#congrats on the team for finally getting the comic up
fernsnailz · 1 year
CONGRATULATIONS ROUGE! you have been declared the best member of Team Dark! (haven’t seen our announcement video finale? watch it here! it sure is. something)
as a reward, our bootleg rouge plush has received a paper crown and a little golden star. that’s it. that’s the big prize. hope it was worth it everyone. she will take her throne on the lapras inflatable in our kitchen where she will eternally be chilling, on a weekend, like usual.
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oh yeah, also this entire tournament was all an elaborate way to announce a team dark zine that i made lol. Dance In Fire is out TOMORROW on itch.io… for FREE!! 36 pages of sketches, art, and comics featuring team dark. rouge will also get a special page at the end for winning the team dark fest :]
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i'll be posting a link to it uh. when it's done. the ending bit in the finale vid was not a joke i still need to finish the dang zine 💀
with that out of the way, i want to give a final thank you to everyone for participating in this silly tournament! it was really great to see just how loved this entire trio is - especially omega. holy shit every piece of omega propaganda was absolute gold, you guys rule. i don’t care that he lost, he truly won in my heart <3
lastly (and tbh most importantly) i wanna give a HUGE SHOUTOUT to @serpentineshine for helping me host the tournament and make the announcement/finale videos!! would not have been possible to pull all of this off without them. i pitched the idea of doing something stupidly elaborate to promote my zine and they were immediately on board and came up with like 90% of the good ideas. everyone go give them a follow and support their work!
that’s all for now! thank you again, congrats Rouge Warriors, and check out my zine tomorrow!
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cjsoleil · 8 months
My Love That I’m Giving You Don’t Buy, So I Hide (Lee Know x Han)
Han and Minho have been working together at the same accounting firm for a while now, and for some reason, Minho simply doesn’t like Han. At least that’s what he thinks. After a drunken night, Minho makes his true feelings clear at the office.
Warnings: Smut (MDNI)
The sounds of typing on a keyboard is somehow soothing, despite how when Jisung first started working, he found it more annoying than his friends. Which is saying something. He guesses it’s because the sound is a constant in his life and he has grown used to it. Sometimes he likes to make a little beat to the clicking sound in his head, bouncing his leg to it. Melodies can be found in anything, he suppose.
“Hyung, stop daydreaming.” Jisung looks up to see Seungmin’s fluffy brown hair peaking over the desks divider. He finds it somewhat creepy how the younger doesn’t even have to look at him to know that he’s not doing any work. No shock though, Seungmin loves proficiency despite just being an intern, still in school.
“I’m on my break.”
“Shush. Listen to your elder and do your own work.” Seungmin shrugs.
“Guess I won’t tell you what I heard.”
Han slowly pushes out his chair in an almost comical way, tilting his head towards the puppy like intern.
“What is it?” He leans in close, whispering,
“Is it about Minyoung? She’s really dating someone over ten years younger-“
“Not that kind of gossip.” Seungmin interrupts, shaking his head,
“You know how Heejin is moving to Japan. Her husband was offered some job out there.” Han instantly smiles at the old news. It’s not that he doesn’t like the woman, she’s very kind, but Heejin resigning gives him a chance at getting a promotion. They work at a accounting firm. Big enough that they have plenty of clientele, some even being famous. Small enough so that the workers are cared about and not just numbers in the business.
“I overheard a couple of the managers say it’s between you and Minho, congrats.” Han sighs, wheeling back to his desk, “C’mon hyung. It’s not that bad.”
“Minho hates me Seungminnie! I haven’t even done anything to him.”
“He doesn’t hate you. He just wants to fuck you.”
“Seungmin!” Han whispers shouts, “Shut up. And you know that’s not true.” He’s pretty sure Minho isn’t interested in men.
“Even if he did hate you, who cares?” Seungmin attempts to comfort the elder, “Minho is just so… intimidating. I don’t want to be on his bad side more than I already am.”
Minho is the textbook definition of perfection. He is a hard worker who puts good use out of his full potential, he is smart and teaches the interns well. The man appears to be mean to the bone, but the pictures of his cats that he leaves on his desk shows otherwise. He is respectful and, in all truth, so hot. And Han is not saying that because he happens to find Minho attractive. Everyone acknowledges that he’s hot, even Seungmin said so once.
He transferred to this firm just a couple months ago and for a reason that Han does not know, Minho does not like him. He doesn’t fully disrespect him or anything, but whenever they talk, it almost feels like he’s being degraded in a way. Minho sometimes acts as if he’s uncomfortable being around Han too. Han doesn’t even know what he did! He would apologize if he knew that he said or did something to make the man uncomfortable.
“If you’re that concerned, confront him about it.” Jisung blankly stares at him before letting out a sarcastic laugh.
“Ha ha, you’re so funny thinking my anxiety would let me do that.” Seungmin hums and Han tries to change the conversation,
“Are you coming to the bar next week?” The younger stares at him like he just said something so idiotic,
“I’m getting paid to drink. Of course.” Their work holds events like these all the time. Team bonding or whatever excuse they use. Everyone gets paid to go to a bar, eat and get drunk.
“Are you finally going to bring your man?” A new voice enters, and Seungmin rolls his eyes at the sound as Han smiles.
“I’m not going to if you pester me, Changbin hyung.” The muscular man leans against the corner of Han’s and Seungmin’s desks.
“C’mon Minnie.” Jisung starts with a teasing tone, “Stop hiding him from us, we’ve known you what? Two years?”
“Letting you guys meet Jeongin would end with me being embarrassed.” Seungmin replies, looking at a file on his desk, “Focus on getting your own boyfriend.” Han fakes the action of getting stabbed in the heart.
“Oh yeah.” Changbin looks at the other, “How’s the dating scene going?” Jisung shrugs, unproductive is what the answer is.
“I just…” he clicks his tongue, looking off to the side. It’s a mistake, he makes direct eye contact with Minho who’s at his own desk. To Han’s surprise, he doesn’t look away, he just stares deep into Jisung’s soul without a mere shimmer of emotion that he can detect. The younger can’t even move, almost as if Medusa had turned him to stone, forever keeping him locked in the trance of Minho’s eyes.
That is until Minho cocks his eyebrow at him, and Jisung cowardly looks away back down on his desk.
“I guess I haven’t found the right person.” Changbin and Seungmin, who had just watched in amusement as Jisung was a deer in headlights for their coworker, share a knowing look.
“The one will come along Sungie.” Changbin reassures, wearing a soft smile.
“Yeah.” The youngest adds with a fond look in his eyes, thinking of his own love, “They’re always closer than you think.” Jisung nods his head with a grin, somewhat forced.
“Yeah yeah. Now go get to work before Chan catches you.” At the mention of the elder’s name, Changbin walks the short distance back to his own desk, waving back at the younger two. Seungmin looks back down at his file and Jisung does the same. After a few minutes, just for a second, he looks up towards Minho’s desk to see him typing on his computer, completely focused on his task. The accountant sighs before turning to his own work.
Han sits at a table along with Changbin and a few other coworkers in a bar. Seungmin was sitting with them as well, but he got dragged over by other departments to do shots with them. He probably got drunk within the first hour.
“Hey guys.” Jeongin greets when he comes over, with a clearly intoxicated Seungmin on his arm. Jeongin came with Seungmin like his coworkers requested, they all find him lovely, “We’re going to head out now. Just wanted to say goodbye, right Minnie.” Seungmin giggles and rests his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder,
“Innie, I didn’t tell you about one of my clients. He’s a giant-“ he emphasizes the last word, “deal.” He tilts his head up to loudly whisper in Jeongin’s ear, “It’s the pitcher for lotte giants.” Jisung and Changbin stare wide eyed at Seungmin sharing confidential information. Jeongin pats Seungmin’s hair,
“Didn’t hear anything.” He tells the older two, faking oblivion, “Anyways, nice meeting you all. Take care.”
“We’re going sweetheart.”
“Okay, bye~” The two boys leave and a number of people follow soon after.
Jisung takes a look around the room, but his eyes linger at the bar where Minho sits. His back is facing him so Jisung doesn’t have to be worried about him catching his stare, but at the same time he wishes to see the man’s face. Changbin’s voice forces him to look away.
“Talk to him.” The elder tells him, way too loudly. Changbin is a loud man, only more so when he’s drunk. Jisung shakes his head no, as if he’s a child and Changbin whines like one. “Don’t be a coward!” He pesters the younger man until he finally agrees, downing his drink in one go before walking to the bar. Maybe stumbling is a better word, because Han is drunk out of his mind. Drunk enough to loose his balance and sense of embarrassment. It explains how he has no shame going up to Minho.
“Hey!” Jisung exclaims, sitting next to the other. Minho’s eyes widen for a second, not expecting to have this visiter, but he soon has to conceal a smile.
“Yes?” He asks, paying the younger barely any mind. Han didn’t really have any clue on what he was going to say, so he just repeats the greeting before asking the bartender for another drink.
“Are you sure you should be drinking more?” Minho questions, making Han cutely pout in anger.
“You’re not my boss.” He responds, then after taking a moment to think, “If you get Minyoung’s job, than you are, but not right now.” Minho hums, really the position isn’t exactly boss, but it certainly is higher than their current position so he doesn’t bother to make any correction.
“That’s right, if not, you will be my boss.” He finally turns to look at the younger accountant, expressionless,
“What a smart boy you are, hm?”
Blood floods to Jisung’s face and neck and he unconsciously let out a barely noticeable whimper. If he was in the right mind, he would have been insulted. It’s condescending, but Han’s intoxicated mind finds the words only make him feel good.
“I-I am?“ he stutters for a few seconds before finishing his drink.
“Yes, so smart.” Minho repeats, “So you know that’s your last drink.” Han puts the glass down and nods, because he is smart. He knows he’s had enough.
Minho looks around the bar and sees that most of their coworkers have already left. He should be going too. Standing from the stool, Han follows suit. The older man starts to walk towards the door, and the younger only stares until Minho turns around.
“Come on, Jisung.” He wasn’t expecting to be invited to follow, because Minho doesn’t like him, but he obeys and stumbles his way to him. “Damn it, be careful.” Minho says irritably when Jisung nearly fell face first on the concrete the moment they got outside.
“Sorry.” Minho rolls his eyes at his apology and pats his head, making the younger’s eyes widen significantly.
“Don’t apologize, just listen.” Minho wraps an arm around Jisung’s waist, supporting his weight, “I can smell the alcohol on you, how much did you drink?” He shakes his head when Han opens his mouth to answer, “Nevermind, let’s just get you home.” Jisung can only go along as Minho brings them to his car and helps the younger get inside.
“What’s your address, Jisung?” Minho asks, but he doesn’t answer. He doesn’t feel compelled in the slightest to do so. Going home means that Minho would leave, and he’s being so nice to him. He wants to stay with this Minho. Minho who is pretty and kind and caring. He repeats his name again when Han doesn’t answer.
“Don’t wanna go home.” He pouts as if he’s a child, and it’s oh so cute. Minho decides to amuse him.
“Then where would you like to go?” Han leans towards the elder, grabbing his arm before whispering out in the silence of the car,
“With Minho hyungie.”
Minho clenches his hand on the steering wheel. Jisung has never called him that before.
“Ah, but I can’t go home with you. I have cats to feed.” He tried to joke around with the younger, but he just repeats that he wants to be with his hyung, and as strong as Minho is, he is not a god. He can’t resist Jisung’s cute face any more than he can resists the cats.
That’s how they end up like this, with Minho guiding Jisung through the door and helping the younger take off his shoes.
“Go sit on the couch, I’ll get you some water. Do you feel sick?” Han shakes his head before diving onto the couch, stretched out just like one of Minho’s pets. Jisung hums to an unheard melody as he feels a small weight on is back, than another one. And another one. He feels a fur on his skin where his shirt rode up and on his bare neck, but he welcomes the warmth.
Coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand, Minho grins at the sight of Han, face down on the couch with Dori on his head, Sonnie between his legs and Donngie laying on his butt. No, Minho is not jealous of his cat.
“Aw, it’s rude to pray on the vulnerable.” He puts down the water on the coffee table and moves Dori off the younger’s head to stop him from suffocating,
“Up up.” He clicks his tongue and helps ease Jisung into a proper sitting position. Han whines as he does so, and Minho sits beside him before he lifts the cup of water to his lips. He pulls the cup away when it’s almost half empty.
“Why…” The drunk man starts, avoiding looking at Minho by petting the cat closest to him, “Why are you being- being so nice to me?” His eyes start to water. He can’t help but be emotional, because he’s confused. Minho doesn’t like being near him, but he’s being so doting. “Taking care of me?”The elder man tilts his head,
“Han.” The younger doesn’t look up, “I wasn’t going to leave you alone in the state you’re currently in.” Jisung brings a hand up to wipe his face, when he feels a tear fall.
“But you hate me.” He whispers, voice cracking. Minho frowns and his jaw clenched. Taking a deep breath, he forces himself to relax before speaking in a soft tone.
“Jisung.” He’s hesitant, but ultimately brushes the younger’s jaw with his fingers, lightly turning his head to face him,“Jisungie.” Han’s breath hitches as he makes eye contact with the elder, “I don’t hate you. I can’t fathom the idea of hating you. You're simply… wonderful.”
Han’s his heart skips a beat and a fluttering feeling comes to his stomach. It’s almost similar to the familiar sensation of anxiety, but it’s different. Instead of rendering Han paralyzed, it pushes him forward. So he leans in and kisses Minho without leaving time for him to move away.
It’s embarrassing, how many times Han has imagined this moment. He truly wasted his time, because nothing in his dreams can compare to the real thing.
Han has his eyes closed, but Minho’s remain open. He allows the other to take control in his state of slight shock, but once he realizes what’s happening, he cups the sides of Han’s face and pushes him away. The younger man whimpers at the distance, and tries to kiss him again, but Minho keeps him still.
“You’re drunk.” Minho says softly, like he’s speaking to an animal, “You don’t know what you’re doing.”
He didn’t think Han could get anymore red, he was wrong.
“Hey, let’s go to bed. You’re going to have such a hangover in the morning.” He brings Jisung to his bedroom, because he is a guest and not sleeping on the couch. Minho grabs a pair of sweatpants and a spare shirt.
“Can you change by yourself?” Han nods, fighting the part of his brain that wants Minho to stay. Han changes into the pants but leaves the shirt since he feels like his skin is boiling, and lays on his side on the bed. Eventually he dozed off, but wakes a little when he feels a warmth covering him. Something grazes his cheek and he has just enough sense to reach up and grab what turned out to be a hand.
“Stay.” Han requests with a tired voice, on the verge of falling back to sleep. He lets Minho pulls away, and after a minute, he feels a weight behind him. Jisung shuffles back so his back is against Minho’s chest. He lulls to sleep with the warmth spreading throughout his body and Minho’s arms wrapped around his waist, caging him in and keeping him safe.
When Han wakes up, the only thing he can feel is a pounding pain in his head, a reminder of how much he drank yesterday. After a few minutes, he opens his eyes and thankfully, the lights in the room are off and the curtains are closed. When he sits up fully, a wave of nausea hits him like a bus. Ignoring it, he looks around the room, finding it unfamiliar. On the beside table is a cup of water and two pills. After taking them, he slowly lays back down again, staring at the ceiling as he tries to piece together what the fuck happened last night. He feels the blanket against his bare chest, and quickly lifts up the blanket, sighing in relief when he sees his bottom half covered.
“No.” Jisung suddenly whispers, embarrassment filling him as he remember forcing Minho to take him to his home, spoon him and oh my god-
Han shoved his face in the pillow under his head and groans.
‘I kissed Minho, I’m so stupid, how could I do that?’
“Fuck my life.” A sudden scratching at the door interrupts Jisung’s spiral of mortifying self dread. He gets up, ignoring the prominent pain of his head and opens the door to be greeted by an orange cat.
He smiles, “Hey cutie.” He attempts to crouch down but ends up just falling on his butt. Petting the cat, he recognizes the familiar sound of a shower running. Han frowns, he can’t believe he kissed Minho without his consent. His coworker. Who is probably straight. Jisung doesn’t want to be confronted so he decided not to give Minho the chance.“Sorry, I have to go.” He gives the cat a finally pat on the head before he goes back in the room and changes into his clothes from yesterday before making his way out of the apartment. The only reminisce of him left is a sticky note with the words ‘thank you’ on the fridge.
Han is incredibly grateful that he had two days off after the night at the bar, because he didn’t have to see Minho. It’s cowardly, he knows, maybe even a little mean. He wishes could just have an adult conversation about what happened, but no, he’s going to avoid the elder until one of them quits or retires.
“Han can you bring these over to Minho?” Changbin asks as he puts a file on the younger’s desk. Han knows what he’s doing, his hyung has been pushing for more details on what happened after he left the bar last week. It’s clear to everyone in his department that he’s been avoiding Minho like the plague, so Changbin made it his personal goal to figure out why.
Han turns to Seungmin, “Can you give-“
“Nope.” He answers before Jisung can finish.
“Tell me what’s going on and I will.” Seungmin leans on his desk, lowering his voice, “Did he do anything to you?”
“No no.” he protests before explaining , “He brought me to his home, but we didn’t do… anything.”
“What did you do between that pause in your sentence?” Changbin asks and Jisung whispers, shamefully,
“I kissed him.” Silence overtakes the three for a second, before the eldest turns towards Seungmin.
“Called it.” The younger rolls his eyes, as Jisung gapes at them, “Hannie, it’s so obvious that he likes you.”
“He didn’t kiss me back.”
“Yeah, cause you were drunk.” Seungmin says it like it’s obvious, which it is.
“Go over and kiss him right now, completely sober and aware, he’d love it.”
“Ew.” The youngest comments, “Wait until I’m gone.”
“Nothing is going to happen.” Han insists, “Just forget it.” Both his friends oblige, and stop asking questions.
“Hyung.” Seungmin’s voice grabs his attention, “Can I ask you to do me a favour.” He sighs,
“Can you take one of my clients, just for today?” Han looks curiously at the younger.
“Why?” Seungmin smiles softly,
“It’s Jeongin’s birthday today. I was hoping to get home early and surprise him.”
“Aww.” Jisung playfully clutches his chest, “So sweet. Of course I will.”
“Really?” Seungmin perks up and Han laughs.
“Yeah really. Go home loverboy.”
While Seungmin is about to leave, he bumped into Changbin, who was totally not listening in on their conversation.
“When is Jeongin’s real birthday?”
“Not till February.”
“Ah.” Changbin nods before holding up the file in his hand, “I’m giving this to Minho. Good plan, by the way.”
“If I have to deal with their sexual tension for any longer I am going to quit.”
“Did you not consider that them getting together could make them worse.”
“… damn it.”
Han huffs as he finally finished up with Seungmin’s work. It was easy, but took quite a bit of time. So now, everyone in the office has left.
Well, everyone besides Minho.
As awkward as being alone with him is for Jisung, he is still grateful for the man’s presence, otherwise he would have to lock up the building. He puts away his stuff before getting up, preparing to leave. As he walked pass Minho’s desk, he feels a hand grab his elbow.
“Han.” Minho’s cold voice rings loud in the empty room.
“What?” Han squeaks as Minho stands.
“What are you-“ he can’t finish his sentence, as Minho grabs his collar, pushes the younger man to him and harshly kissed him. Han’s hands hover in the air as he tries to process what’s happening. Minho’s hands move to cup the back of his head and rest on his lower back. Jisung grasps the front of Minho’s shirt and kisses him back. He moves Jisung so he’s leaning on his desk, the wood digging into Han’s thighs. Finally, Han pushes Minho away, panting as he wipes his mouth of saliva. They stare at each other in silence, as if they aren’t at work and have all the time in the world.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” Minho whispers in the quiet room, “I wanted to talk to you properly, but you never gave me the chance. So allow me to do so now.” Minho takes a deep breath in, “You remember me bringing you to my place when you were drunk, right?” Han nods hesitantly, “and you remember what happened?”
“Mostly.” Han mumbles, already knowing where the conversation was leading to, “I’m sorry I left. And for avoiding you, I just-“ he swallows down his anxiety before saying, “I thought you were going to be mad at me.” Smiling softly, Minho cups his face and makes him look at him,
“Clearly you thought wrong.”
“Yeah.” Minho runs his thumb over Han’s lips.
“Why did you think I hated you?” The question has been bugging him all week.
“Oh, real-really I was being dramatic.” Han quickly tries to explain, “It just seemed like you were, I don’t know, uncomfortable around me? Like you were never relaxed with me around.”
“Ah.” Minho blushes and brings his hand to hold Jisung’s, “I’m sorry that’s the impression I gave, but you are all wrong.”
The younger tilts his head cutely, “What do you mean?” Minho sighs, leaning his head back before looking at Han.
“I really like you, Jisungie.” He plants his hands on the desk, caging him in, “I like your voice. Your smile. Your soft face. I love the little pout you do. Just like the one you have now- really everything about you gets me going.” He leans closer, making the two only inches away from each other,
“So you don’t understand how difficult it is for me to refrain from kissing you, from getting closer and closer because I want to be in your space all the time. I didn’t want to be too forward and risk your comfort.” Oddly enough, the first thing that comes to Han’s mind is cursing out Seungmin for being right about Minho’s feelings.
“I’m comfortable with you.” Jisung blurts out, “You can… I want you to kiss me. Do whatever you want.” Minho’s eyes darken and he kisses a spot under Jisung’s ear,
“What I want to do is bend you over this desk.” He kisses Han’s lips, muffling a whimper, “Turn my smart boy into a dumb little mess.” Jisung shivers, wrapping his arms around Minho’s shoulders.
Minho lifts Jisung onto the desk, kissing him while rubbing his sides, “Would you like that?”
Han’s breath hitched, and he tries to remain somewhat intact. Minho wants him. And he wants Minho too. So bad.
“I would.” Is all he can rasp out as Minho kisses his neck.
“I want you.” Jisung says louder, breathing in shakily, “I want hyung. Now.” He moans as Minho bites his neck, “But- Minho.” Jisung stutters, “What if someone comes in?” In most settings this question would seem stupid, since it’s around ten at night and nobody is currently in office other than them. In this case, it’s actually a possibility. How their job works is that they can come in at any time, as long as they work a full shift. So they have a few coworkers who like to come in at odd hours.
“Alright.” Minho lifts the younger with a strong grip on his thighs and walks them to an office room, all while placing small kisses on Jisung’s face.
“Open the door baby.” Han nods and reaches behind himself to open the door. Minho kicks it closed behind him before quickly locking it.
The desk has nothing on it, since the office has been unused for a few weeks, so Minho quickly lays Jisung down on the smooth surface. He kisses the younger harshly on his lips, just for a few seconds, before moving to kiss his neck and bite his collar bones. As he relishes the sounds of Jisung’s whimpers, he unbuttons his polo shirt, exposing more skin for him to explore.
“Hyung.” Han moans as Minho pinches his nipples and sucks his chest, leaving marks as he goes along. When Minho reaches the waist band of his pants, he is quick to push them off, along with his shoes and boxers. This leaves Han naked besides the unbuttoned shirt. Minho grabs his thighs and pulls him forward do his legs are hanging off the desk. The elder drops to his knees and starts to kiss up Jisung’s thighs, traveling further until he reaches his hole. Han chokes a sob as Minho dips his tongue inside him.
“Min- Minho I-“ He never finishes what he was about to say, he’s broken down to a moaning mess the second the elder moves and licks along his tip. He jerks his hips, and Minho grabs his waist to keep him still. The action only makes him harder as he realizes how fucking small Jisung is.
“You’re precious.” He coos before placing a sweet kiss on his hole, “Absolutely darling.”
Minho stands up and presses three of his fingers against Jisung’s lips, tapping a few times. The younger instantly opens his mouth and allows Minho to push his fingers in.
“Baby.” Minho groans as Jisung grabbed his wrist to bring him closer, “Look at you. What a good boy.” He shivers from the feeling of Han’s tongue. After a few moments, Minho pulls his hand away and wastes no time to kneel back down and put one finger into Jisung’s hole. The younger cries out and tightens around Minho instantly.
“Hyung!” Minho does not relent and adds another, stretching him out. With that he adds his tongue, dipping inside beside his fingers. Minho is giving him so much, it’s breaking him down, but all Han can think about is the fact he wants more. Jisung reaches up to him and grabs his shoulders, trying to push him away. Minho obliges and moves to look at the younger, pecking Han’s bright pink lips multiple times. “Want you Minho.” Jisung mumbles against his lips, trying to control his own breathing, “Want you so bad.”
Now, Minho considers himself a patient man, but he’s still a man. So how could he ever deny the sweet thing below him. He stands up straight and removes his fingers from Jisung before helping him off the desk. Practically manhandling him, Minho manoeuvres him so he’s facing the desk before placing a hand in between Jisung’s shoulder blades and pushing him down so his chest meets the desk. Kissing up Han’s spine, Minho unzips his pants and presses against Jisung, letting out a moan when he feels his hot skin on his. “Jisung, honey.” Minho starts, kissing Han’s shoulders, “You know I could never hate you.” “Yeah.” He pants, whining slightly. “Good.” The elder grabs harshly onto Han’s hips, fingers digging into his tan skin. He kisses the younger’s ear before whispering,
“Cause I’m gonna fuck you like I hate you.”
With a quick, strong thrust of his hips, he pushes himself into Jisung, immediately moaning when he tightens around him. “Minho! Oh-“ Han shouts. By now, both of them have completely forgotten where they are, only focused on each other. Breathing heavily, Minho rests his head on Han’s back, nuzzling the material of his shirt. Jisung whimpers and tries to grab the man behind him as he starts to move in and out of Jisung’s tight hole, he’s barely has any time to adjust,
“Please- Please please hyungie-“ he begs like it’s the only thing he knows, despite being highly educated. It’s music for Minho, “Please.” He mocks the younger with a whiny voice, “Please what?” He grabs his hair with one hand and uses it to keep his head pinned on the desk. He shifts a bit, using his grip on Jisung to move harder, hitting right on that special spot inside him.
“Fuck!” He sobs. The wood of the desk beneath him is cold against his burning skin, “Minho Minho-“ The elder smiles kissing the boy’s neck. “Yes? What is it?” Jisung doesn’t respond, he can’t find the words to give even the most simplest answer. He can’t help it, Minho is moving erratically, “Hey, where’s my smart boy gone to?” Minho smirks with a sadistic glint to it, and wraps his arms around Han’s waist and chest pulls him up so he’s standing. Jisung groans from the movement, and Minho is still rocking inside of him. “Shit.” His head falls back against his shoulder, eyes closed. “Did I fuck you stupid already? You’re even drooling baby.” Keeping one hand firmly on Jisung’s chest to keep him standing, Minho wipes the saliva that escaped his mouth with his thumb. He runs his thumb over Han’s lips before moving his head to kiss him. He holds the younger’s jaw and licks into his mouth, swallowing his moans. When Minho pulls away, Jisung isn’t even given the chance to complain since Minho is bending him over the desk again, “I’m gonna break you baby.” Minho tells the younger between moans, “Gonna take you apart right here- don’t worry I’ll- I’ll love you right when I take you home. Real slow and sweet.” He moves harder, keeping Jisung pinned down with a hand on the nape of his neck as his other reaches in front of the younger to fist him, making him keen.
“Come- am gonna- Minho comming-“
It only takes a few jerks of his wrist to make Han come over his stomach, moaning out Minho’s name as he jerks against the desk and Minho’s hand. He whimpers and whines when Minho somewhat intentionally overstimulates him as he keeps moving for a few more seconds. When he feels as if he’s about to burst, Minho pulls out of Jisung. He wraps his hand around himself and quickly comes with a soft moan.
Panting, Minho runs his hand through Han’s hair a few times before putting his pants back on properly and helping Jisung stand up. With one hand, he grabs a packet of tissues from his pockets and uses a few to wipe Jisung clean, shushing his whimpers. “Darling boy.” Minho coos in his ear, turning Han around and buttoning his shirt for him. Jisung lifts his arms and wraps them around Minho’s shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. The elder responds quickly, kissing Jisung sweetly as he rubs his sides. When Han pulls away, Minho kisses his cheeks, a few of the marks he left on his neck, and ends with a kiss to Jisung’s temple, “Would this be a good time to ask you out?” Han snorts, resting his head on Minho’s shoulder, “I’d love to.”
Minho walks into an office and leans back against the wall, letting out a short whistle. “Love what you done with the place.” The man at the desk laughs, looking around himself, “Oh yes, thanks to you hyung.” Han responds as he moves a succulent to a different corner on the desk, a plant that Minho got him, “I don’t know how I’m going to be able to work.” He playfully glares at the other, “I blame you.” “Why?” Minho walks over to the desk, standing across from Han, “Bringing up memories, boss?” Jisung shivers, “Don’t call me that.” He says, ignoring the image in his head of Minho fucking him over the desk that is now his, “Are we going?” “Yeah. Can’t keep Chan waiting.”
The two make their way to Chan’s office, neither bothering to knock since he’s been expecting them. Chan looks up from his computer and smiles when he sees the two, “Didn’t assault anyone, right Minho?” The man in question rolls his eyes at Chan as him and Jisung sit on the chairs across from Chan on the desk.
“Hi Chan hyung.” Chan smiles softly at the younger, he’s always had a soft spot for him, “Jisung. Now seriously, what brings you two here?” Han looks down in his lap, smiling when Minho grabs one of his hand’s and interlocks their fingers. Minho brings their hands up and places a quick kiss on the back of Jisung’s hand.
“Jisung and I are in a relationship.” Minho states bluntly to the head of HR, “We just came to notify you.” Chan nearly rolls his eyes and Minho’s formalness, but he instead laughs softly.
“Congrats guys. You two are good together.” He says, genuinely happy the two have gotten together, “You guys can go though, I just quickly have to put it on file.” Both Han and Minho thank the older man for his time and leave.
Chan pulls out a file from his filing cabinet. “Finally.” He mumbles as he puts the already filled out form on his desk, “It was collecting dust.”
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peanutsstudio · 1 year
San Diego Comic Con 2023!
We're getting ready for Comic-Con International: San Diego, the annual comic book convention and nonprofit multi-genre event is a colossal effort. The creative team at Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates works with the licensing office in NYC, Peanuts Worldwide, to bring the booth to life. The four-day event, which opens with Preview night on Wednesday, July 19th, and then runs from Thursday, July 20 through Sunday, July 23, requires hours of work to plan, prep, and stage boxes, at our office, headquartered in Santa Rosa, Calif. We filled four pallets (labeled for specific days, so the booth has inventory each morning!), then wrapped them to ship.
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The creative team at Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates prepares for San Diego Comic-Con 2023! But it’s not all work for the creative team. There’s always a little time to play around and have some fun.
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From left, Caitlin Leonard, Tifanee Smith, Amanda Fagundes, Alena Carnes, Emma Harmon (front), Jewel Jackson, Cameron Nilsson (back), and Karri Kenoyer. Here’s a sneak peek of this year’s Comic-Con exclusive hat, celebrating all things Snoopy for Beagle Scouts fans, courtesy of Paige Braddock, Chief Creative Officer here at the Schulz Studio.
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Patch design by Mary Shyne. On the show floor, you’ll find the Peanuts gang at Booth #1635, where you’ll be a happy camper to discover Snoopy himself, making in-person appearances throughout the con. 
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Preparing to set up camp on the show floor. Look for the Peanuts gang at Booth #1635.
Hope to see you at Comic-Con! Join us in the Gaslamp at the Peanuts Pop-up shop, where we’ll set up camp at 200 J. Street, Suite 105, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. We have plenty of activities planned for our guests and some fun new merch for outdoor enthusiasts.
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Join us Saturday for the Peanuts panel!
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Discover the all-new animated Peanuts content in the works at WildBrain Studios for Apple TV+, the home of all Peanuts content. Includes a sneak peek of Camp Snoopy (2024), the adventures (and misadventures) of Snoopy and his Beagle Scouts at summer camp. Plus enjoy an exclusive reveal of some exciting new Peanuts projects. Panelists include Rob "Boots" Boutilier (executive producer/series director, Camp Snoopy, WildBrain Studios),  Adam Arsenault (director, WildBrain Studios), Paige Braddock (chief creative officer, Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates), Jason Cooper (senior writer, Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates), and Melissa Menta (senior vice president, marketing and communications, Peanuts Worldwide). Damian Holbrook (senior writer, TV Guide magazine) moderates. And finally, big “congrats” and a special shout-out for this Eisner nomination! In the category of best Comics-Related Book.
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Charles M. Schulz: The Art and Life of the Peanuts Creator in 100 Objects, by Benjamin L. Clark and Nat Gertler (Schulz Museum)
Schulz Studio Editorial Director, Alexis Fajardo also contributed to this project. See you in San Diego!
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enden-k · 1 year
Congrats on C6 Kaveh!!! That's insane tbh it's so hard to get the 4 star u want, let alone C6 them from a single banner! He really loves u lol
I am still Kavehless even after putting Haitham on my team and standing in front of his home but I shall not give up hope 😤😤😤
thank u!!!! i dont think i ever managed to C6 a new 4star in one banner while pulling for one single copy of the 5star JAKCBKJCB kaveh just FLEW into my arms like in the final round of the interdarshan championship 🥹 dunno if it was bc of the awful furniture mess in my teapot akcsj
yess!! dont give up, he WILL come home <3
(using this ask to answer all the kaveh pulls related asks in one)
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ohh, did u get him tho? i hope u did!!
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NOOO.....theres still 20 days left, he will come home surely!!!
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KJABKCJBK sorry i stole all kavehs AHJBC---- C4 is still good tho!! congrats on ur kaveh <3
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oh wow nice!! and yes same, hes just so auuajsbckbujkc 🥹
nawww <3
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congrats!! also nooo not the mora AUUAHCBK (its comical, the combination of his teapot talent name "art of budgeting" and then the 925 mora in the top HAHAH)
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Congrats for managing to finish The Flash! You're braver than any U.S marine, tbh. I left it when I could, lmao. It's been. . . wild seeing how it played out. Okay, here's a fun question: top 10 missed opportunities they failed to take. And which of those you wish to explore in fic? I'm sorry if this is a lot but yeah.
P.S: Eddie is genuinely back and alive??? No B.S?? I am shookth.
Thank you. I get most of my courage from my dog, who lets me rant to her about poor plotting when I watch Flash episodes as long as I give her scritches and encourage her vendetta with the squirrels. :D
Hmmm, Top Ten Missed Opportunities...
In no particular order
1.) Not bringing Harry back in S5. He still had a lot more story to tell and exploring how he learns to live with his new disabilities would have been better than what we got with Sherloque. I mean, the new Wells always winds up growing on me because Tom always had a lot of fun bringing the Wells variants to life, but Harry leaving the Team was very abrupt and his story wasn't done. And now it'll always be this big question mark hanging over the character.
This is definitely something I'd be interested in exploring in fic. I've done so already to very small degrees, but it's definitely something I want to take a deeper look at eventually.
2.) Leonard Snart leading the Rogues. There was the build up and no payoff, thanks to the Legends stealing Len and then killing him off. Leonard Snart and his Rogues are a big deal in the comics, so not having that group come together as a legitimate threat to Barry in the show is always going to be a big disappointment. It meant no more Lisa Snart too, which was really unfortunate.
Guess I'm just gonna have to keep writing my 'Rogues as a dysfunctional found family' fics and imagining what could have been.
3.) Failing to give Cisco a proper send off. After promising an interesting plot for Cisco before S7 began, the build up for him leaving was basically a series of background events in other people's stories. His final episode, though very fun, felt very much like they'd forgotten Carlos was leaving the show until the last minute and had to scramble to send off Cisco.
I've kind of written around the issue, but for me the fix fic is Cisco not leaving at all. So I don't think a proper send off story is in the works for me to write.
4.) Making Frost a lesbian. After failing to keep Hartley in the pilot and having a queer character on the main cast from the start, they should have had an openly queer character on the show at some point. Frost would have been a great choice for this and it would have avoided the relationship with Mark Blaine who was a character that never should have joined the main cast. Allegra being queer would have been lovely too. Or Chester. Just... someone ought to have been out.
Of course they're all queer characters when I write them, so... :D
5.) Never fixing the STAR Labs building. It's a little thing, but restoring the building would have been a great metaphor for the team pulling back together after a time of upheaval. Or perhaps showing the differences in the timeline after Flashpoint.
I did address this point. With squirrels. :D
6.) Taking away Cisco's powers instead of developing them further. Cisco's powers in the comics are truly phenomenal and watching Cisco grow from fearing them to enjoying them on screen was lovely. The abrupt one-eighty on his feelings towards his powers in S5 looks far too much like a bad reaction to breaking up with Cynthia and reeks of the show runners not knowing how to handle writing Vibe. After all that build up for Cisco as Vibe, throwing it down the drain was a massively wasted opportunity.
Giving Cisco back his powers or having him never ditch them at all is definitely something I feature in my fanfics with Cisco that take place in S5 or afterwards.
7.) Not making Hartley more like his comics self. They had every opportunity to grow his character, especially when they reintroduced him post Crisis. And they never did despite clearly being aware the comics character is a much beloved one.
Hartley fix-its are definitely a favorite flavor of my fanfic writing, however. And my fanfic reading. :D
8.) Wally 'graduating' from Kid Flash to Flash. Wally is one of the more popular Flashes in the comics and he deserved to have that acknowledged on the show.
This is something I'll get around to writing fix-its for eventually. I still can't believe the show ended and Wally is still just Kid Flash with the yellow and red suit.
9.) Not having children as metas. We got Frankie, but that's basically it. (Jax was a high school student in 2013, but had graduated by the time he showed up in S2.) The accelerator had to have affected children. Teens sneaking out at night, late night school events like band concerts, younger siblings at football games, etc...
I'm not great at writing kids, but addressing the lack of children as metas is something I want to write. Such as my much younger Joss Jackam that I want to return to at some point. (Also because that version of Mark Mardon is adorable too.)
10.) Only having Flashpoint as a single episode. Flashpoint was a big deal in the comics and would have been a lot more impactful if it had been a longer arc.
Personally, I think the resolution to Flashpoint should have been tied into Nora's death coming full circle for Barry. Though I did think the episode where that night did come full circle was well done. But eventually I will wind up writing my own version of both Flashpoint and how Barry came to tell his S1 self not to stop Eobard from murdering Nora.
And, yup, Eddie's alive again in canon. He's been thoroughly mind screwed by the Negative Speed Force and is still it's Avatar, but destroying the N!SF's crystal and actively choosing not to hate Barry - to set aside his resentment over the life he didn't get to have - seems to have had a profound affect on the interior of the N!SF. Hopefully Eddie's innate good nature will have prove to cause a permanent change to the N!SF itself, making them allies for Team Flash in the future. Though, as Eddie noted, he's not always going to agree with Barry or want to do things Barry's way, so... it's an interesting place to leave him even if I disagree with how he got there.
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soulofkhal · 1 year
Khal is Reading: Incredible Hulk (2023) #1
So I'm officially starting to document in here and in my journey in reading comics here and what better comic to start than with the only ongoing I currently read, The Incredible Hulk! This will be a monthly review!
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Directly continuing from the previous run by Donny Cates and Ryan Ottley, Phillip Kennedy Johnson (PKJ) and Nic Klein teams up to bring horror into the Hulk lore. Not that the jade giant have shy away from horror genre before (re: Immortal Hulk and basically the entire Hulk origin took a lot of inspiration from Frankenstein's monster)
As this was my first ongoing, I was very cautious. Hulk is the (western) comic character that I've read the most of and I've grown fondness to the character. From discussions I've seen online, I assume that Hulk is one of the luckier characters in terms of the quality of his solo runs. Minus Aaron, the Ultimate universe and the recently finished Cates run, there hasn't been a lot of complaint regarding his run throughout the years and I'm hoping that this next one would not be joining this tiny list.
And while I can't promise that the quality would stay consistent throughout, this first issue for sure brings a lot of confidence.
The story begins with an exploration team exploring hidden tombs in Al-Qadissiyah, Iraq and unbeknowingly release an ancient entity (seemingly connected to the green door) and ended up being possessed by these entities. They form a cult that claims themselves to be the child of the Mother of Horror. Meanwhile, Bruce is now dealing with a very, angry Hulk after the recent events between him and the Hulk (from the Cates run). The cult believes that Hulk is necessary for the new Age of Monsters and proceed to plan to go after him.
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We also got introduce to Charlene, a teenage girl trying to escape from her abusive dad who encounters the Hulk on her run. Now, one of the things that I miss the most about the Hulk was his relationship with his sidekicks/friends. Whether it's Rick Jones or Amadeus Cho/Brawn and I'm hoping that Charlene will stay as his travelling partner for most of this run.
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As for what I think, I think this issue was amazing. Like "that's what I'm talking about" amazing. Like "Please give me the next issue asap" amazing. I was completely suprised at how much I love this first issue.
I was always worried whenever the first issue just didn't have enough "juice" on it for me to keep me interested or starts off in the middle of a story and keeps me confused and this issue have none of that. We get to see where Bruce is now at his life, the antagonist for this arc (at the very least), and his new friend and a surprising cameo 👀
Not to mention the art. The art is gorgeous and it depicts the horror and the grotesque nature of the story perfectly. All the credit goes to Nic Klein and Matt Wilson for the beautiful art.
All in all whether you were already a Hulk fan or you're a comic fan just looking for a promising action-horror comics, I think this comic fits perfectly for you.
If you have some money to spare and don't mind spending it on comics, do pre-order for the next issue if you are interested (or don't! It's up to you!)
Also great news, the first issue is currently sold-out and they're planning for a second print. Congrats to the Incredible Hulk team!
Final Rating: 9.5/10
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This is my tumblr which means you're at the mercy of whatever I want to talk about and what I want to talk about is the Generation X ashcan special. It’s “A smaller-sized issue with basic descriptions of the cast of Generation X, as told by Banshee.” Which is only really notable because it was released and written before the original comic, which means it’s got some weird early characterizations.
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No big notes about the content of the first page, but the illustration is the inks of the comic Open Volley which was another promotional piece, this time for the 1994 San Diego Convention.
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Emma’s notes are pretty benal, though I do think on some level it’s funny that only the Americans get a nationality more specific than a country.
Jono on the other hand is weird. I can see describing anyone other than him on the team as a born leader. It seems almost obvious that he’s the team’s lancer but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There’s also the early Gen X quirk that his blasts are made of bio energy, not psionic energy. (My guess is that they changed it to avoid giving him two unrelated powers- bio blasts and telepathy?)
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Next up- Paige! Overconfidence as her primary flaw is another odd pull. It’s not quite as weird, but given they mention her lacking control of her powers at the bottom it’s certainly confusing.
Penny’s notes are almost entirely non canon, since this was written well before the Monet Russian nesting doll. Converting negative energy into sharper skin is a fascinating power I wish they’d kept, and I wonder if the plan was that her sharpness would be a reflection of the overall mental health of the team? Either way, it does do a little to explain why poorly reflecting light was also a pre-Russian doll trait.
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Given he was only present for 2 of every 7 Gen X comics, a weekend of a character, it always seemed odd to me how present Mondo is in the promotional material. I suppose he got cut for not being a particularly active character while having a personality easily covered between Everett and Paige, but that doesn’t make it less of a shame.
Another wild characterization with Everett’s “limited range of omnipotence and righteousness.” Along with another reference to Jono as team leader, which is especially odd considering how obvious Synch is as a pull for team leader. In most situations his powers guarantee he’s got the best understanding of how to direct the team and what they're working against. But no, apparently he’s the moral center of the team and the lancer, which suggests some terrible things about the rest of the team.
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It is more understandable what led to the aforementioned Monet/Pennace nesting doll given early descriptions of M’s character. It’s an odd fit, but it does fit both characters' vague outlines.
The most specific nationality and the most consistent character! Congrats Skin fans, there’s nothing to say!
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And finally, a double special to keep this last one from clogging your dashboard. I wish they’d found something new for Jubilee to do with her powers in Gen X, but it makes sense why they avoided acknowledging how dangerous handheld explosives as a power could actually be.
Also, early chamber art. Look at this dork.
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rex101111 · 2 years
I’m gonna post about Naruto in the year of our lord 2022 because its April 1st and I can pretend me still caring about the dumb ninja comic is a prank when the only joke here is me for never being able to let go. anyways.
As I grow older I become more and more convinced that the og team 7 are all bi. The relationship between those three is such a fucking mess that there’s no way that some underdeveloped and unrealized teenaged feelings didn’t have a hand in it. More than what the story already shows, I mean.
I also hc that they all figured that out, to varying degrees, around the same time; during their training with the Sannin.
With Sakura it was the most involved process. Without Naruto or Sasuke around she can only focus on either her, literally bone breaking, training with Tsunade or the friends she still has left in the village. Chief among them being, of course, Ino. They reconnect, actually talk about that whole Chunnin exam shit, and Sakura starts...thinking. A lot.
So much thinking that she loses focus during one training session, and takes a hit to the face that knocks her out cold. She has a very confusing dream about both Sasuke and Ino, about the memories and the hairpin and the haircut and the forest and that damn bench and by the time she wakes up, Tsunade sitting next to her to make sure she didn’t get a concussion or anything, she realizes something.
“Sensei, I think I’m bi.”
And Tsunade just pats her shoulder and says, “congrats on being the last person in the village to figure that out, kiddo.” 
With Sasuke it’s a bit more roundabout. He’s training with Orochimaru in some dank, dark cave/laboratory/whatever other creepy fucking place that dude had just laying around, with the Sannin looking over him with an...intense and curious look, and Sasuke tries to ignore it but eventually he just snaps and goes, “what do you want?”
“Hmmm.” Orochimaru humming is never a good sign so Sasuke tenses for something either disturbing or exhausting, probably both, “I’ve come to either one of two conclusions about you, Sasuke-kun, and I think I’ll need your input to be sure which it is.”
Sasuke, not really giving a damn what the snake thinks of him but knows its better to rip off the band aid, sighs, “fine sure, what are you thinking?”
“After observing you for some time now,” Sasuke represses a shiver, “I think I can be certain that you are either a. some form of Not Straight and in denial and/or unaware of it...”
At this point in his life Sasuke really doesn’t give a damn about anything that doesn’t help him kill Itachi very very dead, but humors Orochimaru to get it over with, “fine, or...?”
“Or!” Orochimaru holds up a finger. “Or, you are so spectacularly emotionally repressed you are incapable of differentiating between platonic and romantic affection, and either one of those conclusions would explain quite a few things about you.” Orochimaru smiles very creepily, as if they can smile any other way, and finally asks, “so, in your opinion Sasuke-kun, which is it?”
Sasuke has had just about enough of this conversation so he throws his hands up and and says, “fucking, I don’t know, can it be both?”
Orochimaru blinks and then claps their hands, “of course! That would make the most sense!” Another clap, “excellent out of the box thinking Sasuke-kun, now back to training.”
“Don’t mind if I fucking do...” And that’s where that conversation ends and Sasuke puts it out of his head for a few years. It’s only when the whole...mess ends and he can sort his shit out to some degree does he just freeze in the middle of a walk and realize with no small amount of annoyance that fuck that snakey bastard was right.
With Naruto it’s the simplest. During his travles with Jiraya the pervy Sage of course drags him to various red light distracts (for “research”, obviously), and while Naruto gets an eyeful of a lot of very pretty girls he also sees not a few very pretty boys and because he’s not the type to overthink his feelings much, when he thinks about them at all, he doesn’t really pay much mind to himself thinking that wow hey that dude looks kinda cute and moves on.
One day he and Jiraya are taking a break and Naruto is just thinking about those aforementioned pretty girls and boys, and that many of them weren’t wearing clothes that covered much of their chests, and because he’s also a bit of a perv at heart he just mutters, “boobs are great...”
Jiraya, who is, lets not kid ourselves, the most Straight Man To Ever Live and would not consider that Naruto is talking about boobs in the neutral sense, simply nods quietly to himself with a single tear rolling down his face, “So proud of you...”  
So yeah that’s my rambling yearly naruto post happy april fools im gonna watch the lee gaara fight again to feel some joy again
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
Oh boy here we go it's time it's time
Jocks Kwami Swap Season 4 Heroes 2 & 3
I'm so hyped for these two you can't possibly understand, oh my god. Of all the heroes these two are really something to me and just- I'm so excited to finally show them off
Okay okay, okay, here we go, time to introduce the newest Jock Heroes, Capricorn (3) and Bengal (2), otherwise known as Alya and Nino
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(art credit to the ever talented @justanotherpersonsuniverse )
Okay let's talk Bengal first, my homeboy Nino himself
So yeah I gave Nino the tiger, and at this time theres no info on the tiger really, so I went with my assumption of the tiger being a stealth/long distance bow user hero, with a bow weapon of some kind, and a "shrouding" power that doesn't allow them to be tracked. Nino's hero Theming is based on a sort of underground dance club vibe, and it's sorta linked to the fact that I like the idea of him and Mari being in hip hop dance lessons together as kids
His outer jacket is magenta with black stripes, the stripes looking like they were painted on manually. The ears on the top of his hood have some mobility, as he doesn't take the hood off ever. The front tuft of his hair has a bit of a purple/magenta dusting to it. Instead of a mask, it looks like he smeared paint over his eyes? It's magenta too, and gets darker towards the top, and he's got the gold version of the cat eyes
Under the jacket he's got a deep purple crop top cause he's Nino, he's going the extra mile. Maybe claw marks torn in it? Maybe, but it's flowy as hell. Under that layer is a shirt like the classic Miraculous suits, black with magenta stripes. It goes up to his neck under the crop top too. His right glove is magenta, and his left is (where the miraculous is) and black, thick like an Archer's glove
His pants are a little baggy? And mostly black with a magenta stripe on the outside of each leg and the inside, and at night they get reflective and kinda glow? His shoes are high top sneakers, black with magenta striping, and where the logo would be on say a converse, is a little tiger paw mark. The bottom of the sneakers has a paw design. He also has a tail! Long tiger tail, hand black painted stripes and all that
He's a quieter hero when he joins, gets his jobs done as effectively as he can. But once he gets really into the team dynamic? He's a wild cat when not actively heroing. He gets real goofy with Wishbone and Kitsune, and he rounds out Crimson and Multi to reunite the original disaster bi trio
Up next is Capricorn, Alya with the Goat/Ram
Again, this is before we know anything about the Goat, and I'm using my personal belief as to what the ram will be; a physical front hero, who's weapon is like, arm bracers, and their power is to Ram something I guess. Alya's Theming is connected to her love of superheroes and the Superman origin, so like a Farmer that's an underground fighter/superhero when no one's looking
Her entire outfit is black and white, and any lines are kinda not solid? Sketchy, like they're drawn in pencil/ink. She's got little horns on her head, but also her hair is split into little pigtails that are curled like horns that curl around her face. Her hair is black with white "highlights" to keep up the comic aesthetic, and her mask is black on top white on the bottom, shaped like the classic Robin domino mask. Her eyes are now a grey colour, and her pupils are shaped like a goats
Her main suit colour is black, with grey and white markings that look like comic highlights. Over that are a pair of overalls that cuff up as shorts on the bottom? Grey/white again. Arm bracers are white, with black wraps around her hands like a boxer or fighter would wear
The leg space between the boots and the overalls are still black, and the boots are grey with the slightest heel. The toe of the boot has a little metal/steal toe aspect so she makes a clop clip noise while walking, and they look like work boots one might wear while doing heavy farm work
Capricorn is loud and spunky and a big personality. She's the first to jump into the fray, wearing that big smile that lights up every photo she's in. Her and Crimson and Chartreux rack up the most property damage, and it takes a lot to keep her from fangirling over the other heroes. She and Hornet and Multi rather enjoy being little shits together, just talking and laughing together
Capricorn and Bengal as a duo work really well together. They don't know who the other is at first, and right now I believe Bengal will debut first, but until season 4 is all done I won't know for sure. But when they do figure it out, they freak and start acting real close as heroes
HERE THEY ARE I HOPE YOU LIKE MY KIDS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! Congrats to anyone who guessed correctly! I had fun with this little secret thing, and I hope you did too!
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arklayraven · 3 years
This turned out to be a vent/rant over my feelings on how Loki's genderfluidity has been treated before and after the Loki series aired...Especially thanks to the Loki series team making things worse by practically saying it's fine to erase Loki's canon genderfluidity...
Stating this now even tho I stated it below:
These are my personal feelings and opinions. I am not speaking for all genderfluid people here.
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Loki is genderfluid, always has been, in the comics and even in mythology.
What the Loki series has done in erasing Loki's genderfluidity. Isn't a sudden 'ok' to now just see Loki's canon genderfluidity as a 'headcanon' to some of y'all. Or a pass now to not see Loki as genderfluid, to excuse your fluidphobia even more.
Loki is genderfluid, it's fact, it's final.
The reason why I am bringing this up, is because as a genderfluid person myself, I've been feeling personally bothered by the use and sight of 'genderfluid!loki' for some fics lately. I am sure not many mean harm from it, perhaps you aren't aware of how it looks to some other people, especially some genderfluid people like me. I say some, for I don't speak for all genderfluid people here, fyi. This is my personal opinion and feelings on this matter...
Anyway...The reason why it bothers me, is because it can give off the impression, that you see Loki as genderfluid only in certain fics or moments to you. You see it as a headcanon. Which is very yikes to me, for it's canon Loki is genderfluid. Even if Loki is just using he/him pronouns and is masc presenting in a fic alone in that moment. He's still genderfluid, for that's who they are.
Though...If you are gonna tell me, 'well I write Loki as not openly stated as genderfluid in my fics, to be freely interpreted by the readers however they want to see him as.' or something like that...Congrats, you just used the fluidphobic rhetoric the Loki series team is using now too when it comes to erasing Loki's genderfluidity.
I get there's some people who want some characters to be open for interpretation, especially be open to be labeled as any lgbt+ labels. It could be out of means to feel validated or such. But a canon genderfluid character's gender identity isn't up for interpretation. Especially by means of deciding you won't see them as genderfluid now. You are being fluidphobic at that point. You are erasing a part of Loki, a part of what makes them who they are.
Respect Loki's genderfluidity. If you love him for who he is, then you will love them for being genderfluid too. Not try to erase a part of who they are.
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Congrats on 200!! 🤗
I would love 🖼 a moodboard for .... hhhhmmmm how about HotchReid?
And I can't find a pencil, but I would love any blurb about HotchReid as well ❤
Eeeehhh I'm excited!! Congrats again! 🤗
I am ALWAYS on board for HotchReid, and you were my other freestyle moodboard so you get my Light!HotchReid moodboard that’s all soft and warm and romantic <3
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AND IN THAT VEIN, I had an idea and ran with it so this is half blurb/half one-shot and idk where it came from but have some domestic, established relationship HotchReid C: and thank you so much for sending me the asks and celebrating with me!
//In which Jack outs his dad and Spencer’s relationship before they even get a chance to call it one//
They don’t mean to start sneaking around. Honestly they don’t. 
It just… happens.
There was no rhyme or reason for it, hiding what was very obviously becoming a permanent fixture in their lives in and outside of work. This gradual build up of moments and conversations and late nights that turned to intimacy as easily as everything else about them. Shared looks, subtle touches, feather-light at first -- until the glances turned heavy and the touches more prominent. The stolen moments turned to stolen nights, hidden behind hotel room doors or buried in tangled sheets back home in D.C. 
They didn’t need to hide anything. Not from the team, their friends they considered closer than family. But they did -- purely because they didn’t want to share this yet. Label it. Place it in those societal boxes of expectations and questions and future aspirations when right now it was… so easy. So perfect. Almost domestic in its comfort it offered, because it was theirs and theirs alone. It can be whatever they wanted it to be --
And right now, it felt like home.
Hotch always rises with the sun. He goes on early morning runs at all times of the year, rain or shine, even when it snows. He’s always back in enough time to get Jack up and ready for school, shower and get himself dressed for work, he’s a creature of habit and routine is his comfort zone. But now --
Now, sometimes it’s hard to leave his bed in the mornings, and the sight that always greets him when he returns from his runs makes him smile like he hasn’t in a long time. 
Spencer sleeps much later, sometimes until Hotch is done showering and has already tried to wake him up two or three times with bribes of coffee. Kissing his cheek or wild curls while still smelling like sweat from his run, and Spencer swats at him or hides under the covers without even opening his eyes. And Hotch lets him until it gets too close to the time when they need to head into the office. 
“Why does Spencer get to sleep in?” Jack asks with a tired whine, now nine-years-old and pouting over his bowl of cereal as Spencer finally drags himself from bed and to the coffee pot at half past seven in the morning. Hotch smirks and weaves around the man, scooping him close to kiss him good morning before letting him continue his trek. 
“Because he finishes his homework before bedtime,” Hotch answers his son, looking pointedly at the half completed math homework on the kitchen table. The deluge of questions were just another diversion tactic, he could see right through it, and he doesn’t let up until Jack picks up his pencil once more. 
“You have homework?” Jack asks Spencer, who sits beside him and is still rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses. Steam off his coffee the only breath of life he needs to wake up fully.
“Oh, I always have homework. Last night it was actually Morgan’s ‘homework’, he thinks I don’t notice when he slips files onto my desk.” 
Hotch sends Spencer a reprimanding look, because they both know that Morgan and Prentiss slip Spencer files all the time and he’s supposed to be putting his foot down about it. 
“He should really do his own homework,” Jack mumbles, glaring at his own math equations. 
“Well you be sure to tell him that when you see him again, Jack.” Spencer would pay good money to see that conversation, and he smiles fondly at the young boy for having his back. 
It’s barely ten minutes later when Spencer is getting up from the table and is gravitating towards the coffee pot for cup number two when Jack pipes up again.
“Hey -- was I supposed to not tell anyone about Spencer living here?” 
Hotch and Spencer look at each other, not realizing that… really that was what had happened in plain terms. Spencer did indeed live there. He couldn’t even remember the last time that he had been back to his apartment. Weeks, maybe. 
“It’s not really a secret bud, why?” Hotch asks, hesitant because… it’s not a secret, they just haven’t said anything to anyone.
“Because Aunt Penny didn’t know and now she’s sending me lots of screaming emojis.” 
Spencer looks to his phone and he also happens to have about a dozen text messages from Penelope. Most of it unintelligible key smashes and strings of pictures. 
“No texting at breakfast, you know better,” Hotch reprimands Jack as he checks his own phone. The juxtaposition making Jack scowl and Spencer snicker. Hotch finds he doesn’t have as many messages from their tech analyst, but he does have a few. The whole team probably knows already. 
He sends out a text to everyone that says ‘team meeting 9am’ 
“Guess I don’t have to take the train today.” Spencer is giving him a look over his coffee mug, amused but still hesitant. “I feel like we should be nervous, but I’m not.” 
Hotch can’t help the smirk of a smile on his face as he presses Spencer to the counter and kisses him fully, but still at least a little chaste -- with Jack making gagging sounds in the background. ’Dad, gross--’
“Finish your homework, and go brush your teeth,” he tells him without looking over. One more kiss that tastes like coffee and too much sugar, grinning a little too wide.
“I can’t tell if you’re happy, or plotting something.”
“A bit of both,” Hotch answers cryptically.
“Now I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be, I’ve been planning for this day for a long time.” But he keeps his secrets to himself as he ushers Spencer towards the bedroom -- their bedroom, he now realizes -- to make him get ready for work.
An hour later, the team is gathered at the round table in the conference room, and Hotch passes out binders to everyone packed with training material.
"Wait, this is an actual team meeting?" Prentiss blanches.
"How is this not about you and Reid sleeping together!?" The shock of a five pound binder in their hands seems to have taken any accusational tones out of anyone’s voices, but Hotch still scowls at Morgan’s outburst, and Spencer immediately jumps to their defense.
"We aren't sleeping together, we're…" they look at each other. "Living together. Are together."
"Dating." Hotch simplifies.
"Okay, so this ISN'T about you two 'dating'?" JJ elaborates this time, careful gaze darting between them, as is everyone else’s. 
"No, this is about how none of you noticed we were dating,” Hotch answers evenly, calmly. “If it had been about announcing ourselves, the text would have said ‘family’ meeting." 
That makes a few people smile, Penelope making a soft squeal in delight, and it changes the air in the room dramatically. 
"So ‘family’ dinner Saturday, Dave's house thank you for volunteering." Hotch says, just to wipe the smug look off the older man's face. He hadn’t said a word, yet, but with the smirk he’d been sporting all morning he didn’t need to. 
"This," he points to binders. “is a refresher course you all get to audit. Profiling 101, I want them on my desk by the end of the week. Morgan do not pass it off to Reid, you're doing your own homework this time."
Spencer can’t help it, he laughs. Hotch manages not to -- even in the face of Morgan’s comically betrayed expression.
At least Jack would be pleased to hear it.
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Only friends? [Oliver Wood x Reader] - Requested
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Title: Only friends? Pairing: Oliver Wood x Female!Hufflepuff!Reader Word count: 1.7k Published: 2 September, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Notes: It was supposed to be an Oliver blurb for my sleepover, requested by @herstory-study​ but I ran away with the story line and I’m not even sorry! Oliver is my sweetheart and he deserves love so thank you for requesting! <3 Summary: You and Oliver have been friends, but you never dared to say anything to him about your hidden feelings, worrying about losing him. But one day he comes up to you, acting unlike himself, making you worry. Request: [x]
“CONGRATS ON THE 300!!!! Could I have a 🍑 with Oliver Wood please? Fluff with happy ending: I’m an extroverted introvert who can get rather sarcastic and call pple out on their shit. I’m a Hufflepuff. My favorite HP subject would be Transfiguration cause McGonagall is a badass and I love to listen to music, play with my doggies, read, and write! CONGRATS AGAIN 💛💛💛💛💛💛” - @herstory-study
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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You were seated at the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall, talking to you friends, when a shadow covered the dim light of the Hall from behind you. You turned around to see a friend of yours, Oliver Wood, standing with crossed arms in front of his chest and a firm pout on his lips. 
You found him adorable, but you never dared to tell him. You knew if you did, he would have your head in seconds. He was a strong man, the captain of the quidditch team, who needed to be firm with others, never letting his weaknesses get to him. But in real life, he was an adorable little puppy and you wanted nothing but to play with him. 
“What seems to be the problem, Oliver?” You smiled at him as you patted the bench beside you and waited for him to take a seat. 
“I saw you yesterday. Don’t think I didn’t.” His voice was warning, but for you it seemed comical. 
“Oh really? We are going to the same school, Oliver. There’s a very high chance that you would see me.” You chuckled, which earned an annoyed eye roll from him. 
“You know what I mean. You cheered for Hufflepuff on the match yesterday.” He huffed as a loud laughter left your lungs, your head tilting backwards from the force. 
“I am a Hufflepuff?” You spoke, but your tone sounded more like a question, as if you were not sure of your own house. 
“Yes, but I am a Gryffindor. You clearly said you would cheer for me.” He scolded you, his arms flailing around desperately. 
“I did, Oliver. But Hufflepuff is my house. I supported both of you. Believe me it is not an easy task.” You scoffed with a grin across your face. 
“You can’t cheer for my enemy. You can’t be on both sides.” He took the subject so seriously, you weren’t sure if you were supposed to laugh or glare at him. 
“I will always cheer you on Oliver, that will never change. However you can not ask me not to support my own house. What would you say if I asked you not to support Gryffindor anymore?” You raised a questioning brow and the Scot boy finally quieted down. “Right?” You waited for a confirmation. 
“Aye, aye, I know where you are coming from.” He pouted again, making you smile at his childish behaviour. 
Oliver was always a big part of your life. You got to know him when you had a joint Transfiguration class with Gryffindor in your second year and poor boy turned his cat into something that didn’t resemble an animal anymore nor an object of some kind. 
You found his pouting face adorable, even as he tried to shake off the laughing students around him. You walked up to him after the class, hoping to talk to him, finding him leaning against a wall with a grimace across his face. You closed in on him, chuckling at his little mishap, before you offered an apology and changed the subject, finally making him smile. 
Since then, he became somewhat of a friend to you. You never intended to fall for him, but his witty comments, the banter that you shared, his thick Scottish accent, his lopsided smile, the way he ran his fingers across his short brown hair, stole your heart and you couldn’t even recall how it happened. 
You were seated under a gigantic tree by the Black lake, your head hidden in the book you were reading, you were completely focused on the material. You didn’t even realise a presence beside you, let alone the way he scooted closer to you as he took a seat next to you. He watched your profile, your eyelashes curling up, the way you bit into your bottom lip as your eyes skimmed through an exciting part in your book, how the wind slightly lifted your hair.
“Khm.” You heard someone clear their throat beside you, making you jump as your eyes shot up, meeting his brown irises. 
“Oliver.” You gently hit his arm. “Would you mind not scaring me to death, please? I would really appreciate it.” You scolded him, but he just smiled sweetly, making it very hard for you to be mad at him. 
“You know, I didn’t mean to.” He shrugged as he took your yellow and black tie into his hands and started fiddling with it.
“How long have you been here?” You asked as he didn’t seem to want to talk, let alone look at you. 
“A while.” His short replies made you feel uneasy. You knew he had something on his mind, you knew how he acted when he was concerned about something. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, as you reached over to him and lifted his face, trying to establish an eye contact. 
“Nothing.” He shrugged and concentrated back on your tie. 
“Oliver, you are worrying me.” You tried as you moved closer and linked your arm with his. He let go of your tie and this time held onto your hand. As if he was measuring his palm against yours, he played with your hand, not realising the little electrical shocks his touches sent through your body. You were beyond worried and you didn’t want to think about how his proximity affected you, but you couldn’t deny the way your body reacted. “Please talk to me.” You tried again. 
“Have you ever thought about what we will do after Hogwarts?” He asked, his tone weaker than you ever heard. 
“What do you mean?” You frowned at his unusual behaviour. “You are going to play quidditch professionally and well, I didn’t decide yet.” You chuckled at the thought.
“Yeah, but what about you and me?” He asked and you could feel your heart skip a beat under his heavy words. 
“I mean, we will stay in touch. At least, I hope.” You raised your brows, but he couldn’t see that. His focus was still on your hand and you couldn’t miss how good his warm touch felt as he linked your fingers, interlocking each of his digits with yours. You wished to walk around the castle holding his hand or to feel his arms resting firmly around your waist or even his chin laying in the crook of your neck. But you never dared to voice how you felt about him. 
“But will we?” He asked, his voice uncertain. 
“Oliver, what is going on?” You asked firmly, feeling as if you have been left in the dark and you were supposed to know about something that they forget to tell you. 
“How do you know that we will keep in touch?” For the first time his eyes landed on you. 
“Well for one, I am planing to write to you and hopefully arrange to meet up with your busy ass.” You chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. “Of course, we can only keep in touch if you reply back to my letters, so I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t have to have a conversation only with myself.” You grinned happily, finally seeing a happy smile spread across his face. 
“Do you think we will be able to stay friends?” He asked as his gaze fixed on your face, making you feel as if you started warming up from the inside, certain about a blush creeping up on your cheeks.
“If we both want to keep our friendship, than it will work without an issue.” You smiled sweetly, trying to encourage him. You didn’t even want to think about losing him, even if you were by his side only as a mere friend. 
“And what if I don’t want to be your friend anymore?” He asked, his head tilting to the side innocently, your face falling at the realisation. 
“What?” You whispered, not being able to talk properly under the feeling of defeat. 
“No, no.” Oliver started in a panicked tone. “I meant what if I didn’t want to be only friends anymore?” He tried to save the situation, but your eyes growing wider made him feel a certain rejection. “It was a stupid idea, wasn’t it?” He spoke more to himself. 
“Oliver?” You got hold of his chin and tilted his head towards you, a small, hopeful smile spreading across your lips. “What you mean is, you would want to date me?” You asked with uncertainty. 
“Well, yeah, that was my question initially.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. You tried to force down a growing grin across your face as you opened your mouth to speak again. 
“So why don’t you ask your question?” You raised a brow, your smile never faltering. His eyes grew wide at your request, but the happy smile across your face, made him want to try again. 
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” He asked with a lopsided smile, your grin growing wider from happiness bubbling within you. 
“I certainly would.” You giggled, before he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head. 
“I thought you didn’t like me.” He spoke, his happy gaze studying your face with a new, loving look.
“I thought you didn’t like me either and now here we are.” You chuckled as he hinted a kiss on your nose this time. 
“Do I have to wait to kiss you until the date?” He asked, his eyes wandering down to your lips shamelessly. You locked your arms behind his neck, pulling him closer, your mouth grazing the surface of his. 
“Would you like to?” You wiggled your brows in a comical manner, forcing a wholehearted laughter out of his lungs. 
“No.” He replied as his laughter died down and before you knew it, his mouth was on yours, kissing you desperately, trying to compensate for the time you only remained friends out of fear.
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His arm tightened around your waist, the other wrapping around your shoulders as he pulled you even closer, trying to get rid off any space that dared to come between you. You smiled into the kiss happily, parting from him as he laid his forehead against yours with a cheerful grin across his face. He was beyond happy to be able to hold you in his arms, not just as a friend, but someone he has been in love for years and you were more than happy to get lost in his embrace, enjoying the warmness of his body and the loving gaze he was unable to take off you. 
Tags: @inkhearthes​ @bonziandfonzi​ @hufflefluff-writer​ @fific7​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @kalimagik​ @accio-rogers​ @peachesandpinks​ @harrypotter289​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @firewhisky-kisses​ @iliveiloveiwrite​ @mytreec​ @chaoticgirl04​ @nhcwdw​ 
Notes: If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like and/or reblog the chapter. Thank you :) 
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ only us ❞, n.jm
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summary → it was obvious to anyone that you guys had practiced this various times. or maybe it was just natural chemistry? jaemin isn’t sure what’s worse.
request → “could you write about bestfriend jaemin getting jealous when he sees you kiss jeno for a play at school that you're in” (anon)
word count → 3k
a/n → this request made me so incredibly happy because all the knowledge i acquired my musical phase finally came in handy!! also i haven’t listened to dear evan hansen since i downloaded the illegal bootleg on my laptop like last year so i don’t remember much abt it :( i just kind of described it really vaguely lol anyway hope u enjoy ;)
jaemin dropped his backpack carelessly onto the floor of the crowded cafeteria. he set his plate down on the lunch table, not even glancing at you as he eagerly dug into his food.
“sorry i’m late,” he says to you, eyes concentrated on the orange citrus in his hand. his fingers skillfully begin peeling off the skin. “i had to stay a couple minutes after history class as punishment for eating during the lesson.”
you roll your eyes, an amused smile on your face. “disappointed but not surprised.”
at hearing this comment, he glares at you. “hey, i didn’t have breakfast today and my stomach was growling like, really loud! seriously, it sounded like a whale mating call or something.”
“and who’s fault is that?” you ask, tucking your hands beneath your chin.
he frowns as he pops an orange wedge in his mouth. “mine, i guess. but it’s only because coach told me i should eat less if i wanna play better. something about less body mass making it easier to move around the court.”
“well, i’m pretty sure he didn’t mean skipping out on entire meals, doofus,” you retort. “breakfast is the most important meal of the day, isn’t that what everyone says?”
“true.” suddenly, his eyes light up. “so, you’re gonna start bringing me breakfast in the morings?”
you raise an eyebrow. “i’m sorry, when did we decide on that?”
he flashes you one of his infamous na jaemin smiles. “just now.”
“yeah well, tell your coach you’ll be losing that weight because there’s no way i’m going to wake up at the crack of dawn just to get you a mcmuffin.”
“but it would make my mornings so much better,” he whines. “having basketball practice so early sucks but with my cute little cheerleader there it would be totally worth it... the mcdonald’s is a bonus.”
you can’t help but laugh. “sorry nana, but i prefer sleeping in over watching a bunch of sweaty guys toss a ball around at 6 a.m.”
“fine... buy me a coffee after school and i’ll let you slide.”
“maybe tomorrow, i’ve got theatre today.”
“well, after that then,” he suggests.
you shake your head. “but then you’d have to wait and we’re doing a full rehearsal today.”
he shrugs. “i can wait, i don’t have practice.”
“yeah but i know how you are, na jaemin. you have the attention span of a goldfish.”
“not when it comes to you. you always have my attention.”
you’re about to laugh at what you assumed had been a purposefully cliché one-liner on his behalf but there’s no sign that he was joking. his devilish smirk and teasing eyes that usually appeared when he flirted with the girls on campus were nowhere to be found. instead you’re met with a straight face and his glimmering eyes that seem almost expectant, concentrated on you only. it takes you by surprise. was he being serious or something? the thought alone has your heart beat steadily increasing.
“okay fine, fine. anything for you to stop staring at me like that.”
he tilts his head to the side, resembling a lost puppy. “staring at you like what?”
“like—“ you pause, debating on whether or not you should say it. “like you’re in love with me or something.”
he only chuckles. “you have no idea.”
you almost choke on your sandwich. before you have a chance to ask him what in the world he meant by that, one of his teammates from the basketball team appears behind him, stealing his attention away.
“hey jaem,” donghyuck greets as he ruffles the younger boy’s hair. “coach just called a team meeting.”
“right now?” jaemin asks, displeased.
the brunette nods, folding his arms over his chest.
jaemin suppresses a groan as he stands and grabs his belongings. “sorry y/n. i’ll see you later for your rehearsals, okay?”
you nod. “see you later, nana.”
“bye jaemin’s girlfriend!” donghyuck exclaims receiving a punch in the arm from your ‘boyfriend’ although he doesn’t deny.
“i’m excited,” comments jaemin later that day. he has a bright grin on his face as you make your way through the hallway to the multipurpose room where you usually went for theatre club .
“oh really? i didn’t know you liked musicals.”
“well not really. but i like you.”
for the second time in one day, jaemin catches you off guard. you kick yourself for letting his shamelessness get to you. after all, wasn’t he like that with every girl? he had always been a charmer, you knew that before you had even met him.
na jaemin—point guard and certified flirt.
the only reason you had grown closer was due to him being in critical need of academic help and your teacher seeing you as a fit tutor. at first everyone found it amusing; the classic popular guy and quiet girl cliche. nobody had expected that you two would become practically glued by the hip. especially not you. maybe that was why you were so opposed to jaemin flirting with you. you were best friends but you knew how he was: not interested but never one to turn down any kind of attention. there was just no way that among so many girls you would be an exception.
“well, i hope you can like me for two hours because that’s probably how long this is gonna take,” you say, trying to move the conversation forward.
“i already told you, i have nowhere to be!” he exclaims. “besides, when would i ever turn down an opportunity to stare at you for a couple hours?”
you can’t help but roll you eyes, playfully. “please refrain from using any of your cheesy pick up lines on me while we’re there.”
“why?” he whines. “are you embarrassed of me?” when you turn to look at him he’s making those ridiculous puppy eyes that he knows you find hilarious.
you snort at seeing the familiar face. “when you do that, definitely.”
“alright fine. i’ll try to be on my best behavior in front of your little theatre friends.”
“thank you.” despite not believing a word he says, you still push open the door leading to the multipurpose room.
before you even get one foot in the door, your cast mate is already in your face.  
“y/n, finally!” he says, looking beyond relieved at your presence. “i thought you’d never come! c’mon, you gotta change into your costume so we can start.”
“it’s not even opening night, jeno, calm down!” you say, laughing. “and i’m only a couple minutes late, it’s fine.”
he frowns. “you know how anxious i get. everything needs to be perfect.”
“yeah i know, sorry renjun.”
jeno makes a face, showcasing his disgust with your comment that compared him to your strict director. “shut up, you’re gonna summon him.”
“summon who?”
speak of the devil.
you shake your head at renjun who has appeared besides jeno. “not important.”
he smiles sarcastically, brushing his blonde bangs out of his face. “oh good. so can we move on to the actually important things now? like how you’re 6 minutes late?”
you sigh. “i had to wait outside jaemin’s class that’s on the other side of campus, sorry.”
but renjun doesn’t seem to care about your apology. instead, his attention has shifted to jaemin who stands behind you, hands stuffed into his pockets and eyes curiously observing the interactions between you and your friends.
“hello there.” your director moves past you, extending his hand towards your best friend which he takes awkwardly. “pleasure to meet you. you’re on the basketball team, right? i heard you scored the winning touchdown at the last game. congrats!”
“um, it’s just called a point in basketball but... thank you.”
renjun ignores jaemin’s correction. “is it your first time visiting the theater club?”
the brunette nods.
“oh, that’s wonderful! do you plan on coming to see our play on the 15th of this month?”
jaemin scratches the back of his head. “um... to be honest, i didn’t even know you guys had one coming up.”
renjun laughs, harder than usual. “that’s quite alright. it’s called ‘dear evan hansen’. it’s about the trials of high school life for a depressed teen who’s caught in a huge lie.” his hands fly around wildly, using them for emphasis as he dramatically explains the plot to jaemin. “you should come support us!”
“well, i would love t—“
“great! entry is $10.00, cash only. and definitely invite the rest of the basketball team!” with that, renjun rushes off, shouting something about how that was ‘exactly how to sell tickets for the play’ to the rest of the staff.
jaemin gives you a confused stare. “what just happened?”
you chuckle and give him a pat on the back. “you just experienced firsthand what we call here at the theater club the huang renjun effect. never fails to suck somebody into buying tickets for our shows.”
“well, now i kinda wanna buy one.” he turns to you, his eyes widening so big it’s comical. “wow, he’s good.”
“he’s more of a salesman than a director, that’s what you always say, right?” you turn to jeno who nods at the statement. “oh, this is jeno, by the way. he’s one of the few people around here who is not crazy.”
jeno waves at jaemin who smiles weakly at him, too busy observing his physique to say anything. his costume consisted of a blue polo shirt that made his biceps and veiny arms much more prominent. the shirt was pretty tight as well, making his toned chest and torso visible to just about anyone. the khakis he wore were fitted and his thick thighs were impossible to ignore. jaemin can’t help but wonder what a guy with his body was doing in a theatre club when he could be such a useful player on the court.
he looks up at his face, his cheeks curved into a smile that reached his squinted eyes. he would admit, he was a good looking dude. he then glances at you and realizes—you spent almost everyday with jeno. he feels guilty for it but he can’t stop himself from feeling slightly threatened by your cast mate.  
jeno clears his throat, trying to ignore the awkward silence that has settled upon the three of you. “um, it was nice meeting you.” he shifts his attention to you. “i’m gonna finish getting ready.”
once he has left, you let out a giggle that you had been holding in during the entire exchange. “what’s the matter? you got all choked up just now. look, i know jeno’s hot but you gotta keep your cool just like the rest of us, okay?”  
he frowns as he folds his arms over his chest, your last comment only fueling his feelings. “quit teasing me.”
“aw c’mon, you know i gotta give you a hard time,” you say, knocking his shoulder with yours. “it’s my duty as your best friend.”
before he can even respond, renjun’s voice is heard, being amplified by the megaphone in his hand. “rehearsals will start in 15 minutes instead of 5 because y/n wants to chit-chat with her friend instead of going to hair and makeup!”
you scowl at having been called out. “alright, i’ve gotta go get ready. please enjoy the show, though, okay?”
jaemin nods, smiling at seeing the genuine glint in your eyes. “of course.”
you were reaching the half point of the musical and jaemin had already cried twice.
with the looks he was receiving from the stage crew and even some of the cast members up on stage, he could tell they hadn’t expected him to be as emotional as he was but he couldn’t help it. the play was incredibly sad and he found himself not even knowing who to pity.  
there was jeno’s character, evan hansen, who was stuck in a hole he had dug himself into but there was still a bit of him that was innocent and so helpless.
then there was connor murphy played by a kid named park jisung, who had only been around for a couple of scenes since his character was so tormented he had taken his life at the beginning of the play.  
there were many other supporting roles, such as family members or friends and they all seemed to have their own issues but the character that truly got to him was yours.  
you were playing zoe murphy, connor’s sister who was grappling with the death of her brother the entire musical, not sure whether to mourn him or remember him for the abusive person he was. in fact, your performance had tugged at jaemin’s heart strings so intensely that your solo song was the reason he had cried the first time around.
your acting skills had impressed him and your vocals left him stunned. all the times you and him had carpooled and sung the songs on the radio at the top of your lungs, he had never noticed your heavenly pipes. now that he had, he could feel himself becoming even more into you, if that was possible.
he sat on the edge of his seat, eyes focused intently on you and jeno as the 10th song began. as soon as the sound of the soft piano begins, jaemin prepares himself to shed tears once more but to his surprise, it seemed to be taking a more romantic turn.  
he could only watch as you and jeno sang about being together and not letting go of each other... basically saying everything he wanted to tell you. he knew it was all a part of the act but seeing a guy as perfect as jeno pour his feelings out to you as you watched him with heart eyes and sang about how mutual it was proved to be incredibly tough. it made him feel like all his shameless flirts and stares that were too long to be just friendly were useless. why couldn’t making you his be as easy as jeno was making it seem?
before he can beat himself up for it anymore you and jeno lock lips. it isn’t just a quick peck, either. your hand tangles itself into his gelled back hair and his hand ends up on your waist as your lips move against each other, rhythmically. it was obvious to anyone that you guys had practiced this various times. or maybe it was just natural chemistry? jaemin isn’t sure what’s worse. all he knows is that he can’t take another second of watching you two engage in your passionate kiss when all he wishes is that he were in jeno’s shoes.
so, without a second thought he gets up and rushes out the door. he doesn’t look back at you because he doesn’t want to see the confusion and disappointment that will surely be on your face. he doesn’t want to deal with the consequences of his childish actions. he doesn’t stop running until he reaches the gym and takes a seat in the bleachers. he doubles over, head in his hands as he pants heavily in an attempt to catch his breath.
shortly after, much to his surprise, the door swings open and there you stand.
“what are you doing here?” he asks, sitting up straight.
“me? what about you, jaemin?” you approach him, slowly. “you just ran out of the room, for god’s sake. everyone’s worried, i’m worried.”
he feels another wave of guilt wash over him for interrupting your rehearsal and going against the one thing he said he was going to do: behave. “please go back. i’m fine, y/n. just needed a breather.”
“oh no,” you say walking up the stairs to the top row of bleachers where your best friend sits. “don’t ‘i’m fine, y/n’ me. you are most definitely not fine.” once you reach him you take a seat to his left, making sure to leave a generous space between you and him. “what happened back there? i swear, if renjun said anything to you i’ll personally make sure he never looks in your direction again.”
“no, it’s not that.” he pauses. “you and jeno were just—“ he trails off, his throat going dry.
you carefully place a hand on his arm, letting him know you would wait for anything he had to say.
“you were just really convincing.”
“well, isnt that a good thing?”
“it was... too much for me to see,” he confesses.
“so, what you’re saying is it’s too unrealistic? do we need to tone it down a bit?”
he nearly groans in frustration. “it’s not that! i wanted to be him, y/n! i want to feel your lips and hear about how much you want me!”
you retract your hand from his arm. “are you serious right now?”
he shoots you a harsh look and you notice how his eyes are glossed over, confirming just how serious he was. he gets up to leave, accepting his rejection before you grab his arm again and yank him down. he lands back on the bench and stares at you, visibly puzzled.
“if you would have waited a second longer you would know how badly i want those things too, you goldfish.”
the tears in his eyes fall but he still shoots you a toothy grin, showing he was anything but unhappy. you bring your hand up to his face, your thumb softly rubbing away the wet stains on his cheek. he unconsciously leans into your touch, never once breaking eye contact. once he’s had enough of delicate touches, he pulls you into his chest and you breathe in his scent—peppermint and coffee.
“i’m sorry.”
“for what?”
“for basically trading spit with jeno right in front of you.”
“it’s alright, baby... let me be the only person you practice that kiss scene with and i’ll let you slide.”
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shatteredhourglass · 3 years
Congrats on finishing zomb au!!!! Read it from the first day it was posted and followed it every week after! Love our big gay zombie survival found family, i still have so many questions ! Clint and Nats backstory (the necklace and tattoo omg...) what happens when they get to the west coast?? Many thoughts head full zombie au was so good tysm for sharing it with us ❤❤
Thank you very much! I also love our big gay zombie survival found family.
So my ideas for the sequel were many and little all at once, but because I'm not going to write it, I'm happy to share my notes - (spoilers beware)
OTMC Sequel
-4-6 years after the original, a now late-teens Kate's POV
-The detective agency sorta worked out, but she's getting a little tired of finding people's zombified partners.
-Kate now has a real Lucky, who likes chewing on random limbs that he finds. Not exactly healthy, but it doesn't seem to affect him much. Garbage dog strikes again.
-Bucky and Clint are more or less vibing at this point. They're making noise about tracking down Sam, but they don't do much. They're happy. Clint's found-slash-made a ring and he's trying to rope Kate into helping him with the proposal
-Kate's trying to make her own 'team' (modelled after the 2018 WCA comic) to fight zombies and help people, because she's struggling to find her identity in all this.
-Wanda & co went back to the farmhouse after OTMC, but after a few years America comes to find Kate. Kate and America never actually got together after OTMC, and there's still a lot of weird tension there, even though America's now with Ramone Watts and Kate had a short-lived relationship with Eli
-Clint's been covering up his knee for all these years. Kate finally, finally sees it uncovered when Clint joins her on a supply run gone wrong, and quite understandably freaks out when she sees the bite from all those years ago. It's nastier than Kate's looks, but... still immune.
-Kate asks Clint if Bucky knows. Clint says they haven't talked about it, which is code for 'Bucky absolutely knows, but we have not talked about it and we will continue to not talk about it for the next ten years'
-Cue shenanigans involving zombies, meeting Gwenpool and Quentin Quire, Kate trying to reconcile with the idea that she's not the only immune person and that Clint and Bucky have been more or less lying to her all these years, general chaos and death, and the Wintyhawks wedding of the century (including a very bewildered celebrant Johnny Watts, and getting married in the middle of a massive fight a la Pirates of the Caribbean)
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mellowswriting · 4 years
Congrats on 100! For the requests can you write something with Marcus Pike where he never knew the reader had tattoos because her ex hated them so she covers them up with their clothing. I hope its not too specific or odd ❤ (Sorry if this sent multiple times, im having internet issues)
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pairing || Marcus Pike x Reader
summary ||  Marcus discovers your tattoos - and why you hid them from him.
word count || 1,546
warnings || shitty ex, kinda hurt/comfort
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Your day, put simply, was going absolutely shittily.
First, you woke up feeling amazingly well rested. Sounds like a great thing, right? No. Unbeknownst to you, your phone charger became unplugged and your phone had died overnight. Without your alarms to get you up and caffeinated, you were left to scramble into your office attire and out the door with a frazzled mind and zero coffee in hand. You knew better than to try to tackle what was starting as a difficult day without the energy boost, so you bit the bullet and stopped at a café on your way to work. 
Foolishly, you thought your morning was looking up when you made it through the line in record time - until you took a sip of your coffee and simultaneously burned the everloving hell out of your tongue and learned that your order was not only incorrect, but entirely undrinkable. The attitude in which you dropped the to go cup into the trash outside of FBI headquarters could’ve brought the entire building down, but that was neither here nor there. You couldn’t find it in you to be frustrated with the sweet baristas at the café - they were overwhelmed with the morning rush, after all. No, your frustration was placed solely on the universe.  
In a last ditch effort to save your morning, you stopped by the break room for a cup of shitty office coffee to take back into your little office. You were frazzled enough that the team didn’t stop you on your march through the bullpen. With the blinds open to let the early morning sunshine warm your back, you settled at your desk and finally took what felt like the first somewhat calm breath since you opened your eyes. You grabbed your worn notepad and began jotting down the list of tasks you had to get done that day, grateful that it was mostly humdrum paperwork and not anything grueling. You wouldn’t have had the spoons for that. 
There was something about having each of your responsibilities laid out and ready for you to tackle that made you feel much better. A small light at the end of the tunnel. You took a deep breath and began filling out your latest case reports, your practiced fingers flying over the keys of your laptop. Of course, in true fashion, the universe decided to put you in your place. You reached for your coffee, eyes still on the laptop screen, and severely misjudged the distance and managed to tip the cup over. 
“Son of a bitch!” You hissed, shooting out of your seat at the bite of hot coffee dripping down your front. Instinct had you ripping your blazer off and pulling at the buttons of your blouse, desperate to get the soaked fabric away from your skin. At least you were wearing a tank top beneath it, even though it was thin enough to be almost see through. “You have got to be kidding me.” 
Three quick knocks rapped against your door and you didn’t even have to guess who it was - Marcus Pike, your coworker, good friend and his latest title - boyfriend. He never strayed in his little patterned knocking, something you found endearing even when you were having a comically bad morning. 
“Come on in, Marcus!” You called out as you dug around in your drawers for the wipes you kept there. Marcus entered with a bright smile that faltered slightly at your disheveled state. Your tone is almost sarcastic as you continue. “Good morning.” 
“Oh, honey.” Marcus said, quickly closing the door behind him before anyone could catch a glimpse of you sliding your blouse off. The dark, intricate lines inked into your skin caught his eye immediately but he didn’t let his gaze linger. 
He couldn’t lie - he had noticed the constant long-sleeved blouses and sweaters you wore, but didn’t pry. If you had something you wanted to hide from the world, Marcus was sure you would tell him when you were ready to. But now that he knew it was just what appeared to be some amazing tattoos, he was a bit confused. They were beautiful. Why would you want to hide them? 
You were obviously having a hard time. The hard set of your jaw and scrunched state of your eyebrows would have been enough to tell him that even if he wasn’t watching you try to clean the coffee from your skin with a pack of wet wipes. Your hair wasn’t tied back like it usually would. Instead it hung loose around your shoulders, falling in your face every now and then and making you huff in annoyance. 
Annoyed, sticky, and absolutely over the day, and you still looked god damn ethereal. How did he get so lucky?
“How can I help?” Marcus asked as he rounded your desk and you gave him a grateful smile. 
“Can you grab the extra shirt from the cupboard? Thank god I have a back up at least.” If there was one thing you could always count on, it was Marcus Pike being the best man on Earth. You smiled when he handed you the clean shirt before he began wiping your desk clean. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Of course,” Marcus tossed the soiled wipes into your trashcan, grinning and pumping his arm animatedly when they went in. What an adorable dork. He ran his hands up and down your biceps gently and you almost shivered at the warmth of his palms. “What happened?”
“Coffee has betrayed me at every turn this morning.” You pouted again as you leaned into his chest. The sight of Marcus staring down at you with that concerned, loving gaze made fluttering erupt in your belly. 
“So I suppose I shouldn’t ask if you want to get some with me for lunch, huh?” Marcus asked with that breathtaking mischievous smile and you couldn’t help but crack up at him. His thumbs rubbed circles into your skin and you glanced down, watching his fingertip run over the lines of your tattoo. You realized with a jolt that he had never seen them before. 
Your body art was something you loved - you didn’t spend endless hours in a chair getting stabbed with needles a million times for nothing. The dark swirls of ink were intricate, something that you used to be complimented on often. Until your ex came along, of course. It wasn’t as if you hid them from him. No, he was well aware that you had tattoos and planned to get more, so when he asked you to cover them up before going out one night you had been confused, and then pissed. 
Who the hell had he been to tell you to hide a part of yourself that you loved?
Those subtle requests morphed into small jabs and complaints. Over time, you began covering them by habit, trying to avoid the whole mess altogether. It wasn’t worth arguing about, you convinced yourself. Once he tried to convince you to get them removed? No, that was the last straw. Even though he wasn’t even a blip on your radar, you still found yourself keeping them covered, a small, insecure voice in your head warning you of a threat that was no longer there. 
You held your arm out, giving him silent permission to openly follow the linework, and Marcus took the opportunity with a smile. His touch was as gentle as ever, up and down your arm from piece to piece. “Sorry, I know they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea,”
“Do you like them?” The question catches you off guard but you nod immediately. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind about their importance to you or their beauty. Marcus shrugged. “Nothing else matters then.”
Tension you hadn’t even realized you had been holding melted away from your chest. The way he looked at you… it was the same appreciation and intensity he reserved for the artwork obtained by the team, his gaze hungry for every detail he had the honor of seeing firsthand. 
“Do you like them?” You whispered, your curiosity getting the better of you. 
“They’re beautiful.” Marcus doesn’t miss a beat. “I’d love to hear the stories behind them, if there are any.”
“Yeah, there are a few.” You guided his hand up to press a kiss to his knuckles before settling back on your arm, your chest thick with an emotion you couldn’t quite name. Marcus immediately began following the lines again and you chuckled. “You really like them, huh?”
“Honestly? I think they’re sexy.” Marcus murmured as he pulled you against his chest by your waist and you positively flushed. The image of Marcus’s tongue tracing your tattoos enveloped you unbiddenly. You bit back a groan - that man was going to be the death of you. 
You pressed up on your tiptoes and kissed him. The woes of your morning faded into the background at the delighted sound he gave against your lips, one hand abandoning your waist to hold you steady at your jaw. You draped your arms over his shoulders and lost yourself in his warmth, his comfort. There wasn’t a thing in this world that Marcus couldn’t make better with a few soft words and a gentle touch.
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Another list! Of stuff I liked about Supergirl ep. 6x03, “Phantom Menaces”! AKA:
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(This is gonna be all over the place I can tell, apologies in advance for poor organization)
Okay, so! Right off the bat (‘ha ha’ but like, in a sad way) we learn that poor Silas has been Phantom’d. :C
We then get even MORE Phantom action back in the actual Phantom Zone--Kara’s plan to literally grab a ride doesn’t go over so well WHICH LEADS TO!
Kara making a Phantom Zone Friend! Yay! :D  
Pretty much immediately on board with Nixly’s (I refuse to try and spell out her full name) chaotic energy. Brilliant. Amazing. 10/10, hope she’s not secretly evil.
Kara’s physical vulnerability bringin’ in those “Human for a Day” vibes, yes, good, yes.
Then we’re BACK AT THE TOWER and things aren’t looking great for Silas! J’onn is blocking out his emotions! Brainy is neck deep in his! 
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Side note: Love that Kara’s last will and testament is like, ‘Four for you, Eliza and Alex Danvers!’
‘Aaaaaand none for Jeremiah, okay bye.’
Puttin’ a pin in the Luthor stuff. We’ll get to it.
Back to the Tower! Alright, first and foremost, probably a silly thing but I’m glad the Super Friends are just...dressed casually.
I was concerned at the outset of this season that we’d see them all in their Super Suits™ most of the time because everyone’s a vigilante now, but fortunately that is not the case!
Appreciate that the Phantoms are actually a particular type of alien. As far as I know, ‘Zulian Maletarians’ are original to the show--no reference to preexisting DC stuff.
Something I noticed upon a re-watch--my suspension of disbelief allows for the physical phantom transformation...but they also all sprout matching dark robes???
Sure, Jan. 
Anyways. Then WEAPONS GRADE ANGST, as Alex has like, combo PTSD/guilt trip reaction to Phantom’d Silas. 
Just like. The frozen, helpless look? 
And the hits keep comin’, cause we’ve got a balcony talk between J’onn and Alex but it’s tense and sad and gosh I love it.
Back in Kara’s Phantom Zone Adventure, love her Wizard of Oz-esque gathering of companions on her way to see the Wizard find an escape.
This week it felt like there was a better handle on the close-ups? Like, they were pretty apparent in 6x02. Here, they’re a little less obvious. (Or maybe I’m just getting used to them IDK. XD)
Az-Rel is a deep Detective Comics Comics cut--a Kryptonian prisoner in the Phantom Zone who has pyrokinesis! 
(tHEy DoNT ReSpECT tHe cOMicS!!! Except that they do, and y’all don’t even NOTICE.) 
Glad that both Kelly and M’gann had plot stuff to do this week, instead of just offering emotional support to everyone else.
I forgot to mention it last week so I’ll just quickly mention that I like the glow-y purple lights in the Tower. Very nice touch, J’onn.
(But how is he affording this?)
(And for that matter...are Kara and Nia now the only members of the Super Friends with jobs?)
I’ll dispense with the linear approach because the back-and-forth between plotlines is getting to be a bit much, SO!
On the Kelly and M’gann note: Again, really liked that they’re not simply there to be cheerleaders for the other characters. M’gann still feels a little like she’s at the mercy of plot whims, but. Progress!
And then Kelly! I mentioned this last season--I like that they’ve built up her character such that her inclusion in like. Bad-guy fights makes sense, even though she’s maybe not as directly connected to the action as other members of the Super Friends, being more ‘team CatCo/Obsidian’ than ‘Tower’
(Spoiler-y info suggests that will change as the season progresses so we’ll see how that goes!)
I liked this Final Phantom Fight more than the one in 6x02--the direction/blocking felt a little less ‘everyone stand on your marks in a line and shoot up at the CGI stuff’. 
I mean it was still essentially that, but. Just worked a bit better here, IMO.
And Alex can quick-change now! Love that it has the red glow of Martian shapeshifting.
Oliver Queen out there somewhere in the afterlife, seething with jealousy.
(Jumping back, just think it’s funny that, presumably, emergency services got a call about the Phantoms like, ‘911, what’s your emergency?’ ‘We’ve got hostile ghosts!’)
Alright, circling back to the Luthors!
Brainy and Lena are feeling their feelings, folks.
Loved all Brainy’s stuff. Particularly, his enraged, “I hate him! I hate him!” and then his quieter, broken, “I miss her.”
Just. So good.
(But man he is...2 for 3 on busted tech. Keyboard, tablet...fortunately the TV was spared but it was close!)
And Lena had some growth! 
I’m just at the point where I’m never gonna like. Enjoy the character--too many years of fandom baggage unfortunately. But credit where it is due: NO MORE LITTLE BOXES, THANK GOODNESS.
She’s gone from Bowler Hat Guy to Elsa. Good for her.
The amount of Lex this week was about as much as I can handle anymore. Simmering in the background, antagonizing Lena...that’s where he belongs.
(But he can leave now, thanks.)
Okay so BACK TO KARA, b/c you know. I’m biased.
Her time in the Phantom Zone is a little less introspective than I expected, thus far. However! Still the good Kara content I crave.
Kara making friends and influencing others with her sheer determination and compassion? 
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Almost like...her real power lies in her ability to inspire others. 
Gasp! A theme!
Also the mention of fractured memories...intriguing! 
And will no-doubt dovetail into the upcoming time-travel/flashback episodes.
I am excited.
An aside: Kara’s gonna be so distressed that she missed out on all these big emotional milestones.
“J’onn and M’gann soul-bonded? Alex and Kelly moved in together? Lena and Brainy engaged in healthy coping mechanisms???”
She’s gonna have so many Hallmark cards to buy.
*Card with a cute smiley face on it* *opens it up* ‘Congrats on not murdering your brother!’
I’m sure there’s a bunch of other great stuff I’m missing but that’s all I can remember at the moment, so!
TL;DR - SO MANY FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELINGS! From everyone! It was great.
NEXT WEEK: Phantom Friends Fight to Find a Feasible Flight from the Frigid Fathomage of the Former Fort Rozz!
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