#committing crimes on track and psychological warfare off track
myrquez · 5 months
rewatched today’s press conference at least 3 times to analyze and scrutinize the every tiniest bit of movement in their eyeballs and the funniest shit to me was the immediate, silent stare marc and pecco shared as soon as the journalist asked the question ( “who would you chose between marc and jorge as a teammmate” ) while also totally forgetting about jorge’s existence
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pretty boy was like the fuck should I say now?
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and marc’s chaotic ass was just.. ENJOYING. thriving, even. psychological warfares and such, lemme see if you know how to play this silly game bag-naia
and then there was jorge. standing in the middle of the asylum just having the most silent, discreet hysterical breakdown ever, side-eyeing pecco at every given opportunity with some of the cuntiest headtilts ever known to mankind which in my eyes screamed im fucked bc nobody was actually paying attention to him
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Trump’s sudden debate withdrawal linked to looming criminal sentencing: legal experts (msn.com)
So there's a document that says they intend on prosecuting him and they're trying to put him in jail and people are fighting over him to hold him in jail to go after his stuff and he's getting arrested all over the place because of it and he's so stupid that he can't figure that out and some told him like 10 times in a row then he'd stop telling him at all and especially to get him back. It's like ohh you didn't remember this very important information and it is funny to me. So we're going to have to start getting this guy out of here more often he's a huge pill and a stupid **** he's driving with this bus around and he's the last guy and absolutely nothing happens except he sits there and harasses our son. No the other day he's trying to look like the bus driver and so what he could sit there and say all sorts of things and the guy doesn't do anything and his son is ready and we are too but boy what a loser. What are filthy loser to provoke this kind of reaction for so long and you're a bunch of losers too for allowing it but we see why he had nuclear weapons everywhere you should not prevent it no you should make sure if someone doesn't do it again and BJA is going to probably start doing it and he is dangerous because people have accidents. We have more actual news rather than this yammering little bitch next door.
--- John Remelard is going to court this coming week for three criminal trials if they proceed past the hearing that they're going to next week. One of them is for burglary in the first degree it's a felony it carries 10 to 20 year sentence the second is assault and battery with a dangerous weapon with intent to physically harm someone and or disable them it carries a five to 10 year sentence possibly 15 years. Sexual assault on a minor under the age of 18 and several counts this is a felony charge and if convicted can have 15 to 20 year sentence these are very serious crimes and they're on this puts within cities free to go around doing what he wants to our son he hasn't gotten away with much but he keeps on trying to Ding him because he's a puts and keeps losing. And he does not seem to want to stop.... And he does not seem to want to stop and he will have to be terminated as people have surmised. There are two civil cases coming up both of them involve his treatment of people in Punta Gorda his psychological warfare on them and his acts of terrorism theft berating harassing cajoling trying to get them into fights so they can send he can send people after them and hire them they have a lot of records on what he was doing and proof and they're still trials and there's two both of them have criminal aspects with four to ten felonies in each and we're involved too so he wants to go there to try and figure out who we are and we're going to introduce our case no they're all introduced by the same lawyers and when they do they will state with criminal aspects and if the judge refuses the cases he will be investigated by the state's attorney general and possibly federal attorney general because that's who we turn to immediately 10 minutes afterwards and we'll leave in a huff and they'll be about 30 lawyers there against this little putts because nobody seems fit to control him or remove him like he should be you're all criminally negligent in your duties as CIAFBI local police sheriff and Florida law enforcement in the health department their way on the line and we're going to bring charges against them coming up fairly soon. Along with these cases on this jerk off and spaz, There are about 20 cases against different characters of his across the nation that involve felony charges and there's no way that he's going to make the court dates or even keep track of where he is wanted now when you commit a felony you're
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kronecker-delta · 7 years
The final part I completed before I lost any remaining motivation. Shame.
More Metal Gear/Victoria below. Also contains references to Revengence and Metal Wolf Chaos as they had been requested in the forum at that time.
Originally posted on Spacebattles.
*Post chapter 20 I believe in Victoria, though I’d begun to diverge from the books canon a bit by now.
1400 Hours: Grey skies hung low over the city. It had rained earlier. Droplets of water hung on the surface of the window. He could see outside on the grounds where the guards walked their patrols, boots speckled with mud and ponchos still damp. After the President’s assassination the remains of the current administration were taking every possible precaution. General Wesley Clark, acting commander of the US Armed Forces turned from the window as he heard a knock on the door. His assistant looked in after a moment. At a nod from the general he opened the door and ushered in the first of his visitors from Colorado. “Well Clark, I’m here,” Senator Armstrong said as he strode into the room. He pushed a chair to the side and sat heavily. A small white cloth pulled from his suit pocket and drying his glasses while pointedly ignoring the two that followed him in. “I hope you’ve got a damn good reason for having me fly out here when we’re still trying to put down the last remnants of the Colorado Insurrection.” The Emmerichs seated themselves far on the other side of the room. Clark was a little surprised that only one of them had in arrived casual clothes. He didn’t mind truthfully. Jeans and sneakers were almost expected from cloistered technical geniuses. If anything the fact that Sunny Emmerich had suit nearly as nice as Armstrong’s, if in miniature, was the unexpected. Though she’d eagerly approached to shake his hand where her adopted father had shyly stayed back. “I’m glad you could all arrive on such short notice. I’m even happier to know that you were all available to come in the first place. Our enemies have managed to compromise a considerable amount of the traditional intelligence organizations,” Clark said as he sat down behind the polished mahogany desk. “Luckily your own well learned paranoia has kept you safe from them thus far.” “Cut the crap Clark. Half the country is tearing itself apart and most of the beltway regulars have caught the contagious crazy. Hell, they just had to drag the Governor of Idaho off as he started pledging to outlaw human reproduction in order to heal mother Gaia or some hippy nonsense.” “That was rather odd,” Hal Emmerich said. Looking to the side as the Senator’s gaze focused on him. He reached up and adjusted his own glasses nervously before continuing. “I mean didn’t he vote against a climate control initiative just last year?” “He did. Based on the altered behavior and sudden shifts in personality we suspect some kind of psychic agents,” General Clark said. “Though we have other proof that they have been engaging in a long term infiltration campaign using mind control techniques.” “Mind control?” said Sunny Emmerich as she stood up from her chair. “But there’s only been one known psychic with that level of strength. And he’s been dead for over a decade.” “She’s right. I was there at Shadow Moses Island. No one else has those sorts of abilities… and if they did, why haven’t they gotten to you as well?” “Nanomachines son,” Armstrong said with a smirk as he answered Hal’s question while tapping his head. “Fourth generation psi dampeners keyed to your unique neurological structure. Not many government officials went to the trouble of getting them instead of the stuff you can get with a quick shot. Should have went for the top shelf.” “But what proof do you have of any of this? I mean civil unrest often accompanies plagues and economic disasters. The last half decade have set historical records for those events so is a conspiracy of programmed double agents really more likely?” Sunny paused for a moment as the three others focused their attention on her. “I mean that’s just from what I’ve read about this sort of thing anyway.” General Clark nodded slightly to her statement. “Normally I’d agree with you… but we’ve other evidence. That corroborates this conclusion.” And then there was a fifth person in the room. “Biological optical camouflage?! But that’s impossible! You’d have to… well you’d have a completely inhumane epidermis to even begin to display such traits…” “So… this disaster has even dragged someone like you out of hiding?” Armstrong said before turning back towards Clark. “So what does one of Cipher’s monsters have to add?” Quiet turned cold glare on the senator. Armstrong merely spread his hands while smiling. “We don’t have time for this.” Depressing a button on his desk closed the curtains and slowly lowered a projection screen. As the lights dimmed General Clark seated himself once more. “She was the one responsible for rescuing Governor Fullerton as well as the federal hostages during the fall of Boston. I’ve been hiring her covertly once the extent of our enemy’s infiltration became evident. But retrieving a few political hostages is far from the extent of her accomplishments.” The screen behind him flickered blue as the image of grim faced American soldier was shown. “I met him on the Constantine. He was with the CMC.” Quiet signed, the electronic reader attached to her right arm obediently translating into digitized speech. “He used a gas to induce hallucinations.” “The man who Quiet met was Gunny Matthews. As a young Marine he was involved in certain experiments with chemical stimulants and hallucinogens during the seventies. I’m sure some of you are aware of the official story regarding those projects,” General Clark said as the screen flickered showing the records and death certificates for the other subjects from the same experiment. “W-well in the 1950s the CIA conducted experiments with LSD exposure. While officially those tests eventually came to a stop…” “Unofficially we continued to experiment with chemically assisted psychological warfare. Both within ‘official’ government research facilities and black ops organizations like Cipher. And they discovered that while there was little use of the advanced chemical stimulants and aerosolized hallucinogens in combat they had a remarkable effect on psychic abilities. Both strengthening the user as well as weakening the will of those being controlled. The lack of many powerful psychics limited the project but- “ “Not that your explanation of government funded spook powers isn’t fascinating Clark,” Armstrong said, “but could we perhaps focus on the fact that the Russians apparently had an American Governor held hostage on one of their naval vessels?” “That wasn’t all I found,” Quiet signed. “Yes, we have something even worse to worry about. I’m sure you’ve all been wondering why we’ve stopped trying to directly retake the northeast. While onboard the Constantine Quiet discovered this,” General Clark displayed another image and looked up to see shock and surprise evident on nearly every face. “Is that what I think it is?” “A multi range rail gun… part of a firing system for variable payloads. One designed to be mounted on a bipedal weapons platform. And there were clear signs that the ship was carrying two of them when it approached the coast of Nova Scotia four months ago.” Clark’s expression was especially grim as he continued. “The answer is clear. They have a nuclear armed metal gear active in their territory.” “Oh god no! It’s happening again…” Hal said as he sat down. Face downcast and legs weak as his adopted daughter placed a hand on his shoulder. “What are we going to do?” “So that’s why we stopped the airstrikes?” “Yes, along with the disastrous events where our forward strike force heading out of New York suddenly surrendered to a numerically and militarily inferior force only to be… tried for the crimes that our citizens started claiming they committed.” “That was rather surprising… I guess you didn’t have our boys in NBC gear?” “No Armstrong. We didn’t expect them to so flagrantly violate the Geneva convention.” General Clark’s eyes narrowed at the smile on the Senator’s face. “I suppose you would have?” “Would and did. Though I can’t take all the credit. World Marshall kept the riots under control in Denver but the insurrectionists were captured thanks to Arizona Congressman Michael Wilson. They tried to move the center of their rebellion into his state following their defeat in mine. It… didn’t pan out too well for them.” “Well at least we have some good news,” Clark said, turning back to his desk console and bringing up a new image. “Since the assassination of the supposed leader of the Northern Confederacy we’ve been trying to track down the current commander. Both of the CMC and the insurrection as a whole. And we think we’ve succeeded.” A series of images soon flashed onto the projection screen. He wore fatigues with a CMC armband, and his eerily pale skin clear even in the lower quality of the distant images. Beside him was a portly, if not somewhat obese man in a Prussian military uniform complete with Pickelhaube. “Who’s the Halloween costume freak?” Armstrong asked. “And what’s with his dead eyed friend?” “The man in the Prussian uniform has been identified as William Kraft. The so-called Craftman, he worked with soviet bloc states to train double agents before the Berlin Wall fell. Though supposedly his abilities extended well beyond that. We had been trying to track him down for years. But apparently he’s been hiding right under our noses the whole time. With his own little reprogramming center somewhere in Maine,” Clark paused for a long moment before continuing. “We don’t have anything official on his conspirator. Save that one of the Boston PD got out and later reported a man matching his description introducing himself as the commandant of the CMC. He claims to be an ex-Marine lieutenant. But there’s no record of an officer Rumlind ever having served in any branch of the US military. Everything the man says or does is a constructed lie designed to mislead others and to obscure the truth.” “That’s the next mission you have for me then?” “Correct. I contacted the Emmerich’s for their expertise in both bipedal weapons and electronic warfare. They will be functioning as support staff since finding and neutralizing their nuclear capability is to be considered a primary objective of this operation. Along with locating Kraft’s base of operations so that we can hopefully find out the names and identities of the Manchurian agents that have undergone programming by him.” “And assassinate him and the other conspirators?” “Yes. While under normal circumstances capture and trial might be preferable the danger they represent is such that we want them terminated.” Soon a map of Massachusetts was projected showing likely routes of movement corresponding to the sightings of Kraft and the unknown conspirator. Along with positions where allied radio responses were received… Until the communications went dark three days ago. “So we did lose some Green Berets up there?” Armstrong asked. “Just a few, doing reconnaissance for this mission in fact. They weren’t the ones that performed the assassination though. We think that was inner party conflicts between lesser members of the conspirators. Or perhaps something engineered by Kraft or Rumlind. Either way they used it to justify the president’s assassination last week. While there was nothing we could determine from his identity to track down Kraft we’ve received communications from up north. One of our soldiers is still free and sending intel. He’s also discovered where Kraft retreats to. Or the latest location perhaps.” Clark turned his gaze entirely onto Quiet. “You need to obtain that information. And you need to get it before they move the operations and we lose Kraft again.” “Your ultimate goal beyond removing their ability to launch a nuclear strike is to silence these terrorists before they can cause any more death and destruction.” *** “Yes Armstrong?” Clark asked. The Senator had hung back as the Emmerichs had left with Quiet to go over likely metal gear versions to be in use and the means to disable them. With the curtains open again the setting sun reflected as a pair dying embers from his glasses. “Is there something else you want?” “Perhaps. If I understand correctly I think you’re now the man to talk to this about. I feel that given recent… entanglements from our Tsarist friends we should reconsider my proposals.” “Congress is in no position to vote on military cybridization right now.” “Fuck those idiots. I don’t need their approval. The public is too weak to see what we need to keep this country safe. To keep America strong anyway,” Armstrong said, gesturing wildly his clenched fist striking at the air. “No… I’ve got plans to put those designs into operation under World Marshall and other subsidiary PMCs. But… the boys at the lab could use some of the things you dug up.” “You can’t mean…” “I want everything you have on Frank Jeager’s resurrection. I know you confiscated the labs where it was done and the data the Patriots had stored on it. With that we can go from mere bionics to full body prosthetic combat enhancement. Give me that and I’ll see to it that we get a non-US military force to retake Boston within a week. No chance for sleeper agents in them… I guarantee it.” “Despite the chemical control they’re still American citizens Armstrong.” “I’ll have them wear the kiddy gloves. No massacres on US soil. This isn’t my first trip to the rodeo.” “… Fine. I’ll see to it that the confiscated assets and research data are turned over.”
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politicalfilth-blog · 8 years
7 Insane US Government Conspiracies That Actually Happened
We Are Change
While it can be easy to dismiss some of the more outlandish conspiracy theories floating around on the Internet, it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that the U.S. government has conspired against its own citizens on more than one occasion.
It’s well known that the U.S. government has targeted its own citizens for assassination with drones in recent years, yet it’s far from the only time Americans have suffered at the hands of their leaders, elected or otherwise. Here are seven actual, documented conspiracies created by the government or its agencies:
Alcohol Poisoning
The U.S. government hoped to scare people away from drinking by deliberately poisoning industrial alcohol supplies, which were frequently stolen and resold by bootleggers. Doctors were accustomed to alcohol poisoning by then, the routine of life in the Prohibition era. The bootlegged whiskies and so-called gins often made people sick. The liquor produced in hidden stills frequently came tainted with metals and other impurities. But Christmas Eve 1926 outbreak was bizarrely different. The deaths, as investigators would shortly realize, came courtesy of the U.S. government.
Frustrated that people continued to consume so much alcohol even after it was banned, federal officials had decided to try a different kind of enforcement. They ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols manufactured in the United States, products regularly stolen by bootleggers and resold as drinkable spirits. The idea was to scare people into giving up illicit drinking. Instead, by the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the federal poisoning program, by some estimates, had killed at least 10,000 people.
According to TIME, Seymour M Lowman, assistant secretary of the treasury in charge of Prohibition, even said 1927, that drunks were “dying off fast from poison ‘hooch’” and “a good job will have been done” if America became sober because of it.
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
The Tuskegee Study was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service studying the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African-American men in Alabama under the guise of receiving free health care from the United States government.
After funding for treatment was lost, the study was continued without informing the men they would never be treated. None of the men infected were ever told they had the disease, and none were treated with penicillin even after the antibiotic became proven for the treatment of syphilis.
By the early 1970s, 128 of the original 399 men had died of syphilis and syphilis-related complications, 40 of their wives had the disease and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis.
Revelation in 1972 of study failures by a whistleblower led to major changes in U.S. law and regulation on the protection of participants in clinical studies.
Proposed Top Secret plan from 1962 stating intent among the Joint Chiefs of Staff to stage terrorist attacks, including killing innocent civilians, to provoke war with Cuba
Proposals include use of drone aircraft to stage foreign attacks, staging hijackings, staging attacks on U.S. vessels and facilities, staging riots, as well as the creation of “terror campaigns” on U.S. soil
MK Ultra
In the 1950s to the 1970s, the CIA ran a mind-control project aimed at finding a “truth serum” to use on communist spies. It’s so true that in 1995 President Clinton actually issued a formal apology on behalf of the US government.
Afraid of being left in the enemy’s pseudo-scientific dust, the CIA quickly jumped on the mind control bandwagon. However, they got their procedures wrong in one crucial aspect; instead of experimenting on enemy prisoners that the national media wouldn’t miss, they decided to go ahead and start jamming probes and shooting drugs into unwitting United States citizens.
Essentially, MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture. The program subcontracted hundreds of these projects to over 80 different institutions, including universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.
During Operation Midnight Climax, agents dosed sex workers and their clients with LSD to observe their reactions, but government agents also frequently dosed each other. While the agents were certainly able to effectively disturb a target — an Army doctor named Dr. Frank Olson committed suicide a week after he was served a drink laced with the potent psychedelic — useful intelligence was another matter, and the program was canceled in the 1970s.
Most of this was uncovered in 1977 when a Freedom of Information Act exposed 20,000 previously classified documents and triggered a series of Senate hearings. However, in 1973, with the government-wide panic caused by Watergate, the CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed.
Given the CIA’s purposeful destruction of most records, its failure to follow informed consent protocols with thousands of participants, the uncontrolled nature of the experiments, and the lack of follow-up data, the full impact of MKUltra experiments, including deaths, may never be known.
COINTELPRO (a portmanteau derived from COunter INTELligence PROgram) was a series of covert, and at times illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting and disrupting domestic political organizations. The FBI used covert operations from its inception, however formal COINTELPRO operations took place between 1956 and 1971.
FBI records show that COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals that the FBI deemed subversive, including anti-Vietnam War organizers, activists of the Civil Rights Movement or Black Power movement (e.g., Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Black Panther Party), feminist organizations, anti-colonial movements (such as Puerto Rican independence groups like the Young Lords), and a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left.
The acts committed against them included psychological warfare, slander using forged documents and false reports in the media, harassment, wrongful imprisonment and, according to some, intimidation and possibly violence and assassination.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover issued directives governing COINTELPRO, ordering FBI agents to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, neutralize or otherwise eliminate” the activities of these movements and especially their leaders Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy personally authorized some of these programs. Although Kennedy only gave written approval for limited wiretapping of King’s phones “on a trial basis, for a month or so”, Hoover extended the clearance so his men were “unshackled” to look for evidence in any areas of King’s life they deemed worthy.
Government Spies on Us
Conspiracy theories are often considered to the span from paranoia: the idea that an omnipotent shadowy organising is watching your every move is a common theme, and, of course, a feature of countless dystopian tales. The theory has been easy to dismiss: how could governments possibly have the resources to monitor so many people so much of the time?
It’s the reason why the leaks by Edward Snowden, a former US security contractor, had such resonance across the globe. His disclosures in 2013 revealed that over 60 countries were targeted by the US’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ. That European leaders, including Germany’s Angela Merkel, were spied on became one of the headline stories, but the mass vacuuming of citizens’ data was the more important point.
Thanks to revelations about the NSA and their Prism project, we know that the scope of the NSA’s eavesdropping is even beyond what we originally believed.
In early June of 2014, the Washington Post reported that almost 90% of the data being collected by NSA surveillance programs is from Internet users with no connection to terrorist activities. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, this is in clear violation of the constitution.
Operation Fast and Furious
Obama-administration scandals never resolve. They just vanish — usually, under a new scandal. So it was with one of this president’s earliest embarrassments, “Operation Fast and Furious,” designed to help the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) dismantle drug cartels operating inside the United States and disrupt drug-trafficking routes. Instead, it put into the hands of criminals south of the border some 2,000 weapons, which have been used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
In November 2009, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives launched an operation in which guns bought by drug-cartel straw purchasers in the U.S. were allowed to “walk” across the border into Mexico. ATF agents would then track the guns as they made their way through the ranks of the cartel. At least, that was the theory. In reality, once the guns walked across the border, they were gone. Whistleblowers reported, and investigators later confirmed, that the ATF made no effort to trace the guns.
Some ATF agents became concerned the weapons were being used for crimes. On Dec. 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed during a gunfight. Two of the guns involved in the shootout were traced back to Fast and Furious, which continued for another six weeks.
The operation started to fall apart inside as U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, who headed the Phoenix office, became angry with Special Agent John Dodson for reporting on the bungled program before Congress. Burke, who was later forced to resign in 2011, leaked information about Dodson’s activities in the operation to Fox News. An inspector general’s report cited Burke’s actions in violation of Justice Department policy.
It has been alleged by the National Rife Association and the New American that the killing of hundreds of Mexicans and even some U.S. law enforcement officers because of the Fast and Furious program was going to be used by the Barack Obama administration as an excuse for more gun control.
It is difficult to overstate both how stupid and how incompetent were the whole host of federal officials involved in this fiasco, who first thought it was a swell idea to traffic thousands of guns to Mexican criminals, then blithely forgot about them. Under “Operation Fast & Furious,” the U.S. government became a de facto arms dealer to Mexican drug cartels and Islamist criminals.
It remains to be seen what will happen if Trump release all the Operation Fast and Furious documents.
Foreign Countries Involved in US elections
As the numerous Democratic supporters yelling about the unfair 2016 election results Hillary Clinton herself, Obama Administration and even CIA blame a foreign country for interfering in the elections process. And you know what? We totally agree with them.
It is illegal in the United States for foreign countries to try to influence the outcome of elections by funding candidates. 
Sounds good. However, that appears not to have stopped the… Saudis.
In June 2016, the Petra News Agency published what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate’s campaign. The report was later deleted and the news agency has not responded to requests for comment from Middle East Eye. However, the deletion took place too late, as the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs managed to capture the report and has re-published the original Arabic Petra report, which quoted Prince Mohammed as having said Saudi Arabia had provided with “full enthusiasm” an undisclosed amount of money to Clinton.
“Saudi Arabia always has sponsored both Republican and Democratic Party of America and in America current election also provide with full enthusiasm 20 percent of the cost of Hillary Clinton’s election even though some events in the country don’t have a positive look to support the king of a woman (sic) for presidency,” the report quoted Prince Mohammed as having said.
According to the US Federal Election commission, over the past two years Clinton has raised a little more than $211.8 million. 20% of this sum is $42.4 million.
Saudi Arabia is not the only country to put money in Hillary Clinton’s hands either, with the best selling book Clinton Cash detailing several companies that “payed to play” – or bribed – the Clintons.
As result, we can say that yes, a foreign country interfered in the US election process. But the only criminal that ran for president is Hillary Clinton and this is one more reason to put her behind bars.
The post 7 Insane US Government Conspiracies That Actually Happened appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change http://wearechange.org/7-insane-us-government-conspiracies-actually-happened/
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