#comission = white lotus
booksandmore · 4 months
atla au where everyone thinks the next avatar is either bakugou, shouto or mirio but its actually mr midoriya “nonbender” izuku
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yuna-dan · 4 years
Comfort Drink
It’s been ages since I’ve written something for this fandom but I was super thrilled when I got this comission, it’s also my very fist comission!!! 
It got longer than the stablished “1550″ words, so I hope you don’t mind?
Thank @thealphabetmurders​ for this comission! And I hope you like it as much as I enjoy writting this.
Warning: Mention of violence. Swearing. Kinda Katara bashing but not on purpose, she’s doing her best.
Summary: Five Times Zuko went to a coffeeshop and didn't drink anything and one time he did."What are you doing here?” He asked, only to rethink his words, “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you, spirits, it’s been…” “Five years.” Zuko ended the sentence for him
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“Sorry we’re closed.” Sokka said, without even looking at the person, closing the door with his keys. He wanted nothing more than to take a shower, get the coffee beans out of his apron and stayed up all night watching Netflix.
The man hasn’t moved, so Sokka guessed it was either a junkie, a jerk or someone homeless. He gasped in surprised when he turned around only to see him there.
Zuko was staring at him, his mismatched eyes seeing everything but his face, “Hi.”
Sokka cleaned his throat, “What are you doing here?” He asked, only to rethink his words, “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you, spirits, it’s been…”
“Five years.” Zuko ended the sentence for him.
Sokka felt as if the air on his lungs was airbended out of them, five years since they graduated highschool, five years since he had seen the possible love of his life Zuko, and now they were here, outside his shitty job wearing a grey suit and his hair now was long.
He had so many things to say, but in the end he just said.
Zuko chuckled and look away. For a moment he thought he was making a fool of himself, but then again, this was Zuko, his highschool sweetheart.
“It was nice seeing you again, Sokka.” He finally said, and bowed, the motherfucker had the audacity to bowed when they’ve known what their mouths taste like.
Then he left, leaving Sokka was once again with a lot of questions on the tip of his tongue.
Later, much later when he was texting Katara he brought it up.
What do you mean you see him?
Even on text he could read how mad his sister was, he texted with only one hand as he brushed his teeth with the other.
I was closing the coffeshop and he bumped into me, I think it was just coincidence.
He snorted when he saw his little sister’s response
It better be
Sokka hoped it wasn’t, but then again, life didn’t work like he wanted to.
It wasn’t coincidence, or at least twice in the same month would be a very slim coincidence, but here was, the ex-heir of Ozai’s fortune standing in the line, wearing his peasant clothes.
He wanted to ask, what are you doing here? But it came out as a “Welcome to the White Lotus, what can I get for you, Zuko?
Zuko was nervous, at first glance it wasn’t obvious, but Sokka knew this guy, he noticed small things like the way his marred cheek was twitching or the way his left hand was doing small circles.
“It’s good I get here before you close…” Sokka smiled, because goddammit, Zuko was terrible at small talks but he was trying.
“Well, more coffee shops close after 10 p.m.” He replied, leaning against the counter. He was very glad today wasn’t so busy, “but tell me Jerkbender, what can I get for you?”
“A jasmine tea.”
And of course, Sokka already knew this, Zuko continuously expressed his hatred toward tea but Uncle Iroh had rubbed into him. Whenever Zuko was sad or missing home, his comfort drink was jasmine tea.
The nonbender bit his tongue, are you okay? he wanted to say, but it came out as a “Coming right out you, Zuko.”
Sokka entertain himself making the tea, and when he called Zuko’s name, nobody came.
It wasn’t the first time Zuko left unfinished something, and this time, it didn’t hurt that much.
He drank the tea, and the moist on his eyes was due to the steam, and nothing else.
That night he crashed into Toph and Suki apartment, because he missed his friends, not because he felt lonely. He decided on not telling the rest of the gaang he’s seen Zuko, but for some reason he guessed Toph already knew.
The next time it happened, Sokka wasn’t even there.
It was Katara who told him what happened, with her smug face as if she was proud on what she did. Aang kept eyeing him, ready to break the possible fight.
So, according to his sister in went like this:
Zuko was sitting on a table, alone minding his own business when Katara went, and scared the shit out of him, “You have to order something for you to sit here.”
Aang later told Sokka that Zuko’s face was for a second of happiness, and then it turned out into a mixture of pout and sadness, “Katara, it’s good seeing you here.”
Katara narrated how she screamed at him, “I don’t want to see your pathetic face here, why you don’t run with your father?”
That’s when Sokka interrupted his sister, “You told him what?”
“To go back with his father.”
Which was low, because yes, what Zuko did in highschool was rude but that was a low blow, “You told the guy who’s dad burned his face, who spent a long time waiting for his approval and practically ruined his life to do what?”
Katara did look ashamed for a split second, but retorted anyways, “He abandoned you without an explanation.”
And of course Sokka knew, he was the one who spent almost three months laying on his bed wondering why he wasn’t enough for Zuko, why his boyfriend left him without even breaking up. “And? That’s my fight, Katara, not yours!”
She frowned, “He is not even here and no we’re fighting because of him.”
Sokka hit the table with his palms, out of frustration more than anger, “No Katara, we’re fighting because you shouldn’t fight my battles that took place over five years ago, because no matter how angry or mad you are, you never attack a person on battle wounds.”
He left in the middle of his shift and went directly to his apartment. He logically knew that Katara meant well, but it was all over the situation where she took a role that wasn’t hers.
It wasn’t until he came out of a hot steaming shower and grabbed his phone that he realized some things. He owned Yue a shift, since she covered his after he stormed out fuming.
And that he had three missed calls from Toph.
Without even thinking he dialed her number, hoping it was just her dramatic ways and not something important. For some reason he didn’t understand, it was always Toph the one who break bad news to him, so his reasons to be nervous were on point.
He heard three beeps on the other side of the line before the earthbender picked up her phone, and without missing a beat she said, “I was the one who told Zuko where you work, he needs to tell you something.”
So, her dramatic ways, apparently.
It took him a moment to understand what was happening, “What?”
He heard how Toph coughed on the other side, he guessed either Aang or Suki was with her forcing her to come out clean, “Yeah, I-Huh,” she cleaned her throat, “We’ve been talking for a couple of months, and he said he wanted to tell you what really happened five years ago, so I told him to man up and to do it.”
“Cuz you’re both assholes who have been suffering for five years?”
“No, I mean…” He laid on his bed, the wet towel still on his hair, “Why are you still talking to him?”
“He’s still my friend, and y’know, us rich disinherit kids stick with each other.” Sokka knew that for Toph, it still hurt how much their parents overprotection lingered on her, so he understood. Not in a direct way, of course not, but in a I was there when everything happened and I’m your friend way
“Yeah, he’s still an idiot when it comes to communication though.”
“Yeah, he is.”
Sokka definitely didn’t went to Zuko’s Instagram and Facebook, he was smarter than that.
Except he was smart, but he was still a man who loved gossip, so putting aside his mental health he purposely went to Zuko’s pages. He found four main important things.
A. Uncle Iroh was still around, and god did Sokka’s heart relaxed at that. That man was pure gold. Iroh posted a photo of himself and Zuko a month ago. They were both smiling, Iroh broadly as always and Zuko with a shy but genuine smile. Behind them there was a small house. B. There were photos (two of them) of a small child and a woman who looked like Azula, but older. C. He was still in contact with Mai and Ty Lee, which wasn’t relevant to be honest. D. He didn’t seem to have any relationship, and for some reason his heart did a small flip at that.
He was lost on his thoughts when he noticed his gloomy ex sitting on the sidewalk in front of the shop. Katara would say that what he did next was without thinking, but they were mad at each other right now, so her opinion didn’t count.
So he flipped the “Open/Close” sign and went to sit next to him.
“Gathering courage?” He asked as he sat down, grabbing his phone to pretend he was busy.
He heard the firebender laughing, “Kinda. You see, five years ago I made a mistake and I’ve been trying to talk to him, but apparently I’m still as socially awkward as I was five years ago…”
“You hair got longer.”
Zuko snorted, “I’m sorry, for real.”
Sokka wanted to say something but it got lost when he decided to kiss Zuko right there.
Sokka decided that Zuko wasn’t ready to tell him everything, just the my mom wasn’t really death and when she came back Ozai tried to kill her, so we had to run away was enough for Sokka to stop and rethink everything. Even Katara, was ashamed when Zuko told them (again, not all the story).
Zuko was sitting on a small couch inside the coffeeshop, once again without ordering something, “You need to order something in order to sit here.” Sokka said, as a joke when his shift was over.
“Ozai died last year.” Zuko said instead and that took Sokka by surprise.
“That’s rough, buddy.” He found himself saying, and for some reason it was okay.
Zuko was sitting on a chair near the counter, reading an essay on economics for his class. Sokka dropped a soft kiss on his hair, “Zuko I have a question for you.”
“You never order a thing, why?”
Zuko look up and stared into his eyes, “I don’t like giving you orders.”
Sokka burst into laughter, and decided to buy his boyfriend a jasmine tea, after all it was Zuko’s comfort drink.
Thank you so much for reading, yes I finished writing and editing this at 3:30 am, so points for effort, i guess? I won’t tag anyone but Roz cuz this is not my main fandom (for now) so I won’t spam y’all.
Thanks again for comissioning me!
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