia Elhillo 2020: The Conditional, Ada Limón 2019: Dorothy Wordsworth, Jennifer Chang 2018: A Small Needful Fact, Ross Gay 2017: What We Need, David Budbill 2016: Husky Boys’ Dickies, Jill McDonough 2015: Why Some Girls Love Horses, Paisley Rekdal 2014: The Fox, Faith Shearin 2013: You Can’t Have It All, Barbara Ras 2012: Road Trip, Kurt Brown 2011: Onset, Kim Addonizio 2010: February, Margaret Atwood 2009: Domestic, Carl Phillips 2008: A Birthday, W.S. Merwin 2007: Words for Love, Ted Berrigan 2006: At the Trial of Hamlet, Chicago, 1994, Sherman Alexie 2005: The Waking, Theodore Roethke
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
I know you didn’t see it, but as someone pointed out with Killmonger. The people who often said “fuck Christopher Columbus and white people!” don’t hate imperialism itself. They hate that their ancestors was on the losing side of the wars centuries ago
As I mentioned before they glamorized the Dahomey kingdom of all things, I saw a person online with a PHD said the Ottomans were good to lived under.
A Hindu mutual of mine said that the left constantly glamorized the Mughals because they are brown. People are even defending the Aztecs now.
Like I saw people say that the left only “protected” the Jews because of the Holocaust. Because when you dive into Hitler and the Nazis the mindsets you notice a lot of similarities
“The Jews/White people are the root of all evil and must be wiped out!”
And I think Jews are getting a wake up call with the I/P conflict as now the left antisemitism is in full force
I mean I saw these as the left said in more privileged than career politicians such as Hillary Clinton because I have a dick. But the second they learn in black, I’m more oppressed than a trailer park kid that was pimp out by their parents
And the decolonization thing, hmm strange that never passed to Arab ethnostates
Oh good, you're still here. I'm happy about that _____________
Aztecs, yikes people raised hell here in CA about some of the lessons that involved learning various Aztec prayers, not sure how far if actually got but I hope it didn't get implemented.
Was a whole thing about connecting the Latino students to part of their heritage and CA history as well dumb for one because the Aztecs never made it up this far and for two, the reason Cortez managed to take them out with 300 Spaniards was because of the 30,000 natives that joined in because they were tired of being used for human sacrifices among other things.
Interesting to see the return of moral relativism
It's their culture and it should be respected even if that means this 73 year old dude that died's 19 year old wife will be placed on his funeral pyre with him and burned alive so they can be together in the afterlife (first time I hears a self proclaimed atheist say something along those lines my head spun, was weird. Still is gotta respect their beliefs provided they are using a western religion because reasons)
Colonization thing, I was originally looking for a map of arab migration into North Africa but this kind of thing kept coming up
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Finally ran into one that was just Arab migration and it's the same map, which makes sense, Egypt is still full of Egyptians though which is kinda wild, Iran is split between Persians and Arabs, Persians being the indigenous people in that area.
Like I saw people say that the left only “protected” the Jews because of the Holocaust.
This is one of those things I've put a lot of time and thought into.
Short version of my conclusion is that if they were still a stateless people they would likely be one of the darlings of leftist circles.
At least until they started getting to successful, preformative wokeness would be the modern term I guess.
You're not supposed to actually do well because if you do then we can't use you as a prop to show how awful other people are.
Be why Asians got kicked out of the POC club.
And I think Jews are getting a wake up call with the I/P conflict as now the left antisemitism is in full force
Stephen Fry coming out and saying, you know what, I'm Jewish is a good bit for that, seems to be some of the secular Jewish community, even the one's that don't do anything Jewish at all, well didn't since it would seem a bunch of them are having their eyes opened more than they ever thought they would.
So ya that's a thing too.
Circling back to Egypt, wonder what the hotep contingent thinks about the Arabization of North Africa, they're lunatics regardless but I bet there's some funny stuff going on in the we-wuz circles about that. __________
And again, I'm glad to hear from you especially after your previous ask. Keep pushing through world needs self aware people in it.
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laceswan · 2 years
Renaissance Man
Nathan Drake x fem!reader
Fluff and angst, T/W: alcohol, drinking, brief mention of colonialism and rape
Nathan’s adventures threaten a new and budding friendship
The night had been slow, boring, people ordering simple cocktails and little else. There were people at the bar, but someone walked in that puled his attention. She sat down, but didn’t order anything. Just watched him, almost mesmerised by the way he tossed and spun the bottles with such precision and skill. Eventually, he did ask if she wanted to order something, or if she would just keep staring at him. 
“Kir royale.” “Expensive taste.”
Nate smiled, thinking that perhaps he could take something from her. She seemed wealthy based on how she was dressed alone, and now he felt more assured in that conclusion. The ring, the necklace, maybe her hair clip, all seemed of some value.  “You know, the kir royale was actually first invented by a priest.”
She seemed to only be half listening, though still nodding along. It wasn’t that she wasn’t interested, he could tell that. No, she was simply more invested watching as he mixed the drink. Still, he continued.
“Felix Kir, he was a hero in the First World War too.” “Second, I think. I read somewhere that he was also the mayor of his town. A Renaissance man, huh?” “Yeah, wow. So a priest, a mayor, and a war hero.” “Mhmm,”
She took a sip of her drink, looking down to shift her napkin before quickly returning her gaze to him. 
“So why are you so quick with you history facts?” “I like to learn. History is cool, y’know? Though I will say, my favourite period has to be the Renaissance and Iberian expansion.”
“A Renaissance man,”
She spoke with a smirk, prompting a chuckle from him. Something about that smile drew him in, and fortunately, the lack of other patrons let him keep talking to her. He didn’t quite know what to do with his hands, and defaulted to cleaning a glass with a damp white towel as she continued.
“Iberian expansion?” “Yeah, Magellan and Columbus and stuff. The maps and the gold, it’s amazing.”
She nodded, apprehensive as she constructed her next sentence.
“I suppose. But it’s also worth remembering that the gold was all stolen. It wasn’t theirs to take. They pillaged, raped, and murdered their way to glory. Magellan paved the way for all the tragedy. How is that in any way comparable to the achievement of having sailed around the world?”
Nate was taken aback by her sudden, articulate, academic display of thought. It prompted some of his own. Of course he knew all the things that the conquistadors did, and of course he did not want to glorify of ignore it. But Magellan was his hero. He wondered if the explorer knew what he was doing. If he understood that his voyages would lead to such violence, and if he cared. He didn’t completely know how to respond, and in his awkward attempt to be suave, shifted the topic of conversation.
“That’s uhhh.... That’s a good point. Are you a student?” “Yeah, history major. Mostly fashion history, but I learnt a lot of other stuff for context. It’s also just something I enjoy. What about you? Are you a student too?” “No, I just work here.” “Must pay well then.”
He laughed, thinking back to his plan of swiping something of hers. And he watched her smile and laugh when he shook his head. It’s easier to steal from someone you can assume is a bad person, he concluded. It made total sense. He always made offhand comments about his marks. that they were probably spoiled brats or corporate assholes. But she had that smile, that laugh, one that brought him to smile and laugh with her. He couldn’t bring himself to do anything but keep talking, keep smiling, keep laughing with her, and perhaps ask for her name.
The two of them had exchanged numbers  at the end of the night. They would message, occasionally call, they were becoming friends. At least once a day, one of them would send a random message. A meme, a simple hello, maybe a fun history fact. It became a routine, to talk each day.
And then one day, he dropped off the face of the earth. Radio silence. She tried not to feel bad about it, not to dwell on it. But she did still wonder why. Why was he so distant? Did something happen? Did she say something? She had so many questions that were bound to go unanswered. And so she did her best to get on with her life.  One night, she had brought some friends to a certain restaurant, and saw a familiar face behind the bar. A part of her wanted to go over, to ask questions and get answers. Another part wanted to back to the way things way. Say hi, enjoy a conversation, maybe even invite him to join them after his shift. But she did neither of those things. If he was not interested in knowing her anymore, why would she try? She had friends right here. And she stayed with them, only glancing back at the bar every so often. Every single one of  those glances, he matched. He was staring at her for most of the night, dreading the thought that his bond with her had dissolved. And by the end of the night, as she was walking out with her friends, he decided that he would not let that happen. He dashed out the door shortly after them, turning hes head in each direction to see wchich way they went. They were stopped at a car, one he hoped was not hers. SOmeone else got in. He caught up with them, drawing their attention with his panting. 
“Nate?” “Hi. Can I talk to you?”
She turned to her friends, saying she would catch up with before walking out of earshot to speak more privately.
“What are you doing?” “What” “What are you doing? Why are you here?” “I wanted to talk to you. I know that I kinda ghosted you. I’m sorry. I had a lot going on, I was exploring, and I’d love to tell you all about it if you would be willing to sit down with me and chat again.”
She thought about his proposal. He had mentioned a couple of times how much he wanted to see the world. The places he wanted to go, and his hunger for exploration. It was something she could understand, a partial explaination.
“Sure, I guess. But why the radio silence? You didn’t say anything.” “I wasn’t in the country. It’s a long story, I tell you later. But you know how I’ve always been curious about that gold Magellan found? Well I got to go on a little adventure to help find it.” 
Things made sense. She wasn’t sure if she could forgive him just yet, but it was apparent that this adventure of his mattered to him. And the clear happiness it brought him made her smile.
“That sounds like an interesting story. I’d love to hear it.”
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materialogy · 11 months
It’s December 31, 2021. I’m sitting in the parking lot of the only business that will be open until midnight in a tiny ghost town outside of Big Bend National park. I saw a balloon trellis with “2022” decorating it earlier so I figured I might find some people to Hollar in the new year with here.
My service is full bars, 3G – much better than I thought it would be! So no data transfer. I have tried video chatting, posting, and sending people pictures but alas, the service only works for text and phone calls. I figured I would sit here and think about my year, where has it gone? We say that every year, as if we blink and memories of the past revolution around the sun flash before our eyes. I feel compelled to share how my year has gone. Call it loneliness? The lack of human beings I have seen that I care about, that care about me? That’s not to discredit the 100s of strangers I’ve had lovely (and not so lovely lol) interactions with in the past month and a half.
I started my year in Massachusetts, my home town, in my childhood yard with my oldest friend and my family, burning Christmas trees as is tradition on New Year’s Eve – but at a much smaller scale due to a certain pandemic. I got some ski runs in at the slopes of Loon mountain the next day, in another state that I absolutely adore (♥️New Hampshire♥️)
I drove back to my actual home of 5 years, Lima Ohio, to go back to work and begin construction of the $5,000 PC my employer trusted me to build (how did I get here lol, if you asked me what I thought my future career would be before college, I would have said “as far away from the IT field as possible”)
I took and passed a test to become a certified drone pilot by the FAA. Since passing, I have flown my drone over various scenery and cities in 14 states and counting.
I spun fire for the first time in a rock garden that is like nothing you’ve ever seen before with a dear friend. What a wonderful, powerful experience! This garden is in the back yard of a sweet, eccentric man in the hometown of Neil Armstrong, Wapakoneta. My Ohio people know 😏 I went on to spend every Thursday evening this summer jamming out vocally and on my mandolin with a group of 10-20 older musicians who I might categorize as the original hippies? Lol
I danced with great friends in the back room of a vape shop that I met from a video gig I had at the beginning of the pandemic. I picked up the bass guitar, an instrument that literally makes me feel like the most badass lady on the planet even though I am at a below beginner level haha.
I took pictures with my first film camera, and had a friend come over and teach me how to develop it myself in my dark bathroom. Definitely gave me an admiration for the blind! The film strip hung to dry on my shower curtain rod until I was able to invert the negative and see my extreme inexperience with the original medium of photography LOL.
I flew to Florida in March with two people, I now consider family after years of friendship in Ohio. We had a great time sitting by the pool and laying on the beach until we got back to the car to see the $120 ticket because we were so excited to run to the beach that we forgot to pay for parking! That was fun. NOT
Later in the year, I went on to participate in the marriage of these too amazing people shortly after buying their first home in the poppin’ town of Columbus, Ohio. Love you guys big time.
I got inked for the first time since I was 18! One cute and impulsive tattoo of a little bee, and one tattoo I’ve been talking about getting since I was 17 with my non blood sister ♥️. I’m blessed by the people in my life! And guess who the artist was? Another stunning soul I have gotten to know in the past two years, who has just finished building her schoolie to live and travel in!
That same artist friend of mine went on to give me the honor of tattooing her! A little brasil philodendron now resides on her shin by my hand. Love you Caroline ♥️
This year I bought new rollerblades and have traveled the country putting 100s of miles on them in various cities: San Francisco, Boston, Charlotte, Savannah, Tampa, New Orleans etc etc.
I took an exhilarating pre-travel flight to San Francisco with my covid raincheck ticket and visited with my aunt and uncle for nearly 2 weeks. Exploring the city, hiking the Bay Area elevation, singing in karaoke bars in Japantown, painting in an iconic art studio, flying the drone over their neighborhood. The memories are warm in my heart.
This year I parted ways with my partner of 5 years.
This year I packed up my entire life and the home I had spent 4 years in. (That’s a long time for a 23 year old!) I sold many earthly possessions, I packed my cats, I packed my piano, I packed my memories.
I moved my things to my parents house. &&& let me just take a moment to thank them for how wonderful and understanding they’ve been.
When I told them, hey, I know this sounds crazy, but I NEED to blow my savings traveling the country living in my car, they were not totally on board lol. But they ultimately understood that this was what I needed before the next job, and there’s no words that I could say to thank them enough for supporting me and for watching my cats and my greenhouse volume of plants while I go through my existential crisis that has lead me over 5,000 miles around the American continent.
I have been on the road for nearly a month and a half. I have hiked mountains, danced with strangers, kayaked with manatees, flown in a 2-person plane that is triple my age, explored museums and walked through historical locations. I have been sun kissed and sunburnt. I have spent all night changing the alternator in my car in the Walmart parking lot of a small Louisiana town. I have made coffee under many skies and on many beaches. I have superglued homemade window covers to the glass of my car because I’m tired of them falling on me in my sleep. I have cooked Mac and cheese in the top level of a parking garage at 2am cause what else am I gonna do when I’m hungry on bourbon street?
And now here I am, in a rural (understatement) town about a rocks throw from the Mexico border. I’m about halfway through my trip and if I was looking for answers to what I should do next or what my purpose is, I don’t think I’m gonna find that on the road.
What I have found is one hell of a life changing experience.
Reader, if you’re still there, here are a few excerpts from my travel journal entries:
“Slept in my first Walmart parking lot last night among a fleet of RVs, felt safer that way. Minutes from Folly Beach, SC, but I will drive inland soon to see an old friend. I’ll come back here tonight”
“Skated 4 miles on the Tampa riverwalk today and got a nice shower.”
“I am drawing some mutant palms among the yellow umbrellas & blue chairs on Treasure island. The Cabana boy told me yesterday that if I came back today, I could have a free cabana for the day.
& so I sit on the blue chairs under the yellow cabana, wondering how I found myself in such a beautiful moment.
Another day at the beach on Treasure island.”
“My skin is burnt from Florida’s hot rays. I thought it was kissed but my northern complexion was unprepared for the beating sun.
My eyes are crusted from dried tears.
A vagabond life I live.”
“Parked on the wharf, 2:00am, my eyes open to the sound of cooing owls. I decide to head out
To the beach I go, away from the little key that has a population of 700.
Tires screech to a stop on the bridge over the water leaving the town. The sky is stunning.
I have lost track of the amount of shooting stars my eyes have absorbed. It’s 3:20 am.”
“Overcast commanded the sky when I arrived in Panama City this morning. It seemed to swallow the high that was brought on by the clear night sky. I had a frustrating time with my stove as I lugged it through the sand. Complete with coffee supplies and complications, but I was determined to make my morning cup of Joe by the water.”
“Shards from massive sand dollars cover the white sand that is clustered into drifts like that of snow. It’s funny how I’m down where the weather is temperate, yet my mind goes to the cruel and icy landscape that is New England.”
“Skated around and fell with my coffee. I smell like coffee”
“I stayed in a parking garage and it was terrible. People were honking at every corner of the windy, multilevel structure. The sounds bounced off the concrete walls all night.”
“Hah my Friday night did not go as planned. I ended up staying up all night replacing the alternator in my car in a town I drove to to DoorDash. I woke up in that town and now I hit the road. Houston here I come.”
“Fire twirls before my eyes on the rooftop of a warehouse littered by art and junk at every level. Who knew this could be found on Houston’s Main Street.”
“Today I left the ground.
Today I soared the skies.
Today I coasted above the land that I have spent most of my life walking, driving, skating, swimming, climbing on.
It took me sideways.
It took my breath away.”
“The crumbly trail twists and turns as I follow it. I twist and turn like the water once did.”
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kafkas-diary · 1 year
The World keeps Ending, and the World Goes On
Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of boats: boats of prisoners, boats cracking under sky-iron, boats making corpses bloom like algae on the shore. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of the bombed mosque. There was the apocalypse of the taxi driver warped by flame. There was the apocalypse of the leaving, and the having left- of my mother unsticking herself from her mother's grave as the plane barreled down the runway. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of planes. There was the apocalypse of pipelines legislating their way through sacred water, and the apocalypse of the dogs. Before which was the apocalypse of the dogs and the hoses. Before which, the apocalypse of dogs and slave catchers whose faces glowed by lantern-light. Before the apocalypse, the apocalypse of bees. The apocalypse of buses. Border fence apocalypse. Coat hanger apocalypse. Apocalypse in the textbooks' selective silences. There was the apocalypse of the settlement and the soda machine; the apocalypse of the settlement and the jars of scalps; there was the bedlam of the cannery; the radioactive rain; the chairless martyr demanding a name. I was born from an apocalypse and have come to tell you what I know-which is that the apocalypse began when Columbus praised God and lowered his anchor. It began when a continent was drawn into cutlets. It began when Kublai Khan told Marco, Begin at the beginning. By the time the apocalypse began, the world had already ended. It ended every day for a century or two. It ended, and another ending world spun in its place. It ended, and we woke up and ordered Greek coffees, drew the hot liquid through our teeth, as everywhere, the apocalypse rumbled, the apocalypse remembered, our dear, beloved apocalypse it drifted slowly from the trees all around us, so loud we stopped hearing it.
-Franny Choi
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generouswindow · 1 year
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On
by Franny Choi
Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of boats: boats of prisoners, boats cracking under sky-iron, boats making corpses bloom like algae on the shore. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of the bombed mosque. There was the apocalypse of the taxi driver warped by flame. There was the apocalypse of the leaving, and the having left— of my mother unsticking herself from her mother’s grave as the plane barreled down the runway. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of planes. There was the apocalypse of pipelines legislating their way through sacred water, and the apocalypse of the dogs. Before which was the apocalypse of the dogs and the hoses. Before which, the apocalypse of dogs and slave catchers whose faces glowed by lantern-light. Before the apocalypse, the apocalypse of bees. The apocalypse of  buses. Border fence apocalypse. Coat hanger apocalypse. Apocalypse in the textbooks’ selective silences. There was the apocalypse of the settlement and the soda machine; the apocalypse of the settlement and the jars of scalps; there was the bedlam of the cannery; the radioactive rain; the chairless martyr demanding a name. I was born from an apocalypse and have come to tell you what I know—which is that the apocalypse began when Columbus praised God and lowered his anchor. It began when a continent was drawn into cutlets. It began when Kublai Khan told Marco, Begin at the beginning. By the time the apocalypse began, the world had already ended. It ended every day for a century or two. It ended, and another ending world spun in its place. It ended, and we woke up and ordered Greek coffees, drew the hot liquid through our teeth, as everywhere, the apocalypse rumbled, the apocalypse remembered, our dear, beloved apocalypse—it drifted slowly from the trees all around us, so loud we stopped hearing it.
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obsessioncollector · 1 year
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Transcription below cut:
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On by Franny Choi
Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of boats: boats of prisoners, boats cracking under sky-iron, boats making corpses bloom like algae on the shore. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of the bombed mosque. There was the apocalypse of the taxi driver warped by flame. There was the apocalypse of the leaving, and the having left— of my mother unsticking herself from her mother’s grave as the plane barreled down the runway. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of planes. There was the apocalypse of pipelines legislating their way through sacred water, and the apocalypse of the dogs. Before which was the apocalypse of the dogs and the hoses. Before which, the apocalypse of dogs and slave catchers whose faces glowed by lantern-light. Before the apocalypse, the apocalypse of bees. The apocalypse of  buses. Border fence apocalypse. Coat hanger apocalypse. Apocalypse in the textbooks’ selective silences. There was the apocalypse of the settlement and the soda machine; the apocalypse of the settlement and the jars of scalps; there was the bedlam of the cannery; the radioactive rain; the chairless martyr demanding a name. I was born from an apocalypse and have come to tell you what I know—which is that the apocalypse began when Columbus praised God and lowered his anchor. It began when a continent was drawn into cutlets. It began when Kublai Khan told Marco, Begin at the beginning. By the time the apocalypse began, the world had already ended. It ended every day for a century or two. It ended, and another ending world spun in its place. It ended, and we woke up and ordered Greek coffees, drew the hot liquid through our teeth, as everywhere, the apocalypse rumbled, the apocalypse remembered, our dear, beloved apocalypse—it drifted slowly from the trees all around us, so loud we stopped hearing it.                
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weadvocate · 6 months
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manwalksintobar · 9 months
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On // Franny Choi
Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of boats: boats of prisoners, boats cracking under sky-iron, boats making corpses bloom like algae on the shore. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of the bombed mosque. There was the apocalypse of the taxi driver warped by flame. There was the apocalypse of the leaving, and the having left— of my mother unsticking herself from her mother’s grave as the plane barreled down the runway. Before the apocalypse, there was the apocalypse of planes. There was the apocalypse of pipelines legislating their way through sacred water, and the apocalypse of the dogs. Before which was the apocalypse of the dogs and the hoses. Before which, the apocalypse of dogs and slave catchers whose faces glowed by lantern-light. Before the apocalypse, the apocalypse of bees. The apocalypse of  buses. Border fence apocalypse. Coat hanger apocalypse. Apocalypse in the textbooks’ selective silences. There was the apocalypse of the settlement and the soda machine; the apocalypse of the settlement and the jars of scalps; there was the bedlam of the cannery; the radioactive rain; the chairless martyr demanding a name. I was born from an apocalypse and have come to tell you what I know—which is that the apocalypse began when Columbus praised God and lowered his anchor. It began when a continent was drawn into cutlets. It began when Kublai Khan told Marco, Begin at the beginning. By the time the apocalypse began, the world had already ended. It ended every day for a century or two. It ended, and another ending world spun in its place. It ended, and we woke up and ordered Greek coffees, drew the hot liquid through our teeth, as everywhere, the apocalypse rumbled, the apocalypse remembered, our dear, beloved apocalypse—it drifted slowly from the trees all around us, so loud we stopped hearing it.
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fashionitforward · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New Food Fight!: A Mouthwatering History of Who Ate What and Why Through the Age.
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limmenglee · 1 year
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According to our current belief system, America was discovered by Christopher Columbus despite the fact native Americans exists before his arrival. His journey to America took 61 days.
Earth would have spun …
360 degrees X 61 days = 21960 degrees on its axis!
Earth would have spun approximately …
61 days ÷ 182.625 day (half a year around the sun) * 180 (degrees around the sun) = 60 degrees around the sun.
The celestial map would have changed all the two months!
Now seriously, Columbus would have been using a 24 hours clock system while today, “EXPERT OPINION” indicates earth complete one full spin on its axis in 23 hrs 56 mins 04 secs.
That is a total of 61 days X 4 mins = 4 hrs discrepancy!
Even in modern time, you might need a high performance microchip to process the information, how did Columbus manage back in those days?
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