#cos moon is gonna be HUUUGE
mocha-illustrates · 1 year
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[ID: A digital reference sheet of a Sea Butterfly-themed mer design for Sun, containing various poses. In the top left is a full-body drawing of Sea Butterfly!Sun. He has a big smile with a tooth gap, red cheeks, white eyes, and orange tentacles that mimic sun rays around his head. His body is mainly blue and translucent, and his chest, arms, and tail glow yellow and orange. He has his arms spread out, showing off his blue, translucent wings and fins. To his left is another full-bodied drawing of Sun, this time from a side view. He is swimming horizontally to the right with his left arm reaching forward. In the right corner is a small reference photo of a sea butterfly on a black background. Underneath all of that is a drawing of Sun being cradled in a pair of light gray hands. He is hunched over, facing slightly left and looking up at someone off-frame. He has a nervous expression and he has his hands up, seemingly in protest. To the right of him is a speech bubble that reads, “F-Friend… You shouldn’t go swimming after dark.” The background is a light gray. END ID.]
kicks down the door and slams this on the table
woe, sea butterfly sun be upon ye
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blitz-and-hearth · 3 years
do you play any video games? additionally, do you have any game-related headcanons for MCGA characters?
Of course I do! I'm mostly into single player stuff though, multiplayer kinda stresses me out however I've got a weak spot for both Wizards101 and Pirates101, as well as Splatoon. Pokemon is deffo my bread and butter, I love it so much, especially the mystery dungeon games. Also love fantasy RPGs and like business/town builder management ones. Right now I've actually been low-key rping Blitzen in Fantasy life for 3ds since it's the only RPG I've found where you can be a tailor as a class, very fun he's level 50 now. As for headcanons I could name a bunch of aus but I think I'll list what I think characters favorite types of games are
Magnus- The Sims, he likes making all his friends as Sims and just having fun with it, low-key embarrassed about it. Also likes classic Fantasy games like Zelda and rpgs. Probably also farming games, mainly ones where you can make friends with the villagers/characters, so pretty much mainly Stardew valley and Harvest Moon games.
Alex- Horror games! Alex is a horror queer no question. She loves horror games, horror movies too but we're talking about games RN, so I think she'd have a huuuge collection of them. That's sort of her main bag, but I think she also has a smaller collection of games similar to Magnus' tastes, farming, life Sims, and a few "friendship saves the day" focused rpgs. Magnus is the only one who knows about that though and sometimes when Alex is having a rough mental health day they'll play them together
Sam- Tycoon management/builder games for sure, probably also has a weak spot for any games focused on flying like flight sims. Also low-key think she'd like romance games but that's the type of secret that might get you beheaded if you find out
Blitzen- I don't think he's much of a video game player, very picky about what he plays. Probably crafting/art focused games he can relax and make art for fun without too much effort. Deffo likes Animal crossing but pretty much all he does is making extremely complex pixel designs on it. Also Minecraft, though he only plays on creative to make those fucking insanely huge and realistic cities/buildings that have to take days if not months to make
Hearthstone- You fucking know he's a sucker for Rpgs, no question. I think he'd be one of the most dedicated gamers of the group. Motherfucker canonly went to a renaissance fair and definitely watches LOTR he's a big old nerd. Any fantasy rpg he can get his hands on he's gonna play until he beats the whole thing and gets all the achievements and unlockables. I'd guess he also really likes pokemon too, but that one is more of a comfort/relaxing game for him and he doesn't go quite as hard core with it.
TJ- Dude is canonly a gamer since Magnus hears him playing some kinda shooting game through his door, seems to be really into those shoot em ups and fighting games which makes a lot of sense. Call of duty shoota man, Grand stealing cars, Smash your bros, all those multiple shooting games that people seem to love but I can't fucking stand at all
Halfborn- alright so I know Halfborn is shockingly modern for just how old he is, but I think tech is a bit harder to keep up with so he's definitely into old retro shit. Pac Man, Galaga, Donkey Kong classic, all those pixel arcade games. Maybe eventually he'll get into newer more complex stuff but for now he's pretty happy with those. Though! I bet he does have some of those educational and brain teaser puzzle games for the DS my parents used to try to get me to play in a failed attempt to make me smarter
Mallory- Mallory is another who doesn't really play many video games, but I'd like to think miss hot head has a gulity pleasure of Japanese style romantic visual novels, which she thinks no one knows about but she's not great at hiding it lol
Also in general I think they have a game/movie night every week to just hanging out as a family. They had to stop any competitive games though because TJ and Hearthstone once almost killed each other. They both just get way too into it so now competitive is banned, strictly multiplayer co-op games only lol
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oldmyths · 6 years
hiya drew, what are a couple bands/songs you'd recommend for someone interested in getting into classic rock? I hope you're having a great day
hey anon! this is an extremely loaded question! sdfjdfkgjd (and i’m really flattered you’re askin me, because, omg, it’s an honor)
(under a read more bc i talk too god damn much)
okay. lemme preface this by saying i barely scratch the surface when it comes to classic rock. in fact i just like the “popular” classic rock bands, because i’m a hipster loser (and i grew up on some of this stuff and don’t really have much of an interest venturing further but hey, who knows, maybe i’ll expand my spotify library in due time)
there are people on this website in the CR fandom who are so much better equipped to answer this, but u asked me, and i never really bothered to integrate into the cr fandom anyway because i feel like theyre all cooler than me and i just wanna sit down and listen to like, the same two albums on repeat, but anyway. to answer your question…
it really just depends on what genre you like. what kind of music you want to get into; i can sit here and tell you to listen to pink floyd and go on about their significance but i can’t make you Like them yknow?
so…..i’m just gonna list a few of my favorite songs by the most well-known classic rock bands because, like i said i just kind of barely scratch the surface on the classic rock format as a whole
as some of you may be aware, i am drew “beatlefucker” angelshane (thanks ana) and to get these bug boys out of the way, i’ll give u some song recs from the beatles! (early 1960s to 1970) (genres: rock, pop, psychedelia)
surely you’ve heard of them; if not, they caused a huge uproar across the world called beatlemania. think of like…tumblr, as a planet, and the beatles is the newest, hottest anime of the season, and everybody’s got a huge heart boner for them. because that’s basically what it was.
here are some of their songs that have been in my head for the past few days: drive my car (rubber soul, 1965); eleanor rigby (revolver, 1966); and if i fell (a hard day’s night, 1964)
revolver is the most recent album i’ve listened to, they have more but the next proper Album is sgt. pepper and that feels…like. so much. it’s a Huge Album, both content-wise and…history-wise? anyway, it’s very intimidating for me and i think i want to take my time with it before i rush in
i’m just gonna get led zeppelin (late 1960s to 1980, some reunions sprinkled here and there,) out of the way, now, too. (genres: hard rock, blues rock, folk rock, heavy metal)
let me just say right here: i hate jimmy page. as a person. and i honestly think most of his solos aren’t…that great. but for real, i won’t tolerate any of that ugly shithead on my blog and just because i like LZ doesn’t mean i condone any of the shit he did.
(you’ll notice a trend, especially in the older bands, that controversy is super common. u can’t..really get into classic rock without having to see the darker side of your faves. it sucks, nobody’s perfect, and i don’t agree with separating the artist from the art, but it does get hard to like certain music when you know the shit that happened with certain artists.)
Anyway! that being said, i truthfully only really listen to led zeppelin and led zeppelin ii. some physical graffiti but, eh. So, if you wanted to get into lz, you’re askin the wrong person, is what i’m saying jfkgsdj
here’s my song recs: good times bad times and dazed and confused (led zeppelin, 1968); whole lotta love and ramble on (led zeppelin ii, 1969); kashmir (physical graffiti, 1975)
and honestly the JP thing is why i don’t really listen to LZ much outside of their self titled and lz2. cos like. i just can’t.
QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN (1970s to…now? personally, if freddie mercury isn’t involved then..is it really queen) (genre: rock)
if you don’t know who queen is, you know who queen is. bohemian rhapsody? of course you know that song. everyone does.
but if you don’t then that’s perfectly ok too. it’s a good song imo. not their Best, but it’s good
i gotta be honest, i listen to singles mostly. i’ve got a lot on my proverbial plate and while i Love freddie mercury (bi king) sometimes i’m just. not in the headspace for queen. they’re good but a certain specific set of circumstances need to happen where i feel aligned with queen music enough to listen to it. also, freddie’s death makes me really sad and if i think about it too hard i’ll get depressed.
here’s my favorite queen songs!!!
brighton rock and killer queen (sheer heart attack, 1974); you’re my best friend (a night at the opera, 1975); somebody to love and GOOD OLD FASHIONED LOVER BOY (a day at the races, 1976); TOO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU (made in heaven, 1996)
honestly..queen is so influential and inspiring and i fucking love freddie mercury so like. those are just a few of my favorites. i could honestly go on forever about it but let’s stop there
now let’s get away from the boys and talk about stevie nicks because she is my mother and i would die in her place given the chance. i love her. I Love Her.
but i mean you’d probably better begin at fleetwood mac (late 1960s to the mid 1990s; late 1990s to …now?) (genres: pop rock, soft rock, blues rock, art pop, british blues)
this is a band i don’t know much about. because there’s apparently so much to know about them, so much inter-band dynamic drama. from what i’ve skimmed. So Much Drama.
i…can’t provide any songs for you, because i dont listen to fleetwood mac and i need to fix this ASAP but i feel like the time isn’t right yet. is that dumb of me to think? probably, but i’m gonna stick by my guns.
you should listen to fleetwood mac and tell me what you think!!!
(yes i included a portion on stevie nicks without giving song recs because i’m awful: listen to edge of seventeen, bella donna, 1981)
okay back to smelly dudes cos that’s all the world fuckin cares about i guess
pink floyd!!! (mid 1960s to mid 1990s, mid 2000s, and early/mid 2010s) (genres: progrock, art rock, psychedelic rock)
i mean i love them but i’m just dipping my toes in the water here. i’ve barely listened to them, but from what i’ve heard they’re very good. VERY politically driven. i cannot stress this enough. they’re the good kind of politics i think though
you’ve most definitely seen the album art for the dark side of the moon. like, you just have. there’s probably no way you couldn’t have. (but if u haven’t thats fine)
here’s some tunes: money (tdsotm, 1973); the wall. just. the wall. if you love concept albums, here you go. listen to the wall.
that’s all i got. pathetic, i know, but i’m workin my way up i promise
here’s where we get into more familiar territory. ..having said that, i don’t really know much about the history of the rolling stones, but a good friend of mine Does and maybe i can pry info out of her. but i won’t bc she’s too cool 4 school and she’s really great
anyway, the rolling stones!!! (early 1960s to like. now i guess) (genres: rock, blues, blues rock, rock and roll)
woof. what can be said about them really. there’s…..almost too much to say. i love them a lot.
Okay when i get into bands, its in my DNA to listen from the very earliest recording i can find (usually on spotify nowadays) so i’ve been sslowly working my way past the baby pebbles albums (mostly covers) to their original work (fun fact did you know john and paul of beatles fame wrote their own music, and when mick and keith of stones fame found out it was In Fact That Easy they began to write their own music too? fascinating.)
ANYWAY here’s some stones songs: gimme shelter and you can’t always get what you want (let it bleed, 1969); angie (goats head soup, 1973); sympathy for the devil (beggars banquet, 1968)
again i am….Slowly inching my way up their discography. snails pace. i’ll get there. (u can ask glimmerkeith on tumblr for stones song recs, bc shes great and knows much more than i do and i would die for jenn)
now here’s a band…….that i’ve rediscovered pretty recently. try, last week.
AC/DC!!!!!!!! (early 1970s to now) (genres: hard rock, blues rock, rock and roll)
this is Very Much Your Dads™ Music. probably. most likely, anyway. but listen: i saw them in concert once and (while it probably…wasnt the best experience for me) i had a fucking Blast. very sad things happened in this band in the last few months.
not recent, but very important, in 1980 their lead singer bon scott died and everyone was sad. then brian johnson came out with his fuckin voice and everyone was like “ok sweet lets get back to rock n’ roll”
so this will be split by scott’s era and the johnson era (heh heh) And, because i’m familiar with this band, i’ll list the album in question and name a few songs off it instead of just naming songs. because yes.
T.N.T (1975); it’s a long way to the top (if you wanna rock ‘n’ roll); T.N.T; high voltage
dirty deeds done dirt cheap (1976); dirty deeds done dirt cheap (edit: i just realized how much i actually hate this album and only like that song so WHOOPS but i wanna keep the formatting so, yknow)
let there be rock (1977); let there be rock; whole lotta rosie
highway to hell (1979); highway to hell (it just felt really weird, making a reclist of songs by ac/dc and Not including this one)
back in black (1980); HELLS BELLS; shoot to thrill; given the dog a bone; back in black; you shook me all night long
for those about to rock we salute you (1981); for those about to rock (we salute you)
the razors edge (1990); thunderstruck
making this list, it hit me how much of bon scott i actually Listen to when i listen to ac/dc dfkjghjdfksdsfj but uh yeah those. are good
GUNS! AND! ROSES! (mid 1980s to NOW MOTHERFUCKERS!!! THEYRE BACK!!! well, touring at least) (genres: hard rock, heavy metal
arguably my favorite band. subjectively, my favorite classic rock band. objectively? they own a huuuge portion of my heart, and my ass.
so listen up: these two kids from indiana run away to california to get out of fucking indiana, because who wants to stay in indiana, (it’s more like, one gets out, and like a year later the other kid tries to find him in the big mean streets of L.A) and along the way they get shuffled in and out of bands together. they start bands, break up bands, the whole fuckin shebang.
and then a few chance miracles happen and suddenly guns n’ roses is formed in like 1985. my boys? those are my boys.
i’m gonna do what i did w ac/dc and bullet the albums and then i’m gonna talk about the albums because i got SHIT to SAY
appetite for destruction (1987); welcome to the jungle, out ta get me, paradise city, sweet child o’ mine, ROCKET QUEEN
all right so here’s the deal, it was very hard not picking every single song on the album because every single song on the album is fucking perfection. actual gold. there’s no flaws in this album. Nothing. everything is good and perfect and i’m not biased at all
did you know axl rose (one of the boys from indiana) recorded each line individually? so, he sang a line, and then stopped recording, and then started recording the next line because he wanted it to be perfect?
did you know appetite was originally a flop album but after this dude got the guys at MTV to play the music video for Jungle at like 5am, guns n’ roses BLEW THE FUCK UP. Everybody know about them practically overnight. it was surreal and really cool, apparently.
and did you know axl played the synthesizer in paradise city? that’s adorable. i fucking love him.
gn’r lies (1988); patience; used to love her
the first four tracks in this EP are from their very first EP ever recorded - it Sounds like it’s taken from a live show but they dubbed in the audience in post, to make it seem like they had huge crowds attending their shows when in reality that wasn’t the case. (their first ep was released in december 1986, they had loyal fans but the crowd wasn’t that rowdy until after appetite came out)
believe me when i tell you. don’t listen to one in a million. or like, do. but i’m not gonna fight anyone about this. it’s fucked up. i’m not defending axl at all and i actually struggled with liking guns after i listened to it.
but unfortunately here we are and i saw them in concert and i had to deal with some fuckhead in the row behind me and his friend who kept Shouting that they play the song, when nobody on stage could her them, and like. of course they wouldn’t play it today. fuck off man
use your illusion i (1991); right next door to hell; dust n’ bones; perfect crime; november rain; BAD APPLES; COMA
i tried to limit these to five songs an album but i fuckin can’t, anon. illusion1 is just so fucking perfect. i can’t choose between my children. pls forgive me
on dust n’ bones and double talkin’ jive is izzy stradlin doing vocals (the second indiana boy, the one who left indiana first) and he’s regarded as the most unnderrated member in gnr by like everybody. so much so that it’s almost…too much. but like basically he was addicted to drugs and everything and then he sobered up when everyone else in the band was still hooked and he was like “wtf i’m out” and axl was like noooo :(
use your illusion ii (1991); civil war; 14 years; GET IN THE RING; locomotive; estranged; you could be mine
UYI1 and 2 were released on the same day. can you imagine how fuckin wild that day was? gnr fans scrambled to their record stores by the hordes probably.
izzy does vocal work in 14 years and this album was his last contribution to the band
uhhhh this album is also fucking perfect but i get sad listening to it sometimes so i try not to? very emotionally driven work. but like, where UYI1 was mostly passionate and angry-ish based, UYI2 is much more contemplative and uhh. sad. i guess.
“the spaghetti incident?” (1993)
this is a cover album and also the last album to feature my love, my soul, my light, my heart, slash. also duff. i mean i love him probably almost just as much but, yeah. duff actually looks like my cousin’s dad so i can’t really…. um. i feel weird about talking about him kjdfgd
but SLASH my god what a perfect man. i love him more than almost everything.
hey fun fact in between UYI and TSI, guns n’ roses toured with metallica and that tour is when slash, In His Autobiography, said he “lost” axl. his word. he Lost axl.
axl rose is a whole fuckin…..topic for another time, and i’m not gonna get into my own bullshit here, but that’s basically the situation when you listen to TSI. the band is fractured and barely holding together. after TSI, slash and duff leave GNR and axl is the only original member from the band still in it
(of course that opens up a conversation of who was originally in guns n’ roses but that’s another discourse for another time)
I. FUCKING. LOVE. THIS. ALBUM. MORE THAN I COULD EVER EXPRESS. everyone says it’s “not gnr” of COURSE it isn’t gnr, when YOU think of GNR, you see slash. and like, i love slash? but he didn’t make the band. EVERYONE - axl, izzy, steven, duff, And slash made the band. after steven was kicked, gnr lost a huge part of what made them stand out, what made the band unique.
and like, fuck, i love dizzy. i love all of the new additions. but you cannot. fucking look me in the eyes and tell me you love UYI But you hate CD because it’s “not gnr”. like. fuck you man.
ugh anyway. i just gotta let y’all know my Stance on this. i love chinese democracy. i’ll defend this album with my fucking life. i was really…disappointed when, at my concert, i didn’t hear more CD but like i also saw slash in person (albeit, from far away, but we shared the same arena and that’s. more than i can handle)
i wanna get lyrics from prostitute tattooed on my body.
also like you can’t tell me better and sorry aren’t about slash sorry but that’s just the fuckin tea
Now, listen, this ask got away from me. i didn’t include…SO many bands because, like i said, i just scratch the surface of what classic rock is. my word isn’t law, ok? that bein said, i am always, ALWAYS down to talk about any of the bands here, and others!!! if i know of them. i’m always taking music/song recs, too.
thanks..for reading this stupid answer to your innocent ask sdfkjghsdf
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susanetalks · 5 years
Hey y’all :)
Finally we’ve finished our vlog from YORK, so I’m ready to tell you how trip to York has given us entirely new energy levels, and the whole trip was absolutely amazing.
Johnny had 22nd May 25th birthday - yeeeey :) And I had decided to be original a bit and give him a great day full of surprises, adventures and fun instead of just a one material thing. I was in York in December, but Johnny couldn’t go that time, so I thought York’s gonna be perfect place to go for a b-day trip. I know that place quite well, so it was easier to plan the whole thing.
I started texting to our friends and family members about my plan, that I want Johnny to do tasks with a bit of hints, and I need their help to post a video with a birthday wishes and the hint of our next spot to go to.
The main present will be flying tickets to Amsterdam, because we talk about going there for 2 years and I knew Johnny would be over the moon…Surprisingly, everyone posted the video and we were good to gooooo….:)
You can watch our vlog from York with all tasks here:
Ahoj :)
Konečně jsme dokončili úpravy vlogu na YouTube a já vám tak můžu konečně napsat článěk o našem narozeninovém výletu pro Honzu a pár tipů, kam zamířit a co například ochutnat v Yorku. Nám se tenhle výlet povedl naprosto dokonale a nabil nás pozitivní energií, kterou jsme zoufale potřebovali.
Honza měl 22.května 25.narozeniny - yeeeey :) No a já jsem mu nechtěla dávat jen nějakou věc a odbýt to, ale měla jsem představu o něčem speciálním, na co nezapomene a bude vzpomínat. Zapojila jsem mozkový závity a začal se mi ukazovat obraz celého dne. Jelikož už dva roky mluvíme o tripu do Amsterdamu, rozhodla jsem se, že hlavní dárek budou právě letenky tam, ale chtěla jsem, aby si na to všechno Honza přišel sám..postupně.
V dětství byl Honza skaut a často o tom mluví, že ho bavilo plnit úkoly a učit se novým věcem a jezdit na výlety. Takže už asi tušíte, že právě tohle pro mě bylo největší inspirací. Nelenila jsem a odepsala naše kamarády a rodinu, jestli by pro Honzu nenatočili video s přáním k narozeninám a nakonec mu prozradili další místo, kam se vydat pro další úkol a indícii, které mu budou postupně napovídat a poodkrývat hlavní dárek. Prostě taková mini honba za “pokladem” po Yorku. a týjo…těměř všichni fakt splnili a poslali mi videa přesně podle instrukcí a teď už nezbývalo nic jiného než jet :)
Saturday morning, we took the morning express train from Manchester. The whole journey is 1.5 hour long, but it worths it. The earlier you can possible get there, the better - you have time to enjoy York without tourists. First stop was cathedral, monumental symbol of the city with perfect peaceful gardens and park with perfect light in the morning. 
V sobotu ráno jsme vyrazili vlakem, který trvá hodinku a půl z Machesteru, pokud si připlatíte za express...no a my už v půl 9 dorazili a mohli tak obdivovat krásy města ještě za čerstva, kdy tam všude není spoustu turistů. 
Z vlakového nádraží jsme vyrazili přímo ke katedrále, která je uchvacující svou monumentálností a je tak i dominantou a symbolem celého města.  Okolo katedrály se rozprostírají zahrady s parkem, kde je ráno klid a krásný světlo na focení.
Chocolate Story was our next stop, obviously we couldn't forget to visit it, 'cause Johnny is a very proud chocholic and able to eat anything that just smells like chocolate :D This place is a museum and store in one, where you can buy also !00% bar - guess who bought it? :D
Další místo, které jsme rozhodně nemohli opomenout je Chocolate Story, jelikož Honza je nevyléčitelný čokoholik, a s prominutím sežere všechno, co i jen jako čokoláda vypadá :D chcolate story je muzeum čokolády a zároveň mají obchůdek, kde můžete zakoupit i 100 tabulku pro odvážlivce - my ji samozřejmě máme :D
I couldn't wait to show The Shambles to Johnny. It's a marvelous, medieval street, full of Harry Potter shops, bakery and tea shops.
Moc jsem se těšila, až Honzovi ukážu Shambles, což je nejzachovalejší středověká ulička plná obchůdků, Harry Potter shopů a pekárniček. 
There’s nothing better than sinking down into a comfortable chair, pouring a cup of tea and nibbling on a scone while admiring your beautiful surroundings. For a quintessentially British experience, we couldn’t miss Betty’s tea rooms on St. Helen’s Square. This tea room has been here since 1936, offering traditional afternoon teas alongside a variety of cakes and pastries.
Po roce v Anglii jsme konečně chtěli zažít pravý Afternoon Tea a kam jinam zajít než do Domku čaje paní Betty. Snažila jsem se zarezervovat hlavní domek na St. Helens Square, ale bohužel je beznadějně zabookováno na 2 měsíce dopředu. Naštěstí jsem našla ještě další pobočku nedaleko na Stonegate, a musím říct, že jedině dobře. Je to tam mnohem hezčí a intimnější.  Zvenčí to vypadá jen jako obchůdek s čajem a sušenkama, ale jakmile vejdete, cedulky vás zavedou do domku se schody, po kterých když vylezete, tak se vám rozprostře starý podkrovní byt, kde je naprosté ticho, příjemná vůně a spoustu lidiček, vychutnávajíc si čaj o páté. Nemohlo se tam natáčet, ani fotit, ale my to riskli a pár záběrů máme :D ale byli jsme fakt podělaný strachy, protože paní manažerka byla docela ranařka :D 
Ale teda doporučujeme všema deseti, my jsme si moc pochutnali a objednali jsme si Traditional Afternoon Tea a já ještě Chinese Rosehip Blossom Tea a teda objednávám ho i domů, protože paní Betty má i eshop se všema svýma vychytávkama.
Clifford’s Tower se nachází na jižní straně centra, a já ji doporučuji víc, než výhled z katedrály. Vstup je o dost levnější a hlavně máte výhled i na katedrálu, která je naprosto krásná.
Thank you angels for reading this article. A huuuge thank you belongs to our friends and family, who found enough time and energy to do video for Johnny and together we could make this bday trip to come true.
Happy birthday my love
I’ll post other posts in the future and many many pictures from Amsterdam in a month.
Be amazing.
Moc děkuji za přečtení článku, dále patří velké díky všem našim kamarádům a rodině, že si našli čas a enegii nahrát video pro Honzu a tak jsme společně uskutečnili pro Honzu krásný narozeninový den.
Honzovi přeji ještě jednou všechno nejlepší lásko
A vy se můžete do budoucna těšit na další články a mimo jiné na spoustu fotek z Amsterdamu za měsíc.
Mějste se krásně.
S láskou,
Other articles about York: https://www.susanetalks.co.uk/home/2019/1/3/about-trip-to-york
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