inneedofacase · 10 years
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      We'll have to keep this quick.          I have a potential case.
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fangsforhirearchive · 11 years
{ Having to re-download Skype, sorry you guys. }
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actuallynotgay · 11 years
consultinginwestwood replied to your post: OutOfComposer
//Your so pretty! I love your hair. :) <3
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 thank you <33
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col-sebastian · 11 years
Did you miss me? // consultinginwestwood
Sebastian was watching the football in some seedy pub, he didn't much care for football, he preferred rugby. Not that it mattered he was only here for the drink, the football was just something to look at. He ordered another beer and looked away for a moment as someone actually spoke to him, he gave a short answer and turned away.
He heard some confusion and looked up at the screen again, expecting it to be related to the match but it wasn't, there was something weird happening. As the image came clearer it made his blood run cold, he stared at it in disbelief, it couldn't be... He shook his head and knocked back his drink, he knew it couldn't be Jim, it just couldn't. He drank more and more as the night progressed, going through a range of emotions, ending up at anger, he figured that it must be someone using Jim's image to get to the Holmes', whoever it was would pay for it. 
Someone knocked into him and all of his anger was directed at them, it resulted in him getting into a fist fight and he was thrown out with a bloodied nose, the other person had obviously ended up much worse. He staggered back to his flat and let himself in, meaning to just collapse onto his bed as he was too drunk and confused to figure out what he had seen and who was behind it, it could wait until tomorrow.
He froze as he walked into the living room, there was someone sitting in the chair and he refused to believe what he thought he was seeing, it was just the alcohol, it had happened before.
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theconsultingjunkie · 11 years
Send me a ← for my muse’s reaction to yours turning up unannounced at their doorstep
                        Mrs Hudson was out, doing God knows what and seeing as John had married and moved out. That meant, that Sherlock was alone. He was actually alright with it. He liked being alone. Sure, he’d have to get used to it again, but he’d be able to manage that. Wouldn’t he? There were no interesting cases, and it infuriated him. However, he wouldn’t show it, the Consulting Detective made his way around the flat, moving things, purely out of boredom. He’d play his violin, but he wasn’t in the mood to play. 
"There is nothing to do.", he groaned. His gaze flinging around the empty, yet cluttered room. He could clean it up, but what would be the point? Silently, Sherlock slide into the seat of his armchair, crossed his legs and ran his fingers through his curly hair, all the while, tapping his fingers along the arm of his chair. 
                        “Bored…. bored… BORED…”
He groaned. Unsure of what to do. However, that quickly faded when he heard the doorbell ring. Sherlock had to stop himself from screaming, for Mrs Hudson to get the door and instead, got up and made his way downstairs. His eyes widening at the silhouette of the man behind the glass. “Oh, bugger!”, he flung the door open, his eyes settling upon Moriarty’s. “Seem’s my prayers have been answered. However, you were not what I was expecting. Not like I’d turn you away. Bored, after all.”, he shuffled back. Leaving an inviting space between the door and him. “To what, do I owe this visit?”
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just-a-mind-gam3 · 11 years
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actuallynotgay · 11 years
consultinginwestwood replied to your post “–✖✖”
//Yeah. We should do a thing. :)
// Yeesssss. Yes, pleeeaaassseee.
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deductionxsherlock · 11 years
I Knew It... | s h e r l o c k m o r i a r t y
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Sherlock sat up from his chair after hearing footsteps on the stairs that lead to his flat. He smiled slightly once he realised it wasn't. The footsteps weren't as loud as John's were, therefore he presumed it would be someone he wasn't going to be expecting. 
Sherlock turned his back to the door, that way when the man walked in, he wouldn't be able to see his slightly excited facial expression. He held his hands behind his back as he waited to hear the door creep open. You may as well say that ever since Moriarty 'died' it had been... Boring. He attempted to wipe the smile off his face as the door was slowly pushed open. 
"It's about time..."
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just-a-mind-gam3 · 11 years
Jealousy was not in my dictionary @ Consultinginwestwood
Sherlock watched as Jim and Sebastian cuddled outside under a single umbrella. He had been stalking the other in hopes of finding out something new. Maybe he could use Sebastian as a pressure point of his own. Maybe. But why did he find himself wishing to be the one sharing tat umbrella? He never felt this way about anyone, ever. He shook his head to get the thoughts out of his head. He looked back to realize he had been found out and Jim was staring directly at him.
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Are the Moriarty’s going to gang up on me?
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      You timed your return perfectly. 
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londonsfinestsniper · 11 years
   {The criminal’s hand’s glide up the taller man’s arms, resting on his shoulders while he felt Sebastian take the lead.
   It had been more then Jim bargained for, he was fishing for a reaction and what he got was not what he expected, not that it wasn’t pleasurable 
                        it was more then pleasurable, it was down right perfect.}
                      —Shall we get dinner? 
            [His fingers are still pressed into Jim's hips, keeping him pulled close against his front as he stares down at him.]
      -- Sure, boss.
            [Not that he's hungry right now, but he can't refuse Jim anything. What he wants is to lean down and kiss him again, but instead he nods and releases the man's hips.]
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consultinginwestwood replied to your post:{ in other news the first semester is over
//Nice work :)
{ AHhh thank you!! 
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