#completed 2 editing series’ this year!!! 💪🏻
what-the-fuck-khr · 6 months
finally after a whole year, starting at Giotto and ending with Bel and Rasiel, we’ve now celebrated the birthdays of every KHR character who had one shared with us by Amano! here’s a time-lapse of me editing every single one, which overall amounted up to 3 hours and 42 minutes, and 65 characters! all compacted into a 5 minute video! thank you for celebrating their birthdays with me! 💛
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wildwood-reader · 2 years
Reading Update #10
December 4, 2022
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Recently Finished
Understanding Chinese Fantasy Genres by Jeremy Bai
First Read
Edition: Paperback
Final Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.25
Final Thoughts: I'm not gonna lie, when I saw the synopsis for this I was hopeful this may be a somewhat in-depth guide to elements of those three genres (wuxia, xianxia, xuanhuan) and the background to them. Alas, it wasn't, but I still learned some things I didn't know before, so it was still worth it. 💪🏻
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Currently Reading
The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson (with illustrations by Cassandra Jean)
Edition: Paperback
Progress: 350/507
Thoughts: Damn, I completely forgot how hard The Fall of the Hotel Dumort hits, seeing Camille and the other vampires so affected by the cocaine in their prey's blood. 😰 Also Raphael's story is so interesting between his snark, his self-deprication and his absolute love and loyalty for his family to the point where he practically tortures himself to make sure he won't be a danger to them. I love him very much.
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
First Read
Edition: Paperback
Progress: 62/399
Thoughts: I'm really enjoying The Bane Chronicles, but I also wanted to read something on the side and since I absolutely loved the Princess Bride movie, I figured why not just pick up the book? 😋 The introductory part about the author was a bit boring, to be honest, I prefer the way it was set up in the movie, but now that the story really started rolling, it's really fun.
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Edition: Paperback
Progress: 92/375
Thoughts: This is a buddy read with my roomie/bestie who is reading it for the first time ever. I've been so in the mood to re-read the series lately and I'm really excited we finally are. 😋 Just as good as I remember. 💯
Pain is only a Pulse by ReyloRobyn2011
Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Progress: Chapter 5/5/?
Up-to-date? Yes
Kudos: ✅️
Thoughts: A new chapter got uploaded just earlier today, which I’m gonna read soon. 👻
Heaven Has A Road But No One Walks It by Silvestris
Fandom: The Untamed
Progress: Chapter 48/48/?
Up-to-date? Yes
Kudos: ✅️
Thoughts: No new chapter since last week, so just sitting here patiently, waiting. 👀✨️
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And that's it for recent and current reads. 👻 I want to finish at least 3 books in December so we'll see how it goes. 💪🏻
As always, DNFs and my backlog are under the cut.
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This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
First Read
Edition: ebook
Stopped reading at: Page 21/181
DNF'd because: It's not at all that I didn't like what I was reading so far, I just realized very quickly that this was the wrong time for me to try and pick it up. I wanted to read something that was on the shorter side and quick to get through, but I underestimated the prose of the writing style. It just doesn't work for me right now. I will probably pick it up another time when the stars are better aligned, so this is going back on my TBR. (Btw, this was not part of my Kindle challenge, I started reading this book through Scribd)
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Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
First Read
Edition: Paperback
Progress: Page 102/341
Thoughts: This is a buddy read with my bestie. It’s still on hold, but we might pick it back up before the end of the year.
Red Azalea by CeNedraRiva
Fandom: The Untamed
Progress: Chapter 112/137/?
Up-to-date? No
Chapters Behind: 25
Kudos: ✅️
Thoughts: The stars are still not aligned for me to continue it just yet, but I’m really excited for everything that’s coming. 👻
Setting Fire To Our Insides by StarsAlignNomore
Fandom: The Untamed
Progress: Chapter 14/23/?
Up-to-date? No
Chapters Behind: 9
Kudos: ✅️
Thoughts: Y'know what, I think I will be ready to continue it soon; it fits my vibe hunger just enough, so we’ll see. 😋
Impossible Life (Series) by Comfect
Fandom: The Untamed
Progress: Part 1/3
Finished Reading? No
Parts Behind: 2
Kudos: Part 1 ✅️
Thoughts: Not sure yet when I’ll continue this, but I’m looking forward to Part 2.
Fall of the Crimson Flower by AkatsukiShin (in artistic collaboration with brilcrist)
Fandom: Word of Honor
Progress: Chapter 2.5/8/?
Up-to-date? No
Chapters Behind: 6.5
Kudos: ✅️
Thoughts: I want to continue it soon, I promise! 🙈
*Backlog refers to books and fic that I’ve started reading but have since put on hold due to various reasons
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