#corazon's hat? tossed to the side
fic-pickyourpoison · 11 months
Hello! For an art request, how about drawing a switcheroo of clothing with lami and Doflamingo and law and Cora, adult version or children version? Imagining lami and law wearing their clothes while doing those little dramatic dance poses from Lilo and stitch as Lilo tries to teach stitch Elvis Presley stuff gets me cracked up!
Of course, just a suggestion do with this what you will. Oh and thank you for pretty much existing, the world would be a little bit more boring without you in it 😁
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Here's some Trafalgar's in the Donquixote's attire.
I might revisit this to do some goofy memes with the lilo and stitch scene, because that sounds cute!
Thank you for existing as well!! Your kind words have been on my mind since you sent this ask 😭♡♡♡
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cyborg-franky · 8 months
Playing with their hair.
SFW GN Reader Chars include: Killer, Marco, Ace, Corazon/Rosinante
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Moments like this with Killer were some of your favorites. Just laying together in his hammock, his strong arms around you. He wore his sleep mask and just rested with you while you read a book. It was nice, a calm that you longed for more of. 
Being a pirate, especially a Kidd pirate, didn’t often afford you moments like this. You sighed and turned the page as you felt him shift to get comfortable. You felt something tickle you, a strand of his long cascading hair.
You couldn't help yourself, playing with it, wrapping it around your finger, and watching how it shone in the light. He had lovely hair, so long and full and it made you jealous. You started to gather up his hair and run your fingers through it. 
He made a noise and you blinked, looking up at him. The sleep mask was pushed up on his forehead so he could watch you. “Sorry, is that annoying?” you asked about to withdraw.
“No,I like it,” he said with a thoughtful hum. He turned his head and let you run fingers through the entire length. It took you a moment to run fingers from the top of his head all the way down to the end of his hair.
“Good, I like playing with it.” You said with a smile.
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He’s working, reading over the papers scattered in front of him, he’s hunched over his desk. Marco worked late into the night and as much as you admired him and knew he didn’t need to get as much sleep as everyone else, you still worried about him.
Getting up from the chair you were sitting in, nursing a cup of tea he’d made you a while ago you furrowed your brows, it had gone cold, you’d neglected it too long. You stretched and walked over to the sink, tipping it out. “Want another tea Marco?” you called and he didn’t answer..
So lost in his own little world until he finally noticed you, looking over his shoulder as you walked over. You stood behind him and started to play with his tuft of hair, pulling it up into a pineapple do before letting it flop back on his head.
You could tell he’d closed his eyes now, leaning into your touch, enjoying the feeling of you running gentle fingers over his scalp, lightly brushing his hair back each time, letting out a happy little hmmm before you kissed the side of his head.
“Another tea?” you repeated.
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Sitting on your shared bed, muscles aching after a long day of work you needed to feel the pillows on your back as you sank into them. You watched as Ace stumbled into the room. Limbs heavy from his duties, his day was even longer, the curse of being a commander you guessed.
He dragged his feet, his boots clomping on the floor before he kicked them off. You could see the bags under his eyes, the tired look on his face, you glanced at the clock. Well, it was close to when Ace would consider retiring for the night.
You watched as Ace managed to remove his belt, the buckle making a clank as it hit the floor. Tossing his hat on the desk, missing with a grumble as he collapsed onto the bed with you, his head on your lap as he sighed into your thighs and mumbled something,
Chuckling at his half-asleep mutter of I love you you started to run your fingers through his wavy hair, enjoying how they ran through, careful of any knots that had formed during the day. You heard him make a happy sound, his body going limp against you, and his breathing slowed down.
You watched him adjust, turning his head to one side and letting you brush the hair off his freckled cheeks, behind his ear. Your loving touches started to send Ace to sleep. You smiled when you heard his soft snores.
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He’d just come out of the shower, training had been hard work, and he’d had to stay behind longer after because he had knocked over a bunch of equipment. You sniffed the air when the door opened, letting out the smell of his shampoo. 
You watched as he sat on the edge of the bed, a towel around his shoulders which seemed tense, you knew he felt bad when he had caused an inconvenience due to his clumsy nature. You crawled over to him, kneeling behind him and grabbing the towel. 
He made a confused noise before you started to dry his hair, firm but gentle. His shoulders relaxed as he leaned into what you were doing. You smiled when he closed his eyes and let out a happy sigh, just basking in the attention.
Once you’d towel-dried his hair you leaned in, taking a big whiff of his hair and making a happy noise. “I love it when you’ve just washed your hair, it always smells amazing.” You commented and heard the low rumble of his chuckle.
“I never change it because of that,” Rosinante replied, feeling fingers run through his damp hair, enjoying how you played with it.
He always felt happy and relaxed when with you.
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chenziee · 1 year
Alternate summary: Tsuru is definitely not getting paid enough for this
First of the two pieces I did for @opwarlordzine!! Leftover sales are open right now, so do check it out for more deranged evil flamingo man & co. :D I also did a short Law-centric companion piece that I will post soon too so look forward to that~
[ Read on AO3 ]
Waiting for the transponder snail to ring was agonising. Doflamingo had no idea what Law was thinking; he had wormed his way onto Punk Hazard, living in Caesar’s lab like a little rat, waiting for an opportunity to chew up the cables that connected the SAD tanks with Doflamingo himself—and Doflamingo let him.
After all, what could one brat going through his rebellious phase do?
But picking a fight like this, going so far as to put up such a ridiculous ultimatum… that was way past a little rebellion. Way past what Doflamingo was willing to forgive.
Two years ago, Doflamingo had thought Law was finally coming back to him. Two years ago, he had started building his deck of cards once more.
In two years… the hearts have crumbled into dust.
Dressrosa, the country of passion. With a name like that, one would think there would be something exciting going on at all times, but reality often falls short of fantasies.
Not that it was necessarily a bad thing; if he wanted some action, or a show… there was nothing easier for Donquixote Doflamingo than to create it. Right now, however, he just wanted to sip on his cocktail and relax.
“Hey, hey! Doffy!”
“Hm?” Doflamingo hummed, turning his head slightly to look at Trebol as he slid towards the pool.
Trebol only stopped once he had reached the couch, leaning over the side of it to shove his face far into Doflamingo’s personal space—and covering Baby 5 next to him in slime. “Hey, Doffy, hey,” he rambled on, completely ignoring Baby 5’s disgusted protests.
“What is it? And you’re too close,” Doflamingo said, shooting his supreme officer a look.
At that, Trebol finally moved back a little, though not nearly far enough. “A carrier bat came for you,” he explained, waving the envelope with a government seal in front of Doflamingo’s face.
“Throw it out,” Doflamingo dismissed it immediately.
“You’re not even going to read it?!” Baby 5 asked in alarm.
Raising an eyebrow, Doflamingo took a long sip of his cocktail before responding, “Why should I care what those idiots want?”
“Your blood type is X! Bad things will happen if you’re not open to people’s requests this week!” the girl scolded while slapping the magazine on her lap.
“Baby 5, did you get another subscription?” Buffalo asked slowly, obviously struggling not to laugh.
“They needed me,” Baby 5 muttered while covering her face with the magazine; no doubt to hide her blush.
Doflamingo rolled his eyes. This was getting ridiculous. When would this kid learn?
“Hey, Doffy, hey. I think it could be interesting this time. It’s about the brats who have been rampaging in the first half of the Grand Line,” Trebol announced, shoving the letter back in his face.
Doflamingo paused at that. “Probably just that Straw Hat,” he said, but he reached for the paper anyway, his curiosity piqued.
As he read the words written in an entirely too fancy script, a chuckle bubbled out of his chest, the sound of his laughter soon echoing around the castle courtyard. This was honestly hilarious. As if it wasn’t enough they had allowed Crocodile to get beaten by Straw Hat, now they were basically admitting they were scared enough of him to call on the Seven Warlords.
And from their wording, it didn’t sound like it was just about him either. A few names that he imagined would make the government shit itself came to mind—Eustass Kid, Jewelry Bonney, X. Drake, and…
“The world is getting fun,” he mumbled to himself in between his bouts of laughter.
Getting up from the couch, he took the magazine out of Baby 5’s hands, tossing it at Trebol. “This place better not exist by the time I get back.”
“Aye aye, Doffy!” Trebol laughed.
Baby 5’s enraged scream was the last thing Doflamingo heard as he left the Dressrosa castle behind.
A finger twitching, a smile widening, a sword swinging wildly; confused, terrified screams resounding around the spacious meeting room—puppets who didn't even realise they were just props for his amusement. Moving only as the puppet master commanded.
How Doflamingo enjoyed watching the despair take over once they realised they were powerless, only doomed to watch themselves slay their own friends. Granted, no pathetic navy soldier could be as entertaining as King Riku on the night Doflamingo had finally made it to Dressrosa but he would take it anyway.
“Doflamingo, I told you to be a good boy and behave,” Tsuru said, her voice quiet but stern, like a grandmother reprimanding her grandchild.
“Aw, but Tsuru, aren’t you bored of this pointless chatter?” Doflamingo replied, shooting her his best grin.
“Why did you come if you didn’t want to hear what we have to say anyway?”
Doflamingo paused at her words. Why was he there? All they’ve talked about was Straw Hat and this Blackbeard guy who had invited himself—or his crewmember—over. He had really thought there would be something more fun to be heard.
Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to regret coming.
And he couldn’t help but laugh. “I missed your loving scolding, Tsuru.”
Tsuru sighed but then shook her head and looked away. “Never mind.”
Doflamigo’s chuckle slowly grew into a full laugh. Ah, he really liked her. Was this the bond you get when you get chased by the same person for years and years?
Now if only she and Sengoku would talk about the people he really wanted to know about.
"Well, this really is unusual," Tsuru noted, one eyebrow raised as she regarded Doflamingo. “This is the third Warlord meeting in a row that you’ve attended.”
Doflamingo chuckled. “Ah, but Tsuru, you didn’t give me much choice last time. Not to mention how fun the war was, you know I couldn’t have missed that one.”
“Don’t give me that, boy,” Tsuru said with a roll of her eyes.
“You don’t trust me, after all these years? That hurts,” Doflamingo said in his best mock-upset tone.
“I don’t trust you being so cooperative.” She made a face, distaste at what she was going to say clear in her expression. “But I do trust you thought the war was fun. You’ve always been like that.”
Loud laughter bubbled out of Doflamingo’s chest. Leave it to Tsuru to say things so bluntly—and to understand him so well. After all, he had always loved dramatic events that affected… everything. And if he got to play with a few pathetic bugs while at it, all the better. The war was perfect. He didn’t care about victors or losers; he didn’t care about Portgas, Whitebeard, or the navy. He didn’t care about any of it.
But watching history unfold before his very eyes… that was worth going out of his way to do what the idiots at Mariejois wanted.
And now…
“I hear the Warlord replacements have been decided?” Doflamingo asked.
Tsuru stayed silent, simply studying Doflamingo as he stared back at her, his usual grin not showing a single hint of his thoughts. She looked like she was trying to cut his brain open with her eyes and read his mind.
Doflamingo didn’t hate the look.
Honestly, it was fun.
Who would win? Tsuru and her calm, stoic gaze, or Doflamingo and his wide, ever-present grin? Her wise, experienced mind, or Doflamingo’s madness?
He couldn’t wait to see.
Walking around the Pangea castle, Doflamingo couldn’t help but marvel at how different it felt now compared to when he was a kid. Back then, he was one of the people hiding behind the bubbles, behind the walls, behind CP0. Having every need satisfied without having to lift a finger—endless supply of slaves, unconditional protection from the navy headquarters below.
A little brat, he couldn’t see how weak and pathetic the Celestial Dragons really were.
How fragile that power was.
Now, however, watching Charlos waddle around like a toddler crying for his daddy… Doflamingo just had to laugh—quietly at first; but soon, he was cackling loudly without restraint.
What was the point of people like this ruling the world? They didn’t have what it took. They were so below him; if he didn’t have a use for them, they wouldn’t be worth a single spec of his attention. But luckily for them… even an otherwise worthless human served its purpose.
Like puppets on strings, simply dangling his knowledge in front of their noses had them dancing in Doflamingo’s palm, all their assumed power—gone.
He wondered, once he got bored of Dressrosa, how much effort would it really take to sit on the ‘Empty’ Throne?
“What’s so funny, Doflamingo? Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“You don’t think the world is funny, Tsuru?” Doflamingo asked, shooting a wide grin at the Great Advisor.
“No,” Tsuru said coldly and her annoyed voice only made Doflamingo chuckle again.
Comfortable silence settled between them, one born of the bond between a mouse and a cat who’d been playing tag for a few years too long. Who was the mouse and who was the cat?
It didn’t really matter anymore.
But then Tsuru spoke up. “Trafalgar Law,” she said quietly and Doflamingo’s ever-present grin dropped.
“Oh? What about him?” Doflamingo finally asked after a beat of silence.
The old woman sighed, “From North Blue. Has the power of the stolen Op Op Fruit. Started making a name for himself around the same time Straw Hat Luffy had. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.” She paused, taking a deep breath, her eyes rising to look at the brilliant blue sky. Possibly wondering why she was even bringing this up herself. “What is your connection to him? To have you care enough to show up here of all places four times.”
The silence came back for a moment… but then Doflamingo’s lips stretched into his usual grin once more. And soon, his laughter was ringing around them.
“You’re really nosy. Aren’t you, Tsuru?” he asked, his hand coming to rest against his forehead, just above his glasses. Shielding them. He wasn’t sure why.
Tsuru still wasn’t looking at him when she replied, “You don’t have to tell me, I don’t really care that much.”
Doflamingo huffed at her words. “Now, that’s just mean.”
“What, you want a hot cocoa and a bedtime story?” Tsuru asked with a voice full of sarcasm.
“I’d certainly want to see you do that.” Doflamingo stopped laughing then. “Law is… the one that got away.”
At that, Tsuru finally looked at him; it was a look that Doflamingo could only describe as annoyed and completely, utterly done. Ah, what a great expression to put on that old face. Well worth coming to Mariejois just for this reaction.
“Do you have to always say things in the creepiest way possible?” she asked, exasperated. Before Doflamingo could so much as lick his lips, however, Tsuru sighed and shook her head. “Don’t answer that. Glad at least one of the kids you picked up had enough sense to run away while he could.”
“Now you’re just hurting me on purpose,” Doflamingo teased just before he turned to leave.
“As if you need me to baby you,” Tsuru shot back and Doflamingo could just hear her eyes rolling.
Doflamingo huffed, simply waving back at her lazilly as he walked away, not looking back.
Outside Dressrosa’s royal palace, there was a crowd of people, shouting; they wanted answers, voiced their worry, demanded to see their king.
On the floor, an army of transponder snails was ringing incessantly, their owners in panic.
But Doflamingo didn’t care, not about a single one of them. He was waiting for a single person to speak up, a single snail to wake up.
At the centre of the room, four thrones sat empty without their Officers. The last time he had talked to Tsuru, all four of them had an owner. There was still a Corazon.
But now—
Purururu… Purururu…
Now, the Heart seat sat empty.
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ladyaudentium · 2 years
Devil’s Advocate
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Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga)
Relationship: Donquixote Doflamingo/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Donquixote Doflamingo, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Donquixote Pirates (One Piece)
Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, Corruption, this is not a redemption story for Doflamingo, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, tags updated as necessary, Pre-Canon, Doflamingo is his own warning, Eventual Smut
Summary: As a solo bounty hunter in North Blue, Nova had to be careful about which pirates she targeted.
Donquixote Doflamingo was burning his way through the northern sea and had made an impressive name for himself.
There was little doubt in her mind that he was well out of her league, but when he interferes with her work, she decides to take matters into her own hands.
Because if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Chapter 1: Stolen Valor
In the setting sun, Nova waited like a panther waits for its prey.
For weeks now she had been tracking the Graybeard pirates, a low-level group that fancied themselves a force to be reckoned with. Compared to the defenseless villages they targeted for destruction and pillaging, they were most definitely fearsome, but bullies always target the weak. And that’s all these thugs were: bullies.
Nonetheless, the Government had decided that their captain was worth ten million, dead or alive.
That much money was the only reason she was here, currently freezing her ass off laying on the cold, hard mountain side. Only her bedroll provided the barest bit of protection from the ever-leeching rock beneath her. The long, black coat she wore provided some warmth, at least enough to keep her from freezing solid but it was covered in patches and growing ever more threadbare.
Once she turned in this bounty, she would buy a new one, along with a nice hot meal.
Munching on a cold, bland snack of cheese and bread, Nova continued to observe the crew down below. From this distance, they weren’t much more than ants, but her quarry was easily spotted with an obnoxiously large hat sporting a gray feather. He was absent from the group below and with the crew not having bounties of their own, the captain was the only worthy target.
Her long-barreled rifle sat propped on a stand just to her right, trained down on the center of their camp. As soon as Graybeard dropped into view, she would be ready.
A loud obnoxious laugh echoed over the valley below.
Speak of the devil, Nova thought to herself as she rolled over to her scope. Sighting down the magnification of the lenses, Nova lined him up in the crosshairs.
The treeline provided just enough cover that she couldn’t get a clear shot at him. Grinding her teeth, Nova continued to wait, following him carefully. Once he reached the clearing, that’s when she would have him.
Something squirmed in his grasp, like an angry cat, but the trees continued to obscure her vision. All she could make out was white fur and black spots; possibly some type of ferret or other small wildlife.
The crew laughed and jeered as their captain approached, moving to surround him and look at the catch he’d brought in. Cursing quietly, breath rising in a plume of humid air, Nova continued to search for any opening she could take advantage of.
The small furry bundle was tossed into the circle of men as they continue to hit and kick at the poor animal. A black body slowly became visible through the tangle of legs with more flashes of white. It panged her heart that they would treat an animal so cruelly but if she took out the captain, the crew would cease torturing the poor thing.
A particularly hard kick sent the animal flying and Nova instantly felt her blood boil. It wasn’t a ferret, or a cat. It wasn’t even an animal at all.
It was a boy.
...Continue reading on Archive of Our Own!
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missallsundaes · 3 years
okay my first request cause im thirsty-
they can be both as one or as separate pieces but i need nfsw-
cum play / breeding kink corazon bc im thursty
You come to me and ask me for one of my top 3 husbands and i say to you, yes of course please have this piece that I accidentally made about twice as long as i meant to.
Rosinante Donquixote x Reader — NSFW
CW: Breeding kink, size difference, fingering, praise, impregnation, cream pies
WC: 1798
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Rosinante locked the door behind him, clicking his fingers and casting his power over your shared room, leaving the two of you in a safe barrier, away from the suspicion of the Donquixote family. He tossed his feather coat over the chair by the bookcase in the room, still not saying a word as he kicked off his shoes and started unbuttoning his shirt.
“Rosi?” You said softly, wondering what had gotten into him, following the blonde with your eyes as he took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. You couldn’t read his face, especially since he was avoiding your eye contact, “Rosinante?” You tried again.
He looked up at you this time, smiling, his shirt open now exposing his chest, “Darling you are just,” He groaned, and you raised an eyebrow at him, laying on your side in the bed, just a nightgown on your form, “You’re beautiful.” His deep voice rumbled in your chest, sending waves of arousal straight through you. He tossed his shirt to the ground by the bed, climbing in and placing a knee on either side of your body, hands propping himself over you on the bed, his height apparent even more now that he was towering over you. You shifted your weight to your back as he leaned over you, looking up to his face.
“What’s gotten into you, Rosi?” You asked, running your fingers along his strong jawline.
“Just.. seeing the way you were taking care of the children today..” He spoke, leaning down to kiss your exposed skin, kissing your shoulders and collarbone, “Makes me want kids of our own.”
You hadn’t even realized he was watching you, it was just your job to watch the children, and you hadn’t done anything special. You knew he acted like he hated them to try and dissuade them from joining the family, but you also knew, like you and him that some of them didn’t have a choice in the matter. Plus his growing fondness for Law was evident to you.
You moaned as he caught your throat gently between his teeth, nipping your sensitive skin to tease you into arousal for him. “I would love to have children of our own,” You said, breathless as he shifted his weight to paw at your breast through your nightgown. “But what about--” your breath caught in your throat as his hand found your nipple, “What about not bringing kids into the family?”
“I.. have plans for that,” He said, leaving it at that, his mouth finding more important things to focus on, in this case the nipple he had exposed from your gown, sucking on the perk bud while he fondled your other breast with his free hand.
You moaned as he teased your nipples, your hands finding his toned back and running fingers along his muscles, “W-what’s the plan?” You stuttered out between breath, feeling the growing moisture between your legs.
“Well, for now I’m going to pump you so full of my cum that you’ll definitely get pregnant,” He said, lifting his face to make eye contact with you. You shivered, your thighs pressing together and putting pressure on your sex. “We just have to make sure you’re good and wet for me first, I don’t want to hurt you.”
It was hardly the first time you two had sex, but the thought of the nearly ten foot tall man bottoming out inside of you was enough to make your pussy clench in anticipation, knowing how it felt to have his cock stretch you to your limit.
He shifted his weight to his legs, leaning back on his heels and running his hands down your body, tracing the lace on your nightgown as he did so. He pulled at the bottom hem, hoisting it up to your stomach, exposing your panties to him. He slid his finger over your clothed slit, feeling the moisture between your labia already soaking through the cotton.
“Good girl, already wet for me,” He praised you, his cheeks flushed, watching you as your hands found your breasts, exposing your second breast to him, and toying with your nipples as he touched you. He pulled down your panties, rolling them over your hips and down your legs, until you could pull your feet out of them, and they were soon tossed to the side.
He ran his fingers again along your slit, swiping  across your clit as he did so and making you call out a moan into the room. He smiles, slipping his finger across again, lubricating his digit before focusing with precision on your clit, tracing circles around your nerves and making you thrust up against his finger.
“Please, inside,” You moaned as he rubbed quick circles on your nerves, your hips eagerly moving against his fingers, craving the friction.
“Oh, ready already?” He says, toying with your entrance with the tip of his middle finger, sliding it inside you and beginning a slow thrust of his hand, occasionally making beckoning motions inside of you. His long slender finger inside you made you moan and withe under him. He leaned down to steal your lips in a kiss, his finger sliding out of you and when it returned inside you it was accompanied by another, you moaned into his mouth as he stretched you with scissoring motions, occasionally twisting his wrist to stimulate you. He pulled from your lips again, sitting back on his heels.
His free hand found your clit with his thumb, still thrusting into you with his fingers, his thumb keeping the rhythm of his fingers, your cunt making obscene sloppy wet noises against his hand. He slid a third finger into you, his thumb holding down his pinky to thrust into your sopping pussy with purpose, his fingers stretching you deliciously, making you moan out loudly into the silenced room.
“You’re so beautiful, dammit,” He said, watching you as your hands played with your hard nipples, spurring your own pleasure in time to his hands as they worked on you. Your head thrown back in pleasure, hair spread around your face like a halo. He bit his lip, his achingly hard cock still straining against the inside of his trousers, a damp patch of presumed soaking through the white material. “Are you ready for me, mi Amor,” He asked, taking his hand away from your clit to unbutton his trousers clumsily.
You looked up at him, nodding, “I think so, Rosi,” you moaned, he slid his fingers out and they shone slick and wet in the light of your room. He held them to your mouth and you sucked on each of his fingers, wrapping your tongue around his digits as you did so, and he moaned softly, the stimulation driving him crazy.
He pulled the hand away, pulling his trousers and underwear down, his cock springing free, the tip glistening with excitement as it stood to attention for you. He sat, his back against the wall, and patted his thigh, an invitation for you to climb on top and ride him.
You moved across the bed, kneeling over his cock and lowering yourself gently onto him, using his shoulders to steady your motions, groaning as your lips stretched to accommodate his huge girth. You slid down a couple inches, stopping to let yourself get used to his length, Corazon groaning and making deep eye contact with you as you eased him farther into you, holding his hands on your hips, holding himself back from fully thrusting into you with his full length.
“Nnn, Querida,” He moaned as you slid further down his length, biting your lip and stifling your moans as you eased him inside you, “Fuck, you’re so tight for me.”
You leaned forward, sinking teeth into his shoulder as you rocked your hips down to the last inches of his cock, buried inside of you until the hilt, stretching you to your limit, he let you adjust a moment before using his hands on your hips to rock you back and forth against him, stimulating you both without withdrawing from deep inside you. You let go of him with your teeth as you got used to his size and started to moan and feel the waves of pleasure from his stimulation.
You moved your hands under his arms, wrapping them around his shoulders and pressing your chest into his, beginning to rock your hips against him in the time that he was rolling your hips with his hands. You lifted your hips, sliding up his thick length before impaling yourself on him again. He groaned a deep throaty moan for you, waiting so long to feel himself deep inside your wet, tight cunt.
He held you close in the new position, arms crossed over your back as you fucked yourself on his length, his forehead pressed to yours, “I’m going to fill you with so much cum that there is no way you won’t get pregnant,” He groaned, voice low, his brown eyes sparkling with his passion and love for you.
“I’ll take it all,” You moaned, rolling your hips as you met his upward thrusting, feeling your walls clench around him, the twitching inside you, edging you ever closer to the sweet release of your orgasm.
“Are you going to come for me, Querida?” He moaned, his hips moving on their own, thrusting in deep solid motions, “Do you want my cum inside you? Do you want me to fuck you until you’re dripping?”
You nodded quickly against his forehead, his words pushing you over the edge, your moans getting louder, the limit within you snapping as your pleasure pushed the threshold over into an orgasm.
“Fuuuuck,” You cried, “Please cum inside me, give me a baby, Rosinante.”
He grinned, fucking you harsher, chasing his orgasm as your cunt spasmed and tightened over his cock, you felt his huge length twitch inside you, beginning his released. “You’re so tight, I’m pressed against your cervix, you’ll have no choice but be pregnant,” He moaned, his cum filling you to the brim as the hot rope of seed coated you from the inside.
You collapsed against his chest, laying your head against his shoulder, moisture from your sweat mixing with his. You both caught your breath for a moment, his length still deep inside you.
“Gods that was good,” You sighed against him, getting comfortable against his chest and closing your eyes.
He suddenly flipped you over, making you shriek, your back against the bed again and your partner towering over you, a grin on his face.
You felt him getting hard inside of you again, “I said I wasn’t going to stop until you were pregnant, didn’t I? That was just round one.”
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 11
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3537 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Franky, Smoker, Tashigi, Vergo Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Smoker’s eyes widened. “Vergo? What is the head of G-5 doing here?”
“I’m here on business, Vice Admiral,” Vergo replied, inclining his head at Smoker.
“We called for backup but were told you were on leave,” the swordswoman said, frowning.
He never said whose business he’s here on, Law thought wryly as he sliced through the chains holding the two Marines captive. He stepped back out of the cage, eyeing Vergo. Law didn’t like the sense of satisfaction radiating off the older man. He’d heard what Law had said—but had anyone else?
“Doffy didn’t believe me before that you’re a traitor, but now he’ll have it in your own words, Law.”
Could Vergo have a line open to Dressrosa? Or perhaps he’d recorded what Law had said.
It also confirmed that Vergo had called Doffy with his report on Law’s defection, but apparently Doffy wasn’t buying it; the Warlord knew full well the safeguards he’d put into place to prevent Law from betraying him, after all. If Vergo had proof, though…
Law needed to make sure those words never left this room.
“I didn’t think you’d be so foolish as to blow your cover over a grudge,” Law commented, raising an eyebrow. He kept his tone purposefully light, but he expanded his Room and kept Kikoku hefted in front of him.
With a quick scan of his Room, he found Zoro’s swords and Shambled them into the man’s hands. Zoro let out a surprised yelp (one Law knew he would deny making until his dying day), and Law’s lip twitched as he glanced back and met the pirate hunter’s eye. The other man’s startled expression quickly shifted into a nod of appreciation as he replaced the blades at his side.
“Cover?” the swordswoman asked, following Smoker out of the cell.
Smoker jerked. “A traitor?” he growled, glancing between Law and Vergo. His gaze finally settled on the base commander. He shook his head, and Law could practically hear the pieces clicking into place in his brain. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it. You’re the one who’s been covering up the abductions of the children, aren’t you?”
“Don’t feel too bad, White Chase-ya,” Law said, and Smoker looked back at him suspiciously. “It’s not like Vergo was a traitor to the Marines. Vergo was a pirate from the start.”
Law couldn’t help his lip curling into a sneer. “He’s Doflamingo’s most trusted subordinate. He joined the Marines on his orders fifteen years ago and climbed the ranks.”
“A pirate posing as a Marine,” Smoker hissed. “Shameful.” He shook his head, disgusted.
“How dare you,” the captain yelled at Vergo, betrayal tinging the anger in her voice. “Those children are innocent!”
“They’re sacrifices for the greater good, Captain Tashigi,” Vergo said simply. He’d been watching the exchange with a bored affect in place, though Law knew better than to take him at face value; Vergo was always poised to attack.
“The greater good?” the cat burglar snapped. “What greater good could possibly come from experimenting on children?”
“That is super messed up,” the cyborg agreed.
“A world ruled by Donquixote Doflamingo, of course,” Vergo said, as though the answer were obvious. And, Law supposed, for Vergo, it was. “Give me some credit for keeping up my cover, Smoker-kun. I’ve been on my guard ever since you transferred to G-5. It will be good to finally be rid of that concern.”
Vergo turned back to Law. “And who says I’m blowing my cover, Law?” Vergo had completely dispensed with Law’s title, apparently. He’d never respected Law as a successor, no matter how many times Doffy pushed him on it, and now he had the excuse to back it up. “None of them are leaving this island. I’ll file it away as a tragic accident at sea, as always.”
Law narrowed his eyes, reminded once more of the World Government’s coverup of Flevance’s destruction. Vergo, as far as Law was concerned, was proof pirates and soldiers weren’t so different, no matter what people like Smoker professed. Law knew he was no better, but he also never claimed to be.
“I won’t let that happen,” Smoker snarled. He didn’t have his jitte since he’d been captured—and Law wasn’t feeling particularly inclined to return the weapon that had taken him down with Seastone—but he didn’t let that stop him.
Smoker shifted into smoke form and charged Vergo with an outraged yell. He had to know about Vergo’s talent with haki and the effect it would have on his Fruit’s abilities, but he attacked anyway, his fury at his base commander’s betrayal driving him on.
“Smoker-san!” the captain called, worried.
“What is he doing?” Zoro muttered.
Smoker punched at Vergo with a smoky tendril, but Vergo blackened his arm and grabbed the smoke. Smoker cursed as Vergo spun and whipped him into the far wall. Smoker coughed and sagged to the floor. His second and the Straw Hats gasped, but Law took the moment of distraction to Scan Vergo; there was a Den Den Mushi in his pocket.
With a twitch of his fingers, the Den Den Mushi flew from Vergo’s coat toward Law. Vergo’s eyes snapped toward him.
Law grabbed the snail from midair, and he pocketed it just as Vergo’s haki-coated stick slammed into his chest, tossing him like a rag doll into the wall behind him. The back of Law’s head hit the metal; his vision briefly went dark, and his stomach threatened to empty itself—another blow to his head was not what Law needed when he already had a concussion—but Law, taking a stabilizing breath, was able to collect his wits and keep his Room from falling. He Shambled himself across the room before Vergo could recover the Den Den Mushi.
“Brat!” Vergo snapped as he turned to find Law slumped over on one of the couches, having swapped places with a pillow. “But I suppose running away is always what you’ve done best.”
Law could vaguely hear the Straw Hats making some kind of commotion, though their words wouldn’t form in his ears; his blurry vision, however, was directed entirely toward the man striding toward him, a murderous intent barely contained beneath his haki-clad skin; Vergo knew he couldn’t kill Law before bringing him back to Dressrosa, but that wouldn’t stop him from beating the shit out of him—again.
Law just needed a moment to bring his vision back into focus…
Suddenly, Vergo was flying across the room. He crashed into the far wall and crumpled. Law blinked, his battered brain trying to comprehend what he was seeing. Belatedly, he turned to see Straw Hat, flanked by his crewmates, standing in the doorway, his rubbery arm returning to him with a loud snap.
Before dealing with that, Law pulled Vergo’s Den Den Mushi from his pocketed and noted in relief that there wasn’t a live line open. That meant Doffy hadn’t been listening in. Vergo still could have recorded his words, but Law would worry about that later. If Doffy hadn’t heard Law, then all Law had to do was prevent Vergo from bringing his words back to Dressrosa.
He pushed himself to his feet and headed toward the new arrivals. His vision was clearing, but his balance was still slightly off. The doctor in him was concerned, but the pirate in him knew he didn’t have the luxury of taking a break.
The two factions of Straw Hats were greeting each other happily. Straw Hat’s expression lit up as Law approached.
“What are you doing here, Straw Hat-ya?” Law demanded. “We agreed you would wait.”
Straw Hat frowned. “We were talking, but then there was all this chaos on Torao’s end of the line. No one was responding. It sounded dangerous, so we decided to help.”
Ah. Law supposed he had gotten distracted by Vergo’s appearance and hadn’t considered how that would have sounded to the Straw Hats listening in.
“So, what exactly happened to cause this?” the cat burglar asked, gesturing between Straw Hat and Law. Though she’d agreed to trust Straw Hat, she was still suspicious of Law—and she was right to be.
Still, Law ignored her. They didn’t have time for this; Vergo wouldn’t stay down long, even after taking a hit like that.
“If you want to rescue the children, this would be the time to do it,” he said.
“What about him?” Straw Hat asked, nodding back toward Vergo.
Law grimaced as he noticed Vergo stirring. “I can handle it.”
“Because that went so well before,” Black Leg muttered.
Law ignored him as well. He didn’t have Seastone draining his abilities now. “I’ll handle it,” he repeated, looking directly at Straw Hat. Vergo might be taking an excuse to finish what he’d started thirteen years earlier, but Law wasn’t a terminally ill child anymore. It was unfinished business for them both.
“Luffy, what—” the cat burglar started.
But Straw Hat studied Law’s face for a long moment and seemed to find whatever he was looking for because he nodded. “Okay.”
Law felt a measure of relief at the response; it wasn’t that he needed Straw Hat’s permission to take on Vergo—alliance or not, he wouldn’t let anyone take this fight from him—but having his agreement was a lot easier. His crew would follow his lead, and they’d be able to accomplish both their tasks and move on to rescuing Law’s nakama.
“What?” several Straw Hats gasped.
“Okay,” Straw Hat repeated. “Torao will handle the Verto guy, and we’ll go after the kids.”
“You think I’m going to let that happen?” Vergo said. He’d risen to his feet and stood, arms crossed, in front of the doorway the Straw Hats would need to go through to find the children.
Straw Hat made to draw his arm back again, but before he could strike, Law held out a hand. Straw Hat stopped, eyeing Law curiously.
“Go. Caesar and Monet are still with the children. They’re both Fruit users, so don’t take them lightly.”
Law Shambled Vergo into the cage, and, with a few twists of his fingers, retwined the wires holding the front of the cage together. The doorway was now open, and Vergo cursed. The cage wouldn’t hold him long, but it didn’t need to—just long enough for the others to leave.
Straw Hat whooped. “Thanks, Torao!” he called as he charged forward, the promise of a fight clearly drawing him like a magnet.
“Wait, Luffy!” the cat burglar called, running after her captain. “You don’t know where you’re going!”
Straw Hat’s laughter echoed against the metal walls as the Straw Hats and, Law noticed, Smoker’s second filed out of the open doorway. Smoker, however, remained where he was; he’d gotten to his feet while Law was talking to the Straw Hats. Law narrowed his eyes at the other man.
“This is my fight, White Chase-ya. Stay out of my way.”
“That man is a traitor to the Marines, and I plan to see justice done,” Smoker said, voice tight, as he strode up next to Law. “Don’t get in my way, pirate.”
Law and Smoker both turned at the sound of a metallic slam; Vergo had kicked the cage’s front out, the metal wiring sliding several feet across the floor before coming to rest. Though Vergo’s eyes were still hidden behind his glasses, Law could feel the anger radiating off the man.
“Enough,” he snapped, stepping back into the room.
“My thoughts exactly,” Smoker roared, charging at Vergo. “Traitor!”
Law sighed but didn’t intervene. Though he thought the man was being foolish considering how his previous attack had failed, Law could understand his rage at realizing Vergo, the base commander of his own unit, was a traitor.
However, Smoker wouldn’t get an advantage on Vergo this way; Vergo’s haki was superior to the other vice admiral’s. The first Corazon didn’t have a Devil Fruit to enhance his attacks, so he’d trained and honed his haki over the years until his masterful control and overwhelming power became what he was known for. For a Logia like Smoker, Vergo was a bad matchup.
Still, if he wanted to wear Vergo down while Law took a few moments to rest, Law wasn’t going to object. At full strength, Law wasn’t particularly concerned about taking Vergo on, but he didn’t want to take any chances when he was unsteady with a head injury. As the two vice admirals clashed, Law scanned the room until he found Smoker’s jitte. He could still feel the ghost of the Seastone tip slamming into his back, causing his Room to fall around him as weakness spread through his entire body. Law grimaced, but, grudgingly, he summoned the weapon into his hand.
“White Chase-ya,” he called as Smoker fell back from a swipe of Vergo’s bamboo stick.
“What?” Smoker demanded, not looking toward Law.
“Catch.” He tossed the jitte in the man’s direction.
Smoker’s eyes flicked in his direction then widened as he saw his weapon flying in his direction. He sent a smoky arm toward it, grabbing the hilt before Vergo could interfere. He grunted a nod in Law’s direction, clearly unhappy to owe Law anything else.
Even with his jitte, Smoker was clearly outmatched. Vergo’s haki-coated arms were able to strike Smoker’s smoke form, forcing him to revert to his base form. They traded blows, Vergo’s bamboo stick with Smoker’s jitte. Vergo’s haki-enhanced hits pushed Smoker into retreat.
“It’s no use, Smoker-kun,” Vergo taunted. “You’re no match for me.”
“You’ve betrayed G-5. The men trusted you. I’ll see you pay for that, pirate,” Smoker snarled back.
Vergo side-stepped Smoker’s blow and looked at him curiously. “You seem to care for those morons. Why?”
Smoker leapt at Vergo, only to be pushed aside by his bamboo. “Because they’re my men!”
Vergo tsked. “And that is your problem, Smoker-kun. Placing loyalty in trash. You will only end up discarded along with them.”
Smoker roared in response, but Vergo kicked out and tripped Smoker. Smoker fell backwards, hissing as his back hit the floor. His eyes widened as Vergo suddenly appeared above him, ready to strike a killing blow with his bamboo.
Deciding he’d seen enough, Law twitched his fingers, sending Vergo to the far side of the room.
“Law,” Vergo growled when he realized what had happened. “Don’t interfere. I’ll have time for you, too.”
Law rolled his eyes and turned back to Smoker. “Enough, White Chase-ya.”
“Dammit, Corazon! I can still—” He broke off, wincing at what Law would guess were broken ribs from Vergo’s many haki-enhanced blows.
“I can see that,” Law replied wryly. “Don’t make me move you, too.”
Smoker glowered but didn’t argue.
As Vergo started charging back toward Law and Smoker, Law Shambled himself across the room, directly into Vergo’s path. He swung Kikoku, but Vergo dodged just in time. A large chunk of the wall behind Vergo came down with a loud clatter. Law swung his blade several more times to create smaller pieces of metal from the fallen wall.
Law turned on his heel and immediately jumped back toward Vergo, using Kikoku to block a flurry of blows. His arms shook under the strain of countering the strikes, but he gritted his teeth then powered forward, driving Vergo back.
Lifting a finger, Law used Takt to lift the metal pieces he’d created and hurled them toward Vergo. The vice admiral cursed and dodged the large sheets of metal, knocking those he couldn’t dodge away with his stick.
“What’s wrong, Vergo?” Law taunted as he ducked under the flying pieces of metal to approach his target. “Not so easy when your target isn’t shackled in Seastone?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Law.”
Law sent a large piece of metal Vergo had already knocked away back toward Vergo and ducked behind it; Law followed its path, so when Vergo knocked it out of his way again, he jolted in surprise as Law suddenly appeared. He swung his bamboo to push Law back, but Law ducked under Vergo’s outstretched arm, catching the man off-guard.
Law shoved his free hand forward into Vergo’s chest. Mes.
Vergo gasped as his heart was expelled backward. He slumped forward as Law summoned the heart into his hand.
“Bastard,” Vergo hissed.
To his credit, Vergo’s heartrate remained steady as he kneeled in front of Law. Even now, he wouldn’t let his successor rattle him.
“I have your life literally in my hand, Vergo­,” Law said, eyeing the heart. “I’d watch my tongue if I were you.”
“And what will you do with it, boy?” Vergo sneered, looking up. “Kill me?”
As Law felt the heart pulse steady in his hand, memories of Minion Island flashed in front of his mind’s eye.
Finding Vergo as he looked for help for the fallen Cora-san.
Vergo and Cora-san recognizing each other.
Vergo beating the wounded Cora-san, taunting him all the while.
Vergo beating Law, no sympathy for a dying child.
Vergo leaving them both, battered and bloody, in the snow to report to Doflamingo.
Law squeezed the heart, and Vergo writhed on the ground, pained groans coming through his clenched teeth.
Cora-san. Law released his grip on the heart. Vergo let out relieved gasps and slowly stilled.
“Corazon,” Smoker said slowly, as if afraid to spook Law. “He needs to face justice.”
Cora-san had always believed in justice. He hadn’t wanted to kill Doflamingo but bring him in. He wouldn’t want to kill Vergo either but instead, like Smoker, to bring him to justice.
Law wasn’t like them.
“Justice,” he scoffed bitterly, eyes never leaving the heart in his hand. “Where was justice when my little sister collapsed from Amber Lead Disease at seven years old and died as my parents’ clinic burned to the ground? Where was justice when soldiers destroyed my country then covered it up?” Law could hear his voice rising in his ears as he spoke, but he didn’t care. Years of pent-up rage flowed through his veins. “Where was justice when the man who saved me was murdered for it? Where was justice—”
He cut himself off at the sound of Vergo’s choking laughter, throat tightening as he realized what he’d just said.
“There’s no such thing as justice, Smoker-kun,” Vergo said between pained gasps. “There is only strength and weakness.” He turned his head to stare at Law. “And your precious Cora-san was weak, Law. Just like you.”
Fury rising in his chest, Law squeezed the heart again, Vergo’s screams a melody to his ears.
When Law let go of the heart once more, Vergo collapsed to the floor and panted. For years, Law had waited for the chance to avenge what Vergo had done to him and Cora-san that night; Vergo had haunted his nightmares, a looming figure of cruelty. But now, laid out on the ground and trying to hold onto his pride in his defeat, Law thought he looked pathetic.
And just like that, the fury drained out of him, leaving him feeling oddly hollow.
“So now what, Law?” Vergo asked between gasps for air. “You can’t kill me.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“What do you think Doffy would do to you if you did? To your crew?”
Law barked a humorless laugh. “If he thinks I’m a traitor, we’re all dead anyway.” He narrowed his eyes. “Might as well take you with me.”
Vergo frowned. “You know how the Family deals with traitors.”
“I do,” Law agreed.
“He’ll never let you go,” Vergo said. “Not until he’s done with you. Wherever you go, he’ll find you.”
“I know.” That was why he’d return to Dressrosa once his business here was done. “Don’t worry, Vergo-san. I’ll file it away as a tragic accident at sea.”
He tightened his grip around Vergo’s heart, watching as the man writhed. He felt… nothing. Vergo coughed blood, but the satisfaction Law had expected to feel at the sight of Vergo dying at his hands was missing, sucked into the hollowness in his chest.
“Corazon, you don’t have to do this,” Smoker spoke up. “I can take him in.”
Law tightened his grip further. “You really think Doflamingo would let his favorite subordinate be locked up in Impel Down?”
“Even Warlords don’t have the power to stop something like that,” Smoker replied with a frown.
Law shook his head. “He has more connections than that, White Chase-ya.” If Vergo left Punk Hazard alive, Law and his crew were assured slow, agonizing deaths. If Law killed Vergo now, there was still a chance this could be salvaged.
Vergo huffed a strained laugh around his cries. “He’s. Right. Smoker-kun. You. Have. No idea. Who. You’re. Dealing with.”
Smoker looked between the two pirates and shook his head but said nothing. Law continued squeezing the heart, waiting to feel something after all this time.
“What’s wrong, Law?” Vergo panted. “Don’t have. The stones. To finish it?”
Law closed his fist completely, crushing the heart until Vergo let out a final bloody gasp then went limp.
Still feeling that odd emptiness, he opened his hand dropped the still heart next to the corpse.
“That was for Cora-san.”
Next chapter
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misc-headcanons · 5 years
Winter Soldier AU: Law
(The final part of @sindela​ ‘s Winter Soldier AU scenario request, featuring Law and the reader! This ending is a bit more hopeful than the last two entries, but I tried to keep a decent amount of angst in here)
The moment Law saw her at Sabaody, he recognized her. It didn’t matter that the lower half of her face was covered, and her fitted uniform emblazoned with the World Government logo hid most of her body; her (e/c) eyes were burned into his memory. But this was all wrong. It couldn’t be her. It couldn’t be. She’d been executed by the Marines years ago, the only member of the Doflamingo Pirates to get caught. Doflamingo had been insulted by her death--not out of any sentiment, but he was annoyed that one of his crew could have gotten caught so easily; Law had been heartbroken that his best friend had died, and not even Corazon could comfort him for days after he’d heard the news.
But she was alive, and she was bearing down on Law quickly. As she ran, she reached for her sword--a blade covered in a layer of Sea Prism stone--and focused on the Surgeon of Death. Law raised his hands. “Room!” As the borders of his Room stretched to encompass the area around him, ____ switched tactics and drew a pistol strapped to her other hip. She fired two quick shots that grazed the side of Law’s left ear. Law saw her eyebrows furrow above her mask and he thought about how he could disarm and restrain her long enough to figure out what the hell was going on. She raised her gun to fire again. “Shambles!”
As another bullet flew towards his chest, it suddenly swapped places with ____ just in time; he grabbed her dominant hand and twisted it downwards to make her drop the gun. “Drop it, ____.” His voice was firm until he said her name. “I don’t want to hurt you if I don’t have to.” She cocked her head and after a few seconds of struggling, she dropped her pistol. Law cautiously stepped closer, doubting that it would have been that easy to get through to her. His hunch proved correct; ____ quickly unsheathed her sword and slashed at Law’s chest. He immediately brought out his own blade to defend himself. Their swords clashed, and Law felt a wave of nausea from how close the Sea Prism blade was to him. 
____ swept under Law’s left leg and he fell back onto the ground. She raised her blade and without hesitation, she stabbed downward. “Shambles!” Law disappeared, and in his place was one of the bullets she had fired a few seconds ago. She whipped around, ready for Law to attack her from behind while he had the advantage. He raised one of his hands and used Shambles again; her arms and legs fell from her body in four different pieces, and her torso fell to the ground. She closed her eyes calmly, waiting for him to finish her off. He carefully picked up her sword and kicked it away from her severed arm before gathering her other limbs. When she realized she was still alive, she looked at him quizzically.
“What are you doing?” 
He froze as she finally spoke; it had been years since he had heard her voice. “I’m taking you with me,” he replied. “Whatever they did to you, I’ll find a way to reverse it. Conditioning, memory repression...whatever it is.” He waved down Bepo and Penguin, who had finished fighting off a pair of Marines. “Oi, grab her arms and legs,” he ordered. The two pirates looked at their captain quizzically, but they picked up the woman’s body parts and tucked them under their arms. “I’ll take her torso.”
“No,” ____ protested firmly. “If I can’t carry out my mission, I will not be taken captive by my target. Kill me.”
Law shook his head and reached forward to pick up her torso. “Not an option,” he replied. “Even if you don’t remember, we’re still friends. I’m not losing you again.”
“You are not my friend,” ____ said angrily. “You are my assignment!” When Law’s hands got too close to her, she snapped her jaws and jumped forward to bite at him and tear out one of his veins. Her severed arms flailed wildly and blindly scratched at Bepo and Penguin. They both jumped at the sudden movement and quickly bound her separated wrists and feet together with some rope. 
Law pulled his hand back and glared at her. “Goddammit ____, stop,” he growled. He clenched his fists and felt his fingernails digging into his palms. “I didn’t want to do anything else to you, but if you’re going to keep trying to kill me--” ____ ignored him and lunged again, and Law easily dodged before swiftly placing his hands on either side of her head. Using his Devil Fruit ability, he yanked off her head and held her by the ponytail with one of his hands. Her severed head trashed wildly and she yelled in frustration while she struggled pointlessly to escape his grasp. Law sheathed his sword and picked up her torso before tossing it over his shoulder. He turned back to Penguin and Bepo. “Come on, we have to move,” he barked. The three (or rather, four) of them took off and made their way across the Archipelago, avoiding any clashing Marines, pirates, and Pacifista they came across. They eventually made it to the shore of one of the small islands on the southern side of Sabaody, and the top of the Polar Tang opened; Shachi, another member of the Heart Pirates, popped out and grinned at the sight of his fellow crewmates.
“About time, Cap! What took you so—” He eyed the mass of limbs that they were carrying. “Who the hell is that?”
“Long story,” Law called back curtly. “Open the main hatch and once we’re in, get us out of here!”
Shachi nodded and went below deck to open one of the larger entrances onto the Polar Tang. Bepo, Penguin, and Law rushed onboard and inside, and Bepo set down ____’s legs to close the hydraulic-sealed door behind them. The metal walls of the submarine hummed as the main engine came to life, and soon the crew was underwater and quickly moving far from Sabaody. Bepo leaned against the wall and breathed a sigh of relief. “Finally,” he said. “I was starting to think we might not--ow!” ____’s bound legs kicked up at Bepo’s shins, and he glared at her head. “What’s your problem, lady?”
“Hey boss, who is she?” Penguin shifted his weight as he held her arms tightly against him so she couldn’t resist his grasp. He glanced at the World Government logo on her uniform. “We holding her ransom or what?”
____’s head scowled at Shachi’s suggestion. “My designation is 05, and there is no point in holding me ransom, pirate,” she replied matter-of-factly. “If I’m a failure to them, then my life is worthless. I won’t go back to my handlers until my mission is complete.” She swung her head in a futile attempt to attack Law, and his grip on her hair tightened as he held her up to his face. 
“You’re not going back to your handlers at all,” he said angrily. “And your name is ____.”
“I don’t have a name,” ____ replied heatedly. “I was created to aid the World Government and eliminate threats to—”
“No,” Law said, cutting her off so sharply that Bepo and Shachi took a step back. “Your name is ____ ____, and you were born (birth day, month) in (year). We grew up together until you got caught by the Marines, and until today I thought they had executed you.” He fumbled around in an inside pocket of his hoodie and produced a small folded piece of paper that was slightly yellowed at the corners from age. He shook it slightly between his fingers to unfold it with one hand, and he showed it to her. It was an old crayon drawing of a large group of people on a boat at sea in two rows. All of them were drawn simplistically with their names crookedly written above them: A tall man with long brown hair and a large mouth named “Mante-san”, an incredibly tall man named “Doffy-san” who was colored with many shades of pink (though his face had been burned out by someone), and another tall man next to him drawn with a frowny face and comically angry eyebrows named “Cora-san”. The next row had much smaller figures drawn, and were most likely children. Two of the children, “Baby 5” and “Buffalo”,  were holding the hands of a little horned boy named ‘Delly’. There were two other children holding hands as well--a young boy named ‘Law’, wearing a fluffy hat...and a girl with (hair color) hair with (eye color) eyes, simply labeled ‘Me’. The girl had a strange dark squiggle around her left hand, and looking at it made ____’s own hand ache.
____ stared at the drawing, confused. This drawing seemed oddly familiar. “That...That doesn’t mean anything,” she replied shakily. “I have the same hair and eye color, but so do lots of other people—”
“Lots of other people don’t have this,” Law interrupted, pointing at the squiggle on the girl’s hand in the drawing. He looked back at Penguin. “Take her gloves off of her hands.” Penguin fumbled with ____’s arms and carefully pulled off her black gloves, holding up her left hand to show ____; there was a small faint burn in the center of her palm, about two inches in diameter. It was asymmetrical, and it was hard to make out a definitive shape. “You accidentally burned your left palm playing with Corazon’s lighter,” Law continued. “And everyone said it looked like something different: Buffalo said it looked like a star, Baby 5 said it looked like a flower, you said it looked like a clover, and Corazon said—”
“ ‘It looks like I should keep a better eye on my stuff’,” ____ finished automatically. Her eyes widened, and so did Law’s. “I...I don’t…” She looked intently at the drawing, then to Law, and back to the drawing. “Why…” She shut her eyes and gritted her teeth; as the fuzziest traces of her memory started to float back, her head felt like it was about to explode. “It hurts,” she groaned, drawing blood from how hard she was biting the inside of her cheek. “Stop showing me this. Put it away, please...please, make it stop!” 
Law shoved the drawing into his pocket and looked at his friend with pity. He’d hurt her, but it looks like he’d taken the first step in getting her to remember. “Okay, it’s gone,” he said quietly. “You don’t have to look at it anymore.” ____ slowly opened her eyes and blinked away a few tears that had started to form. Bepo and Penguin raised their eyebrows and stared at the two of them; for all of the years they’d known Law, he’d barely opened up about his past. Bepo knew he had that drawing, but he’d never gotten a good look at everyone in it. 
“Uh, Law,” Penguin piped up, “You want us to give you some time alone with her? We can drop off her limbs in the medbay, if you want…” 
Bepo nodded eagerly. “Yeah, we won’t complain if you need some privacy! Not to be rude, but watching all of this is really awkward and...well, really awkward.”
Penguin glared at him. “Don’t insult our captain like that! He’s reuniting with his close friend after all these years, and you just call it awkward!?”
“I said I didn’t want to be rude, idiot! And who’re you to act like you know more about this situation than I do?” Bepo stuck his tongue out at Penguin, and Penguin did likewise.
Law thought about where he should put ____ for the time being. “Put her arms, legs, and torso on one of the tables in the medbay,” he decided, handing Bepo the torso he still had slung over his shoulder. “I’ll reattach them once I know she won’t try to attack us again.”
____ looked down as her cheeks burned. She couldn’t even have the dignity of having her whole body reattached while she was a prisoner? Bepo and Penguin quickly shuffled down the hallway, continuing to bicker with each other until they disappeared out of sight. “...Hey.”
The Surgeon of Death looked down at his long-lost friend. “Yeah?”
____ was silent for a few seconds, and she stared up at him. “I don’t know what’s happening to me, or why I feel so...so strange, but…” She took a deep breath. “I’ve decided that I’m not going to kill you. Yet. I still don’t know if I’m who you say I am, but I know that what my handlers drilled into me can’t be true.” She sighed. “And in my mind, that makes you a bit more trustworthy. So you’re still my mission, but instead of killing you, I’m interrogating you.” 
Law smirked at her. She was a severed head in between his hands, but she still had to keep some semblance of power and control. “Sounds like a deal.”
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 14
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 5213 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Doflamingo, Violet, Baby 5, Trebol, Diamante, Monkey D. Luffy, Robin, Sanji, Usopp, Franky Notes: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Two Days Ago
Law stood at the helm of the Thousand Sunny, one hand light on the wheel as he watched Dressrosa come into focus. Though Law’s own ship was a submarine, he’d learned how to sail other vessels well enough and directed the Sunny toward the port. The sea, as expected, was calm, so there was little maneuvering he needed to do. With the weather warming up as the ship approached Dressrosa, Law had discarded his coat and rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie, though he was still warm beneath his hat. The ship was eerily quiet, considering whose home she was.
Law glanced down at the hat in his other hand; he could have put it down on the deck alongside his coat and Kikoku, but he hadn’t been able to when the feeling of the worn straw under his fingers was such a stark reminder of those weeks on Amazon Lily two years earlier—where the whole mess Law now found himself had begun.
As Law steered the Sunny into the familiar docks and dropped anchor, the only people greeting him were dock workers, already unwinding ropes in preparation for securing the ship to the dock. Curious. And fortuitous. The last person Law wanted to run into before seeing Doffy was Violet; the less she knew about what Law had gotten into on Punk Hazard, the better for them both. Though she’d obfuscated for him more than once in the past, she’d never outright lied to Doffy for him—and he wouldn’t ask her to, knowing what she was risking. He’d take the small victories where he could find them.
Straw hat still in hand, though with his heavy coat now draped over it, and Kikoku resting in her usual place against his shoulder, Law pocketed his log pose and hopped down from the ship. He peered down the docks to see the Polar Tang shining brightly in the late-afternoon sun. His chest gave a twinge at the thought of the ship that had been home for the last decade. Would she be able to take the Hearts to freedom? Or would she be stuck docked in the Dressrosan harbor without a crew to sail her after today?
He shook his head and glanced back at the Thousand Sunny once more, looking for anything out of place. When he saw nothing, he took a breath and turned back toward the city. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed the harbor master hurrying toward him.
“Corazon, sir!” he huffed once he reached Law. “My apologies for not greeting you immediately.”
“It’s fine,” Law said, waving him off.
He really wasn’t in the mood for this, but the harbor master’s mood could be a good indicator of how he would be received in the city; if news from Punk Hazard had reached Dressrosa and Law was walking headfirst into a trap, Doffy likely would have had the harbor master and his workers watching for Law’s arrival and trying to detain him until Doffy himself could arrive. The harbor master, however, like most Dressrosans, was too terrified of the executives to lie to their faces—even on order of the king. That he didn’t seem to be hiding any ulterior motives was a positive sign.
“Shall I call a carriage to bring you back to the palace?”
“I’ll walk,” Law said, talking a few steps up the dock.
“Are you sure?” the harbor master asked, falling in step with him. “It’s no trouble and would be faster.”
Law leveled a stare at the man, and he quavered. “O-of course, I didn’t mean to challenge you, sir.” He swallowed before nodding at the Sunny. “And this ship?”
Law forced his lips into a smirk. “A trophy from a defeated pirate crew. Keep it in good shape until the king can inspect it.”
Doffy loved keeping trophies, from plundered goods and hijacked ships to defeated crews themselves—many of whom turned into merchandise—from his many victories, so the harbor master didn’t so much as blink at the explanation.
“Of course, Corazon.”
They’d reached the end of the docks, and the harbor master bowed Law out into the city before turning back to the dock workers and yelling orders at them.
Law strode the familiar streets of the city toward the palace, ignoring the eyes and murmured whispers of his title by the Dressrosan citizens and the toys as he passed; Law always drew a fair amount of attention when he was out, considering his status as second to the king. Being watched didn’t mean Doffy knew what had happened. He forced his tense shoulders down as he walked. He was returning from a straight-forward mission, as he had hundreds of times before. There was nothing different about today.
Pushing aside his paranoia, Law trekked the familiar streets until he reached the palace. The grounds were quiet as he stepped through the gates, and he licked his lips. He was used to the palace being busy, members of the Family and servants alike scurrying around the grounds at all hours of the day. In the late afternoon, he’d expect to see preparations being made for dinner, but, as he walked toward the courtyard, he only saw a few figures moving about in the distance.
“Ah, Corazon!”
Law started as Rosalie, Doffy’s personal aide, came hurrying out of a side hallway. Forcing his expression neutral, he nodded at her.
“The Young Master asked me to find you once you arrived. He’s waiting in his office.”
Law nodded for Rosalie to lead the way, and she turned on her heel to head back into the palace. As they walked, Law considered whether he was more or less likely to be ambushed in Doffy’s office. On the one hand, it held fewer people, which meant fewer enemies for Law to fend off in the case of an attack. On the other hand, it was more isolated from the rest of the palace, meaning fewer people would know what was happening—not that Law would find himself with many allies in the palace if he was outed as a traitor to the Family.
He shook his head; there was no point in catastrophizing until he assessed what information Doffy had. Instead, he addressed Rosalie. As Doffy’s personal aide, she was aware of more goings on in the palace than most, as she was regularly required to track down Family members on short notice for the king.
“The grounds are quiet. Where is everyone?”
She looked back at him to acknowledge that he’d spoken before returning her gaze forward as she strode forward with purpose. “I believe Trebol is with Sugar. Diamante is at the Colosseum, making preparations for the upcoming tournament. I believe Machvise is with him. Pica is at the training grounds, drilling soldiers,” she said, ticking off executives with her fingers. “Dellinger is at the beach with Jora and Lao G. Señor Pink and Gladius left for a mission this morning. Buffalo and Baby 5 went to the market an hour ago. Violet retired to the library after lunch.”
Law nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing a bit. None of that seemed unusual and explained why the grounds were as quiet as they were.
Once they reached Doffy’s office, Rosalie knocked on the door and waited for the king’s call to enter. She ducked inside to inform him of Law’s arrival. A few moments later, she stepped back into the hallway and gestured Law inside.
Law took a steadying breath then strode past Rosalie into the office, suppressing a flinch as the door shut behind him. Doffy sat at his desk, papers spread out in front of him and a pen in hand. Law stepped forward but remained just outside of Doffy’s wingspan—not that it really mattered with his strings. He could have Law trapped with no more than a thought. Law’s fingers itched to activate a Room, but he knew that would only give him away. Instead, he did his best to wrap himself in the cloak that was Corazon, second in command to a Warlord and a king.
Even Corazon, however, knew to wait until Doffy was ready (having learned that lesson the hard way), so he waited. Once Doffy finished signing a document, he put his pen down and looked up at Law. He crossed his arms and tilted his head.
“Welcome back, Corazon.”
Law was unable to read anything in his expression or vocal tone so pressed forward. “Thank you, Young Master.”
“I trust you ran into no further complications?”
Law quirked his lips into one of his trademark smirks. “Of course not. I even brought presents. One is in the harbor.”
Doffy chuckled, a deep, pleased sound that rumbled lightly throughout the small room. “I heard.” Of course he had. “Very impressive. What else?”
Law pulled the straw hat out from under his coat and tossed it onto Doffy’s desk. Doffy froze as he realized what had landed in front of him.
“A trophy,” Law said. “From the head of one of the Worst Generation.”
“Take it, Torao. If it’ll make Mingo believe I’m dead, then take it.”
“Straw Hat-ya, I can’t take this.”
“Shishishi, I know you’ll give it back. I trust you!”
“This hat—” Doffy murmured, turning the worn thing over in his hands, the straw crinkling in the quiet between the two pirates. Doffy looked up sharply at Law. “Do you know who this hat belonged to?” At Law’s frown, Doffy shook his head. “Never mind,” he said, voice gentling. “This is quite the prize.”
Law blinked and caught the hat on instinct when Doffy tossed it back to him.
“You defeated its wearer, my Corazon. It is your trophy.” His lips twitched. “Though I think your own hat suits you better.”
Law snorted. “Not a lot of use for a straw hat in the North.” And Law was, at his core, a child of the North Blue—of winter islands and warfare.
“Was there anything else?” Law asked, raising an eyebrow. Impertinence was one of his defining traits, after all.
Doffy waved him off, already looking back toward the paperwork in front of him. “Dinner’s in an hour. Get yourself cleaned up.”
Law gave a shallow bow then turned to leave. Presenting his back to Doffy was one of the hardest things he’d done in a long time, but he forced himself to offer that vulnerability, since, if nothing were wrong, Doffy at his back would be no threat. Breath caught in his throat, Law headed out of Doffy’s office, part of him waiting to be impaled with an onslaught of strings…
But it never came.
He let out the breath he’d been holding when the door shut behind him and very nearly slumped against the wall. But the walls had eyes in the palace, so Law instead straightened his spine and headed to his chambers. He wanted nothing more than to make a direct line to the Hearts’ wing of the palace to check in with his crew, but with the distance he’d kept from them in the previous years, doing so would look out of character.
He encountered only a few servants as he headed for his room. Once he shut the door behind him, he leaned back against it tiredly and ran a hand over his face. He hadn’t been locked up in Seastone and thrown in the dungeon yet, so that was a good sign. Maybe, just maybe, he could get his crew out after all. They’d be on the run, but that would be better than the prison they found themselves in now—and they had allies.
Law dropped his coat on his bed and rested Kikoku on top of it. He placed the straw hat on his desk and pulled his Den Den Mushi from his coat pocket. He put the snail on the desk next to the hat then went into the bathroom, as if to wash up; instead, he activated a Room. He Scanned for the surveillance snail in the vents that kept an eye on his room and, with a quick Shambles, switched it with a snail he’d set up years earlier to broadcast a recorded feed of his empty room. Now it would simply appear that Law was in the shower. He’d found the surveillance snail immediately after he’d moved into the palace at seventeen, though he had no idea how often Doffy checked the feed nearly a decade later. The snail had never been removed, though, so Law worked under the assumption that the Warlord regularly monitored it to be safe.
Law then stepped back into the bedroom and went over to his desk. He pulled out a scrap of paper and scribbled a note: After dinner. Crew meeting. He folded it and pushed his Room in the direction of the Hearts’ quarters until he found Bepo’s room. The bear wasn’t in the room at the moment, but that was not unusual at this time of day. Law switched his note with pen on Bepo’s desk then retracted his Room once more.
That done, he turned to his Den Den Mushi and dialed. He only had to wait two rings before the other side picked up.
“Torao, it’s about time!”
“I told you to give me until nightfall to check in, Straw Hat-ya,” Law snapped, glancing out the window at the late afternoon sun. “I’m early.”
“But it’s boooooring on your ship,” Luffy whined.
Law rolled his eyes. Before arriving in Dressrosa, he’d come up with a plan to sneak the Straw Hats in without them being noticed. Because Doffy had eyes on all the ships coming into and going out of the harbor, it was imperative the Straw Hats stay out of sight as the ship approached. They would stay below deck as Law steered the Thousand Sunny into the harbor.
Then, while Law then checked in with Doflamingo at the palace, pretending the Sunny was a conquest of their fight, the Straw Hats would use their submersible to make their way to the Polar Tang; Doffy would undoubtedly have his men examining the Sunny to see what Law had brought him, so it would be a poor hiding place. The Tang, however, was generally left alone except for some basic maintenance, meaning she would be safe for the Straw Hats to hide out in until Law could contact them with an update and to decide their next move. He’d left them with a hand-drawn map of the palace as well as a rough map of the city itself for them to study while they waited.
Luffy had protested, wanting to see the city and, naturally, try the local cuisine, but his crew had reminded him that they were all supposed to be dead; being recognized would put Law and his nakama in danger, and—after his suggestion that they go into the city in disguises was thoroughly shot down—that had quieted his complaints.
“Boring?” Franky called, affronted, from somewhere in the background. “This ship is super! I want to know everything about her, Tra-bro!”
Law sighed. “Please tell Robo-ya to refrain from destroying my ship before we leave Dressrosa.”
“We’ll rein him in, Torao-kun,” Robin promised, though there was humor in her voice. “What happened with Doflamingo?”
“Mm, yeah. What happened with Mingo?” Luffy echoed. It sounded like he was moving around the Den Den Mushi, likely bursting with pent up energy. Law only hoped his ship would survive the Straw Hats’ cyborg and its bored captain.
“He seemed to take my report at face value,” Law said. “But there’s no telling when he’ll hear from his sources in the Marines about what happened. We’ll still need to move quickly.”
“When do I get to kick his ass?” Luffy asked. Several of the Straw Hats groaned in the background.
“That’s not the point of this, Luffy,” Robin reminded him, not unkindly. “The goal is to get Torao-kun and his nakama out of Dressrosa unnoticed.”
“We’re trying to avoid a fight with a Warlord, Luffy!” Usopp added, a tinge of panic in his voice.
“Fine,” Luffy grumbled.
“I’m expected at dinner with the Family this evening,” Law said, breaking in. “If I skip it, it’ll raise suspicions.”
Luffy whooped in excitement at the thought of food, and Sanji snapped that he’d brought food from the Sunny, which only made the younger captain more excited.
Law grimaced, wondering not for the first time why the mysterious pull in his chest had brought him to these people. He knew the Family was its own type of ridiculous, but the Straw Hats took that to a whole other level. Why did he think he could entrust something as important as his nakama’s lives to them?
“I’ll see my nakama after dinner and contact you then,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Good luck,” Robin said over her chaotic crewmates.
“Same to you,” Law replied then hung up.
For a moment, he stared at the snail then at the hat on the desk next to it. This was a terrible idea, but Law was already in too deep to turn back now.
After a quick shower to wash off the travel and battle from the last two days, Law changed into a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt then switched the surveillance snail back to the one with live feed and dropped his Room. Pulling his hat on, he glanced at Kikoku but decided not to bring her to dinner; he didn’t usually walk around the palace grounds with the nodachi in hand. His head was starting to ache—the concussion symptoms, while improving, were still bothering him—so he took some painkillers before heading to the dining room.
Though Law was on edge, dinner was a standard Family affair. The only executives not present were Señor Pink and Gladius, who were off the island. Law easily fell into his typical standoffish self, meandering into the dining room a couple of minutes late and sliding into his seat with an insincere smirk. Doffy, who was in the middle of a discussion with Trebol, merely raised an eyebrow at him, and Law shrugged. Doffy huffed once before turning back to Trebol.
Law rarely invited conversation at meals, though Baby 5 wanted to tell anyone who would listen—and for some reason, she thought Law was listening—about the wares she’d found at the market. Law ignored her, picking at his plate without much enthusiasm. The food, as always, was excellent—Doffy had high expectations of those who worked for him; Law’s stomach was simply tied in knots. It was a good thing Law rarely finished his meals, so his lack of appetite tonight didn’t appear unusual.
More than once, Law looked up to see Violet trying to catch his eye from several seats down the table. Law shook his head minutely and looked back down at his plate. He didn’t need to get her involved in this.
Law started when he felt a smack on his arm. He rubbed it with a frown at Baby 5. “What was that for?”
“Are you even listening to me, Corazon?”
Law snorted. “Of course not.”
Baby narrowed her eyes. “You’re such a jerk,” she muttered.
“Don’t act so surprised, Baby,” Law replied, lips twitching. It was easy enough to fall into this familiar pattern of banter with her.
She sighed dramatically. “You have been a jerk since you were ten.”
Law rested his chin on his hand, angling himself toward her slightly. “You want me to hear about your day, but you didn’t even ask me how my mission went.”
She scrunched up her nose then sighed resignedly. “How did your mission go, Corazon?”
Law shrugged, turning back to the table. “Fine.”
“You asshole!” she squawked, whacking him in the arm again. “Did you get rid of all your manners with your spots?”
Law gaped at her a moment before laughing in surprise. He would miss this; Baby was one of the only members of the Family he cared about. She’d been one of the few things that made his return to the Family tolerable.
“Just my people skills.” He picked up a piece of silverware from the table. “I still know a salad fork from a dessert fork.”
The rest of their conversation was cut short as Doffy pushed back from the table and rose. He nodded at the members of the Family gathered around the table.
“The rest of the night is yours. I have work to attend to.” He glanced to the side. “Pica, Machvise, a word in my office.”
As the summoned executives stood to follow Doffy from the dining room, Law pushed himself away from the table and headed for the hallway. He had a few things he needed from his room before meeting with his crew so headed that way; he could have just opened a Room and summoned them, but something told him to reserve his stamina for now.
He was about halfway to his chambers when he stopped. “What do you want, Violet?” He turned to see her turning a corner to face him.
She crossed her arms. “Why were you ignoring me at dinner?”
Law suppressed a sigh. “Because I’m an asshole.”
“True, but that’s not it. Try again.”
“I have a lot on my mind. Now, if you’ll excuse me—” Law started to turn back toward his room. He knew he was being unfair to her, but he didn’t want her reading him. Not today.
“Corazon, stop. Something is going on with you.”
Law turned back to her, jaw clenched. “Violet, don’t.”
“I can just read you to find out,” she threatened, lifting her hands.
Law grabbed her wrists before her hands could reach her face. “Don’t.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Let go.”
“Don’t try to read me, Violet,” Law practically growled. “I mean it. Not this time.”
She let out a huff then nodded. “Fine. Now let go.”
He released her wrists, and she rubbed her left wrist absently. “Something happened on your mission.”
Law chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment before agreeing, “Yes.”
“What can I do?”
He blinked at her in surprise. “What?”
“If you’re in trouble, let me help.”
Law shook his head. She’d been trying to help him almost since he arrived in Dressrosa, and now the only way he could repay her was to keep her out of this mess. She had her father and niece to think about.
“Not for this one.”
“Let it go, Violet.” Then he did open a Room and Shamble himself into his chambers, leaving a pen in his place in the hallway.
Years of practice with his powers allowed him to avoid landing awkwardly on his desk, and he dropped to the floor. He opened a drawer in his desk and pushed aside the items inside. He pressed on the right spot, and the false bottom opened. He reached in and grabbed the papers inside then replaced the false bottom and shut the drawer. He spread the papers out on his desk: blueprints of the castle. Violet had once mentioned that there was a secret passageway in the castle that only the Riku family knew about. She hadn’t revealed its location, though, and Law hadn’t asked.
If he could find that on the blueprints now, perhaps he could use it to get his crew out without being detected. He leaned over the paper with a frown, looking for anything that looked out of place or that he didn’t recognize. He could have asked her in the hallway just now, but he didn’t want what he was looking for getting back to Doflamingo—not before he and his nakama were gone, anyway.
He was so focused on the blueprints that he was taken by surprise when his door slammed open, rattling on its hinges. Law jerked upright but didn’t have a chance to react before a wave of mucus slammed him into the far wall. Law’s head slammed back against the wall. His vision darkened, and his body went slack, air leaving his lungs in a sharp exhale.
Goddamn concussion, he thought blearily as the world slowly started coming back into focus in front of him. His doctor side was distantly outraged at the battering his brain was taking, but the rest of him—the part in the here and now—was just trying to breathe.
As he came back to his senses, the first thing he recognized was that he was being held upright against the wall by Trebol’s mucus. Gross.
The shapes in front of him slowly materialized into Trebol and Diamante standing in his doorway.
“What the fuck, Trebol?” Law growled, though his voice lacked the power he wanted to put behind it.
“That’s what we should be asking you, Corazon.”
Law’s stomach dropped as Doffy entered the room behind his two executives. Law could feel the anger radiating off him.
He knows, Law realized. I wasn’t fast enough, and he knows. Fuck.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Law said, glancing around to assess his options. Though the mucus was holding him to the wall, his lower arms were free, so he could still form a Room. Kikoku was on the bed, but he could summon her with a Room.
He just had to do it at the right moment.
Doffy paused at Law’s desk and looked down at the papers. “Blueprints of the castle?” He turned back to Law. “And how did you get your hands on these?” Then he shook his head. “Never mind. I know how resourceful you are. And why would you need blueprints of the castle? Looking for an escape route?”
“Escape? Because that’s gone so well for me in the past,” Law scoffed, though he knew it wasn’t lost on Doffy that he’d side-stepped the question.
“I just heard from some sources in the Marines,” Doffy said, resuming his approach into Law’s space. “You’ll never believe who they have in custody.”
“I’m sure you’ll tell me.”
Law winced as a string sliced through his cheek. It was a shallow cut, but blood dripped down the side of his face. A warning.
“Monet and Caesar,” Doffy said, tilting his head as he looked down at Law. “And I can’t imagine how that could be when you told me you saw them this morning, Corazon.”
Law licked his lips, hating the way he had to look up at the Warlord. “I did see them this morning.” That wasn’t a lie. He’d just… withheld the condition he’d seen them in. “If they were careless enough to get arrested after I left, that’s not on me.”
Another string sliced through Law’s cheek, this one a bit deeper, just below the first cut.
Doffy leaned over to whisper in Law’s ear, “I’d be very careful of what you say next.” The temperature dropping with Doffy’s icy words.
Law swallowed but remained silent. Doffy could probably feel the racing of his heart at this proximity.
“I’m only going to ask once. Did you see Vergo on Punk Hazard?”
“I thought Vergo was here.” Which was true—he had thought that, until Vergo had shown his face on the Straw Hats’ ship the day before.
Doffy straightened and, eyes never leaving Law’s, pulled a Den Den Mushi from his coat. He dialed a number from memory.
The discarded coat on Law’s bed started to ring.
Law cursed silently. He’d completely forgotten to get rid of Vergo’s Den Den Mushi. He’d planned to look it over on the trip from Punk Hazard, but he’d gotten distracted by making plans to get the Straw Hats into Dressrosa, and the snail had remained untouched in his pocket.
Doffy finally tore his gaze from Law and went over to the bed. He grabbed Law’s coat and dug around until he found the buzzing snail. Law’s own Den Den Mushi was on his desk and silent, cutting off that potential excuse.
“This is Vergo’s Den Den Mushi.”
“Vergo’s dead,” Doffy said, the snail still ringing in his hand. Doffy’s voice remained low, and Law had, from his childhood, found Doffy’s restrained fury far more terrifying than when the man lost his cool. “His heart had been removed from his chest and squeezed.”
Law was well and truly fucked.
Deciding he had nothing to lose, he flexed his fingers ever-so-slightly in preparation to open a Room—
Then cried out as a blade impaled itself through the palm of his right hand.
It took a moment for his abused brain to register why, other than the pain, this was such a problem.
It was his dominant hand.
The one he used to wield Kikoku.
The one he used to control his Fruit.
The one he led with in surgery.
“Nuh uh,” Diamante said from the other end of his waving blade. “No tricks, boy.”
“Nene, Corazon. Don’t surgeons need their hands?” Trebol chuckled.
Law made a choked sound as Diamante pulled the blade out. His thoughts spun as his hand dripped blood to the carpet beneath him. He’d felt worse pain than this—nothing he’d experienced had been worse than the final stages of Amber Lead Disease—but this was his hand.
“I can do the other one, Doffy. Make sure he can’t pull anything,” Diamante offered.
“No,” Doffy said, eyeing Law. “He’s no good to me if he can’t use his Fruit.”
Trebol’s mucus retreated, and Law fell forward. Without thinking, he reached out with his hands to catch himself then crumpled into a heap with a cry, hand coming to his chest as an electric shock jolted from his hand through his entire arm. The breath caught in his throat and the room around him fuzzed.
He’d failed.
He’d failed as an executive.
He’d failed as an ally.
He’d failed as a surgeon.
He’d failed as a captain.
He’d failed as a friend.
He’d failed Cora-san.
He barely registered the snapping of Seastone restraints around his wrists, the little strength he had left draining from his body as he went limp on the floor.
From somewhere above him, Doffy spoke, though Law couldn’t make out the words. He winced but didn’t struggle as Trebol and Diamante each grabbed one of his arms. The two executives dragged him bodily down the hallways of the palace, his feet trailing limply behind him. In his peripheral vision, he caught Violet’s shocked expression as the procession passed.
Law grimaced as they reached the stairs to the dungeon but didn’t have the strength to try to get his feet under him, so his legs thumped against each stone step as he was taken down. At the bottom, Trebol and Diamante exchanged a few words with the guard then followed him to what Law assumed was one of the Seastone cells. The guard opened the door, and Law was pulled into the cell and shoved against the wall, forcing the breath from his lungs. The chain between his wrist shackles was hooked above Law’s head before all the figures retreated.
Law slumped forward in defeat.
But he jerked upright at a familiar voice.
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