shy-the-fox · 2 months
[So glad I'm here! Honestly feels a bit more free. Maybe because I'mgiven more choiceto speak? Oh hey... I think I see a flower]
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[Oh hello flower... pretty. Kind of reminds me of the corruptionI once faced. However the pink in the middle makes me feel a bit different about it!]
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uispeccoll · 2 years
Guest post from John Martin Rare Book Room
Hardin Library of the Health Sciences
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PINEAU, Severin (1550?–1619). De integritatis et corruptionis virginum notis: graviditate item & partu naturali mulierum, opuscula. BONACCIUOLI, Luigi (d. 1540). Enneas muliebris. PLATTER, Felix (1536-1614). De origine partium, earumque in utero conformatione. GASSENDI, Pierre (1592-1655). De septo cordis pervio, observatio. SEBISCH, Melchior (1578-1674) De notis virginitatis. Third edition. Printed in Leiden by Francis Heger, 1641. 28 pages. 13 cm tall.
We are big fans of tiny books here at the JMRBR. And banned books, too. So we thought we would highlight a curious little book packed with a number of treatises on obstetrical and gynecological topics, once considered so risqué that it was condemned and banned in several locations. Not coincidentally, it was also a hit that spurred the printing of several editions. The book is also fascinating for its illustrations.
This volume is a collection of gynecological and obstetrical texts. The content, especially the first and last works, caused quite a stir due to the frankness and detail regarding virginity (and how it is lost), pregnancy, and childbirth - so much so that it was confiscated in many locations. Naturally, it was also very popular and printed in several editions.
And by "virginity," the authors specifically mean female virginity. Authors of early medical works surprisingly did not seem too interested in male virginity! All snarkiness aside, the study of female anatomy and physiology, especially of anything to do with sex, pregnancy, and birth, has a long and problematic history. We encourage you to read more about this history here and here and here and here. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
Five works are gathered under the main title, De integritatis et corruptionis virginum notis: graviditate item & partu naturali mulierum, opuscula [On the integrity and corruption of known virgins], by the 16th-century French surgeon Séverin Pineau (1550?–1619). Pineau was born in Chartres but trained and practiced in Paris and was surgeon to several French kings. He is most known for his works on gynecological and obstetrical topics, including as an advocate for symphysiotomy (also known as a pelviotomy), a procedure performed on women in labor in which the cartilage of the pelvis is cut to widen it when there is a problem with the position of the baby. This procedure is rarely performed today, with caesarean section preferred instead.
De integritatis et corruptionis virginum notis first appeared as part of Pineau's 1597 work, Opusculum physiologum & anatomicum in duos libellos distinctum. It is divided into two parts. The first provides anatomical descriptions of female genitalia. Interestingly, Pineau uses metaphors when naming certain parts. It was common among French midwives at the time to use metaphors instead of anatomical terms when describing female sexual anatomy (e.g., babolle abbatue), while our old friend, Louise Bourgeois, avoided both metaphor and specifics, referring instead to general areas of anatomy.
The first part of Pineau's work also lists problems that can occur during pregnancy and labor and surgical methods for treating the problems. The second part covers formation of the fetus. Several interesting woodcut illustrations accompany Pineau's text, including the muscle-bound fetus above.
The second treatise is by Luigi Bonacciuoli (d. 1540s). Bonacciuoli was a physician and anatomist who specialized in obstetrics and practiced at the University of Ferrara in Northern Italy. Enneas muliebris [Treatise on Women in Nine Parts], first printed in about 1505, is a work on obstetrical and gynecological topics based on Bonacciuoli's university lectures. It contains a lengthy dedication to Lucrezia Borgia, the duchess of Ferrara and daughter of Pope Alexander VI and one of the most powerful female leaders of the time.
In the book, Bonacciuoli describes the anatomical structures, such as the mons veneris, the clitoris, and the hymen, and includes a chapter detailing how the fetus is nourished and when fetal movements develop. Other chapters include discussions of the signs of conception, the causes and signs of abortion, delivery, and care of the newborn. He based most of his material on classic works.
The next title belongs to Felix Platter (1536-1614), a Swiss physician and anatomist who practiced at the University of Basel. He remained city physician until his death and was successful in developing the medical school into one of the strongest and finest in Europe. Platter is credited with performing the first public dissection of a human body in a Germanic country and is said to have dissected over 300 bodies during his career. He was widely respected as a teacher and was a physician of great courage who remained in Basel to treat the sick on five occasions when the black plague struck the city. As one of the early nosologists (classifier of diseases), Platter recognized three classes of diseases based on their natural history and postmortem findings and distinguished four types of mental illness. He is best known for his De corporis humani structura et usu,  published in 1583.
De origine partium, earumque in utero confirmatione [On the origin of fetal anatomy and formation in the womb] focuses on the formation of the fetus. Platter is chiefly concerned with the origin of the arteries, veins, and nerves from the brain and the relationship of the veins to the heart and liver. This work first appeared in Platter's De corporis humani structura et usu.
The next treatise belongs to the famed French philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician (and opponent of William Harvey), Pierre Gassendi (1592–1655). A Catholic priest with a doctorate in theology, Gassendi was a professor of philosophy and mathematics and believed that experimentation and observation were necessary for the study of science and nature. Among many other contributions to science and philosophy, he is known for the first recorded observation of the transit of Mercury across the sun.
De septo cordis pervio, observatio [Observation on the septum of the heart] is the only appearance in print of this work; there is no separate edition. Gassendi gives the first description of the foramen ovale, a passageway in the fetal heart that allows blood to flow to the left atrium from the right atrium, which closes as the heart fully forms.
The final title is from the Strasbourg physician Melchior Sebisch the Younger (1578-1674). Sebisch (aka Sebizius, Sebizii, and others) was a professor of medicine at the University of Strassbourg, where he eventually took over for his father (Melchior Sebisch the Senior) as the Chair of Medicine. Like many of the other authors on this list, he has many publications to his credit, particularly translations of and commentaries on Galen.
De notis virginitatis [On the characteristics of virginity] bookends Pineau's De integritatis by providing another treatise on the physical signs of female virginity.
The volume is bound in contemporary limp vellum with yapp edges, another callback to our discussion of Louise Bourgeois. The cover shows clear signs of use and aging, with a yellow discoloration, scratches, and staining. The paper is in great condition, with the exception of a torn page and the larger fold-out woodcut illustrations, which have seen a lot of use.
Along with workout warrior fetuses, there are other curious images throughout the book, including the tiny, fully-formed fetus swimming in the cavernous womb seen just above. It is joined by two other fetuses, including one that appears to be taking a moment for some serious rest and reflection.
Most of the illustrations are derived from the work of Guilio Cassesrio, a 16th-century Italian anatomist lauded for the artistry of his illustrations. Each of the fold-outs was also repaired at some point, which unfortunately means we lost part of each image. You can see evidence of these repairs in the womb image.
--Curator Damien Ihrig
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tma-entity-song-poll · 8 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B2R2: The Corruption
The Chemical Worker's Song:
“Half Corruption Half Buried. A song about doing a job that makes you sicker and sicker as you work. And yet… you need the cash, right?”
Stalker's Tango:
"toxic love is very corruptiony"
Lyrics below the line!
The Chemical Worker's Song:
And it's go boys, go They'll time your every breath And every day you're in this place You're two days nearer death But you go Well, a Process Man am I and I'm tellin' you no lie I work and breathe among the fumes that trail across the sky There's thunder all around me and there's poison in the air There's a lousy smell that smacks of hell and dust all in me hair And it's go boys, go They'll time your every breath And every day you're in this place You're two days nearer death But you go Well, I've worked among the spinners, and I breathe the oily smoke I've shovelled up the gypsum and it nigh on makes you choke I've stood knee deep in cyanide, got sick with a caustic burn Been workin' rough, I've seen enough to make your stomach turn And it's go boys, go They'll time your every breath And every day you're in this place You're two days nearer death But you go There's overtime and bonus opportunities galore The young men like their money and they all come back for more But soon you're knockin' on and you look older than you should For every bob made on the job, you pay with flesh and blood And it's go boys, go They'll time your every breath And every day you're in this place You're two days nearer death But you go Well, a Process Man am I and I'm tellin' you no lie I work and breathe among the fumes that trail across the sky There's thunder all around me and there's poison in the air There's a lousy smell that smacks of hell and dust all in me hair And it's go boys, go They'll time your every breath And every day you're in this place You're two days nearer death And it's go boys, go They'll time your every breath And every day you're in this place You're two days nearer death But you go
The Stalker's Tango:
I know, I know, I know this situation's strange It takes a little getting, a little getting used to Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me more Than you possibly can It's not that complicated, no matter what they say You'll never meet another me It's not that difficult to get your head around You'll never meet another me You'll never-never-ever-never ever meet another me I know, I know, I know I'm always in your place But don't you see, my dear? I am your Doppelgänger Have your faith so Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me more Than you possibly can It's not that complicated, no matter what they say You'll never meet another me It's not that difficult to get your head around You'll never meet another me You'll never-never-never-ever-ever meet another me Ey-ey-ah Bada-bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-ba-ah Bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-ba It's not that complicated, no matter what they say I'll never meet another you It's not that difficult to get my head around I'll never meet another you
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rausule · 1 year
Hae actiones tum sociale "stigma" ferre possunt. Si iuvenis in tali habitu persistit, irreversibiliter "intitulatus" est obliquus et magis magisque segregatus. Hoc modo finem habet visionis, quam alii ab ipso habent et confirmat munus suum devium.
Theoria pittacii
Theoria label argumentatur definitio identitatis individui fundamentaliter pendere ab attributione sociali ab aliis data, praesertim pro condicionibus quas societas considerat diversas a normali (exempli gratia deviatio socialis).
Haec theoria in Civitatibus Foederatis Americae Septentrionalis ab Edwin M. Lemert (1912-1996) evoluta est, Erving Goffman et Howard Becker (1926). Hisce scholaribus declinatio non tam propria est quorundam hominum vel societatum socialium, sed est effectus condicionis quae creatur ex modo quo, in relationibus socialibus, hi homines ab aliis definiuntur. vel coetus sociales.
Exempli causa, si iuvenis furtum fecerit et deprehensus fuerit, poenam criminalem accipiet secundum leges applicabiles. Homines eum vitare incipient et eum suspectis speculabuntur et notae psychologicae propriae stereotypi furis ei attribuentur. Tali habitu sociali circumdatus, iuvenis quaerere potuit ut homines a societate deviare censerentur et ab iis moveri possent. Hic sui complens vaticinii incidit: Impetus a novis comitibus, iuvenis alia crimina committit, Et ipse sceleratum se reputare incipit.
Vehementes actiones et actus vandalism sunt expressiones rerum ad certaminum subculturae pertinentium.
Crimen superioribus medii ordinis
Genus criminis est, plerumque opinione publica minus perceptum, difficilius cognitu, quod facilius sanctiones criminales effugit et homines non directe afficit, sicut vim corporis. Haec sunt crimina in mediis superioribus societatis generibus.
Hoc genus criminis includit crimina corruptionis (magistratuum vel officialem publicum ad obtinendum fortes oeconomicos utilitates proprias utilitates corrumpendo) vel crimina peculatus (cum publicus officialis pecuniam ad administrationem publicam pertinentem appropriat). In Italia haec crimina valde valde diffusa sunt et, quamquam rumores phaenomenon collusionis criminalis inter lacus et politicos scandala (qualia sic dicta sunt.)
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mynndesign · 3 years
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photo collage commission of “the corruption” entity (the magnus archives), for anteater on flight rising
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memecatwings · 4 years
Did anyone ask for pjo characters as tma fear avatars? no but i’m categorizing them anyways
Percy Jackson would be an avatar of The Buried - when you can breathe underwater, what’s scarier than discovering that there are still ways for you to drown? 
Annabeth Chase would be an avatar of The Web - arachnophobia and the need to be in total control of everything would contribute to Annabeth becoming a master of puppets herself.
Grover Underwood would be an avatar of The Hunt - that all-encompassing need that Grover has to find Pan drives him to unhealthy obsessions, what would have happened if the hunt for Pan never ended? 
Thalia Grace would be an avatar of The Vast - her fear of heights means she’s never wanted to see if she could fly, but what if someone had pushed her to try anyway? 
Jason Grace would be an avatar of The Lonely - The Lone Wolf, The Lost Hero, The Martyred Hero; Jason is constantly shoved aside for brighter stars and is often accused of being nothing more than a poor replacement of Percy. How does Jason feel about this, especially after getting dumped by Piper?
Piper McLean would be an avatar of The Beholding - as the Cherokee daughter of a major Hollywood actor who’s been bullied throughout her entire childhood, Piper wants attention; but she doesn’t want to be seen or known. She’s remarkably good at Knowing others while not being Known herself.
Leo Valdez would be an avatar of The Desolation - his fear of fire and history of self-destructive tendencies leave a whole lot of burnt bridges in his past. What would happen if Leo stopped reflecting that penchant for destruction inwards?
Hazel Levesque would be an avatar of The Dark - one would think that Hazel would be an avatar of The Buried considering her death was via being buried alive, but it’s not the suffocation that scares her; it’s the never-ending darkness she witnessed in the process. 
Frank Zhang would be an avatar of The Slaughter - Frank has the natural ability to just really go to town on a motherfucker, but he holds back. War has seeped into all the parts of Frank’s life and yet he chooses Peace whenever he gets the choice. What if he didn’t? 
Nico DiAngelo would be an avatar of The End - what Nico struggles with more than anything else is Grief. He can’t cope with the deaths of his loved ones so he tries to contact their ghosts even though those are the only ghosts he can’t speak to. Nico could have gone one step further and tried to discover immortality. 
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano would be an avatar of The Spiral - she’s spent her whole life being told who she is, what to do, and what the world is like; how can she know what’s really true if she doesn’t even know herself? Can she even trust her thoughts and senses? 
Luke Castellan would be an avatar of The Stranger - no one ever really knew him, did they? He was even a stranger to the people closest to him..
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ajisxi-moved-blog · 7 years
@corruptioni || The Butterfly Experiment (Chapter 0) || ❤
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                    「 The bunny said that the theatre was open for us to take a look at for 7PM. Would you and your -- er -- partner join me in the trek there? I don’t really want to go by myself. 」
          Not like she wanted to suffer in the rain on her own either.
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jojotier · 5 years
Hey i really really really need this for a fic but like, if the Hunt marked some people to be Prey as well as Hunters, and Hunters turn into Fuck All Big Wolves, whats the Prey's associated animal ? I'm caught between sheep (cause a wolf in sheep's clothing is still wearing the mannerisms and will of a sheep) or deer (since they seem to me to be the quintessential prey animal, majestic and fast,) but im also considering other options...
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detortum · 7 years
@corruptioni liked for a starter: 
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He stuck out his tongue at him childishly. The reason? Well, it was Chuuya, of course. It made a lot of sense to Dazai. And he hoped it would irritate the other, which was usually all too easy. 
  “I know we work together more often now because of the circumstances, but do you really have to walk on the same streets I do during the day? Really?”
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appxssionato · 7 years
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                   He was on his phone though there were moments in which his eyes drifted in his direction, head tilting and eyebrow rising for a second before light steps approached him. More silence as a slight smile appeared on his lips. Interesting, and kinda amusing. If someone was wondering, his attention was completely fixed on the other’s clothes, they were similar to the ones he was wearing right now.  “Well... one of us will have to change and it’s not gonna be me.” He chuckled. // @corruptioni | starter call
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slushblock · 7 years
Okay, this is for @the-cactus-adventurer: Jim’s Wings using various green dyes, in an attempt to get a Cursed Flames look.
Dye order is No dye > Green > Lime > Green and Silver > Green and Black > Acid > Green Flame > Chlorophyte
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Modeled here by someone forgettable.
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entities-of-posts · 3 years
You know what ? I was staying anonimous but it makes it hard for me to participate on the fun stuff, (I'm the one from the blender vast statement/ ~RS) And quite honestly I wanna see how a Burried avatar reacts to being thrown on a bottomless pit too wide to reach the edges.(p.s. I know my username sounds very Corruptiony)
From what I’ve seen so far, the Buried crew has widely either chickened out or been taken down, so you guys are winning, congrats!
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volumina-vetustiora · 3 years
Talos valide! Talos inerrabilis! Talos inexpugnabilis! tibi laudem damus! vermes modo sumus, nos obtorquentes in sorde corruptionis nostrae! dum tu ascendisti ex mortalitatis fimo, et nunc ambulas inter stellas!
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Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise! We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars!
-- Heimskr of Whiterun
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tma-entity-song-poll · 7 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B2R3: The Corruption
Thermodynamic Lawyer:
““Disease is her primary language” - every line of this is filled with rot and disease and bugs and it’s 100% corruption.”
Stalker's Tango:
"toxic love is very corruptiony"
Lyrics below the line!
Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D:
(I hold myself in contempt) Tearing the hair off a black baboon's skull Here's a bitch with some four-thousand names Vomiting lies through her theremin throat As some businessmen pick at her brains Pulls back skinny lips to reveal a proboscis Seems Seth Brindle's at it again Tears pages from spines as she judges the cover And shamelessly spoils the end Blood vessels drying and curling inside are Unfurling from out of her wrists Well, she wrings out a snake and collects all its poison Intending to learn it to hiss Foams at the mouth with a head full of acid And giving some poor illness the blame Knocking the pieces the fuck off the chessboard Insisting that she's won the game So all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear she could not break my heart She could not break my heart, oh lord Makes up excuses for throbbing black bruises And uses them to her advantage Never came down from her last trip, oh Jesus Disease is her primary language Garbled and gruesome, her words so absurd Like a herd of transmissions from Apollo 13 No apology, I request misery So no rest 'til I've twisted her chest round my knee So squeal like a trolley wheel, cry like a baby With autism strapped to a ceiling fan Soil your visage with mucus and twisting of features unable to stand Buckle your knees looking up at me And beg me to spare thee the back of my hand For the sake of humanity, die of your blight We're blessed, you're barren as Mojave sands So all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear she could not break my heart, whoa Now all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear, she can go fucking die (kill yourself) You can go fucking die (kill yourself) Go fucking die (kill yourself) Kill yourself and go die
Stalker's Tango
I know, I know, I know this situation's strange It takes a little getting, a little getting used to Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me more Than you possibly can It's not that complicated, no matter what they say You'll never meet another me It's not that difficult to get your head around You'll never meet another me You'll never-never-ever-never ever meet another me I know, I know, I know I'm always in your place But don't you see, my dear? I am your Doppelgänger Have your faith so Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me more Than you possibly can It's not that complicated, no matter what they say You'll never meet another me It's not that difficult to get your head around You'll never meet another me You'll never-never-never-ever-ever meet another me Ey-ey-ah Bada-bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-ba-ah Bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-bam-bam-bam-bam Bada-ba It's not that complicated, no matter what they say I'll never meet another you It's not that difficult to get my head aroundI'll never meet another you
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daisyocarl · 4 years
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Codex Corruptionis 2013 / Massimiliano Alioto (b. 1972)
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silvermuffins · 3 years
NieR:Automata: oh i think i WILL robots
I can't be stopped. Don't even try.
okay it's sad robots time
i say that but i think eve might be the saddest robot right now
also they had 9S ready to help 2B pretty damn fast, hadn't he JUST been yeeted up to space? and then she got her mission
and 9S was like, ready to help the moment he woke up
that is a BRO and we STAN
they now airdrop extra machines in on me
holy fuck there are so many more machines, according to my minimap
oh right eve brought down an army upon the androids
this is now a musouge
intel data says these machines have been "infected" by eve. that can't be good.
machines have secret mouths that don't function as mouths
is this related to adam's weird mouth movements?
is this whole thing gonna turn out to be like some biblical metaphor
androids are powerful warriors from above the sky like angels, machines are living weird unpredictable lives like humans, eve's infection could be like original sin????
KIER.....KEGAA....RD? KIERKEGAARD? unless that's an n in which case....NIERNEGAARD?
the n option immediately stands out because....nier????
okay let's check on theeeee uhhh camp or village first....
camp we will go to camp
at least i'm getting back all that money i spent on a mars-rocket
no, 2B, i am not trying to look up your skirt, i'm trying to shoot the machines that are way up there
okay to camp!
oh no that's fire-
oh my god it will let me take a nap in the middle of this
so, i did, of course
got rid of the machines
there's an asplosion and anemone's reaction is....to spin
li'l pirouette
wait he has a different name this time
uhhhh THAT might be K.....ON...U....SEI. KONUSEI?
it has learned to screm for help
oh fuck it's eve
oh shit he's got machines coccoooning around him
this is reminding me of vanitas and his fucking keyblade serpent thing
and NOW i go to the village
i would really like a shop at some point but that just isn't going to happen is it
time to go fight the fuck out of eve
of course he's int he crater in the city ruins....
i have 9S back but most of my sidequests are still missing. probably because of the current crisis.
i do not remember that upright structure being here before
also was that screaming or laughter?
interesting, showing him from exactly the angle that doesn't show the black, to emphasize the corruption or whatever the fuck that is taking over....
"why did you kill my brother?" buddy he kind of
wanted me to???
he chose a fight to the death and i won
it was his idea to some extent, is what i'm saying
eve is worryingly pushover-y
then again i do have ten levels on him, for some reason
cool battlefield gimmick tho
9S wants to hack him. this strikes me as a TERRIBLE idea.
he's got corruptiony virusy nonsense! 9S!!! YOU ARE GOING TO GET YOURSELF JUICED!!!!!
pod once again does not believe in 9S
WE GOT HIM???? DID WE GOT HIM??????????
i can't melee him anymore?!
thank goodness my pods were doing a lot of the work anyway
wait wtf is that a health bar
is that MY health bar
what happened to it?! it's huge!
ranged combat down too oh fuck--
oh wait i cutscene kill him
....."finally, it's over" i do not trust that
looking up at the sky like bunker be up there and things are ending
....fuuuuuck there goes 9S
"this you that exists right now"
can't upload to the bunker.....
he's gonna lose his memory again isn't he
how many times has this happened
i remember 2B's fist clench
yeah there's another fistcench
no blindfolds this time
fuck and she's got to barehand this.......
why does strangling work on an android???? do they need to breathe??????
my bestie is tilde-ing and kittyfacing at me and i have sad robots being unconscionably sad all over my screen
androids can cry.....
emotions aren't so prohibited now are they
"it always ends like this" how many times has this fucking happened to 2B and 9S
what....on earth......
9S please speak english or something other than technobabble
i don't really care how you survived but you're HERE
ENDING A!!!!!!!
i did not complete all my sidequests guess i'll be doing more later
good thing that's not the real ending because it leaves me with SO many questions
can't wait to see what's next tbh like how is this going to get weirder
notification from square enix?!
okay just telling me THAT AIN'T ALL, BITCH
watches the menu trailer thingy again....yeah i still have a lot to go
someone better call ABBA
because mamma mia
here we go again
how's it gonna go?
how will we start? when and where will we start?
where am i?
this looks like the factory
YEAH IT DEFINITELY IS but a part i couldn't get to before
i see a bucket!
short stubby machines are sf cute
so 9S had already witnessed machines being familylike to one another.....
i have no idea which way i'm actually supposed to go....
oh, there
wait did i just get another gag ending
i did
not even fully sure what that was tbh
well uh, let's. try again.
oh right gotta do the machine bit again
man am i gonna need to start from scratch on fighting/levels/chips.....
guess i'll actually look through the menu now
oooh new weapons!
or. A new weapon.
does he only get one weapon per set???
OH HEY all those special unit machines have their names translated now!
well let's get through the prologue of THSI route, odds are i'll be back for chests and quests and shit
i do NOT remember how hacking works
wait wtf how do you turn in that one
do i need to destroy ALL of the black blocks or only some of them? let's go for just what i need to to get to the ball this time
just gotta reach the ball!
more flying!
this doesnt seem like a perimeter
oh boy
well this is weird
am i hacking myself????
times the gatling gun isn't the best ranged weapon: right now
right now it's laser all the way
annnd that's the end of the prologue! i wonder how differently things can go this time....
i might....sell a lot of my non-healing consumables, I don't tend to use them.....gonna see how i fare as 9S first but i don't imagine that will change?
clears out some chips though
time to go talk to EVERYONE EVER
oh a lot of this is repeats from the first time around
ig that makes sense
uhhh how long did i take at this part???
9S's pulse did a thing???
2b is blocking me in
i was not prepared for how much leapfrog there would be in this game
i am gonna try and just fuse up my chips so i have plenty of room to pick up more
i have no idea what this might do to my build but i can just, build a new one
ugh i have so MANY
i will figure out my builds AFTER i finish dealing with this
okay that's everything i can fuse together....oooh me wallet
time to recreate my chip setup
what do i have left on my main....
not much!
okay i think that's good for my main setup...
the more i see androids talk about returning to earth together with mankind the more i doubt it's going to happen
and like even if it did
we can't even treat other humans like people why tf do they think we'd treat androids like more than tools
all of this hits a little different now that i've seen machines and how they really do
i mean i was already super sus the first time around
let's get on with it
back down to Earth!
new weapon!
man im so glad to be able to open shit
i do NOT feel like hunting down all the chests in this building
"have we seen these things before?" squints loudly
oh fuck aren't these the gold ones?!
just the little fucker left now
wanders around city ruins looking for locked chests and shit....what the fuck is pinging my scanner, i can't find it
i wish the big map showed the locations of unopened chests
just goes to camp and opens the locked chests there
nice cover
ah yes, fetchquestening
oh right he's got a Locke's Socks/Ship of Theseus thing going on with his leg
WHEE weapon upgrade time
boo i can only do a few. where the fuck do i get all the stuff i need for this?
im still salty about my sidequests, am i going to have to start over anything i didn't complete???
UGH OKAY FINE i wanna explore all over but ig i will just blitz through some plot until it starts deviating
project gestalt???
....that....was new.....
....rule 11,034??? take that Queen of Hearts--
im just vibin' along on my way to see ken doll sephiroth again
so is it me or do the machines seemt o get more and more advanced like even within the span of the game? these things rapidly evolve and form societies and shit but....augh idk what kind of timescale these things work on!!!
everything is pushovery and im going through the motions until there's more deviation
but it's about to be ken doll sephiroth time
so buckle up
oh yeah i still need to go back to the factory and grab my old body....hope it's still there
here we aaaare the pit of fuckery
This. Cannot. Continue.
man Adam's first appearance really is just full bare booty
he just standin' there
we chillin
hes not gaining levels yet
man he was so scary the first time
now it be like hey buddy
u wanna cookie
i bet he'd like a cookie
can't go back but i do see reasons to! so, later!
god. i KNOW there's all kinds of secret areas in the desert. i don't know when the best time to explore is, or if this route will take me to new places....kinda doubt it will?
ive been told the true prologue is your first two playthroughs so it might just be rehashing the same story but from 9S's side
okay back to camp...
ooh whenever i make it to the castle blacksmith again, i can get my first level 4 weapon!
.....2B? u ok?
she's at ease but the hilt of her sword is just kinda.....floating between her arm and her waist....
i finally went back to the factory....can't find my old body but i CAN raid the place for locked chests!
can't go down the elevator
these molten pits hold new horror for me now
every day is potatoes..............
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