#could probably explain why riddle didn't wanna sit with him
kheyys-worms · 11 months
MORE guest room shenanigans
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Riddle was just sitting around and enjoying his own alone time when suddenly, Azul decided to join him :O
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Looks like he doesn't appreciate the company sdhjdfkjfdlkfld-- Lil' guy immediately stood up once Azul sat down on the couch :'))
Meanwhile —on the other side of the room, these two are just chilling 😌😌
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But eventually,
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He sat back down again.
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skye707 · 1 year
According to you, what would be the Riddles most and least likely to accept a sugar mommy/daddy? God, it's two in the morning in my country, why do I think it's a good idea to ask something at this time...
That's the best time to ask your questions because your brain is working without filters.
Unburied - You wanna give him free money? Sure, you're loss <3. He sees this less as a degradation of his character and more as a strategic move on his part. The openly giving affection part is just a bonus.
ZY - He got confused and thought HE was becoming the sugar daddy. Once he realizes this, he's absolutely livid that you would think he needs anyone's help in terms of money, affection, etc. HE's the biggest sugar daddy ever! or he would be...if someone wanted him to be.
Dano - This is a true war in his mind. On the one hand, he can't stand the thought of being the pawn of someone with expendable wealth. On the other hand, what better way to infiltrate high society to better bring about its demise. He might change his mind on the demise part if you're super nice, but probably not.
YJ - Yes, of course he'll be a sugar baby. Please take care of him. Please hug him and kiss him. He doesn't even care about the money part. He just wants someone to tell him how sweet he is and that they love him.
Gotham - It would have to be a very special person, but I do think he could be a sugar baby. Someone who truly has his best interests at heart and deeply cares for his well-being. And he'd like to have an allowance for his various criminal hobbies.
BTAA - Let him think about it. No. He doesn't need your money and he doesn't need your smooches. He gets plenty of both on account of his outstanding personality and brain. That's what he tells himself at least.
Arkham - Also confused as to what is happening, except he thinks you're just an investor dedicated to the success of his projects. Admittedly, he thought the requests for affection a little strange, but he'll take free money any day. You might have to sit him down and explain what's happening. Be prepared for a tantrum.
BTAS - Can you two be co-sugar mommy/daddy's? He'd like to spoil you as well, if you don't mind? Goodness knows he has enough money for that kind of lifestyle. The two of you might just end up the richest and most extravagant people in Gotham. A true power couple.
Telltale - This is a joke, surely. You didn't actually believe he'd subjugate himself to the humiliation of financial dependency in exchange for his affections? Yeah, I wouldn't even try it with this one. You might not see the light of another day.
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sleekervae · 1 year
The Neighbour [4.3]
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A/N: Thanks again for your patience, everyone! Doing my best to keep my head up and the inspiration flowing
DM to be tagged
@boxofsparklingmuses @sinmatic @mndsxarts @rottingerotic @liilliiana
The last time Eva had seen Theo, he was ten years old. A lanky, pasty little thing with shaggy hair and big sunken eyes, just like his dad. But he had his mother's nose, her strong bone structure, and it was clear to anyone that the pair were related. He was a bit taller now, still lanky, and he resembled something of a wet rat as he sat in the damp mud. He looked up at her with just as much surprise that she found him.
"Theo?" she wondered allowed.
He sighed quietly, "Hi Eva," he mumbled.
"What're you doing out here?" she asked.
The young boy shrugged listlessly, "I don't know. I didn't feel like sitting in there," he replied.
Eva wasn't sure what had come over her, but she could look into that boy's eyes and recognize the fear within him; whether it be for their mom or generally being in this house. He was probably no stranger to how his parents got together, considering how brash she had reacted at her graduation. He was hiding out here just like she had been.
"... Do you wanna come sit under the awning? It'll be a bit drier," she offered.
"I'm okay," he shook his head.
Eva sighed to herself, "Then, can I sit with you?"
He glanced at her again, surprised this time, but he agreed anyway. He moved over so she could sit. The roots and dirt were damp and sludgy beneath her, and she tried to sit on the actual tree as much as possible to save her jeans. Nonetheless, she sat with the young tween in silence at first, just listening to the rain patter in the grass.
"I understand why you're out here, you know," she said, "I know this is all really scary, and you probably love your mom a lot. But you know... I just saw her, she looks... she looks okay," she wasn't sure why she was trying to comfort this boy, but hell, she wasn't a monster.
"I know, I talked to her last night," he mumbled.
"So, why are you out here? Too many grown ups in one room?" she tried to joke.
Theo shrugged, staring at her with dark blue eyes that almost matched her shade, "I thought you wouldn't want to see me," he admitted.
"What?" though she wished she didn't know the answer.
"Well, after your graduation, and you yelled at mom and you just didn't even acknowledge us. I thought you might hate us -- or me, I guess," he explained, "And you know, she was sick and you weren't picking up her calls and whatever..."
Guilt riddled up her spine, she ought to have known the consequences of her actions would come back to bite her in the butt. Eva shook her head.
"Theo, my problems with my -- with our mom are between us. They have nothing to do with you, I swear," she assured.
"Then why were you so mean to me and my dad?" he asked.
"Because I was really angry. And that's not a good excuse," she sighed, already feeling her hair becoming damp and heavy, "But I shouldn't have taken it out on you and your dad, I admit it. You did nothing to warrant any of this. But you also have to understand that our mom did something really hurtful, not just to my dad but to me and my siblings,"
Theo nodded, "Your sister said you're not talking to your mom,"
"Yeah, I haven't," Eva admitted, "I have this theory that every problem that I have, and every person who pisses me off, I can just uproot myself and cut them off with no consequence. I was building a new life in California without truly realizing how my leaving affected my family,"
Theo was quiet for a little while, his eyes stayed averted to the soggy grass, it almost seemed as though Eva wasn't sitting beside him. All she could hear was the rain battering down around them and she tried to rub at her arms to ward off the chills racing up her body. Theo sighed softly, then.
"I wish I could run away," he said.
"Why?" Eva asked.
He shook his head, staring out into space, "I just do,"
"Is it because of all of this hospital stuff?"
"... I think my parents are gonna' get a divorce,"
Eva certainly hadn't been expecting that. She stared hard at the teenager, processing her disbelief, "What?"
"Dad caught mom on the phone with some guy she works with and I heard them fighting about it," he explained, "She promised over and over that she wouldn't talk to him again, but then I caught her on the phone again and she made me promise up and down not to tell dad. I mean, if this wasn't as big a deal as she said, she wouldn't make me swear not to tell, right?"
A sickening sensation of deja vu overwhelmed her, "Oh my God," she muttered, "Stupid bitch,"
Theo looked to her tentatively, "That's what happened to you, right? She left your dad for mine?"
Eva shook her head; if she didn't need to throw up before, she certainly did now. What hurt more was that Theo was around her age when the first cycle happened, and she knew what was coming for this kid. He didn't deserve her anger, but he certainly didn't deserve their mother's infidel tendencies.
"Yeah, it kinda' happened like that," she nodded, "You never told your dad?"
"She got sick before I could," Theo replied, "And it didn't seem like a good time. I hate what she did, but I don't want her to die. Is that wrong?"
"No. At the end of the day she's still your mom," Eva sighed, "But she had no right to put that responsibility on you. That's bullshit -- sorry,"
"It's fine. She had no right to do that to you, either," he said, "Do you still love her?"
The simple answer was no, because she hadn't spoken to her in years. However, she had secured a flight home within weeks to come and help her, knowing fully well she didn't have to do that. Despite how flighty her mother was, she was still her mom, she still loved her. And that was the fucking worst.
"I do," she sighed, "I don't want to, but she's still my mom. And I guess I had to come back and face her at some point," she nudged him gently with her shoulder, "You know, we could go in and face her together?"
Theo glanced at her with unease, "Do I have to talk to her about the other guy?"
"No. Not yet," she replied, "But we're just going to worry about the things that we can control," she stood up and dusted the mud off her pants, holding out her hand to him, "You ready?"
With a little hesitation at first, Theo reached for Eva's hand and she pulled him to his feet. She was startled to find her had reached her height now, he was only a little thing last she saw him. But then he did get his height from his dad, that much was clear. They shared the same nose, cheekbones, and the same stormy shade of blue eyes.
"Let's go,"
On the sunnier side of the coast, Pluto had slumped himself under the window, trying to get some sleep amongst the noise. Pepper was beside him, curled up and not giving much a care for what was going on around them. Remington was none the wiser, feeling a pulsing pressure at the forefront of his head as he stared blankly at the piano keys.
"I give up," he grumbled, "Let's cancel the album and fuck off the Maldives for a while,"
Chris rolled his eyes at his desk, spinning around in his chair, "C'mon man, you can't think that way. We've done a lot of work, already!"
"He's just frustrated," Sebastian sighed from the couch, "We can move on to another track for now,"
"Until we loop back to this one and stall out again," Emerson replied, leaning over his drum set.
Chris was baffled in his seat, his long legs splayed out across the floor, "I can't believe what I'm hearing. You guys are burned out already?"
"To be fair, Seb is cooking all of Thanksgiving dinner," Remington said, glaring at his big brother, "And he's not letting us help,"
"Do you even know how to stuff a turkey? Or make the stuffing for turkey?" Sebastian replied.
"We would if you wanted to teach us," Emerson said.
"That involves you getting up before eleven," Sebastian shot back.
"Okay, I've heard enough," Chris stood up, waving at the boys, "I know you guys are probably stressed, you're tired, there's still a lot going on. But don't let go of why we're doing this," he grabbed Remington's notebook, "This song is the pinnacle for what this album will look like, it has parts of each of you chopped up and sautéed together like a nice osso bucco!"
Sebastian cocked a brow, "You don't chop up osso bucco," he pointed out.
"You know what I mean. C'mon," he pointed to Remington and Emerson, "Emerson, get on the piano. Remington, go to the mic. Sebastian, set the metronome,"
The boys switched accordingly, Emerson getting comfy at the piano and Remington standing behind the mic set. He jumped up and down a few times, trying to get himself back into the zone.
"Now listen to me," Chris took him by the shoulders, "Clear your mind, everything is good right now. Focus on what this piece of music represents to you. Don't force it, just let it go," Chris was right, they had worked too damn hard to burn out now.
So Remington was patient, listening to Emerson break into the beginning chords in time with the metronome. The sample was a beautiful bar of notes he'd compiled and slaved over for nearly half a decade, and he was proud of his and his brothers' composition of it. He tried to relax, taking Chris' advice to think about what this song meant to him, what it meant to his brothers, his mom, their fans, and Eva, of course.
“Am I being ridiculous?” she asked. 
“No,” he replied swiftly, “If it was me I’d be uncomfortable, too. But you have been so brave up to this point, if you just – close your eyes, take some deep breathes, you’ll be alright,”
God, he missed her so much. He knew that she was okay though, and if she was here she'd be filling him with as much encouragement as she could; she'd probably have a few unique ideas of her own, too. The more he thought about it, the closer the pre-chorus came to its edge, there was this reinvigoration that flooded through Remington, and as he opened his mouth the next line came out so naturally...
"Close your eyes and exit life tonight You'll be just fine, you'll be alright It's time we start escaping Fever dream, the lights are fading"
Emerson kept playing, riffing off of what he could from his brother's improv, though it was hard for him to not lose his concentration. Sebastian and Chris were sitting back in awe as he sang, and Chris was so happy he'd remembered to record the voice note for their archives. Every word and riff sounded so fluid, just as though it was all meant for that particular song.
It was perfect.
"Take my hand to Neverland, you'll see We can be free, we can be anything Just you and me Fever dream, the lights are fading"
The piano came to a sharp close but Emerson stayed on the bench, his dreary eyes blown wide. Sebastian was sat back in complete disbelief, feeling as though he'd found the missing piece to the jigsaw puzzle he'd lost long ago. And Chris had his hands tangled in his crazy mop of hair, completely blown away at the damn bursting to letting the breakthrough overwhelm them all.
Remington pulled the headset off, looking at each of the guys tentatively. None of them had said a word up until that point.
"... Was that okay?" he asked.
Chris didn't say a word at first; instead he got to his feet, strided over to the younger singer, took him by the shoulders and placed a sloppy, wet kiss on his cheek.
"That was brilliant. Fucking brilliant!" he exclaimed, "You fucking did it, Remington!"
Relieved but still unsure, Remington looked to his brothers for their opinion.
"Fucking sick," Emerson gaped.
"Where did that come from?" Sebastian asked, "It's taken us months to get a chorus!"
"I don't know," Remington shrugged, "I just relaxed and it came so naturally,"
Chris slapped him on the back, "That is exactly what Oprah calls an 'ah ha' moment. Beautiful! Hold on, lemme' get the voice note!" and he went to grab his phone.
"We can fix up the guitar riff for the chorus but I think it's perfect," Sebastian nodded.
"Should we do it again?" Remington asked.
"Absolutely, this time take it from the chorus and just let it flow into the next verse," Chris directed.
An incredible weight had been lifted off of Remington's shoulders as the band spent the afternoon working and redrafting their anthemic new masterpiece.
None of them were the wiser to Pluto sniffing around the front yard, having slipped his limber body out of the open window without anyone noticing. He was sniffing around the bushes, picking up on the small rodents and bugs that had passed by, or the occasional big dog that had stopped to mark their territory on the street.
The pale tabby, ever so curious, crawled out between the fence and found himself in the middle of the sidewalk. He looked up across the street, registering enough to know that the building across from his was where he lived. He also noted the little bird sitting up on the balcony, minding his own business...
Pepper meanwhile had woken up from her brief nap, rolling over and perplexed to find Pluto wasn't beside her. She could smell his scent above her, locking her gaze to the window and she knew what the tabby had done.
Her piercing, high pitched bark echoed through the house, over and over again. Emerson called for her to quiet down but Pepper was unrelenting. She ran over to the humans, barking over and over again and trying to crawl up Emerson's leg for attention. He picked her up to coddle her but she still wouldn't relent, trying to squirm away.
"What's wrong with her?" Sebastian asked.
"I don't know, I've never seen her like this," Emerson replied, setting her down. Pepper took off in the direction of the window and doubled back, zipping back and forth over and over again on her tiny legs.
"Is she trying to get us to follow her?" Chris asked.
Remington chuckled, "She's having her Lassie moment. What is it, girl? Is Timmy stuck in the well?"
Pepper kept barking, so Emerson decided to indulge her. They followed the teacup Pomeranian towards the front window and she tried to crawl up on her hind legs, attempting to crawl up to the window.
"Does she want to go outside?" Chris suggested.
Emerson opened the door for her and Pepper darted out, continuing to bark and jump at the gate. As he walked out, Remington suddenly realized that he hadn't seen Pluto; he hadn't seen him in a while.
He looked up at Eva's complex and put two and two together, "Fuck, Pluto ran away,"
Remington darted out of the yard before it could register with the other guys, though they followed him none the less. He knew Pluto missed Eva, and the damn cat probably figured he would find her at her loft. God forbid anything happened to Pluto.
"Pluto!" he called as he ran into the courtyard, "Pluto!" the guys called out with him, with Sebastian throwing in a "Here pussy!" time and again.
But then they heard it, a deep, sharp hissing followed by frantic shouting and a bird furiously chirping.
"You get away from my bird you little murderer!" Candace had appeared on her terrace, swinging a broom at Pluto as he balanced on Eva's railing. Her next swing smacked across the cat and sent him flying off the terrace, and Remington was helpless to watch as he plummeted into the bushes below with a blood curdling yowl.
Remington dove in after him, not caring for the brambles poking and scratching his arms open as he searched desperately for Pluto, "Holy shit! Pluto! Pluto! Where are you, boy?" Emerson followed him to try and help.
Chris was at a loss for words, trying to wrap his head around how the fuck they got from an 'ah ha' moment to crazy bird lady, while Sebastian stared up at Candace in shock and he started screaming at her, "What the fuck, lady! Are you fucking nuts!"
Candace peered over her terrace and she shouted back, "I told that girl! I told her to keep her cat away from my bird or there would be consequences!"
"He wasn't even on your balcony!" Sebastian shouted back, "He was just trying to go home!"
Candace waved the broom around, her hair curlers flying loose as she screamed, "He was trying to eat my precious little bird! And you're all trespassing!" Sebastian and Chris jumped back just as she hurled the broom at them. Remington and Emerson shuddered at the sudden impact behind them. But Remington moved back another bramble branch, and there he found poor Pluto struggling to get to his feet. Neighbours meanwhile began to poke their heads out, curious and alarmed to the commotion outside.
"Shit," Remington was careful to pull Pluto out without doing much more damage. He was covered in dirt and pieces of bramble and his ears twitched up and down, he curled up into Remington's chest but his claws flexed in and out, one of his front paws were curled up underneath him. Remington's panic went into hyperdrive.
"Is he okay?" Chris asked, both him and Sebastian staying a foot out of the courtyard.
"He hurt his leg," he huffed.
"I guess cats don't always land on their feet, then," Emerson muttered.
They all jumped when they heard a sharp smash behind them. Candace had thrown a terra cotta pot them and she continued to yell and cuss, "Get that fucking fleabag out of here!" and she hurled another pot at them. They all jumped back.
"Holy fuck! She's crazy!" Emerson gaped.
Sebastian scoffed, "Yeah, and she just tried to attack us on public property!" he called up to her.
"You all get out of here or I'll call the cops!" Candace screamed.
"Don't worry! The cops will be called, alright!" Sebastian snapped back.
"Forget the cops!" Remington exclaimed, "We gotta' get Pluto to a vet!"
Eva's hand shook as she grasped the door handle, pushing her way in and Theo followed sheepishly behind her. The whispered conversation came to a halt and both of their dads turned in their seats, unsure and skeptical as they found their rain-drenched kids in the threshold.
"Dear God, what happened to you two?" Eva's father asked.
"It's very clear what happened to them, Ivan," Julian replied.
Eva sniffled into her sleeve, biting her tongue from remarking with snark. Instead she took a deep breath as she stood before them, her eyes narrowing at the tablet sitting propped against her father's books. Her mother was still on screen tied up in tubes and bathed in bright light, a slimmer version of whom she once was.
"Can I have a minute with her?" she asked the fathers. They both looked to each other unsure, with Ivan turning to the tablet for Lydia's approval. Eva refrained from rolling her eyes.
"Is that okay with you?"
"Of course," Lydia nodded.
Julian began to stand, "Alright, we'll give you a --"
"Don't bother," Eva took the tablet off the table, "We'll be in your study, Dad,"
Her father watched her, trying to keep the fretfulness off his face as Eva disappeared down the hallway, he grimaced in his seat as he heard the door to his study close.
Julian turned to his son, "What did you two talk about out there?"
Theo simply shook his head, his soaked hair swinging from side to side, "Nothing much,"
In the closed confines of the study, the first thing that hit Eva was the smell of hot paper out of the printer, mingled with the bitter stench of her dad's humidifier for his cigars. She sat in his chair and placed the tablet on the desk, staring at the pixelated visage of her mother. Lydia smiled endearingly at her.
"Hi Eva," she spoke tentatively.
Eva took another deep breath, "Hi,"
"It's been too long," she mired, "You look beautiful!"
"Thanks. How long have you been... sick?" Eva asked slowly.
Lydia shrugged, "About a year. It only got super bad the last few months. I appreciate you coming out, Eva,"
"Suppose I had to come home at some point," Eva replied, "I just didn't think you'd be in the city when I had,"
"I haven't been flying -- for obvious reasons," Lydia chuckled, "Did you see Theo?"
"Yeah, we talked," she nodded, "He was sitting out in the rain,"
Lydia's eyes went wide, "Well dear God, what was he doing that for?"
"He's scared for one. His mom is dying," Eva pointed out.
"Oh please, I'm not dying," she replied, reaching up to fix her hair. Eva noted how she wasn't looking at her so much as she was watching her own appearance in the box in the corner.
"You're not dying?" Eva popped a brow, "Because Dad certainly made it seem like the opposite when he called me,"
Lydia rolled her eyes, "Huh. Leave it to Ivan to over exaggerate this stuff,"
"They might have to cut me open to give you my kidney. You call that exaggerating?" she scoffed.
"I call it proof that you still love your mother," Lydia replied.
"Of course I still love you," Eva grumbled, "Whether or not I like you is a different story altogether,"
"Eva please, you honestly still can't be mad about this. It's been ten years,"
She sloughed it off as though she was a kid with a bad report card and being nagged by her parent to do better. She was so blasé about everything, and despite it all Eva tried to keep her cool.
"It hasn't been ten years for Theo. His own personal hell might be starting," she snapped back.
"What are you talking about?" Lydia asked.
"You know what I'm talking about. You're having another affair, Lydia," Eva confronted her outright, doing her best to keep her voice low. Her anger however was boiling steadily in her gut.
Lydia seemed taken aback, doing her all to collect her composure from the outburst, "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on Lydia. Of all the people you wanna' play dumb with, don't pick me," Eva huffed, "Theo told me about the other guy. What does he do for the airline, another pilot?"
"Eva, you're being ridiculous. And stop calling me 'Lydia', I'm your mother," Lydia replied sharply.
"My mother?" she scoffed back, "My mother would've at least have the decency to call and ask me if she could bring her second family to my college graduation,"
"Your father said it was fine," she argued.
Eva's fists clenched, "Because like it or not, Dad still loves you! For the life of me I don't understand why!" she exclaimed.
"Your father and I still have a lot of mutual respect for each other," Lydia replied hastily, in the background there was an incessant beeping that grew quicker and quicker in beat.
"If you had any respect for Dad then you would've left him first, then started the affair with Julian," Eva countered, "And you clearly don't have any respect or regard for him because you're doing it again. I'm not an idiot Lydia, and neither is your son!"
"Okay, okay, enough of this!" Lydia snapped, "I am in the hospital with kidney failure for God sake, I don't want to talk about this with you!"
Before Eva could refute a nurse came over to Lydia, clearly having set off whatever device she was hooked up to to track and calm her heart rate. She assured the nurse she was fine, smiling graciously at her.
"I'm just talking to my daughter, this is her," she panned the camera towards the nurse, dressed up in full gown, mask, and gloves. She barely flitted a glance Eva's way as she readjusted settings on the machine and went off to her next duty.
Eva was appalled. Her mother was hooked up to machines of all sorts, trying to defend her own disgusting actions and meanwhile was showing off her kid to some random nurse who -- very clearly -- couldn't give two shits.
"Are you okay?" Eva asked as the camera focused back on Lydia.
"No, you're setting my heart monitor off," she groaned, "Why don't you pass the tablet back to your Dad?"
"No, I mean are you okay psychologically?" Eva asked.
"Well, of course I am! I've been locked up here for weeks now, practically surrounded by Armageddon. You'll forgive me if I'm a little testy," Lydia shook her head, "Evalina, think of me what you will but I am still your mom. I did everything I could to be a good mother to you, Greg, and Magda. And course I still love and respect your dad, you think if I didn't you would be here?"
"Excuse me?" Eva narrowed her eyes at her.
"You are a refined, beautiful, intelligent young woman. You clearly inherited it all from me," Lydia began to smile, it wasn't comforting so much as she began to creep Eva out, "I remember everyone we'd pass on the streets, they'd stop and gush about how beautiful you are; how you looked so much like me,"
Eva skidded back in her chair, feeling as though the tablet was a lecherous black hole that was threatening to suck her into whatever delusion Lydia had entered.
"Okay, Lydia --"
"Wait, wait Eva. I know we've had our differences, but even you have to admit I was a good mother, right?" she wasn't sure Lydia was asking her or assuring herself.
"What?" Eva gawked.
"I was a good mother to you kids. I took care of you, put food on the table, helped dress you and take you to school when I could," she replied.
"You fucking left us, Lydia," Eva gaped, blinking back the tears that were starting to spring, "There's divorced parents and then there's just not showing up for your weekend with the kids,"
"I know, I know. But I won't make those mistakes with Theo," she seemed to sure as she spoke, "I told Theo how it would be, and I promised him I'm not going anywhere. And thanks to you, I can keep that promise,"
Eva wasn't sure whether Lydia was purely delusional or her narcissism truly knew no bounds. A sharp shiver raced up her spine, recognizing that trying to reason with this woman was as fruitless now as it had been years ago.
Like floodgates, the inner recesses of her brain opened up and Eva could remember all the same conversation Lydia had with her, just as the affair with Julian was starting. She would promise and assure each of her kids that no matter what happened, she loved them all and would always be there for them. She remembered so clearly the way her father beat himself up after she left, sending himself and the siblings in a deep, spiralling depression.
"If you love that boy as much as you claim you do, then you'll be honest with your husband. The one you ditched us for to go be with," Eva said, trying to will her backbone to stay composed against her.
Lydia seemed to be looking right through her as she refuted, "What did Theo say to you?"
"He said enough," Eva assured her, "You need to be honest with them, Lydia. What you couldn't give me, you could at least give to Theo,"
"I have been honest with Theo," she assured, "He is going to be just fine. Just like you've been,"
Eva shook her head, "Have I been fine, though?"
"Of course you have! You have your own business, you moved to California, apparently you're dating some rockstar, too," Lydia scoffed at that, "You better be careful with him, famous people don't tend to be the most committed,"
Eva spoke before her brain could catch up, though if anyone had asked her, she couldn't even feign regret, "Like pilots, right?"
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sweettodo · 4 years
⟿ Levi Ackerman x freader x Eren Jaeger
Includes : threesome, swearing, smut.
word count : 4,5k.
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for 300 followers, i promised i would bless you all with a few stories. this was a tough plot to come up with b/c the age difference, but i always come thru :)). enjoy. thank you for 300 friends, readers, and fans. one more story on the way, hope you like !!
Being in the scouts wasn't necessarily all that bad, especially when you had all the strong, agile men to look at all day long.
You didn't bite your tongue, the gushy, teenage girl flirtatiousness that you bestowed upon not one, not two, but a good sum of the boys you worked and trained with every day. Most of whom were your closest friends, who put up with your promiscuousness. For the most part, they fed into it, reciprocating the behavior. But it couldn't be avoided that you took a special liking towards your Captain; Mr. Ackerman himself.
Call it unnatural, call it unusual, but you had a justification for liking him so much. If he said the right thing in the right context, your knees would be shaky and weak, for instance, when he demanded you to 'shut up' half-jokingly for fooling around with Connie too much. You left training that day with a waterfall between your legs, leaving you stunned for at least a week.
The ideas in your head were endless and slightly disturbing. There was no denying you were captivated by him, and he knew it.
Not to mention he took a fondness to you too...
Well, not how you quite anticipated him too. He just believed you were a capable scout, thus him taking you under his wing with your friends. Leaving aside your whorish comments. He took your ignorant attitude with a grain of salt, not allotting you the time of the day- which only made it more of a challenge to get what you yearned much for.
He would scoff, walk away and roll his eyes, reprimanding you on behaving yourself and acting your age. You were 19, you were acting your age, 'I could be worse,' you mumbled under your breath.
Being the species of girl who was drawn to a particular type of man, power play, that sharp attitude which one with a level head and a drop of common sense would take as a definite red flag, the type of man that would punish you for being horny or bratty- you could only dream- it was also clear you couldn't bluff and say that you didn't favor the infamous Eren Jaeger: the strong-willed, wild, dominant and overbearing youthful man. He could command you to get on your knees, and you would in a flash.
Alas, you would not be seeing the pearly gates with what went through your mind about the long-haired, tall, demanding man. On the plus side-unlike Levi- Eren enjoyed the attention you gave him, he played the game with you.
And he played the game good- you liked it.
On numerous occasions, you would be more than touchy with Eren, the little 'not so serious' back rub, or a hand on his thigh under the table to make him hot and bothered. And once or twice, the rare make-out session in an alleyway while your friends shopped or by the stable of horses one time when you were sixteen. Though the sexual tension grew once you turned eighteen when you two were less apt to get in trouble for your conduct- yet you never took it all the way, liking the idea of having him on his toes every time he saw you.
Anyways, today was different than most days, you all were honored with a few days of relaxing, sleeping in, and extra time to eat and shower with no training, or missions.
Appreciating the peace, you lay in your bed buried under the blankets half asleep, taking in the unusual time of relaxation. While nearing slumber again, you're rudely interrupted. A pounding on your door riddles throughout your body, frightening you half to death, you flinch, sitting up in an instant.
"Food! y/n." oh, it was Connie.
You untangle from the blankets, sauntering to your wardrobe, and pulling out a regular old white shirt with shorts. The heat was not something to take lightly around here, you could collapse and suffer from a heat stroke if you weren't careful, so you rolled up your shorts a little and slipped on shoes, taming your hair and heading out of your messy room towards the mess hall, eyes finding your friends and groggily plunging into the bench besides Eren and your other buddies, "sleep well?" Connie laughs, you scowl at him.
"Yea! I was dreamin' about you too! Too bad you ruined it, I was just getting to the good part."
Connie laughs and shakes his head, shoveling food down into his mouth, "I don't even wanna know what that dream was about." Jean grumbles, ruffling his hair to remove it from his clammy forehead; Jean was a difficult one to crack, he usually blushed and would cut your trifling demeanor right off at the knees, he was more for Mikasa's quiet and ethical personality.
"Shut it Kirstein- I do!" Connie protests, you wink at him.
"I'll tell you when I get you alone, how 'bout that Springer?"
Eren could be heard from your left, snorting, you glance over and see his arm raise and head towards your back, yanking your bra and snapping it back against your skin, you unleash an 'ouch' and attempt to reach back and rub the area, "White shirt with a red bra underneath? Who're you tryna' impress?" You shrug.
"Captain, of course."
"More like you dressed in the dark this morning." Eren bullies.
"Captain, what?" Connie and Sasha childishly roll and bounce around in their seats, bellowing laughter while you slowly turn around to face your boss, he reiterates one more time before you chuckle and scratch the back of your neck.
"Talking about how good my boss looks today," the words that roll off your tongue make The tense up and sigh in annoyance, beginning to walk away, you pout, tilting your head, "am I wrong?"
"Keep it up, y/n, I'll have you in a cell indefinitely if you continue this adolescent behavior." He doesn't look twice at you, leaving as quickly as he came. Halting your comments right as they came flying out of your mouth, he had to have been enjoying them! Perhaps a little.
Right as the man in charge begins to leave the hall, he stops, peers his head over to meet your eyes.
"-In chains." Your eyes widen, a perverted grin growing onto your face, looking left to right baffled, 'in chains?' gawking to see if any of your friends noticed the innuendo, but it seemed they were well absorbed in their own business.
But someone heard him.
"In chains?"
You look at Eren, he shared the same shock as you, you wriggle your eyebrows and nudge his side, "I'm not the only one who heard it, so maybe I'm not going crazy." You giggle, finishing your meal and gossiping amongst your friends until it was time to go.
To pass time during the day, you all wasted hours cleaning up to your captain's expectations, finally relieving yourselves for the rest of the evening before dinner; walking down the streets of your town, stopping at the shops down the gravel streets. While everyone talks, your head is elsewhere; replaying that remark Levi made about the chains, borderline obsessing over it- rightfully so.
When he said the word 'chains', you instantly recalled the context behind his innuendo, unless you were going insane, but you had made a joke- your first endeavor at flirting with your boss, mentioning to him using the same chains he used on Eren in court a few years back, your friends condemning your extraverted behavior on the spot; when to no avail, Levi did not feed into that well, sending you to isolation shortly after. And then to Erwin's office to explain yourself... in front of him, Commander Hange, and Levi. Nonetheless, it didn't stop you from toying with the man.
You were somewhat... wild.
Enjoying the rest of your stress-free hours, you spend the evening sitting comfortably in the large common area after dinner; all of you except Eren, who didn't appear at dinner either. God knows where he was.
You lounge beside Armin and Jean, your head on Jean's shoulder per-usual.
"Jean, has Mikasa told you how good you look today?" You hum, his face is instantly soaked up in a rosy flush as he throws his hands over his ears to block your weird comments from reaching his ears, "Mikasa?" you quirk an eyebrow.
"Don't be absurd, y/n" she laughs, "Jean, don't listen to her."
"Jean, you look extra good today," you lean over closer to him, "just thought I'd tell ya'."
"Yeah, yeah." He cracks a small smile, you pat his shoulder then fall back into your seat.
"Awh- c'mon Kirstein, you know I-"
"Y/n, Captain needs to see you..." Eren's voice interrupts the chatting, his head peers into the room, you and your friends falling silent.
"You're probably in trouble again." Armin sighs disappointingly. You promptly stand, "good luck." dragging your feet towards your supposed 'escort', Meeting Eren at the door frame of the corridor, his hands stuffed in his pockets with a deadpan look, watching you begin to take lead ahead of him, "how do you know Levi wants to see me?" You question, examining him whilst walking through the hallways, up the stairs, and around the corner, a few feet away from your Captain's headquarters.
"We talked."
With an uncertain look on your face, churning with turmoil, Eren is knocking once, then twice before pushing open the engraved wooden door, 'Captain didn't even ask who it was at the door-' you furrow your eyebrows, his hand on your back, quickly whisking you into the large room, abruptly stopping in front of his desk.
Your feet are glued to the floor while Eren is closing the door. Levi stands there, propped up against his desk with his arms crossed. The room was eerily silent, you were becoming slightly intimidated. Do you stand? Talk? Sit?
The silence was unbearable.
"Do you need me-"
"I'm fed up, with your manner, cadet." Levi interrupts.
"If I may- Captain," He nods for you to proceed, "why is Eren here?" Captain was very much capable of taking care of reprimanding you on his own, you were almost irritated that Eren was lingering behind you, feeling his eyes burning voids in the back of your head, disrespectfully.
"Isn't that what you want?" Eyes doubling in size, you swerve your head to attempt and get a view of Eren, but Levi halts you once more, treading closer to you so you can look at him, "you don't need to look at Eren."
"I- I don't quite understand."
No one says anything. The air is now thick, more difficult to swallow for oxygen, you were entirely thrown off track with the way he was speaking to you, the way he was looking at you made you want to make a run for it, "Cat got your tongue? Y/n?" Chills rake up and down your body when you feel Eren's breath on your neck, sending your head flying behind you to see the blue-eyed devil almost pressed against your back, you look back at Levi frantically.
Without pause, your ass is planted into one of his chairs, "why aren't you being stubborn? Where's that attitude that constantly gets you into trouble?" Feeling as if you're shrinking, the two men are overlooking you, "go on."
"I- well,"
"She has nothing to say for herself, Cap." Eren looks at Levi, "told you she was all talk." He jabs, were you dreaming?
Your heart thumped out of your chest, you never dreamed of Levi taking it this far, especially when he was so professional... "y/n," Levi's finger touches underneath your chin, raising your head to look at the two men, "always teasing me when you do the same to Eren, so slutty, don't you think, cadet?"
Your mouth drops open at his use of words, finally- the game caught up to you, and you were facing the repercussions, "don't be all shy now."
"I'm not-"
"Then if you're not shy, get on your knees and show us how much you’ve wanted us.”
You hesitate to move, but eventually find yourself slowly sliding out of the chair and onto your knees, "not in my office, go in my room." Eren grabs your arm, walking towards his adjoining room, Levi opens the door and permits you to be ushered in by both him and Eren; Eren grabs you by the hair and directs you back onto your knees in front of your captain's bed, "she's so compliant now that she knows we aren't joking anymore," Levi scoffs, standing behind you while Eren is unbuttoning his jeans right in front of your eyes, a combination of anxiousness and warmth growing in the pit of your gut, looking up at him through your eyelashes, licking across your bottom lip hungrily.
"Be a good girl and open for Eren," Levi bunches up your hair from behind, removing it from around your face.
"Yes sir."
Sticking out your tongue, you try to relax your throat once seeing the size of the man, Levi's grip on your hair prevents you from getting a good look at it before his cock is nudging gently into your mouth, down your tongue, and to the back of your throat, fastening your lips around the base of his cock whilst swirling your tongue when he pulls out of your throat, groaning when your tongue works him with ease.
"So good," He hums, grabbing the sides of your face, Levi drops your hair from his hold so Eren can pick up his pace, using his hands to guide you; gagging and choking while he fucks your throat, saliva dripping down your chin, at the verge of tears, you take his length as far as you can manage. Eren grunting and huffing; only throbbing more when he sees the little tears drip down your cheeks. He heaves out of you, your tongue lolled out while strings of spit follow his cock, the men are astonished at the sight of you gasping for air, but they weren't going to tell you that.
"Are you gonna be good for me and our captain, princess?" Eren crouches down to meet your eyes, clever smile on his face, you nod and he stands you up by your armpit.
You had virtually no control over yourself, they were moving you to where they saw fit; right on your hands and knees into the soft plush sheets, "what do you want, y/n?" you listen from behind you, your head is yanked backward, Levi is there, his free hand wrapped around your jugular loosely, his shirt unbuttoned.
"I want you both to fuck me," you gasp out, they both snicker at you.
"Too easy, way too easy, such a fuckin' whore, imagine wanting both of us," Eren taunts, snatching your shorts down to your knees and lifting your shirt to grab onto the thin waistband of your underwear, "you want Jean to fuck you too? Got any other favorites?" Levi shoves you back onto the mattress, your arms catching you while Levi continues to remove your shorts from your knees, tossing them on the floor, rough hands caressing and pulling apart your ass, both men watch your panties slip in the separated cave of your ass, Eren pulling off your shirt and unclasping your bra.
"N-o, only you guys."
"Who do you want more? Me or your other little fucktoy?" Levi sneers, moving to your front, once again lifting you by your chin, keeping you still while Eren rubs his fingers against the soaked cloth. Pulling upwards against your cunt, the pressure making your clit spasm and scream for the touch of his actual fingers, looking desperate and hungry at your captain.
"I- I can't choose."
Your chest rising and falling, Eren is finally relieving you from your panties, fingers instantly meeting your folds and slipping past your entrance with his two fingers, you whine, eyes rolling to the back of your head, knuckles curving downwards to hook into you and find your sweet spots.
"Well aren't you lucky, you get both of us, even though you don't deserve it," Your captain smirks, getting on his knees, fiddling with the button of his slacks, zipping them down and pushing them past his thighs, "I think she needs to beg for it." He looks at Eren, his erection making itself known from beneath his boxers, fingers quickly scissoring the roots of your hair while he frees himself from his constraints.
"I wanna be your slut- please make me cum." They smile, pleased with your submissiveness.
Cock spilling with precum, he scooches towards your salivating mouth and holds your level to his cock, centimeters away, "so fuckin' wet, can't say I'm surprised you get off to this." Eren's tip rubbing between your folds, collecting the slick that was seeping from your hungry pussy. He pushes into you while Levi is pushing into your mouth, both holes becoming occupied by their pulsating cocks; they longed to fill you up, the torturous teasing you put them through the second you turned eighteen was bound to make them snap- you didn't know what you expected, to be honest, you asked for this.
Eren fucks you slow, savoring the feeling of you clench and suck him in further, pussy stretching from the sheer size of him, veins from the base of his cock hitting and rubbing against the very nerves that were screaming for him to go faster.
Levi fucks deep into your throat, he was about Eren's size, perhaps a little thinner, but he was no match for your throat, choking up the spit from past your throat to lube his cock further. You bring your hand up to assist you, twisting your hand back and forth- up and down while you stimulated his sensitive tip with your tongue, hollowing out your cheeks to suck him back in and repeat.
He was becoming unkempt, his mouth ajar with little moans slipping past his lips, hair dangling in front of the sides of his face while his hips bucked back and forth into the depths of your cave.
"My God, so wet."
You moaned against Levi's cock, Eren speeding up and reaching your cervix, your juices slushing and pussy squeaking while he stretches you out. When his hips connected to your backside, you only want to shrivel up more from the pace he was hitting the hole of your tight cervix. Initially, it hurt, but almost instantly it began to feel pleasurable for both you and Eren, he was reaching great lengths inside of you. He's always wanted to fuck you; almost disappointed in himself that he didn't do this before.
"Taking me so well, I can barely fit," he grunts, "you like my cock y/n? Isn't this what you wanted with your bullshit teasing?" he smacks your ass, crying out, his hips jutting back and forth against you mercilessly, sending jolts into every bone of your body.
He slaps you again, your right ass cheeks burning and tingling from the strength of his slap, "fuckin' slut, better be quiet."
Levi pulls out of your throat, finally able to audible out the loud weeps and cries, he throws his hand over your mouth, "shut up before you get us caught."
"Fuck, Eren!" you wail, ignoring Levis commands, gasps and moans fly around the room, his cock filling you perfectly to the point where you felt like you were made to shape him.
"Open." his hand is forcing your jaw open, sticking your panties into your mouth to silence you. You cry into the fabric, the coil twirling up in your stomach, clenching your walls while he drills into you, his cock rubbing against your g-spot, sending you into a frenzy.
Levi fists his cock for the time being while Eren is chasing his orgasm, knocking into you- inching you towards your orgasm. The back of your head tingling, your pussy twitching, and your stomach tightening, the room spiraling around you while you drop your head into the mattress, eyes screwed shut; Eren tearing an earth-shattering orgasm out of your body.
You see stars and a bright white consumes you, hands reaching to grasp anything, finding Levi's bicep and digging your nails into his skin for support while Eren's cock bathes in your cum, his hands pressing into the small of your back, "'boutta cum, right in this pretty little pussy." He spits, pinning your back to a better arch, you cry into the sheets when Erens thrusts loosen a little, sporadic and stabbing thrusts until he's panting and dumping a large load of his seed into your cunt, letting out moans and swears of approval. Your body convulsing, wanting to collapse.
Erin's lightheaded, dizzy and sweating, little bangs and baby hairs sticking to his soaked face, watching your cum drip down your thighs, the wetness from your pussy which had soaked his stomach, it was a fucking mess.
He pulls out of you, your cream coating his cock; snatching a shirt and wiping himself clean, hiking up his boxers, "you're not done. On your back, now."
Without warning nor regard, you're pushed forward into Levi's hands by Eren to get you moving quicker; you slide onto your back, Levi takes charge and steps off the bed, hauling you by the thighs until you're at the edge of the bed, Levi pressing his hands under your thighs, holding them up and letting his cock slap against your cum-filled cunt, biting onto his bottom lip, teasing his cock into you.
He leans down, taking out the pair of underwear from your mouth, "keep quiet, understood?"
Quickly nodding and bracing yourself, happy to feel warm again.
"Did Eren fill you good?" he asks calmly, you nod.
"Yes- Levi."
Levi halts mid-thrust, peeved look on his face, "yes what, y/n?" you swallow hard, throat dry from the cloth.
"Y-yes Captain, he did." You mewl, he nods once before finishing his thrust.
"This pussy is so tight, even after he stretched you out like this?" he huffs, head dipped down- eyes filed to your pussy sucking in his cock so well; hair flopping back and forth, "I told you I was gonna do something about that mouth of yours, didn't I?"
"Y-you did, sir." You wail.
Levi didn't hold back, each of his sharp thrusts made you more tender inside, little cries fall from your swollen lips while Eren sits beside your head, big arm reaching over your face and kneading your boob, he watches them bounce slightly as Levi ruts into you. Rolling your hard erected nipple in between his fingers, "look at that face, are you gonna cum again?" you look up at Eren, who wears a smug look on his face, "are you gonna cum on Captain's cock, y/n?" you whine, trying to remain quieter under your Captain's directions.
"Gonna-" Eren's hand moves once more- over towards your clit.
This was the first time tonight you had felt this overstimulation, hissing in air and biting onto the skin of your lip, hand grasping Eren's wrist as he swirls little- yet strong circles into your clit, your mouth slacks open, “please! Feels so-" another burst of spasms erupting, thighs shaking and clenching around Levi's waist, "f-fuck me- Fuck me harder Captain, please!" You cry, walls convulsing, cum seeping out of you, down your ass and the base of his cock while he fucks you silly, Eren bringing you that much closer to a euphoric feeling again as he rubs your spasming clit.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck you like the whore you are, right?" Levi pants, cockhead rubbing against your sensitive and exhausted g-spot.
"Who can fuck you better?" Unable to audible, Eren moves faster around your num.
"Don't disobey our Captain, pretty girl- use your words." Screwing your eyes shut, the two men await your answer.
"I-I don't know- Ah!" Your back arches, core tightening for the second time tonight- body shaking as the following orgasm sends you over the moon, Eren's hand smacked over your mouth, you wail into his hand, Levi pins your legs open, leaning down to fuck into you harder, thrashing into your guts, pussy gushing around him until he is groaning and throwing his head back while he slams into you, his stomach nearly slapping against Eren's fingers, his dick twitching. His cheeks rosy and his muscles flexed.
"Fuck, so good- so tight- keep squeezing-" he breathes.
You're dazed from the rocking of his hips, he slows, catching his breath while he releases, coating your bruised walls with his cum. Your body left empty and quivering as Levi is slipping out of your cunt, Eren handing him the same shirt he used to wipe himself off with; your captain retrieving it and cleaning the amount of cum that was left on his softening dick, moving to you and carefully wiping the inside of your thighs and beaten cunt.
Catching your breath, Levi is picking his boxers up from the floor and pulling them up along with his pants, “don’t stay there forever, my sheets need to be switched.” He states, Eren reaches for your hand and helps you sit up, putting his shirt over your head and you slip through the arms, feet meeting the cold wooden floor, you attempt to stand, your knees buckling, Eren grabs you by the tricep before you land on the floor and sits you back on the bed.
“I think it would look suspicious if I carried you out of here, can you walk?”
You nod, “yeah.”
Standing again, you're able to succeed, reaching for your underwear, Eren already had it swinging around his index finger, “I’ll hold onto these.”
With no willpower to object, you just pull up your shorts and pick up your shoes.
“Walk her back, Jaeger, don't do anything stupid.”
You and Eren both leave your Captain’s office quietly, the hall empty and empty, you and he slowly walk back, you laughed at the thought about how it would be a tough one to explain why Eren was shirtless and you were- quite obviously- wearing his shirt while he holds your stained shirt in his hand.
With great luck, you and he make it without running into anyone, reaching your door, you and him enter and you shut the door behind him.
“Here’s your shirt.”
He watches you as you throw off his shirt, tossing it to him and opening a drawer, and grabbing one of your own.
Before you realize it.
“Uhm, Eren, I forgot my bra.” Glancing down at your bare chest, Eren shrugs it off and laughs.
“Captain wanted to keep something too, princess.”
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raving--ravenclaw · 4 years
Christmas With... The Longbottoms! - Neville x Reader
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A/N: welcome to part two of my Harry Potter Christmas series! Neville is my absolute favorite character so I really enjoyed writing this for him. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Warnings: None
Words: 2,500
I nearly fell to the ground as Neville and I landed our apparition at his house. Him and I have been best friends pretty much since the first day of our first year at Hogwarts and every year we spend Christmas together. We alternate whose house we spend it at every year. Since we were at my house for Christmas last year we'd be spending it at his house this year.
His house was tall, three stories to be exact, and boxy. The siding is darkly colored and it seemed as if it was leaning forward. There wasn't much character to it unless you count the feeling of gloom it gave to anyone within sight of it. One thing about the house was off though… there were no Christmas decorations up.
"Neville, in the six years that we have been spending Christmas together I have never seen your house sans decorations."
"With the rise of he who shall not be named Gran didn't want to decorate. Said it didn't feel very Christmassy this year."
"That's rubbish."
"I s'pose you're going to gripe about it aren't you?"
"You know me too well. The only reason it doesn't feel like Christmas is because you don't have any decorations up! Voldemort didn't cancel Christmas!"
Neville flinched at the mention of the name and I turned to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout it."
"S'alright. Just wasn't expecting it is all."
I gave him a hug and held him tightly. Neville and I were always very touchy. I'm not quite sure what the reasoning was behind his touchiness but mine came from the constant want to be close to him. I would easily admit it to anyone that asked but no one really seemed to notice my liking for him, including him.
Neville pulled away from our hug,"you're still wearing my scarf."
"I need it right now too, it's freezing out here."
"We could go inside if you want. It is cold."
"It is. Let's go."
We jogged inside and pulled the door closed quickly behind us. The warmth hit me like a nice cozy wall. The inside of Neville's house was always dimly lit and you could tell that his gran had decorated. That's not to say it wasn't cozy though. I always felt welcome at Neville's. However, I have to admit that his gran is not my favorite person in the World because of the way she treats him sometimes.
Neville shed his coat and then turned and offered to take mine. I peeled my coat off and set it gently in his hands.
"Gran, we're home," he bellowed after hanging up the coats in the entry way closet.
His gran came shuffling out of the kitchen door at the end of the narrow hallway that led to the rest of the house.
"Welcome, y/n. Merry Christmas."
"Thank you, Ms. Longbottom. Merry Christmas."
"It's late. Shouldn't you be preparing for bed?"
"We just got in Gran."
She huffed, "well I'm going to bed. You know where the blankets are Neville."
"Night Gran."
"Goodnight," I added as she began to climb the stairs.
Neville and I watched in silence as she disappeared at the the top of the stairs. She was awfully abrasive tonight. Don't get me wrong she was often grumpy but not usually entirely unpleasant. I assumed it was voldemort's recent re-appearance that probably had her on edge.
"Shall we go up then," Neville asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I went to grab my bag but Neville got to it first.
"Let me y/n."
"You don't have to do that, really, I can get it."
"Y/n, I'd carry you up if you let me," Neville said starting up the stairs.
"You're too sweet, Neville," I said following.
Neville's bedroom was on the top floor of the house and down a long haul. I wasn't in the best shape and I hate to admit but I would be put of breath by the time we got to his room. Once, when we were younger, we got an old slab of wood out of the attic and sled down the stairs over and over again until his gran caught us. I swear we never sat still as kids.
Reaching his room, Neville dramatically kicked the door open, having both of his hands full with my suitcase. I laughed at his overdramatic way of opening the door. Every year we spent Christmas at his house we always just slept in his room together. I was surprised that this hadn't changed as we grew older.
"Y'know, either your gran really trusts us or she hasn't really thought this whole thing through," I chuckled.
"I think she just doubts my abilities."
"Your abilities‽" I laughed.
He struggled to try and explain what he meant and was stuttering all over the place. He finally settled on saying, "you know what I mean."
"I really don't," I said pulling blankets down out of his closet and setting them on the window seat.
"Gran sees it as how I tend to be bad at everythin'," he said coming over to make the window seat up for a bed.
"You are not Nev." I cupped his cheek and turned his head to look at me. "Sure you used to be a bit clumsy but first of all there's nothing wrong with that and second of all you've grown out of it."
His eyes were so gentle. I could truly sit and stare into them hour after hour. "It's hard to shake, y'know? That view of myself."
I guided his forehead to mine and practically nuzzles into him. "It's not hard for me. I see my best friend everyday and realize that he's turned into this amazing, gorgeous, young man and we're only sixteen. You've still got growing left to do. I'm not going to be able to handle you by next year." He chuckled. "And I'm so luck to have you. Honestly I'm jealous too, I wanna look this good." We both laughed. "Never doubt yourself Neville, you have no reason too."
"For the record, I think you look better."
I finally let go of his face and he continued to make up a bed with a big smile.
"Why don't you sleep in your bed and I'll take the window seat this time."
"But the window seat's not very comfy. I don't mind sleeping there for you."
I had to take a deep breath and clear my mind before speaking. He was so sweet sometimes that it was hard to not just tell him how much I love him. He's just so good to me. How could I not love him? It's a bit overwhelming but in the best way.
"I'll take it Neville, it's okay."
"If you want to switch just let me know, okay?"
I settled down into the window seat and Neville in his bed. Out the large circle window I could see the moonlight glinting off the snow below. One thing I loved about Neville's room is how at night it filled with moonlight because of this window. It made you feel calm and on a full moon you didn't need any artificial light to see. His room in general was calm, just like his presence. It's funny how someone so riddled with nerves and anxiety could always make others feel so relaxed and safe. I guess he didn't want anyone else to go through what he was going through. I looked across the room to see him gently fiddling with a plant on his nightstand. I always did my best to make him feel calm too. He's been through so much his whole life. A lot of it right here in this house.
"Hey, y/n, do you want to decorate for Christmas tomorrow? You were right, it feels wrong without it."
"I would love to."
"Can't wait. Good night, y/n, sleep well."
"Good night Neville."
"If you need anything, I'm right here."
I rolled over and dozed off quickly feeling safe and excited for the next day.
In the morning I quickly hopped up out of bed, excited to decorate and get in the Christmas spirit. I ran across the room and flopped onto Neville's bed causing him to bolt upright and exclaim.
"Good morning sleepy head."
"You really scared me there!"
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright. I'm excited too. Just let me get dressed."
He tucked himself away in his closet to get dressed and didn't come out until I had told him I was fully clothed.
"You look so festive!" He was referring to my Christmas sweater that had little lights all over it.
"Thank you! You look very cozy."
He and I rushed downstairs to have a quick breakfast before getting to decorating. During which, his gran told us how it was wrong to celebrate when such dark things were going on in the World. Which is exactly why I thought we needed to decorate, it would surely bring some light to that darkness. We asked her for help with decorating since we weren't allowed to use magic outside of school yet and wouldn't have any way to hang the lights. She declined though and we realized we would have to do things the muggle way.
Once up in his attic we struggled to find the string lights and everything we would need to hang them but eventually we found everything. Getting the lights up one the house was certainly going to be the hardest part.
"So we have to use the muggle device," I stared at the tall triangle with spaced out stairs that was folded up and leaned against the wall.
"I think we can figure it out alright," he picked up the odd thing.
We grabbed all of our decorations and the muggle device and lugged all of it to his front yard.
"Where do we start?"
"If you'll hold the ladder, I'll climb up and hang the lights," I offered.
"That's dangerous. What if you fall?"
"Make sure you catch me," I winked at him and giggled as he turned bright red. "I'd trust you with my life any day Neville."
"That makes one of us," he said, leaning the ladder against the house. "Please be careful."
"I will be, try not to worry." 
I climbed the ladder with a bundle of lights and looked back down at Neville. Goodness it WAS high up and we're not even to the top of the house yet.
"You alright?"
"Yeah I'm okay, Neville," I shouted down.
He was holding the ladder steady and I'm pretty sure if I was down there I could see his knuckles turning white from how tight he was gripping it. I was very careful to keep my balance as I hung the lights across the eave. I leaned back, keeping a tight hold on the ladder, to see if I had the lights even. When I was satisfied with the way they looked I began to back down the ladder. I stepped down to the third ring from the top and my foot slipped off. Everything was a blur as I fell toward the ground rapidly. I heard a grunt as I landed that I was sure wasn't mind and the ground felt much softer than it ought to.
"Does this count as catching you," Neville groaned from underneath me.
"I'd say so," I groaned, propping myself up on my hands.
"You alright?" He smiled up at me.
"Yes, thanks to you," I wiped a strand of hair out of his face.
We stayed there on top of each other. It was mildly awkward but somehow not at the same time and eventually we burst into laughter.
"I suppose I should get off you now."
"I s'pose."
"You're so warm though," I laughed getting up.
"If you're cold we could go in and warm up," he got up off the ground.
I told him that I was fine and we continued on with the lights. We each took turns going up on the ladder to hang them. Neither of us made the mistake of falling off again. Not only did we hang up lights on the house but we put lights in his front bushes and candy canes along the front path. By nightfall we had his house looking more festive than ever before. 
We sat inside now, in his room. With everything going on out in the World right now this was surprisingly shaping up to be one of my favorite Christmases with him. I don't know what it is but I feel closer to him than ever.
"I'm still cold from being out all day. Are you," I asked Neville who sat across the room on his bed.
"Little bit. I had fun though."
He got up and walked over to the window seat and sat down across from me. He grabbed the top layer of his clothes and pulled the sweater off and handed it to me.
"Thanks," I said slipping it on. "I'm beginning to think I'll be cold forever."
Across the seat the Christmas lights shone in the window casting a light glow of color onto Neville. He looked so handsome, he always did. 
He held his arms open for me, "if you're still cold I could help."
I scooted across the bench to lean into him. His arms wrapped around me and I nuzzled into him. We sat like that for a long while, talking about anything and everything, laughing and carrying on. The whole time we've been sitting like this I've been considering telling him how I feel. It would be so easy too. There was nothing stopping me. Well, except for the fact that he can be so shy and if I told him he might just curl up into a ball and never speak again. But maybe it was worth a shot.
"I really like you. Like a lot."
"I thought we had established that already," he laughed.
"Wait, you knew I have feelings for you?" I turned around in his arms to look at him.
"You have feelings for me‽"
"That's what I meant when I said I like you a lot!"
"Oh….," He stared off into space as if to contemplate this deeply.
"You know if you don't have feelings for me too that's okay," I said, hopeful that he wouldn't confirm what I had just said.
"No! No! I just didn't want to tell you. I really love having you around and I didn't want that to change."
"Well, I'd like to be around more, if you're okay with that."
"I don't think that's possible," he laughed.
"Even so," I chuckled.
I kissed him on the cheek and settled back down into his arms and as he nuzzled his head into the back of mine everything was as it should be.
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Bonnie & Clyde || Tom Riddle x Reader ♧part 2♧
When I woke up in the morning the first thing I thought about was the books I stole. I sat up straight and looked around. The dorm was empty. I yawned and reached over to my bag while looking at the clock that told me it was exactly 11.00am. Luckily, t was saturday. I opened the book on dark magic and skipped a few pages until I came across something that peaked my interest.
I've read about them numerous times before. I have however never fully been able to understand how one makes a horcrux. I knew it involved splitting the soul but the next page was ripped out of the book. I yawned again while closing the book. I looked at my bag and picked up the book on Voodoo rituals.
I carelessly flipped through the pages, not really paying attention to the titles of different rituals. I was with my head somewhere else until suddenly a small spark shot through my middle finger. It didn't hurt. I in fact am nit even completely sure if I even felt it. It was more mental than physical. I looked at the page I was on and read the title.
'Wither away evil love spells and restore ones ability to love normally'
I was quite intrigued to be honest. Even though I was pretty sure I wasn't under a love spell, something told me that it would come in handy.
'Make a solid heart-shaped form out of dough or clay and carve the name of the person who cursed you.'
This wasn't like any of the magic we were thought in school. It was almost like a religion.
'Under the moon a day prior to the full moon dig a hole and put the heart in. And squeeze the lemon over it.'
I read the entire ritual and then closed the book with a sigh.
I put both books away and dressed myself and brushed my teeth before walking out of the dorms and into the surprisingly empty common room. Then it hit me and I rolled my eyes.
The first Hogsmeade weekend. There were three in a year. Some students have complained it wasn't enough. Others like myself think there are too many. I never really go. Got nobody to sign my permission slip so what can you do. I went to sit on one of the love chairs in the corner of the room rather than the couch in the center.
I looked around the empty common room to make sure nobody was there and grabbed the book on dark magic again since the voodoo one kinda creeped me out a little bit.
I tried again to find some more information that I wanted on horcruxes but was again unsuccesful. It was all for recreational purpouses ofcourse.
I heard some news in the corridors that muggles were dealing with some kind of criminal couple. They go town to town robbing banks and shops. The woman -I think her name is Bonnie Parker- is said to keep going on and on about how she wants to be remembered for a long time after she dies. She wants everyone to know her name. That's why they cause so much mayhem and chaos together. To be known by the people.
I wanna be remembered when I die. Also not just by friends. But by everyone. But in the wizarding world things like that are more complicated than just robbing a few banks and killing 3 or 4 people. I'm gonna have to achieve something big. But Bonnie and Clyde were my OTP. Even if thhey were muggles.
In that moment right then I decided that I in fact wanna be remembered and known by everyone. And I was gonna do anything to achief my goal. Causing mayhem and chaos isn't an exception.
I flipped through the pages again mindlessly thinking about something huge I could achief that will put my name in the history books when I was snapped out of my thoughts by the closing of the common room door.
I quickly closed the book and hid it behind my back. I looked up to see a pissed looking Tom Riddle walking into the common room. He was looking at me and raised an eyebrow.
"What were you holding?" He asked spitting every word with annoyance framing it.
"Um a book, what did it look like?" I asked sarcasticly.
"Don't act funny, what is the title of the book." He asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"Why are you so mad? And why do you wanna know what I'm reading?"
Tom huffed and walked over to me at a fast angry pace.
"I was in the library and I noticed my book was missing." He said.
"Um, it's a library. Students get books there all the time. Now if what you're getting at is that I happen to have the book you're looking for I'd tell you to leave because I really don't think you'd be into these kinds of books." I told him.
Why the fuck would he want a book on dark magic? This boy has the highest grade in all our classes, what can't he do with normal magic, that he can do with dark magic.
He narrowed his eyes for a moment.
"Just tell me the title of the book and I'll leave you alone." He negotiated.
I sighed. I was 100% sure I didn't have his book.
"I can't." I said honestly.
He raised his eyebrows as if asking me what the fuck I was getting at.
I sighed.
"You'll think I'm psycho, and you'll tell everyone and then I'll get in trouble." I explained.
He smirked slightly.
"I won't. Just show me the book (Y/L/N)" He sighed. The small smirk still present.
I groaned. "Fine" I said and slowly got the book from behind my back.
I handed it to him and he stared at it. His smirk was growing bigger. "What's a girl like you doing with a book on dark magic?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes. "You've seen the cover, may I have my book back now?" I asked him keeping my eyes on the book.
"No." he said.
I looked at him. He still had the smirk on his face with one eyebrow raised higher than the other.
"You said you wouldn't tell anyone and leave me alone." I said in a little bit more of a whine than I intended.
He chuckled.
"That's not why you're not getting it back." He stated. "You're not getting it back because it's mine."
I narrowed my eyes trying not to let him notice how surprised I was.
"What does someone like you need with black magic." I asked.
He raised his brows. "What do you mean 'someone like me'?" He asked.
"You know... someone that's good at every class and probably one of the most powerful students here." I described. "I'm just trying to say that you probably don't need black magic to make you a better wizard"
His facial expression turned into a amused one.
"You're oblivious to the fact that you are the second best student in Hogwards. No?"
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"That you have the best grade in herbology, transfiguration, divination and care of magical animals." He said "And you're second best in the rest of them exept for history of magic where you're third." he finished.
My mouth fel agape.
"How-" I started to ask.
"I wanted to know who I should see as a threat." He answered.
I stared at him. Right then was the first moment in my life that I couldn't read someones expression. Was he joking? Was he serious? Should I be worried?
"Don't worry." He said "I realised I'd much rather have you as an ally."
He stepped closer and sat down on the other love seat in front of me. He leaned over and placed his elbows on his knees folding his hands in front of him.
"Interesting." I said with an unnoticable yawn and put my elbow on the chair arm and leaned my head on my hand. "Tell me more." I said.
Riddle smiled.
"I wanna do something big." he said "Something bad."
I grinned at the way he was describing his plan. "Acting all mysterious are we?" I asked.
He shot me a glare.
"I've been watching you, (Y/L/N), for a while now. You have potential." He said.
I smirked. "And may I ask what exactly I have potential for?" I asked.
He shrugged and leaned back in the chair. "Still figuring that out." He said "All I know is that you're too special to stay unnoticed your entire life. You have to be known. A name everyone knows but is too afraid to speak. The persom every mother warns her child about. A face that lets everyone know that the world is ours. That's (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the queen of darkness, the dutchess of chaos, my Dark Lady."
He had his way with speech. Everyone knew that. This vision of his spoke to me in a way that no one other could. Even if someone else had the same vision, ideas or believes as Riddle. No one knew how to put his thoughts into words like he did. It impressed me, to say the least. I was high on the idea of being known, maybe feared by every single witch and wizard. 'His Dark Lady' I repeated in a whisper. I was als so impressed by the way he could actually make me believe him for a second. Even though I didn't doubt his believes. His intentions were another story. He wouldn't lie. He had too much pride, too big of an ego to lie about his plans. He just leaves a lot of his plan out. I know for a fact that he didn't tell me everything. I pity everyone who was truly stupid enough to trust Tom Riddle.
"What exactly is your plan?" I asked.
Riddle tutted while shaking his head. "You're going to have to prove you are trustworthy first." He said.
I rolled my eyes. "How." I asked. He smirked. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." He said before standing up and walking towards the door.
"Wait!" I called after him.
He turned around and looked at me expectantly.
"Will you tell me about horcruxes?"
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