#conroy lewin
kazoosandfannypacks · 7 months
OC Asks- Fandom edition!
rules: reblog this ask game and put the names of your ocs in the tags so your followers can ask you the following questions about them. if there's any questions you don't want to or wouldn't be able to answer, you can specify that in the tags as well. also, in the spirit of getting to know each other's ocs, please send at least one question to whoever you reblogged it from, and whoever reblogs it from you too!
🌊 ATLA: what element would they bend, or would they be a non-bender?
⭐SW: What do you think their job would be in a Star Wars AU?
⛺ PJO: Which cabin would they be in?
🧙‍♂️ HP: What's their Hogwarts house?
✨ ST: What color shirt would they wear in Star Trek?
🦸‍♀️ DC/Marvel: What superpower would they have?
🧚‍♀️ PH: What would their talent be if they were one of the Disney Fairies?
⏲ DW: Which regeneration of The Doctor are they most like?
👑 DP: Which Disney Princess are they most like?
🎲 D&D: What class would they play as?
💿 TS: What Taylor Swift era do they remind you of? [if you don't know taylor swift music, put another musician in the tags!]
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theadmiralsdaughter · 3 months
sideblog intro
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The Admiral's Daughter is a novel I'm writing and in the process of editing. It can best be described as a fictional period drama with fantasy elements and pirates. If that sounds awesome to you, feel free to follow along for updates, ramblings, snippets, and whatever else I happen to create for this work along the way! [a sideblog of @kazoosandfannypacks]
story summary: When Maristella Arrington, the admiral's daughter, meets a handsome young lieutenant named Adrian, he convinces her to join the navy. She enlists, alongside her best friend, Verity. A few days before her graduation from the naval academy, she receives word that Adrian's ship, while engaged in battle with a pirate vessel, was sunk, and he perished along with it. Maristella then sets out to get her revenge on the pirates who sent Adrian to his watery grave, which proves difficult when she finds that the pirates haven't killed him— they've recruited him, and she must join forces with them as well in order to save Verity's life.
current draft wc/previous draft wc: {14673/45841}
playlists: entire wip | adristella | music i like to write to
character intros under the cut!
Maristella Arrington: Maristella is the eldest daughter of Admiral Charles Arrington. She loves nothing more than spending a few short months of the year at sea with her father, and is fascinated by life at sea and naval battles. She is confident and loyal, which makes her a strong leader to those around her.
Verity Sterling: Verity has been inseparable best friends with Maristella since they were kids. She's skilled in swordplay as well as giving supportive advice, and she would do anything for those close to her.
Adrian Alyward: Adrian joined the navy with his sister, Isabella, and they quickly rose through the ranks after their bravery in saving the Admiral's life at the Skirmish at Bedisa Sea. Upon meeting Maristella at the Admiral's Ball, he's immediately smitten with her, but their blossoming potential of a relationship grows complicated when he joins forces with the treacherous pirates that frequent her seas.
Isabella Alyward: {name subject to change.} After joining the navy so she and her younger brother, Adrian, can make a name for themselves, Isabella soon becomes captain of The Noble Guardian. When they have an unfortunate run in with a nasty lot of pirates, her fate is changed for the worse, and she must look to the brother she's always sought to protect to come through and save her from an unpleasant demise.
Admiral Charles Arrington: Admiral Arrington is in charge of most of the navy, and captains his flagship The Star of the Sea, but most his favorite role is that of dedicated husband, and of father of six. Though he'd never claim to have favorites, his soldiers and family alike know he has a soft spot for his eldest daughter, Maristella. Despite his fatherly concern for her safety when she joins the navy, he's excited for the opportunity it provides to spend time with her.
Victor Durand III: Victor has been a rival of Maristella's ever since she was eight and he was five and her dad got promoted to Admiral while his was still a commodore. He enlists in the navy just shortly before Maristella does, and while both of them would deny it, they grow to tolerate and even, on rare occasions, appreciate each other.
Conroy Lewin: Conroy's father, Professor Lewin, is the professor of general studies at the naval academy. He quickly becomes friends with Maristella and Verity, as someone who understands what it's like to grow up in a navy family. He enjoys studying and sharing information, and joins the navy around the same time as Maristella.
Lenna Arrington: Lenna is Admiral Arrington's wife, and she runs a tight ship at home while her family is away. While she's always happy to support her children and their dreams, a part of her still wishes her eldest daughter, Maristella, had chosen to settle down and get married instead of pursue a life of high-seas adventure.
Cordelia Arrington: Cordelia is eight years younger than Maristella, and though she's the closest in age to Maristella, they share little in the way of hopes and dreams, and Cordelia can't wait until she's old enough to attend some fancy balls and tea parties of her own.
Dylon Arrington: Dylon is the oldest boy among the Arrington children. There's a year in between him and his siblings on either side, and Maristella and her friend Verity often train him in swordplay, strategy, and, much to his chagrin, ballroom dancing. Of all his siblings, he's the one who looks the most like their father.
"Charlie" Arrington: Charlie is Lil's twin brother, named after their father. At eleven years old, he shows quite promise with his writing and creative thinking, but he often struggles with controlling his temper.
"Lil" Arrington: Lil is Charlie's twin sister, named after their mother. She loves reading and studying and is quite level headed for a child, at least, until you ask which of them is the older twin. She'll swear up and down that it's her, and though Charlie couldn't care less about which of them is older, he enjoys bringing up the fact that it's actually him.
Randolf: Randolf is the youngest of the kids, and his favorite thing in the world is when his dad tells stories and he gets to help act them out.
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names + their meanings | the admiral's daughter
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kazoosandfannypacks · 10 months
🖤: what are your MC names? 💔: give a brief character bio of your 3-5 MCs ❣️: which scene has been hardest to write so far? 💕: what has your favorite scene been?
🖤: what are your MC names?
I spent a long time choosing meaningful names for the characters in this wip, and even made some lovely aesthetics of main characters' names (full post here!) so here's my three mcs first and last names w/ meanings!
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💔: give a brief character bio of your 3-5 MCs
I answered this one here, so instead I'll tell you about a couple of my other characters!
Admiral Charles Arrington: Arrington joined the navy around the time that his eldest daughter was born, and due to his skill (and possible familial influence,) he rose through the ranks quickly, and was promoted to Admiral only eight years later. During the months in which his route to sail is more rooted in scouting than skirmishes, his daughter accompanies him at sea. She's one of his closest confidants, and understands her longing for the sea more than anyone else in the family does.
Casper: Casper grew up with no father and only a fleeting and hazy memory of his mother, so from a young age he took it upon himself to watch over his younger brother, Adrian. They joined the navy together once they were both old enough, where Casper would later go from Ensign to Captain overnight after saving the admiral's life— and, of course, Adrian was promoted to Lieutenant alongside him.
Conroy: Conroy's father is the Professor of General Studies at the Royal Naval Academy, and inherited much of his father's intellect. His family has always been close with the Arringtons, and he's always been a loyal friend to Maristella, Verity, and anyone else who cares enoigh to get to know him.
Victor: Victor Durand III is the son of Commodore Durand. Victor has held Maristella in silent disdain since the day his father was passed up for a promotion to Admiral in favor of hers. He enjoys nothing so much as to match wits with Maristella and show her up, and once or twice he's succeeded, but the admiral's daughter, always a clever one, has outmatched him more times than he'd care to admit.
❣️: which scene has been hardest to write so far?
My current opening scene was difficult, as they often are. I didn't like the pacing of my original opening, so I had to redo it several times before I hit something I really liked. I'd also say the early middle chapters are the hardest to rewrite, because the book isn't at it's most exciting, for me, there, so I tend to procrastinate.
💕: what has your favorite scene been?
The final scene is one of the ones I replay to myself the most, as well as the climax. However, I'm also quite partial to a scene a couple chapters prior, in which my main character must make a decision to trust someone she despises in order to give herself her best chance to save her closest friend from a horrible fate.
Thanks so much for the ask! 💛🌻
💕 writer wip asks
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OC question!! What are the main characters (and everyone else you love to talk about) of The Admiral’s Daughter's favorite meals?
oooh okay so this is a very special question to me, because, for a couple of my characters, this isn't just canon-because-i-say-it's-canon, it's actually written in the text of the wip:
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so yeaah! Admiral Charles Arrington is a pasta guy- I think his favorite is spaghetti! Maristella takes after her dad a lot and also loves pasta- and as mentioned, she really loves bowtie noodles and pesto! she also has an appetite for fish!
as for some of my other characters, let's see. Conroy loves warm bread with jam; can't get enough of it. Verity is a fan of mutton, methinks. Adrian really likes fish, typically mackerel, as well as fruit and boiled eggs when he can get them! Casper's a simple guy; he just wants a nice bowl of soup. Victor actually hates seafood with a passion but pretends that that's because he's too good for fish. He likes mashed potatoes a lot!
Thanks for the ask! Always happy to talk about my diy blorbos!
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
Tell me all your favorite details about.... Alistair Branson, Conroy Lewin, and Valarie Quinn. Specifically, their favorite foods, favorite colors, and favorite beverages. Also, literally anything else you'd like to talk about to do with them
*cracks knuckles* so these three characters are three of the five main characters Maristella meets at the naval academy, along with Victor Durand II and Ashling Frank. Ashling and Valarie are assigned as Maristella and Verity's roommates at the academy, and Maristella and Verity are assigned to the same squadron as Alistair, Conroy, and Victor.
My initial concept for Valarie was a Mom Friend, but since Ashling has been written with major hippie vibes, Valarie's become a little more jaded, edgy and snippy in an attempt to naturally balance her out. 😅
Alistair is Victor's cousin, and they're basically your stereotypical "popular blonde cheerleader" type character. Victor has actually been Maristella's rival since they were kids, and Alistair is pretty much Victor's loyal stooge, so it'll be a fun dynamic to write in!
And then my beloved little Conroy Lewin is a little nerd :D! His dad is the General Studies Professor at the Academy, and he's gonna become best friends with Verity, whose outgoing nature compliments his social anxiety, but is a supportive and genuine friend just like him.
Valarie likes fruit and likes to drink coffee, and I think her favorite color is brown, though the color pallatte I'm envisioning for her is probably similar to Hera Syndulla's because ✨mom friend vibes✨
Alastair likes chicken and rice and the color orange. In a modern AU, he'd drink Monster all the time, but in the time period he likes tea.
Conroy likes bread with jam and drinks a lot of water, often with fruit in it! His favorite color is blue.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
OC lightning round: do you have an OC tag? who’s your favorite OC? what OC have you had the longest? are there small details about your OCs people wouldn’t imagine?
⚡Nope, but I tag based on work they're in!
⚡Maristella Arrington, Admiral Charles Arrington, Verity Sterling, Adrian Alyward, and probably Conroy Lewin!
⚡Of the ones I regularly talk about, Maristella and Lillith from "The Admiral's Daughter," though technically my oldest is Seventy from that one sw fic we don't talk about, and my oldest from an original work is Adar Griffith from "The Prince and the Farmgirl"
⚡I mean, I know what Adrian Alyward would order at Subway, so...
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