#company tax return UK
triboconoutsourcing · 9 months
Top Benefits Of Filing Company Tax Returns In The UK
When it comes to company tax return in UK, it is a complex task. However, timely tax filing brings various advantages. It can also impact your business. Make sure about the accurate and timely filing of tax returns.
Various Advantages Company Tax Return In UK-
Compliance and Avoidance of Penalties
Claiming Tax Deductions and Credits
Building Business Credit and Reputation
Facilitating Financial Planning and Decision-Making
Accessing Government Support and Incentives
Why You Need An Expert Company Tax Return In The UK?
When it comes to a tax filing process, this complex task demands a tactical plan. Business owners should understand it and involve expert professionals to make it simple. They can help you in different ways and maximize benefits. Not accessing expert help can be troublesome for your business.
Expertise- The tax laws and regulations are constantly changing in the UK. This is where experts play a key role as they understand it very well. Their expertise and knowledge help your company to meet the latest legal requirements, mitigate any potential risk and avoid potential penalties.
Maximizing Deductions and Credits- Efficient tax professionals have the knowledge and acumen. They can help your business to access genuine deductions and tax credits. It can lessen your tax liabilities and improve the overall profitability of your business.
Avoiding Costly Errors- In the process of tax returns, there is no space for any mistake or error. It can be costly for your business. This is why engaging a seasoned tax return company is a smart choice to deal with these errors. They ensure accurate and error-free filings. Experts can avoid the inconvenience with tax audits.
Tailored Strategies- Expert tax advisors offer the best tax solutions tailored to your business goals and financial conditions. It creates tax-saving opportunities for your company. This is a great thing to consider. In addition, they offer the best approach to making correct financial decisions.
Time Efficiency- Do not hesitate to outsource your company’s tax return to experts. With expert assistance, you can focus on important business tasks. This is a smart endeavor to save time and resources.
Professional Representation- In tax audits, an experienced tax professional can offer guarantees and ensure the best representation. They can easily deal with such circumstances to simplify the process.
Compliance Assurance- Professional service providers ensure compliance with HMRC guidelines. It guarantees that you are in safe hands.
The Takeaway-
Engaging a reliable and reputed service provider for your company’s tax return is not a bad idea. They can bring various advantages as we have discussed above and maximize benefits. They can protect your business's fiscal health and secure its future.
Looking for an expert service for your best company tax return in the UK? We are your right stop. Tribocon is a specialized and reputed company that has been in the outsourcing industry for many years. Contact Us Today to take control of your company’s tax situation. We offer a free consultation and expert advice for a stress-free tax season.  Ask your queries and our experts will answer your questions. Visit www.tribocon.com today!
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madisonellie1 · 2 months
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efjconsulting · 3 months
How Can Formation and Company Secretarial Services Benefit Your Business?
Formation and company secretarial services, such as those offered by EFJ Consulting in the United Kingdom, play a crucial role in business success. These services streamline the establishment of companies, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and efficient corporation tax returns. By handling administrative tasks like filing annual returns, maintaining statutory records, and managing director appointments, we enable businesses to focus on growth and operational excellence.Our expertise ensures adherence to regulatory standards, mitigates risks, and enhances governance. Utilizing Formation and Company Secretarial services not only ensures legal compliance but also optimizes business operations for sustained profitability in the competitive market landscape.
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What’s the Best Business Structure for Contractor accountants In UK?
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Professionalism: A great contractor accountant should exhibit professionalism in all aspects of their work. They should have clear communication skills and provide timely responses to all inquiries. They should also be punctual, reliable, and respectful to their clients and colleagues.
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mayakern · 3 months
upcoming store stuff & why we're doing a super sale
omg hiiii it's devin again, and this time i'm bringing store news
the short version: we're moving ourselves back to minnesota, and we're moving order fulfillment to a fulfillment center
wow, that's big news! maya and i are so so so excited to be closer to our minnesota friends (and also my family lol). i'm hoping to be back in northeast minneapolis, but let's be real we're probably gonna get priced out and into the suburbs
in addition to that, due to a variety of reasons i'll explain in more detail below, we're transitioning from in-house fulfillment to working with a fulfillment center (or 3pl, short for third-party logistics). we're at an awkward size that makes staffing difficult and have had issues with extended processing time. the 3pl should be set up by september, and we're working on the back end to have fulfillment centers in australia, canada, the UK, and eventually the EU. if tax authorities work with us we should have all that ready by december 2024!
to prepare for that we're doing a super sale. ash told me not to call it liquidation but she said that like 30 seconds after i hit send on the marketing email, sorry about that. items that we don't want to pay to move to the 3pl are discounted by 25-70%, with some of them priced at cost. under no circumstances will anything ever be 70% off again
if you're nosy you can read the q&a i made up in my head while eating pigs in a blanket:
how are the labor protections at the 3pl?
pretty good! we were shocked to find anything even halfway decent in the US; we went looking for a fulfillment center in the EU to handle all international fulfillment, and the one we found just so happened to have bought a US location two years ago.
they're located in ohio, pay $19/hr, and provide health insurance and 401k matching. that seemed too good to be true so we dug through employee reviews on places like glassdoor, and while there were some bad reviews those were all dated prior to when the facility was purchased by this new company. they also have a very low turnover rate which is a HUGE green flag
why are you transferring to a 3pl?
the serious
sometimes we have a high volume of sales, and it makes sense to have two full-time employees plus a part timer! but usually we have a low-to-medium volume of sales. we can float by on that, but it gets risky, and the economy is in a bad enough state that we're concerned about the longevity
related, the 2023 holiday sale showed us some major flaws in our fulfillment process. if the same issues were to happen this year the business probably wouldn't survive
we're moving cross-country in early 2025 and would've had to close this location anyway
the dumb:
i'm sick of dealing with commercial landlords and if i have one more wall leak i'm going to throw it into the river brick by brick
what about your staff?
unfortunately we will have to say goodbye to our office staff. they have been given 3.5 months notice and no-questions-asked PTO for interviews with a small severance
why are you moving back to minnesota?
troy was always meant to be a temporary move. initially the plan was to move to vermont or massachusetts, but after being out here for 7 years we just kinda want to go home. the weather in troy is perfect for us, we love the mountains, and we have some great friends here, but for some goddamn reason we want our eyelashes to freeze together.
will you be returning to midwest cons?
if we return to cons at all it will be with ariel and/or ash running the booth, maya will not be involved. this would likely be in california and/or in the northeast US.
my friends are begging me to go to CONvergence as an attendee so ig you might see me there? maya has pledged death before crowded venues tho
will you do any local events in minnesota?
we might do sample sales. honestly idk what we're gonna do with the samples we have in troy, most of them are terrible. do you want samples of the strangest low rise bell bottom pants ever created? please take them from me. my bush hangs out
also my kid brother has gotten really into library events and if he asks nice enough we might do some of those
is there anything else?
i mean probably, but i started this last week and i haven't had any other ideas on what to include
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Closer and closer...
Without a permanent primary residence in the UK, Harry is officially unable to serve as Counsellor of State.
Archived Link
Because I know it's going to come up as well:
Harry is allowed to keep his titles whilst living here in the US and/or becoming a naturalized citizen. He is only required to give up the titles if he runs for political office, per the US Constitution.
This has no impact on his immigration status or deportability. All it means is that he lives here most of the time and he's on the hook for taxes. He can still be deported. He can still be refused entry to the US if he leaves and tries to return.
(And he's not going to be deported. Not in the official way with DHS agents taking him to an immigration detention center or stuffing him on a plane back to the UK. That looks terrible for the special relationship and embarrasses the Trump Administration, the Biden Administration, and the Court of St. James. At worst, it'll all be handed privately/behind doors and it'll be spun as Harry deciding to move to Africa to be closer to his lifelong work with Sentebale. At best, it's a huge fine.)
(And before certain people come at me for mentioning the Trump Administration, yes, they are involved. The Sussexes moved to the US in March 2020 during the Trump Administration. Any paperwork for Harry to stay here past 90 days/June 2020 would have been processed by the Trump Administration. The Biden Administration didn't take office until January 20, 2021. Harry came and stayed under Trump. They're involved too, though the Biden Administration will take all the blame.)
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reality-detective · 10 months
Exposed: The Secret Dominion of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans 💥
Prepare to uncover the startling reality behind the world's most influential families and their immense control over the global economy. The Federal Reserve Cartel, consisting of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans, wields unprecedented power that extends well beyond the realm of oil.
Imagine this: The Four Horsemen of Banking, including Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, unite with the Four Horsemen of Oil, such as Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, and Chevron Texaco. Yet, their dominion doesn't stop there. Through an intricate web of private banks, they have expanded their influence to encompass the music industry. These colossal entities, along with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays, and other European old money giants, hold the reins of the music industry, allowing them to shape its trajectory and exert their influence.
The Machiavellian machinations of the Rockefeller dynasty reach far and wide, commencing with their commercialization of music in the early 1900s. They orchestrated a sinister plot to shift the world's standard tuning of music to 440 pitch. This insidious frequency was known to provoke heightened aggression, psychosocial agitation, emotional distress, and even physical ailments. Behind closed doors, this manipulation resulted in financial gains for those complicit in the monopoly, including agents, agencies, and companies associated with the North American Rockefeller crime cartel and influential organizations.
Fast forward to the late 1980s when the Rockefellers summoned top music executives and artists to a highly clandestine meeting in Los Angeles. Their sinister agenda? To usher in the era of Controlled Rap Music, intricately linked to the privatization of U.S. prisons. These privately owned prisons, operated by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bush family, and other influential figures, served as money laundering operations, tax exemption schemes, and pyramid scheme enterprises.
Crafting a deceitful plan, the Rockefellers aimed to control the rap industry and target black communities by promoting violent music that fueled oppression and civil unrest. They brought together leading executives and prominent black artists, binding them with strict confidentiality agreements. Their objective was clear: orchestrate violence within the rap music movement while major record labels secured exclusive rights for production and distribution across the United States. In return, they would receive shares and points within the private prison systems.
The Masonic scheme unfolded with precision, resulting in over 1,500 private prison systems incarcerating more than 1 million black teenagers by 1990. These vulnerable youths, expressing the generational trauma imposed upon them, unknowingly contributed to the Rockefellers' malevolent plan. The private prison systems reaped billions annually from the government, establishing an extensive money laundering network through inflated products, such as ramen noodles priced at 8 times their actual value. The flow of hundreds of billions from government funding, pyramid schemes, and insurance companies transformed prison privatization into a multi-trillion-dollar enterprise.
Local courts and judges mercilessly sentenced petty criminals and first-time offenders, filling the expanding private prisons. Consequently, the United States holds the unfortunate record for the highest number of incarcerated individuals in the world, with an unprecedented number of prisons. This was not a coincidence—it was a meticulously orchestrated plan by the Rockefellers.
But their influence doesn't stop there.
As the true faces of those who wield global authority are revealed, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers find themselves targeted by military alliance operations aiming to dismantle the Rothschilds' deep state power in Europe, the UK, Russia, and China.
- Julian Assange WikiLeaks 🤔
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sourcreammachine · 3 months
[not a pejorative, party founder Screaming Lord Sutch was himself bipolar]
tdlr: “we are fighting this election on the basis of CHANGE… LOOSE CHANGE as this is all we’ll have left under a labour/conservative government”
reduce taxes to 5%
get rid of value-added tax as it adds no value
ban the tipping of flies
convert number 10 and number 11 into a hairdressers called Government Cuts
abolish stamp duty because stamps are too expensive
fit airbags to the stock exchange, ready for the next crash
halve dole queues by making jobseekers stand two-by-two
improve quitters’ self-esteem by encouraging them not to start in the first place
employ 80.00 teachers, police officers and nhs staff
reduce pregnancy from nine to seven months
reduce hospital waiting lists by using a smaller font
reduce class sizes by shrinking desks and making students sit closer together
glue unruly pupils together because if you can’t beat them, join them
give pensioners an ice lolly allowance when temperatures exceed 70°
build five million new homes
aid “levelling up” by providing free spirit levels
fill five million potholes
introduce an ROT to make sure all roads are carworthy
fit vehicles with a bungy rope to save fuel on the return journey
save money on paint by painting double-yellow lines where you CAN park rather than where you can’t
create the world’s biggest carwash by punching holes in the channel tunnel
send all MPs who misbehave to rwanda
reduce net migration by making sure all nets are secured firmly to the ground
make terrorists wear little bells so we know where they are
replace border guards with GP receptionists to stop anyone getting in
introduce a court of human lefts
reduce prison overcrowding by releasing innocent prisoners
oppose capital punishment as it is not fair to londoners
wind farms to be constructed across the country where all will be encouraged to break wind
get more green cars on the road, with politicians having fluorescent green so everyone can see them coming
paint the grey squirrels red
greyhound racing will be banned to stop the country going to the dogs
puddles deeper than 7cm will be marked with a plastic duck
MPs will have to sit in stocks during surgeries while constituents throw custard pies at them. companies to be encouraged to design new stocks, to be sold at the stock exchange
introduce a “cooling-off period” to allow voters to change their mind
replace the foreign secretary with a UK one
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Who is brave enough to back Brazil’s global tax on billionaires? The answer will define our future
It would raise $250bn to help offset some of the damage the super-rich cause. Yet they’ll do everything to stop it in its tracks
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Who is government for? It’s a question we should never stop asking. The answer that keeps coming back is “not the majority”. For example, the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic produced remarkably consistent polling results. Repeated surveys showed fewer than 10% of people wished to return to the pre-pandemic economy. The great majority wanted to see one good thing emerging from the trauma of the illness and the measures used to address it: a fairer, greener, kinder economic system.
But the Conservative government had other ideas. It announced what then prime minister Boris Johnson called a “significant return to normality”. His normality, of course. The structure of the Covid bailouts ensured that the big banks gained massively, often at the expense of small businesses. Executive pay and dividends for shareholders soared, while lowlier workers lost incomes and livelihoods.
I think we are all either vaguely or painfully aware that, regardless of changes of government, our needs will be met only if they coincide with the demands of capital. If they run directly counter to those demands, however great and consistent our wishes might be, they scarcely stand a chance.
The response to the pandemic was one test of that proposition. Now the world’s governments face another. Last week, Brazilian climate minister Ana Toni explained a proposal put forward by her government (and now supported by South Africa, Germany and Spain), for a 2% global tax on the wealth of the world’s billionaires. Though it would affect just 3,000 of the super-rich, it would raise around $250bn (£195bn): a significant contribution either to global climate funds or to poverty alleviation.
Radical? Not at all. According to calculations by Oxfam, the wealth of billionaires has been growing so fast in recent years that maintaining it at a constant level would have required an annual tax of 12.8%. Trillions, in other words: enough to address global problems long written off as intractable.
You would need to perform Olympian mental gymnastics to oppose Brazil’s very modest proposal. It addresses, albeit to a tiny extent, one of the great democratic deficits of our time: that capital operates globally, while voting power stops at the national border. Without global measures, in the contest between people and plutocrats, the plutocrats will inevitably win. They can extract vast wealth from the nations in which they operate, often with the help of government subsidies and state contracts, and shift it through opaque networks of shell companies and secrecy regimes, placing it beyond the reach of any tax authority. This is what some of the global “investors” in the UK’s water companies have done. The money they extracted is now gone, and we are left with both the debts they accumulated and the ruins of the system they ransacked. Get tough with capital, or capital will get tough with you.
The Brazilian proposal, which will be put before the G20 summit in Rio in November, has already been dismissed by the US treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, who suggested there was no need for it. On whose behalf does she make this claim? Not ours. Wherever people have been surveyed, including in the US, there is strong support for raising taxes on the rich.
Continue reading.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
The father of a Jewish baby whose birth certificate was returned defaced from the Home Office has demanded that all civil servants are vetted again.
Israel, who did not wish to disclose his surname, said he feels “unsafe” in Britain and is considering leaving after his birthplace – the country Israel – was scribbled out on his six-month-old daughter’s document.
The 32-year-old’s family from Edgware, in north London, sent off the papers to the Home Office on Feb 6 to obtain a British passport for their baby daughter Ronnie but it was returned with his birthplace defaced in black pen on Monday morning. 
His 29-year-old wife Dorin was also born in Israel but her entry remained intact. 
James Cleverly, the Home Secretary, said he had asked officials to “investigate this urgently” and vowed to see that “appropriate action is taken”. It is unclear whether it was a mistake.
But Israel, a father-of-three who owns an engineering company, has demanded that ministers go further and review whether civil servants in their ranks are politically biased or not.
“This person immediately needs to be sacked and we need to make sure it has been registered somewhere, so people know this person cannot hold sensitive documents because they are taking their personal politics or even racism from home into work and gets paid from my taxes,” he told Sky News.
He added: “The Government needs to re-vet the people who work in the public sector because if anyone can get into these documents, what’s the point of a document being private?
“I don’t feel confident to send any more official papers to the Home Office or to anywhere else, because the Home Office is in charge of my security as a minority over here.”
He revealed that he was now considering leaving the country because he feared that the Home Office staff member who defaced the certificate could get their “riff raff” to come to his address.
Since the Israeli-Hamas war began on October 7 Israel said “to be Jewish in the UK is very hard nowadays and it’s not getting better, it’s getting worse and worse”.
‘I feel unsafe in London’
“I just think of my daughter in 20 years, what’s her future over here because London is not London any more and I literally feel unsafe,” he added
Israel compared the incident to the Nazis defacing of documents in the 1930s.
Under the Forgery Act of 1861 it is a criminal offence to deface a birth certificate. Israel said he would be reporting it to the police. The Met said it had not had any involvement in the case thus far.
The Campaign Against Antisemitism, which is supporting the family, said it was “completely unacceptable” and released a picture of the birth certificate.
A Home Office spokesman said: “The Home Secretary has asked officials to urgently investigate this matter and appropriate action will be taken.
“While the facts and circumstances are being established, it must be reiterated that this government will not tolerate antisemitism in any form.”
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Turbotax is blitzing Congress for the right to tax YOU
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Every year, Americans spend billions on tax prep services, paying a heavily concentrated industry of giant, wildly profitable firms to send the IRS information it already has. Despite the fact that most other rich countries have a far more efficient process, many Americans believe that adopting this process here is either impossible, immoral, or both.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
That puts tax preparation in the same bucket as other forms of weird American exceptionalism — like the belief that we’re too untrustworthy to have universal healthcare, or that we’re so violent that we must all have assault rifles to protect ourselves from one another.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with how they do it in, say, the UK, here’s how it works: your employer submits all of your paystubs to the tax authorities; likewise the custodians of your pension and other people who send you money. The tax authority also knows about your major deductions, like your kids or other dependents.
The tax authority uses this information to fill in a tax return for you and they mail it to you. It’s simple and easy to understand. If they missed some information, or if your tax status has changed, or if you’ve got new deductions, you can amend this return — or throw it away and start over by yourself or with a tax professional.
For the vast majority of Britons, filing their tax returns takes a few minutes once a year, and it’s free. For the minority who don’t fit the standard form, the system works like it does in the US — you either tackle it alone, or do it with professional help.
The IRS could easily do the same thing. Even in a world where many of us are being “casualized” and have income coming in as independent contractors, the IRS knows about it, thanks to the 1099 form. Sure, the IRS might make mistakes, and if you’re worried about that, you can either manually review the precompleted return or pay someone to do it.
It’s a no-brainer, or it would be — if it wasn’t for decades of lobbying by the massively concentrated tax-prep industry — wildly profitable corporate giants like HR Block and Intuit, the parent company of Turbotax, who spent 20 years lobbying congress, spending millions to ensure that Americans would have to pay the Turbotax tax in order to pay their income tax.
The tax-prep industry couldn’t have done this on their own — their astroturf campaigns were joined by a grassroots of useful idiots, betwetters like Grover Norquist and his acolytes, who openly demand that tax preparation be as difficult and painful as possible, to drum up support for their campaign to “get the US government down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.”
These extremists are joined by many independent tax-prep specialists, who are seemingly convinced that every taxpayer has 11 dependents, four different kinds of pension savings, and six all-cash side-hustles, two of them international. Some people do have complicated taxes — as a writer with income from all over the world, I’m one of them — but most people don’t.
The point of getting the IRS to send you pre-populated tax returns isn’t to deny you the opportunity to pay excellent, knowledgeable tax-prep specialists if you need them — it’s to spare most of us from the needless expense of paying Intuit and HR Block to perform the rote form-filling by which the rake in billions in profits.
In reality, the campaign to defund the IRS isn’t — and will never be — about helping “the little guy.” As Propublica’s IRS Files demonstrate, the defunded, shriveled IRS is a billionaire’s plaything, which is why America’s top 400 earners pay less tax than you do:
The commonsense utility of the IRS supplying you with prepopulated returns is so obvious that the tax-prep industry has had to really work to hold it at bay. The most successful scam was Freefile, a program cooked up by the tax-prep cartel that claimed it would provide free tax-prep to low-income Americans.
Freefile was a literal fraud: Intuit and its co-monopolists used a raft of deceptive “dark patterns” to trick people — students, veterans, retirees, and the poorest among us — into paying for services that they were entitled to use for free. Almost no one managed to find and use the Freefile offerings they’d hidden in a locked filing cabinet in a disused subbasement behind a sign reading “Beward Of the Leopard.”
This was so obviously crooked that the companies were eventually forced to give it up, but they weren’t done — their eye-watering, voluminous terms of service contained buried binding arbitration clauses that prohibited the people they ripped off from suing them:
Despite — or, more realistically, because of — the rising fury at the tax-prep industry’s years of unchecked corruption, Intuit has actually increased its lobbying spending this year: Open Secrets reports that in 2022, Intuit showered lawmakers with a record $3.5m:
Their target? The $15m that the Inflation Reduction Act allocated to the Treasury Department to explore free tax filing. Intuit’s line is that this would be “a waste of taxpayer money” and a “conflict of interest” — the same tired boomer nonsense that Norquist has been shoveling since the Reagan administration. Once again, the proposal isn’t to ban Intuit from offering tax prep services — it’s to create a public option that lets people freely choose to pay for tax prep if they think they need it. It’s a breathtaking act of paternalism to claim that we’re all sheeple, too stupid to spot the IRS’s greedy attacks on our pocketbooks.
Here’s a choice quote from Intuit: “Creating a government run tax preparation program would be a waste of taxpayer dollars and further disenfranchise low income taxpayers. A direct to IRS tax prep system is a multi-billion dollar solution looking for a problem.”
Unsaid: the tax prep industry rakes in billions of dollars from American taxpayers every single year. The $44.8m the cartel has spent lobbying against free filing since 1998 is a fantastic investment — for them. The dividends they reap from it come out of all of our pockets.
Another bargain? Hiring ex-government officials to work for Intuit, lobbying their former colleagues:
Or, as Senator Elizabeth Warren bluntly put it, “adroit influence peddling”:
The neoliberal economists’ theory of regulatory capture is a kind of helpless nihilism, grounded in the Public Choice Theory doctrine that says that regulators will always be captured, so we should just get rid of regulators or make them as weak as possible, so they won’t become cordyceps-ridden puppets of the industries they oversee:
But capture isn’t inevitable. Sure, if you have a referee that’s weaker than the teams, you’ll never get a fair game — nevermind what happens when the ref either used to work for one of the teams or is sure of a cushy job with them when the season’s over. If you want a small government, you need small corporations — need to block the anticompetitive mergers and predatory conduct that lets companies grow so large that they can fit their regulators into the little change pocket in their blue-jeans.
Anyone who lived through witchhunts, torture and mass surveillance after 9/11 has good reason to want their government small enough to be accountable — but a doctrine of small governments and giant corporations is a plutocrat’s charter — a recipe for regulatory capture so grotesque it is indistinguishable from farce.
[Image ID: An ogrish, tophatted, cigar-chomping giant holds the US Capitol building aloft contemptuously, pinched between the thumb and forefinger of a white-gloved hand. He stands at a podium bearing the Turbotax checkmark logo, yanking a lever in the form of a golden dollar-sign. He stands before a IRS 1040 tax form.]
intuit, turbotax, irs, taxes, death and taxes, corruption, monopoly, freefile, grover norquist, regulatory capture,
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triboconoutsourcing · 11 months
An Overview of Company Tax Returns in the UK: A Guide for Businesses
If you're a business operating in the United Kingdom, understanding and complying with the tax system is essential. One crucial aspect of this is the submission of Company Tax Returns. Here is a comprehensive overview of Company Tax Returns in UK, explaining what they are and why they are vital for businesses.
What Are Company Tax Returns?
Company Tax Returns, often referred to as Corporation Tax Returns, are a formal declaration of a company's financial activities, profits, and liabilities to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the UK. They are a mandatory requirement for all limited companies, whether they are actively trading or dormant. Sole traders and partnerships have different tax obligations, so Company Tax Returns are specific to incorporated businesses.
Why Are Company Tax Returns Essential for Businesses?
Legal Requirement: Filing Company Tax Returns UK is not optional; it's a legal obligation. Failure to submit accurate returns can lead to severe penalties, fines, or even legal action.
Determining Tax Liability: Company Tax Returns are the basis for calculating the amount of Corporation Tax a business owes to HMRC. Accurate returns are crucial for determining your tax liability and avoiding underpayment or overpayment.
Financial Transparency: Financial Transparency: Company Tax Returns in UK offer insight into your company's financial performance. This data is not solely a HMRC requirement but can also be subject to scrutiny from investors, lenders, or potential partners.
Compliance with Tax Laws: Companies must adhere to the tax laws and regulations of the UK. Accurate tax returns demonstrate that your business is compliant and responsible.
Avoiding Penalties: Timely and accurate filing of Company Tax Returns is crucial to avoid costly penalties and fines. Missing deadlines or providing incorrect information can lead to significant financial consequences.
Access to Tax Reliefs: Filing Company Tax Returns allows your business to claim eligible tax reliefs and incentives, potentially reducing your overall tax burden.
Financial Planning: Accurate Company Tax Returns in UK can assist in financial planning for your business. They provide insights into your taxable profits and help you budget for your tax liabilities.
Facilitating Future Growth: Properly managed Company Tax Returns can enhance your company's financial reputation, which may be important when seeking investment or loans for future growth.
In summary, Company Tax Returns are an integral part of managing a UK-based limited company. They go beyond a legal requirement, serving as a key factor in calculating tax liabilities, maintaining compliance, and offering financial transparency. Many businesses turn to expert accountants or tax advisors with UK tax expertise to ensure accurate and timely submissions.
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eaglesnick · 1 month
“The game is rigged to work for those who already have money and power.”  Elizabeth Warren
A few months ago, before the election, I wrote:
“A vote for Nigel Farage’s Reform Party is essentially a vote for business and the rich.” (13/06/24)
I pointed out that under Reform UK, the biggest tax breaks would go to big corporations and the already very wealthy.
Richard Tice, former leader of Reform UK is a multi-millionaire. Hedge-fund billionaire Paul Marshal and the Dubai based investment company Legrartum, founded by New Zealand billionaire Christopher Chandler who made his fortune in Russian gas, bankroll right-wing GB News, where Farage and Tice have their own shows.
Multi-millionaire Jeremy Hosking gave £2,578,000 to Reform UK coffers.  Another major donor to Reform is the ex-Bullingdon Club member George Farmer. An “ardent supporter of Donald Trump”, Farmer was CEO of the far-right platform Parler, and is married to Candice Owens, a woman who “promotes far-right ideologies”. In 2023 he joined the board of GB News.
According to Electoral Commission records Chris Harborne handed over £10 million to Brexit/Reform. He gained notoriety when his name appeared multiple times in the Panama Papers. These documents revealed:
 “…off-shore holdings of world political leaders, links to global scandals, and details of  hidden financial dealings of fraudsters, drug traffickers, billionaires, celebrities, sports stars and more”. (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists: 03/03/2016)
Reform UK is essentially funded by the rich.  They see Nigel Farage’s party as a means of furthering their own already substantial wealth. Only an idiot would believe these individuals are spending millions of their own money because they want to improve the lives of ordinary working people or because they want to “protect British values".
Farage makes great play with “protecting British values”:
“Nigel Farage signalled a return to right-wing shock tactics for his Reform UK party, as he used his first election interview to attack Muslims in the UK for “not sharing British values”. (Independent 26/05/24)
Strange then that Farage was willing to take money from a rich Muslim donor during the election campaign.
“Muslim millionaire gives major donation to Reform UK…The precise amount Zia Yusef has given to the party has not been disclosed but  Reform UK claims it is the biggest donation to their election campaign so far”  (BBC News: 19/06/24)
Stranger still for a man who promised “a much more muscular defence of our Christian heritage and our Christian Constitution”,  to appoint Yusef as Reform UK Party Chairman only a few days AFTER the election results.
What Reform UK is really about is protecting the wealthy. Talk of defending British values is just a smoke screen to garner votes, playing on peoples concerns about immigration to get into power. It should therefore come as no surprise that it has been revealed that Nigel Farage is the best paid politician at Westminster.
 We learned this week that Farage is earning ££98,000 a month, working for the right-wing GB News. In addition, Farage has received a £30,000 donation to pay for his trip to support Donald Trump during the US election campaign.
The total number of hours worked b Mr Farage for paid employment outside of Parliament is officially 32hrs a week. Clearly, he is more interested in lining his own pockets than in attending to his duties as an elected MP and looking after the interests of his constituents in Clacton.
If you really want to understand what Reform UK is really about then you cant beat the old adage, "follow the money".
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For all the talk of the end of fossil fuels, the boom in electric vehicles and the rise of renewable energy, the role of oil in the UK economy remains vitally important. As things return to ‘normal’ after the pandemic there are still as many trucks on the road and almost as many planes in the sky, there is still as much plastic in the kitchen and pesticides on the fields. Yet the control of this bloodstream of our society is now in the hands of a very few wealthy men entirely hidden from public view, beyond the reach of politicians, trades unions or civil society groups.
Those that own the private equity companies want from Britain the highest return on their capital and the lowest taxes possible, with the least stringent regulations. The last thing they desire is for limits to be put on the sale of fuel as a way to tackling climate change. Whereas the heads of BP, Shell and other corporations may profess a commitment to decarbonise to appease an alarmed public, the private equity men are hidden from view and pressure.
James Marriott and Terry Macalister, Crude Britannia: How Oil Shaped a Nation
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Who is Arif Patel? How the Preston businessman ran an elaborate ‘carousel fraud’ and counterfeit clothing import scam
The Preston businessman’s criminal exploits were laid bare during a complex, 14-week fraud trial.
To some, Arif Patel appeared to be a law-abiding citizen, running a successful sock manufacturing business. He once owned premises on Fishergate in Preston city centre and enjoyed all the trapping of a successful businessman.
However, behind that facade, lurked a scheming and calculating criminal mastermind who was using his Preston-based company Faisaltex Ltd as the heart of his criminal enterprise importing counterfeit goods into the UK. Patel, who was found guilty in his absence at Chester Crown Court yesterday (April 11) of a £150m tax fraud, had long ago fled Preston and is believed to be living in Dubai.
His gang, the court heard, had tried to steal £97m through VAT repayment claims on false exports of textiles and mobile phones. Co-accused Mohamed Jaffar Ali, 58, of Dubai, was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the Revenue and money laundering yesterday. He stood in the dock for most of the trial but failed to attend court on 27 March 2023 and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
The convictions follow a 14-week trial at Chester Crown Court. Jaffar Ali also laundered the proceeds through bank accounts he set up in Dubai and offshore.
How did Arif Patel set up his £150m fraud?
Arif Patel and the Faisaltex group of companies had turned to bulk imports of counterfeit clothing in 2004. During the next three years dozens of containers with fake designer clothing inside were stopped at ports across the UK. Onward distribution to UK traders was confirmed when a delivery to a Glasgow wholesaler was intercepted by police and revealed to be poorly made designer rip-offs.
He also used the business, from 2004, to make fraudulent VAT repayment claims on supposed high-value goods and yarns. In total, the gang fraudulently claimed £97m on false exports of textiles and mobile phones, but HMRC stopped £64m of the claims.
What is a ‘carousel fraud’?
The scam is known as a carousel fraud, where goods are purportedly sold to genuine buyers, but in fact the whole process is controlled by the criminal, who instigates a paper trail of alleged sales and exports in order to reclaim VAT. Arif Patel frequently travelled to Dubai to meet Mohamed Jaffar Ali and also made trips to China and Turkey to set up deals with manufacturers of counterfeit clothing. The profits were laundered by Mohamed Jaffar Ali through freezone companies and bank accounts held in the UAE.
Money was sent to British Virgin Island-registered companies, which Arif Patel then used to buy property in his hometown of Preston, including commercial properties on Fishergate, the Lancashire city’s main shopping street.
What was Arif Patel charged with?
Patel, formerly of Sharoe Green Lane, Fulwoood, Preston, who now lives in Dubai, was charged with:
Conspiracy to Cheat the Public Revenue, between 1 June 2004 and 28 February 2006.
Conspiracy to Cheat the Public Revenue, between 1 June 2004 and 28 February 2006.
Conspiracy to launder money, between 1 January 2004 and 4 April 2008.
False Accounting, between 24 March 2003 and 4 April 2008.
Conspiracy to sell, offer for sale or distribute goods which bear a sign identical to or likely to be mistaken for a registered trademark, between 1 January 2004 and 3 May 2007.
Arif Patel travelled to Dubai in July 2011 and failed to return. He was tried in his absence at Chester Crown Court where he was found guilty of all charges yesterday, 11 April 2023. He will be sentenced next month.
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