#concierge greece
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PAIRING: jaehyun x afab reader x jaemin
WORD COUNT: 7.6k (this was supposed to be a drabble...)
SUMMARY: your break up leaves you with a plane ticket to Greece on a couples trip with your best friend and her partner. she convinces you to still come on the trip and you meet two strangers who leave you with memories of long nights under a stunning starry sky.
THANK YOU: I started this as a surprise gift for a wonderful friend, you know who you are and I hope this brings you joy <3 huge thank you to @strwbrysunday as always for beta reading and helping along the way, you know what I want to say without me having to say it, let's keep writing together ily
WARNINGS: explicit smut, drinking, smoking reference, breakup reference but no angst around that don't worry
PLAYLIST: Make A Wish by NCT U, ANL by NCT Dream, Sunny Road by NCT 127, Kiss by DoJaeJung
“You’re sure I won’t be a third wheel on the trip? You can easily make this a romantic getaway without me and I can just save my vacation time for the holidays,” you speak into your airpods softly as you walk your dog back towards your building.
“Don’t be silly! You just went through a breakup, the least I can do is support you on the sunny beaches of Greece,” your best friend replies and you can picture her eyes rolling as she speaks.
It had been six extremely long and tortured weeks since you finally ended things with Haechan and even though everyone knew it was a long time coming, it still didn’t make it any easier.
You loved your friends and had done a lot of couple things together in the past, but a romantic summer getaway as a third wheel sounded absolutely dreadful. You let yourself be convinced by the fact that you did in fact need a break from work, already had the time off scheduled, and the flights were getting towards the non-refundable window. Haechan had already cancelled his portion of the trip the minute things had started to get rocky between the two of you (which from your perspective, was a lot earlier).
Before you know it, you are curled up on a plush couch looking out the open balcony door of a beautiful villa near the ocean, many miles from your apartment still filled with memories and moments with him. Music is playing faintly on a speaker and you are catching up on a book that you had promised your cousin you would read and discuss together.
“I was thinking the two of us could go for a late lunch at that fancy hotel near the beach,” your friend offers, making her way into the living room and plopping down next to you.
“It seems expensive but lunch might be a little cheaper? And the photos of the food look amazing,” she tells you with a brush of your knee, pulling the book from your hands and sliding it on the coffee table.
You agree and try to find something that will be appropriate for the setting, slipping on one of the nicest dresses you brought with some heeled sandals. You had let your hair air dry that morning so you try to wrangle it with a large, pearlescent clip and dot some blush on your cheeks.
Walking into the stunning lobby of the hotel, you watch as expensive luggage rolls by on the marble floor and hushed discussions are held in foreign languages in the small groupings of furniture. The concierge greets you pleasantly, agreeing to check with the restaurant staff to check if they can accommodate you.
He confirms they can seat you and you and your friend follow him into a beautiful dining area that opens to a patio that blends into the beach seamlessly. You’re taken aback by the intricate painting design on the ceiling and suddenly feel yourself bump up into a firm chest.
Letting out a gasp, with a curse on the tip of your tongue, you look up to meet the dark eyes of an equally startled blonde man. He instinctively steadies your arm, gripping your bare skin lightly as his eyebrows knit lightly.
“I’m so sorry,” you manage, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you meet his gaze.
“I was distracted by how beautiful this room is,” you add, flicking your eyes to the lingering hand on your arm.
“No trouble at all,” the man replies, dropping his hand and giving you a small smile. His lips tip up just at the corners, not revealing teeth, but still holding warmth.
He’s absolutely gorgeous, sandy blonde hair slicked back with a couple strands dangling in front of strong brows and sunkissed skin. He’s dressed in business attire, with a light gray suit and cream button up with one more button undone than you would expect, no tie. His other hand is casually dipped into his pants pocket, revealing an expensive leather belt.
“Are you staying with us at The Cove?” he asked, eyes narrowing as he smiled a flashing grin. 
“Oh no, no,” you stutter out, making a gesture to your friend who is looking at you with wide eyes from the table she had been escorted to.
“I’m just here having lunch with a friend, we are staying nearby,” you finish, pulling your hand up to your forearm to stroke it nervously.
“Ah, I see. Well I hope you have a lovely meal then…” he trails off, expecting you to reply with your name.
“Thanks!” you blurt out, overlapping the end of his sentence and brushing past him, your cheeks flushing deeply as you practically jump into the chair being held out for you by the waiter at your table.
The mystery man smiles again, shaking his head lightly and scratching at his temple before ducking into a booth in the back of the restaurant, out of your view.
“What was that all about?” your friend murmurs from behind the large menu. Her eyes are glittering and you know there is no way to hide how flustered you are from the brief exchange.
“Nothing, nothing, I think he works here,” you reply, before moving the discussion to what you plan on ordering, starting with a much needed glass of wine.
The well dressed waiter is soon at your table again with a bottle of champagne in his hand, wrapped in a white cloth.
“Oh no, we didn’t order any drinks yet,” your friend is quick to clarify, seeing the orange label on the bottle and your eyes widening at the expensive drink.
“No trouble, Miss, this is courtesy of the property staff to thank you for joining us for lunch this afternoon,” he replies smoothly, uncorking the bottle and pouring expertly into two waiting flutes.
You turn over your shoulder, scanning the room for the booth the blonde man had slid into and see him smiling at you, lifting his own glass of champagne towards you. In a moment of confidence, you take your own glass from the table and lift it towards him before taking a small sip and turning back around.
When you turn back around your friend raises her eyebrows before clinking her glass to yours, chuckling into the bubbly liquid.
After the most delicious meal you’ve ever had, your friend heads to the restroom to “not miss out on the chance to see what kind of bougie soap and hand towels are in there” and you once again find yourself standing in the marble lobby, feeling underdressed.
“I hope to see you again,” comes a low voice from behind you and you turn to find yourself face to face (well, face to broad chest due to the height difference) with the tall stranger again.
“Oh do you?” you ask with a smirk, stepping a little closer to him as you turn around, feeling the confidence bubble in your chest once again. You hadn’t dated much in the short time you’d been single, swiping a little here and there on some apps when the loneliness started to hit you hard and going home with a hot bartender from the corner pub by your office who said she had been trying to hit on you for years.
But something about this mysterious and to be completely honest, seemingly rich man piqued your curiosity. He seemed confident but not cocky, reserved but still warm, and might have lived on another planet with how far outside your normal life he was.
“In the restaurant, of course. We have a lovely brunch service on the weekends,” he replies with a wink, extending a hand with a small pearly green business card to you.
“Oh yes, for brunch,” you reply simply, taking the business card and examining it to find that he is the Director of Marketing for the company that owns the hotel property.
“And should I call you, Jaehyun, to make the reservation,” you ask with a smile, sliding the card into your purse.
“You absolutely can, you also can call me if you need anything else during your visit. I spend my summers here locally as there are many events my team manages during the busy season,” he replies with a small laugh, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
You blush as his fingers brush against your cheek, resisting the urge to lean into the palm of his hand that seems to linger by your face.
Footsteps and a quiet throat clearing behind you indicate that your friend has joined you and you know that the best thing to do in this moment is to leave without letting this conversation wander any further.
You thank Jaehyun again for the champagne, offering your name and which villa you’re staying at down the road as small breadcrumbs, still knowing you still have the ball in your court with his business card.
Your friend is giggling your whole walk back, punching you in the arm lightly at the luck you seem to have, even on vacation.
The next night you are seated in the luxurious dining room again, across from Jaehyun, wearing a new dress purchased from a boutique in the small seaside town. A freshwater pearl necklace is draping deep into the low cut dress and silver bangles clinking on together on your wrist when you dot your napkin on your glossy lips.
You had let your friend help you get ready for the date, pinning up your beachy waves with a few curly strands hanging seductively by your cheeks. Light makeup adorns your cheeks and your bare arms aren’t cold after spending a day in the sun.
You can’t take your eyes off Jaehyun in his crisp striped blue and orange shirt, tucked into dark grey trousers with leather shoes that you know cost as much as your car payment. He looks more casual than he did the first time you met him, but still dressed appropriately for the high end setting.
You’re sipping champagne again, which Jaehyun has admitted is one of his guilty pleasures. When you sat down at the table, the server immediately brought over the bottle to pour for both of you, explaining the chef was preparing multiple courses, planned specially for the two of you. You merely shook your head at Jaehyun, slightly embarrassed by the fuss he went through for a date with a total stranger.
“Ah, Jae!” comes a booming and high pitched laugh, accompanying the toothy grin of a dark haired man.
Jaehyun places his glass on the table and stands to extend a hand to the man, who swats it away and wraps him in a hug.
“Taeyong and I just got here and are ready to party!” 
The man who you soon learn is Mark, a junior member of Jaehyun’s team and an old friend from college, exclaims, voice a little too loud for the hushed tones of the restaurant. He’s cute with a big boyish grin across his face.
“Well I was hoping you and Taeyong would be here and ready to work,” Jaehyun drones back, glancing at you, looking to be a mixture of embarrassed and amused.
“Oh come on, Jeong, loosen up! The season doesn’t really start until next week and the company just closed that huge deal, let’s go dancing tonight!” Mark continues, swiping a thin breadstick from the basket on the table and taking a bite off the end.
“I will have to see what my date wants to do, but I’ll text you,” Jaehyun says with a roll of his eyes, placing a warning hand on Mark’s shoulder and gesturing for him to make his exit.
Mark’s eyes widen and you chuckle into your napkin. It seems as if in this moment he finally realizes Jaehyun is on a date with you and he drags his eyes over you slowly. He stammers out some sort of excuse before bowing his head lightly and quickly walks away to join a steel gray haired man who is laughing at him near the entrance of the restaurant.
“Sorry about them,” Jaehyun mutters, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as he settles back in his seat.
“They mean well and are great at their jobs,” he continues as the waiter returns with intricate salads topped with fresh seafood.
“And they are two of my oldest friends, so I trust them to work for me and also keep me in check for when I need to loosen up a little,” Jaehyun adds before sliding a perfectly grilled shrimp into his mouth.
The dinner continues without any additional interruptions or excitement and your stomach jumps when he suggests meeting up with Mark and Taeyong at a nearby club. Tipsy from a few glasses but eager to see where the night takes you, you send a quick message to your friend checking in before following Jaehyun to a waiting shiny car outside the hotel.
A few shots of ouzo later, the four of you are on the dance floor and you’re currently losing a dance battle with Mark, while Taeyong is about to lock lips with a tall Greek man nearby. Mark is cackling with laughter as you start the chicken dance and he mimics your moves, doubled over at the waist and sloshing some of his beer on the floor.
You turn over your shoulder to lock eyes with Jaehyun, who is swaying slowly to the music, gripping his own drink and smiling at you lazily. His eyes are narrow and his grin stretches ear to ear. His shirt has become unbuttoned over the course of the night, hanging loosely and revealing his toned chest. The gel that once held his hair in place has lost its grip and the strands are damp from sweat.
“Getting tired, Mr. Marketing Director?” you tease, resting your chin on your own shoulder as you watch him and take a long swig from the straw in your drink.
“Oh I can do this all day, back it up, back it up,” Jaehyun unexpectedly purrs in your ear, gripping at the silky fabric at your waist, pulling you flush up against him.
You instinctively melt your head back into his shoulder, opening up a wide expanse of your neck for him to claim. Jaehyun dips down, lips brushing against your skin in a warm kiss, inhaling to take in the scent of your perfume and light sweat developing in the heat of the cramped dance floor.
You can’t hold in the moan that falls from your lips and despite the loud music and laughter in the club, Mark hears you, eyes growing impossibly wide once again and he blushes, dipping his head down and turning to head back to the bar.
Someone else hears you, making eye contact with you briefly before tipping his drink up to you and giving you a thousand watt smile. Your heart leaps briefly in your chest before he nods at you, as if encouraging you to continue. He has kind brown eyes and fluffy, curly hair and has a beautiful, tall, older woman wrapped in his arms as he dances in time to the music.
You take this opportunity to turn in Jaehyun’s arms, looping around his neck and drawing your lips close to his ear to whisper before he’s nodding and dragging you eagerly by the hand out of the club.
Your head is spinning as you stand in his massive suite at the hotel, still unable to believe how a few short nights in Greece have led to you spending the night with this man at a five star resort that you would never have the funds to visit yourself.
Jaehyun is behind you again, hands dragging down your sides and gripping at your hips, hiking your dress up to expose your thighs. He has his face nuzzled in your neck again and you begin to realize this position turns him on as you feel his growing erection press into your ass.
“As the head of the marketing department, it’s very important that I make sure every person who visits the property has a top tier experience,” he murmurs in your ear, capturing your lobe in his teeth and tugging lightly before releasing it.
“So this is the type of service you provide to all visitors? Or only young attractive, recently single ones?” you flirt back, reaching your hand between you to palm at his crotch.
He moans at your touch, sending vibrations along your neck and shooting sparks to your core. He never answers you but you know from the way he whips your dress up over your head, unclasps your bra with his teeth and pulls you into his lap at the edge of the bed, that he hasn’t gotten his dick wet in a while. You learn later that despite his team all being around the same age, he feels a sense of responsibility to focus on work, always available for a call or to hop on a red eye to meet with clients in another country. He was lucky to have this job, coming from more humble beginnings, and rising up the corporate ladder was a way for him to feel confident and accomplished.
Straddling him on the edge of the bed, now only wearing your lacy nude panties, you push his shirt off his shoulders before moving to his belt, dragging your tongue along his neck, painfully slow. He sighs into your touch, moving a strong hand to your upper back before pulling the tips of his fingers up and down your spine, stroking your soft skin tenderly. You rise up on your knees to let him push his pants and briefs down, pausing and looking at him straight in the eye once you are both naked.
“I promise, I’m not the asshole businessman you think I am,” he mutters to you, taking both sides of your face in his warm hands, pulling you in for a deep and passionate kiss.
You feel arousal begin rapidly in your stomach, thighs pulling together instinctively as he slides his tongue in your mouth. In a stark contrast to his gentle eyes and beautiful mouth that you moan into, his hands are back at your hips gripping the delicate fabric and ripping the underwear from your body, letting the soaked lace fall from his fingertips to the floor.
His hand is back on you, cupping your ass and pulling you down onto his crotch, a gasp flying out of your mouth as your core comes in contact with his hard cock. He feels so good and you want nothing more than to lift up so he can slide into you before mid-lust clarity floods back in.
“Does the not-asshole-businessman have a condom?” you chuckle into his mouth, tugging his bottom lip with your teeth as you give him an inquisitive look.
He laughs and nods gesturing to a small pouch on the bedside table, which you reach for from your seated position and let him slide it on. The tip of his cock is flushed with arousal and leaking precum, which you can’t help but lick your lips at the sight of.
As soon as the condom is on, he is pushing up into you, hands gripping at your waist in a motion you know will leave faint bruises. He’s quiet, not making many noises as he picks a steady pace as he pounds into you. Small grunts and quiet moans do escape his lips every once and a while and you find yourself trying to tamp down the noises building in your own chest. 
Your whole body is buzzing with pleasure as you arch your back when he presses up into your g-spot, your hardened nipples brushing against his chest. Your reaction clearly affects him as he pulls a hand up to press your chest closer to his and you swear you can feel his heart beating against your own.
You do your best to match the pace, thighs burning from the hours of walking in the town earlier and tonight’s dancing. His hands find purchase at your waist most of the time, occasionally cupping your ass after delivering a light slap. His eyes are shut tightly and you study his strained expression, seeing how close he must be to the edge. You know you won’t last much longer either, from the hours of drinks and a long day spent in the hot sun.
“So big,” you breathe out, panting as you desperately hope you can climax together just from this one position. It’s all you can manage to say, despite the paragraphs of praise flooding your brain.
At the sound of your voice he rips his eyes open, a hungry gaze settling on you as he grabs at you and falls back, moving you both up to the center of the bed in a swift motion. The switch in position almost sends you over the edge as you dig your knees into the plush duvet and continue bouncing on his dick at the same pace he had kept.
His movements start to become more erratic as he reaches up to grab your hair, tugging hard to force a scream from your trembling lips. The pain sends you plummeting into your orgasm, clenching hard around him as he releases into the condom.
You both slow your movements and you lean forward, steadying yourself with your hand on his chest, grinding slow circles on his aching and overstimulated cock as you come down from your high. When your face meets his, you press your foreheads together, folding your bodies into each other and can’t help but breath heavy sighs across his lips.
“Hope you leave us a good review,” Jaehyun murmurs lightly before pressing up into your lips, wrapping his arms around your waist gently, as if there is any more space between you to close.
His voice is still steely and low, but holds hints of an emotion you can’t quite place.
It’s late morning when you finally walk the shore on your way back to the villa, dress covering your aching and bare lower half, sandals dangling from your fingertips, and one of Jaehyun’s linen shirts open to shield your arms from the morning sun. Avoiding a small family playing at the shoreline, you walk up a small path and wander into a small cafe that hadn’t been open the other day when you had been at the beach.
You approach the counter, decorated with fresh flowers in short antique glassware and smile at the faint sounds of Edith Piaf floating over the speaker. You let your eyes slip shut briefly, breathing in the salty air and tinkling sounds of mismatched coffee cups the other patrons are sipping from at small circular tables.
“I’m guessing you need at least a double shot to help recover from that late night,” comes a warm voice and you quickly open your eyes, met with a smiling man with fluffy brown hair and glittering dark eyes. He is wearing a brown apron over a mesh crochet shirt and he’s already pulling a disposable cup off the stack next to the register and flipping some switches on the espresso machine.
“Oh, so you know my coffee order? And what I did last night, apparently?” you muse, leaning against the counter gently on your palms. You feel suddenly slightly self conscious, unshowered and the breeze whipping up every once and a while making you fear that the light dress might get caught up and leave you exposed from the waist down.
“Well I just know that after hours of dancing and staying out all night, I usually make myself an iced americano with four shots and no water,” he laughs back at you, starting to pull shots from the machine and filling the cup with ice.
“Four shots and no water?!” you ask, voice pitching up in shock. His bright and wide eyes give you the impression he wasn’t joking and that he had already had quite a few cups of coffee that morning.
As you take the cup from him and pull the straw extended from his other hand, you cock your head to the side lightly, studying his face carefully. He seems almost familiar?
“Wait, do I know you?” you ask, wracking your brain for where you could have seen him before.
He nods back at you in reply, drawing his lips up into a devious smirk. The same devious smirk you had been met with last night on the dance floor when you moaned loudly from Jaehyun’s mouth on your neck.
“The club…” you trail off, taking a sip from the straw and nodding in approval at the smooth and bold flavor. “I had had a few drinks.”
“You looked like you were getting a little more than tipsy,” he replies, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
You flush, gaze dropping down to the floor, taking the chance to take another sip of your drink. You’re unable to stop the tightening in your core at the thought of Jaehyun and his broad shoulders and the filthy drag of his cock on your walls.
“Looks like you had a good time though, I don’t know how a pretty girl like you wouldn’t,” he adds, walking around from behind the counter to lean against it.
“I’m Jaemin by the way,” he finishes, offering a bright smile again.
“I’m visiting Greece with friends, we’re here on vacation,” you reply, brain otherwise blank.
He’s kind and nice to talk to, telling an older woman arranging the pastries in the case that he’s taking a short break, walking with you out to the shore again, letting the morning tide lap at your bare ankles as you stand side by side. 
His hair is caught up by the passing breeze and everything about him is light and airy. The conversation moves so casually and quickly, you learn he teaches at a school for deaf children but during the summer works with his family at the cafe and spends his evenings swimming or visiting the different islands. You compliment his crochet shirt, learning he made it himself from recycled fibers from a yarn local shop and that he volunteers to collect ocean trash with some high school kids on the weekends.
Before you know it, you’ve been talking to him for almost an hour, the ice in your cup long melted but agree to come back for another beach stroll later tonight when he’s done working and running errands for his grandmother. He takes your coffee cup from you, gaze lingering on you as you disappear down the beach and towards your villa.
“Another date with another guy?!” your friend practically shrieks as you walk out of the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy towel.
“Oh hush, I’m on vacation, aren’t I?” you laugh at her, whipping your hair towel at her legs, causing her to feign injury and flop on your bed.
“Something’s gotten into my best friend, but I’m here for it,” she replies, clicking into your unlocked phone on the bed to see text conversations with both Jaehyun and Jaemin. They were both waiting for replies from you and your friend was so desperate to stir the pot that forwards the two phone numbers to her own phone.
Late that night, hours after you’ve had dinner with your friends, a beach stroll turns into sharing a bottle of red wine and a pack of skinny cigarettes on a blanket on a quiet part of the beach that Jaemin explains is “more of a local spot”. He’s giggly and flushed from the wine and you can’t help but stare at his lips every time he brings the bottle to them to take a long sip.
After you’ve finished the bottle, he proposes some more walking to take in the view of the night sky. You oblige him, watching him spin around with his arms open as he loudly tells you about the different constellations bright in the sky overhead. He’s giddy and in teacher mode, letting you repeat back the names as he points each one out.
“Wait, isn’t this private property?” you ask as you reach a recognizable patch of the beach area, looking up to see The Cove hotel up ahead.
“You mean this gentrifying, modern atrocity that they are planning on ripping down half of the beach-side businesses to expand?” Jaemin asks with a laugh, lacing his fingers with yours and pulling you over to a small paved area with a fire pit. He places the wine bottle and blanket on a chair and lets his sandals drop to the ground next to them.
“That big company comes in, takes up some of the best views on the shore, and then charges ridiculous prices that only millionaires can afford. They don’t even let us collect trash from the ocean floor anywhere near where their guests can jet ski - which only makes it more dangerous!” he continues, peeling off his shirt and tugging at the string of his shorts.
“What are you doing,” you hiss, pulling your arms to your chest in the cool evening breeze.
“Let’s go swim,” he murmurs into your hair and you feel his nose scrunch up when he smiles, pulling his shorts and boxers down together as he runs towards the water’s edge.
Your clothes are on the ground faster than you would have liked to admit and you cover your chest with your arm as you run towards the ocean, pushing back thoughts that you’re about to be skinny dipping with a guy you haven’t even kissed.
You’ve waded out just far enough where the water is almost covering the tips of your shoulders, your hair half drenched as it floats around you in the moonlight. Jaemin’s big smile is visible even in the dark, and his hands are high on your waist as he pulls you towards him, slotting your lips effortlessly into his.
You sigh into the kiss, letting your legs wrap around his waist to keep you from dipping under the water as you relax into his hold. Just as you start to deepen the kiss, you suddenly are plunged under the water, Jaemin having dragged you under with him, before emerging with both of you gasping for air.
“JAEMIN!” you scream, swatting at his back as he holds you even tighter to your chest, kissing up and down your neck.
“I just wanted to get wet,” he giggles, voice lifting an octave as you bring a loud slap to his damp skin.
You are about to bring a snarky retort from your lips until you suddenly feel his erection brush over your clit, exposed by your position. A loud moan tumbles from your open mouth instead, grabbing at the back of Jaemin’s neck to crash your lips into his, biting down on his bottom lip aggressively. He returns the intensity by gripping your waist and reaching his other hand down plunge two fingers into your core, thumb brushing your clit expertly.
You gasp and bite down hard on his shoulder, overcome with the feeling of his long fingers pumping in and out of you relentlessly and the small waves forming around you in the night air.
Unlike quiet Jaehyun, Jaemin doesn’t keep his reactions bottled up. He’s groaning loudly in your ear, moaning out your name, and stringing filthy words together that would have made even your most sexually adventurous friends blush. You’re shocked that smiley-save-the-world-Jaemin has this dark and kinky side to him but not disappointed in the slightest.
He brings you to climax from his fingers alone and you’re soon wading towards the shore, hands all over each other as you get to the shallow water, dropping quickly to your knees and taking his massive cock in between your swollen lips. He’s standing above you, his muscled silhouette stunning in the front of the seaside view, pushing your soaked hair out of your face as you lap your tongue out at his tip, teasing his slit.
He clicks his tongue and moves his hand to the front of your throat, giving a confident but careful squeeze in the exact placement for the perfect balance of pain and pleasure. You gasp and dart your tongue along the vein on the underside of his flushed member, keeping eye contact with him the entire time, even as the sand begins to grind into your knees underwater.
“Don’t tease me, baby,” he says with a squeeze, his tone all you need to push him into your mouth fully and hollow your cheeks around his length. You moan for good measure, knowing the vibrations sent up his body are what forces his head back in ecstasy. He comes across your chest with both of you screaming in pleasure and you swim back out into the deeper water to clean off before putting your clothes back on your damp bodies and wander back over to your secluded spot further down the beach.
“I’ve never stayed up to watch the sunrise before,” you admit a few hours later, sighing as you drag your fingers absently over his exposed abdomen, shirt hiked up high on his chest.
“I wanna be your sunrise, girllllll,” he sighs out, sleepy as he pushes his head closer to you on the soft sand.
You turn your head to face Jaemin, taking in his relaxed face and bright smile. Reaching up, you card your fingers through his hair, resting your palm against the back of his neck to stroke the shorter strands there.
The horizon is burning a beautiful blend of reds and oranges, the glistening blue water dark and mysterious in contrast. The sun is illuminating Jaemin’s features in a glowy haze and exhaustion is settling in, pushing your eyelids down. You stand, pulling him up and letting him drag you back to the cramped room above the cafe where he has spent every summer since he was a kid. Your knees knock together as he pushes you down on the bed and has you moaning from just his fingers in seconds. 
You end up spending the rest of the day with him, letting him make you breakfast in the back kitchen of the cafe and greet his family members and only feel slightly embarrassed when his grandmother strokes your cheek and mutters something that you don’t understand, causing Jaemin to squeal and usher her out of the room.
He wraps his arms around your waist lazily, pulling himself closer to you as you are perched on the stool, dragging your lips up to his and sliding his tongue along your lower lip and you think you might combust right then and there.
When doubt and negative thoughts start seeping in, your own voice echoes in your ears, I’m on vacation, aren’t I?
The rest of the week flies by and your last evening is spent cooking up everything left in the fridge, your friend’s partner grilling shrimp and scallops on the small grill on the balcony and you chopping up fresh fruit at the small kitchen island.
A knock at the door of the villa draws an inquisitive glare from you as you shoot daggers at your friend who has her head in the fridge.
“What did you do?” you ask, wiping your hands on a towel and heading towards the door.
You pull open the door to find a smiling Jaehyun, looking absolutely ethereal in a knit orange sleeveless shirt, muscular arms accentuated by the cut of the fabric. It’s half tucked into mustard linen pants and he’s wearing some beaded bracelets and a necklace dotted with pearls and dainty charms.
“Hi,” he says quietly, pushing forward to brush his lips across your cheek, hand finding your hip naturally and squeezing gently.
You close the door with a shake of your head as you watch him slide his shoes off and move to the kitchen to present a bottle of expensive ouzo to your friend who is smiling huge at his arrival.
“I thought it would be nice for Jaehyun to join us for dinner on his last night here, don’t you think?” she asks, mischief clear across your face.
All you can do is smile and shake your head at her and let Jaehyun pull you closer to him as he sits on a tall barstool.
“Is it okay I came?” he asks softly, brushing his nose against yours after he speaks.
“Of course, of course it is. I was going to come by the hotel in the morning for breakfast before we left and bring you your shirt anyways,” you reply, leaning forward to capture his lips in yours softly.
You hadn’t quite figured out how to manage the week full of tender moments with the two gorgeous men you met on the island. But now Jaehyun stood in front of you, looking radiant and strong, stoic but still warm and you couldn’t help but feel your heart swell. Your mind flew forward years into the future, wondering what it would be like to date or even marry an executive at a luxury hospitality company, jet setting around the world and working for your company remotely, spending evenings and weekends with him in private dining rooms and lavish suites.
“I’m going to go clip some flowers from the front of the house for the table,” your friend offers, breaking into your foggy and far away mind, pulling you back to reality. You part from Jaehyun, moving to place the cold bottle he brought into the freezer to let it continue to chill and offer him a beer from the fridge.
“Well well well, look who I found outside,” your friend calls from the door as you pull your head back up, two bottles gripped in between your fingers. You almost drop them as Jaemin rounds the corner, a large bouquet of flowers held in his hands. He’s dressed casually, tan cargo shorts and a shirt that faintly says “Save the Turtles!”, hair damp and sticking to his forehead and back of his neck.
“Jaemin…” you start, catching one of the bottles as it starts to slip before Jaehyun moves towards you and takes them from you to open them. His eyes are narrow as he looks at Jaemin, steely gaze cold and unreadable.
You cross the kitchen and grip your friend tightly on her forearm, dragging her into your bedroom, offering little more than a weak smile to Jaemin as you brush past him.
“What the hell were you thinking?! Inviting them both here?” you ask her, wanting so badly to scream, but trying to maintain some level of control over the situation.
“Oh calm down, you know you wanted to see them both again before we leave and I know you. You would have sat here moaning and weighing the pros and cons for so long that it would have been too late. So I made the choice for you! And you can make the decision who you want to end the night with in your bed,” she finishes with a wink, dragging a finger under her eye to clean the smudged mascara there.
Dinner is far less awkward than you thought it would be, pleasant conversation being held by your friend and Jaemin, both extroverted Leos never happy leaving uncomfortable silence. Jaehyun chimes in every once and a while, making small comments and answering questions when asked, but mostly spending his time focusing his gaze on his water glass or making eye contact with you as he reaches out under the table to squeeze your knee.
Jaemin only makes a few jabs at Jaehyun’s expense, one about his company’s lack of focus on ecological conservation and another at his “bottle blonde bimbo hair”. You run fingertips lightly through said hair, muttering a soft compliment in his direction, to which Jaemin just smiles and asks if Jaehyun’s curtains match the drapes.
Jaemin is a few beers in and offers to get more salad from the kitchen for the table, returning to throw an arm loosely around the back of your chair. Jaehyun doesn’t even look towards the gesture, instead pushing up the fabric at your knee to rub small circles on your skin with his thumb, taking a long drink of water. Jaemin’s fingers are brushing across your exposed back, pushing your hair out of the way to let him caress you there.
You gulp audibly and take a long sip of wine, suddenly feeling like the room is a thousand degrees hotter as your friends bring frosty gelato out and the ouzo bottle is finally opened. Jaehyun’s hand is at your knee again and your legs are crossed at this point, thighs pushing together in desperate attempts to regulate your heart rate. 
Suddenly, you feel a second hand at your knee and you dart worried eyes over to Jaemin, who is beaming like the Cheshire Cat. You flip your gaze over to Jaehyun, who despite the fact that his fingers are now brushing up against the other man’s doesn’t move his hand and if anything, leans more into the touch. Just as Jaemin’s hand makes a bold move to slide under the hem of your short and flowy skirt, you clear your throat, causing them both to pull away.
“Maybe we can go down to the beach? Take the drinks there? It’s getting a little warm in here,” you croak out, meeting the cheeky gaze of your best friend across the table.
“I think we will stay in and clean up, but you kids go have fun,” she laughs out, sipping from her wine glass as her partner plants a kiss on her shoulder. You give her one final glare before following the two men (your two dates?) out the door of the villa and down the rocky path to the beach.
The sun has fully disappeared into the horizon an hour later and the ouzo bottle is almost empty as you each slam a glass down on the tray. Jaemin stands and says he has to pee, wandering off to a darker and secluded area of the beach as you wiggle closer to Jaehyun and he adjusts to let you sit in between his legs, facing him.
“Having fun?” he asks, voice even as he brushes a strand of hair caught on your eyelash.
“Are you? I’m sure this is way more than you agreed to when my friend invited you to dinner,” you reply, worry lacing your voice. You enjoyed your time with both of them this week and part of you was still afraid to make any sort of decision (as if a decision were needed during brief holiday flings) because you knew it meant admitting you liked one of them more than the other.
“Don’t worry your pretty head about that,” he replied, pulling your lips to his and kissing you gently. His hand finds your elbow and pulls you closer to him, drawing out goosebumps from your skin.
“Yeah, pretty girls like you should just be accessories on a rich man’s arm, don’t you know that, silly,” comes Jaemin’s loud voice from behind you, drawing a glare from Jaehyun as he breaks the kiss and pulls back.
You feel Jaemin behind you, dropping a strong hand down to your shoulder before moving it to your neck, tracing along the sides with his long fingers before finding that same comfortable grip that made your toes curl in his room a few nights earlier.
Jaehyun smirks at the sight, dropping his own hand to the hem of your skirt, sliding along your thighs and quickly finding the edge of your panties. You gasp as he slips underneath the fabric and traces slow circles along you, arousal building there and collecting on his soft fingers. Jaemin drops to his knees, pushing your shirt up to grope at your chest from behind you, dipping his lips down to mouth at your neck. The scents of the colognes are mixing together in perfect harmony, somehow working so well despite being opposite notes and undertones.
You blink back the urge to let your eyes flutter shut and sit in near silence, save the small whines that slip out of your parted lips as you are overwhelmed with the feeling of the two of you touching you at the same time. You had thought the brushing of their hands against each other at the dining room had been an accident and that both of them were playing it cool. That now appears to be far from the truth.
“Alright, Mr. Big Shot, I know you have some sort of big ass suite with a California King that will fit all three of us, so what are we waiting for,” Jaemin winks at you as he throws an arm around the other man’s neck, dragging his lips to Jaehyun’s waiting ones and running that wicked tongue against the roof of his mouth. Jaehyun kisses him back feverishly, gripping at his hip the same way he had touched you countless times before and even chases Jaemin’s lips when he finally pulls away.
“Oh so now you don’t mind coming to the capitalist hellscape that is the hotel bringing consistent tourism revenue to this town?” Jaehyun bites back, cupping Jaemin’s strong jaw and running his thumb along his bottom lip to clean the saliva that had gathered there from their steamy kiss.
You gulp hard, eyes taking in the sight of the two of them lip-locked and suck in a deep, centering breath. 
You knew that this night was far from over and that this vacation was one you would never forget.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
Hi bestie!
I’ve been dying to read a hotchniss honeymoon fic where they are in Greece or some island and it actually explores them on honeymoon and Hotch maybe simping for Em in her swimsuit or something and just them being all fluffy and totally domestic😫
I feel like you are one of the few writers that can actually do this suggestion justice!!
By the way, I absolutely love your fics. You got me hooked💞💞
Thank you so much bestie <3
This turned smutty....there is plenty of Aaron simping over his wife. But it's their honeymoon and the smut just kind of happened.
I hope you enjoy this!
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Now he was here, staring out of the large doors that led to one of the many balconies in the villa she’d booked them, he had to agree that she was right - this was the perfect place for them to have their honeymoon.
Words: 4.2k
Warnings: Smut - 18+ (this might actually be be smuttiest thing I have ever written)
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Santorini had been her idea. 
Letting Emily choose the honeymoon had been his way of calming her down at the level of her mother’s involvement in their wedding. A balm to soothe her irritation. Something he could whisper in her ear about when he could practically see her considering matricide. It made sense to let her choose for multiple reasons, but mostly because she was significantly more well-travelled than him. He’d never left the USA apart from when he was working in Pakistan, so had very little to go on. 
When she’d first told him about where she wanted to go, a small Greek island she’d never been to before, he’d been up for it. The idea of spending time with just her on a beach somewhere was enough to please him.
Then she’d told him it would be two flights. A ten-hour one to Athens, a four-hour layover, and then another hour's flight to the island. He’d been a little hesitant, not a fan of flying commercially at the best of times, but she’d talked him into it.
She’d always been able to convince him of just about anything when she was naked. 
Now he was here, staring out of the large doors that led to one of the many balconies in the villa she’d booked them, he had to agree that she was right - this was the perfect place for them to have their honeymoon.
A part of him wonders just how much this cost her, but he knew he was better not knowing, well aware that she considered this her gift for them. As if she wasn’t enough of a gift to him herself. 
He vaguely hears as Emily thanks the concierge for bringing their bags to the villa, a peaceful lilt to her voice he so rarely got to hear. Most of his attention is on the view in front of him, on the bright blue seas he’d only ever seen in photographs that clearly had not done it justice. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He hears the door to the villa close and he turns to look at his wife, smiling as she stretches her arms above her head, her linen shirt rising up a little to show a sliver of pale skin above the line of her yoga pants. 
He looks back at the view from the balcony, the sky and the sea almost merging in front of him, only broken up by the town beneath them, and he smiles. 
It was almost the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. 
Emily approaches him from behind, her hand patting his stomach as she stands beside him. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her close, kissing the top of her head as she settles against him.
“Wasn’t this worth the two flights, Mr Grumpy?” She asks, tilting her head to look up at him, a wide smile spreading across her face.
“I wasn’t that bad,” he replies, and she chuckles, hooking her hand around the back of his neck to drag him into a kiss.
“I’m surprised the poor check-in agent in Athens didn’t turn to stone, honey,” she says, kissing him again. She pulls away and rests her head on his shoulder, looking at the view in front of them, “I’m glad we made it.” 
He trails his hand up and down her side, his fingers finding their way under the hem of the linen shirt she’d travelled in, “I made it clear to everyone that unless the FBI is actively collapsing without us there they aren’t to contact us.” 
Emily chuckles and turns her head to press a kiss to his clothed shoulder, “I don’t know what it says about me that I enjoy it when you threaten people for me,” she hears him take a breath, poised to respond with an answer she’s sure would rival some of their best profiles, and she reaches up and covers his mouth, “I don’t an answer thank you very much, let’s not pull at that thread,” she rolls her eyes when he kisses her palm, and she pulls her hand away, “Anyway, that isn’t what I meant,” she smiles shyly at him, biting the inside of her cheek, “I’m glad we made it.” 
Aaron smiles at her as what she means sinks in, washing over him like warm air on a spring day, as if she was the sun shining on his face, the break of dawn after the longest night. They’d been through so much, together and apart, to make it this far. To be together and loved and happy in the way they’d both deserved but been kept from for so long. They’d found each other even hidden in plain sight and he liked to believe everything had led him to this, to her. 
Against all odds, they’d made it. 
“Me too, sweetheart,” he says, turning her in his embrace so they are facing each other, his hands firm on her back as he holds her close. He leans in for a kiss, something she gratefully returns, and he smiles when he eventually pulls back for air, “Come on,” he says, stamping another kiss against her lips and reaching for her hand, tangling their fingers together, “I seem to remember the brochure saying something about a jacuzzi tub.”
They spend the first couple of days getting used to the time difference. Hours spent in their own private pool or napping together, wrapped around each other with the windows thrown open as the sea air surrounds them. They video-call Jack to speak to him on the third day, the little boy thrilled to see them both even if it was just on Jessica’s laptop screen. 
“I wish I was there,” Jack says, pouting ever so slightly, and Emily grasps her husband's hand, her thumb rubbing back and forth over the back of it, silently stopping any guilt in its tracks before it can bloom, “I bet the pool is so cool.” 
Emily laughs, “It is very cool, sweetie,” she says, winking at the young boy over the screen, “I can’t stop your dad from dive-bombing into it.” 
Jack joins in on her laughter, the mental image of him jumping into the pool like that as funny as it was ridiculous, and Aaron shakes his head.
“Daddy, you don’t have time to be dive-bomb into the pool,” Jack says, turning serious, a frown on his face that never failed to remind Emily of Aaron. 
Emily and Aaron exchange a curious look before returning their attention to the laptop in front of them, “What do you mean, buddy?”
“Uncle Dave came over and helped me with some of my homework,” he says, speaking with such excitement his words start to trip over each other, “And he said you two will be busy making me a little brother or sister-” Aaron chokes on the sip of his beer that he’d just taken. Emily pats his back, covering her reaction with a cough, but Jack carries on as if he hasn’t noticed, “But I would prefer a sister if thats ok?” 
Emily recovers first, her hand still rubbing circles on her husband's back, “We’ll keep that in mind, honey.” 
Once the call has ended, the laptop shut, Aaron sinks back into the couch, his hand over his eyes as he sighs, “I am going to kill Dave.” 
Emily had always been beautiful to him, even back when he was married to Haley. When he looked back on it now, Aaron knew that was likely what caused some of his hostility towards her. Fury that he could, and should, have directed inwards for being so captivated by Emily when his marriage was starting to crumble around her. 
She’d always been beautiful to him, but seeing her here, free of the day-to-day pressures of their life and the awful things they saw in their work, her beauty was somehow enhanced. 
They walk the streets of the local town, their fingers linked together as they wander through the markets and he lets her lead him everywhere. All he can think is how at home she looks. How she looks almost ethereal in her sundress with her hair thrown up in a bun out of the way. Her skin tanned and her freckles spread in places even he didn’t know she had them, a new thing for him to explore at any given hour when it was just the two of them in their clifftop villa.
It almost felt like he was seeing her in her natural habitat as if this was the life she was supposed to live. Unburdened by what life had thrown at her as she smiles at a local vendor and speaks in what Aaron knows she’d call ‘passable’ Greek. 
She turns and smiles at him, her eyes sparkling as she shifts her sunglasses to rest on top of her head, and he knows there and then he’d give everything up just to see her smile like that all of the time. 
“I can’t believe we have to go home tomorrow,” she laments, leaning against his chest as she looks out at the sunset from their balcony, the beauty of it all the more spectacular because of the privacy in their villa, making it feel as if the sun was putting on a show just for them. “I wish we could stay.” 
Aaron catches her under her chin with a crooked finger and makes her look up at him, immediately catching her in a kiss, “Would you stay? If we could?” 
She stares at him, smiling fondly as she stamps a kiss against his lips. She takes his glass of champagne from him and places it along with hers on the table next to them. 
“It would be nice in theory,” she says, hooking both of her arms around his neck, trailing her fingers through his hair, “You, me and Jack living our lives somewhere like this every day,” she bites her lower lip, her eyes trailing over his face, mapping out everything she’d memorised so long ago, “But we’d get so bored honey.” 
He laughs, the sound light and loud as it leaves him, her words as unexpected as they were true. He draws his hand down her spine, counting the notches as he goes, and he nods. “You’re right.” 
“So bored,” she repeats, giggling in a way she’d later deny as she presses herself against him “I love our lives,” she looks around her eyes drifting to the sunset, the backdrop of the last week, “We both love our work and let's face it that team needs at least one of us around or they’d flounder.” 
“I think Dave would have something to say about that,” he replies, removing a hand from her back to tuck some of her hair behind her ear, and he idly thinks about how he’ll miss the natural wave to it. The way the heat and the sea air had made her hair look over their time here, something she’d never let it do at home. 
“Let him say it,” she quips, raising her eyebrow at him, “We should do this again though. Not a honeymoon obviously, but a vacation. You, me, Jack,” her cheeks ache as her smile gets impossibly wider, the happiness she felt still surprising to her sometimes, “Anyone else who might come along.” He kisses her because it’s all he can think of doing, his love for her so overwhelming that the mere thought of having a child with her was enough to make him burst. She chases his kiss as he pulls away, “Now, we’ve only got one night left,” she says in between kisses, her hands shifting to wrap around the lapels of his shirt, “We’d best make the most of it.” 
She kisses him fiercely, her tongue swiping across his bottom lip. She tastes his groan as he opens his mouth, deepening their kiss as one of his hands drifts from her lower back to her ass, squeezing it and pushing her impossibly closer towards him, her hips against his. She moans as his fingers drift, dragging the light, billowing material of her dress across her. 
He practically growls as he pulls away from the kiss, his breath ragged as he tries to fill his lungs, as he feels how wet she is even through her dress. 
“No underwear?” He asks, his other hand trailing up to her shoulder, moving one of the thin straps of her dress down her arm, carrying on until he exposes one of her breasts, confirming that she was wearing nothing under her outfit. 
“Didn’t seem necessary,” she huffs out, her breath catching in her throat as he leans in and kisses her collarbone, licking down her skin until he reaches her nipple, pulling it into his mouth and sucking in a way that has her grasping at the back of his head. Her fingers tight in his hair as she battles between holding him close and pulling him away, furious and slightly delirious that he was able to make her feel this way after so few touches. 
“That was a fancy restaurant,” he comments, moving to her other shoulder and repeating the same action, following the soft material of her dress across her skin with his lips and teeth, leaving marks she’s grateful her work clothes will cover in the coming days. She hums in response, rolling her hips against him as he pulls her dress down to her waist, exposing her chest completely. He pulls back and grins at her, mischief and desire sparking in his eyes, “You’re naughty.” 
She pulls him up to kiss her, groaning at the scratch of his shirt against her now sensitive nipples as he heaves her closer, and she bites his lip as she pulls back, “I can be very naughty if you want.”
He chuckles and wraps his hand around the back of her neck, kissing her softly, before he pulls back, “I’m not fucking you on this balcony, Em.” 
She pouts, something she would later deny, but lets him lead her the few feet back towards their bedroom, “Why not,” she asks, leaning her head back against him as he crowds her from behind, his lips trailing down her neck, “If anyone was looking they just saw my boobs anyway-”
He cuts her off, turning her in his arms as soon as they are back in the master bedroom, pulling her tight against him, “Because one day, I’d quite like to bring you back here, and that means not getting banned from this island,” he kisses her in between his words, “And you’ve been sunbathing topless out there all week.” 
She smirks at him, reaching for the zip of her dress and pulling it down, letting the material fall down to her feet, “To avoid tan lines.” 
He looks her up and down, his eyes lingering on the paler patches of skin across her hip bones, before he looks back at her face, “Not all the tan lines.” 
Before she can respond he’s on her, gathering her up against a nearby wall. He lifts her up just high enough that he can put his thigh between hers, her toes skimming the ground as her weight presses her into him, the roughness of his jeans and the tensing of his firm muscle beneath giving her the friction she’d been after. In any other situation, she’s sure she’d be embarrassed at the almost guttural groan that leaves her, but it had been like this all week. They had always been desperate for each other, prone to ripping clothes and fucking before they were fully naked, but their honeymoon seemed to have taken it to new heights.
He smiles at her, pushing his leg further into her, making her gasp out his name, and pride flushes in his chest that this woman, this beautiful woman, was all his. 
“Look at you,” he says, trailing his fingers the valley in between her breasts, and across the scars just beneath her ribcage, “So pretty.” 
“Fuck,” she chokes out, her hands grasping at his shirt as she rolls her hips over his jeans, “Please, Aaron.” 
He smiles once more before he removes his leg from between hers, and her cheeks burn as she sees the wet patch on his jeans, but she has no time to think about it any further because he suddenly has his thumb on her clit, rubbing rough circles as she has no choice but to cling to him, worried she’d fall if she didn’t. He pushes two fingers inside of her, the pace he sets unrelenting as he curls them just right, making her gasp against his skin, her face buried in his neck. 
It’s an assault on her senses, every nerve set on fire as he whispers praise against her temple, tells her how good she feels, how lucky he is to have her. She finally tips over the edge as he palms one of her breasts, rolling her nipple between his fingers in tandem with his other hand on her clit and inside of her. It rocks through her, and she knows she would have lost her footing if he wasn’t holding her up, his hand almost slipping from her waist as he moves it to catch her, his fingers dripping with her. 
She reaches for his face with a shaky hand, pulling him in for a kiss that is somehow both soft and desperate, and she laughs as she comes back down, her body pleasantly buzzing. 
“Are you ok, sweetheart?” He asks as he pulls back, pushing some hair that had fallen into her face out of her vision, and she nods, capturing his lips in another kiss before she looks at him.
“I am more than ok,” she stands up straight and presses her hands onto his shoulders, pushing him towards the bed across the room, “Your turn.” 
He kicks off his shoes as he goes, and is unbuttoning his shirt by the time he sits on the bed, disposing of it next to him as soon as it’s off. Emily follows him, only a few paces behind, and she kneels on the floor in front of him, a familiar glint in her eyes as she leans in to kiss him, only doing so briefly before she kisses down his throat and chest, paying special attention to the thickest of his scars as she goes. When she gets to his belt she winks up at him, undoing it and his jeans in almost record time. He shifts his hips just enough to help her pull his jeans and boxers down, kicking them off when she pulls them down to his ankles. 
Aaron groans as she grasps him, pumping him up and down, and he leans back, his palms against the soft bedspread. He thrusts almost involuntarily as he feels her mouth close around him, his self-control waning as she bobs up and down, taking him deeper into her throat. He grasps at the sheet beneath him, sure he would rip it if he held it any tighter, and he didn’t want to have to explain another ruined bedspread to the housekeeping staff. 
“Fuck, Em, you’re so good at that,” he says, the words almost punched out. 
She looks up at him and she groans at the sight of him, the way she could reduce him to this, and she hears him moan again, the vibration around him only heightening the pleasure. She pulls away to heave in a breath, and is about to carry on when he stops her, a hand on the back of her neck as he encourages her upwards, tugging her to straddle his lap. 
“Later,” he promises, kissing her and tasting himself on her tongue, “Later, but right now I want you.” 
He flips them over, pressing her into the mattress as he works his way down her body again, making her shiver as every nerve is pushed to its limit. He presses his lips against her hip bone, tasting the salt on her skin from her sweat. He runs his thumb over the stark line caused by her bikini, stroking her pale skin that hadn’t been touched by the sun, a piece of her that was just for him.
Emily throws her head back, clenching her thighs together for some friction as he continues to tease her, the sensation of his calluses against her skin enough to set her on edge, “Aaron,” she breathes out, grateful when he doesn’t tease any further, a hand on each thigh as he pushes them wide apart. 
His eyes linger on bruises he’d left in the last few days, gently kissing a couple of them before he presses his tongue to her clit, making her entire body jolt.
“Shit,” she exclaims, a light sparking in her belly as she thrusts against his face. He does it a few more times, drawing her nearer and nearer the edge, and then she stops him, her fingers tugging at his hair to draw him upwards, and she smiles at the confused look on his face, “Later,” she says, pulling him in for a kiss, “Right now I want you.” 
He grasps her waist when she uses his own words against him and he smiles, nipping at her neck as he positions himself over her. He links one hand with hers next to her head and uses the other to heave one of her thighs over his hip. Both of them groan as he notches over her and he presses his forehead against hers, murmuring words of nonsense she feels more than hears. 
She reaches between them and guides him into her, gasping at the familiar stretch. She moves her hand to grasp at his back, her nails scratching at his skin. 
He fucks into her slowly at first, taking his time to build her up, giving her no choice but to feel every inch of him. 
“You feel so good, sweetheart,” he rasps out, groaning as she clenches around him, “So fucking good.” 
She wraps her leg tighter around him, her heel digging into his lower back, a wordless attempt to try and make him move faster, deeper. She moans, the breath stolen from her with every thrust. It had always been like this. Overwhelming in the best way, her entire body and mind at his mercy. She knew it was the same for him, that she had complete control over him too. It was give and take, just like every aspect of their relationship had always been. 
He knows what she wants with just the simple use of his name and the way she gets impossibly tighter around him. He increases his pace, setting a punishing rhythm that makes her grasp onto him even tighter, her nails breaking the skin on his back. 
It starts in her belly, a fire that had never entirely gone out spreading from there outwards, every nerve ending in her body tingling. 
“Close,” she gasps, and she knows he is too, his rhythm getting faster. He lets go of her thigh and reaches between them, rubbing at her clit, “Fuck.” 
“Come on, sweetheart,” he grunts, burying his face in her neck, “Come for me.” 
She lets go, taking him over the edge with her, his hips stuttering as he comes deep inside her, his teeth biting into her neck as he does, leaving a mark he knows she’ll tell him off for in the morning. They lay there for a moment, catching their breath before he shifts to look at her, a smile on his face as he leans in for a kiss. She smiles into it, a breathless laugh escaping as she lets her leg fall to the bed. 
“I’ve got to say,” she says, her voice raspy, “I’ll miss the honeymoon sex.” 
He laughs, kissing her nose and then her cheek, “We have amazing sex no matter where we are, sweetheart.” She smiles at him, her eyes full of love as she looks up at him, and a spark in her eyes he can’t quite place. “What?”
“Nothing,” she says, pressing her finger into the bridge of his nose, smiling as she does so, “You have a bit of sunburn, that’s all. At least the others will know we left the room occasionally.”
Aaron smiles and kisses her once more before he rolls off her, taking her with him and gathering her against him, “What time is the flight tomorrow?”
She grumbles as she rests her head on his chest, “10 am,” she mutters looking at the clock on the nightstand, “It’s only just before 10 pm now.” She squeals as he moves them again, sitting up and taking him with her, his arms tight around her back. 
“So, what you’re saying is,” he says, leaning in to kiss her neck, soothing a bite mark he’d left behind, “We have time on our hands.”
She giggles, the sound turning into a groan as his hands start to wander again, smoothing over sensitive skin. She pulls back to look at him and pushes his hair back, her smile brighter than the sunset they’d missed most of. 
“All the time in the world,” she replies, leaning in to kiss him as the rest of the world apart from the two of them disappears. 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 17 days
Minibreak in Kyllini, Greece
Characters: Richard Armitage x OC Kayla Crowe
Lyn's Writing Event - Day 15 - Week 2
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May 15th: Week 3: Greek
Characters: Richard Armitage x OC Kayla Crowe   18+ Explicit
(“one shot”, not to be confused with actual storyline from Strange & Wonderful, but lives somewhere in that universe)
Fandom: Richard Armitage
Word Count: 1.1k +
Warnings: smut, dirty weekend, traveling, jet lag, sex in public places, romance, a little fluff.
            Richard and Kayla fly out to Greece on a private jet, and when land, he walks her down the steps, telling her to close her eyes as he leads her gently down to the tarmac. Kayla smiles and giggles, as she takes the last tentative step and Richard catches her in his arms, setting her down smoothly. “Open your eyes” he whispers against her hair. Kayla does, and the open skies are breathtaking. He walks behind her, giggling in her ear. As they move to a car waiting for them.
The car drives off the tarmac and towards a hotel nestled in the coastline forest, away from tourists. There are still guests about, but Richard has spared no expense in making sure they have as much time away from the limelight as possible. It’s their dirty minibreak. No kids, no work, just 3 days of bliss together. Kayla didn’t know where they were going, just that they were getting a holiday together. Work had been busy, and stressful for the both of them. Kayla’s book was launching in a week, and Richard was filming two projects overlapping. They really needed this break, just to be with each other. Richard took the initiative to arrange this break for them, and Kayla ever the planner was reveling in his efforts.
So when they landed in Greece Kayla was bubbling in excitement, “I cant believe you got me here”, Kayla giggled. Richard walked her into the hotel, “It was a bit difficult, but somehow I managed,” he smirked. Richard moved to kiss her, in the lobby, and she blushed happily. His arms holding her close, the midday afternoon shine of the sun pouring over them in the lobby’s gaping entrance way. His neatly trimmed beard tickled her skin, and she kissed his neck, at the open collar of his stark white shirt in his vivid blue suit. Richard growled lowly, and Kayla’s thighs warmed to the invitation for more. Kayla was wearing a matching blue floral sundress and sandal heels, her hair swept up a bit in a messy bun, strands falling around her face in a delicate framing. Richard stared at her a moment as they checked in, watching her ‘tick tick’ his credit card against the counter of the concierge desk.
The clerk said, “Is there anything else special we can prepare for you, Mr. Armitage?” Richard nodded, “Yes,” and handed him a note from his jacket pocket, Kayla looked at him, “Ooh, secret,” and smiled, giggling under her breath. Richard returned the smile, his eyebrows catching a little angle as he looked to her.  The clerk took the note and opened it, read it briefly, and then cleared his throat, “Yes of course, no problem, we will make the arrangements”. Richard thanked him and led Kayla to the elevators by way of a hand on the small of her back.
Julian and Phillip, as always were at the ready as they followed them, Phillip stayed with the bellman who was gathering the luggage off onto a service cart. Kayla turned towards the bellman, “Oh wait, can I grab something?” Richard steered her back towards the elevator, “That trolley is coming up with us love, were fine”.
Kayla, “I know I just wanted to grab something,” she pouted a bit.
Richard looked down at her adoringly, “It won’t be but a few minutes, let’s get settled and then we can go take a walk before dinner, ya?”
Kayla nodded, “Yeah your right”.
Julian accompanied them in the lift, and Kayla wrapped her arms around Richard’s waist, looking up at him, his arm steady around her. She squeezed him in a hug, “I’ve missed you, its been a long few weeks”.
Richard smiled down at her again, kissing the top of her head, “I know, I’m glad we could both get away”. Kaylas’ phone buzzed in Richard’s breast pocket, and he moved to retrieve it for her, he looked at the message on the screen, and handed it to her. Kayla took the phone easily, “Who is it?” she asked.
“The girls, checking in, its good they know where we are, I made sure and told them”. Richard explained. Kayla smiled, closing his eyes and hugging him again, “Thanks. That is good”. It was only 3 floors as it dinged and Julian exited first. Richard nodded at him and they both left the lift, heading down the corridor to their suite. Richard picked out a spot that had a beautiful overlook and an open balcony in their bedroom. Kayla acted non-chalant as she took in the view, and felt the breeze from the Ionian Sea hit her skin. Richard came up behind her, a knock at the door had his head turn, but Julian was handling Phillip and the bellman as he led Kayla out to the balcony, “So, do you like it?” Richard asked. Kayla felt the warmth of his against her back in a hug, her fingers interlocking with his lovingly, “I do, its really beautiful, thank you.”
Richard kissed her neck again, “want to take a walk along the grounds with me?” Kayla nodded, but did not speak, as she sighed relaxing into the moment, against his sturdy frame. Richard and Kayla took a stroll through the grounds of the hotel Mandola Rosa, holding hands and generally making eyes at each other as they took in the amenities of the resort.
Kayla looked around and did not see many people, “How did you manage to find a resort that is slow?”
Richard smirked, “They have some very specific policies, and I took advantage of it.”
Kayla stopped and turned to him, “What does that mean, exactly?” Richard made a gesture of locking his lips and throwing away an invisible key, tossing it past his shoulder, then smiling lips together cheekily. Kayla giggled, “Alright, I get it, it’s a surprise.”
Richard nodded, “Shall we then?”
Kayla looked at him, “Shall we what?” Richard pointed past her to the shoreline. Kayla looked out toward where he was pointing and saw a small yacht drifting offshore. Kayla looked at him then, a bit concerned, “A boat? Overnight?” Richard nodded calmly. “Are you sure?” Kayla asked.
He nodded again, “Let’s go, check her out.” Richard led Kayla down the boardwalk to the pier, the breeze kicked up, the sea air was warm. Niko was at the dock, holding some bags, Kayla noticed one was hers. Kayla looked at Richard utterly surprised, “You packed a bag for me?” Richard grinned, “I did, its hard to sneak around you, you know, but I managed.” Kayla smirked and stepped down the gangplank and onto the schooner.
(promise to send out more in morning.. its been a busy few weeks and I am losing sleep, y’all)
Taglist: @scariusaquarius @middleearthpixie @sweetestgbye @riepu10 @lathalea @legolasbadass @evenstaredits
Lyn's Writing Event 2024
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conciergeparos · 2 years
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Exploring Europe in Style Luxury Tour Packages for 2024 🌍✨
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Dreaming of a European escape that goes beyond the ordinary? In 2024, elevate your travel experience with luxurious Europe tour packages that promise opulence, exclusivity, and unforgettable memories. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or a lover of the finer things in life, there's a perfect luxury tour waiting for you.
Here's a sneak peek at some of the most exquisite options
1. The Ultimate Parisian Experience 🇫🇷
Indulge in the romance and elegance of Paris with a bespoke itinerary. Enjoy private tours of the Louvre and Versailles, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants, and stay at iconic hotels like The Ritz. Your personal concierge will ensure every detail is tailored to perfection.
2. Italian Grandeur 🇮🇹
From the rolling hills of Tuscany to the canals of Venice, explore Italy in unrivaled style. Savor exclusive wine tastings, private cooking classes with renowned chefs, and behind-the-scenes access to historical sites. Luxurious villas and five-star hotels offer a perfect retreat after each day's adventure.
3. Greek Island Odyssey 🇬🇷
Sail the azure waters of the Aegean Sea on a private yacht, exploring the sun-kissed islands of Greece. Visit ancient ruins, relax on secluded beaches, and enjoy gourmet dinners under the stars. Stay in exquisite villas and boutique hotels that offer stunning views and top-tier amenities.
4. Royal British Adventure 🇬🇧
Experience the grandeur of the United Kingdom with a luxury tour that includes stays in historic castles and manor houses. Enjoy exclusive access to royal estates, traditional afternoon teas, and private tours of iconic landmarks like Buckingham Palace and Stonehenge.
5. Scandinavian Elegance 🇩🇰🇸🇪🇳🇴
Discover the breathtaking beauty of Scandinavia with a tour that combines natural wonders with urban sophistication. Cruise through the fjords of Norway, explore the chic streets of Stockholm, and indulge in Copenhagen's culinary delights. Luxurious accommodations and unique cultural experiences await.
6. Spanish Fiesta 🇪🇸
Dive into the vibrant culture of Spain with a luxury tour that highlights its rich heritage and modern allure. Enjoy private flamenco shows, tapas tours, and exclusive access to Gaudi's masterpieces in Barcelona. Stay in grand palaces and contemporary luxury hotels that reflect Spain's diverse charm.
Why Choose a Luxury Tour Package?
Personalized Itineraries: Every detail is crafted to match your interests and preferences.
Exclusive Access: Gain entry to places and experiences often unavailable to the general public.
Stress-Free Travel: Let professional guides and concierges handle the logistics, so you can relax and enjoy.
Top-Notch Accommodations: Stay in the most luxurious hotels, villas, and resorts that Europe has to offer.
In 2024, make your European dream vacation a reality with a luxury tour package that promises not just a trip, but an experience of a lifetime. Ready to explore Europe in unparalleled style? Pack your bags and get ready for an adventure like no other! ✈️✨
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villagalini · 2 months
Rhodes Vacation Rentals Villa Galini
Nestled amidst the captivating beauty of Rhodes, Greece, Villa Galini stands as a beacon of luxury and comfort for travellers seeking a serene getaway. This enchanting vacation rental offers an unparalleled experience, blending modern amenities with traditional Greek charm.
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As you step into Villa Galini, you are greeted by a harmonious fusion of contemporary elegance and timeless Greek architecture. The villa boasts spacious living areas adorned with tasteful décor, creating an ambience of tranquillity and relaxation. Whether you’re lounging on the sun-drenched terrace or unwinding in the private pool, every moment at Villa Galini is a testament to indulgence.
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With its fully-equipped kitchen, stylish bedrooms, and meticulously designed bathrooms, Villa Galini ensures that every aspect of your stay is marked by comfort and convenience. From leisurely breakfasts overlooking the Aegean Sea to alfresco dinners under the starlit sky, the villa offers a seamless blend of indoor and outdoor living, allowing you to immerse yourself in the island’s natural beauty.
Located just a stone’s throw away from pristine beaches, quaint villages, and historical landmarks, Villa Galini serves as the perfect base for exploring the wonders of Rhodes. Whether you’re seeking adventure or relaxation, the island offers a myriad of experiences, from water sports and hiking to exploring ancient ruins and charming cobblestone streets.
At Villa Galini, every detail is meticulously curated to ensure an unforgettable vacation experience. From personalized concierge services to thoughtful amenities, the villa strives to exceed your expectations at every turn. Whether you’re planning a romantic retreat, a family getaway, or a gathering with friends, Villa Galini offers the perfect setting for creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
Indulge in the luxury of Rhodes Vacation Rentals and experience the magic of Villa Galini — where every moment is infused with warmth, beauty, and the essence of Greek hospitality.
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yachtcharterathens · 2 years
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yachtrentalgreece · 2 years
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