#corona third wave starts in india
ginazmemeoir · 3 years
dude theres some shit going down in india rn? and ofc i thought of texting u first, so whats the quick rundown
shit's always going down in India :D
eh well mmkay
1) zika virus came back
2) modi rearranged his cabinet, removing and adding and shuffling ministers and creating new ministries. 42% of his cabinet is comprised of criminals, and 90% of his cabinet is millionaires and one percenters.
3) the farmers protest has been going on now for 8 months. the govt as usual, does nothing.
4) corona cases have slowed down, leading to a boom in crowds and market footfalls. doctors predict possible third wave in august.
5) anti-india sentiments grow in maldives
6) the franco-indian deal involving the rafale fighter jets deal is scrutinized in french courts, which heavily reeks of corruption.
7) vaccine scandal in brazil, wherein most of the population is unvaccinated despite the govt having a huge stockpile of vaccines given by India. brazilian courts suspect India of foul play.
8) cairn energy wins lawsuit in international court and is now attempting to seize 1.7 billion USD worth Indian govt assets, starting with our overseas assets in France. that's right, fellow Indians, be prepared to be colonized again by britain, only this time it's not EIC it's Cairn Energy.
that's it.
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
The Fake “Delta Variant” and the Fourth Wave: Another Lockdown? Upcoming Financial Crash? Worldwide Economic and Social Sabotage?
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Is a new worldwide lockdown envisaged as a means to combating the “dangerous” Covid variant entitled “Delta”?
The fear campaign has once more gone into high gear.
Let me briefly review the history of this crisis.
There is a sequence of outright lies and fabrications used to justify far-reaching policy decisions in the course of the last 18 months.
The biggest lie, which is firmly acknowledged both by scientific opinion and the WHO is that the RT-PCR test used to “detect” the spread of the virus (as well as the variants) is not only flawed but TOTALLY INVALID. (Michel Chossudovsky, Chapter III)
From the outset in January 2020, all far-reaching policy decisions upheld and presented to the public as a “means to saving lives” were based on  flawed and invalid RT-PCR case positives coupled with false mortality data pertaining to Covid-19 related deaths: “The underlying Cause of death” is Covid-19 “more often or not”. No autopsy required
These Covid “estimates” were used to justify confinement, social distancing, the face mask, the prohibition of social gatherings, cultural and sports events, the closure of economic activity.
The crisis was marked by several important phases:
1. Crisis in Air Travel and International Transport
The calling of a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by the WHO Director General on January 30, 2020 was instrumental in launching the coronal crisis. There were 83 positive cases outside China out of a population of 6.4 billion. There was no emergency:  Ironically, the flawed and invalid RT-PCR test was used to estimate those 83 positive cases.
On the following day president Trump’s ordered the closing down of air travel with China which marked the onset of a crisis in International Air Travel and Transport which has extended its grip over a period of 18 months leading to the bankruptcy of airline companies Worldwide, the destruction of the tourist industry, a major crisis in commodity trade, etc.  This was a deliberate act to précipitate the demise of Air Travel Worldwide. There were 5 positive cases in the US, which were used to justify Trump’s decision on  January 31st, 2020.
2. The  February Financial Crash on February 20, 2020
It was the most serious financial crisis in World history, far surpassing that of 1929. It occurred immediately following “warnings” by the WHO that a covid-19 pandemic was imminent, thereby spearheading the fear campaign. There was  ample evidence of outright “conflict of interest” and fraud including foreknowledge, inside information, etc. which resulted in a massive concentration of money wealth by a handful of billionaires. That same day, millions of people Worldwide lost their lifelong savings. What was the justification for the WHO’s shock and awe statements. This imminent threat was based on 1078 (flawed) RT-PCR Covid positive cases outside China.
3. Barely three weeks later, the March 11, 2020 lockdown with 44,279 cases Worldwide outside China were used to justify home confinement, social distancing and the closure of economic activity Worldwide leading to poverty and mass unemployment.
And then in early November 2020 it was the launching of the MRNA “Killer Vaccine” which has resulted in a trend of mortality and morbidity. See the latest figures below.
EU/EEA/Switzerland to 28 August 2021 – 23,252 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 2,166,285 injuries, per EudraVigilance Database.
UK to 18 August 2021 – 1,609 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 1,165,636 injuries, per MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.
USA to 20 August 2021 – 13,627 Covid-19 injection related deathsand 2,932,001 injuries, per VAERS database.
TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 38,488 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 6,263,922 injuries reported as at 30 August 2021.
Nota Bene: It is important to be aware that the official figures above (reported to the health authorities) are but a small percentage of the actual figures. Furthermore, people continue to die (and suffer injury) from the injections with every day which passes. See D4CE Statement
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And now, starting in May-June 2021, we have the Delta Variant. It’s the new talking point.
The alleged dangers of the Delta Variant are being used to speed up the vaccination program as well as the imposition of the vaccine passport.
“A Fourth Wave” has already been announced.
Is a second Worlwide lockdown on the drawing board, requiring stay at home confinement, social distancing and the closure of economic activity coupled with another devastating financial crash similar to that which occurred on Black Thursday March 12, 2020?
The Deadly Variants Sustained by Media Disinformation and Fake Science
Media disinformation is a deadly weapon which sustains 24/7 the illusion of a dangerous SARS-2 Delta Variant.
First identified last year in India, The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant was  “thought to have driven the deadly second wave of infections this summer in India”. According to so-called “scientific opinion” it is now said to be spreading worldwide, to some 80 countries.
“Here’s the deal: The Delta variant is more contagious, it’s deadlier, and it’s spreading quickly around the world – leaving young, unvaccinated people more vulnerable than ever.”
That’s a lie.  The original virus categorized by the WHO and the CDC as “similar to seasonal influenza” is not a killer virus. Moreover, virus variants are always “less vigilant” and “less dangerous” than the original virus.
Joe Biden’s proposed “solution” is  “the Killer Vaccine”, which has already in the course of the last seven months resulted in countless deaths and injuries.
“Please, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Let’s head off this strain before it’s too late.” (emphasis added)
Health authorities are now claiming that the new cases of the Delta B1.617 variant, increase the risk of hospitalization by 2.7 times.
What is the “science” behind these assertions.
Ferguson’s Infamous Lockdown “Mathematical Model”
Ferguson’s March 2020 mathematical model based on “predictions” of 600,000 deaths in the UK borders on ridicule. It’s more than a lie. It’s a crime against humanity. It was used by the financial establishment as a justification to trigger economic and social chaos Worldwide. Ferguson’s endeavors have been generously funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The economic and social devastation of the March 2020 so-called lockdown is beyond description: 190 member states of the United Nations accepted to “close down” their national economy coupled with the face mask, social distancing and the derogation of fundamental human rights.
The stated intent was to protect people against V the Virus. The March 11 lockdown was followed by the Black Thursday “financial crash” (March 12, 2020), which created havoc on stock markets Worldwide. The March 11, 2020 lockdown was heralded as a means to containing the alleged “pandemic”. Nonsense.
“Mathematical Model” in Support of a “Fourth Wave”
And now a second authoritative “mathematical model” is being put forth to “justify” another lockdown.
The same “scientist” (Ferguson) has been called upon to design a new “mathematical model” which is being used to justify a “Fourth Wave Lockdown”.
The erroneous “assumption” behind the modelling exercise is that the Delta Variant is “deadly”.
“New modelling for the government’s SAGE committee of experts [to which Ferguson belongs] has highlighted the risk of a “substantial third wave” of infections and hospitalisations, ….” The official outlook is “now more pessimistic”.  (BBC Report, June 2021, emphasis added).
According to Prof Neil Ferguson:
“the Delta variant of coronavirus is 30% to 100% more transmissible than the previously dominant variant”. (quoted by the Guardian).
Where does Ferguson get his data and estimates? The flawed and invalid RT-PCR test?
What he fails to mention is that virus variants are always “less vigilant” and “less dangerous” in comparison to the original virus. And how does he establish the “identity” of the original virus?
Both British and UK officials are intimating the possibility of a Fourth Wave lockdown, tentatively scheduled for next Autumn.
According to Britain’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty (member of the SAGE Committee)
“The NHS needs to brace itself for another difficult winter ahead, with the possibility of a further “very significant Covid surge”.
According to the SPI-M modelling sub-group of the government’s SAGE panel (to which Whitty and Ferguson belong):
“restrictions would have to be reintroduced”. … the Delta variant posed a “higher risk of hospitalisations”
These announcements are frivolous. Their intent is to justify drastic policy measures (lockdown, mask, social distancing, closure of economic activity, disruption of health services) as well as the speeding up of the vaccination programme and the repression of the protest movement.
Moreover, the statements by British, US and EU health officials regarding the so-called spread of “the more infectious Delta variant” are now also being used to justify the implementation of  “Fourth Wave” lockdown policies internationally in a large number of countries.
The World Economic Forum to the Rescue
The World Economic Forum (WEF) which represents the financial elites, played a key role in the launching of the March 11, 2020 lockdown. And now what they are saying is that another devastating Worldwide economic and social crisis is likely to occur in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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In recent developments, the World Economic Forum (WEF) which co-sponsored Event 201, the table top simulation of the corona pandemic together with John Hopkins and the Gates Foundation in October 2019, is now involved in another strategic exercise entitled Concept 2021. The latter is described as an “international capacity building initiative aimed at raising the global cyber resilience”.  It is not a table top simulation comparable to Event 201.
Last year it was conducted at the height of the lockdown via video conferencing. This year the 2021 Conference “discussed the “key risks of digitalisation”.
Those participating in the Cyber Polygon Exercise (2020) included high tech companies including IBM, numerous banks and financial institutions, internet companies, cyber security agencies, corporate and government media, think tanks, law enforcement agencies including Interpol with representatives from 48 countries. The exercise is an obvious means to secure reliable partners and develop strategic alliances. In this regard, there were numerous representatives from Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union, including major Russian banking interests, communications and media companies. All in all 42 partners. No corporate /governmental partner from China.
There was also a training program with 200 teams from 48 countries.
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Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Director of the WEF and architect of the “Great Reset” describes the crisis scenario as follows:
“The frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.” (emphasis added)
Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Managing Director:
“I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.” (emphasis added)
The implications of these bold “predictions” which represent the interests of the financial establishment are far-reaching.
What they describe is a scenario of economic and social chaos involving the disruption of communications systems, the internet, financial and money transactions (including SWIFT), the power grid, global transportation, commodity trade, etc., as well as likely “geopolitical dislocations”.
The opening session (July 2021) of Cyber Polygon 2021 was conducted (video below) by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin together with the Director General of the WEF Klaus Schwab.
Is this scenario a dress rehearsal for a forthcoming cyber crisis?
Why was China excluded from the Cyber Polygon Exercise? The major partners were from the former Soviet block.
Is the Covid Agenda Part of  A U.S. Hegemonic Project?
Is the covid crisis engineered by the financial establishment part of a hegemonic project, pertaining to control over strategic sectors of the global economy as described by the WEF director general Klaus Schwab?
It’s an act of economic warfare?
It’s “imperialism with a human face”, committed to “saving lives”.
Visibly, it is part of President Joe Biden’s foreign policy agenda. It has geopolitical and strategic implications.
US intelligence and the Pentagon (including DARPA) as well as NATO are directly or indirectly involved in the corona crisis. Cyber Warfare is already on the drawing-board.
The March 11, 2020 Lockdown leading to closure of national economies Worldwide has also been instrumental in   destabilizing several countries which are categorized as “Enemies of America”.
No need for Washington to impose piecemeal sanctions on Iran, Venezuela and Cuba. These countries have endorsed the covid narrative. They have accepted the “ultimate sanction”, namely the closure of their national economy as a means to combating “V the virus”.
The situation in Cuba is particularly dramatic. Resulting from the March 2020 lockdown, Cuba’s tourist industry which constitutes the country’s main source of foreign exchange is destroyed. Since the 1980s, the forex revenues from tourism have been used to import food. And now as a result of the closure of the tourist industry, Cuba is experiencing serious food shortages.
Yet the Cuban government has accepted the “Big Lie” and has endorsed the lockdown which is literally destroying the achievements of the Cuban Revolution.
And unfortunately progressive intellectuals are totally blind. They are not only supportive of the Covid narrative, they fail to understand how the Covid lockdown policies as well as the deadly mRNA vaccine are being used to destabilize and destroy countries one after the other. These countries are now fully controlled by Western creditors and the billionaire foundations.
Engineered economic and social chaos. Is that not part of a US hegemonic project?
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ayemasakallii · 3 years
uhh so here is my first post. I am writing from Mumbai, India and we are currently in state wise lockdown due to Covid-19. Monsoon just started few days ago, early this time. Nothing interesting to note, since its the second year we have been in lockdown! But hey, my lockdown goal this year involves regular exercising. I just started trying out Tabata workout two days back, and dammnn its fun. 
I forgot to mention that I went on a trip to Igatpuri last week, during this lockdown. We were a group of 10 people, and we hired a O2 villa with a valley view and partied for two days straight. 
There were many events planned to happen this year involving meri di ki shaadi. Hopefully it will happen, since I was really excited to go back and visit Aus and everyone back there but corona might as well screw our plans AGAIN! 
So because, there are ALOT of things happening in my life right now.. (sarcasm inserted) I might as well start a blog.
Also, I have started learning cooking.. which again is another difficult task for me because I have 0% level of patience in the kitchen but I guess practice will make perfect. Mumma is teaching me her no1 yummy dishes.. 
there are too many things going on in the world right now.. which is super depressing. Palestine have been attacked on, Singapore on the third wave of corona, India battling the third wave, Bushfires, Attacks.. its tragic.
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COVID-19 Booster Shots
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The number of COVID-19 cases are on the rise again. The world is preparing for a third wave of the Corona pandemic. During these times of uncertainty, the COVID-19 vaccines and the COVID booster shot have become our only hope. On Christmas day 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the vaccination registration for the booster dose would begin on January 10, 2022. India has come up with some guidelines for the booster dose also known as the precaution dose. But first, let us know:
What is a COVID booster dose?
Simply speaking, the COVID booster dose is another dose of the vaccine. While vaccines are the best defense we have right now against the rapidly spreading third wave of COVID-19, their capacity to protect our bodies weakens with time. Their effectiveness drops faster among the older population and people with comorbidities(explained below). A booster dose is usually administered in diseases where immunity reduces. The first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine primes the body. The second dose boosts the immune system. In both the shots, memory cells (that remember the virus) are produced, and they help in case the virus re-infects the body. They are produced more in number with the second dose and help in fighting the virus even when the antibody levels reduce over time. If these memory cells are enhanced with a COVID booster vaccine dose, they will induce a stronger immune response. More antibodies will be produced and these antibodies will have affinity maturation (solid bond with increased strength).
The side effects of the booster dose are reported to be similar to the previous two doses like fever, muscle pains, headache, pain, or swelling. Any unusual side effects or symptoms extending beyond a couple of days should be reported immediately.
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Who is eligible to take the Precautionary Booster Dose?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued guidelines that booster doses are to be given to organ transplant recipients or patients with compromised immune systems. This is because, for them, the response to the first doses is less compared to the general population. Though they are vaccinated with two doses, one study has shown that there is an increased rate of infections after vaccination in these individuals.
Starting from 10th January 2022, the booster dose has been administered to the frontline workers and senior citizens in India. Our social helpers such as Healthcare workers, Nurses, Doctors, etc, and Senior citizens who are above 60 years with comorbidities. According to the new guidelines, it is mandatory to take the booster dose after the completion of 9 months or 39 weeks of the second dose of the COVID Vaccine. Eligible candidates can directly visit the COVID-19 vaccination center to get the booster dose or schedule an online appointment through the CoWIN portal .
What are the Comorbidities?
The list of comorbidities includes a recent history of heart failure, Valvular Heart Disease, Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes and Hypertension, Kidney/ Liver/ Hematopoietic stem cell transplant, Decompensated cirrhosis, Sickle Cell Disease, HIV infection, and many other conditions that enhance the risk of mortality in COVID-19 disease. Senior citizens with comorbidities are not required to produce any certificate or prescription from the doctor for the precaution dose.
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Covishield or Covaxin?
The precautionary jab will be of the same vaccine as the first two doses. No mix and match are allowed, unlike in other countries. For example, people who have taken two doses of COVISHIELD (manufactured by Serum Institute of India) are advised to take the COVISHIELD booster shot and those who have taken COVAXIN (manufactured by Bharat Biotech International Ltd) should go for the COVAXIN booster shot.
No clinical studies have been conducted in India on mixing vaccines so far. The vaccine effectiveness of mixed jabs is being widely discussed, the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) has evaluated international data. Data from some countries have raised concerns about safety due to high expected adverse effects in some people after receiving a different booster dose from the first two doses. But we cannot apply the data of the United Kingdom population to India. Unless a trial is conducted here, and it has positive results, we cannot and should not mix doses.
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Booster Vaccine Registration
It is advised to register on CoWIN to make it easier to get a fixed slot for this booster vaccination dose. CoWIN will send reminder messages to all eligible candidates. Indian Citizens who are eligible for the third dose of vaccination can register themselves through the CoWIN portal and get the booster dose
Pre-booking a slot on Cowin will also ensure you are going in at a fixed time and leaving quickly, which is ideal given the rising cases of Covid-19. The Indian Health Ministry has clarified that new registrations would not be necessary while booking an online appointment, an individual can directly register for it by logging the old registered account.
The government has said that consulting a doctor before jabbing the precaution is not required, but, if an individual wants they can. 148 vaccination centers are established throughout India to vaccinate citizens eligible for the booster or precaution dose.
Follow these steps to register for the booster dose:
Open the CoWIN portal or the Aarogya Setu app.
Tap on the vaccination tab.
Log in with the mobile number, which you have used for previous registration.
If someone else registered on your behalf, please ask them for a One-Time Password (OTP) when using that particular mobile number. (Remember, up to 4 people can be registered using the same mobile number on the Cowin portal.)
After you have logged in, you will likely see your name and profile.
The system will show the slots for Precaution Dose in the Appointments Module (It will show only if 39 weeks have passed after administration of your full vaccination, which is nine months).
Tap on the ‘Precaution dose’ tab and then choose appointments.
Choose the appointment based on your location, Pincode, etc and tap/click on Book appointment.
The appointment should get confirmed and details can be downloaded from the app.
You will be able to download the digital vaccination certificates after the vaccination.
One has to be attentive and follow the safety protocol because vaccination alone can not be enough to fight the pandemic and the emerging variants. Along with booster doses, the government of India has also permitted the administration of COVAXIN in children aged 15 years and above, from 3rd January 2022. They can register themselves through the same portal for their first vaccine jab.
Registering on Cowin for the first time?
Follow the steps:
Open the CoWIN portal or the Aarogya Setu app.
You will be required to enter the photo ID type, number, full name, gender, and age.
For the photo ID, you can choose from a Driving License, Aadhaar Card, or even Passport as photo ID proof.
After the registration is done, you will be taken to the “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page.
Enter details like State/UT, Pincode, etc, and search.
A list of vaccination centers will appear depending on your location.
Choose your required time and date and book an appointment.
Keep in mind that CoWIN recommends that users should carry their registered mobile phone, Photo ID to the appointment. Also, a session once booked cannot be canceled, but it can be rescheduled. Once your appointment is confirmed, an SMS will also come with details confirming the same.
When the world became aware of the new variant of concern 'OMICRON' which was identified in South Africa in November 2021, the whole world started making preparations to fight against it. With the new surge in the COVID-19 cases, the booster dose seems to be a sigh of relief. Amid the fear of the third wave of COVID-19, the initiative of the third dose of vaccine will help the health workers the most. They are the only ones who don’t step back even during the pandemic. During the second wave, many lives were lost. To stay safe, healthy, and save lives, a booster vaccine is important. It has proven to be effective and safe, and everyone is advised to get jabbed.
Source : https://childhelpfoundation.in/cii-blog/posts/COVID-19-Booster-Shots
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neema-academy · 3 years
SEE Brain Booster Course for Grade 10 Students by Neema Academy
Shown for the first time in Wuhan City of China in March 2022, the third wave of Covid 19 is finally here. Nepal also undergoes severe Omicron Impact as it shares an open border with southern neighbor India. In the meantime, the government has released a notice to conduct the SEE of this year in Baisakh. 
The odd/even rule has been imposed tightly as an initial preparation of smart lockdown 3.0. More of the IT companies seemed to have been operated from home while the same remote ways of tutoring go with the educational institutions. As of previous lockdown 1.0 & 2.0, it is no brainers’ curiosity that the education field has to bear much more loss. Unlike in previous years, this time we could see schools, parents, teachers, and stakeholders being ready to combat the Omicron from every possible angle. Thank you all for being more conscious even from an individual level. 
Vividly predicted that the regular routines of academics and institutional exams will be hampered but the major impact will be on SEE 2079, which is expected to be conducted in Baisakh. Keeping the same thing i.e. the covid impact and digital/online learning in Nepal, Neema Academy, the best eLearning platform in Nepal has shown up with SEE Brain Booster esp. catering to Grade 10 Students. Most importantly, the course can be read both online as well as offline. 
Targeting the SEE 2079 examinees, Grade 10 Students, so that they can prepare in a quick and smart preparation, below are the offerings i.e. SEE Brain Booster by Neema Academy. 
SEE Brain Booster, Maths
SEE Brain Booster, Science
SEE Brain Booster Maths & Science | Combo Package
Provided that, as the cost price of these aforementioned courses ranges from 700-800 NPR, less than the price of fancy Pizzas, it can be a good push for the Grade 10 students. Interestingly, users i.e. students/teachers/parents can easily buy the course via the web as well as the app and start preparing according to CDC Approved courses.  
Lately, the technological leap the country has gained has helped not only be an alternative to the pandemic but it’s the call of digital Nepal too, says Neiha Joshi, COO at Neema Academy - the best eLearning platform in the country. It has been vividly understood that to date, due to its ease to learn from our comfort zone, the self-learning way is fun-filled and gamified with an extra bunch of resources that Grade 10 students will love exploring. That’s the main reason why SEE Brain Booster Courses including other non academic courses have been popular among smart learners.
On this take, Elsa Jha, Principal at North Point English Medium Higher Secondary School, Bhaktapur, believes that the spare time provided by the uninvited Covid-19, has an ill impact on students and their reading routines, which now is well addressed by Neema Academy. Also, the best learning platform in Nepal, both online as well as offline offers the courses not only to Grade 10 students but also from k-12. 
The world is a smaller global village connected with the Internet and being facilitated by devices that are monitored with the technology. In these advancement hours, the initiative led by Neema Academy in Nepalese Education Fraternity is something great - praiseworthy as well as is at the right time. Education, being the primary right of the denizens, is the costly sector upon which both public, as well as private sectors, should invest. This aspect has the power of impacting the country's development index. So, rather than sporadic activity only when the corona variant(s) are active, we should choose and embrace the concept of distant learning, self-eLearning, and digital literacy too. Hence the nation’s prosperity comes into reality. 
Lastly, on behalf of Neema Academy - the pioneers of the online learning platform in Nepal, we would like to extend our good words, especially to Grade 10 Students. We are pretty sure you guys are going to love the SEE Brain Booster Course [Maths, Science, and Combo].
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werindialive · 3 years
The R naught value is way higher for the current situation than it was during second wave in India, says ICMR Director General
The center on Wednesday said that the country is experiencing an exponential hike in the number of Coronavirus infection primarily because of the Omicron variant in the spread. However, they also highlighted that the country’s R naught value indicating the spread of the infection is 2.69, which was 1.69 when the country was dealing with the second wave of the virus. The value is way higher than it was during the peak of the second wave of the pandemic last year.
Director General Dr Balram Bhargava of Indian Council of Medical Research during a seminar said that the rise in the Corona positive cases is observed in cities and the “Omicron variant is the predominant circulating strain".
He stressed on lowering mass gatherings to ensure that the infection spreads at a slower rate.
"We are now facing an exponential rise in (the number of) COVID-19 cases and we believe that largely, it is being driven by Omicron, particularly so in the western parts of our country and even particularly so in larger cities from where we have more data," NITI Analog member (Health) Dr V K Paul said.
The positivity rate in India was 1.1% on December 30 and rose to 1.3% the next day until it reached 5% which is the current positivity rate in India. He explained that India had 13000 positive cases on December 30 and on Tuesday it raised to 58,000.
"Clearly, this is an expanding pandemic. The R naught value is 2.69. This is higher than the 1.69 we saw when the second wave of the pandemic was at its peak. The acceleration of cases is steeper than ever," Paul said.
Paul however explained that the hospitalization rate in the country is low standing at 3.7% in Delhi and 5% in Mumbai.
"That is the early input we have. Compared to this, last year and even in 2020, the hospitalization rate was close to 20 per cent," Paul said.
When asked about the third wave hitting India, Paul said "In Denmark, the UK and South Africa, cases started declining within a month or a month and a half. We cannot say this clearly for our population. How it behaves will depend on past infections, the vaccination status and our own characteristics and population density. It cannot be extrapolated that just like the cases behaved there within a month, it will happen here also.
"Saying it at this stage that it will go on till which point and for how long will be premature. If any scientific data comes, we will share. I would not venture into that except to say that like the previous waves, different parts of our nation will be in different stages. It starts in some states and then goes on and on. We are watching the dynamics of the pandemic carefully," the NITI Analog member added.
For more omicron news India in Hindi, subscribe to our newsletter.
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newspro24x7 · 3 years
The infection started increasing rapidly, more than 50 thousand corona patients in a day
The infection started increasing rapidly, more than 50 thousand corona patients in a day
New Delhi : A large number of cases of epidemic corona virus (Corona Cases in India) are being reported across the country. In all the states including Maharashtra and Delhi, the effect of the third wave of corona virus is now fully visible. Due to this, the states have started imposing restrictions afresh. More than 50 thousand new cases of covid-19 have been registered in the country on…
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todaynewsguru · 3 years
COVID-19 in India: Corona scare graph, 46759 new cases in 24 hours, 509 deaths
COVID-19 in India: Corona scare graph, 46759 new cases in 24 hours, 509 deaths
New Delhi. The rising graph of Corona has once again started to scare. The number of corona infected patients is increasing every day. For the last several days, the number of corona infected patients is going beyond 40 thousand, which is no less than the sound of the third wave. According to the Health Ministry, 46 thousand 759 new cases of corona infection have been reported in the country in…
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rajeshidr · 3 years
Corona Vaccine Will Be Given To 12 To 18 Year Old Children In India Soon
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New Delhi . In view of the third wave of corona, the government is now planning to vaccinate children after lactating mothers and pregnant women. Under this, the first 12 to 18 year old children will be given the vaccine. The second phase of vaccination of children will be done after the month of September. The government is currently awaiting the recommendations of the Expert Working Committee (SEC) on Zydus Cadila's DNA Vaccine to launch this scheme. It can also be given to children after the vaccine is allowed for emergency use. A senior official of the Union Health Ministry said that a plan has already been made to include children in vaccination. Since Zydus Cadila's vaccine trial involved children up to 12 years of age. Therefore, after the vaccine is allowed for emergency use, adults up to 12 years will get the vaccine. This will be the first phase which will continue till September after starting this month.
Testing of Covaxin on children will be completed in September After the results are out, in the month of September-October, those below 12 years of age will also be included in the vaccination. He said that guidelines would be issued to the states only after getting permission for emergency use. The vaccination wing of the Ministry of Health has completed preparations in this regard.
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Some important revelations by Parashakti in Parashakti Akashic Reading by Bhagavan Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam on 19 MAY 2021, morning IST (English Translation)
The Highest Omkara, The Compassionate, State of Jnana Sundara Yoga, Vaalai Parashodasi, Parameshwari who is part of Paramashiva and ruling the world, Maheswari, Mangala Swaroopini, Shyamala, Parashodasi, being as DasaMahaVidya, standing as NavaDurga, gracing as Ashtashakthis, blossoming as SapthaMathrugas, being as SaptaKarthiga Kannigas, living as Pancha Shakthis, being as four VedaRoopini, being as Three Shakthis-Ichcha, Kriya, Jnana, in the Two Tattvas- Prakrithi, Purusha being as two but existing as one, Parabramha gracing as Paramashiva, Para, Apara, Vipara, Paramashakthi, Paramashakthi Manonmani, Parameshwari, Meenakshi, Parameshwari ruling the world, Meenakshi, taking the form of Nithyananda, I came and graced here as Nijavatara.
Arunachala Smarana Shakthi which is beyond any remembrance or forgetfulness, JagatJanani, Jagadhathrilokanayaki, Krunashini, MahaMaari, Kannapurathu Kannathal, Aarur Kamalai, Kailasa Swamini, Meenakshi, I opened My Eyes here. Giving the boons to those who asked, to give good Life of Jnana, I came. I will do only good. I will do it today itself.
You are asking for the war and suffering to be over between Israel and Palestine. Daughter, as time has come for the two demons to fight with each other and destroy themselves, this war is happening. This will not be over. It will rage and is going to spread all over the world as Third War. Know this is the seed that has grown for the Third War that is going to be within three years.
You are asking what to do to destroy Corona. Daughter, listen properly. Not only to you, keeping you in the front, I am telling to the whole world. I am telling all goodness, listen everyone. To save people from Corona, I made a huge ship which is Anandasarovar, Vaidyasarovar and Nithyananda Linga. I made it in Adi Kailasa. Go there. Take bath everyday. Worship the way of Nithyananda and do good seva to all those who come. This is for all of you to save yourself and save the world, this is the good seva and this is what is needed today. Live blissfully having prosperity. Go and come. Do not have fear.
You are asking that you have protected your family from Corona till now and how to protect hereafter. Listen properly. Third deadly wave of Corona is going to start in Purattasi (English month-September). Before it comes, go to Adi Kailasa. Free yourself from the world for three months and do good puja to Nithyanandeshwara, do Sashtra Adyayana along with Nithya Dhyana, and do Chathur Masya fearlessly, Auspiciousness will happen to Jnana and shakthi, and opening way for world seva and truth, you will have all four goodness- dharma, artha, kama, moksha, all four goodness will happen. Saurav Aneja, Go to Adi Kailasa to do Chathur Masya.
You are asking which country is safe to escape from Third World War. Listen to everything which is said. War in Middle East, Deadly Corona in India, and Rising Sea Level, protection from all these three is one and only Kailasa. Only it is good for life. If possible, come and reach. Om Om Om.
You are asking why God is giving so much suffering to you. Foolish mind, foolish Humans! Listen properly. God will do only good, but for the foolish delusive things done by humans to destroy among themselves, why you are making God responsible for it? Go save yourself. Go.
You are asking how other countries could protect Bharatha from Corona. Daughter, with great compassion, I am telling the truths as it is. Listen properly, favourite daughter, wealthy daughter. Corona deadly infection along with Black Fungal Disease to destroy the lungs, created as a bio weapon, it has been imposed on India as a bio war. Third huge deadly corona wave is going to come in Purattasi(English month- September) on India. No country can save. No one can save. Administration of the country, justice, government, finance, like this, along with media, in 8 departments losing honesty, with humanity disappearing, you are going to see how the human society is going to melt. What will I do, daughter? To save Bharatha, taking the form of Nithyananda as Nijavatara, gathering all great power with great hardwork, I made the ship called Adi Kailasa. The group of cunning foxes without true devotion and honesty, even to use it, driving away the sailor from the ship, it drove away even from the ship. What to do?
For common people, even for God trying to be a protection for them, the fools, group of cunning of foxes who doesn’t want to protect human and humanity, drove away sailor of Enlightenment Ship. Face what is about to come. What else to do? I told whatever need to be told and will keep telling. I will do whatever needed to be done and will keep doing. All the efforts needed to protect, Ambigai I will always do. For everyone who come with trust, I will save life giving good and give all goodness. The doors of Adi Kailasa will be open for all those who come with trust. It will protect. It will protect life. It will protect body and will give conscious health. It will also give Highest Powers. Dharma, Artha, Moksha, Jnana, Powers, Kama and the God beyond Kama, Adi Kailasa life will give all goodnesss.
Before one year, told people to save themselves by doing firewalking in all our temples, for those who did not listen, today when more and more suffering is coming, not able to face the suffering, not able to bear the suffering, I am seeing them withering. As great compassion is overflowing, I am again and again giving good way and boon. For the devotees asking, I am giving them what they ask and also giving boons and also giving way. I will do whatever needed to be done. For those who listen with integrity, save your life and also receive prosperity. Let goodness happen. Let good happen. Let the Creation be protected from Pralaya. Bharatha has to be saved. Even if disgrace comes to India, it is Mother Parashakthi My decision that Bharatha has to be protected. Om Om Om. Let Goodness happen. Let Bliss consequence. The great compassion of Mother is overflowing in the front and showering the whole world. Devotees! Ambigai I am with you.
For devotees and disciples, giving truth, happiness, goodness, fortune and life to you all, I am telling the truth, I will destroy difficulties. Thinking Paramashiva of heart, make your heart as a cotton. Destroying the black fungus that does poison, I am protecting that Corona deadly infection does not enter your lungs. Keeping Omkara in Third Eye, do Trinetra Kumbakha. Keeping Atmalinga inside your palm, joining both your hands, everyday permanently do Omkara Meditation. Chant Omkara as ajapajapa.
You are asking remedy for Black Fungal disease. Know properly, black fungal disease not only it will affect lungs, it will smash brain also, it is a bio weopon that makes humans a lifeless matter and push them to death. This is a bio war imposed on humans. The water, turmeric, milk, neem juice poured on Navapashana Linga is the medicine for this. Protection of Ambigai is there for those Intaking this and pouring it on body and taking bath.
For the creation not to be in loss, I clearly told the Deva Rahasya to the world. When I told these Rahasya(secret) to world in the form of Nithyananda, for the enemies not to destroy the form of Nithyananda in anger, after protecting His Form by bringing Him to Kailasa, after that I am telling these truths to the world. The demonishness and atrocities of humans is dancing in the world that even Mother Parashakthi needs to do self-protection before telling the truths to the world.
#ParashaktiAkashicReading This is the important msg compilation
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newspro24x7 · 3 years
Corona Vaccination: Vaccine will soon be given through the nose in the country, Bharat Biotech will start clinical trials at AIIMS
Corona Vaccination: Vaccine will soon be given through the nose in the country, Bharat Biotech will start clinical trials at AIIMS
New Delhi :  Amidst the sound of the third wave of Coronavirus, the pace of the vaccination campaign is being increased rapidly across the country. India is also continuously setting new records in vaccination. Not only this, the round of trials regarding the vaccine is also going on. The nasal vaccine may also come soon in the country. In fact, the clinical trial is going to start soon at the…
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dbpnews · 3 years
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Now the havoc of Corona on children, more than 500 positives in 10 days in Bengaluru
India, which has suffered the havoc of the second wave of Corona virus, is now facing the threat of a third wave. Slowly the knock of the third wave has started coming from different corners of the country. Experts have already warned that … . Disclaimer: This story or news has been auto-aggregated by a computer program, As well as few words that have been auto-convert with the same synonyms.…
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todaynewsguru · 3 years
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New Delhi. After the decline in corona cases in India, now gradually the cases of corona have started increasing again. For the last few days, the number of new corona patients has now reached above 42 thousand daily. In the last twenty-four hours, more than 43 thousand new cases of Kovid have been reported in the country. Therefore, the fragrance of the third wave in the country has also…
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Children Will Get Corona Vaccine: Covaxin Trial Will Start in Two Weeks, 525 Children Between 2 And 18 Years Will Be Given Vaccine.
After the US and Canada, India will be the third country where children will corona vaccine. It is good news amid fears that the third wave of Corona is said to be dangerous for children. The government has approved a trial of covaxin on children. NITI Aayog member Dr. VK Paul said on Tuesday that the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has approved the second and third phase of clinical…
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covid19updater · 3 years
COVID19 Updates: 03/26/2021
Ukraine: NEW: Ukraine reports 18,132 new coronavirus cases, by far the biggest one-day increase on record
UK:  Covid: What might a third wave look like? LINK
Italy:  Ilaria Pappa, 31 years old school teacher from Italy, died of thromboembolism 10 days after receiving the Astrazeneca injection.  Another blood clot death from the "safe and effective" AZ:
US:  Redfield, the former CDC chief under Trump, tells @cnn that he thinks it's most likely that the coronavirus originated in the lab in Wuhan, as opposed to a nearby market, and started spreading as early as *September.* "It's only an opinion; I'm allowed to have opinions now."  “I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human,” former CDC Director Dr. Redfield tells @drsanjaygupta. “Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoonot to human, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more & more efficient in human to human transmission.” LINK
Poland: COVID update: Daily caseload sets new record for 3rd day in a row - New cases: 35,143 - Positivity rate: 33.3% (-1) - In hospital: 27,779 (+661) - On ventilator: 2,730 (+110) - New deaths: 443
Germany:  3rd coronavirus wave in Germany could be worse than the first two and daily cases could reach as high as 100,000 a day if the spread is not curbed, RKI says - REU
Germany:  Germany Likely To Class France As High Corona Region On Friday, Bringing Stricter Quarantine Requirement - FAZ
Mexico:  Researchers in Mexico have made a nose-only Covid mask, which they say reduces the risk of infection of coronavirus during eating and talking. (Wait, what?)
Denmark:  #BREAKING Denmark extends pause of AstraZeneca vaccine for three weeks
UK:  @uniofleicester  PHOSP study on #LongCovid in hospitalised patients Over 5 months: 71% not fully recovered 20% had a new disability,  This is a v important paper. Since Mar 2020, ~330K people have been discharged alive from hospital after Covid in England. That's potentially 67,000 people with a new disability; 125,000 people severely affected post Covid and almost 240,000 not fully recovered by 5 months.
Europe:  Pandemic rages in Eastern Europe leaving hospitals struggling to cope LINK
Arizona:  Doctor Joshua LaBaer from ASU Biodesign says that S Gene dropouts (possible UK Variant) continues to increase exponentially in Arizona, at least in their sample sequencing.
Tanzania:  New Variant found to have undergone an insane number of mutations (the most in any variant seen yet).  This new VOI, temporarily designated A.VOI.V2, has 31 amino acid substitutions (11 in spike) and three deletions (all in spike). The spike mutations include three substitutions in the receptor-binding domain (R346K, T478R and E484K);
Chile: Chile reports 7,626 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase on record
Hungary:  NEW: Hungary reports 11,265 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase so far, and a record 275 new deaths
India:  NEW: India reports 59,084 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since October
Canada:  COVID-19 variant cases are increasing rapidly in several parts of Canada and longer-range forecasts show that stronger public health restrictions will be required to counter the spread of the disease, health officials said on Friday.
UK:  UK cases up nearly 30% today on last week's number. That's the biggest increase in terms of percentage since the first week of January.  6,187 new cases (people positive) reported, giving a total of 4,325,315. 70 new deaths reported, giving a total of 126,515.
Sweden:  NEW: Sweden reports 7,706 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since December
Arizona:  CORONAVIRUS: Ducey lifts remaining COVID-19 restrictions in Arizona, but not all Valley businesses will comply LINK
France:  France reports 41,869 new COVID-19 cases, straining hospital system
Spain:  Worrying data just in from #Spain An 84% rise in new #Covid19 cases there this evening with 7,586 new infections vs 4,118 last Friday. #Madrid does look to be driving much of the increase. Cases there up again and now a 7-day infection rate of 241/100k
RUMINT (France):  In France they are reporting that the variant from the Brittany region of France has now been detected in Paris. Remember, this is the variant that can't be detected in the usual way the virus is collected for PCR tests (nasopharyngeal). Instead the samples have to be taken from the lungs.
Brazil:  Mayor of Rio de Janeiro implored residents to stay at home, as Rio enters a partial Covid lockdown and faced what he called “the most difficult moment of our lives”. On Friday, as Brazil’s most famous city began a 10-day shutdown designed to slow the spread of Covid;  “We need to open our eyes & realize that this isn’t a joke. People are dying. If everything carries on like this and nothing is done, God alone knows what might happen,” Mayor Paes warned. “Nobody knows the limits of this disease or how many new variants might appear”;
Kenya:  Kenya’s President Kenyatta called for halt to all movement in Nairobi & 4 other counties Friday, as the Covid-19 outbreak reached worst ever stage. Kenyatta announced new LD curbs, including stricter curfew, suspension of in-person schooling & closing of bars in Nairobi;
UK:  In England, more than 40.6K people have been likely infected with covid while being treated in hospital for another reason, raising concerns about the NHS’s inability to protect them. 1 in 5 hospitals report at least a fifth of all patients, caught covid while an inpatient;
Canada:  COVID-19 cases surging as modelling suggests holiday gatherings could spell more trouble LINK
India:  NEW: India reports 62,276 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since October
Brazil:  BREAKING: Brazil reports 3,650 new coronavirus deaths, by far the deadliest day on record
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