#corvo attano you
rad-roche · 2 months
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doodle of corvo, who is the most tired any man has ever been
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meglosthegreat · 7 months
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the genius design decision of having Corvo's health potions be the literal elixirs that prevent the rat plague?
It takes what could've been a simple gameplay mechanic that nobody would've thought twice about and grounds it in the world and the lore. It explains why Corvo is never at risk of contracting the plague, despite coming in closer contact with it than the vast majority of people - he's chugging these things multiple times a day. It also explains why random people would keep these things stashed everywhere - it's not just loot for you, the player, to be rewarded with, it's their actual supply of life-saving medicine.
And when you think about it that way, it makes every moment you casually snatch an elixir from someone's nightstand a little more impactful. You're not just topping up on health potions, you're literally stealing the only method by which people can be kept safe from the plague. In low chaos, you'll end up not needing most of the ones you come across by the end of the game, because you'll be staying out of combat. But in high chaos, you'll be taking them a lot more. Which means less elixir to go around, and therefore, more people dead from the plague.
I used to think that the increase in weepers in high chaos was mainly down to Corvo leaving more dead bodies lying around. But I think that this is an even more potent explanation. Because of course going around and hoovering up all the elixir in the city would have consequences. And who are the people who have the least access to elixir to begin with, from whom stealing it would take the greatest toll? The poor, obviously. Who you most often see becoming weepers. What a game.
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no-light-left-on · 2 months
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clean hands
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geminison · 10 months
Can you draw like, corvo with rats? Is that weird? I just really like the rats in Dishonored... Also your art is very awesome...
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he found some friends. or they found him, depends on who you ask
there's more Corvo than rats but i guess that still counts :)
also, no Corvo with rats is not weird, he canonically has some kind of bond with them
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martyfive · 2 years
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it’s monday in dunwall my dudes
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hanakihan · 3 months
since it’s annual dishonored brainrot period
you know Corvo either being mute from birth OR losing his tongue due to his torture period makes much more sense when Burrows confesses everything to Corvo
It becomes less stupid in way of ‘you’re gonna be executed tomorrow anyway it’s not like you’ll escape’ and more in a way of ‘you aren’t able to talk anyway, who you will tell?’
That way it starts to look like even more of a mockery from Burrows, spilling everything to a man who won’t be able to tell anyway not because he’ll be dead next morning, but because he literally can’t tell anyone
Like yes I know second game straight up denies such possibility with Corvo now being officially voiced, but before second game was even announced it was a solid (and still is honestly) head canon for me when I play Dishonored
There’s also something absolutely terrifying at meeting this masked man and he literally doesn’t answer anything you tell him
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void-damned · 11 months
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[Two Serkonans take a Trip to Dunwall, c. 1827, colorised]
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graedari · 29 days
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Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do
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revivisection · 8 months
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best date locations near me 1. condemned apartment complex
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he had a face before i did things...
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toomanyassassins · 4 months
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absolutely beside myself that we could have had this as part of the dishonored ui. incredible. perfect. no notes. why was i not allowed to stop in the middle of gameplay to pull out a dead rat that's got my inventory strapped to it? what was i supposed to be doing again?? hold on let me get out my rat real quick and check my objectives.
imagine you're a city guard fighting corvo attano and in the middle of battle he reaches into his pocket to bring out this rat corpse strapped to a bit of driftwood, staring at it intensely before suddenly blasting you with a new power he's just learned. we could have had levels of rat dad previously unknown to gameplay. we could have had everything.
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kg-clark-inthedark · 2 months
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I've been bewitched body and soul by @uncontrol-freak's corvosider au in which Corvo is a grizzled sea captain, so I made a short fan comic for ch 2. If you want to know where the seas will take them, check out their fic, Abyssal!
Higher quality version linked here because tumblr always chews up my comics
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rainierest · 2 months
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flowers from an admirer- “I am eager to watch what you do”
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geminison · 8 months
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yep. dishonored wild west/cowboy au. there has to be some context buuuut I’m too sleepy to write it down. sorry
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martyfive · 2 years
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the sound of major scales
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presiding · 6 months
a doctor turned serial killer turned doctor again, an actor who paints, a gang leader, a mining baron, and a vice overseer walk into the room.
oh yeah and they lead karnaca now.
dishonored 2 is my fav game but i think it's mid, story-wise. here's why dh1 works and why dh2's overarching story sorta misses
tl;dr: story integration is critical for gameplay that offers audience payoff, but emily's personal arc from dishonor to honor is inconsistently demonstrated in the story, and is not an interactive part of the gameplay.
essay/long version under cut >
recap: what's dishonored's deal
[skip if you want] dh1 is an underdog story: corvo is an honorable man swept up in the machinations of a callous city, so his canonical ending being 'this child will rule over an empire' isn't about the child's rule but rather about corvo's reputation being restored in a more hopeful city, due to his & the player's rejection of the violent connotations of the tagline 'revenge solves everything.'
similarly, in dh1 DLCs, daud's story arc is that of an anti-hero: a dishonorable man who realises too late he has done irreparable harm. he sees the error of his ways after a single monumental death, and eventually a single life redeems him when he/the player stepped in to circumvent a terrible fate for a child, enabling her to rule unfettered.
daud & corvo come to a satisfying conclusion within the extent of their narrative arcs. it doesn't matter that a child on a throne isn't really a fix for a decaying empire - the player's actions throughout the city of dunwall was what mattered - and these stories could be framed as parables. in that sense, young emily as a ruler is a metaphor for a hopeful future for the city & empire.
dishonored 1 & its DLCs are also great examples of storytelling with perfectly integrated gameplay - you, the player, worked towards the outcome that redeemed the protagonists.
in your efforts to save young emily, you either achieved a good outcome (corvo) or prevented a worse outcome (daud).
bringing us to dh2 -
what's emily's arc
emily's arc is a coming of age: we're introduced to a reigning empress who questions her role & skillset ("am i the empress my mother wanted me to be?"), then her titular fall from grace occurs. from there, she learns to reject the violent, selfish connotations in 'take back whats yours' tagline (a la daud & corvo!) while rediscovering why her rule is critical to the empire.
emily's rule is no longer metaphorical, but:
a literal thing for audience assessment (is emily a good ruler?) AND
the crux of her storyline.
at the beginning of dh2, emily is introduced as a disengaged leader ("i wish i could just run away from all this;" "i dont know if whether i should sail to the opposite side of the world, or have everyone around me executed"). the antihero has a precedent for the dishonored series in daud, so it's not at first glance an issue*, however, the fact that emily has ruled poorly reframes corvo & daud's endings as being less than ideal (a moralistic retcon) *we could talk here about how ready an audience was in 2016 for a flawed women as a protagonist, hell, even in 2023,,,
throwback to the beginning of this essay when i said:
'this child will rule over an empire' isn't about the child's rule but rather about corvo's reputation
emily's story arc, unlike for daud & corvo, is literally about the quality of her rule. we're no longer in metaphor territory (ironic phrase): a parable-style ending doesn't work.
does emily become a good ruler
we know she becomes a good ruler because the game says so. it is narrated to the audience via a (literal) word of god in the space of 30 seconds, after the final boss. the outsider tells us that emily becomes known as Just & Clever.
drawing a distinction here - this narration is not the same as the player actively being involved.
the player does not throughout the game become aware that emily has made political allies. during the game, she doesn't talk to these characters about saving karnaca or being a better ruler to the empire (there's a few lines might imply it, but you need to be actively looking and being careful to wait for every voice line. it's a far cry from daud & corvo's fight to save emily being unmissable - even though daud doesn't know at the beginning that's the goal).
how does the game show it
you can coincidentally not kill most of your subjects and never be aware that emily is looking to restore karnaca by means of instating a council - it's never brought up. it *couldn't* be brought up, because that council serves under the fake duke (armando), who is the last person she speaks to before she leaves for dunwall. its her suggestion that he rules karnaca, but armando's condition is that he will rule as he sees fit.
to back up a bit, emily's canonical method of restoring karnaca is by banding together key allies - hypatia, stilton, [byrne &or paolo], pastor, under a council beneath the duke's body double. they are passionate people who would each individually make worthwhile advisors, but if you think about those characters sitting at a table trying to reach an agreement, it feels like an assortment of people that emily didn't kill along the way and doesn't feel organic (up to interpretation). it's not stated if emily herself banded this council together, but logically she must have (worth a mention these are mostly characters that you as the player had reasonable rationale to kill during a high chaos run, except pastor). the underlying concept may be that karnaca's power is returned to its people - which is interesting given that the monarchy remains and armando's decision is final.
this overarching solution could also be taken as a critique to dh1's 'put your kid on the throne,' which is another reason its worthwhile looking at how emily was shown to be a better leader. obviously my point isn't that her solution was bad given the circumstance, but i mean she has very little agency here in all. if emily was shown to be more controlling as a leader, this could be interpreted as character growth, but that's not the case.
coming of age
how do you learn & grow when you can't specify your failings? emily doesn't really touch on her shortcomings as an empress. she non-specifically worries delilah makes a better empress than her. it's hard to argue her worries are meaningful when someone good at their job will still worry when lives are in the balance.
emily's best 'aha' moments (eg. crack in the slab comment about gaining perspective) are consistently undercut by a conversation with sokolov or meagan afterwards in which she demonstrates she hasn't learned anything (before the grand palace, emily condemns 'toadies sucking up to me' and is reminded by meagan that she's part of the problem). the story is confused about what it's trying to say about emily's progress, and when she's meant to show progress, if she was meant to show any progress at all. it could be argued that emily was never even a bad ruler, she had just been fed misinformation about the problems in karnaca and been the victim of slander by her political enemies. the game doesn't make this clear - it's easier to argue that the opposite is true given that her allies only have criticism.
worth a mention here that the heart quotes about armando - a fake ruler - interestingly mirror emily's character concerns. "see how he sighs? his life is a gilded cage." but this essay is already long.
while corvo & daud spend their games (and through the gameplay) 'earning' their redemption, emily is being led by the NPCs around her to a conclusion and a fix for the political mess in karnaca: meagan & sokolov guide emily to her missions, and there's no recurring quest for emily to investigate possible allies. she is able to gather the people she hasn't killed to herself by manner of... post-game narration. during the game, she's primarily concerned with getting her throne back.
an easy fix: if there had been less dialogue & narrative focus on emily's failings perhaps the ending would have felt more satisfying. it has the feel of cut content, but i don't know what was cut to be able to comment on it.
so what went wrong?
i can't help but wonder if arkane were worried they would lose a certain demographic if corvo wasn't playable (may have been deemed too much of a risk - 2013 was a different time), and so they had to take out story elements that were unique to emily's growth as a character/empress, because the usual storyline/gameplay integration had to work for both characters - in other words, gameplay that made sense for both corvo & emily was prioritised before emily's story & character development. which is a silly problem to have in a game that added character voices for the sake of improving characterisation - maybe emily's tale would have felt more akin to a parable if she had less lines that betrayed her ignorance (to the disdain of those around her).
i wish more care had been taken with emily's story. most players will never really notice the large variety of different endings - they're not particularly satisfying in and of themselves.
it's ironic that one of Emily's complaints is about her father/protector being overbearing, when his (parallel universe) presence in the gameplay may be one of the reasons her own narrative arc falls flat.
what are the upsides here
changing tune from what didn't work - don't you think the concept is fantastic? it's a great idea overall - can you imagine if the coming of age storyline was better integrated into the game?
it's valuable to talk about the integration of story and gameplay and characterisation from a craft perspective. dh2 genuinely is my favourite game - it's beautiful, the imm-sim design philosophy makes the world a delight to explore, the combat gives endless creative options for tackling any fight, there is a far greater diversity of cast in an in-text canonical way. there's loads to love!
i love emily as a dodgy leader, to me it adds interesting dimensionality to the outsider's narrations - of course in dunwall there's never a neat happily ever after! emily, like the outsider, both work well as characters who hold ultimate power but aren't necessarily worthy of it - and this makes perfect sense for the dishonored universe's morality & critiques of power. however, within this grey area there's still plenty of room for a satisfying ending, which isn't what we ended up with, whatever the true reason for that was. and also, damn, emily's a marked assassin empress, if she can't lead well then who can?
while dh1 was criticised for its narrative simplicity, dh2 in contrast and in hindsight shows us that simplicity isn't so bad - there's satisfaction in gameplay achieves a clear, simple narrative goal.
#are you a dh1 enjoyer but less so a dh2 enjoyer?#have you ever wondered why you don't love dh2 as much?#here's 1.8k words that might articulate some of that.#light reading.i guess#this essay wasn't meant to cover everything - just the core of the plot and why its important to integrate story & gameplay#and to compare dh1 & 2#dishonored#dishonored 2#dishonored 2 spoilers#emily kaldwin#daud#corvo attano#this week i'm cracking things out of my drafts!#<333 don't get me started on doto.#some of this might be contentious. idk i try to live in a bubble#the meme version was easier to read i know i know#this essay would have been a lot longer had i integrated more references from the game#i know a few others have said this but imagine if they went a different way with emily#like she realises shes not fit for the job and maybe no one is and says fuck the system cause shes got a rebellious streak#and does a kickflip on the monarchy and institutes something else. i dont even care what. make it funny#and then for the sake of continuing the trend we spend dishonored 3 undoing the horrible leadership emily instates <3#i think they really loved emily as a character. i FEEL the love i believe its there.but didn't think enough bout how she would be perceived#there's a good couple comments from baldur's gate 3 devs about how much work goes into writing women to account for sexism#there's more that i could have added to this essay but for brevity's (ha.ha) sake i'll leave it there#other textposts about this game that i see around tend to romanticise dishonoreds story a little more
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graedari · 2 months
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oughhhh corb..... jess of mine....
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