#comrade sonic says seize the means of production
neverwhere ยท 1 year
โœจ HUGE NEWS โœจ
Iโ€™m excited to announce my co-workers and I are unionizing!
You can find our full mission statement here on our official Twitter account - please signal boost and share with the hashtag #UnionizeSega ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฆ”
You can share articles on Polygon, Kotaku, The Verge and more, reblog this post, tell your friends, help us get the word out - we are the biggest video game studio yet to organize a union, and the only one across multiple departments! Hopefully this will have nothing but positive repercussions for the industry.
Please help support us as we attempt to make the incredible company we love an amazing place to work for everyone ๐Ÿ’™
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