Conversion Tractors and Doodlebugs coming to Half Century of Progress
Mark Dozier approached my husband Keith with the idea of trying to get a collection of conversion tractors to the August 21-25, 2025, Half Century of Progress. The Half Century of Progress is the largest vintage working farm show in the world held at Rantoul, Illinois at the former Chanute Airforce Base. Mark on his Pulford conversion kit. Conversion Tractors & Doodlebugs Thrifty Farmer at the…
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Guy who has wandered through the halls and corridors of your body not with any special kind of love but with the untold intimacy of a contractor assessing the damages and potentials voice: right, so the main issue here is that the body is currently a temple, okay, and what we want is for it to be a home, cause temples are pretty and all and occasionally nice to be in if you're into that sort of thing but very few people would actually want to live in one. So what we're gonna do first is you're gonna take a look at what's here, the carrying walls and windows and all that, and you're going to come up with something you'd actually like to be alive inside of, and it's going to be a lot of work and it's going to feel strange and stupid and embarrassing but you're still gonna do it, because otherwise this construction site is fucked. And maybe what you want to live in is a skatepark or an anime-themed cat cafe or an esoteric library that has a dildo section for some reason, so it might feel like it's a downgrade from a temple, but it's actually the opposite cause the main customer for a body is you and the main customer for a temple are templegoers and maybe higher powers of some kind, - i wouldn't know about those, they never hired me, - not the temple itself, which is what you are, right, cause the body/mind/soul separation doesn't actually do anything, so what you're gonna do is look at the current layout and dig out whatever hope and ability to want you have and come up with a blueprint, and then my boys can actually get to work. Oh, and you have got to change the windows, it's drafty as fuck in here.
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legoejmgoogoo · 8 months
Lego Cars Rolling Stock
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Wonder how cars get shipped from companies to stores? Well there are ways to transport and deliver them. One of them is by railroads with flat train cars to put cars on! Just hope none of them would fall since it'll be pretty bad losing a car...
Editing Software/App: Building Set: General Jim's Railroad Conveyance Trains No.25412
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periodicinspiration · 11 months
Maple Rust
Maple rust Scarlet and butternut fronds make a final show before joining their decaying friends on the ground below and do their best to conceal a rust faced conveyance, which will later carry their lifeless collective away for composting.
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dearsociety01 · 1 year
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Society Registration was completed successfully Dnyaraja Society with the help of Dear Society
Dear Society successfully helped Dnyaraja Society, Pune to complete Society Registration. You can contact us today to solve all of your society-related legal and managerial problems.
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genericpuff · 3 months
do y'all wanna pitch our allowances together and buy this $800+ bottle of wine and then we can go hang out in my cool older brother's room in the basement and go on the computer and watch homestarrunner and play smash bros
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titanomancy · 4 months
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The new Mechanicum Battle Group looks legitimately fantastic, featuring plastics for some desperately needed Martian infantry like the Tech-thralls and Thallax.
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I'm thrilled to see the Triaros Armoured Conveyer getting plasticized as well. It doesn't appear to be quite 1:1 with some changes to superficial details, but nothing appears so offensively off-model as to render the legacy resin kit unplayable.
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Ditto the Castellax Battle Automata, and the fact that they come as a pair has me hopeful that their standalone kit is similarly packaged - and, therefore, a savings over the $83.00 solos from Forge World.
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Like the Solar Auxilia and Legiones Astartes Battle Groups, the HQ is sold separately so none of the sticker price is being diluted with duplicative commanders - but the commander that they have coming out with the standalone kits does look pretty sharp.
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The real star of the show, however, is the standalone plastic Thanatar Siege-Automata. The resin version is an old kit and the quality of the casting is highly dependent on the condition of the mold at the time it's poured. You're likely to spend a lot of time digging out recesses where resin has globbed because the last guy to order one got a piece of the mold with it.
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I certainly won't miss pinning all those plasma flasks in place.
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soppymilkgin · 5 months
made a short donut hole video!
english lyrics by vgperson
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brucesterling · 3 months
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Bing Copilot:
The diagram you’ve shared is a Venn diagram that explores the intersection of three distinct categories: Anticonventional Objects, The Magical, and Profitable. Each circle in the diagram lists items or concepts that fall under its respective category, and the overlapping sections show where these categories intersect, suggesting that the items listed there share characteristics of both categories.
For instance, the overlap between Anticonventional Objects and Profitable includes quirky items like “Fake Paperweights” and “Prison Paraphernalia.” The central area where all three circles intersect is labeled “Cursed Coin Operated Conveyances,” indicating an item that is considered anticonventional, magical, and profitable.
The items within each category are quite diverse:
Anticonventional Objects include things like “Space Stations,” “Monuments,” and “Sharpened Hubcaps.”
The Magical encompasses “Desirable,” “Mythical,” and “Miraculous” elements.
Profitable features terms like “Hoaxes,” “Spurious Awards,” and “Embezzlement.”
This diagram seems to be a creative way to categorize objects or concepts that defy conventional understanding, have a sense of wonder or magic, or are associated with financial gain. It could be used to stimulate discussion on how certain items or ideas can be perceived from different perspectives or serve multiple purposes.
*Well, that "explanation" is so amazing that I don't even know where to put it, so I'm afraid it will have to be Tumblr.
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alphamecha-mkii · 4 months
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newyorkthegoldenage · 10 months
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Where are Lucy and Ethel? Women at work on the assembly line at the Barton Bonbonniere factory on DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, 1950.
Photo: Brooklyn Public Library/Urban Archive NY
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dearsociety01 · 2 years
हाउसिंग सोसायटी नोंदणीचे महत्व आणि निकष by #Yuvraj Pawar
Co-operative Housing Society Registration needs 51 % of the Promoters to form Co-op. Housing Society . Society Registration can be done with or without the help of Builder.
For legal consultation related to housing societies, contact Dear Society, a professional team of Advocates, Accountants and Consultants. connect to
लोकहितवादी , श्री युवराज उत्तमराव पवार
अध्यक्ष, डियर सोसायटी वेल्फेअर असोसिएशन
Contact : 9175733957
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definitely-jax · 6 months
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acmeoop · 6 months
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Conveyer Belt Scramble “Baby Bottleneck” (1946)
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he is like a bug to me
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paigemathews · 10 months
"A Warren. It's a family trait. So are the short tempers, the great cheekbones, the strong wills, and, of course, the powers. All blessings. All signs of where you came from."
Honestly, thinking thoughts about Warren witches and the short tempers. We see this one best through Piper obviously, but I was thinking about the way that this manifests in especially Wyatt out of all the next gen kids.
I feel like Wyatt really represses a lot of his negative emotions. Don't get me wrong, I do generally think that he's a pretty kind, optimistic person in general, but I also interpret him as someone who has this kind of fear at what he's capable of. I've mentioned this before, but the way I went about "depowering" Wyatt, for lack of a better word, to a manageable level is that he locks down most of his powers so that his control is somewhat resigned to not using them because while he's not necessarily afraid of his powers, he's afraid at their potential power. I mean, my Wyatt is currently hovering around 23ish in my next gen stuff, and that is an intense amount of power (and pressure) to put on someone who is still trying to figure out what the fuck they're trying to do right now. However, the issue is that a witch's powers are closely tied to their emotions, so with Wyatt basically locking down his powers, he basically locks down those emotions as well. The trigger for a lot of the particularly destructive powers, aka the ones Wyatt ruthlessly extinguishes in fear of unleashing tend to be rooted in stuff like anger or fear.
So when it comes to Wyatt's temper, I think it's really hard to actually unleash it. One, I think that he's just kind of hard to piss off in general. Chris and Mel have always been the two to start fighting, so he tends to take on a mediator role with them (especially bc the only other next gen kid to stand a chance is Peyton, Phoebe's eldest). So he's pretty good about letting shit roll off his back, because both of his siblings will turn their anger on him if his interference goes poorly. Two is that he's at least. kind of aware of other people's expectations of and for him, which don't really tend to be very human. He's pretty awkward with some of it, because so many people expect this saintlike, godlike figure of the Twice-Blessed and he's a 23 year old working as a library assistant at Magic School trying to figure shit out. (Especially when it comes to the magical politicking bullshit, Wyatt's so earnest and open that he struggles with it. It's an interesting time when the Marks family manages to drag any of the Halliwells to a witch event bc of the layering expectations and personalities for each Warren.) But he's pretty good at the compassion and gentleness that people expect, and he leans into that when he can sense those expectations. Thirdly, and I'll relink this post, Wyatt internalizes the fuck out of shit. He doesn't really blame someone else, even if they've wronged him. Instead, he fully takes on the blame and guilt himself and basically self-flagellates himself about it.
For the most part, he's very difficult to anger. However, when someone actually does manage to piss him off, there are two possibilities. Firstly, he basically unleashes it if he's able to, aka evil beings. Secondly, he hardcore represses it. Not even in a swallow the acid in your throat type of way, but like he ruthlessly shoves it so far down that he can't even taste the burn in his throat anymore type of way. In that case, he just blocks it out and pretends it doesn't exist until he basically believes it. The biggest thing is that when it comes to short tempers, no one really realizes that Wyatt even has one.
Needless to say, and actually the inspiration for this is that repression demons can wreak a whole lot of havoc through Wyatt if they can get to him. It'd be a source of pretty significant power to the demon and damage to those around Wyatt, and the guilt he'd have afterward? Could honestly power another repression demon. An important part of growing as a person and as a witch for him would need to be embracing and dealing with his emotions, all of his emotions, in a healthy manner instead of just repressing them entirely. I feel like that'd make some cool plotlines for growth, especially with the empaths in the family.
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