#company strike off
fvckwithmefamo · 6 months
How To Strike Off A Company
So, you’ve made the difficult decision to strike off your company and embark on a new chapter. It can be a daunting process, but fear not! In this article, we will guide you through the steps of how to strike off a company. From notifying the appropriate authorities to settling any outstanding debts, we’ve got you covered. By following our comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to…
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bridoesotherjunk · 11 months
just remember, the studios not paying their writers and actors fairly caused the strike
which caused venom 3 to be delayed
never forget that the people responsible for this are NOT the writers and actors. this all falls on the rich fucks at the studios who refuse to give up a tiny fraction of their profits to pay the people who make their products.
the big studios took away your symbrock
not the little guys
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ahaura · 9 months
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from @/JoshuaPHilll, via More Perfect Union
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girlwiththegreenhat · 10 months
a dude my ma works with at amazon died of a stroke on the job because they force them to work in hot conditions and they refused him water. they bring in modified temperature readers so they can say "see, it's a safe temperature in here, all up to code uwu" but someone snuck in their own temp reader and it was much hotter than they claim it is.
it was ninety degrees Fahrenheit. heavy lifting for several hours at a time, no water, in 90 degree loading docks.
stop fucking using amazon. or at the very least, fucking unionize.
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wantbytaemin · 5 months
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One moment in Y3 I'll never get over is Daigo, fresh out of coma, instinctively reassuring Mine with such tenderness. Yeah it made him feel more guilty, sure. But at that moment I was like "I get it, Mine. I now get why you're that obsessed". Doesn't make it better that Daigo is pretty pretty with a wonderful voice and gorgeous shoulders
this ask was so real and true and right and it still is but i am cackling a little at 'daigo's gorgeous shoulders'
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pyrriax · 2 days
ANYWHO goodnight tumblr i'll be back on the art grind tomorrow i think 🙏
#haunted ecosystem#i'll take a burst of creativity in a different form than usual than the burnout slump i've been in for a few months#<- part of why my fandom stuff has taken a smidge of a backseat#dont get me wrong i am still very excited about my fandoms im just having fun off in oc hell (affectionate)#its nice to just be able to create and not really worry about perception. and also i feel Less bad about just throwing ocs into the wringer#((blame the fact i've been REALLY interested in whump recently and i have been. fixated. on one of my characters.))#and ALSO i've been! rekindling my flame for wtds. i've been putting off thinking about it since that fic got.#nothing bad happened? but it was still very devastating that somebody who i considered a friend from that fic just. evaporated.#but i'm gonna finish that fic for him :) even if it takes a year. even if it's the one thing i finish ever. it'll be wtds.#for where its gotten me and the fact its what got me out of my shell and is the reason i trust that my writing is good!#i used to really hate rereading my work. i catch flaws that are obvious to me. but that fic. i just think about how *good* the story is#that story means. a lot to me? as a person? like the main character is not a good person. but people care about him anyway.#and there are so many little things. so many sentiments. so much that is a love letter to people who've done bad but learnt to do better#because. god knows i wasnt a good person even just a few years ago. and maybe i see myself in him a bit.#he came from a place of paranoia and fear and pain. and maybe its a good thing that i've found it difficult to write him recently.#because god. i've been HAPPY. even with the rough moments and bad days. i've been happy. i mean fuck.#my birthday's what. ten days away? god damn man. i'm going to be 18. that's an achievement.#i want to look the kid who thought it was over at half my age and tell him we fucking made it. and there are more years to come.#there's a life ahead. even if it's going to be a bitch. even if it's going to be tough. there's love in your heart and people who care and#you're going to fucking live and you're going to feel better one day. you have people to meet properly and thank and cherish.#because for every day it feel like the world's ending there are a dozen more where the sun shines just the right way through the rain#and you can't help but smile because it's just so god damn beautiful.#and fuck it. you're sick. your hands hurt and your legs don't work right. and it's tough sometimes. but you have people who understand.#you have people who honest to god love you for who you are and appreciate your company. and 18 is the first step.#you've spent half your life unlearning things and you've spent half your life relearning how to be what YOU want to be#and if you're a mediocre artist and passionate writer then you'll be fucking great at that. taking the time to learn when it strikes you.#and maybe this is for me. but its also for anybody reading it too. please god if there's one thing you take from this let it be that#somebody out there cares. *I* care. god i care. even if we've never spoken proper i care about you.#i practically have a list of everybody i see in my inbox. i love seeing familiar names show up. i.#i dont know how to neatly wrap up this tag ramble. but. i am so damn full of love it hurts sometimes. its scary to be happy but thats ok!
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vonlipvig · 9 months
ok, i was already wholeheartedly supporting the sag-wga strike, but now it's personal. which studio head do i need to torture so that they stop being cheap fucks and start paying people what they deserve and we can all get severance s2?
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Not him thinking about leaving for past year... Now I neeeed to know what was the final nail
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zemnarihah · 4 months
sorry but like if my schedule isn't given to me until two weeks in advance sometimes not even then i feel like i should be able to call out w no penalties like.... a week in advance. but at my job even if i request time off MONTHS in advance it's not always guaranteed. like that is literally enough time for you to hire and train someone to cover for me. it's actually insane
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agh!!!! ive started getting calls from the places i applied to so like im glad but im really like..... Im just working retail/food service since thats what u get right out of highschool im ok with that. but i don't think places like that will want me to mask? i have heard stories from people working being told not to mask to be more "friendly" to the customers and like im not going to do that. that is a deal breaker entirely for me. i mask because my dad is extremely immunocompromised and if he gets covid, he is more likely to die than survive. /I/ am immunocompromised. even before i was vulnerable ive never stopped masking. ackkk
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Heard a Full-Grown Adult who was sitting behind me on the train tonight genuinely say “I don’t know why people are worrying about the cost of living” and honestly even if he was joking, I’m amazed his girlfriend didn’t dump him on the spot
#Poor lassie tried to explain why it's not a good thing; personally I was tempted to chuck him off the train#And I say this by the way as someone who is *not* worrying about it personally as I know I'm ok for money#but I am worrying for everyone else I know and within thirty seconds I could come up with dozens of scenarios#where the cost of living crisis would destroy even a relatively well-off family's life#Like ok say my mum had got ill when I was two instead of when I was 25#Even aside from the fact that you know the family was already ruined by the fact that she was dying#There would have been no savings to fall back on and my dad couldn't have supplemented his income#because he would have been taking care of a toddler and being a full-time carer to my mum and two dogs#And he wouldn't have had adult children to help and maybe the company would have given full pay for a while#but either way eventually my mum would have been on statutory sick pay with energy bills doubled#a mortgage repayment schedule which has become even more expensive as it was renegotiated during Liz Truss' mismanagement#Petrol bills through the roof and no option to take public transport because unreliable and rail strikes#I think he'd be well past worried at that point if not actually destitute#And my mum was a chartered accountant#Imagine the cost if she had been on minimum wage or if she had been in a very valuable but low-paid profession like nursing#And you don't even need illness to crop up for most lower-income professions anyway because everything is beyond your means#Or how about the fact that old age pensions are below living wage#I hate to use a personal example but honestly did this guy just not have any life experience whatsoever#had he never met someone who made all the right decisions but fate screwed them or were just scraping by#Was he just saying that to get a rise out of his girlfriend (I doubt this as he was then very dismissive about single mothers)#Or was he just the most callous person in existence#Calmly and unapologetically existing on a train in Scotland#Move over Scrooge; take a seat Maggie Thatcher; there's a new kid in town#I would like to scream
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dolores-slay · 10 months
Yeah bioware is done
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mimiri22-6 · 11 months
I had so much to say halfway through the last episode, I was going insane, I had to walk away because it was so insane like twice. I was Prepared to say Everything that was on my mind afterwards but then BUT THEN THAT HAPPENED AND NOW IM JUST-
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If I was more hydrated I would be BAWLING
Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna say everything I thought in another post, but I'm gonna do it later to give people time to block tags, but also seeing as we are literally #1 trending Hours before the season was officially supposed to drop, idk if there's anyone that HASN'T seen THAT yet. Also THAT is also already gifed and at the top of the page so like. Dear fucking God I am SO glad this actually came out early because if I only watched 1 ep every night for the next few nights there was NO way I wouldn't have been spoiled and been Absolutely Shocked and whiplashed
Anyway @neil-gaiman I'm devastated and now I have to go to work in a few hours after I wake up and I am Not gonna be able to think about fucking Anything ever again until this shit is Resolved.
I'm reading Every fix-it in existence after this.
I'm in shambles
I'm inconsolable
I have to stop typing now or I will never stop
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shiroselia · 1 year
Are they actually dumb enough to think that locking the fastest gallop behind leveling now is even remotely smart
SSE. SSE stop sucking at game design. How many times do we have to tell you that the solution to having no new things to lock behind effort ISN’T to lock previously free/accessible content behind a new shiny effort wall because Someone couldn’t think of something new to put there
Jesus fucking christ I might genuinely officially quit if the new horse training goes thru as it’s precented right now they are shooting themselves in the fucking abdomen
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twitter’s really just letting people spread misinformation and fear monger about the covid vaccines.
saw someone say “pfizer started testing their mrna vaccine in 2017, 2 years before covid! they’re responsible for the pandemic!”
that was probably when they started testing the safety of general mrna vaccines, which is also the reason they were able to forego the regular extended clinical trial process and get rush authorization...bc there was already data proving safety and efficacy...they weren’t just out there with the covid virus...
im tired.
#like goddamn the fear mongering is effective#it gives me anxiety and i know it's bs#i can't even imagine what it does to someone who doesn't realize it's all lies#lol the one that makes me laugh tho is the theory that bill gates is trying to kill everyone#bro he sells tech i think he needs the masses for that#people online also need to take a stats class#look i did chem and physics not bio so im gonna trust the bio people on this#you probably should too#ugh i also saw someone say myocarditis and heart attacks are the same thing#bro heart attacks are called myocardial infarctions#different conditions#pls you have google use it im begging you#now yeah ur right these companies are money hungry#but that's the real reason they're releasing so little data#not bc they want you do die getting a FREE vaccine#bc they want their formulas and methods to remain proprietary so they can charge a premium exporting to other places#and strike exclusive deals#exactly how much sense does it make for people who make a living off of people's health#to be intentionally reducing their client base? hm?#you're all concerned about the companies being added to the childhood vaccine schedule bc of some immunity thing#class action lawsuits can still happen and the US gov would 100% stop patroning these companies entirely#if they were found eventually to be causing mass harm#the mrna vaccine has so many other potential and lucrative applications#you really think they'd botch this up when the non-covid possibilities could make them insane amounts of money?#idk man pharma companies suck but their malice is focused in profit#like keeping things exclusive to their companies so they can drive up cost#that's why you can get tretinoin outside of the US for like $30#but here it's more than $100#exclusivity#same with insulin and epipens and tamiflu and vasculera
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