zytes · 4 months
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concrescent electric
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6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro / Con)
Official Video (eyestrain/flashing lights warning) [May 2015]
Antifolk [August 2015]
LIVE IN STUDIO [October 2015]
WFMU [2016]
Mikero Media [2016]
Coffee Haus Studios [2016]
Puttin' On the Ritz / 6Up 5Oh copout [September 2016]
Roxy and Dukes [October 2016]
Boontunes [December 2016]
Debonair Music Hall [2017]
Doc Concrescence (?) [2017]
Unknown location [2017-19]
Goat Fest [June 2017]
Backroom Studios [March 2017] a
Roxy and Dukes [March 2017/2018] a b c
Levels in Scranton [March 2018]
Backyard Ale House [September 2018]
The Skate Foundry [September 2018]
Unknown location [November 2018]
House of Independents [2019] a
BBQ [September 2019]
Ponderosa Studios The Normal Album wrap party [December 2019]
10-4 6-up 5-Oh Cop-out Pro Con (The Real Will Wood) [Feburary 2020]
Official 2020 remaster [December 2020]
Asbury Park Boardwalk [July 2021]
Otis Mountain Get Down
Live EIAL release show (?)
Unknown location (dawg idk the videos bad)
Unknown location
My Noddle and Bar
Factory Bazaar
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cant-icle · 26 days
ooh ooh what’s going on in late concrescence: trial?
okay so concrescence is actually the name of an old LOZ fic that i did so much world building for i eventually decided fuck it and someday hope to make it a full ass novel! its urban fantasy about dragons and surviving an apocalypse with your soul intact and creepy eldritch things from beyond the boundaries of time and space, or i hope it will be eventually (: .
whats happening in that doc specifically is the mc who i have named vincent is having a really really really really really fucking bad time! he is all alone and extremely injured and things are coming to hurt him and kill him and if he dies his soulbonded dragon partner does too! fortunately for everyone involved vincent's main character trait is a frankly unhealthy level of unwillingness to back down from challenges and he's going to make it through fine.
well, not fully fine, but its okay, his second main character trait is an extremely robust compartmentalization system! he'll put it in the box for later (:
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optiwashere · 1 month
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool) 💖
Aww, positivity is pretty cool tbh 💜
Any five songs I like? Hm. OK. I'll pick some of the ones that have been getting a lot of play in my writing playlists.
Katatonia - "Leaders"
Theatre of Tragedy - "Cassandra"
Daylight Dies - "I Wait"
Mournful Congregation's "Concrescence of the Sophia" is getting me through this chapter of Blades in the Night. Thank you, 20+ minute epics.
Bilmuri's "Better Hell" has been stuck in my goddamn head for days now. I still don't know what to make of this band, but it's very catchy.
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satanasvincit · 6 months
Concrescence of the Sophia - Mournful Congregation
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morpheus-ravenna · 1 year
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Litany of the Morrígna: A hundred names for the Daughters of Ernmas, from the Irish lore will be releasing May 1 from Concrescent Press.
We’ll be holding a launch celebration for this book at the Feathered Outlaw in Alameda, California, May 14, 4 pm. If you're in the area, you are welcome to join us for a short devotional to the Morrígan and Her sisters to celebrate the launch of the Litany of the Morrígna chapbook. We’ll recite the litany together with offerings to the Great Queens, followed by a Q&A and signing copies of the book.
The book will be available to order online starting May 1, through major book retailers like Bookshop. org and Amazon, as well as signed copies on my website. I've created this blog post which will be updated with ordering links as soon as they're available: https://www.bansheearts.com/blog/the-litany-of-the-morrgna
I can't wait to share this book with you all!
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Photo credits:
Event graphic background photo courtesy of Wolf Mercury Photography.
Book cover image courtesy of Concrescent Press.
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ammonitetestpatterns · 10 months
from listen to your love, released through record manufacturing plant RPC in 1984. tone the bone, the alias of bedroom guitarist and pianist anthony donovan, gives himself in to real roaming windowsill impressions of love and a life feeling shining in, the sound of children screaming outside with the maximalism of joy enabled by their condensed experience of time and emotion with each frolicking instance highlighting the newness of itself as if age stretches out our affectual range with the deepened perception of change, appraising tomatoes in the community garden, diamonds scattered over the world from an unleashed fire hydrant. donovan conjures to me arthur russell's gentle feeling for life and relationality, treading finely the line between our bodies as meek ephemera and the generative miracle that we can share in each other for a moment in love made out to a universal extension, living in the music at its unfurling bodily concrescence of creation. as he puts forth on "believe in something," just that time, just breathing, and it isn't mechanical it's just breathing, life flowing from me to you outward to the world, from the world, in the world, out of the world, into the universe.
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zef-zef · 2 years
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Finn McNicholas - C-Sound from Finn McNicholas - Concrescence (Opal Tapes, 2017)
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perkwunos · 2 years
I’m being prehended into new concrescences
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sbnkalny · 1 year
A feeling—i.e., a positive prehension—is essentially a transition effecting a concrescence
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the nurturing son
he buys into the culture nature vs nurture vulture in the city vulture wearing leather with someone else’s cult advertised on the sleeve
experienced lingo of course he identifies
with the movement movement, between between, movement
of course
loud music in the park cocaine habit both his parents
he supports both his lovers
of course he buys into the culture curse the movement, vulture in the city of cocaine and mdma out in the sticks where he
shakes his hands out in the boonies where deals are real he shakes his hands
his leg in the city
charity he supports
in leather with someone else’s ego
advertised on the sleeve
his pleasure he sings he sings his pleasure every
chance he gets, his diet, his mind his body of course he sings
his pleasure every chance
he gets
on the side of a building in the alley it’s a busy night and there’s a streetlight out two cigarettes illuminate four baggy eyes under a moonless sky
new acquaintance, there’s recognition in the way they ash and schmooze pretending to know one another’s city better than they may if it weren’t for brandy’s voice
peeking through
some things slip through
the space between awareness
a general understanding of shared
a sense of sincerity, or at least a thriving towards
such a sentiment through one’s gestures, and a
connection brick cold desert evening
dropped 10 degrees out of nowhere
pleads threshold my insatiable my own self
show me what it is that you know, he what secret let you through the to see beyond the absoluteness of desire and overcome my mistrust of
my own
mistrust in god the student and the teacher are roles
genuine feeling of needing
that we (must choose to) perform
seven years of exploration seven years of self reckoning with observer
found guilty on all counts
regeneration, healing arts long forgotten or undiscovered
now made available from within
A new sense of pride paired with an understanding of one's own limitations
moments come and go, people prove to be but ghosts whose purpose has since expired and lay wandering in your mind like
parasite and host
lost in memory, for illusion of contentment but who is it that you look to? Who is it that you're so afraid to let down?
false musings under a full moon, a group of pacifists with varying intentions and a unified goal carry their mothers wood body through the trees to burn
there's merit in this pyre, these throats they sing like toads in broken sadness, their toes cold but far from decay, protected in wool.
cold pale night breath thick as smoke they sing, sing to their mother they burn their mother the wood they burn
party concrescence
disco ball unleashed unto art studio floor it's your day comes crashing down the disco ball
comes crashing on to the art studio floor hard thunk
for cheap plastic all laugh no beer spilt all dance
all laugh
the opening continues drama intersecting unfolding narrative with an unspoken theme life of value
illusory revelation of which time in all its angles can be seen
toilet bowl alchemy it's a manifesto a flier on a wall in a yoga studio that serves as
a kratom speakeasy at night students Om in euphoric joy–perform improvised rituals of ecstatic movement men in black stand side by side, facing the crowd fluorescent psychonauts, right, I saw this in a dream once rainbow gathering motel party interdimensional speed dating and now it's hard to differentiate between the dream and what happened in reality
"You might want to go ahead and save my number, captain it's gonna be a long night and we aren't so well acquainted although I hope one day to be."
insufferable identity reclamation novel
I am hungry, wungry, and wise don't despise the water in your cup wet that whistle, watch it erupt you have so much dry brain how can you expect to write? Isn't the artist just channeling what someone else might? mites at your wrists on nights spent alone who knows who you could have been, reconciling what was lost–deep in thoughts but no way left to act. Act not and discover the sanctity of silence. The hermits delight. alchemical attachment, alternatively detached delight
A lucid dream from long ago
projected into the present, I know this place, I mean I knew it even before I knew it from a dream.
A spiral of memory winds tight around sacral chakra threatens the lungs in restriction, neural pathways caked and calcified in dietary decisions long replaced
chipped away at by chaga, lions mane and MDMA, one moment at a time revealed now to the patient observer A time laps of seasons passed
you're too tired to skip over
waves of ideology, or a deeper sense of broadening one's own understanding of what's even going on–life lived through an unseen observer/ life lived for hedonistic pleasure/ life lived as a collection of memories, found
hardly anywhere at any given time
It's a way of being that tends to isolate–it inspires suspicion and runs you paranoid and hot, still your heart illuminates whether true archetypal inspiration is accessed or not
A long forgotten youthful dream of a lover who needed me, yes dear, this moment spent so close to you (hot breath, condensation, safe) was seen too, a premonition that saved me when I was a child with nothing to love or embrace
False productivity
go ahead and explain this to my parents when I'm dead
I stopped believing in a consistent vision of reality. Ever changing ideology to match an ever changing world
and so set out to discover the times and the movement and found no great unifier just disconnected lexicon of youth who emulated what they didn't fully understand
It beat university commodification of consciousness a refraining of the same western values paying homepage to itself
shakers and tricksters make love in the woods, yearly ritual of everything and anything new age reductionism
Buddhist mistranslation psychedelic induced schizophrenia Smoke Smog Night
this is where you were meant to go breathing in burning leaves in ritualistic sanctity. You don't quite fit in here, but you wear it nonchalant you've looked all across the country for a chance to lay your head at an inn with a view of the mountains. It's time now, those mountains, how they call, it's time now, cold at last, delightful cold your lover jumps up and down on
the wooden floors of her apartment. the bears are sleeping, but we do not sleep breath burning leaves
do we not sleep
guilt don't pay the bills, so
don't go deeper into delusions of re evolution of the species
keeps you up at night how darwin
must have lost
sleep neurotic daydreamer
try to heat your cabin by candlelight
i moved out here to get away from everyone
who ever said they loved me search aimlessly
simply exploring urban landscapes for sake of
some sense of indoctrination into a reality i grew up fetishizing
disneyland too late
cleveland ohio too late
the post surrealist
pseudo industrial anti intellectual revolution will not be streamed on twitch
i wrestle with dopamine i take out my frustration on lower vibrational creatures for my envy of poets long dead
for i know not what life is like outside the framework of abandoned factories who roofs offered views that were once the furthest i had seen from home
what good is an
art town without art a thick layer of makeup on a puffy corpse
Patagonia colonizers never seen at night offensive mediocrity on brutalized land
mother mountain's passive hand she watches from the Jemez for ignorants to ignore
to rest, to heal a cowards chore
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“ehm, idk tbf.”/
what it used to feel like -
someone else? swims;
coffee from a mug empty
sometime now;
silence spoken;
sliding in the slick of arguments,
losing my-self to fall into space where where
when were
cogency comes
"allatonce" ---
me, you.?
uwho shaped me.
clogged my lungs with years I'll miss,
places I'll pass.
highest ground we could find to climb;
missing the trees and the quiet moments,
between red & green lights.
I miss the pond, nature's
backyard, readingwriting life;
peace in the honest outline of a structure.
plucking pieces of me out of those pages, out of your hair, the sheets.
still finding bobby pins on my bedroom floor.
perfectly shiny superstructure;
panic attacks,
long nights,
paint over the art;
or tear:
through it. shaking,
the border & melting the hues.
burning. curling.
pain’s colour?
breath [...]
life? is love enough?
dumb silly desire
up-down, up-down, open-close, open-close, close close close close close close it.
temporality and territory lose meaning;
ontology & epistemology & etymology make me feel better about myself.
that's pedantic.?
roots, digging,
coats over sweaters over button-down shirts over emotions over thoughts over desires,
over me.
"you're always sad.”
but not when we got lost in Acadia;
or together on the beach,
listening for footsteps to ruin the intimacy of our shared memory.
cuz that one is ours.
I got lost in the We;
in the Ours of the Hours that created the Ours and then, & then, destroys it, sometimes,
poetics of compassion,
open time to
diachronic destruction…?
"fuck me."
the windows are blackening and
smoking over; can’t see.
roof fell in. can’t feel. buried.
ship-wreck as spectator of our memories melting;
concrescence of waves' water like
broken splinters of glittering sparkle;
back to decembers roses;
masked there on that mess-of-beach.
base moves to moans;
screams echo up-down-x, reverberating
back. louder. louder. louder?
sleeps sometimes,
repressive desublimation;
breath in.blue.
breath out.red.
find a space. our space.ur-space, the third place, a good place;
calm water & calm trees & calm moments & calm thoughts.
mountains we climbed.
sick yellow-green sooty soupy haze; suffocates,
i fell in.
bubbles burst;
reality implodes;
i hope we go back someday.
we're the only ones in the world who know where/
it is.
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lacking courage to watch all the way through. powering. embarrassment.
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Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, N.Y.
Official Release [May 2015]
Music Inn [June 2017]
Antifolk [August 2015]
LIVE IN STUDIO [October 2015]
Backroom Studios [2016]
Brave New Radio [2016]
WFMU [2016]
Coffee Haus Studios [2016]
Boontunes [June 2016]
Live from the Dining Room [August 2016]
Doc Concrescence [2017]
Skate Foundry [2018]
Roxy and Dukes [2018]
Studio Underground [2018]
No Face Studio [November 2018]
Roxy and Dukes [2019]
BBQ [September 2019]
SCENES [2020]
Official 2020 Remaster [December 2020]
Asbury Park [July 2021]
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (The Real Will Wood) [Feburary 2020]
Unknown location [March 2022]
Phantom Power [April 2022] a
Picnic at Foul Rift [July 2022]
Valley Bar [September 2022]
In Case I Die [January 2023]
House of Independents
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cant-icle · 27 days
Rules: Answer this ask with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
yea ok. anon im going to bare my soul to you and everyone else here so if you have to make fun of me for these thats ok
hold the weel and drive ch6 adn epi
tsunami 2
the one where ryuji apologizes enough that ren forgives him and lets him touch him on the pussy
pegoryuann bodyswap threesome
passenger side
late concrescence: trial
drau outline
9. exceptions
fe,[egp 5
1000 wanted paper cranes
safety net
untitled document
plant a garden
8. payout
5 times akira blueballed ryuji
volo and adaman touch dicks while my self insert watches
like a torch, flickering
Untitled document (swsh)
the weird crybaby devilman one
summer fun wink wink nudge nudge rage daughter
alternative carrot functions (aka akira makes a radish decision and gets daikon'd down)
your fake name is not for everyone but good enough for me
bede fairygym stupid horny
fish out of water rrroughs
untitled document(dakimakura)
akira and ryuki in hawaii
haunted house
put ur minecraft bed next 2 mine jon//FALL DAMAGE
bonger squad wrecks akira
care and keeping of common houseplants (and ex-burnish terrorists)
galo dreams weid empathetic dreams lmao
one for sorrow
fours a crowd
olympic runenr x camboy akira
chad akira and incel ren
im going to stop there bc i could go on for literally another 6 years and im already back in 2019 but yeah go ham
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eligalilei · 2 months
The becomings and objectivities of Spirit-in-time, its bones, are gradiential, diffuse in one direction, concrescing toward a threshold which coincides with an event of recognition or interpellation. Once they have passed this threshold, they have become allied with a body - both as incarnated as object-system capable of being included in the Ego-identification and as member of the community of its node-family (interpellation).
Each of these events is an event which gives us over to a body (we become organelles), as well as bequeathing us with with new bodies and their correspondent souls.
The materium necessary for these indwellings are already found in the form of gradients and attractors in the ontogenic egg, providing points of extreme sensitivity, imprinting points, zones of vulnerability.
The mirror of the (m)other ties the universal to the body, orients it in spacetime.the first circuit.
The ‘Father’ (all elements of father-ship being a legal fiction, not just paternity), a sort of bad-breast writ large, locates the child in a sort of ‘legal’ space. First paranoid fantasies (the father will kill me!). The body of domination; RAW’s second circuit.
third: development of language allows self-consciousness of self-consciousness, thus the divided subject.
Even without proceeding, we can see these types as constituting the intersections of the RSI, the Learian (et al) circuits, and Freud’s loci of fixation.
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architeuthis3 · 10 months
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…"The grand work of history is the condensation and concrescence of the visible soul."
- Terence McKenna
new mexico photograph, Adam Sturch
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