#congo grey parrot
podartists · 6 months
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Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus)
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Gris du Gabon - Il peut retenir jusqu'à 800 mots et est capable de les restituer dans le bon contexte.
Lieu : Pairi Daiza
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battlekilt · 3 months
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Harley Featheredson.
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tinypigeonlord · 2 years
I thought I’d seen it all, but I guess I can add ‘people on tumblr getting mad at someone calling a cockatoo in a video post a ‘parrot’ in the description’ to my list now of stupid things tumblr folks get mad over, lmao.
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tiktokparrot · 2 days
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exoticbirdslifes · 2 years
Buy Cockatiel Parrot for Sale | Blue Hyacinth Macaw Parrot | Buy Liberta Cambridge Cage | Buy RC Mini Santa FE Cage
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To Buy Cockatiel Parrot for Sale, you should know about , this thin Australian parrot. It is capable of being both cuddly and assertive at the same time, which is one of the reasons why the cockatiel is one of the most popular companion birds. Cockatiels are known for their inquisitive nature and sometimes bold behavior.
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darylmischbirds · 2 years
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s-pirth-lemonade · 5 months
*shyly peers around corner*
Uhhh... this sounds specific, but I have a reason...
Could you draw Captain Rex with two African Greys? A Congo and a Timneh.
I... have a Congo and a Timneh. So, it is very specific.
If I am asking for too much, I understand! Either way, I am following. I look forward to seeing more of the Echo and the Hyacinth.
I might have a winged AU where several Clones are given parrot wings, and Rex's is a Hyacinth. You know how the underside of a Hyacinth's wings are dark grey to blend in with the underside of the jungle's canopy? Rex's wings are dappled dark grey, to match Kamino's stormy skyh.
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Here ya go luv 💓 this gives me more ideas to draw more clones with birbs, thanks for the request 🥰
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countriesgame · 4 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Republic of the Congo, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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freneticfloetry · 2 months
Hi Courtney! for the weird writer asks please:
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
Hi Rae! Thanks for the ask. These are fun!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Ooof. Irregardless. Like, setting aside the “sounds fake but okay” of it all… While it is technically an actual word, this clumsy, ridiculous double-negative mess means the exact same thing without the discordant “ir-”. Which is nonsensical! Just say “regardless”! But wait, what’s that? Most people who use this word actually think it means the opposite?
I just, I can’t.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
I don’t actually think it’s always terrible advice! You certainly shouldn’t be constricted to writing what you know, or let it limit the stories you tell. But I think there’s a lot to be said for bringing some aspect of your own knowledge or history or experience into what you write, as long as it’s used as a tool to strengthen characters and serve the story.
But to actually answer the question… I know birds. African and South American parrots, specifically. Is that weird? My dad was a breeder for my whole childhood, and I basically grew up in an aviary. He specialized in Congo and Timneh Greys (and for a long time was the go-to Grey breeder in the country), but Meyers, Senegals, Caiques, Capes, Indian and African Ringnecks, Amazons, whatever. You name it, we raised it. We belonged to a regional bird club that had meetings and shows. I learned how to handfeed baby birds at 11. We all had our own pets — my mom had Poncho, who was exactly like every African Grey you’ve ever seen a special on, my sister had a peachface lovebird, Romeo, and I had my childhood cockatiel, Tango (who was a Lutino, a big sweetheart, and a pretty good talker but loved to sing). It’s been years, but I can still tell you what dominant and recessive genes you need to pair to get a whiteface pearl pied cockatiel or an albino ringneck.
I have no idea when any of that would ever be helpful in terms of writing, but there it is.
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queersrus · 1 year
HIIIII could i maybe ask for parrot related names :] OR just bird is okay!! okay thank you love you bye!!!!!!!
i will go tag you on the other bird themed posts i have in drafts but in the meantime! heres parrot names!
also tagging @bpdxhoardic incase you wanted to check these out too!
Par/Parr, Parro, Parra, Parrot, Parrotte, Parrotelle, Parroter, Parrotie/Parroty, Parrotire, Parakee/Parakie/Paraky, Parakeet, Pionus, Pearly, Paint, Pfrimer, Pfrimers, Plum, Peach, Pacific, Pacifica Cockatie, Cockatiel, Cai, Caique, Con, Conu, Conure, Caw, Congo, Cockat, Cockatoo, Crimson, Cape, Crown, Carolina, Chestnut, Cap, Caatinga, Cordill, Cordilleran, Cobalt, Caica, Chandona Han/Hann/Hahn, Hanns/Hahns, Hans, Hya, Hyac, Hyacyn/Hyacin, Hyacinth Macaw, Maroon, Max, Maxi, Maximillian, Moluccan, Meyer, Meyers, Madeira, Marta, Mask, Mitred, Mena Quak/Quake, Quaker Sun, Scarlet, Senegal, Sinu, Santarem, Santa, Sulpher/Sulphur, South, Spix, Socorro, Spec, Spectic, Spectical/Spectacle, Spectacled, Sapphire, Spot, Saffron, Scale, Scaley, Speckle, Saarika/Sarika Lo, Lor, Lori/Lory, Lorik, Lorikee/Lorikie/Loriky, Lorikeet, Lear, Lears, Lilac, Lilacine Budge, Budger, Budgeri, Budgerige, Budgerigar, Budgie/Budgy, Beak, Blue, Brown, Burrow, Bill, Blaze, Bona, Bonaparte, Black, Blood, Bronze Dusk, Dusky Eclec, Eclect, Eclectus, El Wing, Wave, Wavy, White Feather, Fiery, Flame, Finsch, Fan Green, Grand, Grey/Gray, Glacer, Glaucous, Gold, Goldie, Golden, Great, Gini Ama, Amazon, Austral, Azuero, Az, Aztec, Andean, Akeria, Akala Yellow Rosella, Red, Ruppell/Rupell/Rupel, Rose, Riparian, Rufous Timneh, Tail, Turquoise, Tota Niam, North, Nanday Ochre, Oro, Orange Jandaya Vulturine Kili, Kajla
much more here
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foodsies4me · 3 months
How big is Apollo like is he like a hand size bigger?
Apollo is on the smaller size for an African Grey parrot (especially for a Congo Grey Parrot, which is generally bigger than Timneh Grey Parrots are) and measures about 20 cm (or 7 inches) in height. So, he's about hand-sized yes!
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battlekilt · 6 months
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Vet day.
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marryjojo · 3 months
Who is the Most Talkative Bird
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Parrots are known for their remarkable ability to mimic human speech, but one species stands out as the most talkative: the African Grey. This article delves into the fascinating world of the African Grey parrot, exploring its features, characteristics, and the reasons behind its reputation as the most talkative bird.
Who is the Most Talkative Bird?
The title of the most talkative bird is held by the African Grey parrot. Native to the dense forests of central and western Africa, these birds have gained immense popularity worldwide due to their exceptional vocal abilities and intelligence.  Two main subspecies are recognized: the Congo African Grey and the Timneh African Grey, both of which are noted for their speech and sound mimicry.
Features and Characteristics
Here are some features and characteristics of african grey parrot. Physical Description African Greys are medium-sized parrots with a predominantly grey plumage. The Congo African Grey typically has a bright red tail, while the Timneh variety sports a darker, maroon tail. They have a strong, curved black beak and are roughly 12 to 14 inches in length. Cognitive Abilities These parrots are not just talkative; they are also incredibly smart. African Greys have shown cognitive abilities comparable to those of young children in certain aspects. They can solve puzzles, understand concepts like bigger/smaller, and even grasp some aspects of causality and time. Vocal Abilities African Greys are known for their wide range of vocalizations, including whistles, squawks, and most impressively, human speech. They can learn an extensive vocabulary, often using words contextually correct. Some African Greys have been known to learn hundreds of words and sounds, showcasing their unparalleled mimicry skills. Social Behavior In the wild, these parrots are social creatures, living in flocks. They form strong bonds with their mates and are known to be quite affectionate and playful. In captivity, they require a lot of social interaction and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.
Do I Need to Train African Grey Bird to Talk?
Training an African Grey parrot to talk is often a rewarding process, both for the bird and its owner. While these parrots are naturally inclined to mimic sounds and speech, effective training can significantly enhance their ability to talk and use words appropriately. Here are some key points to consider when training an African Grey to talk: Start Early  The best time to start training is when the bird is young. Young parrots are more receptive to learning new sounds and words. Regular Interaction  Frequent and consistent interaction is crucial. Talk to your parrot regularly, as they learn by listening and then mimicking the sounds they hear.
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Clear and Repetitive Speech When teaching new words, speak clearly and repetitively. Parrots learn through repetition, so consistently using the same words or phrases will help them pick up on these quicker. Positive Reinforcement  Use positive reinforcement techniques. Reward your parrot with treats, praise, or affection when it successfully mimics words or sounds. This reinforcement encourages them to repeat the behavior. Create a Conducive Environment Ensure your parrot's environment is conducive to learning. A stress-free environment with minimal distractions aids in better concentration and learning for the bird. Social Interaction These birds are social creatures, and they learn faster in an interactive environment. Regular social interaction can stimulate their learning process. Patience and Consistency Be patient and consistent in your training. Some birds may take longer to start talking, and their ability to learn words varies. Variety of Words and Sounds Expose your parrot to a variety of words and sounds. This can include everyday conversations, music, and even watching television with them. Remember, while most African Grey parrots have the capacity to develop impressive verbal abilities, each bird is unique. Some may naturally be more inclined to talk than others. The key is to create a nurturing and stimulating environment that encourages them to use and develop their vocal skills.
Why It Is Considered the Best Talkative Bird?
Here are some reasons: Clarity of Speech The African Grey's ability to mimic human speech is not just about the number of words they can learn; it's also about the clarity with which they speak. They can replicate the tone and pitch of human voice remarkably well, making them sound almost like a human speaker. Contextual Understanding Unlike many other parrots that mimic speech, African Greys often show an understanding of the context in which words are used. This ability to use words appropriately in context sets them apart from other talking birds. Emotional Connection These parrots are highly sensitive to their owner's emotions and can sometimes use their vocal abilities to respond to these emotions. This emotional connection they establish with humans is a significant factor in their ability to communicate effectively. Longevity and Learning African Greys have a long lifespan, often living up to 50 years or more in captivity. This longevity gives them ample time to learn and refine their language skills, making them more proficient speakers as they age.
The African Grey parrot's combination of clear speech, contextual understanding, emotional intelligence, and a long lifespan make it the most talkative and arguably the most intelligent of the parrot species. Their remarkable abilities extend beyond mere mimicry, reflecting a deeper cognitive prowess that continues to fascinate and delight bird enthusiasts and pet owners worldwide.
What bird is the best at talking? The African Grey parrot is widely considered the best at talking. Known for their ability to mimic human speech with remarkable clarity and intelligence, they excel in both vocabulary and understanding. What is the best talking bird to own? The best talking bird to own largely depends on the owner's lifestyle and experience with birds. African Greys are excellent for their talking ability, but they require significant social interaction and mental stimulation. Budgerigars (budgies) are a good choice for beginners, being smaller, easier to care for, and also capable of learning a variety of words. Which bird is considered the best talker? The African Grey parrot is generally considered the best talker. They are not only adept at mimicking human speech but often understand and use words contextually, showing a high level of cognitive ability. Which is the intelligent talkative bird? African Grey are not only talkative but also highly intelligent. They can understand and use language contextually, solve complex problems, and are known to have a level of intelligence comparable to that of a young child. What is the 2 loudest bird in the world? The two loudest birds in the world are the White Bellbird, which holds the record for the loudest call of any bird, and the Kakapo, a type of parrot known for its very loud, booming mating calls. These birds are renowned for their volume rather than their ability to mimic speech. Read the full article
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tiktokparrot · 2 months
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mysteriousmoss · 8 months
May as well talk about some of their lore and general stuff.
Saph uses he/xe/it/they while Verde is Xe/they.
Saph despite being taller and looking older is the youngest sibling at age 14 while Verde is the oldest child at 15.
Their parents are Kites and they were pushed to choose a faction other than Kites by their family.
If I fully decide to give them two more siblings there woudl be a sibling in every faction(family gatherings are a chaotic event)
Both actually have wings! They just hide em for reasons.
(In context of Hyman Cruppy) Verde thinks Owen is Cruppy’s guardian as xe see Owen watching Cruppy most of the time. Saph knows Owens stuck on babysitter duty.
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