#comprehensive estate sorting
thegeneticopera · 1 year
after seeing many misconceptions on the ages of the characters and also the general lack of knowledge on relevant key events, I thought I'd create a timeline!
A comprehensive breakdown of important dates in Repo! The Genetic Opera:
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1993: Rotti Largo was born (July 14th)
2006: On April 5th, the first ever death for NOS (Neuro-Overstimulation Syndrome) was recorded. GeneCo was then founded later that month in Milan, Italy by Giuseppe Largo and Dr. Michael Whatley who eventually discovered a treatment using an experimental drug called Zydrate and genetic manipulation.
2011: Marni was born (No date)
2016: Nathan was born (No date)
2017: Blind Mag was born (July 5th)
2019: Luigi Largo was born (November 20th)
2024: Pavi Largo was born (September 29th)
2025: By this point, The Genetic Opera, an interactive TV show, was sponsored by GeneCo to promote designer organs and keep the public "status-conscious" in order to continue boosting profits.
2032: Carmela Largo/Amber Sweet was born (August 23rd)
2035: Graverobber was born (No date)
2036: Marni brings Mag to meet Rotti Largo
2039: Shilo Wallace was born (August 27th), Marni Wallace dies, Nathan becomes a repo man
2040: Mag's eye transplants (March 21st)
2048: Blind Mag's Corpus Crusade tour
2053: Tao of Mag, a charity concert event held for blindness
2056: Rotti signs his last will and testament, declaring Shilo as the sole heir of his estate (August 7th). The events of the film take place on November 7th - Nathan, Rotti, and Mag die. Shilo presumably goes missing. Amber takes over GeneCo at a later unspecified date.
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Some common misconceptions cleared up by the timeline:
Mag did not receive her eyes at 19, the date listed on her repossession chart says otherwise
Marni and Mag have a relatively large age gap. At the time in which Marni brought Mag to meet Rotti, she was already 25, and Mag was only 19. I personally like to think that Marni was a singing mentor of some sort (since in Chase the Morning we see that Mag has a memory of Marni singing), and perhaps worked with disabled people and this is how they met!
The age difference between Shilo and Graves is only 4 years!
Mag and Luigi only have a two year age difference. Her being under GeneCo's thumb since she was 19 and Luigi was 17 is probably why they have a relationship.
On that topic, Nathan is only 3 years older than Luigi, there's no way him or Mag could have "baby sat" the Largos as children if they're all approximately the same age (excluding Amber, but considering Nathan had his own daughter to raise and was a repoman and Mag was a world class opera singer I still doubt that would be the case)
This one doesn't have a specific date, but I felt it should be added regardless: Pavi's face disfigurement seemingly happened very recent to events of Repo! We see several times within the film that there are posters and billboards of him with his original face, even in the pictures Rotti has he didn't have the scarring yet. The posters say that GeneCo offering face replacements will be happening in 2057. Pavi was the one in charge of that, and he was stealing faces prior to his scarring (as seen in the pictures). We also know from several sources, including Luigi himself, that Pavi's face happened because of a botched surgery. It's safe to assume this was because of the new face replacement campaign that was being offered, and it was within the last year or two before the events in the film.
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Scandal (Part 3)
The Viscount's sister with an enormous dowry, beauty and unmistakable talent- you began the London season as the most desired woman in any room. But Jeon Wonwoo (a man who would rather hide in the library than dance at a ball) is beyond your comprehension. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it embroiled you into a scandal with a man you could never love.
Genre: Wonwoo x Female!reader. Regency!AU (It's sort of Bridgerton-esque in the sense that I give zero attention to historical accuracy and prioritize aesthetics lmao) You are Joshua's sibling so your maiden name is Hong but the reader has no other physical characteristics.
Warnings: This part has some discussion around character(s) struggling with mental health and dark thoughts including one or two which are not explicitly (but could maybe be perceived as borderline) suicidal.
Word Count: 7k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Series Masterlist [Reading Candle and Manners, the earlier installments in this series first is strongly recommended as main character dynamics are introduced there.]
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The Jeons' countryside estate was vast and spacious. Mr. Jeon Wonwoo was the eldest son of a rich noble family and although his wealth could not compare to the fortune possessed by a Viscount- it was still nothing to sneer at. The Jeon manor towered over a lake and was surrounded by a pleasant little garden and blooming green fields.  
It was more remote than you had expected. The estate was followed by swathes of farmland and the nearest village was well over a mile away. 
It was late evening by the time your carriage rattled up to the front entrance. 
Mr. Jeon helped you down and you were greeted immediately by a host of servants that lined up outside the front gates upon your arrival. The head housekeeper hurried forward to greet you; she was an older woman with greying hair and a kind smile. 
"Mr. Jeon!" she welcomed him warmly.
You looked at Mr. Jeon from the corner of your eye, and were shocked to see him give her a small smile. You had never seen him smile other than a mere dispassionate curl of his lip or a smirk. 
This was a genuine, warm smile. 
"Mrs. Betsy. It is really wonderful to see you looking so well," Mr. Jeon greeted her kindly before turning to you. "This is Mrs. Betsy- she has been the head housekeeper at the estate since before I was born."
You nodded simply. "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Betsy."
She beamed at you. You realised immediately from the warm reception and big smile on her face that she had no idea of the circumstances of your wedding. The household staff were evidently under the impression your marriage with Mr. Jeon was… normal. 
"We always knew Mr. Jeon would find a young lady that could persuade him to marry," Mrs. Betsy gushed as she took Snowball from your arms and led you up the entrance stairs. "Of course- I never imagined- is it quite true, madam, that your brother is a Viscount?"
Mr. Jeon was not far behind and he cleared his throat. 
"Mrs. Betsy…" he said in a gentle warning tone. 
The housekeeper blushed. 
"My apologies, Mrs. Jeon. We are merely curious about the young lady that could capture our master's heart. Supper is ready; you must both be very tired from the long journey. I will show you up to your rooms and the ladies' maids will help you dress."
You were guided by the ladies' maids into a large bedroom that was beautifully decorated. The pastel-colored linens were fresh and the dressing table was ornate, spotless, and filled with everything you could need. 
Two maids worked quickly to help you dress for supper. 
"We have placed you in the master suite since the elder Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are settled year-round in London and rarely come down to the country," the maid informed you as she swiftly did your hair. "Mr. Jeon Wonwoo's room is adjacent and…" she trailed off and let out a giggle. "There is a connecting door between your rooms."
You looked towards the door and sighed in relief. 
Thank goodness. You would have preferred the bedrooms to be entirely separate, but that was wishful thinking. At least the servants did not expect you to share a bedroom with your new husband. A connecting door could easily be closed and you and Mr. Jeon could each retain your privacy. 
Once you had been allowed to change into an evening dress, you were guided down to supper by the maids. To your surprise, they turned away from the enormous dining room and instead led you into the garden. Underneath a large oak tree, the household staff had set up a small, intimate table, two chairs, and a number of twinkling candles. 
You swallowed nervously as all the servants left. 
Mr. Jeon stood and pulled out a chair for you. 
"I apologise if you are uncomfortable," he said quietly as you sat down and he took the seat across from you. "Mrs. Betsy took it upon herself to arrange what she believed would be a… romantic supper for our wedding night."
"She seems very thoughtful," you mumbled. 
Mr. Jeon nodded. "I did not think you would want me to inform the servants about the particulars of our marriage. They are unaware. But if this is uncomfortable for you, and you wish for me to ask them not to overstep-"
You shook your head. "It is fine."
Mr. Jeon relaxed into his seat. The distant chirping of crickets filled the silence of the evening. It would have been a very romantic dinner if the circumstances had been different. If you had actually married this man out of love, or at the very least some mutual admiration. The serenity of the garden at night, the way the candlelight cast teasing shadows over Mr. Jeon's sharp jawline and dark eyes….
He  reached across you to seize the bottle of wine on the table, and uncorked it in one fluid movement. 
"May I?" he asked, gesturing to your empty glass. 
"That is…" inappropriate, you caught yourself about to say. But it was not. You were alone in your home having supper with your husband. A little alcohol in his presence was nothing unusual or improper. "Yes," you corrected yourself. "Yes, please."
He poured you a glass and gave it to you silently. You sipped the wine and took a deep breath. 
"Mr. Jeon-"
He interrupted you. "You are free to address me by my given name. The servants will consider it strange indeed if you continue to call me Mr. Jeon in our home."
You bit your lip. Enough boundaries had been crossed between you both for one day, in your opinion. Intimacy of that level would not come easily. 
"Perhaps… in time."
Mr. Jeon blinked in surprise but did not press the point. He poured himself a glass of wine and sipped it quietly. You looked at the delicious food and then at the silent, brooding man sitting across from you. 
It was pointless to expect him to make conversation- you knew Mr. Jeon better than that. He was perfectly comfortable with silence. 
"Did you grow up here?" you asked lightly. 
He nodded. "Yes; my sister and I spent our childhood at this estate until I left for my schooling at Oxford."
"The housekeeper seems to know you well."
"She does."
The conversation died out. There was nothing left to do but sip your wine. The glass was soon empty and Mr. Jeon watched-but made no comment- when you reached for the bottle and poured yourself a second glass. 
Once the second glass had been duly ingested in silence, you could feel the light buzzing in your head and your tongue felt looser. 
"Of all the things I imagined about my future since I was a child," you began slowly, prodding at your half-finished  plate with a fork. "I could never have imagined that my wedding night would be like this."
Mr. Jeon raised an eyebrow. 
"Did you spend a lot of time as a child imagining your wedding night?"
You gave him a sharp look. "You are a man. What would you understand about what a young girl thinks about? Marriage is the singular most important event in a woman's life. Everything she does from the moment she is old enough to speak is all leading up to the eventuality of her marriage."
Mr. Jeon was silent. 
"Learn French, Latin and Greek- practice drawing, dress impeccably, smile the right way, practise the art of engaging conversation-" you trailed off and raised an eyebrow at your husband. "I am quite sure nobody has ever asked you to practise the art of engaging conversation, Mr. Jeon."
"Perhaps not," he remarked lightly. 
"I did it all. Every bit of it. Years of lessons, and practice and training to ensure that I was the most desirable young lady in the room. You might call it vanity, Mr. Jeon. But that is what young women are taught to value. Their beauty, their talents and their virtue."
"You still possess all those things," he told you quietly. 
"Yes," you said with a dry laugh. "And now I have no need of them. They are the most useless things in the world to me. They failed to protect me. For all their worth, they could not protect me from complete societal ruin caused by a momentary lapse of judgement."
Mr. Jeon's silence continued. 
"But," you said with a sigh. Your head was beginning to ache. "Of course, this is a waste of time. I will hardly find a sympathetic ear in you, Mr Jeon- a man who considers me so vain and spoiled that he believes I intentionally make my friends cry by attempting to outshine them at the piano."
"That is not-"
"And for your information," you cut him off with a frown. "I was not trying to make Miss Brooke feel inferior by playing the most difficult piece I knew. Miss Brooke was the last thing on my mind.  I was trying to flirt with you. All my attempts that evening had fallen quite flat and I thought at least an impressive performance on the piano would make you pay attention to me."
Mr. Jeon's ears had turned pink. He pressed his lips together and gently took your empty wine glass away from you. 
"I think perhaps you have had too much wine," he said softly. 
You bristled at the suggestion. 
"You need not worry, Mr. Jeon. I am under no delusion that I might have any impact on you. You are perfectly welcome to sleep in your own bedroom and go about your own business and seek… pleasure elsewhere, if you so choose. Please do not feel any compulsion to cater to my vanity. It is quite clear to me that our happiness is not to be found in each other."
His expression was unreadable. He swiftly corked the wine bottle and stood up.
"I think we had best retire for the night."
"That sounds excellent," you replied. You stood too quickly. Your legs felt shaky, but Mr. Jeon was by your side immediately and took your arm to steady you. 
"I am fine," you mumbled. Your senses were flooded with Mr. Jeon all at once- his large, warm hands grasping your bare arms and his soothing scent invading your thoughts. You looked up at him. His dark eyes were watching you with a tinge of worry. 
"You will fall, if you are not careful-" he pressed. 
"I am fine. I can walk, thank you."
He released you. You stepped away from him and went upstairs to your personal bedroom, where you ordered the surprised ladies' maids to leave you alone before locking the connecting door between your bedrooms. 
If the lack of marital relations on your wedding night did not make it abundantly clear to the household staff that something was wrong with your marriage, then your continued distance from your husband over the next few months was more than sufficient to send the message. 
Wonwoo threw himself into handling business and matters of the estate. His reasoning (though he never said so) seemed to be that the less you saw or spoke to each other, the less chance there was for conflict or arguments. He spent long periods of time away from home handling these ‘matters of the estate’ that you were told little about. On the rare occasions that he was at the manor, he locked himself in his study for hours on end. Sometimes it felt like you lived alone with the housekeepers and maids. 
There was nothing to do.  You were simply alone for the most part with nobody but Snowball and your increasingly melancholy thoughts to keep you company. 
Mrs. Betsy tried, the kind soul. She showed you the large library and persuaded you to take walks in the garden and engaged you in light conversation. She even insisted you accompany her on her weekly trip down to the village to buy supplies; but you found little pleasure in the activity. The villagers seemed wary of you and everyone involved appeared to think that the new wife of the local nobleman had no business walking around the vegetable market. 
Endless days turned to weeks and months. 
Nothing interested you. You received letters often; from Joshua, the Viscountess, your mother, and even Ella. But gossip from London was only a dull reminder of the life you had left behind. News that would have excited the old Miss Hong had almost no impact on the new Mrs. Jeon. Your responses to them were rare and brief. What could you even write about? There was nothing to report. Every day was exactly the same. 
Being alone with your thoughts was the worst part of this. Snowball was, of course, your companion- but his inability to converse or comprehend your emotions meant that even his presence could not drag you out of the downward spiral that you found yourself falling into. You were at the mercy of your own thoughts night and day. 
Was this life? Was this how it was to be? 
What were you even living for? 
The question cropped up in your mind often and you contemplated it deeply; not out of despair but as a genuine, genuine curiosity. You could not return to London society, but at the same time, you had no purpose here. You were married to a man who did not care to speak to you. Indeed, you were nothing more than a burden to Mr. Jeon Wonwoo. You ate the food he provided and sat in his drawing room and lived in his home without providing anything in return.
His home. 
For although the months passed, it only became increasingly clear to you that no length of time would ever make this place your home. 
You sat absently at the fireplace one evening, wrapped in a warm blanket and staring into the crackling fire while lost in your grim contemplations when Mr. Jeon entered the room. 
Snowball ran to greet him; the little Pomeranian had warmed up to your husband early on in your marriage. He gave her a little pat before turning to you.
“Have you had supper?” he asked you. 
You nodded. 
“Mrs. Betsy says that you have not moved from that chair all day,” he said slowly. You looked up at him. Mr. Jeon was in his riding clothes. He had evidently just returned from a journey. You did not know where he had been. His dark hair was tousled and his jaw clenched tightly. 
You blinked. “My apologies. Was I expected elsewhere?”
He stiffened. “No, I did not mean- are you well? The village has a doctor and if he is not competent enough, then we can send for one from the next town over.” 
“I am not ill.” 
“But you do not look healthy. When was the last time you left the manor?” 
The question should have made you angry. If you had been the same person you were before marrying Mr. Jeon, you might have issued a sharp retort about how your movements (or lack thereof) were none of his concern considering that he certainly told you nothing of his coming-and-going. 
But the anger would not manifest. It was as though the part of you that pressed the trigger on your characteristically quick temper had gone completely numb. 
“Two days ago,” you answered his question simply. “I took a walk about the gardens.” 
“I have told you before that if you wish to go anywhere, the carriage is always at your disposal,” he continued. “You need only inform the butler and he will have it brought out for you.” 
“I am aware.” 
You saw a flicker in his eyes; it was a brief flash of something that you could not place. A mixture of realisation, despair or perhaps even frustration. Mr. Jeon had always been a closed book to you. Living with him for months had done nothing to make his silences or intense looks easier to comprehend. 
There was nothing you understood about this man that you had not already known on your wedding day. 
“I insist that you go down to the village with Mrs. Betsy tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be pleasant,” he said. 
“Very well.” 
Mr. Jeon stood there for a long moment, watching you in silence before he turned and left the room. 
Mrs. Betsy was always in good humour. You were surprised that despite your long silences and reserved demeanour towards her, she never ceased her attempts to engage you in pleasant conversation. There were entire days when her voice was the only cheerful one you heard. 
She rambled on eagerly about the seasons’ cabbage harvest as you walked around the market with her. Cabbages were not a topic that interested you; but then again, nothing seemed to pique your interest of late. You held Snowball’s leash loosely in your hand. The spoiled little pup refused to move past the butcher’s stall, so you paused to purchase a scrap of meat for him. 
“Miss! Could I pet your dog?” 
You turned and saw a young boy of barely eight or nine with a bright smile on his face eyeing Snowball. He was accompanied by an older woman who looked horrified. 
“Fred!” the woman scolded him sharply before offering you a clumsy curtsey. “My sincere apologies, Mrs. Jeon, I am afraid Fred is a little outspoken. I will ensure he does not trouble you again-” 
“Not at all,” you reassured her lightly. “It was polite of Fred to ask permission before approaching. You are welcome to pet Snowball, Fred. He is very friendly.” 
You did not say what you wanted to say- which was that this young boy was the first villager who had treated you in a friendly manner. You could not blame them for their wariness. Your husband was the local nobleman and controlled their livelihoods, so it was natural that they feared offending you. Fred, however, was delighted to kneel down in front of Snowball and scratch him behind the ears. 
“Are you his mother?” you asked the older woman who stood back and watched Fred anxiously. 
She shook her head quickly. “No, Mrs. Jeon. My name is Sister Lynn. I work with the orphanage."
“I did not know there was an orphanage in the village.” 
Mrs. Betsy spoke up brightly. "Indeed, there is. It is small but very well managed. Mr. Jeon's grandfather established it many decades ago. Even now, it survives almost entirely on donations from the Jeon family. There are about 11 children there currently and Sister Lynn runs it  single-handedly." 
Fred looked up at you with a toothy grin. "We have a dog at the orphanage as well! His name is Tucker. He would love to meet Snowball!"
Sister Lynn laughed nervously. "Fred…"
"I think it is an excellent idea for Snowball to meet Tucker," you replied simply. "Lead the way."
Sister Lynn seemed anxious as you followed Fred to the orphanage. She was certainly not prepared for an unexpected visit from the wife of the orphanage's primary benefactor. The orphanage was a quaint little house on the edge of the village and you felt a sudden warmth emanating from the place the moment you stepped through the opening in the fence. 
"Everyone! Come meet Snowball!" Fred called out eagerly as soon as he entered the drawing room. 
But Sister Lynn had had enough. 
"No. First you will all stand in a line and introduce yourselves to Mrs. Jeon," she ordered all the children who came running up. The children hesitated and organised themselves clumsily into a  line in front of you. The youngest boy was no older than four, and the eldest was a pretty young girl who looked just over fourteen. 
They went in a line to state their names and ages- and for the first time in what felt like months you allowed yourself a small smile. Their clumsy curtseys and stammered introductions were the picture of innocence. For a few brief moments, the creeping dreary thoughts that had so thoroughly invaded your mind were kept fully at bay. 
Once the introductions were complete, the younger children ran to surround Snowball. Your Pomeranian, delighted at the attention, lay down on the carpet and freely offered his belly to the children for pets and scratches. 
"The children seem quite happy and well cared for," you remarked to Sister Lynn. Her eyes widened and she seemed almost relieved at your words of approval.
"They are a wonderful bunch, Mrs. Jeon," she replied warmly. 
"What happens to them when they become of age?" you wondered. 
"The boys usually leave for work- Mr. Jeon is usually kind enough to find something for them to do to earn their keep. The ones who are good at numbers are hired to help with accounting for the estate, and the Jeons have even helped others acquire jobs in London as clerks and bookkeepers."
You nodded. "And the girls?" 
"Some of the girls get married- others go on to become seamstresses or take other simple jobs. I wish I could do more for them. Some of them are very clever and could probably go on to become governesses if they only knew a little French and had someone to teach them drawing and music."
You raised an eyebrow. "You cannot find them tutors?"
Sister Lynn flushed. "The best tutors are teaching young noblewomen such as yourself in London, Mrs. Jeon. Even if we had the money I could never persuade anyone to come out to the countryside to teach our young girls. But they do a very good job of teaching themselves with books."
You nodded. "That is admirable indeed. I should like to see what they learn."
"Marie is our brightest one," Sister Lynn told you before calling over the eldest girl. "Marie! Escort Mrs. Jeon into the study and show her your books and writing, my dear."
Marie came over and curtsied prettily for you before guiding you into the schoolroom. She was an intelligent, soft-spoken young girl and she showed you some of the poetry she had written. 
"Your handwriting is excellent," you told her kindly. "As is your English. These are the books you use?"
Marie nodded at the shelf of textbooks. You pulled one down and frowned. 
"This geography textbook is almost 15 years old. Are you still learning from this?" you asked her.
Marie blushed. "It's the only one we have, Mrs. Jeon," she admitted shyly. "Sister Lynn does her best to educate us, but there is only so much she knows, and there is no school nearby which will accept girls."
You nodded. "I see."
Marie guided you into the next room. "And here we have the playroom-"
You froze. The playroom was a fairly large room filled with toys and drawing boards and unfinished art. But the first thing that caught your eye was a large wooden piano in the corner of the room. 
"You have a pianoforte?"
Marie nodded eagerly. She hurried over and pulled out the stool in front of the instrument. "It was donated to the orphanage by the Jeons' a few years ago when they redecorated their manor. They had no room for it-  and there was nobody in the family who liked to play. I taught myself a song from an old piano book I found. May I show you?" she asked hopefully. 
You nodded. 
Marie blushed but sat down in front of the piano and played a simple tune. She was shaky- her fingers were not always in the right positions and it was evident that she had no formal training. But it was a pleasant song all the same. 
"That was very well done," you told her. "You learned that yourself from a book?"
Marie nodded. 
Mrs. Betsy, who was standing a little distance behind you, gave you a smile. "Do you play, Mrs. Jeon? I am sure a Viscount's sister would certainly have been taught to play at least in her youth."
You bit your lip. "I do play.'
Marie's eyes brightened. "Would you play something for us, Mrs. Jeon?"
Sister Lynn was about to scold her for making an inappropriate request of her benefactress but before she could get the words out, you had seated yourself in front of the instrument. The keys were old and worn but it was evidently still an excellent instrument. 
It had been months since you had touched a piano but your fingers danced over the instrument as though you had practiced the tune just yesterday. It was pure muscle memory- some of the happiest times in your life had been spent in front of the piano, and for a moment you almost forgot where you were as you allowed your fingers to dance on the keys to their heart's content. 
The children burst into applause. 
You let your fingers fall from the piano and turned to see everyone watching you. Marie was staring in awe and Mrs. Betsy had a warm twinkle in her eye. You felt a sudden rish of adrenaline. 
For the first time in months, you felt alive. 
Sister Lynn rushed over to you. "Mrs. Jeon, that was the most beautiful performance I have-"
"I am afraid I must leave now, Sister Lynn," you informed the older woman briskly. "But there are some things I will require from you."
Sister Lynn nodded. "Of course, Mrs. Jeon."
"I should like a list of any textbooks in the schoolroom that are over two years old- I will have them all replaced myself, as soon as possible. And you will need to make room in the girls' schedules for extra lessons. I think French on Wednesdays, and music on Fridays would be suitable."
Sister Lynn looked bewildered. "Extra lessons? But who will teach them?"
"I will."
Teaching the young girls at the orphanage was, at the least, a welcome distraction that kept the melancholy thoughts from consuming you for a few hours every week. 
Mrs. Betsy was happy to ensure that the carriage was ready and waiting to take you into town every Wednesday and Friday. She could not accompany you herself, since her duties did not permit so much leisure- and perhaps it was for the best. Mrs. Betsy's presence was not unpleasant, but you were still uncomfortably aware that her loyalties lay with your husband. 
Marie was your star pupil. You could tell that the young girl admired you greatly, and she was a very fast learner. Hardly two months into your lessons she was reciting French poetry with a near-perfect accent and was a better piano player than Miss Brooke could ever hope to be. 
You returned from your lessons one Friday evening later that winter to find that Mr. Jeon was, to your surprise, sitting in the drawing room. He seemed tense. 
"I thought we might have supper together," Mr. Jeon suggested to you lightly. The words were calm, but you saw something in his eyes that was familiar. Something that was often reflected in your own eyes.
It was a familiar kind of sadness. 
"Of course," you replied. "I will dress and join your shortly."
You noticed the stiffness in Wonwoo's shoulders as he sat across from you in the dining room. You both ate in silence; not unusual for the few meals you shared. He looked up at you about halfway through the meal.  
"I received a letter from my friend, Mr. Kim Mingyu," he informed you slowly. "The social season in London has come to an end, as you know, and Mingyu will be stopping by our estate tomorrow evening and spending a night here before resuming his journey through the countryside."
You nodded. "Alright."
"You have no objection?"
You blinked at him. "This is your home. Why should I have any objection to you hosting your friend in your own home?"
"Because-" Mr. Jeon began, but stopped himself. "Never mind. I only wanted to ensure that we would not be causing you any discomfort. You need not dine with us if you do not wish to."
You nodded. "I am sure as old friends, you would have much to discuss. I would not want to be in the way."
"That is… considerate of you."
"Of course."
Mr. Jeon took a deep breath and turned his attention back to his meal. You watched him silently for a few moments. He was ever the brick wall; as always, you had no idea what went on in your husband's mind or what he thought about. 
But this silence… it could not go on forever. 
"I have been visiting the orphanage," you told him slowly. "A few times a week."
Mr. Jeon nodded. He did not seem surprised. "I heard. Mrs. Betsy mentioned it to me. And my clerk informed me of the books you purchased for the schoolroom."
You flushed- suddenly realising that you had spent money without consulting Wonwoo. You had been so accustomed to the Viscount covering all your expenses that the thought had not occurred to you that Mr. Jeon was now responsible for your finances. 
"I should have spoken to you-"
"Not at all, " Mr. Jeon cut you off. "If I had known that the schoolroom needed new books, I would have purchased them myself. And in any case- it is equally your money to choose to spend as you see fit."
You swallowed. "Right. Thank you."
He simply nodded. The rest of the meal passed in the usual silence, and you both went upstairs to your separate bedrooms. 
You were acquainted with Kim Mingyu from past social seasons in London. You had danced with the man at a few balls, and remembered him as a very handsome, charming and easy-going gentleman who had a reputation for capturing and breaking the hearts of London's young ladies. 
The Kim Mingyu that arrived at the Jeon estate on horseback the next evening looked nothing like the man you knew. He appeared, to put it simply, to be on the receiving end of  heartbreak for the first time in his life.  
"Mrs. Jeon," Mingyu greeted you with a stiff nod as he descended his horse. There was no smile on his face and he looked tired. "I apologise for intruding upon your hospitality at such short notice. I hope I am not disturbing you."
"Not at all, Mr. Kim," you greeted him politely. "You are most welcome."
"We will not disturb you. There are matters of business we wish to discuss, so we will be dining at the inn tonight," Mr. Jeon informed you as he laced up his riding gear. The stable boy brought out another horse for your husband. 
You nodded. "I see. Very well."
The two gentlemen rode out without further ado. One of the maids standing near the foyer was pink in the face and clearly suppressing a giggle. You raised an eyebrow at her. 
"And what is so amusing, Rosie?" you asked her lightly. 
Rosie blushed. "Sorry, madam. I was only remembering the last time Mr. Kim was here at the estate. It was when he and the master were on break from their studies at Oxford. They drove out to have dinner at the inn a few towns over but the elder Mr. Jeon had a manservant follow them and discovered that they had gone… well, certainly not to the inn."
You blinked. "Sorry?" you asked, confused. "Where had they gone?"
Rosie blushed further. "Miss, I really can't say- please don't make me. Mrs. Betsy would have my backside if she found out I was telling you-"
"Is Mrs. Betsy your employer?"
Rosie hesitated. "No, madam. You are.'
"Then tell me."
She twisted her hands anxiously and then spat out "They had gone to see some… ladies of the night. Mr. Kim admitted that it was entirely his fault and the elder Mr. Jeon was furious, so he had Mr. Kim banned from the estate."
You felt nauseous.
"Ah. Yes, I see," you replied awkwardly. 
Rosie's eyes widened. "I am sure that it is not where they have gone now!" she cried. 
You gave her a sharp look. "Of course not," you told her firmly, though you felt absolutely none of the confidence that you displayed. Regardless of what your husband was or was not doing, you could not allow a servant to gossip about it. "Mr. Jeon is a married man."
Rosie nodded. "Of course! Of course, Mr. Jeon is a very honourable gentleman and I am sure that even on that night in question-"
"Thank you, Rosie. That will be all."
You quickly walked away from the maid, who looked horrified. You had not seriously considered that your husband might be using ladies of the night, as Rosie called them, to satisfy his carnal needs- after all, the two of you had not even consummated your marriage. You had even told him on your wedding night that he was welcome to seek his pleasures elsewhere. 
You tried to push the thought from your mind as you had dinner and went to bed early. But sleep would not come. 
You laid awake for what felt like hours, straining your ears in an attempt to hear the noise of your husband going to bed in the adjoining room. It was almost midnight when you finally heard the sound of Mr. Jeon’s door click- followed by complete silence. You tossed and turned restlessly before rising and putting on your dressing gown and going downstairs. Sleep would not find you tonight. You passed by the drawing room and were surprised to see that the fire was still lit and there was someone inside. 
Mr. Kim Mingyu sat in front of the fire, staring into it deeply as though it held the secrets to eternal life. 
“Mr. Kim?” 
He jumped and turned to face you in a sluggish manner. Mr. Kim’s  eyes were unfocused; and as you took a step further into the drawing room your olfactory senses were assaulted by the pungent smell of whisky. He relaxed when he saw you, and turned his face back towards the fire. 
“Mrs. Jeon- I apologise if I woke you,” Mingyu mumbled. 
You shook your head. “Not at all. Is everything all right, Mr. Kim? Is there a problem with your accommodations in the guest quarters? I can wake the household staff if you require something.” 
Mr. Kim did not turn his eyes away from the fire. “No. I don’t need anything. I don’t deserve anything,” he said as his head fell back onto the armchair. “I am a monster.” 
He was evidently very inebriated. You crossed the room and stood precariously behind a sofa to keep some distance between you both, but be in a better position to address the man to his face. He slumped back in the armchair with a groan and turned his unfocused eyes to look at you. 
“A monster?” you asked lightly. “And what have you done that is so monstrous?” 
Mingyu chuckled. “Greed, Mrs. Jeon. I was greedy. I saw something that was not mine to take but I simply could not resist. I took advantage of her innocence, I knowingly crossed the lines of friendship and played with her emotions -and now she believes herself to be in love with me.”
You raised an eyebrow. “She believes herself to be in love with you?” 
Mingyu scoffed. “She doesn't know what she speaks of. She is too innocent to comprehend how valuable she is. She is too naive to understand love.” 
“I pity her,” you replied simply. “It would be very painful indeed, to be in love with a man like you.” 
Mingyu frowned. “What?” 
“I don't blame you,” you continued. “It is how you gentlemen were raised. All your life, people have told you that you are more intelligent and logical and rational than women so you have grown to believe it. You presume to think that you are guilty of manipulating an adult woman into falling in love with you; as though she was stupider than you.”
Mingyu frowned. “I never said she was stupider than me. She is certainly much, much smarter.” 
“Then if you had an iota of respect for this young lady, you would do her the courtesy of believing her when she says that she loves you.” 
Mingyu said nothing. He turned away from you and stared back at the fire. He was silent for a long moment and then he took a deep breath. 
"Those…" he said slowly, "may be the wisest words I have heard all day."
"I assume you had not consulted any women."
"You assume correctly," he replied. Mr. Kim turned to you with a small frown. "You are a clever woman, Mrs. Jeon. Far too clever to be wasting away in a remote countryside estate in a marriage you never wanted."
"And you are too clever to be running from a woman who loves you and finding meaningless comfort in the company of a prostitute."
Mingyu let out a hacking noise that was halfway between a laugh and a cough. "A prostitute? Strange words to call your husband," he remarked. 
You flushed. "I was not referring to Mr. Jeon. I am perfectly well-informed of what dinner at the inn really means."
Mingyu let out a proper laugh. "Oh, Mrs. Jeon. I have overestimated your cleverness, then. I really hope you do not think that Wonwoo is enjoying his time at brothels. I will be extremely concerned by how little you know your husband."
You stiffened. "He is not an easy man to get to know."
"Certainly not. He will go to any lengths to avoid talking about his feelings and he builds not just walls but fortresses around his true emotions. But surely you knew that before you married Wonwoo?"
"Our marriage was not… you know the circumstances in which we married…" you mumbled. 
Mingyu nodded. "I do. I also know that Wonwoo carries with him the burden of having ruined your life and stolen your happiness from you, perhaps forever. The man is drowning under the weight of his guilt."
You stared at him in disbelief. "I never once blamed him for-"
"You did not need to. Wonwoo may appear stoic, but he is a victim to his own conscience. In any case, I can assure you that he is not touring brothels while you sit here. He is aware of how miserable you are and it only serves to enhance his own misery."
You wrapped your dressing gown around yourself more tightly. 
Could it be true? If anyone, anyone could give you answers about what Mr. Jeon hid behind that sharp, unreadable face then you would have expected it to be Kim Mingyu. But how could it be possible? Wonwoo had shown no signs of guilt. He had never once apologised for any of the circumstances leading up to your marriage. 
In fact, your husband had gone out of his way to avoid you, to leave you alone in this empty haunting manor and let you wither away in loneliness. 
But what had you done? You blamed him for being distant and difficult but what efforts had you truly made to understand the man you married? You had simply drowned in your own misery and conveniently accepted the walls he put up between the two of you as fixtures. 
You were complicit in the ruin of this marriage. 
"It is late," you said shakily. "I must-"
You were cut off by a noise- you turned around and saw Wonwoo enter the room. His eyes looked tired and he carried a candle in his right hand. A small frown appeared on his face.  
"What are you both doing awake?" he asked doubtfully. "It is past midnight."
Mingyu stood up from his armchair unsteadily. "I was a little drunk and I sat down here for a while. I must have made some noise that woke you both up. Sorry; I'll be going to bed now."
He stumbled out of the drawing room. Mr. Jeon turned to you with a worried frown. 
"Are you all right?" he asked. 
You nodded. "Yes- of course. Snowball was growing restless in my room so came downstairs to let him out and stopped to speak to Mr. Kim when I saw him sitting here."
Mr. Jeon nodded. "All right. We should return to bed."
He turned to leave. The dim light of the fire lit up the profile of his handsome but tired and worn face. How had you not seen it before? Mr. Jeon carried a sadness within him too; one that had not been there before he married you, and which was growing darker and heavier day by day. 
"Wonwoo," you whispered. 
He froze. His face was turned away from you but you could see the way his broad shoulders tightened and his entire back stiffened underneath his white cotton nightshirt. 
You had never called him by his name before. 
After a long moment, he turned and looked at you. The remnants of surprise had still not faded from his eyes.  
"Yes?" he asked gently. 
"The… the children at the orphanage are putting on a performance for the village on Saturday evening. They have been practising hard all week. I thought, perhaps… it would be encouraging for them if you attended. If we attended."
Wonwoo stared at you. You saw the brief flash of emotion cross his face before he could control it and you knew that he understood your intentions. He understood that this was not a casual suggestion. This was not about the children, or the orphanage. 
This was you taking the first step in your marriage. 
"Of course," Wonwoo said finally. "That sounds wonderful."
You released the breath that you had been holding. 
"I will let them know. They will be very excited, I am sure."
Wonwoo nodded. He opened his mouth for a moment, and then paused, almost as though he had reconsidered what he wanted to say. Then he gave you a small, careful smile. 
"Good night," he said. 
"Good night."
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aedesluminis · 4 months
Prieur's first work on the metric system
The calling of the Estates Generals and the events that followed shortly after proved to be the perfect occasion for intellectuals, savants and merchants not only to demand, but also to propose new reforms, aimed to obtain a common metric system for the entire realm of France. A system, whose unity and integrity would have prevented any more frauds and mistakes, caused by the incredible diversity of measurement units in use under the Ancien Régime.
Driven by the optimism and the changes brought by the Revolution, and encouraged by his mentor Guyton, the young Claude-Antoine Prieur – at the time still Duvernois – wished to give his contribution to the cause as well. As some notes currently kept at the archives of the Paris Polytechnic School show, Prieur started working on the topic already 1789. In the early days of February 1790, he sent to the National Assembly the result of his efforts: a memoir titled “Mémoire sur la nécessité et les moyens de render uniformes, dans le royaume, toutes les mesures d’étendue et de pesanteur”. (1)
It is a comprehensive work, which distinguishes itself for the detailed implementation of the decimal scale in all measures, except those of time, and the meticulous description of both the theory behind the new proposed units and the methods to craft their respective standards. The memoir also includes a solid set of historical and scientific reference material, on which the theory in based on, and plans to help common people get used to the new system; things that other notable works on the same topic lack. (2)
Below the cut, one can find an English translation I did of the memoir conclusion, which sums up in the shape of decree articles the whole proposal. Notes related to the post and the unit names are added at the end.
I believe to have proved in this memoir the inconveniences of the diversity of measures and the infinite benefits that a law, aimed to make them uniform throughout all the realm, would bring to science, commerce and arts. I committed myself to find the basis, on which these measures should be founded, in order to make their prototypes immutable, and the principles, from which it would be convenient that they are derived. I showed how these measures could easily be adapted to our needs. I indicated the precautions, by which this innovation would cause neither great embarrassments, nor great expenses. According to these principles and to the measures derived from them, I proposed a type of calculation, particularly appropriate to simplify all operations in the fields of business, trade and civil life; that until now has only been used by some savants, but whose knowledge and even habit are easy to acquire. Lastly, the introduction of this calculation and its advantages led me to wish that the name and value of the smallest coin of our currency should be changed to have more accordance between numeration and effective payments.
These are the subjects that I thought deserved to be treated with all the necessary details to prove them. I took advantage of everything that has been written before me on this matter and one might say that I added little of my own. However, it seemed to me that the most desirable way to clarify the opinions [on the matter] was to present in a single work, and by relying on what other famous authors have already proposed, the true principles, their consequences, their applications to all sort of measures of different materials, the means relative to the execution of the project, the precautions to take in order to maintain its integrity, the education to spread so that the people can promptly enjoy the benefits of an enlightened legislation and the remedies to be applied to reduce the friction that always comes with such changes. This is what I have been aiming to do: I shall leave it to you to judge how far I have succeeded. If there were still some difficulties to clarify, some parts to revision in order to bring this work to perfection, I would be ready to devote to it all the necessary time, with no other ambition than to be useful to my country and, in some ways, to give my contribution to the accomplishment of such a great project.
It only remains for me to give, through articles for a decree, the dispositions that I find most suitable to realise the reform in all of its parts. This project will serve, more than anything else, as a way to judge the merit of [my] work and it is the only reason that led me to propose it.
The reasons for the law could be summarised as follows: The uniformity of measures is no less beneficial to commerce, which must be based on honesty, than to society in general, especially to the progress of science. This uniformity is but a consequence of the unity of laws. Lastly, this reform becomes essential to prevent the inconveniences of the diversity of measures, which the division of the realm in departments would make more evident. Considering all of the above, it could be decreed:
ARTICLE ONE Starting from the 1st of January 1791, all measures of weight and length currently existing in the realm shall be abolished and so shall they remain; so that in every juridical, tariff, commercial and public act, no other units shall be used at the time of said day 1 January 1791 than those indicated below. However, people are still free to use the units they consider appropriate, unless in case of controversy, where they shall be converted into the new ones before any judgement is passed.
II All measures, both of weight and length mentioned below shall be called national measures, national weights and so shall their subdivisions, to avoid confusion with the previous ones.
III The third part of the length of the seconds pendulum of the Parish observatory shall constitute the pied national and be the prototype for all the other measures.
IV The pendulum length shall be reported with exactitude on a bar of pure platinum at a given temperature and in the presence of the commissioners, who shall be elected by the royal academy of science and who, in case of necessity, shall promptly work towards a more rigorous determination; the aforementioned platinum bar shall be preciously preserved at the Hôtel-de-Ville in Paris as a monument of the operation, to be used in case of need. It shall be redacted by municipal officials a verbal process, both on the deposit of said measure and on the procedures done by the academy commissioners to obtain the silver pied national, which shall serve as prototype.
V The national pied national, determined above, shall be divided into 10 pouches, a pouche into 10 lignes, a ligne into 10 points or primes. The perche nationale shall be 10 national pieds. The milliare national shall be 1000 national perches.  The aune nationale shall be 3 and ½ national pieds. The arpent national shall be 100 square national perches. The moule national, for firewood, shall be 100 cubic pieds nationaux.
VI The measure of capacity or national measure (which can also be called protade) for grains, powdered and fluid materials and all the other ones which can be measured in recipients shall be the cubic pied national. The national measure will be divided into 10 décades. The décade into 10 écatades. The écatade into 10 chiliades. The muid national will be 10 national measures or 10 cubic pieds nationaux. The standards of all aforementioned measures, both those, which are multiples of the cubic pied, and their relative sub-multiples, shall have the shape of a cylinder or that of a truncated cone, for more precision and safety during the calibration, wherever the cubic shape might be inconvenient; all, according to instructions that shall be included in the law.
VII The livre nationale shall be determined by the weight of either distilled or rain water, the latter purged from air, at a fixed temperature, subjected to a volume of 10 cubic pouces nationaux. The livre nationale shall be divided into 10 onces. The once national into 10 gros. The gros national into 10 deniers. The denier national into 10 grains. The grain national into tenths, hundredths, etc. The quintal national shall be 100 livres nationales, or equal to the weight of a cubic pied of water.
VIII A silver livre nationale shall be crafted, whose exactitude shall be acknowledged by the same commissaries of the academy, to be deposited with their verbal process in the archives of the Hôtel-de-Ville of Paris and to be used there as prototype. Another silver livre nationale shall be deposited and preserved in the Paris mint, with the weight standards constituting its main subdivisions, which are: an once, a gros, a denier and a grain, all of them made of silver, verified and approved by the academy commissaries.
IX Standards of both the pied national and livre nationale shall be made of copper, the latter together with its weight subdivisions: 5on, 3on, 1on, 5grs, 3grs, 1grs, 5den, 3den, 1den, 5gn, 3gn, 1gn, and 2 demi-grains, which shall be hallmarked by an official, appointed for this purpose, and sent to every district administration, in all the different departments of the realm and three months after the publication of the law.
X The production of the aforementioned measure standards shall be put out to tender at a discount; and, in order to maintain the uniformity of the pied national and, at the same time, to have it done at a moderate price, the successful bidder shall be granted a two-year time privilege for the manufacture of the said pied national only, whether of copper, wood, or other materials; all, on the condition that none is issued until it has been thoroughly checked and hallmarked, and to always have enough to supply the capital and the entire kingdom.
XI Under the authority of the administrative assembly, a verifier shall be elected in each district, whose duty shall be that to preserve and hallmark the measurement standards, to whom every artisan and merchant shall refer for the calibration and hallmark of their own standards; a fee shall be set for the verifier, according to the quality of said weight and measure standards.
XII The verifier chosen in each district can mark the ancient measure standards, provided that their quality is adequate and only after having converted them all into the new ones indicated above or into their multiples.
XIII At the same time as the verifiers place the mark on the measure standards, whether new or ancient, and principally on those of capacity as well as weights, he shall stamp in figures and initial letters, the value or numerical expression of the quantity of the aforementioned measures and weights.
XIV District administrations shall task the aforementioned verifiers, or someone else deemed suitable, to make a general table with the conversion ratios between all the measures in use in their territory and the national ones; the table shall be posted in the town hall of the chief town of said district.
XV In every account relative to finance, commerce and others, sums shall only be expressed in livres-tournois, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. These words, livres-tournois, shall never be separated, until the habit of replacing one expression with the other becomes sufficiently spread; at that point, the law shall state the suppression of the former one. To facilitate both the relationship between decimal calculation and the actual coinage, and the true fractionary payments, some pieces of two sous or decimes, representing one tenth of a livre, and some pieces of sous or demi-decime, representing one twentieth of a livre shall be produced, when new billon coins are made. Lastly, a coin of lower value, under the name of obole or of centime shall be produced as well. Actual billon coins shall maintain their current usage until it is ordered otherwise.
XVI In all accounts, concerning money sums, delivered quantities or works to be measured, said quantities shall be calculated with enough decimal numbers, so that it results a sufficiently exact approximation for fractional sums. Approximations shall be as follows: For all money sums, at least one thousandth of the main unit, or three decimals of the livre-tournois. For all measures of linear extension, one thousandth of the unit of the specified measure, or three decimals. For all measures of surface, ten thousandths of the specified unit, or four decimals. For cubic and capacity measures, ten thousandths of the unit of all measures above the cubic pied included; and only one thousandth of the unit for measures of a lower quantity. For weights, one thousandth of the unit or three decimals; and in case of precious materials, like gold and silver, the unit shall always be the denier national. All of this shall be applied to all measures mentioned above, unless otherwise agreed or ordered in specific cases.
As already done in a previous post, I chose not to translate the words of all the measurement units in English, since in most cases there's no equivalent in said language. Italics are mine and slightly different from the original work, because I wanted to highlight the words left in French.
(1) A digitized version of Prieur's work can be found on Gallica. Here's a modern transcription of it.
(2) The other works that received mention during the National Assembly sitting of 9th May 1790, when the matter about the diversity of measures was addressed, were Découverte d'étalons justes, naturels, invariables et universels by Claude-Boniface Collignon, Observations de la Société royale d'agriculture sur l'uniformité des poids et mesures by Tillet and Abeille and Proposition faite à l'Assemblée nationale, sur les poids et mesures by Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord. It was the latter's proposal that caught the attention of the deputies, despite lacking the rigour and the originality of those of his colleagues.
Notes on the nomenclature
pied [pl. -s] = foot; main unit of length. The most common and used was the pied du roi, equivalent to ~ 32,48 cm or ~ 106, 56 ft. The pied national [pl. nationaux] proposed by Prieur would be ~ 33,13 cm or ~ 108,68 ft.
pouche[pl. -s] = inch.
perche [pl. -s] = "long pole", "staff"; unit of length for long distances.
milliaire [pl. -s] = mile; same as above.
aune [pl. -s] = it doesn't have a translation; this unit was used exclusively for amounts of cloth.
arpent [pl. -s] = no translation; unit for land areas.
muid [pl. -s] = no translation; unit for wheat amounts.
moule [pl. -s] = no translation; unit for firewood amounts.
livre [pl. -s] = pound; unit for both weight and currencies.
once [pl. -s] = ounce.
gros [pl. -s] = "thick penny".
denier [pl. -s] = penny.
grain [pl. -s] = grain; unit for tiny masses
décade, écatade, chiliade, protade have no translations, since these words are purely Prieur's invention.
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gunthermunch · 10 months
I hope Garry knows if there was an empty night sky with only one shining star that star would most likely be him and if I’d ever metaphorically give my nose to anyone, it would be him. All in the will. Burn the body (other than the nose that’s for Garry) if the vamps are hangry they can have the last of my blood. I also have bought several homes for him (Garry) to have in the future, I became a certified property owner and real estate expert for Garry and the munches. I also bought jojo a little hobbit hole next to the Munch’s residence. Lucas and Max have a cozy apartment and I’m funding Wolfgang’s finding myself journey. If they don’t live in it it’s okay it’s fine they can rent it out, I bought the whole complex if that helps any. I will be hiding in a bush if gunther and Lilith at some point renew their vows.
I can always count on Garry to be either hanging from the ceiling by talons he’s suddenly grown or swinging off of some light fixture and if he is in someone’s grasp he’s either in his own world, growing teeth/gum to skin or being held up by a most likely flailing limb. I feel like Lilith could do acrobats with him in one hand, like casual conversation no pause no acknowledgement and keep a hold of him while he’s just wilding and having fun. He’s probably a goblin or a little flying chipmunk or squirrel in one’s purest form. He has seen wonders beyond comprehension living in that household and I can only applaud him.
Also, I will wait patiently for Lucas and Max’s return. Once that time comes I’m sure I’ll suddenly learn how to properly and consistently with great skill and eagerness, do roly polys. No I can’t do it at the moment and I don’t think I have any real interest in those sorts of sports and expertise but this whole family makes me feel like seeing max and Lucas’ being in that moment when the time comes in real time. Finally, runs around so happy for them, I will suddenly wake up knowing how to do a roly poly and probably my life will just feel better in general with the knowledge of seeing them connect and grow. No matter what path they take, I just want them to heal and come to be happier and happier. I love the both of them so much and I truly wish the best for Wolfgang and everyone else too.
I hope you have a wonderful break I’m sure this is creatively fulfilling for you and a passion project it goes without saying hopefully but thank you for sharing it. Your love for these characters these people basically at heart is amazing, heart warming and seeing a new post from you is always a little box of care, dedication and magic, they’ve brought many people together I’m sure thanks to your effort in making what you post a reality and I truly thank you for existing, that goes for anyone in the world but I hope this just is a reminder I don’t know how to say it the most accurately but thank you for the munch story for what you share of yourself in general and I hope life’s treating you well. If not I hope you feel better soon.
If this even gets seen by you or anyone else, embarrassing truly I wanna run into a wall cartoon style fall to the ground due to impact, bounce right off of u will, this to the floor, comical hanging tongue out of mouth x’s over eyes u get the picture.
I feel so much passion for someone else’s page/story, maybe it’s the autism speaking but I can’t imagine not being able to atleast recognise the amount and degree of care and passion you put into the munchs/whatever else you may post and feeling genuinely glad and happy to see someone sharing and bringing something of themselves to life with such adoration & attention. I feel like a lot of people feel quite strongly about the munch story regardless of being neurodivergent or whatever their background/certain aspects, but in my case, being autistic myself, something that obviously affects my experience of the world, coming across and delving into the munchs and seeing such joy and drive and visceral love that I always feel alone in, in the community in general but especially the part that uses the sims to tell their stories, has been amazing and made me so grateful for being able to see what you and others share. It makes me want to go on and on which I can and do e.g, but the difference being I feel like I’m seeing possibility and gaining an understanding that I can see and find people similarly interested in storys and lives fictional or otherwise. Being diagnosed recently, it’s made this all fit together in my brain more easily why I felt so drawn to story tellers here lol. Being a lover of story telling, literature, thank you for existing and simply letting others see and be immersed with you. This isn’t my first time on anon here yikes and sorry, I can’t do a tldr for something this long fuck but Thankyou. Rest up! 💕🤞🏼
Lucas and Max poster in my hallway !!
Sorry if this is a lot it’s a bit of personal anecdote I hope I don’t make you or anyone feel inconvenienced or like hurt, the munch’s have always meant a lot and with this new step forward and newer revelations in my life they only seem to grow fonder to me. Peace and love, I hope everyone’s trying to treat themselves more kindly
i ADORE to hear your thoughts always !! and YEAH spins you around really fast yeaheyaheyaheya love the mutual understanding here. glad we are all on the same levels of sickness over them
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raytm · 6 months
gepard: lilac, lily, gardenia
lilac :   what was your muse’s childhood like ?   how has their upbringing affected them as they’ve aged ?  /  lily :   how does your muse view their mother ?  /  gardenia :   is your muse one to confess romantic feelings early on ,   or to conceal them for long periods of time ?  
As all children of landau, gepard experienced a childhood filled with stringent tutors and meticulously devised lessons, branching across a broad variety of subjects with an emphasis on etiquette, history and battle tactics. this elevated into practical lessons in combat instructed by retired soldiers with ties back to the family. All of this was overseen by his father, who had influence over what they were exposed to and how they were taught. they were never to forsake the family’s proud heritage and were to meet high expectations from a young age. it was to say, they lived a rather sheltered life, dictated by their father’s ideals and their family’s lineage. often they would attend noble gatherings and sit, quiet and reticent, as the supreme guardian would speak at lengths with their father. this has meant, as gepard has grown older, his once narrower comprehension of the world at large has expanded exponentially. many of those who operate under him come from various walks of life and he has spent quite a time dedicated to hearing their stories, learning from and about them. this also means that gepard’s duty is at the core of who he is as a person, it has been ingrained in him since he was old enough to learn that the family’s predecessors held significant roles in belobogian society as a whole and it would be their responsibility to fill those unimaginable large shoes. While he holds himself with an air of decorum he also finds himself lacking in some rudimentary ways, socially, he conducts himself with a propriety that really leaves very little room for respite and because he has taught himself to interact with people on a formal, shallow level he finds it difficult to grapple with profound intimacy and thus, has struggled ( but made improvement after leaving his father’s estate and becoming an actual member of the silvermane guard ) initially to form impactful and meaningful bonds that he could not only comprehend, but held weight in a way that wasn’t for the sake of preserving an imagine. Honestly im going to leave this here for now just because i could talk, at lengths, about his childhood and relations with his family and how they have impacted him growing up and we would be here with a novel before i was finished. Gepard has a soft spot for his mother. she is a woman with a rather gentle disposition and whilst she worked in tandem with their father in order to prepare them for their roles she was always far more tender with her children. whilst he maintains very little contact with his father outside of politics and social gatherings he does take time to write to his mother, if not visit her should the occasion arrive. while he has kept a relative distance from both of them since he became a part of the guard she is still someone of great importance to gepard. He has rather fond memories of the two of them reading together at lengths, straying from the bleakness of old, leather bound tomes and into the uncharted territories of fictitious novels. she quite resembles serval but far more demure. gepard has very, very limited experience when it comes to romance and has spent a great deal of time wrestling with his attractions in quite a grand display of futility. this is to say, he has attended dates but moreso out of requirement, often set up for him by his parents and has yet to fully dedicate himself to the process of, not only liking someone, but actually confessing to those feelings. he’s the sort to over-think the process, to want to ascertain that he has all of his feelings understood with a sense of clarity, he would mull over this for quite a while before eventually confessing to them. this also leaves him prone to experiencing moments of emotional turmoil where the whole situation is just entirely overwhelming and he ends up just saying it far earlier than he ever intended to. despite this, gepard is a sincere sort of person, once he realized he had feelings for someone and he had gone through the 10000 stages of grief over it he would be the sort to, perhaps, confess first.
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meraki-yao · 9 months
I failed three out of my five classes.
My dad was forcing me to show him my grades.
I panicked and ran out of the house but I forgot to turn off my computer or close the tabs.
My sister told me he and my mom saw my grades.
I'm too scared to go home now.
I never told them anything about my struggles because in typical Asian fashion, they always delegate it to "not working hard enough", and every time whatever they respond to my issues with makes it worse. You guys know more about my issues than them.
I wanted to come clean after I managed to sort myself out, talk to my mentors and advisors, do more research, come up with a comprehensive plan on what to do. I thought I could lie to my dad about my grades this semester and pass it off. I didn't think he would sit right besides my desk demanding to straight up see my grades. And he opened with "you better not have any failed classes".
I don't know what to do. I'm in my estate garden with nothing, literally nothing but my phone, I'm too scared to go back and face them and explain myself. I don't have anywhere else I can go to. Right at this moment I don't have anyone I can talk to.
Update: I'm home. They're disappointed in me, they still don't see the problem is that I literally can't do this program anymore. Kinda went better than I feared up shits not solved. I'll figure the rest out in the morning.
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triviareads · 11 months
ARC Review of It Had to Be a Duke by Vivienne Lorret
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Rating: 4/5 Heat Level: 3.5/5 Publication Date: November 28th
When Verity Hartley lies about being betrothed to Magnus, Duke of Longhurst, she doesn't expect him to hear about it, much less show up and agree to go along with her scheme and pretend to be her betrothed for a week. Magnus is deeply unhappy about having to feign affection towards the daughter of the man that swindled him years ago, at least, until he gets to know Verity better...
This is the first book in Vivienne Lorret's new series, The Liar's Club, and the book did a good job of balancing the main plot with introducing a new cast of characters and setting up future couples. I'm particularly looking forward to the hot blond vicar (who Verity spied on while he was bathing naked, and later the man did try to court her but was rejected HARD lolol) getting his own romance.
I had a lot of fun reading this book. It featured classic Vivienne Lorret hijinks, complete with a spunky heroine, a grumpy hero, small-town shenanigans, and an old family mystery.
Verity is a messy gal— she definitely falls on the klutzy, quirky end of the spectrum but she was endearing enough, particularly in her moments of vulnerability, to make up for any over-the-top physical comedy (see: the time she fell out of a tree and ended up getting accidentally groped by the hero). A lot of her vulnerability stems from feeling like she's second best compared to her sisters, and even Magnus's sort-of betrothed. That being said, I appreciate that most of these women (barring Verity's nemesis) end up being solid friends who are very supportive of one another. I also liked how Vivienne portrayed Verity's claustrophobia and corresponding panic attacks— it's something I imagine a lot of modern readers can relate to.
Magnus is just the right amount of stern and grumpy to be endearing. Reading him slowly crack and come to terms with his attraction towards Verity was a joy to read. Really, my only (very minor) complaint is that for all the author went off about how biiiig and jacked and "swarthy" he was because he works the fields (since he can't afford a lot of workers), we never got a scene where he was actually laboring in the fields. Shirtless, preferably. But this mostly goes to show he's very duty-bound and intent on bringing his estate back to life, which is why he tries So Hard to resist Verity... until he doesn't, even as he continues to insist he's going to marry another woman for her dowry.
The second half of the book delves deeper into the mystery of exactly who swindled Magnus's father all those years ago, and it concludes in a way that sets up the rest of the series.
The sex:
Listen, because of how clumsy Verity is, I expected nothing less than a sex scene that's initiated by her basically falling on top of Magnus, and Vivienne absolutely delivered. Plus, I'm a sucker for a study scene. By the time they have sex, their feelings for each other have settled even if they're unwilling to admit it, so the sex itself is very tender with a dash of desperation.
Also, shoutout to Lady Hartley for providing a comprehensive sex education to her daughters, complete with sock puppets.
This is a great historical romance for anyone looking for a light read that's sure to make you laugh, and also has solid sex scenes. I adored the easy (if unwilling at first) affection that grew between Magnus and Verity, as well as their banter, and I look forward to the following books in this series!
Thank you to Avon and Harper Voyager and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my review.
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starmaniamania · 2 years
I found some old articles about the Tycoon project that I thought you would appreciate, @wildishmazz! There's not really anything comprehensive but I think it shows a little bit of how it went down.
As soon as July 1990, the Daily Mail wrote : "Master song writer Tim Rice is behind a new £1.5m rock opera that will open in London in the spring. He has translated and adapted Starmania - sweeping score by Michel Berger and original lyrics by Luc Plamondon - based on a French show about a Donald Trump-type tycoon who wants his corporation to control the globe."
Back then it said he already had a producer (David Land) and director (Frank Dunlop) lined up, but obviously nothing came of it. Meanwhile Plamondon and Berger had moved on to "La légende de Jimmy."
Then in Nov 1992 a Globe & Mail profile of Plamondon explains that the songs had been shown at a showcase at Andrew Lloyd Webber's estate (I put a long segment under the cut.)
And then in 1994 Plamondon gives a press conference saying he's "close to selling the production rights" to Tycoon (again??)
The whole thing is pretty much a mess, but also it sounds to me like Rice basically single-handedly revised a bunch of the show to be what he thought would be palatable to an English-speaking audience, which meant sanitizing it a lot. (Also apparently he's a Thatcher-admiring pro-Brexit Conservative, which does sort of make sense when you see what kind of changes he made tbh.)
And then when the show didn't actually get made in the UK but came back to Paris as the once-a-week English version, they changed some of the songs again to fit them as-is into the Furey staging.
It's not fully clear of course, but that's what I think after reading about it!
Image maker and breaker - Ron Conlogue - The Globe & Mail, Nov 7, 1992
ON the first weekend in September, theatre producers from around the world gathered in a converted church on composer Andrew Lloyd Webber's estate in Sydmonton, England, to hear runthroughs of promising new musicals. One was Webber's own forthcoming show, Sunset Boulevard. The other was a Canadian musical called Tycoon.
Its author, Luc Plamondon, sat nervously in the darkness and contemplated the English-speaking world he hopes to conquer. The denim- clad, 50-year-old Montreal lyricist is already a celebrity throughout the French-speaking world. His musical, Starmania (Tycoon in English) has played four times in Montreal and Paris, including one run in Paris that lasted for three years.
As a parolier, he has written important lyrics for Quebec stars like Diane Dufresne and French ones like Diane Tell. Composers who have set his songs to music include Claude-Michel Schoenberg, who wrote Les Miserables. Singers who have recorded him include Petula Clark and, improbably, actor Gerard Depardieu. And he has yet another musical, Sand et les romantiques, which opened at the Paris Opera last week.
But this resonant Quebec voice fades to silence wherever English is spoken. "The Americans won't listen if it's in French," he says with rare chagrin. "Their ears are stopped up." His words will have to be carried into the anglophone world by others.
These others won't be nobodies. Plamondon's first release in English, The World Is Stone, is sung by Cyndi Lauper and has already reached the top 10 in England. Tycoon has been translated by Tim Rice, the author of Evita and Jesus Christ, Superstar. Twelve of its songs were recently released as an album in England, sung by the likes of Tom Jones, Nina Hagen, Ronnie Spector and Peter Kingsbery. The potential rewards are great, but nonetheless it is a painful thing for a lyricist to entrust his words to others.
In this remarkable November, with Sand et les romantiques playingat the Paris Opera, La Legende de Jimmy set to open in Montreal, and negotiations continuing toward a possible production of Tycoon in London's West End next year, Plamondon can hardly keep his hands on everything.
Of all these projects, Tycoon seems to excite him the most. It's hard for English-speakers to grasp, but the dominance of English pop music is so total that writers in other languages feel that they are missing the party. Even if their own party includes 60 million French speakers. "If you don't sing in English," says Plamondon disconsolately, "you can only sing in your own country."
Enter Tim Rice.
It was in 1988 that Rice, on the advice of a friend, went to see Starmania, then the hit of Paris. "It's not easy to hear rock lyrics in another language," he recalls over the phone from London, "but I could look around and see what was happening to the audience. They were ecstatic."
Rice's hit shows, written before his rupture with Lloyd Webber, are in the past now. On his own he did Chess, which did not succeed. Suddenly, he found himself looking at "a dynamic show with an amazing number of strong songs."
Plamondon was, to put it mildly, flattered by Rice's proposal to translate the show. He hesitated when told that the title Starmania would sound banal in English, but acceded to the change to Tycoon. And as a lyricist, he understood that Rice could not translate word-for-word into English. Musically, it can't work. "Of course he re-conceived the songs and put his own mark on them," says Plamondon. "I was honoured by that." And he is tickled that the project has at least got Rice and Lloyd Webber having lunch together.
But there is one more problem. English-language pop, for a number of reasons which mostly read "American," is homogenized and timid beside French music. Plamondon, who once wrote a sardonic song called Disneyland, knows it. He has watched his friend Celine Dion agree to sing a monotonous range of songs ("love, love, love, it's all so standardized") as the price of breaking into the American market. By contrast, she recently recorded an album of Plamondon songs whose titanic display of voice and passion eclipses her English albums altogether. "I hope the people who like her in English once in a while will listen to her in French," he says wistfully.
He expresses no such reservations about Tycoon, of course. But listening to the album, I couldn't help but notice that Rice had deleted the bits he didn't think an English-speaking audience would listen to: the sex symbol doesn't talk about men masturbating on her photograph, for example; and the businessman who wants to be an artist seems to have lost his poetic edge.
And Rice is also concerned about the story being set in the future. "Our scene is not very kind to shows set in the future," he says nervously. "We've got to make sure we get it right."
Getting it right, making it work may mean losing what makes Plamondon Plamondon. The song of Monopolis, from Starmania, foreshadows a world where there is no room for different voices:
From New York to Tokyo / Same thing everywhere / We take the same metro / To the same empty square / Single file, right there / Who can think of the sun / When the neon flares / And the radio blares / And we all dance the same / Day is gray, night is blue
But in the end it will not really matter what happens to Plamondon in English. The essence of what he is and does happens in French.
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
Fanfic asks! 28, 36, 43, 58 anddddd 74!
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
I find my dialogue generally kind of clunky, and very rarely can hear the characters/actors saying it (I legitimately teared up when @theonlyredcar said she could hear a specific line of dialogue in Customs about three chapters back) - which is especially awful, because I'm surrounded by writers with perfect pitch for character voices! It's maddening, but at least I have a good mark to measure up to.
36. What fic are you proudest of?
Answered here, but I'll also chuck "a little more comprehension than a machine, and still feeling like a lost soul" into the mix. I have a couple quibbles with some of the details (having thought far too much about the plot of 1899 and what happened before episode one) but I like the dialogue, I like the characterization of Maura (& Eyk, when he's sober enough to show up), particularly, I like the sense of inescapable dread, and it has me shamelessly abusing one of my favorite devices - Character A referring to something as "your (Character B's) something" as an indicator that Character B is taking up far greater real estate in Character A's thoughts than either of them could have anticipated.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I know I've talked about this to you (& @fatherramiro has also been really kindly encouraging!) but I have the bare bones of a 2099!Maura gets marooned For Reasons in 1899 post S1, and I've been sort of picking at the big character beats I want/how the world actually works but it's been so sincerely daunting that it's just notes on an envelop right now.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
If you take a shot every time I describe a character as "more marble than man" you might get liver damage. I don't have a blorbo type I swear.
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
I know drabbles (and drabble-adjacent fic) tend not to get much love, and it's for the least popular characters in the fandom, but I genuinely loved "bear your neighbor's burden" for a missing scene from the starting section of FO4 and while I got a very kind note from a friend, from the fandom at large ... pretty much nothing. Well, I got kudos-botted, which felt actively insulting.
Fanfiction Writing Asks!
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noirineverysense · 2 years
Claw's detective agency - part nine
The path to Pewtree's estate was lined with enforcers. Some picking through the garden as others held scanners above. The large wooden door had two uniforms stationed in front of it
Seems like they have the same idea as us.
One walks up to her, he had a bald scalp and grey strands sticking at the edge, his uniform darker than the others with dots of colour from the many medals and patches pinned to it.
"Garrison's gone off again, do you know where he is?"
Talon raises a brow. She had assumed Garrison was the type who took orders like a dog waiting for a treat. Maybe he decided that he'd rather take orders from Claw instead.
"You seem pretty high-ranked. Why don't you ask your lackeys to help you instead of me?"
The man's large eyebrows furrow, "I'd heard we'd taken help from designates and now an enforcer goes missing. Doesn't look good, if you catch my drift."
She laughs, "Yeah, it doesn't."
She pushes past him and heads toward the door. The two guards move in front of her, using their rifles to block her way.
"Listen to me, designate." The old man starts, "You answer to law enforcement or you'll- "
She turns to him, "No I don't have to do anything. And you're going to let me in-"
"Don't order me around!"
"Have you gotten anything? Anything at all, in all your time here. Any clues, anything Melissa has said?"
Rage strike through his face, "Are you saying a couple of criminals can do a better job?"
"We can, and we have. Melissa hasn't said a thing to you, has she? Way I see it, I'm the only one who she might talk to. Maybe I'll get a confession too."
The man looks down sucking in his anger with a breath before sighing in resignation.
"Let her in." He commands.
The one to the left of her hesitates, "Sir, I don't think we should be letting criminals into a crime scene."
"That's an order! Let her in."
She decides to be petty and give a small smirk to the guards as they open the door for her. She steps inside and the door closes behind.
Looking around the once pristine mansion, the place has become almost unrecognisable. Couches turned upside down, dressers laying om the ground, tiles picked out and shards of them scattered across the floor. Desperation seemed to be more the motive behind this than any sort of lead. Then her ears pick up a small sound of sniffling and sobs.
The sounds cut off immediately.
"Melissa, it's me, Talon. I just want to talk."
She hears movement upstairs before something is thrown from the top of the stairs. She flinches as something smashes on the tiles. Talon walks up to it to find what appeared to be shattered parts of a small plate.
"Get out of here!" Melissa shrieks, "Leave!"
Talon places a hand on the bannister as she turns to the stairs.
"Melissa, I'm not here to hurt you. I know it's been hard."
Talon sighs, "I know it wasn't you who did this. Let me help you."
Well, she didn't know know but it's good enough for now.
The house falls silent which Talon takes as permission to head upstairs.
She finds Melissa hunched in the corner of a room with pink walls, a dolls house stood in the middle of the room with the Princess Poncy doll sat in front of it. There a tea set next to the woman and by that, a small bed.
Talon looks around the room in confusion, "You have a kid?"
At that, Melissa breaks down into tears and her words become barely comprehensible.
"She's gone! And now he's gone. And the house is a mess, he'll come back to a messy house and no child and it's my fault!"
She falls quiet again, leaning against the wall.
"It's my fault." She murmurs.
"Melissa- "
"Talon. That's not your name, is it? Not the one your mother gave you."
She freezes.
"My daughter's the same. She went down the wrong path, did the wrong things, s-said the wrong things." She says the last part as a whisper, as if terrified someone else was listening.
"She talked to a man with lots of scars and another older man and she left. All because I tried to let her have some freedom. Richard said we had to keep an eye on her, teach her right but I just didn't want her to end up like me."
Her head falls into her hands, "But she ended up worse."
Talon shakes herself, ignoring the hairs standing at the back of her neck, "She got designated?"
"Richard thinks so. He said to never mention her again, we'd be safer that way. And to throw away everything she had here. I refused but he burned it anyway. But I kept the toys she had as a child in the attic, I took them out when he wasn't around. I love them. The last bits of my daughter that are still here. That still want me."
"Do you think this has anything to do with Pewtree's disappearance?
"I don't know. I just, had to say it to someone. But the older man came by yesterday. He was asking after you and that other detective, I think."
Talon frowns as dread rises through her, "Did he say his name?"
"No, but he had grey hair and green eyes. He said he was helping you two out. And he was expecting you to meet up soon.
"Shit, Claw!"
Taglist: @painful-pooch @winedark-whump
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motionhire · 6 hours
Bognor Regis Rubbish Removal Made Easy: Choose Get It Gone
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Easy: Choose Get It Gone
Maintaining a clean, clutter-free environment is essential for both your mental well-being and the aesthetics of your property. Whether you’re a tenant moving out, a homeowner decluttering, or an estate executor needing probate clearance, the importance of rubbish removal cannot be overstated. If you’re in Bognor Regis, Get It Gone is your premier partner for all types of rubbish removal and clearance services. With a focus on efficiency, professionalism, and environmental sustainability, Get It Gone offers top-tier services to transform any space—no matter how cluttered—into a fresh and usable area.
Why Choose Get It Gone for Rubbish Removal in Bognor Regis?
At Get It Gone, we understand that every clearance task is unique. That’s why we provide a range of services tailored to your specific needs, whether it's a small household task or a larger-scale commercial project. Our goal is simple: to make rubbish removal hassle-free, while ensuring that as much waste as possible is recycled or disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.
Here’s what makes Get It Gone stand out in Bognor Regis:
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From end of tenancy clearance in Bognor Regis to garage clearance, garden clearance, and probate clearance, we offer a wide array of services to cater to both residential and commercial clients.
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Our skilled professionals are trained to handle any clearance job, ensuring that your property is left spotless after each task.
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By choosing Get It Gone, tenants can rest assured that they are fulfilling their end of the rental agreement, while landlords can enjoy peace of mind knowing that the property is prepared for future occupants.
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Garages often become the go-to storage areas for items that are rarely used, creating clutter over time. Whether you’ve got old tools, unused sports equipment, or random household items stacked up in your garage, clearing it out can feel like an overwhelming task. That’s where Get It Gone comes in.Bognor Regis Rubbish Removal Made Easy: Choose Get It Gone
Our garage clearance Bognor Regis services help you reclaim your space by removing all the unwanted clutter in a quick and efficient manner. Whether you’re preparing to sell your property, converting your garage into a new space, or just tired of the mess, we ensure that your garage is left clean and organized.
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Dealing with the belongings of a loved one who has passed away can be an emotional and challenging experience. Probate clearance requires sensitivity, professionalism, and care. Get It Gone provides compassionate probate clearance Bognor Regis, offering a reliable and respectful service during difficult times.
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Is your garden overgrown, filled with debris, or cluttered with old furniture and equipment? If so, it’s time to refresh your outdoor space with garden clearance Bognor Regis. At Get It Gone, we help homeowners, landlords, and businesses maintain clean and attractive gardens by removing all types of garden waste, including broken furniture, old tools, and overgrown vegetation.
With our garden clearance service, you’ll not only improve the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space but also create a safe and inviting environment for family gatherings, relaxation, or property viewings if you’re planning to sell.
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Effective waste management is crucial to maintaining a clean and sustainable environment, whether you’re a homeowner or running a business. Get It Gone offers comprehensive waste management Bognor Regis, ensuring that all collected waste is disposed of responsibly. Our team prioritizes recycling and proper disposal methods, helping you reduce your environmental footprint.
From household rubbish to commercial waste, we handle it all. Our waste management services ensure that your property is free from clutter while minimizing the impact on local landfill sites.
The Benefits of Choosing Get It Gone for Rubbish Clearance in Bognor Regis
Choosing Get It Gone for your rubbish clearance Bognor Regis comes with several benefits:
Tailored Services: 
We understand that each client has unique needs, whether you require a one-off service or regular rubbish removal. We work closely with you to tailor our offerings according to your specific r
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fss-12345 · 1 day
Top Features to Consider When Choosing a Property Management Portal in India
When looking for a reliable property management portal in India, particularly in cities like Hyderabad, several key features can determine whether the platform is worth your time and investment. A robust real estate property portal should provide a comprehensive user experience, efficient management tools, and compliance with legal standards. Look My Property is an example of a well-rounded portal that offers these essential features, making it one of the top choices for real estate in Hyderabad. Below are the critical factors you should consider when selecting a property management portal near me.
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Choosing the right property management portal is crucial for ensuring smooth real estate transactions and effective management. Look My Property is a leading example, offering comprehensive listings, legal compliance, rental management tools, and strong partnerships with channel partners and property management companies in India. Whether you’re searching for residential property management services or need a property management portal near me, these features will help you make the best choice for your needs in Hyderabad and beyond.
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mshlegalaue · 1 day
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fss-123 · 1 day
Top Features to Consider When Choosing a Property Management Portal in India
When looking for a reliable property management portal in India, particularly in cities like Hyderabad, several key features can determine whether the platform is worth your time and investment. A robust real estate property portal should provide a comprehensive user experience, efficient management tools, and compliance with legal standards. Look My Property is an example of a well-rounded portal that offers these essential features, making it one of the top choices for real estate in Hyderabad. Below are the critical factors you should consider when selecting a property management portal near me.
1. Comprehensive Property Listings
A top real estate property portal should offer a wide variety of property types. Look My Property, for instance, provides access to over 10,000 listings, including apartments, villas, open plots, and commercial spaces. This diversity ensures that both investors and homebuyers can find options that meet their needs. Whether you're seeking residential property management or looking to buy commercial properties, a platform with extensive listings makes property exploration easier.
2. User-Friendly Interface
Another essential feature to consider is how easy it is to navigate the platform. A property management portal should have intuitive search filters to help users quickly sort through listings by location, budget, and property type. Look My Property excels in this area with straightforward tools that allow users to find properties in specific areas of Hyderabad. Whether you are managing a property or searching for a new one, a smooth browsing experience is vital for efficiency.
3. Legal Compliance and RERA Registration
One of the most critical aspects of real estate management in India is adherence to local laws and regulations. A reliable property management portal must comply with RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) guidelines. Platforms like Look My Property ensure that every listing is verified and compliant with RERA, offering users peace of mind when it comes to legal transparency. This feature is particularly important for those looking for residential property management and long-term investment opportunities.
4. Efficient Rental Management Features
For those interested in rental property management, the portal should provide tools to manage tenant relations, rental agreements, and payment tracking. Look My Property offers functionalities that cater to both property owners and renters, ensuring smooth communication and secure transactions. Having such features integrated into the platform simplifies the management process and allows owners to focus on growing their real estate portfolio.
5. Channel Partner Support
A strong real estate property portal should have an established network of channel partners—resellers, vendors, or agents who provide additional support in property transactions. Look My Property leverages this network to improve customer service, offering users access to expert advice and local insights. This feature is valuable for those new to real estate management in India, as channel partners can provide critical information on property market trends and investment strategies.
6. Integration with Property Management Companies
For large-scale property owners or investors, collaboration with property management companies in India is essential. Look for portals that offer partnerships with reputable property management firms, ensuring that your assets are well-maintained. Look My Property facilitates this integration, allowing property owners to focus on growth while leaving day-to-day management in professional hands.
7. Mobile Accessibility
A top property management portal should also be accessible via mobile devices. In today’s fast-paced environment, having the ability to manage properties, check listings, or communicate with tenants on-the-go is a must. Look My Property provides mobile compatibility, enabling users to access listings, manage properties, and interact with service providers from anywhere.
Choosing the right property management portal is crucial for ensuring smooth real estate transactions and effective management. Look My Property is a leading example, offering comprehensive listings, legal compliance, rental management tools, and strong partnerships with channel partners and property management companies in India. Whether you’re searching for residential property management services or need a property management portal near me, these features will help you make the best choice for your needs in Hyderabad and beyond.
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lmp-01 · 1 day
Top Features to Consider When Choosing a Property Management Portal in India
When looking for a reliable property management portal in India, particularly in cities like Hyderabad, several key features can determine whether the platform is worth your time and investment. A robust real estate property portal should provide a comprehensive user experience, efficient management tools, and compliance with legal standards. Look My Property is an example of a well-rounded portal that offers these essential features, making it one of the top choices for real estate in Hyderabad. Below are the critical factors you should consider when selecting a property management portal near me.
1. Comprehensive Property Listings
A top real estate property portal should offer a wide variety of property types. Look My Property, for instance, provides access to over 10,000 listings, including apartments, villas, open plots, and commercial spaces. This diversity ensures that both investors and homebuyers can find options that meet their needs. Whether you're seeking residential property management or looking to buy commercial properties, a platform with extensive listings makes property exploration easier.
2. User-Friendly Interface
Another essential feature to consider is how easy it is to navigate the platform. A property management portal should have intuitive search filters to help users quickly sort through listings by location, budget, and property type. Look My Property excels in this area with straightforward tools that allow users to find properties in specific areas of Hyderabad. Whether you are managing a property or searching for a new one, a smooth browsing experience is vital for efficiency.
3. Legal Compliance and RERA Registration
One of the most critical aspects of real estate management in India is adherence to local laws and regulations. A reliable property management portal must comply with RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) guidelines. Platforms like Look My Property ensure that every listing is verified and compliant with RERA, offering users peace of mind when it comes to legal transparency. This feature is particularly important for those looking for residential property management and long-term investment opportunities.
4. Efficient Rental Management Features
For those interested in rental property management, the portal should provide tools to manage tenant relations, rental agreements, and payment tracking. Look My Property offers functionalities that cater to both property owners and renters, ensuring smooth communication and secure transactions. Having such features integrated into the platform simplifies the management process and allows owners to focus on growing their real estate portfolio.
5. Channel Partner Support
A strong real estate property portal should have an established network of channel partners—resellers, vendors, or agents who provide additional support in property transactions. Look My Property leverages this network to improve customer service, offering users access to expert advice and local insights. This feature is valuable for those new to real estate management in India, as channel partners can provide critical information on property market trends and investment strategies.
6. Integration with Property Management Companies
For large-scale property owners or investors, collaboration with property management companies in India is essential. Look for portals that offer partnerships with reputable property management firms, ensuring that your assets are well-maintained. Look My Property facilitates this integration, allowing property owners to focus on growth while leaving day-to-day management in professional hands.
7. Mobile Accessibility
A top property management portal should also be accessible via mobile devices. In today’s fast-paced environment, having the ability to manage properties, check listings, or communicate with tenants on-the-go is a must. Look My Property provides mobile compatibility, enabling users to access listings, manage properties, and interact with service providers from anywhere.
Choosing the right property management portal is crucial for ensuring smooth real estate transactions and effective management. Look My Property is a leading example, offering comprehensive listings, legal compliance, rental management tools, and strong partnerships with channel partners and property management companies in India. Whether you’re searching for residential property management services or need a property management portal near me, these features will help you make the best choice for your needs in Hyderabad and beyond.
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Cherry Hill Homes for Sale | One Team
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Discover Cherry Hill Real Estate
Located next to Philadelphia, Cherry Hill is a thriving suburban community that provides the perfect location for those who enjoy all the conveniences of the city but with a touch of suburban flair. The real estate market in Cherry Hill, NJ, contains single-family homes, townhouses, and even luxurious Cherry Hill condos for sale. Whether you are looking for the small starter home or a large estate, real estate listings in Cherry Hill vary greatly to suit all tastes and budgets.
Find the Newest Homes for Sale & Real Estate Listings in Cherry Hill
Coupled with this competitive market, you should be aware of the newest homes for sale and real estate listings in Cherry Hill. Our website is updated regularly with all the latest listings so that you never miss an opportunity on a property that could truly be your dream home. Whether you're looking for a family home or condo, we give you the tools to find the perfect property.
Want to know more about any of these Cherry Hill homes? Just click the "Request More Info" button when viewing the details of a property. We can provide you with disclosures, past sales history, dates and prices of homes recently sold nearby, and more. Thanks to our advanced tools, we have access to exclusive information that's not available to the public and can give you an edge in making educated decisions in buying your new Cherry Hill home.
Why Cherry Hill?
Cherry Hill is more than just a place to live—it's a community that offers an exceptional quality of life. With high-ranking schools to choose from, it's a district that has been the top choice of most families for years. From its many parks and recreational facilities to a rich cultural scene, there is always something happening in Cherry Hill. This community is friendlier than most and has some of the safest neighborhoods, creating an environment perfect for raising a family.
Besides the family-friendly atmosphere, Cherry Hill has good shopping and dining. With its many stores and restaurants, the Cherry Hill Mall is not only among the largest shopping centers in the region but a very popular place with locals and visitors alike.
Your Cherry Hill Real Estate Experts
At Homes by One Team, we understand that buying or selling a home is one of the largest decisions you will ever make. That is why our experienced Realtors in Cherry Hill are dedicated to offering you the personal service you deserve. The agents take time to listen to your needs and work relentlessly to ensure your success in real estate matters.
Our Realtors are local experts who have a deep understanding of the Cherry Hill real estate market. We keep ourselves updated with changing market conditions, property values, and trends in the neighborhood so that we can provide you with the right information to ensure rational decisions. Whether you're trying to find any of the Cherry Hill condos for sale or thinking of putting your home on the market, our team is here to guide you every step along the way.
Browse Real Estate Listings in Cherry Hill
If you're ready to start your home search, you've come to the right place. Our website offers comprehensive real estate listings in Cherry Hill, featuring detailed information on available properties, including photos, descriptions, and virtual tours. Feel free to sort your search by price, property type, and neighborhood to find just the right homes.
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Register and Stay Informed
With today's fast-moving market, knowing about the newest listings is truly going to help you in winning. We encourage you to create an account on our website so that you will be able to get email alerts when new Cherry Hill homes for sale hit the market. In such a case, you will be among the very first people to know about the latest property and ensure that you secure your dream home.
Turning Your Cherry Hill Dream Home into Reality
At Homes by One Team, we are passionate about making sure that our clients get their dream home. We believe that buying a home goes beyond just a transaction: it is a life-altering experience. That's why we strive to provide top service and support during each step of the way.
Whether you're exploring Cherry Hill real estate for the first time or you're a seasoned buyer, our team is here to help. We'll guide you through each step, from viewing properties to negotiating offers, to closing the deal. Our goal is to make your home-buying experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Contact Us Today
If you are ready to explore Cherry Hill real estate, let our team of Cherry Hill Realtors guide you through all of the process. Contact us today and schedule a consultation so we can work together and help you find that perfect home in this great community. Allow Homes By One Team to guide you through your Cherry Hill real estate journey.
Come with us to explore the beauty and practicality of Cherry Hill—your real estate partner in finding your desired home. Whether you're looking for Cherry Hill condos for sale or a family home in a friendly neighborhood, we're here to make your real estate dreams a reality.
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