#constellations ask game
heya! :)
andromeda, aries, phoenix & puppis for the constellation ask game
Hiya Ren!! Thanks for the ask hehe
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
Gonna do this for Midnight and the Gift of the Melody Blade!
Midnight - is a night-demon / wolf-human hybrid. Main goal in the story is to stop Dev from getting their hands on the Melody Blade and using it for malicious intentions, personal goal for him is to learn that he can't be a pacifist for long and fighting is sometimes necessary, and also to learn how to use the damn Melody Blade lol
Staticlight - is a ghostly apparition with a newly made physical body, who is in love with Dev, the main antagonist over their mutual adoration of causing chaos together!
Dev - is the main antagonist who is after Midnight's Melody Blade and also is in love with Staticlight.
Aries - Share a line that you’re proud of!
This isn't a line, really, more like a conversation sorry LOL (this is also from Midnight and the Gift of the Melody Blade, like the above!)
“Dev, would you mind telling me why the fuck we’re in a forest?”
“I’m looking for that boy with that ‘Melody Blade’ or whatever it was called, I’m curious to know about its powers!”
“But that doesn’t answer why–”
“Just play along Static, we’ll find him eventually!”
The footsteps came closer and a rustling in the bushes preceded them walking out, facing Midnight and Ambrosia straight on.
Midnight took a look at the first figure. It was unusually tall, had dark skin, had a right brown eye and an white dice-like eyepatch on the left, wore a brown t shirt with a oval hole in the top middle, had rainbow shorts below that, a pair of large black running shoes with blue at the outer edges and brown laces with gray in the middle and purple upside down crosses hung from it’s ears.
Dev turned to Staticlight with his smile beaming. “Did we find him? Did we find the boy with that Melody Blade?”
Staticlight shrugged. “I don’t fuckin’ know, am I supposed to remember that guy’s appearance–” Midnight shifted around to lock eyes with Staticlight. “Nevermind, Dev. I think we found him.”
Phoenix - How do you develop your ideas?
...That's a tough question. I don't have an answer, sorry!
Puppis - Give us a piece of advice! (about anything)
If you've been working on a piece of writing for a long time (3+ hours, I'd say), do your mind and brain a favor by not looking at that writing again for a while and come back to it with fresh eyes! (that was my attempt at advice LOL)
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charlesjosephwrites · 2 years
(from @flowerprose)
ursa major & leo :)
Howdy! Thanks for the ask!
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
I'm going to have to be vague because it's literally the Biggest Spoiler, but I'm there's a big twist about to pop up in the current draft of the Magician that I'm super hyped for. I'm probably going to cry when I write that scene, but it'll be totally worth it.
Leo - Do you have a favorite place to write?
I have trouble focusing on my work if I'm anywhere other than my room, so I'm going to have to say there. I worked really hard to get the area around my desk set up just the way I like it.
Constellations Ask Game
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colourofmagic · 11 days
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neil probably asked or smth
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smallsafespace · 7 months
Can I get a space and dog themed thing please?
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Here you go buddy :)
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boombox-fuckboy · 7 months
Username podcast rec pretty please? 🙏
With a username like that it's gotta be a roadtrip so:
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The Book of Constellations
Sci-Fi • Roadtrip
A dying man's plans are put on hold by a bizzare, charismatic stranger claiming to be the last member of an alien race. Pursued by uniformed strangers, they set off on a classic American roadtrip, both to escape and on the stranger's insistance that they challenge the darkness living in the heart of the state governor. I've actually not finished this one, but I also don't see it recommended as often as I'd expect.
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ashwii · 2 years
Might I introduce you to one of my favourite words / concepts?
1 a : a group of stars that form a pattern in the night sky
On October evenings, when the trees have shed their leaves and stars become visible through the twigs, our best-known asterism, the Big Dipper, passes under the north pole. —George Lovi
NOTE: The term asterism does not now usually refer to a constellation but to a star pattern that makes up part of a constellation or that includes stars from more than one constellation.
b : a small group of stars
2 : a star-shaped figure exhibited by some crystals by reflected light (as in a star sapphire) or by transmitted light (as in some mica)
Loving the AU, literally loving everything about it. Keep up the good work!! <3
YES YES I literally learned about this word like 2 days ago KFJEHDHSI And it's so pretty !!
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moonstruck-stormy · 4 months
Top 5 constellations
5. Scorpius - contains Antares my friend and a binary star system
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4. Virgo - contains my good friend Spica the star (beginning to see a pattern yes? It’s a binary system)
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3. Orion - highly visible and recognizable even in my light polluted New York (on a good day I’ve seen him twice now). He also has one of my favorite stars Rigel which has two companion stars. A trinary if you will. I’m not an astrophysicist but maybe it caught a binary system in its massive gravity 😳 (this blue supergiant didn’t do any fumbling XD)
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2. Canis Major - my friend Sirius Dogsbody (you guessed it a binary system)
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1. Canes Venatici - “but stormy it’s just a line” well you got me there but I love the idea that the dogs of Bootes loved him so much and he loved them that they joined him in the stars in a never ending chase with Ursa (also contains Cor Caroli a binary system)
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Ough stars
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hey skyblr! quick question:
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arlathen · 10 months
th. okay im only an hour in so i hate to pass judgment. but "you touched a magic space rock so you have to join the Plot Faction" very genuinely sounds like the joke answer to "how should we start our space video game". also mass effect did this better fifteen years ago.
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haruhikage · 2 months
17, 20 & 29 for that ask game? :3
17.) what is something you're really good at?
developing characters! im not a good writer in the sense that i cant actually write to save my life or develop plot very well but ! i looove making characters, thinking about their backstories and motivations, and i think i do a decent job at fleshing them out and giving them little quirks and details that makes them feel more real to me ! if that makes sense
20.) what's a totally random & useless fact that you know?
WHO WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT CONSTELLATIONS 🙌 im such a nerd about them ok so most of the constellations in the northern sky (ursa major/minor, draco, cassiopeia, cepheus, and camelopardalis) are circumpolar which means they never go below the horizon because they're by the north pole and stay in the same positions all year round unlike constellations like the zodiacs!
29.) favorite song lyrics right now?
"when i see you kitten as a cat, yeah as smitten as that, i can't get that small" - high by the cure (I LOVE this song rn but for some reason i love this part specifically. its just silly ig)
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cloud-somersault · 11 months
I did want a snippet but if you dont have enough its fine. You can give an epilogue snipet
sure! sorry I didn't like. catch that before. lmfao. But the snippet is a small one; anything else would be spoilers and this is slightly spoilers but honestly who cares, i don't JSIAODMKL
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hello and how are you?
We are here for the Constellations Ask Game, lovely Midnight! c:
Project Asks: Pyxis: Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show? Libra: Which relationship dynamic do you enjoy writing the most? Cassiopeia: What’s your favorite scene so far?
Writer Asks: Pavo: Where do you get inspiration from? Aquila: What do you do when you’re stuck in your writing? Leo: Do you have a favorite place to write?
The Not Yet Dead Author, @365runesofwriting
we know you know us already, but it makes us a giggle to add the little note still. (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
Thank you very much for the ask, Natsume!!
Pyxis: Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show?
No, not really, just writing for fun LOL
Libra: Which relationship dynamic do you enjoy writing the most?
I enjoy writing Midnight and Staticlight's relationship dynamic, it's fun with the kind and nice being paired with the evil and chaotic xD
Cassiopeia: What’s your favorite scene so far?
For Midnight and the Gift of the Melody Blade:
They heard another set of footsteps coming from in front of them and a brief muffled conversation. “Dev, would you mind telling me why the fuck we’re in a forest?”
“I’m looking for that boy with that ‘Melody Blade’ or whatever it was called, I’m curious to know about its powers!”
“But that doesn’t answer why–”
“Just play along Static, we’ll find him eventually!”
The footsteps came closer and a rustling in the bushes preceded them walking out, facing Midnight and Ambrosia straight on.
Midnight took a look at the first figure. It was unusually tall, had dark skin, had a right brown eye and an white dice-like eyepatch on the left, wore a brown t shirt with a oval hole in the top middle, had rainbow shorts below that, a pair of large black running shoes with blue at the outer edges and brown laces with gray in the middle and purple upside down crosses hung from it’s ears.
For Stars, Bits, and Bytes:
“Woah, what is that?” The taller girl named Ottava stared at the gray dot in curiosity.
“Let’s get a closer look!”
They had reached the end of the sheltering of trees above them and stepped into direct sunlight, overlooking the construction site, and now had a better view of that gray dot, which they  perceived as a spacecraft. 
Lyric jumped in excitement. “We’re getting nearer! Now all we need to do is get past the construction workers.”
Ottava was confused. “How do you suppose we’re gonna do–” 
Lyric bounded ahead and stealthily slipped down the rockface. 
Ottava sighed. “...that.” She followed after him and eventually they approached the construction site where the spacecraft was. 
Pavo: Where do you get inspiration from?
I get my writing inspiration from games (like D&D for example!) and also music!
Aquila: What do you do when you’re stuck in your writing?
What I do when I'm stuck in my writing, is I go to another hobby (like composing music, for me) before coming back to writing with fresh eyes the next day!
Leo: Do you have a favorite place to write?
Either the living room, or the computer room are my favorite places to write!
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the-alice-of-hearts · 6 months
5 and 6 for the new year fic ask game?
I answered 6, but here's 5!
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
I am going finish the story that is lovingly named "Killing him softly" It's so so fun! I just kinda let it get away from me so I need to reread and walk it back a little and get it finished. Here is a snippet from it!!!
Dick started rattling everyone off. “Jason is with Bruce and Batgirl, they’re tracking down Joker’s last known associates. Babs is doing her thing from the clock tower so she’s safe. Alfred packed the bag back there for you and you and I are headed for the tower in New York. Far enough away that Joker should leave you alone, but close enough that we can get back if needed. Speedy and KF are gonna be joining us.”  “You’re letting Batgirl stay but not me?” Tim pouted.  Dick nodded once. “You haven’t seen the drawings yet, and Babs is pulling her out at the first sign of danger.” “This sucks,” Tim complained.  “I know sweetheart, but it’s for your own good. It’ll be fun, I promise.” Dick reassured him.
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heartnosekid · 4 months
1-10 odd numbers for the ask game :3
eee thank you for asking!!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
i definitely love mugs the most out of these options. i collect old mugs too :3
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
ooooh i love both but definitely cotton candy!
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
i mostly drink soda from glass soda bottles, but if that isn’t an option i really enjoy a good ole plastic cup soda.
7. earbuds or headphones?
both of these options have potential to hurt me in some way lol like earbuds hurt my inner ear a lot and headphones usually give me a headache after a long time buuuuut i reckon i prefer headphones!
9. favorite smell in the summer?
this is a hard question. i love just the way the earth smells during summer. i also love the smell of a summer carnival. but i think my favorite smell is the during and after a good summer rain. *chef’s kiss*
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howtobecomeadragon · 11 months
For the wip ask! Moon and Eyes
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here are a couple snippets from my werewolf will fic!!! 🐺 (more snippets from this fic here)
for this fanfic wip game!
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spookyxbabes · 5 months
tag drop pt 1
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