#could he have chosen any other brand on earth
lorephobic · 2 months
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this picture is so funny to me. i know what u are.
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starzzyeyed · 8 months
Take My Breath Away (And Make It Last Forever Babe)
This is for @andiebeaword 's 3k celebration contest!! I actually got this finished on time, which impressed even me despite the fact that it's so short. I also never post fics to tumblr so my apologies if there's formatting issues.
The prompt I chose was "Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy?"
Summary: Spencer finds himself a little bit distracted during a case wondering just how it would feel to be wrapped up in Hotch's strong arms and kissed by his lips.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Aaron Hotchner
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None that I can think of. There's brief allusions to sex but it's not mentioned in any depth.
Word Count: 1.5k
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There’s nothing he wants more than the feel of Hotch’s lips on his.
He knows, should his thoughts ever somehow accidentally leak from his brain and become public knowledge, that Morgan would most likely snigger and tell him he’s sure Spencer would like the feel of those lips a few other places as well, but he’s not thinking about that right now.
All he’s capable of focusing on at this moment in time, is what it would feel like for Hotch to kiss him.
And that’s before he even begins to think about Hotch’s arms.
Strong, muscular biceps, thick and prominent veins responsible for carrying the blood that keeps him alive and fit running up and down his forearms, visible in what is a rare occasion of Hotch having chosen to have his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the heat of the Texas summer forcing him to forgo his usual full suit attire.
He knows he’s staring, and he’s been staring for the past four minutes and thirty- seven seconds and yet he can’t seem to bring himself to stop.
Hotch is leant over the table, photos and evidence spread across every square inch of the laminated surface in front of him with a hand planted either side of the journal that they know holds the final puzzle piece, if only they could figure it out.
Spencer’s glad he has the file cabinet to lean against because he’s not sure his legs could hold him up if he didn’t, and he doesn’t want to make his attraction any more obvious than it clearly already is to anyone with a pair of eyes in the same room as him.
“Earth to Reid.”
Spencer jumps, knocking over a stack of folders with his elbow that clatter to the hardwood floor underneath, making him jump again. He hears Morgan laughing in the background as he bends down to pick them up, his cheeks burning as he clears his throat and looks back over to the table, to where Hotch is now watching him with a small, barely there smile.
“Hmm?” he tries, aiming for casual even though he knows he can’t hide the way his pupils are undoubtedly dilated, and that’s without even mentioning his inexplicable clumsiness, which is extreme even by the normal Spencer Reid standards.
“Hotch asked you a question, genius,” Morgan teases, still laughing, and Spencer forces his gaze up from the floor to the very person he’s spent the past six minutes and forty-two seconds staring at. Not just staring at Hotch as a person, in fact; staring with all of his focus on Hotch’s arms.
“What did you say the link is between the victims hair?” Hotch asks, that small smile still playing on his lips, and Spencer feels as though his cheeks are on fire.
“They all purchased the same brand of rinse out box dye,” Spencer begins, finding his voice and rattling off the information he knows that’s actually relevant to the case, rather than the information his brain has spent the last seven minutes and fifty-one seconds hyper-focussing on.
Information like the way he just knows Hotch could pick him up in those strong and muscular arms, perhaps even just on one arm like a bodybuilder lifting a weight. The way he imagines himself far too often being carried bridal style in those arms, with Hotch looking down at him from above with that same small, barely there smile that he had on his face a moment ago. The way he knows without question the safety and security he would feel with those arms wrapped around him, holding him, carrying him; keeping him protected from all the criminals they come up against on a daily basis, all the lowlifes they take off the streets to protect others.
Spencer blinks himself back to the present moment, clearing his throat as he looks up at Hotch again, at Hotch’s face, forcing himself not to let his attention drift back to those well-muscled arms that he so desperately wants to feel wrapped around his waist, holding him tightly against the filing cabinet that’s by now supporting practically all of his weight as he struggles to keep his focus on what’s actually going on right now, as opposed to what’s happening in his imagination.
The problem with looking so directly at Hotch’s face, though, is that now he finds his gaze drifting back to Hotch’s lips again, once again imagining how those lips would feel pressed against his, how it would feel to kiss Hotch, how it would feel for Hotch to kiss him.
The thought alone is making him slightly breathless, and if he carries on like this he’s going to end up with his body outing him to the rest of his team, so he clears his throat again and mutters a quiet, “excuse me,” when it’s clear that no one in the room needs any more information from him for the moment, before he slips out of the office and down the hall.
He makes it two corridors away before he leans back against the wall and lets out a shaky sigh, willing his body to get itself back under control before he’s forced to do something he desperately doesn’t want to and take himself into the men’s bathrooms to take of himself.
He doesn’t get the chance to finish deciding what to do, though, because a moment later there’s the sound of footsteps and Spencer presses himself even further back into the wall behind him, hoping he’s at least somewhat hidden by the cabinets on either side of him. Apparently he’s not hidden enough though, because the footsteps stop right in front of the filing cabinet to his left and someone clears their throat.
Spencer’s in the process of deciding if he can come up with a sufficient lie for why he’s hiding behind a filing cabinet in a local police precinct, or whether he can turn around to this person and ask them why they’re questioning him, a highly trained and admired member of one of the most respected sections of the FBI, when it dawns on him that he knows that voice, even if the person hasn’t technically spoken.
“H-Hotch? What are you doing here?” he asks, stepping out of his hiding place and slowly lifting his gaze from the polished black shoes in front of him to the amused expression on his boss’s face.
He doesn’t even need to hear Hotch’s response to know that he’s been caught out, and he’s already forming explanations and excuses and apologies in his mind, ready to spill the moment Hotch starts talking because he’s definitely going to lose his job over this, when the sound of Hotch’s laughter finally reaches his ears.
Great, now he’s laughing at me, Spencer thinks, his cheeks heating up as he begins stammering out apologies.
“I’m so, so sorry, Hotch, I don’t… I don’t know what got into me. Well, no, that’s not technically true, I mean… I do know, obviously, it’s you… no, it’s just, well, you got into my mind, that’s all, and I-”
He doesn’t get any further than that before Hotch leans forwards and shuts him up with a kiss, pressing him back against the wall behind him as his arms, oh, those arms, circle around his waist and keep him locked in position against the wall behind him, as those lips press against his and kiss him, and if Spencer could actually form a coherent thought it would be that he’s definitely died and gone to heaven, because there’s just no way that this is happening to him.
When Hotch finally pulls away, Spencer’s panting for breath and his head his spinning and if he didn’t have a tent in the front of his pants before he definitely does now. But, as he’s looking at Hotch, raking his eyes across the body of his boss as the other man smiles and raises an amused eyebrow at him, he sees a similar tent in the front of Hotch’s suit trousers, and he raises his own eyebrow back in shocked disbelief.
“What?” Hotch asks, chuckling at Spencer disbelieving expression, “did you really think I didn’t notice the way you were staring at me in there?”
Spencer’s still getting his breath back, but he manages to grin at Hotch, leaning forwards and wrapping his arms around the older man’s neck while he breathlessly asks, “does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy?”
Hotch just laughs softly, kissing Spencer softly again before he nods.
“Evidently, yes,” he replies and Spencer grins wider, running a hand through his hair as he tries to come to terms with this development. Fortunately, Hotch is one step ahead of him, because when he looks back down from the ceiling Hotch is holding a hand out towards him that Spencer hesitantly takes.
“Are you free for dinner tomorrow night, assuming we solve this case? Say, 8pm?” he asks and Spencer nods shy smile.
“That sounds perfect,” he replies, walking hand in hand with Hotch back to the conference room.
He’s never been so happy for a case to be solved quickly.
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sunshinesteviee · 6 months
tis the damn season — sneak peek
just posting a lil sneak peek (the first few paragraphs) of the fic i’m working on based off the song by taylor swift!! including a lil collage i made with the vibes of the fic hehe enjoy!!!!
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Snow crunched underneath the tires of your mom’s car as she drove down main street, past the library, past the drug store, past the police station. Past all of the places you knew so well, but reminded you of a different lifetime. It hadn’t really been that long since you’d left for college, but everything felt so much different.
You’d left Hawkins pretty quickly, not long after defeating Vecna. Much to your surprise, you’d actually been accepted into a few of the colleges you’d applied to, and so when the time came, you were more than ready to pack up and leave Hawkins behind you. Unfortunately, that meant leaving behind everyone you knew and loved. It wasn’t the people that made you want to leave, it was the town itself, and all of the horrors it hid. It hadn’t been an easy decision — you’d agonized over it for months — but eventually, you decided it would be good to get a fresh start. And besides, you’d only be two hours away.
That fact didn’t make leaving any easier, though. Especially when one of the people you were leaving behind was your childhood best friend. The same best friend you’d been in love with for years. The same best friend who you’d gone to literal hell and back with. The same best friend who had confessed his feelings for you shortly before you were set to leave for school. In typical Steve fashion, he’d chosen the worst possible moment to lay everything out on the table.
There had always been something there. Lingering touches on your waist, stolen glances when the other wasn’t looking. Hand holding, cuddles during movie nights, chaste kisses on the cheek. It was obvious to everyone except the two of you. But of course, Steve confessed only as you were leaving.
It had broken your heart to break his, especially when you’d been waiting years for that exact moment. You’d spent hours thinking about and wishing for the moment when your best friend professed his love for you, only to have to turn him down when it finally happened.
The decision, though earth-shattering, had seemed like the right one at the time. It made sense in your head. What brand new relationship would work from two hours apart?
And despite the hurt, Steve had dropped you off at your dorm just like you’d planned. He’d helped you move in, given you the longest hug known to man, and promised to call as soon as he could. For the first week, Steve called every night to ask about your day and to make sure that you were okay.
But it had been weeks since you’d last properly talked to Steve, and it was killing you. Part of you was dreading seeing him, knowing the conversation that had to be had, but a bigger part of you felt like it was dying without him. You’d never been apart for this long, especially without talking regularly, and you missed him more than words could explain.
Your breath fogged up the glass as you stared out your frosted window and then doodled in the condensation. You weren’t sure how you were going to approach Steve, how to try to fix things. If things even could be fixed. There was a high likelihood that everything had been ruined, and if that was the case, you weren’t sure how you’d survive. How you’d live without him, especially after everything you’d been through together. You needed your best friend.
The fic isn’t done yet, but I can’t resist posting this & the moodboard collage I made hehe. Happy holidays!! Hoping to post this before the new year. If you want to be tagged when I post this, please let me know! 🫶🏼
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moonshine-nightlight · 6 months
Potential Short Stories
hey, while looking to next year, i have a number of short stories I'm considering and i'd like to gauge y'alls interest in them and see if there are any that should move up my list.
these are all just the top ideas i'm considering at the moment and are subject to change when i get back to writing in Spring 2024, but i really want to know if any of these grabs ppls attention as often more interest in a story motivates me to write more!
see under the read more for summaries of each story in the poll
if ur interested in more than one, vote for your favorite and mention the others in the comments/tags!
See this post for a poll on short vs long stories!
See this post for a poll on long stories!
see below for summaries and minor details (titles subject to change - but i'm also lazy and hate titling things so maybe not)
Courtship Confusion: You’ve been working with Morgan for a couple years. A consummate flirt, you’d initially been put off by his whole charming deal, but now that he’s your best friend you’ve been wanting to see if he’s still interested in dating you. Unfortunately he’s not picking up your hints. Before you give up, a pair of visiting concubi remind you of cultural differences when it comes to dating. Maybe you’ve both been misunderstanding each other. Maybe it’s time you set the record straight.
Modern w/known non-humans, ReaderxMaleSiren
Quid Pro Quo: You’d thought the only remotely positive about your husband’s death would be that you wouldn’t need to deal with your terrible in-laws anymore. Then you found out that demons were real and your husband’s family had made a deal decades ago trapping all their descendants in service to one. You manage to set up your own deal with a different demon: if you help Adriel figure out who is embezzling from his realm spanning organization, he’ll help you figure out how to get your kids free of the contract. After hitting dead end after dead end, you finally think you’re both getting somewhere, but will it be enough?
Modern w/secret demons; ReaderxMaleDemon
Goddaughter: You thought you’d seen the last of your family when you left—you’d certainly done everything you could to cut ties with them and with your father’s enemies. Unfortunately, they finally seem to have caught up with you—running into you by chance in the grocery store of all places. Now you and your daughter have been captured, you’re tied up while they’ve taken her who knows where, your father is just as useless at protecting you as always. Then you hear a familiar voice. What on earth is your neighbor, Vee, doing here? Why does he know your father? And why does he sound positively…demonic?
Modern w/secret demons; ReaderxMaleDemon
Bedwarmer: When you heard your Chancellor had died in battle and his lands given to a mountain orc who’d practically won the battle singlehandedly, you weren’t sure what to think. When the steward put out the call for a bedwarmer for said new Chancellor, you figured species didn’t matter much after all—powerful people were all the same. Still, the role came with a year reduction in indenture for whoever was selected from the candidates. You’ve never had any problem with no strings attached sex so you add yourself to the list. It’s not until you meet this Kor’Shearda and are chosen that you begin to realize how wrong you were.
Fantasy w/known non-humans; ReaderxFemaleOrc
Runalong: Sometimes you feel like you’ve spent your whole life on the move. Shuffled from one place to the next with no real say in the matter. Is it any wonder that on those long car rides from somewhere that just started to become familiar to somewhere brand new and unknown that you might imagine a companion along side you? And what does it mean that now you’re an adult and you still think you see them sometimes?
Modern w/unknown non-humans; ReaderxGNSpirit
Feral: You’ve been so happy living on your own in the little house you inherited, you didn’t even mind the strange stipulations in the will about hanging plants and markings on fence posts. You were never particularly superstitious. Or you weren’t. Strange noises at night, eyes that glow, tracks around the porch—it’s all starting to freak you out. What could be lurking in the shadows of your yard? Is it all your imagination? Or does something—someone—mean you harm?
Modern w/unknown non-humans; ReaderxFemaleHellhound
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tathrin · 9 months
🖤 a dark ship?
[from this ask meme]
I think I have to answer Silvergifting for this one. (And let me also throw you a rec for my brand new Celebrimbor joins the Fellowship AU, with lots of post-Silvergifting trauma baked-in.)
For starters I'm completely obsessed with the very idea of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain and desperately need some kind of hardcore world building 75-chapter story set in Ost-in-Edhil about these crazy smiths and the culture of their city. And of course you cannot talk about Ost-in-Edhil without talking about Sauron, and how he wormed his way into their lives and forges and was probably happier there than he'd ever been in his life before he destroyed it.
But it's about how much they had in common, and how great things could have been if only Annatar had meant any of his pretty lies (and maybe he did, just a little; maybe he wished he did, just a little; a Sauron who is at least tempted to Be Someone Other Than Sauron is my favorite flavor of this; a Sauron who destroys his own happiness, too in his pursuit of his dreams of power and does it anyway...) and how impossibly terrible everything was instead.
Doomed less by the narrative than by yourself: by looking at the blood that stains your own lineage and being forgiving of a maia who has blood and shadows in his own past as a result of wishing that you could ever forgive your family and yourself for their sins (because Celebrimbor might not have known that Annatar was Sauron, but he had to have figured out that something was wrong eventually; had to have made a conscious choice to ignore the warnings of Galadriel and Elrond, even if he didn't want to admit to himself quite how conscious; had to have sensed something off eventually, after so many years of working so closely together, and either decided to ignore it or to accept it because maybe everyone deserves a second chance, right? And what else is Ost-in-Edhil for...?).
Doomed by the knowledge of the horrors that resulted from your family's smith-craft in previous years, and your fear of what your own hands could make as a result; and being coaxed to step beyond the self-imposed limits that you set upon yourself because of that fear. By the fact that you finally, finally feel comfortable and safe enough here working with the Gwaith-i-Mírdain to take a risk in the forge and try something great...and the damnable results of that risk being taken alongside the worst person you could have possibly chosen to craft with, and knowing that you've doomed not just yourself but the world, too...
Knowing that in the end, you've done exactly the sort of damage that you once swore you would never do; that the only good thing left for you to do is to die without giving every last scrap of yourself away again; of having the precious knowledge of the Seven and the Nine dragged from your bleeding lips by the one who'd helped you walk the beautiful paths of their forging in the first place; to have spent so long waiting to show Annatar the glories you achieved with the Three while he was gone, and then realizing too late that their glory was just another form of doom and you could never, ever let him see.
To die at the hands of the lover who taught you to trust yourself again but who was himself lying all along... (But was he lying to you, or to himself?)
There's nothing good about silvergifting, but there could have been. In a kinder world, there would have been; should have been. And that's the appeal, I think: it's the tragedy that was always going to happen, but shouldn't have had to. They should have been able to heal one another from the scars of the First Age and the Years of the Tree; to use the combination of their great skills to heal the world from the damage that Sauron and his Master and the Oath of Fëanor did to Middle-earth; to make things better...
But they didn't. They didn't.
Instead all breaks to ruin and Celebrimbor dies broken in the dark, and love isn't enough to save him; love is only enough to damn him. To lift his shattered dreams like a banner before the Enemy and see his home and all his hopes burn to bitter ashes.
The Lord of Gifts and the Silver-handed Smith should have been able to create beautiful things between them; the most beautiful things seen since the Silmarils. But instead, all they wrought was destruction. Which is another, terrible form of beauty, in its own wretched way.
*Also see this previous post where I ramble deliriously about the joys and horrors of Celebrimbor/Annatar/Narvi.
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deputygonebye · 5 months
With the smell of smoke still in the air and clinging to his nose, the perfume of a burned down barn, Shane wandered into the woods just near the highway that he and the group had chosen to take refuge upon. Car engines silenced - beaten down and tired. All still a blur, shapeless faces and sounds that boarded on mumbles, how his legs led him to safety, he didn't know. Couldn't remember - his mind was clouded - couldn't bear to recall. A gun had been within his hand, aimed and loaded. In what felt like a lifetime ago, thousands of years, mere seconds. A gun had been directed toward Rick with an intent to kill. Back on that farmland, when the hunt for Randall had commenced, when two brothers stood alone. When the trust of a friend morphed into the betrayal of a threat. Madness swirling within brown eyes like a tornado from Texas - ruthlessly, full of gray and black, void of light.
Flesh stained with blood from a brawl of yore, a crazed thought had driven Shane. Encouraged his fingers to take hold of the gun, coaxed the worse, the devil. A bullet had the name of Rick carved into it. A single branding; for the sake of Carl and Lori, their safety entire, the others of their found family. Soon to be punctured within the chest, before so much as a scream of protest could escape Rick's dried lips, an accusation of guilt descended instead. Between the words already shared. Rick knew Shane better than anyone. Understood the bedrock of his mind, the cracks and broken bits but loved them anyway. Guilt alone would kill. Before another foot could be set upon the land that Hershel called his own. Before the aroma of freshly baked biscuits and white gravy could hit the senses, blown out into the Georgia night from an open kitchen window. Shane would be dead, too. By his own actions, lack of fight against any enemy who would choose to pounce, a halt of the heart. Precious beats that would still to nothingness.
Gun still in hand, any effort to put an end to Rick had finished. Stalled, disappeared just as soon as it had come, vanished along with the insanity that tormented Shane. Replaced itself with tears unshed and shaking hands; surrender that would have accepted any consequence. Should Rick have called for death, dared to turn the tides of fate against Shane, so Shane would have welcomed. Wanted, could no more stand the circumstances of his life, their life, the whole world. Peace was a sweetness he so lusted for. Freedom from the fear that Walkers provided - the smell, the growls, the pain. But not from Rick did Shane find such peace. Not from the beautiful agony of a knife's edge, the bullet from a gun not already grasped. Forgiveness was born, rather. A pardon for the sinful. Exoneration that required no jury or judge. Just the touch of a brother, fingertips around a barrel just begun to be lowered, a weapon confiscated.
Into the woods nearest the highway road, Shane wandered. Could still hear the cries from those who didn't survive like he, could feel the soft grass that had been trampled under foot. There was no more democracy, so Rick declared, the echo of his command still bouncing off the trunks of trees and into the abyss of a fragile mind. Beside a dying fire. No more democracy, but that decline into organized anarchy could not soothe the hurts that already nestled inside of Shane. Rapid breath cast over the air, the rise and fall of a chest that couldn't find solace, onto the Earth did the once proud deputy go. As Cain did before the Lord, head down, eyes shut, hands covering his ears to block out the noise, the angels that taunted him. Knees brushed by more than just ash, a once red barn full of golden hay scorched, panic strangled Shane until tears couldn't be contained.
Down his cheeks did they flow, coughed and horrible. Bile risen from the depths of his stomach, the food there that hardly counted as a meal, the shame of what he had done and what he had tried to do. Otis - a gnarled and pale face that wouldn't leave, torn apart and ripped. Randall - who deserved what had come to him, a boy, broken neck bent in Shane's direction, head cocked to the side with eyes glazed in a cadaverous haze. Where it was difficult to hide, where hands could not cover the ears to shield the screams, the questions: how could you do this to us?
Breathless, absolutely breathless, prayers couldn't save Shane, but ever so did he beseech. Over and over, a scratched record, like how Grandma Jean's favorite used to spin around: God, I'm sorry. God, I'm sorry. Oh, my God, I'm sorry. Rick. Rick. Rick...
A wounded animal hunted down by the disgrace of its past, with cold sweat running down his neck, along his spine, over the forehead and down his jaw, Shane stayed within that patch of open forest. Rocked himself back and forth. Repeated his prayers, cried even when nothing came from it, conversated with persons that none could see except for he. Delusional; imagination and reality a blanket that wrapped around Shane tight. Beneath the stars, under the watchful glance of the moon, beside the ghosts.
And Shane did not leave it.
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Part 3 of my tarn & Cody repost because I didn't know how to use Tumblr at the time.
The DJD filed in, Helex flexing his repaired fingers. Vos had taught himself how to fix him for him, knowing that Tarn would kick him out of the medbay at some point or another.
"Crew! Let it be known that I have new rules in regards to our little guest. Megatron has given me permission to have my way with him, and after making a discovery about a unique flaw in his biology, I have chosen to cyber-form him to be used in our hunts. That being said, you are not allowed to cause any harm or distress to the human, especially before it is cyber formed. The Pet is to be kept in the brig until the human's training is complete to avoid any accidents. As you might see, I have means of keeping it on me during hunts to get it acclimated to the nature of the job and out of the Pet's jaws. Helex, you are not to touch it for any reason other than to keep it alive. Vos, find a suitable alt mode for it. Final size will likely be between three and five feet tall. Something that it can't hurt itself on would be preferred. Try the maintenance closets. You have a tool alt mode, you know what to look for. Kaon, stow the Pet and clean the hazards off the floor. The human is completely fearless, and accident prone." The human in question peeked out of the window, made his eyes go wide after spotting the Pet, ducked down and went back to watching the screen.
After one more week in the solar system, Tarn was given the go-ahead to pursue the next victim on the List by Megatron. Soundwave made an appearance, projecting a smiley face on his visor as an orange and brown sparkling mimicked it back on its own visor, a few silver tentacles securing it to its Sire. He was informed that Knockout and Breakdown took a pink and navy Miko, and a grumpy navy and black Jack was still on the run with Arcee.
At this point, they were just going to let the spiteful femme be. She had split off from the Autobots after Heatwave apparently attacked her in a jealous fit, killing June on accident. Tarn couldn't help but chuckle at the tiny black compact car she had chosen as her new alt mode in order to carry Jack.
All the energon that was left on earth were scraps anyway, and even if she stole the Jackhammer, Ultra Magnus's ship, or the Rescue Bots patrol ship, she wouldn't dare attack a Decepticon ship with active Sire coding, not if she had a safe path out to a neutral outpost. He gave them orders to let any ship they suspect to be carrying the two neutrals go.
Tarn activated the Peaceful Tyranny's cloaking device as the Jackhammer raced past them in the direction of a neutral cybertronian settlement, a little more worse for wear than he remembered it being the last time he had seen it. Despite himself, he did hope they made it to wherever they were going. Made it easier to find a bot if they put down roots, but he doubted Arcee was stupid enough to risk her sparkling for that.
He checked the location of the next victim on the List and chuckled. Of course it's the same settlement that the femme is going to. Welp, not like it matters much. With luck, she wouldn't be on the wealthy side of the settlement at all.
Well, her luck sucked.
Tarn watched as Arcee, who had gotten a job as a maid in the swanky villa they were currently setting on fire, stuffed her son into a sling and flee out the back door. He stopped Vos from going after her, pointing out the kid and the hastily covered brands. It didn't matter. Their victim didn't bother running, and Tarn could feel Cody shifting in his pocket as he watched and listened to the hunt, unable to look away, feet tapping nervously against the wall that the vid screen was mounted on.
Surprisingly, he hadn't cried or screamed once, watching the flames catch with a twinkle in his eye. The bot they were hunting sold the Decepticons blasters with a deadly defect in its power cores, so Cody really didn't see the harm in watching someone who hurt people die in flames.
Tarn smiled under his mask and sent a soothing pulse from his spark. Cody couldn't catch the sentiment yet but patted the wall anyway, knowing not to talk while Tarn was working.
Cody leaned into the gentle rumble of Tarn's Voice, knowing that, at any moment, something Tarn had only described as catharsis in motion should happen. He jumped back as the mech's spark was forced to collapse, causing a tall, brilliant blue burst of fire to erupt from his chest and lick the ceiling, the mix of a dozen shades of sparkling blue and white flames making Cody's jaw drop. It was so beautiful, it made the horrors almost worth it. The structure creaked ominously, and the DJD fled the building before it was consumed by red and blue flames.
"Whoa." Cody whispered, watching the house collapse in on itself in a shower of blue flames. "What was that?"
"Spark fire. It is truly the most beautiful force of destruction you can only truly see with your own eyes. No photograph or video can get close to its beauty. What you are seeing is not a camera but my own optic feed. You are literally seeing through my eyes."
"Yes, yes indeed. We don't have the nicest jobs in the faction, but it is necessary to keep rot from infecting our way of life. Hey, Cody. What if I said there was a way you could stay within the ranks of my Lord's people for as long as you wished. See the stars, forge some new friendships, and be safe from those who may cause you harm. I have heard truly terrible things about the foster care system on earth. If you stay with us, even if you find a different group within the faction to stay with, I can promise you sights just as beautiful as spark fire."
Cody tilted his head, completely spellbound by the last few flickering flames as they winked out. "Yes."
"Yes?" Tarn said, putting a little of the Voice into his question, making Cody feel as if he could trust him, that no secret was too dark, too twisted to confess. He turned around and started to walk back to the Peaceful Tyranny.
"I don't want to go back. I don't want to be alone, and if I go back to the Autobots they will just stick me at the firehouse with Heatwave and I will be all alone with him and I don't want to be alone with him because he picks me up all the time when we are alone and carries me around like I am a baby and I am not a baby but I don't want to live with Frankie because the lab is too much and not home and I am pretty sure she died in the cafeteria explosion and I just want to go home but I can't go home because home is dead and so is my family and I don't want Heatwave to pick me up again." Cody took a deep breath in, wiping away the tears that threatened to burst out of him. He wasn't going to cry around Tarn. Tarn wouldn't like that. They are hunting, and hunting is his job and you can't cry when you are working and now he just wants to watch something bright and cheerful and take a nap in Tarn's chest because he likes his heart- no, spark beat and it's nice and steady and- is Tarn humming?
Tarn was, in fact, humming. The Empyrean Suite took up a few octaves to avoid the whisper part of his Voice. His favorite part is because he learned how to drop into the whisper on purpose while singing it. It did wonders on Cody, slowing down his overwhelmed mind and soothing him into a nice, calm state. Tarn put on that movie that Cody was watching earlier while Tarn laid down the law.
Cody watched it half-heartedly, and Tarn pushed a bit more lethargy into his tune. He felt Cody slump over, tears drying on his face, and turned off the movie.
He brought Cody to Nickel immediately after he arrived at the Tyranny, ordering her to prepare the human to start the cyber-forming process. He was a little embarrassed when it turned out to just be a series of spaced out injections, not some creepy, gorey process.
He voiced his disappointment, and Nickel told him to wait until she could introduce more energon to his systems.
She informed him that Cody would have to be slowly weaned off of the organic food and onto an energon based diet, though he would always retain the ability to eat small amounts of organic food to survive, but he would need energon eventually.
Tarn put Cody back into the tank, Cody burrowing into his pile of clothes and blankets with a sigh.
Tarn left to plan for the next hunt. The Peaceful Tyranny was approaching the moon the victim was currently hidden on, but they had given the DJD the slip before. This time, they won't escape them.
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mystiika · 1 year
re; vincente escarra
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h i s t o r y ( tw for pregnancy, death & a car accident )
note: forgive how long this info post is, i got a little carried away lol
  vincente serrano escarra’s childhood was rather run of the mill. he was born in mexico where he spent a few years before his family moved to the states. as he ages he develops more & more of an interest in the arts, which had been supported until he decides to pursue art as a career which didn’t go over well. because “they didn’t move countries so he could be an artist” or something along those lines. but his parents do want him to be happy so instead of telling him an absolute no,they agree that if he pays for his own university schooling then they’d allow him to do that & then had 2 years after his graduation to “make it” or he’d go back to school to do what his parents chose for him. which, of course, was the root he went. he knew he had talent & knew he could do it.
  so he went to school, his graduation but after a year, he felt like he had plateaued. not that his art was suffering but rather gaining traction had become an issue. but incidentally made friends with someone who owned a gallery, someone who agreed to take a look at his work once said person found out his chosen career. & they liked it enough to give access to their private art studio to save on some cash & gave him enough pointers to really solidify his style & find a way to make money with his newfound brand.
  & its during this inbetween period vincente meets a girl named joyce. joyce was an art teacher, someone he found himself able to connect with over a shared love of the arts. the two were friends for a good while but as any bystander could see, they would eventually date. 3 years later, well past eh required deadline he successfully me, joyce gets pregnant & while vincente was excited about the idea of being a dad, joyce was not. which, while disappointing to vincente, he recognised that it wasn’t his decision to make. she just didn’t feel like she was ready to have kids & wanted to focus on living out the rest of her 20s childfree. but despite this, she agreed to carry the baby to term under several conditions, the main stipulation being that she would have nothing to do with the child after they were born. while it might sound a little harsh to some, children just wasn’t something she wanted at that time. & vincente agreed.
  so straight from the birth of his daughter, he was a single father to this adorable little girl he named marisol. being a single parent can be difficult enough but living off a new artist’s income wasn’t super ideal. even so he raises her as best he can & she blossoms into such a lovely & happy child, one he couldn’t have been happier to raise.
 then, its on the way to pick up his daughter from a play date with her friend, that he gets into a pretty gnarly car accident. while he survives for a time, his injuries were too severe & he succumbed only two days later.  but at this point marisol is still so young, she’s still in elementary school, there’s so much of her life she has left so he’s begging & pleading to whatever gods are out there to let him live a little longer so that his daughter wouldn’t be left alone.
  & so he’s given a deal
  he will be allowed to live until she reaches adulthood but after she turns 18 he has to completely give up life as a regular human & become an alebrije, serving as a guide for others still living their lives on earth. he does get to keep his regular human body, but once he travels into the land of the dead he takes on his newfound alebrije form.
  from the outside it appeared as if his doctors had been able to restore sinus rhythm, recovering enough to make it home to marisol a mere week later. but he can’t tell anyone about this deal, especially his daughter. but knowing he has to keep this secret & knowing that he can’t tell her that he’s going to have to leave her sooner than anyone would expect, it causes his heart to ache in a way he couldn’t explain — it was the only way he could make sure he could be there with her just a little bit longer.
  he also doesn’t know how he’s gonna die again, just that it’s going to happen. he makes peace with this, living each day as full as he can to make the most of the time he has left.
  & so comes the day of marisol’s 18th birthday. its a beautiful celebration, filled with laughter & love, surrounded by friends & family. but the next morning when its daughter comes into his bedroom, she finds him dead having passed peacefully in his sleep.
  today his life is spent watching over the few souls he’d been assigned, guiding & protecting them through their every day — as was his job & as so his job will remain.
i n f l u e n c e s
   based on alebrijes of mexican folklore ( huge info post on its origins/impact on modern culture coming soon ), not sure what else to say since there’s not really any media to draw from? idk. genre focus is folklore/mythology, magical realism, & slice of life. i also take some influence from other deities/pantheons as i plan to have vincente rather heavily connected with one of my other mythology muses, tu’er shen. explanation post on their dynamic will be up as soon as i finish ironing out a few more details 
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foldagerborg8 · 3 months
best squishmallows Options
Over one,000 of such cuddly figures have been manufactured For the reason that products's inception. squishmallowsmart to learn more, we spoke with Gerhard Runken, Senior Vice chairman of Brand & Promoting, to know every little thing with regard to the lovely plush toys, like how the name came to become, how the brand amassed such a big following, and which Squishmallows are predicted to get the preferred. The fruit-formed Squishmallows have stories that are just as fascinating as their animal counterparts. Just take a look at Maui the Pineapple – he is cute and cuddly but in addition courageous. Axolotl' https://europe.google.com/url?sa=j&source=web&rct=j&url=https://squishmallowsmart.com are remarkable animals, and now you will get 1 yourself in Squishmallow kind. This one particular, Irina, has blue fur and sparkly gills in vibrant rainbow colors. Liv the leopard likely isn’t excellent at camouflage together with her bright teal spots, which can make her much easier to locate any time you provide her household. She’s also full of other surprises as she enjoys cheese and constellations. By clicking “Take All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies with your product to improve web page navigation, evaluate web site use, and assist within our marketing and advertising attempts. On the earth of plush toys, Squishmallows stick out for their squishy texture and exceptional people, earning them fantastic companions for all ages. Irrespective of how numerous Squishmallows you have already got, there is far more to discover and acquire! It isn't among the original squishmallows, nevertheless it helps make a very good addition for your Squishmallow assortment. The Citrus Squad provides a variety of fruits and veggies, from lemons and strawberries to avocados and guava. So it doesn't matter what your kiddos are into, there's anything they are going to like. Should your little bunny by now has far more stuffed animals than you understand how to proceed with or you have several baskets to fill, you'll find even sets of smaller themed types that you could present or divide. The lovable Squishmallows on this listing ended up quite subjectively chosen by Jessica Hartshorn, a contributing writer who is usually gonna put cats and sweets close to the top. She was Earlier the leisure editor at Mothers and fathers You can capture this gingerbread male just by hitting "incorporate to cart." You should definitely snag him quickly as this holiday getaway deal with could possibly be absent in a snap! The lamb is yet another traditional symbol of the Easter holiday getaway, but this 1 is Distinctive as a result of patterned patches. Koalas devote most in their times sleeping, so this one particular will always be readily available whenever you want a tender pillow for napping, lying down, or maybe using a load off. 1 Reviewer Wrote: “I acquired this for a buddy who owns cats and she beloved it! Pretty tender and plush, would obtain all over again!”
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troelsenmcconnell52 · 5 months
Casa Miners ® Asic Miner : Mining Hardware Profitability
There is an enormous vary of mining software obtainable and should be put in on an ASIC miner before crypto mining can begin. They will need to find and choose a reputable mining software based mostly on a couple of key elements; user-friendliness, the operating system required, the fee, and any mining pool necessities. Fortunately, most mining software is applicable to a number of totally different blockchain networks, however, check to make sure a selected cryptocurrency is supported. Antminer S9, one of the flagship fashions of a well known mining tools brand Bitmain. This ASIC has a fast processor and an efficient warmth removal system. Antminer S9 consumes 1320 W of power and is comparatively small and easy to use. Bitcoin mining as a pastime could be fun and even worthwhile when you have cheap electricity and get the best and best Bitcoin mining hardware. However, the high computational power of ASIC miners additionally means environmental destruction as a end result of colossal power consumption. ASIC-resistant coins are cryptocurrencies with ASIC-resistant algorithms. Most newer mannequin ASIC Litecoin mining machines require at least a 220-volt 20-amp electrical energy circuit. Different cryptocurrencies use varying algorithms, so selecting hardware compatible together with your chosen cryptocurrency is crucial. Balancing hash fee and power consumption is crucial for profitability, while upfront costs and maintenance bills ought to be factored into your decision-making course of. When this happens, inexperienced miners can get very impatient and sell off hardware at a loss which is the place many of the negativity about mining being useless come from. Now that you have all of the required hardware and site prepped its time to set up your Bitcoin Miner to start incomes Bitcoins. The setup requirements from miner to miner are very similar in some methods however it’s still finest to refer to the manufacturer’s installation guide for particular instructions. In order to discover out if mining will be worthwhile for you or not, you want to use a mining calculator. (You can simply seek for 'mining calculator' on-line.) The purpose why is that revenue will depend on how a lot you're spending on electricity and other components. You might need to know the value of electricity wherever you are working the ASIC.
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His specialty on techradar is Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, covering every thing from workplace suites to IT service tools. He can additionally be a science fiction and fantasy writer, published as Brian G Turner. Multiminer is cross-platform, however extra software is needed to get it working on macOS and Linux. Along with offering a easy textual content interface and options by the ton, BFGMiner is available for Windows and all main flavors of Linux. We will clarify in the next section tips on how to clean your ASIC bitcoin miner. Overloaded networks, flying out site visitors jams and fixed noise lead to the fact that miners are kicked out of flats and places of work. The energetic spread of ASICs has adverse consequences since centralization is harmful to the entire business and may result in its collapse. However, ASIC farms encourage builders to create new and more reliable algorithms. This is not a problem because the ASIC miner energy supplies are designed to help a variety of voltages. Both methods achieve the identical impact of increasing the rotational speed (power) of the wheel. In electrical phrases, it's higher to run greater voltages to scale back current. Lower present permits for smaller wires, more capacity for more miners with current infrastructure, and increased power provide efficiency. You’ll have to create an account, connect your miners, and add a wallet to get payouts. Binance is already one of many largest crypto exchanges on Earth and they're transferring aggressively to broaden their attain in mining as properly. Reveal further info is a fast growing pool owned and operated by Malta-based trade Binance. Brian has over 30 years publishing expertise as a author and editor across a range of computing, technology, and advertising titles. He has been interviewed a quantity of occasions for the BBC and been a speaker at international conferences.
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Custom Wall Calendars, Photograph Wall Calendars 2023
These calendars are much less real-estate centric and provide full shade images for each month that's relative to the month, changing the actual estate recommendation with a “notes” space in your client to make use of on every month. The cover image can be chosen to replicate the message in your consumer. Thank you a lot for creating the Seeing My Time planner. I purchase planners every year, however this is by far the most useful one which I even have ever used.
Bulk or high value gadgets could additionally be shipped by way of courier, please permit a further 2-3 working days. This tear-off choice allows you to build longer countdowns extra economically, from 30 to 400 days or maybe weeks. We offer a range of calendars that can assist you select the perfect one. Make daily a improtant one, hold a neat monitor of each day/date by having this tear off date desk calendar at your desk.
Your photograph wall calendar will arrive looking great and ready to delight. The Happy Planner from Me & My Big Ideas is one other affordable memory-keeping planner. We didn’t like its disc-bound binding—opening all of it the way around to take a glance at one page at a time wasn’t as easy as with a coil-bound planner. However, considered real estate custom monthly tear off calendars one of our staffers long-term examined one for a 12 months and informed us the format actually worked for her, and he or she didn’t mind the discs. You can technically refill each of these planners, swap covers, or add inserts, but they’re so usually on sale at craft stores that we expect most individuals simply buy a model new one each year.
The yearly planning and guidelines pages within the front—features that most of our other picks don’t have—help you map out a detailed overview of your yr. The months originated as a way to mark time and break up the year into shorter durations based mostly on the Moon’s orbit round Earth. Each sheet additionally features a summary of a sports truth or historical occasion, and sometimes a photo to go along with that writeup. Create custom weekly schedules for home, college, or the office.
Business individuals of the Cantonese dialect group will hold a 'Hoi Nin' prayer to start out their enterprise on the second day of Chinese New Year, blessing enterprise to try in the coming yr. The poem Yuan Ri (元日) also consists of the word "爆竹" , which is believed to be a reference to firecrackers, as a substitute of the previous tradition of firing bamboo, each of that are known as the identical in the Chinese language. After gunpowder was invented in the Tang dynasty and broadly used beneath the Song dynasty, folks modified the tradition of firing bamboo by filling the bamboo pole with gunpowder, which made for louder explosions. Later under the Song, people discarded the bamboo and started to use paper to wrap the gunpowder in cylinders, in imitation of the bamboo. The firecracker was still known as "爆竹", thus equating the brand new and old traditions. It can also be recorded that individuals linked the firecrackers with hemp rope and created the "鞭炮" within the Song dynasty.
In addition to the planning pages, there are additionally tear-off grocery listing sheets that make food shopping that a lot simpler. There’s additionally a page with instructed pasta cooking times, which is certain to come in useful for the recipes to come. If you favor to put out the month ahead real estate tear off calendars, this Rifle Paper Co. is the best planner to consider. The 17-month planner contains tabs for every month, so you can simply flip between months and verify in on any upcoming occasions. In addition to the floral print, the planner can be supplied in other prints.
Unlike another styles, you possibly can even personalize the cover of the planner with the initials of your choice. You’ll have the flexibility to select between it being debossed or handpainted onto the planner. Each choice is a further price, though you’ll have the ability to select the textual content shade and size. The beginning of the guide features yearly calendars for the subsequent two years, so it’s easy to refer to if you want it.
A planner should fit your particular wants, and you could discover that a simple, cheap planner you discover at a big-box store works higher for you than our picks. As for the planner itself, in our preliminary testing some of our testers needed one thing extra portable. The weekly calendar is undated and businesslike, but many companies make inserts to fit tear off calendars if you’re in search of one thing with extra personality. Each weekly web page has bins on the left for every day of the week with a checkbox for duties, whereas the right web page offers clean grid paper. Our present Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian calendar, both have 12 months.
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Merry Christmas Ace!
@ace-of-tales Look at me, remembering you have a tumblr now. XD Anyway, yes, as per our FF.net conversation, here’s the follow-up to the last two years of Christmas fics, with Klaus and Leo meeting the rest of Victor and Alice’s Secundus found family. . .hope you like!
“Soooo – blood weapons?”
“Richard, darling, you could open up the conversation with something a little less personal.”
Klaus chuckled, waving a hand. “It’s all right – we explained this to Victor and Alice previously, but I’m not surprised you’re interested too.” His eyes flicked over Richard’s form. “And, if I’m honest – I was looking for a way to politely ask about the mechanical arm?”
“Arms!” Richard corrected cheerfully, pushing up his other sleeve to reveal another limb made of metal and wood. “Legs too – honestly, pretty much all of me except the head. Still an organic brain under the old chapeau.” He tapped the brim of his hat with a grin. “I’m what we call a ‘Mixed Bag’ here in the city.”
“I think ‘cyborg’ would be the term back in Hellsalem’s Lot,” Leo told him, adding milk to her tea. “It’s quite something, though. I assume you designed it all yourself?”
“Mmm – on the fly, too! Had to come up with some designs really quick because – well.” He grimaced a little. “As it turns out, I have some pretty severe reactions to mercury, which can be something of a problem in my chosen profession.”
Klause winced. “I see. . .er. . .so is that. . .”
“The reason for the green? Yup,” Richard nodded. “Never did figure out how to fix the discoloration, so I just came to embrace it.”
“And if you’re wondering about my unusual skin color – where, I have it, anyway,” Emily interrupted herself, wiggling her bony fingers, “it’s a weird side effect of Dr. Finklestein’s resurrection process. Something to do with the chemicals he use to prep the corpses.”
“I see – sorry if we were staring before,” Leo said with a faint blush.
“It’s fine – I think everyone new to the city stares for a little bit,” Marty said, offering her a plate of tarts. “Doc and I had to take some time to adjust back when we first arrived. It’s a lot to take in.”
“Indeed – there aren’t many places in England like Secundus,” Christopher agreed, swiping a tart for himself. “Such a great concentration of Touched, all living and working together in harmony, it’s – perhaps not unique, but certainly rare.”
“Maybe. . .but Hellsalem’s Lot is one of the weirdest places on Earth,” Leo responded, accepting the plate with a nod. “Thanks. . .I just feel like we should be better prepared for things being strange and unusual.”
“Mmm – as previously mentioned, I have the ability to make weapons out of my own blood, should the need arise,” Klaus said. “That should probably preclude being surprised by a largely-robotic hatter and his Reanimated wife, no matter how unusual the skin colors.”
“Perhaps, but – you came here to England to get away from your local brand of weirdness, right?” Victor said. “It’s not surprising you’d be, er, surprised by our brand. If any of us ended up in Hellsalem’s Lot, I’m sure we’d be doing a lot of staring.”
“I suppose,” Leo allowed. “Just don’t want to be rude, is all.” She picked up a tart and bit into it. “And – oooh, wow. This is incredible. Who made this?”
“Here!” March waved cheerfully from the other end of the tea table. “Glad you like – I tried a new recipe this time!”
“. . .okay, I’m allowing my staring in this instance because I’m curious as to how you didn’t get fur in them.”
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  LESSON 1 * PART 3 * BOOK 61 ISAIAH 42:8 – 45:3 Again, we welcome you to an informal Bible study. For those of you that are brand new, you’ve probably just caught us in the last week or two, we have gone all the way from Genesis up through the Old Testament and New Testament and pretty much hit all the highlights. Now, we’re coming back and picking up some of the things we skimmed over. The book of Isaiah is one of them, and we’ll probably do a few others like this. Now, let’s pick up at the beginning of chapter 44. Isaiah 44:1 "Yet now hear, O Jacob (This is the Lord speaking, and again He refers to them as:) my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen:" Now, you’ve got to remember God uses those two terms interchangeably and sometimes together. We have to be careful that we don’t lose sight of the fact that the Ten Tribes to the north were called Israel and the Two Tribes to the south were called Judah. But, nevertheless, we use the terms Jacob and Israel pretty much in unison. Isaiah 44:2 "Thus said the LORD that made thee, (Well, what does that make Him? The Creator!) and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun (That’s just another title for Israel – the upright ones.) whom I have chosen." Now, you want to remember (I won’t take you back and show you the verses) that the Lord said to Israel, "I have not chosen you because you are the greatest." He didn’t choose them because they were the most powerful nation on earth. He didn’t choose them for any reason whatsoever "but by His grace." By His Grace He chose them and set them aside to be the chosen or the covenant people. All right, reading on, verse 5: Isaiah 44:5-6a "One shall say, I am the LORD’s and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob, and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel. (See how synonymous they are?) 6. Thus saith the LORD the (What again?) King of Israel,…" Now, I want you to see these things, this constant reference to the Lord, Jehovah, God the Son as Israel’s King. Oh, He’s not ruling over them, yet, but this is future that one day He’s going to be their King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Isaiah 44:6b: "…and his redeemer (See how the two go hand in hand?) the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last;…" What does that remind you of? Revelation, "I am the Alpha and the Omega," the first letter of the alphabet and the last letter of the alphabet. I am the beginning and the end, all through Scripture. Isaiah 44:6c-7 "…and beside me there is no God. 7. And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? And the things that are coming, and shall come, let them show unto them." He is the God of the future! Isaiah 44:8 "Fear not, neither be afraid: have I not told you from that time and declared it? You are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God, I know not any." All right, I was reminded of the name Ingersoll, the great famous agnostic, or atheist? This is sort of, I’m paraphrasing, I can’t quote it exactly, but this is what the man said, "The God of the Bible is proud and arrogant. Who does He think He is?" Isn’t that something? Well, nobody but an atheist could say something like that. God has every right to be anything He wants to be. He can be arrogant if He wants to be. He can be totally absolute because He is the God over everything. He’s Sovereign. He can do whatever He wants to do. It’s His universe. If He wants to wipe it out tomorrow – that’s His prerogative. The only reason He won’t is because He’s promised a better future than that for the believer, but He could if He wanted to. He’s Sovereign. I’ve been stressing that in all the years I’ve been on television, the God of this Bible is Sovereign. Nobody can argue with Him. Nobody can debate Him. He can do whatever He wants. All right, verse 9, now we come back to the idolatry again.
Isaiah 44:9a "They that make a graven image are all vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not,…" In other words, Israel with the background that they had and their history and with their Scriptures should have known better. How could they fall into the worship of wood and stone and metal, as we’re going to see here in just a minute? Isaiah 44:9b "…nor know; that they may be ashamed." My, they should have been embarrassed to tears to have their neighbors step in the door and see that idol up on the mantle. That’s what they should have been, but they weren’t. Now verse 10. Isaiah 44:10-11 "Who hath formed a god, (small ‘g’, so it’s an idol) or molten a graven image that is profitable for (How much?) nothing? (Those idols can’t accomplish anything.) 11. Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed: and the workmen, they are of men: let them be gathered together, let them stand up; yet they shall fear, and they shall be ashamed together." Who? These makers of idols. Now, here they come, and remember this is 700 BC. Every time I read this, I’m immediately taken back to my days when I was in high school and shortly after in the ‘40’s’ and so forth, and you’d go to the village blacksmith and what did every blacksmith have? He had a forge. Come on, you older people know that. What was the forge? Well, it was that place where they had the pile of coals and something to blow the air up from underneath them, whether it was hand run bellows or, later on, an electric motor. They would blow that wind up through that coal until it would get what? White hot. They would lay that metal in there. I remember watching that old blacksmith more than once lay that piece of steel in there until it got white-hot. Then what would he do? He’d take his tongs and carry it over to the anvil and start beating on it with his hammer. It’s right out of the Book! Now, look at it. Isaiah 44:12a "The smith (the blacksmith) with the tongs (with which he picked up the hot steel) both worketh in the coals, (They’re not just ordinary coals. They are forged coals with the air blowing through it to make them hotter.) and he fashioned it with (what?) hammers,…" Oh, I love this! They weren’t cavemen. My, they had all kinds of expertise. They were experts at it. They could mold this metal and with it they would make what? Idols. That’s what they’re doing. They’re using their expertise to make idols. Isaiah 44:12b "…fashioneth it with hammers, worketh it with the strength of his arms;…" You know, have you ever seen a caricature of a blacksmith? What has he got? He’s got biceps like most pro-football players would dream of because he was using his arms constantly to either lift the heavy steel or to beat it with the hammer. All right, reading on: Isaiah 44:12c "…and with it the strength of his arms; yea, he is hungry, his strength faileth: he drinketh no water, and is faint." Why? Because that idol couldn’t do him any good. Now, let’s go to the other guy. He doesn’t work in steel; he’s going to work with wood. Isaiah 44:13 "The carpenter stretcheth out his rule; he marketh it out with a line; (same thing that they do today) he fitteth it with planes, (Now, you all know what a plane is. You plane your wood and get it smooth.) he marketh it out with a compass, (if he’s going to draw a circle) and maketh it after the figure of a man, according to the beauty of a man; that it may remain in the house." As an (what?) idol. Unbelievable! This is Israel! This is Israel, not Babylon, not Egypt. God’s chosen people! Isaiah 44:14 "He heweth him down cedars and taketh the cypress and the oak, (He goes out into the forest and picks out a beautiful tree.) which he strengtheneth for himself among the trees of the forest: he planteth an ash, (for whatever use he’s going to need) and the rain doth nourish it." Who gives the rain? God does. Isaiah 44:15a "Then shall it be for a man to burn: (Now, you want to remember that fire was intrinsic for cooking, or warmth, or forging the metal.
It had its uses.) for he will take thereof, and warm himself; (by the fire, in the fireplace or wherever) yea, he kindleth it, baketh his bread; yea, he maketh a god,…" All out of what? The same tree! You get the picture? He goes out and he cuts down this beautiful tree, and he’s going to use part of it for firewood. But, he’s going to use most of it to make an idol. Unbelievable! All right, so he makes a god. Isaiah 44:15b "…and worships it; he maketh it a graven image, and falleth down thereto." I can’t comprehend it, and I don’t think you can either that these are Israelites, the chosen people, with the Temple there in Jerusalem, with the sacrifices going on every day. The priests, the prophets, preaching up and down the land and yet the rank and file of Israel are steeped in idolatry. So, does it make any difference to have a church on every corner? Not really. That doesn’t make the difference, but it’s what happens in the heart. We were just talking at break time, now we can’t judge because we can’t look on the heart, God is the final judge, but my goodness, we can be fruit inspectors. What kind of a life do they live when they’re not sitting in their pew? Do they have any love for the Word of God? Do they spend time in prayer every day? Do they share the Word with others when they have the chance? Now, I’m not one that feels you must make a fool of yourself and constantly preach at people at work or wherever else. But, be ready. The Scripture says that when you have an opportunity to share the Gospel, you do. But see, Israel was steeped in their religion. They didn’t miss a feast day. But in their every day life, what were they? Idolaters. Depending on idols. Okay, read on, our time’s going fast. Verse 16, and we’re still going back to the tree that he cut down in the forest. Isaiah 44:16 "He burneth part thereof in the fire; (for his wood, for his baking, his cooking) and with part thereof he eateth flesh; (cooking. He’s roasting.) he roasteth a roast, and is satisfied: yea, he warmeth himself, and says, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire." Then, he turns right around and with the rest of the tree he does what? Makes a god! It’s laughable if it wasn’t so pitiful. Isaiah 44:17a-18 "And the residue thereof he maketh a god:… 18. They have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; (that is spiritually) and their hearts, that they cannot understand." All right, I’m going to take you up to show you how Paul puts it. Leave Isaiah a minute, come up to I Corinthians, because whether it’s 700 BC or whether it’s 60 AD, when Paul probably wrote Corinthians, or whether it’s 2004 AD, it doesn’t make any difference. Not a bit. The human race has not changed one iota. Oh, we may wear a little different clothes. We may have cell phones, and we may have all the other good things of life besides the basic everyday things of life, but, no, the human race hasn’t changed. You know, I’ve always made the analogy, I think I used it Saturday in our all-day seminar. Up until 1860 you could have taken a family from almost any place on earth, uprooted them and set them down someplace else. They could have kept right on living in the community because everybody still carried their water. They still cooked with fire and there were no modern conveniences. They still homespun their clothes. But then, all of a sudden, in about the middle 1800’s things started changing. Of course, getting the world ready for the end time. But, you see, for thousands of years they lived no differently. Now, a lot of you are old enough to remember when at least your parents or your grandparents lived this kind of a lifestyle. They cooked with fireplaces. Our pioneers, you all know they cooked over open fire. They had to carry their water. They had to homespun their clothes. So the human race hasn’t changed. All right, now the same way when it comes to spiritual things. I didn’t give you the verse yet did I? I Corinthians chapter 2 and I’m going to start all the way up at verse 9.
But, the point I want to make is that the unbelieving world is just as ignorant today as Israel was back in Isaiah’s time. It hasn’t changed one whit. Here Paul writes to these Gentiles at Corinth and to us today: I Corinthians 2:9 "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." Now, what class of people are we talking about? The believers. We’re talking about the believer. I Corinthians 2:10-11 "But God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit: (that in-dwelling Holy Spirit that is part and parcel of the believer’s life) yea, the deep things of God. 11. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? (In other words, we’re human. We’re just like anybody else) even so the things of God knoweth no man, but by the Spirit of God." Only the believer. The unbeliever can’t have this. I Corinthians 2:10:12 "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." Now, are you getting the picture? Who alone can know this? The believer. The unbelieving world can’t put this together. They haven’t got a clue, is the word that I hear over and over. They haven’t got a clue, but we, the believer, do. I Corinthians 2:13a "Which things also (Paul says) we speak,…" He is revealing to us the things of the Spirit of God, which the unbelieving world can’t get a hold on. All right and it’s going to come to us. I Corinthians 2:13b "…not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches (How does the Holy Spirit teach?) comparing spiritual things with spiritual." That’s exactly why I like to use various references to compare what the Word says here with what it says over there. I think it’s God’s way of enlightening us. All right, so "we compare spiritual things with spiritual things" and we can comprehend it. We can learn from it. But, now read the next verse. I Corinthians 2:14 "But, the natural man (the unbeliever, the person who has never come into a salvation relationship) receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: they are (what?) foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." God doesn’t expect him to understand. Why? "Because they are spiritually discerned." Who gives us the discernment? The indwelling Holy Spirit, Who the unbeliever doesn’t have. So, he’s out in the dark, but that’s not his fault. He doesn’t have to stay there. What does John’s Gospel tell them? "Come in out of the dark, come to the Light." But they don’t want to. As Jesus said it, John said it, "they love their darkness better than light." All right, back to Isaiah and coming back to where we left off in chapter 44. Verse 18 again, that’s where I got the idea of going to I Corinthians. It’s never been any different. Isaiah 44:18 "They have not known nor understood: (Now, of course, we’re talking about Israel.) for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand." It was a providential judgment call because they were rebellious. How does Romans put it? "God gave them up." It was a judicial thing. Isaiah 44:19 "And none considereth in his heart, neither is there knowledge nor understanding to say, I have burned part of it in the fire; (Now, we come back to that tree again. Don’t lose that tree.) yea, I have baked bread upon the coals thereof; (I’ve used it to heat the ovens.) I have roasted flesh, (I have cooked my meal with it.) and eaten it; and I shall make the residue thereof an abomination? (Yes, because what’s he going to do?) shall I fall down to the stock of a tree?" Well what’s he referring to? The idol that he made out of it. Now, get the picture? He uses part of the tree for his household needs, the fire to cook, to bake, but he’s going to use the rest of the log for making an idol. Then, when he’s got it made, what’s he going to do? Fall down and worship it.
Isn’t that ridiculous? Oh, the absurdity of it. But, listen, people are just as absurd today. Don’t blame the Israelites, they’re no different. My, when you see the stuff that people send me; what people are falling for today, it’s unbelievable. You wonder, how can intelligent people fall for something that is so false? But, it’s human nature. Isaiah 44:20-22a "He feedeth on ashes; a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?" (God comes back and speaks again to the Nation.) 21. Remember these, O Jacob and Israel; for thou art my servant: (God hasn’t given up on them. Anybody else would have, but the God of Grace doesn’t. He continues pleading with them and dealing with them.) I have formed thee; thou are my servant: Oh Israel, thou shall not be forgotten of me. 22. I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions,…" What does that tell you? Oh, now come back with me to Exodus. I’ve got time, and I think it’s chapter 33. Let’s drop down to verse 19, the last half of the verse. Remember that this is just shortly after they worshipped the golden calf at the base of Mount Sinai while Moses was up in the mountain. You know the story. In spite of all that, look what God reminds Moses in the last half of verse 19. Exodus 33:19b "…I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; (and I’m going to put the pronoun in) and I will be gracious, to whom I will be gracious, and I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy." What is that? That’s the Sovereign God. Even though Israel deserved judgment and chastisement, He’s not going to give up on them. And it’s no different today. You know the most rebellious sinner, how does Paul put it? Oh, I’ve got time here, let’s jump again all the way up to Romans. God hasn’t changed. I think I want chapter 5, I want you to see God hasn’t changed. Really, the human race hasn’t changed. So, we’re under the same set of circumstances and that’s why we can proclaim these things from the pen of Paul that are just as valid for us today as what Isaiah was telling Israel. The same God. Oh, we’re under a whole different economy, but look what God says now through the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 5, let’s start at verse 19. This is before Israel. This is Adam. Romans 5:19 "For as by one man’s disobedience many (all, really) were made sinners, so that by the obedience of one (Jesus the Christ and the work of the cross) shall many be made righteous." Remember that we’re now made righteous by believing in our hearts that Jesus died for your sins and mine, and rose from the dead, plus nothing else." We find that in I Corinthians 15:1-4 and Romans 10:9-10 and many other places in Paul’s writings. Romans 5:20 "Moreover the law entered, (Now, you want to remember the Law came in 2500 years after Adam.) that the offence might abound. (That sin might be seen for what it is, and so the Law shows man’s sin. But now, here’s the part I wanted.) But where sin abounded; grace did much more abound:" Why? Because the Sovereign God says, "I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious." So, the whole concept is that there is no sin so great but that the Grace of God can lift them out of it. What a message - What a God!
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brennan42connor · 2 years
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There are some pieces that come in a mix of both fabrics for a singular contrast of texture, or a woven material that's sturdy with just the proper amount of stretch. Offering a more impartial tackle Burberry’s iconic examine, this Italian-made black and grey belt makes it easy to work sample into your accessories collection. In March 2021, Burberry was the first luxurious brand to be targeted in China as a half of the backlash relating to sanctions against the systematic human rights abuses and genocide in Xinjiang. replica burberry belt mens Brand ambassador and Actress Zhou Dongyu terminated her contract with Burberry. I just surprise how the belt works, it looks impractical. It’s a cute bag and would have potential however the prices aren’t matching. If the belt converted to a shoulder strap then I would understand the aim in any other case, I don’t like the look. It is attribute of you as a homeowner to introduce a sprinkler framework. Specialists state that a high quality sprinkler system can cut back over watering from 30 to 70 percent. wikipedia handbags This can genuinely revenue the earth and your pocket if you call Tacoma Sprinkler. Now they should not be capable of pull again through their holes, and, like mine, rain down in a path upon 6th avenue as I hurried to the Bryant Park Tents last Fashion Week. Using an axe, open a gap within the heart of your belting on either side of your buckle. International supply is out there for this product. Darveys has the one of the best Burberry clothing and accessories catalog. You can take a look for your self and determine as a result of the inventory doesn’t final endlessly. Select 'Click & Collect' for free in store assortment. It was then in 1880, Burberry introduced beneath his model the gabardine, a long-wearing, water-repellent but airy material. "Burberry" had been the brand’s authentic name, however then the label shortly modified to working towards the name "Burberry", after many clients from across the globe commenced calling it "Burberrys of London". This name is nevertheless nonetheless apparent on many former merchandise. The goal of this article is to enable you to answer a portion of your inquiries concerning sprinkler establishment. Additionally, this article will enable you to know the significance of a great association and arranging. Arrangement and arranging incorporate acquainting water system framework, the plan idea, and its parts. "Like the trenchcoat, it can be worn anyplace and at any time," he stated . While many people would possibly consider the Burberry trench coat to be outrageously overpriced at nearly $2,000, there's a lot more occurring with the trench coat's pricing than a simple markup. Burberry trench coats aren't mass-produced by machines. Making a Burberry trench coat takes lots of work and plenty of specialized expertise. It’s also durable and low maintenance so that you don’t must have your home windows changed for a quantity of years. This principally means you could focus on different home renovation projects the following time. Despite its affordability, vinyl home windows actually ship an efficient performance. Since Simonton windows work particularly on vinyl ones, the method has been perfected over time by way of constant research and development. On the off likelihood that there's any assured issue, it’s often as a end result of both the establishment of the item. The TB monogram, introduced to Burberry by Riccardo Tisci, brings a bold look to this belt. It is crafted in Italy from clean leather, introduced here in black for fuss-free styling. Loop yours through high-rise jeans, making certain you tuck your prime in to let the golden hardware take priority. Gobbetti stated Bailey’s full ultimate assortment would go into outlets over the summer. According to Global Blue, there are over a hundred steps involved in making a Burberry trench coat, and it takes around three weeks to make just one coat. The craftsmen who make the coats are extremely educated — it takes a 12 months of training simply to learn to sew the trench coat's complex collar.
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"In the mid-2000s, the best wing British tabloid media coined the offensive time period ‘chav’ to describe the white working class within the U.K.," Leigh tells Refinery29 of the primary time he started to notice the prevalence of these copies. First used within the 1920s for the lining of the label's still-popular trench coats, the sample has since been translated onto its best-selling bags, scarves, and extra. http://HTTPS://phoenet.tw/BURBERRY-REPLICA.HTML Non scratch exact Sapphire crystal can be utilized on our Swiss replica watches Been one of many hardest supplies on the earth it is virtually unimaginable to scratch not like any mineral glass discovered additional replicas. That is certainly a useful and barely replica watches all around the globe. wikipedia handbags Burberry replica are perfect for particular person shoppers, shopkeepers, and for these organizing return presents for events, amongst many others. 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Burberry replica offered on Alibaba.com are created from nice supplies that ensure power and enough carrying capacity. And canvas material, used in the summer, it is not very heavy feeling. London-capacity bag appears nice, does not appear to be a great separator. But actually, it has a separate small bag, the inner bag could be ripped out alone, I feel used when cosmetic bag or package in what is type of good. Drawstring bag on both sides I’d like rather less, it additionally appeared somewhat too delicate, and if both sides could be made somewhat shut fashion, it might be higher to take away the rope. Browse through the fastidiously curated vary of burberry replica on Alibaba.com and decide the items that best fit your wants. If you want more designs of replica Burberry bags, visit DHgate’s website and luxuriate in buying on the top of the range designer luggage that you will surely love. DHgate.com is solely one click away to get ahold of your favourite products – all with the identical high quality, but at a much inexpensive price. The TB Bag sequence launched three styles of lock shoulder bag, waist bag and envelope clutch, which are available in monochrome, two-color and printed designs. The TB Bag has an adjustable detachable cross-body strap, which is versatile. By returning to the founder’s craftsmanship, the tribute to the brand’s basic style. Burberry's origins date again to nothing more and nothing lower than the 12 months 1854, making it one of many oldest style brands. It was founded by a 21-year-old, Thomas Burberry, who opened his first retailer in the small city of Basingstoke, where he popularized waterproof fabric trench coats, which little by little grew to become an emblem of British culture. Kellog says it's completely changing about 1,four hundred of its putting factory staff, ending a labor feud between workers and the cereal model. “The prolonged work stoppage has left us no alternative but to hire permanent replacement employees in positions vacated by striking workers,” the corporate wrote in a press release on Tuesday night.
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lealbrechtsen2 · 2 years
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I still can’t recover from the half within the video where all the British Burberry craftsmen had been worried about remaining unemployed for the the rest of their lives after the factory was as a result of shut. This sophisticated sling bag from Replica Burberry Handbags features a haymarket examine design with brown leather-based trim. This classic sling bag is lined in brown canvas with a zipper prime closure. Goldtoned hardware provides a chic finish to this designer bag. Burberry introduces a brand new shape to their bag assortment this season in “The Sling”, a small primary bow-shape just big enough for all these requirements you simply cannot leave the home with out. There have been numerous very good and customary rolex replica GMT-Grasp Pepsi fashions since its inception. 2 chrono avenger Breitling watches006 is going to be an enormous y Replicla watchesear for the digital lifestyle. Thirdly replica rolex watches are undoubtedly primarily the most environment friendly, helpful and economical watches. Even when Rolex will enhance its watches' monetary value, as lengthy as they maintain their current customary inside the high quality and a spotlight to element in ending, it's going to remain within the Luxury gadgets category. The handiest place to show to generate income for gold replica watches is an internet gold purchaser. That’s why a lot of the knockoff markets came up with an concept to create Burberry impressed bags, with equal quality, but at very reasonably priced costs. So you might be right here questioning the place to search out replica Burberry luggage. The Purse Queen was began in August of of 2010 by me, Angie , as a blog that reviews genuine & replica handbags I even have bought throughout the years, and replica websites as well. I am your typical style obsessed woman in her 30s (think Blair Waldorf or Serena van Der Woodsen post-Gossip Girl) primarily based in New York, but regularly travel across the globe . This new replica watch is fitted with a surprising silver grain dial with applied markers matching the metal of the case. While an authentic burberry london Burberry Blue Check could cost you upwards of 500, the Burberry replica purses of the identical sort will surely hit you up for one fourth of the equivalent. Acheive the same difference in price in other Burberry fashions too. Burberry replica handbags have turn out to be reasonably priced but high quality producers take nice select to make certain that the replica they manufacture is sturdy. They copy every sew, fashion, reduce and materials to make a purse which might idiot a extensive range of onlooker into believing that you simply're carrying actual cigarettes. "In the mid-2000s, the right wing British tabloid media coined the offensive time period ‘chav’ to describe the white working class within the U.K.," Leigh tells Refinery29 of the first time he began to notice the prevalence of those copies. First used in the 1920s for the liner of the label's still-popular trench coats, the sample has since been translated onto its best-selling luggage, scarves, and more. Non scratch precise Sapphire crystal can be utilized on our Swiss replica watches Been one of the hardest provides on the planet it's virtually unimaginable to scratch in contrast to any mineral glass discovered further replicas. That is definitely a useful and barely replica watches all around the world. Burberry replica are perfect for particular person customers, shopkeepers, and for those organizing return presents for events, among many others. Burberry replica may also be expressive of 1's tastes and interests or chosen causes within the form of catchy slogans printed upon them. You’ll spot a wide range of materials together with an updated Burberry verify, cable knotted python, and alligator and feather leather. The Sling bag is out there in lots of pastel and basic earth shades, making it easy to pair with nearly something. With the signature Burberry check design and unique kinds, this trend energy house created a recognizable successful design for the style world. Burberry Replica Handbags Why Get them Burberry, who turned several trends in a clean transfer making use of their plaid scarf and trench coat, has an extra stunning trend assertion in relation to their Burberry purses. Burberry is known for his or her basic examine designs which first arrived to public view within the 1920. People who have seen their distinctive checks on Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and Peter Sellers have fallen fond of these designs. Burberry this bag, I set it to between the ages of can be utilized. Burberry Vintage Check and Leather Note Crossbody BagNext up is the evergreen greatest seller Check Note Crossbody Bag. Like the Quilted Lola Bag, the Check Note Crossbody Bag has an interior slip pocket, topped with an exterior pocket for one of the best expertise in carrying your necessities. Burberry’s Check Note Crossbody Bag additionally has a spacious compartment, big enough to totally attend to any gadgets, playing cards, and make-up kits that you simply would possibly need on the go. https://phoenet.tw/blog/post/get-the-best-replica-handbags-online:-burberry-edition Got to scent this at Sephora right now and to me, this is a more masculine leaning MM perfume. wikipedia handbags Kind of jogs my memory of what the toilet smells like after my boyfriend takes a bathe. The higher body of the Replica Burberry Bags is very beautiful and compact. It is extra versatile and matches the ratio I wear at work. Another advantage that I determined to begin with was sensible, very simple to install, and leather lambskin was very gentle, much like tender sheepskin. It can additionally be divided into two model sizes, and clients of various statures will not let one go. Additionally, Oracle's board of directors increased the authorization for share repurchases by $10 billion, and declared a quarterly cash dividend of 32 cents a share of outstanding frequent inventory.
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