coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Smiling For No Reason
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Summary: Splendorman has noticed that (Name) doesn't smile alot, So he made it a mission to make them do so.
Word Count: 495
Pairing: Splendorman x Gn! Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Fluff, Oneshot, Platonic
Fandom: Creepypasta
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You've known Splendorman for a while now. You're both great friends and have been through a lot together. Despite your close bond, there was one thing that Splendorman noticed about you. You never smiled. Not once.
It wasn't that you were unhappy, you just didn't seem to express your emotions through your face. You always had a blank expression, and it was starting to worry him. Splendorman thought that maybe you were hiding something from him, something that was weighing heavily on your mind.
One day, while the two of you were walking through the forest, Splendorman decided to break the silence. "Hey, [Name], I've noticed that you never smile. Is there a reason why?"
You looked at him with a blank expression and replied, "I don't know. I guess i just don't really smile that much."
Splendorman wasn't convinced. He knew that there was more to it than that. "Come on, [Name], you can tell me. We're friends, remember?"
You sighed and looked down at the ground. "It's not that I don't want to smile, it's just that I don't really see the point. I'm not unhappy, I'm just...neutral, I guess."
Splendorman thought for a moment before coming up with an idea. "Well, what if you smiled just for the sake of smiling? Not because you're happy or sad, but just because it feels good?"
You looked at him skeptically. "That sounds a little silly, don't you think?"
Splendorman grinned. "Maybe it is silly, but who cares? Life's too short to take everything so seriously. Just give it a try."
You shrugged and said, "Okay, I'll try."
For the rest of the day, Splendorman tried to make you laugh and smile. He told you silly jokes and made funny faces, but nothing seemed to work. You still had that blank expression on your face, and it was starting to get a little frustrating.
Just as he was about to give up, he said something that made you grin for a split second. It was barely noticeable, but Splendorman saw it. "Hey, there it is! You smiled! See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but feel a little amused. "I guess not."
Splendorman smiled at you. "You know, you look really cute when you smile. You should do it more often."
You blushed a little but didn't say anything. Splendorman was right, though. It did feel good to smile, even if it was just for the sake of it. Maybe it was something you could work on, something that could help you express yourself a little better.
As the two of you continued walking through the forest, you couldn't help but feel a little grateful for having a friend like Splendorman. He was always there for you, even when you didn't know you needed him. And maybe, just maybe, he was the one who could help you finally start to let go of your neutral expression and start smiling more.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Hello! Could I please request a platonic/romantic (I’ll let you pick for who you think would be what, I’m good with either) phantomhive servants (plus ciel if you feel like it!) x fem Celtic!musical reader? Who has a heavenly voice and sings the ancient Sean nos songs in private (or lullaby settings?) please? Or just them with a Disney princess like singing coworker? Thank you 💜
Phantomhive Servants x Fem! Reader Who is a Disney princess singing like coworker
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Word Count: 536
Pairing: Meyrin x Reader, Finnian x Reader, Baldroy x Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Fluff, Platonic/Romantic
Fandom: Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Requested: ✓
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Meyrin is initially surprised when she first hears your beautiful voice, as she never knew about this hidden talent of yours.
However, she quickly becomes captivated by it and listens intently every time the Reader sings.
Despite being a sniper, Meyrin has a soft spot for music and finds your singing to be incredibly soothing. She often asks the you to sing for her, especially after a long day of guarding the manor.
Meyrin is very supportive of your musical abilities and encourages her to pursue it further, whether it be by performing in public or simply practicing more. She even offers to help the Reader find a suitable venue to perform at, using her connections as a Phantomhive servant.
Meyrin sometimes daydreams about what it would be like to form a musical duo with you, with Meyrin playing an instrument to accompany your singing. However, she is too shy to suggest it outright and mostly keeps these thoughts to herself.
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Finnian is amazed by your talent when he first hears you singing.
He is completely captivated by your heavenly voice and the ancient songs you sing. He can't believe he's been friends with her for so long without ever knowing about her talent.
But when he found out, Finnian is overjoyed for you. He encourages you to sing more often and wants to hear all the songs you know. He even offers to help you practice or sing with him if you want.
Finnian may even suggest to Ciel that you should perform at one of his events or parties, but only if you're comfortable with it. He just wants to help you gain more recognition for your talent and share it with the world.
Finnian considers your singing to be a special gift that he treasures deeply.
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When Baldroy first hears you sing, he is completely taken aback. He had no idea you had such a beautiful voice, and he can't believe that she's been hiding it from him all this time.
At first, Baldroy is hesitant to ask you to sing for him, since he doesn't want to pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with. However, he can't help but feel a little disappointed when you doesn't offer to sing again on her own but he completely respects your decision.
However, If you do infact enjoy singing for him, Baldroy becomes more comfortable asking you, He loves listening to your voice, and he often finds himself humming the songs you sing long after you're finished.
Like the other servants, Baldroy is very supportive of you're singing, and he encourages you to pursue it further if it's something she's interested in. He tells you that you have a gift, and that you should share it with the world.
Despite his enthusiasm, Baldroy also recognizes that you may be hesitant to perform in front of others. He promises to always be there to support you, no matter what you decide to do with your singing. In private, Baldroy often sings along with you, even though he's not the best singer himself. He loves the way both of your voices sound together, and he hopes that the two of you can perform together someday.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Hello!! If it’s okay, can I get a Beast from book of circus x plus size!fem!reader ?? >_< i love her so so much… lmk if there’s anything else I need to add! Thank you!
I love her aswell, anon! She barely gets any attention from the fandom which is saddening :(
Beast x plus size! fem! reader headcanons
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Word Count: 249
Pairing: Beast x Plus Size! Fem! Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Fluff, Platonic/Romantic
Fandom: Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Requested: ✓
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If you ever feel initially self-conscious around Beast because of her revealing outfit and curvaceous figure, Beast would assure you that your body is beautiful and that you shouldn't feel ashamed or hide it.
Beast loves to cook and bake, and she often makes delicious meals and treats for the circus members. If you like food and she finds out, she becomes even more excited to share her creations with you and encourages you to indulge and savor every bite.
Despite her tough exterior, Beast is actually quite gentle and nurturing when it comes to you. She loves to cuddle and hold you close, and she often strokes your hair or rubs your back.
Beast frequently asks you to help with her prosthetic leg, whether it's adjusting the straps or helping her put it on.
she protecc, she attacc and mostly, she has your back. >:3
Beast loves to dance and encourages you to join her in a waltz or tango. She holds you close and guides you with confidence and grace, making you feel like you're the most important person in the room. <33
Beast may have some insecurities about her own body, despite her confident demeanor. PLEASE compliment her curves and tell her how beautiful she is, inside and out, it makes her feel so loved and comfortable. :(
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In private moments, Beast loves to shower you with affection and kisses, wanting to make you feel desired and wanted. She may even confess her feelings for you, revealing that they're the only person she's ever felt this way about.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Finnian (black butler) with a male! reader who is scared of thunderstorms?? (i LOVE your fics btw <33)
Thank you so much, anon!
(a/n: you didn't specify if i should make fanfic/headcanons or if reader and finnian's relationship is platonic/romantic so i chose by myself 😅)
Here For You
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Word Count: 338
Pairing: Finnian x Male! Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Fluff, Oneshot, Romantic/Platonic
Fandom: Black butler/Kuroshitsuji
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As the thunderstorm raged on outside, the servant , (Name), was huddled up in his room, his heart racing with fear. He had always been scared of thunderstorms since he was a child, and the fear had never quite left him. He knew that he should be downstairs, doing his duties, but he just couldn't bring himself to leave the safety of his room.
Just as (Name) was trying to calm himself down, Finnian, his best friend, knocked on his door. "(Name), are you okay?" he asked. "I didn't see you doing your daily tasks for the day and I got worried." He opened the door to see him sitting on his bed while curled up as a ball.
(Name) hesitated for a moment, unsure if he wanted to tell Finnian about his fear. But seeing the concern in his turquoise eyes, he decided to come clean. "I'm scared of thunderstorms, Finn." he admitted, feeling a little embarrassed.
Finnian's expression softened as he stepped into (Name)'s room, closing the door behind him. "It's okay, (Name). I won't judge you for being scared." He walked over to (Name)'s bed and sat down next to him. "Do you want me to stay here with you until the storm passes?"
(Name) felt a surge of gratitude for Finnian's kindness. "Yes, please." he whispered, feeling comforted by his friend's presence.
Finnian put an arm around (Name) and pulled him close. "Don't worry, (Name). I'll keep you safe," he said, his voice soothing. As the storm raged on, Finnian stayed by (Name)'s side, telling him silly jokes and stories to distract him from his fear.
Eventually, the storm passed, and (Name) felt silly for being so scared. But he was grateful for best friend's kindness and his ability to make him feel safe. As (Name) got up to leave, he gave Finnian a hug. "Thank you, Finn. You're the best friend i could ever ask for."
Finnian grinned, his short strawberry-blond hair bobbing as he nodded. "Anytime, (Name). That's what friends are for." And with that, Finnian left (Name)'s room, leaving him feeling grateful for his friendship and his kindness.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Comforting A Crying Finnian
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Word Count: 246
Pairing: Finnian x Older sibling figure! Gn! Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Reverse Comfort, Fluff, Platonic
Fandom: Black butler/Kuroshitsuji
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It was another busy day at the Phantomhive Manor, and you, as one of the servants, were rushing around attending to various tasks. Despite the hectic pace, you managed to keep your spirits up, a fact that hadn't gone unnoticed by your best friend, Finnian.
Finnian was a teenage boy with large turquoise eyes and short strawberry-blond hair clipped back with five red bobby pins. He was a fellow servant at the manor, and the two of you had become close over the years. He saw you as an older sibling figure, someone he could always count on for a laugh or a kind word.
As you were passing by the garden, you noticed Finnian sitting on a bench, his head in his hands. Concerned, you walked over and sat down beside him. "Hey, Finn, what's wrong?" you asked gently.
He looked up at you with teary eyes. "I messed up again," he said, his voice shaking. "I dropped a tray of dishes, and Sebastian had to clean up the mess. I'm such an idiot."
You put a hand on his shoulder. "No, you're not, Finnian. You're just human like the rest of us. And I know how hard you work. You're always giving it your all."
Finnian wiped his eyes and gave you a small smile. "Thanks, (Y/N). You always know how to make me feel better."
You returned his smile. "Of course, Finn. That's what friends are for." You patted his head
As the two of you sat there, enjoying the peace and quiet of the garden, you couldn't help but admire Finnian's strength and resilience. Despite everything he had been through, he remained a lively, excitable individual who cared deeply about his friends and his work at the manor.
And as you sat there with him, you knew that you would always be there to offer a listening ear and a comforting presence, just as he had always been there for you.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Makeup Session With Miss Pauling
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Summary: Reader wants someone to practice their makeup skills on, When they looked at their lover. They already found someone to do it with.
Word Count: 506
Pairing: Miss Pauling x Gn! Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Fluff, Oneshot, Romantic
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
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(Name) had always loved experimenting with makeup. They loved trying out new looks and techniques, and were always looking for someone to practice on. So, when they looked at Pauling, they couldn't resist.
"please let me do your makeup just this once!" (Name) said, pulling her girlfriend over to the chair near their vanity in their room.
Pauling was hesitant at first, feeling a bit shy about the idea of someone else doing her makeup. But (Name) was persistent, and eventually she gave in, sitting down at the chair near the vanity.
As (Name) pulled out their makeup kit, they couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. They had been practicing some new techniques and were eager to try them out on their lover.
As they started applying makeup to her face, (Name) carefully studied Pauling's features, taking note of her gorgeous green eyes and stunning cheekbones. They applied a light foundation to her skin, using a fluffy brush to blend it in seamlessly.
Next, (Name) moved onto Pauling's eyes, using a deep brown eyeshadow to create a subtle smoky eye. They lined her eyes with black eyeliner, and added a few coats of mascara to make her lashes look long and full.
As Pauling looked at the mirror, She was amazed at the transformation. She had never really worn full face makeup before, but (Name) had managed to make her look so glamorous and beautiful.
(Name) stepped back to admire their work, feeling a sense of pride at what they had accomplished. Pauling turned to face them, a huge smile on her face.
"You look amazing!" (Name) exclaimed, feeling a sense of satisfaction at how happy they had made their lover feel.
Pauling blushed and looked down at her lap. "Thank you, (Name). I don't really know anything about makeup, but you made me feel really pretty."
(Name) leaned over and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. "You don't need makeup to look beautiful, but it's fun to experiment with different looks. And you look gorgeous no matter what."
Pauling smiled and leaned in for a kiss, the two of them lost in the moment.
As they broke apart, Pauling turned to (Name) with a mischievous glint in her eye. "You know, I think it's your turn now."
(Name)'s eyes widened with excitement. They had always wanted someone to do their makeup, but had never found anyone who was willing.
Pauling grinned and pulled (Name) over to the chair near the vanity, eager to return the favor. As she started applying makeup to Y/n's face, she couldn't help but feel grateful for having such an amazing partner in her life.
They spent the rest of the evening experimenting with different looks, laughing and joking as they played with makeup. And as they went to bed that night, holding each other close, they both felt a deep sense of love and contentment. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other to rely on.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Helping Meyrin With Chores Headcanons
Word Count: 191
Pairing: Meyrin x Gn! Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Fluff, Platonic
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
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-If you were to help Meyrin with chores, she would likely be surprised at first, not used to having someone else offer to help her. However, she would quickly warm up to the idea and appreciate the assistance. Meyrin is a hard worker and takes pride in her duties, but she can also be a bit clumsy, so having someone else to help her would make her job much easier.
-Meyrin would be grateful to you for your help and would likely thank you multiple times throughout the day. She would also be impressed by their work ethic and willingness to assist her. Meyrin values hard work and determination, so seeing someone else exhibit those traits would make her very happy.
-Although Meyrin can be a bit shy and nervous around people, especially those she admires, she would be more comfortable around you after you helped her. She may even try to strike up a conversation with you, asking about your hobbies or interests. Meyrin is a curious person and loves to learn about new things, so she would be interested in getting to know you better.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Late-night Stargazing
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Summary: You leave the Phantomhive Manor to get some fresh air, You see Mey-rin sitting down at the fountain and decide to join her for some company.
Word Count: 491
Pairing: Mey-rin x Gn! Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Fluff, Oneshot, Romantic/Platonic
Fandom: Black butler/Kuroshitsuji
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I quietly exit the Phantomhive Manor, holding a candlelight to guide my way, I notice Mey-Rin sitting on the fountain outside, looking up at the stars. I approached her, careful enough to not startle her, and greet her with a soft hello.
Mey-Rin turns to face me, a small smile forming on her lips. "Oh, hello there," she says, her voice soft and gentle. "Having trouble sleeping too?"
I nod, holding up my candlelight near
my face to show Mey-Rin my tired expression. "Yeah, it's been a rough night, I say, letting out a small sigh.
Mey-Rin pats the spot next to her on the fountain, gesturing for me to sit down. "I know the feeling," she says, her tone understanding. "Sometimes it helps to just sit outside and clear your mind."
I nod in agreement, sitting down next to her. we both sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky. I can't help but notice how peaceful she looked, her hair slightly tousled by the gentle breeze.
"You know, Mey." i say softly, breaking the silence. "You have this way of making everything feel a little less chaotic."
Mey-Rin turns to face the me, a small smile playing at her lips. "O-oh, really? I'm glad I could help." she says, her voice warm and kind.
I let out a small laugh. "I don't think I could ever be as skilled as you are," I say, admiring Mey-Rin's incredible talent as a sniper. "You're amazing, Mey. Not only are you a talented sniper, but you're also an incredible maid."
Mey-Rin blushes at the compliment, looking down at her lap. "Thank you," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "I try my best."
I smile at her, my candlelight casting a warm glow over the two of us. "You're more than just your skills, Mey." I say, looking at her with admiration. "You're a kind and compassionate person, and that's what makes you truly special."
Mey-Rin looks up at me, her hazel eyes shining in the candlelight. She smiles at me, a genuine and heartfelt expression. "Thank you," she says, squeezing my hand. "That means a lot to me."
The two of us sit in silence for a while longer, enjoying each other's company and the peacefulness of the night. Eventually, I stand up, feeling more relaxed and at ease than they have in a long time.
"Thanks for this, Mey." I say, smiling down at her. "I think I'm ready to head back to bed now."
Mey-rin stands up too, giving me a warm hug. "Of course," she says, pulling away from the embrace. "Anytime you need someone to talk to or just sit with, I'm here for you."
I nod, feeling grateful for Mey-Rin's kindness and support. I make my way back into the manor, feeling a sense of peace and calm that i haven't felt in a long time.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
I'm gonna be honest with you guys here, I made this account as a joke but i actually got attached to writing in here, I won't be able to remember the gmail or password since i just randomly went sjajfjwosjnwks on my keyboard when i was typing it in. So i made a new account (a serious one for that matter) If you want then I'll gladly give you the link. ⬇️
click here
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
Adopting A Stray Bunny Headcanons
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Word Count: 235
Pairing: Tina Chen x Gn! Reader
Content Warnings: None
Category: Fluff, Romantic
Fandom: Detroit Become Human
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-One day, while you and Tina were walking home from work, you stumble upon a stray bunny hopping along the sidewalk. The bunny seems lost and confused, and you immediately feels drawn to it.
-Tina watches as you kneel down to pet the bunny, a smile spreading across your face. She can tell that you're already attached to the little creature, and she can't help but feel a twinge of warmth in her chest at the sight.
-When you suggested that you take the bunny home, Tina is initially hesitant. She knows that taking in a pet is a big responsibility, and she worries that they won't be able to provide the bunny with the care and attention it needs.
-However, as she watches the you interact with the bunny, her resolve begins to crumble. She can see how much joy the bunny is bringing to her partner's life, and she knows that it would be cruel to separate them.
"Pleaasee, Tina? Just look at the little baby!"
"Alright, alright." She chuckled
-Eventually, Tina gives in and agrees to let you adopt the bunny. She even helps you come up with a name for the little guy
-From that day on, you and Tina finally have a beloved fur baby. The two of you take turns feeding and playing with him, and they both enjoy watching him scamper around their apartment.
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coralkoalabeliever · 1 year
YOU'RE WELCOME, ANON! I'm also rlly glad someone requested for her 😭💞
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