#conrad my sweet bean
loki-cees-all · 6 months
hey hey! for the fanfic writer asks:
🛒 + 🎶 + 📚
Thank you for the ask, my sweet and tasty little bean burrito!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I already answered this one here 😘
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Sometimes! It depends on what I'm writing. Usually when I'm writing for TLTGYA I'm listening to Linkin Park, and then for Against All Odds I'm listening to various 70s playlist to capture those 🕺🪩 vibes.
The only WIP I can think of that required a specific song was a James Conrad fic, and the song was Desire by Meg Myers.
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
Do I often fantasize about waking up in a cabin in the woods on a chilly morning and sitting down with a cup of coffee in front of my laptop with nothing on my agenda but to write all day? Absolutely yes.
Would I ever actually try to do that? Definitely not. I don't want my silly little stories to be tied to my livelihood, and personally, I'd rather write fanfiction than original fiction.
Send me an emoji fanfic writer ask! 😘
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beezonia · 3 years
Here’s her birthday dialogue with some characters/others ocs I feel like she’d get along with!
Yuu and Leya
Leya: Ah, Prefect you came all the way to Toontasma today to see me?!
Yuu: Happy birthday Leya. Hope you’re having a great day?
Leya: Oh thank you Prefect, and my day is most certainly better now you’ve come and visited! (Laughs)
Yuu: Have you wished for anything special?
Leya: (sighs) I forgot to… Hey why don’t we wish for something together?! The stars are really really pretty tonight and we can wish on the brightest ones!
Yuu: Of course, on the count of three!
Leya and Yuu: 1 2 3!!!!
Leya: Oh I feel so happy, I wish everyone could feel like this! Thanks a lot Prefect, today’s celebration has been wonderful and it’s all been for me!! We should do this next year too!!
Yuu: Of course we can Leya, enjoy the rest of your special day.
Leya: Thanks again Prefect!!! See ya soon!!
Vera and Leya - @toontasma
Vera: Happy birthday darling, hope the party exceeds your expectations?
Leya: Thanks Vera, the party is certainly in full swing… I think Arma got some of the first years drunk. (Chuckles)
Vera: Damn that slimy bastards at it again! I have your present with me, hope you’ll like it sweetie.
Leya: (blushes) T-thanks Vera, I’m flattered. (Opens it) A NEW SCARF!! Thank you Vera just what I needed!!
Vera: I’m glad you like it, I’d feel a bit stupid if it wasn’t the one you wanted.
Leya: I’d take it and cherish it even if it was the wrong one, after all ya don’t need to worry about stuff like that with me! I ain’t a picky person!
Vera: That so, well if you’re not as picky as you say how bout you come with me to that cafe you like at the weekend?
Leya: (blushes) R-Really, you wanna take me?! Of course I’ll go with you it’d be like a date!
Vera:(blushes) A date? Ahh, that’s not what I meant but it’s your birthday so I guess I can make an exception.
Leya: Love you to Vera! Thanks for the scarf!! See you later!!
Conrad and Leya - @piraticusdorm - I feel these two would get along really well, even though Leya is the shy type! Maybe Conrad can bring out her crazier side!
Leya: Conrad!!! You made it!!!
Conrad: Leya Happy birthday darling! Hope you’ve had a wonderful day?
Leya: Oh yes, it’s been wonderful!! I think Arma may have gotten some first years drunk though.
Conrad: (laughs) Oh did he now? Well that’s one way to spend your birthday.
Leya: Yeah it is, thanks for coming again Conrad, means a lot to me.
Conrad: I wouldn’t have missed this for the world dear Leya. Your a great friend. I cherish you alot.
Leya: Thank you, you wanna know what my birthday wish was?
Conrad: Go on then.
Leya: I wanted to spend it with the people I love most. It definitely came true!
Conrad: I’m glad, happy birthday yet again Leya . Enjoy the rest of your night!
Leya: Thanks Conrad, and hope you will too!”
End of part one???
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marumafan · 4 years
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2020-06-06 New maruma fragrances!
This post will include: Descriptions on website, plus my opinion. (please understand the scents change over time, so I changed my mind a few times while writing this). 
First Review of Fragrances 2019 | Descriptions of the first three |
I went to the store. Got my shit. Took the pictures. Now let’s try them. Remember: TOP is first 3 minutes. MIDDLE is min 4 to 10. LAST is 15+
Jozak's Fragrance
Site description:  “A strong loyalty that burns wildly An unwavering Citrus Shipley Note”
“The herbal citrus scent, which jumps out lively, reminds you of his polished muscles and merry smile. The scent of cedar wood has both a light impression as well as a firmness to it. Before you notice, a cool and calm breeze that accompanies it, will sneak up on you. A powerful yet discreet fragrance, that will make you feel the heat he has in him from going to war.”
Scents: TOP:Lemon, Orange, Lime, Orange Peel, Neroli MIDDLE:Violet, Cedarwood, Jasmine, Rose, Geranium LAST:Amber, Musk, Sandalwood, Oakmoss, Heliotrope
My opinion:  I can't smell the lemon, orange or lime at all; I mostly smell the cedarwood and Jasmine. Although I have to agree with getting a sense of Jozak's smile through that scent (I didn't sense his muscles, sorry).  It slowly turns into a mix of soap and musk. (Musk is just that 'aftershave' scent.). It's softer at first and stronger later. When it says it 'sneaks up on you' they use words similar to spying.
(Funny when I posted on twitter I said I liked it the best... but now that last scent... bruh.)
Murata's Fragrance
Site description: " A Glimpse of Moonlight A Mysterious Hidden Powdery Note”   “The grapefruit scent, which is bright and bouncy, is like his refreshing smile. However, the fresh spreading scent of rosemary indicates sagaciousness, while the gradual sweetness of Tonka Beans quietly prepares your mind. A fragrance of calmness and guidance; a hidden, mysterious scent that sharpens your senses and thoughts.”
Scents: TOP:Grapefruit, Bergamot, Lime, Neroli MIDDLE:Rose, Muguet, Cassis, Rosemary LAST:Musk, Amber, Tonka Beans -------------------------------------
My opinion: At first, it's very bright. I can sense his happiness and smile through it. It really is bouncy. I don't really see the sagaciousness here, but I get the 'mysterious feel' they were talking about. It's kinda like the smell you get in one of those places where they sell esoteric stuff.  Is that rosemary? I like it. The musk is unnoticeable. There's this sweetness to it. Is that Tonka Beans? I don't know but I like it. This is my favorite scent of them all (but it doesn't last). It's also very soft. You have to try and smell it. Nose close to skin or you won't smell it at all. The LAST scent (the one that remains for 1 hour or so) ends up smelling just like Yuuri's soap deodorant. People won't smell it, but you will :D  
Gwendal's Fragrance
Site description: "The warmth hidden by a heavy door. An aromatic woody note that will melt your heart"
“Cardamom, which rises in dignity, reminds you of his quiet gaze. As the delicate scent of jasmine melts away, you're eventually wrapped in the warm sweetness of the musk scent. A fragrance of silence and dignity, a harmonious combination of tension and soft tenderness.” Scents: TOP: Bergamot, Cardamom, Basil, Coriander MIDDLE:Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Jasmine, Frankincense LAST:Musk, Amber ---------------------------------- My opinion: It starts really soft and nice. I do get that dignity feel from it, and can picture Gwen's eyes while knitting. It feels homey. I guess that's Cardamom and Bergamot.  It develops into a mostly Jasmine and Frankincense scent. I can't smell the Sandalwood or Cedarwood at all. It's sweet and nice. I can't feel any tensions. The last smell I would say it smells like Gwen playing with a kitten. I like it. It's demure, it's neat. Soft.  -------------------------------------
MY Rank of Fragrances 6 out of 6: Conrad's fragrance. It's . Way. Too. Strong. It’s stinky. And it has a weird Patchouli/ Musk scent that will last more than 24 hours. The first part of the scent is fine. But after 10 mins is like fuck no. 24 hours of a strong Musk. Goodness.
5 out of 6: Jozak's fragrance. I'm sad. I wanted to like it. And I did at first. But again the ‘last’ scent is too strong. I haven't had it for 24 hours, but I can see this lasting at least 12+ hours. And that last scent, is again too much. It starts beautiful and then boom. 
4 out of 6: Murata's fragrance. It's sweet, it's fun, it's mysterious! What more can you ask!? It's strong enough that people will smell it, but it's not a strong smell. Not sure about lasting time, but probably around 6-8 hours. (Similar in strength to Wolf’s)
3 out of 6: Yuuri's fragrance. Soap is not so bad, ok!?  It's fresh, it's clean, what else do you wanna smell like? It's a shame it doesn't last more than 4 hours (1 if you sweat). Yuuri would be bathing in this shit to be smelling like this XD
2 out of 6: Wolfram's fragrance. It's sweet, people will smell the 'elegance' on you and it lasts a nice 8 hours, a perfect fit for your work schedule. It’s durable, soft, and nice.
1 out of 6: Gwen's fragrance. Holy shit what happened? So on paper it smelled completely different. (it smelled like Conrad’s? I think the paper was sprayed with something else or wtf?). It was the one I liked least when I smelled it at the store. Now I put it on my skin and wtf, spank me and call me a kitten cuz I’m about to meh meh. What kind of wizardry is this!?  Soft... SOFT it’s like omg! wtf
------ Edit: Ok, Gwendal’s fragrance doesn’t smell that good anymore XD wtf. I’d say that the ‘grown ups scents’ all smell kinda similar with that ‘musk’ thing. At least Gwen’s is soft and won’t be noticeable. The ‘kids’ have much fresher sweeter smells. Yup. I guess Gwen’s just took longer to develop , like 30 mins at least.
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laurenconraddaily · 4 years
What Lauren Conrad Can’t Live Without
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If you’re like us, you’ve probably wondered what famous people add to their carts. Not the JAR brooch and Louis XV chair but the hairspray and the electric toothbrush. We asked Lauren Conrad — whose brand, Lauren Conrad Beauty, launched this fall and just expanded to skin care — about the coffee maker, hair clip, and wine she can’t live without.
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Kristin Ess Full Size French Pin Set $12
I’ve worked with Kristin since I was 20 — she’s amazing and her whole line is literally the only thing I use on my hair: her shampoo, conditioner, stylers, everything. My hair is pretty thick. After my first pregnancy, it all fell out. I’ve been able to hang on to a lot of it this time around, but it still has changed a lot. Kristin explained to me that the texture of your hair changes every seven years and it changes during pregnancy. So mine has become a bit thicker — I have a lot more hair than I did before — with more of a natural wave to it. I recently grew it long enough to really do a top knot again, and this French pin makes that so easy. It doesn’t cause breakage like an elastic can. I use it every single day. Even if I’m not wearing my hair up, when I get home at the end of a day, I twist it up when I walk in the door because I live with a one-year-old hair puller. I don’t even look in a mirror to do it.
$12 at Target Buy
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Kinto 4 Cup Brewer Stand Set $188
The first thing I do every morning is make coffee at around 6:30. Years ago I had a Keurig in my kitchen, and when one of my husband’s best friends stayed with us, he very kindly said to me, “If I sent you more ecofriendly ideas for coffee, would you be open to them?” He got me thinking. The next weekend we were going up the coast for a wedding and we stopped in this small boutique, where I saw this little coffee maker. I was like, “Oh, this is so beautiful.” It doesn’t require anything, including filters. I got it and have used it ever since. There’s a whole process to it: I grind my own coffee, and in order to use this, you need a more coarsely ground coffee. Then I pour a bit of boiling water over it, let the coffee bloom for a minute, then pour the rest in and watch it make my coffee. It’s definitely more involved than a regular coffee maker or a Keurig, but I actually think it makes a nicer cup. It looks better on your counter, too, and best of all, it’s a little nicer to the Earth. Mine has held up for a few years. We did have to replace one piece because my husband dropped it while washing it, but other than that, it has really lasted.
$188 at Huckberry Buy
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Kirkland Signature Organic Virgin Coconut Oil $16
I love this one from Costco because it’s a really good value. I do use it to cook, but I mainly use it for baths. At the end of the day, after we put the boys down, I try to take a 20-minute bath. It’s my end-of-the-day thing — I usually have a glass of wine in there, too. And I always put a bit of coconut oil in the bath while it’s running. The last thing I want to do is apply moisturizer after a bath because I’m so relaxed and tired, so putting coconut oil in there keeps my skin nice and hydrated.
$16 at Costco Buy
$23 at Amazon Buy
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Health-Ade Pink Lady Apple Kombucha (6-Pack) $30
Instead of having a coffee in the afternoon, I’ve switched to having kombucha. It’s better for digestion and whatnot. I have a fridge stocked with kombucha, that’s how much I drink it. I treat kombucha almost like I would beer — I have my go-tos, but I like trying different ones, and I always come back to my favorites. This is one of them. I found it at my local grocery store. It’s sort of a middle-of-the-road one in terms of sweetness, for when I don’t want anything too sugary. It’s tasty. If I don’t want to try something new, I go for this because I know I’ll enjoy it.
$30 at Health-Ade Buy
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Philips Avance XL Air Fryer $300
I mainly use it to reheat things. For example, if I’m making a batch of waffles, I’ll freeze the extras, then pop one in when I want it. The air fryer defrosts and crisps it up. It also brings leftover fries back to life, which is honestly enough of a reason to own one. This model is the newer version of mine, because when I went to look up mine, I only found used ones on eBay. I guess I’ve really had it for a minute. But mine is still working well, I don’t have a reason to replace it. I got it about two years ago when I was pregnant. Some woman at a talk about how to healthily feed small children said we all needed to get an air fryer because it makes things so easy. Recently I did a Zoom wine date with one of my good friends and she texted me that she was running late; she was like, “I just finally unwrapped my air fryer from Christmas.” I responded with a short novel about my air fryer, outlining everything she needs to do and try. I’m obsessed with it.
$300 at QVC Buy
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Sweet Laurel: Recipes for Whole Food, Grain-Free Desserts $28 now 25% off $21
Our whole family is dairy-free. We have been for years. My oldest son is actually lactose-intolerant, but we’ve all struggled with dairy, so we just cut it out of our diet. Cutting out dairy is pretty easy, but it becomes a challenge with baking. Sweet Laurel’s recipes are all dairy-free; she’s also grain-free, so it’s all almond flour. The main ingredients she uses are almond flour, maple syrup, and Himalayan salt. All of her recipes are really easy, too — I pull out cookbooks for dessert a lot, but sometimes recipes have so many steps that I get overwhelmed. The last thing I made from here was a strawberry cake for my son’s birthday. I handed him the book, told him to pick what he wanted, and he chose that. It was dyed pink with beets. You don’t taste them, they just made the whole cake pink.
$21 at Amazon Buy
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Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel Full Strength Exfoliating Mask $48
I love a mask that gives me instant results. I don’t have very sensitive skin, but when I take this off, my face is bright red. It does burn a little, but I don’t mind. I really feel like it’s working. I only use it once a week — I do it at night and the next morning I wake up and my skin feels great. It’s a nice refresher and takes away that dull feeling I can get. I’m trying to do as much as I can at home — I haven’t been able to get facials or see any specialist — and this is the closest I’ve gotten so far to instant results.
$48 at Dermstore Buy
$48 at Ulta Beauty Buy
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Eden Brothers Organic Roma Tomato Seeds $4
We started gardening this year as a way to pass the time. I’ve gotten really into it. I mean, it’s definitely taking over our yard, which is pretty small, but it’s really fun and strangely rewarding. When I went to buy seeds, Eden Brothers had the best selection. We’re growing green beans, tomatillos, raspberries, blackberries, onions, lots of tomatoes — cherry, heirloom, and Roma tomatoes — corn, and pumpkins. Oh, and lots of herbs and stuff, too. We harvested our first corn not long ago. It was weird. The flavor was good, but I don’t know, I’m still learning. I think it maybe was overwatered. I thought gardening would be simple — it’s not, but it has been a really fun hobby. I’m sure I’ll get better with time. My 3-year-old son goes out with me every morning to check the garden. He’s way more inclined to eat something off the vine than he is off a dinner plate. And I love that he gets to see where food comes from at a young age.
$4 at Eden Brothers Buy
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Avaline White Blend $20
When I heard about this wine, I was really curious. Katherine Power, one of the founders, is always coming out with different brands and she always does such a nice job with her launches. I don’t like when wine is too sweet or fruity, and I prefer organic wine — if it isn’t organic, I tend to get a headache. This one tastes amazing and has beautiful packaging. I like their white wine best; I actually just ordered a whole case.
$20 at Wine.com Buy
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Lauren Conrad Beauty The Lip & Cheek Tint $20
My first pregnancy, which was four years ago, was honestly the first time when I was aware of what I was putting on my body and the effects those products could have. I transitioned all my products to clean and vegan, but I hated feeling like I had to compromise — I wanted clean lipsticks with staying power that had really great pigment and felt good. One of the reasons why I came out with my brand now, as opposed to a few years ago, is because I decided if I’m going to do a beauty line, I want to do it correctly. Everyone involved with my line really stays informed on ingredients and the market, so we can create products you can feel good about using. A multitasker is our target customer because I’m one myself. This tint is one of my favorite products for that reason. I use it every day throughout the day. It’s something you can apply to a bare base, you can layer it over light makeup and build it up. It’s about whatever works for you.
$20 at Lauren Conrad Beauty Buy
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thebroken--soul · 5 years
Our Stripes Are Beautiful convention
The last week-end I went to my 10th convention, the Our Stripes Are Beautiful con in Paris. It was a convention about lgbtq community and the guests were : Conrad Ricamora, Kat Barrell, Dominique Provost-Chalkley, Keyinan Lonsdale, Isabella Gomez, Floriana Lima, Yael Grobglas and Nico Tortorella.
This convention is the most touching convention I ever did. It touched me a lot because the actors and actresses were so so so adorable like the purest human beings ever. They are all just incredible. And it touched me a lot because I turn soon 30, I’m still trying to figure my sexuality out and I felt so loved by the guests during the week-end and I’m so thankful for that.
Conrad, Yael, Flo & Nico are the actors that I just loved meeting so so much !!
• Floriana made my day on Saturday with her reaction to my gift. She is literally the cutest small bean ever that you want to protect at all costs 🥺🥺
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• Yael, this woman, I would die for her. It was her first convention and she just killed it !! She is so beautiful in real and so funny and adorable. I had that chance to see her imitating Anezka and to do the happy dance’s Petra on stage 😂😂😂 I just love her with all my heart.
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• Conrad is so sweet and OMG he gives the best big hugs. It was so amazing to meet him.
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• Nico. Nico, that incredible human being. They are just so inspiring, kind, smiling, sensitive, funny... I’m so so happy that I have met Nico and to make their fanbook 🖤🌈
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I’m so happy that I had an amazing week-end with beautiful people ❤️
The post con depression is hard and real and I hate it 😭🤧💔
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asthesluthumps · 3 years
April 27 Recap
Hey there whores, Gossip Slut here. Where the drama never ends and the fun never ceases.  Let’s dive in.
So for being the lover of Loki, you would think JTH would be better at lying.  But alas she can’t lie her way out of ticket and now Maddie knows that there is at least one god on campus.  At least they weren’t talking behind your back, Maddie.  Kitty and JTH might be fucking gods but they are also good friends.  
With this information, Maddie heads to Will’s office to tell him she knows that he knows what she knows.  You know?  Will in classic fashion doesn’t take too well to being reminded that his ex is a god and that he has fucked all of his girlfriend’s holes (but then again so has he, so potato, potato).  And Maddie asks the question, do you want me to not see him and Will says... yes?  And we thought JTH was the only insecure Loki lover around here.  These two should form a support group.  Thank the gods for Maddie, who seems to be the only one who can talk sense into that emotional brick wall.  Go have your fun, Maddie.
And Kitty and Bucky meet up in the lab.  Bucky is lonely in that apartment without the cosmic energy of Conrad and Moon so Kitty organizes a dinner just her, Bucky and Dion.  Who invites Kitty to audit his class to taste some wine.  It’s cute, it’s fluffy, I need to make an appointment with my dentist it is so sweet.  After all that Kitty and Bucky talk at the high-rise.  It would seem Kitty is having some mixed emotions about life and love. And lover boy Dion is not batting a thousand.  I’m sure with a little training, everything would be fine. 
And finally onward to JTH and Loki.  A girl who has more issues than People Magazine.  And Loki is subscribed, hook, line, and sinker.  After taking the news of JTH spilling the beans, she sideswipes him with more insecurity about the future.  Girl, you are not growing old and you get the godly penis, don’t be ungrateful.  And we finally learn JTH’s real name is... JTH? super anticlimactic there.  Hopefully, JTH will learn to let go and ride the chaos wave and we can all get back to eat zucchini bread and fucking.  Hey JTH, hook a girl up!
And that’s all I have today, just more questions than answers, but I do know one thing, give me a Chubwich with extra mustard and let’s see what all this fuss is about.
XOXO Bitches,
Gossip Slut
0 notes
andrewdburton · 6 years
Two months with HelloFresh: A quick look at the cost and quality of HelloFresh recipes
When I published my first HelloFresh review last June, I liked the popular meal-delivery service. Kim's employer had given us a one-week free trial. The three recipes we received were fun and tasty. In the end, we chose not to sign up with HelloFresh but resolved to remember it for the future.
At the end of 2018, as I was evaluating my spending patterns, I was shocked by how much I was spending on food. It's embarrassing to show the following numbers, but facts are facts and truth is truth. I was spending over $1100 per month on food.
“Something needs to change,” I told Kim. “Maybe we should try HelloFresh again to see if it can help us cut costs.”
“Do you think so?” Kim siad. “Isn't HelloFresh kind of expensive?”
“It's not that bad,” I said. “Besides, if having meals delivered can keep us from dining out so often, and if it can keep me from splurging at the grocery store, it might actually save us money.”
I signed us up.
For two months — January and February — we received three HelloFresh recipes each week. Based on our experience, here's a new, revised review of HelloFresh.
HelloFresh Cost
Because I'm a nerd, I kept stats on our HelloFresh experience. I tracked the recipes we received, how much time it took to prepare them, and whether or not we thought the food was good.
Over these two months (about seven weeks), we tried 21 different HelloFresh recipes. Of these, only two were lousy (both tacos). A few were great. Most were good, and we'd happily eat them again. In fact, we're saving the recipe cards so that we can try to duplicate the recipes on our own (and compare costs buying ingredients from the grocery store).
Here's a complete list of the HelloFresh recipes we tried (with links to the recipes themselves).
09 Jan 2019 — Seared Sirloin Steak and Shallot Demi-Glace with caramelized onion mashed potatoes and green salad (A) — This is one of the expensive meals. It was good.
10 Jan 2019 — Chicken Cutlets with Scallion Sriracha Pesto over cilantro rice with giner soy carrots (B-) — 20-minute meal. A good idea but didn't come out well.
14 Jan 2019 — Figgy Balsamic Pork with roasted green beans and rosemary potatoes (B+) — Hall of fame. Pretty good, even the green beans (which I don't usually like).
16 Jan 2019 —Lauren Conrad's Chicken Tacos with radish tomato pico de gallo and avocado (D) — The only truly bad recipe of the entire bunch. Neither of us liked this.
17 Jan 2019 — Pasta Parmesan with zucchini, tuscan herbs, and marinara sauce (B) — A good idea but needs meat.
20 Jan 2019 — Sweet ‘n' Smoky Pork Chops with apple carrot slaw, mashed potatoes, and cherry sauce (A-) — Hall of fame. Tasty.
23 Jan 2019 — Pork and Poblano Tacos with kiwi salsa and lime crema (B) — Hall of fame. Not bad but beginning to think Hello Fresh tacos are never going to knock it out of the park.
24 Jan 2019 — Salsa Verde Enchiladas with poblano pepper, black beans, and monterey jack cheese (B+) — 20-minute meal. Not nearly enough cheese. Also added chicken, which helped. Tomato was bad.
25 Jan 2019 — Shrimp Spaghetti with a Kick with garlic herb butter and zucchini (A-) — Great flavor but could have used more veggies.
30 Jan 2019 — Creamy Tuscan Beef and Penne with kale and permesan (A) — Delicious and plentiful. One of the best so far.
31 Jan 2019 — Chicken Pineapple Quesadillas with pico de gallo and southwest spice (A- with caveats) — Did not ship with required tomato. Way too much filling — could have used two more tortillas.
01 Feb 2019 — Pork Bulgogi Meatballs with carrots and zucchini over rice (A-) — Tasty and different.
06 Feb 2019 — Pineapple Poblano Beef Tacos with lime crema and cilantro (A) — 20-minute meal. This is very good and we'd eat it all the time.
07 Feb 2019 — Korean-style Chicken Thighs with sesame cucumber salad and jasmine rice (A) — Another delicious meal we'd never have tried otherwise.
09 Feb 2019 — Sirloin Steak Provençal with truffle cream, roasted carrots, and potatoes (A-) — Deluxe gourmet meal. A little salty but otherwise very good.
13 Feb 2019 — Crispy Southwest Chicken Cutlets with monterey jack, mashed potatoes, and roasted poblano and onion (A+) — Holy cats! This was amazing. We will absolutely be attempting this on our own.
15 Feb 2019 — Balsamic-and-Fig Beef Tenderloin with garlic mashed potatoes and rosemary breadcrumb brussels sprouts (A-) — Deluxe gourmet recipe. Very good.
16 Feb 2019 — Cherry Balsamic Pork Chops with garlic herb couscous and roasted broccoli (B) — Hall of fame. Not bad but the sauce never thickened up.
21 Feb 2019 — Chipotle-Spiced Tilapia Tacos with kiwi pico de gallo and chipotle crema (C-) — Another crappy taco recipe. Not sure why they can't get tacos right.
25 Feb 2019 — Cheesy Chicken Shepherd's Pie with peas and carrot (B) — Not bad but could use more chicken. Also, the single supplied small carrot was rubbery.
26 Feb 2019 — Shake It Up! Pork Cutlets with garlic bread and an apple and sunflower seed salad (B+) — Tasty but not super.
After preparing 21 meals from HelloFresh, Kim and I have some definite opinions about the service.
First — and perhaps most importantly — the food is generally good, if not always great. We've saved the recipe cards and plan to make many of them again on our own.
Only one of the recipes was truly awful (Lauren Conrad's chicken tacos) and another was meh. We'd eat everything else again. Also: Aside from the pineapple poblano beef tacos, the Hello Fresh taco recipes just aren't very good, which was disappointing. Kim and I like tacos, but not most of these.
Second, the HelloFresh recipes provide clear instructions, even if the preop times are a bit optimistic. In 21 recipes, there were only two or three occasions where the instructions were unclear. That's a good success rate.
Each recipe lists a prep time and a total time. Realistically speaking, you can simply ignore the prep time. Almost all of it is prep time. (Talking with other HelloFresh users, they back me up on this.) So, if it says 10 minutes prep time and 20 minutes total time, just count on working in the kitchen for that entire 20 minutes.
Third, the gourmet meals aren't always worth the extra price. Each week, you can choose to upgrade to certain deluxe meals. Doing so costs an extra $12 to $16. These deluxe meals are good, but from our experience they're no better than the less-expensive normal meals.
The Bottom Line
The real question is: Did signing up for HelloFresh help me meet my goal? Was I able to reduce my monthly food spending? I'm pleased to report that the answer is a resounding YES!
As you can see from the following report, I spent just over $700 per month on food during January and February.
I find it interesting that if you combine my HelloFresh and grocery expenses for the past couple of months, the total is roughly the same as what I was spending for groceries alone before. Where HelloFresh really helped was with our restaurant spending.
The objective numbers reflect our subjective experience, too.
Because the HelloFresh recipes produce higher-quality food than we usually make on our own, we were far less tempted to dine out. When we did eat out, it's because we were doing something special, not because we were being lazy or unexcited about the food we had at home.
During the past seven weeks, I paid a total of $323.52 to Hello Fresh. This includes three discounted weeks during the trial period, plus three weeks during which I paid extra ($11.98 or $15.98, depending) for special meals.
This averages out to $46.22 per week for six meals (three meals each for two people), or about $7.70 per meal per person. Kim and I feel like this cost was worth it. We like the convenience, the clear instructions, and the general quality of the meals.
Having said that, things weren't perfect. Some recipes were better than others. There were problems with the produce. It sucks to get halfway through a recipe and realize that HelloFresh didn't send you the required tomato. Or that the carrot is made of rubber. Or that there's way too much filling for two quesadillas.
In the end, Kim and I both agree that we'd like to resume our HelloFresh experiment in the future. Right now, though, Kim is going on a special diet in preparation for knee surgery. I'm going to reduce my calorie intake so that I can get un-fat. We'll have to bring this round of the experiment to a close.
I'm curious to see how my grocery spending will change during the next month or two. For the next month, my food bill should reflect only my consumption. During normal months, there's a lot of cross-over, I think. I buy stuff for both of us, and so does she. But my food numbers for March should reflect me and me alone.
The post Two months with HelloFresh: A quick look at the cost and quality of HelloFresh recipes appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/hellofresh-recipes/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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thehungrykat1 · 7 years
Paradise Dynasty Opens New Outlet at the Podium
I often dream about the Signature 8-Flavor Xiao Long Bao of Paradise Dynasty and how I would love to eat a basket of those Black Truffle flavored ones, but it’s so hard to go all the way to Mall of Asia to satisfy my cravings. Thankfully, my dreams have finally been answered as Paradise Dynasty opens its second branch at the Podium in Ortigas Center.
I live in Quezon City, so this new branch is really a great location for those who live near the northern part of Metro Manila. You can find Paradise Dynasty on the second floor of the newly renovated Podium. Paradise Dynasty is a popular international franchise which originated from Singapore. They specialize in serving awesome Xiao Long Bao and other delightful Shanghainese dishes. I was able to try their rainbow-colored Xiao Long Bao for the first time last year at their branch in S Maison at Conrad Manila (Read: Legendary Xiao Long Bao at Paradise Dynasty) and now I’m sure I will be back more often with this new branch that is closer to home.
It was also just my second time to visit the new Podium and guests may not even recognize it from the original mall. This is because it is actually a totally different building located just beside the first Podium, which is now being renovated for another purpose. The new Podium is elegantly spacious with lots of natural lighting and sleek architectural curves.
The new Paradise Dynasty is just as classy and elegant, with interiors that remind me of those golden palaces in China where emperors and dynasties used to live. The interiors may be a little less opulent and intricate than their Mall of Asia branch (see here), but the ambiance is still as enchanting.
The restaurant also has an open kitchen and diners can see a live theatre of chefs preparing the star of the show at Paradise Dynasty, the Xiao Long Bao. These bite-sized bundles of flavor are meticulously prepared by hand, one by one, and only upon order, so it takes a lot of training and skill to properly finish these dumplings. 
The new branch also has its own VIP rooms which are actually bigger than the one at the Mall of Asia outlet. This is where my friends and I will be having our exquisite lunch featuring the restaurant’s specialties.
I started with some Homemade Barley Water (P80) which can be ordered hot or cold. This refreshing and healthy beverage is the best to pair up with your baskets of Xiao Long Bao. Diners can also choose to have hot tea served in this golden tea pot.
The Signature Original Xiao Long Bao (P188-6pcs / P298-10pcs) is always the most popular item at Paradise Dynasty. These soupy pork dumplings are carefully made using thin dumpling wrappers that should not break easily when you pick them up with your chopsticks. Paradise Dynasty makes sure that each dumpling weighs around 25 grams and has exactly 18 folds, so you get the same experience from your first to your last bite. Many other restaurants offer Xiao Long Bao but it takes an expert to prepare them the way they should be. 
There is also a proper way to eat your Xiao Long Bao. First of all, do not just pick up and swallow the dumpling in one whole bite because you will definitely burn your tongue and mouth if you do so. The Xiao Long Bao are filled with hot soup so you should nibble a small hole first to let the steam out and take a few sips of the tasty broth. That’s when you can then eat the entire dumpling and enjoy its flavors.
What sets Paradise Dynasty apart from all the rest is their Specialty Dynasty Xiao Long Bao (P388). This basket contains eight different flavors of Xiao Long Bao which are color coded for easy reference. Paraside Dynasty is the first restaurant which offered this kind of colored Xiao Long Bao set and while some establishments have already tried to copy it, they remain the pioneers and will always be remembered for putting their legendary Xiao Long Bao on the global foodie map.
The Signature Original (white) in the middle is surrounded by seven different variants such as Ginseng (green), Foie Gras (brown), Black Truffle (black), Cheese (yellow), Crab Roe (orange), Garlic (gray), and Szechuan (red). First-timers should always try this basket and see which flavors they like most. My favorites are the Cheese, Foie Gras, and most especially the Black Truffle Xiao Long Bao. Once you know your favorite flavors, you can then order each Xiao Long Bao basket with just one type of dumpling (P230/P330-6pcs).
Paradise Dynasty also offers an extensive menu featuring other appetizers, dimsum, and hot dishes that should complete any grand feast or celebration. The Pork Dumpling in Hot Chili Vinaigrette (P168) is another version of dumplings that will give a spicy and garlicky kick. This should also serve as a great appetizer.
One of the new items at Paradise Dynasty is the Charcoal Custard Lava Bun (P188). This Darth Vader-looking bun is actually quite heavenly with its gooey salted egg yolk custard that just oozes out when you bite it. The custard has just the right amount of flavor, not too rich or salty, so you can finish all three pieces in one sitting if you don’t want to share. I actually prefer having my custard bun as a dessert instead of an appetizer.
A healthier option would be the Lettuce Roll with Homemade Sesame Sauce (P288). You can take a bite of these very crunchy lettuce rolls after you dip them into the roasted sesame dressing. It’s more like a deconstructed salad with better presentation.
The Radish Pastry (P138) is one of their recommended items with its regal appearance and texture. Open the crusty outer layer to reveal the warm shredded radish inside. You can also try the Steamed Glutinous Rice Stuffed in Red Dates (P238) with its sticky rice wrapped inside the sweet red dates. These are very popular in China for their health benefits.
Other interesting appetizers you can order include the Stir-Fried Shredded Pork in Black Bean Sauce (P388) which are served with Chinese Crepes. Place the savory shredded pork inside the crepes and bite away. Another new item is the Chilled Baby Spinach with Vermicelli (P288) which is another healthy alternative. We also tried their Scrambled Egg White with Fish and Conpoy (P328) which is similar to a rich egg drop soup, or have some Chilled Jellyfish and Seafood in Vinaigrette (P328) if you love jellyfish and shrimp.
Paradise Dynasty is also popular for its La Mian or hand pulled noodles which originated from China with a history of over 400 years. It used to be just a local street delight before a Ming Dynasty Emperor gave it a culinary title with its graceful and majestic hand pulling preparation. We had the La Mian with Scallion Oil (P200), combined with their Signature Pork Bone Soup with its high level of protein and collagen, simmered under slow fire for twelve hours.
One of their Szechuan specialties is the Poached Sliced Fish in Szechuan Chili Oil (P788) which is really as powerful as it looks. You can choose from less spicy to very spicy, but it will still pack quite a strong kick. This bowl is good for up to four adventurous persons.
One of my favorite hot dishes at Paradise Dynasty is the Stir-Fried Beef with Scallion (P388). These tender slices of beef are cooked in oyster sauce resulting in a rich and very flavorful dish that would really go well with fried rice.
They also have two new hot dishes that scored very well with my taste buds. The Kung Pao Chicken (P298) is a classic Szechuan dish made with spicy stir-fried chicken together with peanuts, vegetables, and chili peppers. The spiciness is just right and the flavors of the chicken are really highlighted.
I love prawns so I really liked their new Crispy-fried Crystal Prawns served with Salted Egg Yolk (P588). Like the Charcoal Custard Lava Bun, this dish is only available in the Philippine outlets of Paradise Dynasty because we Filipinos all love salted egg. I don’t mind having this entire plate for myself because it also has balanced salted egg flavors without being too rich.
For desserts, we had the Pan-fried Pumpkin Pastry (P138) and the Pan-fried Pancake with Red Bean Paste (P168) with their crunchy texture and soft fillings to end our meal on a high note.
Each visit to Paradise Dynasty has always been a delightful experience and now it will get even better since I don’t have to travel all the way to the Mall of Asia complex. I am glad that they have opened a branch in Ortigas, so I’ll be back really soon with my family to satisfy all our Xiao Long Bao cravings.
Paradise Dynasty
2/F, The Podium, 18 ADB Ave, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City
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revivethesleeping · 7 years
TAGGED BY. More like “nominated” by @markiplicrgamcd NAME. Vincent NICKNAME. Vinny, VinVin, Yiffy, Zero, ZeroMiaou (or whatever you come up with for me) AGE. 18 HEIGHT. 5'7″ PRONOUNS. he/him/they/them BIRTHDAY. July 27th AESTHETIC. eyeballs, cats, 3d/glitchy stuff, fire, Jacksepticeye/Markiplier, coffee, good guitar or good drums in a song (I notice guitar first, drums second), OFF (the game), drawn gore, some other stuff (I’m new to aesthetic stuff) LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO. The Meaning of his Tears - Alias Conrad Coldwood FAVORITE MUSE YOU’VE WRITTEN. I’ve had alot of fun with Binx, honestly. I’ve had so many ideas for him and have had amazing help from people.  INSPIRATION TO TAKE ON YOUR CURRENT MUSE. *cough*Which one*Cough* I have alot of good beans and bad beans. FAVORITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE. I’m just going to reply for Binx since I use him the most lately: he’s very sweet. He’s more trusting than I am and loves being around people-- the complete opposite of me. He’s kinda like my own lil Tavros in some ways too. BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING. Tavros and Scott Cawthon were huge pieces of Binx. Yes, I based him completely off Bendy design-wise but his personally is based on Tavros, and old character I used to have named Twilight Stardust, and how I used to act as a child (Without the chaos). He still has that childish spark in him, which is where Scott comes in. FAVORITE TYPE OF THREADS. I’m a go-with-the-flow kinda guy, but if my partner has an idea for something, I’m up for almost anything. I just need a partner who is willing to communicate with me. I’m most experienced with love rps, but I like story ones where the characters hang out and be around each other, learn and grow. As much as I can type romantic ones, I like platonic romantic ones, especially if my character is not the dominant one. Sexual romantic rps make me uncomfortable. BIGGEST STRUGGLE WITH YOUR CURRENT MUSE. Getting a roleplay partner, honestly. Either I don’t speak up, people don’t speak to me, or there’s no communication between myself and the other person (or it’s not clear). I want to get back into roleplaying so bad but either I have nothing to work with in replies or I’m scared of starting one.
TAGGING. Whoever wants to, I suppose.
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thehillneedstowrite · 7 years
Tumblr media
The Open Letter Series is a collection of open letters written to other people, ideas or activities that have taken place over the course of the last few days of uploading in both the public realm and in my personal life. What exactly is an open letter? An open letter is a letter which is often critical in nature that is addressed to a particular person or group of people but intended for publication or to be read by a large group of people. In this case, that is you, the reader.
Each open letter will discuss a different topic, in varying degrees of depth. From politics to personal issues, the Open Letter series aims to provide clarity on issues, create ideas or inspiration, or, in my case, to become a place of stress and thought relief. Nothing is safe from receiving an open letter, not shows or book characters, a class lesson or a provoking idea.
So, once again, back at it again with The Open Letter Series.
An open letter to chocolate cake.
Dear chocolate cake,
I can honestly say that I haven’t had a bad piece of chocolate cake in a while.
The history of chocolate cake goes back to 1764, when Dr. James Baker discovered how to make chocolate by grinding cocoa beans between two massive circular millstones. Choco rose cake In 1828, Conrad Van Houten of the Netherlands developed a mechanical extraction method for extracting the fat from cacao liquor resulting in cacao butter and the partly defatted cacao, a compacted mass of solids that could be sold as it was "rock cacao" or ground into powder. The processes transformed chocolate from an exclusive luxury to an inexpensive daily snack. A process for making silkier and smoother chocolate called conching was developed in 1879 by Rodolphe Lindt and made it easier to bake with chocolate, as it amalgamates smoothly and completely with cake batters. Until 1890 to 1900, chocolate recipes were mostly for chocolate drinks, and its presence in cakes was only in fillings and glazes. In 1886, American cooks began adding chocolate to the cake batter, to make the first chocolate cakes in the US.  The Duff Company of Pittsburgh, a molasses manufacturer, introduced Devil's food chocolate cake mixes in the mid-1930s, but introduction was put on hold during World War II. Duncan Hines introduced a "Three Star Special" (so called because a white, yellow or chocolate cake could be made from the same mix) was introduced three years after cake mixes from General Mills and Duncan Hines, and took over 48 percent of the market. In the U.S., "chocolate decadence" cakes were popular in the 1980s; in the 1990s, single-serving molten chocolate cakes with liquid chocolate centers and infused chocolates with exotic flavors such as tea, curry, red pepper, passion fruit, and champagne were popular. Chocolate lounges and artisanal chocolate makers were popular in the 2000s. Rich, flourless, all-but-flourless chocolate cakes are "now standard in the modern pâtisserie," per The New Taste of Chocolate in 2001.
I find that chocolate cake is so easy to get wrong. It has the main elements of standard cake, flour, milk, sugar, etc., but it’s the cocoa that can permanently screw up the rest of the cake if you add too much or too little.
Here’s what makes a great chocolate cake:
-Fluffy: It’s amazing if you can see the air holes as you look at your piece of cake
-Not-too-sweet icing: The best, most complementary icing for chocolate cake is chocolate icing. It’s simple (especially when fluffy, like whipped icing on top) and totally amazing.
This post has no actual value at all, I’ve been craving chocolate cake recently and have been unable to obtain any, much to my displeasure.
Frig man, I just really want chocolate cake.
Best wishes,
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showspace · 7 years
March 27 - April 2
ATM (WI), Bodies, Genevieve, and Neck Breather. 8 pm, ye$ @ Ask a Punk 
Nana Grizol, Bad Moves, Mothpuppy, Matt Ellin + the Big Nightmare Band, and Foster Carrots. 7 pm, $7 @ Goucher College
June Pastel, No Sun, Boat Water, and Rachel Winder. 7 pm, $10 @ Metro Gallery 
Karaoke Forever. 9 pm, free @ The Crown (Red)
Goin Up: James Nasty 2uesday. 9pm, free @ The Crown (Blue)
Calvin Love, Heat, and Captain Morris. 7:30 pm, $10 adv, $12 dos @ Metro Gallery
Laurie Amat (RI) with Jason Charney, Edwin Huet, and Patrick McMinn. 8:30 pm, donations suggested @ The Bun Shop (22 Light Street)
Functionary, Attic Ted (TX), and The Flowery. 8 pm, $5 @ The Crown
George Clanton, Negative Gemini, and Blacksage. 8 pm, $10 adv, $12 dos @ Metro Gallery
Microkingdom's Megadynasty's Multi-Month Residency Part II/IV. 8 pm @ The Windup Space
[sic] Joeks Comedy Show and benefit for Baltimore Rock Opera Society. 8 pm, $5 minimum donation @ De Kleine Duivel
Fox and Bones and Wake Up Autumn. 7 pm, $10 @ 3158 Remington Ave
Gilded Milk (AL), Minerals (AL), mems, and Pony/Conrad/Moon. 8:30 pm @ Normal’s
Selector Dub Narcotic, Escape-ism, and Flowers 4 Vera. 9 pm, ye$ @ The Ottobar
Amazing Bill, Serene, Slay, Modern Nomad, The Dune Flowers, and Timelapzzz. 7:30 pm, ye$ @ The Crown
So Chortle We All: Sci-fi comedy night. 8 pm, $5 @ The Crown (Back Bar)
Japanese New Wave and Obscure. 10 pm @ The Crown (Back Bar)
Sonnder, Samuel Powers, The GoAround, and Young Poet. 7 pm, $10 @ Metro Gallery
Creative Music Consortium. 9 pm, donations suggested @ The Bun Shop (22 Light Street)
Screening and discussion with Robert Schaller. 7 pm @ JHU MICA Film Centre (10 E. North Ave.)
The Shattering Frame: A Bridgette Miakowsky Mystery. 8 pm, $15, $10 if purchased online with code “showspace”, $7 for students and EBT (door only).  @ Annex Theater
PMF 8 Kickoff Party with Just the Right Height, Via App, Gurl Crush, Pangelica, Station North Sadboi and DJ Bean, screening of 200 Nam Nam. 9 pm, free @ The Crown (Back Bar)
Hanna Olivegren, M. Takara H. Diaz (Brazil), Robert Donne, Bonnie Jones and Joan Sullivan. 8:30 pm $5 to benefit Refugee Cities @ The Crown (Blue)
The Supreme Imperial Reunion. 9 pm, free @ The Crown
Doomsday Student, Permanent Waves, Alone Time, and Sensitive Hearts. 9 pm, $10 @ Metro Gallery
Maklin Spliffworthy, Eunb1, Famine, Toyo Mansi, and Averill's Blood. 8 pm, $5 @ Baltimore Free Farm
Half Waif, Sitcom and Wae. 7 pm, $10, $12 @ Downsquares
Opening reception for DUOX4Odell's You'll Know If You Belong. 7 pm @ 1723 North Charles Street
The Shattering Frame: A Bridgette Miakowsky Mystery. 8 pm, $15, $10 if purchased online with code “showspace”, $7 for students and EBT (door only).  @ Annex Theater
Publications and Multiples Fair. 12 pm, free @ Baltimore Design School
PMFVIII After Party with Arrington De Dionyso and Sunatirene. 10 pm, free for vendors, $5 for non-vendors @ EMP Collective (307 W. Baltimore)
MSHR. 7 pm @ Open Space (512 Franklin Street)
Princess Nokia, Ayes Cold, and :3lon. 8 pm @ Metro Gallery (Sold out)
My Super Sweet 16 with DJ Logicoma. 9 pm, free @ The Crown (Red)
Night Gruuvs and Sheree Hicks. 9 pm, $10 adv, $12 door @ The Crown (Blue)
Press Press Library Vol. 2. 7 pm @ Press Press
Scheherazade: concert & after-party. 7 pm, $25 with code BSOAFTERPARTY @ The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Brunch poems at DUOX4Odell's You'll Know If You Belong. 12 pm @ 1723 North Charles Street
The Shattering Frame: A Bridgette Miakowsky Mystery. 8 pm, $15, $10 if purchased online with code “showspace”, $7 for students and EBT (door only).  @ Annex Theater
Reagan Cats, Dear Tracks, Young Scum, and Tigerer. 8 pm @ The Wind Up Space
Publications and Multiples Fair. 12 pm, free @ Baltimore Design School
Darsombra, Dark Water Transit, and Rope Trick. 8 pm, ye$ @ The Crown 
Marissa Nadler and The Holy Circle. 8 pm, $10 adv, $12 dos @ Metro Gallery
The Shattering Frame: A Bridgette Miakowsky Mystery. 8 pm, $15, $10 if purchased online with code “showspace”, $7 for students and EBT (door only).  @ Annex Theater
0 notes
thehungrykat1 · 7 years
Legendary Xiao Long Bao at Paradise Dynasty
I have been fascinated with Xiao Long Bao ever since my Mandarin language teacher first brought me and the rest of her class to a popular Shanghainese restaurant in Greenhills a few years ago which serves this dumpling delicacy. That outlet has since closed down, but it left a lasting impression on me which started my love for the Xiao Long Bao. While many Chinese restaurants in Manila now offer these hot soupy dumplings, not all of them serve it with the quality and consistency that befits these traditional masterpieces. However, a new restaurant at the Mall of Asia complex is bringing back the legendary status of the Xiao Long Bao and offering not just one, not just two, but eight different flavors to choose from.
Paradise Dynasty is a new restaurant that opened late last year at S Maison, the dining and retail mall located on the first two floors of Conrad Manila at Mall of Asia. Paradise Dynasty is actually a popular international franchise which originated from Singapore and has now made its way to Manila. They specialize in serving Xiao Long Bao and other delightful Shanghainese dishes which I had been wanting to try since they opened. It took me a few months before I could visit the restaurant, but now I’m finally ready to taste their signature rainbow-colored Xiao Long Bao.
The restaurant has a very classy and upscale setting, with interiors that remind me of those golden palaces in China where emperors and dynasties used to live. It has been months since the opening but the place is still packed with diners, a pretty good sign that it’s dishes are worth coming back for.
The area at the back facing the scenic Manila Bay has a brighter and more modern feel. It is also more spacious and has the big round tables that can accommodate bigger groups and families. A private VIP room is also available but you will probably have to reserve this way in advance since there is only one table here.
I arrived a little late for lunch so I had all these baskets of Xiao Long Bao already waiting for me. Time to eat!
But before that, I ordered a glass of their refreshing Mango Shake to cool me down on this dreadfully hot summer’s day. Another recommended beverage is their Water Chestnut with its mild sweetness.
The star of the show at Paradise Dynasty is always their Xiao Long Bao. You can take a look inside the open kitchen and see how they meticulously prepare these bite-sized bundles of flavor. 
Everyone who visits Paradise Dynasty has to order their Specialty Dynasty Xiao Long Bao (P388). This basket contains eight different flavors of Xiao Long Bao which are color coded for easy reference. Paraside Dynasty is the first restaurant which offered this kind of colored Xiao Long Bao set and while some establishments have already tried to copy it, they remain the pioneers and will always be remembered for putting their legendary Xiao Long Bao on the global foodie map.
It’s not so difficult to remember the flavors associated with each Xiao Long Bao because the colors tell the story. Start with the Signature Original (white) in the middle which is the traditional pork soup dumpling filled with chicken broth. Then try the other variants such as Garlic (gray), Ginseng (green), Foie Gras (brown), Szechuan (red), Cheese (yellow), Crab Roe (orange), and Black Truffle (black).
Each Xiao Long Bao has its own unique flavor and taste which really separates this from other Chinese restaurants I have visited. The Xiao Long Bao dumplings are perfectly made, with thin but durable wrappers that do not easily break even with all the hot soup inside. My favorites are the Cheese, the Foie Gras, and most especially the Black Truffle Xiao Long Bao.
Once you have your own favorite flavors, you can also order each Xiao Long Bao basket with just one type of dumpling, like this Garlic Xiao Long Bao (P230-6pcs / P380-10pcs). The Foie Gras and Black Truffle variants obviously have higher prices (P330-6pcs / P540-10pcs) but these are definitely the best quality Xiao Long Bao you can have in Manila.
To my surprise, Paradise Dynasty also offers an extensive menu featuring other appetizers, dimsum, and hot dishes that should complete any grand celebration. The Radish Pastry (P138) is one of their recommended items with its regal appearance and texture. Open the crusty outer layer to reveal the warm shredded radish inside.
There are also other dimsum available like the Lotus Paste Bun with Salted Egg Yolk (P138). These delightful starters will quickly fill you up but there is so much more ahead.
I do like eating jellyfish in Chinese restaurants so I also enjoyed the Chilled Jellyfish and Seafood in Vinaigrette (P328) as part of our other appetizers. The shrimp toppings were an added bonus.
For our hot dishes, let’s start with something healthy like the Stir-fried Spinach with Minced Garlic (P238). This simple dish is quite tasty and the minced garlic gives this vegetable that added flavor component.
Those who like it hot will definitely enjoy the Stir-fried Shrimps in Spicy Bean and Tomato Sauce (P488). The spiciness level of these shrimp is way up there and while I may not be that comfortable with very spicy dishes, my other friends happily took care of finishing this item.
More stir-fried goodness followed with the Stir-Fried Beef with Scallion (P388). These tender slices of beef are cooked in oyster sauce resulting in a rich and very flavorful dish that would really go well with rice.
Which is why we ordered the Egg Fried Rice (P198) to go along with our hot dishes. They also have Yang Zhou Fried Rice and Shanghai Fried Rice if you want to try their other fried rice offerings.
What Chinese feast will be complete without the traditional Crispy Sweet and Sour Pork (P288). These meaty pork bites are just what everyone wanted and you can’t go wrong when ordering this at Paradise Dynasty. But if you are abstaining from meat or want seafood instead, order the Sweet and Sour Fish (P328) which comes with the same flavors but with a deep fried snakehead fish instead of pork.
For desserts, we also got to sample two of their specialty items including the Glutinous Rice Ball topped with Grated Nuts (P138). These soft and chewy rice balls come with black sesame filling inside that oozes out once you bite them. The Pan-fried Pancake with Red Bean Paste (P168) is also a good way to end our meal with its crunchy texture and soft red bean paste.
My much delayed visit to Paradise Dynasty was a big revelation as I finally found out what everyone was raving about. Xiao Long Bao lovers should definitely try their 8 Internationally Flavored Xiao Long Bao basket to see which one will be their favorite. I will be back really soon and next time, I know which variant to order for myself, the 6-piece Black Truffle basket. Better yet, make that 10-pieces instead.  
Paradise Dynasty
2/L, S Maison, Conrad Hotel, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City
828-8333 / 838-8333
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thehungrykat1 · 8 years
Philippines Holds Sustainable Seafood Week on February 20 to 26, 2017
We all love to eat seafood. The first section that I attack at buffets is usually the tempura station followed by the sashimi area. Let’s not forget about the crabs, lobsters, oysters, and my favorite sweet and sour lapu-lapu. But do you know that the world’s seafood supply is actually quietly diminishing? When we eat seafood, do we even stop to think about where and how the seafood on our plate was caught and sourced? Marriott Hotel, along with other prominent hotels and restaurants in Manila, have partnered together to make sure that we do not further this decline by holding the second Philippines Sustainable Seafood Week from February 20 to 26, 2017.
The Sustainable Seafood Initiative is growing with even more participants joining this year’s activities. The media launch was held last January 16 at the spectacular Marriott Grand Ballroom in Resorts World Manila. Different competitor brands will one again show their solidarity and commitment to improve the health of the oceans by pursuing responsible business practice in sourcing seafood products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. The sustainable seafood week will also serve as a launching point for many other activities like educational seminars in culinary schools, government programs, workshops and many more. What’s remarkable about this initiative is that it brings together the executive chefs of all the major five-star hotels and restaurants in the city, so expect to see some of the most creative and appetizing culinary presentations all in one event.
A short presentation was led by Chef Meik Brammer, Executive Chef of Marriott Manila who had made the five-star hotel one of the best premium dining spots in the country, especially with their award-winning restaurants like Cru Steakhouse, Marriott Cafe, and the newly opened Man Ho Manila. This is the second year for the Philippines Sustainable Seafood Week and they aim to continue to educate fishermen and government officials about topics such as habitat and marine protection, pollution and waste management, water use and supply management, climate change, environmental and social impact modeling, plus land and sea use zoning. More importantly, they should be taught how to avoid overfishing, illegal fishing and destructive fishing methods.
Participating hotels and restaurants include some of the biggest names in the industry like Shangri-La Hotels, Raffles Makati, Conrad Manila, Marco Polo Hotels, Hyatt COD, CCA, Enderun and many more. The media launch was a gathering of the biggest names in the local culinary world which really makes this a landmark event. All the participating establishments will be featuring their own highlights and activities in their restaurants during Sustainable Seafood Week so watch out for their individual promotions and announcements.
The media launch is meant to be a small preview of what to expect from the participants during Sustainable Seafood Week. After a toast to open the dining area, Marriott Manila started dinner with a dramatic entrance of their buffet table which was slowly lowered from the roof! This is the kind of spectacle I have come to expect whenever I attend an event at the Marriott Grand Ballroom, especially from my first-hand experience during their Grand Opening in 2015.
Marriott Manila featured their Prawn Cocktail using Vannamei Shrimp which is known for its white color. These are native to the tropical marine habitats of the Eastern Pacific. The prawns were accompanied on the table with different variations of homemade dips, dressing and organic fresh mesclun. These fresh prawns simply pop in your mouth whenever you bite them.
The opening event and signing for Sustainable Seafood Week will be held on February 20, 2017 at the Hyatt City of Dreams Manila. Each participant will be promoting their own special seafood dishes and menus for the week as well as chef collaborations, workshops, cooking shows, beach cleaning events and others. Hyatt City of Dreams Manila Executive Chef Michael Leudtke was here to show off some of their highlighted seafood dishes.
The Tuna Niçoise is a dish from their sister hotel Grand Hyatt Singapore. This salad is prepared with tuna and seafood sourced responsibly. In the Philippines, tuna is caught by local fishermen in small-scale fishing communities using single-hook handlines which result in minimal impact to the habitats. This is their man source of livelihood and is the most responsible and sustainable means of fishing. I guess that means we should all eat more tuna!
They also presented their Sous Vide Mackerel with artichoke purée, pickled vegetables and beetroot chips. Mackerel is also another important source of livelihood for many Filipino fishermen living in coastal communities.
The Shangri-La Hotels group also came with their seafood creations. Makati-Shangri-La offered their Marinated Mackerel in saffron, orange juice with fennel seed plus smoked piquillo guacamole vinaigrette with local oyster, pink peppercorn, lime caviar and basil oil.
Edsa Shangri-La featured a couple of seafood dishes starting with the Ceviche using Mahi Mahi with chili, calamansi, and cafe lime leaves. They also used recycled paper for their holder to complete the sustainability cycle.
The Black Tiger Prawns in Sambal sauce was a popular item during the media launch. It uses Selva Shrimp which are naturally farmed in traditional mangrove-forest shrimp farming areas in Vietnam. These do not need any feeds or fertilizers as the mangrove provides the natural habitat and ecosystem for the shrimp. This unique production system combines the preservation of the mangrove forest together with low-impact shrimp farming. Another interesting dish was the Stuffed Baby Squid with Laing Black Rice Risotto. Squid are another species which are highly resilient to fishing pressure due to its fast growth and high reproduction potential.
I also found a very familiar sight at the event. Marco Polo Ortigas Manila is also supporting Sustainable Seafood Week and they have brought out their gigantic paella bowl.
Named as The Best Paella in Town, Marco Polo Manila’s signature paella comes loaded with prawns, mussels, squid and mahi-mahi which also has a high resilience to fishing pressure because of its early maturation and fast growth. I never get tired of eating this very flavorful paella and the name does speak for itself.
The Peninsula Manila’s booth was highlighted by two of my most favorite dishes that evening. The Curacha Toasties comes with spanner crab meat topped with salted egg and bacon. Spanner Crabs or curacha are usually found in the coasts of Zamboanga and are most vulnerable to fishing pressure when the minimum fishing size limits are not respected. The crabs should be allowed to grow and reproduce naturally so it is important that fishermen be educated properly and that they follow sustainable and correct procedures.
Another popular item was the Seared White Snapper with Textures of Aubergine. The fish was just so tender with just the right amount of saltiness to go with its perfectly seared texture.
New World Hotels and Resorts also had a few oysters up their sleeves. Fresh Crystal Bay Oysters were laid out on a bed of ice, and they are best eaten with a few drops of spicy vinegar. These oysters are brackish-water species which are self-sustaining as they feed on microorganisms in the water. The Calamansi Martini with Oyster was also a revelation as this is the first time I have seen a cocktail with an oyster inside. They also had the Oyster in Ponzu Sauce with Quail Egg shooters which you just pop in your mouth in one go.
The Discovery Leisure Company contributed their own creations which include the Texas Shrimp Straw Hats made with chippy wrappers and the Shrimp Rolls.
Culinary schools like Enderun Colleges are also part of Sustainable Seafood Week. The Black Rice with Cuttlefish has rice made with cuttlefish ink then garnished with chorizo, tomato confit and sprouts.
On February 22, Vask Modern Tapas & Gastronomic Cuisine will be kicking off a series of seminars to promote and educate participants for Sustainable Seafood Week at the Vask Gallery in Bonifacio Global City.
They presented their Rice Crackers with Crab and Seafood Mousse using purple rice sourced from Ifugao. I remember encountering purple-colored rice during my trip to Sagada trip and this is how their prepare their rice in the north. This was topped with black bean and jalapeno paste plus cilantro flowers. 
Another dish from Vask was the Arroz Caldo with Mahi Mahi, also using purple rice which makes this a one of a kind arroz caldo.
The Grind Bistro also came up with some very colorful and delectable dishes during the event. 
The Fresh Tuna Roll with Foie Gras Mousse was probably the best item for me. This tuna comes with a creamy foie gras mousse inside and is topped with mango, green apple and salmon roe. I enjoyed this so much that I kept coming back for more. Just as colorful was their Tuna Taco Salad.
Agos by Chef Tatung Sarthou at SM Mall of Asia brought out their fierce-looking Mahi Mahi with Tausug Black Curry which is actually made from burnt coconut. I ate so much during the entire event but I don’t feel guilty because it is all seafood. That’s one more excuse to support the activities and special menus that the participating hotels and restaurants will be launching during Sustainable Seafood Week.
Marriott Manila did not let everyone go home without desserts. This massive round structure with a fisherman figure on top is actually a giant chocolate cake! I am always amazed with the cake designs from Marriott and this one is no different. We all enjoyed devouring the cake including the overflowing beverages and wine that were provided in the venue.
Watch out for all the exciting activities and special dishes that will be coming out during Sustainable Seafood Week on February 20 to 26, 2017. Let’s all be more conscious and aware about how the seafood we see on our plates are sourced. Thank you Marriott Manila for hosting such a wonderful event!
Sustainable Seafood Week
February 20-26, 2017
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