#cookbook zine fic is here! <3
taihua · 10 months
The salt is first. 
Shi Qingxuan wakes up on a beach, in the shelter of a tide pool lined by rock and draped with seaweed. The salt is crusted on his lips and in his eyelashes, and it hurts when he blinks his dry eyes open. 
The light hurts as it reflects off the sand and water, and his vision swims in blue and green. The rocks scrape his hands, and the razor edge of a barnacle leaves a red slash over his palm as he struggles to crawl out of the tide pool’s embrace. There’s nowhere to wipe his hand free of salt and blood and sand except for on the formerly pristine fabric of his robes, but he’s past the point of caring about unsightly stains, so he does it anyway before lifting the same hand up to shield his vision from the glare on the water. 
Midday, on a beach that’s… somewhere, though he can’t exactly say where. The shapes of mountains loom inland, peering behind dreary clouds. This must not be the far south, which has white sand and shady palms under which to drink wine, and Shi Qingxuan really, really could use some wine right now given the dryness in his mouth. 
He shouldn’t drink another drop again, should he? Except that he also wants to—wants to drink so much wine that he forgets everything about the Young Lord Who Poured Wine, and everything about the depths of the black ocean abyss. Thinking about it is going to make him scream again, and his throat is already hoarse. Another result of the salt, he supposes. 
Saltwater | T, 2.1k | AO3
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feradoodles · 11 months
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Here's preview of my art piece for the cookbook zine by @twosidesfanzine! It's an amazing, high quality and very detailed charity project featuring Sora/Kairi and Roxas/Naminé from Kingdom Hearts, and I'm very honored to have been invited in! 💖 The book includes both art and fics and not to mention many different recipes! Please have a look at their store: twosideszine.bigcartel.com
It's been a LONG time since I last draw RokuNami, so this was lot of fun! The tasty recipe in my piece is by @foxieatweets<3
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This Week in Gundam Wing (August 22-28, 2021)
Hey Gundam Wing fandom!  Here’s your weekly roll-up.  Show your fellow fans some love. 
--Mod LAM
EDIT (August 29): have removed tags for richardarmititty per their request (and for evan-wins for good measure).  Please do not submit posts by either party going forward.  I will also be BLOCKING both accounts to avoid future inadvertent inclusion (again, per their request to not be associated with the content captured in this roll-up).
The Life of the Immortal Jellyfish (CH.14/35) by @lemontrash
Pairings: Duo x Wufei
Characters:  5 pilots + Relena, Hilde, Noin, Une
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings:  post-canon, post-Endless Waltz, UST, roommates, Preventers, slow burn, insomnia, friendship
Summary:   Is it chance that lands Duo and Wufei in the same university dorm room? They're not stupid enough to believe that but too tired to fight it. Duo's dragged himself back from the brink of going too far and remains teetering on the edge while Wufei's doggedly trying to prove himself to the 'good guys' in the aftermath of the Eve Wars. Sleep and normalcy eludes them both. As they become increasingly aware how damaged they are, they start to edge towards friendship, or something more, but all too soon the peace seems jeopardised by a new and manipulative threat.
Thrash (welcome to the gutter) by @gemstonecircles for @noirangetrois
Pairings: Duo x Relena, implied Heero x Trowa
Characters: Heero, Duo, Trowa, Relena, Hilde
Tags / Warnings: safehouses, friends to lovers, unresolved (and eventually resolved) sexual tension, graphic sexual situations, 
Summary: “Not that it’s not a pretty bitchin’ look,” Duo said, his words slightly distorted by the key-pin hanging from his mouth, both his hands engaged with the grocery bags from the pick-up location in the city outside, “And OverKill is an excellent choice, but don’t you have your own clothes?”Relena and Duo are pent up in a safehouse and something’s gotta give. Eventually.
Lucerne by katopiyo
Pairings: Duo x Quatre
Characters: Duo, Quatre
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: canon insert, dancing
Summary:  Duo and Quatre catch up in the Peacemillion's break room.
The Empresses’ Third by @tziganecaffiends and @zaganthi​
Pairings: Wufei x Treize x Meilan
Characters: Wufei, Treize, Melian
Tags / Warnings: threesome, alternate universe - everyone lives, fix-it, happy ending, love, prisoner of war, coercion, Light Dom/sub, pegging, Porn with Feelings, families of choice, implied/referenced child abuse and suicide
Summary:  Out of a war, she had secured the safety of her husband, obtained a third, and had a daughter. They had managed to fix their colony, and they now had viable economic gains that were steady and sufficient to support their people because she had felt greedy, angry, horny, and petty, yes. Because her husband had been fascinated by the man who was now showing Mei-Xing the parts of a rose bloom, and stumbling for a moment as Wufei gave him the right words in Mandarin.
Warmth by @noirangetrois for ​Purdys aka Diane
Pairings: Heero x Relena
Characters: Heero, Relena
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings: huddle for warmth, only one blanket, resolved sexual tension, sexual situations, Heero’s an idiot
Summary: The front door opened and Relena heard the sound of rain pelting down outside. Heero entered and shut the door behind him, dripping water everywhere.“You didn’t wear a jacket!” She had been asleep when he’d left to scout the perimeter and hadn’t realized. “It wasn’t raining when I left,” he replied.
Stand Without Flinching (CH.46/?) by @angelselene​
Pairings: Heero x Duo, Trowa x Quatre, Wufei x Sally, Steve x Tony, Wanda x Vision
Characters: GW and MCU cast
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings: GW-MCU crossover, alternate universe, canon divergent, fix-it, romance, Preventers, PTSD, moral ambiguity, family reunification, slow burn, found family
Summary:  Wufei wasn’t sure what to expect when Maxwell came back in by himself.
With Open Arms by @bryony-rebb​
Pairings: Zechs x Noin
Characters: Zechs, Noin
Tags / Warnings: post-canon, post-Endless Waltz, reconciliation, emotional hurt/comfort, semi-public sex, porn with feelings
Summary: In the immediate aftermath of Endless Waltz, Zechs and Noin (ahem) reunite.When he looked back at her, there was a slight furrow between Noin's brows, a downward twist to her lips; her eyes seemingly stuck on the slim leather fold of his wallet. "The dead man carries cash," she quietly observed.
The Art of Making a Machine by @the-reanimated-bhg
Pairings: N/A
Characters: Dr. J, Professor G
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: two brilliant minds bickering incessantly, failed NaNoWriMoFic, humor
Summary:  A Story of Love, Friendship and Fisticuffs
Heero Smoking by @bettertasting
No Sleep (Heero x Duo) by @bettertasting
Heero and Relena by @alphaikaros
Heero and Relena Halloween by @alphaikaros
Halloween Relena by @noromax
Wufei by @farshootingstar​
Quatre by @darksharinganz​
Other Fanwork
Cosplay and Gunpla
(RG) XXXG-01W Wing Gundam review by @reversemoon255
Custom EW Heavyarms 1/100 HG by @the-reanimated-bhg
Heavyarms by @christianmswanson
Sandrock and Deathscythe by @christianmswanson
Shenlong by @christianmswanson
Discussion and Headcanons
@kittykatz​ took and online survey and found 8w7 is Une’s enneatype according to PDB.  Try it yourself over here!
Gundam Fuel Source by @meggie-stardust​
@kittykatz​ is sharing some scans of GoL and their thoughts on the scenes
​Wufei and Treize’s fight and the immediate aftermath
Miscommunication at its finest
The Lightning Count
Singapore base + more Treize and Zechs
Heading to outer space
Heero’s freak out
Duo and Hilde
Other Fun Stuff
@incorrectgundamwingquotes is still making us laugh
It’s Always Sunny in Gundam Wing by @incorrectgundamwingquotes
Skeletons by @the-reanimated-bhg
Make it happen by @the-reanimated-bhg
Helmet-ception by @the-reanimated-bhg
Too hot to handle by @vegalume and @janaverse
Calendar Events
@gwcocktailfriday​ is back with this week’s prompt!  Be sure to post your responses on Friday (September 3) between 3-5PM EST!
@/ficwip (Twitter) is hosting a "Rise of the Dead Fandoms" event. Contributor sign-ups end on Monday (August 30), so be sure to register soon! Creation period runs September-October; posting will be in November.  More info at their FAQ.
September is National Prostate Awareness Month and @expewrites​ and @boxofhatebrains​ are hosting a GW Prostate Health Event at @prostatehealth-gundamwing​ beginning September 1.  More info is available on the Event AO3 Page but in brief, options are to (1) create something or (2) donate to your prostate health organization of choice.
@gundamzine has opened up the mailing list, so be sure to register to get your FREE PDF on October 1!  In the mean time, be sure to follow the account so that you can learn about the stellar 2021 Zine Crew members. Also consider donating to the team’s chosen charity, World Literacy Foundation (donations are optional, but encouraged).
The @weedgrandpacookbook is a go!  The project will be an homage to the fanon of Howard as the Gundam Wing’s chillest Weed Grandpa. Yes, this includes content that promotes/celebrates/normalizes the consumption of marijuana and adjacent substances recreationally. The FREE digital zine would be presented like a cookbook, with room for meta, fic, general advice, art, graphics, crafts (Gundam-themed pipes anyone?), and of course, dank recipes.  More info to come this month, with sign-ups planned for October.
NOTE: Due to the nature of the theme, this zine will be considered 18+ NSFW. Be mindful of your local laws regarding creating and engaging with content of this nature.
Spooky prompt idea generation for the GW Hallows Event will kick off mid-September, and posting period will happen in October.  Stay tuned to @thisweekingundamevents!
Keep an eye on @gwoc-october​ while you’re at it for news on the GW Original Character (OC) October Event.  You can expect a prompt calendar to go live in September with posting in October...but you can also just use the month to showcase works with your original GW characters!
Also, @thisweekingundamevents​ will be opening sign-ups for the 2021 Holiday Gift Exchange in September!  Participants will get their assignments in October, followed by the creation period November-December and finally posting in early January 2022.
Got an event you want us to showcase?  Let us know!
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overcookedzine · 5 years
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It’s finally here!! Our labor of love is now available for preorder! Overcooked is a  perfect-bound, full-color original art and fic cookbook featuring over 45 original illustrations and 10 original fics, accompanied by original recipes from the creators and their families that you can cook along with!
Our cookbook is available in both softcover and hardcover (as well as PDF) versions! Bundles for the softcover and hardcover version include:
Tier 1: Physical copy of the book
Tier 2: Physical copy of the book plus pre-order merch bundle 1 (2 stickers, 1 print, 1 double-sided charm)
Tier 3: Physical copy of the book plus pre-order merch bundle 2 (2 stickers, 1 print, 1 double-sided charm)
Tier 4: Physical copy of the book plus ALL merch from tiers 2 and 3, PLUS bonus print, unique double-sided charm, 2 extra stickers, sticky notes, apron and PDF copy of the zine!
ALL HARDCOVER PURCHASES COME WITH A PDF VERSION OF THE ZINE! Merchandise is also available for purchase as standalone bundles.
Thank you for all your enthusiasm and support so far, we are so so excited to finally bring you this incredible project!!
About | Previews | Cover by @zebrafeets-art
@overwatchevents @overwatchzinecollection @fandomzines @zine-scene @zinesubmissions @zineapps @zinehunter @zineholics @zineheaven
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jojos-circus-zine · 5 years
Gather one, Gather all and meet our ring masters for the show!
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Mango Gummi
I've been an artist for quite some time now. I've contributed to 1, soon to be 2 zines and am modding for thre LGBTQ Ship Zine currently. I'm really happy to organize this zine and see all the creativity put into it.
Finance Mod
This is my second zine as finance mod, I am taking college level finance classes and have lots of experience and skill in using paypal and stripe and aim to be completely transparent about any money coming in or out of the zine.
I’ve participated as an artist on about 4 zines so far. I’ve been a jojo fan for about 3 years now. I’m really excited to be here!
Mod Experience: Yu Yu Haute Couture (Head mod), myths of Voltron (shipping mod), Urban Legends: A DRRR Zine (finance), Ghibli Cookbook Zine (Head Mod)
J (Giornobug)
General Mod
Hi! My name is J. This will be my first time being a mod but I've contributed to multiple zines in the past. I've been a JOJO fan for a good few years now and it's one of my favourite series! I'm excited to be working with everyone!
Instagram || Twitter
Cirno Avery
General Mod
Hello there! I'm Cirno and this will be my 24th zine as a mod and 5th as a Jojo zine mod. I'll be a general mod for this zine but I specialize in graphics and formatting. I've been a jojo fan since 08
Twitter || Art Station
Intern Mod
Hello! I'm so glad to be interning for this mod! I'm a writer who has contributed to a zine in the past, but this is one of the first zines I'm excited to be help modding. I have been a fan of Jojo since the anime came out, and I love it so much that my longest fic is Jojo related! I can't wait to share my excitement with you all as well as lending a helping hand during this production!
Tumblr || Twitter
Intern Mod
this is the first time I've joined a zine as a mod! I am an artist so I usually sign up as a contributor but I thought it’d be a great learning experience to be a mod :> I’ve only been in the jojo fandom for a little over a year but it’s become my life line XD
Intern Mod
I have contributed to three zines in the JJBA community and this is my first zine as a mod.
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narutaleseries · 5 years
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ABOUT NARUTALES This series is for us to really indulge ourselves in different ships of Naruto we felt like we didn’t get enough of or were written badly.
There will be one volume at a time. Each volume will feature either one zine, a cookbook, a tarot deck, or some other sort of format. If possible, each volume will be physical, with merch. All volumes will have an overarching theme of bonds, exploring relationship in Naruto. Some types of relationships that can be explored are: - familial (ex: Naruto/Iruka, Sasuke/Itachi, sand siblings) - romantic (includes LGBTQ+!!) - teams (inoshikacho, Akatsuki, the Sanins, etc.) - mentor-mentee (Sakura/Tsunade, Sakura/Naruto/Sai/Yamato, etc.) - and friendships (where can I start, there are so many!)
The tentative plan would be that each volume would concentrate on one type of relationship. Before each volume starts, there will be a vote to see which type of relationship will be the focal point of the volume.
My tentative plan for each volume will be as such: Volume #1: Physical zine with merch:  Volume #2: Physical Tarot Deck with merch Volume #3: Physical Cookbook with merch and potentially more volumes depending on interest level! There is a possibility for maybe projects that have never been heard of before!
This series will be canon non-compliant, meaning they’re based on canon, but one can change and shift around events or diverge from canon. A rewrite of sorts. With that said, I’m also thinking of having these zines be story-focused, so more comics and fics-with-art kind of thing, but that is just a tentative plan. I also have a half-idea of how tales is a homonym of tail, referring to how Naruto was ostracized due to being a jinchuriki of the nine-tailed fox; how all the jinchuriki’s were isolated but that I’ll work on later with my mod team. if you feel the same way, or even just want to enjoy more ships in Naruto, please consider joining, and/or showing your support!
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Nov 10 – 30: interest post Dec 1 – 22: mod apps -- Dec 24: results sent Jan 5 – 30: survey Feb 1 – 21: contributor apps -- Feb 29: results sent Mar 22: ideas/assignments Apr 12: check-in 1 May 3: check-in 2 May 31: final June: formatting June – July: preorders Aug – Sept: productions period Oct – Nov: shipping period
FAQ Q. Who is the current mod? What kind of experience do they have?
A. Mod Humanbob, pleasure to meet you! 
(Website is currently under construction but it’ll be finished very soon)
Q. What will the current mod be doing for this project?
A. My major role will be organization, and my minor roles are communication! I’ll also be chipping in on other tasks, however, as I do have experience in all aspects of modding (other than graphic designing and formatting though. I can correct things but not make things myself - I’m hoping to learn how to do that soon 👀).
Q. Wait a sec - doesn’t Mod Humanbob have two other projects she’s working on? How will she manage them all?
A. Totally understandable concern! I’ve been staggering the schedules so the busy moments won’t overlap, as well as tried my best to place busy moments on holidays or times when I’m not busy with irl things. I’ve also decreased the workload by a lot by having templates of pretty much everything, which I can simply copy/paste for each project and adapt it. I also really like prepping everything before the project actually starts, so then a lot of the work is already done. For example, if you’ve noticed, all my projects have Twitter, Tumblr and sometimes Instagram already set up, with the theme and everything. I actually have most of the things sorted out, it just needs filling in with the help of my mod team and implementing. I have all the items needed for up til creations period - maybe the end of creations period even.
I’ve also been a part of 4+ zines at once, 2 of which I was basically head mod for. They are both completed or in the shipping phase as of now. Thus, I am not inexperienced in participating in more than 2 projects at one time.
Q.  What mod roles will there be?
A. I will be taking in 3 - 4 mods, for a total of 4 - 5 mods. each with 1 major role (organization, marketing, graphic designing, or finance), along with 1 - 2 minor roles (communication, formatting, shipping, writer liaison, artist liaison, merch liaison). All mods must be able to chip in on various other tasks - things like participate in discussions, help make decisions and/or helping another mod out with a task. A more detailed description of what each job entails and how I envision the mod team to be will be posted with the mod app. I’ll also be taking on mod interns as well! Details TBA in the Mod App Post!
Q.  Will the mods have to stay for the whole series?
A. Nope! You can decide to stay for all the zines, 3 of the zines, or just 1! So long as you let me know! I’ll be asking at the end of a zine whether you’d like to stay for the next one. The only rule for this that I think is best is that you cannot leave and ask to come back, ex. you mod the 1st zine, not do the 2nd, and then ask to come back for the 3rd. 
Q. Manga or anime? What about the Rock Lee Spin-off?
A. All of them. They each have a special something that really adds to the story - it was so dope being able to not only read but also watch my favorite story in the whole fucking world. Rock Lee Spin-off is a fucking wild- Wait what? You weren’t asking about which ones I like, you were asking which ones will be included? Wow how rude.  Hmmm good question - what would you guys want to see?
Q. What is the General Interest Post?
A. This is to quickly gauge everyone’s interest in this project ! If you want this zine to happen, all you need to do is reblog or like the post or follow the Tumblr/Twitter.
Q. What is the Survey?
A. The Interest Survey will be a Google Form with questions asked by the mods about what you want from the project. There will be one for customers and one for contributors.
Q. How will the contributors and mods be compensated?
A. For the time being, this project will be for charity - this means all profits made after shipping and product expenses will be given to a charity. I’d like to provide each contributor and mods each a free bundle, though, but that will have to depend on how sales go. If sales don’t go so well, then everyone will each receive at least the zine PDF, and a chance to buy everything else at production cost.
Q. What charity will you be donating to?
A. The organization has yet to be determined. I will discuss it first with the mods I hire, and then possibly ask in the interest survey which organization you all would like us to donate to.
Q. I have other questions - what do I do?
A. Feel free to message or send ask to @narutaleseries , or even through my personal blog @humanbobjeanpants ! You can also tag me or this zine in a post, or reply to any of the posts here. You can also email [email protected] , or dm or tag us on Twitter!
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liberationzine · 5 years
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What is the theme of this Zine?
Dark, Mysterious, or powerful, this is a zine looking to make the best out of the already incredibly cool Paranormal Liberation Front. We want to see our villains at their worst and by that, we mean in the limelight of their villainy. Whether it’s the full blast of Power that Dabi creates with his quirk or the sheer political power that Re-Destro holds, all forms of villainous propaganda are welcome here. Help us in our endeavor to gain more followers to become truly Liberated.
Please note that this means we focus on their success and power. While many villains have despair inducing history that lead to where they are now, that is not the focus of this zine.
Zine Specs
Physical Zine with Physical Merch For profit, with funds going to production first. → If you are under the legal age for your country, you agree that you have your parents permission or are choosing to opt out of monetary compensation. Final dimensions and specs to come.
Who is running this project?
Mod Lucy: 
In charge of Graphics, Social Media, Zine Layout https://twitter.com/cmykae || https://instagram.com/cmykae
Some Previous Zine Experience
BNHA Katsukitchen Graphics, Layout, Communications
BNHA Versed in Quirky Poetry Graphics
BNHA All You Can Eat Graphics & Layout
BNHA Girl Power! Graphics & Layout
BNHA Kiribaku Holiday Graphics & Layout
MYSME Undercover Graphics
MYSME Divinate Marketing Graphics, Layout Assistant
MYSME 707hearts606 Graphics
Participated in events and zines as an illustrator
Real Life Experience
Collaborated with classmates to produce student run events: created websites to advertise events with html/css collected student designs for said events to be printed and displayed
Freelance Illustrator & Graphic Designer created illustrations for postcards and pin buttons
Proficiency in HTML/CSS, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign
Designed, printed, and assembled — single handedly —  books during her BFA : Perfect Bound, Saddle Stitch, Hand Stitched, Coil Bound, Accordion, French fold
Mod ALWINS: 21, Any Pronouns
In charge of Art Direction, Communications https://twitter.com/TTAlwins || https://www.instagram.com/ttalwins/
Urban Legend: A DRRR!!! Fanzine: Communication, Organization*, Art Direction Finances/Marketing, Layout/Graphics. *set up the discord server, schedule, email/File templates, wrote FAQ, etc.
Check Please! A Fairy Tail Career Zine: Communications, Organization,  Art Direction, Finances, Production, Shipping, Setup, Layout.
Real life experience as a stage manager and general theatre technician at an events center strong organizational and communication skills
Freelance illustrator/Graphic designer for logo’s and full illustrations Multiple Youtube clients for full illustrations, Series logo’s, thumbnails. Has done logo’s for 3 businesses.
Commissions: Tattoo design, Book cover illustration, Character art, Traditional painting
Proficient in InDesign, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.
Has participated in 15+ zines knows how they work and what needs to be done and at what pace. Seen multiple strategies to make a successful project
Managed and helped develop arts conservatory program in highschool
Worked as an Arts Gallery Coordinator for my high school
Mod HapSky: 22, Any Pronouns
In charge of Production and Shipping https://twitter.com/HapSkyScribbles
Previous Zine Experience
DRRR Urban Legend: Finances, Production, Shipping, Layout Assistant
BNHA Versed in Quirky Poetry: Layout/Format
BNHA Sunshine and Moonlight: Communication, Shipping
BNHA Bubble Tea: Layout/Format
Participated in 10+ zines and events as writer
Responsible for layout/format and production of my uni’s short story anthology series:
Experienced with creating a book’s layout for printing purposes
Experience with the printers/manufacturers, as well as budgeting
Worked with 3 companies on magazines, ebooks and websites
Freelance Author: created and formatted screenplays, picture books, gamebooks, cookbooks, short story collections, poem collections
Proficient in InDesign, Photoshop
Mod Muse 21, She/Her/Hers 
In charge of Writing and Beta https://twitter.com/museflight
Previous Zine Experience
Wonder Duo Rising: Beta Mod
One in a Million: General/Head Mod
Other Fandom Experience
Modded two ‘~ month’ events
Modded gift swap
Beta for 10+ fics
Real Life Experience
Writing for eleven years
English tutoring experience
English major
Mod Vash : 20
In charge of Finances and Store https://twitter.com/bitchWithAsthma
Currently an intern webmaster at nonprofit organization, tasked with maintaining current website and evaluating new software
Box Office Manager for 3 years: performed transactions, maintained accounts of ticket sales, handled exchanges and returns, balanced cash box and prepared nightly front of house report
Summer Camp Coordinator: managed all finances and logistics at a month long student day camp, including tracking spending, reimbursing purchases, budgeting funds and handling complaints and concerns
Financial officer for various clubs, collected member dues, kept club accounts, sold t-shirts and coordinated fundraisers
Where will the funds go?
This is a for profit zine, with the funds going to manufacturing first. Ideally, we will be able to send all contributors a full bundle, but this depends on the sales. All contributors will definitely receive the PDF file for the zine free of charge! Merchandise will definitely be offered at production cost to contributors as well.
What are the restrictions on this zine?
This zine is SFW This mean no obsessive gore or nudity. Small amounts of blood are okay! This zine will NOT have shipping Romantic/fluffy pieces will not be allowed! Please stay on theme. This zine will not include theories I.e. [ Redacted ] is the missing Todoroki child.
What are the restrictions on contributors?
All Contributors must have or be willing to make a Discord account.
Contributors retain the right to their work and can redistribute AFTER zine sales close. We will send out a notice when it is okay for contributors to do so.
You may apply for merch, writing,  AND illustration, but you will likely only be chosen for one. Please keep that in mind!
Portfolios with BnHA art is nice, but NOT required.
Traditional art is accepted, but it must be scanned in high quality and at least 300 DPI.
Additionally you must be able to adjust value/color/etc in Photoshop or give permission/work with a mod to do this.
Contributors will be picked on skill alone.
Although bigots, racists, homophobes etc. will be automatically crossed off our list :^]
Contributors will be assigned a base character and will need to clear the inclusion of other characters with a mod to ensure we don’t have, Toga for example,  in everyone’s piece. It’s just to keep track of the character diversity in the zine.
Characters from the entire Paranormal Liberation Front will be included in the zine
Characters will be assigned based on the quality of pitch delivered to their respective mods (Art mod, or Writing mod for Illustration/Merch, or Writing respectively).
Contributor REQs Show us your best art/style that you plan to use for the zine. We have a preference to see good art and writing rather than BnHA pieces. We are judging strictly on your skills as an artist!
We’re looking for an understanding of anatomy and design principles. Things like composition, color, perspective, hierarchy, rhythm. The application itself will ask for a medium portfolio 7-15 pieces. This can be a google drive folder, or a personal website etc. (just not a cluttered social media). Literal backgrounds are not required; however, we are still looking at your backgrounds and compositions. We’re looking for how a piece works altogether. That being said, pieces with backgrounds have higher potential as it allows detail, setting, and perspective. Please note, we love a contributor who can follow directions on 7-15 pieces.
We’re looking for similar things to the illustrators, but obviously designed for merch. If you want to make charms show us what you can do as a charm. If you want to make buttons, show us your button designs. Ideally 10+ designs, but more is welcome in your portfolio.
We’re looking for contributors with solid characterization, grammar, wordflow, and know how to convey a mood. We will be asking for three writing examples of 1k-3k. You may also include a portfolio if you so desire. Portfolios may be a direct link to your Archive of our Own account or hosted on google drive, caard, wix, or another similar website. Please do not give us a link to a tumblr tag. Examples do not need to be BNHA, but they cannot be NSFW. Show us fics similar to what you want to write for the zine. Please remember that for the zine itself, we want your pieces to feel like a form of power propaganda!
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reifromrfa · 6 years
❣ Tagged by @sakurakimura-art​ and @somethinglacking​ (NAKURA FOREVER <3)
❣ 1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
@savvylittleminx​ @rainydayswriter​ @mysticplush​ @milkypasta​ @artemids​ @genobeva-k​ @saeranlover​ @kilofox​ @thepetitekitty​
❣ NOTE: If you don’t want to do it, you don’t need to.
❣ APPEARANCE – I’m 5′4″ with long black hair (it’s near my waist now ^^; will get it cut soon!) and yellow-ish pallor bahaha because i am chinese lmao :))
❣ PERSONALITY – I think I’m an ambivert? ^^; 
❣ ABILITY – writing stories, performing, designing :) 
❣ HOBBIES – oh my haha i think i have too much :)) i get distracted easily and lots of things fascinate me so ^^; but i mostly write, design/sketch, read, sing, watch youtube videos/movies/series/kdrama/anime, eat, play video games in my spare time :))))
❣ EXPERIENCES – hmm I have experienced singing in loads of different venues here in Manila like the Araneta Coliseum and the Cultural Center of the Philippines :D I’ve been to different countries too, and I’ve experienced designing a cookbook that got published! :D 
❣ MY LIFE – right now, i’m still struggling to catch up with work and reality after my trip to Japan ^^; i’m a freelance graphic artist and i’m looking into setting up my own business :D it’s been great so far! and i’m thankful for everyone who’s been helping me establish it :) But on the side, i am also a part of a performing arts company and after our concert last January, we’ve been swamped with inquiries and performances and it’s awesome :) <3 of course, i’m still writing stories! :D right now, i’m trying to finish commissions and my zine fic ^^; so i’m sorry if i haven’t been so active ;;; ahaha i’m just trying to do things a step at a time TwT
❣ RELATIONSHIPS – i have been with my boyfriend for 6 years now, officially :D <3 we met through singing and we’ve been singing together since 2008! i know he made a tumblr account so could follow me haha and he’s the most supportive person ever <3 
❣ RANDOM – i love fries <3 and Hercules <3 and Fushigi Yuugi <3 lol i just finished watching Vampire Knight and I want to learn Japanese ;A; i have too many things i want to do and i am easily distracted ;;;; but buckling down and hopefully crossing things off the list soon ^^
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