#wise (zzz)
ihaznoclue · 2 days
Hiiiii!! I really love your ZZZ content and wanted to make a request! Could I request Wise, Grace, Nicole and Von Lycaon with a partner that loves to dote on and take care of them (cooking their meals, reminding them to take a shower, etc.)?
TYSM!! <3
Pairings -> Wise, Grace Howard, Nicole Demara, Von Lycaon
Warnings -> none
Note -> Reader taking care of their partner
Genre -> fluff
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Okay so we all know this guy is working his ass off every day
Like taking care of the video store as well as doing commissions with belle
And other stuff that makes him forget to take care of himself
That's when you come in as his partner always reminding him to do stuff
Like eating, drinking and taking care of himself and not burning himself out
You would also drag him to bed sometimes since he is always up late doing his other work
But in the end you always win
Wise doesn't mind you helping him even now and then and he's grateful to have you always taking care of him
But he can sometimes always get in his mind and you would always have to remind him to take better care of himself
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Grace Howard
Okay Grace is a way to always be stuck fixing her technology as well as her babies
Sometimes the machines never works and that causes her to work overtime sometimes
And you always feel bad for Grace
You're her partner, you always remind her to take a rest ever now and then but she can sometimes get into things too much to make her go crazy
You would have to calm her and take her with you to bed in her little dorm room
She's thankful she has you with her and that she choose the right person
You always remind her to always stay healthy and to always take a break ever now and then
You would sometimes help her with her machinery to make things faster and easier
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Nicole Demara
Okay so I know this girl is trying to do everything in order as well as money to pay her debts and other stuff
So you would always help her with money and to make sure she would take a break because she's always busy
She very thankful of you helping her as well as her friends
But you guys would take a break on that and have some chill time together in her room
You would be playing with her hair as she lays on your lap to relax
She felt like she was being helped by an angel
She would also tell stories from her missions on just stuff in general as you play with her hair
Then eventually she would fall asleep from your soft touches
This girl also needs a break for sure
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Von Lycaon
Do I need to say that THIS MAN NEED A GOD DAMN BREAK
He's always cleaning, making sure everything is in order, making sure his work members are in a good condition as well as their weapons
He even makes sure that his clients are well taken care of as well as taking care of their commissions
So that's when you come in, his partner that can't stand to bear to see him working his ass off
So you would ask him to come with you and you would trick him sometimes into having a break from work
He feels defeated as you ask him to get comfy and take a clean shower and then you guys would have cuddles
His tail would wag as that request so he simply nods
And when he comes back, he's such a puppy
Asking for pets and well as ear scratches
That would sure make him fall asleep
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yurieater69 · 3 months
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sirrellin · 2 months
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all i have to offer is this, have a great day
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appo777yon · 1 month
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new update
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salmonlyster · 2 months
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someone make up a good ship name for these two while i go crazy
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charliethechandelure · 3 months
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zuistarri · 3 months
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I legit cannot stop playing this game lmao
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fabriahh · 3 months
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postmoe · 3 months
Wise x
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ok hear me out-
yandere, smutty, sharing, reader degradation
Scenario 1:
You're a solo agent who has relied on Phatheon - relied on Wise - for years. Being in such crippling debt is not ideal, the only way you can really pay off anything is through the hollows. You're just lucky to have such a doting Proxy.
It's scary fighting all those monsters, but, with such a handy companion, you know you're safe. Even so, it can get very embarrassing.
"Didn't you wear that underwear yesterday?"
"You really don't leave much to the imagination, do ya, (Y/n)?"
"I'll jump first, just make sure to land on my face, 'kay?"
You can try and retaliate, but, if you don't show up wearing a skirt or change inside the hollow, then he's just going to sit there and not lead you. Complaining and pushing him does nothing, he may as well just be disconnected.
At least, if you're ever being chased on the 'safe' side by other gangs or some criminal or public secs, you can hide safely in his bedroom. In his bed. Him in you.
Well, you have to thank him for being so kind, don't you? It's only polite.
Don't even think about asking other Proxys for help, he'll easily overshadow them or spread misinformation. Honestly, no one wants to get on Phatheon's bad side anyway.
Whether it's him or his Bangboo, you can bet he's going to be one annoying, clingy pervert.
Scenario 2
You're part of the Cunning Hares. You join thinking you're going to help make some cash to survive on the streets, only for Nicole to throw you to Wise as "Interest on their outstanding payment with Phatheon."
Cue you sitting between his legs while he's at his computer, soft cock just warming up in your mouth. Docile you is too meek to do anything about it, especially when your wrists are cuffed to the legs or arms of his chair.
If you want to talk you have to get his attention somehow, don't remove your mouth unless he explicitly says you can. Otherwise, a good spanking is in order.
Nicole ain't gonna bust you out, either. She'll be telling you to up the performance in hopes of getting even more shaved off the bill.
If you're lucky (not), Wise will invite Billy in for some fun. "How about it, let her grind on your face while she sucks my cock?"
All the eager to comply, you're soon letting the robot explore you while you actively please your employer's proxy with your mouth. The three of you sure make a cute trio.
It's rare you go on hunts with them, though if you do, you're usually stuck on supply duty. Can't risk you unable to 'work', yanno? Leave the fighting to the professionals, and you can stick with what you're good at!
It also makes for some fun moments between you, Billy and the Bangboo.
You just exist to be bullied, it seems.
... ... ...
Wise will make sure you're completely dependent on him. If you need money, food, a roof over your head then you better believe it's him you go to. In a world with Hollows, gangs, corrupted law, it's not that hard to 'fake' an accident if you went elsewhere.
He's not worried about you running around and leaving the store, as long as you know you to come back when you've got it out of your system. He's not above punishment and chaining you up.
Don't believe his calm and collected responses, just pay attention to his eyes and you're bound to notice what kind of emotion he's emitting.
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amethiosspouse · 2 months
"Wise is so ugly, he's just another generic male MC." BITCH UGLY WHERE?????
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"His 3D model is ugly." UGLY WHERE????
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detrimonious · 2 months
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von borzoi
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missrosiesworld · 2 months
The Proxy is Crushing?
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Here are some cute headcanons for Wise when he has a crush:
Nervous and Fidgety: Wise tends to become visibly nervous around his crush. His usually calm demeanor becomes more anxious, often shifting his weight from one foot to the other or playing with his hands.
Crush: "Do you have any good documentary recommendations? I’ve been wanting to learn more about ancient civilizations."
Wise, fidgeting with a VHS tape and shifting his weight: "Oh, um, yes! There’s this amazing documentary about the history of Mesopotamia. It's really detailed and fascinating. I, uh, could lend you a copy if you'd like?"
Thoughtful Gestures: Wise pays close attention to the little details about his crush, often remembering their favorite things and surprising them with thoughtful actions. 
Wise, handing a fresh cup of coffee: "Here, I thought you might need this."
Crush, pleasantly surprised as they smell the coffee: "You remembered my favorite coffee blend?"
Wise, smiling shyly: "Yeah, I thought you might need a pick-me-up. I remembered you mentioned it last week."
Blushing: Despite his typically composed nature, Wise can’t help but blush when his crush compliments him or gets too close. 
Wise is organizing some VHS tapes on a shelf, focused on his task. He’s been chatting with his crush about the latest movie releases. 
Crush, smiling warmly: "You look really nice today."
Wise, momentarily stunned and turning to face them, cheeks flushing: "Oh, uh, thanks! You... you look great too."
Overthinking: Wise often overanalyzes his interactions with his crush, replaying conversations in his mind and wondering what they meant by certain comments. He can get caught in a loop of second-guessing himself.
Crush gives Wise a compliment.
Crush: "You always have the best ideas!"
Later, Wise confides in Belle: "Do you think they meant that? Or were they just being nice? Maybe I read too much into it..."
Subtle Compliments: He praises his crush's intelligence, sense of humor, or unique qualities, always in a subtle, genuine way.
Crush: "I'm not sure if I can pull this off."
Wise, sincerely: "You always surprise me with how capable you are. I believe in you."
Protective Streak: Wise becomes more protective of his crush, always looking out for their safety and well-being.
Crush: "I'm thinking of going into the Hollow alone."
Wise, concerned: "Alone? No way. It's too dangerous. Let me come with you."
Daydreaming: Wise often finds himself daydreaming about spending time with his crush. He imagines different scenarios, from fun outings to quiet, intimate moments.
Wise is sitting at the counter, staring out the window with a distant look in his eyes. He’s imagining a cozy afternoon at home, snuggled up on the bed with his crush. They’re wrapped in a warm blanket, watching a movie together, with his crush resting their head on his chest.
Belle, waving a hand in front of his face: "Hello, Earth to Wise!"
Wise, snapping out of it and shaking his head slightly: "Oh, sorry! Just...thinking about something."
Nervous Laughter: Wise tends to laugh nervously when he's flustered, trying to cover up his feelings with humor.
Crush, noticing Wise's slightly tense posture: "You seem nervous. Everything okay?"
Wise, laughing nervously while rubbing the back of his neck: "Me? Nervous? Nah, just, uh, excited, I guess."
Crush, raising an eyebrow playfully: "Excited, huh? About what?"
Wise, still chuckling awkwardly as his cheeks flush: "Oh, you know... just the usual stuff. Nothing major."
Confiding in Belle: He secretly confides in Belle about his feelings, seeking advice but often regretting it when she teases him.
Wise talks to Belle about his crush.
Wise: "I can't stop thinking about them. What if they don't feel the same?"
Belle, teasing: "You? Overthinking? Never. Just be yourself, Wise. They already seem to like you."
Subtle Flirting: Wise tries to flirt subtly, using clever wordplay and teasing remarks, hoping to gauge his crush's reaction.
Crush, looking around the carefully set-up room: "Did you really plan all this?"
Wise, with a soft smile and a hint of teasing in his voice: "Maybe. I had to impress you somehow, right?"
Crush, smiling warmly: "Oh, I'm definitely impressed. I didn't know you had such a sweet side."
Wise, chuckling gently: "Well, I guess you bring out the best in me." He looks at them with genuine affection, his eyes warm. "Besides, I think you're worth the effort."
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yurieater69 · 2 months
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hayw1res · 2 months
Can I request headcanons for ZZZ Anton, Ben, Wise, and Lycaon being stuck in close proximity with his GN crush please?
♡﹒﹒ 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 !
𝅄; synopsis: HC , getting a little too close for comfort ft Anton, Ben, Wise and Von Lycaon
𝅄; warnings: none! , fluff, flirting , humor , GN! Reader
𝅄; a/n: ill be answering my requests more frequently now! if you sent a request earlier don’t worry i will be posting those soon as well! also i dont know much about Anton so sorry if hes a bit ooc! not proofread
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You and Anton were pretty close friends at this point and often would run errands together for Koleda or Grace, today was just one of those days. You were taking spare parts to another company , Anton accompanied you of course. You made it to the first floor of the large building, the elevator was just a bit too small for the two of you especially due to his rather muscular build. It was a bit of tight squeeze up almost 13 floors..
the damn elevator was so cramped you swore you could feel the rise and fall of Antons chest with how close you were to him, how on EARTH was this thing certified? “Kinda..cramped in here isn’t it?” Anton spoke quietly, you were in close proximity after all. You looked up at him the best you could, but you could only laugh.. “What’s so funny—eh..” Anton looked down at you, your pretty eyes stared up at his and that’s when he realized just how close you two were, how his height compared to yours and just how pretty you looked from this angle.. so much so that he didn’t even hear you.
“Anton—Anton??” You called out to him, confused as to why he was just..looking at you? Anton snapped out of his trance and laughed awkwardly “WOW this elevator is slow isn’t it—doesn’t even feel like we’re goin anywhere” Surely he played that off cool enough. You snicker- “Anton I was telling you to push the button.. we haven’t moved.” Anton almost choked on his breath, turning to the array of buttons to see that he in fact.. did not push the button to the 13th floor..and you hadn’t been moving this whole time.
“I..I knew that.” He pushed the button to finally get you guys going, you could only smile at his cute demeanor..
“Course you did.”
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Ben probably has saved your life in the Hollows more than once at this point, he was intimidating and sometimes just his presence alone would scare off anyone bothering you, you truly felt comfortable and happy around him more than anyone..though you didn’t actually know his underlying feelings for you just yet. Unlike everyone else.. So when you get sent off on “special” requests for Koleda- you never question her knowing smirk.
you and Ben just left on another small “mission” for Koleda, just to retrieve some item from the Hollow? You didnt fully understand what she needed, or why she needed you two to go alone specifically- but you never questioned her judgement ! Ben was pretty much your guard…bear? while you searched around the Hollow in search for the missing item. Ben just honestly loved seeing you run around freely with no problems, of course you could fend for yourself but..nothing made him feel better than knowing that he was your protector and you relied on him for that.
“Ben! Think I found something here- down there!” You called to him as you leaned over the bar overhead a pretty dastardly fall- Ben walked over to you, worried that you may fall over.. “Careful there y/n…” He said softly as he stood behind you, and boy was his intuition right. Almost as soon as he said that you could feel yourself lose balance and almost fall down , if it wasn’t for large arms immediately grabbing you and pulling you back, down with him..
“Are you okay?! You had me nervous there you know—“ Ben panicked , his eyes finally opening to you sitting almost completely on his lap, fixing your hair from the tumble..you were so cute, you looked..perfect. “Ah—sorry Ben I got too excited again didnt I” You chuckle and make eye contact with him. The position you were in.. his arms still protectively around your waist and your hands on his chest. You both didnt speak, but after a few seconds you finally see it..
“…Thirens can blush?” You tease, his cheeks in fact had a pinkish red tint to them , you found it adorable.. in fact, you found A LOT about the bear pretty cute for someone so intimidating and strong.. “Well don’t just sit and stare..lets hurry up so we can get home and maybe test that theory?” You stand on your own feet now, and before Ben could..he swore his cheeks burned harder.
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Wise loved having you around when he and Belle did any proxy duties, you were not only great help around the store but you also hung out with the two of them as a close friend. On days when the two weren’t busy with commissions you usually would help out with whatever they needed- and occasionally go out with Belle or Wise when they needed to drop things off or maybe pick some things up. Today you went to the video store with Wise to pick up some new dvd’s for the store, the manager told you two about a few great movies they had in stock but unfortunately couldn’t reach, that was no problem for you two! It was just down the dark and creepy basement..
You and Wise crept down the dark room, only a flashlight in hand. Wise walked beside you , he laughed a bit at your nervousness- he found it adorable how at every creak you would slightly jump back. It wasn’t a hard search , just not a preferable one. “Wiseee come on.. its cold and creepy down here” You groaned as you held the light up for him as he searched through crates. “Yeah dont worry.. just hold it still okay?” He said back, holding back his grin.You swore he was moving slow on purpose , you almost completely lost it and ran back upstairs- the creepy factor increased with every passing second..
Wise was just about to turn with the few movies he found when he heard you shriek- he could barely react when you practically leapt into him! You surely weren’t thinking clearly and Wise was the only warm body around so.. to no surprise you went to him when you heard something fall behind you. You didn’t open your eyes until you felt his arms wrap around you, you looked up at him as you realize what just happened.. and there was that shit eating grin on his face, “Well if you wanted me to hold you..you could’ve just asked” He teased, his smirk turning to a fond smile as he felt you relax slightly in his arms. “Just—get the movies and lets go..” You mumble as you pull away , he nodded at you and took your hand this time, so you “wouldn’t get scared again”.
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Victoria Housekeeping was like a second family to you at this point, you weren’t a maid/butler at all but that didnt stop you from occasionally running with them into Hollows when they time needed, and this was one of those times. Luckily when you all split up to escape a rather large and dangerous crowd of ethereals , you ran with Von Lycaon.. the tall handsome wolf thiren. You knew with him by your side, you wouldn’t have to worry much.
“This way- quickly now.” He called to you as you both ran around the corner of what was like an abandoned school building, with Lycaon quick movement and sharp turns it was hard to keep up. He noticed this and decided it would be best for you two to hide. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into a supply closet nearby, though it ws quick thinking..he didnt take into account that it would be a rathe small and tight fit. You were quickly pressed against his chest as his arms came up above you to make at least some room..
“A-Apologies .. this is a rather odd position” He said calmly but the way he avoided eye contact made you think twice.. you and Lycaon had some small moments here and there that would be labeled as harmless flirting , but this felt different. “Im enjoying the view” You were quick to reply, your laugh caused the wolf to scoff a bit “Focus..” He mumbled .. but you could feel his tail increase in speed just a little after that comment..
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nicoledemaras · 1 month
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— ⟢ — ZENLESS ZONE ZERO — ⟣ — The person you are trying to reach is currently in a Hollow. — ⟢ — ACT ONE, SCENE ONE — ⟣ —
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rozkuruu · 2 months
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yeah. i'm not safe from the lycawise propaganda
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