#cosy sebby
choco-froggie · 6 months
In his late twenties - Sebastian Sallow
Headcanons below
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I want to start a series of my headcanons about what kind of person the HL characters would have become in their late twenties. Also I know next to nothing about the 19th century and don’t have the dedication to learn about it so in these, they’re just set up in our time. 😅 Bear with me
Work Life
I love the headcanon that Sebastian becomes a Curse Breaker. It fits his personal story AND personality well.
But he wouldn’t be happy working for a big corporation or the government. He is too much of a free spirit who needs to be allowed autonomy. So he would work in a small structure, a bit like a private investigator agency.
He loves his job and pours himself in it, resulting in a lot of overtime work. His boss has to throw him out of the office some days.
His home
He doesn’t need a big place so a small flat with two rooms is more than enough for him.
But he is prone to clutter and his place is full of books and things he thinks might be useful someday.
His flat is located in a big city, probably London. He needs to live in a place buzzing with life because he is easily bored. He needs a place where he will never have seen everything, with lots of things to do like exhibits, museums, libraries, pubs and restaurants,…
He doesn’t care for decoration but chooses his pieces of furniture with care. Decoration is usually taken care of by his partner.
He doesn’t own a pet, he is not at home enough to care for one and doesn’t feel the emotional need to have one.
He has a picture of his family in every room, even if it’s a small picture, but he wants them close everywhere in his place.
Social Life
He kept in contact with a lot of his former friends back in Hogwarts. He doesn’t meet them every day but is happy to have a drink with them when the opportunity rises.
He is outgoing and comfortable in social settings. He is able to come to a party where he knows no one and blend in with ease.
Despite being quite extroverted, he doesn’t form a strong bond with just anyone. Even though he is friendly with everyone, it’s mostly superficial and his true friends can be counted on one hand.
He doesn’t enjoy being alone so is often meeting friends after work, several times a week, and shares activities with them on the weekend like playing quidditch, go on small trips, game nights, watching quidditch games,…
Love Life
He has dated but has never had a « wild phase ».
He needs an independent partner. He is very busy with his work and all the things he has in mind, so he really appreciates someone who is likeminded. He can’t deal well with needy people. Being in the same room or space is already great to him for most evenings.
Actually self sufficient and people who are their own person attracts him.
He also needs someone with patience. When stressed or tired he can become a bit grumpy or moody, so he needs a partner who won’t escaladate. But he knows he is wrong and will come back and apologize once he is calmed down.
As said, he is a bit busy, but his partner is the person he wants to spend all his relaxing time with. Whether it is by cuddling after a long day in bed, or by exploring the city together, trying new activities, strolling in museums, or trying new food.
He is independant and self sufficient, as a partner he doesn’t slack off around the house and shares the mental load. He is reliable, he is used to live alone and gets things done without being babied.
He hates doing laundry and doesn’t tidy his place as much as he should be but it’s always clean.
He can’t handle silence, even when he sleeps. He is always listening to something, most of the time it’s documentaries or podcasts about things he wants to learn about.
What would yours be about adult Seb ?
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hey mouse, hope you're doing well. Since it's almost fall and Spooky Season I had an idea. What would a fall date with the bachelors look like?
I'm fine, thanks for asking, dear anon! ☺️
It's finally fall, and although I still have the summer heat now (damn 🥲), the autumn-themed headcanons give me comfort and realization that the colder weather will soon arrive.
Anyway, enjoy! 💕
SDV bachelors and their ideas of Fall date with Farmer:
Autumn is the season for spooky films to start rolling, dedicated to the upcoming Spirits Eve, so of course Sebastian will ask Farmer out on a date to the cinema. And the cinema is also an option if Farmer doesn't like the horror genre. Autumn is also the season of frequent rains in the Valley, so one of the unusual ideas of interesting pastime of this couple will be sitting in the cave of Mines on the ground floor. Relaxing and chatting about anything, listening to the falling raindrops through the entrance... If Farmer likes to walk in the rain, then Sebby is all for it (with umbrellas of course), and they both can look for frogs in the pond before it gets too cold.
It's definitely the season of fragrant honey fungus and chanterelles in the woods, and the bushes are downright teeming with ripe blackberries, so one of Harvey's date ideas is a mushroom/berry hunt! Both a nice time in the beautiful woods, and a full basket of delicious nature gifts that are sure to brighten up a romantic dinner later. If the weather outside is too cold and unpleasant, the doctor and his partner will arrange a date at home, over a hot cup of tea/coffee, a marathon of films, the pleasant warmth of the fireplace and the sounds of rain outside the window. And cuddles, of course. Warm and cosy!
Considering how beautiful the Cindersap Forest becomes in autumn, Elliott is sure to invite his dear Farmer on one of the walks there. The trees are coloured in various shades of gold, red and orange, the crisp fallen leaves underfoot, and a pleasant companion... Ah, what a lovely date, and Farmer is also delighted! And if they are both too lazy to walk, the writer will come up with a wonderful idea for a picnic: a bottle of wine, tasty appetizers, the sounds of the forest and sunny weather, etc. Also parts of the date would be all sorts of mini-events in the Valley, like community pumpkin picking or ripe wild apples.
In addition to the Stardew Valley fair, neighbouring towns and Zuzu City have folk festivals celebrating autumn, with big tents and attractions. Shane felt that attending such a festival as a date with Farmer would be a good option. And he's right! Big tents with different kinds of beer and cider (he drinks in moderation, don't be afraid), the smell of delicious comfort food, fun contests, songs and dances. Chicken man and his partner had a blast! And after such trips, Shane can offer dates without leaving the house, as let's say joint preparation of caramel apples. Also not a bad pastime at home will be horror games, with a soft blankets and autumnal goodies.
Hiking with Sam! Oh, he's been waiting for a long time for the summer heat to end and cooler weather to arrive. Generally speaking, this date idea is appropriate in almost any season, but Sammy thinks it's much cooler amongst the autumn beauty. The lovely couple will make a bonfire in the forest or mountainous area, and while Farmer will roast marshmallows, Sam will pick up a guitar and the forest will be filled with beautiful, creating pleasant memories. In addition to looking at the beautiful things, he and Farmer will have a photo shoot, filling their album with pictures of their autumn adventures.
It may not be easy for Alex to find his way out of the corn maze, but he and Farmer came here to have a good time, not to win. They still came out first, though, and got some nice prizes, making the date ending even better. The athlete will also invite Farmer to a haunted house at a carnival in one of the towns. And no, he wasn't the one who shrieked like a little girl when someone's hand touched his shoulder ("Come on, Farmer, don't laugh!"). Scary and creepy places, ooooh! But Farmer and Alex had a great time, so the date was a success!
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world-of-wales · 7 months
The Cosy At Christmas campaign has raised more than £100,000 thanks to donations from readers and various brands. Overall, 12,500 items of clothing were donated to keep kids warm over the winter.
The campaign was backed by the Princess of Wales, who visited Sebby’s Corner in Barnet in November of last year, raising awareness for the essential work done by baby banks like them across the UK.
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bwoahtastic · 4 months
Kitten Maxy sometimes waking up in the middle of the night and checking that everyone is still in the house and they haven’t left him. He sneaks into Seb and Mousey’s room to make sure they’re still tucked into bed, Sebby always in some crazy position. And then goes up to Nico and Toto’s room to see if they’re there. Toto wakes up to the little kitten peering over the mattress and simply scoops him up and plops him into the middle of the bed. Maxy purrs as he falls asleep between the two of them and both Nico and Toto are biting down sobs at how sweet the darling kitten is and they’re ecstatic that the kitten feels comfortable and safe enough to purr now
Oh plss! Little kitten waking up and crawling out of his cosy bed, holding his fav teddy as he sneaks over to Nicky's room next to his (they often sleep on thr same room probably) and sees Mousy is curled up in his bed and snoozing happily. Then he goes to see Sebby who is probably not even in the bed at that point but conked out of the floor in the weirdest pose ksks. Maybe maxy quietly drags a blankie over Sebby before going to see papa and momma!
Toto waking to see two big eyes poking over the edge of the bed and he smiles, asking if Maxy wants to go on the bed! He would normally just scoop and plop him down on the bed but Max is a little skittish about being touched at times. Maxy nodding and making grabby hands and he starts purring right away! Happily snuggled between them and nico wakes too as Maxy gently strokes the sparkles on his cheeks! Pls they are so happy maxy got so content and calm😭
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serpentsillusion · 6 months
Sebastian, Ominis, and my x MC
What are their zodiac signs and birthdays? *Near the end of 5th year* 🤔💚
Ever wondered what our 2 favorite idiots were, based on the stars? I studied astrology and similar things before it was mainstream. From what I've gathered based on their characteristics and personalities in the game this is the assumptions I've gathered (and some random other observations I've gathered). These are not fact but just my personal ✨Lore✨ plus a little bit about my MC. Welcome to my spicy brain and my spicy imagination. 💚 I hope you guys enjoy the lore! Hopefully it will give you more insight into my next coming shorts. 🐍
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Sebastian: born March 28th 1874. He's MOST definitely an Aries. Aries personality traits include confidence, passion, and independence. But this sign can also be impulsive, impatient, and self-centered. They're Competitive. As a fire sign, Aries are fueled by intensity. They love to challenge others to friendly competition. Positive Traits: Energetic, Bold,  possesses Leadership Skills. Negative Traits: Impulsive, Stubborn, Impatient. Aries brings dynamism. His Mother and Father were named Johnathan James Sallow and Mary Anne Sallow. I figure his middle name is probably of his father's also. I kinda dig the thought of Sebastian James Sallow. 🤔🤭
Sebastian 100% smells like Sandalwood. Have you ever smelled that on a man? Holy Merlin TAKE ME AWAY! 😭 Sandalwood screams masculinity to me. But like a mysterious and seductive, curious masculinity way. The first time MC smelled his cologne on him she immediately had to know what it was. He told her, because she asked, very bluntly to be honest.... And now sometimes her girls bed room smells like burning sandalwood when she misses being around him or his dumb ass gets detention and she has to go to classes without him. (my real life partner wears this and it is INTOXICATING) Give it a try. 😏🤭
Nicknames: Seb, Sebby Boi, idiot #1, Sebs, sex panther (MC keeps that one to herself)
Sebastian's talents: he's really good at wood work and tinkering. He likes carving things for his friends out of tree branches. One of the very few things he doesn't use magic for. He once made a tiny carved bear for MC for her 16th birthday, she put it in a trinket box next to her bed and cried about it when she went to bed that night because it was so precious. Ominis got a teeny tiny carved peepee one time as a prank. He was not amused. ALSO Seb's surprisingly good at making food. (had to survive on his own for a little while)
Favorite food: literally anything. Jelly beans, haggis (he's Scottish, and his mom used to make it ALOT) Tablet (look it up) MC's Dad once sent a whole loaf of homemade banana nutbread to the Slytherin common room for her and she only had like maybe a bite. That was a new thing for Seb he had never tried, and unfortunately he ate most of it and was very upset with himself afterwards because it was for her. It was DELICIOUS 😂 MC couldn't help but love that he loved it. He wanted the recipe but she told him no. It was a family recipe, and if he wanted it, he'd have to marry her. That was a challenge accepted in his mind. Ominis doesn't like Bananas but he tried it and was nice about it, after spitting it in the trashcan without MC seeing. (he really hates Bananas...it's a texture thing.)
Seb=Dom. Likes to be in control 24/7. Turns into a complete and utter almost feral animal when confronted with matching Dom energy. Especially with a female.. aka MC
Probably most definitely has sad boi depression and anxiety. Which turns into fear, which turns into anger. Probably has PTSD. MC shares his pain from her upbringing and that's another reason why they have bonded so incredibly fast.
Ominis:  born September 25th 1874. Definitely a Libra. Libra's are extroverted, cosy, and friendly people. Libra's, like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world. With their vast stores of charm, intelligence, frankness, persuasion, and seamless connectivity, they are well-equipped to do so. I'm going to assume his father was British and his mother was Irish according to ✨le internet.✨ His father's name was probably something fancy like Elias and his Mother was probably something super classy like Violet. Idk 😐😂
Ominis probably smells like vetiver, tobacco (for some reason) and leather. Like a high society lounge for men. With ✨class✨ The epitome of sophistication.
Nicknames: idiot #2, omnomnom he hates it when MC calls him that but it's cute, snakey boi.
Ominis=Sub. Too nervous to touch a girl. Doesn't know what to do. Too gentleman like. Wants to wait until marriage. Probably screams and runs if he tries to be kissed by a girl. Like Poppy.
Ominis and Sebastian are already best friends but Ominis feels drawn to MC in a way a brother is drawn to protect his sister. Ominis feels obligated to help protect MC because he views her as a sister, and the fact that his best friend is absolutely smitten with her. Ominis will 100% be the best man at Sebastian's wedding to MC. She just doesn't know she's gonna get married to that idiot yet.
Ominis talents: is surprising very very good at playing the piano. It was something he was made to do as a child for his parents extravagant parties.
Favorite food: Anything, except fucking bananas.
My MC: aka Jessica "Jess" Garyn Burke born October 16th 1874. The youngest of The Silver Trio, and also similarly of Borgin and Burkes owned by Mr Borgin and Mr Burke, who were known to deal with unusual and ancient artifacts.😉 I picked Jessica because it's actually an OLD name meaning "To Behold" and Garyn meaning "warrior" Everything she knows she learned from her Dad, including protecting herself magically and *physically* like when she decked Leander Prewett in the face for calling her a rather "prude" name and teasing her in front of everyone including Sebastian and Ominis. 0/10 does not like being sexualized by other men, finds it incredibly disrespectful. She can handle her own. Obviously. It only cost her 2 weeks of detention. Leander and her are cool now btw. He's fine. His pride is not. Sebastian purposely got 2 weeks detention shortly after that so he could be around her more. 😂🤭😁✨ She is incredibly sassy, blunt, domineering, sharp as a whip, and not traditionally "ladylike". MC is not afraid to dig her nails in the dirt if she has to. And she will 100% knock a man on his ass for grabbing her butt. "Bitches get shit done." Is her Mantra.
MC=Dom a dangerous mix when tangled around Sebastian. They constantly fight for dominance but he usually always wins. Only because he's taller and a lot stronger than she is. Not sexually active because she's afraid of her father finding out and killing the poor guy. But she does know how to tie a cherry stem in her mouth without using her fingers. 10/10 proud of herself for that after almost choking on a few in her time trying. She learned that from one of her friends back in London. Father doesn't approve of said friend. Useful skill for seduction. Will keep in her back pocket for later. Is actually kinky. She's read A LOT of books about it. Can "work her magic" so to say if need be.
MC usually has her butternut ash brown hair up in a beautiful and detailed bun with intricate pieces framing her face. Slightly pale skin with mild freckles and bright blue eyes. She loves fresh flowers but fresh roses are her ABSOLUTE favorite!! Which is her perfume of choice. Just straight up Rose.
-She also cries when she gets yelled at. Because she's sensitive, but also immediately gets immensely pissed off. You would prefer having her as a friend, and not an enemy. That is why Sebastian and her formed an incredibly strong bond shortly after becoming friends. They are actually very similar. Did not speak to Sebastian for a whole month after he got mad and called her ignorant that one time. Made her cry after he left the undercroft. Did not understand why she would walk past him in the halls and ignore his owls until he apologized.
MC talents: loves drawing. She doodles some of her classmates in her spare time outside the grounds of Hogwarts, while on picnics or laying against trees. She's drawn Ominis and Sebastian. Especially Sebastian. Several times. She hides those ones because she doesn't want him to know she gets butterflies in her stomach around him. MC is also really good at singing, she just doesn't do it in front of literally anyone. She plays the lute but doesn't really care for the high pitched twang if it. Sometimes she wants someone to invent something very similar. They both should have 6 strings so it wouldn't be hard to learn a different instrument that's very *similar* to a lute. Does not like playing in front of anyone. Sebastian heard her one time when she was sick and stuck in her room practicing all day because she was bored. Everyone was "supposed" to be in class. He was befuddled and so incredibly impressed he couldn't move. MC is also formally trained in hand to hand wandless combat, trained executively by her father, Incase expelliarmus gets casted on her. Doesn't want anyone to know she can whoop ass. Also MC is like REALLY good at dancing, LOVES music and making people laugh. Will purposely embarrasses herself dancing just to make her friends laugh.
MC parents and Family: David Burke and Ramona Nielson. Wizard and Muggle. Divorced cuz Ramona is not dependable as a mother and is scared if her magic welding children, had to be obliviated regarding that part of her children. Ramona still got custody even though she wasn't really around for her daughter growing up which made MC want to stay longer with her father during summer vacation, away from school and sharing holidays between both homes. MC has to have that little bit of stern staleness from something...🤷🏻‍♀️ MC was "raised" by her loving and supportive father who served in the Royal Wizard Military as an elite and very powerful wizard. After he retired from the RWM her father decided to travel, collecting ancient artifacts which is why MC is so good at tracking them down so fast. Her uncle is Caractacus Burke who is the founder of Borgin and Burkes. MC has 2 other siblings. An older brother Roderick, and an older sister, Seraphina. Both past Slytherin alumni. Seraphina is diplomatic but deceitful. Spending most of her time working for the Ministry of Magic directly under the Minister. while most unfortunately Roderick is estranged from the family due to criminal "acts" on house elves. MC's father was in Gryffindor. He is somewhat a little disappointed that none of his children were accepted into Gryffindor, however he is still grateful they ended up possessing magic. Does not know his youngest child can see ancient magic. Wouldn't be surprised if she did. MC's bff is her father and her cat Oliver. MC constantly stops to pet cats in hogsmeade whenever she can.
ANYWAY! I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS!! It took me literal hours as I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate Tumblr editing 😂 my eyes and hands hurt. Lol
Stay stunned for more ✨lore✨
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
would you be willing to write a sweet fluffy fic about how Ominis met Seb and Anne in first year? Maybe about how everyone knew who Ominis' family was and either wanted to be his friend for his status, or avoided him because they assumed the worst of him, being a gaunt.
Enter protective sebby and anne <3
What a lovely fic idea 💚 thank you for sending it in. Sorry it took a while to get around to it.
A New Friend
Stars were just beginning to shine through the twilight sky as the group of new students huddled together in their black robes, jostling and chatting, waiting to be put into the boats. It was tradition for the new batch of first years to arrive at Hogwarts School by boat across the dark waters of the Black Lake.
Sebastian Sallow eyed the other students warily, trying to suss them out as he moved himself a little closer to his twin, Anne. He almost wanted to take hold of her hand, not because he was nervous himself, of course, no chance, but he was worried that she might be.
A student behind him began to mutter to their friend, and he caught a bit of their conversation, tilting his head to hear more as they sneered about a boy who stood a little way in front.
"Yeah, that's him, alright," the boy said. "My Father warned me there would be a Gaunt joining us this year. He's blind apparently, and got weird looking eyes."
The girl snickered and whispered back. "He's a Gaunt though, so it would probably be better to try and make friends with him. He might be useful to have around."
Sebastian frowned and had another look at the blonde boy who stood holding his wand out, the end of it blinking with a red light. Sebastian had heard of the Gaunt family, of course, and while it didn't bother him either way what his blood status was, Sebastian could understand why others might want to cosy up to him.
Anne turned around, her hands on her hips scowling fiercely at the gossiping pair. "He is blind, not deaf, you idiots," she snapped. "If I can hear you, then so can he."
Sebastian pressed his lips together in an attempt to suppress a smirk at his sister's temper, but he failed. The two gossiping students looked Anne up and down with disgust before sharing a look.
"Looks like someone is already trying to get in Gaunt's good books," the boy sneered.
Sebastian's smirk turned into a scowl. "I'm fairly certain that Mr Gaunt is perfectly capable of making his own decisions when it comes to friendships. Speak about my sister like that again and you'll know about it."
The girl huffed a laugh. "And what are you going to do about it?"
Sebastian's smirk was sly. "Try me and find out."
Anne clicked her tongue in annoyance and grabbed Sebastian by the arm. "Come on, Seb. Leave them be. They're not worth it."
Sebastian kept his glare on the two gossips as Anne moved him forward. Students were being put into boats, and Anne purposefully stood next to the pale, blonde boy. Sebastian gave Gaunt a closer inspection and noted that he did indeed have unusual eyes. They were pale blue, without pupils, and he stared vacantly off to the side as him and Anne had approached. He shifted nervously, adjusting his wand towards them.
"Hello," Anne greeted. "I'm Anne Sallow, and beside me is my brother, Sebastian. I hope those idiots didn't upset you."
"Hello," Gaunt said. He moved his wand slowly up and down over Anne and then Sebastian. His eyes moved but didn't focus on them. "I heard the exchange, but no, I am not upset. Neither am I surprised, but I appreciate your attempt at kindness."
Anne beamed. "Not at all," she said. She leaned a little closer to Gaunt. "You can sit with us in a boat if you would like. Sebastian can be pain, but I'm a delight."
"Hey!" Sebastian grumbled. "Don't listen to Anne. She is no picnic, either, the biggest prankster you'll ever meet."
Gaunt raised an eyebrow. "You are not exactly selling yourself as boat companions."
Anne nudged Sebastian with her elbow, shushing him. "Come on, move along. We're next for a boat."
As they moved forward along the dock, Sebastian quietly observed how Gaunt used his wand to navigate his way. "That's a rather clever trick you've got going on with your wand," he said, moving to walk beside him. "Is it a charm?"
"Yes," Gaunt said. "It shows me enough, outlines mostly, shadowy figures. I can see you beside me, but not your features or colours, for example."
Sebastian's curiosity was piqued, and he was impressed. "Fascinating," he said. "I have read about charms such as these, but I've never seen one in use before. You will have to tell me more."
Anne giggled and moved to the other side of Gaunt. Sebastian frowned a little at being separated from her, but not because he was nervous, merely because she was out of his reach if she needed him. However, Anne was too busy looking at Gaunt, a wide grin on her face.
"One thing you will learn about Sebastian is that he is an insufferable know it all and a complete nerd," she teased. "I've been winding him up for days that he will be sorted into Ravenclaw like our mother."
Gaunt almost smiled, his head turning towards Anne. "And what about you, Miss Sallow? What house do you hope to be in?"
"Slytherin," she said immediately. "Our father was a Slytherin, and like him, I know what I want, and I'm not afraid to go after it."
"You also care little about rules," Sebastian muttered.
"Pfft, says you!"
Gaunt frowned. "Do you two always bicker like this?"
Anne put her hand on his arm as they neared the dock edge, the water dark and choppy below the bobbing boats. "Careful, we are near the edge," she warned Gaunt. "Would you like me to help you in to the boat?"
"That's very kind, thank you," Gaunt said.
Anne helped Gaunt into the boat, and Sebastian settled into a seat beside Anne, Gaunt on the bench opposite. Sebastian noted how Gaunt gripped the side of the boat, his knuckles white and his face anxious as it rocked beneath them.
"We don't always bicker, do we, Anne?" Sebastian said. He figured if they kept Gaunt talking, he might not feel so nervous. "We like playing Gobstones. Anne is rather good, actually. Do you play?"
A tinge of redness coloured the pale boy's face. "I've never played," he said. "I don't really have any friends my own age, and my brother is much older than I am."
Anne gaped. "Well, that won't do! We can teach you," she said firmly.
"You will?"
"Of course, Mr Gaunt!" Anne said.
Gaunt's expression softened a little. "Please, call me Ominis."
The boat set off across the lake. Nobody was manning it, the creaking wood of the hull rocking gently as it made its own way across the lake. The other students in the boat all turned to look as the great castle loomed up before them against the darkening sky. The windows were all lit, the towers looming upwards impressively.
Sebastian had seen the castle many times before, but now, as he approached it as a student, he felt an immense awe and excitement bloom in his belly. He couldn't wait to get started. A hand found his and squeezed. He turned to meet his twin's eyes, and they shared a secret smile. He knew she was just as excited as he was.
Sebastian glanced around the boat, taking in the expressions on the other students' faces and pausing when his gaze fell on Gaunt. The boy wasn't looking up at the castle, merely sitting in graceful quietness. Not once had he complained or demanded a fuss be made. Sebastian felt a pang of sorrow for the boy. He could not see what they could see, the magnificent castle with its twinkling lights.
He let go of Anne's hand and shifted himself very carefully to sit beside Gaunt and leaned to speak quietly into his ear. He began to describe the scene before them, watching as the boy's lips began to curl upwards, his eyebrows lifting with interest. Why should he miss out on the magic just because he couldn't see?
The chatter and noise of the Great Hall were a little overwhelming as Ominis took his seat at the Slytherin table. It was no huge shock to find himself here. He was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, after all. As he had made his way to his seat, hands had grabbed at him, wanting to shake his hand and make themselves known. It had happened on the train as well and he was growing rather tired of it.
The mutters and whispers had been plaguing his ears all day, along with the bending and scraping. His name drew interest, and he felt his stomach churn at the thought of having to deal with this on a daily basis. The only two students who had spoken to him normally were the bickering twins whom he had shared a boat with.
The girl, Anne, had sounded rather cheeky and mischievous, but her hands had been kind. The boy definitely seemed very sure of himself, but his kindness in the boat had shone through when he had described the scene as they approached the castle. Ominis would not forget it.
Sitting quietly, listening to the other first years getting sorted into their houses, his ears pricked up at the name Sallow. It was the girl, Anne, who had been called first, the one who wanted to be in Slytherin. Ominis found himself holding his breath as he waited, the hall falling quiet as the Sorting Hat decided.
When the hat cried out 'Slytherin', and the table around him erupted into applause, Ominis allowed himself a small smile. He heard the tap of quick feet and then a body climbing onto the bench beside him, a delicate waft of lavender teasing at his nose. He felt her shoulder lean against his, and he found he did not mind it.
"Hello, Ominis," she said cheerfully. "I told you I would be in Slytherin."
As her brother, Sebastian, was called to be sorted, he heard her little chuckle. "Let's see where smarty pants get placed. If Seb gets Ravenclaw, I shall gloat for the rest of his days."
"Would you mind being parted from your twin?" Ominis asked curiously.
Anne was quiet a moment. "Oh, bloody hell, you're right. If he isn't placed into Slytherin, I shall never forgive him."
Ominis chuckled and listened with Anne for Sebastian's house. At the cry of 'Slytherin', Anne was on her feet, clapping and cheering. Ominis heard the clatter of boots as Sebastian appeared, and then Anne squealed. Ominis lifted his charmed wand to see their shadowy outlines embracing, and Sebastian spinning his sister around with glee.
Ominis wondered how it felt to share a bond with a sibling like that, a shadow slipping over his thoughts, and he shivered. Pushing the memories aside, he offered a smile to the latest Slytherins to join the table. The twins were already beginning to bicker playfully at each other. Ominis had not known them long but imagined that, bickering aside, the pair would not be able to stand being parted from each other for too long.
As they entered the Great Hall for the Halloween feast, Anne squeezed Ominis' arm in excitement. "Oh, Omi, it's brilliant!" She gasped. "The tables are covered with pumpkins and treats, and the ceiling is even better!"
"Tell me more," Ominis said.
They walked towards the Slytherin table chatting, Anne throwing a glance over her shoulder towards Sebastian, who was trailing behind, his nose stuck in a book. She scowled. "For goodness sake, Seb," she groaned. "Put that bloody book away before I march you right to Professor Weasley and demand you switch houses at once."
Sebastian offered her his best sulky glare and slapped the book shut before tucking it into his robes. "Carry on like that, and you might find Gobstone stench under your pillow tonight."
Ominis chuckled and gave Anne's arm an affectionate pat. "It sounds like someone is still sour that you beat him again," he teased.
Anne grinned and stuck her tongue out at her brother, loving their new friend even more for joining her in the teasing. Ominis was so witty and charming. She was glad she had taken the initiative to befriend him on their first night here.
As they settled down at the Slytherin table, Anne seated beside Ominis with Sebastian opposite, Anne snuck a sneaky glance at Ominis as Sebastian poured their drinks. She studied the little constellation of marks on his cheek, the delicate swirl of blue in his unusual eyes, and the cute tilt of his nose.
Anne knew other girls stared at Ominis, taking advantage of the fact that he could not tell, and it brought out a side of her usually reserved for her twin. Ominis had proved more than capable of holding his own with a sharp tongue and wicked temper, but that did not stop Anne from becoming feral on his behalf.
She flinched and squeaked as a foot gave a sharp kick to her shin. Sebastian was giving her a knowing look across the table, and she screwed her face up at him with one of her most ferocious looks. She did not have a crush on Ominis. He was their friend, and she would always stand for a friend. Sebastian could shove his teasing smirk where the sun doesn't shine.
"Have you figured out how to get inside the Restricted Section yet, brother dearest?" She asked innocently.
Sebastian hissed at her and glanced down the table. "Hush, Anne. Are you trying to get me into trouble?"
Ominis frowned. "You do a remarkable job of that on your own, Sebastian. And you shouldn't encourage him, Anne."
Sebastian snorted through his nose. "You seem to forget who's idea it was to put exploding snappers in Mr Moon's faculty mail box."
Anne smothered a giggle as she piled pumpkin pasties onto her plate and slipped one onto Ominis' plate, too. That had been a very funny prank indeed, although Ominis had scolded her something terrible for it. He was giving her a rather unamused frown right now.
"Oh, come now Ominis," she said. She put her hand on his shoulder and picked up the basket of muffins. "You have to admit, it was rather funny. Would you like a muffin?"
Ominis sighed and shook his head, his pale hand reaching up to pluck a muffin from the basket.
"I think I've cracked it this time," Sebastian said. "Old Scribner should be deep in her whiskey after the faculty Halloween party this evening. I'm thinking of hitting the library around 11pm. Are you coming along?"
Anne eyed Sebastian, not entirely sure how one could get so excited over the promise of forbidden books. However, the appeal of sneaking about the castle at night was very strong. She smirked. "Count me in," she agreed.
Ominis groaned beside her, his head in his hand. She leaned to grab his arm. "Come on, Omi," she whined. "We won't get caught, I promise. I'll make sure of it."
Ominis winced and sighed. "Oh, alright," he groaned. Anne clapped her hands with glee, her heart soaring. An adventure was always exciting, but even more so when undertaken with friends.
Anne grinned at Sebastian, the twinkle in his eyes almost a mirror of her own. She loved it here, at Hogwarts, and if the last two months had been a measure of life here, then she could not wait for the rest of the year or all the years to come after it.
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sebsxphia · 1 month
Oh fucking hell Sebbie, I thought the thoughts for Sentry were bad, but after seeing those photos for Salem's Lot I AM WEAK!!!!! (lol). I am so sorry for any spoilers that come about.
Fall with Ben Mears has gotta be the absolute BEST!!!!!!
-You guys adopted both Mark Petrie and Baby Randy (Randy was about 8 months old when he was taken away from his birth parents) and on weekends when Mark doesn't have any homework to do, you guys will take them both down to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch to go and pick out what they want for Halloween
-You guys end up with soooooo many apples that you literally have no choice but to make a pie. No sooner do you get it out of the oven and set it in the oven than your husband has snuck downstairs to sneak a taste, only to be chased away by you wielding a dishtowel
-Ben's busy working on his book most of the time, but you love to see him sitting at the old roll-top desk with his typewriter, working away with the windows open to let in the cool air and watching the leaves fall outside. He'll always let you read his rough drafts, but he insists on sitting out on the porch in the creaky wooden rocking chairs where he can lean in and kiss you easier
-He'll read "Goodnight Goon" to Randy almost every night before bed. You've never seen a ten month old sit and listen to it all the way through the way he does (lol)
-You, Ben and the boys will go to the used bookstore in town and will absolutely raid the bookshelves for those dollar-paperbacks. Your in-home library has an insane amount of shelf space that isn't even full yet, but you guys will walk away with milk crates full of books. There's tons of fantasy and sci fi books for Mark and he absolutely FREAKED the first time he read both Lord Of The Rings and The Dragonriders Of Pern
Sebbie these little thoughts are just a small hint at what's to come (lol).
aaaaaah! ben mears and autumn! ben mears and autumn! two of my beloveds together! they’re go so perfectly together and everything you’ve mentioned has me feeling all warm and cosy 🥹 i love this, thank you for these sweet thoughts, my love! 💌
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seberries · 2 months
drapes myself across your inbox. looking cosy in here sebby!
- @babiedear
petting you ehee hi fawn baby (: come be cozy with me whenever you’d like!
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celabi · 2 years
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“Baby, Sa’ little late, don’t you think?” 𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 blows out the puff of smoke from his cigarette, shuffling from one foot to the other as his eyes continue to follow your every move. “Why don’t you come to bed? Im sure your crops can wait till morning.” He always admired how you worked, but when your health was on the line— he knew when to step in and try to redirect your attention to something else, which was mostly a calm ride to ZuZu City on the back of his motorcycle.
He can hardly see your facial expression when you turn around due to the light being so dim, but he can already imagine that your lips are turned down into a small frown— one that always makes his knees feel weak because you just look so pretty. He hears you let out a small, tired sigh. “I know, Seb, but winters coming up and they’ll die if I don’t and…” you trail off because you know, that he knows the gist of it all.
Sebastian frowns at the clear exhaustion that is evident in your voice, but you only wave him off with a small smile, which of course doesn’t change his mind. He goes to flick his cig out his mouth and onto the ground but stops, knowing how hard you work on the farm, he quickly jogs towards the nearest trash can before making his way back to you.
You’re crouched down and just finished dusting the dirt off a pumpkin you harvested when a hand is placed on your shoulder, and when you look up— a soft smile is on your husbands face while he looks down at you, his eyes full with a mix of pleading and adoration. “Love, please, I can tell you’re tired.” You have no time to protest before your softly being pulled up by the arm and into his arms.
“What— Sebby?” You try and use the ‘cute nickname card’ that always lets you have your way, but surprisingly— it doesn’t work this time as your crop layout gets further and further away from your vision. And although your much stronger than Sebastian, you don’t try to fight him on this one and just nestle into his arms, wrapping your own around his neck and closing your eyes contently. You think maybe the end of this seasons produce wouldn’t hurt too much to loose.
He lets out a string of curses as he fumbles with the door nob to the front door, so he balances you on his hip so his hand can be accessible, and in no time you’re both away from the cold night breeze and inside your cosy home and seated on a stool near the kitchen counter. You watch your husband chuck some wood and firelighters into the fireplace and igniting before making his way back to you.
Your eyes lazing follow his movements when he crouched down in front of you and taps his thigh, and when you make no sign of moving, he lightly chuckles and pulls your foot up and starts pulling off your work boots— not caring about the mud that stains the new pair of jeans he just brought.
“Thank you, Seb. I appreciate what you do for me.” You lean your head on top of his and rest your eyes, and Sebastian— who’s now massaging your sore feet, sighs before a small, almost unnoticeable smile takes over his face. “Baby, compared to what you do everyday, this is nothing.”
Your quiet snores full his ears and he takes it as his sign to stop and finally get you to bed. As gentle as he can, Sebastian scoops you back into his arms and makes his way to your shared bedroom, plopping you onto the edge of the bed before shuffling around the room to find a spare shirt lying around— afraid that he’ll make too much notice if he opens the closet door.
The small lantern doesn’t help much as he can hardly tell where the clips to your overalls start, so he just pulls them over your shoulders and off your body, changing your marked, farm shirt and into a black, skull print one you brought for him on his birthday, one that he wears every other day.
He doesn’t even notice the adoring smile he has on while tucking you under the blankets, instead just patting down your hair and kissing you on the forehead goodnight. “I’d do anything for you.” He knows you can’t hear him, but that doesn’t stop him from spilling his love— it’s almost good because he cant feel embarrassed if you don’t know what he’s saying.
You’re so deep in sleep you don’t hear Sebastian trudging on his shoes and slipping on his jacket, sending your sleeping form one last glance before making his way back outside. He’s watched you work around the farm more times than he could count, so harvesting crops can’t possibly be as hard as it looks.
Spoiler alert, it was. When you wake up, Sebastian’s fluffy black hair doesn’t tickle your nose like it normally does in the morning, and instead is filled with the sweet aroma of pancakes. Pulling the hem of your shirt— one that you don’t remember changing into, over your underwear, you tiredly make your way to the kitchen to see your husbands back facing you while serving up breakfast.
“Good morning, Seb.” You yawn, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes and shuffling over towards him— wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning into his back.
“Morning, love.” His voice is raspy and dry when he turns his head back to look at you, sending you a smile before pulling you towards the dining table, which to your surprise— is over crowded with baskets upon baskets full off all the crops you were trying to harvest last night.
“Wha— Seb, you, I don’t—” words start to make no sense as they fall from your lips. Sebastian, your husband, someone who hates going outside and rather stay indoors, used the time that should have been spent sleeping beside you, was instead put into your farming.
“I knew maintaining a farm was hard, but when I was actually doing the work, it made me realise just how much effort you put into this stuff. It’s not a lot— but I hope I made your job just a little bit more easier.”
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Love i know these are the same I asked @classicalmarvel but I wanna see what you’d say 💖
Candy corn
And the last one because why not, tea 💖💖
thank you honeyyy!! and I haven't seen @classicalmarvel 's yet, so I'll also check that out!
Blankets - sweaters or fuzzy blankets?
Ooooh i love both but if I had to pick one, it would be fuzzy blankets. I have this beige one that I keep with me all year round, no matter the weather lol.
Candy Corn - what's your favorite candy?
Oh I love sweets, so I don't really have a preference but anything blue raspberry, or anything sour!
Dream - describe your perfect au.
Anything with Sebby, Chris, (or even Evanstan), Hiddles, or Tommy (Tom Holland), but also with ScarJo, Lizzie or Flo. Also their characters (but that's a given lol).
Cozy - describe your ideal fall day.
Oh I wanna take Dodger on a walk so bad, with Chris and all the beautiful autumn sceneries, but I'll just opt for a movie day. Or just my phone. Hot drinks, I love hot chocolate but with some coffee, or just having my comfort food (maggi all the way), fuzzy socks, fuzzy blankets, tons of soft cushions and for the movie... Ransom gives me autumn vibes, I think it's the colour scheme, so definitely Knives Out! (It also doesn't help that I know literally all the words anyway lmao.
Potpourri - tell us something random about you.
Ummm, I really want to do acting in the future, so I'm starting to look into some auditions I can do!
Quiet - how do you relax?
The colder, the better. I love being snuggled up in a shit ton pile of blankets, again, watching my comfort movies or just going on my phone, or I'll write. I also love watching Gogglebox because it's hilarious or I'll watch Sam and Colby or Daz on youtube!
Tea - what's something that soothes you?
Marvel cast interviews or just hearing Seb, Chris and the others talking, or even reading/ writing fics.
I love love love these so thank you so much honey, ilyy!! ❤️❤️
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Short Fuses - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt Masterlist
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
About/Requested: The reader has a short temper and anger issues, her boyfriend Fred is the only one who knows how to calm her down.
Warnings: Swearing, panic attack, little bouts of violence.
You scrunched up the parchment in your fists, biting the inside of your cheeks, standing up and you slammed your chair against the desk and stormed off, tears pricking at your eyes.
Calm down, the stress isn't good for you, breathe, you can get through this.
Anger and stress weren't little parts of your life, they were rather big - you were stressed most days, crying yourself to sleep, headaches so painful you couldn't concentrate on your work, and your fuse so short you would feel guilty most days for snapping at your friends, and your boyfriend, Fred.
Breaking out into the fresh, cool air, you tried to catch your breath, slow down your pulse, and stop your heart from trying to leap out of your chest.
Deep breaths Y/N, one... two... three... inhale...
"You alright, love?" Freddie's voice called out, catching you mid-inhale.
Breathing out, you shook your head, sighing and sitting down on the grass.
"Stressed again?" Fred asked, sitting down with you.
You nodded "Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me, it never stops-"
Fred wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into him, the scent of fresh-baked bread and cinnamon engulfing you... you missed the burrow... you missed home.
"Whatever is going on, you can get through it, and you won't have to go through it alone." Fred pushed the stray hairs out of your face, pressing his lips against your cheek.
You couldn't hold back the tears, the lump in your throat expanded and you just wanted to scream at the top of your lungs.
Fred stood up, pulling his wand out from his trouser pocket.
"Stand up," he said softly, "you should know the drill by now, baby."
Whenever you got angry and needed to release some tension, you and Fred would often duel - whenever your professors came sprinting from the castle, screaming for you to stop, you and Fred would laugh; making them realise that the duelling was for practice only.
"Okay," you sighed, standing up, retrieving your wand "Hit me with your best shot, Freddie."
Jets of light, sparks, and loud yells spread through the school grounds, many first years started to panic, running inside to get help, other years assumed you were settling an agreement, a fair fight - but everyone else knew this routine just as well as you did - and many of the girls swooned over you and Fred battling for power.
"You've improved," Fred panted, wiping the sweat from his brow.
You couldn't help but break out into a smile but you still rolled your eyes "I could say the same to you," you panted back, smoothing out your stained and creased clothes.
On other days when you were too drained to duel, Fred often sneaked you into the prefect's bathroom to run you a hot bath, full of bubbles that smelled like fresh roses and jasmine.
Once you were soaking, Fred would massage your back, undoing knots and smoothing your skin, peppering your neck in soft kisses, and finally brushing your hair before you were ready to get out and be engulfed in a warm, cosy towel.
"It could be plenty of things, Y/N," Fred yawned, the lack of sleep catching up to him "the workload Snape gives you, your extra classes, the exams, your time of the month, the moon..."
You giggled and slapped Fred's arm but it made sense, you couldn't remember being this stressed when you were in black robes and a pointy hat, unable to stand straight with the books you were dragging from one class to another.
"Perhaps, but that doesn't explain my anger." you frowned, pulling apart the threading on the bottom of your shirt.
"Probably not," Fred frowned too, mirroring you "but you're going to get through this, even if it means you dropping classes-"
"Freddie, I can't - you know I can't-"
Fred shook his head, pulling your hand away from the loose threads, taking your hand in his.
"You need to put you and your mental health first," he said softly, "your health matters more than those N.E.W.Ts..."
Taglist: @alwaysnforeverfangirl @horrorxweasley @xmalfoyweasleyx @onlyfreds @inglourious-imagines @youralternantpersonality @supermassiveblackhope @potters-heart @snivellouss @livvysnaps @holyheadharpies99 @sebby-staan
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sciatu · 4 years
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Vaddala vaddala comi  si movi leva u ciatu, ti fa stari mutu una a stissa na sai e na trovi pari nu focu i canni vistutu
Vadda chi occhi niviri chi avi cu na so vaddata idda t’abbampa commi a idda, fimmini  nun n’avi nuddu cu idda, si sabba o sa scampa
Vaddala comi fa quannu cammina è come na rosa nagata du ventu gìà mentri leggiù leggiù s’ avvicina peddu a paci e u stari abbentu
s’a so bucca pi casu baciria pacciu diventu, tant’è duci a me canni du disiu bampiria saria nto paradisu e nta na cruci
vadda com’è na fimmina vera i chiddi chi ti duma e incanta pi cu ama è na rigina sincera sulu p’ iddu vizziusa e santa
Pi na fimmina bedda com’è idda unu scinniria puru all’infennu nto cielu ci cugghiria ogni stidda pu so amuri ch’è focu etennu
si obbu, suddu, pi casu saria a sentiri u so ciauru i ciuri eccu chi u paradisu vidiria mi passiria ogni me duluri
Ma chi sebbi diri tutti sti cosi: ammia pi primu mi saloi l’occhi, i capiddi ricci priziusi, appena i visti chi m’ammazzoi
Ah! nui  masculi chi n’addivintamu si na fimmina ni passa davanti u ciriveddu pari u stutamu semu savi? ni divintamu gnuranti
Diu ci desi e fimmini putiri di fanni moviri comi nu pupu u disiu nenti chiù ni fa capiri bulamu si, ma intra nu sdirupu
Eppuru nun mi vogghiu rigittari amu nu minutu, vali cent’anni: vadda cori mei vaddala passari inchi l’occhi e dai fozza a canni
Picchì cu idda passa a vita passa a fozza ill’univessu na biddizza ranni, nfinita pi chistu jo mi sentu pessu
Guardala, guardala come si muove, ti ferma il respiro, devi restare zitto, una come lei non ne conosci e non ne trovi, sembra un fuoco rivestito di carne. Guarda che occhi neri che ha, con uno sguardo ti incendia, come lei non esistono altre donne, nessuno con lei si salva o la evita Guarda come fa quando cammina, è come una rosa cullata dal vento, già mentre piano piano si avvicina, perdo la pace e lo stare tranquillo se per caso baciassi la sua bocca, diventerei pazzo, tanto è dolce, la mia carne dal desiderio brucerebbe, sarei in paradiso e su una croce Guarda come è una donna vera, di quelle che ti accende e ti incanta, per chi lei ama è una regina sincera, solo per lui sarà viziosa e santa Per una donna bella come lei, uno se ne scenderebbe anche all’inferno, nel cielo raccoglierebbe ogni stella per il suo amore che è fuoco eterno, Se fossi cieco e sordo a sentire il suo profumo di fiori, ecco che vedrei il paradiso e mi finirebbe ogni dolore Ma a cosa serve dire queste cose, a me per prima mi ha sistemato, gli occhi, i capelli ricci preziosi, appena l’ho vista che mi ha ucciso Cosa mai diventiamo noi maschi se una donna ci passa davanti, sembra che spegniamo il cervello e da saggi diventiamo ignoranti Dio ha dato alle donne il potere di farci muoverci come un pupo perché il desiderio non ci fa capire più niente, voliamo certo ma in un precipizio Eppure non mi voglio calmare, amare un minuto vale cent’anni: guarda cuore mio, guardala passare, riempi gli occhi, dai forza alla carne Perché con lei passa la vita, passa la forza dell’universo, una bellezza grande e infinita, per questo io mi sento perso.
Look at her, see how she moves, your breath stops, you have to keep quiet, you don’t know someone like her and don’t find any, she looks like a fire covered with flesh. Look at the black eyes she has of her, with a look from her she sets you on fire, like her there are no other women, no one is saved with her or can avoids her Look how she does when she walks, she is like a rose rocked by the wind, even as she slowly approaches, I lose my peace and I don’t feel comfortable if by chance I kiss her mouth, I would go crazy, so sweet, my flesh of desire would burn, I would be in heaven and on a cross at the same time. See how she is a real woman, one that turns you on and enchants you, for those who love her she is a sincere queen, only for him she will be vicious and holy For a beautiful woman like her, one would even go down to hell, in the sky he would collect every star for her love  who is eternal fire, If I were blind and deaf ,to smell her flower scent, I would see heaven and all pain would end. But what’s the point of saying these things, she fixed me with her eyes, her precious curly hair, as soon as I saw her, she killed me What ever we males become if a woman passes in front of us, it seems that we turn off our brains and we become ignorant from wise men God gave women the power to make us move like a puppet because desire no longer makes us understand anything, we certainly fly but in a precipice Yet I don’t want to calm down, loving a minute is worth a hundred years: look my heart, watch she go by, fill my eyes, give strength to the flesh Because life passes with her, the strength of the universe passes, a great and infinite beauty, that’s why I feel lost.
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Hi. I was just reading through all of your headcanons. I was thinking a kinda part 2 situation for one of them. How bout actually adopting the pet mentioned in Farmer and bachelor's choosing to be child free and adopting a pet. Thanks!!
Of course, dear anon! Enjoy the continuation of this headcanon, and thanks for your ask!
If Farmer's cat was closer to them, then the young cat that Elliott and Farmer had recently taken from the shelter became most attached to the poet. And besides being a new member of their little family, Gertrude (the name of the cat Elliott gave her) became the red-haired man's assistant in writing. Now Farmer doesn't have to worry if their beloved spouse is overworked while they are away from home, their furry friend lays down on Elliott's writing papers, demanding attention immediately. At times, Farmer's cat joins in as well, preventing the writer from labouring further. So Elliott has nothing to do but give up and take a needed break, and not forgetting to give the caring cats attention and yummy treats.
Actually, the idea from the beginning was to take only one puppy, but when three yapping furballs surrounded Sam, begging for pets and treats, the young guitarist's heart squeezed that they would take only one, sharing such a cute family of puppies. So now all three puppies are jumping on the farmhouse couch, sniffing all around and trying to chew on the wooden table. Farmer was a little hesitant, but their husband has been quite responsible in caring for and raising their new family members. Farmer is very pleased to see Sam glowing with happiness, playing with cute and healthy puppies, who have filled their house with joy and fun. And trouble, for the puppies are so energetic!
Shane lay on the cool grass, his eyes closed, afraid to open them again. Because everything that had happened to him in the last year seemed like a dream. He had managed to get out of the hole, towards a better future. Farmer who had supported him in his time of need had become his wonderful spouse, they lived together on a cosy farm, surrounded by crops, flowers, and the chickens they had recently bought from Marnie. The small, fluffy, yellow chicks chased Shane like a mother hen until he lay down to rest on the grass, and the chickens climbed onto his lap, chest, and arms, not wanting to end the chase game. Shane dared to open his eyes... Nope, not a dream after all, but a beautiful reality, full of love and small little chicks.
Words cannot describe how overjoyed Alex was when old Dusty jumped and wagged his tail like a young dog and played with the two new puppies that the athlete and Farmer had found on the streets of Zuzu City. The couple wanted to see if there were any pedigree puppies for sale at all, but Alex spotted a box near a trash can on the street, from which came a pitiful whimper. Two little mongrels, they were about a month old.... The same age Dusty had been when he was found and fostered in Pelican Town, making a cute wood home for him.... The decision was made immediately, and Farmer agreed with Alex. Now all three dogs, one old and two young pups, were having fun and enjoying life, filling the lives of their kind owners with joy as well.
Sebastian stood in a proud fatherly pose, smiling and crossing his arms, as Abigail and Sam came to visit him and Farmer and looked at the frogs in the large, beautiful aquaterrarium. Some frogs sat quietly on the thick bark of the tree, while others were too shy and hid in their houses. But all the green, bouncy little ones came out, when they heard Sebby shacking a jar of their favourite worms in his hand. Farmer stood nearby and enjoyed the amazed look on Sammy and Abby's faces as their husband showed his friends how to properly feed the frogs. "We've named all of them except one. Maybe we should call her Abigail." Sebby deftly dodged a friendly elbow nudge from the purple-haired girl, and Farmer laughed ringingly after that.
Harvey's friend almost died laughing when he received a video from the doctor, where three hungry kittens decided not to wait for Harvey to pour food into their bowls, but to get it themselves by climbing up his pyjama pants. The video is two minutes long and is accompanied by the sounds of demanding meows, Harvey's quiet "ouch's" because the kittens' claws are pretty sharp, and Farmer's laughter behind the scenes as they video their spouse. The video was taken six months ago, and the kittens are now grown up, happy and energetic. They still love climbing on Harvey's legs, and their claws have become even sharper. But both the doctor and Farmer love them from the bottom of their hearts, and Harvey's friend is now sure that he has given the kittens into good hands.
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magicalsebby · 4 years
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bwoahtastic · 9 months
tis the season for grandpa keke to reprise his role as father christmas once again to great his cutie grandbabies; mousy, sebby and maxy. seb and nicky are (as always) excited for santa's arrival bcs they be good boys for momma and papa, but it's maxy's first christmas with the wolff's (and tonio, kimi, and checo's family) he's so in awe that santa came to see /him/? cus jos never gave him gifts in general and always said he was a bad boy so santa doesn't like him.. so when keke comes in as a santa and gives maxy a gift? the lil cub just cries and when nico & toto asks whats wrong, the poor lil thing can only hiccup 'maxy is a good boy' 😫
cue adults tearing up bcs the cub is instanly cuddled by an army of a pallas kittens, sebby and mousy and it's nicky that squeaks 'always best boy! ever!'
Oh plss! Keke would be an excellent santa! Sebby knows its grandpa birdie and nicky peobs knows but is also little enough to still believe in christmas magic so his little kiddo brain just ignores that santa clearly smells like grandpa birdie.
Maxy is still new to all this and has ever celebrated Christmas before so little kitten is so in awe when santa comes in! He is dressed in a cosy sweater and maybe momma tonio tied a bow to his lil tail! Maxy sitting with sebby and nicky, and the pallas kittens and Logie ofc, and suddenly santa comes in and all the pups are excited but Max is a little skittish and hides behind Papa Toto and Papa Kimi, cos maybe santa will be mad cos Maxy is always bad boy! Santa/Keke seeing Maxy is hesitsnt and kneeling down, smiling that he came to see Maxy too and Maxy is suddenly crying his little heart out! The adults trying to figure out why he is crying snd Maxy manages to sob "Maxy finally good boy!' And everyone realises what is happening...
Maxy instsntly bombarded by all the pups, everyone purring and Nicky squeaking Maxy is always the bestest! Maxy would be so happy and even dares to sit on Santa's lap after🥺
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bwoahtastic · 8 months
Oh the entire Stepmom Nico fam heading up to the mountains for a holiday. Kimi and Jenson both have to work for a couple more days so Nico and Toto take the pups except for Logie up first while the others finish up. Mousy falls asleep almost immediately on the drive and sebby happily distracts max, who is very suspicious about the whole thing, with car games. When they get to the lodge Nicky and Seb rush around exploring, but maxy is much more timid, and clings to Nico and Toto. It takes a little while, but Maxy relaxes and comes to love the place. It's so quiet and calm, and the pups can play outside for hours. It gets even better when the others arrive, and Logan is swiftly added to the pups games. It's also a huge break for the adults, as between them they can always watch the pups and each couple can finally get some time alone together.
Nngg yes!!
Thr adults deciding it would br fun for the pups if they all go to the same cottage together! Nico and Toto are the firdt to drive up, with mousy conked out after 1 minute in the car and Seb just vibing with puzzles and boardgames. Maxy is more anxious but Seb successfully distracts him!
Nicky and seb zooming through the house while Toto takes his time carrying Max in the safe sling and showing him around? Maxy is anxious and doesn't like unfamiliar scents bur papa stays close so it's better!
And then tonio arrives early too, and there are so many safe scents around maxy he dares to relax. Also maxy taking a nap between nico and Tonio? Absolutely conked out between his mommas!
Jenson ans James arriving with Logie and Kimi and ita just so cosy and nice! Th3 adults get to spend time with their partners without worrying about their kiddos and the kids have ao much fun zooming around and sleeping in lil puppy piles!
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