#corin wickes x reader
wwaheoh · 2 months
“Falling Asleep on The Job” - Victoria Housekeeping x gnReader (Platonic)
Alexandrina Sebastiane, Corin Wickes, Ellen Joe, Von Lycaon
a/n: writing this at 2 am but unlike the reader, i dont have a ghost milf to be there when i wake up...
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As the newest member of Victoria Housekeeping, it had been a bit of a shaky transition. Still in high school, you’ve had to juggle your studies, hobbies, and your part time job all at once, it was a lot to hold on to- not even mentioning any extracurriculars or social life you might have.
So, all in all, pretty stressful. Especially now, coming back from your break, it seemed like the teachers were all trying to one-up each other on how many pages of homework they’d give. It had all begun to affect your wellbeing, always trying your best to give it your all, hours of studying began to dig into your sleep time.
An hour or two into the night began to become going to sleep at 4 AM or even just not sleeping at all and staying up through energy drinks.
After a particularly hard week- where you hadn’t slept at all last night and barely slept the day before that, you finally broke.
Shadows under your eyes, sweaty arms, twitchy hands, legs that felt like lead, and a light pressure on your forehead. You had been put on shift to help clean up a house, the usual stuff, thankfully nothing with any underlying “help” required.
As you were sweeping dust off a windowsill, you began to feel the familiar wave of tiredness wash over you. Muscles felt exhausted, a yawn threatening to escape you. Deciding to sit on a nearby chair to rest a little, you began to be lulled into a deep slumber. Head bobbing, eyelids drooping down- a desperate but ultimately futile attempt at staying awake.
And then you conked out.
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Slowly you woke up, blur in your eyes that you had to blink away a few times before your vision cleared. You were turned horizontally- actually you weren’t where you had accidentally fallen asleep in the first place!
Immediately you rushed to get up, “Oh shi-!” before a mature, warm voice softly hushed you, a gloved hand slowly drifted you back down and set your head down on something soft.
Looking up, you saw Ms. Sebastiane looking down on you, a soft smile on her face as she pet your hair. From the lighting of the room, it was clear some time had passed. Meaning that you’d fallen asleep on the job.
“I-I’m so sorry Miss!” You let out, mortified at having fallen asleep- especially with how often housekeeping wasn’t the only thing Victoria Housekeeping did. Something terrible could have happened- and while there were other members of the company here, you would have been a liability.
“It’s okay dear,” She started with her usual caring tone, “You’ve been pretty out of it recently, Ms. Ellen told us of how your shared academics might be affecting your quality of life.” Her hands brushed softly against your hair, a spell of sleep beginning to overtake you once more. “It’s not wrong to ask for some time off, your health matters most.”
“Go back to sleep, I shall awake you once it is time for us to head back.”
You relaxed, her lap being used as a pillow as she let you sleep until it was time to go back home.
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Something soft underneath the side of your head, you were lying down now- different to how you slept. Oh! You fell asleep! Quickly rushing to get up with a few expletives, a timid voice called out to you, “Uhm! You don’t need to get up!”
Looking at the source of the voice, you realized that you had fallen asleep on the job, leaving your coworker, Corin, all by her lonesome. Or at least on this side of the premises.
“Ah, I’m so sorry Corin!” You quickly tried to fix the couch you had been moved to, arranging the pillows and patting the cushions to make it seem as if no one had been sleeping on it.
“N-no! It’s fine!” You turned to her, confused but hopeful that she wasn’t just saying that to calm you down. “Uhm, I heard about how school’s been pretty tough, Ellen- I mean no one told us how it might be affecting you. You can rest for now! I’ll uhm, wake you up when I need help!”
You were thankful for her, worried that she’d be angry that you basically ditched her for sleep. Of course she probably wouldn't be that angry- she never got mad at Ellen whenever she slept on the job, but it was still a thought in the back of your head. Nodding, you sat back onto the couch as the feeling of drowsiness began to take hold again.
“Sweet uhm, dreams!” Corin whispered, worried that it wasn’t the right thing to say or not in the right context.
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Slowly waking, you were still vertically sleeping, however where you had fallen asleep had changed. Quickly you got up, looking around for an indication of the time or Ellen, your coworker- and classmate, who you were partnered with for this part of the premises. It didn’t seem like she was around, but that begged the question of who moved you…
“Oi,”, You nearly yelped as you quickly turned to the person you hadn’t noticed, “Don’t move so fast… you woke me up.”
It.. seemed Ellen had the same problem you did, it made sense, the both of you did share multiple classes.
“Uhm-” “If you’re worried about waking up before the client gets here, don’ worry, I’ll wake you up.” “Oh! Uh, thank you.” “Mm…”
She promptly fell right back to sleep, with you following shortly after.
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Slowly your eyes blinked open. You felt as if you just had the best sleep of your life. A soft pillow under your head, a warm blanket covering you, a homey scent of a candle nearby. Oh my gods you fell asleep at work and were acting like you were at home- hell even better than home.
You began to scramble out of this makeshift bed before a gloved hand firmly set itself on your shoulder. Turning to the owner, your heart stopped as you came face to face with your boss.
Quickly tears began to form at the edge of your eyes, mortification at having fallen asleep on the job and waking up in front of your boss. A therian that prided themselves on keeping a professional atmosphere and providing top-notch service to their “Master”s.
“I- I’m so-”
“Shh.. it’s of no trouble.”
God, was he going to fire you after this?
“No, I will not. Please, I’ve been informed of your recent academics and how they might be affecting your work-life balance.” He interrupted any other thoughts you might have had, as if he were reading your mind. “While I prefer you not to fall asleep while we are keeping the home of our Masters, I won’t be upset for minor inconvenience.” His voice was warm, deep, with a voice that seemed to lull you back to sleep.
“Now rest, I will awake you once the Master is due to arrive.”
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takusan-no-ai · 1 month
Meet the Company
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PAIRING: Ellen/Corin x Male Reader (Romantic) (Separate),
Ellen/Corin/Lycaon/Rina x Male Reader (Platonic) (Fluff)
SUMMARY: The youngest member(s) of Victoria Housekeeping has a boyfriend, but how do the others react?
While Ellen didn’t show it, she was a little nervous about introducing the love of her life (totally not her words) to her employees. After being Ellen’s boyfriend for a while now, you can tell what she’s feeling and thinking, not matter how hard she tries to remain stoic and uninterested. It’s one of the things she loves about you though; that you can understand each other without even having to say anything.
The lovable shark thiren can tend to “half-ass” her way through most of life, so a little healthy encouragement from you can be quite helpful in getting her motivated. Especially since Ellen wants to keep an eye on her weight (though you remind her she’s already a healthy size).
Ellen thinks you’re a good match for Corin; you complete the side of her she can’t quite express. Ellen remembers how Corin used to stutter on every word in every sentence when she first joined Victoria Housekeeping. Now, ever since meeting you, Corin has become a little more comfortable with being herself.
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Corin was vastly more nervous about introducing you to the others in Victoria Housekeeping. You, having a masters degree in Corinology, calmed her nerves about the situation with ease. She really was happy with you around; having a boyfriend that can help Corin build up her confidence was very important for her.
She loves how different your personality is from hers; shes shy, quiet, and anxious. Meanwhile you’re social, loud, and bold. Some people would think such an opposite couple wouldn’t be able to last long, but you were more than your opposite traits. As her boyfriend, you were considerate of her feelings, took time to understand her limits, and helped her find better ways to express herself.
Corin is happy Ellen found such a nice boyfriend like you. Though she hasn’t known Ellen for long, Corin is aware of her friend’s disinterested in most things. So to see her put in such an effort without going through her lollipop stash? Incredible!
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Lycaon believes you’re a good fit for Ellen, and he hopes she’ll become more efficient in her work with your encouragement. Outside of a professional perspective though, he’s happy to see Ellen be more easygoing with others; it’s nice to see Ellen act excitable without needing a sugar boost for once.
Similarly with Corin, Lycaon just knows her inner potential will shine with the right help. He’s incredibly proud of her improvement, not just from meeting you, but her own achievements as well.
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Rina adores watching her adorable junior falling helplessly in love. She doesn’t know much about you, but Rina knows you make Ellen happy and a better person. So you’re all good in her book. Even more so if you try her cooking along with Ellen.
As for you dating Corin…Rina couldn’t be happier at the results! Seeing that sweet little girl slowly coming out of her shell and gaining confidence, even if it’s just a little…Rina couldn’t begin to describe just how ecstatic she was.
- Fin
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agoldenchara · 2 months
A Bat's Ultimate Plan for Vengeance!
Ch. 3: Making it official?
CW: Blood. Biting. The usual vampire shtick. Wink! W/C: 1.6k
“I haven’t even agreed yet.” But she shook your hand anyway, favoring the mission over her title of relationship. “I don’t have to call you ‘my lord’ like Corin does, do I?” “It’s in the fine print.”
"Are you two sure you want to take on this mission?” Lycaon eased into his office chair, lacing his fingers together as he leaned into the table.
You plopped down on the only seat in front of his desk, legs over the armrest and arms crossed. “It can’t be that bad, right?” 
Ellen closed the door behind you with a ‘click’, and moved to lean over the backrest of your chair. She looked down at you. “Dude, you can’t even fight. How are you going to guard?”
“Pfft- can too! I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. Besides, they’ll go crying to their mothers once I bare my fangs. I’m just that notorious.” You tossed your hair, ether sparkles emitting with a wave of your hand.
She ignored you in favor of responding to her boss. “Uh, the client said he’ll pay overtime, right? I’ve been saving up to buy something, but if I can get this job over with, I’ll probably have enough for it.” Lycaon furrowed his brows. “This mission isn’t for a part-timer, Ellen. If you exert yourself on the job, I’m afraid we cannot come to your aid. The designated location is at least a city over. By the time we reach you, it will be a few hours too late.”
She pursed her lips, “Respectfully, sir, I can handle myself. It’s summer break and I don’t have anywhere I need to be. Thanks for worrying and all but..” The girl sighed, lowering her head. “Yeah, I guess this is really unlike me, huh..” She looked torn between her desires and her capabilities. It was true that she tired out in the most inopportune moments, but at her full focus, she was able to carry out her duties. ‘But 2 weeks..?’ She reconsidered.
“Ellen, you’re.. Narcoleptic?” You interrupted her thoughts, connecting the dots to her behavior. “Nah, everything just takes too much energy.. Give me sugar and I’ll probably survive.” She removed the lollipop from her mouth to make a point before reinserting it. “Oh! You’ll be fine. You have the greatest villain looking after you. Nothing escapes me!” You declared smugly, partly to her but also to prove yourself to Mr. Lycaon. ‘Another recruit and I’ll have half of the company at my beck and call.’ 
You were eager to make a show of taking over right in front of him, robbing his authority.
“If you agree to be my lackey, I promise to give you my full support. Deal?” You held out a hand for her to shake. She huffed, “We’re supposed to be partners.”
“Hear me out! I’m partly nocturnal, but I can stay awake for business at least. I’m pretty strong too! I’ve trained to lift rubble, so a body is practically nothing to me. You could even call me an artist the way I’ve been escaping my entire life. Rest assured, my dear lackey. ” “I haven’t even agreed yet.” But she shook your hand anyway, favoring the mission over her title of relationship. “I don’t have to call you ‘my lord’ like Corin does, do I?”
“It’s in the fine print.”
“Yeah, yeah, my lord.” You beamed, clearly pleased. “What do you think, Mr. Lycaon?” 
“I expect the two of you to contact me if things go awry.” Without pause, he slid open the drawer beside him and pulled out a flip phone. Despite being an old model, it was pristine and well taken care of, as if it was fresh out of the box. You snatched the phone and flipped it open, immediately scrolling through the contacts. Listed were only the names of your boss and your new servant.
“Pleasure doing business with you, sir!” You grinned and slid the phone into your pocket and stood, as if you weren’t his employee in the first place. The both of your took your leave, leaving Mr. Lycaon in a contemplative mood. The type of mood that warranted one staring out the large window that loomed behind their desk.
Ellen shut the door behind her and immediately pulled out her phone to message her friends. A smile began to form on her lips. “Thanks.” “Cruorem Y/N, but that’s ‘my lord’ to you. If that’s what it took to win you over, I’ll be climbing the ranks in no time!” You sped past her to return to your room, leaving her to her own business.
“Your first mission..!” Corin fussed over you, having returned from her day out. She allowed you to borrow her luggage, clothing and other essentials prepared for your departure. Remembering when Mr. Lycaon had delegated her first mission, she recalled her anxiety and projected it onto your situation. Though, unlike you, she had someone she trusted by her side to guide her. However, you did not know Ellen like she did. She hoped the two of you would get along. 
“Do you need anything else? Teddy?” She offered before you wrapped her in your arms, pressing her head to your chest to prevent her from running around. Corin huffed in surprise, but made no comment. Her face flushed and warmed your cold body.
Corin lightly picked at the hem of your vest as silence washed over the room. The two of you stood in the middle of the room before the only opened curtains, bathed in dusk, heartbeats intertwining. Your shadow amalgamated hers, looming before you and phasing through the dark. A few breaths passed. “Text me daily.” “Okay.”
“Tell me you’ll miss me.”
“I will.”
“You’re mine.”
“O-of course, my lord.”
You rested your cheek over the crown of her head. Out of uniform, her hair was put down, leaving your position undisturbed. Her hair smelled like lavender. ‘..How sweet..’ Fluttering your wings, you moved her hair aside, baring her neck. Her lily white nightgown was shoulder-less, held together by laced straps. Corin shivered as you ran your fingers along her trapezius.
Moving down, you ghosted your lips along her neck. “Is this okay?” You murmured against her skin. “It might scar.” Your other hand ran over the scars on her shoulder. It was as if the girl had been reattached limb by limb. The cherry on top was the jagged line that ran straight across her neck, usually hidden by her collared dress.
Corin nodded against your chest, her hands reaching up from behind your back to grasp your shoulders. 
Your lips parted, and your fangs sank in, piercing through delicate flesh. Your canines tingled as the blood sent signals through your nerve ends. Her blood flowed thickly and left a bitter aftertaste. The taste of rotten blood. The stimulating shock of drawing blood never got tiring to you. The grip on your shoulders grew stronger as your shirt creased between her fingers. “I-It hurts..” She sobbed, but you only dug in further, prodding at her muscle. Moments passed before you retracted. “Good. Remember that feeling.” Blood sludged out of her wound, black and foul. It was as if her body had been turned inside out, left to clot and dry out, leaving her cells bare of oxygen.
“That’s what it feels like if you betray me.” Your sleeve went to wipe at the coagulating wound. 
Corin sniffed, but stayed silent in fear. Her fingers relaxed when you stilled, realizing that you would no longer make a move. “Your shirt..” She started, realizing that she had left your clothing in disarray. The girl paused, and retracted from your arms, a hand placed over her neck where you had marked.
She ran out the door, her feet in a light pitter patter.
You fell back onto the bed, resting an arm over your eyes. The black blood from your sleeves crusted over and flaked off onto your skin. ‘Hah, what did I expect…?’ Licking your teeth, you shuddered in disgust. Corin tasted like a corpse. But she was yours. “M-my lord, your uniform came in..!” Raising your head in surprise, you blinked as Corin returned with a bundle of clothing in tow. Flecks of gold plates clinked together on leather as she stumbled to your side.
“I just remembered..! It would’ve been so embarrassing if I let you go out like this…” You sat up as she placed them beside you, reaching out to unbutton your collar. You smiled. “For me or you?” As a maid did, Corrin helped you get dressed, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the complicated loops and straps that held the fabric together. Your wings unfolded freely, unbounded by cloth as the uniform was accommodating to your figure. She guided you towards the mirror.
Adjusting your cuff and popping the collar which embellished your shoulders, a rush of adrenaline flooded through you as you realized that your uniform had been customized to appear more regal than the attendants of the Victoria Housekeeping usually allowed. The vest acted as a corset to straighten your posture, lengthening behind you into pointed coattails that mimicked a bat’s uropatagium, or tail. It was cut off from your shoulders, though made up by the cropped button down shirt. The combined effort of this design allowed for your back to be bare in order to optimize your flight.
“Mr. Lycaon had that specially made for you. He did that for Ellen too.” Ah, right, her skirt had been divided in order to allow for her tail to slip through. Tucking your phone within your pocket, Corin came closer to chain a pocket watch through the loop of your vest. The accessory was engraved with the branding of the agency, unlike the one Mr. Lycaon held.
“I guess I’m official now.” You put your hands on your waist, standing before Corin proudly. Your wings flared behind you.
“Yeah, officially late.” Ellen appeared leaning at your door frame, left wide open when Corin had rushed in. “C’mon, edge lord. It’s time to leave.”
[Wait, backtrack!] [Onwards!]
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vonlycaonwife · 2 months
Heyo!! Welcome to my ZZZ blog! Y'all can just call me Aj.
Here I write, draw, and ramble about anything related to the game. But especially about Lycaon (not that anyone should be surprised because of the blog name lmao)
Info on my zzz sona AJ
Writing requests are: Closed!
Drawing requests are: Closed!
Here's some simples rule for this blog
-I work very slowly but I'll try my best to get requests/suggestions done as soon as I can. -I have a right to refuse any request or suggestion for any reason -I'm better at writing for afab readers but if requested I'll try my best to do amab readers, but note if there is no specification I'll automatically assume afab with they/them pronouns -Please specify whether you want hcs or a oneshot/drabble! If there isn't a specification then I'll most likely do hcs since those are easier and faster to write! -Referring to the last rule, I must clarify that oneshots will take me significantly longer to write than hcs. So I apologize if you don't see yours done as fast as other's. -If you don't have a request/suggestion, you're allowed to just simp or talk about the characters in my inbox! I want to curate a friendly x reader/yume space for others who love the characters like me! -Not all posts will be writing fyi, sometimes I'll randomly simp over characters or post a drawing of my yumes. I'll have separate tags for those so people who aren't interested in seeing that can block them!
What I'm okay writing for
Sfw stuff, like fluff or angst Nsfw Dark themes, like dub/non-con or yandere (will be given proper warnings for those who are uncomfortable with these)
Characters I'm fine with writing for (for now, more will be added once I get a feel for them)
Wise Belle Nicole Anby Billy Nekomata Koleda Ben Anton Grace Lycaon Corin Alexandrina Ellen
I'm very unsure on the personalities of the other known characters, I'm way better at grasping a character when I see them in action story wise
Tags I'll be using
AJ rambles: me just rambling/simping over characters or the game in general
AJ chats: chatting with anons and non request asks
Pillow talk: anything nsfw (ramblings, writings, or posts about my ocs/yumes)
AJ yumes: specific posts about my yumes with various characters from the game
AJ ocs: specific posts about my ocs for the game
Also! If you want to friend me on the game, I'm in the American server with my UID being 1000510299!
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starless-nightz · 3 months
Officially writing for ZZZ
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random-databank · 8 days
Hello, I go by Cas and this is my writing blog. Requests are currently open!
A few rules:
I can decline a request for any reason.
If the gender of the reader is not specified, the reader will be gender-neutral.
I write both platonic and romantic; if the request doesn't specify which to do and I can’t tell via context clues, I will write in a way that could imply either.
Sometimes I write in bullet points, sometimes I write in full paragraphs. If you prefer one format, please mention it, and if nothing is specified I will (probably) stick to bullet points. Paragraphs will take much longer to finish than bullet points.
Feel free to pop into my inbox for requests, or just to talk about the characters or game! I hope this can be a space where everyone is welcome.
I am rather busy (and forgetful) so requests may take a while; I apologize in advance.
I will write:
SFW requests, such as fluff
Reader of any gender
Darker topics excluding things in the “will not write” category
I will not write:
NSFW, please do not request anything of the sort. Reading such topics makes me uncomfortable.
Excessive gore (I am fine with writing injuries and similar prompts but will not go into much detail)
Characters I will write for:
Zenless Zone Zero
Anby Demara
Billy Kid
Nicole Demara
Nekomata (platonic only)
Corin (platonic only)
Zhu Yuan
Jane Doe
Note: More characters will likely be added as I learn more about them!
Characters marked “platonic only” are the ones I assume are small children. Feel free to let me know if a character is actually older/younger than I thought!
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ihaznoclue · 1 month
I have an Idea
I don't know why but I've been seeing young Lycaon event on youtube and how he use to be a thief or something like that and ever since the new season of arcane came out on Netflix (i think)
I've been thinking about something...
What If you and Lycaon known each other when you both were young like Powder (Jinx) and Ekko right? Stay with me
During the scene where Lycaon's 'used to be friend' vampire dude, he's says this 'Dear traitor' so like imagine Lycaon leaves without a word to you and you think he's dead, like something happened to him
you both grow up, You stay with the vampire dude (I do not know what he's name is T-T) like how Jinx stayed with Silco when Silco found Powder
Then you were roaming around on your own like how Jinx does because she can do whatever she wants, so you're roaming around in the Ballet Twins building where the hollow is
And you don't know other people are in there as well, like Billy, Anby, Nekomata and the Investigator as well as the Victoria Housekeeping faction
Then you cause a scene by using your explosives and that loud sound causes everyone to follow because you're fighting some of the guards people that kidnapped the pink haired girl names rain? and Lycaon notices that you look familiar and then one of the others say
"Isn't that Name? I've been hearing a lot about them in New Eridu" Something like that, that's when Lycaon notices you
and then you notice Lycaon and then you guys have a fight like when Jinx and Ekko fought on the bridge
And then Lycaon tries to convince you to stay with him, blah blah blah
and you're like "But you left without a word! I thought you were dead!" then you have tears in your eyes
Then you use one of your bombs like what Jinx did and you get hurt but Lycaon already moved from the explosive
He sees you hurt and unconscious as he takes you with him
(But like I want to do this after finishing my requests!)
I had this in my mind for a while now-
Like a ZZZ and Arcane crossover!
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vikkirosko · 29 days
Masterlist Victoria Housekeeping
👻 Alexandrina Sebastiane 🍰
🪚 Corin Wickes 🔩
🦈 Ellen Joe 🍬
🐺 Von Lycaon 🕰
Von Lycaon x Reader headcanons Simultaneous confessed feelings
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billythesimp · 2 years
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This is a ZZZ Fan blog, were I’ll post my own personal writings and also write any suggested content when requests are available. There isn’t much content in the ZZZ community as of now, but since the games recent release I’ll go off of what we have available already on the wiki as well as some ooc riffs I have in store. Not everything is canon but rather just what I interpreted. 
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On this blog, I would like to make it clear about a couple of things first:
⋈ Slow Updates 
⋈ There will be some NSFW Content on this blog and it will be properly tagged
⋈ I have the right to refuse any requests, don’t resend an ask or come at me in DMs.
⋈ I’m not a consistent writer, so sometimes it might be good sometimes it might be shit.
⋈ If not specified, the reader’s gender will be neutral. So always specified what you want in your requests
For my writings, You’ll see :
⋈ Sfw / Nsfw (Will be tagged)
⋈ Character x Reader
⋈ Angst
⋈ Fluff
For a more in depth request page, Please go to my Inter-Knot Page for further details!
#Bangboo Notice - Falu’s interactions / Falu just shitposting
#ZoneList - SFW Fics / headcanons / sceanrios
#Stuck In The Hollows - NSFW / Minors DNI
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Unloved and Unwanted?
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Word Count: 3,628 Felix x reader Part Three - Final Part Warnings: Fluff Angst
The following day Y/N goes to the carnival with Felix, Demetri and Heidi; the twins tagging along “We like a good Carnival and as it’s overcast outside so it’s perfect for us” Jane says smiling taking Y/N’s hand in hers as they all make their way out of the castle. “What do you like about Carnivals Y/N?” Alec asks falling in step with his sister and Y/N “The rides are cool especially the Haunted House. Another thing I like is Candy Floss, it’s really sweet but also really nice” She replies smiling, Felix listened paying attention to Y/N’s response. “What about you guys, what do you like about Carnivals?” “I like the Rollercoasters” Alec replied “I like the Waltzer ride and it’s funny to see the humans looking sick afterwards” Jane replies smiling.
Once at the Carnival Felix and Demetri headed straight for the ‘Shooting Gallery’ booth “This is where the competition begins Y/N” Heidi says as they follow them. Felix hits eight of the nine ‘targets’ whereas Demetri hits all nine ‘targets’ winning him a prize; Demetri chooses a ‘Minion’ toy dressed in a Maid’s outfit and hands it to Heidi “Another one for your collection cara” He says smiling “Thank you Demetri” She responds taking the toy. Next they head to the ‘Water Pistol’ booth and again Demetri knocks down more ‘targets’ than Felix “You’re making me look bad D” Felix says to Demetri as he chooses a stuffed Dog toy “Can’t help that Fe” Demetri replies handing the toy to Jane “The next prize is for you Y/N” Demetri points to her, giving her a playful smirk and a wink; Felix growls “Oh behave Fe” Demetri says tapping his friend’s chest. “Let’s go on some rides, you two can resume your competition later” Jane says as she gently pulls Y/N towards the Waltzer; Jane bursts into a fit of giggles when she notices the humans looking queasy once the ride is over “You’re mean” Y/N says smiling to Jane “I know” She smiles back. Felix smiles watching his mate get along with the Terror Twins.
They all go on a few more rides before Felix notices a ‘Test your strength’ booth “Watch me kick your ass at this one” Felix says to Demetri “We’ll see Mr I’m the World’s Strongest Vampire” Demetri says smirking; Y/N chokes back a laugh. Demetri goes first “I’ll show you how it’s done” He wins and true to his word he gives Y/N a stuffed Tiger “For you cara” He smiles at her and winks at Felix smirking “Thank you Demetri” “You’re such a wind-up” Heidi says shaking her head at Demetri.
Not to be outdone Felix steps up next and beats Demetri’s strength score winning a bigger toy, he picks out a white and grey bear “This is for you Y/N” He says softly handing her the toy “Th-Thank you Felix” Y/N gave him a smile “Show off” Demetri snorts “Just showing my strength can be used for other things than just my job” Felix says smiling at Y/N “You going to have a go Alec?” Heidi asked “Er no! Especially as Felix has just set a new high score” Alec replied “Wuss” Felix coughed out causing the others to laugh.
Next Felix decided he was going to the ‘Hit-The-Bell’ booth so he could show off his prowess further to Y/N. “Won’t he break it? You know because he’s…so strong?” Y/N asked “Not if he’s careful and reigns it in a bit” Heidi answers. Felix couldn’t help laughing at the human man in front of him when he took his go and the ball only made it half up to the bell “Alec would you like to go before me, surely you can do better than that” Felix said low to Alec, nodding in the human’s direction “Get fucked!” Alec said “Oi! Language. There are kids about” Heidi scolded lightly; Alec didn’t answer, he just glared at her. Felix took his go and of course hit the bell with ease winning another prize; he chose a Penguin in ski clothes and handed it to Y/N “For me?” She asked “Yes…Y/N” He replied softly “Thank you.” Demetri took his turn next and won a prize too; he selected a ‘Minion’ in a Hawaiian outfit “Another for your collection cara” He handed it to Heidi “Are you two together?” Y/N asked “Ha…no. We’re just friends. I have a mate, her name is Corin” Heidi replies and Y/N nods. “I don’t have a mate of my own to spoil so I tend to help Heidi with her Minion collection” Demetri added “That’s really nice of you Demetri” Y/N says smiling at him. “’Nice’ is my middle name Darling” He smiled and winked at Y/N “Sure it’s not ‘flirt’?” Alec asked “Oh shut it you” Demetri replied.
“Let’s go to the Haunted House next for Y/N” Alec says and they make their way over to the ride. On the way Alec notices the ‘Coconut Shy’ booth “Do you mind if we make a quick stop?” He asked Y/N “Not at all. Good luck” She replied as she and Jane followed Alec “Watch her D. I’ll be back in a minute” Felix said and then walked away before Demetri could respond. A few minutes later Felix returned and walked up beside Y/N “Here I bought you a bag of Candy Floss. I wasn’t sure what one you’d prefer so I got you a mixed bag of blue and pink” Y/N turned to Felix and gave him a small smile “Thank you Felix. You didn’t have to” “I know Y/N, but I wanted to” He replied smiling “Well done Fe” Demetri said to Felix too low for Y/N to hear. Alec knocked over all the coconuts and won a prize, he chose a Tamagotchi “Here you are sister. I know your last one broke” Alec said handing the retro toy to Jane “Thank you Alec” She hugged her brother.
They waited in line for the Haunted House and Y/N ate some Candy Floss “Did any of you want to try it?” She asked after she noticed them eyeing the bag “It smells weird” Jane said wrinkling her nose, but took a small handful anyway “Urgh! It’s so sweet but the texture…oh my god” Jane said clearly displeased “How can you eat that? It’s revolting” Alec added; Y/N laughed “It’s nice…but in small doses” “May I try some Y/N?” Felix asked “Oh yeah, course. You did buy it after all” Y/N could tell by his facial expression that Felix didn’t like it either. Demetri and Heidi both politely declined after seeing their friend’s reactions. When it was their turn to get seated; Demetri and Heidi quickly sat together knowing the twins would want to sit together, this left Felix to sit beside Y/N “Are you ok if I sit here or would you rather sit next to someone else?” Felix asked turning his head in his friend’s direction “I-it’s ok, you can sit there” She replied quietly “But you have to hold one of the toys for me” “Of course little one” Felix smiled and took the bear from her.
They arrived back at the castle to find Afton hanging around near reception, despite the fact Gianna had finished for the day. “Been on a group outing I see. Guess that means you still need Demetri and Co to babysit you when you’re around your mate?” Afton asks in a teasing tone; “Get lost” Felix growls and Demetri moves Y/N so she is standing behind him, safe just in case a fight breaks out. “I’m only asking because…well…you couldn’t be that stupid to think that a pathetic little human wouldn’t be scared of the big bad executioner?” Afton continued to tease “Don’t start something you can’t finish” Alec warned as Felix growled again “What’s he going to do about it?” Afton asked nodding in Felix’s direction “He can’t risk scaring her any further” Afton adds smirking and taking a step in Y/N’s direction; before Afton knew what was happening Felix flashed forward and pulled one of his arms off then used it to smack him round the back of the head causing him to fall flat on his face, Y/N couldn’t help laughing at the sight, the sound was music to Felix’s ears. Demetri looked over his shoulder at her “What?” She asked innocently “It was funny. Felix using the guy’s own arm against him” She continues to laugh; the guards watching her, a little surprised Felix’s actions hadn’t scared her. “Hey Felix” Y/N called stepping out from behind Demetri “What are you going to do with his arm now?” “I’m not sure. I’m open to ideas” He had a wicked grin on his face as he looked down at her “Oooh I have an idea, but I can’t say whilst he’s listening” Y/N replied looking over her shoulder at Afton. “Let’s all go back to my room and hear your idea and I’m pretty sure Jane has a few ideas too, judging by the look on her face” Felix says and Jane nods “I have many ideas for both arms” She says smiling and swiftly removed Afton’s other arm. They left Afton on the floor and made their way to Felix’s room.
“What is your idea little one?” Felix asks Y/N, she blushes a little at the nickname “Well I thought we could glue on some fake nails and paint them so they’re really girly…” Y/n gets cut off by Heidi “Fab idea Y/N, fake nails last for weeks” “I like her idea. It’s the gift that keeps on giving too” Demetri smirks, Y/N looks at him confused “We can tease him about the nails for ages afterwards” Demetri explains, Y/N nods in understanding “I think we should definitely go with Y/N’s idea” Felix says smiling at her “I’ll go get my nail polishes if you grab the fake nails Y/N” Jane says excitedly. By the time Y/N and Heidi are finished, Afton’s right hand is sporting fake nails; all of which are painted a different colour and there is a gold love heart sticker applied to his ring finger. “That looks…wow…that’s so…” “Girly” Y/N finishes for Felix; who just nods smiling at her “Bless them. They’re bonding over pranking Afton” Alec says low to Demetri “As long as they are bonding over something, that’s all that matters” He replies.  
Meanwhile, Jane had glued fake nails to Afton’s left hand and painted them ‘Barbie pink’ and painted a small picture of a dick onto the thumb, adding unicorn stickers to the index and ring fingers. “What do you think?” Jane asked smirking “Wow! That’s...different” Demetri said trying to hold back a laugh and failing “I think he’ll hate us more after this” Alec added. “You know what you should do when you return his arms…put the left one on the right side and vice versa” Y/N said with a mischievous glint in her eye “Now that sounds like a plan little one” Felix said grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Demetri volunteered to return Afton’s arms to him and Felix asked Alec to go with him and film Afton’s arms being reattached the wrong way round. Heidi and Jane left to do their own thing leaving Felix and Y/N alone together in his room “I’ll go too, you must have other things to do” Y/N said as she got up from the sofa “NO” His reply was louder than he planned “I mean…you don’t have to go. I have nothing else planned. I’d like it if you stayed...for a bit” He said softly “O-ok I’ll stay” She replied sitting back down. They spent some time getting to know one another; Felix finding out Y/N’s favourite colour, favourite animal, her hobbies, likes and dislikes. Y/N found out the same information about Felix. By the end of the evening Y/N was starting to feel at ease around him, although she wouldn’t admit it to anyone just yet.
The following afternoon Demetri, Alec and Jane left for a mission; they said their goodbyes to Y/N and Felix separately. That evening after dinner Y/N was on her way to Felix’s room when she heard voices “I take it Felix won’t be joining ‘boys’ night tonight, opting to spend time with Y/N” Santiago said to Josh “Actually Felix is joining ‘boys’ night, guess he had enough of the human yesterday; I mean they did spend the whole day together and most of the evening” Josh replied. Y/N felt her heart break a little hearing that and decided to spend the night alone; something she had gotten very used to. She cried her to sleep thinking ‘he’s changed his mind about wanting me…after spending just one day together. There must be something wrong with me…something that makes me...unlovable.’ Y/N stayed in her room the next few days only seeing Gianna when she bought her meals to her room. Felix was on guard duty and covering other duties for his friends whilst they were away.
Demetri, Jane and Alec returned to the castle; Jane going straight to see Y/N “Hi Y/N we’re back” She said entering Y/N’s room, noticing the stuffed toys Felix had won her were no longer on her bed “Hi Jane. Everything go ok?” Y/N replied “The mission went well, the problem was dealt with swiftly. How are you and Felix getting on?” Jane responded “Er…we’re not. I haven’t seen him since the Carnival. It would appear he has changed his mind about me….” “I’ll kill him” Jane growled cutting her off “No need for that Jane. He is allowed to change his mind. I’d like to be on my own...if you don’t mind” Y/N said not looking at Jane “Of course sweetie. I’ll see you later” Jane made her way to the door and unknown to Y/N Jane heard her mumble “It’s my own fault…I should never have thought someone like him would want someone like me” Y/N had her back to Jane so she didn’t see the tears that had started to fall.
“I’ll kill him!” Jane growled loudly as she slammed Demetri’s door shut behind her “Dare I ask who?” Demetri asked “That stupid idiot friend of yours. That’s who” She replied “Why? What’s he done now?” Demetri was curious “He has rejected Y/N whilst we’ve been away…” “WHAT?!” Demetri yelled “Are you serious? After everything she’s been through? After everything we did to help him?” Jane nods in response “I’m going to kill him!” Demetri growled, storming from his room to find Felix in the training room, Jane hot on his heels. He flashed up behind Felix catching him off guard and threw him into the wall; Jane used her gift to keep Felix subdued. Demetri flashed over to him grabbing him by the neck and squeezing so hard that cracks started to appear; he growled into his friend’s face “You don’t deserve her!” He shoved him away, Felix hitting the wall again “He’s all yours” He said to Jane as passed her on his way out of the room.
Demetri ran to Y/N’s room to check on her as he had become fond of her; he entered her room to find her lying on her bed crying, he closed the door behind him and made his way to her, pulling her gently into his arms “I’m so sorry cara” He said low in her ear “D-don’t be…I-it’s not y-your fault” She sobbed “It’s mine” “And how did you work that one out?” Demetri asked “T-there’s some-something wrong…with me. I-I’m unlovable” She was sobbing harder now and he held her closer “You are not unlovable Y/N. You just need to find the right person” He said softly “Ha…That’s a joke right? I mean I’m mated to a vampire…a vampire that doesn’t want me. Just bite me and lock me away” “Y/N I will do no such thing. If that idiot doesn’t want you…I’ll speak to the masters and ask if they’ll let you leave. Let you live out your life away from here” He replied “Thank you Dem…you’re a good friend”
Back in the training room “What’s going on? What’s he done now” Santiago asked “He’s rejected Y/N whilst we’ve been away…” “No he hasn’t or at least not that I’m aware of” Santiago cut her off “Then why does she think she’s been rejected? Why is she crying in her room?” Jane asked forgetting about Felix for moment “S-she th-thinks I d-don’t w-want her?” Felix asks, the cracks on his face and neck making it hard to talk “Yes. You idiot. You haven’t seen her since the carnival and that was five days ago” Jane replies glaring at him “You prat” Santiago says shaking his head “You better go set things straight” Felix nods and flashes to Y/N’s room.
He walks in to see Y/N lying in his best friend’s arms “What the hell’s going on?” Felix shouts “I’m comforting my friend after her stupid mate rejected her” Demetri shoots back “I haven’t rejected her” “Don’t lie Felix. I heard your friend say that you had had enough of the human after spending one day with her” She said low “That is not true...honestly little one. I have been working, covering Demetri and Alec’s shifts too in their absence” “B-But you’ve not come to see me” “I didn’t know if I’d be welcome or if you’d want to spend time with me without Heidi or Demetri around” He replied “If you’d bothered to come to my room and talk to me you’d know whether you’d be welcome. We spent time alone together after the Carnival did we not?” “Yes, but…” “But what Felix? I came to your room…well I was on my way there until I heard your friend and…” She trailed off “I’m going to leave you both to talk” Demetri said as he left the room “Fix this” He mouthed to Felix.
Felix made his way over to the bed and sat down “I’m sorry. This is new to me…” “It’s new for me too Felix” Y/N says “I know…it’ just after everything that happened I didn’t want to scare you away…but it seems I’ve pushed you away instead...which is rather unfortunate as I have planned something for you…for us…for tomorrow night, knowing that Demetri would cover for me” “You’ve planned a surprise…for me?” “Yes…little one. Don’t sound so surprised and I figured with Demetri being back in the castle you’d feel more comfortable being alone with me, knowing he was around if you needed him. I know you’re more comfortable with him than me” “There’s a reason for that Felix” “I know. So how about we put the misunderstanding aside and continue getting to know one another?” “O-ok, I’d like that” She replied quietly and he smiled at her “Wh-where are the stuffed animals I gave you? Did you throw them out? Felix sounded a little hurt “No. I-I shut them away in the closet” She replied quietly. “I’ll let you sleep, I have a few things to finish sorting out for tomorrow and I need to speak to Demetri. I’ll come by about six o’clock tomorrow evening, wear something nice but make sure you’ll be warm too” “Ok, I will. Goodnight Felix” “Goodnight little one”
Felix left Y/N’s room and went straight to Demetri’s and explained everything to him “You Felix are a bloody idiot, romantic but still...an idiot. For what it’s worth I’m sorry for how I reacted” “Don’t apologise D, you were just defending Y/N and I get that, you’re friends after all” Felix replied “I’ll always defend her and kick your ass if needed” Demetri replied smiling.
Felix had planned a sunset picnic on the castle roof for him and Y/N; he laid out two large blankets on the floor and placed the small hamper to one side. He then placed some cushions down and another two blankets folded neatly beside them. He then went to collect Y/N for their first date.
“Y/N you ready?” “Yes. I am” She replied “Wow...Y/N” Felix was left breathless at the sight of his mate; she was wearing black skinny jeans and a fitted blue jumper, the outfit hugging her curves in all the right places “Thank you” She blushed taking her bottom lip between her teeth as she watched him eye from head to toe and back again. He gently took her warm hand in his cold one and led up to the castle roof.
Looking around at the rooftop she spotted the blankets, cushions and the hamper “Y-you did all this for…for me?” She asked feeling tears build behind her eyes “Yes” He whispered into her ear “I thought we could have a picnic whilst watching the sunset” “Oh Fe, it’s perfect. Thank you” She replied smiling. He led to the blanket and reaching into the hamper he pulled out a single red rose “For you” He smiled handing it to her. He reached back inside the hamper and pulled out two glasses, a bottle of prosecco for Y/N and flask of blood for himself. They talked as they watched the sunset and as the evening went on Felix noticed Y/N had moved closer to him so he decided to take a leaf out of Demetri’s book and wrapped an arm around her gently and pulled her into his side; he felt her relax and snuggle into him as he covered them both with blankets. After a while he noticed Y/N’s breathing had evened out and that she had fallen asleep in his arms “Goodnight little one. I love you” Felix whispers and kisses her hair holding her a little closer finally happy to have his mate in his arms, where she belongs.
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wwaheoh · 2 months
“Making Lunch For Them” - Victoria Housekeeping x gnReader (Platonic)
Alexandrina Sebastiane, Corin Wickes, Ellen Joe, Von Lycaon
a/n: was hunger bungers when writing this
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You had been pretty steadily acclimating to your new part-time job at Victoria Housekeeping. It was pretty fun! Apart from the whole “fighting Hollows” on the side- but with your high Ether Aptitude and company sponsored martial arts classes, even the fighting from time to time became enjoyable.
Your coworkers were all very kind. The elegant and warm Mr. Lycaon, your employer, who always aimed to uplift you and never showed any sort of malice or anger whenever you messed up or were unfamiliar with a task. The graceful, gentle Ms. Sebastiane, your senior, was always so nice to you and gave you tips and advice whenever you asked, even offering to cook you food sometime! You haven’t taken her up on her offer yet, but seeing as how well she does the rest of her duties, you could only imagine how great her cooking tastes! There was Ms. Corin, a timid girl who always undervalued her skills- even if truthfully, they were contrary to how she described them. And Ellen Joe, who was also part-timing while attending school. She tended to sleep pretty often, though it made sense, juggling education, work, and maintaining social lives.
They were incredibly helpful and as you became more comfortable around them, you wanted to show your appreciation to them. It took a while, having to subtly probe for information while not giving yourself away. Thankfully after a few questions it was easy to figure out if they had any allergies or favorite foods.
On a weekend, you rose early before your shift began, pulling ingredients from the fridge and starting up the music from your phone. Recipes written down and tweaked to fit their preferences.
After a few hours, you added the finishers and promptly put the food into storage, lunch boxes with Halloween icon stickers slapped on. Frankenstein, a shark, ghosts, and a werewolf.
Taking a shower, you donned your work attire and made your way to the location of the job for today, something not too difficult, just some cleaning and guarding the premises, the usual. Now was the time to deliver your gifts!
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Carrying the lunch box with the Frankenstein sticker, you made your way through the premises to find the first victim of your gifts, Corin! You knew she was nearest to where you were stationed- and after a few minutes you found her. Turning the corner, you found the soft green-haired maid cleaning up a vase with a brush.
Approaching from behind, you called out to her, “Corin! There you are!” “Ahh!” She yelled, nearly dropping the vase before quickly getting a handle of it and setting it down before turning to you. “Ah, sorry! Didn’t know you had something in your hands.” You apologized, knowing how the maid was a little accident-prone.
“It’s fine! Uhm, what did you need?” To answer that question, you lifted up the lunch box, “I made some lunch for you all, to show my appreciation!” “Oh! That’s so nice of you, but I didn’t really do much…” “Ah c’mon! You’ve done a lot! You’ve really helped me get used to this job and are a role model!” “Oh that’s so nice to hear…” She shrinked into herself, thankfully not out of negativity but basking in your compliment, a slight giggle escaping her. “Uhm, well thank you! I can’t wait to eat it!” “Hope you enjoy it!”
With that she took her lunch, taking the lunchbox with her to a nearby suitable dining area and opening up the lunchbox.
Inside were some of her favorite foods! Small decorations and a smell that was heavenly. It wasn’t heavy- seeing as she was still on the job, a perfect portion! Her heart wobbled, thinking of how kind you were to offer your cooking to her, she was going to enjoy it for sure!
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Shark-stickered lunchbox in hand, you looked through the premises, before finding the shark-girl resting her arm on one of the shelves as she dusted them off. A lollipop in her mouth as usual to help keep her up.
Just as you rounded the corner, it seemed like she already knew you were in the room. Turning towards you, she nodded as greetings, “Yo.”
“Hey Ellen!” You lifted one of the lunchboxes up and towards her. “I made lunch for everyone!” She was surprised, touched that you went through the lengths. Gladly, she took the lunch box and opened it up, chuckling, much to your confusion and worry, as she did.
“So that’s why you were asking all those questions.” “Oh! I thought I was pretty subtle about it…” “You call that subtle? Well you pretty much got it perfect, was feeling pretty tired- this should help!” Pleased to have gotten the food right, you waved your goodbyes, “I’m gonna go deliver the rest to the others!” “Seeya!” She waved back.
Going over to a nearby suitable dining area, she set the lunchbox down and opened up, the familiar smell of her favorite food filling her nose. With a giddy feeling, she dug in, already feeling her energy coming back.
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With a lunch box decorated with ghost-themed stickers in hand, you made your way through the halls of the premises and to where Ms. Sebastiane was directed to maintain. You wandered back and forth, confused from not being able to find her before feeling a light grip on your shoulder. “Boo.” A silky voice whispered into your ear, an audible smile in her voice. Turning, you nearly let out a yelp- only a small one escaping you, before realizing who the hand that was on your shoulder belonged to. The very person you were looking for.
“Ah! Miss Sebastiane! I was looking for you!” She nodded as you had quickly recovered from the surprise, “Mhm, what was it dear?” “I uh, I made something for everyone! You all have been really nice and I wanted to make something to show my appreciation!” Pulling the lunchbox out, you hand your senior the box.
Taking it with a grateful smile, she opens it up, the familiar smell of her favorite food filling her senses. A small chuckle leaves her, “So that’s why you’ve been asking all those questions…” “Oh, I thought I was pretty subtle about it…” “Don’t worry, we don’t deal in undercover work apart from what you already know.” Closing the lunchbox, she drifted close and embraced you. “Thank you, it looks wonderful!” You returned the embrace, after a few seconds the two of you let go and she drifted back. “I’m going to go deliver the last of the lunch boxes I prepared!” She nodded, bidding you adieu as you left.
She made her way to a suitable dining area, softly settling herself and the lunchbox down. Opening it up and preparing the utensils, she took a bite of what you had made for her. While she usually projected gracefulness and a soft professionalism, she could not stop the squeal of delight and the smiles brought from the gift.
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Going over to where Mr. Lycaon was stationed with the final lunchbox, stickers of wolves decorating the case, you rounded the corner and found the boss of Victoria Housekeeping pretty easily, with him being vacuuming.
“Uh, sir!” You spoke over the loud fans inside the vacuum he was holding, with him quickly noticing you and turning it off. “How may I be of assistance?” His rumbly voice spoke in the now quiet room. “Well sir, I brought lunch!” You both approached each other, meeting in the middle as you handed the lunch box over to him, with him gratefully accepting the gift. “It smells wonderful, I imagine this is why you’ve been inquiring so much about everyone’s tastes?” “Ah- yes sir! Though I believed I was subtle about my information gathering…” “Haha, it’s of no concern. I thank you for this meal, you must give me the recipe some time!” “Of course sir! I have it written down somewhere at home, I’ll get it to you as soon as I can!”
With that, you bid each other farewell for now, with you going to where you had been stationed and beginning your shift properly. Lycaon on the other hand had decided that now was a perfect time for a break, finding himself somewhere suitable to dine before cracking the lunchbox open once more and enjoying what you had made. It was incredibly well made, making him wish he could have seconds. Alas, as he licked his snout and attempted to get his tail under control, he hoped to try more of your cooking.
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takusan-no-ai · 2 months
★·.·`¯´·.Corin Wickes.·`¯´·.·★
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Fics (0)
Headcanons (1)
Meet the Company
Ellen/Corin x Male Reader (Romantic) (Separate), Ellen/Corin/Lycaon/Rina x Male Reader (Platonic) (Fluff)
Oneshots (0)
Imagines (0)
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agoldenchara · 2 months
A Bat's Ultimate Plan for Vengeance!
Ch. 1: Their loss, not mine!
CW: You get beat up a little, but I go ham on writing description. W/C: 1.4k
“But of course, my dear! Truly an ambition worthy of my prowess!” You smugly responded back to the voice… that didn’t come from your head?! You shot up from your seat, gliding down to confirm the source of the new voice. Lightly bouncing down the layers of rubble, you descended from the heavens like a fallen angel, though with wings of a bat instead.
“Stupid brothers.. always thinking I’m a burden..” You grumbled, kicking a stray pebble from atop of the hill of rubble and stone benches you sat upon. It fell with a pitter patter, bouncing off somewhere into the abyss.
There you lied in wait, on the outskirts of the hollow as the Ballet Twin Towers loomed behind you in the distance. It had been approximately 20 minutes since your cauldron of brothers had left you behind to guard the “throne” you had built, them playing along in order to ditch you at the last minute. With no carrot and little assistance, you were stranded, left to die alone.
“Hmhm..” You smirked to yourself, placing a hand over your heart. “Maybe it’s time I start my villain arc!” In a growing voice, you began to announce, “After playing the role of the ‘runt’ for so long’, I, Cruorem (y/n), shall have my vengeance! No longer shall I be seen as ‘little shrimp’ or ‘dull-fanged’, for as long as I shall live, from this day forth, I shall be known as a true predator!” You cackled, conjuring sparks of ether behind you to mimic thunder Your wings splayed out in a show of dominance, the shadow allowing a ring of light to halo around your head. Your non-existent followers began to cheer and applause, your name being chanted over and over.
“Wow.. that’s so inspiring..!” A voice had called out from below. Confidence began to swell within your chest.
“But of course, my dear! Truly an ambition worthy of my prowess!” You smugly responded back to the voice… that didn’t come from your head?! You shot up from your seat, gliding down to confirm the source of the new voice. Lightly bouncing down the layers of rubble, you descended from the heavens like a fallen angel, though with bat wings instead.
There, a pale girl in green twintails awaited, gaping in awe of your presence. She stood speechless at your arrival, before realizing that she had interrupted your speech. More shaken than you, she stuttered out an apology, tears welling up from her eyes. “I’m- I’m- I’m so sorry!” Biting her tongue in the process, she bowed down, clutching her apron.
‘A maid? This must be fate! I must recruit her!’ You thought to yourself on opportunity, before you had smelled the scent of blood, though it was a little rotten. “Hey, look at me.” You gently grasped the girl’s chin to observe her injury, pulling out a clean handkerchief from your breast pocket. Lightly prying her mouth open, you placed pressure on her tongue with the cloth while she sniffed pitifully. The little maid grasped the cloth herself. “Thffank yu..”
You gently placed a hand on her head, careful not to ruin her hair. “No problem, my lackey! If I’m going to have you by my side as a servant, I’d have to treat you well!”
“Corin! Where have you gone?” A voice shouted in the distance. Said girl jolted in surprise, biting down on the cloth before removing it to respond. “I’m over here, Mr. Lycaon! I found a girl!”
“Girl?!” You shouted in bewilderment, shaking the maid’s shoulders. “Man! I’m a man!” Actually, you were neither, but you had decided that presenting masculine would help you fit in with your brothers more, so you identified as so.
“Oh.. I’m so sorry, I had thought..-!” She cried out in response, but her words were interrupted as a kick came barreling in, aimed at your abdomen. The maid shut her eyes at the force, frost blown against her eyelashes. “Please refrain from touching my employee!”
The kick connected, digging into your spine. Your body flew back against the concrete, slamming into the ridges of the hill you had made of rubble, knocking the air out of your lungs. As you tumbled to the ground, your wings fluttered weakly. Pain shot through your spine as you jerked on the ground from the pain, a sob forcing its way through your lips. The assailant from before picked you up by your collar as you struggled to open your eyes. “State your business here, bat.”
The wolf-thiren held you above the ground, cutting off your air. In defiance, you bit his paw, though that only made him clutch your shirt harder. He recognized your kind, and he did not appreciate it one bit.
“No, Mr. Lycaon! They didn’t do anything!” Corin weakly tugged at his sleeve. “You’re bleeding.” He gruffly responded, glaring down at your form as you weakly pried at his grasp. “I bit my tongue..!” She raised her voice at last, which made him drop you in light surprise at her volume.
She immediately dropped to her knees, scraping them in the process in order to hold you up. Though at this point, the lack of air had rendered you half-unconscious. Your vision tunneled as your ears rang, unable to make out her following words as she held you. In fear and instinct, you weakly pushed away from her arms, rolling onto the floor. “N-no!” Your wings shielded your face as you curled into a ball, the same way you would hang upside-down.
“I won’t..” You sobbed out, “I won’t do it again, sir… Please! I’ll do anything..”
Realizing his mistake at Corin’s response to your form, the wolf-thiren kneeled down, though that only made you tremble harder. He hovered a hand at the small of your back, below your wings. The heat emanating from his palm warmed your back against the frost spilling from his legs. “I.. apologize, little one. I have treated you wrongly. Please, allow me to make it up to you.”
You forced yourself to stop shaking, though pain still pulsed through your core. You were alone, and outnumbered, and with no escape, so you planned the only way you knew how.
“Then.. escort me out.” You uttered meekly, the confidence blown from your body from the kick.
Corin watched sadly as you lost the character you had formed when she had first seen you. She blamed herself, for if she had never bitten her tongue, then maybe her boss wouldn’t have harmed you. Instead of being the person she wished she could be, she had only lowered you down to her level, or what she saw herself as. Corin bit her lip, watching you struggle to stand, knees buckling.
Pushing away Mr. Lycaon’s extended reach, she gently scooped your figure into her arms, careful not to let her shackles dig into your wings. “Please..um, my lord. Allow this servant to carry you out!” Corin tried to appease you so that you wouldn't shy away..
‘My lord’, she had called you. Her reference to your new title made your heart swell up with joy, and you relaxed in her hold, clearly pleased. Your head lay nestled in her arms as you chuckled weakly, keeping your head tucked so that the wolf from before did not appear in your peripheral. “Ha.. ha.. okay.”
Lycaon silently stood, allowing Corin to coddle you as you clearly trusted her. He didn’t want to agitate you any further. “Then let us return to the others.”
Corin treated you with the same tenderness that you had treated her injury, holding you against her chest as she followed along. If it were any other situation, she would’ve been proud of herself for being able to serve you like this, but it was her fault that she had caused your situation in the first place, so she swore to do her best to make it up to you. Her strides were smooth, careful not to jostle you as she and Mr. Lycaon made their way through the rocky terrain of the Hollow, to where the others were waiting at the exit.
“They’re back.” Ellen bit into her lollipop as she saw her co-workers return, getting up from her crouched position on the ground. Eous bounced up at her feet. “Lycaon, who is that?” Phaethon questioned, seeing the bat-thiren in Corin’s arms. The little bangboo pointed its stub at your limp figure.
“Shhh!” Corin lightly pleaded in a whisper. “They’re sleeping.”
“Please, allow me.” Rina hovered over attempting to lighten the load, but Corin only stepped back, shaking her head. “I can do it, really!”
Lycaon shook his head at Rina when she looked at him in query. “Prioritize the client first. I will inform you both at the debriefing tonight. Ellen, Corin, you two return back first. Alexandrina and I will meet up with the client to return the requested item and complete the commission.” Eous hopped into his arms. “Master Proxy, I will stop by later for your compensation.” The little bangboo nodded. “Okay, but you’ve gotta spill the tea later.”
Corin meekly followed behind with you in her arms.
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wwaheoh · 2 months
“Oops! You killed someone!” Victoria Housekeeping x gnReader, Angst + Comfort (Platonic)
Corin Wickes, Von Lycaon (+ Ellen Joe, + Alexandrina Sebastiane)
c/w: contains written depictions of graphic injury, blood, death, and shock (mental).
a/n: with a game with people using chainsaws, guns, guns that shoot black holes, and swords, i dont think hollow raiders are 100% safe. put ellen and alexandrina seperate since they’re not really major players in this
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As part of Victoria Housekeeping, your duty was to fulfill the orders of the Master, usually cleaning, guest service, and attending to the needs of the house. However Victoria Housekeeping also had a sort of open secret, with each member having high Ether Aptitude as well as being trained in combat, they also acted as guards to the Master and their estate. Usually it was general defense, to make sure no one breaks in or any guests get any unruly ideas and stash valuables into their coat or bag. Other times it was against Ethereals, enemies born from the Hollows whenever they were stationed within.
However this was the first time Hollow Raiders had been an issue, usually keeping away- either with much bigger scores that an abandoned building in the Hollow, but this specific building was home to a millionaire, having been evacuated due to the spontaneous expansion of a new Hollow Zone. Leading to an eager group of Raiders to break in.
It had been something you were prepared for, weapon in hand and your team close by. Miss Rina had notified everyone about the incoming Raiders, with the others rounding close to your location- being the main entry point that the Hollow Raiders were predicted to enter through.
Clashing against the large group, steel hit steel, yelling and screams as bodies were thrown several feet away and knocked out. It was feeling like a cakewalk, having been taught by some of the best in the business, it was all just following through what you had been trained for.
At least it was until one of the remaining Hollow Raiders attacked you from behind as you were catching your breath- a mistake, Mister Lycaon always tried to drill into everyone’s heads that the danger should not be deemed as passed until there were no enemies around and the rest of the team had arrived to back you up.
You fell to the ground, hitting the marble underneath with a thump- dazed as you attempted to gain your bearings. Strong hands wrapped themselves around your throat, the pressure putting your brain back into alert mode. Your vision refocused onto a cracked helmet, the image of a Hollow Raider logo shining down on you- unable to move with their weight holding you down. Attempting to pry their hands off- several desperate attempts before realizing it was in vain. Darkness crawled from the edge of your vision as you breathing quickened but became more shallow with the pressure on your airway.
As you desperately looked for the others or something to give you even a few more seconds, you felt an object at the edge of your fingertips. Tapping it closer, you grabbed onto it- something sturdy, the weapon they dropped on the ground before going in to choke you. Harsh grip, you turned as much as you can, swinging your arm and hitting them with the object you grabbed as hard as you could.
Crushing through the glass of the helmet, Hollow Raiders often worse, the weapon hit your target. It was a lot softer than you imagined, as if it was dug deep into something.
Liquid spurted out, splashing blots onto the ground. Their grip on your neck loosened nearly immediately.
Warmth trickled onto your face. The weight of the Hollow Raider that had previously been crushing you fell to the side, limp- and now unmoving.
The world was quiet. Only faintly could you hear a familiar voice yelling before quickly taking out and chasing away the remaining Raiders.
The weapon handle was still in your grip, a worn plastic grip attached to a long steel blade. It was covered in red. Underneath you and the Hollow Raider was a puddle of the same red. The pristine whites of your uniform dyed red, black a shade darker.
Then the world became loud.
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Corin had been the first to find you, being stationed closest, she charged in after quickly locking in on the enemies. Chainsaw revving to life, she spun forward, slashing at the Hollow Raiders with the battle cry of, “Ahh! Ge~et awa~ay!!” Blood spewed out- injuries that would definitely hurt but nothing fatal- or atleast with medical attention. It was one of the only good things she could recognize, having been taught how to expertly take out enemies without outright killing them, despite the very real threat her- and every one of their weapons brought.
Finally chasing out the rest of the enemies, she turned to look back at you, “Are you-” she stopped, seeing you with a lost look in your eyes. A look she recognized- having seen it on herself and Ellen before. “O-oh no, uhm,” She quickly stopped her weapon and approached, trying not to just wait for someone else to arrive out of fear of messing up helping you- but still apprehensive due to those very same thoughts.
Gently she came closer, remembering what Lycaon and Rina had done for her when she had undergone the same situation. Remembering what she had nearly done wrong with Ellen before Lycaon stepped in.
“Are you hurt?” “...” She looked you over, not seeing any blood coming out of you. “Can you hear me?” You nod. “It’s not your fault- you did what you had to do.” You stare at her, flashes of the corpse beside you flashing before you. “O-okay, uhm, Mister Lycaon and everyone should be here soon.” You perked up at the mention of the others- with everyone else here and no alive active enemies, you’ll be safe. “What happened was something bad. It makes sense for you to be scared.”
You sat there, heartbeat ringing in your ears as you struggled not to think about the corpse beside you. The corpse beside you. There was a corpse next to you. Their blood was on you. The scent of iron-
“You sit here and we’ll wait for the others. What do you want to do?” “I… want to wait for Mister Lycaon…” “He'll be here soon, it'll all be okay."
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And true to her word, the others rounded the corner, prepared to fight. However, quickly Mister Lycaon and Miss Alexandrina assessed what was going on and rushed forward. Nodding to Corin, Mister Lycaon took charge, kneeling in front of you. Corin went to Ellen to inform her of your situation. Alexandrina watched over you, sending Anastella and Drusilla to do a perimeter check. At the sight of them all, you finally broke. It felt as if your whole body crashed and you fully awoke again, tears welling up as you jumped to embrace Mister Lycaon. You were safe. He softly embraced you back, warm muscular body like a shield against anyone outside of Victoria Housekeeping to approach.
“You’re okay, we’re here now.”
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agoldenchara · 2 months
the first chapter was actually really good like i’m actually excited to see what you have in store for this 😭
oh.. y'know !
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agoldenchara · 2 months
A Bat's Ultimate Plan for Vengeance!
Ch. 2: Absolute goosebumps! What the hell?!
CW: Rina's food. W/C: 2.9k
Though he was upset at your behavior, Mr. Lycaon took no action to move you, nor did he raise his voice. “When our client comes, it is your agreed duty to maintain the reputation of our establishment.” “Fine, fine.” You scoffed. Just at the delivery of your remark, the door to the foyer swung open.
Softness blanketed around you, bringing a source of unfamiliarity and discomfort. Your body ached lightly while your wings twitched numbly beneath your form on the mattress. ‘…. That's weird.. Why is the ground so soft?’ 
Opening your eyes, you squinted as the coffered ceiling came into focus. The room was dimly lit for your comfort, curtains blacking out the sunlight. The comfort of the situation made you feel fuzzy and warm…’This is wrong’. You jolted up.
“Ahh! Please lay down, my lord!” Your servant from beside you sat up from your bedside and pushed you back into the mattress. “You're still injured from before,” she sniffed. The memory of cold hard metal returned to you, leaving your chest pulsing and aching. “...My dear lackey..” You began by clearing your throat, staring back up at the ceiling, “Just where have you brought me?”
“Uhm, you're at the café the Victoria Housekeeping Co. uses as their front.” She rambled, hoping to satiate your curiosity. You didn't interrupt, favoring to listen instead. “We’re a human resource dispatch agency… We do normal housekeeping, but sometimes we venture into the hollows if we're asked to! The aristocrats like our cafe, and it gives privacy for our clients when they want to hire us. Mr. Lycaon is the boss around here, but Ms. Sebastiane is like the second boss. Ah, wait, you haven’t met her yet..sorry..”
“Hmm.. really?” Corin made a noise of agreement, though it sounded like a squeak instead. “You guys sound like mercenaries. Or like. Assassins. Does that mean you.. can't serve me?” Corin silently helped you sit up as you leaned forward, piling more pillows behind for you to lean on. She opened her mouth to respond, but three knocks on the door interrupted.
Corin pursed her lips, pausing, and turning to answer the door. From behind her, you could make out the intimidating figure of the wolf-thiren from before. “How is he?”
The girl twiddled her fingers nervously. “Mr. Lycaon! They're awake. Would you like to talk to him?” Without answer, she moved aside to let Lycaon through the door. “If that is alright with them,” He responded stiffly.
Corin looked at you, and you looked away, but you still nodded. This wasn't your territory, but his. 
He walked forward to your side. Each step he took against the tiled floors made you want to curl in on yourself again. As the distance between you two shortened, you had to forcibly keep your hand from shaking beneath the blanket. “Master..” He tried, but you only bit your lip harder. 
“Y/N.” You corrected him, not willing to accept the title. Though you boldly said so, you refused to make eye contact, staring at the blanket below you. Somewhere in thought, you realized that they had changed your clothes. Gone was the ragged sleeveless bodysuit you wore, replaced by a pristine white button up and black shorts. You couldn't tell if you liked this change or not.
“Sir Y/N, do you have anywhere to return?” 
“Hmph. I don't need anybody else but Corin by my side. Those loser batholes don't deserve me anyway.” You crossed your arms in defiance, attempting to look smug, but that only put pressure on your chest. You wheezed lightly and uncrossed your arms.
From Lycaon’s eyes, you looked like a kicked puppy instead, ostracized and left alone. Corin perked up and tugged at his sleeve, gesturing for him to bend down so that she could reach his ear. The two whispered back and forth, Lycaon clearly hesitating, but giving in with a sigh. He did not put up much of a fight. Corin beamed, blinking away the tears that had formed from her pleading.
She gently grasped your hands, “Why don’t don't you join us, my lord?” 
The longer you stared at her, the more she grew puppy-eyed, lips trembling in embarrassment. “That is.. if you want to..” She trailed off, flushing at your lack of response.
You were torn. Would you stoop as low as to become a servant yourself? “But.. how am I supposed to be seen as a top-notch villain when I'm out there serving others? No one's going to see me as imposing!” Corin side-eyed her boss before looking back at you, letting go of your hands. “S-so you don't want to stay with me? I'm- I'm so sorry for assuming! You probably don't want to be with someone like-”
Before she could completely let go, you held on tighter. “Now, hold on!” She stopped. “If the corporate pyramid scheme is truly a pyramid, then there's absolutely nothing that’s stopping me from climbing it. Your company will be my stepping stone to success! Therefore, you will have me.” Declaring your plans, you clenched a fist up, as if solidifying your emotions.
“So.. you will join!” 
“Yes, my dear lackey. That’s what I just said.”
Lycaon- Er, I guess Mr. Lycaon now, cleared his throat after allowing the two of you to have your moment. Seeing as you weren't truly a harm to the agency, he decided to allow you to continue your theatrics, though it would have to be toned down when you were inevitably allowed to interact with the clients. The two of you paused and stared at him, blinking owlishly. He felt as if he had interrupted something between you two.
“Then, in the meantime, we shall have you accommodated. After you're deemed healthy enough to move out and about, your training will begin.”
You nodded at your new superior. Corin raised her hand from beside you, “I can help you.. if you'd let me..”
You swung your arm around her, forcing her to lean closer to your bedside. “I wouldn't have it any other way, my dear servant.”
You realized that it would take you a while to get adjusted to not only the new etiquette of the agency, but to not being constantly out and about as well. Instead of hunting for critters, you were granted packets of thiren-specialized… food, your taste buds unable to cope with the palate of homemade dishes that Rina served you. Lycaon allowed Corin to tend to you especially, Rina encouraging this so that Corin could gain more experience as well as confidence.
“It’s just this way, my lord…!” Corin guided you, your hand on her shoulder as she led you towards the kitchen. You slumped your head over her shoulder dramatically, careful not to put pressure on your bruised ribs. “Ueheuhehh.. I’m so hungry...I could eat a..” Corin nodded. “Yes, Ms. Sebastiane told me that recovering can take a lot out of the body, s-so she said that she would cook up a special remedy for you.” Corin had a good feeling about this dish in her heart, though in her head.. She feared that you would not last. “Um.. if you don’t want to eat it, it’s okay. Don’t force yourself..!” The two of you made your way through the velvet carpeted floors which blanketed the checkered tiles, passing through the beams of sunlight which streamed through the window. Your shadows phased and glided across the floor, dancing between each fleck of light.
Past the double doors was the dining room, where Rina glided to and fro, her skirt swishing delicately as her bangboo spun past, delivering cutlery to their designated places beside the engraved charger plates. “Ah! Corin, little lord. You’ve arrived on time.” “I’m not little.” You replied on reflex. “Wow, this place is super fancy. I’ve only seen stuff like this in movies. Do you all normally have lunch together?” You questioned as you sat, the little bangboo with braids pushing in your chair. You watched the puppets curiously as they twirled about the room, not unlike fairies. The blonde bangboo pushed the dining cart closer as Ms. Sebastiane lifted the lid to the pot, stirring the ladle, the braided one bringing her more plates. “No, unfortunately not. Lycaon will not be joining us because he will be preparing for the arrival of our next client. Ellen is out with her friends at the moment. Sometimes, we all have shifts at different times, according to our clients. This is a special occasion.” Corin spoke up from behind your chair, “Miss..Is it okay if he tries a small serving? I think he should see if he likes it first..” “Well, if you say so~” Rina gently placed down the plate before you, pointing at the specific cutlery you needed. “Remember, outside inwards.” “Right…” You began to sweat. “Nothing that the likes of me can’t handle! Ahaha..” The soup appeared downright unappealing, the broth swirling like purple miasma. It bubbled with unidentified ingredients, shifting around the soup on their own. The soup actually lacked a distinct smell despite its appearance, but seeing as it was soup, that was worrying. You gulped. Corin was practically shaking behind you in fear and worry. If you listened closely, you could hear the beating heart of her bear plush speed up to match its owner’s.
Quickly, you placed the spoon into your mouth, gulping down the soup. 
Immediately, shivers ran down your spine, and you dropped the spoon back onto the plate with a clang.  Complex flavors flooded your senses and the texture of the liquid was indescribable. Your mouth tingled and your throat numbed as the spices left its aftertaste, the particles roughly sliding down. You’d never tasted anything like it. A gasp was heard behind you. “How is it?”
“G-goosebumps..” You hung your head in shock, though Rina took it positively. You could still feel the warm soup make its way to its destination, burning through your gut. In restrained excitement, she prattled off the exotic list of ingredients she had acquired for the recipe. You recognized none of the herbs or spices used, but Corin seemed to grow paler and paler. “Ms. Sebastiane..” You weakly began, though she corrected you. “Please, call me Rina. We’re soon to be co-workers.” And perhaps her new taste-tester, seeing as you had reacted so strongly.
“Rina… I don’t think anything you listed off is healthy for me..I’ve never been fed those things.” Her dolls giggled behind her, mocking your reaction. One of them hung their head like a limp doll while the other exaggerated you by choking on air and falling over. “What a shame. I’ve heard many call this recipe reenergizing, but I wouldn’t want to force it upon you if you cannot stomach it. It’d only be worse for you in the long run.” She turned to Corin, “Dear, would you like to help me finish off the soup?”
Said girl stuttered and quickly shook her head, headband almost coming loose in the process. “N-No thank you! I’m not hungry.”
Later, Corin would bow to you repeatedly as you downed nutritional packets that you had found in the back of the cupboards, promising to cook for you the next time as an apology. “I get to try your cooking?!” Your head shot out of the compartment in surprise.
The maid nodded meekly as you chewed on the plastic, your teeth piercing through. “Well why didn’t you say so? You’re mine right? Make that an everyday thing and we have a deal!” You pointed at her from halfway within the shelf, your other hand continuing to unwrap the prepackaged meals. “Ahh! D-deal! Please slow down..” 
You were granted a small wardrobe of your own that fit the aesthetic of the company. Not quite the uniform, the clothing given to you was both flowy in order to appear elegant, and form fitting at certain points to allow for mobility when you wanted to be more active.
Active, as in.. “Sir Y/N, please come down from the ceiling, or I will have to call Rina to fetch you.” Lycaon sighed as he found you perched upside down on the chandelier, swinging lightly. From beside him, Ellen stood uninterested, tapping away at her phone while leaning on the side of the guest sofa. You clicked your tongue disrespectfully, “Well, you’re no fun, Mr. Lycaon. Rina only captures me because you tell her to. Why don’t you just come up here instead? Didn’t you tell me I had to watch? I can see the whole room from here!” You taunted him, watching as he narrowed his eyes. You wrapped your wings around yourself in a cocoon as your knees bent around the metal frame.
Though he was upset at your behavior, Mr. Lycaon took no action to move you, nor did he raise his voice. “When our client comes, it is your agreed duty to maintain the reputation of our establishment.”
“Fine, fine.” You scoffed.
Just at the delivery of your remark, the door to the foyer swung open. Rina walked through, stopping to acknowledge the person following. “After you.” She bowed her head and folded her hands, awaiting their entrance. 
With a silent ‘swoop’, you appeared to the right of Ellen as Lycaon side-eyed you, sparing no more than a glance. You winked and mouthed the words ‘eyes and ears’.
Your boss stepped forward to greet the client. As if a hidden cue played, the attendants of Victoria Housekeeping Co. bowed simultaneously, minus you. Ellen sighed inaudibly and pushed your head down so that you were unable to make eye contact with the aristocrat, or embarrass them.
“Thank you for using the Victoria Housekeeping, where your wish is our command, Master. Please, make yourself comfortable.” Lycaon greeted the client, and only sat when the client did so. From beside, Rina poured out tea, her bangboo delivering the cups.
From behind the sofa, you could tell the guy was oddly young. His coat looked elaborate, yet colorfully pleasing, and his rings glimmered from his fingers, the gems in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Though, his most noticeable feature was his long purple hair, which was tied into a low side ponytail. In fact, he looked so regal that if he had sat still enough, people would assume the scene to be a portrait of an unnamed historical figure. 
All in all, this person seemed very unreal to you.
“Let’s.. skip over the pleasantries, shall we?” The client began, placing both hands on his decorative cane. “I’d like to request a few of your attendants to work as temporary bodyguards for my daughter. I’m afraid that one’s a bit too rambunctious for her own good, always sneaking out somewhere.”
He exaggeratedly sighed, like the noble he was. “That girl will probably go and get lost somewhere, and I really need to keep an eye on her. I’ll be away for two weeks, so it’ll probably be in that timeframe.” From behind the man, you silently mimicked his sigh, placing a hand on your forehead in mock worry. Ellen pinched your arm. “Is that something you can do?”
Lycaon nodded in understanding. “Yes, our services do include protection. Is there anybody you would like to request, in particular?”
The man leaned back into the sofa and gestured a hand to his side. The side that you and Ellen were standing at. You began to sweat.
“How about these two?” The butler hesitated. “Master, I’m afraid that will not be possible. Those two are not full time workers. Furthermore, I have yet to train the other. He is simply here for observation.” The man waved a hand in dismissal. “Bah, it’s fine! I’ll just pay extra for the overtime. Young workers like that, right? Besides, people who are a little feisty are perfect for my daughter.” He leaned forward and picked up the teacup, placing the rim of the cup against his lips to test the temperature. “The girl always complains about how stiff her personal maids are. Those two look like they can keep in line enough.” Lycaon hardened his eyes. “Master, no amount of payment shall sway me to jeopardize the completion of the commission nor the safety of my workers if I do not believe them to be ready.” “Can’t he just have training on the job? There’s nothing like on-the-field experience, so I’ve heard.” The man grew increasingly agitated at the resistance, though he smoothed it away with a sip of the tea. “How about just the shark girl?” Lycaon looked to the both of you for your opinions on the matter. Even if he was your employer, he prioritized your decisions first. You and Ellen looked at each other. 
‘What do you think?’ You raised an eyebrow. 
She nodded her head in the direction of the man. ‘Do you wanna do it?’ She seemed to signal back. The two of you looked back at Mr. Lycaon. 
You nodded and grinned while Ellen shrugged uncaringly.
Ellen looked back at you and also nodded in agreement with you, though still shrugging.
Lycaon looked back at the man, him tapping impatiently at the rim of the cup, his cane lay leaning against his leg. “So?”
Lycaon held back another sigh. “Your selected attendants shall do their best to carry out your wishes.” His response pleased the man. “Wonderful. I expect them to be ready at this address by tonight.” He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a thin business card. Lycaon received the card with both paws and stood to bow. This time, the entirety of the Victoria Housekeep bowed along. “Thank you for reaching out to us. We hope to meet your expectations throughout the duration of our partnership.”
“As promised, I’ll send over a check for half of the commission.” The man stood with his cane and gleefully sauntered out the room, Rina escorting him out.
Lycaon looked back at the two of you, signaling you both to follow him. It seemed like your smooth recovery at the household would be briefly interrupted.
[Wait, backtrack!] [Onwards!]
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