heart-ruled-moved · 6 years
⇷ kazuichi!
Send “⇷” to view a memory from my muse’s past life. ll Slowly Accepting
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🔧 - Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
His heart was thundering so loudly, he could barely hear anything else. It was deafening, to the point where he wasn’t certain if it would drown out the sound of his father’s footsteps. His back is pressed against the back of the closet, his trembling hands holding onto to the doorknob as tightly as he could.
He’s only delaying the inevitable, he knew - but fight or flight had gotten the better of him the moment he had heard his father’s motorcycle pull up towards the front of the shop, the badly maintained bike he refused for his son to touch sputtering in the same way he’d come to know over the years.
It was too early to start crying, too early to feel like his knees were about about to give way, and definitely too early to be hiding in the garage closet from him. But Kazuichi couldn’t think of anything else to do - he’d been in a blind panic from the moment he knew his father was coming home.
His work’s not done. He’s way behind schedule, two days behind on his quota already and he knew it. He’d been given one more day to catch up, and what had he done? 
He’d fallen asleep. Exhausted, drained...he’d wasted the whole day because of it. 
The booming voice made him flinch, and his already shaking fingers could barely hold onto the doorknob. He was hoping to avoid the encounter for just a few minutes more, but he could already feel the door jerk and clatter. He let out of a gasp, sweaty palms trying to desperately hold on. 
“Son of a bitc- get the hell out of there! Do you hear me?!” 
Kazuichi could only reply with a sob. Moments later, his grip gave way to a jerk of the door, closet door slamming loudly against the wall. He’s barely able to let out a whimper before he felt himself get grabbed by the collar of his shirt, thrown down onto the floor with a cry of pain. 
“The hell were you thinking?! That you could avoid me forever?! What am I supposed to tell all those clients now?! That they won’t get their stuff because your worthless ass got lazy?!”
Even with the injury to his head a year earlier, the volume of his voice still made his ears ring, and the mechanic preemptively covers his face to protect himself as he felt a sharp kick to his back. 
“S..stop...p-please...” he began to beg, his crying already starting to get worse, only increasing his father’s rage. It hadn’t been the response he was looking for.
“Excuses won’t buy you anything! LOOK AT ME!” 
His hands were ripped away from his face, and his father’s grip was harsh on his right wrist. He struggled, but his old man was always much stronger than him in situations like this...the paralyzing fear had virtually sapped all his strength. It’s moments after that the teenage boy felt another hand around his throat. He couldn’t breathe.  Couldn’t find the courage to open his eyes.
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“.....!” He wanted to plea for him to stop, beg for another chance to make him proud, but can’t physically form the words with the grip around his neck. Panic is absolute, overwhelming and completely dominant to the point where he couldn’t hear his father’s shouts anymore, not until the man leaves him gasping for breath on the floor. 
“Get up, you piece of shit...I’ll make sure you learn your lesson this time.” 
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@cosfictions liked for a shitty paint picture of their muse [x]
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ctrlaltkibo · 5 years
examine! tsumugi,, ?
EXAMINE | @cosfictions
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Tsumugi Shirogane.
You aren’t quite sure what label to assign her. Of course, you have heard of the negative connotations regarding labels, but when each student attending Hope’s Peak is assigned a talent label when they are scouted…perhaps such a thing is necessary. Regardless, you remembered Tsumugi often preferred to assign herself the label ‘plain’, but with such a talent as the Ultimate Cosplayer, what exactly could be plain about that?
Even then, you realise you haven’t spent particularly much time attempting to bond with Tsumugi in comparison to a few of your other classmates. You silently create a reminder within your memory banks to find an opportune date and time to gather more information on your ‘plain’ classmate. Ample communication is the foundation to establishing any friendship, after all.
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omgshuuichi-blog · 5 years
╋┊—— @cosfictions
A knock resounded off the cosplayers lab door, although it would soon be followed by the sound of a nervous- but cheerful lad. He had arrived just the right amount of time earlier than he was supposed to- plenty for Shirogane to prepare what she needed, but not too late as to make it seem like he had rushed to arrive. Just perfect for someone like Saihara, a smile bright on his face as he hoped he really wouldn’t make a fool of himself. 
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“Shirogane-san, it’s Saihara. I’m, ah- here.” Oh boy did that sound awkward. He still wasn’t used to saying it out loud though, so maybe his friend could forgive him for that.
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scissoredlovencvel · 5 years
erotomaaniac replied to your post: hey so group rp servers are a hot thing rn, at...
  👀 I’m certainly here to listen
cosfictions replied to your post: hey so group rp servers are a hot thing rn...
yea !!
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aight so they’re both p basic ideas, and ones i’ve done before, but they were fun back then so i wanna try em again
one is a dr au based on avatar the last airbender
the other is a dr pokemon au
also @cosfictions i’m still waitin on that magical girl server, that’s a hella cool idea
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ahogedetective · 6 years
{ ⇷ Flashbacks ⇷}
Since his parents were usually pretty busy, it was sometimes hard to squeeze in some time to spend it with Shuichi, but they always tried their hardest to: especially now, for his 8th birthday. And thankfully: they was able to do it, having spent all day with him and took him out to eat, along with having gotten him several presents.
He was normally a child that doesn’t try to ask for much, even if more than likely: they’d be able to afford it since they were on the higher-middle class scale. But because he wasn’t spoiled and always a good child: what made them want to spoil him especially on special occasions like this, anyways.
As his mother sits on the couch to record, Daichi hands Shuichi the gift they wanted for him to wait to open last. “Your last present.” He gives the neatly wrapped box to Shuichi. “... I hope you’ll love it.“
Which Shuichi is sure he will regardless of what it is, giving him a smile and sitting down on the floor so he can carefully start to open it. As he does so, his eyes widen, giving a small gasp of awe. “Ohh....!” It was a black teddy bear. The texture of it felt very soft, with a silver bowtie around its neck. It was a pretty big one and not only that: it even came with its own set of hats and clothes if Shuichi wanted to dress it up. And considering it was made by one of the most successful toy companies in Japan: it was understandably pretty expensive.
“Do you love it, Shuichi? Me and Daichi know you’ve been really wanting this kind for a long time, now... Now you can have a small, soft friend to play and sleep with!”
“Y...Yeah!” He hugs the bear tightly, laughing happily. He loved all his other presents, of course: but this one, he would especially cherish. “I-I can’t wait to give him a name and put him in different clothes and everything! Hehe.... thank you so much Mom, Dad! Today was a really fun birthday for me!”
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artisticvesscl-a · 5 years
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“Nyaha? Whats this what’s this?”“God wholeheartedly agrees..! He says you should be Angie’s wife! How divine!” Angie please you hardly know her--
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feebledetective · 6 years
@cosfictions liked for a pregame starter!
--    " ...I-Is that a DanganRonpa keychain? "
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 Normally Seiji wouldn't even bother talking to strangers if anything he would avoid doing so. Socializing is something he lacks any skill or knowledge of. But the second he nearly walked passed someone with a familiar looking keychain, that's what caught his eye.
 Seiji's eyes were practically sparkling the moment he saw it, he was waiting patiently for an answer. It took him a second to instantly regret asking, in fear that he likely seemed like a creep. --
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liersymphcny-a · 6 years
@cosfictions replied to your post “//she…”
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i just finished the first like... 35 of her icons? but the more i do the more im like “design.... i dont like... oh no....”
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truthuncovered-a · 5 years
15 and 21!
pull back the mask. | accepting!
15. What type of music do you listen to? 
I'm kind of like this detective boy in which i listen to practically everything: showtunes, jazz, indie, alternative, rap, you name it, i like something from it! ( except country sorry y’all. )
21. Any pet peeves you have in general?
oooh jeez... ok before i start, i don’t consider myself an angry person by any means! if anything, i’m quite the opposite –– i’m willing to let things go & look at life with rose colored glasses! 
i guess the major thing that ticks me off is when people don’t really think before they say shit. like, if you’re just going to say whatever the hell is on your mind without stopping for one second to think about the consequences, don’t be surprised if the other person is going to react in a way you don’t like! granted, sometimes it’s important to hear the truth, but there are ways you can phrase it so you don’t sound like a dick. 
tl;dr: don’t be an ass and i’ll respect you. cool? cool.
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@cosfictions ll  Tenko SC ( Hope’s Peak AU )
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🌸 “Ah....no...w-why...?” She knew she shouldn’t get so upset over material things like this... but...it was harder than usual to keep herself together at the sight of it. Her favorite pink Pajamas, ripped from a lose thread that most have gotten stuck sometime in the process of moving all her stuff for her move to hope’s peak....it had her hands shaking, tears welling up in her eyes as she held it.
The last box in the hallway to unpack, the final thing she was looking forward to wearing after all this time. Get away from the noise, all the new things in a world she didn’t understand...
“Ugh, this sucks.” 
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Send ‘ 🎁’ and I’ll use this generator for a bunch of gifts that my muse gives to yours. / accepting
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At least this time around he could see some use for it, maybe she could have some use for this for her cosplays so there was that. A lot better gifts than the last bag he had grabbed.
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“Maybe you can have some use of this for your cosplays?” It was at least an attempt to help out here, rather than the last gift where he had been a bit dumbfounded trying to find something.
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ctrlaltkibo · 6 years
“What happens if you’re damaged?”
│⚙️│“Well, I would have to be fixed, of course. Though, I can admit that my hardware and various parts can be rather difficult to repair correctly...”
And boy, did Kiibo know it. At the very least, he would answer Tsumugi’s question without giving her too much sarcasm. It did seem like a genuine question, as much as he felt the answer was obvious.
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“And while I can repair very minor damage by myself, I’d rather allow a trusted engineer or inventor to fix me. Would it not be the same as someone going to a doctor to get a broken bone fixed?”
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nulledmaid · 5 years
“i’m feeling lucky!”
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“Hmm... Miss Shirogane, I don’t suppose you know how to use this, do you?” Her eyes studied the seven branches on the blade, each one protruding from the main blade. “It appears it’s a little worn down, so it wouldn’t be able to be used, anyway. However, I can revive it the best I can for you if you’d like.”
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wxter · 6 years
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@cosfictions hewwo!
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ahogedetective · 5 years
{ Surprise Gifts! }
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A washbasin surging with the courage to seek Man’s Greatest Ambition. Man’s Greatest Ambition lies within the communal bath.
“...Before you ask, I have no idea what that means, either. Just use it during a regular bath and call it a day.”
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