#lava bender todoroki???
booksandmore · 4 months
atla au where everyone thinks the next avatar is either bakugou, shouto or mirio but its actually mr midoriya “nonbender” izuku
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campbells-content · 2 years
Bnha Frozen au
I wrote this awhile ago and i don't plan on finishing it
Okay, so, Izuku's parents died when he was born, Mitsuki and Inko were very close so he was raised as a brother to Bakugou.
Bakugou is basically a lava bender, turning rock to lava and vice versa. Also like telekinesis for the rocks and lava
They were close when they were little, causing mischief, turning the castle walls to tools and swords until Bakugou accidentally used his powers on Izuku and caused a really bad blistering scar on his arm that was slowly spreading.
Mitsuki was super mad but compromised with Masaru. After meeting with a pair of sorcerers that did the whole heal (the scar is there but it stopped spreading) and memory wipe, they locked Katsuki away, something he was okay with at the time but grew to hate.
More parents die, Katsuki comes of age, you know the movie.
Todoroki is a badguy. I'm sorry but in this au he is. At least he doesn't have a scar, yet. He just wants freedom, and is willing to do anything to get it. Taking advice from his older brother, he aims for the crown. He just bumps into Izuku first.
The public doesn't know for a fact that Izuku is adopted.
Denki is the weaseltown guy. Kinda but not really at all. He's also trying to woo the crown but for the sole reason of wooing the crown.
Aoyama is in the background having a tummy ache the whole coronation. He ate the chocolates knowing he was lactose intolerant.
Katsuki was wearing gloves under his ceremonial armor to keep from affecting anything around him. Y'know he gotta take off the gloves to do the whole thingy thing.
The officiant doesn't question the dents in the thingything after but he's real confused.
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jointhearumanati · 2 years
Bakugo: Combustion Bender
Kirishima: Earthbender
Kaminari: Lightning Bender
Sero: Metal Bender
Mina: Lava Bender
Jirou: Soundbender(Air technique Aang invented)
Shinso: Bloodbender
Midoriya: Avatar/NonBender(late bloomer)
Ochako: Airbender
Iida: Blue Firebender(his brother invented producing fire from legs to propel foreword fast)
Tsuyu: Swampbender
Todoroki: Waterbender and Firebender(the only case in history that someone who isn't the avatar can control more than one element)
Yaoyorozu: Metalbender
Tokoyami: Black Firebender(his flames are black nobody knows why)
Shouji: Non-Bender
Aoyama: Blue Laser Bending(Invented by him it's a sub category of firebending he taught Bakugo as well his AP shot as well as helped Mina focus her lava bending into something similar to a Lazer)
Ojiro: Non-Bender
Hagakure: Non-Bender
Sato: Non-Bender
Koda: Soundbender(uses a frequency only animals can hear and can control them via frequency invented by him)
Aizawa: Chi-Blocker, Metal Bender(if you understand what His scarf is made of you'd understand)
Mic: Soundbender(the most powerful Soundbender who ever lived)
Midnight: Mistbender, Waterbender (She likes to release mist from her sweat and mix it with a sleep powder she is immune to and uses the water whip frequently)
All Might: Previous Avatar(Deceased)
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Boku No Hero Academia HC
I just started bnha and I have already come up with hc about our fave characters and fic ideas set during the tournaments and such. I tried to make up quirks or find quirks that I felt matched their personality more. I also have started to speculate what the other teams quirk would be...
Help me....but also, like, tell me if you want more.
Daichi: Can manipulate earth, rocks and materials like that (all forms of regular earth particles to diamonds). He needs to have the materials on hand tho, so he can't create it himself. But eventually he can build enough streaght up to hold up buildings and bridges. 
Suga: Can heal himself. It requires energy, so if its a huge injury, it might drain him too much. He can also drain others of energy until they pass out (and eventually die, but he hasn't done that). The energy he drains, is directly added to his own energy resources. He needs to be in contact with the wounds he want to heal or the person he wants to drain the energy from.  
Asahi: I feel like he would have a strong tail like Ojiro. But he doesn't often use it to defend himself unless he have too. He is usually seen having it resting on his shoulders and often uses it as a make shift chair. It’s hella strong tho. You know your up of an ass whoppin’ when he comes for you. 
Nishinoya: Can run like the wind. He can pretty much run faster than the speed of sound, but not faster than light. Somewhere in between, which is a pretty great interval to be in between. And also use it to jump really high. He is a ball of energy. The faster he runs, the more energy he uses.
Tanaka: Can create lava and likes to make explosive burst of lava to boost his own ego. Daichi often has to contain him to scold him since it can be scary for a passer by and potentially dangerous. 
Ennoshita: Teleprotatiosn. He can make himself teleport up to 50 meters away from staring point in a blink. If he holds a perosn close to him, he can make them transport with him. And can even take one small objects with him. He could potentially transport a car, but that requires a lot of energy and would be dangerous. It’s a quirk that comes in handy, epically when he is about to miss the buss or something. 
Kinoshita: Can transfer himself into someone else mind, but the backside is that he himself become vulnerable to outside attacks. He can do so upto 6 mins at a time, but if he has controlled one person for 2 mins, he need time to gain energy to actually make it to 6 mins the next time. 
Narita: Can communicate with animals of all sorts like Koda, but wouldn't be directly talking to them. He can, but he likes the quiet communications more. Its more of an telepathy thing. Like he can communicate with them when he looks at them and kind of put his own thoughts into theirs. Of course, he establishes trust between him and the animal he wants to communicate with. 
Kageyama: Can make ice. And  a lot of it. Like Todoroki. Ice will start to appear after a lot of quirk use. 
Hinata: Can make flames. And it just energises him furnter. Also like Todoroki other side...His hair still stays the same...but flames will appear on his body. He burnt a lot of clothes when he was little. 
It’s not much to say about Kags or Hinata’s quirk, but they are rivals since they are opposites and want to be better than the other. And they will eventually make each other stringer too...
Tsukishima: Can make roots. He can cut them off from his body if he wants too or generate them back into him. The strenght of them variates of how much energy he puts in himself. Weeds will start to grow out of his hair after a lot of quirk use. He likes to be more on the defence part in battle and strikes when the opportunity comes. 
Yamaguchi: Can make lighting out of his body. It requires a lot to generate huge and powerful ones, so he is still learning. If he has an energy source, like an outlet or something, he could generate bigger and more powerful ones. Can be very dangerous  to use his quirk too much or out of his abilities. It can potentially make him have a heart attack and damage his nerves and tissue-depends on where the lighting is traveling in his body. He will also bruise. 
Yachi: Can make herself disappear and make other objects disappear too. The more massive the object is the more energy she needs to make it invisible. She herself can be invisible for up to 7 minutes at a time. And the things she touches can be invisible from all to 1 minute to a few hours, depending on the size and how strong she is. When she is startled or anxious, she might accidentally make herself disappear. 
Shimizu: Can create and manipulate shadows. The darker it is, the stronger they are. They can wrap around poeple or connect to there shadows and make them unable to move. It tires her out, especially if the person is resisting. 
Takeda: Aizawa No, but he can make poeple freeze in place by looking at them. Same as Aizawa, if he blinks, the quirk doesn't work anyemore. It comes in handy when he needs to keep control over his rowdy student. 
Ukai: Can copy other move against him. But only one at a time and only one time. So if Kags were to make an ice mountain in front of hm, so could he. But he couldn’t manipulate ice like Kags could, only that particular move he saw. 
Miwa: Her hair can grow in different lenghts like she wants it too and she can manipulate it to wrap around others. It’s a great defence mechanism and keeps her opponents away from her. Her opponents, could cut the hair tho...
Saeko: She has a drum with her, and when she hits it while talking to her opponents, she can make them do what she wants. But only when they have given her attentions. Like, she couldn’t just control a random person on the treat, but if that person were to talk or to gain eye contact with her, she could use her quirk on them. 
Akiteru: Like Kei, he can shoot vines out of his body and manipulate them like Kei can. Small flowers will grow out of his hair. 
Natsu: Can make small explosion with using the hydrogen in the air. They are more startling than dangerous. But will eventually become stronger. 
Shimada: Can make clouds. Not a very affective quirk in fighting, but he can make small clouds that can from lighting. He can also make rainy clouds. It takes a lot of energy to make big ones. 
Also, I tried to find a quirk for him that would make it easier for him to still be Tadashi’s teacher. Since he can make clouds that can form lighting, he can teach Tadashi about the fundaments about lightnings and how they are generated. 
Takinoue: Can make manipulate their air around him to make winds and such (like and air bender) Of course, moving a lot of air around requires a lot of energy from him, so he tends to stick to smaller but faster jets of air. It’s a quirk that comes in handy during summer. 
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