Jeremiah x Thomas has SO MANY GOOD IDEAS. (Which like warning for the talk of incest and sexual abuse and the like?)
- The first one I was talking about of him holding back, Thomas dying, then it leads to Wayleska.
- Ya got cheating Thomas 👀
- Yandere Jeremiah who takes out Martha to have Thomas
- Martha dying somehow (not by Miah like the last one) and Jeremiah being there to comfort Thomas eventually, after a while, things could maayybe get a little spicy with them lol
- Jeremiah accepting Thomas' offer to join them for dinner, becoming part of the family, and Wayleska starts earlier after Thomas dies as they already know each other.
- Or Jeremiah saving Thomas that night in the alley as he's invited to the movie with them too. (Which can tie into the earlier one where he comforts Thomas through his grief of Martha dying.)
Aaaand continuing on that thought!! (This is where the fucked up shit is really gonna start lol)
Jeremiah saves Thomas, whether or not he's confessed his true feelings to Thomas is up for debate in my head. Probably not tho? But he can't save him forever and eventually Thomas is killed.
Now, Jeremiah and Bruce both feel like they can't protect those they love and want justice. Jeremiah is gonna take care of his little brother, of course, it's what Thomas would've wanted. And he reminds Jeremiah of him so much... And maybe he's been fantasizing too much for too long without relief. Get where I'm going with this? Jeremiah takes out his grief and sexual frustrations on Bruce. He corrupts Bruce and accidentally calls him Thomas on more than one occasion, but Bruce is a good, little brother and wants to make Jeremiah happy. So, if he sees him as Thomas sometimes and it makes him smile, then he'd be Thomas to him. Maybe that's the only time Jeremiah is even Jeremiah anymore. Maybe the rest of the time it's fucked him up so much that he just hurts Bruce physically or verbally (when Alfred isn't around) because the reminder hurts. But, also, protecting Bruce from everything is hard when he's running off getting into danger, so sometimes he has no choice. Tough love and all that, right?
Of course, I also like the idea of Valeyne being introduced into this thanks to someone on here. (If you see this, hi, idk if you wanted to be tagged and credited for this spiral of thought lol. Lemme know if you do 'cause I'll be happy to tag ya!)
Jerome treating Bruce as Bruce in his own, strange way, and Bruce likes it. He's already being abused, so he doesn't even take issue with that. He's just happy to have someone see him as himself and not his father anymore. And maybe he's really into the danger Jerome brings with him like it's his shadow. Jerome lets him get into dangerous situations, he is the dangerous situation most the time, and he just laughs about it. Miah certainly wouldn't have been laughing.
My brain can't handle this anymore lmao
Wait wait wait bring in Bruce's clone and the four of them can all fuck. Now I know that's been written somewhere lol
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quellines-stories · 6 years
In your corrupted au, do Wayne and Jerome start working together while Wayne has alienated all his friends or not?
!! Ty for giving me a reason to ramble about corrupted!valeyne au anon asdfgkh
Okay so like, essentially, I like to generally imagine Jerome and Wayne’s friendship as one that starts after Wayne lose Thomas and Martha and before Jerome killed Lila. So, it would be a time in which they’re both kind of in the middle of being REALLY vulnerable since Wayne’s just lost everything and Jerome’s close to fully snapping.
To me the primary thing which would be key to this would be an event which would contribute to Wayne’s corruption and set him apart from the Wayne we all know and love. This event would be in which Wayne isn’t taken in by Alfred.
I feel like a good reason something like this would occur would be due to Wayne’s company wanting to get rid of Wayne, so they dig up petty dirt on Alfred and claim he’s not a suitable guardian, thus having Wayne put into foster care while an investigation on Alfred is implemented– and we all know Gotham takes forever properly getting paperwork for this kind of shit done in a timely manner. Wayne would end up running away like a lot of kids do, because the social work system in Gotham is bullshit. The company would have expected as much, and be convinced Wayne’s out of the picture since he’s just a kid with not a dime to his name and not a guardian to make sure he’s being treated correctly legally, and they doubt a ‘spoiled brat’ will survive on the streets alone anyways.
Long story short, Wayne stumbles upon a circus, tries to steal food, meets Jerome, and convinces Jerome he can be useful around the circus if the older one will just give him a place to take shelter from the relentless rain. They make an agreement that Wayne will have a couch to rest on in exchange for helping Jerome out with his circus acts whenever Jerome needs him, because Lila is unreliable when it comes to whether or not she’ll be too drunk to do the scheduled act with Jerome.
To summarize, they become friends because Wayne’s lost everything and it feels nice to be taken in by Jerome, and Jerome isn’t at all used to someone determinedly sticking by his side like Wayne (and standing up for Jerome even at times Jerome feels like they should have dropped it, yet is thankful for Wayne’s efforts nonetheless despite the black eyes they gain upon Wayne telling other circus performers to leave Jerome alone.)
That’s when their friendship begins.
Eventually shit goes down. Jerome doesn’t snap because Lila nags at him one too many times, but instead ends up killing her because she gets drunk and starts getting harsh with Wayne. Initially Wayne freaks out, but Wayne realizes Jerome is all Wayne has in the world at this point and vice versa, so he can’t let Jerome get caught like this. This Wayne helps Jerome get rid of the body instead of Cicero.
This is essentially where they go from friends to partners in crime lmfao. So like, this is where their partnership begins.
Gordon questions Jerome and Wayne defends him but at this point Wayne’s kind of ended up resenting Gordon because Gordon has not only failed to catch the alleyway killer, but also because Gordon failed to convince the court to let Wayne stay with Alfred, thus Wayne blaming Jim for him having everything taken away, and now Jim’s trying to take Jerome away, too.
Wayne and Jerome end up encountering a lot of events together– like Theo’s attempt to kill Jerome and Wayne getting an injured Jerome out, and Jerome turning the lights in Gotham out as he and his copycats along with Wayne lure Jimbo to the carnival, and of course Jerome and Wayne breaking out of Arkham to find find Jerome’s brother after getting revenge on his uncle.
Wayne’s a calm and collected criminal that believes real justice involves vengeance, because Alfred wasn’t there to tell Wayne that vengeance wasn’t the way to go– instead Jerome was the one there encouraging Wayne to do whatever he found most fun, because Jerome wants Wayne to have fun, of course– and Wayne found killing Matches Malone a lot more satisfying than letting him go.
So that’s how Wayne’s different when it comes to how he’d be corrupted. Jerome, on the other hand, wouldn’t be much different– except for the fact he has a weak spot now, in which Wayne evens him out by nudging Jerome when Jerome’s close to going too far, or giving Jerome a look when Jerome’s overdoing it. Wayne let’s Jerome have his fun, of course, but Wayne makes sure Jerome doesn’t go to a place Wayne can’t follow.
So, while Jerome still does awful things, he lets up on some things when he notices Wayne doesn’t approve.
This would lead to Jerome making allies MUCH easier, because while Wayne isn’t exactly the friendliest person around, he balances Jerome out. Overall, when a grinning Jerome intimidated someone, Wayne’s there to calmly assure that someone of the benefits that would come with them listening to whatever he and Jerome were saying.
Thus leading to Jerome and Wayne quickly getting Oswald, Jonathan, and so forth on their side, and eventually almost every major Gotham Rogue (other than Jervis Tetch, who Wayne and Jerome would end up betraying once his purpose was done with since Wayne wouldn’t want to be associated with Jervis after what he did to his sister, and Jerome wouldn’t object to in the least since he’d be absolutely giddy about whatever Jervis’ reaction would be upon realizing he was a pawn.)
Eventually, when Wayne and Jerome get older (21 & 24 with Wayne’s faceclaim as N0el Fi$her or ¢hristian B@le) Oswald would realize the pair was an efficient team, and end up hiring them as his personal hitmen. This would also be around the time in which Jerome and Wayne start becoming interested in one another as potentially more than just partners in crime ;)
The majority of Gotham Rogues would be working together for the most part, so Wayne wouldn’t actually be isolated from them. Like Jerome would definitely be possessive of course asdfgkh but he’d know better than to try to put isolating boundaries on Wayne, because he’d encourage Wayne to have fun with their friends… however, Jerome would generally make sure the ‘friends’ he suggested they made together would be ‘friends’ which were already criminals or seemingly close to becoming ones.
Tbh Wayne would be a primary component in keeping the rogues together because he’s aware of how to deescalate quarrels, and he’s essentially ready to do anything for them since he considers them the only things he has left in the world, and they would consider him family as well with how dedicated he would be. This is also why they deal with Jerome’s bullshit considering they’re aware of how important Jerome is to Wayne asdfgkh
I’m sorry this is so long I just really love rambling about this stuff and getting asks about it asdfgkh
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birchbbier · 4 years
There should be way more fics of good boy protags being corrupted and just fuckin goin off.
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stagekiller · 5 years
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@sweetsamiel​; after finishing season 4 and seeing the scene where Jerome eats gum he found under a table, I ship that boy with a toothbrush LOL 
 // listen the only reason his smile is so pearly is cause he’s still baby. if we expand his lifespan he is 100% gonna find himself with that trademark yellow joker grin :”D 
@theednygma​; Ed's ship for Jerome: NOT with Bruce and NOT Harley. Preferably 'Jerome x Permanent Death'. Even though he PROBABLY won't say the latter to him.(I lowkey ship jerome and harley)
// Jerome says Ed better let him have those cause if not... he’s gonna steal his man instead :”D  Listen I am a Jarley fanatic personally, but mostly the classic BTAS version, not the ...suicide squad situation. However my Jerome only really clicked with @crimescupid​ so far >:3c ( imagine me on a rock screaming ‘come back jeeeess’ ) x’D   As for Valeyne... yeah, what can I say this ship is my guilty pleasure, sue me :”D  It’s April’s @feltcalling​​ fault for corrupting me !! ( it’s really not like I shipped it way before we met bc I’m trash for villain X  hero ships )
@legacyof-deathandmadness​​ ; Let's face it I ship JerxJer, nothing like self love.
// I’M WHEEZING BECAUSE it’s so hilarious to watch them interact. It’s really like the two sides of ourselves that hate/love each other :”D They really crack me up sometimes I swear. And I like that your J is kinda..shaping mine in a way too. Kid’s already made up his mind he WON’T wear purple when he grows up just to spite Mr. J :”D
                                                       MEME // ACCEPTING ☺
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quellines-stories · 6 years
Are you ever gonna write a fic version of the corrupted au?
Oh I absolutely plan on writing a corrupted!valeyne fic but it wouldn’t be nearly as long as the Gotcha! one lmfao it would be like 12 chapters long instead of however fuckin’ long this one’s going to end up being asdfgkh but yeah I definitely plan on writing shorter valeyne fics outside of Gotcha!– particularly the corruption one 😎
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