#considering what has happened in the time mark has been away i'm pleasantly surprised I'm still awake
ariparri · 10 months
Join Me On My Escapade
Eager to share her love for ice skating and to satiate Thoma's concern over her bruises, Yuna invites Thoma to join her in Chinju Forest. Yuna's ice skating performance captivates Thoma, who eventually joins her on the ice for the first time.
Ice Skating Prompts - 1, 6 and 10
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3710
Yes I'm actually branching out to write for my other OCs and fandoms. I need a ship name for these two (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Was gonna call them ThoYu or even YuMa but maybe I should think of something nicer for them
You can also read this with Y/N in place of Yuna if you're not a fan of OC inserts (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
If you’re new here, just know that I don’t proofread my stories. Once they’re done, I just post them as is, mistakes and all (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Beginning and near the end are kind of awkward, didn’t know how to start or finish it σ^_^; Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one. I had so much motivation and inspiration for this one, thanks to the skating prompts.
Posted on AO3 as well!
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Yuna’s eyes twinkled with excitement when she came by the Kamisato Estate looking for Thoma. Her voice echoed through the elegant halls of the estate as she excitedly called out for Thoma. The soft sound of her footsteps followed her lively calls as she made her way through the well-maintained corridors.
"Thoma! Thoma, where are you?" Yuna's enthusiasm rang out, creating a lively atmosphere within the serene estate. After a moment, Thoma appeared, emerging from around a corner with a curious expression, dustpan and broom in hand. "Yuna, what's going on?" Thoma asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he observed her animated demeanor. Yuna's eyes lit up upon seeing him, and she eagerly grabbed Thoma's arm. "I've got something exciting to show you! You know how you’ve been worried about these bruises, right?" She gestured to the marks on her arms.
Thoma nodded, a furrow forming on his brow. "Yes, I have. What happened?" Yuna grinned, "We're going to Chinju Forest! I’ll explain everything on the way and maybe we’ll have some fun together while we’re at it.” Yuna exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are you free for the rest of the day, though? I’d hate to take you away from your duties unexpectedly." Thoma considered the proposal, his gaze shifting between Yuna's eager face and the responsibilities that awaited him. "Well, it sounds like a nice idea, but we should inform Lady Ayaka. I don’t want to just leave without a word."
“Are you at least finished with your current task right now?” Yuna asks, glancing at the dustpan and broom. “I can wait till you're finished with this one.” Thoma smiled, placing the dustpan in his other hand holding the broom. He ruffled Yuna’s hair once his hand was free, “And here I thought you were eager to get me out of here.” Yuna swats his hand away with a groan, causing Thoma to laugh. “I’m just about done. Come on, let’s go see Lady Ayaka.” He takes her hand and leads her in the direction to Ayaka’s quarters.
The two stopped just before a door, Thoma called out to Ayaka, notifying her of their presence. Once they heard the approval to enter, the sliding doors opened gracefully, revealing Ayaka engrossed in delicate calligraphy. The two set foot inside the room and Ayaka looked up with a small smile. She was pleasantly surprised to see Yuna along with Thoma, “Oh Yuna, it’s so nice to see you again. Are you here on business?”
"Good afternoon, Lady Ayaka! And no, I’m here on a personal request.”
“Is that so? What is it, if I may ask?”
“I was wondering if Thoma could take the rest of the day off," Yuna said, trying to contain her excitement.
Ayaka raised an eyebrow, her pen pausing on the paper. "I don’t see why not. Thoma has been working hard lately. Even when we tell him to take it easy, he’s always overworking himself.”
“Milady…” Thoma mutters, slightly embarrassed at the call out. Yuna smiles at Ayaka, nodding in agreement to her statement. “Aha! See, Thoma, even Lady Ayaka says you overwork yourself!” Thoma lets out a groan, hiding his face in his hands as both Ayaka and Yuna share a laugh at his expense. “Alright that’s enough!” Thoma grabs onto Yuna’s shoulders, stopping her from making anymore fun of him. Yuna took the hint and quickly explained their plan for a quick adventure through Chinju Forest.
Ayaka considered the request, her thoughtful gaze shifting between Yuna and Thoma. After a moment, a smile graced Ayaka's lips, sharing a knowing look with Yuna. "Very well, Thoma. You may take the rest of the day off. Enjoy your time with Yuna, and please be cautious on the ice." At her approval, Thoma had a confused expression on his face. Ignoring the questioning look from Thoma, Yuna grabbed his hand before turning to the doorway. “Thanks Lady Ayaka, I’ll be sure to bring him back in one piece! You should join us next time, I miss dancing with you!” She expressed her gratitude, and with Ayaka's permission secured, the pair left the estate.
Thoma's curiosity got the better of him as they headed toward Chinju Forest, and he couldn't help but inquire about the ice and the purpose of their visit. The twinkle in Yuna and Ayaka's eyes during the permission grant had piqued his interest. "Okay, so why exactly are we heading to Chinju Forest? And what did Lady Ayaka mean about the ice?" Thoma asked, a genuine curiosity in his voice.
Yuna beamed, her excitement evident. "You kept wondering how I've been getting all those bumps and bruises, right? Well, we're going ice skating!" She grabbed Thoma's hand and began pulling him toward the path to the forest. "I do this a lot in my free time. Sometimes Lady Ayaka would join me when she's not so busy with her own duties."
Thoma's face lit up with relief as he finally understood the source of Yuna's injuries. “Oh that’s a relief. I was worried you got yourself into some trouble with someone.” Yuna gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "You worry too much, Thoma, it’s cute.” As they walked, Yuna continued to share her enthusiasm for ice skating, describing the joy it brought her. Thoma found himself looking forward to the unexpected adventure, appreciating the opportunity to share in Yuna's passion.
Once they arrived at Chinju Forest, the towering trees were adorned with glistening icicles setting the stage for a picturesque ice-skating experience. Letting go of Thoma’s hand, Yuna walked up to the frozen river. She placed one foot on the ice, applying light pressure in her step watching the surface crack. “Hmm, not as solid as I like.” Channeling the power of her cryo vision, she lifts her leg up and slams her foot back down onto the ice to release a burst of frosty energy. The river's once tentative ice transformed into a more stable foundation as a layer of fresh, crystalline frost spread beneath her.
Thoma watched in awe as Yuna's cryo vision worked its magic, turning the once uncertain ice into a winter wonderland. The air sparkled with frost as Yuna tested the now reinforced ice, her weight supported by the newly formed layer, gliding across the frozen river with joy in her heart. With a sense of triumph, she turned to Thoma, an infectious joy radiating from her.
“Come on and join me!” She glides back over to Thoma with her arms open, ready to pull him onto the ice with her. “I know you don’t have skates, and I’m using my vision to move on the ice, it’ll be easy if I just pull you along.” Thoma chuckled, shaking his head in good-natured amusement. "I think I'll pass for now. You go ahead, show me your moves." Yuna grinned, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “Alright, but don’t think I won’t drag you on the ice later!”
With a playful twirl, she began to skate across the newly fortified ice, her movements graceful and fluid. The winter air echoed with the soft sounds of Yuna’s laughter and her zori scraping against the ice, creating a joyful atmosphere on the frozen river. Thoma watched with admiration as Yuna demonstrated her skills. Her pink hair swirled around her as she twirled and spun, leaving a trail of frosty magic in her wake. The crystallized surface seemed to respond to her every movement, enhancing the enchantment of the winter wonderland they found themselves in.
As Yuna continued to skate, Thoma couldn't help but appreciate the joy she radiated. Her love for dancing, combined with the power of her cryo vision, created a magical display that captivated him. He found himself content to be a spectator, enjoying the beauty of Yuna's skating prowess against the backdrop of the winter landscape.
Sitting by one of the Tanuki statues, his attention was captivated by the enchanting sight of Yuna’s graceful skating. The snowflakes fell gently around them, creating a magical aura as they clung to Yuna’s hair and lashes. Each delicate snowflake, like glistening crystals creating an ethereal halo around her, seemed to enhance Yuna's own beauty.
Thoma couldn't take his eyes off her. Yuna's long pink hair stood out vividly against the serene blues and whites of the winter scenery. The contrast between the soft hues of her hair and the crisp surroundings painted a picture of grace and charm. Her lashes, delicately frosted by the falling snow, enhanced the dreamlike quality of the scene, making her look like a winter nymph amidst the frozen wonderland.
Yuna glided gracefully across the ice, enchanted by the winter wonderland surrounding her. Her movements on the ice were like a dance, and the snowflakes added a touch of enchantment to every step. Thoma was mesmerized by the delicate details—the way the snowflakes danced around her, the sparkle in her eyes, and the subtle blush on her cheeks from the winter chill.
Yuna noticed Thoma's lingering gaze and gave him a playful smile. "So what do you think? Enjoying the show?" Thoma, momentarily lost in admiration, blinked and smiled back. "Yes, absolutely. You just... you look like you belong here, surrounded by snow and ice." Yuna giggled, the sound echoing through the winter air. "Well, maybe I was a snow fairy in a past life."
Thoma hummed in response, as Yuna skated closer to the edge of the frozen river. “Oh but I am glad you enjoyed it. Though I did say I was going to drag you onto the ice. It would be a waste to make use of your free time just sitting there. Come on, just this once!” Thoma chuckled, realizing that Yuna was determined to share her love for ice skating with him. "Alright, you win. Teach me your ways, Yuna."
Yuna's eyes sparkled with excitement as she convinced Thoma to try ice skating for the first time. The promise of a fun experience on the frozen plane seemed to be too tempting for Thoma to resist. "Well, come on, come on!" Yuna practically hopped over to Thoma, her infectious enthusiasm bubbling over. Her cheerful smile was so bright that it was almost blinding. Thoma couldn't help but laugh at her boundless energy. "Haha, okay, okay. Calm down, Yuna," Thoma chuckled, giving in to her contagious spirit. He took her hands, ready to be guided onto the ice. However, before Yuna could pull him onto the frozen surface, he lightly tugged her hands back.
"Hold on, how am I supposed to stand without slipping, exactly? I know you have your vision, but surely that won’t help me keep my balance." Thoma raised a playful eyebrow, teasing Yuna with a mock expression of concern. Yuna grinned mischievously, "Don't worry, Thoma. I'll be your guide on this. Just follow my lead, and you'll be skating like a pro in no time!" Thoma couldn't help but chuckle at her reassurance. "Alright, Yuna. Lead the way. But go easy on me, okay?"
Yuna openly giggles in response, “Don’t worry, I’ll go over the basics! It’s as easy as walking. Now come on, let’s go.” Thoma was a bit hesitant, listening to Yuna patiently explain the basics, taking hold of her hands for support. Tentatively stepping onto the ice, Thoma wobbled, struggling to find his balance in the unfamiliar realm of the frozen river. As they glided onto the ice together, Yuna guided Thoma through the wobbles and stumbles, turning each misstep into a shared laugh. Thoma, gradually finding his balance, began to mirror Yuna's movements, their laughter echoing in the crisp winter air.
Yuna and Thoma glided hand in hand through the forest, the serene atmosphere and the crisp air adding to the magic of their shared moments on the ice. “You’re doing great! We’ll keep at this pace for now until you’re more comfortable moving a little faster.” Yuna’s voice was quiet but still uplifting. Despite the nervous pressure in his chest, Thoma let out a small laugh, “This doesn’t seem so bad. Learning how to balance and move forward was pretty easy.”
Yuna, still gliding effortlessly, winked at him. "Just wait until I teach you a few tricks, Thoma. We'll turn you into an ice-skating pro in no time! Nothing to be worried about.” Their laughter echoing across the ice until a sudden misstep from Thoma sent them tumbling onto the cold surface. A surprised gasp escaped Thoma’s lips as they fell backwards. “Whoa—!” Yuna, quick to react, thrusts her hands forward, cradling the back of Thoma’s head to protect him from the fall.
They landed on the ice with a muffled thud, the shock of the impact reverberating through both of them. As seconds passed, the two of them began to recover their bearings. The position they were in when they fell left Yuna awkwardly straddling Thoma with her hands still holding his head. The unexpected closeness caused a flush to spread across Yuna's cheeks, and she quickly moved to sit beside him.
"Ouch, that was unexpected," Thoma said, wincing slightly as he adjusted himself on the ice. Yuna nodded, her cheeks still tinged with a rosy hue. "Are you okay, Thoma? I didn't mean for that to happen." Thoma chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "No worries, Yuna. It's all part of the learning process, right?" Yuna nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Right! But, you’re really alright? No serious injuries I need to worry about?”
Thoma grinned, appreciating Yuna's concern. "I'm alright, Yuna. Just a bit surprised, that's all. No serious injuries to worry about." Yuna's expression softened with relief, and she let out a small sigh. "Phew, that's a relief. I was so worried I might have hurt you." Thoma assured her with a playful smile, "No harm done. I should have been more careful with my footing. Guess I still have a lot to learn about ice skating."
Yuna chuckled, her laughter echoing across the frozen surface. "Well, it's all part of the process, right? Besides, now I have another story to add to my skating escapades." Thoma nodded, the two of them sharing a moment of camaraderie amidst the snowy landscape. "Definitely. And I have a feeling becoming an ice-skating pro might take a bit more time than we thought." Yuna grinned, her playful spirit undiminished. "No worries, Thoma. We'll get there together!” Her hands happily clasped, expressing a promised determination.
Concern etched Thoma's face as he observed the redness on the back of Yuna's hands from their unexpected fall on the ice. "Yuna, your hands. Let me take a look at them. We should make sure there's no serious injury," Thoma insisted, his voice filled with genuine worry. Yuna smiled warmly, still holding onto her determined spirit. "Thanks, Thoma. But don't worry too much. I'm tougher than I look." Thoma chuckled, "I don't doubt that, Yuna. Still, let's make sure those hands are taken care of."
Yuna appreciated Thoma's kindness and nodded, extending her hands for him to examine. After a careful examination, Thoma gently cradled Yuna's hands in his own, his touch reassuring. "It doesn't seem too serious, but we should head back so I can properly tend to them. I don't want any bruising to get worse." He got up, ready to pull Yuna along but lost his footing, nearly face planting into the frozen ground.
Yuna's laughter echoed through the snowy air as Thoma nearly slipped while attempting to guide her off the ice. Her quick reflexes kicked in, and with a playful giggle, she took hold of Thoma's shoulders, gently steering him toward the more stable ground. "Careful there, Thoma! It seems the ice is not done with us yet," Yuna teased, her eyes sparkling with mirth.
Once they were back on the forest ground, Yuna was about to take a step toward the path leading to the entrance of the forest, before Thoma tugged on her hand swiftly turning her back around. “Whoa! Thoma, what’s up? You okay?” Thoma looked down at Yuna's knees with concern evident in his eyes, noticing the damp spot on her stockings. "You landed on your knees too, right? That was a hard landing you took, I just want to make sure you're completely fine." Yuna gave Thoma a grateful smile. "You're sweet, Thoma, but seriously, I can manage. This isn't the first time I've fallen hard on the ice. It can be tricky, but it's always worth the fun, bruises and all."
Thoma insisted, "I know, but it's not just about the bruises. I want to make sure you're comfortable on the way back, and walking through the forest with sore knees might not be the most pleasant experience." Yuna sighed in playful defeat, realizing Thoma's point. "Alright, you win. I suppose a piggyback ride wouldn't hurt."
Thoma grinned and bent down, allowing Yuna to climb onto his back. Once she was settled, he straightened up, making sure she was comfortable. "Comfortable back there?" Thoma asked with a chuckle. Yuna laughed, "Surprisingly, yes. Lead the way Thoma!"
As Thoma carried Yuna on his back, making their way through the forest, Yuna couldn't resist a playful teasing. The pain in her hands and knees weren’t unbearable, but she seized the opportunity to make light of the situation. "Hmm, something tells me you just want to leave early. Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse?" Yuna teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I mean, it's not like they hurt that much. You're not trying to escape the wilderness, are you?" Thoma chuckled, his steps steady but with a hint of mock offense. "Now, Yuna, that's not fair. I'm genuinely concerned about your well-being. Bruised limbs or not, I want to make sure you're comfortable."
Yuna grinned, enjoying the banter. "Uh-huh, uh-huh, sure. You just can't handle the wild, adventurous side of me, can you? Are the trees and the open sky too much for you, Thoma? You really wanna go back to dusting shelves and mopping floors?" Thoma rolled his eyes playfully, "Oh, please. I can handle the wilderness just fine. But when it comes to a lady's comfort, chivalry demands I prioritize that over a scenic stroll." Yuna laughed, the playful exchange lightening the mood. "Alright, Thoma, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But just know, I can survive in the wild just as well as you!"
As Thoma carried Yuna on his back through the surroundings of Chinju Forest, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of tranquility and the occasional crunch of snow. Yuna couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and gratitude for Thoma's considerate gesture. Her bruised hands rested gently on his shoulders, and she couldn't deny the tenderness in his actions. Despite the situation, Yuna found Thoma's caring demeanor absolutely adorable. She felt a sudden burst of overwhelming affection for the young man who carried her so gently. Her heart swelled with appreciation for his kindness.
"Thoma, you're just too cute, you know that?" Yuna remarked with a giggle, her voice filled with affection. "Carrying me like this and being so sweet about my silly bruises. Like my own personal knight from those old Mondstadt fairy tales you told me about." Thoma chuckled, his steps steady and sure. "Well, I'm glad you think so. I just want to make sure you get back to the estate safely and take care of those bruises." Yuna nuzzled her face against Thoma's neck, her heart fluttering with adoration. "You're the best, Thoma. Seriously! Ugh, I never knew someone could be so adorable while taking care of someone else!"
Thoma couldn't help but chuckle at Yuna's enthusiastic reaction, her adorable squeal reverberating through the air. As she smothered her face into the back of his neck, her limbs wrapped around him in a tight embrace. The unexpected declaration of his cuteness and the sudden hug caught Thoma off guard feeling a warm flush spreading across his cheeks.
"You're just so cute! Aarghh, I'm gonna bite you!" Yuna declared, her voice muffled against his neck. Thoma couldn't contain his smile at her affectionate antics. Yuna leaned forward just enough to playfully bite his cheek, causing Thoma to stumble slightly in embarrassment. A red hue dusted his cheeks as he tried to maintain his composure. "He-hey, stop! I might drop you!" Thoma protested, his voice a mix of embarrassment and amusement. He adjusted his grip on Yuna, making sure she was secure despite her playful nibble. Yuna giggled, her embrace still tight. “I told you I was gonna bite you!”
“I didn’t think you were serious!”
"Expect it next time! You’re lucky I didn't bite too hard. You're like an adorable puppy, and I can't resist!"
Thoma couldn't help but laugh along with her, appreciating the lighthearted moment with a slight blush on his cheeks. He continued to carry Yuna with unwavering care. The duo continued their journey back to the Kamisato estate, the playful interaction adding a delightful touch to their relationship. As they approached the estate, Thoma couldn't help but feel a warm fondness for Yuna's infectious enthusiasm and the unexpected joy she brought into his day.
He turned his head just enough to see Yuna resting her head on his shoulder, eyes closed with a content smile. Her embrace conveyed a sense of security and warmth that Thoma found surprisingly comforting. The sight of her contentment warmed his heart, and he found himself appreciating the simplicity and genuine connection of the moment. A smile made its way on Thoma's face when Yuna opened her eyes, meeting Thoma's gaze with a playful twinkle. A light blush adorned her cheeks as she nuzzled her face more into his neck. Thoma's heart skipped a beat, feeling a tender and unexpected closeness with Yuna in that serene moment.
The snowy path to the Kamisato Estate felt like a sacred journey, each step carrying with it the shared experiences and unspoken understanding between Thoma and Yuna. As they approached their destination, the serenity of the snowy evening mirrored the quiet joy that had blossomed in their hearts, leaving them with a memory to cherish and a connection that went beyond the cold touch of winter.
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tinknevertalks · 2 years
Ok, so what am I gonna do with the hour or so I have before going to bed? Keeping in mind that Mark is away, and I have a bunch of things I would love to get around to. My list so far:
Trace dungaree dress pattern so I can have both the original and a smaller sized pattern (it's good for 3 year olds and 8 year olds - don't think I have enough fabric though)
Bite the bullet and print off 24+ sheets of paper to sellotape up a pattern for myself
Start a jigsaw
Write fanfic
Watch Stranger Things (only on ep four of S1 so shush)
Eat chocolate and veg out on the couch
And that's after I've loaded the dishwasher, which will need Tetris precision as I made Mac and cheese today.
Suggest something! Anything!
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