enasallavellan · 1 year
Talk about your muse most prized possession for Enassal
Enasal has a set of wooden effigies of the elven pantheon, one for each. Her father carved them when her mother fell pregnant with her, just as he had done for Shiral. When she's at Skyhold, they each have their own little alters in her room - which she uses to explain her religion to Cullen and her other friends, as well as answer questions. While she's out of Skyhold, they live in a little bag - also made by her father - so she can have access to them anytime she wants.
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thirdmarshall · 2 years
Roll initiative, if you are still doing it
Level 4 Tiefling Thief Rouge
You get proficiency in Stealth and Insight and at 4th level you get the Skulker feat.
Ability Scores (Rolled)
Strength: 15 Dexterity: 13 Constitution: 17 Intelligence: 12 Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 11
Background: Hermit with proficiency in Medicine and Religion as well as an Herbalism Kit.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral Lifestyle: Comfortable
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foulserpent · 4 years
Can i heat your MAJOR nitpicks on the wintersun religion mod?
OH yeah its mostly just like, how its structured 
and for the starting deities i swear to god they just skimmed what deities are mentioned per race and just slapped it in. like they list all four corners of the house of troubles as “starting deities” for dunmer. it lists hircine as a starting deity for bosmer. in both examples, these deities are antagonistic to the predominant practices per each race.. are most commonly considered enemies..... it makes no cents. actually just about every daedra is listed as a “starting deity” for dunmer for like no discernable reason
and i dont think they really knew what they were doing like they listed “the old ways” as like. a distinct god for nords when its referring to the nordic pantheon that existed very clearly in every game pre skyrim
and that aside the whole starting deity and certain deities being locked out is kind of dumb anyway like i really think that for roleplay purposes it should be customizable and you should have full control over what your characters can worship. it just goes into a thing that bothers me in general about fantasy worldbuilding where it acts as if culture or religion is starkly delineated between groups as if  thats some innate reality and theres no crossover or diffusion etc. not that theres no distinct culture ofc like i think maybe SOME would make sense to be locked out or not as accessible but this should be with like, intentionality
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klc-journei · 4 years
Kelsey you got flagged. You are a blurry face now hahaaha
blurry face or not
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but still I want my original stuff back so I gotta figure this out god dang it
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How many times are you hit on daily here?
Once or twice. Some days more, some less
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Since you are our resident expert theorist, what do you think that round thing with circles behind Phos back in ch 82 was? Kinda look like an ornament from a Buddhist statue
i’ll redirect you to the resident expert ex-buddhist (spoilers: that’s a lotus seed pod)
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missghouls · 5 years
Hello! I love your CIT and I always use it if possible but there is something that bugs me a bit. Lately your designs have been getting pretty... Round, to say something. Take for example the teapot or mixer. Its kinda drifting away from the blocky aesthetic from Minecraft. Now, in no way I will tell you what to do obviously, just wanted to take this into consideration and do what you will. Hope this doesnt sound bossy or anything, thanks for you hard work!
I’ve already addressed this several times both publicly and privately, and -- without sounding rude in response (trust me, that’s the last thing i want @.@) -- this resource pack is my baby, and purely my aesthetic and i’m not changing it after almost 9 months of work. Ghoulcraft started out as a small project between me and some friend’s suggestions to see if i could, and then it got insanely popular in the blink of an eye, and continues to grow every day!
There are lots of mods out there making different kinds of furniture for everyone to choose from if they don’t like mine (MrCray’s Furniture Mod, Decocraft, etc), just as there are tons of resource packs from 8-bit to 256+ for people who don’t like hi-res packs.You wouldn’t ask a high-res realistic pack, whose goal is to make things look high-res and realistic -- to tone down their resolution, you’d just find another pack. Unfortunately with Ghoulcraft, there isn’t really another CIT pack to choose from, which makes things difficult and means i get a LOT of messages like this -- and after a while (which is not your fault op!) It begins to sound like people pecking and picking at something i’ve worked hard on trying to break it apart. 
Believe it or not I’ve been actually toning down the amount of “round”ness i have, moving from hexadecagons to octagons and doing my best to keep things with a blocky nature without going full-on cubes, because i don’t like when things are perfectly cubed and have sharp edges. I will agree a few items (especially the utah teapot) have far too many cubes, but the utah teapot in particular is an easter-egg item that is found in a lot of games (give it a quick google, it’s pretty neat!) and was MEANT to look high-res because of what the item is. 
It has taken me almost 9 months to figure out my style now, and after 9 months of work, i will not be going back and changing almost 2000 blocks to be less round & more blocky, though -- so i apologize if it’s something that bugs you. I definitely encourage you (and anyone else here for that matter!
Also, sorry for a giant wall of text! @.@ 
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wyvernage · 5 years
Starscream A6 y Wheeljack D6
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its hard to do expressions when they dont hav mouths ;-; i gotta... Practice
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fusrodie · 5 years
cosasystuff replied to your post: fallout 76 is on sale help
I crave... that fun... sweet, sweet fun........
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daggerfall · 6 years
sanguine is the daedric prince of making and eating a whole pizza by yourself plus dessert and regreting it 5 minutes later
thats literally what he is, indulgence and then regret (should you leave)
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peachcraftmc-blog · 5 years
Hey there! Your Discord invite is invalid. Is this because whitelist applications are still closed?
Sorry! We have closed all invites to the Discord server until we reopen whitelist applications. You will have to wait until then to apply and join! If you have already been whitelisted, let us know and we’ll see about letting you join then.
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enasallavellan · 3 years
So prompts. Enasal finds herself in a heist mission but her only companions are Sera, Cassandra and Solas.
Enasal and the sea. Idk, some story about her and her thoughts on it? Some titanic reference?
Due a failled spell Enasal floats in the air for 3 days. If untethered she would float into the sky
So I’ve answered the third one here.
And the first one is safely nestled in my Ask/Prompt document :)
Enasal and the Sea
Enasal knocked her head on the war table a few times, letting out a groan.
The disapproving huff was definitely Josephine.  The stifled giggle Leliana, and the clinking of armor and shuffling of feet was Cullen - probably trying to show her he was smiling.
He had started doing that a lot more recently.
“Enasal, this will be good for you.” Josephine insisted, “You need a break, and the sea air is good for you.”
“I hate the sea.”  She argued. “When we went to the Storm Coast I stayed as far away as possible - last time I touched the water I was seasick for days.”
“Enasal,”  Cullen started, “I promise you, I’ve been assured you will be nowhere near the boat.”
“Please don’t make me go.”  She begged, looking up at Cullen.
“That’s not going to work this time.”  Cullen said, “This is something you need to face - what happens if the Inquisition needs to cross the ocean for any reason?”
“You said no boats!” Enasal exclaimed.
“Think of it as your first step.” Lelianna suggested, “You’ll go to the ocean, feel the wind in your hair and the smell the salt - it’s good for the body and soul.”
“Besides,” Cullen added, “You've been restless.”
She knocked her head against the table again.
Josephine leaned down toward her, “There will be shells - you don’t have any shells in your collections, do you?”
“I have snail shells.”  She muttered.
“But do you have conch shells? Or clam shells - there are so many colors.”
“And shells that look like little hats.”  Leliana supplied.
Cullen tried to catch her eye, “And we all know how much you love stones - and sometimes you’ll find glass that’s been smoothed by the waves.”
Enasal looked up with a glare - they were preying on her magpie ways.
“The Iron Bull and Cassandra will be with you.”  Josephine promised, “They want to help.” 
“Fine.”  Enasal muttered.
She was all frowns when she, Cassandra, and Bull gathered near the gates.  Cullen had her in a hug, trying to reassure her that she'd be just fine.
No, sharks would not come onto the shore and eat her.
No, she would not get seasick just from being on the shore.
Everything was going to be fine.
Dorain gave her a few books with the insistence on how lovely it was to read with the sound of the waves and the wind in your hair.  
Varric had a grin on his face that frankly worried her - he had something planned and she had a nagging feeling it had nothing to do with the sack he handed her.  “For your collections.”  He said, “You can show me when you get back.” 
She peeked in the sack, squinting her eyes in suspicion, “What are you planning?”
His grin widened, “Now, Seastorm, why do you always think I’m up to something?”
“I don’t - except when you have that grin on your face!”  
He clapped her on the back, “I won’t lie - I got a friend who wants to help, she has a bit of a surprise for you.”
When she opened her mouth to protest he held a hand up, “It’s good, I promise.”  He put an arm around her, “If you see it and don’t want it - no hurt feeling, no pressure.  Trust me - she’s not one to force things like this.”
He ruffled her curls, “You’ve got this, Seastorm.  It’s just water.”
Bull tried to keep her spirits up, and without Solas around to scold him, he had fun carrying her on his shoulders and tossing her up into trees and over rivers.  Cassandra wasn’t exactly pleased with the risky play, and she spent most of their travels grumbling and scoffing.  
But once they made camp, she perked up considerably.  Dorain had given her and Enasal the same book, in hopes of giving them something to bond over.  Bull would be happy to report that it seemed to be working, as both women were reading silently by the fire. 
“Enasal?”  Cassandra asked.
“Have you read the third chapter?”
Enasal’s eyes flicked to her before staring down at the pages of her book.  “No, I… I’m still on the first chapter.” 
Cassandra glanced down at her own book and flipped it back to the first chapter, skimming through to remind herself of the events. “What do you think about Ser Markl?” 
Enasal wrinkled her nose, “I don’t like him.  He’s… ah…”  She snapped her fingers, “An animal… not trustworthy-”
She gave her fingers a final snap and pointed at her, “Yes, fishy!  Like the ocean!”
Cassandra shook her head, but offered a rare smile, “I will wait for you to catch up.”  She put her current book back into her bag and replaced it with another one.  She was quick to hide the cover, pressing it against her thighs and leaning over it.
Early the next day, they arrived in a small fishing village and threw their bags into the inn before they prepared to drag Enasal onto the shore. 
“Bull?”  Cassandra asked as she leaned on the doorframe, “Does Enasal always take such time preparing her room?”
“What’s the doing?”
He snorted, “She doesn’t fold.  The only reason she doesn't chuck her armor on the floor is because Cullen scolded her - wrecked her.”
Enasal stuck her head out of her room, “It did not!”
“You cried in your room for an hour.”
“Don’t you tell him that!”
Bull chuckled, “I didn’t and I won’t.”
Cassandra stood straight, crossing her arms over her chest, “Enasal, you have dallied enough.  Get your bag and let's go.”
It took some time to get Enasal outside.  First she “forgot” her bag and had to go back to the inn, then she suddenly decided to grab her boots, “just in case”.  After the third attempt to return, Bull plucked her off of the ground and carried her partway to the shore,  until her kicks and protests prompted him to drop her to the ground.
She hesitated at the line where soil met smooth pebbles.  Beyond, the waves crashed on the shore, spraying sea salt into the air.
Enasal ruffled her curls, wrinkling her nose at the feel of salt in her hair.  
Cassandra came beside her, “Enasal, do you feel ill?”
She shook her head.
“So, it is already better than your first encounter with the ocean.”  She continued, “Perhaps-”
Stones scattered as Bull settled himself down into the stones, sighting, “Feels good, Boss.” He said, “Warm, good for the muscles.  You should try it.”
Cassandra took a seat, leaning back over her book and falling into silence.
Enasal kicked at a pebble - a very dark pebble - one as black as night.  She bent down and picked it up, feeling it around in her hands.  It was smooth and warm and she couldn’t help but smile.  A few feet away, a burst of white caught Enasal’s eye.  She had never seen a clamshell before, and she scooped it up, running her fingers over its ridges with a smile.  She let out laugh when she turned it over, marveling at the shock of purple on its underside.  She tossed it into her bag with a grin.
By the end of the day, Cassandra had selected a new book, one she hid just as suspiciously as her previous.  Bull needed to be pried from the now-cooled rocks and Enasal’s face was burnt, but grinning at her new treasures.
She had been hoping to find some of the smoothed glass Cullen had mentioned to her - maybe he wanted some.
The next day, they brought Enasal to the docks.
Her face was redder than the day before, but more from a distinct feeling of betrayal. “You said no boats!”
“You don’t have to go on, Boss.”  Bull promised, “But Varric’s got a friend-”
“I knew it!”  She snapped.
Cassandra was equally upset, “What has that convincing dwarf -“
“A friend from his days with Hawke.” Bull interrupted, “She’s only going to take you out for a few hours, show you how to keep your feet under you and your lunch in your stomach.”
The mere thought made her nauseous.
“Up to you, Boss.”
She thought back to her advisors, her friends.  They all wanted for her to come back stronger and braver - after all, who was afraid of a little water?
Bull put a hand on her back, leading her down the docks and pointing to a large ship beyond the docks.
“What’d say? Take a trip?”
Enasal swallowed. She could already see the ship bowing and rocking from this distance, and could only think how much the rowboat would be like.
Cassandra squinted at the sails, “That flag… it can't… Varric!”
“Who?”  Enasal asked.
A woman waited near a dinghy, boots clear to her hips and piercing decorating her pretty face.
Rivani, Enasal thought to herself, leafing through everything Varric had told her to try to remember her actual name. Had he even told her?”
Instead, she snapped her fingers a few times before offering her hand, “Varric’s friend?”  She asked.
The woman grinned, taking her hand and giving it a solid shake, “Well, Varric’s little Seastorm - aren’t you a shot of sunshine?”
“Sorry, I didn’t catch your actual name.”
“Isabela.”  She said, “Admiral, Isabela.”
Cassandra snorted, “Admiral? I somehow doubt that.”
Isabella winked at Cassandra, “‘Seeker’ I presume? Varric’s got you penned to a ‘t’, doesn’t he?”
“Admiral!”  Enasal purposeful interruption was weak as her gaze turned to the dingy and the disheveled men manning it. Her face turned pale, completely forgetting her efforts to keep the peace.
“The Siren’s Call II?”  Bull asked, “And the first one?”
“Somewhere at the bottom of the sea, I’d wager.”  Isabela said, “Trust me, this one won’t fail us.”
Bull snorted, “Don’t tell me this is one of those unsinkable ships-”
“None of that!”  Isabela argued, “You’ll curse the lot of us - saying that about my ship.”  Her gaze softened as she glanced back and Enasal.  She smiled at her and settled into the dingy, motioning Enasal to follow, “No need to be afraid, poppet, my men and I don’t bite strangers.”
Bull was next, sinking the boat a few inches and chuckling in satisfaction.  Cassandra got on with a little difficulty, but not without cutting looks between Isabela and Bull. Once settled the group turned to stare at Enasal, glued to the dock, slowly shaking her head.
“Wanna go back, Boss?”  Bull asked.
“Varric said you might not want to.”  Isabela soothed, “No need to look so pale, poppet.   You don't have to. We can all get out and go to the tavern - I have quite some tales and quite a few questions for you.  Need to sort through Varric's truths and lies.”
Cassandra leaned forward, “Try, Enasal!”  She gestured to the empty spot by Bull, “Come sit.  We can always turn around.”
Bull offered an arm.  Still glued to the dock, Enasal reached forward and grabbed his hand. Leaning forward as if she was trying to get on.
“Boss.”  He said, “Gotta move your feet.”
When her feet didn’t seem like they would obey, he sighed and moved his grip to her wrist, easing her forward and scooping her up and into the boat. She clutched his arm the entire ride, eyes growing wider and wider the closer they got to the ship. 
It took a bit of coaxing, but eventually Enasal agreed to climb the rope ladder up to the vessel - although saying she sat on Bull's shoulders while he climbed might have been more accurate. 
The moment he lifted her off, she stumbled and almost fell.  He caught her by the arm and she squeezed her eyes shut, already looking green. “Okay, I’m here.”  She stumbled again, “I’m just…I’m going to go lay down, I feel really sick and-”
Isabela caught her hand, pulling her to the bow of the ship and guiding her chin up.  “Eyes open, poppet. Fix them on the horizon.  Take deep breaths - the salt is good for your lungs.”
Enasal nodded, clutching the railing and gulping down air.
“Your hair is so soft!”  Isabella exclaimed, hand in her hair, “Oh, it reminds me of my sweet Kitten.”
Enasal flipped through her memories of Varric’s stories, “Daisy… wait, Merril?”
She nodded, with a sigh, “She’s back in Kirkwall, helping the city elves like the sweet thing she is.” 
Leaning on the railing, Eansal stared out at the waves. “Varric talks about her a lot - I think he worries about her.”
“Oh, poppet, Varric worries about everyone.  He’s not as selfish as he likes to say.”  She moved beside her, “I do miss my Kitten.”  With sudden energy, she slapped the railing and leaned on it to face, Enasal. 
“Do you feel better?”
Enasal nodded.
“See? Wind in your hair and salt in your lungs!”  
Another nod.
Isabela continued, “Funny that Varric calls you Seastorm, yet you’re afraid of the sea.”
“I was on a boat once.”  Enasal said, “I was sick the entire time.”
“Where were you, poppet?”
“The passengers slept under…”  She swallowed, feeling a bout of nausea and blinking rapidly before finishing, “Under the ship.”  She took another steadying breath, trying to burn a hole in the horizon beyond, “At least they were nice enough to let me up long enough to get sick over the side - when I managed to make it.”
Isabella laughed, “I hope by now you wouldn’t allow that behavior to stick.  You have to show seamen whose boss or they'll run all over you.”  
Enasal gave a weak smile.
They stayed out much longer than they had originally planned, and Enasal seemed to be enjoying the wind and the sea air. Much to Enasal’s delight, Isabella allowed her to steer for a brief moment but took care to correct course the moment Enasal’s attention was on something else. 
As they readied to return to the dinghy, Enasal clapped her hands together, “Admiral Is-”
“Just, Isabela, Poppet.”
She grinned, “Isabela, we’re in need of eyes and supplies-”
“Enasal!”  Cassandra scolded, “A pirate?”
Enasal pointed to Bull, “Qunari spy.”
“We also have our own personal spymaster.”
“And a Tevinter apostate.”
“And a regular apostate.”
“Alright!”  She snapped, “Fine!”
Enasal laughed and turned back to Isabela. “Would you be able to help us out?”
“Oh, Poppet, I don’t like to be tied down… usually.”
Bull barked out a laugh. 
“No…”  She snapped her fingers a few times, “Bull?  That one minstrel group that came through Skyhold, what’d you say to them?”
“No strings attached, Boss.”
“Not...quite the same thing, but okay.”
Isabela crossed her legs and leaned against the railing. “I suppose I could pass on anything I hear and send some goodies your way, for a price.”
Enasal grinned - she figured that would be the case.  “Send a letter to Josephine in Skyhold.  She’ll negotiate payment with you.”
The woman winked, “A nice enough arrangement.  Do send Varric my regards - and tell him I know he’s lying about the hypnotism thing.”
With the agreement settled, Enasal climbed over the edge and down the ladder.  Sitting on the dinghy, no longer noticing how it rocked beneath her, she did her signature two-handed wave and cried out a final farewell.
It wasn’t so bad, after all. 
If you enjoy Enasal and her shenanigans, click here to donate to my Ko-fi and help keep the lights on!
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constellraetion · 6 years
I found ur fic tonight and just finished it now being 3 30am!!! Most excellent, im a sucker for happy endings!! Have u thought of writing about Grimm and Godsekeer in this setting?
aaa thank you so much !! Happy Endings is my Brand !! Also I’ll admit I haven’t really considered it? I was extremely focused on Radi and Pure’s relationship together and adding in either of them would’ve distracted from the core of the story. Now that the fic is over though I might? Possibly, entertain the idea of them showing up maybe? Depends on if I get a good idea or not!
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beelzebum0n · 6 years
Uuuh it was in a drawing with your Lopmon partner and its digivolutions. At the end of it its a big black silhouette
I think you’re thinking of @frolis-maneuver‘s art!
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nightmarecleric · 6 years
idk if this counts but i find v/oltron to be mind-numbingly boring. i’ve tried to watch it several times and i just. cannot. 
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lumenizampel · 6 years
@cosasystuff replied to your photoset “Cheerful, friendly, and over-attached to her family, Mari Freyja is...”
I like her attacks, I have no idea what balances would need but her design is too similar to Tyra
believe it or not that’s somehow intentional lmao. she’s meant to bear a lot of resemblances to ash and tyra, like she stole items from them or took inspiration from them. 
though her design is not really set in stone, and i appreciate your input! i’ll work on some changes in the future if i can =) stuff like changing her hair to be entirely peach/faded red/pink, or giving her more armor, or changing her scarf around is what i had in mind. but we’ll see;;; 
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