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expfcultragreen · 4 years
It sticks with you because nazis might kill you for it and every neolib hetero a la tati westbotch figures its not fair to rub our deathwishes all over normies just because we want to imagine hatecrime-consequencefree* dating like how she got to do (or because we bitterly resent them for their ease of life and are always howling silently as a homogenous maw waiting to engulf the safe in our opaquely viewable lovecraftian hellrealm)[i suspect that at the time of the gummivitamin incident at least, james charles wouldnt even have been familiar enough with the conservative cosmological narratives still at play in todays society, to have considered that 'seeing him flirting was alarming because he was gay' would cross anyones mind. Let alone a "mentor" and "friend." Iirc he was raised by a nice lady who didnt engrain those ideas about how the world works into his head because its not how the mainstream liberal semisecular world works. According to the rules of that world, its called bigotry to be pulling the pag with a gay panic psa]
*how much of "intimate partner violence" among straights is actually impersonal hatecrime within the context of a performative dyad
Same question for the homonation
So, we can agree that james is a gayginity chaser. If it was straightflipped and we were talking about a sexually active young hetero james pursuing vcards from consenting peers? How unsavory is it then. Not that bad imho so long as he's not pushy socially or physically (oh here's where we go back to, is celebrity inherently socially pushy?). Thats actually the age at which its least "weird" to be trying to be someone's first something? Its just that its also the last sort of naive phase of not understanding the power differential between ultrarich people beloved by millions, and everyone else
We are all the 1%'s chattel as an inherent condition of our confinement within a near-omninational economic empire patrolled by armed mercenaries paid in imperial scrip. (That moot wish...to be the one who is made to submit when, realistically, there is only the illusion of making a choice in placement while the foregone fact of there being different placement itself dictates who will be where and doing what; a dignified workhorse has the same general shape as a braying jackass viewed from atop the all mighty dollarmid; im making an animal farm ref thats about how workers get screwed any way you slice it, when some animals are more equal than others)
Now, he could donate his income but still be very socially famous, and in that case i suppose if all he wanted out of dating was to nab unfamouses vcards, he should rent office space and set up a massage table for hourly sessions with whoever books an appointment (or get a longterm hotel room with a nice bed)
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paulo0369 · 4 years
Curti o vídeo "Você Nem Imagina Para Que Estas 17 Coisas Foram Inventadas", e o que você acha?
E o vídeo de hoje é: Você Nem Imagina Para Que Estas 17 Coisas Foram Inventadas
Como você se sentiria se algum dia inventasse alguma coisa extraordinária, mas alguém chegasse e dissesse “Oh, isso daria um ótimo cabide para casacos!” e todos passassem a usá-la assim? Pode acreditar, isso aconteceu bastante no passado, e provavelmente ainda acontece hoje em dia! Você sabia, por exemplo, que o Facebook não foi criado para ser uma das maiores redes sociais da atualidade? Em 2004, só os alunos de Harvard o usavam, mas pouco depois ele se tornou tão popular que se expandiu para todas as oito principais universidades americanas. Depois disso, foi uma questão de tempo e de dinheiro para que o Facebook se tornasse o que é hoje... Outros vídeos que podem o interessar: 18 Objetos Cotidianos Com Propósitos Secretos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_jeOIjccBM 15 Invenções Acidentais Que Você Não Consegue Viver Sem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlhbkTTRxYM 13 Explicações Para Detalhes Misteriosos Em Objetos Do Nosso Dia A Dia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Vol34ONXBI MINUTAGENS: Plástico bolha 0:30 Aquele bolsinho da calça jeans 1:00 Play-doh 1:22 Post-its 1:56 Salto alto 2:24 Forno micro-ondas 2:55 Facebook 3:19 Panelas antiaderentes 3:44 Mola maluca 4:20 Esteira ergométrica 4:42 Chá 5:04 Chiclete 5:33 Marca-passo 6:02 Braille 6:30 Adoçante artificial 6:57 Gravatas 7:25 Enxaguante bucal 7:50 Celulares 8:13 Créditos da foto de prévia: Plástico bolha: Por Consequencefree, CC BY-SA 3.0 http://bit.ly/30Ipndv, http://bit.ly/2uLauNi Animação criada pelo Incrível. O primeiro marca-passo a ser implantado (Siemens Elema): Por Professor Marko Turina, do University Hospital, em Zurique - Professor Marko Turina, University Hospital, Zurique, CC POR 3.0 http://bit.ly/3cihO3N, http://bit.ly/2PBxuW3 CC BY-SA 3.0 http://bit.ly/2PyMOTu Esteira usada para punir detentos da Penitenciária Breakwater, em Cape Town: Por Lennon001, http://bit.ly/2wdTlvW O Regimento Da Gravata em Zagrébia (fotografia de 2012): Por Roberta F., http://bit.ly/2ToOtMy Animação criada pelo Incrível. Inscreva-se em Incrível: https://goo.gl/ZHFt2x ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nossas Redes Sociais: Instagram http://bit.ly/2Pbr7ap Facebook: http://bit.ly/2QD8v6I IDEIAS INCRÍVEIS http://bit.ly/2WNlEcw ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Para mais vídeos e artigos, acesse: http://bit.ly/2DXuX3v Música por Epidemic Sound http://bit.ly/2Cg6rJu Materiais de bancos de imagens (fotografias, vídeos e outros) http://bit.ly/30mahKw https://shutr.bz/2XTFo2o http://bit.ly/30otn2q Caso queiram assistir no YouTube clique aqui
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