generallygothic Β· 4 years
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"𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 π–˜π–†π–žπ–Šπ–˜π–™ π–™π–π–”π–š, π–Œπ–”π–”π–‰ π•Ύπ–†π–Žπ–“π–™ π•±π–—π–†π–“π–ˆπ–Žπ–˜? 'π•·π–Žπ–™π–™π–‘π–Š π•Ύπ–Žπ–˜π–™π–Šπ–— π•―π–Šπ–†π–™π–,' π–˜π–†π–Žπ–‰ π–™π–π–Š π–Œπ–”π–”π–‰ π•Ύπ–†π–Žπ–“π–™ π•±π–—π–†π–“π–ˆπ–Žπ–˜." - William Faulkner πŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈ A few days ago @matt.lune tagged me in the #candycanebookstack challenge. My little Faulkner collection called out to me with their bright red spines. Already shelved beside their white-spined southern kin, I knew I had to present a saccharine stack of southern gothic reads... They may not be the most festive reads, and they definitely display far more death than decadence, but they really are very good so I've decided it doesn't matter! The recent #generallygothicbookworm readalong that @gothicbookworm & I hosted was itself a southern gothic novel - 'Little Sister Death', by William Gay. The novel opens with a quote from Faulkner (partially quoted above), showing the former's respect for the latter and the interconnection between various works within a genre. As well as other southern gothic authors, Gay also took inspiration from local lore. πŸ“œ You can all about the 'true' haunting that influenced Gay's narrative at generallygothic.com now. πŸ”—: Link in bio to read 'Lore in "Little Sister Death'"'. There we are, that's the festive connection - we all know ghosts are a staple Christmas visitor... But more on that tomorrow! . #gothic #generallygothic #bookstack #bookstagram #bookstagramchallenge #bookworm #bookspines #williamfaulkner #williamgay #bookquote #quote #cormacmcarthy #flanneryoconnor #southerngothic #blogger #littlesisterdeath #spookynerd #readalong #blogpost #americangothic #americanliterature #christmas #decadenceandecay #candycane #winter https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZISLBgebQ/?igshid=15ms6isa9e1kp
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emilygraceillustration Β· 5 years
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Just monkeyin around 🐡 Inspired by #BloodMeridian . . #emilygraceillustration #illustration #characterdesign #characterdesignchallenge #storyboarding #narrative #storytelling #storyart #animalillustration #drawing #procreate #westernart #cowboys #horses #bonetomahawk #cormacmcarthy #apache #tomahawk https://www.instagram.com/p/B3rwaRsDVXi/?igshid=c1d3peelqf2v
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pegritz Β· 7 years
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This here book was MADE for reading on your porch on a late summer evening. Early Times! Best little old drink they is! #cormacmcarthy #suttree #books #bookstagram (at The Black Light Trap)
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mynameisarmitage89 Β· 3 years
Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent
Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West
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rideretremando Β· 3 years
Ricordo la prima volta che ho letto un racconto di #AliceMunro. Non sono mai stato un'adolescente della Huron County alla fine degli anni '40, ma quella ragazza ero io. Ricordo quando lessi "Seminario sulla gioventù" di #AldoBusi. Sono eterosessuale, ma tra quelle pagine ero #Barbino dall'inizio alla fine e lo sarò per sempre. Così come una cara amica con cui all'epoca ragionavo senza pace di #CormacMacCarhy mi assicurava di essere stata #JohnGrady per tutto "Cavalli selvaggi" e di esserlo anche mentre mi parlava. Ci trovammo d'accordo, dopo aver letto "Amatissima", sul fatto di essere entrambi #Sethe e #Denver.
La letteratura ha questa forza immutata. Riuscire a far crollare le differenze di nazionalità, di genere, di orientamento sessuale, addirittura di specie e di regno, certe volte. È una forza sempre rivoluzionaria e trasformativa. Non è una questione di contenuti, ma della prossimità, dell'intimità che si riesce a creare, attraverso un testo, tra tu che leggi e la storia.
Non cadete nell'inganno di correre dietro alla carrozza ideologica di chi pensa (a volte questo pensiero diventa una professione e una carriera) che solo i bianchi possano leggere i bianchi, solo i neri i neri, solo i maschi i maschi, solo le lesbiche le lesbiche, solo i gay i gay. Naturalmente vale anche per le traduzioni. Ho letto con molto interesse quanto hanno scritto in questi giorni amiche traduttrici come Martina Testa, Federica Aceto, Ilide Carmignani, Tiziana Lo Porto e altre e altri. Faccio l'esempio di Martina. So che (oltre il genere) molte cose la separano da #CormacMcarthy, eppure la sua traduzione di "Non Γ¨ un paese per vecchi" Γ¨ ineguagliabile. In quanto maschio di origini contadine e sottoproletarie nato in un luogo considerato svantaggiato da alcuni (il sud del paese) non ho mai pensato che la mia traduttrice olandese, in quanto donna e geograficamente privilegiata, non fosse in grado di "entrare" nelle storie che racconto.
Non puoi combattere il nemico usando le sue stesse armi e il suo stesso linguaggio, altrimenti sei giΓ  lui.
Nicola Lagioia
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generallygothic Β· 5 years
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"𝕬𝖓𝖉 π–‘π–Šπ–™ π–™π–π–Šπ–’ π–‡π–Š π–’π–Šπ–—π–—π–ž, 𝖆𝖑𝖑 π–π–†π–—π–›π–Šπ–˜π–™-π–™π–Žπ–’π–Š π–‘π–”π–“π–Œ." - Thomas Tusser πŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•·οΈ Written in 1973, Thomas Tryon's 'Harvest Home' is described as "superb thriller," "an unhinging experience," and "superbly haunting" (is 'superb' looking like a funny word to anyone else now too?). I've only glanced over the first chapter as I attempt to fly through the remainder of my current read (which is no easy task with a McCarthy 🀯), but I think [read: hope] I am in for an autumnal, folk horror delight. The plot focuses on a couple's move away from the city, with their daughter, to a tiny village untouched by time. I believe it's set in New England, USA, and that religion may play a role in the horror... But that's just conjecture from flipping through the pages. It's "Now a Universal TV Spectacular," starring Bette Davis, but seeing as 'now' is 40 years ago, I hope I can still find it to watch when I'm done! πŸ€”: Have any of you read this, or seen the TV adaptation? I'm in the mood for folk horror - any other recommendations? πŸ“”: This is absolutely not the cover I selected from the online list of 2nd hand copies... Whilst my actual selection was far more attractive, I love the taped up spine and (πŸ‘‰swipe) stamps of this one's history. Don't judge a book by its cover, right? . #harvesthome #bookcover #books #bookstagram #spookynerd #1970s #americanliterature #harvest #fall #autumn #newengland #folkhorror #cornwall #natureisgothic #generallygothic #gothic #exlibrarybooks #secondhandbooks #prelovedbooks #bettedavis #cormacmcarthy #currentlyreading #toberead #tbr https://www.instagram.com/p/B5EGqc0g5tt/?igshid=1n6rqlijiw1ez
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oceansinyoureyesss Β· 11 years
"He knew only that the child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke."
Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"
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