#coupla nerds hanging out
yamsjams · 2 years
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virgothozul · 2 years
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A coupla dudes teased Smokey, saying he’s a nerd and doesn’t interest the ladies. So he and Jojo played a little prank 😉
Maybe it came up like this : Smokey ‘s hanging out at Jojo’s place, he’s mentionning his peers and their banter while going through his textbook and notes or sth. then Jojo, who was messing around with make up the whole time, finally turns to him with a mischievous grin and wiggles his brows in the “ur thinking what Im thinkin” way. And Smokey  widens his eyes then bursts in laughter. Jojo joins him in laughing 👏 
They’re little tricksters 
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pussyhoundspock · 3 years
i wonder what would have happened if mary hadn’t gone into her nursey -- she lets the yed bled in sam’s mouth and sam and dean grow up under john and mary’s crumbling marriage. 
mary and john fight more and more as time goes on -- john’s alcoholism, mary’s long absences, -- but mary has made a demon deal for this family. mary has made a demon deal for a family she will not lose so she pulls it together and she stands vacant at the backyard staring at her car, the impala, sometimes for hours, while dean makes dinner for him and sam and john is out drinking with the boys. mary retreats as far into herself as she can, running from real emotion or real pain. their house looks perfect. mary cleans and sweeps and stripes and makes sure that every place and platter has its home all the time. she curls her hair every morning and puts on makeup. 
she resents john. she hates him. she loves him. he starts going on long business trips and mary thinks she knows what that means. she starts going on “long business trips” and john thinks he knows what that means but he doesn’t. 
dean and sam grow up in one place with a physically absent father and an emotionally absent mother. it’s easy to see how they would slot into similar roles: dean, the peace-keeper. his mother’s confidant, ally, comforter. john looks at his family and sees dean who is too much of a pussy to take any kind of side and sam who is growing into a man but hates him, blames him for the way mary is. well, john thinks, if sam is so ready to make him into some kind of monsters -- 
but mary has fought for this family. and she tells john that if he leaves them, if he even thinks about leaving them, he will not like what she does. and he can keep his fucking family on the side but he comes home to her. he comes home to them. 
john is too shocked to disagree. 
growing up now, things like grades and colleges and the right kinds of friends are more important. friends who won’t get sam and dean into trouble. girls that look good with dean, or sam. mary watches them, hawklike, for signs that her boys are growing up abnormal. 
there are times when dean makes friends that are boys that mary has to tell him he’s no longer allowed to hang out with. there are codes for how boys should behave. dean listens. john starts taking the boys to church on sunday. mary stays home. 
there are times when sam feels like if he doesn’t break himself under the pressure, the pressure will break him. there are times when sam wants to be the freak his mother guards him so carefully against becoming. 
john and mary stop sleeping in the same bed, stop acting with tenderness, stop viewing their marriage as anything other than a business transaction. sam starts having nightmares when he turns sixteen, but they take him to a psychiatrist and the nightmares stop. 
john takes the boys hunting every year, which sam hates and dean pretends to love. sam starts refusing to go as soon as he turns fourteen, but dean keeps going. they go up to canada with a bunch of john’s buddy’s from the war and they swap horror stories of previous trips or trips they’ve only ever heard of. dean meets a coupla guys who claim there’s real supernatural beings out there but he knows better than to believe it. 
dean would go off to college -- not to far -- and would keep his dorm, his bed, pristine. study nerd shit with his nerd friends, watch baseball games and chart the stats religiously, and organize his socks. 
sam would go off to college and start to unravel, cutting lose at college parties, finding his own freedom but being slowly but surely tipped in more and more dangerous directions. 
the series, or show, would pick up with sam in stanford, calling dean. the nightmares are back. they’re about mom. dean i think something is going to happen to mom. they’re too late, though, because john died in a fire last night, the night that mary vanished. 
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Reply time!
First of all, thanks to everyone who offered up kitten name suggestions! They aren’t born yet (but will be if I play the game tonight), but I am now prepared with names for them. :)
Anyway, these are for @kayleigh-83, @mrningbrd, @carriests2designsworld, @acquiresimoleons, @nathanialroyale, @nyshabrokeit, @getmygameon, and @penig...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Amelia Shankel – Adrian and Gwendolyn’s spawn – became a toddler. She...”
LOL that laziness might be an impediment to skilling though!
Well, not for the toddler skills, though. My rule is that I lock toddler skill wants in the order they appear (besides potty-training, because that just happens naturally because of the toddler care schedule I employ in households that have toddlers). If there’s another Sim in the household with time, they will teach the kid the skill they have locked. Only the locked skill can be worked on until it is learned. Then I lock the next one the toddler rolls (if they roll more). I’m perfectly OK with toddlers not learning all of the toddler skills. Or any of them, for that matter, although they are all eventually potty-trained by default.
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Name My (Pixel) Kittens! :)”
Weird true fact – years ago I read a historical fiction novel about Josephine Bonaparte, and after reading it, I decided that one day I wanted a pair of cats named Napoleon and Josephine because the pair of names were just so perfect together. So seeing them on your Simblr was kind of a trip!
It was unintentional on my part. A random pet name generator spat out the name “Napoleon,” and I went with it. (Had no idea it would actually fit him pretty well. :) ) And then when there was a want for another cat, it seemed logical to get a female named Josephine.
As for the real people...Say what you will about Napoleon, but he did love his wife. Their love letters are like, whoa! :) It’s too bad that they were never able to have children, or else I’m sure they’d’ve stayed together to the end. Or at least I hope they would have. Maybe in an alternate reality... :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Promotions! This is where Adrian and Gwendolyn ended up by the end of...”
I'm trying to be better about not power skilling my way through promotions, without them rolling for the want to do so. Much more realistic that way. Although I do allow a bit of leeway for skilling that happens as a result of preferred hobby interactions, because that's its own kind of realism in itself. :)
My whole playing style is centered around Sims free-willing because, IMO, that’s how you learn who a Sim really is. Basically, they do what they want unless they roll up a want that I can actively fill. So, unless they roll up a want for a skill point, I don’t command them to skill. That said, I’ve made autonomous lots of stuff that isn’t by default, and some of it confers skill points. So, if they choose to read a cookbook or work on restoring a car, then so be it, but I’m not going to make them study cooking or mechanical unless they roll a want to do so. That’s how it works for me. Frankly, I find force-skilling and Sims at the top of their careers and raking in ridiculous amounts of money just incredibly boring, so this is what I eventually came up with to mitigate that.
As for Cherry, specifically...She seems entirely uninterested in bettering herself. Her life centers around sex, social interaction in general, bubble baths, and interacting with the dog, in that order. She’s a hedonist, really, and I can relate.
mrningbrd replied to your post “Name My (Pixel) Kittens! :)”
i like that people gave actual french names and i gave a dessert
Ah, but it’s a yummy dessert, so it’s all good! :) 
(Is it bad that when I hear the new French president’s surname, I think of the dessert and laugh myself silly? :) )
carriests2designsworld replied to your photoset “I’m going to be using this 10-year-old window set made by Tiggy quite...”
I just finished setting up the base of my new town, Stockbridge. Yeah, well, my recolor list for this is already about 4 pages long. Including windows. So, I'm just going to snag these up, and add to my already-revolting downloads folder. Between your recolors, and mine...I may actually get a real post-apocalyptic neighborhood! LOL
Heh, I’m hoping I’ll get to play retro-Strangetown before the end of the year... :) Nah, that’s not true. I’m building it and making stuff for it concurrently, and I’m only building houses for the premades plus the two households in the family bin, so it shouldn’t be that long. I think. I hope. I can get a little obsessive with the making of stuff...
acquiresimoleons replied to your post “Some random thoughts before I do whatever it is I’m going to do...”
Offensive? Pffft :p i think you're awesome, extremely helpful and kind. I also really enjoy your gameplay, its so unique and entertaining :D
Aw, thank you! <3 I do try to be nice here on Tumblr and online in general...although if I’m feeling tetchy, I’ll occasionally go to Simsecret and argue with people. (Always under my name, though; I don’t do the silly “anon” thing. If I’ve got a beef with someone, I’ll own what I say to them and say it to their “face.” Anon is for pussies.) But in general, I’m a person of strong opinions and I live a...well, alternative lifestyle, both of which have the potential to offend or just piss off certain people, particularly certain people that I know follow me, but I try to rein that in here. I’m here on this blog to be all about a silly game, to share stuff and be helpful when I can, not to pick silly fights or to sling around politics and social issues or to be shocking for the sake of being shocking.
nathanialroyale replied to your post “Some random thoughts before I do whatever it is I’m going to do...”
I've been hmming on retexturing old dirty things for this theme or make them more medieval for my game. Otherwise I am sadly left with little ideas for this theme that could be useful to my current game :/
And oh, hey! Here comes some of that stuff that people might find gross, yay! :)
I am of the opinion that my game needs dungeon clutter, particularly things to hang on walls and/or peg racks. Which could be medieval or...um, not. ;) I’m also envisioning a certain kind of bed. I have a neighborhood wherein I occasionally play around with *ahem* certain things. I mean, it’d be nice if there was more functional dungeon-y stuff, but even non-functional decorative stuff can give the right atmosphere in combination with some functional stuff. Buuuuut what I’d like to have would require me to know how to mesh, which is a vast frontier that I have yet to breach. :) I do already have some stuff that could use some nicer/updated textures, though... I don’t know that anyone else would be interested, though, in terms of sharing. I have no idea how kinky/fetishy the community generally is and/or whether or not people would want to admit to it and/or whether or not other people who are kinky/fetishy would actually want that sort of stuff in their game, much less whether or not GOS would want such stuff posted there. ;) So...yeah. :)
nyshabrokeit replied to your post “Coupla replies before I toddle off to bed. :)”
I used to have inaccessible beds, but it bugs me that sims don't walk as close to the bed as they can before teleporting. The number of times I had a sim stand up from the dinner table and instantly teleport halfway across the house to bed... >.>
I have actually never had a Sim teleport across the house to get in a bed. They will do long-distance bed-making, though. Like, they’ll stand up from the breakfast table and do the bed-making animations while across the house the bed does the animations, too. But, for instance, in order to use the bed-for-three, even if I command the Sim who “owns” the middle space to go to bed, she’ll only follow the command if she’s in the same room as the bed. I don’t know if I have another mod that’s contributing to this, though.
getmygameon replied to your photoset “It’s winter! Time to take care of the autumn leaves because I don’t...”
Just don't catch on fire XD
That doesn’t happen to me, either. I think it’s because I have a mod that prevents fireplaces from starting fires. I’m guessing that burning leaf piles uses the same code, so the mod is nuking that, too.
getmygameon replied to your photo “Hmmmm. where are they off to? :) Oh! :) (I’ve never bred pets before,...”
I only bred once with my - oh my gosh I don't remember which fam - but it was kitties - 3 of em and couldn't tell em apart worth a damn lol XD
I think the game only has a certain number of puppy/kitten coat patterns, so, yeah, kittens all tend to look alike. But they tend to grow up looking very different. Napoleon and Josephine looked the same as each other as kittens -- white kittens -- but they look very different as adults. I suspect the same will be true for in-game-born puppies/kittens.
penig replied to your post “Replies! :)”
There's a lowest-common-denominator factor in HP's popularity, honestly. If you want a truly great fantasy author, read the greatest English language author of the 20th century, Diana Wynne Jones.
Well, I’ll say this for HP. I might not have any interest in reading it, myself, but it got my severely-dyslexic son -- who had great struggles with learning to read and being interested in reading -- to read. He’s always been a rather anti-intellectual jock (which has always irritated me, as a nerd), I think partly to cover up his reading struggles, but even his jock buddies when he was a kid decided it’d be not-uncool to read Harry Potter. So they did, and he did, too. And then because he got through the Harry Potter books, he felt encouraged enough to read some other things, too. So while he’ll never, ever be a great reader, at least he’s no longer afraid of books and he’s more confident that he can read, if he ever wants to. So, my son is probably one of those lowest common denominators, and frankly God bless JK Rowling for Harry. I just don’t have any interest in reading the books myself. :)
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matcha-chocolate · 8 years
my dads can beat your dad up
@samwichwilson​ asked: Can you talk to us about Three Men and a Spiderbaby?
Oh my god hahahaha okay let’s do this
Steve Rogers Captain America “Call Me Steve” is A Lot. His smile is wholesome, his muscles are quietly humming ‘America the Beautiful,’ and his whole aura is somewhere between Mr. Rogers riding a tank through a wall and a Golden Lab that has been taught to use a rifle somehow. Peter had made a kind of weird squeak when Captain America “Call Me Steve” had casually offered to have him over for dinner (as a gesture of good will, he’d said. No hard feelings about that brawl in the airport, right?), which the man had graciously ignored. “Dinner?” “Yeah, you interested?” Captain America “Call Me Steve” asked, leaned casually against the wall as though Peter didn’t have literal colouring books with his image at home (they were from when he was a kid, okay?) “….like, at your house-place?” The words fell from his mouth before he could stop them, and he wondered if he could convince Mr. Stark to fling him directly into the sun. He was sure the man had some invention that could handle such a task. Or maybe Peter could work on one? Captain America “Call Me Steve” looked like he was trying very hard not to laugh.
“Yes, at my house… place.” Peter didn’t care that the amusement was plain in the older man’s voice; he was just glad that Captain America “Call Me Steve” seemed charmed rather than irritated. Because Peter Parker was a frickin’ nerd. “I gotta ask my Aunt,” Peter mutters now, frowning a little. He’d promised her -- no more lies. And he wanted to keep it; she was too important to him. Captain America “Call Me Steve” nods as though that’s the most understandable thing in the world. “I can put in a good word,” he says. “It’s just a little get-together, us and the gang... thought you deserved a burger just as much as any other Avenger.” Any. Other. Avenger. Peter’s mouth feels dry; Mr. Stark hadn’t officially asked him to join yet, but he’d provided backup for a couple of their missions without much trouble (there was that time that his webbing got caught on that flying saucer, but...) and the team seemed to like him. Even if they did ask him about his homework a lot. (Aunt May says yes, sure, of course. She sounds a little bit breathy when Captain America “Call Me Steve” hands Peter his phone back.)
Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier is staring hard at Peter, and Peter is wondering if this is his last night on earth. The man has barely blinked in the last 15 seconds (Peter counted), and while his facial expression isn’t exactly threatening, it has a calculated blankness to it that is a little bit unnerving. Peter just wanted to play Monopoly, is that so bad? “Kid,” Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier says, finally leaning back in his chair and taking a huge swig of his beer, “what’re you, 13?” “I’m gonna be 16 soon,” Peter says, bristling a little. Everyone’s always calling him a kid; he’s fought off bad guys and is hardly ever late for class and he’s only 2 years off from being able to drink in Quebec, Canada! Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier nods, looking suddenly ... happy? “You’re good at jumping over stuff, right?” The question puzzles Peter, but he’s already nodding, knowing that this was yet another chance to prove himself. Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier leans in closer to Peter, glancing around conspiratorially. “Cap’s got a trampoline,” he says in a low voice. “Yeah, I know. Previous neighbours left it. The point is--” Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier is fucking insane. Peter is so excited. “Nice one, kid!” Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier yells. Peter can barely hear him over the air rushing past his ears. It had seemed like a good idea for Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier to throw Peter as hard as he could at the trampoline, for Peter to use his natural acrobatic talents to turn the resulting upward spring into an awesome midair flip. They wanted to see if Peter could get airborne. For science.  
Captain America “Call Me Steve” looks really worried. It’s hard to tell from up here.
Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) is the best. Just.. the best guy. He’d pushed past Captain America and Bucky Barnes to shimmy up the street lamp, helping Peter get untangled from the dangerous wires with no indication that the pair of them could get electrocuted at any second. But then, Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) wasn’t scared of anything, he didn’t have any powers (Peter wasn’t 100% on that, because some of the stunts Sam Wilson [a.k.a. The Falcon!] pulled with those wings didn’t seem possible no matter how long Peter thought about it) but he ran kept up with Captain America “Call Me Steve” no problem. And now he was bandaging Peter’s arm. He’s the best. Peter decides he’s gotta let Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) know. “I know, man,” Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) says, shaking his head. “You told me like 4 times. Not arguin’, though. You got a hell of an adrenaline high right now, huh?” Peter likes that Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) calls him ‘man,’ and not ‘kid’ or some variation thereof. “You can’t let Barnes talk you into stupid shit,” Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) says, and Peter also likes that he doesn’t censor himself, he talks to Peter like he’s any of the team. He braces himself for a lecture, though. He and Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier had been pretty stupid even if it was totally worth it. Instead, Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) is saying, “You can’t arch your back that much when you’re at the apex of your jump or you’ll overshoot your target. Next time--” Next time! There’s a next time! “--I’ll show you a coupla tricks I picked up from flying. Bet you’ll stick the landing better next time.” Sam Wilson (a.k.a The Falcon!) is nice and funny is bandaging Peter’s arm and is just as crazy as Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier.
Peter can’t help it; he knows he looks a little bit sad when it’s time to go home. He’d had so much fun; Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier and Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) made great Monopoly game partners, both of them ruthlessly trying to destroy the other. Peter had sneakily used their distraction with each other to win the game. They were both impressed. Captain America “Call Me Steve” had given Peter the biggest burger he’d ever held in his hands. It was perfectly done and Peter didn’t even mind that it had pickles because Captain America “Call Me Steve” had made him a burger! For him! Specifically! And now it was time to go and he would probably never get to hang out with them like this again-- “You busy next weekend?” Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) is asking, leaning against Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier. He’s got a beer in his hand and his aviator sunglasses are hanging from the collar of his t-shirt and he’s so cool. “No,” Peter says. His voice doesn’t squeak. Score. “Ask your Aunt May if you can come over; we’re doing sushi,” Captain America “Call Me Steve” says, sauntering over and standing close to Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!) Peter says he will, already excited because he knows Aunt May will say yes. Captain America “Call Me Steve” tells him to bring his history homework, if he needed help with it. Peter laughs, thinking he’s joking. He’s not.
Update #1: Bucky Barnes, formerly Winter Soldier loves Say Yes to the Dress, but don’t tell anyone.
Update #2: Peter just came back from movie night with Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (a.k.a. The Falcon!), and Captain America “Call Me Steve” Rogers. He’d been brave enough to bring Mary Jane. He also realized that it was something like a couples movie night, sometime around the time Sam Wilson leaned his head on Steve Roger’s shoulder. He also makes another realization when Bucky Barnes drapes his arm across the back of the couch, easily resting against the other men’s shoulders. Oh. Oh, okay. Peter thinks that’s really modern of them, especially considering two of them are, like, 100 years old. Later on, Peter kisses MJ for the first time. Bucky ruins it by turning on the porch light and whooping. Steve apologizes, but he’s got that ‘Haha Not Really’ look. Sam laughs until he cries, and threatens to Snapchat the look on Peter’s face (he doesn’t.) MJ covers her face, but she’s laughing too. Peter hopes it’s not at his kissing skills (later she tells him it’s not. He chooses to believe her.)
Update #3: It’s kinda weird having three sorta-kinda-dads who are all varying levels of Fucking Irresponsible (Sam’s words, shortly before dive-bombing Bucky into the pool), but Peter (and later, MJ) never misses a Sunday night dinner at the Wilsonrogersbarnes residence. Unless there’s, like, giant robots to fight or something? But then they go for dinner after anyway. Peter’s pretty psyched about the whole thing; Steve’s gonna let him throw the shield later on!
ETA: Steve shouldn’t have let Peter throw the shield. Next door neighbour demanding payment for windows. Bucky’s laughing, Sam’s doubled over, and Steve is really pink as he tries to calm his 90-year-old neighbour. Peter wonders if Sam will let him try out the Falcon wings if he asks really really nicely.
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