#corona virus bat
pebblegalaxy · 5 months
Unveiling Hidden Dangers: FBI Emails Reveal Concerns Over U.S.-Funded Virus Experiments in Wuhan
Unveiling Hidden Dangers: FBI Emails Reveal Concerns Over U.S.-Funded Virus Experiments in Wuhan #COVID19Origins #GainOfFunction #WuhanLab #FauciFunding #FBIDocuments #VirusResearch #PandemicPrevention bioethics #LabLeakTheory #PublicHealthSafety
The recent revelation of emails and documents concerning U.S.-funded experiments on coronaviruses in China, particularly at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has rekindled concerns and debates about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the nature of scientific research involving dangerous pathogens. This disclosure, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch,…
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oh-yes-i-did-not · 1 year
Okay so for those either too young to remember or who were alive during but it never really affected them based on where they lived, Mad Cow Disease
Mad Cow Disease was thing in the late 80′s and the entire 90′s, all the way to early 00′s and it was an international scare. Like, we had disinfecting stations on international airports because of it.
It was a virus passed from animals to humans and this didn’t happen somewhere random in Asia, where, idk, bats and pigs interact and infect the food chain, but in Europe. In UK to be precise.
It affected only cows at first and only agriculture paid any attention, since any animal infected needed to be put down. Like no shit, those animals couldn’t even walk with how bad they were shaking and if you want to google this, be prepared. It doesn’t look nice, it looks ugly and horrifying and it will likely traumatize someone.
And the mode of transfer was not evident. There are videos and photos, showing cow carcasses being burned and someone trying to claim that was early days but that was very much not the reality in the beginning. In fact, all the research showed it is not possible for Mad Cow Disease to infect humans. In fact2, a similar disease was already known in lambs for decades and that one could not infect humans, so it was a no brainer to say, a similar disease in cows can also NEVER infect humans, so no precautions with the carcass needed.
But the thing is, how we processed meat had changed drastically between the lambs being a stable, grown at home meat, and then cows, or beef, becoming dominant with supermarkets. This is basically the “you see this, this is animal paste from a teletubby machine” video, except the paste wasn’t fed to humans. It’s known as meat and bone meal and it was all the leftover stuff from abattoirs, ground up and fed back to the animals as valuable protein.
You might see where this is going.
So let’s talk about prion diseases.
Well, as much as I, a random person know about them. Prions are proteins and proteins are not DNA or RNA, which are most likely familiar to anyone who has googled Covid, or any novel corona viruses in general. They’re the viruses a vaccine is made for.
Prion diseases are, in fact, mostly known because of cannibalism. Kuru is a famous disease among one specific tribe on Pacific Islands, caused by their tradition of consuming their relatives flesh after death. In fact, I just fact checked on which ocean and was told that the Kuru was mainly affecting kids and women because the men ate limbs and muscles and women and kids got the brain and basically all the best, fatty parts. Which, ironically, carried the disease.
And yes, in any survivalist culture fat, innards, and cartilage and the “bad parts” are the best because they contain the most nutrients so no, you do no get to twist this into the men taking the best, so fuck of terfs. This post is not for you.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease was already known by the time of Mad Cow Disease, it was a brain destroying disease affecting the elderly population. Mad Cow became variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, or vCJD and was picked up because it mainly affected the young.
And in case you didn’t get it already, the link was infected cow carcasses being processed to meat and bone meal to be fed back to cows, because infected prion diseases spread through cannibalism. Or more specifically, spine and brain stem.
(so you’re relatively safe eating just the thigh or any muscle tbh)
So in the end, Mad Cow Disease didn’t kill that many people, only few hundreds, if I recall correctly.
But the thing that was found out about the prion diseases because of Kuru was that while some people exhibited symptoms and died really early, most had an incubation period of DECADES, aka 50 years. So the inevitable conclusion about vCJD is that it has only claimed it’s first victims and that majority are still waiting to appear and die.
Because the thing about prion diseases? There is currently no cure. And the fact that no one seems to remember this and that there is no awareness of it is not helping.
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mybharatguru · 2 months
A person infected with Nipah virus is likely to die… Vaccination - No separate treatment…. How is it spread..? What are the consequences…?
As a boy died due to Nipah virus attack in Kerala, the state government has taken various measures to control it. How does Nipah virus spread? What are the consequences? Let’s see about that. Nipah virus belongs to ZOONOTIC DISEASE category. That means it can spread from animals to humans, just like the corona virus. Nipah virus is likely to be spread through fruit eaten by bats. The virus is…
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grab-the-bananaguns · 9 months
the bats are making bat noises and eating the bugs that would otherwise be biting ankles. the ceiling fan is spinning despite the widow being open, it’s too hot and humid to not have both. the dull march of time continues onwards towards the 25th day of the 12th month and then onwards to the next year from there further increasing the amount of time since the corona virus pandemic
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Corona virus
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause respiratory illness in humans. They are called “corona” because of crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and the common cold are examples of coronaviruses that cause illness in humans.The new strain of coronavirus — SARS-CoV-2 — was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. It has since spread to every country around the world.Coronaviruses are often found in bats, cats and camels. The viruses live in but don’t infect the animals. Sometimes these viruses then spread to different animal species. The viruses may change (mutate) as they transfer to other species. Eventually, the virus can jump from animal species and begin to infect humans. In the case of SARS-CoV-19, the first people infected are thought to have contracted the virus at a food market that sold meat, fish and live animals.
By- shruti maheshwari
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omg-erika · 2 years
Wow! Bat becomes a Genetic Engineer.
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding How did Chinese bats manage to copy a patented gene sequence from the corona syringe manufacturer Moderna into their genome? A hard nut for “fact checkers.” When the bomb exploded, it did so entirely silently because leading media ensured perfect soundproofing: In the genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pathogen that…
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berlinautor · 2 years
Update 16.03.23
Ich muss leider mal so melodramatisch sein. Klickt mal auf diesen Musiklink… ist virenfrei ..
Heute Abend, nachdem ich ein bisschen geschlafen habe soweit das mit dem Blutdruckmessgerät alle halbe Stunde überhaupt geht, klingelte das Zimmertelefon. Eine Schwester am Apparat, ob ich bitte mal die Tests abholen könne. Ich denke spontan und tatsächlich an Wissenskontrolltests nach den Vorträgen und kann es doch nicht ganz glauben. So frage ich denn, um welche Test es sich handeln würde.
„Ah, ich dachte, alle wüssten Bescheid. Corona Schnelltests. Wir sind gezwungen, jeden Tag einen Test durchzuführen. Kommen Sie bitte gleich die Tests abholen?“ Ich bejahte und trabte los. Auf den Gängen schlichen alle mit Maske herum und es war irgendwie sehr still.
Ich fragte dann die Schwester, ob Corona ausgebrochen sei. Ja, leider, reagierte sie und bat mich in mein Postfach zu schauen, da wären zwei FFP-Masken drin.
Dieses blöde Virus werden wir nicht mehr los.
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Abendbrot dann auch in dieser fiesen ruhigen nachdenklichen Atmosphäre. Es wurde wenig gesprochen, schon gar nicht gescherzt, was ich ehrlicher Weise ein bisschen übertrieben fand. Aber man muss bedenken, dass hier natürlich wirklich sehr alte und vor allem auch immungeschwächte Patienten sich aufhalten. Da kann man sich schon Sorgen machen.
Meine Wassergymnastik war wieder toll. Also mein Test läuft … das Blutdruckgerät auch! Schlaft gut.
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ithisatanytime · 2 years
6SNOT - DAHMER (Official Music Video)
  the head of the FBI came out and “confirmed” that the origin of “novel” corona was a Wuhan lab leak. just a reminder this is total bullshit, its a complete fabrication, its just untrue. its false. its a red herring. every year we get some strain of viral upper respiratory illness, we monitor chinas flu season to try to make a prediction on which of the hundreds of viruses we classify as a cold or flu will go viral in the west for our flu season, this is the reason why flu shots are not one hundred percent effective, its a bit of a guessing game as to which strain of virus to mass vaccinate against. its sort of like being a record company and guessing which song of an almbum to make into a single. these viruses mutate constantly, otherwise they’d simply infect us all once wed gain immunity and that would be that, they constantly mutate. covid is one of these viruses, its common, it mutates all the time just like other common cold and flu viruses, and thats what happened in 2020 no bat soup or wuhan lab leak, corona just mutated as it does every single year, the only difference that year was an unprecedented media fear mongering campaign.
 china and russia comprise the two biggest threats to western jewish hegemony and they are neighbors and they are friends lol. the united states was running ops in china just prior to the covid outbreak, the cia was confirmed stirring anti ccp sentiment and trying to spark a civil war for hong kong independence i literally saw videos of what were clearly CIA operators giving lengthy and frankly bizarre speaches about hong kong independence on subway trains before being arrested and carted off. i believe that the early videos of people convulsing in the streets (sleepy chinese doctors, remember?) and the like were created by chinese actors (not in the professional sense, i mean like agent) loyal to the CIA contingent that was confirmed to be operating in china at the time, the CCP capitalized on this and used it as an opportunity to try and get rid of the revolutionary element and its foreign (See jewish) supporters, arresting them under the guise of lockdown compliance. i believe the covid scam was meant as a failsafe break glass in case of emergency sort of deal for powerful jews around the world, i believe the main goals of the scam were domestic in nature, and have to do with the need to change how jews exert dominance over nonjews after the proliferation of the internet basically destroyed their tried and true method of control, namely propaganda. the FBI and all the same people who told you that the same damn flu that comes around every couple of years is a plague are now telling you that this totally benign and weak flu season was actually a bioweapon designed in a lab by enemies of the jewish banking cartels, its all very convenient, especially when you consider that even by the governments own fucked up and inflated metrics covid is less dangerous than even a typical flu for young people. so their plan was to design a weapon that targets the elderly and improves are economy? lmao.
  the lableak theory that is being pushed is just a push for war with china. as it stands the only people fighting those who would trick you into chopping your dick and balls off are young russian men and young men from the muslim world. does that sit well with you? i dont even like the idea of another man pumping my gasoline.
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Corona Virus - Covid-19 Explainer Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/corona-virus-covid19-explainer/26191284
Corona Virus _ Covid-19 _ Explainer Here in this project, you can find the most useful Elements and Icons about human health care and corona virus. Use this project and help your audience to avoid the Virus. Please rate here and support us.
100% After Effects No Plugin Required 1920×1080 (HD) 30 fps Easy to use The Most used item about health care Character animation Bat and Pangolin included Change colors easily Music and SFX are not included and more…
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opedguy · 2 years
House Republicans to Investigate Coronavirus
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Feb. 14, 2023.--House Republicans opened up an investigation into the origin of the deadly novel corona virus that’s killed over 1 million Americans, more that 6.7 million worldwide.  President Joe Biden, 80, asked 52-year-old Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to get to the bottom of the virus origin in June 2021, returning her findings three months later. Haines concluded in August 2021 that it was impossible for the intelligence community to conclude anything because China, who holds the lab data, refused to cooperate.  Yet that didn’t satisfy the majority of House Republicans who have plenty of data on how the National Intitute’s of Health, under 82-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci, awarded $15 million in grants to New York-based EchoHealth Alliance CEO Peter Daszak.  Dasak admitted to funding Shi Zehenli’s laba the Wuhan Institute of Virology nearly a million dollars.
Fauci testified before Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) Oversight Committee on at least two occasions denying that the NIH ever funded so-called “gain of function” research at Zhengli’s virology lab.  Daszak, 54, admitted to funding Zhegli’s lab, despite Fauci’s denials.  On a technical issue, the NIH didn’t fund Zhengli’s lab directly but gave the cash to EcoHealth Alliance that funded the lab.  University of North Carolina microbiologist Dr. Ralph Baric openly admitted to working with Zhengli in her Wuhan lab, injecting harmless bat coronaviruses with Angiotensin 2 [ACE 2], a powerful beta-blocker drug, to enhance the infectiousness of the virus.  Fauci, Daszak and World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyseus all insist that the virus originated naturally, jumping from bats to animals, then to humans.  Fauci, Daszak and Tedros prove zero evidence to back up their claims.
Early on in the coronaviurs global pandemic, former President Donald Trump said April 30, 2020 that the virus leaked from Zhengli’s Wuhan lab, prompting Fauci, Daszak and Tedros to challenge the lab-leak theory.  Daszak, sent a letter Feb 27. 2020  backed by 27 other scientists to the British Medical Journal Lancet saying that the virus was a “spillover event,” jumping from bats, to an intermediate animal, they infecting human.  If that’s not a convoluted theory, then what is?  When the first deadly coronavirus SARS CoV-1occurred in 2003, it infected 8,000, killing only 800 worldwide. How could the second version of the virus, SARS CoV-2, infect nearly 678 million, with over 6.7 million deaths worldwide?  Something happened to the virus in Zhengli’s lab that engineered the virus into the most deadly virus known to man.  It’s genetically impossible for SARS CoV-1 to morph into SARS CoV-2.
House Intelligence Committee Rep. James Comer (R-Ten..) said his committee will get to the bottom of how the deadly coronavirus emerged.  DNI Avril Haines said before her final report to Biden the virus origin of the virus that preventing another global pandemic was imperative.  But listening to Fauci, Daszak or Tedros would be a wild goose chase.  All indications point to Zhengli’s “gain-of-function” experiments, turning harmless coronaviurses into the most infectious pathogens, explaining why the SARS CoV-1 bears little resemblance to SARS CoV-2.  Comer said he will “follow the facts” and “hold U.S. government officials that took part in any cover-up accountable.”  Fauci’s prior testimony under oath resulted in screaming matches with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), calling Paul a “liar” for saying Fauci funded Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance who, in turn, funded Zhengli’s bioweapons lab.
U.S. press vehemently attacked former President Trump when he said April 30, 2020 that the lab-leak idea was a conspiracy theory.  Seeking to oust him from office during an election year, the media could care less about the origin of the virus, only preventing Trump from a second term.  Well, they succeeded in getting rid of Trump but they’ve done their profession and world a disservice by not putting their resources to determining the origin of the virus.  Why should the House Intel committee be forced to spend its resources on determining the origin of the virus?  “This investigation must begin with where and how this virus cam about so that we can attempt to predict, prepare or prevent it from happening again,” said Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chair of the virus subcommittee in a statement.  If the virus came from Zhengli’s lab, the world should know the risk of bioweapons.
House Intel Committee officials are doing a real public service because today’s media is all about politics, not concerned with their mandated job under the First Amendment to objectively find the truth. Like so many lies promoted against Trump in the press, finding the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus should help scientists prevent another future outbreak.  There’s no sense of spending millions on a goose chase pushed by Fauci, Daszak and Tedros, seeking to cover-up the origin of the virus.  Fauci has the most to lose in his decades-long reputation for funding Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance that gave Zhengli about a million dollars to study “gain-of-function” research on harmless bay coronaviruses.  Whatever role Fauci played in creating the deadly novel coronavirus, the public has aright to know what happened.  U.S. press should be ashamed of turning facts into politics.
About the Author    
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation. Charisma.
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nepenthepotion · 2 years
The Bat That Saved The World
The Bat That Saved The World
In 2020, a zoonitic disease spread throughout the entire world within less than two months. A virus that first attacked China at the end of 2019 and no one took it seriously has turned out to be the newest type of Corona virus. Covid-19 gave the impression of being engineered by how well calculated the process of easily getting infected by it and spreading it was. We couldn’t tell who has it…
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tonkiprofits · 2 years
Corona tracker hungary
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#Corona tracker hungary update
#Corona tracker hungary full
#Corona tracker hungary trial
In addition, the eleven venues have different guidelines for stadium admission.
Anyone who feels unwell or has symptoms of Covid-19 should not go into the stadium.
based on Current projection scenario by November 1, 2022. Total deaths are the estimated number of deaths attributable to COVID-19, including unreported deaths.
Signs in the stadium will point the way. Reported deaths are the number of deaths officially reported as due to COVID-19.
Everyone should also stay in their seats during halftime and limit movement as much as possible.
Handshakes, hugs, high fives and close contact with others are to be avoided.
Disinfectant will be available throughout the stadium for this purpose.
Washing and disinfecting hands is recommended.
Only the seat indicated on the ticket may be used.
A minimum distance of 1.50 metres must be maintained.
Masks are compulsory in and around the stadium.
The following hygiene and distance rules will then apply on site: It may therefore be necessary to arrive earlier than usual. If you have a ticket for the European Football Championship, you have to be prepared for some innovations when visiting the stadium compared to football matches before the pandemic.Įach ticket holder will be allocated a 30-minute window to enter the stadium before the match. Would you like to know which COVID-19 requirements apply and which measures are in place at the destination you intend to visit (in the. If you know of an example we can add and track, please contact us with an open source link, at. This is a collective project led by PI alongside its global Network. Campaign Rewards FAQ 7 Updates 30 Comments 1,265 Community. 3,736 backers pledged 1,377,847 to help bring this project to life.
#Corona tracker hungary full
This page will be updated as measures are reported. A Smaller, Sleeker, Better solution for Full Body Tracking in SteamVR. When the pandemic is over, such extraordinary measures must be put to an end and held to account. But all of them must be temporary, necessary, and proportionate. Charts Countries Daily briefing Age / Gender / Medical conditions Compare multiple countries. Country name change: US is now United States, UK is United Kingdom, Mainland China is now China. Some may be effective and based on advice from epidemiologists, others will not be. Compare Coronavirus statistics between multiple countries. Others use exemptions in data protection laws to share data.
#Corona tracker hungary trial
7, 2021, EnGeneIC announced that it had begun a Phase 1 trial in Australia.
#Corona tracker hungary update
Many of those measures are based on extraordinary powers, only to be used temporarily in emergencies. They are producing the vaccine, known as COVID-19-EDV, primarily for people with compromised immune systems. Hungary Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries. Unprecedented levels of surveillance, data exploitation, and misinformation are being tested across the world. This is a general overview and status of places affected by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus which causes. Bats may carry rabies-like viruses in this country. However some animals may pose a greater risk of rabies for travellers, e.g. Some of these measures impose severe restrictions on people’s freedoms, including to their privacy and other human rights. Most travellers to this country are considered to be at low risk for rabies. Tech companies, governments, and international agencies have all announced measures to help contain the spread of the COVID-19, otherwise known as the Coronavirus.
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jurexpert · 2 years
Kündigung wegen Fälschung des Impfnachweises zum Corona Virus
Kündigung wegen Fälschung des Impfnachweises zum Corona Virus
Der Kläger war seit dem 01.09.1990 bei der Beklagten tätig. Mit In-Kraft-Treten des § 28b Abs. 1 Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) in der Fassung ab dem 24.11.2021 galt bei der Beklagten die 3G-Regelung. Es durften nur Personen den Arbeitsplatz betreten, die geimpft, getestet oder genesen waren. Die Beklagte bat um Vorlage eines entsprechenden Beleges. Mit Datum vom 25.11.2021 legte der Kläger ein…
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5millionfriends · 4 years
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40 Funny Memes To Exercise Your Laughter Muscles Source by PinterestFUto
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lobotomizedskull · 4 years
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11fflower11 · 4 years
It's not your fault
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