#corona virus cctv
5millionfriends · 4 years
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Sick and Tired Of The Panic? Here Are Some Hilarious Corona Virus Memes To Try And Brighten Your Day! – Post 17 – Ronin’s Grips Source by shantelvanliere05
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qaumisafeer · 5 years
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چین: پیدائش کے 30 گھنٹے بعد بچے میں کورونا وائرس موجود چینی ڈاکٹروں کا کہنا ہے کہ کورونا وائرس متاثرہ حاملہ خاتون سے بچے کو پیدائش سے قبل بھی منتقل ہوسکتا ہے اور 2 فروری کو پیدا ہونے والے بچے میں 30 گھنٹے بعد وائرس مثبت آیا۔
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raffy0421 · 3 years
TECHNOLOGY : A Blessing or a Curse?
Technology has become an inevitable part of our lives. We cannot imagine to survive without technology in today’s fast-moving world. When employment, socialization and cultural propagation happens with globalization, we cannot survive without technological involvements. The Corona virus pandemic has moreover proven, how important technology is for us, to stay connected, work, communicate and basically survive. In fact, this can be an opportune moment for researchers to attend to journal call for paper with the topic of technology becoming an inseparable part of our lives, such that soon we will move, eat, sleep technology.
As time goes by technology becomes more advance and innovative which leads to more many discoveries. However, as technology improves, people as well gives their definition through their own understanding. But what does really technology means? It might seem a straightforward question, but technology is about more than gadgets and gizmos.
Technology ("science of craft", from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; and -λογία, -logia") is the sum of any techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings. Systems (e.g. machines) applying technology by taking an input, changing it according to the system's use, and then producing an outcome are referred to as technology systems or technological systems.
Technology is not a neutral word. Different people will give it different meaning depending on their viewpoint and context.
Andy Lane explains what it means to different people. The role and impact of technology in both our personal and working lives is ever growing. Understanding how people shape technology and how technology shapes people's interactions with each other and the natural world is important not only for those who research, develop and implement new technologies but also for all those people and organizations that have to use those technologies in their working and personal lives.
Research has found evidences on the contribution of technology to our daily lives. In fact, technology can save lives. Major operations, scans and medical diagnoses happen through scientific and technological discoveries. Communication, work and education are almost impossible without technology today. For researchers and academicians, journal call for paper are more readily available because of digital publication platforms, all of which involve technology. Technology has filled our time with meaningful content and entertainment so that we feel satisfied and happy.
However, let us reflect on 7 most important reasons for which we require technology:
Communication– The first and foremost purpose that technology serves is communication. Social media and other technological applications have brought families together. Today we can find long lost school mates over Facebook, twitter, Instagram and we can reinstate our communication. In fact, we can even communicate with world leaders, prominent figures over these platforms. Communication is required in professional fields as well, and technology ensures that we can communicate with the world from wherever we are. We cannot imagine our lives without a smart phone, but there was a time when there were no mobile phones at all. Families are much less worried about their children these days, because phones give them the information about the whereabouts of children, so they are much more relieved about their safety than they were before. Technology Helps in Legal Work– With our safety comes the safety of the community and the prime responsibility falls upon legal systems. Technology has helped a lot in improving law and order. Today we have phone cameras, CCTV cameras etc. which testify for crime scenes. We have the computer and internet to find any criminal from anywhere with a global database. Improved technological gadgets have helped in improving forensics, cyber crime treatment to a great extent. Security– Technology provides us security. Several home security devices like spy scam, door cam, anti-theft applications are linked with our smart phones. Most of them are electronically built for better safety and security purposes. Today we use a camera to see who stands outside our door, in place of an eye-hole. We can in fact, talk to the person before opening the door. Again, mobile phones make us very confident on streets. When we have a gadget of communication, we know we can make a call whenever in trouble. Internet– Globalization wouldn’t have been possible without internet. The fact that we can connect and work from any part of the world is because we have internet. We can have client meets and requirements from all over the globe and we can assimilate information and process delivery because we have internet. In fact, Covid has proven that internet can keep our lives going even when we are locked down in houses, barely anything is affected for our work, if it is internet based.
Knowledge– Gone are those days, when we had to run from one library to another within our city to find books and materials for our school-college projects. Even then we would not get the appropriate information required in research work. But today, with the help of Google, we are able to browse, any type of and any amount of information required for attending journal call for paper. Even for enlightenment and knowledge, we can browse the web. We can learn if we want at any age, anywhere, because we have internet and computer.
Education– Technology has shown us how we can overcome the barriers of time and place with computer and internet. This has made education more accessible and affordable to people across the world. Today, one person in India can learn from Harvard or MIT, even from their home, because of online educational platforms which enriches learning. Online school and college is not just an idea or luxury; it is a necessity especially when there is a pandemic situation. Online learning is much for cost effective for students and universities, so every other university has shifted their programs online. This is in fact, gen-next education system where schools will move online for affordable and uninterrupted learning. Besides technological gadgets like kindle and tablet are making reading and writing easier and lighter.
Entertainment– Technology has contributed heavily to the world of entertainment. From video and computer games to smart televisions, a wide range of technological inventions have helped us engage our free time. Even today, movie watching is no longer limited to a theatre space. The way we read on a computer, we watch movies on digital platforms. Online streaming platforms and applications are moving the entertainment world to a complete digitization mode. We live in the age of technology. We commute by automobiles and airplanes and communicate by emails and mobiles. The media and the Internet provide us the latest information from all over the world. Movies filled with hi-tech special effects entertain us. Air conditioners and room heaters keep our life comfortable despite climatic inconveniences. The list goes on. Technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives. Of course, a few of us may have concerns about the pollution and environmental problems that technology has led to. But overall most people feel that technology has benefited us immensely.
In the mid-20th century, people have gained control technology sufficient to leave the Earth's atmosphere and space for the first time. The technology used to know the techniques or methods of organization to solve the problem by the method of right and serve the purpose. Technology affects the person and the possibility of other kinds of animals to adapt to the natural environment. Human species has begun using the technology that makes it simple natural tools. Discovery of prehistory, the ability to control fire increased food sources and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel and explore your surroundings. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes to develop weapons and destructive power has evolved over the centuries, from clubs to nuclear weapons. Technology also has an impact on society and the environment in many ways. In many societies, technology has helped bring a more developed economy and allow the entertainment show class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, harm the earth and its surroundings. Different use of technology influences the values of society and new technology often increases the new ethical questions.
By the mid 20th century, humans had achieved supremacy of technology sufficient to leave the atmosphere of the Earth for the first time and space. Technology used for know the techniques or method of organization to solve the problem by the right method and serve some purpose. Technologies are affecting human as well as other animal kinds ability to adapt to their natural environments. The human species began to use technology by conversion the natural things into simple tools like How produce afire by a simple way, Wheel help the human in travel, Make a coat by simple way.
The aim of the technology when it began is good. The people want by simple tools make something help them in daily life. So, we invite a lot of something to help us and us it daily. Now, these things we can't life without it. Like Electricity, Air-Condition etc.
And a lot of things we use it and can't imagine our life without it. So, the technology helps us in our life to be more easily. When a technology has been used by communities to compete to develop themselves. Therefore, the technology has two faces are the face of good and the other face is evil. And with that despite the good start that was designed to facilitate people's lives. For example, when he invented dynamite was to open the mines know, and iron and other minerals, but after then used in World War this is how the beginning but the end is bad. So he makes Nobel PRIZE to encourage people to make a good invite which help the world and people.
Technology improves our goodness of life. By use the technology we have important discoveries. In our life we depend in technology in everything in our life. When you think about the technology you found yourself use it every minute. So, it is important in our life and the life will be different without it. The technology enters in all fields like pharmacy, medicine and engineering. It's difficult to see field without technology. In medicine it is make a big different. Now we can treat the patient without make meeting. It saves our time and effort and more and more in this field. The technology makes our life easier. And the big invite which convert the impossible to possible. It is the internet which can connect and communicate with people who are miles away from us. It's only one of the many examples we could give it to verify the fact that the technology is a blessing.
All media depend on the technology. Now we know what's happen in any region in world by the media. It's easy now but in the past it's like difficult to imagine it. But the technologies make a big Event in our life when something invite like computer, internet, cell phone.
These inventions changed a human life in twentieth century. But the important inventions in the past are we see it everywhere, in cars, trucks, airplanes, ships, car interiors, toys and more. Life will never be the same without wheels. They range from wooden carts and carriages, a simple device, but it provides over time developed. With so many uses and applications, is still part of the human race, and one of the first steps of civilization. Can you imagine that he does not take a taxi to the hotel? Instead of this situation, a few miles with tons of pockets? Or did he get an hour's walk to the mall?
People are left thumb, which led to the development of tools. Simple instruments such as the use of sharp rocks into knives and spears cut. Large rock as a used hammer has become a stream. We have our houses, animals, trapped in our rooms built and improve our way of life with tools. Interestingly, some mammals and birds use a variety of tools.
System in which waste collected and disposed of at the same time is more than somewhere useful. Old people saw it and were among the first to invent system. Today we rarely think of the network pipes beneath our feet and make sure that our waste stays out of our eyes and nose! I'm glad to know that we are not stool on the floor. Well, most of the time.
Dirt paths taken by hunters were from vehicles, but it was invented after the invention of the wheel, there is a real need for better roads. Dirt trodden path now, wood and stone and brick streets. For convenience of use, to transport routes, the world is a success. Today is the backbone of the economy and society. Consider buying a life without the road. We lived in the houses at random. Transported goods slowed. There will be more accidents.
The concept of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally used only for machines, and challenge the traditional norms. Philosophical a discussion about current and future use of technology in our society, with disagreements about the technology improves the human condition or worsens the situation. So technology is not a blessing or a curse, is both. We cannot determine whether one of them. We live between technologies. Travel by car and aircraft and to communicate via telephone and email and telephone. The media and the Internet make us the latest information from around the world.
Movies packed with hi-tech special effects to entertain us. Air conditioners and heaters to keep our lives well, but climatic disadvantages.
Technology has changed virtually all face in our lives. Some of us may have problems with pollution and environmental problems as the technology lead. But in general most people feel that technology has benefited us more. The technology is now so fundamental to human life. No one can deny the benefits of technology.
But most people cannot see another hand. Technology has two faces. Despite the encounter, there are many problems caused by technology. For example, in the past, you rarely see people with glasses, now almost all teen glasses. The reason is that many teenagers are using computers for a long time, to the extent that destroys their own eyes. Moreover, people today rely on technology too.
Most people complain when they could not use computer for the special day with teenagers. People complain when the computer accident and not save the file you worked on. Humans rely on so much technology that no one would survive if there is no technology in the world.
Moreover, science and technology acted as helping hands in medical field and everyday life of each and every individual. However, the invention of the artificial intelligence has become the challenging aim of worldwide engineers. Scientists and engineers have joined much effort to promote communication by the invention of multiple devices showing more and more sophistication at all times. The creation of mobile phones, computers and the monstrous network commonly known as the internet allow people to keep in touch around the globe which is a blessing for many individuals separated from their family due to working purposes or studies. Thanks to the well-known device called webcam, one may visualize and converse with his partner live and direct through his personal computer although being distance apart. However, due to the unprecedented freedom in communication via network many people misuse it. We should ask ourselves, how many teenagers use the internet to chat and lose time together with money after unknown people?
During the last decades, the medical field has been witnessing many modifications brought about by the latest technologies to cure people with more efficiency and accuracy.In the past destroying tumerous cells without damaging the surroundings and producing side effects was a challenging aim for many doctors. Nevertheless, after the invention of infra-red apparatus and the ‘nanoshells’, this has become a child’s play. The nanoshells are microscopic silica particles coated with gold that sticks to the cancerous cells. Passing the nanoshells under infra-red rays increases the temperature of the cell and destroys it. Still although this experiment has been successful on mice, we have to wait up to year 2010 before this new therapy is applied on human beings. Moreover, scanning an unborn baby from the mother’s womb is today a reality. Isn’t it a thing that brings happiness to the future parents? However, it should be brought to mind that such curative way of diseases may act as a booster for the level of aging population resulting into overpopulation. If life expectancy may be prolonged, it will definitely be a problem for the coming generation.
As made obvious by latest observations, we should admit that information technology has invaded the life of each and everyone. All the daily routine depends on sophisticated electronic kits. The invention of the microwaves for instance has facilitated the life of numerous people around the world, be it in the kitchen or a restaurant. According to scientists, food coming from microwaves does not have side effects on the health of people. However the creation of such facilities may sometime be blame as people are becoming more and more lazy day after day. Hence, shouldn’t we blame information technology for the mercurial rise in the rate of obesity?
During the recent decades, engineers and scientists have joined hands together to put to existence the artificial intelligence commonly known as robots. The aim of this project is to conceive machines that may think on their own, work and develop emotions as well. As picturised in the science fiction movie ‘I. Robots’, it was made crystal clear that it’ll happen a day where Man’s inventions would like to conquer humanity, would revolt and revenge. If such day happens it would be terrible to every single individual. Then, who should we blame science and technology or the scientists themselves?
In the same line of thought, it should not be forgotten that the invention of so many machines will make unemployment reach its higher level. Moreover, massive destruction caused by biological weapons will definitely blame the new technology. Furthermore, the introduction of the newly invented system of RFID commonly known as Radio Frequency Identification in supermarket would greatly help in time saving.
As discussed in the above argumentation, science and technology have immensely helped in improving the way of communication across the world. Moreover, it greatly eased the way of curing diseases and has conquered the life of everyone. However, the invention of robots may facilitate as well as become a burden for humanity. Hence, information technology has brought much benefit to the world, but unconsciously it has caused much damage to Man. Therefore, deciding whether science and technology is a curse or a blessing remains quite complex.
In conclusion, technology is a blessing or a curse, is both. What does change in attitude is how they use it. We cannot coward on nuclear weapons for the damage it produces, which teaches that the epidemic. Everything is better as the technology used to create everything. What will stay in our consciousness, it's what we do with it either bless or curse our environment, and as a result of our own lives.
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cardamomoespeciado · 4 years
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Plague following the new corona and swine flu... Infectious diseases occur again in China
7/6 (Monday) 18:03
Central daily report Japanese version
Plague following the new corona and swine flu... Infectious diseases occur again in China
China's Central Television (CCTV) reported that plague cases occurred in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in northern China.
According to what CCTV reported as a health official in the Bayan Knoll Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia, one livestock rancher in Bayan Knoll received a positive test for "gland plague" on the 5th. This patient was said to have been active in plague-prone areas before he became ill.
The patient is currently receiving isolation treatment at a hospital in Bayan Nor, and is in a stable condition, CCTV said.
In summary, the relevant news reports show that the regional authorities have issued a “relatively serious” (level 3) warning, which is the second of the four early warning steps from May 5, and this may be maintained until the end of the year. .. Unauthorized hunting or eating of animals that could carry an epidemic while leaving the alert and taking them out of the area are prohibited.
Four plague cases were reported in November last year in the Inner Mongolia region, which is the climate of plague. In Inner Mongolia and Beijing, where patients were transferred and treated at the time, a large-scale rat eradication was carried out.
Plague is an acute febrile infection caused by Plasmodium pestis infection and is classified into three types: lymph node type, sepsis type, and pneumonia type. Characteristics such as incubation period and symptoms are slightly different, but both are highly toxic and fatal diseases. It is mainly caused by contact with body fluids of mammals such as infected mice and rabbits, or by being bitten by fleas. Transmission from person to person through splashes is also possible.
In the case of the gland plague reported this time, the mortality rate falls to 5 to 10% in the early antibiotic treatment, but the mortality rate exceeds 50% if the treatment cannot be treated properly.
No plague cases have been reported in Korea since the collection of disease statistics.
Prior to this, researchers belonging to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in China announced the results of a study last month that discovered a swine flu virus that could cause a pandemic.
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kamranislamic · 4 years
"VIDIO DETAILS" Pakistani Celebraties awareness message to Pakistani people amidst Covid Lockdown | Call To Action | Short film with Celebrities | Corona Virus in Pakistan || Pakistani Celebrities Encourage Social Distancing ✓:- https://youtu.be/_ft2kHaunS0 #coronavirusinpakistan#ThanksCoronaHelpers#Pakistanfightcorona##coronaviruspakistan#pakistanicelebritiesaboutcoronavirus#coronavirusinpakistan#coronavirusinpakistanimedia#coronavirusinpakistannews#coronavirusinpakistankarachivynz#pakistanicelebritiesnewvideoonsocialmedia#pakistanistarsaboutcoronavirus#pakistanicelebritiesagainstcoronavirus#coronavirus#coronapandemicinpakistan#coronainpakistan#coronaviruspakistanistudentsinhindi#socialdistancing#coronavirusinitaly#HamzaAli#Meera#Hamayonsaeed#ShahzadRoy#BillalMaqsood#AyeshaUmer#WaseemAkram#Wasee'sWife#AnwerMaqsood#AnwerMasood#COVID-19#CORONA#CalltoAction {"AIO FPFP My Channe"} https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCBGjaa3tHYnWN4XpSJSrIog?sub_confirmation=1 {"My Channel Islamic Knowledge"} https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCd_9dbOWMGcOwoGMThFerfA ("My Playlists") 36: Wrestling 36:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4JemW1mEDbh7paxtfSD4Vud 35: Exercise 35:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4I8yWqNkLJpNrsx-AyUvujt 34: Reaction Vidios 34:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KI9x2IJj_J6cBS85Y4_G-f 33: Celebrities 33:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4Lg4N9eMdsGc7eMZ8IzfXFa : Unseen Behind Camera 32:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KJGFoXqoV2phQIHL94Nq9W 31: Likey 31:-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4LvCUhRw31DZDW7EaQpLeyp : PaKiSTaN Army 30:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4I30xVeZexatfWeEvpWy85P : Politics 29:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KMTgMwgvylCT_P4AhfslMB 28: Palastine And Kashmir 28:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4IxrZx_R3-6GWmqEQQKbQA8 : Science 27:-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4LIl2T5pMGmTQojJaoer__n 26: Naats 26:-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4IVojRpmoH71QDvbHqwqKWR 25: National 25:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KcpM3lXARAfppuRvgqV3yL : News 24:-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4IvSAGyK6rxK3IkYvzj2Xm7 23: Hot 23:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KH2ExwJR1Z_Fkm5gRWyrzv 22:World 22:-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4LXahc0NnP0C0Cj1eQVH4k1 21: Chinese 21:-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4LXahc0NnP0C0Cj1eQVH4k1 20: Nature On AIOFPFP Playlists 20:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4JGY-ouBp8_2e5zidqDXrXM 19: TikTok 19:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4I7ImaXB1Z60xQQQi-hQM6N 18:Pushto Songs And Clips 18:-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KkaQUrnYiZZPgeL-BSBt4j 17: PaKiSTaN SONGS ANd Clips 17:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4Lje47TjhJ-qtchiTQrM9bj 16:English Songs And Clips 16:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KyIaakKvntPwZA_nbJWdvW CCTV Camera AIOFPFP Playlists 15:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4K8Sz3GmAdL2IKGWysBJSsn Technical Easy peasy (Playlist) 14:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4JuCvInwTqe6YJYpS3B807x "Sports" (Playlist) 13:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4Ijf4AMev96iZQCYIt3DbVk "Funny Virals" 12:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4Ijf4AMev96iZQCYIt3DbVk "Health Is Wealth" 11:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4Ijf4AMev96iZQCYIt3DbVk "History And Knowledge" 10:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KHjipU-YQWwAwJahaFEad_ ("Moral Story" #IslmaicPrays) 9:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4L_GX7pfa6OpB_U_s_uWbAY "Poetry" 8:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4IugrOYfkW_D16gOz_pqnAk Daise Songs 7:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4L01YblmEXlLsraWi2nWHyP Sad Clips And Songs 6:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4INAlRUipxL9wbBGokN7HyO Dances 5:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4KhmkN_sy8okGz98vPablQX Indian clips and Songs 4:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6ej1mkkZ4LLmtaLizHFeJJDepD_H7m3 Social Topics 3:- https://bit.ly/3bzwsC8 Masnoon Duay 2:- https://bit.ly/3bEjPWv Islamic Content Playlist 1:- https://bit.ly/2X7owmv by AIO FPFP
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yes-justice-seeking · 5 years
The Source of the COVID19...
During the news conference today, as for the source of the COVID19, President Trump said “they (the CCP) know where it came from; we all know where it came from.” 
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Back to the CCP, on March 12, the CCP’s proxy Lijian Zhao, aka 赵立坚, openly raised an allegation that “it may be the US military soldiers who brought the virus to Wuhan”, but he provided no evidence connected directly to his allegation. 
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Meanwhile, an article called “Genetic War with No Evidence!/没有证据的基因战争” is circulating on the Internet that elaborates Zhao Lijian’s allegation. As the title suggested, it’s a non-evidence-based CCP propaganda work.
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It came to my attention that it says “the novel virus can spread from human to human from a long distance/远距离人传人” which means they knew that the COVID19 can survive in the air and cause human to human contract without physical and direct contact. Note that the human to human transmission was unknown until the official announcement on Jan. 20, 2020. It reportedly took 21 days to discover the human to human transmission, so that it’s fair to believe that it will take at least another few weeks to discover “human to human transmission from a long distance”. Actually, the state media CCTV reported that the virus can spread via aerosols on Feb. 8. 
The funny thing is that the earliest publication of the article that addressed “human to human transmission from a long distance /远距离人传人 ” is Jan. 26, 2020! 13 days before the CCP officially admitted the transmission via aerosols! It suggests that the author knew the virus transmission pattern before the authority revealed it. Wow!!
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Speaking of the source of the COVID19, evidence shows that it all started from a co-operation between the US and China. Although the co-operation project broke down at some point, both sides have been paying a close attention to the development of the other side in a competition way. Whether the knowledge of the other side is being used as part of “using the CCP’s weapon to defeat it” strategy remains unknown but GuoWengui, who teamed up with Steve Bannon to “eliminate the CCP” openly declared their strategy as “use the CCP to defeat the CCP/以共灭共” and he “predicted” not only the beginning of the Wuhan Corona Virus Out Break, but also many details of it.  
Read more, please click the link below:
Who is Behind Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak?! 武汉非典,难道是一场蓄谋的超限战?!
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What we do know is that both sides have their bio-weapon plan:
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The US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1GnYs4LOc0
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Both have war-mongers who care nothing but their political agenda or their power with any cost. In terms of lying, down-playing and covering-up, correct if I am wrong, I don’t see any difference between the CCP and Steve Bannon who is certainly backed up by someone in the White House.
COVID—19: What did White House Fail to Protect American People?
COVID19: WhiteHouse or the CCP?
Who is Behind Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak?! 武汉非典,难道是一场蓄谋的超限战?!
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5 Film Penyakit yang Penularannya Menyerupai COVID-19
Certanana Gaturen - Meriahnya pandemi virus Corona waktu ini, mensyaratkan kita lakukan social distancing. Perihal itu punya tujuan buat akan memutuskan penebaran virus Corona yang semakin menjadi-jadi.  
Satu diantaranya soal yang dapat kita melakukan waktu social distancing yakni diam diri dalam rumah. Tapi jangan memikir diam diri dalam rumah adalah soal yang bikin jadi bosan! Mengapa? ! Lantaran, kalian masih dapat isi senggang kalian dengan menyaksikan film.
Film yang dapat kalian saksikan juga bermacam. Tapi menuruti soal yang sedang hangat dibahas, film bertopik pandemi penyakit juga asyik dilihat. Tidak cuman dapat jadikan evaluasi, kita juga dapat menuai hikmah dari film itu lho! Yuk, baca uraian 5 film berikut!
1. Contagion (2011)
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Film Contagion yang disutradarai Steven Soderbergh ini digadang - gadang jadi film yang meramalkan berlangsungnya virus Corona waktu ini. Aliran filmnya juga memvisualisasikan penebaran suatu virus yang beresiko dan usaha dari beberapa pengamat atau petugas kesehatan buat menandai serta cari vaksin model penyakit itu.
Disaksikan dari sinopsisnya sich, apik ya! So, film ini perlu kalian saksikan bila tak mau kehabisan bahan diskusi dengan kawan! Hihi...
2. I Am Legend (2007)
Aktor tenar Will Smith adalah pemeran penting dalam film ini. Dalam film, Will bertindak jadi pakar virus namanya Robert Neville. Khasnya, Robert miliki kekuatan serta susah buat tertular.  Serta dengan keunggulannya tersebut dia mengupayakan buat membuat vaksin virus itu sambil cari orang - orang yang tetap selamat.
Dapat kalian asumsikan bagaimana rasa-rasanya terkepung dengan adanya banyak orang yang positif virus. Hmm, sereeeem!  
3. Outbreak (1995)
Bila kalian peminat film lama, Outbreak tidak ketinggal dong yang pasti! Film musibah medis Amerika Serikat ini berasal dari penyelundupan suatu monyet dari Afrika ke California, Amerika Serikat. Barangkali lantaran minimnya penelusuran, rupanya monyet - monyet ini bawa virus Motaba yang disebut virus mematikan. Virus ini menimbulkan kematian masal di California. James Scott, pria yang selundupkan juga tidak sadar bila dia sudah tertular virus itu.
Wow! Dapat kalian asumsikan sich bagaimana rasa-rasanya tidak sadari soal - soal yang berlangsung pada badan kalian sendiri.
4. Deranged ( 2012)
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Film fiksi ilmiah ini datang dari Korea Selatan. Film dengan judul asli Yeongasi ini disutradarai oleh Park Jung Woo. Di ceritakan Jae - hyuk yang disebut pakar farmasi kolaps lantaran adiknya, Jae - pil yang satu orang polisi miliki hoby main saham.
Ditengah-tengah keadaan itu, beredar info penemuan banyak jasad manusia yang mengambang. Perihal itu bikin beberapa polisi kalang kabut menyingkap perkara itu. Tapi anehnya pada rekaman CCTV yang ada, beberapa korban yang wafat awalnya berlarian serta menceburkan dianya.
Hmm, perlu dilihat nih!
5. The Flu (2013)
Film yang bercerita mengenai virus H5N1 atau flu burung ini menempa Bundang, Korea Selatan. Virus ini diketahui dibawa oleh kapal pengiriman barang yang rupanya bawa tumpukan mayat imigran gelap dari Filiphina. Situasi ini menyebabkan Kota Bundang ditutup dari dunia luar biar pandemi tidak kian menebar.  
Diakhir narasi, berlangsung pertentangan di antara Kementerian Pertahanan yang pingin memusnahkan virus bersama-sama masyarakatnya dengan Presiden Korea yang pingin mendapatkan anti-bodi serta selamatkan masyarakatnya.
Wah, kelihatannya dahsyat ya!
Nah, tersebut 5 rujukan film pandemi penyakit yang dapat dilihat buat isi senggang senggang kalian. So, mana dahulu nih yang pengen kalian saksikan?
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joleynsblog · 2 years
Hamari Pachchan NGO comes with its own very unique story of starting, along with the motive of being a non-profit organization, which is working for the welfare of society. It has implanted its originating roots in the bustling city, in the heart of India, Delhi.
Founder, Tarun Mathur, shares his eye-opening moment, that sets the journey of Hamari Pahchan when his daughter Meher Mathur, was asked by him to not go out at night after the shocking Nirbhaya rape case in 2012, and she said, “Instead of stopping me, make Delhi safer." A parent had realized a deep-rooted problem in the prevailing culture that was not fully addressed as a problem that might be controlled and averted but was generally accepted and had become a cliche that no longer bothers society and people's minds.
He started the drive, “Save Delhi, Brave Delhi” through which CCTVs were installed in different corners of the city, in collaboration with the Delhi Government. This drive saw the initiation of Hamari Pahchan, an NGO, registered in 2015.
Eventually, the NGO launched a total of eight programs, all of which have been actively volunteered by enthusiastic school students, college students, interns, and those willing to voluntarily volunteer with us. The programs launched have a wide range of objectives, that includes raising awareness about health and well-being, menstrual hygiene, and sanitation, giving legal aid to people who fail to access legal remedies and rights, as well as empowering people via education and skill development. Under this, we have also succeeded to provide free-of-cost vocational as well as professional courses for the economically weaker section of the society.   
Hamari Pachan has also adopted, slums and villages in Delhi NCR, and not only looking up to their basic needs and basic education it has also constantly actively organizing creative and entertaining events which keep the locals continue to connect and trust us.
we are constantly working to reach out to the disenfranchised and underprivileged, as well as focusing on mental health and connecting them to the world and the joy this comes with celebrating various festivals with them may it be on the occasion of chaat puja or Christmas and conducting other creative extracurricular activities such as buying ice cream for the kids, taking them out on water park trips, taking up chess sessions for children in the slums, surprising the cancer patients with gifts, and many such works of compassion.
During the atrocious time of covid, Hamari Pahchan had actively, extended its support to the essential needs by distributing food, and preventive kits and carrying out drives to curtail the corona’s myths that were more fatal than the actual virus.
NGOs such as Hamari Pahchan not only strive to mold out the true Pahchan in individuals but also set an example of true dedication to serving those who are unable to serve society due to a lack of basic facilities, which would have made every individual bear fruit for society and nation.
The goals and motive of Hamari Pahchan are to seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.
"we cant help everyone, but everyone can help someone."
- Ronald Reagan
To know more about our work, you can visit Hamari Pahchan’s official website by clicking on this link - https://www.hamaripahchan.org/.
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5millionfriends · 4 years
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Seattle Skyline from the Bremerton ferry this morning : Seattle Seattle Skyline from the Bremerton ferry this morning : Seattle Source by renditionds
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researchdive · 3 years
Face Mask Detection Market is Expected to Reach Approximately US$3,040.9 million in Revenues by 2028-End
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The global face mask detection market is estimated to be valued at $3,040.9 million by 2028, surging from $1,191.6 million in 2020, at a noteworthy CAGR of 10.9%.
Impact Analysis of COVID-19 on the Face Mask Detection Market
The COVID-19 epidemic has caused damage to the worldwide industrial sector and material and product supply chains. International borders closed, economies decimated, and billions of people were quarantined or secluded in their own homes. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised social separation and use of sanitizers & face mask as important strategies for containment till vaccination reaches most of the population. Owing to such pandemic situation, the demand for face mask detection increased in last couple of years and is anticipated to grow over the forecast period.
Increasing COVID-19 Pandemic Demand for Face Mask Detection. Check how Face Mask Detection increases in last two couple of year?
Global Face Mask Detection Market Analysis
Due to the worldwide COVID-19 corona virus outbreak, the wearing of face masks in public is becoming more mandatory. COVID- 19 infected almost five million people in 188 countries in less than six months. The virus is propagated by close contact particularly in congested and overcrowded environments. With the use of modern technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), big data, and machine learning (ML), spread of virus can be mitigated in the short term. Many countries have regulations requiring people to wear face masks in public. In public spaces, however, monitoring big gatherings of individuals is getting more challenging. Owing to this, face mask detection solutions in conjunction with surveillance cameras have helped to prevent COVID-19 transmission by detecting people who aren't wearing face masks. Moreover, increasing need to mitigate the spread of the new variants of coronavirus, use of face masks, and its detection in public for monitoring will lead to market growth across the world.
Precision in face mask detection and privacy & security concerns among public are likely impede the growth of the market.
However, use of computer vision and machine learning techniques in detection of face masks for enhanced accuracy will present new opportunities for the vendors in the market.
Global Face Mask Detection Market, Segmentation
The global face mask detection market is segmented based on component, end-use, and region.
The component segment is further divided into hardware and software. The software sub-segment of the global face mask detection market is projected to have the fastest growth and surpass $1,731.5 million by 2028. The growth can be attributed to the various face mask detection software inbuilt with novel technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning are being developed. Moreover, there has been growing demand of face mask detection software to be incorporated in the existing camera or CCTV infrastructure.
Based on end-use, the face mask detection market has been divided into retail, corporate infrastructure, airports, hospitality, and others of which the retail sub-segment is projected to generate the revenue of $452.3 million by 2028, with the fastest compound annual growth rate of 11.9% during the forecast period. With the development of public spaces such as retail stores, malls, and restaurants, as well as the tightening of limitations on public mobility, the monitoring of persons wearing masks has become imperative. Face mask detection market is expected to rise because of the increase in the number of in-store customers and growing worries about the rising number of coronavirus infections.
The face mask detection market for the Europe region is projected to witness a rapid growth. This market generated a revenue of $255.5 million in 2020 and is further projected to reach up to $696.4 million by 2028. Various European countries such as Germany, France, and Poland, among others have made wearing of face masks compulsory in public places such as public transport, religious facilities, commercial facilities, and market places, among others. Moreover, rising cases of other variants of coronavirus such as Delta and Omicron have increased the need for public monitoring wearing face masks. Therefore, the region is likely to witness substantial market growth in the coming years.
Get PDF Sample of Face Mask Detection Market
Key Players in the Global Face Mask Detection Market
Face mask detection market share has been accounted by key players like
Trident Info
Accubits Technologies
Intelligent Security Systems
Sensource Inc,
NEC Corporation, among others.
Moreover, the market is fragmented owing to the presence of large number of manufacturers.
Along with company profiles of the key players in the market, the report includes the Porter’s five forces model that gives deep insights into the competitive environment of the market.
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odbaonline · 3 years
Cảnh báo ba ông lớn châu Á về nguy cơ kinh tế 2022
Trung Quốc: Không dựa được vào Thế vận hội
Hy vọng của Trung Quốc về việc tăng cường “sức mạnh mềm” toàn cầu từ việc đăng cai Thế vận hội Mùa đông đã bị giáng một đòn mạnh bởi Covid-19 và căng thẳng địa chính trị. Mỹ và các đồng minh đang tiến hành một cuộc tẩy chay ngoại giao đối với Thế vận hội tháng hai tới tại Bắc Kinh.
Bên cạnh đó, chính sách “Zero Covid” của Bắc Kinh đã không ngăn chặn được đợt bùng phát virus corona mới ở Tây An, khi thành phố 13 triệu dân bị đóng cửa trong gần hai tuần và con số ca bệnh vẫn đang tiếp tục tăng lên. Nhóm tham vấn Eurasia Group cảnh báo nếu virus corona tiếp tục lây lan, nước này có thể tăng cường phong tỏa, kéo theo nguy cơ gián đoạn kinh tế lớn hơn, gây sức ép lên chuỗi cung ứng và lạm phát cao hơn.
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Nền kinh tế đầu tàu châu Á tiếp tục chịu nhiều sức ép trong năm 2022. Ảnh: CNN/CCTV.
Sự can thiệp của chính phủ nước này vào nhiều ngành, từ giáo dục đến công nghệ, cũng khiến các nhà đầu tư lo ngại. Gần 1,5 nghìn tỷ USD đã bị xóa sổ khỏi giá trị cổ phiếu công nghệ và Internet Trung Quốc vào năm 2021, khi các nhà đầu tư nhìn lại tác động từ các chính sách “thịnh vượng chung” của Chủ tịch Trung Quốc Tập Cận Bình đến các doanh nhân công nghệ như Jack Ma.
Chịu ảnh hưởng của đại dịch và mức nợ gia tăng, tăng trưởng GDP của Trung Quốc sụt giảm, chỉ chiếm 1/4 tăng trưởng GDP toàn cầu vào năm 2021, giảm so với mức 1/3 trước đại dịch. Trong khi lĩnh vực bất động sản chiếm tới 30% nền kinh tế Trung Quốc, sự suy thoái bất động sản có thể tiếp tục đè nặng lên nền kinh tế lớn thứ hai thế giới trong năm 2022, do khó khăn về nợ mà gã khổng lồ bất động sản China Evergrande phải đối mặt.
Các nhà phân tích vẫn kỳ vọng tăng trưởng GDP tích cực của Trung Quốc vào năm 2022 khi Quỹ Tiền tệ Quốc tế (IMF) dự báo mức tăng GDP nước này sẽ ở mức 5,6%. Tuy nhiên, hai năm kể từ khi Covid-19 bùng phát, triển vọng kinh tế hiện “đáng lo ngại hơn bất kỳ thời điểm nào kể từ khi Trung Quốc dừng được đợt phong tỏa ban đầu”, tổ chức tham vấn Capital Economics cảnh báo.
Nhật Bản: “Chủ nghĩa tư bản mới” đối mặt với các phép thử cũ
“Chủ nghĩa tư bản mới” của Thủ tướng Nhật Bản Kishida Fumio phải đối mặt với một số phép thử truyền thống trong năm 2022, bao gồm việc hồi sinh nền kinh tế lớn thứ ba thế giới và ngăn chặn nguy cơ giảm phát.
Ông Kishida cũng cần giữ chân cộng đồng doanh nghiệp Nhật Bản và các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài sau khi nhấn mạnh nhu cầu tăng lương và việc phân bổ lại của cải trong xã hội. Việc phân phối lại của cải này đến từ túi của các nhà đầu tư bao nhiêu phần trăm sẽ là một trọng tâm của thị trường tài chính. Những thách thức chiến lược kinh tế “Kishidanomics” phải đối mặt đã được tờ Nikkei của Nhật Bản nhấn mạnh khi họ xếp Nhật Bản thấp hơn so với các nền kinh tế lớn khác về tăng trưởng GDP và tiền lương thực tế.
Với việc chi tiêu của người tiêu dùng giảm và số ca Covid-19 mỗi ngày gần đây đạt mức cao nhất trong ba tháng, ông Kishida đang hy vọng sẽ thực hiện một gói kích thích tài khóa kỷ lục và lãi suất cực thấp cùng với mức tiêm phòng COVID-19 cao để giữ cho nền kinh tế phát triển.
Vào tháng 9, Nhật Bản sẽ kỷ niệm 50 năm bình thường hóa quan hệ sau chiến tranh với Trung Quốc, một mối quan hệ cần được cân bằng chặt chẽ với mối quan hệ của người bảo lãnh an ninh của Nhật Bản là Mỹ. Ông Kishida đã ghi dấu ấn của mình về chính sách an ninh bằng cách tăng cường sự tham gia của Nhật Bản với các đối tác trong nhóm “Quad” (gồm 4 nước Mỹ, Nhật, Australia và Ấn Độ), bao gồm việc ký một thỏa thuận quốc phòng mới với Australia.
Nền kinh tế nước này được dự báo sẽ tăng trưởng 3,2% trong năm nay – mức tăng trưởng mạnh nhất trong một thập kỷ, tuy nhiên, chưa tính tới bất kỳ rủi ro bất ngờ nào từ đại dịch.
Ấn Độ: Bất bình đẳng trầm trọng
Ấn Độ sẽ kỷ niệm 75 năm độc lập trong bối cảnh áp lực kinh tế và chính trị đang gia tăng đối với Thủ tướng Narendra Modi và Đảng Bharatiya Janata (BJP) cầm quyền của ông.
Về mặt kinh tế, dữ liệu GDP dường như cho thấy một bức tranh đầy màu sắc. Ấn Độ đang được coi là nền kinh tế lớn phát triển nhanh nhất thế giới trong năm 2021, với mức tăng trưởng GDP ước tính là 9,5%.
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Bất bình đẳng thu nhập ở Ấn Độ đang ngày càng gia tăng. Ảnh: AFP.
Tuy nhiên, hoạt động của nền kinh tế lớn thứ ba châu Á có phần không đồng đều. Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Pew ước tính hơn 30 triệu người Ấn Độ thuộc tầng lớp trung lưu đã bị đẩy vào cảnh nghèo đói do tác động của đại dịch virus corona và số lượng người nghèo tăng khoảng 75 triệu người.
Khi tài chính hộ gia đình bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề, bất bình đẳng gia tăng và chi tiêu công có khả năng gặp khó khăn về tài khóa, đà phục hồi có thể bị đình trệ. Lạm phát cũng có thể tăng nhanh, đặc biệt nếu xảy ra những làn sóng lây nhiễm virus corona mới trong bối cảnh tỷ lệ tiêm chủng tương đối thấp.
Về mặt chính trị, đảng BJP phải đối mặt với một loạt các cuộc bầu cử cấp bang và kết quả sẽ tạo nền tảng cho cuộc bầu cử quốc gia tiếp theo vào năm 2024. Cuộc bỏ phiếu quan trọng nhất là ở Uttar Pradesh, bang đông dân nhất của Ấn Độ, chiếm khoảng 1/5 số ghế trong Quốc hội Ấn Độ.
Việc bảo đảm sự ủng hộ từ người dân sẽ là ưu tiên hàng đầu của ông Modi khi ông cố gắng kéo dài nhiệm kỳ của mình hơn một thập kỷ tại vị vừa qua. Hiện tại, ông đã thể hiện ý định tiếp tục tranh cử và thu hút sự ủng hộ với việc bãi bỏ luật cải cách nông nghiệp sau khi đối mặt với các cuộc biểu tình lớn nhất đất nước kể từ khi độc lập.
Về chính sách đối ngoại, Ấn Độ phải đối mặt với mối đe dọa khủng bố tiềm tàng từ Afghanistan khi Taliban lên nắm quyền lãnh đạo cùng với căng thẳng tiếp tục ở Kashmir. Tuy nhiên, thách thức lớn nhất sẽ vẫn là từ đối thủ láng giềng Trung Quốc, cùng với khả năng xảy ra các cuộc đụng độ biên giới tiếp theo và ảnh hưởng ngày càng tăng của Trung Quốc ở Nam Á.
Như vậy, khi đại dịch Covid-19 ước tính xóa sổ khoảng 1,7 nghìn tỷ USD khỏi các nền kinh tế lớn nhất châu Á, khu vực này có rất nhiều việc phải làm vào năm 2022 và phần lớn đang dựa vào các “ông lớn” khu vực để dẫn dắt đà phục hồi.
An Bình
source https://odbaonline.com/canh-bao-ba-ong-lon-chau-a-ve-nguy-co-kinh-te-2022/
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Amerika Serikat dan China Saling Tuding Soal Asal-usul Virus Corona
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 KONTENISLAM.COM - Pejabat dan media China mulai menyuarakan apa yang disebut oleh media Barat sebagai "teori konspirasi aneh" yang menghubungkan asal-usul virus virus corona (Covid-19) dengan laboratorium militer AS di Maryland. Penargetan China terhadap AS atas asal usul penyakit yang telah menewaskan lebih dari 4,2 juta orang secara global itu terjadi pada saat Beijing menghadapi pertanyaan sulit atas kemungkinan kebocoran virus dari laboratorium di Wuhan, kota China tempat infeksi virus itu. pertama kali dilaporkan pada Desember 2019. Selama beberapa minggu terakhir, para pejabat dan media China telah menggunakan teori bahwa militer AS dapat dikaitkan dengan wabah tersebut. Sebuah laporan baru-baru ini oleh anggota parlemen Partai Republik di AS mengatakan ada bukti bahwa virus itu bocor dari fasilitas penelitian Wuhan, tempat para ilmuwan bekerja untuk memodifikasi virus corona untuk menginfeksi manusia. Penyelidik AS belum memvalidasi temuan tersebut. China telah membantah melakukan kesalahan atau menutup-nutupi tetapi menolak apa yang disebut banyak orang sebagai fase kedua penyelidikan ke laboratorium Wuhan. Seperti diketahui, pada pase pertama tidak menemukan bukti yang menguatkan teori kebocoran laboratorium setelah tim Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) mengunjungi fasilitas Wuhan awal tahun ini. Dalam latar belakang inilah teori China yang menimbulkan kecurigaan terhadap AS mulai sering muncul di media yang dikelola pemerintah. Laporan China yang mempromosikan teori ini menyerukan penyelidikan internasional ke Fort Detrick, fasilitas militer AS di Maryland yang melakukan penelitian tentang penyakit menular, dan mengatakan laboratorium itu ditutup sementara pada 2019 setelah inspeksi peraturan. Pembenaran bahwa masalah infrastruktur dan dekontaminasi air limbah mendorong penutupan tidak cukup meyakinkan, teori tersebut menyimpulkan. “Mengenai pekerjaan penelusuran asal, Kementerian Luar Negeri China baru-baru ini mengatakan AS harus memulai dengan empat hal, termasuk menerbitkan dan memeriksa data kasus-kasus awal, mengundang pakar WHO untuk menyelidiki Fort Detrick dan 200 lebih Biolab di luar negeri, mengundang WHO para ahli untuk menyelidiki University of North Carolina dan merilis data mengenai atlet militer Amerika yang sakit yang menghadiri pertandingan militer dunia di Wuhan," sebuah laporan di Global Times yang dikelola pemerintah mengatakan. Laporan tersebut berusaha untuk berargumen bahwa laboratorium di University of North Carolina (UNC) di Chapel Hill, dipimpin oleh ahli virus corona AS yang terkenal Ralph Baric. Inilah yang menjadi fokus kecurigaan. Dalam artikel lain, Global Times mengatakan ada kemungkinan "beberapa pasien penyakit paru-paru misterius terkait vaping yang melanda seluruh 50 negara bagian AS pada 2019 sebenarnya adalah pasien COVID-19". Ini mengutip sekelompok ilmuwan dan ahli radiologi China, yang tampaknya meninjau "sekitar 250 CT scan dada dari makalah yang diterbitkan". Sementara itu, media AS mengatakan meskipun teori semacam itu telah beredar sejak Maret, diplomat dan media China telah meningkatkan retorika selama beberapa minggu terakhir. CNN melaporkan bahwa penyiar CCTV negara Cina baru-baru ini menayangkan laporan 30 menit tentang Fort Detrick dan itu menjadi tren teratas di Weibo, aplikasi mirip Twitter yang disensor di Cina. "Di media sosial, beberapa akun media pemerintah dan pemerintah mempromosikan teori tak berdasar lain dari tabloid Italia yang tidak jelas, yang menuduh militer AS telah menyebarkan virus corona ke Italia melalui program donor darah," kata laporan CNN yang menyebutnya "konser" propaganda". Asal usul pandemi COVID-19 telah menjadi bahan perdebatan sengit dengan klaim bahwa virus Sars-Cov-2 bocor (secara tidak sengaja atau tidak) dari lab Wuhan. Pada hari-hari awal pandemi, kecurigaan ini dibuang oleh sebagian besar ilmuwan sebagai teori konspirasi. Pada saat yang sama, diduga virus menyebar dari pasar makanan laut di Wuhan yang menjual hewan eksotis, tetapi belum ada bukti yang mengkonfirmasi hal ini. Sebagian ilmuwan percaya bahwa wabah virus dapat dikaitkan dengan kelelawar dan mungkin telah melewati mamalia lain sebelum melompat ke manusia. Tetapi mata rantai yang hilang belum ditetapkan.[suara]
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/2WT994v via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/08/amerika-serikat-dan-china-saling-tuding.html
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reeveselectrical78 · 3 years
When the corona virus took roots in the early December 2019, it was not taken much seriously, just because of the unexpected results. Well, this situation was not more than a week when the natives of Wuhan realized it was not a joke in few months, it spread like a bush fire in the forest of amazon. Conditions worsened until they became nothing less than a jail. People across the globe were bound to stay in homes for months having no facility in hand.
Now think if in this situation you come across a problems with your AC and are left sweeting with no service in hand and no electrical electrician to resolve the issue. Well no worries, as the emergency services are always here to help. They are always ready to help, weather its day or night and are even willing to help you on weekdays. You just need to make a single call to avail the facility at your door step. This will enable you to live a peaceful life with no tension of any problem that occurs al of a sudden. The service providers will charge very low and will make sure that they leave your home with a big smile on your face.
What if you are spending time with your family, enjoying snacks and suddenly your house changes to a dark dimly place as the circuit breakers have blown away. Now the conditions can get even worse if it heavy rain outside and you don’t expect any help before morning. Well, to your surprise, everyone will leave your hand in this situation except the emergency electrical services. They will be eager to help you ignoring the harsh weather conditions and will surely win you heart by not only providing quick but also top notch services. They will make sure to settle down everything flawlessly and in a way that it does not ruin up all by itself again when they leave. They work with full dedication and give more value to the prayers and love they get rather than the pay. Now you can sleep calmly with no fear of any fault occurring ever again.
 As a human being, it’s not possible that you have everything so well maintained that you can never fall into trouble. Yes you are right it’s not I am talking about the chances of the main electricity suppling wire of your house to be cut. It’s a fact that the chances are very low but some people do not hesitate stealing stuff. Now rather than sitting helpless call the emergency electrical services and the best part is that they also have each and everything of their work with them and they will not only provide you with the wire but will also fix it up perfectly.
As the pandemic prolonged, many people fell below poverty and for some reason, were forced to fall into wrong deeds like robbery and stealing.so, to prevent that from happening you must make sure to get some CCTV cameras across the place to make sure that you sleep fearlessly and even if such a situation strikes, you can have the footage of what exactly happened and can be able to catch those involved. For doing this you will have to spend a few bucks and will have to ask for help from the emergency services so you can get everything setup well in time.
Lastly, even a small problem can cause much larger problem like the problems in the switch boards. Even if a single wire from the switch board is melted, all of the fans, AC lights and sockets will stop working. If they are connected in series than it is possible that all the switch boards of an area get out of order. Now in this hectic situation you must call the emergency electricians as soon as possible because the darker it gets, the severe the case gets. These highly skilled electricians will help you fit everything well in time and the best part of them is that they can even help you even if you are living far away from the city.
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trueview12 · 3 years
The Need of Thermal Cameras for Corona Virus Screening
Let us first understand what actually Thermal cameras are and for what use they are meant for. The thermal cameras detect the temperature by recognizing different levels of infrared light. This light is invisible to the naked eye but can be felt as heat if the intensity is high enough. These cameras can be used to detect elevated body temperature. If the temperature of the skin especially the corner of the eye and forehead is above the average temperature then the individual may be prescribed for additional screening tests.
 What do Thermal Cameras do and how is it needful in the Current COVID-19 Situation
By using infrared technology, thermal cameras detect radiating heat from a body usually from the forehead and then estimate core body temperature. These cameras are extremely powerful tool mostly used by a firefighter to track smoldering embers and also used by the police to search for out of sight suspects. But they are not designed to be medical devices. They can give a reasonable measure of skin temperature to almost within a half degree but that’s not the same as body temperature. These devices in general are less accurate than medical devices thermometers.
 A high temperature is usually considered to be 38C or over it but the normal temperature can vary from person to person and can change during the day. It can also fluctuate during the woman’s monthly cycle. Taking the accurate body temperature isn’t easy though it although it can be measured on the forehead, in the mouth, the ear, and the armpit; the most accurate way is to take a rectal reading.
 The thermal cameras don’t detect Corona Virus, they only measure temperature. A high temperature or fever is just one common symptom of the Corona Virus. But not everyone with the virus gets a high temperature and not everyone with high temperature is infected with Corona Virus. So the thermal cameras alone can’t detect infected people with other symptoms or can say no symptoms at all. They can only identify people with fever. Although it doesn’t detect infected COVID-19 patients, they still detect persons with fever and aware of them for further measures. It also helps the health providers to treat the infected patient as early as possible to ensure his safety from coronavirus and save his life. Thermal cameras are already being implemented as a means of detecting people with fever-like symptoms in high traffic areas such as hospitals entrances, shopping centers, and office buildings and potentially mass attendance sporting events when they resume. The people who show up as having high temperatures can then be directed to further treatment and encouraged to isolate to help curb the spread of COVID-19. During these pandemic conditions, the rise of such devices is increasing and also it plays a vital role in the detection of fever. Many hospitals, shopping centers, office buildings, etc have set up such devices for precautions & safety. Precaution is better than cure is the saying and this is very much important to implement in this pandemic situation. So in the COVID-19 condition, the role of thermal cameras is equally important and needed to ensure safety & precaution basis.
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To conclude, we can say that Thermal Cameras are effective in detecting people who have a fever i.e. have a higher than normal body temperature but they cannot detect people who are infected with COVID-19. But still, it is needful in this pandemic condition to detect the people with a fever to undergo COVID-19 tests and seek medical guidance from the health providers.
 Trueview has been a key innovator in the Infrared Thermometer, Pulse Oximeter, CCTV and Security sector, having been involved in the development and promotion of major technological achievements in the industry. All our products are certified and compliant with industry standards ISO, FDA, CE, FCC, and ROHS. We strive hard to add innovative technologies to feed our customers with the latest in the industry.
 To know about our products read our Blogs, visit our website www.trueview.co.in
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beritanews · 4 years
Cegah Penyebaran Covid-19, Ruang Tahanan Polres Sinjai Disemprot Disinfektan
Cegah Penyebaran Covid-19, Ruang Tahanan Polres Sinjai Disemprot Disinfektan
BERITA.NEWS, Sinjai – Urusan Kesehatan (Urkes) Polres Sinjai kembali melakukan menyemprotkan cairan disinfektan ke seluruh ruang tahanan, Senin (22/3/2021). Hal ini sebagai salah satu upaya untuk memutus rantai penyebaran virus corona (Covid-19). Penyemprotan cairan disinfektan tersebut dilakukan mulai dari pintu masuk, ruang besuk tahanan, tempat jaga, ruang pemantauan CCTV hingga setiap blok…
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joleynsblog · 2 years
Hamari Pachchan NGO comes with its own very unique story of starting, along with the motive of being a non-profit organization, which is working for the welfare of society. It has implanted its originating roots in the bustling city, in the heart of India, Delhi.
Founder, Tarun Mathur, shares his eye-opening moment, that sets the journey of Hamari Pahchan when his daughter Meher Mathur, was asked by him to not go out at night after the shocking Nirbhaya rape case in 2012, and she said, “Instead of stopping me, make Delhi safer." A parent had realized a deep-rooted problem in the prevailing culture that was not fully addressed as a problem that might be controlled and averted but was generally accepted and had become a cliche that no longer bothers society and people's minds.
He started the drive, “Save Delhi, Brave Delhi” through which CCTVs were installed in different corners of the city, in collaboration with the Delhi Government. This drive saw the initiation of Hamari Pahchan, an NGO, registered in 2015.
Eventually, the NGO launched a total of eight programs, all of which have been actively volunteered by enthusiastic school students, college students, interns, and those willing to voluntarily volunteer with us. The programs launched have a wide range of objectives, that includes raising awareness about health and well-being, menstrual hygiene, and sanitation, giving legal aid to people who fail to access legal remedies and rights, as well as empowering people via education and skill development. Under this, we have also succeeded to provide free-of-cost vocational as well as professional courses for the economically weaker section of the society.   
Hamari Pachan has also adopted, slums and villages in Delhi NCR, and not only looking up to their basic needs and basic education it has also constantly actively organizing creative and entertaining events which keep the locals continue to connect and trust us.
we are constantly working to reach out to the disenfranchised and underprivileged, as well as focusing on mental health and connecting them to the world and the joy this comes with celebrating various festivals with them may it be on the occasion of chaat puja or Christmas and conducting other creative extracurricular activities such as buying ice cream for the kids, taking them out on water park trips, taking up chess sessions for children in the slums, surprising the cancer patients with gifts, and many such works of compassion.
During the atrocious time of covid, Hamari Pahchan had actively, extended its support to the essential needs by distributing food, and preventive kits and carrying out drives to curtail the corona’s myths that were more fatal than the actual virus.
NGOs such as Hamari Pahchan not only strive to mold out the true Pahchan in individuals but also set an example of true dedication to serving those who are unable to serve society due to a lack of basic facilities, which would have made every individual bear fruit for society and nation.
The goals and motive of Hamari Pahchan are to seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.
"we cant help everyone, but everyone can help someone."
- Ronald Reagan
To know more about our work, you can visit Hamari Pahchan’s official website by clicking on this link - https://www.hamaripahchan.org/.
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