Ok but…don’t you get toothaches if you don’t brush them? How the hell do you keep your teeth from rotting out of your mouth? Or do you just yank them out with a pair of pliers the second you feel one start to go?
🎶 You know how children's baby teeth fall out when their adult teeth come in?
🎶 I have infinite adult teeth percolating in my jaws, waiting to grow to full size.
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doodledrawsthings · 5 years
Since you’re now super into Hollow Knight, I’m curious as to how you feel about the Pale King. Some people love him a lot, while some people have a tendency to demonize him. I just want to know your opinion on his character.
So I havent finished the game and I have yet to meet his corpse in the white palace, so I don’t know if I have all the information I need to make that judgement, fairly. That said, I can tell you what my thoughts are based on other context from the game so far and fan speculation I’ve seen and read. While I  find some fans depictions of the king as an asshole for shits and giggles to be kinda hilarious, sometimes, I don’t think I hate him. I don’t think he did what he did with the initial intention of being cold an heartless, I think he was desperate in trying to preserve and save his kingdom in whatever way he can. I don’t think he’s a good person, per se, but he is definitely an interesting character and I’d love to learn more about what he might have been like before his death. I’ve seen the cutscene after the path of pain (because I KNOW I’m probably not gonna be messing with that, i am GARBAGE at this game’s platforming) and I quite like the idea that he might have accidentally cared about the pure vessel, or that he was the reason for the “idea instilled” that ended up fucking up the whole plan. That’s mostly from what I’ve seen in fan art and theories on tumblr though, maybe I’ll come back with more of my thoughts after i actually finish the game as fully as I can. Anyway here’s a doodle for shits and giggles
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melseol · 5 years
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pocket-infinity · 5 years
Dear god what have I done this time...
Ladies, gentlemen, and those beyond the binary, welcome to what I hope will be a tie-together for everything in The Only Option by @corruptapostasy. This will be a veritable “Theory of Everything” as far as TOO is concerned, so fair warning, this post will be a very, very long one.
Brief terminology section: The Wyrm (The Pale King’s previous incarnation)=TW; The Pale King=TPK/PK; The White Lady=TWL/WL; The Nightmare King=NK; The Shade Lord=SL; a specific incarnation of the Nightmare King=NK#x
Now let’s get to it, starting with a timeline, numbered and justified later. For the sake of simplicity, let’s mark the events of TOO as time 0. m. = months n = an unknown number of something; default to years; any repeats of n will be called n1, n2, n3,…
1. -2,000,000++ years : The Fundament and The Radiance meet The Wyrm. 2. -2,000,000+ years : The Fundament makes a deal with The Shade Lord and begins the Ritual Cycle 3. -2,000,000+ to -2,000+ years : The Nightmare King’s reincarnations live and die; many end up fighting The Radiance. NK#137 is in some way scarred, traumatized, or otherwise harmed by The Radiance’s mind manipulation. NK#452 wages wars and desecrates corpses. 4. -2,000+ years : Enkay convinces The Wyrm to reincarnate as The Pale King 5. -2,000+ to -1,000+ years : Enkay dies, The Radiance dies, Lurien gets his scars, Grimm starts his rampage, and Hallownest is created 6. 0 : The Infection appears in Hallownest 7. ? days : PK summons Grimm 8. +2m. : The Teacher’s Archives flood; The Grimm Troupe is spotted by Lurien and visited by PK, WL, and others; 9. +n years : Ghost completes The Ritual (and, assumably, defeats The Radiance in some manner)
Justification: 1. The Fundament says he met the Wyrm in 8; if The Fundament existed, it was before that deal with SL; The Radiance says that the two promised to stick together (and they’re siblings), so it’s safe to assume they met the Wyrm together and were close with him. 2. The Fundament made a deal with SL; he says it himself in 8; the word “millions” is used, so it is plural 3. Stated by The Fundament in the same conversation 4. PK is older than Grimm, and Grimm is said to be “only a few thousand years old”, so PK must be multiple thousands of years old 5. PK and WL say that the City of tears was built a thousand years ago, which had to have been after Hallownest’s creation; therefore, since the last event we have is PK’s birth, all of those other events must have happened 6, 7, 8. That’s a fact 9. Here we go… Grimm’s tapestry in Chapter 7 is described with three circles; the first has SL’s face, the second has a “strange, horned face”, and the third has “the image of the Grimmchild wreathed in flames, eyes filled in with red.” Now, based on the fact that the “strange, horned face” is next to the Grimmchild’s, it can be inferred that the individual has some close relation to the Ritual, specifically the Grimmchild. In addition, PK describes the face as “strange”, implying that he hasn’t seen it before. So, it is someone close to the Ritual, specifically the Grimmchild, more specifically the Grimmchild with red eyes and red flames around them, but PK doesn’t know them. Ghost would make complete sense; any other potential candidates are either known by PK, unrelated to the Ritual, or lack horns. Not to mention the red eyes and flames of the Grimmchild correlate with actions in-game.
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ckret2 · 5 years
corruptapostasy reblogged your post:corruptapostasy: ckret2: ckret2: im fucking...
I just googled “lean back and fistpump gif”.
god. i searched for every single combination of words EXCEPT fistpump
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corruptapostasy · 7 years
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He needs sleep. Let him sleep.
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Working on a sona while I goof around with style.
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reynaruina · 7 years
4C and 6D for Triangle Bill Cipher on that expression art thing.
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Someone gave him some bad news D:
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If Nuclear Throne was a show, YV would be played by Swoozie.
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axolotlspoem · 7 years
I'm gonna confess something here. I already ship Black Hat with Dr. Flurg.
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Alrighty then. Now, what do you like specifically about All Quiet on The Western Front? If I recall, the story is one about WW1, and you lived through the time span of the war itself, yes?
🎶 "More than that, I lived through the war."
❌ Yeah, he's mentioned a handful of times that he fought in, I think France? And summoned a demon in the middle of battle.
❌ He's insisting that I also remind everyone that one time he ALSO claimed he "made sweet love to Jerry in No Man's Land." He refuses to tell me who Jerry is.
Is Alastor lying?
🎶 "Anyway—All Quiet! I enjoyed it because it was accurate."
❌ ... That's it? Yeah he's not giving me anything else.
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doodledrawsthings · 5 years
Holy shit was the “He was right” lyric referring to PK in the song comic? Because I noticed the foreground is on one of those symbols of his crown while the background was of HK and Hornet. If so, bravo, because that is so subtle and amazing and it makes my heart just melt in my chest.
YEP!!! Ooooooh my god, I’m SO SO SO glad you caught that!! My friend @arsonsara and i were talking about PK after he beat the game for the first time. I brought this song up in regards to the game’s themes and he had this to say that realllllllly made me wanna do that comic:“Also the last line is perfect for this because it can be interpreted in two ways.
1. Dream No More End: THK understands the pain of dying for something that’s already dead. Their shade destroyed in the fight with the Radience and left to waste. Truly understanding what the Pale King meant all those years.2. Godhome Ending: THK, now free from the black egg temple, cured of the infection, gets to experience life outside for the first time in years, They get to understand what it’s like to live for things that are alive. They understand that the Pale King was right. There’s nothing to be gained in giving everything to the dead, and it’s time to live.”
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melseol · 5 years
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wek? more like WHACK
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pocket-infinity · 5 years
Hey y’all so they came out swinging with a brand new amazing fanfic
Alright so if you enjoyed Hazbin Hotel at all, it is imperative that you go check out Fired, Rehired by @corruptapostasy right god damn now. Seriously. Go. Now. Why are you still here, you should be reading it.
Okay, fine, you can get my thoughts on it since you’re still here. Spoilers (if you’re reading this without reading the fic first, you are causing me physical pain).
So let’s go from the top: we fucking stan Sir Pentious in this household. I mean he doesn’t make an in-person appearance yet, but he does shop up and just completely wreck shop. And then there’s the way Alastor commentates all of it without breaking a sweat, and it all just feels super right, y’know? And then the carnage winds down and the next bit with his neighbor is so good. Man’s gotta eat, after all. The surprising bit, though, is what happens when a few of Valentino’s goons just show up and try to kill him. You would expect Alastor to just break out some insane magic and kick their teeth in, but here’s the thing: he doesn’t. In fact, he actively avoids drawing any attention to himself in almost any way (excluding, of course, radio, but even then, he uses an alias). The entire kidnapped car ride is also amazing because of the magnificent banter (why [how, rather] do these two write so well???). Anyway, let’s back on Alastor never using any magic. He literally avoids injuring himself to the point where his regeneration would kick in, and gets really god damn annoyed when it does, and this is just something so new and unique, and I, for one, cannot wait to see where this characterization goes. Then there’s Niffty. She’s so good; too good for hell, considering all she’s been doing is giving aid to any injured demons who turn up at her doorstep. Again, it’s so new, and having read stuff by Mad and Mar before, I cannot wait to see how much more interesting it’s going to get as it gets developed. These thoughts are... surprisingly short, honestly, but go read it. You’ll be happy you did. And if you enjoy it, perhaps considering bookmarking it or something so you can... stay tuned.
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ckret2 · 5 years
@corruptapostasy​ said: If it’s ok for me to suggest another Ghidorah fic; maybe something featuring Godzilla again? Except this time it’s less them being in a huge battle and more like Ghidorah just trying to figure things out and getting his (begrudging) help. I know they don’t talk in your fics, but I think it would be neat if Ghidorah and Godzilla has some strange sort of calm debate or discussion about the Earth, and why Godzilla even bothers protecting it when he’s perfectly capable of destroying it.
I’m saving this in my inbox to maybe do something with later (I like this idea!), but I did wanna reply immediately because it brought up something I felt like rambling about thought I should clarify:
For the purposes of the fics I’m writing, I headcanon that actually they do talk in some way.
Maybe not like normal humans speaking language—like, Mothra frequently communicates via telepathy. And because it hasn’t come up yet, I haven’t 100% decided the mechanics of how titans that aren’t Mothra communicate. (Like, do they just have a language of roars, or are there other methods of communication mixed in?) But they’re definitely talking to each other somehow. I’ve even mention it a couple times in the fics I’ve posted so far: Dr. Chen transcribes a conversation between Godzilla and Mothra in Translating Titans, and there’s an allusion to at least one conversation Rodan’s had with Mothra in the past in The Things He Knew But Hadn’t Been Taught.
The main reason it looks like they don’t talk is because almost all the fics so far have been from Ghidorah’s perspective. And... Ghidorah can’t understand titans. They plopped their scaly golden ass down on Earth, went “welp, gonna raze this place to the ground, no point in learning the local language,” and only bothered to learn just enough about how the local animal kingdom processes sounds to let them make their “everybody panic and start destroying things!!!” roar from the movie. They choose not to learn local languages to help protect them from getting attached to a world they’re inevitably gonna leave behind; but conversely, it also contributes to their deep isolation/loneliness.
They can’t talk to anyone and therefore nobody bothers trying to talk to them; and the end result is, because Ghidorah doesn’t understand anybody around them, there’s been very little in the way of dialogue, implied or otherwise, in the fics so far.
Which probably isn’t obvious from the fics themselves! Since all the titans involved already knows that there’s gonna be no communication between Ghidorah and the others, they don’t need to like, stop and think about the fact that they don’t speak a common language—they just default to body language to try to communicate. It’s probably likely to first come up the next time we’re in Rodan’s perspective, since he wasn’t previously familiar with Ghidorah and he’s now been around them long enough to go “hm, the shiny guy isn’t just really quiet, he actually doesn’t talk at all. I wonder what’s up with that!”
Now that Ghidorah’s decided to stay on Earth for a while, they’re going to put in an effort for the first time to learn how to communicate with other titans. I’ve actually got several little fic ideas planned about them attempting to work out how to communicate, and most of one written where they first realize that it’s a problem they need to deal with. So eventually they’re gonna be having conversations with the others!
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corruptapostasy · 7 years
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A wip while I test out a new program!
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